The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, August 30, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMERCIAL. SAVANNAH MARKET OFFICE Of THE MORNING NEWS,) Savanxui, Ga., Ail-'. 29, Ip. m. ( Cotton—There was a very active inquiry, and all stock offering was readily taken at firm though unchanged prices. The total sales for the day were 778 hales. On ’Change at the mid day call, at 1 p. m., the market was reported firm and unchanged. The following arc the official spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: Middling fair 9% Good middling 9% Good ordinary f.% Sea Island —The market was very dull and entirely nominal. Common Georgias and Floridas 14@15 Medium 16@16% Good medium 17@17% Medium fine 18®. Fine 19©19% Extra fine 20@il Choice 22® Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand Aug. 29, 1887, and fur the Same Time Last Year. 1886-87. 1885-86. Island. u P land ' Island. Upland j Stock on hand Sept. 1 J 1,149 551 3.2118! Received to-day 1 1,632 9531 Received previously 27,200 775. &41 23,388 78:3, 3M Total 28,409 78L877 23,989 787.(115 Export**! to-day —394 j 528 Exported previously 27,939 j 777,140 j 22,709 783,724 Total _ 27,93<h J”r7.53T 22,709 784,247 Stock on hand and on .ship ! ' hoard this day II 470i 4,34311 1,230| 3,SCB Rice—The market was active and firm. The sales for the day were 250 barrels, at about quotations. We quote: Fair 4%® G ood 44-4® Prime 5%@ Rough- Country lot 60® 90 Tide water 90@1 15 Naval Stores— The market for spirits turpen pentine was quiet, but firm and unchanged. The sales for the day were 300 barrels, at 2944 c for regulars. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reported firm a t29 : f,e for regulars. At the closing call it was Crm at 2944 c for regulars. Rosin—The market was firm, wK\ a fair demand. The sales for the day were about 1,675 bar rels. At the Board of Trade on the first call the market was reported firm at the following quotations: A, B, C and I) 90c, E 95c, F 97%c, G $1 00, H $1 07%, ISI 15. K SI 30, M*l 40, N ?! 60, window glass $2 05, water white $2 55. At the last call it was unchanged. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin Stock on hand April 1 2.543 77,408 Received to-day 1,268 2,788 Received previously 102,514 240,957 Total 331,158 Exported to-day . ... 420 2,398 Exported previously 02,781 257,790 Total 03,201 260,188 Stock on hand and on shipboard to-day 13,154 60,965 Receipts same day last year 842 2,393 Financial—Sloney is easy. Domestic Exchange— Easy. Banks and bankers are buying sight drafts at Vis per cent discount and selling at par@% per cent pre mium. Foreign Exchange— The market is weak. Commercial demand, $4 83V4; sixty days. $4 8144; ninety days, 84 81V4; francs, Paris and Havre, commercial, sixty days, $5 2444; Swiss, 85 2444: marks, sixty days. 94%. Securities— The market is sluggish, with some little investment inquiry for dividend pay ing stocks and long date oonds. Stocks and Bonds—City Ronds—Quiet. At lanta 6 per cent long date, 108 bid. 110 asked; Atlanta 7 per cent, 118 bid, 121 asked; Augusta 7 per cent long date, 115 bid, 118 asked: Au gusta 6s long date, 108 bid, :10 asked; Columbus 5 per cent. 100 bid. 105 asked; Macon 6 per cent, 111 bid, 112 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent, October coupons, 101% bid, 102 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent, November coupons, 101 bid, 10146 asked. State Bonds— Market steady, with light sup ply. Georgia new 6s, 1889. 101 bid, 102 asked; Georgia new 4%5, 104% hid, 105% asked; Geor gia 7 per cent gold, quarterly coupons. 105 hid, 106 asked; Georgia 7 per cent, coupons Janu ary and July, maturity 1896, 120 bid, 121 asked. Railroad Stocks— Central common, 117% bid, 118% asked; Augusta and Savannah 7 percent guaranteed, 181 bid, 132 asked; Georgia com mon, 196 bid, 198 asked; Southwestern 7 per cent guaranteed, 127 hid, 128 asged; Central 6 per cent certificates, 99 bid, iOo asked; At lanta and West Point railroad stock. 109 bid, 111 asked; Atlanta and West Point 6 percent certificates, 102% hid. 103 asked. Railroad Ronds—Market quiet Savannah, Florida and Western Railway Company general mortgage 6 per cent interest, coupons October, 115 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mort gage consolidated 7 per cent, coupons Janu ary and July, maturity 1897,115 bid, 117% asked, Central consolidated mortgage 7 per cent 4 coupons January and July, maturity 1893, 110% bid, 111% asked; Georgiig railroad (is, 1897, 106 bid, 108 asked; Mobile and Girard second mort gage indorsed 8 percent, coupons January and July, maturity 1889, 102 bid, 108% asked; Mont gomery and Eufaula first mortgage 6 per cent, indorsed by Central railroad, 100% bid. 108 asked; Marietta and'Xorth Georgia first mort gage, 50 years, 6 percent, 100 hid, 101% asked; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta first mort gage ill bid, 112% asked; Charlotte, Colum bia and Augusta second mortgage, 110 asked; Western Alabama second mort gage indorsed 8 per cent, 109 bid, 110 asked: South Georgia and Florida indorsed, 118 hid, 120 asked; South Georgia and Florida second mortgage, 114 bid, 110 asked; Augusta and Knoxville first mortgage 7 per cent, 111)4 bid, 112 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and South ern first mortgage guaranteed, 114 bid, 115% asked: Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern not guaranteed, 113 asked; Ocean Steamship 6 per cent bonds, guaranteed by Cen tral railroad, 102% bid, 103% asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern second mortgage guaranteed, 113 asked; Columbus and Rome first mort gage In mils. Indorsed by Cen tral railroad. 