The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 17, 1887, Image 1

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< ESTABLISHED 1830. I ] J. H. ESTILL, Editor and Proprietor. f TORYISM’S DEATH KNELL. CONSERVATIVES UNABLE TO PUT ON A BOLD FRONT. London’s Editors Nearly of One Mind In Referring to the Significance of the Cheshire Eleotion—Dynamite Car tridge Exploded on the West Clare Railway Bridge at Ennis. London, Aug. 16.—The Daily News, re ferring to the Northwich election, snys: ‘■Seldom has any government a year after its formation met with such emphatic re buff. Aroma or simulooher of the dissident party still Hits about, the lobbies and benches of the House of Commons, but in the con stituencies it is not to be seen.” The Morning Post is depressed over the result, and urges the Conservatives to effect a better organization. It refuses to believe that the country is changing its mind in re gard to home rule. The Daily Telegraph says: “The Union ist converts have become perverts, and the Abstentionists have returned to their Glad stonian allegiance.” The paper attributes the ivsult in Northwich to the weakness of the Unionist candidate and campaign, and begs the Unionist leaders to abandon the belief that it is sufficient to send a candidate to a district with their blessing to secure voters.” The Times says the government will make a fatal mistake if they see in the recent elections any reason for decreasing their efforts to cope effectually with the forces of disorder in Ireland. KARL COWPKR’S ADVICE. Earl Cowpcr writes to the Times urging th. government to firmly support Earl Ca dogan's amendment to the land bill. To ac cede to the wishes of the opposition he says would mean revision of all the rents fixed in the last five years, which would inevita bly lead to a block in the land court. Mr. Brunner, the new Uladstonian mem ber for the Northwich division of Cheshire, took his seat in the House of Commons to day. He received an ovation from the Glodstonites. The government is still undecided as to the advisability of suppressing the National League. Two-thirds of the Conservative members of Parliament are against imme diate action. The Standard now openly advocates a coalition ministry. It admits that Mr. Gladstone is still followed by the bulk of the Liberals in the country through the anomalous position occupied by the Union ists. The Cabinet will sit to-morrow to decide finally upon the course of business during the remainder of the session. OUTRAGES IN IRELAND. Dublin, Aug. 16.—Two dynamite car tridges were exploded on the West Clare railway bridge at Ennis to-day. No serious damage was done. Two other cartridges were found on the bridge which had failed to explode. The town hall at Cruishen, county Clare, was fhe<l into to-day, but no damage was done. At the regular fortnightly meeting of the National League, to-day, Mr. Harris, mem ber of Parliament, announced that the re ceipts since the last meeting amounted to £2,1:18, of which 82,000 came from the Par liamentary Aid Society, of Now York. The Nationalists, he said, were on the eve of success. The victory in North wieh virtu ally made Gladstone Premier. When Mr. Gladstone brought forward his new edition of his home rule measure, he (Harris) hoped it would lie an advanced one. If the land lords got one half of what Mr. Gladstone offered them before they ought to be happy. FERDINAND THE FAITHFUL. He Will Preserve Intact Everything Connected With Alexander. Tiiinova, Aug. 10. —The garrison gave a banquet y esterday in honor of Prince Fer dinand. In reply to a toast the Prince ex pressed his devotion to Bulgaria and prom ised that he would preserve intact every thing with which tho name of Prince Alex ander was connected in view of Bulgaria’s love for its late ruler. Prince Ferdinand afterward reviewed the troops. TURKEY ASKS ADVICE. Constantinople, Aug. 16. —The Porte has sent, a circular to tho powers asking their advice as to the course to be taken by Turkey toward Bulgaria in view of Prince Ferdinand’s action. WIDENS THE BREACH. Berlin, Aug. 10.—Tho North German Olivette says the manifesto of Prince Ferdi nand, announcing his acceptanceof the Bul garian throne appeal's to lie intended as a declaration of Bulgarian innepondence and aggravates the breach of the treaty of Ber lin, of which he has been guilty. Germany, says the paper, cannot approve of Prince Ferdinand’s course. HELD AS A SPY. A French Prolessor Arrested on a Fort et Metz. Metz, Aug. 16.—1 t is reported here that M. Jenot, a French professor connected with the Lyceum at Nancy, was arrested yester day morning on the Glacis of Fort Alvenzto ben on suspicion of being a spy, and lodged in prison to await an inquiry. M. Jenot, the reports says,protested against his arrest, stating that he had simply wandered to the tort from tho village of Lorry where he "as spending his holiday. A later rt port has been received of the re lease of Prof. Jenot. A Hurricane at Bordeaux. Bordeaux, Aug. 10.—This city has been visited by a hurricauo, which destroyed an enormous amount of property. Tho storm fftisud a collision at Areachon of two excur sion trains, several cars were wrecked, and seventeen persons injured. ■he cyclone ravaged a great part of the sputh of France'. It was severest in the Department of Aude, where a number of houses wore destroyed and several persons Were killed. Bervia's Money Scooped. Belgrade, Aug. 16. —A commission ap- U’ii'ted to inquire into the condition of Her 'j : ‘ ii finances bus discovered serious deficits, 100 Finance Minister has ordered the se questration of the property of his predeces- M. Petrovich. Malta’s Malady. London, Aug. 16—At Malta during the fia-t twenty-four hours there were, nree now cases of cholera and two deaths. Prayers for Temperance. Ghu'aoo, Aug. 16. —The President of tho world’s Woman’s Christian T< mporance union, Mrs. Margaret Bright Lucas, of London, and Miss Frances E. Willard, Vice President for the United .States, and Miss thinnuh Whi tall Hmith, of Philadelphia, secretary, have sent out u call to the Chris tum women in every land mid of every de nomination who are interested in temper ance reform to observe Nov. 12 ami 18 next days of prayer for the success of the w'ork m which thev ae on.’" , f*d. ®he iftofnina VICTORIA’S JUBILEE. She Reciprocates the Good Wishes of President Cleveland. Washington, Aug. 16.