The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 01, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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CITY GOVERNMENT Official Proceedings of Council. Savannah. 6„ Aur. 41. 1887. Council mot this evening tßociock. i*res pnt: Hon. Rufus V Lestor. MavT: Alderman John Schwarz. Chairman off ouuil: Alderman John .1 McDonough. Vice-ChaiA’an of Coun cil: Aldermen Bogart, Duncan.Baines. Moll, Meyers, Nichols. Reid and Thoms. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. ACCOUNTS, The Committee on Accounts 'port that they have examined and found orect tolls against the eity amounting to seWneen thousand one hundred and eight v-tsvo Jolm-s and seventy cents, as per accompanyingschedule, and ree ominend that the same bo ussed-for payment. nuo S. Haines, Acting Chairman t'ouinfttee on Accounts. The report of the conuiithe was adopted, and the accounts, as per scieuile annexed, were passed for payment. Boabd op Health - T. I>. Bond & Cos $ 48 18 L. C. Strong i L 75 F. B. Lee 40 Off E. K. McCoy 75 00 W. J. Cleary 83 85 0. S. McAlpin 57 60 G. K. McAlpin 57 60 fiav. Brick Jl’f ’g Cos 40 00 Palmer Bros t.. 3 10 Geo. E. Matthews 2 00 Tho*. Carr i.. 37 50 Time of hands, O. E. M.... 146 00 J. T. McFarland 145 00 lewis Cass 83 33 W, W. Owens 83 S3 M. L. Boyd 88 33 gt. Joseph's Infirmary 800 00 Savannah Hospital 300 Of) H. L. Fahrenhacb ... 05 00 J. G. Nelaon & Cos J.. . 2 40 Knickerbocker Ice C0..t.. . 660 J. F. Furlong ... 9 39 Edward Moran 5 00—51,614 44 City Extension— Dale, Dixon & Cos 1 7 60 Dky Culture— Time of hands 106 65 G. S. McAlpin .. S SI A. Ketlt ~ 159 38 T. P. Bond & Cos J 6 88 Dale, Dixon & Cos f Si Estate D. O'Connor. 75 AV. Barnwell 8 25 Isaiah Wateree... 20 00 Time of hands f ...... 162 76 480 73 Fees— R. C. Kennedy 125 00 Fire Departmext- Pay Roll August §1,420 82 Merchants’ & Miners' Trans portation Cos 1 3 80 So. Electric Cos.. Baltiiore.. 73 00 John Nieolson, Jr 68 00 J, W. Tynan 14 50 G. S. McAlpin 20 84 T. P. Bond & C 0....... 19 4.3 T. P. Bond & Cos 50 53 0. S. McAlpin 52 03— 1,722 95 Harbor and AVharws— Ross & Sanford 98 00, Incidentals— Pal mer Bros $ 85 Knickerbocker Ice Cp 5 00— 5 35 Laurel Grove Cemitkry— Dale. Dixon & Co— § 651 J. M. Futch 2 00 A. F. Torlay 83 33 Time of hands 173 00— 264 84 MARJIEtr— Time of bands - $ 50 00 T. A. Maddox 66 66 116 66 Parks and S^uare^- Timeof hands $ 185 75 Theodore Meves 75 00 J. J. Foley 20 00— 280 75. Paving— M, Cooley $ 158 73 M, Cooley 67 87 M. Cooley 93 08 M. Cooley 41 63 M. Cooley 123 12 M Cooley 47 85 M. Cooley 51 58 M. Cooley 43 48 M Cooley 107 35 M. Cooley 19 00 M. Cooley 287 38 M. Cooley ~ 97 76 M. Cooley 243 62 M. Cooley 133 24 1,465 64 Police— E. F. Davis § 12 96 William Pollard, 31 00 Theus Bros 17 00 Patrick Barrett 1 25 T. P. Bond & Cc 65 38 G. 8. McAlpin 78 18 Pay roll July 4,018 30— 4,224 07 Printing and Stationery— Morning News $ 13 00 J. H. EstlU 45 83— 58 83 Public Buildings— K. Marin $ 5 00 Palmer Bros 85 Charles A. Cox 9 20— 15 05 Quarantine— J. A. Wegefarth $ 8500 Fretwell & Nichols 2 25 N. Paulsen &Cos 18 75 106 00 Salaries— City officers, Augttst, . $ 988 83 Jdeß Kops 185 00 John AV. Howard 30 00 C. V. Hernandez 60 00 E. J. Kelly 65 00 L. J. Myers 100 00 J. L. Rankin , 116 67 A. M. Bell ' ■>. 125 00— 1,605 00 Scavenger Department- Mis. >l. Swoll, admx §1,345 83 Mrs. M Swoll. admx 400 00— 1,745 83 Streets and Lanes— The Chapmann O'Neill Mtg C 0.... $ 800 J. J. Foley I9 60 Dale. Dixon & Cos.. 3 74 Ocean Steamship Cos 52 D. J. Lyons 15 00 Savannah Mfg. Cos 80 61 T. P. Bond & Cos 59 64 George E. Matthews 2 00 Time of Teamsters 208 75 G. S. AlcAlpin 67 20 Time of hands 715 12 list. D. O’Connor 21 50 John Rourke 46 0t) Adam Kessel 4 50— 1,252 24 Water Works— Geo. F. Byrnes $ 31 00 G. E. Mottwilder 233 50 T. P. Bond & Cos 6 88 G. S. McAlpin 8 23 ,1. \V. Tynan 87 30 J. AV. Tynan 16 48 John Rourke 34 II Thomas Dillon 3 75 Dale. Dixon A Cos 4 26 J. W. Tynan 15193 Ocean Steamship Cos 6 60 Time of hands artesian wells 251 50 Pay roll August, 1887 913 3a Time of hands, oil mill GO 49 J. Morris 87 79 lime of hands 9 45 Time of hands 67 12— 1,993 72 §17,182 70 reports of committees. The Committee on Finance, to whom was re ferred the petition of Dixon & Murphy, relative w> tax on stock in trade, beg leave to report ad versely thereto. K. D. Bogart, Chairman Committee on Finance. Report adopted. The Committee on Harbor and Wharves, to whom was referred the petition of George F. Byrnes for permission to drive piling and build wharf on the property on Hutchinson Island leased by him from the oity of Savannah, beg leave to report favorably, on the following con ditions: First—That the wharf and improvements made under this permission revert to the city at expiration of lease. Siecond—That the wharf or piling shall not ex tend beyond the line of wharves already built u **r said property on Hutchinson Island. Third- The work is to be done subject to the approval of the City Surveyor, and the lessees me to P ( ‘ep tho wharf in repair until expiration of lease John J. McDonough, Chairman Committee on Harbor and AVharves. Report adopted. I’lie Committee on Police beg to submit requlst'.on ot the Chief of Polk e nr forty dive -Go dib e Smiti A AVe son pistol', for us-of the department, hud recommend tta the commit fro lie authorized to purcht-se nul pistols at a cost not to excee 1 lire buttered doling. George N. Nichols. _ Chdnnatt Commutes on Police. Hep->! t received. ihe Commit ce in hire ts and lanes l>eg dive to submit to Couii' il certain communica tion . flddre -cd to them by the President of the * ltv and tsuburhnn Railway Company, asking a ' dpf Tence in the subject of an extension of its ‘ves to ihe ocean steamship Company* wharves, D, R. Thomas, Chairman Committee on Strertsand ! anes. Reft rred to Committee o.i Street* and lanes. The Committee on Streets and Lane*, to wnoin was referred the petition of J. 11. Mona hani for permission to erect sloop* to house on "t No. 6. Magazine wart!, beg I cave to report lavoraldy thereto, provided the