The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 14, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMM l-'.ItCI AJ-. 'savanna h makxetT “ OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS, i Savannah, Ga., Aug. 13, 4, i>. m. ( (Cotton— The market was very dull and de clining- There was very little stock offering a( l little or no inquiry. The sales for the day „ e re 13 bales. On Change at the midday call, i p. in., the market was reported quiet, at g decline of J4c for all grades. The following gtethe official spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange for new cotton: Middling fair Good middling 9 Y\ Middling ? Tjow middling Good ordinary sea Island—The market continues very dull nominal, with no sales. We quote: Common Georgias and Florida* 14 @l3^ Medium Good medium 17^(3*18 Choice *2 & Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand Aug. 13, 1887, and for the Same Time I.ast Year. . - 1886-87. i 1885-86. j 7. U ’ ,land j Mnid. tJ P ,nnd •Stock on hand Sept. 1 1,149 4,304 ' 551 3.298 i Received to-day 10; 26 Received previously 27,247 771,393 23,381 781,053 j Total 28,306 775.707 ; 23,0:18 784.376 Exported to-day j j |Exported previously 27,939 775,335 ; 22,70';- 782.733 I Total 87,939 775,8351 82,709 788,788 tStock on hand and on ship-' i 1 board this day [\ 4671 37311 1,289i 1,503 , Rice— The market continues firm and active. There was little stock offering, and only 42 bar rels were disposed of during the day. at about quotations. We quote: Fair Good 4% (ft.— Prime 5 (&.5*4 Rough- Country lots Tidewater. 90© 1 15 Naval Stores— The market for spirits tur pentine was quiet and steady at the advance. There was a fairly good demand, and some 030 casks changed hands during the day, at 29*4c for regulars. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reported steady StsMV?/for regulars. At the closing call it was quiet at 29V£c for regulars. Rosin—The market steady, with a good demand at unchanged iritis. The sales tor the day were 2,374 bar ids At the Board of Trade on the first call th<* market was reported steady at the following quotations: A, B, C, and D 900, E 95c, F Si *O, (4 1 00, H $1 10, I $1 15. K 51 35, M Si 50, N $1 63, window glass $2 00, water white $2 50. At the closing call it was unchanged. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand Apr 1 7 " 2,548 77,408 Received to-day 537 ! ,008 Received previously 91,836 214,520 Total 94,916 292.936 Exported to-day 1,084 1,464 Exerted previously 87,584 237.861 Total 88,668 239,325 Stock on hand and on shipboard to-day 6.248 53,611 Receipts same day last, year 666 2,235 Financial—Money is quiet. Domestic Exchange—Steady. Banks and bankers ary buying sight drafts at % per cent, discount dtul selling at par per cent, pre mium. f forctgii Ejrchange— The market is weak. Commercial demand, $4 83*4: sixty days. Si 81%: ninety days, $4 81? francs. Paris and Havre, commercial, sixty days, 55 24%; Swiss, $5 24%: marks, sixty days. 94* >. Securities— The market has a little more life, and long dare bonds mid railroad stocks are n s r >ine demand at inside quotations, with a hard ening t udency. Stocks and Bonds— City Bonds- Quiet. At l inta 4 per cent, long date. 108 bid. 110 asked; Atlanta. 7 percent.. 118 bid 121 asked; Augusta 7per.cent, long date, 115 bid, 118 asked; Au gust a 6s long date. lOSbid. 110 asked; Columbus 5 per cent., 100 bid, 10asked; Macon 6 per cent, 111 bid, 112 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent. October coupons. vannah 5 per cent. November coupons, 101 bid, 102 asked. State Bonds— Market steady, with light sup ply. Georgia new Ok 1889, 101 bid, 102 asked; Georgia new pia ! per cent, gola, quarterly coupons, 107 bid. lO.SJrjj asked; Georgia 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1696, 120 bid, 121 asked. Railroad Stocks —Central common, 120 bid, 123 asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent, guaranteed, 132 bid, 138 asked; Georgia com nion. 196 bid, 19S asked; Southwestern T per cent guaranteed, 1271 j bid, 128 asked; Cfen tral 6 per cent, certificates, 99V£ bid. WO a-'ked: Atlantam.d West Point railroad stock. 110 bid, 112 asked: Atlanta and West Point 6 per cent, certificates. 103 bid. 104 asked. Railroad Bond.'. Market quiet. Savannah, Florida and Western Railway Company general ni. rtgage 6 percent, interest, coupons October. 115 asked; At.lautie and Gulf first mort gage consolidated 7 per cent, coupons Janu ary and July, maturity 1897. 115 bid, 117^.5asked; Central consolidated mortgage 7 per cent., coupons January and July, maturity IKD3. 109V* bid. 110% asked: Georgia railroad 6s, 1897.106 bid. 108 asked: Mobile and Girard second mort gage indorsed S p**r cent., coupons January and July, maturity I*B9. bti bid, 103J4 asked; Mont gomery and Kufaula first mortgage 6 per cent., indorsed by Central railroad, 106 bid, 107V* asked; Marietta and North Georgia first mort gage. 50years, 6 percent.. 99V* bid, 100?i asked; Charlotte, Columbia mid Augusta first mort gage 110 bid, asked; Charlotte. Coliun and Augusta second mortgage, asked; Western Alabama second mort gage indorsed 6 percent.. 108 bid. 109 asked; b-'iith Georgia and Florida indorsed, 118 bid, 120 asked; South Georgia and Florid' second mortgage, 114 bid. 116 asked; Augusta and Knoxville first mortgage 7 )>:• c *nt.. 111V<2 bid. 112 asked; Gainesville, JfTeivou mid south ern first mortgage guaranteed, 115V* bid. 1161* asked: Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern not guaranteed, 113 asked; Ocean Steamship 6 ner cent,, bonds, guaranteed by Cen tral railroad, 102V* bid, 103% asked: Gainesville. Jefferson and Southern second mortgage guaranteed, 113 asked; Columbus and Rome first mortgage bonds, indo'*s*d by o<*n railroad, IC4 bid. I(ls%asked; Columbus •nd Western 6 per cent guaranteed, 10 asked; City and Suburban railway first mortgage 7 j#*r cent., 109 bid. I.loasked; < 'gle triori*e Savings and Trust Company, 106 bid, 107 asked. Dank Stocks —Nominal. Southern Bank of the State of Georgia, 200 bid. 20.5 asked: Mer chants' National Bank. 157 asked; Savannah Bank and Trust Company, 99 bid, 101 asked; National Bank of Savannah. 