The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 09, 1887, Image 1

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(, ESTABLISH ED 1850. 1 i J. 11. RSTILL, Editor and Proprietor, f boycotting a railroad people warned that they WILL BE SHOT IF THEY RIDE. Another Sensational Incident Added to the Great Fight for Irish Indepen dence—No Meetings of the National League Held for the Past Two Sun days. London, Aug. S.—The Standard says that there have been no league meetings in Ireland for the last two Sundays, owing to tlie influence of the Parneliite leaders who desire to avoid giving the government an excure for proclaiming the league. A section of the Unionist party is in favor of attempting to deal with the arrears ques tion while the land bill is before the House of Lords. Prof. Tyndall lias written another scath ing article attacking Gladstone. He says that all the facts tend to verify the fact that Mr. Gladstone is merely a resonant mask through which John Morley blows over the laud his fanatical treason. BOYCOTTING A HAI[.ROAD. Dublin, Aug. 8. —The West Clare rail way has been boycotted, owing to hatred of Traffic Manager Sullivan. Placards have liis>n posted warning the people not to pat ronize the road until Sullivan is dismissed. Persons who travel by this line, the placards say, will be in danger of being shot. KATKOFF‘B FUNERAL. The Remains Borne Along the Road on the Shoulders of His Admirers. Moscow, Aug. B.—The remains of Kat koff were conveyed to this city from Znamensky, a distance of twenty miles, for interment. The coffin was borne the whole distance alternately upon the shoulders of relatives of the dead editor, workmen, student* from the university, members of the press and peasantry. The lid of the coffin was earned in front of the procession. There were 300 carriages in line. The priests and choristers in the procession were dressed in white, with silver embroidery. Priests bearing holy water blessed every village through which the procession passed. The cortege halted at every church along the route where prayers wore offered for the repose of the soul of the deceased. The procession gathered strength along the route. Prince Polgorouky representing the Czar mot the funeral train several miles from Moscow. An enormous crowd gathered to receive the remains. The funeral cortege entered the city at 3 o’clock yesterday morning and the remains were borne to the tomb in the Alexoffsky monastery for interment. A heavy rain was falling while the body was being borne to Moscow. PLUMS FOR ROYALTY. The Government. Refuses to Give a List of Blue Bloods in F t Places. London, Aug. B.—ln the House of Com mons to-night the question was asked what was the reason for the government's refusal to submit returns showing the number of royal princes or persons allied to royalty by marriage w'ho hold posts in the public service and draw money from the public funds, and how many officers have been passed over by sucli appointments. W. H. Smith replied that mthe judgment of the government such a return would be of an invidious character and ought not to te granted. [Radical cries of “Uhl but it must be granted.”] FAREWELL OF THE EMPERORS. “By the Almighty’s Leave, Au Revoir Until Next Year.” Gastien, Aug. 8. —The scene at the part ing of the Emperors yesterday was most touching. Emperor William pressed the hand of Emperor Francis Joseph and said: “By the Almighty’s leave, au revoir until next, year.” Francis Joseph replied: “It is sure and certain.” At this point Emperor William was overcome with emotion. He kissed Emperor Francis Joseph again aud again, ana they finally separated. Given Three Months Grace. Pxms, Aug. B.—Weissbacli Brothers, the German toy manufacturers of Embermerne, dejiartment of Moselle, whore factory was ordered to lie (Titled by Prefect Nohnerb, have l>eon given three months grace by the government in order that they may have a chance to dispose of their goods. The Pre fect’s action in ordering the closing of the factory was made the subject of diplomatic correspondence between Prince Bismarck and the French government. Expelled from Alsace. Paris, Aug. B.—Baron Billing, late French Ainbu'ssidor to Sweden, while visit ing friends in Alsace was expelled from the province. The Paris (lauloix urges that formal or ders should tie given to officials on both sides of the Franco-German frontier to lie sp u ing in asserting their rights, in order to avoid* useless perilous bickerings between L ranee mid Germany, both of whom are desirous of peace. Boulanger Heard From Again. Paris, Aug. 8. — Gen. Boulanger has writ ten a letter to his seconds in reference to his proposed dud with M. Ferry, in which lie says: "Public opinion will judge between one who, a long distance off, insults a Gon fml, and who will grant derisory repora h'jii, and myself, who purposed to risk my lift to avenge my honor us a soldier.” Russian Activity in the East. Bombay, Aug. B.—Parties of Russians are traversing the country around Badakshan. I hey liavo not bceii molested, and are Requiring knowledge of the roads. They o|, making strong endeavors to gain the c n,| d will of the inhabitants. Three thous and Russians have arrived in theKurgantapa district. Miss Cass Getting Revenge. London, Aug. B.—A summons for perju rv liar, been issued against policeman Endi i'"U at the instance of Miss Gass, who was u r rested by him on tins cliargo of being an Improper character. Tim counsel for the (I ' t"iidant hints that the case will develop •etisational revelations. Bright Signs the Peace Memorial. boKDOK, Aug. B.