sloops do not extend over four feet from line of lot. I). K. Thomas, Chairman Committee on Streets and lames. Report adopted. Ihe Committee on Streets and Lane*, to whom was referred the petition of J. 11. Mona han for ixa uiiNsion to ereet, strops to bouse on hit No. 5, Magazine ward, bog leave to report favorably thereto, provided the stoops do not vxtend over four feet from line of lot. - D. R. Thomas. Chairman Committee on Htreet* and Lancs. Report adopted. ihe Committee on City lots, to whom ws* re j'Tred tile |e>ULiou of Hon-101l and Ti. M tor beyomo tlttes to ground rent lot No. 16 Calhoun ward, beg leave to report favor ably to the same. George S. Haines. Committee on City Lots. Report adopted. The Committee on Streets and Lanes, to whom waa referred the petition of the Savannah Street and Rural Keem-t Railroad Company. I*>g leave that In their opinion Bay street, west ef West Broad and Jefferson streets are too narrow for railroad purposes. To meet this objection the. petitioner has, after conference wath yonr committee, commenced publication of its intention t > apply tor the use of oth*'r streets, viz; Indian, AVest Bread, Liberty and Montgomery, and at the expiration of four weeks will ask Council to mss a resolution granting the consent of the Mayor and Alder men in accordance with terms of its charter. . D. R. Thomas, t nairman Committee on Streets and Lanes, Report received. The Committee on Fire, to whom was referred the petition of S. Krouskoff for t*ermission to repair building lot letter D, Rcppard ward, bog leave to report favorably to the same. John Schwarz, Chairman Committee on Fire. Report, adopted. The Committee on Fire, to whom was referred the petition of John H. Monahan for permission to repair building lot No. 6, Magazine ward, beg leave to report favorably to the same. John Schwarz, Chairman Committee on Fire. Keport adopted. The Committee on Fire, to whom was referred the petition of John H. Monahan for permission to repair building lot No. 4. Magazine ward, beg leave to report favorably to the same. John Schwarz, Chairman Committee on Fire. Report adopted. The Committee on w horn was referred the petition of Airs E. s. Zittrour for )-e['mission to repair building lot No. 10, Elbert want, beg leave to report favorably to the same. John Schwarz, Chairman Committee on Fire. Report adopted. The Committee on Fire, to whom w as referred the petition of F. B. Strata, for permission to repair building on lot 12, Screven ward, beg leave to report favorably to the same. John Schwarz, Chairman Committee on Fire. Report adopted. The Committee on Fire to whom was referred the petition of H. Ilnym. for permission to re pair building on lot So. Jackson ward, heg leave to report that they find on investigation that the repairs consist in altering stoop or erecting new stoop to said premises, and theyrecom mend that the matter he referred to tne Com mittee on Streets and Lanes. John Schwarz, Chairman Committee on Fire. Report received and the petition grunted upon condition that the stoop shall not extend more than four feet into the street, and the work to be done under the direction and supervision of the City Surveyor. Report adopted. The Committee on Fire lo whom was referred the petition of John H. Monahan, for permis sion to repair building on lot No. 5, Magazine ward, beg leave to report favorably to the same. John Schwarz, Chairman Committee on Fire. Report adopted. report of city marshal. To Ihe Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah: Gentlemen- The following named persons have been notified to repair their sidewalks, as required by ordinance, and have failed so to do: Boyce, estate Elizabeth, northwest hi lot 10, Anson ward: Sternberg, John and family, north hi lot 36, Greene ward; Miller, Mrs. Catharine and children, lot No. 9, Belitha tythiug. Heath cote ward: Lufburrow, S. 8., lot 10, Belitha tything. Heathcote ward; Chatham Academy and Union Society, Brown ward; J. J. Waring, lot 43, Brown ward; Dancy, Mrs. D. Y., west part P, Heathcote ward. Respectfully sub mitted, Robert J. Wade, City Marshal. Report received aDd Marshal instructed to re pair sidewalks in accordance with ordinance. PETITIONS AND APPLICATIONS. Petition of Hymes Bro. & Cos. for permission to erect sign over sidewalk. Referred to Com mittee on Streets and Lancs. Petition of A. Kent for damage to cow sus tained by falling in sewer. Referred to Com mittee on Drainage. Petition estate of D. O’Connor for permission to repair house on lot No. 8 Greene ward. Re ferred to Committees on Streets and Lanes and Fire. Petition of I. M. Masters for permission to erect stoop to house to be, erected on lot No. 25 AVylly ward. Petition granted. Petition of Misses Fannie and R. G. Minis for permission to erect stoops to bouse on lot Hi North Oglethorpe ward. Referred to Commit tee on Streets and Lanes. Petition of McDonough A Cos. for permission to extend railroad tracks connected with Savan nah. Florida and Western railway into lumber yard on AA'heaton street. Referred to Commit tee on Streets And Lanes. Petition of Henry Roberts for permission to make an addittou to house on lot No. 9 Elbert ward Referred to Committee on Fire. Petition of Mrs. M. A. Miller for permission to make an addition to house on east half of lot No. 2 Outhbert ward. Petition granted. Petition of Miss Catherine Fee ley, for permis sion to erect steps to tenement houses on lot No. 17, Warren ward. Referred to Committee on Streets and Lanes. Petition of Knights of Pythias Hall Associa tion. for permission to alter building on lot No. I. Belitha tything. Heathcote ward. Referred to Committee on Fire. Petition of J. H. AVilder, for permission to erect stoops to house to be erected on lot 39, AVhite ward. Referred to Committee on Streets and Lanes. Petition of R. H. Tatem, asking city authori ties to place at sale lot No. 8, Troup ward. Re ferred to Committee on City Lots. Application of John Lynch for permission to make sewer connection with Taylor street sewer from premises corner Taylor and Whitaker