The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 08, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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SIIIPRIXG INTELLIGENCE. yjjJXATUHE ALMANAC—THIS DAY? srJl . Rises 5:22 gUKSSTB- 6:49 g w n Water at Savannah. . .11:15 am. 11:24 p u Monday, August 8, 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. .uAinstiipCliattahoocUee, Daggett, New York L, ; Anderson. vt .unship Wm Crane, Billups Baltimore—Jas jj Vest A Cos. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Tallahassee. New York. MEMORANDA ltaliio. June 12—Sailed, ship Zinti (Br), Lloyd, Pensacola. i unteness, Aus 4—Passed, bark Ithuriel (Br), j i” n>-iit. Savannah for Antwerp. '.ku.te'ideo, July 8— Arrived, bark Fenice mub, DeXegri. Pensacola. ' sth, barks Amln-a Papa(ltal), Carbone, Pensacola; 7th, Telemach (Nor), do. r ? i eustown, Aur fi—Sailed, hark Romulus (Ni.n Nord, from Ptusaeola for Pembroke. pi? Janeiro, July B—Arrived, bark Teixera (Port), Caneco. Brunswick. ’ sailed July 0, shiji Tziaf.ara (Nor), Pensacola; e;ii hark Jlinerva (Nor), Hansen. Tybee; bark liioriet. Campbell (Br), Edge. Barbados, liiill River, S C, Aug s—Arrived, brig Isabella t'rom brazil. (o u lesfon, Aug s—Cleared, schr J S Haskins, pjeh Fernandiua. 'p.inandina, Aug s—Arrived, bark Elba, Tilton, No v York. Fall River, Aug s—Arrived, scltr John R Fell, rotate, Brunswick, Ga. Pensacola, Aug s— Cleared, barks Adriano (114,1 1, Pellegrini, Montevideo; Ore (Nor), Osten sen. Liverpool. Pori Royal, S C, Aug s—Arrived, steamship StaU'of Texas, Williams, Fernandiua (and sailed for New York). Sailed, bark Fornsjot (Nor), Moe, Brunswick, (ii. Philadelphia, Aug s—Arrived, schr Sarah F Pud. Fartvell, Apalachicola. New York, Aug 7—Arrived, steamships Nor mandie, Havre; Servia, Liverpool. EXPORTS. Per steamship Tallahassee, for New York— •so hales domestics and yarns, 2,349 bbls rosin, j|.) hhls spirits turpentine. 39,850 feet lumber, 139 ciines pears, 36 tons pig iron, 230 pkgs mdse, 217703 melons. PASSENGERS. Per steamship Wm Crane, from Baltimore— jjiss L Dutfy, Thos H Hodgkiss, E W Speir. T E Button, J E Parie, P S Peduick and wife, A J Bair. Per steamship Chattahoochee, from New York _ Phibower, H II Brewer. II O Martin, C P penning. J W Denning, E A Richmond, W L Mc jsltimrry. ('apt Ogilby, J F Whitesides, L Low etiherg. T J Quinlan, W J Lindsay, Jas Hilton, \V s Hawkins, W M Toomer, V II Burns, W 51 JVlcber. anil 4 steerage. Per steamship Tallahassee, for New York— Oil Geo A Mercer, W M Rogers and wile, Sirs A Haywood, Mrs E D Ybanez, Mrs A Fernandez inft and nurse, Miss L J Craig. Miss F D Kellogg, A Hanley wife and svt, Master A Hanley, Miss Bessie Hanley, Miss Khita Hanley, F Bowden, Miss Bowden, Judge R F Lyons, Judge J J Sim molts. Judge W W Montgomery ana wife. Miss Campbell, A C King and wife, Miss 51 J Hotch kiss, Miss Hotchkiss, Capt W M White, slrs H F Bumliriek and svt, Mi's 11 A Adams inft and svt. Miss Mary McGloin, MissCeii* McGloin, Mrs J O'Byrne, Mrs Georgia Ludke and Inft, 51 H Mc- Elmurray, 51rs 1) N slahoney, 51iss 51 McQuade, }lr Whatley, 51 iss .J t , Whatley. Miss F What ley, Miss Mattie Whatley Miss T Wentz, Sliss 51 Wentz, 51iss K Wavo. M bs 51 Wiiford, I Daniel, A F Churchill, R Kedhear, J L Shea, W L Wilson, Mrs A Jacks - Mi's E Dodge, REVigal, P J Golden wife inft au 1 nurse. Miss 51 Golden, H Amboiirgli, W D Savage, R T Neely, Dr \V H Harrison, C R Converse. slrs II Madden, Sirs E Hart. W J Smith and wife, WW Hart, N T Pike, M Sternberg. LR Smith, SB Strauss, B F Kel logg, and 2 steerage. CONSIGNEES. rer steamship Chattahoochee, from New York —(i W Allen. Appel AS, S W Branch,J p Bryan, H Berry. F Buchanan, Bendhcim Bros & Cos, T C Bryan. Blodgett. M & Cos, <) Butler, livck A S, L Blustein, L E Byck & Son, S Bono. Jas Collins, C HR. J S Collins A Cos. Collat Bros, Est Con nor. WS Cherry A Cos, WO Cooper, C A Cox. A Doyle, John Derst, Davis Bros, Decker A F, J A Douglass A Cos, A Ehrlich A Bro, J II Estill, Eckman AV. G Eckstein A' Cos, Einstein AL, A Einstein's Sons.G El>l>erwein, I Epstein A Bro, Epstein A W, 51 Ferst A Cos, A Fain A Son, Wm Estill. Fretwell A N, Frank A Cos, F >1 Farley, G Fox, Fleisebman A Cos, 8 Guckenheinter A Son, Csl Gilbert & (Jo, J Gorham, W W Gordon A Cos. Gray&O'B, W W Gordon, Graham AH, L J Gazan, A Hanley. Hexter A K, Harms AJ, D Hogan, Hirsch Bros, F 51 Hull, A B Hull, W B Jenkins, Kavanaugh A B, A Krauss, E J Keitfer, S Kriiusknlf. stmr Katie, IJppman 8r05,.1 Lang, Ludden A B. Lloyd A A. Jno Lyons & Cos. J H Liili i. DB Lester. A Son, Lovell A L, E Lovell A Son, Lindsay A 51. II Logan. H II Livingsion. Jno Lynch, Mohr Bros, A McAllister Meinhard Bros A Cos, A J Miller A Cos, L A Mc- Carthy, Mutual Co-op Assn'll, II slyers A Bros. J McGrath A Cos, W B Mell A Cos, R D SlcDonell, W B Mills, Marshall House, J G Nelson A Cos, Jim Nieolson. Neidlinger & R. Nathan Bros. P J O'Bi icii, A S Nichols, Oglethorpe (Tub, Order notify H 51iller. Order notify A W Newell, C F Preudergost, Palmer Bros, K Platshek, John Hourke.C 1> Rogers. S. !■' A W Ry, Strauss Bros, Southern Ex Cos. H Solomon A Son. W Spears, Solomons a Cos, W D Simians A Cos, LC Strong, Southern Cotton Oil Cos, (J E Stulls, L Z Stern* heiiuer, E A Schwarz. Savannah Steam Bakery. S P Shorter A Cos. C! Seller. H L Schreiner, P Schaffer, PII Springer, Smith Bros A Cos, J T Tnornton, Jno Sullivan, G\V Tiedeman, A D Thompson, P Tubenly, Woed&C, J Wohanka, AV.itson A I*, 51 Wilhnsky, Ga A Fla I S B Cos, S Willi usky. LIST OF VESSELS Op, Cleared and Sailed for this Port. STEAMSHIPS. Viola (Br), Murray, Penarth, sld July 19. BARES. Carolina I'alanea (Itab. Scotto, Liverpool, sld May 18; returned in distress 21st. Sarah A Staples, Gay. Philadelphia, sld July 3 via Delaware Breakwater. sld July 10. Melchior Vidulich (Aus), t'omietti, Oporto, sld July 12. Armdal (Nor). Joseplisen, Oporto, sld July 12. Amaranth (Ger), Knippenherg, Hamburg, sld ‘JO. AI 'it a Benvind, Mcßride, New York via Dela ware Breakwater, sld July 14. Kiwncisca de Villu >Sp). Navaivs, at Liverpool July 2S. Birgitto i Nor),Tnrgersee, Hie Janeiro, sld July 2. Minerva (Nor), Hanson, Rio Janeiro, Bid July 9. Aquda (Nor), Johansen, Genoa, sld July 25. Screw (Port), bo, Kels, at I.iverjxiol, July 23. Viig (Nor), Gregertseu, at Hamburg, July 19. BRIGS. hole it Dillon, Leighton, New York, sld July 30. SCHOONERS. Annie liliss. O'Donnell, Baltimore, sld