—The following reply to the President’s congratulatory tele gram, sent on the occasion of her jubilee celebration, has just been received from Queen Victoria: Victoria, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great JJ-ntain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, Empress of Jjjdia, etc., to the President of the United States of America, Sendeth Greeting: Ovn Friend—We have received from the handset' Mr. Phelps, United States Minister at our Court., a letter which you addressed to us on the 26th of May lust, and in which you convey your congratulations and those of the people of the V sited States on the occasion of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of our accession to the throne. We request you to accept our best thanks for tins proof of friendship and good will, which, with similar proofs, we have received from the rulers and people of other States, has caused us most sincere gratification. In thanking you al3o for the choice which you have mad.- of Mr. Phelps to be interpreter of your sentiments on this occasion, we request you to accept in return our best wishes for your own uninterrupted happiness and welfare, and for the prosperity of the United States of America, And so wo recommend you to the protection of the Almighty. Given at our Court, at Windsor castle, this eighteenth day of July, in the year of our Lord 1887, and in the fifty first year of our reign. Your good friend, It. I. Salisbury. Victoria. CHATSWORTH’S CRASH. The Policy of the Road in Relation to Claims for Damages Uncertain. Chicago, Aug. 16.—The Times' special from Peoria, 111., says: “Many of the friends and relatives of the Chatsworth dead were at the railroad company’s gen eral office to-day, and considerable specula tion is heard as to the possible action of the company relating to a settlement of claims. The road is by no means in good financial condition. Its stock, or at least the greater part of it, is owned by parties in New York city or represented there. The officers of the company are reporting to the stockhold ers the exte,nt of the calamity and all the facts connected therewith. As soon as these reports have been reviewed and digested the line of policy will be marked and com municated to the officials here. Then pub lic announcement of the action of the com pany will be made. The aggregate loss, measured by precedents, will amount to some hundreds of thousands of dollars.” A Times special from Peoria, 111., says: “At the investigation by the Railroad and Warehouse Commission of the Chatsworth disaster, Hunt. Armstrong was recalled. After filing over again the story of his experience in the wreck, he said his opinion as to the cause of the fire was no better than that of any one else. He believed the local freight train passing at 4:30 o’clock dropped coals which were not seen by the section foreman. He did not believe in the story that thieves set fire to the bridge.” RIDDLEBERGER SET FREE. Physicians Certify That He is Not Able to Stand Confinement. Winchester, Va., Aug. 16. — Senator Riddleberger is still in jail, and the grand jury has been summoned to receive testi mony against the mob that released him. It is thought that sufficient testimony will be forthcoming to convict the rescuers. Every thing is very quiet. HOLDING a LEVEE. Baltimore, Aug. 16. —A dispatch to the Sun from Woodstock, Va., says: “Senator Riddleberger, after delivering himself up yesterday, sat all day on the portico in front of the jail, where he held a levee with his friends, as he did to-day. At noon to-day he walked off, but was arrested on the street, and brought back. At 7 o’clock this even ing he walked off again. Jailer Harry Shull made a grab at him, but the Senator walked off up the street without molesta tion. Judge Newman was this after noon informed that the Senator’s con dition was such as to render confinement dangerous. He thereupon appointed three physicians as a commission to ascertain and certify to the facts. Their reports confirmed the information already received, and Judge Newman issued an order to Jailor Shull sus pending the sentence of ten days for con tempt of court until such time ns Senator Riddleberger may be in a fit condition to be returned to jail. The friends of the Sena tor say he is not in condition to know what ho is doing. HANDS RED WITH BLOOD. A Truck Farmer Found Murdered—No Clue to His Slayer. Charleston, 8. C., Aug. 16.—This city was excited to-day by another mysterious murdor, which happened in the same section where the McKnight murder occurred three years ago. The victim is a white man named T. J. Croghan, about 45years of age, who was engaged in planting a truck farm near the city boundary in the northwestern suburbs. Croghan lived alone in a house on the farm, and was generally reported to have kept his money on the premises. He was last seen alive last night about 7 o’clock, when he went into the house to prepare his supper. This morning his body was found lying on the piazza badly bruised and battered, and with a load of buckshot in his’ side. The murderer had entered the hous, it is supposed, while Croghan was eating supper, shot Him with a shotgun or musket loaded with shot, and then started to drag the body out of the house, when he was evidently frightened and left it lying on the piazza. A silver watch that Croghan had on is missing. An inquest was organized, but there is abso lutely no cilia to the murderer’s identity, and the case threatens to be enveloped in the same unsol vabie mystery that still en velops the McKnight murder. DUVAL’S MURDERERS. The Six Men Implicated Sentenced to Ton Years Imp isonmont. Galveston, Aug. 16.