streets. Referred to Committee on Streets and lanes and Sanitai-y Board with Dower to act. Application of J. Sullivan for permission to make sewer connection with Whitaker street sewer from premises corner Whitaker and Charl ton streets. Referred to Committee on Streets and Lanes and Sanitary Board with power to act. ORDINANCES Ordinance on its first reading. By Committee on Streets and Lanes— An ordinance to provide for the paving, grad ing and otherwise improving Bull street, from the south side of State street to the south side of Congress street, in the city of Savannah, and for the assessment on the property front ing on said Bull street, between the south side of State street, and the south side of Congress street, rtf two-thirds of the cost thereof. AVhereas, The persons owning more than one half of the real estate in the city of Savaunah, fronting on Bull street, between the south side of State street and the south side of Congress street,, in said city, have petitioned the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah,, by pc tition filed May 18th, 1887, to pave, grade and otherwise improve said portion of Bull street, and AVhereas the petition of the said parties has been approved by a two-thirds vote of the said the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savan nah at a regular meeting of Council. Now. therefore the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, in Council assembled, do hereby ordain Section 1. That the Committee on Streets and Lanes be and it is hereby authorized and di rected to have Bnli street, from the south side of State street to the south side of Congress street -the entire width of the street between the curb stones, graded and paved with and have proper side drains, cross drains and crossings placed in said street between the points named, and also to place such new curbs and curbing between saidf points as may lie in the judgment of said committee proper and advisable. Bsc. 2. After the total cost of said work shall have been ascertaiacd, one-third of such cost shall be paid out of the city treasury, and the other two-thirds by the persons owning real estate fronting on said Bull struct, Irom the south side of State street to the south side Con gress street; that is lo sav, one-third thereof from the owners on each side of said street at the date of the [lassuge of this ordinance, ac cording *o the frontage, ami the pro rata amount of the cost of sail I work is hereby assessed against such real estate and its owners as afore said; and if such assessment is not paid within ten days after presentation of a bill for the same, tne amount of such bill shall be furnished by the Committee on Streets and Lanes to the City Treasurer, who shall immediately issue execution for the amount against the person and property as aforesaid, and pluce fho same in the hands of the Marshal, who shrill levy the same on the property described in the execution, and after advertisement and other proceedings us in can'-* of sules for city taxes, shall sell such property (at the time, place and In the manner provided by law for city fa:, sales) at public outcry lothe highest bidder, and such sales shall vest an ab solute title ih the purchaser; and the amount of the execution and costs shall go into the City Treasury and the remainder be paid to the, owner or held subject to such owner's order. Bee 8. All ordinances and part* of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance are hereby re ■icaled. ordinance on its lirst reading. By Committee on Btreets and Lanes— An Ordinance concerning the width of the sidewalk on Congress street, between Bull and AVest Broad si rs'U. Section I. Re it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of Ihe city of Bavannah. In Connell assen-hled, Tint the sldewulk on the south side of Congress si reel, in the city of Bavannah. be I ween Hull and West Broad streets. I* hereby required to be of Ibe uniform width of eight feet and six Inchea, and on the north side of naid CsoiCW vlrt-a, helvis-tu bu.c and Wwt THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1887. Broad streets, of the uniform width of seven feet and six inches. Sec. 2. That if the owner or ow ners of any p.-o|ieity on either side of the .-aid Congress street, between Bull and AVest Broad street, shall tail to make Ihe sidewalk in front of the property of such owner or owners of the width herein required, the city shall proceed to do so, after the lapse of thirty days from the time of notice of the requirement of this ordinance given to such owner or owners, which notice shall be given by the Chairman of the Commit tee on Streets and Lanes, or the Marshal of said city. Se<-. 3. That in the event tho city shall pro ceed to do the work as provided in t lie preced ing section, said work shall be done at the ex pense and cost of such owner or owners, in the event a bill therefore shall remain unpaid ten days after its presentation to such owner or owners, then -aid bill for said cost and expenses sball tie turned over to the city Trear-nrer, who shall issue an execution for its collection, to gether with all costs, against said owner or owners and the abutting property. tion sball be levied amt made in the manner (minted out by law for the. levy aud making of the tax executions issued for taxes due tho city of Savannah. Sei. 4. That all ordinances and parts of or dinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed, RESOLUTIONS. By Alderman Thomas AVhereas. This community has been ex periencing serious inconvenience for the past week because of the very limited supply of water; and whereas, the circulation of various reports make it proper that correct information be officially furnished; be it Resolved, That the Committee on AVaterbe requested to investigate and report: First, as to the actual necessity for reducing the water sup ply at this time: second, the average daily con sumption of water from June 15 to Aug. 15; third, if smaller pump could not have, been im proved before taking larger one to pieces; and fourth, if