The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 14, 1887, Image 1

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i ESTABLISHED 1850. ) I J. H. KSTILL, Editor and Proprietor, f ILLINOIS’ BRIDGE CRASH. THE railroad commissioners BEGIN THEIR INQUIRY. Engineer Southerland and the Fire men Describe the Appearance of the Fire as the Train Rushed Into It—The Fire Seen Several Hours Before the Disaster by the People in the Vi cinity. Ik CHICAGO, Aug. 13.—The Times' special from Chatsworth says: The Board of Rail road Commissioners arrived at noon yester day, and began an investigation of the re cent disaster. J. J. Southerland, one of the engineers of the train was sworn. He said he was the engineer running the leading en gine. The train was behind time. It started from Peoria thirty minutes late. The train was two hours late when it drew out of For est. He saw as he approached the bridge, what seemed to be flames on the South side of tho track. He then saw that something was wrong with the bridge, but it was too late to do anything. His fireman called to him to jump and leaped from the engine. He got on the foot board to prepare him self for whatever came, but made up his mind not to jump. When he first saw the bridge it looked like em bers. It seemed to burst into flames when ho ran on the bridge. It was not a raging fire, nor did it communicate with the cars on the bridge. He saw, as he expressed it, “death staring him in the face.'' He shut oflt the steam and felt the bridge sink. He then opened the valve to get the train through. The force of the train pushed the engine over, breaking it loose from the tender. He stopped the en gine and ran back to the wreck. The witness carried water and extinguished everything in the nature of fire. He was running between thirty and thirty-five miles per hour. He had no power to stop the train between the time he saw the fire and his arrival at the bridge. His engine had no air brake, neither was tho whistle sounded for lack of time. There could be no doubt of the bridge being on fire. When the engines crossed the flames were fanned by the passage of the train. THE FIREMAN’S STORY. John of Engineer Souther land’s engine, was sworn. He saw a little fire on the side of the track, near the bridge, on the night of the accident. He observed sparks rising and coals in the centre of the track, and jumped from the engine, calling to his engineer to follow. The witness and another fireman ran the engine to Piper City and gave the alarm to the citizens of the town. He thought the bridge was burned away when he jumped. The train was running pretty fast when the accident occurred. Axle Appiegreen, the fireman of the second engine on the train was sworn. The wit ness was leaning on the sill of the cab win dow on the left hand side, when the engine jumped up in the air and turned over on its side. He was scared and thought “he was gone.” He saw nothing of the fire at the time of the accident but saw it immediately afterwards. THE SUPERINTENDENT’S STORY. B. F. Armstrong, Superintendent of the road, was sworn. He was on the excursion at the time of the accident. The train was carefully inspected at Peoria, under his su pervision. It was to run through to the rails, and consisted of six sleepers, two chair cars, five ordinary coaches, a pay car, baggage car and two engines. The en gineer’s watch stopped at 11:45 o'clock, and he judges that this was the exact time of the accident. The witness felt the front engineer reverse his engine and applv the 1 irake about 600 feet from the bridge, lie looked down and saw the burning bridge under the front platform. Men witli axes chopped down the abutments so as to kill the flumes. The fire evidently caught in the east end of the bridge, and was working down in the old stringers used for bulk-heads. Orders were issued bv him to the section hands to burn the dead grass and weeds. THE BRIDGE INSPECTOR. J. H. Markley, bridge inspector, on May 14 reported the bridge in good condition and good for two years. The upper works were but fourteen months old, and the bridge was reported to the witness to be in good condition. On Tuesday lust lie ordered the section men to go over the entire sections under their charge and in spect the bridges. Ho did this for fear of forest fires. This order was sent to En nis, division foreman at Oilman, and or dered nil the section men to go over their sections the last thing Wednesday night and examine the bridges. Tho train was running from thirty to forty miles per hour. The road is in fine condition and has steel rails with fish bars. THE INSPECTION MADE. Timothy Coughlin, the section boss, nnd Christian Ennis, the roadmaster, also testi fied Coughlin’s section extends from two and a half miles west to four miles east of Chatsworth. He swore that pursuant to in structions he went over his section Wednes day afternoon, beginning at, tho east end at - o'clock and ending at the west end in the evening. He was at the bridge which was burned at 5:80 o’clock, and it was then all right. The weeds had been burned all along the track on both sides a week or ten days previously, nnd there was nothing under or near the bridge ex cept the naked earth. After he left the bridge, the first train that piassed was the ill-l’aied excursion train. Headmaster Ennis testified that he lind ordered the section bosses all along the lino to thoroughly inspect their sections in the afternoon und evening of Wednesday, and bad given such orders by instruction of oupt. Armstrong. He passed over the bridge l ast of ('hatswoi-tb at 4 o'clock standing on Hie rear platform of the culwswe, from which he was inspecting the track, and his train was tho last that passed over the bridge until tho iU-fftted excursion train reached it. He believed that the bridge was *'t on lire, i Three years ago two attempts to wreck trains by piling obstructions on *tie track wore made in the vicinity. TIIE FIRE SEEN BY A FARMER. A T. Dolph, a farmer residing near the oridge, saw smoko there about 5 o'clock, and fire ttlxmt 8 o'clock. Ho thought that it was on the other side of the track.