The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 28, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMEBCI ATj —— OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS, ( Savannah, Ga., Aug. 27, 4 p k. f rottos— Tba market continues Arm, with au active demand. The sales for the day were 384 bales. On 'Change at the midday call, at 1 p. m., the market was reported Arm and un dmnged. The following are the official spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: ;,owmiddling 8W Good ordinary 8)$ Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand At'O. 27, 1887, and fob the Same Time Last Year, 1886-87. 1885-86. AW **"•<* Island. *&*“* Stock on hand Sept. 1 1,149 4,304 551 3,298 1 Received to-day 18 9C9 1 557, Received previously 27.347 774,982 23,387 782,8071 Total 28,409 780.246 23,939 786,663! Exported to-day 1,086 560; Exported previously 27,939 778,054 22,709 783,164) Total 27,939 777,140 22,709 783,724 Stock on band and on ship- 1 ■[ board this day 470 3,105 1,230* 2,9381 Sea Island—The market was dull and entirely nominal. We quote: Common Georgias and Floridas 14®15 Medium.. 16®16)4 Good medium 17®1794 Medium fine 18® Fine 19® 1994 Extra fine 20®21 Choice 22® Rick—The market was active and firm. The sales for the day were 192 barrels at about quotations. We quote: Fair 454® — Good 45|® —- Rough— Countrylot 60® 90 Tide water 90® 1 15 Naval Stores—The market for spirits tur pentine was very quiet, but unchanged. The sales for the day were 94 casks, at 2954 c for regulars. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reported steady at 29540 for regulars. At the closing call it was quiet at 2954 c for regulars. Rosin—The market was firm, with a fair demand. The sales for the day were about 1,570 bar rels. At the Board of Trade on the first call the market wasreported firm, with sales of 150 barrels at the following quotations: A, B, C and D 90c, E 95c, F 9794 c, Gsl 00, Hsl 10, Isl 15, K $1 30, M $1 40, N $! (SO, window glass $2 00, water white $2 50. At the closing call it was firm, with further sales of 609 barrels, at $1 0794 for H, $2 05 for window glass, and $2 55 for water white; others unchanged. NAVAL STOnES STATEMBNT. Spirits. Rnfin. Stock on hand April 1 2,543 77,408 Received to-day 782 2,004 Received previously 101,782 238,953 Total .105,087 318J565 Exported to-day i,069 1,017 Exported previously 91,712 253,773 Total 92,781 257,790 Stock on hand and on shipboard to-day .. 12,305 60,575 Receipts same day last year .. 460 1,524 Financial—Money is easy. Domestic Exchange—Steady. Banks and bankers are buying sight drafts at 94 P- lr cent discount and selling at par®94 P* l ' cent pre mium. Foreign Exchange —The market is weak. Commercial demand, $4 83)4; sixty days. $4 3194; ninety days, $4 Hi 94; francs, Paris and Havre, commercial, sixty Jays $5 2494; Swiss, $5 2494: marks, sixty days, 9494- SEruannEs —The market continues lifeless. stocks and Bond* — City Bonds— Quiet. At lanta 0 per cent long date, 108 bid, 110 askel; Atlanta 7 per cent, 118 bid, 121 asked: Augusta 7 per cent long date, 115 bid, 118 asked; Au gusta 6s long date, 108 bid, 110 asked: Columbus 5 per cent, 100 bid. 105 asked; Macon 6 per cent, 111 bid. 112 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent, October coupons, 10194 bid, 102 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent, November coupons, 101 bid, 10194 asked. Stat‘ Bonds —Market steady, with light sup ply. Georgia new (is, 1839. 101)4 bid, 102 asked; Georgia newr 4945, 10494 bid, 10-94 asked; Geor gia 7 per cent gold, quarterly coupons, 107 bid, 103)4 asked; Georgia 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1896, 120 bid, 121 asked. Railroad Stocks —Central common, 118 bid, 119 asked- Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent guaranteed, 132 bid, 131 asked; Georgia com mon, 196 bid, 108 asked; Southwestern 7 per cent guaranteed, 127 hid, 123 asked; Central 6 per cent certificates, 99)4 bid, 10i asked; At lanta and West. Point railroad stock, 109 bid, 111 asked; Atlanta aud West Point 6 per cent certificates. 103 bid, 104 asked. Railroad bonds —Market quiet. Savannah, Florida and Western Railway Company general mortgage 6 per cent interest, coupons October, 115 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mort gage consolidated 7 per cent, coupons Janu ary aud July, maturity 1897,115 bid. 11794 asked. Central consolidated mortgage 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1893. 11094 bid. I; 194 allied; Georgia railroad 6s. 1897, 106 bid, HWasknd; Mobil ' and Girard second mort gage Indorsed 8 per cciit, coupons January and July, maturity 1889. 102 bid, 103t>, usked; Mont gomery and Eiifanla first mortgage 6 per ceut, indorsed by Central railroad, 106)4 bid. 108 asked; Marietta and North Georgia first mort gage, 50 years, (i percent, lixi bi>l, lOH4 asked; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta first mort gage 111 bid, 112)4 asked; Charlotte. Colum bia and Augusta second mortgage, 11" asked; Western Alabama second mort gage indorsed 8 per c-“nt, 108 bid, 109 asked: South Georgia and Florida indorsed, 118 bid. 121 asked; South Georgia and Florida second mortgage, 114 bid. 110 asked: Augusta and Kin , -file first mortgage 7 per cent, 111 hid. 112 n i.,)d; Gainesville, Jefferson and South ern firs' mortgage guaranteed, 114)4 bid, 11594 aske t; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern not guaranteed, 113 asked; Ocean Steamship 6 tier cent bonds, guaranteed by Ccn tra! railroad. 10294 bid, 10394 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern second mortgage guaranteed, 118 usked: Columbus and Rune first mortgage liouds. indorsed by Cen tral railroad. 