In their opinion the safety ’of the em ployes. or certainty of reliable supply of water, requires improvements beyond those in pro gress. Laid on the tabic. By Committee on Streets and Lanes— Resolved, By the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Bavannah, in Council assembled. That the attention of the wardens and vestry of Christ church, of the city of Savannah, is respectfully called to the fact that the railing of the church edifice on Drayton and Congress streets takes up unnec ssarilv the sidewalks on these streets and greatly Interferes with their use, and they are hereby requested to remove this railing from these two streets. Adopted. By Alderman Thomas— Resolved , That the Committee on Streets and Lanes be authorized to have necessary repairs made to plank roadway of street west of Sa vannah and Ogeechee canal. Adopted. By Committee on Police— Resolved, That the Police Committee be au thorized to purchase for use of the police force forty five Smith A: Wesson pistols, of 38 calibre, as called for by requisition of R. H. Anderson, Chief of the force, the cost not to exceed SSOO. Adopted. MISCELLANEOUS. The following resignation was read: To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen: You will please accept my resignation as an Alderman, for reasons known to yourselves. D. R. Thomas. Savannah, Ga., Aug. 24, 1887. On motion, the resignation was not ac cepted. A communication was received from the Health Officer, transmitting resolution adopted by Board of Sanitary Commissioners, and re port in obedience thereto of the Health Officer relative to the condition of Bilbo canal. Re ceived for information. On motion, the opening of bids for paving ing certain streets was postponed until next meeting. Council adjourned. FRANK E. RKBARER, Clerk of Council. PUZZLES FOR DRUGGISTS. Queer Orders the Men of Drugs Re ceive. From Ihe New York Mail and H'rpress. While waiting for a horse-car the other night, a reporter dropped in a drug Store not far away front tho Mail and Express building. Presently a little fellow came in with a note, which he gave the clerk, who laughed, did up a small box of caehous, put a dime in the till, and then passed the note over to his customer. It read: “Send me something to take tobacco out of my mouth.” “That note,” said tho clerk, “is from a printer, and is a fair sample of the many queer orders we receive. I don’t suppose there is any business in which a man is asked for more peculiar things than in the drug business. But we generally guess pretty nearly what is wanted, and really get along very well.” “If that note had come to me,” said the reporter, “I should have sent the fellow a corkscrew.” “No doubt, but you are not a druggist. What would you send in receipt of this or der?’’ and he handed down from a file a note that read: “I want some of that smellin’ stuff what goes through your brain.” “I give it up.” “I knew at once what was wanted —it was ammonia. The note really describes the effect of inhaling it very well, f get a note once in a while, though, that bothers me. Here is one of them: “ ‘Please send mo enough stuff to throw up a girl 4 years old.’ “The man wanted an emetic. The dose was for a girl aged 4 years. Another note that bothered me was this one; “ ‘I want something for a caustic.’ “I was wrapping up some nitrate of sil ver, when all at once it struck me that the order was for a purgative, and I asked the boy who brought the note what ailed his father. ‘Cramps.’ he replied, anil then I was sure. Caustic should have read cos tive. A post office employe sent over here one day last winter, saying: “ ‘The old woman’s got a bad oough, and she can’t cough; send me something for it.’ “Another sent word ‘that his wife and two little girls were down with the chills and fever, and he wanted tho very best thing I had that would kill them.’ Of course he meant the chills. A lady sent only to day for a plaster to take the stitches out of her back. Orders for ‘the essence you put people to sleep with when you’re going to cut off legs’ call for chloroform or ether. ‘Something for a woman whose appetite is loose on her’ means that she wants a tonic, as she is losing her appetite. Then there are orders for ‘something for a sore baby’s eyes,’ ‘a baby’s top for a nursing bottle,’ and the like. The greatest, however, of these peculiar orders is the one which calls for ‘something what I forgot the name of, but it’s a sure cure for dyspepsia,’ or any other common ailment. To such I always send our own preparation.” An Editor’s Inspiration. From the Chirago Tribune. “Mr. Kajoncs.” said the foreman of a Southern Illino.s paper, as ho went into the presence of the editor the other day, “we’ve waited a day and a half for that blank paper, and it hasn’t come yet. If vie don’t go to press this afternoon we’ll lose two stickfuls of legal ads that have got to lie printed before to-morrow. What are we going to dot” “Have we any blank paper ut alii” inquir ed the editor. “We havo ten quires of brown wrapping paper, such as butchers use.” “Then,’’said the editor, as tho fire of a sudden inspiration flushed from his eyes, “we’ll use that,’’ And he turned to his desk and wrote the following editorial, which he gave to the foreman with instructions to double-lead it and put it at the head of the first column on the editorial page: “Of all the papers in the United States the Welkin Ringer is the only one that, has the enterprise to print, a correct portrait of Queen Kapiolani, of the Sandwich Islands, which will be found in another column. The outlines of this portrait have lavn engraved with great care, and the cut 1* guaranteed to lie an accurate copy of tin; latest photo graph of her majesty, whim in order to show her complexion as it really 1* we have gone to the trouble and expense of printing our entire edition on paper whose color and quality exactly reproduce the com plexion and texture of the skin of this now famous Queen. Extra conies of this week’s issue, wrapped ready for mailing, can be had at sc. each by applying at this