* J. E. Brown, of Chatsworth, aw fire from the tlepot, and watched it from 3to 11 o’clock [>' nipht. He thought it vvus a locomotive headlight at Gilman. M iliiain Halien nnd son, of Chatsworth, testified that while standing at the depot at P:3O o'clock Wednesday evening they saw lire on the track out east and thought it was o locomotive headlight. At 9 o’clock, when they went to bed, the tire was still burning. Julius Keopte, of Chatsworth, also saw the tire at the same time and thought it was 1 train coming. Throe train men testified that Wednesday 'ftenioon they burned the grass east of the bridge, from the county line to "ithiu forty rods of the •h'uaßrr and that west, of that point tho been burned already, so that tho fire which they left smoking at 5 o’clock Jpuld not have communicated to tho bridge. Tlie investigation will lie resumed at Peoria In the early part of next week. A number 5f witness** wilt be subpoenaed and ex ,Tv fVint* tltrv\ <Thr JKoftiitw BAD FOR THE SECTION MEN. An Inter Ocean special from Forest, 111., says: “A number of men at Piper City positively contradict the testimony of Timothy Coughlan, the section boss, that he and his gang put out all the fires along the track before they left their work and proceeded to Chatsworth *\ ednesday evening. Theso men were of a party which went from Piper City to the wreck on a hand car as soon as they heard of the accident. They arrived about an hour ufeer the event. They say that as they passed along the track east of the wreck they saw fire burning in the grass and hedges all along the way. The best evidence ootainable is that the fire built by the section hands was within 100 rods of the burned bridge when it was left. There is a general sentiment among the residents here that the section men were largely to blame. Very few people except the officials of the railroad give any credence to the incendiary theory. The officials naturally desire to shift the liability. There was not nearly as much robbing at the wreck as some reports indicate. The watches and rings thought to have been stolen are be ing found among the debris as it is cleared away.” USURIOUS CHARGES. Judge Speer Renders a Decision In volving Loan Companies. Washington, Aug. 18.—Hon. Emory Speer, presiding in the United States Cir cuit Court for the Southern district of Georgia, who has been in this city for some weeks, to-day rendered a decision in the case of Sherwood vs. Rountree, invcffVing the validity of contracts of money loans on land made by loan companies. He held that the practice of these companies of withholding from 15 to 20 per cent, of the amount loaned under the device of commissions for negotiating the loan, was usurious und ille gal, and that where the money lender who dealt through companies was shown to have carried on a settled business, where these exorbitant and extravagant rates iu addi tion to the regular interest were charged, he was presumed to understand the nature of the contracts loan companies were making, and that in the absence of satisfactory proof to rebut this presump tion he could recover only the amount re ceived by the borrower and legal interest and not commissions, which are included in the amount stated in the note or mortgage The verdict had been rendered in Georgia upon this basis. The Loan Company had moved for anew trial. The decision to-day overruled that motion. The decision is distinguished from the leading ease of Call vs. Palmer, 118 U. S., where there was but a single loan and when proof was clear that the lender knew nothing of the usurious, commissions charged and did not authorize them. This is the first decision upon this precise question in the United States Courts, and it is t hought to havo an important bearing, par ticularly in the South and West, where these contracts are numerous. GOING FOR COLEMAN. Tobacco Men Aroused by Hig Report on the Crop. Louisville, Ky. , Aug 13. —At the meet ing of the committee from the various leaf tobacco markets, to take action in protest against the misleading report of the Agri cultural Bureau regarding the tobacco acre age, representatives from Louisville, Cin cinnati, Paducah, Hopkinsville, Mays vilie, and Clarksville, Tenn., were present. The meeting addressed a memo rial to Commissioner Coleman at Washington, asking that he furnish the tobacco trade with the statistics upon which he founded his report. If these be found accurate or wanting, or if be refuses to fur nish the information, it w as decided to ap peal for redress to President Cleveland. The trade does not think that Commissioner Coleman’s department hod statistics sent to him as published in his report, and the memorial urgently protests against what it terms "the wrongful and damaging misrep resentation of the tobacco interests.” INTEREST PREPAYMENT. Requests for the Money Mande on $50,497,900 Worth of Bonds. Washington, Aug. 13.—Applications were received at the Treasury Department to-day for the prepayment of interest on registered bonds amounting to $12,494,800. The total amount # of bonds on which advance interest is asked is now $50,497,900, of which amount $87,074,550 are 4 per cents., $12,044,400 4L per cents, and $1,358,950 Pacific railroad bonds. The gross amount of interest on these bonds is about $1,053,980. The Treasurer to-day mailed checks in pay ment of interest on about one-tnird of the applications already received and will issue checks for the balance as soon as the necessary documents can be prepared. Under the Treasury circular payment of advance interest will begin Monday. PERRON’S POLICY. Reforms Capable of Speedy Accom plishment His Object. Paris, Aug. 13.