—John Bright lias signed •he American peace memorial. In all, ITU ,t: tubers of the House of Commons have *-Rued the document and nine of them have consented to join the deputation which will lake the memorial to America. An Unfair Duelist Fined. Paris, Aug. S.—Tlio Grenoble Tribunal ™s sentenced M. Naquat, editor of the t' tit Oaupliinoix, to two months Imprison ment or to nay a fine of 200f. for unfairly " nursling M. Menville In a duel. A Heavy Ransom Demanded. Bomb, Aug. 8. The 7Wbunn publishes a dispatch troni Mam owali announcing that ’he King of AbyHkinln will release Maj. Sa voiroux, the Italian prisoner, on payment of a ransom of SIO,OOO ||e Pofmng fmps. BIDS FOR THE CRUISERS. The Secretary of the Navy 7 Opens Them at the Department. Washington, Aug. B.—Bids were opened at noon in the office of the Secretary of the Navy for the construction of the cruisers last provided for by Congress, named the Newark and number t, of 4,000 tons dis placement, cruisers numbers 4 and 5 of 4,000 tons each, and gunboats 3 and %\ °{ tons displacement each. Tlie heads of the several bureaus of the Navy Department, and a number of gentle men representing shipbuilding establish ments were present. The Secretary an bounced that bids had been made for all the vessels at prices well within the limits presented by Congress. The bids were of three classes; first, for the hull and ma chinery upon the contractor's own plans: third, tlie hull after the plans of the department and machinery after the builder’s own plans, approved by the deiiartment. There was a bul upon the Newark which was by William Cramp & Son under class one, the price being $1,248,000. The Union Iron Works, of San Francisco, hid under class one for either cruiser number four or number five at $1,428,000. William Cramp & Son bid upon cruisers number four and five under class one at $1,410,000 each: under class two at $1,325,000 each; under class two with a special modification at $1,350,000 each; and under class three at $140,500. William Cramp & Son bid for the two gun boats at $495,000, and William F. Palmer & Cos., of New York, bid for the same at $490,000. UNDER THE RED CROSS. Miss Barton and Dr. Hubbell to Rep resent the United States Abroad. Washington, Aug. B.—Miss Clara Bar ton, President of the American National Association of the Red Cross and Dr. J. B. Hubbell, general field agent and Secretary of the association, have been appointed hy President Cleveland delegates to represent the United States at the fourth interna tional conference of the Red Cross to be held at the court of the Grand Duke and Duchess of Badel, which opens at Carlsruhe, Germany, on Sept. 22 next. They will sail for Europe early next month. The Grand Duchess of Badel, sister of the Crown Prince, is the only daughter of the Emperor and Empress of Germany. She is a leading patron of the Red Cross on the Continent, and is an active and efficient aid iu this and other humanitarian works in Baden. This will be Miss Barton’s second errand to Europe as the Red Cross representative of this country, having, hy appointment of President Arthur, attended the Geneva con ference in 1884, the first international con ference in which the United States w as rep resented. YANKEE STINGINESS. New England Roads Refuse to Help Quicken the Mail Service. Washington, Aug. B.—The Post Office Department has been trying to arrange for a faster mail service with closer connec tion between New York and Boston, in order to secure a more perfect system along the entiro Atlantic Coast Lino. The at, tempt has failed, owing to the refusal of the railroads between New York and Boston to put on the new service without additional compensation. The Postmaster General in view of this fact, will probably recommend to Congress that some legislation be enacted to enable him to compel railroads to rfkrry the mails on any trains he may select and at fhe compensation he may tender, with the rights to appeal as to the latter to some special tribunal. FIXING CABLE RATES. Mackay Favors a Rate of 25c. Per Word. New York, Aug. B.—The committee w'hicb has charge of the preliminary steps toward fixing the new cable rates is com posed of Dr. Norvin Green, President of the Western Union Telegraph and Anglo- American Cable Company; J. Brown, of the Direct United States Cable Company; S. T. Austin, of the French Cable Company; S. L. Barlow, of the Commercial Cable Company, and A. B. Chandler, of the United Lines Telegraph Company. In the conferences of these gentlemen it transpired that tho Western Union desired a 50c. rate. Tlie direct peo ple were willing to gofiOc. The French and Anglo-American companies would agree to any figure that was high enough, while Mr. Mackay insisted upon a rate not over 40c., although he preferred 25c. ASLEEP BESIDE HER HUSBAND. The Remains of Mrs. Stiles Interred in Stonewall Cemetery. Winchetter, Va., Aug. B.—The remains of the widow of the late Col. Benjamin Ed ward Stiles, of Savannah, Ga., were brought here to-day and buried in the same grave with that of her husband, in accordance with a request mane liefore her death. She died Friday at Livingston, Nelson county, Ya. Col. Stiles, aged 28 years, fell at the head of his regiment, the Sixteenth Georgia Volunteers, of Wofford's brigade, of Long street's corps, Aug. 16, 1864. This was tne first burial of a woman ever made in Stone wall cemetery. Invitations to the President. Washington, Aug. B.