101 bid, 10594 asked; Columbus and Western 6 per cent guaranteed, 107 asked; City and Suburban railway first mortgage 7 per rent, 109 bid, 110 asked. Bank Stocks —Nominal. Southern Bank of the State of Georgia, 198 bid. 201 asked; Mer chants' National Bank. 157 asked; Savannah Bank and Trust Company, 97 bid. 100 asked; National Bank of Savannah, 129 bid. 121 asked; Oglethorp* Savings and Trust Company, 107 bid, 108 asked. Gfoi Stacies —Savannah Gas Light stock, ex dividend. 20 bid. 21W asked; Mutual Gas Light •tock, 20 bid, 23 asked. Bacon —Market steady; demand good; smoked clear rib sides, 9%c, shoulders, ■ 94c; dry salted clear rib sides, 9)40; long clear, c; shouldors, none; hams 180. and Tibs- Market irregular. We <JUOte: Bagging—244 lbs, 89-4®894c; 2 Tbs, 7s4® fi*xc; 134 ffts, 694®78ic, according to brand and quantity. Iron ties—Arrow and other brands, pone: nominal, $1 25 per bundle, according lo hiand anil quantity Bagging and ties in retail lots a fraction higher. Bitter--Market steady; oleomargarine. 14® )'•; choice Goshen, 18c; gilt edge, 22c; cream p !7. 25®28c. yAmiAoK—Northern, 12@13c. ‘ HKKSE-Market nominal; small demand; •lock light. We quote, 11® 15c. "Five - The market is firm. We quote for •maillots: Ordinary, 20c; fair, 21c; good, 22c; Choice, 2214 c; jieaberry. 25c. - ,61X1' I' sl'IT -Apples, evaporated. 13o; peeled, ■>' Peaches, peeled, 19c; uiipeeled, s®<c. Cur rants, 7c. Citron, 25c. Dry Goods—The market is firm; busir.tss fair, ''e quote: Prints, 4®6c; Georgia brown shlrt |hg, 3.4. 494 c; 7-8 do, 594 c; 4-4 Drown sneet !s!w - white osnaburgs, 894®hk-; checks, |Wit,c; yarns, 86c for best makes; brown drtll lnK>- 7®f94c. 1 6 *> quote full weights: Mackerel—No. L?' 50® 10 00; No 3, half barrels, nominal, F; 00®7 00; No. 2. $7 Bo®B 60. Herring -No. 1, 40c; scaled 26c; cod, 6®Bc. r i-ouk—Market steady: demand moderate, ne quote; Extra, $3 70®3 85: fancy $4 60® ’ patent, $5 15®5 40; family, $1 Oil Pm■ it—Lamon*—Domand fair We quote: w* ")®4 50. Apples, Northern, $3 50®8 75. I 'tHATN-Con, -Market very firm: demand 1 1 , We quote: White corn, job lots, 00c; eae ,"6'] lots, vo: mixed corn, job loin, 66c; car 'an lota, 02c. Outs steady; demand geo-.1. Wr (li iT : -''lxed o us, 45c; car load IoU. 40c. Bran. ,2 *>eal, 70$'. Ueiirgla grist, p-r sack, li* ' l* r bushel. 75c. * v Mursei very firm, with a fair demand; •iocs aniule. Wa quote Job lots: Western. (1 10; car load lots, $1 00; Eastern. $110; North ern, none. Hides, Wool, Etc.—Hides—Market dull; re ceipts light; dry Aint, ll®ll)$c; salted, 9®9Uc; dry butcher, Bc. Wool—-Receipts light; prime, in bales, 26c: burry, 10®15c. Wax. 18c. Tal low, B® 4c Deer skins, Aint, 20c; salted, 16c. Otter skins, 50c®$4 00. Iron—Market firm; Swede, 4>4®sc; reAned, 'vjC. Lard —Market is easy; in tierce, 754 c; 501 b tins. 744 c. Lime, Plaster and Cemient—Ala bama lump lime is In fair demand, and is selling at $1 30 per barrel; Georgia, $1 30: calcined plaster, fl 50 per barrel; hair, 4c. Rosendale cement, $1 50; Portland cement, $2 50. Liquors—Full stock; steady demand. Bour bon, $1 50@5 50; rye, $1 sd@6 00; rectified, gl 00®; 35. Ales unchanged and iu fair de mand. Nails— Market Arm: fair demand. We quote 3d, *3 90 ; 4d and sd. $3 25; Bd, $3 00 ; Bd, $2 75; 104 to 60d, $2 50 per keg. ’ ’ Nets—Almonds—Tarragona, 18®20c; Ivicas, li@18e; walnuts, French, 12c; Naples, 16e; pe cans, 30c; Brazil, 10c; Alberts, 12c; cocoanuts, Barracoa, $5 25 per 100. Oils —Market Arm: demand good. Signal, 45c; West Virginia black, 9@loc; lard, 5Sc; •eadlight, 15c: kerosene, 10c; water white, 1354 c; neatsfoot, 62®80c; machinery, 25@j100; linseed, raw, 60c; boiled. 53c; mineral seal, 18c; Are proof, 18c; homslight, 18c. Onions—Northern, per barrel, $3 75. Potatoes—Long Island Rose, $8 00. Peas—Demand light; cow peas, mixed, 75® 80c; clay, $1 00®1 16; speckled, $1 00®1 15; black eye, $1 25®1 50; white crowder, $1 50® Prunes -Turkish. st4c; French, Bc. Raisins— Demand light; market steady; loose new Muscatel, $2 00; livers, $1 75 per box; Lon don layers, $2 00 per box. Salt—The demaud Is moderate and the mar ket Is quiet; car load iots, 05c f 0 b; job lots, 75@90e. Shot—Drop, $1 40; buck, $1 65. Suoar—The market is Arm; cut loaf, 65$c; standard A, 054 c; extra C, 554 e; yellow C, flic; granulated, 6Wc; powdered, 094 c. Sunup—Florida and Georgta syrup, 40®45c; the market Is quiet for sugarhouse at 85®40c; Cuba straight goods, 28c in hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 20c Tobacco—Market dull; demand moderate. Wequote: Smoking, 25c@$l 25; chewing, ruin mon, sound, 25®30c; fair, 307)35c; medium. 38 @soc; bright, 50©75c; Ane fancy, 85®90c; extra fine, 90c®$1 10; bright navies, 45®75c; dark navies, 40®50c. Lumber—The demand from the West is fairly active, and the railroads are endeavoring to meet the wants of the trade in making rates. Coastwise and foreign demand is quite active, and prices remain Arm at quotations. We quote, fob: Ordinary sizes sl3 50® 17 00 Difficult sizes 16 00®21 50 Flooring boards 10 00® 20 50 SWpstuff 18 60®21 50 Timber—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 00® 11 00 800 “ “ 10 00®11 00 900 *• “ 11 00®12 00 1,000 “ “ 12 00®14 00 Shipping timber in the raft -700 feet average $ 6 00® 7 00 800 “ “ 7 00® 8 00 900 “ “ 8 00® 9 00 1,000 “ “ 9 00@10 00 51111 timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By sail—Coastwise business is dull, with vessels in good supply and ;>s weak. Freight limits are from $5 00 to $6 25 from this and the hear Georgia ports to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphia, New York. Sound ports and eastward. Timber, 50c@l 00 higher than lumber rates. To the. West Indies and wanti ward, nominal: to South America, sl3oo® 14 00; to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, sll 00® 12 00; to United Kingdom for orders, timber. 