101 bid, 105% iskcd; Columbus and Western 0 per ce.n guaranteed, 107 asked; City and Suburban railway first mortgage 7 per cent, 109 bid, 110 asked. v ank Stocks —Nominal. Southern Bank of the State of Georgia, 198 bid, 202 asked: Mer chants’ National Bank, 157 asked; Savannah Bank and Trust Company, 97 bid, 100 asked; National Bank of Savannah, 120 hid, 121 asked; Oglethorpe Savings aud Trust Company, 107 bid, 108 asked. Has Stocks— Savannah Gas Eight stock, ex divldend, 20 bid. 21 asked; Mutual Gas Light stock, 20 bid, 23 asked. Bacon - Market steady; demand good; smoked clear rib sides, shoulders. 6|4c; dry salted clear rib sides, tic: long clear, 8%o; shoulders, none: hams, 18c, Baoooino and Ties —Market Irregular. We quote; Bagging—2% lbs. 6144}84c; 21hs. T9k® 'i f sc; 1% lbs, 0%<8>7%e, according to brand and quantity. Iron ties—Arrow and other brands, none: nominal, $1 25 per bundle, according to brand and quantity. Bagging and ties in retail lots a fraction higher. Bitter—Market steady; oleomargarine. 14® 16c; choice Goshon, 18c; gilt edge, 23c; cream ery, 25(&.28c. Oabuaok—Northern, 12®13c C’beese —Market nominal; small demand; •took light. We quote, 11 <n. 1 to. Coekkk -The market is firm. We quote for small lots: Ord nary, 204 c; lair, 21 JejC; good, 224 c: choice, 23c: peaberry, 20c. Drieo Frcit—Apples, eva|>ortod, lSe; peeled, 7c. Peaches. peeled, 13c; unpeeled, s<a7c. Cur rants, 7c. Citron, Usc I>nv Uooutt- The market is firm; business fair. We quote: Prints. 4&6c; Georgia brown shirt ing, 34, 4Xio: 7-8 do, SK-c; 4-4 brown sheet ing, 64c: "white osnuburgs, 8W®10c; checks, I’H'tpfc: yarns, hoc for best makes; brown drill ings, 7@74c. r’Jsn- We quote full weights: Mackerel—No. 1.17 50® 10 00; No. 3, half liarrels, nominal, $6 00®7 00; No. S, $7 So(p>B 80. Herring—No. 1, 20c; scaled, 25c; cod, s!qtßc. Flour—Market steady; demand moderate. We quote: Extra, $3 70®8 86; fancy, $4 50® 4 86; choice patent, $6 16©5 40, family, $4 00® , Frcit—Lemons— Demand fair. 'Vo quote: $8 Bo®4 00. Apples, North'm, $275®3 50. Grain—Corn—Market very firm; demand light. We quote: White oorn. Job lots, 60c; carload lots, Oflc; mixed corn, job lota, OBc; car load lots, 02c. Oats steady: demand good. Wo quote; Mixed oats, 45c; carload lots, 40c. Bran, *IOO. Meal, 7*Mc. Georgia grist, per sack, *1 60; grist, per bushel. 16c Hat—Market very firm, with a fair demand; stock ample. We quote job lots; Western, Si 10; farioad lots, $1 00; Eastern, Si 10; North ern, none. Hides, Wool, Etc. —Hides—Market dull; re ceipts light; dry Hint. ll@ll%c; salted, 9®9%c; dry butcher, Bc. Wool—Receipts light; prime, in bales, 26c; burry, :o@lsc. Wax. 18e. Tul low, 3® 4c. Deer skins, flint, 20c; salted, 16c. Otter skins, 60c®$4 00. Ikon—Market firm; Swede; 4%@5c; refined; 244'-. Lard—Market is easy; in tierces, 7%c; 50 lb tins, 7%c. Lime, Calcined Plaster and Cement--Ala bama lump lime is in fair demand, and is sell ing at $1 30 per barrel; Georgia, $1 30 per bar rel; calcined plaster, $1 50 per barrel; nair 4c. Rosendale cement. Si 50; Portlaud cement, $2 50. Liquors— Full stock, steady demand. Bour bon, $1 50®6 50; rye. $150©6 00; rectified, St 00® 1 35. Ales unchanged and in fair de mand. Nails —Market firm; fair demand. Wequote; 3d, S3 90; 4d and sd, S3 25; 6d, $3 00 ; Bd, §2 75; lOd to 60d, S2 50 per keg. Nuts—Almonds—Tarragona, 18® 20c; Ivicas, 17®18e; walnuts, French. 12c; Naples, 16c; pe cans, 10c; Brazil. 10c; filberts, lie; cocoauuts, Barracoa. S5 25 per 100. Oils—Market firm; demand good. Signal, 45e; West Virginia black, 9® 10c; lard, 58c; headlight, 15c; kerosene, 10c; water white, 13%c; neatsfoot, 62®80c: machinery. 25@80c; linseed, raw, 50c; boiled. 53c; mineral seal, 16c; fire proof, 18c; homelight, 18c. Onions—Northern, per barrel. S3 75. Potatoes—Long Island Rose, $3 00. Peas—Demand light; cow peas, mixed, 75® 80c; clay, $100®115; speckled, $100@115; black eye, $1 25@1 50; white crowder, Si 50® 1 75. Prunes—Turkish, 544 c; French, Bc. Raisins—Demand light; market steady; loose new Muscatel, $2 00; layers, $1 75 per box; Lon don layers. $2 00 per box. Salt—The demand is moderate and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots, 65c fob; job lots, 75@90c. Shot—Drop, $1 40; buck, $1 65. Suiar- The market is firm; cut loaf. 644 c; standard A, 6%c; extra C, ; yellow C, 5%e; granulated, 6%c; powdered, 644 c. Syrup—Florida and Georgia syrup, 40® 45e; the market is quiet for sugarhouse at 35®40c; Cuba straight goods, 28c in hogsheads; sugar house molasses. 20c. Tobacco—Market dull; demand moderate. Wequote: Smoking, 25c@$l 25; chewing, com mon, sound, 25@80c; fair, 30©S5c; medium, 38 @soc: bright, 50®75c; fine fancy, 85@90c; extra fine, 90c@$l 10; bright navies, 45®75c; dark navies, 40@50c. Lumber—The demand from the West is fairly active, and the railroads are endeavoring to meet the wants of the trade in making rates. Coastwise and foreign demand is quite active, and prices remain Ann at quotations. We quote, fob: Ordinary sizes sl3 50®17 00 Difficidt sizes 16 00@21 50 Flooring boards 16 00® 20 50 Shipstuff 18 50@21 50 Timber—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 00® 11 00 800 “ “ 10 00@11 00 900 “ “ 11 00® 18 00 1,000 “ “ 12 00®14 00 Shipping timber in the raft -700 feet average $ 6 00® 7 00 800 “ “ 7 00® 800 900 “ “ 8 00© 900 1,000 “ “ 9 00© 10 00 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber—By sail—Coastwise business is dull, with vessels in good supply and rates weak. Freight limits are from $5 00©6 25 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphia. New York, Sound ports and eastward. Timber. 