—Assistant Secre tary of State Porter this morning conveyed to the President an invitation from tlie people of Na-hville and Middle Tennessee to visit that city, and another from the Cham ber of Commerce of Knoxville to pay that city a visit. The President, it is understood, will visit Nashville, but lias not yet deter mined upon the time. He has taken tho Knoxville invitation under consideration, and will determine whether time and public business will make it possible for him to ac cept.. INVITED TO CHARLESTON. Charleston, 8. C„ Aug. B.—A repre sentative meeting of professional and busi ness men to-day adopted unanimously a serifs of resolutions expressing the desire tnat President and Mrs. Cleveland should visit Charleston, and requesting the City Council to extend an invitation to them and requesting, if practicable an early accept ance. Savannah’s Public Building. Washington, Aug. B.— The Supervising Architect of the Treasury has written to Gov. Gordon and to tho members of the Georgia Legislature urging the importance of is ing tlie act granting tlie condemna tion aud cession of a site for tlie proposed Federal building at Savannah. Until this art is passed the Supervising Architect says lie can do nothing towards the erection of the building, but ho would not wait long before beginning work after the act was passed. ________________ Interest Prepayment Application. Washington, Aug. B.—The applications received at the Treasury Department to date for the prepayment of interest on regis tered bonds are as’follows; 4 per cent., $2.- 4,2f>0; 4W per cent., $3,715,000, and Pacific railroad I Kinds, $88,000; total. $5,269,260. SAVANNAH, GA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1887. FACE TO FACE WITH JAIL COOK COUNTY’S BOODLERS GET OUT OF OFFICE. Tho Arguments on the Motion for a New Trial for Seven of the Accused Postponed Till August-One of Those Fined Hastens to Pay Up. Chicago, Aug. 8. —The four boodlers w 7 ho were merely fined appeared in court this morning for sentence. Action, how ever, was deferred until Thursday, except in the case of Commissioner Geits. He was anxious to have the matter closed at once. Sentence was pronounced and the anxious boodlor quickly paid over his SI,OOO fine. Arguments on the motion for anew trial in the cases of the seven lxiodlers sentenced to the penitentiary were postponed until Oct. 15. These men had altered their purpose not to resign office. Otherwise they would have been granted no delay. Some have already stepped out, and others will quit without further ado, so the threatened dead lock and non-assessment is averted. Pend ing the arguments for anew trial, the seven boodlers, though saved for the tune being from tlie penitentiary, remain immured in the county jail. THE PAINT AND PUTTY JOB. A special grand jury is to be called with out delay. Its first business will be the investigation of the conspiracy that ended in the flight of McGarigle. The paint and putty job, the biggest steal the county suffered in any one transaction engineered by the boodlers will then claim their atten tion. Not a doubt is expressed but that Dr. St. John will be Indicted for his share in getting McGarigle off. The two sailors from the schooner Blake arrived here to-night to make affidavits against the Doc tor, after identifying him. The purpose of these depositions'is to complete legal proof that will he in the nature of a demand on the national government to take action. The affidavits of Canadians, taken both in Canada and the United States showing that McGarigle, a citizen of this country, while under conviction of crime, was spirited off by citizens of Canada for the purpose of defeating the end* of justice here, will be part of the evidence that will be laid before the Department of State at Washington, and if tlie authorities there can act under the law, they will be urged to demand of the Canadian government that McGarigle be delivered up. The matter is thus to be made au international question. IVES AS A SCHEMER. Cincinnati Road Stockholders to In vestigate His Methods. New York, Aug. B.— Mr. Ives arrived here from Cincinnati to-day and met the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Stock holders’ Committee. The committee imme diately began its work. Its inquiry will, it is announced, cover the following points: The outstanding preferred stock, how much of this was issued by the authorization of the directors, whether the company received the equivalent of the new issue at par in money (a legal requirement) what has become of the cash the company had on hand, ac cording to the last annual report on March 31, 1887, and how much of the cash reserves of the company were used by H. S. Ives & Cos. in changing the gauge and meeting other expenses in connection with the nar row gauge lines which they purchased and attempted to charge to the roads through a lease, paying themselves (the firm) with $5,500,000 guaranteed bonds, or three times the amount the lines cost them. Later the investigating com mittee met the committee of Cincinnati stockholders at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, and the latter reported progress. Tho stock holders’ committee was not prepared to make a final report and the meeting ad journed to meet to-morrow. No one was at the office of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton road in this city. TWO KILLED BY GAS. They Are Overcome While Fixing a Regulator Benoath the Street. Pittsburg, Aug. B. —William Samson and James Herron, two employes of tlie Cliartiers Valley Natural Gas Company, were suffocated by escaping gas this after noon while repairing a regulator under Chartiers street in Allegheny City. The regulator is in a small subterranean apart ment six feet below the street. Tho two men descended into this underground room and had been at work probably Ufteen minutes when an