120 bill, 121 asked. (tos stocks— Savannah Gas bight stock, ex dividend, 20 bid. 21 asked; Mutual Gas Light oek, 20 bid, 23 asked. Bacon— Market firm and advancing; demand good; smoked clear rib sides, 9%c; shoulders. <La ; dry salted clear rib sides, OJfce; long clear, 9c: shoulders, none; hams, 13c. Baogixcj and Ties— Market quiet. We quote: "“Rgiug a<4 lbs. (t! 3 lbs, 7Uq.74 4 o: W j r ' lls . oJt'Vi'-', according to brand mi l quantity. Iron tie* - Arrow and other bran Is. §1 15®, 1 35 P'*>‘ huiulle, according to brand till I quantity. Bagging ami ties in retail lots a fraction higher. Hitter- Market, sternly; oleomargarine, ll<<s F*". choice Goshen, lSe: gilt e lse, 2As; cream- v, 25®,gtv. < 'abbaoe—Northern, 10® l ’<•. i'nELSK -Market nomhial;snialldemand;stock HfCUI We quote. 110,1 V. Come*— The market is firm We quote for email tots: Ordinary. Jtk•: fair, 21c; ko<J, 22c; Choice, 22; fieaberry, 'Sir. # „ I*RIEn Frcit Copies.evaporated, 13o: peeled, peaches, peeled, l!)c; unnoeled, sijJ,7c; ctir rauts. 7c; citron. 2V. liiiv i toons The market i" firm; business fair, "•■quote: Prints, l.u.iic; Georgia brown shirt lost, -VI, 15-4 o; 7-b.lo, 'i'/jT', 4 4 brown slieet iatr. i.Ujc: white osuabiu-qa, B>4®, 10c; die, -Us; "ati'fctc: virus, boo for best makes; brown drill •tiffs. 7®TUc. Fish \\ e quote full weights: Mackerel—No. !. 7; :si.7? iiHjo; No. :! bait barrels, nominal, ■ 1 .*(4 ivj No. S. $7 50 ‘ S .70. Herring—No. 1. a, *e: sciil.-il, 2.V; cod. MjtSe. Fiaii u Murkct unsettled; demand moderate, quote: Extra, s4(Kli?' l 10; fancy, ?4 tv'TA “ JJJ; choice patent; $5 35(7f5 IW; family, $4 50®, 4 60. FnrtT—Lemone—Demand fair. We quote: J 5 00® a 00. , (Ihaix—Corn—Market very firm; demand •ixbt. We quote: White corn, job lots, tide; carload lots, Me; mixed corn, job lots, 65c: car ioml lots. djc. Oat* steady: tlein iud good We “"•te: Mixed outs. 4.V: t'.irksuJ hits. 10 f 1 00. Menl. 72150. (Georgia grist, per sack, S' 50 • grist, per bushel, Tse. Hav Market very firm, with a fair demand: Stoea ample We quote job lots: Western, 51 10: carload lots, Si 00. Eastern, $1 10; North ern. none. Hides, Wool, Etc.-Hides—Market dull; re ceipts light; dry Hint, 110,11 ’-*-•: salted. 9@9Uc; dry butcher. Ho. Wool Receipts light; prime in hales, Stic; burry, 10@15c. Wax, 18c. tallow. 5.7j.40. Deer skins, flint, SOc; salted, 10c. Otter skins, Soc@.s4 00. Swede, 4kl®sc; refined, LAKD—Market is easy; in tierces, 7We; 5015 tins, 7%c. Lime, Calcined Plaster and Cement—Ala bama lump lime is in fair demand, and is selling at $1 30per barrel; Georgia, $1 80;calcined plas ter. "1 SO per barrel; hair. to. Rosendale cement, $1 SO: Portland cement, $3 50. Lkjitoks—Full stock; steady demand. Bour bon, 5150&5 50; rye. J150©6 00; rectified, ®loo<9}l 35, Ales unchanged and in fair de mand. Nails— Market firm: fair demand. We quote: 3d, §3 90; 4d and 3d. S3 S3; tkl, S3 00; Bd, S2 75; 10a to 60d, $2 50 per keg. Nuts—Almonds. Tarragona, 18<a.20e; Ivicas, li@18r; walants, French, 12c; Naples, 16c: pe cans. 10c: Brazil, 10c; filberts, 13c; coeoanuts, Baracoa, $5 25 per 100. Oils—Market firm; demand good. Signal, 45c; West Virginia black, 9@loc; lard, 0c; headlight, 15c; kerosene, 10c; water white, 18J4c; neatsfoot, 62@80c; machinery, obyy3oc; linseed, raw. 50c; boiled, 53c; mineral seat, flic; fireproof, 18c: homelight. 18c. Onions—Northern, per bbl, $4 50; native, $1 00@1 25 per crate; Egyptian, §2 75 per case. Potatoes—Long Island Rose, §2 75@3 no. Peas—Demand light; cow peas, mixed, 75® 80c; clay, $1 00(0,1 15; speckled, $1 00© 1 15; black eye, sj 50; white crowder, $1 50© 1 75. Prunes—Turkish. French. Bc. Raisins—Demand light; market steady; loose new Muscatel, $2 00: layers, §1 75 per box; Lon d >n layers, $2 ik'i per box. Salt—The demand is moderate and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots, 65e fob; job lots, 75<&90e. Shot—Drop, $1 40; buck, $t 05. Sugar—The market is firm; cut loaf, 6%c; standard A, i'Me\ extra C. sVsc: C yellow, 5V4c; granulated. 6%e: jjowderod. 6%c. Syrup—Florida and Georgia syrup, 40^,45c; the market is quiet for at 35<&40c; Cuba straight goods, 28e in hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 20c. Tobacco—Market dull; demand moderate. We quote: Smoking, 25c (2sl 25; chewing, com mon, sound, 25@30c; fair, 80@35c; medium, 38 ®.soe; bright. 50@75c: fine fancy. 85tf&90c; extra tine, 90c@$l 10; bright navies, dark navies, 40(^50c. Lumber- The effect of the interstate com merce bill, coupled with scarcity of cars, has considerably curtailed shipments and quieted demand from the West. Coastwise and foreign demand is quite active, and prices remain firm at quotations. We quote, fob: Ordinary sizes .$l3 50@17 00 Difficult sizes 18 00<&21 50 Flooring boards 10 000 20 50 Shipstuff 18 5O Timber—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 00@11 00 800 “ “ 10 000.11 00 900 “ 11 00@12 00 1,000 *• “ 12 00<&14 00 Shipping timber in the raft— -700 feet average $ 6 0001 7 00 800 “ 7 (X)o> 8 00 900 “ “ 8 0()0> 900 1,000 “ “ 9 00<&10 00 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By Sail—Coastwise business is quiet, with vessels in fair supply and rates unchanged Freight limits are from $5 00 to $8 25 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphia, New York, Sound ports and eastward. Timber, 50c@$l 00 higher than lumber rates To the West Indies and wind ward, nominal; to South America. §l3 00@14 00; to Spanish and Mediterranean port s, $110064 12 00; to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 27@285; lumber, £3 15s. Steam—To Ne>v York, $7 00; to Philadelphia, $7 00; to Boston, $9 00. Naval Storks—Firm but nominal, owing to the scarcity of vessels. Foreign—Cork, etc., for orders, 2s ioygd, and, or, 4s lUd; Adriatic, rosin, 3s; Genoa, rosin, 2s Coastwise—Steam— To Boston, 50c on rosin, $1 00 on spirits: to New York, rosin 50c, spirits 80c: to Philadelphia, rosin 30c, spirits 80c: to Baltimore, rosin 30c, spirits 60c. Coastwise, quiet. Cotton—By Steam—The market is nominal. Liverpool via New York th 3-l*d Liverpool via Baltimore $Tb ... 