27 ®2Bh; lumber, £3 15s. Steam—To New York, $7 00; to Philadelphia, $7 00; to Boston, $9 00. Navaj, Stores—Firm but nominal, owing to the scarcity of vessels. Foreign—Cork, etc., for orders, 3s 3d, and. or. 4s 6d; Adriatic, rosin, 3s: Genoa, ros'm, 2s 1054d. Coastwise- Steam—To Boston, 50c on rosin, $1 00 on spirits; to New York, rosin, 50c, spirits, 80c; to Phila delphia, rosin, 80c, spirits. 80c; to Baltimore, rosin, 80c, spirits 60c. Coastwise quiet. Cotton—By Steam—The market is nominal. Liverpool direct 19-61d Liverpool via New York lb 5-16d Liverpool via Baltimore 1b 3-16d Antwerp via New York $ lb 5-16®54d Havre vlaNew York # lb 9-16 c Havre via Baltimore 06c Bremen via New York fl lb 11-16 c Reval via New York 11 82d Bremen via Baltimore ff lb Me Amsterdam via New York 65c Amsterdam via Baltimore 61c Genoa via New York fl lb 44d Boston f) bale $ 1 85 Sea island * bale 1 75 New York bale 185 Sea island bale 175 Philadelphia $1 bale 1 35 Sea island bale 175 Baltimore ft bale 1 25 Providence bale 150 Rice—By steam — New York barrel 60 Philadelphia ¥ barrel / 60 Baltimore f) barrel 6C Boston ft barrel 60 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls fJ pair $ 65 ® 80 Chickens, 54 to 54 grown 40 ® 60 Springers 25 ® 40 Ducks ft pair 60 ® 80 Geese V pair 75 @1 00 Turkeys ft pair 1 25 ®2 00 Eggs, country, ft dozen 20 ® Peanuts —Fancy n. n. Va, fl lb ® 754 Peanuts —Hand picked ft lb ® 6J*, Peanuts—Ga. fl bushel, nominal... 75 9fi Sweet potatoes, yel. reds fl bush... 50 ® 60 Sweet potatoes, yel. yams f! bush.. 65 ® 70 Sweet potatoes white yams, fl bush 40 ® .55 Poultry—Market steady; receipts heavy; de mand light for grown; half to three quarter grown iu good request. Eggs— Market firm. With a good demand, but scarce. Peanuts— Fair stock: demand moderate: market advanc ing and higher prices predicted. Sugar—Geor gia and Florida nominal; none iu market. Honey—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes —Scarce; receipts very light; demand good. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. STNANOIAL. New Yore, Aug. 27, noon.—Stocks quiet but steady. Money easy at 3®5 per cent. Exchange —longs-1 M014@,4 so-H. short $1 H24i®4 83. State bonds dull. ” Government bonds dull bu steady. 5:00 p. m.—Exchange dull but steady at $4 3114®4 85. Money easy at 3®5 |>er cent., closing offered 3. Sub-Treasury balances—Golds $185.034,0tX); currency, SI3,HWi.OOO. Government bonds dull but steady: four per cents 125; four and a half per cents 103. State bonds dull aud featureless There was a much better feeling in Wall street this morning, and rumors of anew- bull combination were freely circulated, while the late bearish rbom traders boynme moderate purchasers of stocks. The general impression was that the market was heavily oversold, and the majority of operators for a decline were be lieved to be in favor of ft rally. The demonstra tion was made against the list early In the day, however, which rendered the tone somewhat feverish at flr,st. but buying quickly sent prices above those of the opening. The heaviest busi ness was in Oregon Transcontinental, Reading and St. Paul, and the early attack of the bears was directed especially against the first named stock, putting it 1 per cent, lower, but its rally was very sharp. Oregon Navigation was Sjiecially noticeable for its violent fluctuations, but it. finally closed with a handsome gain The opening w-as strong at advances extending to H> Tier cent . but the advantage was not maintained ami prices were knocked off in the early deal ings. The rally which followed was equally as sharp, however, and the losses wore regained before the end of the first hour. The advance continued until nearly noon, when it was checked and small recessions were made in some stocks, but the close was quiet and firm at or near the best figures reached. The day s business amounted to 148,000 shares. Every thing is higher. The following were the closing quotations: Ala class A. 2to 5.101) New Orleans Pa- Ala. class B, 58... 112 ciftc, Ist mort... 81 Georgia 7s, mort. 105* N. Y Central 10694 N Carolina 05... 1 Norf. AW. pref. 41$ N. Carolina 4* ... 97 % Nor. Pacific 2494 So. Caro. (Brown) “ prof... 49-> 4 consols 105 Pacific Mail, 89 Tennesseeos 71 Reading... ......• 5194 Virginia'* 43 ’ Richmond A Ale.. 9% Y'a consolidated. 45 Richmond A DauvlSO Ch’penke A Ohio (i Richm'd AW. Pt. Chic A Northw n.11894 Terminal 251* “ preferred .141 Rock Island 128 Dela., Lack A IV. 12314 . Pau1.......... 8294 Erio 8994 preferred . 11894 East Tennessee, Texas Pacific 26di new stock 1094 Tenn. Coal A Iron. 28U Igike Snore 92 Union Pacific 5194 L ville A Nash 91% N. J. Central 78 Memphis A Char. 58 Missouri Pacific... 92>4 ! Mobil* & 0hi0.... 12 YVetern Union... 7194 Nash. A Chatt’a . 7794 CottoaOilTruit oar 8194 * Asked tßid. Vhe \veek : y statement of the associated banks, Issm-d by • lie desiring house today, shows tbo following '-hangea: Kcnerve In tressed , "00-'*' Usuis decreased U-gultandcrs irereosed 290,X INqiosils decreased, . Circulation decreased i0,40u llsnks now hold $4,805,726 in excess of the 26 p**i* rt*nt. rulrt. COTTO’. Livsaroou, Aug. 27,12:60 p. m.-Oottoa Steady, THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, AUGUST 28, 1887. though somewhat inactive: middling uplands s)jd, middling Orleans 5)%d; sales 8.000 bales, for speculation and export 1,000 bales; receipts 8,300 hales all American. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause. Au gust delivery 5 24-64d. also 5 27-64d; August and September 5 20-64d, also 5 22-64d; Septem ber and OctNber 5 9-01d. also 7 11-6 ld: October and November 5 5 04<t; November and Decem ber 5 J-04d; December nnd January 5 l-84d, also 5 8-64d; January nnd February 5 S-64d. Market Arm. 1 p. m.