—A s|>ecial to the News from Eagle Fuss savs: “United States Vice Consul Mitchell returned yesterday from Santa Rosa, Mex., where he went to investigate the recent murder o.t that place of James H. Duval, an American citizen. He brings intelligence that the murderers, six in number, have already been convicted and sentenced to ten years imprisonment, ami are now on their way to the peni tentiary at Salkillo. Another man, who made a remark that they ought not to bring the -Gringos’ body in a cart, but tie a rope around his neck and drag him in, was ar rested by order of the Judge and given the same sentence as the others. The property of the deceas'd is now iu possession of the Consul, who holds it at the disposition of the heirs.” A Burglar Shot. Mobile. Ala.. Aug. 16-This morning early n negro named Jerry Hoilinacauietoa window of the Government street residence of Wiuston Jnnos.R prominent citizen, and in attempting to open it made a noise which aroused Mr. Jones, who fired through the window, hitting Hollins iu the nss-'K. The wound la prnlmldv mortal. SAVANNAH, GA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17. 1887. READS LIKEA ROMANCE. AN EMBEZZLER STEALS ON THE ADVICE OF A LAWYER. The Culprit a Fugitive Since 1885— The Bank from Which He Stole $160,000 Runs Him Down in Lon don—The Eratwhlle Lawyer Placed Under Arrest. New York, Aug. 16. — Richard Seaman Scott, who absconded with $160,000 ttiat be longed to the Manhattan Bank, of which he had been an employe, in 1885, and about whoso disappearance and whereabouts there was such profound mystery—at least to the public—has made a confession before Con sul General Waller at Loudon, For a time there were all manner of rumors about bis location, but after a spasmodic story, which it took over a year to tell in the newspapers, it was dropped by the public. The people who were directly interested ir. the ca-sefwore more active, and have long since known of his movements. Suit has just been insti tuted in the Supreme Court which dis closes not only Scott’s action, but the fact that he was not alone in this stupendous de falcation. This suit is against John R. Dunn, Scott’s colleague, for the recovery of $140,000. nature of the documents. The documents included in this caso em brace an affidavit by the defaulter, which is a statement of the history of the case, but it is in truth a confession of his theft. Scott, according to the complainant, was for twenty years a trusted employe of the Man hattan Company up to June 1, 1885. In the latter part of his service he was paying toiler of the bank. Most of the time he had in his custody daily over $1,000,000. On June 1, 1885, he absconded with $160,000, which he never returned. The public has never heard from him since that time until to-day, when this suit was made known. He is now in London, Eng., where he has been since September, 188.'). The counsel for the hank on Monday obtained an order from Judge Donohue for the arrest of Duun in their suit against him. DUNN ARRESTED. At 2 o’clock in the afternoon of that day Dunn was arrested by the officers of the Sheriff at his stock brokerage office, No. 56 New street. Dunn, for many years, was a practicing lawyer in this city, and at one time had a desk in the office of ex-Judge Fullerton. In the last four years he has been In the brokerage business. In the complaint it is charged that Dunn got the money out of Scott, that he was the guilty party, and that os he controlled and gov erned Scott, he induced him to steal the money. The principal foun dation for the "suit is in affidavits by relatives of the embezzler, and the princijial one of these is by Scott him self. It is voluminous, and was drawn up in the presence of and acknowledged by United States Consul General Waller at London, on June 14, 1887. In it Scott states that at various times prior to June 1, 1885, he extracted small sums of money from the safe, which aggregated about SIO,OOO. This he liad lost in speculation on the “street.” THREATENED WITH EXPOSURE. About this t ime there was a change in the administration of the bank, Scott feared that this change might cause an investiga tion of the bank’s affairs. This would of course disclose his irregularities. John R. Dunn, a cousin of Scottrs wife, was practic ing law then and Scott hastened to uim for advice. Dunn asked him how much money was within his reach. Scott replied that at times there was over a $1,000,000 in his charge. Dunn addressing Scott said: “My advice to you is to take $1,000,000. It will be enough to cripple the bans, and enable you to go to Canada. If you take a small amount people will laugii at you, but if you take a large amount people will say you are smart, and you will compel the bank to compromise.” THE BOOKS NOT ALTERED. Then Dunn asked him if ho had altered the books, saying that if he hail done so ho could lie held for forgery, and extradited from Canada. Scott, however, said that he had not done so. Dunn then said that he would look the question up in the law library of the Equitable building, and let him know the following afternoon whethor or not it was safe for him to go to Canada. Scott mot him by appointment after the close of banking hours. Dunn took him into the consulting room of the law library and told him that tho decisions in the books were in conformity with his advice. Then another meeting was arranged for the following day at a place opposite Terrace Garden. They met and spent lour houra in discussion. Dunn told him he had had experience in the office of Judge Fullerton, and that, Scott, neod have no fear as he (Dunn) was too smart to lie caught or to permit anybody to get ahead of him. ADVISED TO DISGUISE. He advise 1 Scott to get an old suit of clothing, shave off his moustache, travel set:ond class to Canada, disguise himself as much as possible, and do as little talking as possible. He advised Scott not to write to nimself or any friends in New York in the common way, because detectives often caught people by watching their corres pondence. Ho also advised him to address him as “W. M. Culverson, box 1061, New York post office,” to which ho had a koy. All letters to friends were to be addressed and placed in an envelope bearing the above oddras. They par led to meet at Central Park, Sixth avenue entrance, on the following afternoon. When Scott went to the bank aoxt flay he took $300,000 in gold and silver ‘-ortifloates of the denomi nation of $5,000, SI.