immense volume of gas burst forth from the regulator, asphyxiat ing them in their deep and narrow quarters. When the gas burst from the open regulator into ttieir faces they became stiflisi, but made an attempt to close the opening from which tlie gas issued. Fail ing in this, they tried to climb out, but were so nearly suffocated that they could not do so, and cried aloud for help. An excited throng quickly gathered around the open ing m the street, and numerous plans for getting the men out of tho hole were sug gested, but none dared enter the gaseous upartment. Finally, after thirty minutes had elapsed, the gas was turnod off aud the men brought to the surface. MOONEY’S (-RANKINES3. “Down With tho English Flag, Hur rah For the Stars aud Stripes." New York, Aug. B. —“ Down with the English flag, Hurrah for the Stars and Stri]jes,’’shouted Thomas J. Mooney, tho incondiury, who tried to fire the steamer Queen, as he waved his hat this morning in Jefferson Market Court. He had been brought there and placed among the audience to see if he could lie identified by Robert Sin clair, steward of the steamer Guvandotte, of the Old Dominion line, as the dynamiter who caused the explosion and injury some time ago to that vessel. Sinclair, however, foiled to recognize Mooney and tho latter was again returned to the prison. CHOLERA’S RAVAGES. 004 Deaths from the Plague In Cata nia During Last Month, London, Aug. B.—A dispatch from Malta says that seven new cases of cholera and two deaths from the disease were rei>ortcd to-day. THE EPIDEMIC IN ITALY. Rome, Aug. B.—Sunday’s cholera returns are as follows: Adorno, 25 new casco and 11 deaths; Pettemu, 9 cases and 4 deaths; Uco lia, 15 cases and 3 deaths; Riancavilie, 11 cases and 4 deaths; smaller towns, 14 cases and 11 deaths; Palermo, 0 case* and 3 deaths; Rosina, 17 cases and 6 deaths; Ca tania, 6 coses and 3 deaths. Thera were t<o4 deaths from cholera in Catania during the month of July. The government lias for bidden the holding of all public festivals. Montgomery’s Increaeod Wealth. Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 6—Tie- assess or*’ book, which was filed In court to-day, shows an increase in the taxable value of the real estate in this city since last August of $1,250,000. This is mostly new buildings and industrial enterprises. A POINT FOR LANG3TON. The Conveniences for the Operation Not Complete. Petersburg, Va., Aug. B.—The court and jury, lawyer and prisoner, met this morning refreshed after a day's rest and proceeded with the seventh day of the trial of Langston for the murder of Ruffin. The jury were taken to tlie colored Presbyterian church for worship Sunday morning and in the afternoon went to negro baptizing. Dr. Bryant's testimony as an expert was concluded this afternoon. His opinion in brief was that Ruffin's wounds were necessarily fatal, and that death would have resulted without the surgical operation, but that tho opera tion was not attended with the strict care and complete arrangements necessary for such a case. Dr. Bryant will probably con clude the long list of experts who have oc cupied tho attention or the court for six days, when other witnesses will be intro duced by tho prosecution. It lias not yet been intimated wliat testimony outside that, liearing upon character will be introduced hy the defense. the prosecution rests. The prosecution rested their case this evening. After a brief examination of two or three witnesses they proved by measure ment that Langston followed Ruffin 90 feet before firing the fatal shot, and that when he surrendered himself to the Chief of Police he stated that if he had not hit Ruffin it was not because he had not tried to do so. Lang ston’s pistol was exhibited, and admitted by’the defense to lie the weapon used. The first witness introduced by the defense was Dr. David May, a practising physician of thirty years standing, who was examined until the adjournment of court. He described the operation of laparotomy as one performed to a very limited extent because of the danger attending it. As to its propriety, there is great diversion of opinion. The medical* records show 7 that it has been performed only fifty-seven times for gunshot wounds, with about 80 per rent, of deaths. As for himself he was not an advocate of iaparotmy, but preferred a less disturbing plan of treatment, which he minutely descrilied. The court room was crowded to-night, many physicians lieing interested listeners. Dr. May s examination wifi be continued to-morrow. COLLAPSED AT CHICAGO. A Plated-Ware Firm and a Paper Company Assign. Chicago, Aug. 8. —A Deputy Sheriff was this morning placed in charge of the plated ware establishment of Baird & Dillon, Nos. 141 and 143 Wabash avenue. The firm mode an assignment this morning to F. E Moi-se. The liabilities are est imated at from $175,000 to $200,000. Tlie assets are un known, but are probably about $40,000. Tlie Ann has been iu business ten years and has done a business of about $300,000. The firm has several branch houses, one at New York, one at Cincinnati, Detroit, and perhaps others. Tlie firm has been embar rassed for some time. Tlie immediate cause of tho failure waS the closing, in of several judgment notes Held by Thomas E Hill. Confession of judgment was also entered in the Circuit Court by the firm t Lis morning in favor of the First National Banh A PAPER FIRM ASSIGNS. The W. C. Tyler Paper Company, at No. 10!