—The sales to-day were 9,000 bales, and Include.! 6,000 bales of American. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, Au gust delivery 5 2b S4d, buyers; August and Sep tembers 2&04d, buyers: Septeml rand October 5 18-64d, si llers: October and November .6 6-tGd, buyers: November and December 5.5-64d, sellers: December and January 5 4-64d, sellers; Jan uary and Fobruary 5 4-01d. sellers; February and March 5 4,64d, buyers; Seotemtierh 28-64d, buy ers. Market closed strong. Ni~w York, Aug 271 noon.—Cotton opened steady; middling uplands 9 18-16 c, middling Or leans 9 f5-16c; sab’s 720 bales Futures—The market opened steady, with sales as follows: August delivery 9 44c. September 9 S6O, October 9 25c. November 9 20c, December 9 20e. January 9 24c. 5:00 p. m. Market closed steady; middling uplands 9 13- ,6c, middling Orleans 9 1516 c; sales to day 720 bales; net and gross receipts none. Futures—Market closed steady, with sales of 44,8(X) bales, as follows: August delivery 9 44® 9 46c, September 9 36®9.3, c, October 9 25® 9 26c, November 9 29®9 21c, December 9 21® 9 21c, January 9 24®0 25c, February 9 31 @9 82e, March 9 38®9 39c,-April 9 45®9 46c. Slay 9 52® 9 58c, June 9 58®9 59c, J uly 9 63®9 65c. Green & Co.'s report on cotton futures says: “There was a more cheerful and stronger market for cotton options. The Financial Chronicle's report of crop conditions, showing rather unfavorable features, went abroad this morning, and had a stimulating effect on lead ing Manchester spinners to purchase fall mouths in Liverpool, and the latter in turn became a moderate buyer on our market. This started the local covet ing desire, and altogether led to a good demand, on which 7@9 points gain in price was made, with a firm closing at about the highest figures of the day. Spot continues scarce and firm." Galveston, Aug. 27.—Cotton steady; middling 9)4c; net receipts 1,0 )6 bales, gross 1,056; sales 137 bales; stock 7,045 tales. Norfolk, Aug. 27.—Cotton firm; middling 9-Lc; net receipts 1 tale new, gross 1 bale new: sales 2 bales; stock 881 bales; exports, coastwise 52 bales. Baltimore, Aug. 27.—Cotton firm; middling 10c; net receipts none, gross 293 bales; sales none; stock 418 bales; sales to spinners 11 bales; exports, coastwise. 282 bales. Boston, Aug. 27.—Cotton quiet; middling 10c; net receipts none, gross 673 bales; sales none; stock none. Wilminoton. Aug. 27.—Cotton quiet but steady; middling jiyi■; net receipts 52 bales, gross .52 talcs; sales none; stock 321 bales; ex ports coastwise 163 bales. Philadelphia, Aug. 27. Cotton Arm; mid dling 10 5 16c; net receipts none, gross 35 bales; stock 8,382 bales. New Orleans, Aug. 27.—Cotton firm; mid dling 9?uc; net receipts 1.419 bales, gross 1,577; sales 270 tales; stock 15,290 bales; exports, t > Great Britain 2,578 bales, coast wise 1.150. MoBtLE, Aug. 27.—Cotton steady; middling 9)4c; net receipts 83 bales new. gToss UGbales new; sales 25 bales; stock 487 bales. Memphis, Aug. 27.—Cotton quiet; middling 9?4c; receipts 106 bales; shipments 202 bales; sules none; stock 4,581 tales. Augusta. Aug. 27.—Cotton steady; middling 9c; receipts 90 hales 91 new; sales 181 bales. Charleston, Aug. 27.—Cotton steady; middling 9c; net receipts W 4 bales-—454 new: gross 504 bales—4s4 new; sales 200 tales; stock 1,821 bales; exports coastwise 150 bales. A at. ant a, Aug. 27.—Cotton—middling BJsc; receipts 6 bales. New York, Aug. 27.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-day 4.083 bales; exports, to Great Britain 2,578 talcs; stock at all Ameri can ports 83,569 bales. The total visible supply of cotton for the world is 1,235,550 bales, of which 621.050 bales are American, against 1,152,226 and 744,326 bales, respectively, last year. Receipts at all interior towns for the week 15,949 bales. Receipts fiom plantations, 19,540 bales provisions, groceries, etc. Liverpool, Aug. 27. 12:80 p. in —Wheat quiet, with poor demand; holders offer freely. Corn quiet but steady; demand poor; new mixed Western 4s 2d. New York. Aug. 27, noon.—Flour dull and weak. Wheat t-, JAac lower. Corn a shade easier and quiet. Pork steady; mess sls 50® 15 76. Old mess pork sls 00®15 25. Freights dull. 5:00 p. m.—Flour, Southern unchanged and quiet, Wheat, spot lots quiet and generally stoady, prices showing no decided change; op tions opened t4®l4c lower, later recovered from the decline ana closed firm; No. 2 red, August delivery nominal at 7Vsfe; September 7994®80c; closing at 80c. Corn, spot lots unchanged, rul ing steady and quiet; options without quotable change, closing Arm witli moderate trade; No. 2 September delivery 49>4@50c, closing at 50c; October 50®5054c, closing SOlfc. Oato a shade stronger but rather quiet; No. 2, Septemoer de livery 3194 c, closing 3194 c: October 81?4©31J4c. closing at 3144 c. Hops dull and unchanged. Coffee, fair Rio Arm at 20c; options opened lower and active, closing steady: No. 7 Rio not xuoted; August delivery 17 85c, September 17 85 ®lB 10c; October 18 30®18 45c. Sugar Arm but quiet; fair refining4s4c: reUued quiet and Ann. Molasses dull Cotton seed oil quoted at 34® 36c for crude, 40®43c for refined. Hides firm; trade light. Wool quiet and just steady; do mestic lleece 30®37c, pulled 14®36c, Texas 9® 25c. Pork dull but 'unchanged; sls 00®15 25 for old mess, sls 50® 15 75 for new. Beef dull. Cut meat quiet and unchanged. Middles dull and nominal. Lard 2®3 points lower and dull and heavy; Western steam, on spot $6 77U; Septem her delivery $6 70® 6 72. October $6 75®6 76. Freights to Liverpool dull; cOtton 9-64d, wheat ld. Chicaoo. Aug. 27.