The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 06, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 SAFE BLOWERS AT WORK DAVIS BROS.’ SAFE BLOWN OPEN AND RIFLED. Show Cases Robbed and Valuable Goods Purloined A Heavy Iron Door Blown Several Feet Away- How the Burglars Effected an Entrance-A Neatly Executed Robbery. The fancy goods and music house of Davis Bros., corner of York and Bull streets, was entered yesterday morning by burglars, who blew open the safe and robbed it and some of the show cases. Nothing was known of the burglary until 7 o’clock yesterday morning, when Messrs. Clark Davis, one of the firm, and J. H. Williams, a salesman, opened the store. They found it full of smoke when they entered and at first thought there must be fire, but the smoko smelled like burned powder and before they discovered the wreck the robbers had made of the strong Vox they had reached the conclusion that the safe had been blown open. The office was in a terrible plight. The outer plate of the safe door was lying against the other safe- ten feet away. The body of the door, which weighed 200 pounds, was lying upon the floor three feet from the safe. The clock was upon the door, having fallen down. The bookkeeper’s desk was broken and turned at right angles to its former position, and the glass in the window by which the safe stood was shattered. HOW THK THIEVES CiOT IN. Mr. Davis looked in the safe to see what was missing, and he found everything gone, even the drawers. He then went over the store, and discovered that some of the show cases had been rifled, all of the gold pens and pencils, except two, and all the finer pocket-books and other leather goods having been taken. He went to the rear of the store and found that one of the windows had been forced to effect an entrance. A thorough investigation proved that the bur glars had pried on a board from the door of the engine room, adjoining the printing office, and gone into the printing office through a w indow. They tLen attempted to foroe the door leading from the printing office to the store, but it was double bolted, and only one of the bolts fave way. They retraced their steps and roke open a window, through which they entered directly into the store, and pro ceeded with their work. They had evi dently made themselves familiar with the surroundings, for although the store was dark they secured the most valuable part of the stock. They opened the case that contained the gold pens and pencils and took all of them but two. They went to the shelves where the pocketbooks and card eases were kept, and took all the line Rus sia-leather goods, but left the cheaper ones. It is probable that after cleaning out thcso they went to work on the safe. AWAITING THK EXPLOSION. There are two safes in the office, a large one belonging to the Metropolitan Loan Association and a small one owned by Davis Bras. The large safe con tained S6OO in cash, but it was not touched. Davis Bros.’ safe had S9O in cash in it, but, Sunday night about 9 o’clock, Mr. Clark Davis took S6O of it out. The thieves went to work on the small safe, and bored a hole in the steel face of the door, about three inches below the handle. It is presumed that they then filled the cavity in the door in which the bolts and lock work with powder, or some other ex plosive, and inserted a fuse. Powder was also poured into the hinges and, by some craeksmau’s trick it was made to explode at the same time the powder in the cavity went off. After igniting the fuse they probably left the building and retired to some safe place to await the explosion, and to see if it would attract any attention. It awakened Dr. Hopps and Mr. Headman, both of whom live a block away. Both said they t hought it was a boiler explosion on the river, but they went back to sleep, and thought no more of it until they heard of the robbery in the morning. ASSORTING THE SWAG. The burglars probably waited until they were convinced that no one had been at tracted by the noise, and then re-entering the store they broke the locks on the safe drawers and the money box, and took out everything that the safe contained. Feeling secure, they stopped in the yard in the rear of the store to examine ana, perhaps, to di vide the swag. They had the S6O of cash which had been left there, anu $7 which they had taken from the cash drawer. The papers which the safe contained were about $4,000 of notes given by parties who bad bought pianos and organs on the installment plan, checks to the amount of S2OO, and certificates of stock in loan associations and other enter prises to the amount of $2,000. All of these papers were thrown in a pile in the yard and loft there, and