3-13d Antwerp via New York HTb .... Md Havre via New York $ 9-loc Havre via Baltimore 06e Bremen via Nev. r York Th 11-18 c Reval via New York 11-32d Bremen via Baltimore $ Ih %c Amsterdam via New York 650 Amsterdam via Baltimore 61c Genoa via New York lb %<i Boston # bale 1 35 Sea island bale 1 75 New York i? bale 1 35 Sea Island 19 bale. 1 75 Philadelphia # bale 1 35 Sea island p bale 1 75 Baltimore bale 1 25 Providence bale 150 Rice—By steam— New York barrel 60 Philadelphia p liarrel 60 Baltimore 'p barrel t3O Boston $ barrel 60 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls $ pair $ 65 BO Chickens, %to *4 grown 40 (& 60 Springers . 25 (^4O Ducks‘(9 pair 50 0, 75 Geese p pair 75 <xh 100 Turkeys p pair 1 25 m 2 00 Eggs, country, p dozen 17 64 Peanuts---Fancy h. p. Va. $ lb. . 7V$ Peanuts—Hand picked p tt> ... (u, 6>£ Peanuts—Ga. p oushel. nominal. 75 64 90 Sweet potatoes, yel. reds V bush. 50 (cr, 60 Sweet potatoes, yel.yams p bush. 65 (& 75 Sweet pot s, white yams p bushel 40 Or, 50 Poultry—Market steady; receipts heavy; dem ;nd light for grown: half to thi-ee-auarter grown in good request. Eggs— Market easier, with a good demand. Peanuts— lair stock; demand moderate; market ad vancing and higher prices predicted. Sugar—Georgia and Florida, nominal: none in market . Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes—Scarce; receipts very light; demand good. _________ MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New York, Aug. 13. noon.--Stocks quiet and steady. Money easy at 4 per cent. Exchange - long $4 80940 * 81, short 3183M|. Slate bonds neglected. Government bonds dull and h -javy. 5:00 p. m. -Exchange dull but steady. Money easy at I per rent.. Sub-Treasury balances— Gold. $131,197,000; currency, $13,3*1.0u0. Gov ernment blends heavy; four per cents 12- V 4: four and a half per cents 109%. State bonds neg lected. The stock market to-day w;\s quiet, but there was a spirit of Activity, and the temper of spec ulators was more decidedly bullish than on any previous day this week. This was due almost entirely to the attitude of the room traders,who have generally shifted over to that side of the account. There was literally nothing doing for any interest beyond the professionals, and their efforts to advance quotations met with no re sistance whatever. There was on-attempt made to cover shorts in New England, and trader* nd scalpers quickly bid the stock up on them. The movement was afterward extended to the entire list, and material gains were made throughout the list. The effect of the Ixink statement, which was unfavorable, was not important, having been sufficiently discovered yesterday. Tin* opening was very dull and uninteresting, with price.* steady, and for about thirty minutes tin-re was no change in the character of the market, though slight advances were estab lished. The market suddenly became active add pr*ct< Jumped up sharply under the l<*ad of New England. a:nt the figures of the day generally were made shortly b *fore 11 o'clock. Aft**r a rractional recession tb** market became steady and quirt, but finally closed firm close r. rue u.-st figures reached. The total businessfor t li** session was IIft.OUO sh.uvs. The entire activo show- advances at tin* close. The following wi re the closing quotations: Ala. class A.2 to 5.106 New <Trloans Pa Ala. das-; B, 5s . .110*4 cific, Ist mort. .81 Georgia 7s, mort. 10. V N. Y Central N Carolina 6s 12-1 Norf. AW. pref. 41 N. Carolina Is 97 Nor. Pacific 29* So Caro. (Brown) “ pref... 55J4 consols 103 Pacific Mail 41*4 Tennessee 6s t 7 fi4 Reading .. 56*^ Virginia os .. CIS Richmond Ac Al®.. 10 Va. couolid:ite 1 W Richmond Ai Danv 150 Ob'peak* 6c Onio 6 Richnid & \V. Pt. Chic. A Terniinal 29*4 “ preferred .141 Rock Isiaud 126 Dela., Lack 6c WT. 131*4 St. Paul 82*4 Erie 3t>)§ ** preferred .120 East Tennes-*ee, Texas Pacific 23 % new stock 12 Tenn. Coal Ac Iron. 33Uj Lake Shore 94V4 Union Pacific W* L'ville Ac Nash. . 63J4 N. J. Central 78V* Memnhi'4 A: Char. 57 Missouri Pa<jific... 99t% Mobile Jfe Ohio. .. M Western Union . 71*4 Nash. A Chatt'a .80 CottonOilTrustcer 34*>4 •A<kerl # tßid Tue weekly statement of the associated fiauki. Issued by tne clearing house today, shows the following change*: reserve de -reaped .$2 183,928 tesi 1 is ite^ , i*ea*ed 8,211,711 U Hpeci© <i k creased 3,819, hOO Legal tender* decreased PJkfOO l>’posit sand *cri*Hs**d. 8,4f*7..'HJ0 Circulation decreased 4.108 fi l l now hold $4,832,625 in excels of the 25 r( • rub*. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 1887. COTTON. Liverpool, Aug. 13, 12:30 p. m.—Cotton dull and somewhat irregular; quotations of Ameri can cotton all declined l-16d: middling uplands 5 7-16d. middling Orleans 5 7-16d: sales 5.000 bales, for speculation and export 500 bales; re ceipts none. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, Au gust and September delivery 5 21-64d. also 520 6ld; September and October 511 64 1; Oc tober and November 5 6-64d. also 5 5-64<1; No vember and Decernlier 5 3-64d: December and January 5 2 64d : January and February 5 2 64d; February and Marchs 3-64 ti; September 5 21-64d, also 5 20-64d. Market dull at the decline. 