—After the first few sales m the speculative grains this morning prices became very steady, with aii easier tom lency. The disposition to trade was not very pro nouueed, and the bulk of operators were In the way of settling up trades in readiness for next week. The visible supply statement showed ■there was very little In the situation to make the market on. There was a very decided de pression in the wheat pit early in the session. There was the usual Saturday clearing, but toward the close there was no interest whatever taken in the market. The large receipts antiei pated next week was the depressing element. September wheat opened at 69e, lost M*c, con tinued steady at HBM during the greater part of the session and closed at 69c. Corn exhibited only a moderate degree of activity to-day. The market was governed by local iniluonce largely, no outside news of importance being received. The market opened a shade easier than yester day, clos-h! at 41 '4c for September, was easy for a time, then advanced -54 c under a fair local in quiry. A prominent local operator bought quite freely. Later the offerings became more liberal, influenced mainly by proiqiects of larger receipts the ensuing week. .558 cars being estimated for Monday, and the prices declined 44®i4c, ruled steady and closed about Uc lower than yesterday at 4<M4®4lc for September. May closed at 44J4c. Oats were rather slow and a weak market prevailed all around. Future de liveries did not absorb much attention and there was about 14° decline In the speculative market. Cash oats wen- about nominal. Seller Septem ber opened at 2454 c and closad at 2454 c. May closed at 30j4® 3t>4c. Provisions were slow in a speculative way. but shipping business was large'and the aggregate shipments for the West unusually heavy ami stocks were considerably reduced. With such an outward movement for sjieculation argued that the market should do Ik'tter, but it7s a legitimate one with 110 specu lation and responds slowly to the ordinary in fluences. The feeling was easy and prices ranged lower, but declines were only 2:-4®sc. Ijard sold at $6 37>4@0 4254 for September and closed at $6 40; for January at $0 52>4®6 05. Short ribs at $7 9n®7 H2U tor Seplember and $0 ‘ls@o 30 for January, closing at $6 27)4. Pork sold at sl2 22/4® 12 27)4 for January and closed at $l2 2814- Cash quotations to-day ruled as follows: Flour quiet: prices unchanged. Wheat, No. 2 spring iHYfc; No. 3 spring 6594 c; No. 2 red 6994 c. Corn, No. 2, 4<%c. Oats, No. 2, 21*40. Mess pork |mr barrel. slsiio®ts 25. I-ard, [mr 100 Ih , s'i TV Short rib sides, loose, $7 90. Dry salted shoulders, boxed. $6 4Vft6 fiu; short clear sides, boxed, $8 <n®H 85. Whisky $llO. Leading futures ranged as follows: Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wnr.iT- August delivery. 68J4 •••• .... Sept, delivery... Oil Oct. dalitery.... 70>4 70% <034®7094 Corx. No. 2 August delivery. 4034 41 4094 Sept, delivery... 41(4 41%(&4V% 4094®41 Oct. delivery ... 4144 42 40J4®41 Oats, No. 2 August delivery. 2414 •• • Sept, delivery... 24jJ 2444 2444 Otff. delivery ... 2$ 55 % 2h% Mass For*— Y’oar. per barrel.sll 00 $ $ Jan. delivery 12 25 12 2714 12 2214 Lard— August delivery. $0 40 t ... $ Sept, delivery... 040 640 ®0 4214 040 Oct. delivery...., 645 6 4714 0 4794®6 45 Short Ribs— August delivery. $7 90 $7 90 $7 90 Sopt delivery... 7 9214 7 9214 790 Oct. delivery, .7 90 .... Bii.Tigos.x, Aug. 27.—Flour steady but quiet; Houar l Street and Western supertine $K 28® 2 70. extra $0 uomS SO. tamlly $3 75it* 86, city mills sup u nne $ 1 9-,(ft2 if,'. extra s‘l 00®8 .V); Rii brands $1 SO '4 30. Wheat—Southern steady; n and ik .'Slc, arnher *:®BBc, Western firmer litlt dull; No. 2 winter red, on spot 7kl*o bid Com -Southern steady but Arm; while 56®6Gc, yel low 61 Able. Bt. Louis. Aug. 27.—Flour quiet and un changed Wheat dull and barely steady; No. 2 red, cash GJUie; (September delivery 69® 09'jjc, closing 031*c: October 7Uj44£7lc, closing at 71e. Corn ac lower: cash .3S*s@.39i4|C. September de livery 87$$Oc. Oats lower and dull: cash 24U® 24$$o, September delivery 2t6<( J£4tse. Whisky steady at $1 06. Provisions dull: pork, ir regular new sls. Lard $6 20. Dry salt meats, boxed shoulders $5 50; long clear $7 #.‘),®B 00, clear ribs $8 I2)$(8i8 25, short clour $8 10. Bacon lxjxed shoulders $6 12U, long clear $8 85® 8 90, clear ribs *8 oO®3 871a, short clear $9 35. Hams steady at sl2® 14. Cincinnati, Aug. 27. —Flour quiet. Wheat steady; No. 2 red 7£o. Corn dull and lower; No. 2 mixed 44c. Oats heavy: No. 2 mixed 27)Je. i‘revisions strong and unchanged Pork at sls. lard at $6 40. Bulk meats strong and unchanged. Bacon strong and unchanged. Whisky active and firm at $1 05. Hogs firm. Louisville. Aug. 27.—Grain quiet. Wheat— No. 2 roil, 73c. Corn No. 2 mixed 43c. Oats— New 28)f>c. Provisions quiet and unchanged: Bacon clear rib sides $9 25, clear sides $9 75, shoulders $6 25. Bulk meats clear rib sides $8 37)5, clear sides $8 75, shoulders $6 87)$. Mess pork nominal. Hams, sugar-cured at sll 50® 13 50. laird, choice leaf $8 00. New Orleans, Aug. 27, —Coffee quiet but steady; Hio cargoes, common to prime 18)$® 21)40. Cotton seed products dull and nominal; prime crude oil 26®28c. offered: summer yellow oil 37®38c. Sugays strong; Louisiana open ket tle, fully fair rAsc. good fair 50$c; Louisiana centrifugals, off white 6)s®6 316 c. choice yel low clarified 66$c, prime yellow clarified 6 1-lfle, seconds s®s)se. Molasses strong; Louisiana centrifugals, strictly prime to fancy 28®33c. fair to good prime 22®25c, common to good common 18®21c. NAVAL STORKS. Liverpool, Aug. 37.—Spirits turpentine 26s 6d. London. Aug. 27.—Spirits turpentine 25s 7)sd. New York, Aug. 27, noon.—Spirits turpentine steady at 32)gc. Rosin steady at $1 06®1 10. 5:00 p. m.—Rosin dull at $1 05®1 10. Tur pentine dull at 32)$c. Charleston, Aug. 27.