50c©$l 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and wind - ward, nominal; to South America, sl3 00©14 00; to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, $!l 00® 12 00: to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 27@285; lumber, £3 15s. Stcam-To New York, $7 00; to Philadelphia, S7 00; to Boston. $9 00. Naval Stores—Firm but nominal, owing to the scarcity of vessels. Foreign—Cork, etc., fo orders, 3s 3d, and, or, 4s 6d; Adriatic, rosin, 3s; Genoa, rosin, 2s 10%d. Coastwise- Steam—To Boston, 50c on rosin. $1 00 on spirits; to New York, rosin 50c, spirits 80c; to Phila delnbia, rosin 80c, spirits 80c; to Baltimore, rosin 30c, spirits 60c. Coastwise quiet. Cotton—By Steam—The market is nominal. Liverpool direct 19-64d Liverpool via New Yolk jft lf> 5-16d Liverpool via Baltimore $ lb 3-16d Antwerp via New York slb 5-16@%d Havre via New York J! Tt> 9-16 c Havre via Baltimore 66c Bremen via New Y’ork lb 11-16 c Reval via New York 11 32d Bremen via Baltimore ip ff> 94° Amsterdam via New York 65c Amsterdam via Baltimore 61c Genoa via New York 4j) lb %and Boston 4* bale $ 1 35 Sea island ip bale 1 75 New York 41 bale 1 85 Sea island 9? bale 1 75 Philadelphia 98 bale 185 Sea island i|B bale 1 75 Baltimore $ bale 1 25 Providence $ hale 150 Rice —By steam— New York barrel 60 Philadelphia $1 barrel 6o Baltimore $ barrel 60 Boston barrel 60 COUNTRY' PRODUCE. Grown fowls ip pair $ 65 ® 80 Chickens, %to 44 grown 40 © 60 Springers 25 (& 40 Ducks ¥4 pair 60 © 80 Geese jy pair 75 @1 00 Turkeys $ pair 125 @2OO Eggs, country, dozen 20 ® Peanuts—Fancy h. p. Va, #S> @7 Peanuts —Hand nicked ip lb © 6 Peanuts —Ga. bushel, nominal. . 75 @ 90 Sweet potatoes, yel. reds J 9 bush... 50 ® 60 Sweet potatoes, yel. yams bush.. 65 ©7O Sweet potatoes white yams, (9 bush 40 @ 55 Poultry—Market steady; receipts heavy; de mand light for grown; half to three-quarters grown in good request. Egss—Market firm, with a good demand, but scarce. Peanuts—Fair stock; demand moderate; mar ket steady. Suoar—Georgia and Florida nominal; none in market, llonet—No demand, nominal. Sweet Potatoes—Scarce; receipts very light; demand good. MARKETS BT TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New York, Aug. 20, noon.—Stocks steady to firm. Money easy at 4@5 per cent. Exchange —long $4 80)4®4 SOJi, short $4 8244@4 88. State bonds neglected. Government bonds dull bu steady. 500 p. m.—Exchange dull but firm at $4 81 4®4 85. Money easy at 3®54 per cent,, closing offered 2. Sub-Treasury balances—Gold, $184,928,000; currency, $13,817.000. Government bonds dull but strong; four percents 1254: four and a half per cents 1084- State bonds en tirely neglected „ The stock market to-day practically subsided into dullness of the week before last. Opera tors are awaiting developments in Oregon Navi gation and Northern l*aciflc stocks, and these were attacked again to-day. Oregon Naviga tion which opened up 2 per cent., was knocked off i% and finally closed at Saturday's quota tions. Missouri Pacific led an early advance, spurting up sharply, though most of the gain was afterward lost. The market closed quiet but firm at about the opening figures. The ac tive list, with but few exceptions, show small fractional advances. Sales of stock to-day ejo.ono shares. Tne following were the closing quotations; Ala. class A, 2to 5.106 New Orleans .Pa- Ala. class B, 55... H>4 eific, Ist raort... 81* Georgia 7s, inort. 105 N. A Central 107 N. Carolina 6s. 1224 Norf. &W. pref. 424 N Carolina 4s ... 97 Nor. Pacific 24fJ So. Caro. tßrown) “ pref... 494 consols. 116 Pacific Mali. 89% Tennessee 6s ■-■ 70 Reading. 514 Virginia 6s 48 Richmond & Ale . 9 Va consolidated. 45 Richmond & Dauv 150 ChWteA Ohio. 6 Eichm and& W. Pt. Chic. A Northw'n.llSfc, Terminal " preferred... 142 Rock Island 12314 Dela.,Lack AW. 1294 St. Pau1.......... 81$ Erie 29% " preferred .084 East Tennessee. Texas Pacific 2h% new stock 10% Tenn. Coal & Iron. 28 Lalto Shore 9214 Union Pacific 534 L’vllle4 Nash ... Cl 4 N. J. Central 584 Memphis & Char 49 Missouri Pacific.. 98% Mobile A Ohio ... 124 " <:tern .Union .71 Nash. & Chatta 774 CottonOilTrust cer 30 ♦Asked. COTTON. Liverpool, Aug. 29, 12:80 p. m.-Cotton firm and in good demand: uplands 54a, middling Orleans 54d; sales 10.000 bales, for ■peculation and export 1,000 bales; receipts 2.200 bales all American. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, Au gust delivery 5 29-6ld, also 5 3u-04d; August, and September 524 6-kl. also 5 2.V04<1; Reptem her and October 5 14-04d, also 5 18-64 U; October and November 5 7 64d; December uud January 5 4.04(1 ; January and February 5 4 64d. Market '"'Fhe tenders of deliveries at to-day's clearings amounted to 1,300 bales new dockets and 100 gales to-day included 7,500 bales of American. Future*—Uplands, low middling clause. Au gust delivery 5 28-64d. buvers; August and Sep tember 5 28-Md, buyers: September and October 5 12-6ld, value; October and November 5 6 64d, sellers: November and December 54-64d. sellers: THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1887. December and January 5 3-64d, sellers; Jan uary anti February 8 S-Md, sellers; February and March 5 4-64d. buyers; September 5 23-64d, buy ers. Market barely steady. 4 p. m.—Futures: Uplauds. low middling clause, August delivery 8 28-64d, value; Au gust and September 5 23-64(1, buyers: Septem her and October 5 12-64d, sellers; October and November 5 5-64d. buyers; November and De cember 5 3-64d, buyers; December and January 5 3-64d, sellers; January and February 5 8-64 u, sellers; February and March 5 S-64a, buyers; September s 23-6ki. buyers. Market closed quiet but steady. New York, Aug 29. noon.