2 p.'m.—The sales to-day included 8,600 bales of American. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause. Au gust delivery 5 03-64d, buyers; August and Sep tember 5 21 -6 id, sellers; September and October 5 12-64d. sellers; October and November 5 6-64d, sellers; November and December 5 3-64*1,buyers; December and January 5 3-64d, sellers: January and February 5 3-64d, sellers; February and March 5 3-64fi, buyers: September 5 21-64d, sellers. Market closed steady. New York, Aug. 13, noon.—Cotton opened quiet; middling uplands '>>4o, middling Orleans 9'*c: sales 765 bales. Futures —Market opened easy and closed steady, with sales as follows: August delivery 9 54& 9 50c. September 9 23(5 9 2.”4c, October 919 (77 9 18c. November 9 13(77:9 12c, December 9 12® 9 11c. January 9 16(7/ 9 15c. f 5:00 p. t.LMarket closed quiet: middling uplands 9*Kc. middling Orleans 9%c; sales to day 765 bales: net and gross receipts none. Futures—Market closed barely steady, with sales of 29.800 bales, as follows: August delivery 9 59(&9 51c, September 9 23c. October 9 18(Tf4 9 19c, November 9 9 12c, January 9 16c. February 921 (ft 9 22c. Green & Co.'s report on cotton futures says: “There was very limited trading iu cotton con tracts and a generally unimportant market, though the average tendency favored buyers. August was forced down to 9 50c under free offerings and new crop, shaded 2(ft3 points, the weak feeling being increased bv easier advices from Liverpool and the favorable construction of most weather reports in some sections of Texas. However, rain is still greatly needed.” Galveston, Aug/ 13.—Cotton quiet; middling 9V£c; net receipts 224 bales, gross 224; sales 183 bales: stock 2,459 bales. Norfolk, Aug. 13.—Cotton nominal: middling 93i0; net receipts 1 bale, gross 1; stock 1,131 bales: sales 3 bales. Baltimore, Aug. 13.—Cotton nominal: middling 1014 c; net receipts none, gross none; sales none; stock 593 bales; sales to spinners 12 bales. Boston, Aug. 13.—Cotton quiet; middling net receipts none, gross 140 bales; sales none; stock none. Wilmington, Aug. 13.—Cotton nominal; mid dling 10c; net receipts 4 bales, gross 4; sales none; stock 443 bales; exi>orts coastwise 12 bales. Philadelphia, Aug. 13.—Cotton dull; mid dling 10^o; net receipts 5 bales, gross none; stock 8,022 bales. New Orleans, Aug. 13.—Cotton dull; mid dling 9 3-K'c; net receipts 76; bales, gross 761: sales 150 bates; stock 28,978 bales; exports to (treat Britain 1,675 biles, coastwise 921 bales. Mobile, Aug. 13.—Cotton nominal; middling 9Vrc; net receipts 2 bales, gross 9 bates; sales none; stock 235 bales: exports coastwise 7 bales. Memphis, Aug. 13.—Cotton quiet; middling 9 H*c; receipts 37 bales; shipments 206; sales 25 bales; stock 4,918 bales. Augusta. Aug. 13.—Cotton quiet but steady; middling 10c; receipts 96 bales (1 bale new); sales 9 bales. Charleston, Aug. 13.—Cotton quiet and nomi nal; middling 10c; net receipts 1 bale new, gross 1 bale new: sales none; stock 50*2 bales; exports coastwise 24 bales. New York, Aug. 13.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-day 1,006 bales; exports, to Great Britain 1,675 bales; stock at all Ameri can ports 130.798 bales. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 1,344,490 bales, of which 728,890 bales are American, against 1,293,388 and 891,588 bales, respectively, last year. Receipts at all interior towns for the week 7,279 bales. Crop in sight, 6,369,235 bales provisions, groceries, etc. Liverpool, Aug. 13, 12:30 p. m.—Wheat quiet but steady: demand poor; holders offer freely. Corn steady; demand fair. Bacon, short clear 49b. New York, Aug. 13, noon.—Flour quiet and steady. Wheat better. Corn lower. Pork steady: mess sls Old mess pork steady at sls steady. 5;00 p. m.—Flour, Southern unchanged and quiet. Wheat, spot firm and quiet; No. 2 red, August delivery nominal at 60cV$; September 80 9-16@81c. Corn, spot, steady and very quiet; No. 2, September delivery 4#>i(ft/ Oats lower; No. 2, August delivery Sep tember 3156<3431Uc. Hops firm. Coffee, spot fair Rio firm at l9J4c; No. 7 Rio. August deliv ery 17 WV. September J 7 90c. Sugar quiet but steady and unchanged: refined quiet. Mo lasses dull. Cotton seed oil quoted at 34@36c for crude, 41 (ft;43c for refineci. Hides moder ately active and steady. Wool quiet and about steady. Pork in moderate demand; mess slso* 15 25 for old. sls 50(g) 16 00 for new. Beef dull. Middles dull and nominal. Lard a trifle higher and quiet; Western steam, on spot $6 90, Sep tember delivery s‘i 91(ft0 93. Freights dull. Chicago, Aug. 13.—There were indications on ’Change to-day that the exciting interest re cently shown in corn might lx* short lived, and that the attention of operators and the public will again centre on wheat. The feature of trading was tlie fractional falling off in corn and the upward tendency iu wheat prices, while the operators have been watching the clouds for rain and chasing after high prices in corn. A very important shipping movement in wheat has been going on every day this week and lias shown light receipts at this point. Th* reports iils) show a gradual and decided decrease in re ceipts of nw wheat at St. Louis and otte-r points. The shipments both by rail and lake nave been sufficient to make quite a hole in the amount held in stores here by the time of the next weekly st atement Wheat. during most of the session, was in good, steady demand. Prices were advanced 4c and closed *>£e higher than vesfedav. The range was within lc. as follows: September opened at sold up to 70*4c early, sold down to the owning point about 11:39, and about 12:30 reached to 70*hio, after ward selling a little under. October opened at 74V4C. and after a few ups and downs touched 72c. December sold between 74H(9175J4c. Corn was