—Spirits turpentine steady at 3lk\ Rosin steady; good strained 90c. Wilmington, Aug. 27.—Spirits turpentine steady at 29)$c. Rosin firm; strained ?2)sc, good strained 7i)sc. Tar quiet at $1 30. Crude turpentine firm; hard $1 10, yellow dip $1 73; virgin $1 75. RICE. New York. Aug. 27.—Rice quiet but steady. New Orleans. Aug. 27. —Rice unci’ and. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Run Rises 5:34 Sun Sets 6:28 High Water at Savannah. 8:47 a h. 4:85 p M Sunday. August 28, 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Ethel. Gibson, Cohen’s Bluff and way landings—W T Gibson. Manager. ARRIVED AT QUARANTINE YESTERDAY. Steamship Ixia Bre Grimwade, St Thomas, in ballast—A Minis & Sons. Bark Birgitte. (Nor), Torgensen. Rio Janeiro, in ballast—Holst & Cos. (See local). CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Chattahoochee, Daggett, New York —C G Anderson. Steamship Dessoug, Howes, Philadelphia—O G Anderson. Bark Daphne (Nor). Hansen, Wilmington, N C, in ballast—Holst & Cos. SAH,ED YESTERDAY. Steamship Dessoug, Philadelphia. Schr Jessie Lena, Boston. MEMORANDA. Crookhaven, Aug 28—Passed, tark Subra (Nor), Otterbek, Brunswick for Falmouth. Aqg 24—Arrived, bark Hannah & Marv (Br). Cochrane, Darien. T.irifa, Aug 17—Passed, bark Aquila (Aus), Tiebiez. Oenoa for Savannah. Brunswick. Aug 24—Arrived, tark Excelsior (Br). Edgar, Barbados; 23th, sehrOtcllo, Bond, Savannah Sailed 22d. schr Harry Prescott, Turner, Bos ton: 24th, barks Alliance (Ger), Salvssen, Jlar bnrg- Svlphide (Nor), Anderson. Amsterdam; schr Harold C Beecher, Bond. New Haven; 26th. bark Felicitas (Br), Jones, Buenos Ayres; schr Messenger. Fnlkor, Boston. Charleston, Aug 25—Sailed, schr Charles H Woiston, Doboy, to load for Bath. Coosaw, Ang 25—Sailed, steamship Racilla (Br). United Kingdom. Georgetown, S C. Aug 25—Sailed, schr Wacea maw. Squires, New York. . Cedar Keys, Aug 30—Arrived, schr Minnie Irwin, Thompson, New’ York. Pensacola. Aug 35—Arrived, schr J B JordAn, Martin, Galveston. Port Royal, 8 C. Aug 35—Sailed, bark Isabella (Bri, for Invergordon, Delaware Breakwater, Aug 35—Passed out, steamship City of Truro (Br), Philadelphia, for Coosaw. S C. New York. Aug 27—Arrived, steamship Um bria, Liverpool; Lagaacoygne, Havre. RECEIPTS. Per steamer Ethel, from Cohen’s Bluff and way landings—9B bales cotton, 808 bbls rosin, 81 bbls spirits turpentine, 2 cords wood, 1 pulley, 2 coops chickens, 1 box eggs, 1 bale hides, 1 pkg bacon. 2 tags cork, 20 empties. Per Charleston and Savannah Rallwav. Aug 27—14 bales cotton, 12 bbls rosin. 30 cases signs. 140 caddies tobacco. 10 hf taxes tobacco. 1 tank oil, 10 pkgs tobacco, 4 cases and goods, 1 bhl flour, 1 bale J goods, 1 box clothing, 2 cases mdse, 3 bales hides. 2 taxes shoes, 1 box bams, 3 sacks wooll, and mdse. Per. Savannah. Florida and Western Railway. Aug 27—548 bales cotton. 26 cars lumber. 8 cars wood, 1.046 bbls rosin. 283 bbls spirits turpentine, 2 cars pig iron, 1 car cattle, 1 tar bbls. 1 car laths, 1 car blocks, 15 springs. 10 bales hides, 60 pkgs collars, 4 sacks potatoes, 20 pkgs mdse, 2 organs, nnd ;n’ta per Central Railroad. Aug 27—391 tales cot ton, 25 bales yarn, 37 bales domestics. 2 bales wool. 2 bales hides. 4 pkgs paper. 28,600 lbs lard, 104 pkgs tobacco, 00,562 lbs bacon, 155 hills rosin. 424 bbls spirits turpentine, 3,070 lbs fruit, 1 bbl liqnnr, 31 pkgs furniture, 60 bbls Hour. 12,520 lbs flour, 24 cars lumber. 1 car door and sash, 49 pkgs wood in shape, 72 tons pig iron. 7 bbls wax, 12 casks clay, 1 pkg twine, 1 tale paper stock, 169 pkgs mise, 81 pkgs empties, 1 pkg junk, 67 pkgs hardware, 3 bales plaids, 3 cars coal. EXPORTS. Per steamship I>*9otier. for PhiladelpYiiii— baies upland cotton. 64bales jmper stock, lfi2 hales dom**stioß nnd yarns, Jl.'i bbls rice. 574 emoty bhl) . 90 bbls spirits turpentine, 38 crates fnjit. 32,88; lumber, 83 nide. Per steanmblp Tallahassee, for New York— -1,080 bale *, upland cot ton, 100 bales domestics and yarns. 140 bbls spirits turpentine, 100.800 feet lumber. 057 bbls rc ain. 154 tons iron, 25 crates fruit, 7 bbls fruit, 289 pkgs mdse, 1 crate vegetables. PASSENGER* Per steamer Ethel, from Cohen’s Bluff and way Jandinprs TT L Fills, W E Norton, J PAr nitt. S G Solomons, J W Groover, Misa Mock, Mrs R A Wethus. Per steamship Chattahoochee, from New York —G W Green, Rev T B*>one, Mrs J Wooley, F M Reed. T Buckler. J T Wade. W W Pace, V R Bramble, J C Wahn. H W M father wood. F S Hodges, Marian Broovn. E L Marks, Mrs C W IdOiienfrrcen, W T veil and wife. J P TdKston, ,7 E Gutman and child. IT If Gauls berg-. J R Bral, E S Burdick. Mrs Burdick, Miss Burdick, O Stillipan, B Oklman, W II Reed, P Decker, and 7 steerage. CONSIGNEES. Per steamer Ethel, from Cohen’s Bluff and way lauding, Herron AO, J P Williams A (to, Garnett. S A Cos. O Walter A Cos, Ellin, Y A Cos, W W Oor lon A Cos. Woods A Cos. J C Thompson, M Y A D f M'-Intlre, Montague A Co.D B Lester, I lacker A F, Baldwin A Cos. W C Jackson, Older, ET Roberts, H.Solomon A Son. Win Hone A Cos, Rev A Q, Hirseb Bros, D Cockshqtt, F, Movie Per Charleston and Savannah Rallivav, Aug 07—Ford- Office, II Myers A Bros, A Lefller. H A Ulmo. Meinhard Bros A Cos, C M Gilbert A Cos. M Y Henderson, G W Tiedeman. R D McDonell, T P Townsend, J P Williams A Cos, Singer Mfg Cos, Standard Oil Cos. H Solomon A Hon. N Y A S Tel Cos Pearson A S. E A Schwarz., F M Hull, J White, Garnett. 8 A Cos, Montague A Cos. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway. Aug 27-Transfer Office. Jno Flanm*rv A Cos. W S Bliti h, McDonough A Cos. Frank A Cos. Butler ASA Ehrlich A Bro M Y Henderson, Fretwell (tS.I'M Gilbert A Cos, Pearson A S, Wtv-d A C. Vale Royal Mfg Cos, S Guckenhelmer A Son, P Ceil--" Dale, D A Cos, A H Champion. M Green, Reppard A Cos, Smith Bros A Co.G W Tiedeman Lee Roy Myers A Cos. W DSimkinr V Cos. J F Lamb. II Myers A Bros. Bacon, J A Cos. Woods A Cos. Frierson A Cos. Ellis. Y A Cos. M Maclean, W W Gordon A < 'o.Peacock, II A Co.D Y’ Dancy, J V Williams A Cos. Chesnutt A O’N. F M Farley, Baldwin A Cos, W W Chisholm. Garnett. 