—Cotton opened steady; middling uplands 9 18-16 c, middling Or leans 9 15-16 c; sales 345 bales. Futures—The market opened easy, with sales as follows: August delivery 9 44c. September 9 31c, October 9 21c. November 9 15c, December 9 15c, January 9 19c. 5:00 p. m.— Market closed steady; middling uplands 9%c, middling Orleans 10c; sales to-day 885 bales; net receipts none, gross 1.052, Futures—Market closed steady, with sales of 60,700 bales, as follows: August delivery 9 43® 9 44c, September 9 35@9 36c, October 9 28® 9 24c, November 9 18®9 19c, December 9 18® 9 19c, January 9 23c, February 9 20@9 21c. March 9 3G@9 37c, April 9 44@ 9 45c, Olay 9 51© 9 52c, June 9 57@9 58c, July 9 C3@.9 65c. Green A Co.'s report on oottou futures says: “Without reaching any volume of business the cotton market has been rather quick in move ment and undergone sharp fluctuations. At the outset, under some disappointment in the Liver pool advices, tho inclination was to sell, with prices dropping off some B@s pants along pretty much the entire line. Subsequent leas promising accounts, especially from Arkansas, infused a stronger tone and eventually restored pretty much ihe entire loss, with assistance ob tained through new buying orders from abroad nnd from the eastward, the dose ruling fairly steady at within a fraction of Saturday even ing’s rates. Spot was firmly held but uot ac tive.” Galveston, Aug. 29.—Cotton steady; middling 9%c; net receipts 1.017 bales, gross 1,012; sales 30 1 bales: stock 8,057 bales. Norfolk, Aug. 29.—Cotton firm; middling 93,c; net receipts 1 bale new, gross 1 bale new; sales 21 bales; stock 745 bales; exports coastwise 137 bales. Baltimore, Aug, 29.—Cotton nominal; middling 10c; net receipts none, gross 39 bales; sales none; stock 415 bales; exports, coastwise 37 bales. Boston, Aug. 29. — Cotton quiet; middling 10c; net receipts none, gross 1,039 bales; sales none; stock none. Wilmington, Aug. 29.—Cotton steady; mid dling 9c; net receipts 70 bales, gross 70 bales; sales none: stock 391 bales. Philadelphia, Aug. 29.—Cotton firm; mid dling 10 5-16 c: net receipts none, gross 9 bales: stock 8,391 bales. New Orleans, Aug. 29.—Cotton firm; mid dling 9 7-ltic; net receipts 2,953 bales, gross 2,958; sales 330 bales; stock 17,460 bales; ex ports coastwise 783 bales. Mobile, Aug. 29.—Cotton steady; middling 9%c; net receipts 408 bales, gross 408 bales; sales 100 bales; stock 834 bales; exports coast wise 61 bales. Memphis, Aug. 29. —Cotton quiet: middling 944 c; receipts 210 bales—lß9 new; shipments 303 bales; sales 50 bales; stock 4,398 bales. Augusta. Aug. 29.—Cotton firm: middling 9c: receipts 143bales—98 new; sales 109 bales. Charleston, Aug. 29.—Cotton steady: middling llUt;; net receipts 755 bales; gross 755; sales 200 bales: stock 2,076 bales. Atlanta, Aug. 29.—Cotton—middling B%c; receipts 20 bales. New York, Aug. 29.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to day 0,7 03 bales; exports, to Great Britain 2,762 bales; to the continent 804 bales. PROVISIONS. OROCKRIES. ETC. Liverpool, Aug. 29, 12:30 p. m. —Wheat dull, with poor demand; holders offer freely. Corn quiet but steady ; demand poor. Bacon, long clear 41s 3d. New York, Aug. 29, noon.—Flour dull and weak. Wheat %@% c lower. Corn !4@44c lower. Pork dull; mess sls 50@15 75. Old mess pork sls 00©15 25. Lard steady at 6 77%c. Freights steady. 5:00 p. in.—Flour, Southern steady and in moderate demand. Wheat, spot lots declined %@%c and options 44@%e, closing heavy at near bottom prices: export inquiry quite mode rate; No. 2 red. August delivery closing at 79%c: September 79%,u 7944 c, closing at 79%e: October H0%@8115-16C, Closing at 8054 c. Corn, spot lots a shade and options %©%c lower, closing heavy with moderate trade; No. 2, August de livery 4944 c; September 49%©49%c, closing at 4944 c; October 49%@49%e, closing 4944 c. Oats a shade higher; only moderately active; mixed Western 31@33c; No. 2, September de livery 3144 c, closing 8144 c; October 81%©31%e, closing at 3144 c. Hops dull. Coffee, fair Rio quiet at 20c; options dull, lower and heavy; No. 7 Rio uot quoted; August delivery 17 90c, September 17 70@17 95c; October 18 10©18 25c. Sugar firm but moderately active; fair refining quoted at 4%©4 1116 c: refined firm. Molasses dull. Cotton seed oil quoted at 34@30c for crude, 40®43e for refined. Hides firm and moderately active. Wool quiet and generally steady; domestic fleece 30@37c, pulled 14@35c, Texas 9@25c Pork in moderate demand. Beef dull. Beef hams quiet and unchanged. Cut meats firm but quiet. Middles dull and nomi nal. Lard a shade lower but fairly actrte; Western steam, on spot $6 72%; September de livery $6 70@6 72. October $6 74®6 75; refined quoted at $7 to the continent, $7 40 to South America. Freights to Liverpool dull; cotton 9-G4d, wheat l%d. Chicago, Aug. 29.