office.” __ __ Too well known to tie'-'l Icr'Tihy ndver t; menu Dr. bagu's Cmlmtli Heinedy. CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENT A WORD. ADVERTISEMENTS , 15 Words or more, t'n this column inserted for ONE CENT A WORD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to secure; indeed,any wish to gratify, should advertise in this column. V*KRSON A L. I ESS: Meet me without fail to-nisrlit 7:15 usual place; want particularly to see you, hklT* wanted. WJ" ANTED, a white girl that will make herself " generally useful. Apply at once 116 Tay lor street, three doors east of Hull. \\7ANTF,D, porter; must come well recom il mended. Apply A. R. ALTMAYFR jf GO. A* 7ANTED, a clerk in a cotton export house; VI must know bookkeeping. Address M. A. R., this office. \\7ANTED, a good mattressmakcr and tip VV hoisterer: must have good references; steady work ami good wages Address MAH TIN LO VEND KEEN, Tampa, Fla Box its. \\T ANTED, 10 boilermakers; wages $3 per day. SHEA A MCCARTHY, Memphis, Tenn EM FLOY M ENT WANTED. -v -v. —v -s. "s-i ’ Y\T ANTED, copying of any description by i V youth holding responsible position who has leisure time and is good penman. Address ALPHA. P. O. Box 64. YV7ANTED, a situation by city drummer who it has an established trade. Address 8., this office. \V T ANTED, a position as bookkcopper: good 1 1 references given. Address 0., Box 4!, city. A LADY desires a position in a dry goods or book establishment. . .MIBt’ELL.VNEOUS WANT’S. f WANT TO PURCHASE 5 shares National I Bank of Savannah. 25 shares Railroad Loan Association. 20 shares Chatham Real Estate Cos,, 5 shares Preferred Tybee Railroad. 10 shares Oglethorpe Savings and Trust 00. Holders of any part of the above stock will statu quantity and price and 1 will promptly reply. J, L. HYATT, News office. A VTANTF.D, a bushel of Peach Pitts for Seed; Vi also, 1 want a Deck of Plum Seed. Ad dress GEORGE NICHOLSON, Leesburg, Lake County. Fla. ' 11’ANTED, furnished room in business part t t of the city by two young men. G. P., this office. ROOMS TO RENT. EAQR RENT, on Liberty street, near Aberoorn, I desirable, floor containing three rooms, with use of bath; also, hall room on parlor floor. Cm care E. F. Bryan. RENT, a floor of two large rooms; with E or without hoard; hot and oold baths on same floor; also large front south room on pal lor floor. Apply to Miss BANCROFT, 158 Jones street. HOUSES AND storks FOR RENT. TVOR RENT, from Ist October next, five fine I’ dwellings, two-story on a basement, with modern improvements; in easy access to two lines street, oars. Apply to R. S. CLAGHORN, No. 11l Bay street. EIOR RENT, from Oct. Ist, the two-story on basement brick dwelling No. 06Lj Abereorn street: modern improvements; rent reasonable. Apply to JOSEPH COPPH. at Southern Bank. IIOR RENT, a desirable dwelling No. 70 Tay lor street, between Abereorn and Lincoln streets; possession given Oct. Ist or Nov. Ist, as desired. J. F. BHQOKS, 185 Baft street. IVOR RENT, from Ist October next, that dcsir- I able residence on the southwest comer Lin coln and St. Julian streets. Apply to D. O’CON NOR, 66 Congress street. I TOR RENT, dwelling houses Nos. 151 and 153 Barnard street; m first rate order. J F. BROOKS, 135 Bay street. IjTOR RENT, a brick residence on Barnard street, near Gordon. Apply to ROBT. 11. TATEM. I TOR RENT, pew house, with ull modern im provement*; rent reasonable. Apply to BALAMON COHEN. 1 TOR RENT, from Sept. 1, the fine two storv brick house, No. 29 Broughton street, with modern convenience and good yard, at a rea sonable rental. Apply to r. J. O'CONNOR, in Southern Bank building, or at his residence, No. 26 Broughton street. XjTOR RENT, house on Anderson, fourth west JT from Whitaker. Apply Mrs. FREW, New Houston and Bull. LTOR RENT—October Ist, for one year, house I on Duffy, fourth West from Bull; modern conveniences. Rent, §26 per month. H, F. TRAIN. New Houston and Bull. I .TOR RENT, two desirable houses Abereorn . and Waldburg streets. Apply 184 State street. JTOR RENT. No. 219 Congress street, from Oct. 1. THUS. A. FOLLIARD. iron RENT, No. 137 Liberty .street, from Oct. T 1. THOS. A. FOLLJaRI), Ojtj West Broad street. LTOI; RENT, brink residence 193 York: nine L rooms, water, gas and bath; convenient to business; possession Oct. Ist. Apply next door, at I*l. FOR RENT, from October 1, the large and commodious house corner Bull and Tay lor streets, formerly occupied by. Judge Ppeer; also eight-room house on Taylor street, l>e tween Bull and V\ lilt alley. For particulars ap ply to JOHN LYNCH, grocer. TTOR KENT, dwellings 42, 42V6 and 44 Jefferson I street, corner of York; m good condition, with modern conveniences. Apply to G. H. KEMSHART, 118 Bryan street. FTOK KENT -Two dwellings, northeast corner Huntingdon and Montgomery streets. At* ply toU. H. KKMSIi ART, lie Bryan street. I [Sob bent, *tor* no. im coocmm street, facing Johnson’s square. Al*o. eleven-room brick bouse, with two-story out-buildings, No. 36 State street.) J. C. ROWLAND, No. 96 Bay street,. ITOK RENT, desirable brick residence 139 Go rdon street; posnessioa Out. Ist. Apply to J. M. WILLIAMS, 143 Jones 6treel LTOR RENT, from Oct. Ist, splendid store No. E 87 Bay street, situate In Hutchison's Block, noxt^ocomer of Abereorn: hn* splendid cellar and is splendid stand for any busmen*; second and third stories can be rented if desired. A. R. LAWTON. Jr., 114 Bryan street. VOlt H ENT M LSI KLL.VN KOI; V. (vFFK'E for rent from Ist November next. ' That desirable office on l-aystri*-' nmv oc cupied by M. A. Cohen A Cos. Apply to T. A. ASKEW. 