July 10. All Liaison, Smith. Philadelphia, sld Aug 2. J Lena, Smith, Hath, up July 20. Mjua A Reed, Judge, Boston, up July 29. Charmer, Dalwll, New York, up Aug 3. Minnie A Hons,ill. Ixipge, New York, up Aug 3. looses ]) Bramhall, W'oodliull, New York, up 2) Aug 3 Wm II Freilson, Biddle, New York, up Aug 3, Gr ice bradlev, Mclntyre, Philadelphia, sld July *2O. June Bright, Barter. Bath, sld July 20. GUARDED BY A CORPSE. A Curious Object at the Entrance of a Cave. From the Eaquira (.Vrfc.) Enterprise. In the Squaw Peak Range, A. TANARUS., is a cave which no prospector has the nerve to attempt to explore, on account of it being guarded by n ghost. In the entrance sits a thing that looks like t he corpse of mi Indian woman. In 18tW a pnrty of whites found the cave filled withTonto Indians, whom they attacked and murdered. Since then no one has the courage to try to cuter the cave because of the thing that sits in the door. Last week George Mutlicws utid his l' rtnor, nomad McCloufl. bring in the range, concluded to Imve a look at the tvpiaw Cave, not having any faith in the stories told of it. Ti e cave is situated under the highest butte of the Squaw Peak range. They found it mid just took one look at the thing sitting in its mouth. The Herald says: “Mathews declares there is Hot enough money in Marlcorm eountv to pay him to go there again, anil his partner,. McCloud, has not stopped running since— at loust ho has not been seen since that time. lie—“ There is something which I have been wanting to ask you for weeks, Estelle and now, in this almost absolute seclusion, I uni going to dare to ." "She —“Oh, Rudolph, this Is so sudden!” “He—“ You’ll try to give mo a fair answer f Blie- Y-ycs.” Ho—“ Wel l—hush! There is no btslyaiDund—do you believe that Sliarp’s lawyers knew lie was guilty T’ — Tid-Uit*. Chronic nasal catarrh jmsitively cured by I>r. Sage's Rome ty. BOOK NOTICES. T o E Vengeance; or, tbe North vs. Soiirh. By Jules Verne. Part I. George Mmiro, New York, publisher. All who are acquainted with Jules Verne's works can form a pretty fair idea of this story. It is interesting and exciting, and when once begun is not readily laid aside. Practical Floriculture : a Guide to the Suc cessful cultivation of Florists’ Plants for the Amateur or Professional Florist. By Peter Henderson, author of Gardening fur Profit etc. Illustrated. O. Judd Cos., David W.’ Judd, President, 751 Broadway, New York. Publisher. This is u work which those who are inter ested in floriculture cannot afford to do without. All that is new and valuable with regard to florists’ plants can be found in this volume, and the information can be re lied upon. A 51odern Circle. By the author of “stolly Bavu." etc. J B. Lippineott Conniany, Phil adelphia. Price 25c. This is one of the Lippincoot scries of se lect novels issued monthly. It is ail inter esting story, and well worth devoting an idle hour to. The Princess Roi bine; a Russian Love Story. By Henry Gieville. J . B. Peterson A Brothers I hiladelpaia. Paper Cover.—Price 50c. This story breathes an atmosphere of love from beginning to end. There is no sickly sentimentality about it, even its mast im passioned love scenes having a practical ele ment at once unique and refreshing. Poor's Directory op Railway Officials, for 1887 , a Supplement to Poor's Manual of Rail roads. Price $2 00. 11. V. AH. W. Poor, 70 Wall street, New York. This work contains lists of officers of all steam railroad companies in the United States and Canada;officers of all street rail way companies in the United States and Canada: officers of private tram and lumber railroads, etc ; officers of auxiliary en terprises—express, sleeping car and equip ment companies, etc.; officers of indus trial enterprises dependent on the railway system—car axle manufacturers, car build ers, car-wheel manufacturers, car-spring manufacturers, rail mills, locomotive builders, bridge builders, contractors,, etc.; officers of associations of rail road officials and of railroad employes, boards of railroad commissioners", "etc. To these are added special lists of general superintendents, chief engineers, master mechanics, master car builders, master car painters, general freight and passenger agents, purchasing agents, etc; an alpha betical index to the names of all the officials above mentioned, with a convenient system of reference, showing lines with which each is connected: and au alphabetical index of cities and towns, by means of which can be ascertained the names of all officials in any particular city or town at once. MAGAZINES. The August number of the Swiss Cross is an excellent one. One of the best things in it are illustrations of their new portraits of Washington. The portraits bear a very slight resemblance to each other. The arti cles are valuable and interesting, as they al ways are in this magazine. N. D. C. Hodges, 47 Lafayette Place, New York. The Atlanta Medical Journal for Au gust is especially rich in reports and original articles. James S. Harrison, Atlanta, Ga. The notable features of the August Wide Awake are the first of aseries of sketches of Old Concord and a paper on summer sports, both illustrated. The village where the first battle of the Revolution was fought has been written and pictured and guide-boi >kod until the subject is hackneyed; but nothing is fresher than unexpected news of a sleepy old relic. Mar garet Sidney, the writer, lives in “Way side,” the home of Nathaniel Hawthorne, next door to the Aleotts’, a mile from Con cord bridge, towards Lexington. Summer Sports is by Elhridge S. Brooks (late of the St. Nicholas staff), who shines in vacation as well os in his more accus tomed work. He gets into half a dozen pages practical clues to croquet, bowls, hare und hounds, canoeing, tennis, badminton, quoits, liall-in-the-hole, or nine holes, and stops with base bail, with bare mention of boating, fishing, swimming, camping, tramp ing, bicycling, photography. 