(XX) and SSO and placed them in a package which ho concealed about his person. DUNN GETS THE SWAG. He met Dunn at Central Park, and they went to a secluded spot and talked. Duun asked him if he had any friends with whom to leave the money, telling him that under international treaties if ho carried eny stolen property into Canada he could lie arrested and extradited. Scott said that he had no one with whom to leave it. DUNN’S GREAT KINDNESS. “Then," said Dunn, “I feel so warm a re gard for Cousin Lizzie (she is Scott's wife) that 1 would and > for yen what I would do for no other person on earth, take charge of that package, the contents of which I need not know, and take care of it subject to your order ut ull times.” He explained that if he took the money knowing that it iielonged to the Lank, it would make him liable for felony. This was Friday. They agreed to meet Monday. Scott went to the bank next day and re placed the 8300,000, determining to mako an effort to borrow enough money to make up the deficiency of SIO,OOO. In this he failed. Finding it impossible to get Uio necessary money before going to the bank on Monday he got a disguise. A FRIEND or THE CLERKS. Scott had road about the Park Bank de falcation. He saw tliat the directors cut down the salaries of the clerks, in order to make up the deficiency. He felt friendly toward the clerks in the Manhattan Com rvanv, many of whom were good fellow* so lie determined to take only $150,000, in or der that there might bo no cut in their sal aries At the close of banking hours ho made a little calculation as to what he could do with the money. He figured that he could pny Dunn, have enough to compromise any civil suit with tho iionk, and enough to live ou tho rest of his life. When he took tho money he put it in two packages—one of $140,000 and the other of SIO,OOO. Ho went to Central Park and met Dunn. They walked to a secluded sjiot and Scott pulled out the $140,000 (tackage and said to Dunn: “There’s the money.” Dunn looked around, saw that, he was unobserved, and put it in his inside pocket. THE FAREWELL. Scott said: “Dunn, I shall leave to-night.” They shook hands and parted, Scott went down to the Grand Union Hotel, whero he had been stopping, assumed his disguiso mid took the evening train for Montreal. He shaved off his moustache on the wav. He arrived on the following morning. lie did not stop in Canada long, visiting only quiet and secluded points. He corresponded as Dunn hail directed under various aliases. Dunn’s letters consisted principally of newspaper clippings about the, defalcation. He also sent Scott money in bills of SSOO and SI,OOO. Scott took passage on the Allan line steamer for Europe in September of 1885. He has resided in London ever since. He has lived economically. His wife joined him in Muv, 1386. Before she started she handed to W. D. Searls, Scott’s brother-in-law, $3,000, saying that she thought her husband owed him that sum. PUT IT IN A BANK. He deposited it in his own name. When in connection with this suit, he was asked to expilain why he had kept it, he said that he had never drawn it, suspecting that it might belong to the Manhattan Bank. In June just past he handed it to the hank’s counsel. Scott corresponded with Dunn and Mrs. Jennie A. Searles, his sister-in law, from London. He had received money there amounting to $20,000. In the latter part, of 1886 attempts at a compromise with the bank were made by Scott, various sums lieing mentioned. In December of that year he asked the bank to give him a general re lease for $60,000. It was said that this offer was accepted by the bank. He wrote Dunn, telling him'to get ready to pay that sum. SAID HE HAD LOST THE MONEY. Dunn replied in January, 1887, that he had lost all the money. Then came a crisis and proceedings wore instituted. Dunn’s stories and actions inspired disbelief in his good faith towards Scott and his stories of losses were discredited. When Duun was arrested he stood at a ticker in his office reading tho tape. He was coo], calm and reserved, and glanced at the papers presented by the officers without, any show of nervousness. He was taken before Sheriff Grant, and was told that, he would have to get, bail in the sutn of $150,000. In default of this he was taken to Ludlow street jail. Dunn is 38 years old, a batchelor, and lived in Brooklyn. He will be indicted. There is an indictment against Scott, but he can’t be extradited. He, is 42 years old COLUMBIAN BANK CROOKS. The Affairs of the Institution Crimi nally Mismanaged. Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 16. —The Evening Telegraph this afternoon devotes considerable space to an article on the af fairs of tho suspended Columbian bank, in which it says tho failure of the Columbian bank has given birth to some very ugly ru mors of alleged irregularities, and to some talk of possible prosecution. The affairs of the bank are still in a state of chaos. The assignees are trying to get some light on its business methods. Their investigations have shown that it was very carelessly managed, and that a large portion of its assets consist of merchandise which lias little, if any value, 'rhe assignees refuse to talk about the affairs of the hank, saying that they have tieen plac ed there to protect depositors, and that they are trying to perform their duty. Being a state: hank, the laws required sub scriptions to be paid in money, and not in promissory notes. It, made the stockholders liable for twire the amount of tiieir stock. Tho charge is now made tliat President I’ti ill ips secured control of tho stock by issuing shares to himself and to members of his family or relatives whom he could represent. It is said that in payment tor u portion of the stock he gave promissory notes instead of money, and that when failure was imminent these notes wore withdrawn and utilized to raise money ami securities having a face value, but practically worthless, were sub stituted. NEW ORLEANS’ BAD GANG. Ward Politicians Get in a Row in a Saloon, and Shoot It Out. New Orleans, Aug. 18.—Tjast night a party of ward |>oliticiaus were drinking in a St. Charles street saloon, when a quarrel ensued between John Neill, a clerk in the Civil District Court, Owen Roper, an ex deputy sheriff, James Doran, a special officer, and some others. Neill struck Roper with his fists, and pistols were immediately drawn and discharged. When tho smoke cleared away, Neill was found with a bullet hole through his breast and another in his side. Doran handed a pistol to the bar keeper mid was arrested, .is were also three others of the party. Neili was taken to the hospital, where ho is dying. RAISED FROM $25 TO $25,000. A Montreal Stationery House Fleeced By its Bookkeeper. Chicago, Aug. 16. —The News' Montreal special says: “J. X. Page, bookkeeper of the large wholesale stationery house of C. O. Beauchomin & Cos., raised a $25 check to S2S,(XX) on the Jacques Cartier bank to-<iay, cashed it and absconded. Ho is well con nected and lias been in the employ of the house for five years. Ho has been specu lating in bucket shoiis lately, and it is said, lost SIO,OOO in ouo of the establismentS.” BENNINGTON’S BATTLE. Tho Corner-Stone of the Monument Laid With Great Pomp. Bennington, Vt., Aug. 16.— The corner stone of the Bennington battle monument was laid this afternoon with imposing cere monies, und in the presence of the largest crowd that ever gathered in the village. Business was practically suspended, every thing beinggiven up to the exercises of the occasion. The great procession consisted of military, civic, ana Masonic divisions. Among those who participated in the cere monies were the Governors of Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Blind Tom’s New Master. Alexandria. Va., Aug. 16.—“ Blind Torn,” under order Of Judge Bond, of the United States Circuit Court, was to day turned over to A. J. Lerche for his new committee, Mrs Eliza Bet lame, of New York, by J. A. Betlnine, iu the United States Court room. Tom at first declined to go, but finally reluctantly consented, and left for New York this afternoon, declaring, however, that ho would not play again until be came bac . to Virtrl/iis. FARMS MUST MAKE MONEY THE INTERSTATE CONVENTION TO POINT OUT THE WAY. Commissioner Henderson Emphasizes the Importance of the Agricultural Industry-Gov. Gordon Welcomes tho Delegatos to tho State Henry W. Grady Delivers a Characteristic Speech, Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 16. —The Interstate Convention of the farmers mot at DeOive’s Opera House at 10 o’clock this morning. There was a large attendance mid tho dele gates were from the bout class of farmers. The meeting was called to order by Hon. J T. Heiglerson, Commissioner of Agriculture of Georgia. Prayer was offered by Rov. Henry Clay Morrison, pastor of the First Methodist church. A short address was made by Commis iouer Henderson outlining the history of the movement which resulted in the conven tion. Ho asked for full discussion of the various causes supposed to impede agri cultural progress. Among the subjects mentioned were the credit system, guano, all cotton, protective tariff, etc. At the conclu sion of Commissioner Henderson's remarks Gov. Gordon was introduced us temporary chairman. Tho Governor said that every thoughtful patriot would hull the assem bling of the convention as u promise of good. The basis of agriculture was as broad as the earth, and the success of agri culture as important us the ocres around it. THE GUARDIAN OF ALL. The interests of all are embraced in tho one science. Agriculture is the guardian of every conceivable interest of society. De stroy agriculture, and nothing could live, but, agriculture could live though everything else were dead. Lot agriculture die, aim commerce dies, ships rot at their wharves, tho system of railroads becomes a silent, mockery, and an arid waste of desert 1 incomes the fittest representative of the most beautiful cities. If that he true, and it is true, no words can sufficiently empha size the importance of a convention of farmers. The plow is the forerunner of civilization, and to find the cause which brings depression is the commanding duty of every lover of his country and his race. If agriculture is not remunerative, there is somo mistake. Where is it? The conven tion is here to find it. The trouble is not, in the Southern climate, soil or seasons, God might have made all good land, but it did not please Him to do so. This, a land of sun light, without sunstroke, a little sun brownad perhaps, but greatly sun-blessed. MR. GRADY’S SPEECH. At the conclusion of his address tho Gov ernor introduced Henry VV. Grady, saying that as Comniander-in-Chief of the army and navy of Georgia he hail commanded Mr. Grady to appear and welcome the far mers to the State'. Mr. Grady made one of his happy and characteristic speeches. “It