8 & Cos. J S Wood A Bro, M Y A D I Melntlre. Perkins A Kon, Herron A G, G Walter A Cos, Warren A A. Bu tler j 8 Per Central Railroad. Aug 27—Fordr Agt. Jno Flannery A Cos, Baldwin A Cos, Woods A Cos, F M Farley. M Y A D I Mr.lntlre G Walter A Cos, M Mat-lean, Garnett. 8 A Cos. II M Corner A Cos, Herron AG. W W Gordon A Cos, Wurrsri AA, J M Woo l A Bro. Montague A Oo.Warnock A W, J P Williams A Cos, Slater. M A Cos, Decker A F. I G Haas. Moore, H & Cos, A Hauler, Weed A C, Herman AK. A J Miller A Oe. M Holey A Son, Southern Cotton Oil Cos, Mohr Bros. A L Brad well. 8 Guckenbeimer A Son. Smith Bros A Cos. W H Mell A Cos. M Ferst A Cos. Epstein A W. E C Gleason. Ludden A H. E Lovell A Son R Dub. G D Hodges, Frank A Cos, G Eckstein A Cos. Jll Brown, M Y Henderson. J P Williams A Cos, M T Brown. Gray A O'B. Llppman Bros. P J Fallon, J P Bryan, GW T Tie ii-mail. W C Brown, D D Arlen. Pnlmer Bros.ll Solomon A Son, L l*utel, A Ehrlich A: Bro, Stillwell, P ,t M B J Cubbedge, Peacock, H * Cos. Ellis, Y & Cos, Baldwin & Cos, H J Ivey, W H Price. Per steamship Wm Crane, from Baltimore— Altiek A: Sons, Appel AH, Byck &S, .1 Cohen, W G Cooper, Ohas&Sav Ry, A Ehrlich & Bro, M ime Desboufllons, Epstein & \V. Ellis, Y A Cos, I Epstein A Bro, M Eisnian, M Ferst & Cos, JV E Guei'ard, I, Freid. Frank A Cos. Fretwell & N. Mr Hutty.C M Gilbert & Cos, S Guckenhelmer A Grady, DeL Cos, Herman & K.Wm Hone > Harmon A C. Ali Hull, Hirsch Bros, A Haul \ Hesse, S P Hamilton, Kuvanaugh A B, J < LiFar, A Leffier.Lippman Dims. E Ixivell A Sou, McDonough A B, A .1 Miller A Cos. G N Nichols, Order A B Hull, Order W I) Simkins A Cos, Order G S McAlpin. Order Armour A Cos, Order J J Luts, Peacock, II A Cos, ralmer Bros, J Perlin sky. Solomons A Cos. Southern Ex Cos, str Katie, sir David Clark. Smith Bros A Cos, E A Schwarz, .1 S Silva A Sou.H Solomon A Son, Strauss Bros, P Tuberdy, (I W Tiedemiui. J P Williams & Cos. J T Thornton, Upper I lice Mill, .) B West A Cos, Weed A C, P H Ward. .1 M Williams. Per steamship Chattahoochee, from New York —A R Altmavcr A Cos, Appel AH, S W Branch. T P Bond A Cos, Brush E L A 1* Cos, Byck A S, J Baker, Byck A Son, Blodgett. M A Cos. L Blus tein, Bendheim Bros A < o, M Boley A Son. E M Connor, 0 Butler, W GCooper, All Champion, W S Cherry A Cos. .1 S Collins A Cos, Crolian A D, A S Cojien, J Cohen, Cohen A B, Decker AF, A Doyle, J A Douglass A Cos, J Derst, G Del ter Jr. W I) Dixon. Denis A Son, G Eckstein A Cos, Eekmau A V. Einstein A L, I Epstein A Bro, A Ehrlich A Bro, Epstein A W, .1 H Estill, W Estill, M Ferst A Cos, S. FA W Rv, Fleisehtmin A Cos, A Falk A Son, 1-Yank A Cos, J 11 Furber, J Gor ham. C M Gilbert A Cos, S Guckenhelmer A Son, Grady ■, \ (-0, I lex ter AK, F Gutman, D llogni tin Bros, Harms AJ, J S Haines, J R Halt ; v u Hymes Bros A Cos, A B Hull, J II llidmit i U M Hedit A Cos, Kavanaugh A 11, R S Jones, S Krouskoff, W A Kent, stmr Katie, K I.<)veil A Son, N Lang, Jno Lyons A Cos, H H Logan, Lovell A L. Llppman Bros, Lloyd A A, H II Livingston, B H Levy A Bro. Lilientlial A Son, Ludden A B. Wm Lattimore, II S Lubs A Cos, H H Lewis, Mohr Bros, lee Roy Myers A Cos, Mott Iron Wks, W B Hell A Cos, J McGrath A Cos, Mc- Kenna AW, M Mendel A Bro, A J Miller A Cos, R D Me 1)m a ell, J G Nelson A Co.Mar hall Hotioe, Nekllinger A R, B Ohlman, Palmer Bros. Order notify A B Hull, Peat-ock, H A Cos, I> Putzel, Pulaski House,C D Rogers Ricsor AS, Ray AO, C A Reitz, G M Ryals, C R Richmond, T Rode rick, A Robider, Solomons A Cos. P B Springer, Smith Bros A Cos, H Solomon A Son. Smith A K, Southern Cotton Oil Cos, E A Schwarz, Savannah Steam Rice Mill, Stillwell, i* A M,, Jno Sullivan, Savannah Steam Bakery. Strauss Bros. Screven House, J S Silva A Son, Tceple A Cos, Weed A C, Vale Royal Mfg Cos. AMA C W West, CR R, Ua A Fla 1 S BGo, Southern Ex Cos. ICJL ICE ! Now Is the time when every body wants ICE, and we want to sell it. PRICES REASONABLE! 20 Tickets, good for 100 Pounds, 75c. 140 Tickets, good for 700 Pounds, $5. 200 Tickets, good for 1,000 Pounds, $7. 50 Pounds at one delivery 30c. Lower prices to large buyers. X O E Packed for shipment at reduced rates. Careful and polite service. Full and liberal weight. KNICKERBOCKER ICE CO. 14 4: BAY ST, GROCERIES. Kosher Pickled Beef AND ZKZosUzLen? Fat. German Sauerkraut AND ID ±ll ZEPioUsiles- Imported Swiss and Limburger Cheese. AT Nicholas Lang’s, 19 Barnard Street. DOORS, hash, BTC. ANDREW HANLEY, DEALER IN Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. All of the above are Best Kiln-Dried White Pine. A LAO DEALER IN Builders’ Hardware, Slate, Iron and Wooden Mantels, Grates, Stair work, Terracotta, Sewer Pipe, Etc., Etc. Paints, Oils, Railroad, Steamboat and Mill Supplies, Glass, Putty, Etc. Lime, Plaster, Cement and Hair. Plain and Decorative Wall Paper. Freseoelng, Houee and Sign Painting given personal atten tion and tinlslied in the best manner. \MHiKW HANLEY. COTTON SEED WANTED. COTTON SEED WANTED THE SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO., CAPITAL 8/3.000,000, HAS Just constructed eight new Cotton Heed Ou Mills, located at the following point*, each haring the capacity per day Indicated: Columbia, S. C., - 100 Tons. Savannah, Ga., - - 100 “ Atlanta, Ga., - - 200 “ Montgomery, Ala., - 200 “ Memphis, Tenn., - 200 “ Little Rock, Ark., - 200 “ New Orleans, La., - 300 “ Houston, Texas, - 300 “ CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Add ram. at nearest Mill. Southern Cotton