1). Lothrop & Cos., Boston. The August number of the Writer is es pecially strong in articles of interest to newspaper men, although, as always, wri ters in every department of literature will find in it a great ileal t hat is both entertain ing and useful. The Writer, post office box 1,905, Boston. Gulina for August presents us this month with a very attractive contents. The con eluding article on the “History'of American Canoeing,” by C. Bowyer Vaux, is undoubt edly the best paper on the subject, both a* regunls information and illustrations, ever offered to the public. Capt. Coffin, an eye witness of the memorable duel between the Monitor and Merimae, tells what he saw of the fight The frontispiece by Burns does the subject full justice. James Kicnltan in this number, commences his perilous trip through the wolf-infested forest of Northern Russia. “The Unbeaten Tracks of KUm as sail” is the text of Thomas Stevens' contri bution. Elizabeth S. Rice discourses brightly about the pleasures of a yachting trip round Block Island. Outinj, 140 Nas sau street, New York. musical. Ludden & Bates Southern Music House has sent to the Morning News a copy of “Gen. Boulanger's March,” the famous suc cess us performed bv Gilmore’s band, and published by T. B. Harms & Cos., 819 Broad way, New York. The Morning News has also received “Poe’s Bells,” set to music by Miss Kate Chambers, anil published by J. E. Cham bers, 130 Ira street, Atlanta, Ga WOMEN WHO FARM. One Whose Example 13 Worthy of Imitation. I once knew a girl of pleasing and refined manner and rather dedicate physique, are tiling and ladylike creature, whom one would have exacted to turn out a school mistress. . I heard the other day that in the yours since our paths parted and I lost sight of her she has become a successful fanner. She was her father's pride, and very possibly lie may have pinched himself when lie sent her to college. At any rate, when he died, soon after Tier graduation, he left u large farm considerably incumbered ami one sou too young to take his place as its manager. She was equal to the emer gency and has been running things over since with eminent success. She raised u good many hops and has to deal witli a pretty rough lot. of p-ople at picking time, but manages them famously. It is a canons instance ot the survival of ancient supersti tions that tle neighbors, who like and re spect her, generally think jt a little too bad of her that she doesn’t send her brother now grown quite a big boy, to pay taxes, but goes herself “just like a man.” A somewhat similar ease is that of a young woman of N'yack, N. Y., whose father died, leaving to her about 100 acres of rough hilly land. Her neighbors advised hor to sell it for a song and live on the proceeds while she learned typewriting or acquired some distinctively feminine means of support. Instead, she stayed at home and planted hluek berries. As soon as the bushes got big enough to bear she began making money, and has continued thus pleasantly engaged over since. She has added strawberries and currants to her blackberries, and they do equally well. Mrs. M. Umise Thomas President of Norosis, herself a successful farmer at one time, once told me about two Philadelphia teachers, who after teaching a dozen years or so, resolved 'to break the chains of their tlnaUdoui and with tbeir THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1887. small savings purchased a farm and went to raising hens. They are doing nicely and making plenty of money. Instances like these in all parts of the country seem to indicate that women are invading agricult ure as they have invaded nearly all other imaginable professions. Of course women have always worked upon the farm, getting up at 4 o’clock in the morning to cook breakfast before the men are up, doing the breakfast dishes, cooking dinner, doing tho dinner dishes, ironing or sweeping, cooking supper, doing the supper dishes, and sitting up till midnight to wrestle with the heaped up mending Iwskct —all this women have been doing on the farm right along and no one has denied them the right. But here’s an alarming innovation, for women are now becoming in large numbers farm managers anil own ers, and doing precisely as well in this more ambitious undertaking as the men. There is always this difference between a working woman and a working man as things go now. If the woman works for wages she will get less than the man for the same service. If she is her own boss she is subject only to the natural restrictions of competi tion, and cun do, with equal ability and capital, precisely as well as the man. One of the biggest retail clothing stores about New York is owned and run to advantage by a woman. If she were a working tailor and made men’s coats she would barely escape starvation. It’s a very- good thing, then, for a woman to manage her own business and stain I an equal chance in the world’s competition instead of taking wages. And agriculture is a profession in someone of -whose many branches it is very easy for a woman to manage a business of her own. It is in the West that eases of this sort are most frequent. The women farmers of Nebraska planted 50,900 trees last year. Women ranchers are numerous enough in all the newer States and Territories. In California the Pacific coast branch of the Collegiate Alumiue Association, intent on exact figures as usual, has collected some statistics of women’s work in agriculture. The results are remarkable, and a pajier partially embodying them has been printed m the Overland Munthh/, and attracted there much attention. In the Golden State the average size of all farms is 4(52 acres; the average size of tho farms managed by women is 489 acres. A great many of these farms are owned by widows, continuing their husbands’ business, but many more, perhaps a half, were purchased or pre empted. The women farmers of California seem to havo turned their attention especially to the production of fruit, silk, honey, flowers and poultry. One woman hired C hinamcn to pick the fruit from a small farm and made money, one year 84,000, one year 82,400; usually about 83.000. Another borrowed money at 10 per cent. (') to buy her farm, paid for it and won back her shuttered health besides. Another advises co-operation, thinking that two or three women can do bettor by combining their heads, hands anil money than by work ing alone. One farm of 5,000 acres is run by a woman. She inherited a half section, 320 acres, and has bought all the rest at vai'ious times. On the other hand, many of tho most successful financially have less than 40 acres of land. But the successful women farmers do not all live west of the Mississippi. Some live along its lower banks, like the silkworm growers of the Gulf States, who have formed an association officered entirely by women