—Gen. Ferron, Minister of War, addressing the Artillery school last night, stated that he had accepted office be cause he was convinced that serious causes of weakness in the military organization of tho country would continue so long as com plex bills requiring years to carry out the changes they proposed were presented to Parliament, and because of bis belief that Unless efficacious means of detail wore in the meanwhile speedily adopted the country might bo exposed to the greatest danger. “Parliament,” Gen. Ferron con tinued, “sympathized with my fears and intentions and after adopting two clauses of the recruiting bill passed two less ambitious measures which will add largely to the efficiency of the infantry and cavalry army, taking only a few weeks instead of years in accomplishment. I intend to proceed in the same manner with measure* relating to the artillery and engineers, and I feel con. vinced that Parliament will heartily assist me and thus wo will best ensure tho' main tenance of peace ” The Journal llrshats believes that the experimental mobilization of tho army will begin iSepi. A Parnellite Whip. London, Aug. 13. —A whip has been issued calling upon the Parnellite members to at tend tho House of Commons Thursday next. IV. 11. Smith is expected to announce in the House of Commons on Monday that the Tithes bill has lieen abandoned. Cholera’s Ravages. Rome, Aug. 13.—Ten new case* of cholera and ten deaths were reported In Palermo during the past twenty-four hours. In Messina there were six new cases and four deaths, and in Catania a total of 48 deaths. Seven Drowned. London, Aug. 13.—A collision between the British steamer Norbiton and the Greek steamer Andrea Vagliano off Lizard Point 1-rtev resulted in the drowning of seven SAVANNAH, GA., SUNDAY, AUGUST 14. 1887. RUSSIA GIVKN A SNUB. BISMARCK KEEPS HER OUT OF THE AUSTRO-GERMAN CONFERENCE. • ■ - An Effort Made to Gain An Entry But It Failed of Success Denmark Greatly Strengthening Her Fortifi cations—The Feeling Against France As Bitter as Ever. Copyright 1887 by Xew York Associated Press. Berlin, Aug. 18.—With Prince Bis marck's return from Varzein the repose of the diplomatic circles, unbroken for weeks, has been succeeded by commotion. His coming conference with Count Kalnoky, at Kissingen, is expected to lead to new de velopments in the policy of tho Austro- German alliance against Russia. The overtures made by Russia to have Count Schouraloff. the Russian Ambassa dor at Berlin, take part in the coming con ference were coldly received, and were not pushed. Instead of conferring with a Rus sian representative Prince Bismarck, dur ing his stay at, Kissingen, will receive the envoy of the Italian government and I)r. Von Schloezer, the Prussian Minister to the Vatican. Mgr. Ualimberti, Papal Nuncio at Vienna, is also reported to bo seeking an interview with Priuce Bismarck. These movements have given rise to reports that the adhesion of Italy to the alliance had become uncertain since Prince Bismarck appeared to favor the claims of the Pope in the latter’s negotions for an entente coraiale with the Italian government. The story is credited that Count Dirobilant, the ex foreign minister of Italy, was received privately by Prince Bismarck at Varzein and that there was a prolonged interview between them, resulting in the renewal of the alli ance, which will be formally and publicly announced after the conference with Count Kalnoky. Italy’s adhesion will all but imply a check of Mgr. Galimberti’s mission. Tile presence of Prince Bismarck in the foreign office has quickened everything. Sir Edward Malet, the English ambassador, whose leave of absence was shortened, re turned hurriedly to Berlin Thursday ami saw' Prince Bismarck yesterday before the latter started for Kissingen. To-night he gave interviews to several ministers. ANTI-RUSSIAN EDITORIALS. Concurrent with the renewal of the en tente* cordiale between Italy and Austria ap[>ear significant articles in the inspired press against Russia. The Kreuz Zeitung, which recently stated that the government’s relations with the Czar were improving, yesterday declared that there was no cessation of hostility to ward Germans, and that Russia’s delay in applying her ukase against foreigners was only designed to prevent too hurried en forcement of the law from injuring Russian interests. In official circles it is looked upon as settled that immediately upon tho meeting of the Reichstag special tariff re prisals, including a bill to increase the duty on grain imi>orts will be proposed. Tho North German Gazette , which has hitherto ignored the agitation for an in crease of duty, gives prominence to memo rials addressed to Prince Bismarck favoring such augmentation. The chambers of commerce maintain their protests against any increase, declaring that the present tariff is injurious and that any increase would be ruinous, but popular feeling in the meantime is strongly in favor of a policy of retaliation which would influence a majority of the Reichstag to support the government. Among the incidents in connection with Russian hostility is Den mark’s extension of the fortifications at Copenhagen. The Danish official papers assert that the new works are undertaken solely to complete the defenses in accord ance with old plans, and that this does not indicate any intention o the part of Den mark to interfere if Germany engages in war with Russia or France. "The facte are that fortifications are being constructed vigorously under Russian prompting and on a scale hitherto unknown in Denmark. The reports of Denmark’s armaments led