* Adams street, is in the lianas of the Sheriff. The levy was made at noon under a confession of judgment hy the firm in favor of the Union National Bank for $38,000. The firm has been in business about three years. Its officers are W. C. Tyler, President; F. P Tyler, Vice Presi dent, and J. L. Rubel, Treasurer. It has tieen doing a heavy business throughout the West and the chief cause of its collapse is a large number of bad debts, many of which have been contracted by Western newspapers. The lawyers of the defunct firm est imate the total liabilities at $;>50,000 and the assets at the same figure. J. L. Rubel was this afternoon appointed assignee, although Deputy Sheriff Cleveland still holds possession by virtue of the con fession made to the Union National Bank. QUIET IN HAWAII. The New Constitution Proclaimed Throughout the Kingdom. San Francisco, Cal., Aug. B.— The steamer Zealander from Australia and Hon olulu arrived here at about noon yesterday. She brought Honolulu advices to July 30. Nothing of a startling nature has occurred since the signing of tlie constitution by King Kalakua, and the departure of ex- Premier Gibson for the United States. On the day that the King signed the constitution tho Marstml of the kingdom, accompanied by police, blowing horns, rode around the principal streets of the city and proclaimed the new constitution. The next day it was pro claimed in the districts throughout the island, and a few days later throughout the other islands of the Hawaiian group. In terest is now centered in the coming elec tion for members of the House of Nobles and House of Representatives. Taking tlie political affairs In tho kingdom as a whole, they seem to lie comparatively quiet. Queen ICapiolani arrived at Hono lulu July 20 and was given a royal wel conio. DRIED UP BY THE SUN. 76.000 Square Miles on Which no Rain Has Fallen for Ton Weeks. Chicago, Aug. B. — A local paper, sum ming up the many reports received by it of drought ruined crops, etc., said this morn ing; “There is an area of perhaps 75,000 square miles in the Northwest where the dust lie* heavily upon the earth. The dis trict is bounded by Madison on tlie north, Bloomington on the south, Lake Michi gan on the east, and the Mis sissippi river on the west. It is within tho limits of these boumlaries that vegetation has lost its normal color, and the earth its moisture. Day after day the sun send* its burning rays upon the farms and Hold. Leaves are falling from the trees. The grass iu tho meadows lias grown yellow and white, and the streams in which Hie cattle used to slake their thirst ureas dry as powder horns. It has bivn nearly ten weeks since a soaking rain fell iu this dis trict.” _____ Fires in the Meadows. St. Cloud, Minn., Aug. B.—Two mead ows Northwest of this city are on fire, and tieiug rapidly destroyed. There is also a fine meadow East of ihis city that lias liocu burning rapidly nearly ail day, and all tho meadows connecting witu it will be burned. Nothing but heavy and continuous rains wifi put out the fires in these beds of poat, and when oneo burnt over these meadows are forever worthless. Everything is dying up. Drownea While Trying to Bave Another. Abburv Park, N. 4., Aug. B.—A young Princeton student named Truesdel! became exhausted this afternoon while Lulling at Wllbert/on-by-the-Hca. Tlie bathing master, Frank Williams, went to bis rescue, hut also become exhausted and was drowned. Trues dell succeeded in reaching the shore. Wil liams had a wife and six voting children. SENATORS OUT OF TOWN. ONLY TWO BILLS INTRODUCED AND TWO PASSED. Tho Members of the Lower House Loose Another Avalanche of New Measures -Mr. Gordon Introduces a Bill to Relieve Savannah of the Ex pense of the City Court. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 8. — The attendance in tlie Senate was light this morning on ac count of the absence of members who went home after Friday’s adjournment, and were unable to return lit time. The business of the morning consisted ofj two bills—lntro duced and two | 'asst a nd. The following bills were introduced; By Mr. Brantley, of the Third —To define the liability of telegraph companies for delay of messages not of a business charac ter, providing for exemplary damages. By 7 Mr. Dean, of the Forty-second, intro duced a bill to incorporate the .Montgomery, Rome aud Chattanooga railroad. The following passed; To amend section 3710 of the Code, and to provide for on annual revision of* the jury list in counties with a town of over 10,000 inhabitants. The resolution fertile relief of tho Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association, of Now York. In the House. In tlie House to-day tlie Chaplain referred in his prayer very impressively to the re cent tragedies in the State, tho slaughter of the Woolfolk family and tiie killing of Horn. After the journal lmd been rend Mr. Kenan, of Baldwin, rose to a question of pers<mal privilege, ami referred to the at tack on him in yesterday’s Telegraph and Constitution by Acting Hunt. Whittaker, of the lunatic asylum, which he claimed abused ami falsified him. He said the Hu perintendent had left the interests of the asylum to come here and vent Ins personal malice. Mr. Kenan protested against such efforts to influence legislation. He said he had published a reply in the Telegraph. A BATCH OF NEW BILLS. The following new bills were introduced: By Mr. Huff, of Bibb —To incorporate the Macon City ami Suburban Railway, Light and I’ower Company. By Mr. Monroe, of Calhoun—To amend section 2525 of the Code by substituting July for January. By Mr. Russell, of Chatham —To settle tlie boundary lines of certain wharf lots in Sn vannah. By Mr. Gordon —To incorporate the title Guaranty and Liao Company of Savannah. By Mr. Gordon (by request)—To relieve the city of Savannah of