—Wheat was regarded as uncertain stuff early to-day. The final and complete collapse of the San Francisco wheat comer was a strong element on the bear side. Reports from the Northwest contained much about July wheat and about the disappointing yield in Dakota and elsewhere. September opened %c lower, hut in 30 minutes was selling at 6844 c, only %c under Saturday’s close. As the session advanced decided interest was taken in the visible supply statement. Traders were pre pared for anything in the neighborhood of 1,000.000 bushels decrease, and were therefore agreeably surprised at, the official exhibit, making the decrease 1,425.000 bushels. The effect was an almost immediate advance to 09c for September. This comparatively high figure caused more or less realizing, which carried prices back, the last sale being made at 70%© 7044 c for September. Corn also oiiened weak aud at lower prices. There was considerable nervousness for an hour, hut prices soon rallied under a fair demand, and September corn started at 4044 c, sold up to 41c, and steadied tie fore noon at 40%e, the closing price Saturday. May corn first sold at 44%@445tjc under the close, but later sold up slowly to 44%c, the last price of the week. The visible supply state ment announced an increase of 250.000 bushels for the week, and it had a discouraging effect 011 buyers, and there was a decline to the close. September closed at 40%@40%c under Satur day. May reached 45c for the highest point, and closed at 4444 c, or %c under Saturday's closing. Oats were slow and heavy, specula tive orders were light, and the shipping demand was hardly adequute to the supply. Septemlier opened at 24%c, sold to 2444 c, aud closed at 2454 c. Provisions exhibited a quiet and easy feeling, uttd there were no important changes to note,. A few orders from outside shorts tended to a steadier feeling early, and slightly improved prices were paid in a few cases, but outside were not fully supported to the close. OffCTings of all description were mode rate, and there was no particular pressure to sell, and the demand was confined to providing for a few contracts or transfers from Septem ber to October delivery at the current differ ence. The spring demand was moderate and the offerings wore fair. The receipts of pro ducts were not very large, and the shidments of all kinds were quite liberal and widely dis tributed. Pastern and foreign markets exhibited no particular change. September lard opened at $6 40, sold down to $6 86, and closed at $5 37%. Septemlier short ribs opened at $7 00, sold down to $7 85, and closed at $7 90. Mess pork was practically unchanged. Cash quotations to-day ruled as follows: Flour in local demand only; prices unchanged. Wheat, No. 2 spring CS%c; No. 3 spring 65%c; No. 2 red 69%0. Corn, No. 2,4044 c. Oats, No. 2, :!l!4c. Mess pork, per barrel, $150047.15 25. Lard, per 100 lbs, $6 37%. Short rib Rides, loose, $7 87%. Dry salted shoulders, boxed. $5 45®5.Vi; abort, clear sides, boxed, $8 30© 8 35. Whisky $1 10. Sugars—Cut loaf 644® 654 c, granulated ti%c, standard 6c. Leading futures ranged as follows: Opening. Highest. Closing. No. 2 Wheat— August delivery. 68% 68% 68% Sept, delivery... 68% 69 68% Oct. delivery — 70% <O% 70% Corn, No. 2 August delivery. 40% 40% 40% Sept, delivery... 40% 41 40% Oct. delivery.... 41% 41% 41% Oats, No. 2 August delivery. 24% ... Sept, delivery... 24% 24% 24% Oct. delivery.... 25% 25% 25%@25% Mess Fork— Year, per harrel.sll 00 $ $ Jan. delivery.... 12 27% 12 27% 12 25 Lard— August delivery. $6 40 $6 40 $6 35 Sept, delivery 6 40 6 40 6 40 Oct. delivery 6 47% .... .... Short Ribs— August delivery. $7 90 $7 91) $7 90 Sept, delivery... 790 790 790 Oct. delivery 7 90 7 90 7 87% Baltimore, Aug. 29. —Flour steady but quiet ; Howard street and Western superfine $2 25© 2 75. extra *8 000.3 60, family $8 75®4 35, city mills sitp-rflne 25®2 62. extra $3 00®3 50; Kin brands $4 25®4 50. Wbeau-Houtbern steady; red 78®81c; amber S2®B4c: Western lower, closing dull; No. 2 winter red, on spot 78%® 7’B%c. Corn—Southern firm, with light receipts; wnite 56'tpS7c, yellow 54®85c. Louisville, Aug. 29.—Grain quiet. Wheat— No 2 red 728. Corn—No. 3 mixed 46c. Oau— New 28%c. Provisions quiet and unchanged: Bacon—clear rib sides $9 25, clear sides SO 75. shoulders $6 £5. Bulk meats—clear rib sides $8 50, clear sides $8 87%, shoulders $5 75. Mess pork nominal. Hams, sugar-cured at sl2 (W@ 13 50. Lard, choice leaf $8 00. Cincinnati, Aug. 29.—Flour easy; family $3 10®8 05, fancy $3 58®8 76. Wheat dull; No. 2 red 72e. Corii easier and lower; No. 2 mixed 431i@44e. Oats easier; No. 2 mixed 27® 27%e. Provisions —Pork dull at sl4 75. Lard scarce at $6 30. Bulk meats firm; short ri t>s $8 20. Bacon steady; short ribs $9, short clear $9 50. Whisky steady at $lO5. Hogs firm; common and light $410©5 25; packing and butchers $5 00@5 60. Bt. Louis, Aug. 29.—Flour steady and nn changed; family $2 40@2 50. patent $3 80@4 00. Wheat firm; moderate trading; fluctuations very light, varying only about 1-itlc during the session: No. 2 red, cash flOtje: September de livery 69@69%C, closing 69Vrc; Uctolsu* 70% u 70? „-c. Closing at 70? tic. Corn firm: cash 3sc J( ,, Slii-jjC, September delivery 37%@37%e, closing at 87%c; October 38%®S%c, closing at 3*140. Oats %(* easier; cash 84%0 24%c September delivery 24%e, May 30c. Whisky steady at $1 05. Provisions dull: ' pork, irregular new sls. ljird $6 15@6 25. Dry stilt meats boxed shoul ders $5 50; long clear $7 7." - -7 77% clear ribs $H 00@8 12%. short clear $8 37%. Bacon boxed shoulders $6, long clear $8 85@8 87%, clear ribs $8 80(77 8 8716, short clear s'9 1.7©'9 2.7. Hams Steady at $12@16. New Orleans, Aug. 29.— -Coffee quiet but steady; Rio cargoes, common to prime 18%@ 21V4c. Cotton seed products dull and nominal; prime crude oil 26@28e, offered: summer yellow oil 37®38c. Sugars strong; Louisiana open ket tle, fully fair 5%e. good fair 5%c; Louisiana centrifugals, off white 6%@6 8-16 c, choice yel low clarified 6%c, prime yellow clarified 6 !-16e, seconds 5®5%c. Molasses strong; Louisiana centrifugals, strictly prime to fancy 28®33e. fair to good prime 22©25c, common to good common lß©2lc. NAVAL STORES. New York, Aug. 29, noon.—Spirits turpentine dull at 3214 c. Rosin dull at $1 05@1 10. 