Berlin papers to give warning that the re sult of Danish interference would be the ab sorption of Denmark by Gel-many. GRAVELOTTE’S ANNIVERSARY. Tho seventeenth anniversary of the battle of Gravelotte will be observed on Aug. 18, culminating in a review and display at Potsdam. An imperial decree issued to night directs that the ceremony of the con - secration of the four new infantry regi ments and three new battalions of railway corps shall take place on that occasion. Prince William will lie in command. On the same day there will lie a celebration of the victory on the battle field itself, which will be attended by thous ands of people from all parte of the empire. Veterans from every military society in Germany will goto Gravelotte and St. Pri vat to participate in the ceremonies. Eight hundred members of the Saxon Kriegsve rein arrived at to-day and visited the battlefield, placing wreaths upon graves where many or their comrades fell. Within the next few days special trains will take other veterans to perform similar rites on every battle field in Alsace-Lorraine. These demonstrations are not intended as aimless innocence to the people of France. They are meant as an expression of renewed hostility under the menaces of the French, designed to show that Germany is ready to fight to retain what her victories, gave her. The officials in Alsace-Lorraine report more hopefully in regard to the abatement of the French malcontent agitation, although it is still occasionally necessary to resort to expulsion. An itn portant instance of this kind has just oc curred. Daniel Dollfus, son of the head of the great manufacturing firm of Dollfus, Miegg & Cos., of Mulhouse, was expelled on account of his being a member of the French Patriotic League. RUTSCHUK’S WARM WELCOME. Prince Ferdinand’s Coming Announced With Salvo ol’Artillery. Rustchuk, Aug. 13.—Prince Ferdinand arrived here last night. His coming was announced by salvos of artillery. The houses and streets were profusely decorated and the whole town was illuminated. A banquet in the Prince’s honor wa, given during the evening, and Prince Ferdinund delivered an oration in the Bulgarian lan guage. Hi< remarks were receive*! with great enthusiasm. A vast multitude assembled to meet the Prince, and extraordinary enthusiasm was dis played. At tho banquet in the evening M. Nikiforoff who was one of the leadei-s of the conspiracy which resulted in the deposition of Prince Alexandria in pro posing a toast Prince Ferdinand expressed confluence in the fidelity of the Prince, and in his ability to maintain the independence of Bulgaria. He also said: ‘' Wo will cover the Balkans with corpses rather than allow enemies to enter our coun try.” After the feast Prince Ferdinand was lifted upon the shoulders of some of the of ficers present and carried iu triumph from the banquet hall. Bullion fbr America. London. Aug. 13. —Forty-one thousand pounds of bullion were withdrawn from the Bank of England to-day for shipment to PITTSBU RG’S_FIRE. Heavy Losses Inflicted on the Masonic Fraternity. Tittsburg, Aug. 13.—The buildings de stroyed by the big flro last night, were the Masonic Temple, the Hamilton block, Camp bell & Dix’s carpet warehouse and a num ber of tenement houses. The upper floors of Kehmidt & Friday’s magniltceiit nine story structure were gutted ami the balance of the building water-soaked. The Dis patch and Penny Press buildings were badly damaged by water. The (ire origin ated in the carpet store of H. Holtzmun, located in the cellar of the Masonic build ing and underneath the dry goods store of Campbell it Dix. It is said that a party of gentlemen were sitting in the up holstery department of Holman’s establish ment when one of their number lighted a cigar uiid thoughtlessly threw the match into a wnste paper basket. The contents of the basket were of an inflammable char acter, and in a few seconds the entire room was ablaze. Efforts were made to extin guish the flames, but the light material burned too rapidly. an old building. The Masonic Hall was the oldest building on Fifth avenue. It was built fifty years ago by the Alleghany Engine Company, a volunteer fire company. They occupied the first floor and rented the balance of the building. The hall was occupied by Fox's theatre and subsequently as a museum. The fourth floor was used by the Masonic fraternity over forty years. The floor was divided lyto five departments—the blue room, the chapter room and three ante rooms. The former was furnished at an ex pense of $15,000. The furniture in the chap ter room cost $lO,OOO. In one of the ante rooms was stored paraphernalia valued at $15,000. Thirty-one lodges met in the hall, and all their equipments were destroyed. Among the articles prized highly by the Masons of this city was a pictiue of Judge McCandless, one of the greatest representatives of Ma sons in this section. The walls of the blue room were also adorned by por traits of all tiie past Grand Masters of Pitts burg, which were destroyed. Many of these cannot be replaced. A number of masons were in the room guarding against in traders until forced away by tho flames. Deputy Grand Master, Peter C. Shidle gazed on the destruction of the building with tears streaming down his cheeks. John Keefe of Alleghany, who was on the building, assist ing the firemen, fell and was fatally injured. THE LOSS LESS THAN $500,1X10. A careful estimate puts the lass at less than $500,000. The walls of the Hamilton and Schmidt & Friday buildings are found to be in good condition, and their losses will therefore be much smaller than the first estimates. The insurance on the Hamilton building is $130,000 and tho loss will be about $75,000. Schmidt & Friday lose a I suit $.50, (XX). The insurance on tueir building and stock is $250,000. Mr. Iloltzmnn places his loss at $50,000. Campbell & Dix estimate their loss at $175,000, with $130,250 insurance. The damage to the Penn j/ Press will be about $lO,OOO. Tho company is fully in sured. The damage to tho Dispatch will proba bly be $2,000. Masonic Hail is totally destroyed, and the loss will not l)e far from $75,000. Tho in surance is $75,000. The 150 tenants of the Hamilton and the Sohinidt and Friday buildings lose in tho aggregate $lOO,OOO. The total insurance was $500,000. LANGSTON’S JURY. They Find Him Guilty but Differ as to the Punishment. Petersburg, Va., Aug. 13.