and doing good work in the building up of a comparatively new industry, or like that woman who was made a member of the Sugar Planters’ Association the other day, with many compliments for her experiments and researches, or like Miss. Sullio 11. Echols, of Jackson, Miss., who has one of tho finest herds of Jerseys in the South, or like the hundreds and t housands of women through out the South who have turned fingers unused to work and brains which never needed to consider economy to the hard tasks and harder problems which dropped from the shoulders of husbands and fathers killed in the war upon theirs. A good many of them live in the East,, too. I know one woman which. one of tho most success ful florists in tho suburbs of Boston and has great skill in coaxing fruit to grow in winter to sell for fabulous prices. Since the establishment of her greenhouse three men have undertaken to compete with her, but they do not, all together, do a business anywhere near equaling hers, because they lack the woman’s taste m flowers. Another Massachusetts woman farmer of note is stiss FJoretta Vining, of Hull, the largest taxpayer and best farmer in the town. Ono of the biggest farms near Now York is that of Mrs. Hempstead,long I land. Mrs. Barnum hires about fifty men most of the year She has some 1,390 acres, I believe, or more than two square miles, of land. There aro hundreds of cattle upon it and many fine horses. She keeps a carpenter and a blacksmith on the farm to attend to its tinkering. She supervises everything that is done on her premises, and does it well. Of course, too, there are plenty of women who farm for the fun of it, like Rose Cughlan at Yonkers, or like Mrs. Whitney, the fume of whoso success as a poultry raiser at Grasslands has become national. But there are plenty of women farmers dependent upon the land for a live lihood without referring to such fortune’s favorites as these. Most of them, too, being women of unusual intelligence—else would the)’, perhaps, bo starving on tho slim pro ceeds of “fancy” work, with no fancy in it, or trying to walk in some of tho well-trod den conventional ruts in which women travelers form such a packed procession that, poor creatures, they don’t givo one another room to stand —most of thorn hav ing had the good sense to think for them selves tire as much at home in the drawing room as planning the week's work for the hired men. Eliza Putnam Heaton. A PIT OF HORROR. Dragged into a Eottomless Swamp by Reptiles. "J. ft. 11." in Wuycrota (Ga.) Headlight. “You may talk of strange tilings,” said Mr. Crompton, a gentleman who lias livid in Southern Georgia near the Florida line, not far from Okelhiokee Swamp (trembling earth) for a long time: “but the most horri ble sight, 1 ever beheld was one which greeted my eyes on the occasion of an alliga tor hunt way back in tho fifties, not long after I hail moved tothi.spartnf t he county. “Okelhiokee swamp is a very large tract or waste, which extends over a large part of Southern Georgia and part of Florida. The swamp is impassable m a great many places, ami is very dangerous to ad venturers, being intersiors.l here and there with treacherous holes, which show nothing on the surface except what appears to the in experienced eye a tract of inud arid water no more than a foot deep The unlucky explorers wiio trios to wade through such places find. however, that they aro often twenty anil thirty foot deep, ar.d so narrow that they are more like big wells making oseajio from death impossible, after having once gotten into one of those fatal traps. The swamp abounds in alligators, and 1 was ono of a party bent upou an alligator hunt one day in the early spring of IHVi. From the na ture of the swamp it is possible to row a bout in great many places for several miles without coining upon any obstruction, but in other places it is imply impossible to go otherwise than on foot, picking your way as best you ran in the marshy lowlands. On the occasion referred to we went as far ns pMxihle in our Ixiat, getting out at a point, not fur from the Florida lino and con tinuing on foot. There were four in the party, a negro to row the lmt, an English man named Dutton and a friend of his who had only arrived a day or two before. Dut ton was a whole-souled fellow, generous to a lault and a splendid marksman. We liad beep on many hunts together and in many tight places, and his perfect sdf-possession in cases of emergency impressed me with a feeling of respect for Idm. In order to kill an ulligator with a rifle it is necessary to pierce its eyes, as tho scales render the balance of its laxly bullet-proof , and 1 never saw Dutton miss but one in our daily hunt ing. “When we lnndod and proceeded on foot, Dutton, as was usual, went in front, his friend near him, then came up the old darky, and I brought up the rear. We had gone no more than two miles before the swamp became rough aud dense, and, as it was getting late in the evening, we ealled a halt and decided to return to our In wit bob ire the night caught us in the swamp. We were all ready to go except Dutton, who had gone some distance ahead and was not in sight. I told the old negro to go and tell him to return, aud he had just started in olieilienoe to my command when the blood in my veins was chilled by an awful shriek for help. If I live for 100 years I shall never forget that cry. It seemed to come from the direction to the right of us, u direction none of us had taken, and which Dutton could only have followed by turn ing directly away from the line we had mapped out on starting. As the last note of that ufwul cry died away 1 looked at tho old darkey who had started to do my bid ding, but tie seemed paralyzed and became so weak he could liiu-dly stand. Thu only words I could hear from his half-open lips as I ran past hint in tho direction from whence tho sound came were: ‘lt’s no use to go after lain, master; it’s no use.’ Dut ton's friends followed me quickly, and wo had not gone moie than a hundred yards when a sight, met my eyes the like of which I would rather undergo death than again to encoun ter. In an opeu space in front of me was what appeared to be u marshy stretch of perhaps ten yards square. It looked like its bottom was right on the surface of tho earth, and I would have attempted to wafo across it without any hesitation except Wi the sight, that met my frightened gaze. In the midst of this sink was Dutton, strug gling ns if with some Invisible power that was drawing him downward. It was draw ing my friend beneath the surface of this hole of slime tutd filth. “Around his body, coiled in sickening masses, were reptiles of every description, in which Okefinokee swamp abounds, and his cries for help were piteous. When wo first saw him he was at the edge of the hole, but by tho timo we had reached there the rep tiles had pulled him, struggling as he was, iuto the centre, and to reach him without tho assistance of a pole was impossible. The space for 100 yards was as clear as clear could be. It was growing dark, and every moment Dutton was being drawn closer into the bottomless pit. I hallooed to him and implored him to make a desperate effort to come nearer to the edge, so that I could reach him. He had sunk up to his shoulders by this time, and when I re ceived no answer to my entreaties I looked to discover the reason. A largo snake had coiled itself around his shoulders and neck, and drew tighter and tighter, until Dutton was black in tho face and unable to sjieak. In another instant he went down, taking the mass of squirming reptiles with him, leav ing nothing but a bubble on the surface to denote the torriblo struggle that had taken place. I turned to Dutton’s friend, who had not said a word up to this time, and motioned him to lend the way to our boat. I was so sick from the sight I had seen I was hardly able to stand. We managed to get back to where, the old darky was. Ho had not moved a step and still had that scared look in his face. ‘Did they choke him tor death?’ ho asked. And upon receiving a reply in the affirmative lie pi loted us to the boat without another word. Dutton’s friend left for England a few days after and I have never seen him since. The next day 1 asked the old darky why he acted so strange uml seemed to know that the reptiles had choked my unfortunate friend, when he was not there. He said: “ ‘Massar, it is twenty years this spring since I said I would never go into the swamp again. Just twenty years ago I was hunting alligators with niy only boy. a smart lad of 17 years, and I heard that same cry and rushed to where ho was ter find myself unable ter do anything for him. I stood there and saw the snakes strangle him to death and draw him down into that awful hole. When I heard that cry yoster day I knew what it was, although T had not beard it before - for twenty years, aud it struck terror into my soul. It would have been no use to havo handed him a stick, for I tried that when iny boy was dragged down, and although I handed it to him no could not take it. The monsters had pinioned his hands and his legs, and nothing could be done but to stand by and listen to his cries, as they choked him to death and dragged him from my sight. “Since that time,” said Mr. Crompton, “though l havo lived within two hours’ ride of the swamp, I have never gone near it. Tho very thought sickens mo and causes a shudder to pass over me. ” McINTOSH COUNTY. Notes of a Visit There—A Few of the Hospitable People of tho County. Mclntosh Countv, Ga., Aug. 4.—1 have just returned from a few days’ visit to Mc- Intosh county, and a very nice county it is. The people are hospitable and know liow to extend a welcome that comes from tho heart. Reaching Darien Saturday afternoon, July 30. I proceeded ty the elegant and hos pitable home of Capt. Thomas Hilton, on “the Ridge,” where I was most royally en tertained by Capt. Hilton and the accom plished vnung ladies of bis household, Mias Annie flowatt aud Miss W. A. Hilton. “The Ridge” is a famous summer retreat for the citizens of Darien and vicinity, and to particularism the names of the many gixxl cit izens who live there would make this letter a lengthy one indeed. It is the home of that genial gentleman and soldier Capt. James L. Foster, of the Mclntosh Dragoons. The new uniforiqs of t,his grand old organiza tion, distinguished alike in war and peace, are expected soon, and under the command of its gallant Captain a bright future may be expected for this honorable corps. On next Wednesday evening in the town hall at tho Ridge an operetta under the management of Mrs. ixiy will bo given for the benefit of tho Dragoons. In charge of this accomplished lady, assisted by tho Misses Fox, Clark, Claney, Kenan, Lay, lioehlieon, and other ladies, the operetta is bound to be a success. I was present at a rehearsal, and was charmed with the fa miliur voice of my old schoolmate and Mend, Mrs. Florence Lachlison. In company with some friends, I took a horseback ride—(the effects of which I yet feel) to the hospitable home of Mr. John At wood, near licyeding Bluff, ten or twelve miles from Darien. The Atwoods are noted for their hospitality, mid I can bear testi mony to all that may lx> said of them in this regard. Here I met Miss Clara tho daugh ter of Mr. John Atwood, and Miss Louise, the daughter of Senator Win. U. Atwood. These accomplished young ladies have re crntly returned from Wesleyan Female Col' lege, Macon, Ga. I also went in pursuit of a “deer” up tho Altamuha river, but being in a Imggy, with out gun or dogs, I did not. get any venison. Uncle Noah Eason, however, was to kill the game, but from somo cause tills good old marksman failed. The timber anil lumber business of this county is too well known to lx? written alxiut. There is no scarcity of timber and the mills are nil in successful operation. This letter would he incomplete without reference to li. W. Grubb, of the Darien Timber Gazette, ami J. J. Kirby, in charge of ttie immense business of Messrs. J. K. Clarke & Cos., of this place. Mr. Kirbv hai a lai ;yc mansion fronting tho river, where his friends can always find a cool place und a warm welcome awaiting them. Mr. Grubb is also Collector of the Port. At Darien I hired a row boat and pro ocedod twelve miles down the Turnons Alta nialin river to the little “empire of Dolxiy ” Here 1 also met with a warm welcome from old friends of this famous island. Doboy covers about ten acres of ground, but is one of the most important islands on tbe Atlan tic coast. One of the finest mills in all this country is operated here by the “Hilton Timber and Lumber Company.” When the Doboy bur is properly dredged this island is destined to carry on an immense trade with the foreign lumber markets of the world The day being calm I