tlie expenses of the City Court of Savannah and unpose them on the county of Chatham. By Mr. Russell, of Clarke —To amend the act. to incorporate the Athens Savings Bank. By Mr. Clay, of Cobl)—To amend an act to carry into effect the clause of the con stitution in reference to relief for Confed ernto soldiers. (Allowing them to draw their st,i|)ond once a year.) Tills bill was accompanied by a petition. Also a bill to amend the act leasing out convicts. By Mr. Harrell, of Decatur —To incorpo rate the Alabama Midland Railway Com pany. By Mr. Johnson, of DeKalb—To prevent tho obstruction of water courses in this State. By Mr. Chandler, of DeKalb —To amend the statute of limitations. Also a bill to amend section 4030 of the Code (making prosecutors liable for costs of maliciouior n Inmdoued prosecution*.) By Mr. Walker, of Floyd—To amend an act to provide for tlie registration of voters in Floyd and other counties, by striking out Floyd. Also a biil to provide for the registratiou of voters in Floyd county. By Mr. Howell—To amend the charter of the city of Atlanta so as to authorize an in crease of tho salaries of tho Tax Receiver, Recorder, and Auditor. Also to incorporate the Atlanta Savings arid Loan Company. By Mr. West, of Habersham—A bill to refer to a vote of the people of the State the question of tho sale of tlie Western and Atlantic railroad. By Mr. Key, of Jackson—To amend the charter of the town of Harmony Grove. Br. Glenn offered a resolution to discon tinue the daily printing of abstracts of the proceedings of the House. This was agreed to. My Mr. Little, of Muscogee—To amend an act to incorporate Columbus Street Rail road Company. Also a bill ti> incori>orate the Union Tele graph Company. Also a bill to amend an act to incorporate tho Georgia Midland Railroad Company. By Mr, Hill, of Merriwether—To prohibit the sale of liquor to intoxicated persons, By Mr. McCord, of Richmond—To amend an act for the lietter organization, govern ment and discipline of the volunteer troops of the State. Mr. Russell, of Clarke, offered a resolu tion allowing mileage to niomhors and offi cers of the House for this ad journed session. By Mr. Pitman, of Troup—For tho pro tection of game and birds in Troun county. By Mr. Mathews, of Piko —To make drunkenness a crime. By Mr. Arnhoun, of Dougherty—To amend seiAion 2,285 of tho Code. Also, a bill to amend section 2,386 of tlie Code. Both in reference to surveyors’ duties. By Mr. Williams, of Jackson—To incor porate the People’s Bank of Jefferson. By Mr Stewart ,of WUdluill Tn aalatllllll anew charter for the town of Camilla. A MILLION PUT IN PINES. Northern Capitalists Buy Land in Geor gia and South Carolina. Pitts n pro, Aug. B. — A syndicate of New York nnd Pittsburg capitalists have just closed a transaction, by which they become owners of nearly 100,000 acres 'of tho finest pine forests in the South. Tho lands are along the Northern line of South Caro lina mid Georgia, most of it being in tho latter State. The price paid was $1,000,000 in ric h The deal was made through a prominent real estate firm of this city. The intention of tiie purchasers U not to develop tho lands, but to hold them ns an Investment until an ad vanre in the price of lumber greatly incriaises their value. Key West's Hapless Infanta. Kf.y VVeht, Fla., Aug. B.— Nine new causa of fever have been reported by tlie Board of Health since yesterday. There have been no rieutiis. The last 150 coses have liecn nearly all children, with lees than 2 per cent, of mortality, and unices thi* is understood the bulletins of the Board of Health convey a wrong impression. Yellow Jack Off Delaware. Washington. Aug. B.—The Marine TTos- Fiital Bureau is informed that the bark Ada Iray, from Havana, arrived at Delaware Breakwater thi* morning with oue can* of yellow fever on board. END OP THE INQUIRY. The Penitentiary Committee to Re port in a Week. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. B.—The Penitentiary Investigating Commltttee closed its investi gation this afternoon. In response to the request of tlie committee to produce all the originals or copies of executive orders ap proving sales, transfers, sub-leasee or the hiring of convicts, Cnpt. W. H. Harrison, of the Executive Department, stated in writing that he had made an exhaustive search and found no such order's of record. Mnj. Warren, who lias lieen in the Execu tive Department since the lease act of 187tl, stated that lie knew of no such orders hav ing Ih<cii made. Messrs. Schofield, Ham and Terrell were appointed a sub committee to prepare the committee report. This will be delayed perhaps a week by its stenog rnphor. The investigating committee of (he Ma rietta and North Georgia railroad met to day. Reference was made to the fact that at the winter session the committee exoner ated Messrs. Fain and Rankin, ft was de cided to begin to-morrow an investigation of the legislation authorizing the cancella l ion of bonds and interest due the State by the road. THIS GOVERNOR'S ESCORT. The Adjutant General is receiving replies to liis recent circulars to the military com panics asking definite information us to how many would escort the Gov ernor to the Constitution Centennial at Philadelphia next month. Only one company as yet propose definitely to go, the Ilibb County Blues (colored) of Macon. Capt. H. Moseley says lie will be ready to start on Kept. 11 with 4.1 men. As may lie imagined, this places the worthy Adjutant General in a dilemma. The Georgia Hussars, Walton Guards, Jackson Light Artillery, and Thompson Guard can’t go. The Liberty Troop will answer in a few days. Capt. Cobb, of