—The papers in the Langston murder case, with the court’s instructions, were given to the jury at 11 :30 o'clock this morning after an able and scorching speech by the prosecuting attor ney. At 1 o’clock the jury reported their inability to agree on a verdict, but were sent back to their rooms for further consideration. At 2 o’clock they were again brought into the court room, and again de clared that they could not agree. The court asked the jury if their disagreements were on the question of the guilt or innocence of the prisoner. They said it was not, but as to the grade of punishment. The court then gave further instructions, saying there was no reason for not returning a verdict, and stmt the jury out. A light punishment is anticipated should the jury agree. GIVEN EIGHT YEARS. The jury in the Langston case to-night rendered a verdict of murder in the second degree, and fixed the term of imprisonment at eight years in the penitentiary. It is un derstood that the jury at first stood five for hanging, one for eighteen years in the penitentiary, and the colored members for very light imprisonment. The trial lasted exactly two weeks, and the court and jury were exhausted by worry and heat. Five times the jury declared their inability to agree* and finally rendcrod a verdict under positive instructions of the court. Langston’s counsel gave notice of a motion for anew trial. HANGED FOR A BRUTAL MURDER. Two Men Murdered a Man and His Wife and Divided Their Property. San Francisco, Aug. 13.—Frank Smith was Lunged at Prescott, Ariz., yesterday for the murder of Hamunl Clevenger and ids wife, Charlotte, in May, 188, on the Buckskin mountains. Wilson and his com panion, John A. Johnson (colored), were employed by Clevenger to assist in driving a number of horses to Washington Terri tory. No one was in the party except the two men, Clevenger, his wife and an adopted daughter. While camping at the place mentioned Wilson murdered Cleven ger and his wife with an axe. DIVIDING THE STOCK. Wilson and Johnson then divided the stock und $5OO which Clevenger had with him and buried the bodies, which were found six months later. Wilson and the girl lived together afterwards, and went to Washing ton Territory and Idaho, where they were found by the Sheriff and the former was token back to Prescott for trial. Johncou was found In Nevuda, and the chain of cir cumstantial evidence, together with the girl’s statement, served to convict both. Wilson, however, made a confession exoner ating Johnson, and stating that the latter did not know of the murder till some time afterward. Johnson was respited by the Governor until Bopt. 23. Given Thirty Years for Murder. St. Louis, Aug. 13.—At Salem, 111, last evening the jury in the Phelps murder trial reportM a verdict of guilty, and fixed the penalty at thirty years in the penitentiary. A Cyclone Destroys a Church. Chicago, Aug. 18.—The Catholic Church at St. Paul, la., was totally destroyed by a cyclone this evening. Much other damage was done. * Death of a Well-Known Telegraphist. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 13.—Harry Nichols, known to the telegraph fraternity all over this country, died here to-day. RAILROAD ENTERPRISES. THE CHATTANOOGA, ROME AND COLUMBUS UNDER CONTRACT. A Report That the Road is Being Built By the Georgia Central as an Outlet to the North and West—Knoxville Subscribes $560,000 To Two New Roads. Chattanooga, Aug. IS —The contract for the construction of the Chattanooga, Rome and Columbus railroad was awarded to-day, and work will commence Monday morning within the corporate limits of Chattanooga. This road is anew one, ex tending south from Chattanooga, through Rome, Cedartown aad Carrollton, On., to Columbus, (la., a distanco of 230 miles, and is to be completed within eleven months. It gives Chattanooga nine trunk lines, ai\d makes it the greatest railroad centre south of the Ohio and Potomac rivers. The city of Chattanooga, as a corporation, gave $lOO,OOO to the road, and the citizens by private subscription purchased mid do nated the right of way into the city and land for terminal facilities, saving the road nearly $lOO 000. It is currently believed that the Central railroad of Georgia is be hind the building of thecoad, as it will give that vast Southern system direct Northern and Western connection through Chatta nooga. Several strong New York city bank ers are conspicuous in tbo organization of the company. KNOXVILLE'S NEW LINE. Knoxville, Tknn., Aug. Id.—An elec tion to-day resulted almost unanimously in favor of the city of Knoxville subscribing $500,000 to the stock of the Knoxville and Southern Railroad Company, and Powell’s Valley Railroad Company. The vote wins the largest polled in Knoxville, and, out of a population of over 117,000, only 13 votes were cast against the subscription. The city hereby subscribes $275,000 to the Knoxville Southern railroad, to be built from this city to Atlanta, Ga. This is the Tennessee di vision of the Maryland and North Georgia road. Work will begin immediately. The road will lie completed in eighteen months. The city also subscrilsw $275,000 to the stock of Powell’s Valiev railroad, to be built from Knoxville, north wal’d, through Cumber land Gap, to connect with tho Louisville and Nashville, Norfolk and Western and other roads. The work will begin in ten days, and the road is to be completed in twelve months. Roth companies have ample capital to com plete the roads in tho specified time. The city has been offered 7 per cent, for $250,000 of the railroad lx>nds, and will pay tho sub scription to the roads in cash. An English syndicate, with $1,000,000 capital, will erect blast furnaces and iron arid steel works at Knoxville, using mag netic ore from along tlm line of tho Knox ville Southern road, and coke from Cumber land Gap. LOWER FREIGHT HATES. St. Louis, Aug. 12.