did not reach Do boy untJ about 1 o’clock, but was nurpritxl to see the steam tug Republic doing gov ernment service—dredging this important lar—anchored in front of the wharf at Doboy, where she remained until I left that night. She has been down there about two weeks, but is making slow progress in the way of deepening the lair oil' Doboy—so I was informed liy prominent citizens of the island. It is to be ho|ied that this work muy go on successfully, and that the people of Darien, .Union Island and Doboy may have that commerce and business which would How to them by a deepening of this import ant channel. The ballast soil of Doboy is well adapted to the growth of preaches, for I saw two varieties in front of the Ltickio House that could not be excelled anywhere. A great deal of this rich ballast soil comes from Buenos Ayres and Montevideo, Here, at Doboy, I had the pleasure of making the ac quaintance of Dr. Hugue, the Health Officer of Darien. He is well versed in nil that relates to health and quarantine regulations for he has Ison in this service on the coast of Georgia for years. I embarked on the David Clark for Sa vannah at 2 a. m. on the morning of Aug. 5, reaching Savannah via Thunderbolt and the Coast Line railroad Saturday afternoon at 7 o’clock. C. SLEEPING WONDERS. Feats Accomplished by Some Men While in the Arms of Morpthoua. FYom the London Telegraph. Sleep in most individuals lasts for the space of eight hours. Exceptions to this statement are numerous; whether those arise from duty or laziness we shall not venture to examine. Sir E. Codrington, the famous naval officer, when n midshipman, could watch on deck for nineteen hours; this left only live for sleep, which in his case was most profound—so profound that, no noise was sufficiently strong to waken him; yet if the word “Signal!” was whispered in his eur he awoke and was on deck in stantly. Reporters of the House of Commons re quire great exertions to keep) themselves from sleeping, A few years ago a distin guished member of “the gentlemen in the gallery” took down a speech while he was sleeping. His statement rests on liis oath. Calvin tells of a friend of Ins reading aloud to him while asleep. The organ of vision was alone active. Coleridge, the dreaming philosopher, com posed “Cublu Khan” (one of his poems) while fast asleep. Next morning he was sure there had been an acquisition to his literature, but was too negligent to write the stanzas. A few days afterward ho attempted to recall the verses, but they had for the most part Hod, and tiio p>oern us it now stands is but a fragment. Every one knows that extreme fatigue in duces sleep, and this in spite of surrounding relations, which under ordinary circum stances would hinder any one from resting. Previous to the shortening of the hours of work, factory children frequently fell asleep while working at the machines, although well aware that they would incur severe punishment by doing so. The North Ameri can Indian, at the stako of torture, has been known to go to sleep on the least remission of agony, and will slumber until tlio tire is applied to awaken him. It is on record that during the heat of the battle of the Nilosomeof tlio over-fatigued boys fell asleep upon the deck, and during the attack upon Rangoon, in the Burmese war, the captain of one of the steam frig ates most uctivoly engaged, worn out by the excess of continued mental tension, fell asleep and remained perfectly unconscious for two hours within a yard of liis largest guns, which wore being worked energetic ally the whole period. Habit and time, place and circumstances, predispose us all to sleep. The celebrated pedestrian, Copt. Unrelay, when accom plishing his extraordinary feat of walking 1,000 miles in as many successive hours, obtained at lust such a mastery over him self that he fell asleep the instant lie lay down. The doctor’s wife never hears the door-bell during tlio night, although the noise is sufficient to rouse the wearied hus band; but should a child in the nursery cry, then the mother, oblivious to all other sounds, hears at once the infant’s voice. It is related that the Abbe Faria, who ac quired notoriety through his power of in ducing somnambulism, was accustomed merely to place his patient in an arm-chair, after telling him to shut his eyes and col lect himself, and pronounce in a strong voice, “dorruez,” which was usually success ful. There seems to bo no limit to the wonders displayed by man in sleeping. Condorcet, the mathematician, solved one of his most difficult problems while asleep—a problem, too, which puzzled him during his waking hours. A professor of theology in the University of Basie ora* wrote a sermon while asleep; be found it on his desk next morning. The preceding night lie could not grapple with the subject as he desired, but the performance of his sleeping hours wus quit*; satisfactory to him. Jenny Lind was one of the most celc brated singers of her time. No one could rivul her powers except a factory girl, who sang sometimes better than the famous Jent liy. The girl could not uttempt any difficul piece when. awake, but when slopping she sang so correctly, so like the renowned artist, that it was difficult to distinguish be t ween their voices. On one occasion Milo. Lind heard the girl, and even tested tile ac curacy of her powers by giving her a long and elaborate ebromutic exercise. This the sleeping girl performed, much to the won der of the famous Swedish singer. Consumption, Scrofula, General De bility Waetinff Diseases of Children, Chronic Coughs and Bronchitis, can he cured by of Scott’s Km vu sion of Pure Cod Diver Oil with Hypophosphiteg. Prominent physicians use it and testify to its great value. I'lease rend the following: “I used Scott’s Kmuision for an obstinate Cough with Hemorrhage, Boss of Appetite, Emaciation. Sleeplessness, etc. All of these luive now Left, and I believe your Emulsion bus saved a case of well developed Consump tion.”—T. J. Findley, M. D., Lone Star, Texas. brokers. HOW-THE TIME TO SPECULAR \CTIVJC fluctuation* In the Market ofTVrop- IxjptumticH to MDeculatoix to rriuk** money in Grain, Uotkis and Petroleum. Prompt !termmal attrition ffiven to ordere received lv win- or mail. Corr‘Hjowl*nce . elicited. Full information about the luurkHn in our book, which will b* forward**! fr**o on application. li. D KYLE, Hanker and Prokor, 88 Firood and 84 New Ht. New York City. A. L. HARTRIDGhE, SECURITY BROKER. I) UY’S AN!) SELLS on commtattion all clasaen > of Stock* and Bonds. New York uiiOtatioriH furiiintuxi by private tlckor every fifteen minutea. ffll. T. WIJXIAMS. W. CLMMINO. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., IB3?OIIfSZ©Z?S. ORDERS EXECUTED on the New York, Chi cago mid Liverpool Exchanges. HAMvs. KISSIMMEE CITY BANK, KlftHiimnee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - $.'50,000 9 1 "'KANKACT ft rosmlnr banking tmsinoos. (live 1 particular attention to Flnrkla collection*. CorreMpomien<*e ftoticiUxi. J*mi** LxL'iuujK* on N**w York. New Orleann. Savannah and .lank •onvide, Fla. AieHidnnt AtfvnUt for Coutts A Cos. and >lelvill\ J'vuiih A Oo. t of Loudon, 1 hu'Umd. New York correspondent: Thu Seaboard National Bank curie IT R A K KMF.DI ES. Tcr m ilk eßjfiwT' Cleansed, Purified and Beauti fied by the Cuticura Remedies. It affords me pleasure to give you this rejmrt of the cure of our lit tie grandchild by your Cr- TK'i'itA Hr.MKDirs. When six months old his left hand began to swell und had every npjiearaneo of a large boil. We poulticed it. hut all to no purpose. About five months after it became a running sore. Soon other sores formed. Ih* then had two of them on each hand, and as his blood l>ecame more und more impure it took less time for them to break out. A sore came on the ohiti, lienenth the under lip. which was very offensive. His head was one solid scab, discharging a great deal. This was his condi tion at twenty-two months old. when 1 under took the care of him, his mother having died when he uas a little more than a year old, of consumption (scrofula of course). He could walk a little, but could not gel up if he fell down, and could not move when in bed, having no use of his hands. 1 immediately commenced with the (Vtici’ka Remedies, using the Cdti cuu a and Cctictha Soap freely, and when he had taken one Ixvttlo of the Ctmei-itA Kksol vknt. liis head was completely cured, and ho was improved in every way. We were very much encouraged, and continued tlio use of the remedies for n year and a half. One sore uft*r another healed, u l>ony mutter forming in each one of those live deep ones just liefore healing, which would dually grow loose and were taken out: then they would heal rapidly. One of these ugly hone formations 1 preserved. After taking n dozen and a half hot ties he was completely cured, ami is now, at the age of six years, a strong and healthy child. The senrs on his hands must always remain; his hands are strong, though wo once feared he would never be able t*> use them. All that physicians did for him did him no good. All who saw the child Is*fore using t he Cututra Remedies and see the child now consider it a wonderful cure. If the u!r>vo facte are of any use to you, you are at liberty to use them. MRS. E. S. PRIGUS, May 0, 1885. tiltt E. ('lavSt., Bloomington, 111. The child was really in a worse condition than ho appeared to Ids grandmother, who, being with him every day, became accustomed to the disease. MAGGIE HOPPING. Outiorn.v Remedies are sold everywhere. CvTlcciiA, the great Skin Cure, 50 cts.'.CiTi cltra Soap, an exquisite Skin Beau tiller, 25 els.; (Yticcua Resolvent, the new Blood Purifier, sl. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemi cal Cos., Boston. Send for ‘How to Cure Skin Diseases.” Sealv. Pimply and Oily Skin -L -L lieautified by Guticdra Soap. -.How My Back Aches! Back Aehos, Kidney Pains and Weak -Aness. Soreness, Lameness, Strains und RELIEVED IN ONE WINUT.E by the 1 Anti-Pain Plaster iu- Vtii fallible. GROC ERIKS. r, E m o isTsT Cabbages, Potatoes, Onions. 30,000 bushels CORN, 15,000 hnsheTs OATS, HAY, BItAN, GRITS. MEAL, STOCK FEED. Grain and Hay in carload a specialty. COW PEAS, all varieties. RUST PROOF OATS. Our STOCK FEED is prepared with great care and is just the tiling tor Horses and Mules in this weather. Try it. T. P. BOND & CO., lr, , Bay Btreet* POTATO E S. Long Island Potatoes. Onions, Cabbage. Cow Peas. Seed and Feed Peas. Hay, Grain. Bran, Eyes, Etc. Get our prices on largo lots of Grain and Hay before buying. 169 BAY ST, W. D. SIMKINS & 00. f^YIUJP. 50 BARRELS CHOICE BY HUP JUST RE CEIVED BY C. M. GILBERT & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS. FLOUR. HECKER’S SELF-RAISING FLOUR Yields more Bread than flour raised with yeast, is finer, more digestible and nutritious. Always Ready! Perfectly Healthful! ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. Geo. Y. Hecker & Cos., 170 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. HARDWARE. EDWARD LOVELL k SUNS, HARDWARE, Iron and Tuif eotii Took Office: Cor. State and Whitaker streets. Warehouse: J3B and MO State street. IKON WORKS. McDoqbdo k Ballantyne, IRON FOUNDERS, Machinists, Boiler Makers and Blacksmiths, MANUVAfrriTREItS or STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES, VERTICAL and TOP RUNNING CORN MILLS, SUGAR MILLS mid PANS. AGENTS for Alert and Union injectors, tha Himplent. and znotft effective on the market; Gullett Draft Magnolia Cotton Gin, the Best in the market. All ordrrs promptly attended to. Bend for Price LLit. GK A IN AM) I’HOVISIONS. JB. HULL, Wholesale Grocer, Hour, Hay, drain and Provision Dealer. 'IT'REMH MEAL and CHITS in white saeko. 1 Mill wtulTs of nil kinds always on liaud. (leorgia raised HI’AN IHII PEANUTS, also REAS; every variety. Special prices car load lots HAY and ORAIX. Prompt attention given all orders and satis faction guaranteed. OFFICE. 83 BAY. WAREHOUSE No. 4 WAHLKY STREET, on line Central Railroad. ij'Olt BALE, Obi Newspapers, just tbuthhig 1 tor v.-rappr*, only 15 cent* a hundred. 300 for 25conta. at the oltl. - LEGAL NOTICES. / 1 EORGIA, Chatham County.—Notice is here " I by given that I have made application to the Court of Ordinary for ChathAm county for order to .sell lot number twenty-eight in Davia ward, city of Savannah, Isdonging to the estate of CATHARINE LEECH, and cased, for the pay ment of debts and distribution, and that said order will be grunted at SEPTEMBER TERM (l**r> of said < ourt, unless objections are filed. July 30, 1887. JORDAN F. BROOKS, Administrator estate of Catharine Leech. (1 EORGIA, Chatham County.