5:00 p. m.—Rosin quiet at $1 03@1 10. Tur pentine quiet at 32%e. Charleston, Aug. 29.—Spirits turpentine steady at 300. Rosin steady; good strained 90c. Wilmington, Aug. 29.—Spirits turpentine steady at 29%e. Rosin firm; strained 72%c, good strained 77%c. Tar firm at $1 89. Crude turpentine firm; hard $1 10, yellow dip $175; virgin $1 75. RICK. New York. Aug. 29.— Rice steady. New Orleans, Aug. 29.—Rice unchanged. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Miniature almanac-this day. Sunßises 5:85 Bun Sets 6:26 High Water at Savannah 5:50 a m. 6:28 p M Tuesday, August 30, 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Macon. Lewis, Boston —C G Anderson, Agent. Steamer David Clark, Bravo. Fernandina—C Williams, Agent. Steamer Katie, Bevill, Augusta and way land ings J G Medlock, Agent. Steamer Seminole, Strobhar, Beaufort, Port Royal and Bluff ton—H A Strobhar, Manager. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Tonawanda, Brickley, New York- Master. Schr Martha S Bement, Townsend, Brooklyn —Master. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer Ethel, Gibson, Cohen’s Bluff and way landings—sV T Gibson, Manager. MEMORANDA. New York, Aug 27—Arrived, bark tValter S Massey, Fhelati, Brunswick. Cleared, schr Jno S Davis, Greene, Jackson ville. Harburg. Aug 20—Sailed, bark Caroline (Nor>, Sorensen, Brunswick. Tarifa, Aug 21— Fasgod. bark Blandin P (Aits), Kranich, Pensacola for Genoa. Trieste, Aug 28—Arrived, bark Giovanni (Br), Crombie, Savannah. Cape Town, CG, July 16—Sailed, bark Zio Battista (Ital). Olivari, Pensacola. Apalachicola, Aug 25—Cleared, lark Addie Morrell, Andrew s, and Joshua Loring, Haase, New A ork. Baltimore, Aug 27—Cleared, brig Clara Pick ens, Eddy, Savannah. Bangor, Ale, Aug 26—Cleared, schr H Lippitt, Key West. Port Royal, S C, Aug 27—Arrived, Rfmrs An tilles (Br), Carey, Bermuda; Rio Grande, Lewis, Fernandina (and proceeded for New Fork). Philadelphia. Aug 27- Cleared, steamship Sttanton (Br), Hyde, Coosaw. Fernandina, Aug 29—Arrived and cleared to return, steamship Yemassee, Platt, New York; arrived, schr William H Stewart, Sparks, Pas cagoula. Cleared, schrs Jlollie J Saunders, Thompson, Baltimore: Joseph M Hays, Crocker, Cromvall, Conn. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Port Royal, SC, Aug 27—The St Mary arrived to-day with captain and five men taken from schr Dido (Br), off Chesapeake Bay, on Sunday morning. The Dido was wrecked in last Satur day’s hurricane and was under wnter wh -n the men were taken off She was loaded wit I ■ - wood from St Atm’s Bay for New York. RECEIPTS. Per Central Railroad. Aug 29—671 bales cot ton, 42 bales yarn, 63 bales domestics, 12 bales plaids. 1 bale wool. 5 bales hides. 1 roll leather, 12 pkgs paper, 188 pkgs tobacco. 6,600 lbs lard, 1,195 lbs bacon. 104 bbls spirits turpentine, 417 bbls rostn, 2,905 lbs fruit, 400 bales hay, 58 horses and mules, 12 bbls whisky, 1 hf bbl whisky, 19 cars lumber, 25 pkgs furniture and h h goods, 12 ears wood, 13 pkgs wood in shape, 12 casks clay, 1 pkg wax, 76 pkgs mdse, 68 tons pig iron, 27 bales paper stock, 6 pkgs empties, 1 car brick, 17 pkgs hardware, 80 boxes soap, 14 cases eggs, 1 car coal. Perßavannah, Florida and Western Railway, Aug 29—753 hales cotton. 22 cars lumber, 6 ears wood, 2.514 hbls rosin. MSI bbls spirits turpentine, 1 car laths, 300 bags grits, 19 bales bay, 1 car hay, 125 bbls flour, 12 pkgs bedsteads, 12 pkgs rails, 12 pkgs slats, 16 bales hides. 4 bales wool, 6 bbls bottles, 8 sacks rice, 4 cases liquor, 3 cases dry goods, 3 cases shoes, 4 bdls hat racks, 29 pkgs mdse, and mdse. Per Charleston and Savannah Railwav. Aug 89 -6 bbls rosin. 1 car wood, 2 pkgs bedsteads, 2 pkgs bedding, 26 pkgs h b goods, 20 pkgs 100 boxes tobacco, 5 pkgs 14 qr boxes tobacco, 14 pkgs 70 caddies tobacco. 40 boxes tobacco, 2 pkgs 10 boxes tobacco, 5 pkgs 23 caddies tobacco, 4 pkgs 21 hf caddies tobacco, 1 case dry goods, 8 bbls tallow, 1 case clothing, 2 bdls shingles, and mdse. Per steamer Katie, from Augusta and way lauding*-295 bales cotton, 244 bbls rosin. 80 bbls spirits turpentine, 10 cases eggs, 9 coops fowls, 4 bdls hides. EXPORTS. Per schr Martha S Bement. for Brooklyn -362,560 feet p p lumber—Stillwell, Pike A Mlllen. passengers. Per steamship City of Macon, from Boston— Airs K K Clark, J 8 Caller, C K Deane, W J Con nell, F A Campbell, Miss .Lina Kyau, W A Smith, Hon J C Webb. Steerage—Wm Beane, M Rog ers, A Coyle. Per steamer David Clark, from Fernandina Capt Wm lev, E A Weil and wife. .1 S Herdson, Rout Manson, J G Garnett, Jas MoGiniey, Miss Katie McUinley. Per steamer Katie, from Augusta and way landings - 8 H Buxton, W F DeLoaeb, M L Mid dleton, B F Seott, R M Gibbs J T Wells, T A Cansey, J C Richardson, J W Peeples and son, Mrs Snooks and children. Miss Jaudon, and 15 deck. CONSIGNEES. Per steamship City of Macon, from Boston— A It Alt mayer v Cos, Byck Bros, T P Bond & Cos, E F Bryan, S W Branch, T Basoh. A 8 Cohen, 51 Boley & Son, 8 Coben. J H Entill. A B Hull. A Ehrlich A Bro. W G Cooper, M Ferst A Cos, A Einstein's Hons, G Eckstein ACo Collat. Bros, Grady, DeL A Cos, Herman A K, Herron A G, A Krauss. 8 Guckenlielmer A 8011, Lindsay A 51, 8 K Lewiu, Kavanungh A B, McDonough A Cos. D J’Morrison, D B lister, Lloyd A A. A 8 Nichols, A J Miller A Cos, Lippmau Bros. E Lovell A Son, D P Mverson, Meinhard Bros A Cos, Neidlinger A R, JllO Nioolson Jr, Order Herman AK, Order Baldwin A Cos, Order Garnett. 