—A meeting of the General Freight Agents for the discussion of local business in the Southeast was held yesterday. A now tariff has been put in effect by the Mobile and Ohio roud by which the existing rates from a number of South eastern points more or loss tributary to Ht. Louis, are materially reduced. This re duction is particularly applicable to cotton, of which the production is large along tho Mobile and Ohio. The reduction of tho cotton rate alone is said to be in the neighborhood of 30 per cent. The Southern lines have been quiet of late, but this bold inovo may load to a flurry among tho roads south of the Ohio. MISSING MONEY. An Attempt to be Made to Force Sena tor Stanford to Answer. San Francisco, Aug: 13.—The Pacific Railroad Commission to-day filed a petition in the United States Circuit Court asking that an order be issued requiring! xiland Ktn n ford to show cause why he should not lie compelled to answer certain questions asked him on Wednesday in regard to the dis position made by him of certain moneys charged to the general and total expense account of the Central Pacific Company, represented by vouchors produced and shown to him which vouchers did not show the disposition of the money, or to whom it was paid l>y him. The petition also recites that the amount of such moneys expended lietweofl 1870 and 1880 aggregated S734,<XX) and that Mr. .Stanford declines to answer questions as to whom he paid the moneys, or whether any part was jiaid for the purpose of influencing legislation. It is thought the |>etitioii will be taken up for argument August 22. It is stated .that the total amount of the vouch ers unaccounted for aggregate about $2,000,(XX), but the Commission has not set forth the full aniotnt upon which Mr. Htan ford was questioned particularly. A RAID FOR FIREARMS. Seizures by the Military Probably Pre vent a Bloody Battlo. Chicago, Aug. 13. —The Times' Lexing ton, Ky., special says: “A letter just re ceived from Morehead gives the following particulars alxiut the seizure of guns yos torday: The insecurity and uneasiness which have been felt since the departure of Andy and Willie Tolliver and their friends, received fresh impetus yesterday afternoon when Adjt. Williams with a squad of men filed iuto the depot aud seized a case of rifles und 2.IXX) rounds of anmiuni tion that had just been taken off a train and hurried them into camp. Those are the same guus that were shipped to Z. T. Young, Mount Sterling, from Lexington some weeks ago. Maj. McKee fearing a collision between the factions immediately sent out half a dozen squads of men searching suspected houses ror arms, and must have captured several wagon loads. In one house alone they secured ten Winchester rifles, three shotguns, two mus kets aud several muzzle-loading rifles. The raid created quite a stir in tho town, and It is the general belief that if Maj. McKee had not taken decisive stops a light would have taken place.” On a Burning Trestle. Nebraska City, Neil. Aug. 13.—A fiendish attempt at train wrecking on the Burlington and Missouri River road, ton miles west of this city, was made last night. Asa passenger train was crossing the tres tle bridge across a deep ravine the wood work was discovered to tie on fire. An in vestigation disclosed the fact that the stringers and braces were entirely consumed. Tho train was unusually light and this alone prevented a fearful catas trophe. _ _ Pope Leo’s Jubilee. PrfiME, Aug. 13. King Humbert, through his chaplain, is sounding the Pone to ascer tain whether be will accept a jubilee present from the King. If the Pope consents the King's brother, Prince Tomtnasso, and oth ers will also send him gifts. The Queen of Portugal and Princess Chlotilde will semi IVES' SUSPENSION. Every Energy Being Bent to Cover Up Grave Irregularities. New York, Aug. 13. —To-morrow’s Sun will say of the Ives suspension: "That strenuous efforts will bo made to administer upon the estate under cover, admits of no doubt. A public administration upon the effects would be a very serious matter for a good many people. Assignee Cromwell was disinclined to talk about the interest that District Attorney Martino has taken in the affairs of Ives A Cos. Ho said that the peo ple whom he represented, that is the credi tors, wanted to get thoir money, and he was there to help them got it. In siionking of the matter to others he indicated that Ives A Cos. would defend their depletion of the railroad’s t reasury upon the ground that they were legally in possession of the secu rities used and the money invested, and in their ottlcial capacity had the power to do what they did. In dismissing the validity of the Dayton and Chicago bonds, 8135,(XX) of which were used as collateral after the issue had been rescinded by the company, Mr. Cromwell admitted to one of the creditors that, these bonds ought not to have been used. The present hope of Mr. Ives and his friends is to get,all of these irregularly issued securities back into the several treasuries before any one interested like the minority stockholders brings un action. If the secured loaus can be put off this can lie done, although it is doubtful if this or any similar transaction can oblit erate the evidence of guilt.” HOLD THE PORT. Presentation of a Oavol Which Came From a Historic Pine Tree. Chautauqua, N. Y., Aug. 13.