—Whereas. I JAMES M. REID has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters of Administration on the estate of PETER B REID, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern t and appear be fore said court to mat • objection (if any they on or before the FIRST MONDAY IN’ SEPTEMBER NEXT, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrill, (>n!iuury lor Chatham county, this the 30th da/ of July, 1887. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, Jr., Clerk O. Q„ C. C. (* EOROfA, Chatham County.—'Whereas,BlO- I MUM) ELSINGER has applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters Pismissory us Guurdiau on the estate of JOHN J. F()LKY. a minor. These an*, therefore, to rite and admonish .‘ill whom it may concern to be and appear before 1 said court., to make objection (if anv tiiey have) on or before the FIRST MONDAY IN SEPTEM BER NEXT, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Fehrili* Ordinary for Chatham County, this the 30th day of July, 1861. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, Jr. Clerk C. 0., C. (V / GEORGIA. Chatham County. OPHELIA v J G. SMITH has auplied to Court of Ordi nary for twelvemonths'’ maintenance and sup* port for herself and minor child out of estate of ALFRED B. SMITH, deceased. Appraisers have allowed same. These are to cite all whom it may concern to appear I ©fore iaid (hurt i<> make objection <>u or I •♦•tore FIRST MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER NEXT, otherwise same will I*> granted. Witness the Hoi/brable Hamiton L. Fkurill. Ordinary for Chatham county, this 30th day of July, 1887. PHILIP M. RUSSELL. Jr., Clerk C. O. C. 0L / N EORGIA, Chatham County. Whereas, " * MARGARET YEOMANS Ims applied to Court of Ordiuary for twelve mout hs' main tenance and support for herself and minor chil dren out of estate of DANIEL S. YEOMANS, deceased. Appraisers have made return allow me. These are to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to appear liefore wud Court to make olrtection on or b-foiv the FIRST MON DAY IN SF.ITEMBEU NEXT, otherwise same will lx* granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L- Fuirill. Ordinary for Chatham County, this 30th day of July, 1887. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, Jr., CHerk C. O, C. 0. (t EORGIA, Chatham County.— Notice is here* I by given that I have made application to the Court of < trdinary for Chatham county for order to sell all of the real estate in Chatham county. Ueorgiu, belonging to estate of M. LIEB HARRISON, deceased, for the payment of debts and distribution, and that said order will bo granted at SEPTEMBER TERM (1887) of said Court, unless objections are filed. July 30, 1887. HENRY J. THOMASSON, Administrator estate of M. Lieb Harrison. (1 EORGIA, Chatham County. —Noticeis bero- I by given t hat I have made application to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county for order to sell eastern part, of lot of land in Gil" merville, Savannah, Georgia, known an lot num ber forty, having forty-eight feet front on Jack* son st reet and rmiriing back forty feet, and the improvements thereon, consisting of two tene ment houses, lieloiifliug to estate of STEPHEN DUDLEY, de eased, for the payment of debts and distribution, and that said order will be granted ut HE ITEM BER TERM (1887) of said. Court, unless objections are filed. July 30, 1887. PETER DENEOALL and DANIEL BUTLER, Executors of will of Stephen Dudley, deceased, A VEORGIA, Chatham County. Whereas, " * JOHN I>. ROBINSON has applied to Court of < trdiuury for letters of Administ rat ion on the estate of MARY ANN POWERS, deceased. These, are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said court, to make objection (if any they have) on or before the FIRST MONDAY IN SEITEM- Ittflß NEXT, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrill, Ordinary for Chatham comity, this the 30th day of July, 1887. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, Jr., Clerk co.' 0 (1 EORGIA, Chatham County. Whereas. .1 ISAAC DLa ROCHE has applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of GEORGIA A. TALBIRD, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to 1)6 Chid appear befortf Bald court, to make object Rjq (if any they have) on irr before the FIRHT MONDAY IN BEITKM BER NEXT, otherwise said letters will bo granted. Witness the Honorable Hamiton L. Fehrili* Ordinary for Chatham county, thlstiie 30th do/ of July, 1887. PHILIP M. ROBSELL, CHerk C. 0.. (T. C. ITIILK ATIQN’S. MAGAZINES FOR AUGUST AT Estilils News Depot, No. 23 Bull Street. Price.’ Midsummer Puck 50® Century Magazine A.. 40® Harper's Monthly. 5 ..40a Hcriliuer'K Monthly ~.7 —Me* Atlantic Mouthly 40® American Magazine 30® Llpplncott's Magazine 80® Bt. Nicholas. 80® Magazine of American HieU>(y—A. 50® Eclectic Magazine "... 60® North American Review....,....,., ..,..00® Popular Science Mouthly. ISO® The Forum rn,.. 50® Iwslie'H Popular Monthly „• .... UUo The Huasou 30® Le Bon Ton 06 a I.'Art de la Mode 85® Revue de la Mode 86c Young Ladles’Journal 360 Peterson’s... I*o Oodey’s !(&® Delineator 00® New York Fashion Bazar. 1... -SO® Demorest’s Monthly 26® Outing 30® Mailed on receipt of above price. Address WILLIAM EHTILL, Savan nub, Oa._ THE MIDSUMMER PDCC FORTY-SIX PAGES. 50c. PER COPY. CIASH PRIZES, amounting to 8300. will be J paid for successful solutions of the Prize Puzzle given ns a Supplement with the MID SUMMER PUCK. The MIDSUMMER is as much sui>erior to its predecessor, the ••Christmas Hue*.” as that was to all previous publications in the same line. Mailed on re ceipt of price. Address all orders to WILLIAM E STILL, (Kstill's News Depot), 13 BULL STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. PAINTS AND Oil s. JOHN G. BUTLER^ WHITE LEADS, COLORS, OIIJ3, GLASS, V\ VARNISH, ETC'.: READY MIXED PAINTS RAILROAD, STEAMER AND .MILL SUPPLIES. BASHES, DOORS. BLINDS .AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE Side Agent for GEORGIA LIME, CALCINED PL.ASTER, CE> MENT, HAIR and LAND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia. _ 1805. CHIUS. MURPHY, 1865. House, Sign and Ornamental Painting '|,''XEUUTED NE-VTLY and with dispatch. Vj Paints. Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, t\ hulow Glasses, etc., etc. Estimates furnished on ap plication. CORN Eli CONGRESS AND DRAYTON STS* Rear of Christ Übnrch. NURSERY. RIESLING’S NURSERY, White 111 nil Road. IJLANTS. BOUQUETS, DESIGNS, CUT FLOWERS furnished to order. Leave or ders at DAVIS DROP..', corner Bull and York ■.! hmUl TeUmhone call 7