the Gainesville Volunteers, will go with twelve or sixteen men, if desired. CONDITION OK THE CHOPS. This evening the clerical force of the Agri cultural Department tabulated the answers from correspondents to the questions sent out by Commissioner Henderson n few days ago in regard to the damage to crops by the recent excessive rains. The reports show the average condition of the cotton crop to be (H) per cent., and corn 84. The damage to cotton in bottom lands is 3d per cent. The damage to corn on bottom lands is 33 per cent. The damage to cotton on the uplands is 11 percent. The damage to com on the upland* is 5 i>or cent. The damage toother crops is til tier cent. Coroner Hoyall held an inquest over the remains of C. I). Horne this morning. The evidence showed that the killing was clearly accidental, anil the jury rendered a verdict in accordance with the fact. Chief 1 !on linliy swore out a warrant against Veal to day charging him with murder. The pre liminary trial will take place before .Justice Tanner Wednesday morning. Veal has re tallied Gen. Gartrell and Judge N. T. Dor sey to defend him. Solicitor General Charles 1). Hill anil Hopkins & Glenn will appeal er the prosecution. FLORIDA'S METROPOLIS. The Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West Said to Have Bought Steamers. Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. B.—lt is rumored in town this evening that the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West railroad has purchased the Dellary line of steamers running on the St. John’s river, with the exception of the George M. Bird. The cause of the purchase was that the railroad company wanted control of the river. They had already a third interest in the People’s line. The particulars of the sate are, meagre, the fact only having leaked out this evening from the lips of loquacious officials. Capt. M. C. Cotter and the crew of the steamer Twilight were arrested and tried in Green Cove Springs to-day, but were dis charged, as the evidence was not sullicieut to convict them. Public opinion is that the crow know more about the affair than they chose to tell. Bneriff Holland arrested n negro rapist, frory Pemandina to-day named Smart Sloan His victim was the 11 -year-old daugh ter of Thomas Ilubhard, a prosperous col ored man of Fernandina. Information was received here this after noon of the death of F. C. Ixiwis, a well known dentist, momlier of the firm of Jones & I/'wis, the largest practitioners in Jack sonville. The deceased died at McGregor, la. The Snvsnnah, Florida and Western train due here this morning ran off the track he tween Waycross and Jacksonville, The fol lowing train brought tho passengers. No serious damage was done. The cause of the uccideut was a washout. Pensacola Pointers. Pensacola, Fla , Aug. B. —Christian Corner, the owner of the steamer Willie C., a pleasure yacht in this bay, returned to-day alter au absence of several weeks, bringing with him another steamer, the Bessie M, Hhe will aso i<f> placed at the service of pleasure seekers on tho bay and adjoining livers. The Bessie M. is twenty-five tons and well arranged for the convenience of passengers. The Escambia Rifles are drilling prepara tory to participating in tho encampment of Biate troops which will probably occur during tho last part of this mouth at Pablo Beach. Negro Good Samaritans. Mobile, Aug. B.—The Oraiul Temple of the K. of L. and Daughter* of the Taber nacle, a large national order of colored people devoted to benevolent work, met in its fifteenth annual session here thin after noon, C. G. M. Hir Moses Dock son presiding. One hundred and fllty delegates were pres ent, and more are to arrive to-morrow. After the addresses of welcome and re s|*>nse* the various committees were ap pointed, and then the convention adjourned to Zion church to listen to the annual ser mon. The oriler will meet daily during the week. _____________ Vincent’s Trial Begun. Montgomery, Ar.A., Aug. B.—The trial of ex-Htate Treasurer Vincent, charged with the emtiezzleinent of Htate funds, began to day in tiie City Court of Montgomery. There are thirty-nine indictments against him. A jury was impanelled to-day and the examination of one witness began. The amount of tiie whole shortage was over Woo,(GO. and it was lirst discovered in Jan uary, 1881). A Defaulter Faces the Music. Bismarck, Dak., Aug. 8. Ex-City Treas urer Heed returned to tho city yesterday, and is completing arrangements for the pay ment of his shortage. He lias been warmly welcomed bv Ins friends, who said all along that he would relum. He was mistaken in Ids estimate of the shortage, thinking it was $ - J,400, when, in fact, it is alxiut ♦I,OOO. A Recaption to Col. Watterson. New ToHk, Aug. B.—Col. Henry Wat terson, editor of the Louisville Courier- Journal, has accepted the invitation of the New York I’ress Club to a reception in his honor at the headquarters of the club, on Nassau street, at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon this week. I PRICK girt A YEAR. I J a 1 K.N Th A COPY, f A THORN FOR A THISTLE. THE VOLUNTEER MAKING A MAG NIFICENT RECORD. Puritan, Priscilla, Mayflower and At lantic Shown as Pretty a Pair of Heols as a Skipper Could Wish to See Thousands of People Cheer the Boats at the Start. Cottage City Mass., Aug. B.