—-An in teresting incident occurred at the assembly this evening, when, in the presence of 0,000 persons, Col. J, C. Courtney, of Atlanta, (In., general auditor of the Western and Atlantic railroad and a member of the In ternational Sunday School Executive Com mittee, presented from Joseph M. Brown, general freight mul passenger agent and son of Senator Joseph E. Brown, to Chancellor J. H. Vincent, a pine gavel mode from tin' famous signal tree which stood on the summit of Altoona Mountain to which Gen. Sherman, from Konesaw Mountain, fifteen miles away, signalled to Gen. Corse over the heads of the Confederate troops to hold his position until Federal reinforcements could arrive. This incident was the basis for the late I’. I’. Bliss’s well-known “Hold the Fort for I am Coming.” Chancellor Vincent made a happy response, and the utmost enthusiasm was manifested. Afterward Charles E. Bolton gave his illustrated lecture on the American civil war. COLORADO’S INDIAN OUTBREAK. The Adjutant General Orders the Militia to Be Ready. Denver, Aug. 18.—Adjt. Gen. West has issued an order for all the State militia—in fantry, cavalry and artillery companies—to get ready to move at a moment’s notice. He will, in case of a serious outbreak of Colerow’s renegades, order the companies at Montrose mid Ouray to head off the Utes at Grand Junction. Gen. West left for Glen wood Springs iinmediatelely after issuing the order, and it is reported that United Htates Marshal Hall, now at Leadville, will join him at Halida, and if necessary ask for United Btates troops to assist the State militia. RUMORS OF FIGHTING. Aspen, Col., Aug. 13.—Humors have come in to the effect that there has been considerable lighting with the Indians to day, and some casualties. The Aspen mili tia lias been ordered to report to Gen. Wost at Glen wood Hprings, and left here about 1:30 o’clock, silty men strong. BUYING UP TIMBER LANDS. A Buffalo Syndicate Secures 400 Square Miss in North Carolina. Buffalo, Aug. 13. —A syndicate of Buf falo capitalists has just purchased tracts of timber land of about 400 square miles in North Carolina, comprising the greutcr part of Dare county anil a portion of Tyrrell county. The price jtaid was over 8750,(XX). They have obtained per mission to name the principal settlement, on the tract Buffalo City. The syndicate bus Iteen incorporated under the name of the Eastern Carolina Lund Lum ber and Manufacturing Company. The land is heavily timbered and the principal business of the new company will be the cut ting and transportation of lumber to Eastern markets. SARATOGA’S RACES. Weather and Track Lend the Flyers All the Aid Possible. Saratoga, N. Y., Aug. 13.—The attend ance at the races to-day was largo, the weather iierfect and the track fast. The events were os follows: First Race—Three-quarters of a mile. Rita It. won, with Geraldine second aud Leo 11. third. Time l :W)d. Second Race—One mile and three-sixteenths. Brolizomart won, with Grey Cloud second and Orlando third. Time 2:oft. Tuiao Race -Grand prize of Saratoga: handi cap, for all ages; one mile and live furlongs. Kaloolati won. with Klkwood second, aud Brown Duke third Time 2:52W. Kochth Race One mile and a furlong. Wyn don won, with Aluric second, and Romp third. Time 1:87. 1-iETU Race—Steeple chase; nlioiit two miles and a quarter King Troubler won, with Well ington second, and Beechtaort third. Time 4:22. AT MONMOUTH PARK. New York, Aug. 13.—T0-day's events at Monmouth Bark were as follows: First Race—One mile. Connemara won, with Htrideaway second und Esquimaux third. Time I:44*s. Second Race—The Junior championship stakes, for two-yer-ohls; three-quarters of it mile In the lost hundred yards King Fish drew away and won easily hy three lengths, with I/is Angelos second und .Sir Dixon third. Time 1:1844. Titian Race -Champion stakes. Hanover led from thi> start to the finish, and won In a canter bv two lengths. Volants; and Keren*! ran head and head till near the Hire;* quarter post, w hen Volatile was lieuteii. Keren*! closed on Han over lrt the stretch a little, but could not quite reach hint. Volants: was third. Time 2:88. Fourth Race—One und one-eighth miles. Pontico won, with Uarnutn second, aud Easter Sunday third. Time 1 :MRj. Fifth Race-Seven-eighths of a mil". Cam hyson won. with Banner Bearer second, am! Jennie B; third. Time 1:82. Sixth Race Three-quarters of a mile. Miss Mouse won. with Lena Brown second, and Edi tor third. Time t:lfi>4. Seventh Race—Handicap steeple chase over the full courw. Jim McGowan won. with Sam Emery second. And Mystic third. Time 5:08)4 Hamm Beats Them All. Kvracusf, N. Y., Aug. 18.—A sculling race for a $3<X) bad go and purse of 85(X) was rowed on Onondaga lake at fl o’clock this afternoon. The course was a utile mid a half and return, and the water was os smooth as glass. Hamm won four lengths ahead of Kota, who was second, with Court ney third, Henley fourth, and Bubear a had fifth. The time was 18:20, but it w*s con ceded that the course was fully a minute ) Pit If K Ml 4) A YEAR. I 1 6 CHATS A COPY, f RIDDEEBERGEII’SBIGROW A MOB SCALES THE JAIL WALLA AND RELEASES HIM. The Trouble the Result of the Parad ing of a Placard Ridiculing the Court and Jury for a Verdict Brought In ins a Larceny Case—A Lively Scene ta Court. Winchester, Va., Aug. 13. — A message from Woodstocif, Va., says: "United State* Senator Riddlelterger, who was yesterday sentenced by Judge Newman, of the County ('ou ft, to pay a Hue of $25 and be imprisoned for live days for contempt of court, was re leased from jail last night by a mob. The