151 Congress street. i \FFIOB FOR RENT, 'secon-l floor of No. ISO '/ Bay street, Stoddard s upper ranee. Ap ply to CHAM. GREEN’S HON & CO. I.V 1 K KENT, office 92 '**'( V street. Apply to ii Y. :• IV 'V. 92 Bay street LTOR RENT, one ball of offloei U 4 Bay il I upstairs; immadiate possession. JOHN riTON & DOUG LA SB. FOR MALE. I .TOR HALE, ch'-sp. one large Herring Safe, two bunding Desks with Kailmir. one fine Counter, one very nice Top Buggy anrl Harness, all kinds of Household Furniture, five sets liar ness, Buggy Whips. Halters, eta., at J. Me- LAUGHLIN & BQN'B Auction House. I .TOR KALE, several shares Metropolitan Hav. 1 ngs and Loan Cos. stock. Address STOCK, care thiu office. I TTOR HALE, 8-Horae Power Portable Engine, nearly new, in first-class order; price, SBSO. .1. W TYNAN. L"'i |R HALE, plantation on Georgia Central t railroad, fifty one miles from Savannah, containing twelve hundred acre*, four hundred under cultivation: place well improved, dwelling alone haeing cost twenty five hundred dollars. Apply to I*. C. ELKINS, Huleyoudale. Oa. IJTOK ALfe 1 act hi hbingl Flooring. Offing. Went tierboarding and Framing Lumber Office and yard Taylor and fast Broad street*. Telephone No 211. RI'.HI'AKD ACO LTOR SALE TEXAS HORSES largest and I hrt* lot Texiio Horses ever brought here; 1414and IHWbaMt* high; oil gentle stock. At CUA b BTABLK3. i I'HOTOURA PHY. CPF.OI At. NOTICK PHOTOGRAPHY Priiw Cos reduced Petitea $1 SO, Cards $2, Cabinet $3 per dozen, and larger work in the same pro port ion, J. N. ‘WILSON. 21 Bull street. ■ MUCBI,UN IOCS, MUSIC at Ocean House. Tybee Island, to-day. Knll Brass and String Band. Dancing, Surf Battling and Fishing. Sacred Music Sun day, September 4. VIT ANTED, everybody to know that we are it ou deck at corner Whitaker and Stale streets Call and see us. \g<>nts wanted. The New Home S. M. t 0.. A. .1 INTRSLEY. Agent. YOTIIT Here we are again, opening the is season. Oyster So ip, Boston Woodcock, etc., to-day at DAN QUIN A .VS, 3 Dull street. VFINF. I OT of home-grown Cabbage Plants end Strawberry Plants for sale by GEO. WAGNER. N OTICE. Tho Rosedew river front lots ad vertised for some months past at the mini mum price of $125 each, will not he sold here aftertuuder $350 e-oli; terms accommodating Afti. 3wn. 1837, L. A. KALLIGANT. LUDIIEX ,fc RATES S. M. H. $24,350 Piano and Organ Sales FOR— JULY, 1887. CAN it be possible* One house in Savannah to sell Pianos and Organs to the value of $24,350 in one month, ana that the hottest in millions of years. Y’es, sir, or mam. as the case may be, it is a positive fact, without the slightest exaggerat ion. Our sales book shows the figures, and is open for the Inspection of any who question the above statement. But July was one of Savannah's dull months, and besides it was slightly hot How could such a trade he gotten up* It don't look reasonable. Nevertheless it is a fact, and the only ex planatlon is that when old Savannah gets drowsy we wake up and gel In our work. Hence dull times ure something that we know very little about. To explain further we will say that tho prime cause for the above named large July sales was our CLOSING OUT SALE of new and nearly new Pianos and Organs. We really had magnifi cent Wtrgains. we advertised them largely, the public believed our assertions, took us at our word, and BOUGHT, BOUGHT, BOUGHT, until $24,350 sales went rolled up. This sale still continues. Only half the stock has been sold. There's enough to go round, and \\e expect to roll up $30,(100 sales for August, judging from the way it opens. Doubtless few. if any, of those rare bargains can bp had after October Ist, as our spick of almost new and prime second hand Instruments will hy that date he closed out almost com pletely. Come this month, and quickly. Each day the selection becomes smaller. Remember, un usually easy terms on this stock. RENTED UNTIL PAID FOR. LUDDEN& BATES SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSF. STOVES. Their Praise Sells Them. TVTOTHING is so talked of, and appreciatively, lx too, by a housekeeper as the steady good work of a newly purchased Cook Stove This influence spreads in all directions, and Is bring ing us numerous orders from wherever the ACORNS and FARMER GIRLS are in Georgia, Florida and South Carolina. Every Stove guar anteed, and never yet has one been sent back. LOVELL & LATTIMORE, Hardware, Etc., CONGRESS ST., SAVANNAH, GA. MiesMStw. TjUE HAVE RECEIVED the agency for this f V popular Stove (over 100,000 in usei, ami take pleasure in offering them to our customers It is heavy, durable aud took first prize at Pennsylvania State Fair for baking. It has all the latest improvements, including ventilated oven. CORNWELL A CHIPMAN, Odd Fellows' Building. I,EGA I, NOTICES. (t EORGIA, Chatham County. In Chatham X Superior Court. Motion to establish lost deed. To Isaac D, Laßoche, Henry Love, Abraham Backer, L Franklin Dozier, Win. E. Dozier, Thomas B. Dozier, Bona Dozier, Niaa Dozier Pressley. Hlauche E. Choppin, Arthur D ( hoppln, George R. Beard, Emma Estelle Hodgson. Mary L. Hodgson, Agnes B. Hodg son, George H. Hodgson, and Joseph C. Hodg son: ELIZABETH A. RILEY having presented to me a petition in writing, wherein she alleges that a certain deed to Tots Nos. il and Pi In Stephen ward, in the elty of Savannah, tvas made b} ISAAC D LaROCHEand SAMUEL P. BELL, acting us Commissioners under a decree in equity in Chatham Superior Court, wherein you were parties, or are representatives of parties, or are interested adversely to her title to said lots of land, which rad deed, a copy of which in substance is attached to said petition ami duly sworn to, bears date the f>th day of June, irh, and the original of which deed stud petitioner claims has been lost or dr strayed, and she v,isbc> said copy established in lieu of said lost original. You are hereby commanded to show cause. If any you eau, at the next Buis-rlor Court to he h> 1! In and for said comity on the FIRST MONDAY IN DE CEMBER NEXT, whr -.tid copy deed should not G established ui lieu of the lost or destroy ed original, And it further appearing that somo of you. to w it: Abraham 1 tucker, L. Franklin Dozier, Wm. F. Dozier, Thomas B. Dozier, Bona Dozier, Nina Dozier Pressley. BlancheE. Cboppln, Ar thur 11. Choppin, George K. Be .rd, Emma Es telle Hodgson. Mary L. Hodgson, Allot ?B. Hodgson, George 11. Hodgson and JfsephC. Hodgson reiido outside of rue State of Georgia, It I* therefore further ordered that you so re scsidiiig mitsi.r of llio Stale of Georgia he served by a publication of said ruin nisi for throe months before the next term of said court to wit: Thro month - before the FIRST MON DAY' IN DfcC, CM Bolt NEXT In the ; uvaimah Morulng New*, a public gazette of this State, published in this county. Witness the Honorable A P. Aoams, Judge of said Court, this 27th day of August. A. 11. 