Mr. Davis found them ■when he searched the premises in the mom lug. The gold pens and pencils were valued at $350, and t hose goods, together with the cash and jiocket liooks, will make the loss in the neighborhood of s‘>oo, besides the loss of the safe, which was completely ruined. THE ONLY CLUES. The burglars left behind them about fotir feet of fuse and an ordinary brace, such as is U9ed by carpenters. This is doubtless the brace with which they drilled the hole in the safe. They left no footprints either in the yard or in the building. Bieides the two articles mentioned above there is no trace of the men who did the Job. They have gone as silently as they came, and there seems at present no prospect of secur ing them. Two policemen should have been within bearing distance of the explosion yesterday morning, hut the burglars were probably speeding away on a fast train before unv of the members ot the force knew anything of what had happened. One of the Sergeants was within 100 yards of Davis Bros’, at l:f>0, fl, 2:90, 8:15 and 8:50 o'clock, but unfortu nately lie was not. there when the explosion took place. THE NSW STEAMER EN ROUTE. A Valuable Addition to the Fire De partment. Chief Adolph Fernandez of the fire de partment returned Sunday from Elmira, N. Y., where he went to inspect the new steamer No. 8, which has just been built by the La France Fire Engine Company. The steamer is * double-piston engine of 750 gal lons per minute capacity and has all the modern improvements. It was on Aug. 29 hy rail and it is expected hero in a few days. New No. 8 will be stationed ■t, “headipiartors,” Firemen’* Hall. Old No. (the Bartow) will, as wain as the new steamer is put in commission, la- stationed at engine house No. 1, and its number changed tneorrespeud. The engine now known as No. 1 (the Washington) will be overhauled, as soon us the changes referred to are consum mated, and kepi as an extra engine. The new engine will only lie 500 iiounds heavier than No. 8 (Germania), but will tie equal to any two engines now used in this city. Awaiting a Reward. It is reported that the negro, Cook, who rut Tiny Charlton's throat with a razor about three weeks ago, is now biding in the neighborhood where the murder was com mitted, about three miles out of town. Several persons have said that they know where he was; that he was hiding in a cer tain house and that bis wife carried him bis dinner almost every day, but those persons also tay that they do not pronose to give information concerning his whereabouts un til the Governor offeiw a reward for his ar rest The Solicitor General wrote to the Governor some days ago asking him to offer 8 reward, and those knowing ink's hiding place aio waiting until there u a prosperi til turning their knowledge to mouay beiora taping anything. MRS. TITCOMB S SENSATION. She Hides Her Pocketbook Then Ac cuses a Drummer of Stealing It. Mr Samuel -I. Tilconib, who lnts figured of late in the Justice Courts, left the city Friday night to move to other quarters, and Mr. Titoomb's wife succeeded in raising al most as big a sensation in the sleeping car as Mr. Titoonib did by his very peculiar connection with two of the Justices, Among those who lmd berths in the sleeper ware Tilcmnb and his wife, and W. E. Cohen, Esq., a drummer for the of Marks & Weis, of New York. \Vhen Mr. and Mrs. Titoonih prepared to leave the sleeper to go to a Intel, Mrs. Titcomb madq the surprising and unhappy discovery that her pocketbook containing a large sum of money, hud been stolen some time during the night on the trip from Haven nah. An alarm was instantly sounded, and Mr. Titcomb summoned an officer to make a search of the passengers, the berths and riorler. Mr. Titoomb's sus picion was principally directed to Mr. Cohen as the guilty party, because, per chance, his berth was nearer to that of Mrs. Titoomb’s than any of the other passengers, and for the additional reason that during the night Mr. Cohen called to the porter for a blanket. A careful and vigorous search failed to reveal the lost money. Mr. Cohen’s blood and temper were mi hot, and Mr. Titoomb’s anxiety over the missing money was intense. While the commotion in the sleeper was at fever heat, Mrs. Titcomb suddenly found the pocketbook with its contents nicely nestled in a traveling satchel where she had placed it for sufc keeping. While Mr. Cohen was very glad that the money was found, his feelings were not in the least pac ified, and it is his inteution to sue the Cen tral railroad for $5,000 damages, basing his claim on the ground that he paid for a berth in which to enjoy a night of quiet repose and tranquil sleep, but, not only had his slumbers been rudely