quite active early in the session, nut later ruled rather quiet,with the feeling easier. More rain was reported in the com belt, and it was thought by many local operators that the in crease in acreage over last year more than makes up for tb* decrease on percentage of yield and the country will have about as much corn as usual. The market opened %<&V£c un der yesterday’s closing prices and advanced J4((i 4* •. ruled unsettled, but again became weaker, influenced by expected larger receipts, and closed lower than yesterday. For oats a comparatively easy market was quotable Au gust delivery exhibited a slight improvement, while September and October did not change materially from yesterday s closing, hut ranged a shade lower. The speculative market ruled easy. Cash oats were fairly active early at about yesterday's prices, but after a time the demand sumtided and the market liecame quiet. The provision market was dull, and, as one operator put it. there was more talking than business. Offerings were light and trading en tirely by local scalpers. Prices were confined to a narrow range and no changes occurred, ex ceot in January pork, which broke l x*. Cash quotations to-day rulel as follows: Flour quiet- and firm. Wheat. No. 2 09(/ 69G,c: No. 3 sprin r 6te: No. 2 rod 72c.“Com, No. 2, Oain, No. 2. Cvrp2s*4c. Mess nor; sls ijO. fyird. fM*r 10:) lb.-. $ 5 57*4- Short rib eides, loose, $8 01. Dry suite is jouldera, noxed. $5 6y(&. • jdK>rt cltiur bide.-, boxed, $8 8 40. Whisky $1 10. I/eadiug fuaims rang.vl a follows: Openiag. HigUcaU Closing. No. 2.Wheat— August delivery. 6884 601 j (ili'4 Sept, ilelivery... 09(14 70-54 70(4 ('rui.v— August delivery. 41 4154 4'O-fc, Sept, ilelivery. 4154 41 $4 4054 Oats — August delivery. 35 2514 25 Sej)f delivery. . 3544 3514 3554 Muss Pors— Year, per barrel.? ... sl2 30 sl2 25 Lari>— August delivery. $6 <5754 $6 60 JO 0754 Sept, delivery.. 6 5754 680 h 575a Short Itiris— August delivery. $8 on $ 05 *6 0254 ht*|it ilelivery... 8 0254 805 8 025a Bai.timork, Aug. IH.—Flour steady, with bet ter inquiry: Howard street amt Western super fine .".(id 2 75, extra $3 OOigpl 01, family Si "it 4 5. city mills sutiertine 82 250,2 :5. extra ?3 iki fJOtw; Itlo brands $4 2 0:4 30. Wheat South ern lirmrr; rc i. 1 <; amber *1 debit■; Wcitcru higher: No. 2 whiter red, on spot 7954®. BO*,-. Cora -Southern tinner; whims.4®,s4c, yellow .<2 0, 5 Bt. Louis. Aug. I.3.—Flour unchanged. Wheat, higher; the opening was weak, hut the demand Increased Kil l prices advanced, closing *4®} < ■ above yesterday: No. 2 red, cash and August de livery 6954 c; September 7684®71e, dosed at 71c. Corn 5401 hjc lower: cosh 830 Vqc. September delivery B<qs3is4c. closed ut 3754 c. Oats quiet ami eisler; cash 2454 c. September delivery 0,2454 c. Whisky steady at $lO5. Provisions qu ef LutlliriUJ. Aug. 13.—Oram quiet. Wheat— No. 2 rod tOc. Corn No. 2 mixed 44'40, t-5f oats- New27s4c. Provision*steady: liaison,clear rili sides * ' 45. clear sides 5,1.5(1. shoulders $635. Bulk meats—clear rib sides $b 125*. clour sides jx 1744, sen,tiers $6 <. Neu pork noinmal. Hams! sugar-cured at sll 25ft12 50. , laird, choice leaf SB. ClKCltmaTl, Aug. 18.—Flour tlrtner. Wheat strum-,', . No 2 rod 73fj74c. Corn dull; No 2 mixed 1 c Oats easier; No 2 mixed 28*4,-. Pror ■ , . in,l nnchapg'd Pork sl6 00. Lard $6 35. Bulk meats steady and unchanged. Bacon steady and unchanged : short ribs $9 12*4, short clear $9 37t*. Whisky active and firm at $1 05. Hogs stead3*: common and light $1 Uo<7j|> 5 10; 1 tacking and butchers $1 75(ZL5 20 New Orleans, Aug. 13.—Coffee quiet but weak; Rio cargoes, common to prime 17 9014 c. Cotton seed products unchanged. Sugar un changed; Louisiana open ket tL*. fully fair 5Hc; Louisiana centrifugals, choice yellow clarified (4£c; prime yellow clarified 6 3-l Cc. Molasses unchanged; Louisiana centrifugals, strictly prime to fancy 28(&33e, fair to good prime 22 &25c. NAVAL STORES. London. Aug. 13.—Spirits turpentine 2556d. New York, Aug. 13, noon.—Spirits turpentine dull at 32c. Rosin dull at $1 00® 1 10. 5:00 p. m.—Rosin dull at $1 pentine dull at 32c. Charleston, Aug. 13. —Spirits turpentine steady at 30c. Rosin steady: good strained 90e. Wilmington, Aug. 13.—Spirits turpentine steady at Rosin dull; strained 75c, good strained Bt)e. Tar firm at $1 40. Crude tur pentine firm; bard $1 10, yellow dip $1 75; vir gin $1 75. RICE. New York. Aug. 13.—Rice quiet but steady. New Orleans. Aug. 13.—Rice unchanged; Louisiana, ordinary to prime 4Vs(v4*y l c. SHIPPING 1 Vi KLLIGLNCi:. MINI AT UK E ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Sun Rises 5:26 Sun Sets 0:43 High Water at Savannah 3:18 a m. 4:19 p m Sunday, August 14, 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY Steamer Ethel, Gibson, Cohen's Bluff and way landiugs—W T Gibson. Manager. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Savannah. Smith. New York —C G Anderson, Agent. Steamship Dessoug, Howes, Philadelphia—C G Anderson. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Dessoug, Philadelphia. MEMORANDA. New York, Aug 11—Cleared, schr Bessie Whit ing. Dayton, Fernandina; Andrew Nebinger, Mavport, Fla; Waccamaw, Squires, Georgetown ami Bucksville. Genoa, Aug 7—Arrived, bark AlabamaP (ItAl), Pellengio, Pensacola. Brunswick. Aug 11—Arrived, brig Maria W Norwood, Atwood, Philadelphia, Sailed, schr Mary A Hull, French, New York. Fernandina, Aug 11—Arrived, schr W E Clowes, Satterly, New York, Cleared, brigs Zerelde (Br), Wickham, and W H Latimer (Bn. Davies, Deraerara. Georgetown, S C, Aug 10—Arrived, schr Nellie Floyd. Johnson, New York. Jacksonville. Aug 11—Arrived, sehrs Charley Bueki, Patterson. New York: Relief. Ganial, d#. Cleared, steamer Seminole, Kemble, New York; schr C R Flint, Dukeshire. Elizabeth port, N J. 9th—Arrived, schr Marcus Edwards, Outten, New York. Pensacola, Aug 11—Arrived, ship Havelock (Br), Meredith. Montevideo; bark Nellie Smith, Patterson, Sabine Pass. Cleared, barks Vedovak (Ital). Sigaro, New- ITort; Volpe (Ital), PassaJacqua, Genoa; Fratelli Tixi 1 Ital), Tixi, Cardiff; Elvina Curtis, Vera Cruz: Jos Baker. Eaton, Boston. Sat ilia River, Ga, Aug s—Arrived at Bailey's Mills, schr James H Woodhouse, Laury, Bruns wick Sailed from do 6th, bark Maury (Nor), Hansen, Rio Janeiro. New York, Aug 13—Arrived, steamships Etru ria, Livtrfiool; Havre. Arrived out, steamship rafessing. New York for Hamburg. MARITIME MISCELLANY. New York, Aug 11—The steamer Tonawanda, Brickley, hence Aug 10 for Savannah returned on account of slight derangement of machinery. NOTICE TO MARINERS. westhaven's island lighthouse. Notice is hereby given that the lighthouse on Westhaven's Island. Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia, was destroyed by fire on June 28. A temporary light has been shown since July 19, in the same position and at the same height above the water as the old one; it consists of a small dioptric lantern, hoisted on a mast about & teet above the ground, and shows a fixed white light. IMPROVEMENTS IN BAY OF FUNDY LIGHTS. Notice is hereby given that the illuminating apparatus at the light station of Partridge Island, Head Harbor and Swallow Tail, in the Bay of Fundy, have been changed from the ca toptric to the dioptric principle. All these lights will probably be found much brighter than iu the past They will contiuue to be as heretofore fixed white or bright lights. Partridge Island—Lat 45 14 20 N. lon 66 03 20 W. At t.liis station a new' iron lantern, painted red. has been erected on the octagonal wooden tower, which is situated Inside the old ramparts on the highest part, of the island The illumi nating apparatus is of the third order. The focus is 119 feet above high water mark and the light should be visible ajl around the horizon for 17 miles. Head Harbor—Lat 44 57 30 N, lon 66 53 52 W. At this station anew iron lantern, painted red, lias also been erected on the octagonal wooden tower, v* hlch has a dwelling attached to it. The focus of the fourth order illuminating apparatus is 64 feet above high water mark, and tn* 1 gill should be visible 18 miles from all points sea ward. Swallow Tail—Lat 44 45 48 N, lon 66 44 02 W. The tower stands near the edge of the high cliff, and has dwellings and outbuildings near it. The focus of the fourth order apparatus is 148 feet above high water mark, and the light should be visible from all points seaward 18 miles. William Smith, Deputy Minister of Marine. Ottawa , Aug. 9, 1887. RECEIPTS. Per Ktearner Ethel, from Cohen's Bluff and way landings—s 7 bbls rosin. 6 boxes eggs. 1 bell. 43 bbls spirits turpentine. 3coops chickens. 1 box wax, 1 sack mdse, 2 chides. Per Charleston and Savannah Railwqv. Aug 13 40 bbls rosin, 14 bbls spirits turpentine. 1 iron vice, 1 chest tools, 1 anvil, 2 plows, 2 tables, 4 chairs. 2 bbls tallow, 15 boxes tobacco, 18 pkgs tobacco. 4 bales plaids. 1 bale hides, 1 car wood, 2 boxes stained glass, 12 pkgs sofas, 1 bale bedding, 50 caddies tobacco, and mdse. Per Savannah, Florida and Weacern Railway. Aug 13 5 bales cotton, 867 bbls rosin, 13 cars pig iron. 372 bbis spirits turpentine. 146 sacks oats, 31 cars lumber, 1 car shingles, 3 cars wood, 1 car blocks, f car cattle. 1 car brick. 10 bbls onions, 17 boxes molding, 10 boxes tonacco, 12 saddles, 6 doz bar rows. 10 bbls whisky, 4 bbls bottles. 9 cases boots and shoes,7 trunks, 20 bales bides. 6 bales wool. 40 pkgs mdse, 12 bdls w paper, and mdse. Per Central Railroad. Aug 13—8 bales cotton. 9 bales \ai n, 131 bales domestics, 5 bales hides. 20 rolls leather, 58 pkgs Infineon, 564 bbls ream. 7,104 lbs bacon. 105 bbls spirits turpentine, 1,858 los fruit. 130 bbls lime, 1,285 bushels oats, J.V) sacks bran. 120 bales hay. 2 hf bbls whisky, 40 bbls !v*er, 125 hf bbls beer, 160 qr bbls beer, f>29 bushels corn, 56 pkgs t urn and h h goods. 250 bbl s hour. 2 bales paper stock. 125 pkgs empties. 1 pkg junk, 5 cars stone and brick, nO cases eggs, 173 pKgs hardware, 25 bbls grits, 5 cars melons, GO boxes candles. EXPORTS. Per steamship Dessoug. for Philadelphia - 2J bale . upland cotton. 47 bales paper stock, 163 bales (ioiiiesricti and yarn. 50 bulb rice. 79 sacks I ones, 5 > bbls rosin, 180 bbls spirit* tiirpen'Ju<, 79 j empties, 139 old car wheels, 69 bales mos., 14 bbls fruit, IGOL| tuns pig iron, 116 pkgs mdse. PASSENGERS. Per steamer Ethel, from Cohen’s Bluff and way landings --T F Davis, W B Danii ls and wife, L fl Fills, Win Green. A M Martin ir. Mrs EG Solomons, li B Green, CC Green, Miss L Wil son. CONSIGNEES. Per Ethel, from Cohen'h Bluff and wav lam tings Peacock, HA ( .'o, Baldwin <t Ib. Eill-i. Y A: Cos, J P WilliaiiiHA Cos, vv a Cooper, J ii Sullivan A Cos, Order, i Dasher & Cos, Geo W Parish. 1) B Letter. A ( ’ ( 'ampl^ll. Per (fiiarlsston and Sa van nab Railway. Aug 1 13 -TraiiKter (dflcc, Ellis, Y A Cos. Rinser &S, I luvi- A Son, E Blo<igert Cos. J McGrath & Cos. Frank A Cos, K B Cassela. M lioley A Son. >1 nry Ganihoni. H Myers A Bros, Peacock, H & Cos, E Sauk, E T iioljerte Jno Derst. Per s.i van nan, Florida and V. extern Railway. Aug 13—^Transfer Office. Jno Flaiumry & Cos, J (! ' anaugn J P Williams A* (*o, WW < !hisholrr). Eli % V JSc Go, 0 L Jones. 'V C Jacks .11. Baldwin A i'o, iVnc*H*k. H & Cos. ('iiosnutt A <J*N, Mra )1 Wmie. KT Roberts, Biotlg it. M A Cos. Cohen A li. M Y A D l Mclntire, Butler \ s, Fraul; 6c Cos, J S Collins 6c Cos, Bciidbelin Bros JL Cos. Kay A O, Lloyd it A. L.