1087. BARNARD E BEK, Clerk 8. C. C. It. R. RICHARDS, ISAAC BECKETT, Attorneys for Peril loners. A true copy of the original rule nisi issued In tin: above case. BARNARD E. BF.E, Clerk t (t EORGIA. Chatham Coimty Whereas, I GEORGE WALTER has applied to Court of Ordinary for L< tiers Dismlsnory as Ad nibilstratur on the Estate of FANNIE A. WAI TEH, deceased. TW> ore. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It muy concern to lie end appear before said i 'ourt to make object leu (11 any thev tnivei on or before the FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER NEXT, otherwise said lei lei's will lie granted Witness tb*-Honorable HAMgros I. Fzkku.i., Ordinary for Chatham County, this tbs doth rlay ot June, 1887, PHILIP M. RUBHELL, J#.. Clerk C. 0., C. C. AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. General Auction Sale. Daniel R. Kennedy. Auctioneer. THIS DAY AT if O'CLOCK. Elegant IVrlor Sot, Fine Sideboord, Coffee Mill, Hat Rock, Easy Chair, Musical Boxes. Gas Fixtures, Elevator, Nice Counter, Measures, Coal Scuttles, Cocoa Matting, Looking Glass. Clock. Parlor Billiard Table, compute. Sewing Machine, Small Iron Safe, l.ot Mattresses, Lot Envelopes, Single Dray Box, Etc. —ALSO— -04 Barrels Floor, It Oases Milk. 3.000 cigars, 10 Boxes Cheese. 0 Half Barrels Mackerel, 7 Quarter Barrels Pigs' Feet, 5 Cases Lye, 7 Tubs Butter, Lot Assorted Conn'd Goods. LEGAL NOTICES. (3 KOItGIA, Chatham County. - Whereas, I JORDAN F. BROOKS Us- applied to Court of Ordinary for Laters of Administration on tlic estate of CHARLOTTE CAKLEY, de ceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and ap tiear before said court to make objection (If any they have) on or before the FIRST MONDA V IN OCTOBER NEXT, otherwise said letters will be gro ntod Witness the Honorable Hampton 1,. Fr.aiUlA. Ordinary for Chatham county, this tho 31st day of August, 1387. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, Jr., __ Clerk C. 0., C. C. / ' EORGIA, Chatham County. Whereas, tl KATE DALEY has applied to Court of Ordinary for [.otters of Administration on the estate of DANIEL DALEY, deceased. These arc, therefore, to cito and admonish all whom It may concern to be and appear before said court, to make objection tif aiiv they iiave) on or lief on: the FIRST MONDAY IN OCTO BER NEXT, otherwise said letters will ho granted. Witness tho Honorable Hampton 1.. Fsajutx, Ordinary for Chatham county, this the 31st day of August, 1887. PHILIP M. RUSS ELI., Jr., Clerk U 0.. < ’. C._ ('1 EORGIA, Chatham County. Whereas, * CLINTON C. MARTIN liasapplled to Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate Of FRANCIS O. FOLEY, deceased. These, are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear before ' said court, to make objection tlf any they have) on or before the FIRST MONDAY IN OCTO BER NF.XT, otherwise said letters will be granted Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. iu., Ordinary for Chatham county, this the 31st. day of August, 1887. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, J* , Clerk C. 0., C. C,__ i ' EORGIA. Chatham County.—Whereas, VI FRED A. JONES has applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of MARTIN G. JONES, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to I ■ and ap(iear be fore said court to make objection (if an.v they have! on or liefore the FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER NEXT, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Fkhbiix. Ordipary for Chatham coimty, this the list day of August, 1837. PHILIPM. RUSSELL, Jr., Clerk C. 0., C. C. /3 EORGIA. Chatham County. Whereas, l I ALICE SMITH has applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismlsnory as Executrix on the estate of MARY ANN CARLOS, de ceased. 'Dies.- an*, therefore, to cite and admonish all w hom it may concern to be and appear before said court, to make objection lif any they have) on or before the FIRST MONDAY tN DE CEMBER NEXT, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton 1,. I raniM,, Ordinary for Chatham county, this the Slat day of August , 1887. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, Jr. (Jerk 0. 0., C. C. / 1 EORGIA, Chatham County. Whereas. I I MARY WOLBER has applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters L'tamissory as Adminis tratrix on Ihe estate of JOHN WOLBER, de ceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to he and appear liefore said court, to make objection (if any they have) on or before the FTROT MONDAY IN DE CEMBER NF.XT, otherwise sold letters will he granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Essen,l., Ordinary for Chatham comity, tills the .'list, day of August, 1387. PHILIP M RUSSELL, Jr , Clerk C 0., C. C / ’ EORGIA, Chatham County.—Whorens, Ur JOHN BOI.TON SHERROD has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters of Administration and b. n. c. t. a on the estate, of ROBERT BOL TON, deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and ad monish all whom it may concern to he and appear be fore said court, to make objection (If any they have! on or before the FIRST MONDAY’ IN OCTOBER NEXT, otherwise said letters will he granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Ekiuuu.. Ordinary for Chatham county, this the 31st day of August, 1887. PHILIP. M. RUSHEI.r,, Ja„ Clerk C. 0., C. C. EORGIA, Chatham County.