8 A Cos, Order H Solomon A Son, Order Decker AF, Order A I/*fll*-r, Order J P Williams, (irder F 51 Hull, Order Holcomb, G A Cos, Order G W Tledeman, Pulmer Bros, J Rosenheim A (Jo, Strauss Brut. J 8 Silva A Son, Savannah Steam Bakery. H P Smart. H Solomon A Sou, Ga A Fla 18 B Cos, Southern Ex Cos, G W Tiedeman, S. F A W Ky. Per Central Railroad. Aug 29—Fordg Agt. J P Darnell, G 8 McAlpin. Palmer Bios, 0 A Hobbe. Southern Cotton Oil Cos. M Ferst * 00, Meinhard Bros A Cos, A Hanley, Kekman AV, Frank A Cos, Lee Roy Myera A Cos. Puder AD. I Eiwteln A Bro. E A Schwarz, Smit h Bros A Cos, J H Kurlier, Lijipiiian Bros. Rieeer A S, J B Fer nandez. J McGrath A Cos, Bendheim Bros A Cos, O W Tiedeman, W B Mell A Cos, W(7 Coopef, M Y Henderson, Katie Harris, Jno Lyoua A Cos, H Myers A Bros. L Putzel. Jno Flannery A Cos, C H Carson. Stillwell. PAM, Peacock, H A Cos, Kills, Y A Cos. B C Wright, J P Williams A Cos, G Byrnes. Vale Royal MfgOo, A H Champion. 8 Guckenlielmer A Bon. T 1, Kinsey. W/ienion A Son. Baldwin A Cos. Woods A Cos, Warren AA, W W Gordon A Cos. F M Farley, Montage ,x Cos, Garnett. 8 A Cos, J 8 Wood A Bro, Heiron A Cl, M Maclean, II M 1 .’orner A Cos, Butler A 8, Mcln tyre Bros. Holst A 00. Waruock A W. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway, Aug 29—Transfer Office. Jno Flannery & Cos. M Y Henderson, M Boley Jt Son. Freeman A O, IV D Simkins & Cos, Weed & C, Smith Bros & Cos, Bale, I) A Cos, R B Ousels, Melnhard Bros & Cos, Frank .St Cos, McDonough ,t Cos, A F.hrlich A Bro, H Myers A Bros. Bearson &S. Solomons It Cos, Perse A L, A Loftier. A B Hull, M Kerst A Cos, HC llaymsns, All Champion. George Meyer, Ixv Hoy Myers A Cos, Einstein AL. Mohr Bros, A Einstein's Sons, Bacon, J A Cos. Kckinan A V. .1 K Clarke A Cos. C E Stults, ,J P Williams A Cos, Bendheim Bros A Cos, Kliis, Y A Cos. C L Jones, Peacock, H A Cos, W W Chisholm, W C Jackson, E T Roberts, Woods A Cos. W W Cordon A Cos, U Walter A Cos, Baldwin A Cos, Mclntyre Bros, Herron A (i, Garnett, S A Cos, Chesley A McM, M Maclean, 1) Y Dancy. F M Fai l >y, Butler A 8, Blodgett. M A Cos, Warren A A, Savannah Guano Cos. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway, Aug 2it -Fords Office. K C Jones, H Myers A Bros, S K [.••win. Blodgett, M A Cos, J P williams A Cos, R B t assels, stmr Katie, RieserAS, A 11 Hull, A Ehrlich A Bro, Smith Bros A Cos, Jliss S Wil lianis, Routreau. Per steamer Katie, front Augusta and way landings—Garnett, S A Cos, C L Montague A Cos, Baldwin A Cos, Peacock, H A Cos, Herron AG, MY A D I Mclntirv, W W Gordon A Cos, Laug Bros, W 1 Miller. J G Sullivan A Cos, Warren A A, G W Tiedctnan. G Walter A Cos, Woods A Cos, ■las Hart A Bro. 11 M Coiner A Cos, Mohr Bros, Chesnutt A ON, Order, l.c' Roy Myers A Cos, K H Tntent. Jno Flannery A Cos, il Myers A Bros, D B I ester. Per steamer Itavid Clark, from Fernandina— Ellis, Y A Cos, J P Williams A Cos, Baldwin A Cos, Peacock, H A Cos, M Fei st A Cos, Jno Flannery A Cos. M Y Henderson, I Epstein A Bro, Butler A S, J S Wood A Bro, II Solomon A Bon, M Y A D I Mclutire. The Rice Crop on the Altamaha. From the Darien(Ga) Timber Ornette. There is very little to publish this week about the recent damage to the rice crop on the Altamaha river. Mr. W. C. YVylly in forms us that the loss on the Altama place will lie even greater than he thought last week, after carefully going over the rice. He now thinks that the loss on this placo will be fully 75 per cent. Mr. A. W. Coupon has lost about all of his crop. The damage on Butler’s Island is now said to be greater than was reported last week. The banks have been badly damaged, besides the loss of much of the crop. Capt. Barnwell, on Champney Island will come out better than he cxjiect ed, although there is no telling how much the hanks have been injured. However his crop is not hurt much. The crop on the Cat Head places are almost a total loss, and it is thought that but little, if anything, will be saved from them. Rice cutting has been commenced all along the line and every effort will he made by our planters to save their crops and get them out of the way of a storm should any come during the coming month. Those who have lost their crops aro not grumbling about it but have gone to work again like men, and this time next season they will be found “at it again." Better luck, gentlemen. HAMS. ASK YOUR GRUCER FOl IND BREAKFAST BACON rr < -> re ca- re re v_r i rer re JNLE9S BHA ATENTEO TRADE-MASK*. A LIGHT METALLIO ', ■ * TTAOHCO TO THE STRING, AN9 THE GIH.SXO CANVAS, AS IN THE GOT. LEGAL. NOTICES. Notice. IN accordance with the term# of the charter of the SAVANNAH STREET AND RURAL RESORT RAILROAD COMPANY notice is hereby gi veil that the approval of the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah will be asked fur the use of the following routes and street* in said city: From the western city limit of Savannah in a line across the canal and up the entire length of Indian street to West Hroad street, up West, Rroad to Bay, at which point a junction is made: one line running through Bay street to East Hroad; the other con tinues up West Broad to Liberty, thence east one block to Montgomery street, thence out Mont gomery to Seventh street, thence east to Haber sham, down Habersham to Bolton street. BROKERS. A .lm HAHTRIDGEk SECURITY BROKER. BUYS ANT) SELLS on CO! .mission all classes of Stockland Bonds. Negotiates loans on marketable securities. New York Quotations furnished by private ticker every fifteen minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. (TMMIN'I. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., Brokers. ORDERS EXECUTED on the New York, Chi cago and Liverpool Exchanges. 