was announced in yesterday’s Consti tution," said Mr. Grady, “that I was to de liver this address of wells one, anil as it is niy duty to maintain the veracity of that highly respected newspaper, even to my embarrassment and your discomfiture, I am here. lam astonished tliat Gov. Gordon, at once my Governor and my friend, in delivering a welcome himself, added magisterial authority. I do not profess to an eloquence I never hope to have and delegated tho duty to me. I am astonished that he, foremost in every charge for your promotion and last from every broach in which your rights are threat ened should have shirked this duty, and laid it on the shoulders of his humble but loving constituent, leaving me to inarch behind the blazing path of ills eloquence much as a one-armed woodchopper would follow tne track of a Soutn Georgia cyclone. [Laughter.] NOT WELL UP ON AGRICULTURE. “He has not done so because of my agri cultural knowledge. Ho knows tliat lam the only liviug man who knows less about agriculture than he does. [Laughter.] But he knows that he can’t beat me in licing glad to see you. [Applause.] As mortal man cannot gild tho sunset, nor paint the lily, so is there no heartier welcome than when a Georgian says,‘My friend, I wel come you to mv home.’ ” He eulogized the farmer as a “man who lives not by percentage but by creation; who strikes the earth on her spring breast and fills himself from her fountains. He stands stalwart and independent in the sweat of Ids brow, looking tt.e sunshine into the golden glory of his harvest and spreading showers in the verdure of his fields, conscious of the integrity of his labor that enriches man. while ne honors God.” He then dis cussed the cotton plant and its enormous revenue to the Boutli. A TRIBUTE TO KINO COTTON. Of cotton he said: “What a royal plant it is! Tho world waits in attendance on its growth. The shower tliut falls whispering on its loaves is heard around its earth. The sun that shines on it is tempered by the prayers of ull the people. Tlie frost that chills it and tho dew that descends from the stars is noted, and the trespass of the little worm on its green leaf is more to England than the advance of tho Russian army on her Asian outposts. It is gold from the instant it puts forth its tiny shoot. Its fibre is cur rent in every bank, and when loosing its (locoes to the sun it floats its snowy banner that, glorifies the field of the humble farmer, that man is marshalled under a Hag that shall compel the allegiance of the world and wring subsidy from every nation on earth.” ALWAYS FOB THE SOUTH. He then stated that this income was fixed and peculiar to the South, not her’s this yenr and her neighbor's the next, but her’s (•very year, the heritage thut G<xl gave this peoplo forover a- tiieir own when He arched our skies, established our mountains, girt us about With ocean, loosed the breezes, tempered the sunshine and measured the min, ours and our children’) forever—as princely a talent as ever came from His hand to mortal stewardship. Mr. Grady then slid: “If this enormous revenue of $406,000,006 per annum could lie kept at home, and th" (-implies that wo eat were raised on our farms, and the articles we buy of the North were manufactured in our cities, in ten years tho cotton Mt itci would be the richant section of the glolie.” THE CITIES DOING THF.Ht PART, He then -liow.d tliat the cities were doing their |>ort in keeping at home this enormous revenue. He said: “There are 330, (XX) ar tisan* at work in the South today that were not here in 1880, and this does not in clude the thousands that arc build ing now enterprises. We mnnufiv turod last, year, $213,000,(XX i worth of articles that six years ago we bought fro:u the North or 'Vest, ill the six years following th<* cotton exposition, 173 new cotton will* have been built in the Houth, starting 1 ,(XX),(XXI new spindle*. The South is witnessing to-duy an industrial revolution for which history lias no prone dent. Figures do not measure it, and amazement is simply limited bv comprehen sion STOPPING THE GOLDEN OUTFLOW “If the Piedmont Exposition can fairly. >itc* re it. Hi it . ■ • ■ i miracle of the day, At every turn we stop the outflow of money. Hix years ago Georgia bought ltUl.iHXl ions of commercial fertilizers, for which she paid 17.000,000, every dollar of whioh went North. Last year she used 100,050 tons, of which 135,000 tons were made in Georgia, of Carolina phosphates, Georgia cotton meal and sulphuric acid reduced from natural iron pyrites. Thus one Htate in one Item lias obreUod an outflow of $•!,- IXX),(XK> pier annum, and will double the ca nacity of her factories in another year. Twenty years ago we wasted three million tons of cotton stsvl by dumping it into the river or burning it. Lust year worstn M)O.(XX) tons through 1411 oil mills, extracting SB,OtX),- 000 worth of oil reftnod into $14,000,000 value and turned back cotton meal to the farmer, bettor for food or l'ertiliiwr than before it wus robbed of its oil. The fertilizing value of the cotton seed which was burned or drowned twenty-two years ago is $140,000,- 000, more than tho rye, out and wheat crops of the Northwest combined. TUB IRON PRODUCTION. “More amazing thou all, In 1880 the South produced 400,001) tons of iron, and in 1887, 850,000 tons. This increase of 4.17,000 tons in seven years startled the world. But there arc now in actual process of eroction thirty-ouo Iron furnace* in the South with a capacity of 11,01X1 tons per day, or 1,000,000 tons per annum, so that where we increased 450,000 tons in seven years wt* will now Increase 1,000,000 tons In one year. ” Mr. Grady gave other figures at length, showing the enormous growth of indus trial rnovemoifts In the Mouth. He then praised the work of tho Southern farmer who, out of nothing twenty years ago but bare lands and desolated Helds, bad produced