— A fine northeast breeze was blowing this morning aud a magnificent race to Marblehead was promised. The stoke was SI.OOO. The sig nal gun was firod at 7 o’clock aud the time of crossing tho line by the big yachts was us follows: h. m. s Puritan 7:1X1:34 Volunteer 7:01:10 Atlantic 7:02:31 Mayflower 7:08:34 Priscilla 7:04:33 Tho Puritan and Volunteer had estimated their distance with wonderful precision and crossed the line w ithin a few seconds of each other, under full sail and headway on the port tack, the Puritan keeping-to windward. At 7:30 o’clock tho Klectra steamed after the fleet in a hurry. At that time the lead ers were hull down on the horizon. The Puritan and Volunteer were apparently neck and neck and making wonderful time. Cheers from the steamers and yachts rang out as the two leaders passed close under the lee of the Klectra and within 100 feet of each other. Tho start was a beautiful one. By 8 o’clock every sail had ilisapixiared beneath the horizon under a strong breeze, which held steadily and gave no sign of giving out. About five miles from shore the Volunteer went ahead of the Puritan i" line sty le, and closed iqsm the Sachem, which hod come down with the title, and was leading the fleet.” PASSING CHATHAM LIGHT. The yachts passed Chatham light with the Volunteer in the lead, the Puritan sec ond, a mile ustern. The steamer Island Home, which returned at 5 o’clock this afternoon from following the squadron, re ports the following jxwidons of the yachts oir Monomay Point: Volunteer one mile ahead and still gaining, and tho Grayling, Puritan, Haehem, Mayflower, Priscilla, At luntic and Bedouin in the order named. LEADING BY TWO MILKS. Highland Light, Mash., Aug- B.—The yacht Volunteer passed this point at 11:40 to-night, moving with about a four-knot breeze. She was leading the fleet by more than two miles. All the leaders ought, with the present wind, to lie in Marble Head by i) o’clock Tuesday morning. Racing at Saratoga. Saratoga, N. Y., Aug. B.—Tliis was the fifth extrasday of the race meeting here. The attendance was good for au extra day, weather magnificent and the track fast. The events follow: Fhist Kacf. Three-quarters of a mile. Jubilee won, with J. J. Healey second, and Tidal Wave third. Time LI7W. bzcoNii Hack < ine aud one-quarter miles. Orlando won, with Kensington second, and Itedstonc third. Time B:l6V£. Tiiiho Rack—One and one sixteenth miles. Volaute won, with Alaric second aud Osceola third. Time I:StU. Fourth Race Helling race: three-quarters of a mile. Spinnette won, with Fred B. second and Barton thinl. Time 1:!71j. FtrrM Rack One mile and a furlong. over five hurdles. Glenarm won, with Ten Kheol second and Ueurge McCullough third Time 2:08. Only One Job for a Man. Pittsburg, Pa., Aug.B.—Secretary Mar tin, of the Amalgamated Association, re ceived notification today that the strike ut Brown, Bonnells &, Co.’s extensive mills In Youngstown, Q., over the “two job” ques tion iiinl lwen settled, the firm agree ing to the rules of the Amalgamated Association that one man shall not hold more than one Job. This is re garded as a very important concession, and the indications are that it will only lie a day or two until all the mills in the Mahoning valley, now idle on account of the two job question, will be in operation. The Paint er’s mill in this city resumed to-day. A Fight With the Knlghte. Newark, N. J., Aug. 8. —The leather workers’ troubles culminated to-day when the manufacturers issued orders that on and after Saturday, Aug. 13, none but non union men would be employed in their shops. This is tho commencement of a light be tween the Knights of Labor and the mann facturers, as the men in Howells & Reilly’* shops have already been ordered out by the Knights. The leather council-of tho Knights of Irfibor, to-night, it ut understood, decided to order out all tlie harness and shoe makers in this city on account of the decision of the manufacturers to lock out the uniou men. A General Strike Probable. Toronto, Aug. 8. which had tiecn going on for some days lietweea the striking carpenters and Master Carpen ter’ Association for a settlement of their difficulties were terminated abruptly to-day by the musters refusing to grant any con cessions or to agree to a general conference to discuss the question. This is likely tq‘ lend to a general strike in the building trades. The Midland Strike Collapsing. London, Aug. B.—The strike of the em ployes of the Midland railway is collapsing. The Birmingham engine men have resumed work. The company announces that it ha* obtained a full complement of drivers and firemen to All the vacancies caused by the strike. Truffle everywhere along the line ia being resumed. Strikes at Venice. Venice, Aug. B.—All the gondoliers in this city have gone out on a strike because a lighterage service has been started on the grand canal. All the bakers in the city have also gone on a strike, and the waiters in the hotels and cafes threaten to go out, Buckner’s Probable Majority. LocihvilUC, Aug. B.—The majority of Buckner over Bradley in ninety-nine coun ties heard from is IT,OfR. Tne estimated total majority is 17,M0. The twenty coun ties not officially reported gave Cleveland a majority of 4,347. A Chinaman Sues a Paper. Detroit, Aug. B.—Ham Woo, a Chinese laundryman, to-day brought suit for libel in the United Stab'.s Court against the Frt* I'reun claiming ♦IO,OOO damages. He alleges that, the Free /’less falsely stated that na fought sparrows in bis establishment. A Deputy Sheriff Slain. Galveston, Aug. B.—Deputy Sheriff Stanley, of Williamson county, was am bushed and killed to-day, it is believed by John Barbour and William Whitney, out of revenge. _ A Draw After Thirty-Bight Rounds. New York, Aug. B.—The long talked of prize fight tietween Johnnie Reagan and Tom Henry came off this morning early. The men fought thirty-eight rounds, and the fight, which was then declared a draw, was broken up by a mob.