19 COMMERCIAL BUILDING. BANKS. KISSIMMEE CITY BANK Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - ISO.OOO ''PUANBACT a regular hanking Business. Give 1 particular attention to Florida collections. Correspondence solicited Issue Exchange on New York, New Orleans, Savannah and Jack sonville, Fla. Resident Agents (or Coutts A Cos. and Melville, Evans A Cos., of London, England. New York correspondent: Tho Seaboard National Bank. PLUMBER. l. a. McCarthy, Successor to Chas. E. Wakefield, PLUMBER, GAS anil STEAM FITTER, p; Barnard street, SAVANNAH, OA. Telephone 374. ( \ DXBTAKKS. \V. IJ. I) 1 X 6 N . UNDERTAKER DfSAMCIt IN ALL KINDS OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, 43 Bull street. Residence 59 Liberty street. SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. WOOD. WOOD. Bacon, Johnson & Cos. Have a fine stock of Oak, Pine, Lightwood and Kindling Corner Lilierty and East Uroad streets. Telephone 117. BA Y RUM. Imported Bay Rum, A FINE ARTICLE, AT STRONG'S DRUG STORE, Corner Bull and Perry t lane. WATER COOLERS RANGES AND STOVES. CROWNED WITH THE GREATEST ~SL'GCESS IF THE ICE ! THE OLD RELIABLE Charter Oak Portable Ranges and Cooking Stoves, WITH TIIEIR WONDERFUL IMPROVEMENT, THE WIRE GAUZE OVEN DOOR, I TNIVERSALLY CONCEDED to he the greatest improvement ever attached to a (looking l Stove or Range. By the admission of fresh air into the oven in the form of small jets, it purifies that which is otherwise vitiated, at. the same time saving the juice which is the nourish ment of meats without the necessity of BASTING, and a conskl Table saving of time, labor and weight sufficient to pay for an ordinary Cooking Stove several times over. One of the features at the CHARTER OAK'S, with the WIRE GAUZE DOOR, is that of BROILING STEAKS in th OVEN and not over the -uuls, thus avoiding the loss of juice, being burnt or tainted by smoko. Steaks broiled in a CHARTER OAK, with the WIRE GAUZE DOOR, becomes tender, juicy and delicious. All those who have used the old reliable CHARTER OAKS know them tone a first class article, and will readily understand the theory of this truly wonderful improvement, they will herald their success with unstinted praise and delight. Them is no mechanical ingenuity required to understand how to operate the CHARTER OA K RANGES or STOVES, they are very sjuiple in construction, so much so a child could work them, it is the only Range haying one damper that will heat water in the reservoir ami bake well at the same time. We have so much confidence in the CHATER OAKS, having had one iu operation in our store, that we are prepared lo substantiate everything claimed for them. The public are cordially invited to call and havfc tlio theory of the W 1 RE GAUZE OVEN Dot>R fully explained, or send for descriptive circular to CLARKK & DANIELS, DEALERS IN PORTABLE RANGES, COOKING STOVES AND HOUSE FURNISHING SPECIALTIES, GUARDS A R M O RY, Corner Whitaker anti Yorlc Streets, Savannah, OeorEia* CT'TELEPHONE B*4. TRUNKS AND SHOES. Our Trunks Have Arrived, And we are ready to show you the largest assortment ever brought to Savannah. If you propose to take a summer va cation don’t wait until you are ready to leave, but come around to see us at once and make your selection while our assortment is complete. Trunks, Trunks* Ladies’ Louisa Leather Saratoga Trunks, Ladies’ Lady Washington Leather or Zinc Saratoga Trunks, Cents’ Sole Leather Trunks, Ladies’ and Gents’ Leather Satchels, Ladies’ and Cents’ Leather Club Hags. All styles and at Rock Bot tom Prices. Don’t Fail to examine our Gents’ Calf $3 Shoes, in Con fess, Lace and Button, best in the city, at JOS. ROSENHEIM & CO.’S POPULAR SHOE STORE, 135 BROUGHTONSTREET. N. B. The repairs in our store having been completed we are again ready for business. DKY GOODS. F. GUT MAN; 141 BROUOI-ITON ST. SPECIAL SALE OF FANSTHIS WEEK BLACK SATIN HAND PAINTED FANS at 50c., worth 81. BLACK SATIN HAND PAINTED FANB at sl, worth 82. COLORED SATEEN FANS at 00c., ami 75c . worth 85c., {1 nd 8t 80. Just received, anew line of LADIES’ BLACK LISLE THREAD BOSK at Sfltt.; worth 750. ORIENTAL LACES at 15c„ 25c., 35c. and 50c. a yard; WORTH DOUBLE THE PRICE. F. GU TJ T M l N. ENGINES BOILERS, ETC. v!/'' M 1 Simplest, Safest and Most Durable. All Machinery fully Guaranteed. Reliable Ma> chmery at reasonable prices. Do not buy without first seeing us, or writing for our prices, naming Just what you want. AddreM richmonU'va. I TALBOTT & SONS, Macon, Ga. .T. C. WEAVER, Manager. MOSQUITO NETS. This space belongs to LINDSAY & MORGAN, who are anxious to save you money, anrl will do it if you give them a chance. They will sell for the next ten days all their sum mer goods at less than cost. MOSQUITO NETS FOR $1 50, ALL READY FOR HANGING. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY WEDDING PRESENTS Such as DIAMONDS, FINE STERLING SIL VERWARE. ELEGANT JEWELRY, FKENCfa CLOCKS, etc., Is to be found at A. L. Desbouillons, 21 BULL STREET, the sole ngent for the celebrated ROCKFORD RAILROAD WATCHES, and who also makes a specialty of 18-Karat Wedding Bings AND THE FINEST WATCHES. Anything you buy from him being warranted as represented. Ooera O-la-sseH at Coat. HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA. * Household Ammonia J T softens the water and removes the dirt. Excellent for cleaning hair brushes, silver. Jewelry, paint, marble, etc. Also a good dialn fectaut and a cure for iusect bites. An in valuable article in every family. In pint and quart bottles. A. M.&C.W. WEST’S \ t Rsi in. KIESLING’S NURSERY^ While HI nil Road. IT la.nts, bouquets, designs, cun 1 FLOWERS furnished to order. Leave up tier* at DA wo s.iou. . coruer Bull aud Yura streets. Telephone call 24*. 7