last year a crop of #715,01X1,000. In closing he said: "I thank God over and again for the time aud place of iny birth; that I came into manhood when the South, merging from unspeakable sorrow, pros trated and impoverished, called her sons to her side, aud that I was born of her bosom and sworn to her service. WOULD HAVE TOUCHED HIM IF AN ALIKS. “Had i been an alien her sorrows would have touched me, as I should have sought her banner. But, born of her soil and hold ing heirship in her sorrows, I have never had mi aspiration which was not berg. Have you thought, my countrymen, of the glorious work of our hands and the glori ous crisis in which we wero born? We stand for the integrity of a splendid civilization, from tho spirit of which we cannot in honor or reverence depart but which wo must carry unstained into new conditions, it is ours to show that the lund that prospered with slaves, shall prosper yet more with freedom; that a peo ple devoted in war shall triumph in (mare, and that set apart for a century they shall enter the lists in poverty and emerge in prosperity; hold sacred every honorable tradition, yet turn their faces, steadfast, and dauntless, to tho future. How are we keeping this trust! AUK FARMERS LOSING GROUND! “There are those who say that our farmers are losing ground and being driven back warti from their farms ns our fathers were driven backward from Appematox anti Chattanooga. This convention may decide that farmers in the South ai-e in worsa-eeu dition than they wore ten years ago. Is this true, and if so why is it! Wo have a land unsur)iassed in richness anti fertility, a climate enriched, winter is but a passing breath, ami spring and autumn meet in the heart of summer. Corn, cotton, clover, tobacco, wheat, and grasses grow in one inclosure. Peach and apple ri|>en m the same orchard, and we grow every fruit from the pineapple to the Siberian crab. Our forests are exhaustions, our mines rich, our quarries untouched, our I antis perfect. Are our men lacking! Why! in manliness and courage our father* gave us a richer herit age than in the broad acres they be queathed. Tho blood of tho old South is as tender as ever, foil by hourt of woman, as ardent as ever blazed in veins of soldier. The engaging tenderness of the cavalier let into the sturdy Anglo-Saxon current, the rich red lilts si of strongmen that run as water at honors call, aud never stained where it touched. MUST NOT FALTER IN ÜB. “Shall this blood which jioiirx through a century luminous with high achievements into our veins, shall it falter first in us and he tlriven bock on irresolute parts? ls-t us make a compact, here to-day, my country men. earnest men on an earnest purpose, that if it bo true that we are losing ground, we will search for the mistakes and errors in the working of our system, mid at any cost east them out forever. Stifling every ambition, crushing every prejudice, putting aside all preferences, let us gather about the garments of our old mother, labor ing and troubled, distraught with griefs and problems, and give her, as long a.s we live, tireless arms and hearts. There is no ambition so noble af to he first at. her tort and last in her no end so glorious as at the close of a long and devoted life to sink to rest on her bosom, tranquil nnd content as a little child that falls to sleep in it* mother’s anna and rests untroubled in the shadow of her smile.” With n few practical words of advice, Mr. Grady closed amid round after round of applause. At I) o’clock this afternoon the committee on permanent organization reported t lie fol lowing gentlemen ns officer* or the body, the report ts>ing unanimously adopted: J. 8. Newman, of Auburn, Ain., Presi dent; Vico Presidents, If. K. Barker of Ar kansas, N. F. Kolb of Alabama, L. F. Feathernton of Arkansas, H. R. Fairbanks of Florida, W. J. Northern of Georgia, G. G. Zenor --f Louisiana, Aleck Mefver of North Carolina, I) M. Russell of Mississippi, Walter Gregory of Tennessee. E. K. Mcfvor of Mouth Carol iila, and B. J. Kendrick of Texas. W. S. Do Wolf and S. W. Postell, of Geor gia, we rechosrn secretaries. Col. Thomas C. Howard read tho report and programme of the committee. To-night Hon. L. L. Polk, of North Caro lina, addressed the convention on the "De fects of the Agricultural System of the Cot ton States." PROF. BAIRD BETTER. A Belief That He will Not be Able to liesumo Hla Position. Washington, Aug. Hi.—The friends of Prof. Spencer F. Baird, director of the Smithsonian Institution and President of the Unitisi States Fish Commission, were relieved to-day by the intelligence from Woods Hah. Mass., where Mr. Baird is stay ing at the Fish Commission headquarters, that ho is bettor. They have-bevnoxpeoting tho announcement of lus dftttli every day lorn week. They do not think lie can recover permanently. In the event of his death Prof H. P. Langley, lab' of assis tant secretary of the Smithso iliii. would probably lie made its secretary and director while Prof. M. Brown Goode would proba bly bo given the management of the United Htate* Fish Commission. Prof. Baird has held both office*, but. the double work has 1 • •osl hiiifliis health, if not his life. Key West's Fever. Key W est, Aug. IC.