disturbed, but 1 his feelings outraged and character de famed by being suspected of theft, for all of which the Central was liable. Mr. Coheu will employ Mr. Washington Dessau to rep resent. him. When the pocketbook was found Mr. Titcomb gave the porter $2 50 as a comforter for having had him searched for the lost money. A MASONIC CENTENNIAL. The Coming Communication of the Grand Lodge to be Its Hundredth. Dr. J. Emmett Blaekshear, formerly of Macqn, but now a resident of this city, and for many years Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, in a note to the Morning) News calls atten tion to an important historical event, namely the centennial of the formation of the present Grand Lodge of Georgia. The original or colonial Grand Lodge, like all other supremo bodies of Freemasons in America previous to the revolution, was under the jurisdiction of one Gram! Lodge of England. There were three bodies of Freemasons in England during tbo last century claiming to lie the su preme head of the fraternity, and the Masons in Georgia held their charter from tlie original Grand Lodge of England, and the lodge which was first chartered in Georgia, and which is still in a flourishing condition, is Solomon’s Lodge No. 1 of this city. That lodge is also the oldest society in existence in this State, and the oldest work ing Masonic body on this side of the At lantic. The following is an extract from Dr. Blaekshear’s note: * * * Permit ine to call your attention to an important Item in (he bietoiy of the Grand Lodge. 1 allude to tLic fact that (a December, 1780. the Grand Lodge ill the city of Savannah severed its connection with the mother Grand Lodge, of England, and as a sovereign grand body commenced its existence with the Right Worshipful William Stephens, Esq., as Grand Master. “Remembering this fact another presents itself as a natural sequence, viz: that the ensuing meeting of the Grand Lodge of Georgia is it* one hundredth anniversary com munication. which in my opinion should by all menus lie properly celebrated. The suggestion of Dr. Blaekshear is well worth the attention of the officers of the Grand liodge, and while the time is quite short between this and ttio grand communi cation, which is to be held in the latter part of October, arrangements might yet be made to celebrate the centennial in an ap propriate manner. GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. New Members Elected and New Books Ordered Bought. The Georgia Historical Society held its regular monthly meeting iast night, with Mr. W. H. Baker in the chair. The follow ing gentlemen were elected members: F. E. Anderson, J. dcßrtiyn Kops, Jr., Rev. T. E. White, T. E. Besselieu, John C. DeLettre, H. W. Johnson, A. Minis, Jr., C. Menelas and A. S. Bacon. After the election of members the report of the Library Commit tee was read and adopted. It recommended the purchase of the following books: “The Pleasures of Life.” “Romantic Love and Personal Beauty.” “The Growth of Freedom in the Balkan Peninsular,” “Lady Wilde’s Legends, Mystic Chaims, etc. of Ireland,” “Tales of the Caliph.” “Things Seen,” ,- Tho Chancellor's Secret,” “Edesheim’s Life and Times of the Messiah,” “China,” “Poems of Matthew Arnold,” “Penelope’s Suitors,” “The Idyl of the Whit* Lotus,” “Fragments of For gotten History,” “The Cabala Deunata,” “The Language, Mythology aud Geo graphical Nomenclature of Japan,” “Sacred Mysteries of the Mayas and Quiches, “Among tho Rosierncinns,” “Budget of Letters from Japan,” “Studies in Ancient History,” “The Pa triarchal Theory,” “Christian Reid’s Nov els,” “The Cruise of tho Marchesa to Kain sehatku.aud New Guinea,’ “My Confession,” “As in a Looking Glass," “Bruda Yorke,” “The ’Squire’s Darling,” “The Duke’s Se cret,” “A Near Relation.” The total cost of the list given is $76 75. After considera tion thesociety decided tot purchase the “In ternational Enyeiopu>diu” for $45, tw o vol umes to bo tnken at once, and the remain der, one each month. It, also determined to accept an offer of u Now York house to sell to the society a complete set, 18 volumes, of the “Eneyclopmdin Americana," for SOO The work is valued at SIOB, and the society concluded to accept the offer. Tho meet ing then adjourned. The Mayor’s Court. The Mayor's levee was well attended yes terday, and the following cases were dis posed of: Michael Walsh, disorderly con duct and resisting un officer, $lO or ten days. George Henry, larceny of a check of the Oeeuu Steamship Company from W. Tal bot, held for the City Court. George Scott, disorderly, $7 or ton days. Charles Fisher, dis<mierly, $5 or two days. William Lewis,ss or two'O for disorderly conduct. The case of William Quartennan, disorderly conduct and brick-batting a house, was continued. M. J. Gibbons, disorderly nnd cursing and abusing Mis. Kate Noon. Five dollars or five (lav's. John Harris, an cbony-hued gambler, was fined S2O or thirty days; Swinton Gay, the philanthropic individ ual who desire I to protect Frank Suwyer’s chickens, hail his case continued. Colored Odd Fellows. At the annual convocation of Savannah ratriarchie No. 86. G. U. O. of O. F., held last night, the following offieein were in | stalled for the ensuing year; | M. V. P.