-Notice is here \ T by given that I have made application to the Court ot Ordinary for Chatham county for order to sell lot number eight in C. J. Hull's subdivision of let* number* fifty-three and fifty four Houth Oglethorpe ward, city of Savannah, with the improvements thereon, constating of a two-story brirk dwelling house on the comer of West Boundary and Margaret, streets, belonging to tho estate of CHARLES JONES, deceased, for the itfiyment of debts and distribution, and that said order will he granted at OCTOBER TERM (1387) of said Court, unless objections are filed. LUCINDA JONES. Executrix of will of Charles Jones, deceased, AIOIWT 31, 1337. / ' EORGIA, Chatham County. Whereas V X MARTIN HELM KEN has applied to Court of Ordinary tor Letter* Dlsinissory as Adminis trator on the estate of ANDREW BAILF.Y, de ceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to he and appear be fore said court, to make objection (If any they have l on or before the Ft RET MONDAY IN OCTOBER NEXT, otherwise said letters will be granted Witness the Honorable Hamptun [. Fkrum.l.. Ordinary for Chatham County, this the 80th day of June, 1887. PHILIP M. RUBSESLL, Jr., Clerk C. 0..C.C. f ' EORGIA, Chatham County Whereas. If VI HAUER has applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters Dismissory a* Administrator on the estate of MARY M. SAFER. deceased. These are, therefore, to cite nu.l admonish all w hom it may concern to lie nun appear before said court, to make objection (If any they have) on or before the FIRHT MONDAY IN OCTO UEK NEXT, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Ff.khiix, Ordinary for Chatham County, this 30th day of June, JBB7. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, Jn., Clerk C. 0., C. C. /'tEOROIA, Chatham County Whereas, 11 JGII ANNA DELANEY baa applied to the Court of Ordinary for Issuers Diiitnissory os Executrix on the Estate of DAmffl. DELANEY, deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all w hom itftnay concern to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on <>r before the FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER NEXT, otherwise said letters will be granted. Wil ueas the Honorable Hampton I- Fkrrii.'., Ordinary for Chatham county, fi>i* the 30th day of June, 1887 PHILIPM. RUHbF.LL, Jr , Clerk C. Q„ V. C. ( i EORGIA, Chatham County Whereas, U RLTUri E. LLhTER and DAVID WELLS bare applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters Diotiiimory ss Executor* on the Rotate of JOHN K. HAMLET, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern to be and ) pear before said tfourt to make objection (If any they have) on or before the FIRST MONDAY !N OCTOBER NEXT, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton l„ Fzttmi.n, Ordinary for Chatham county, this the 30tb day of June, 1387, PHILIP M. RUSSELL. Jh.. Clerk C. O . c. C. / 1 EORGIA. Chatham County Whereas, \ I ALEXANDER K. LAWTON and T. M. CUNNINGHAM have applied to Court of Ordi nary for Letters Di .tmssory as Executors on the estate ot ANDREW LOW, deceased. These an-, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to is* ami apt tear l fore said court, to make objection ill any they havei on or liefore the FIILST MONDAY IN OCTOBER NEXT, otherwise said letter* will tie granted Witness the Honorable Hampton 1,. Fznmi.G Ordinary for Chatham county, this the 30th day ot June, 1887. PHILIP M. BUtSHELL, Ja . Clerk C. U-, C. C. C. n. DORSETT’S COLUMN. Till BUY! ARE MANY, BUT— THE SELLERS 4RE FEW. The demand for Realty continues very good. Many inquirers fail to materialize into buyers on account of the very poor offerings. There is a great, demand for low priced lots, say from J3OO to SI,OOO. Also for a few choice well located lots. The principal demand is for residences, loco led in good neighborhoods, ranging in value from si..wn to $-t,onr>and $5,000. A few SMALL FARMS or FARMING LAND near the city, from ten to thirty acres in extent, could be easily placed at FAIR PRICES. A Few Additions TO THE OFFERINGS HAVE BEEN MADE RECENTLY, TO WIT: A Very Elegant Residence large rooms, high ceilings, all the convenience* expected in a first class house. Located iu an aristocratic neigh borhood. A full lot on South Broad Street Facing North. A Two-Story Residence on Green square. This is a Bargain at fifteen hundred dollars. An Elegant I/it 60x108, in Southeastern Sec tion, for eighteen hundred dollars. A Lot 30x01, on Second Avenue, near Barnard for $425. No City Taxes. A Lot on Montgomery street, nsar Second Avenue, for $63"). Not far from the Park, a three-story brick house, containing eight rooms, and a two story brick house In the rear. The whole prop erty will produce SSOO per annum. Can b bought for $4,000. Fine Lot on Jones street. 60x100. next to Schwarz’s Bakery; has two small dwellings o the lane. Price $2,500. Five Acres (unimproved) on the Coast Line Railroad, lie tween the City and Bona venture. There Is a certain profit to subdivide this into > cheat) lots. A comfortable Ttr.: Itory Residence and Stora near S., F. and W. hallway, tor $3,3)0. I-ot 30i 106 on Henry sti-eet, near West Broad, in neighborhood just bull! up with good bouses S4BO. A Two Story Wooden Dwelling, good locality. In northern part of the city, convenient to Boy Street and the Market, for $2,800. A Two Story House in Yaruacraw for SBOOI Also two One Story Houses for SI,OOO. The Ltrge Double Two Story Residence in th northwestern corner of Bryan and Habersham streets, for $3,500. Two Cheap Lots south ot the city, near tba Dillon Purchase, each 40x00. S2OO each. A Snug Cottage Home corner of Went Breed and Henry streets. Lot 40x85. Price $2,000. A Splendid Water Front, magnificent oaks,ac cessible hy railroad. A most desirable site far a residence. A Three Story Brick Residence, witlufourteen rooms; location good. Price $3,000. A genuine bargain. A Neat Comfortable New Dwelling, four bed rooms, parlor, dining room mil liltr Dsn, in the yard; lot 3Qxl4fi; south of Jeadeisem street. No city tax for seven yean. Mm $1,500. HfPrompt attention will be given to any quiries, by mall or in person. A lot 30x100 for six hundred dollars; $l5O cash and balance monthly. A Lot on Hall street, near Jefferson, 32x183 for $1,050; three hundred dollars cash and long time ou the balance. 11 Mill, Real Estate Dealer 156 33A.Y. N. B. r Ueve for rent a flue new store end iwMmm on Ihr ovreer of Wet Broad end CiwiuucU slrMI4 3