—Four now cases of | fever and one death are reported since "tftiCiViS Y l PRICE 810 A YEAR. I j S CKXITS A COPY, f UTESINFULL WAR PAINT. THE COUNTRY ALL ON FIRE BBS* LOW THE TOWN OF MEEKER. Brave Sheriff Kendall Surrounded by tho Redskins, and Troops Started from Denver to Rescue Him-A Cat* tie Company’s Manager Forced ttf Ride at Full Tilt for His Life, Chicago, Aug. 10. —A special dispatch from Green Junction, Col., says: “Tuo manager of tho Philadelphia Cattle Com* pony came in yesterday from Colorow’B camp, to the Uintah reservation below Rungeley. Tho Indians forced his party hack urn) drove thorn before them at full speed. Docker, Roth, and other cattlemen are riding night and >lay gathering up their cattle and hurrying them from the Whi’e river range. All the settlers hi that locality have Ihicii warned by white couriers to l-v-k out, aud they are abandoning everything to get away before the Indians can arrive from the reservation." THE COUNTRY ALL ABLAZE. A special from Rawlins, Wyo., savo: "A messenger has just arrived from river, Col., who reports that, about 1.10 Utes aro lighting at 1 leaver Creek, fli'eceii miles from Meeker. Families are rushing into Meeker nnd more Indians are coming. The country is ull on tiro below Meeker be tween White and Bear rivers. Mr. Golden, the messenger, Is trustworthy. One hun dred mounted men are ready and will march ou tho Utes. The women uro making bandages ami tho town is thoroughly ex cited. ” NOT REPORTED TO GEN. TERRY. No continuation of tho rumored conflict with Colorow’s band of savages has been re ceived at Gen. Terry’s h- adquarters, in this city, where any official news would be first learned. Gen. Terry’s jurisdiction include* the troubled district, and Gan. Cook, who is in the immediate command of the troop* nearest the scene of hostilities, is under ex press instructions to wire all obtuinuldo in formation hero at the earliest possible mo ment. REINFORCEMENTS RENT TO KENDALL. Denver, Aug. Itt. —Gov. Adams thia afternoon received a telegram from Adjt. Gen. West at. Oleti wood Springs, contain ing an opiieal from Sheriff Kendall for assistance. In response to this the Governor ordered the cavalry com panies at Denver, Colorado Springs, Cunou City, Lendvilleand Aspen to start at once. They leave for the seat of war to night. The Governor also telegraphed Gen. Crook at Omaha that the situation was be coming serious, and urged the War Depart ment to protect tile sett lers. The fact is that Hlieriff Kendall has had several skirmishes with the Ino i ans since last, Thursday, and being deserted by jiartof his posse, is now left in a dangerous position, surrounded hy hostilos and without food and ammunition. It, is not denied that serious results are an ticipated, unless prompt action is taken by the Htnto militia. ARRIVAL OF THE THISTLE. A Trim-Looking Craft and a Hardy* Looking Crow New York, Aug. It!.— The Scotch yacht Thistle arrived here early this morning. Capt. Barr reports a pleasant passage, ex cept, for three days' rough weather and three without a puff of wind. The rest of the time they hail a light breeze. The This tle is oertuinly a pretty model, and her ap pearance does not belie her claims to speed. It will take about two weeks to clean her up, set her topmast, and lend on her racing sails. Mlie came over under a small mainsail, topsail, staysail and jib. For two • lays of t he trip she carried two reefs in her mainsail. The rest of tha trip she shook out! everything. Tho trip took just twenty-one days. The officers and crew, twenty-ou* men in all, are a fine-looking lot of tars. Cant. Barr is a heavy-set Scotchman, heavi ly (warded, and bronzed by exposure to tha weather. His crew share with him the just prido in their cutter. The best big run was made on August when with all sails set, with her spiiinacher, ■he reeled oil :!i? in lies in a heavy breeze, with a cross soo, which is considered re markable for u small craft under short sail; THE RACK FOR THE CITIZENS’ CUP. Newport, R. 1.. Aug. lb.—Tho race for the citizens' cun was storied this morning, with a very light breeze blowing and with the sea smooth. The siguul guu was not fired until 10:47o’clock. The Volunteer and Puritan crossed the line nearly at the sain* time, with the Mayflower a little twhind. The race is over the How and Pigs course. The Atlantic was not entered. The Volunteer won, with the Puritan second, aud Mayflower third. The Volun teer was Id minutes and “ seconds ahead of the Puritan, whi'di was 1!) minutes and 19 seconds ahead of the Mayflower. ENGINEER:* EXPOSTULATE. Two Divisions of the Mexican C*n> tral Left In the Lurch. El Paso, Tex., Aug. It). — The engineer of the first and second divisions of the Mexi can Central railroad shuck yesterday. Th* cause of the strike is supposed to lie the dis charge of one of their number. These di* visions extend from the City of Mexico tc Calera, a long stretch. TRAINS RUNNING ON TIME. City of Mexico, Aug. lb. -Mail and passenger trains on the Mexican Central railroad are running on time, despite th* strike, hut as it is feared that freight can not he handled, orders have been sunt out to the station agents not to receive perish able freight. The morning mail train ar rived here on time to-day. The road U over 1,200 mile* long, and is the most impor tant artery of interior trade, and the striks is likely to be serious in it* effects on busi ness for a short time. Great efforts will b* inode to get freight engineers so that traffic may not be long interrupt'd. The official* of the road maintain that the strike wal prompted by a professional agitator from the United Stilt s, and that no real griev ances exist, hut the striking engineers main tain that they left work because Knginvc| Keller was discharged without proper in quiry. CONDUCTORS STRIKE. They Ask an Increase in Wages o' $lO Per Month. Huntsville, Ala., Aug. It’-.— On Aug. 1 the freight conductors of the Memphis on* Charleston railroad notified the Huperintea dent that they could no longer afford U work for $7.1 per month, and asked for at increase of $lO, giving him unti: yesterday to decide. Not hearing fron him they qtdt work yesterday morning, ant no freight train ran throughout the day It is reported on good authority that a com promise will )x< effected to-night, and that trains will run regularly to-morrow. A Baggage Master Goes Crazy. Charleston, B.C., Aug It).—G.W. Hard ink, baggage master of tilt- Atlantic Coa* Line, went crazy this morning aud had t* Is- conveyed to tha citv hosuital iuuiatraighi