jailor made hut slight resistance.” The circumstances lendiug up to the ar rest of Kiddloberger are related as follow* by an eye-witness: On Thursday VV. W, Jones was tried for larceny, and the jury found that no was insane Jones was a client of Riddloberger’s and tho verdict made the Senator angry. He was accused of writing a placard and giving a boy $3 to haul Jones up and down the town, tho latter displaying the placard. The latter had written on it, "Verdict, Bill Jones not guilty, but insane. The jury is insane, the lawyers in sane, the court insane, in the tuaitt ” The noise occasioned by this display disturbed the proceedings of the court and the com monwealth's attorney, J* C. Baker, had the Judge issue an order for the arrest of Rtd dloberger, to appear before Judge Newtian and show cause why he (Hiddleberger) should not Ih> lined and imprisoned for ridi culing the judge and jury und disturbing the court. THK COURT DEFIED. At 5 o’clock Mr. Itiddlelmrger appeared before the court, and defended himself. He said that Judge Newman had no jurisdiction in the case, which the Judge denied, and usked Senator lUddlebcrgor to sit down until evidence could be taken to prove that he (the Senator) was the one who, ridiculed the court, und then he stud the court would hear the argument. Mr. Hiddleberger would not sit down, and the court fined him $35. He then defied the court, aud said, “this court shall not send mo to jail." Judge Newman then told the Sheriff to take tlii> Senator to jail for five da vs. Sena tor Hiddleberger said he would like to see tho man who coukl take him to jail, and Sheriff Whitman at once arrested the Sena tor und locked him up. This action caused much excitement, and this morning at 3 o'clock a mob of 100 men, supposed to be from Edinburg, in this county, scaled the walls of the jail yard and took the Senator out on ladders. Mr. Hiddleberger was on the street this morning. GEORGIA'S CAPITAL CITY. A Short Session of the House—Catch es from the Curbstones. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 13. —The session of the House to-day was devoted to committee reports and the second reading of hills. Resolution rcecommending to Congrea* the improvement of tho Chattahoochee, Flint and Apalachicola rivers in accordance with the request of the Columbus Conven tion wus called up ind adopted. The committee on military affairs favora bly reported the bill providing a surgeon for each battery of light artillery. Philip Keller wan convicted at the May term of Glynn Superior Court of keeping; open a tippling house on Sunday, aud was fined $35(1. On petition of the Glynn coun ty officials the Governor to-day reduced the fine to $1(X) and costa. J. T. Riley was to-day commissioned Treasurer of Hancock county. The tax digest of MtOcogeo county show* $11,043,011) of taxable property, an increase of $840,854. Fifteen of the Governor’s staff have noti fied Adjutant General Kell that they will go with tho Governor to Philadelphia next month to the Constitutional ConteiuiiaL Tho Interstate Agricultural Convention will meet, at the Opera House Tuesday morn ing at 10 o’clock and will Is; called to order by the Governor. The address of welcome for the city will bo delivered by Mayor Cooper and for tho State by Henry W. Grady. Indication* point to the largest agriculj tural convention ever held in the Houth. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engin eers met to-day with 3(X) momliers present The delegates were welcomed by Gov. Gor don and Mayor Cooper. Mr. Arthur, chief of tho Brotherhood, made an address upon tho subject and nature of the order. H. W. Grady tieing out of the city, Rev. J. W. Lee, tho pastor of Trinity Church, inode the regular addreee. Ho congratulated the Brotherhood on their methods and ways of adjusting troubles and said tliey had conducted their order so well as to commend it to the tiest jMtople of this country. Thomas Woolfoik, tho Bibb county crim inal charged with the murdor of his family, ha* engaged Frank H. Walker a young law yer of this citv to defend him. Egbert Kirby, the young man charged with seducing Mary Comer, who worked at Burk’s spier; mill on Pryor street has escaped from the city. Ho is under a S2OO bond. James Kurlow (colored) was caught {tod dling whisky on the streets to-niglit. He was locked up. • Only One New Fever Caae. Key West, Aug. 13. — One now case of yellow fever was reported by the Board of Health to-day and no deaths. All of the sick now are apparently out of danger, and the unaccli mated adults who were attacked this week exhibited very light cast*, show ing a complete modification of the disease. Arlington’s First) Bale. Arlington, Ga., Aug. 12.—A. J. Lewis brought in the first bale of cotton of the season yesterday. It was sold to J. TV. Cal houn. It weight'd 481 pounds, and sold for lie. per pound. It is generally thought that tho cotton crop is cut off at least ono-third iu this section. Luce Asks to be Relieved. Washington, Aug. 18.—It is stated that Admiral Luce has telegraphed Secretary Whitney requesting tliat he be relieved from committal of the North Atlantic squadron, naming a date, but, at the Name time, leav ing the matter entirely In the hands of beo rotary Whitney. Killed In a Caboose. Chattanooga, Aug. 18.—A freight train on the Alabama Great Southern railroad broke in two seven miles below this city to night and the rear portion backed into an other train. Will Jenn.ings, of Valley Head, was in the caboose aud wits killed. An Augusta Foundry Burned. ArOUSTA, Ga. , Aug. 14, 2:80 A. M.— Charles Lombard’s foundry was burnod at 1:80 o'clock to-night. No flapre* are ob tainable vet. The lot* is probably S3O,(XX). •Malta's Cholera Epidemic. London, Aug. 13.—At Malta during th past 34 hours this> have been 13 new Cases