Oil Cos. MILLINEKY. new^iilliMrylS KROUSKOFFS Mammoth Millinery House. We are now offering immense lines of New Straw Hats, Ribbons, Feathers, etc., which are now being shipped daily by our New York buyer, and our Mr. Krouskoff, who is now North to assist in the selection of the Choicest Novelties in the Millinery Line. It is astonishing but a fact, that we sell line Millinery cheaper than any retail store in New York. How can we do it? Cannot tell. This is our secret and our suc cess. Perhaps on account of large clearing out purchases or perhaps from direct shipments from London or Paris—but no matter so long as the ladies have all the advantages in stock and prieea We are now ready for business, and our previous large stock will be increased, and we are now offering full lines of fine Milans in White and Colors, for Ladies, Misses and Children in an endless variety of shapes RIBBONS, RIBBONS, new novelties added and our regu lar full line entirely filled out. We knock bottom out in the price of Straw Goods. We continue the sale of our Ribbons at same prices as heretofore, although the prices have much advanced. We also continue to retail on our first floor at wholesale prices. S. KROUSKOFF. *" ■- WATER COOLERS RANGES ANI) STOVES. CROWNEI) WITH THE GREATEST SUCCESS OF WW\ THE OLID EtEILI.A.IBLIE] Charter Oak Portable Ranges and Cooking Stores, WITH THEIR WONDERFUL IMPROVEMENT, THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR, XTNIVERSALLY CONCEDED to lie the greatest improvement ever attached to a Cooking J Btove or Range. By the admission of fresh <iir into tlm oven In tho form of small jets, it purifies that which Is otherwise vitiated, at the name time Having the |uioe which is the nourish ment of meals without the necessity of HASTIN' I, and a considerable saving of time, labor arid weight sufficient to pay for an ordinary Cooking Store several times over. One of the features of the CHARTER OAKS, with the WIRE GAUZE DOOR, is Ilia! of BROILING STEAKS in the OVEN and not over the coals, thus avoiding the loss of juice, being burnt or tainted hy smoke, steaks broiled Ip a CHARTER OAK, with the WIRE GAUZE DOOR, becomes tender, juicy and delicious. All those who have used the old reliable CHARTER OAKS know them to be a ftrst elasg article, and will readily understand the theory of this truly wonderful Improvement, they will herald their success with unstinted praise and delight. There is no mechanical ingenuity required to understand how to operate the CHARTER OAK RANG EH or STOVES, they are very simple in construction, so much so a child could work them. It is the only Range having one damper that will heat water In the reservoir and bake well at the same time. We have so much conlldence In the OHATER OA KS, having had one In opera 1:011 in our store, that we are prepared to substantiate everything el lined for them. The public are cordially Invited to call and hava the theory of the WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR fully explained, or send for descriptive circular to CLARKE & DANIELS, DEALERS TN PORTABLE RANGES, COOKING STOVES AND ROUSE FURNISHING SPECIALTIES, GUARDS ARMORY, Corner Whitaker and Yorlc Streets, Savannah, Georgia. IWTELEPHONE 264. TRUNKS AND SHOES. Our Trunks Have Arrived, And wo are ready to show you the largest assortment ever brought to Savannah. If you propose to take a summer va cation don’t wait until you are ready to leave, but come around to see us at once and make your selection while our assortment is complete. Trunks, Trunks. Ladies’ Louisa Leather Saratoga Trunks, Ladies’ Lady Washington Leather or Zinc Saratoga Trunks, Gents’ Sola Leather Trunks, Ladies’ and Gents’ Leather Satchels, Ladies’ and Gents’ Leather Club Bags. All styles and at Rock Bot tom Prices. Don’t Fail to examine our Gents’ Calf $3 Shoes, in Con gress, Lace and Button, best in the city, at JOS. ROSENHEIM & CO.’S POPULAR SHOE STORE, 135 BROUGHTON STREET. N. B. The repairs in our store having been completed we are again ready for business. I HON WORKS. " KEHOE’S IRON WORKS; Broughton Street, from Reynolds to Randolph Streets, 1 SaTrannali, - - Georgia. CASTING OF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ' THE RAPIDLY INCREASING DEMAND FOR OUR SUGAR MILLS AND PANS TT induced us to manufacture them on a more extenaive scale than 11 ever. To that end no pal dm or expense has been spared to maintain their HIGH BTANARD OF EXCELLENCE. H These Mills are of the BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP with heavy WROUGHT IRON SHAFTS (made long to prevent danger to thn 8 ■ operator), and rollers of the best charcoal pig Iron, oil turned up true. H M They are heavy, strong and durable, run light and even, and are guaran tMBBwWWMWWIWHi teed capable of grinding the heaviest fully matured cane. \lloiir Milk, are fully wntraMcd f. r on,, year ■fIMSIIHHHNB <>llr Fans being ■■( with the Git toms down, Hiuodli'i.w. durability nod uiufnriiiitv of MW HBWwbI tlo'Aiiev. FAK Sri'KKß ill ID TIP'Mi MADE IN’ THE USUAL WAY Having unsurpassed facilities, WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO BE AS LOW AS ANY OFFERED. A Large Stock Always on Hand 4 or Prompt Delivery. Will. Kelioe & Cos. N. B - The name “ KEHOE’B IRON WORKS,’ is cast on all our Mills and Tans. Vale Royal Manufacturing Cos. GA„ MANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN Sasli, tors, ills, Mantels, Pciv Ends, And Interior Finish of all kind*. Mouldings, Balusters, Newel Poets. Estimates, Prioe Uete, Mould ing llooke. ami any Information In our lino furnished on application. C'ynpuw, Yellow Pine, Oalb Aeh and Walnut LUMBER on hand and In any quantity, furnished promptly. VALE ROYAL MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Savannah. Ga 7