*e R*iy Myers £ Cos. Eckmaii A’ v, L I/)veil A Son, Mour Bros. Weed & ('. J E Ham mo id, K A Schwarz, Epstein &. W, C'rolian <& D, McDonough A Co.H Myers A Bros. S Guckeruieirnor Si Sou, Smith Bros £ Cos. K R Jieraiiule/. fi Y IlenderHon, Kavanaugli 6c 0, D Hogan. A Einstein k Sons. Undnay M. Arnold 6c T.Warnock a W, M Korst A Cos, Dale, D & Cos. A 1-effter. A Kiustein Ac Bro, Bacon, J A: CV>. W D I Wauie*. Savaunah Steam Bakery, W s Hjuvkin*, 1 Stillwell, PAM. VV K HI i too. j Per Central Raih'oad. Aug 18— Ford® Agt. ! II M Coiner A Cos, t 111*. YSt Cos, Baldwin A Cos, Peacock, H 6c Cos, J P Williams A Cos, C L Jones, AH Hull. GBMe A1 pin, J(J Bui hr. Cte>vlaai Br s. Southern Cotlon Cos. <4 WTiedeutan, M Fernt & Cos, W G Cooper. J 8 Collins A Cos, R j JMo I Im eio* * V +•• Frank A* (’, ,7 1 J Nevitt, L Putzel, A H Champion, .1 E Hamlet, Wilcox. G.V Cos. T P Bond Cos. M Boley A v Son, I Epstein & Bro. Pearson ,t S. H Solomon A Son, Weed 4C. G Eckstein ,£ Cos, Smith Bros 4 Cos, M Y Henderson, Neidlinger £ It, J W Tynan, W D Dixon, Stillwell, P & M, S Cohen, Geo Meyer, Mohr Bros, Bacon. J 4 Cos, H Myers & Bros. .1 C Shaw. II Wood.M Maclean, Fisher Bros, Launey 4 G, M S Belknap, Advice to Motners. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup should always bo used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little suffer at once; it produces uatural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain and the little cherub awakes as “bright as a button;” It is very pleasant, to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, re lievos wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes, 25 cents a bottle. $5 Boys’ Suits Reduced to $2 50. Iu moving to the northeast corner Con gress and Whitaker streets, we have laid one side, to clear out, 100 Boy’s Suits, every one of them costing $5 and over. Have re duced them down to $2 50 per suit. Come apd look at them at the Famous. BROKERS. W. J. Marshall. H. A. McLeod. MARSHALL & McLEOD, Auction and General Commission Merchants. —DKALEHS in- REAL estate and stocks and bonds. 11Broughton street, Savannah, Ga. Attention given to renting of houses ami col lecting of rents. A. L. HARTRIDGE, SECURITY BROKER, BUYS AND SELLS on commission all classes of Stock* ami Bonds. Negotiates loans on marketable securities. New York quotations furnished by private ticker every rtftiHin minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. CUMMINO. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., IBx*olkzex’s . ORDERS EXECUTED on the New York, Chi cago anil Liverpool Exchanges. LOTTERY. LSL CAPITAL PRIZE, $150,000. “H> do hereby certijy that ttm supervise the arrangements for all the hFonthly and Semi Annual Drawings of the Louisiana- State Lot tery Company, anil in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves , and that the same are condiu'ted with honesty, fairness , and m ?ooil faith toward all parties, and we authoring he Company lo use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached , in its adver tisements." Commission errs. HV the underrirjned Hank* and Ranker* will pay all Prizes drawn in the 1-ouiniana Slate Lot teries which way be. presented at our counter*. J. H OGLESBY, Pres. Louisiana Nat'l Bank. PIERRE LANAUX, Pres State Nat'l Bank. A. BALDWIN. Pres New Orleans Nat'l Bank. CARL KOHN, Pres. Union National Bank. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION' LJ Over Half a Million Distributed. LOUISIANA STATE "LOTTERY COMPANY. Incomorated in 18<>s for 25 years by the legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes —with a capital of to which a reserve fund of over has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its fran chise was made a part of the present State con stitution, adopted December 2d, A. D. 18711. The only Lottery ever voted on and indorsed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones Its Grnud single dumber Drawing* take place monthly, mid (lie Semi- A nmint Draw ings regularly every six mouths (June and December). A SPLKMHD OPPORTI MTV TO \VI\ A FORTUNE. NINTH GRAND DRAWING. GLASS I, IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY, Keptember I:*, lti.s7-'2oMli Modi hi v Drawing. Capital Prize, $150,000. t&~ Notice—Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves, $5; Fifths, $2; Tenths, sl. LIST OP PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF $150,000 $150,000 1 GRAND PRIZE OF 60,000.... 50,000 1 GRAND PRIZE OF aO.Uki 20,(100 2 LARGE PRIZES OF 10,000 20.000 4 LARGE PRIZES OF 5,000 .. 20.000 20 PRIZES OF 1,000.... 20,000 50 PRIZES OF 500.... 25.000 100 PRIZES OF aw. .. 30,000 200 PRIZES OF 200 40,000 500 PRIZES OF 100.... 60,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZV-g. 100 Approximation Prizes of S.'MO $30,n00 ioo “ •• a00.... 20, non 100 ■ “ •• 100... 10,000 1.000 Terminal “ 50 50,000 2,179 Prizes, amounting to $535,000 Application lor rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company In New Or leans. For further information write clearly, giving full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordi nurv letter. Currency by Express (at cur expense) addressed M. A. OAIPIIIY, New Orleans, La. or M. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C, Address Reeislered Letters to IM£\V OIIILAAsMTiOWL fMMi, Kew Orleon*, Lm. RFMFMRFR That the presence of G*n nu. ivl u. IVI JLn aval* Beauregard arid I'arly. who ar- in charge of the drawing*, in a guarantee of absolute fairness and integrity, that the chance* are ail equal, and that no one can pOH/.i-fly divine what number will draw a Pri/.e. HRMKAIHRH that the payment of all Prizes is Gt \T YNTKLD HV FOI It MIO.W L II WkK of N“w < rlcatis, and the Tickets am rdgned by the President of an institution wboao rum !'p* In -fitM are recognized in the highest Courts: therefore, l**\varrtof any imitations or a jonymous fchemes. CiKOC KUf Ks. Best Raspberry Vinegar, Qt. Bottles, - GOe Best Lime Juice, Quart Bottles, •- 35c Best Syrups, Pint Bottles, - • -45 e Best Vanilla, 4-Ounce Bottles, • • 25c Best Essence Lemon, i-Ouncc Bottles, • 20c Good Essence Vanilla, per Bottle.' • lOe Good Essence Lemon, per Botile, • • 10c AT— HIS LANG’S; 19 BARNARD STREET. MILLINERY. MCM >IILLI>KIIV At KROUSKOFF’S Mammoth Millinery House. We are now offering immense lines of New Straw Hats, Ribbons, Feathers, etc., which arc now being shipped daily by our New York buyer, and our Mr. Krouskoff, who is now North to assist in the selection of the Choicest Novelties in the Millinery Line. It is astonishing but a fact, that we sell fine Millinery cheaper than any retail store in New York. How can we do it? Cannot tell. This is our secret and our sue cess. Perhaps on account of large clearing out purchases or perhaps from direct shipments from London or Paris —but no matter so long as the ladies have all the advantages in stock and prices. W e are now ready for business, and our previous large stock will be increased, and we are now offering full lines of tine Milans in White and Colors, for Ladies, Misses and Children in an endless variety of shapes RIBBONS, RIBBONS, new novelties added and our regu lar full line entirely filled out. We knock bottom out in the price of Straw Goods. We continue the sale of our Ribbons at same prices as heretofore, although the prices have much advanced. We also continue to retail on our first floor at wholesale prices. 8. K HOT ; HTC< >HMT. WATER coolers RANGES AMD STOVES. CROWNED WITH THE GREATEST SUCCESS OF WWI THE OTiXD RELIABLE Charter Oak Portable Ranges ail Cooking Stoves, WITH THEIR WONDERFUL IMPROVEMENT, THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR, I TNIVKRSALLY CONCEDED to he the greatest Improvement over attached to a Cooking U Stove or Range. By the admission of fresh air into the oven in the form of mnall jet*. it purifies that xvhirli is otherwise vitiated, at the same time Having the juice which is the nourish ment of meats without the necessity of BASTING, and a considerable saving of time, labor ami weight suftlcient to pay for an ordinary Cooking Stove several times over. One of the featu *es of the CHARTER OAKS, with the WikK GAUZE DOOR, is that of BROILING STEAKS in the OVEN and not over the coals, thus avoiding the lo>s of juice, being burnt or tainted by smoke. Steaks broiled in a CHARTER OAK, with the WIRE GAUZE DOOR, becomes tender, iuicy andf delicious. All those who have used the old reliable (’HARTER OAKS know them tone a first class article, and will readily understand the theory of this truly wonderful improvement, they >'4ll heruld their success with unstinted pruim* and delight Toem is no nieehunical ingenuity required to understand how to operate the < 'HARTER <AK RANGES or STOVES, they ar** very simple in const motion, so muon so a child could work them. It Is the only Range h iving on* damper that will heat water hi the reservoir and bake well at tin* same time. We have so much confidence in the CHATEK OAKS, having had one in operation iu our store, that we are prepared to substantiate everything claimed for them. The public are cordially invited to call and hav* the theory of* the WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR fully explained, or send for descriptive circular to CLARKE & DANIELS, DEALERS IN PORTABLE RANGES, COOKING STOVES AND HOUSE FURNISHING SPECIALTIES, Gr IJ AliI) & ARMORY, Comer Whilaker and Yorit Streotw, Savannah, Georgia. ——' 1 £ TRUNKS AND SHOES. Our Trunks Have Arrived, And we are ready to show you the largest assortment ever brought to Savannah. It' you propose to take a summer va cation don’t wait until you are ready to leave, but come around to see us at, once and make your selection while our assortment is complete. Trunks, Trunks. Ladies’ Louisa Leather Saratoga Trunks, Ladies’ Lady Washington Leather or Zinc Saratoga Trunks, Gents’ Solo Leather Trunks, Ladies’ and Gents’ Leather Satchels, Ladies’ and Gents’ Leather Club Bags. All stylos and at Rock Bot tom Prices. Don’t Fail to examine our Gents’ Calf $3 Shoes, in Con gress, Lace and Button, best in the city, at JOS. ROSENHEIM & CO.’S POPULAR SHOE STORE, 135 BROUGHTON STREET. N. B. The repairs in our store having been completed we are again ready for business. IRON WORKS. KEHOE’S IRON WORKS, Broughton Street, from Reynolds to Randolph Streets, 1 - - Georgia. CASTING OF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, THE RAPIDLY INCREASING DEMAND FOR OUR SUGAR MILLS AND PANS a a IT AS induced uh to manufacture them on a more extensive wale than m l ever. To thai end no |i ins nr erpense has been spared to maintain Ttft their HIGH NTANARD OK EXI EI.LENCE. B These Mills are of the RENT MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, with heavy WROUGHT IRON SHAI !‘S tmade long to prevent, danger to the ■ B operator), and rollers of the best charcoal pig Iron, all turned up true. M ™ They are heavy, strong and durable, i'iui light ami even, and are gunran feed capable of grinding the heaviest fully matured All qur Mills ure fully warranted for one year. possess smoothness, durability and urnforniitv of sfir OdHctwi TO THOSE .MADE IN yfo,. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRkS TO BE AS LOW AS ANY OFFERED. A Large Stock Always on Hand for Prompt Delivery. \Vm. Ive hoe Sc Cos. N. B.—Th* nainf* “ KEHOE'S IRON WORKS.’ in vaxt on all our Mills and Pans. I I liSbUH, BLIN US, BTC . Vale Royal Manufacturing Cos. SAVANNAH, GA.; MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Wi, Doors, Ills, Halils, Few Ms, And Interior Finish of all kinds, Mouldings, Halusters, Newel l’osts. Estimates, pries Lists, Mould ing Hooks, and any Information In our Una furnished on application. Cypi-ess, Yellow Plus, Usfc Ash and \\ alnut LUMBER on baud and In any quantity, furnished promirtly. VALE ROYAL MANUFAOTTJJJINO COMPANY. Savannah. Ga 7