—J. F. Jones. R. V. P. A. Wylly, V. P.—W. M. Mitchell. W. P. R. —F. N liohinson. W. P. T.—A. Me well W P. P—B. 11. Jolinson. P. K. -G IJbuuto.i P. BU*p.—C. IL Robinson. I P. Sain. —J. H. Lark. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1887. CONNUBIAL INFELICITY. A Brutal Husband Cruelly Beats His Drunken Wife. “Help! Murder! He’s killing me! For God’s sake, help!” w’ere the cries that rang out on St. Julian street, near the corner of Price, almut 12:80 o'clock this morning. Tile frightened neighbors flocked to their doors, but none seemed inclined to inter fere. Officer O'Hara heard tho alarm and came rushing up. Thu door was locked and in spite of repeated rajis would not be be opened. Peeping through the half closed blinds he saw the form of a woman lying on the floor, her head on a blood-be spattered pillow, and a man standing by kicking the motionless body. As he turned to kick in the door, it was suddenly opened, and as bis impetus canned the officer into tho room, the man seized him with an ugly oath, and said: “Now, you. I’ve got you in iny house, now you’ll get ——," at the same time endeavoring to strike or kick him. The man’s face and bead were one bloody mass, one of liis eyes was nearly closed, and he looked a liend incarnate. The officer soon subdtiod him, however, to a partial extent, and started for the barracks with him. As he resisted again, on reach ing the walk, assistance was whistled for. Officer Davis came up, and tlie prisoner was then taken to the station, resisting ns well as he was able ail the way. He gave his mime as VV. Hayes. He pre sen ted a horrible picture, his face scratched and covered with blood, and his clothes in disorder. After jailing him the Sergeant directed the officers to at once see to the woman, and if she was badly hurt to send her to the hospital. Arriving at the house she was found lying on the floor, her face buried in a mass ot blood on the pillow. Two line looking children, a girl of 8 and a boy of 5, stood in the middle of the room, their at tractive faces filled with fear and wonder, glancing now at the form of their mother on the floor, then again at the strange persons in the room. To all appear ance the woman was lifeless, and one of the officers stooped to raise her up and place her on the bed. As he touched her, she suddenly raised a bruised and bat tered face, one eye being nearly closed, with the blood dripping from her head, and exclaimed in maudlin tones: “Let me ’lone! D’ye hear! Clar out here!” and attempted to rise. The transition was too great, and the big police man said disgustedly: "Dead drunk, by George.” The woman glared around for a moment and then seeing tho strange faces around her, caught hold of a chair and attempted again to rise. But she was too far gone, nnd when half up she went down with a plunge, with the officer’s assistance she finally managed to get into the other room and drop on the lied. She then togan to get fighting mad and wanted to know if a man and his wife couldn’t have a little misunderstanding without all this fuss. Finaliv it was seen she would raise the neighborhood if left there, so she was curried to the bnrracks and put into a comfortable cell. When asked her name, she said, with a defiant air, “Elizabeth Hayes, and it’s none of your business.” It was a sad episode, and was as good a temperance lecture as one de sired. Tho home was a cozy one, neatly fitted up. There were three children—a babe of 8 months, and a girl and boy of 8 and 5 years respectively. The little bov cried for ills mother, and his brave and motherly sister told him she had gone to tlie hospital. They wore all fine looking children, with very attractive faces and very intelligent. The neighbors said this was an ordinary occurrence, and they took charge of the poor children. ARRESTS BY THE SCORE. A Busy Day for the Police—Row at the S., F. & W. Depot. Yesterday was a busy day for the city policemen, and the docket this morning at 1 o’clock showed well-tilled pages. Abram Kelly and Prince Slowman were enjoying a game of fisticuff on East Broad sti-eet, when the “cops” collared them and placed the would-be Joint Sullivans in durance vile. Lizzie Rogers, a negress, who has just re turned from the chain gang, evidently hasn’t a vary high opinion of the guards and keepers there. At Jj p. in. on the street she was interrupted in the midst of a very sul phurous description of them, sandwiched with many very naughty expressions, by a gentleman in blue who endeavored to stop the flow, but in vain, and so she was taken in and cared for. This morning she will in form his honor why her opinions are so highly seasoned. Simkins Gordon tried to put a “head” on Robert Wiley, at 0 o’clock last evening on the comer of Arnold and Jackson streets, but his pleasant diversion was suddenly interrupted and he soon found himself behind the burs, at liberty to solil oquize over the ups and downs of this funny world. Isaac Reid and Samuel Walker (colored) are fast chums, at least it would seem so, as the latter now ttnds himself in the “jug” from a too friendly- interference with matters pertaining to Reid. The lat ter was rather disorderly last night at fiiliO, and began cursing some of the bystanders. An officer arrested him after a good deal of trouble and landed him at the barracks. Walker viewed the proceedings with great disfavor, and said what he would have done in such a case ami how he would have carved up the officer. In fact, he began to think he was cock of the walk. After cursing the officers and threatening them with all sorts of diabolical deeds he very suddenly found himself handcuffed and en mute to a quiet family hotel. Joe Dark and another negro were" arrested by Officer Bingham, and Alex Morrell by Sergt. lyconiuil, of the Savannah, Florida and Western railway police, for rioting at the depot and assaulting the officers. Quite a serious affray was imminent at one time, but the prompt action Of the officers in or resting the ringleaders quelled the others. At I o'clock this morning Peter Gregory was brought charged with assaulting and beating Caroline Sullivan on the streets, and also with resisting the officers. Caroline had her head bound up and ap peared to have been batUv treated. Peter was n tough looking citizen, anil his resist aiuv had cost him dear a.- the blood marks on his head testified to. Four other arrests were made for disorderly conduct. Altogether, including William and Eliza beth Haves, fifteen will appear before his honor this morning mul answer to their various misdemeanors. CAUGHT IN A GALE. A Norwegian Brig's Rough Voyage from Santiago. The Norwegian brig Amykos arrived Sat urday night in Warsaw sound and anchor ed lietween Beach Hummock and Warsaw. SShe is from Kantiugo, Cuba, and bound to liOudon with a cargo of rum and cocoa nuts. Nho left Santiago on Aug. 5 and experienced a terrific gale on or about Aug. 10, during which her mizzenmast and foretopmast, with all rigging attached, were carried away, and she sprang a leak, the hull being damaged by the rigging and musts Uniting against the sides of the vessel. Hue had been heating about the ocean for eighteen days after the loss of the rigging, and just managed to work into Warsaw sound. The captain wrote a letter which was brought to the city bv a fisherman yesterday morning, and re ceived bv Messrs. A. K. Nala & Cos., stating Ins condition, and requested a tug to be Hcnt to low the vessel in. The tug Cnmiirm was sent to the brig's assistance, which towed her into quarantine last night. Thirty Tone Preenure Is given to every cake n( Colgate A Co.'s Cask ief"*e Ktiaquel toilet soap, it sears anay very Uioade •' Milk Hals Just out at Belshi- I set 's. ’.'l . umoi. I SIFTINGS OF CITY NEWS. ! LITTLE GOSSIP FROM THE STREET AND SIDEWALK. I j Dashes Here and There by the News Reporters Yesterday’s Happenings Told in Brief Paragraphs Pickings at Police Headquarters. Savannah Lodge No. 1150, K. of IL, will hold a regular meeting this evening. Ancient Lu”dmark Lodge No. 231, F. A. M., will hold a i extra meeting this evening. The German American Mutual Loan and Building Association will hold its twelfth regular meeting this evening Rt Uie office of the secretary, S. L. Lazeron, Esq. Rolivrt Williams,a mulatto, who brutally, and without any provocation, stabbed Joseph A. Weston, a peaceable colored lad, Satur day night last, was arrested yesterday and placed behind the bars, T. M. Burke, the Southern Express Com pany's driver who was so badly injured a few weeks ago in Reynolds square by nn unknown negro, is recovering very fast. Ho was able to take a trip to Thunderbolt last week, and hopes to resume his work ere long. Tlie Convention of Chiefs of Fire Depart ments in the United States and Canada will to held in Atlanta on Sept. 20. Those in terested can get reduced rates by applying to H. A. Hills, Secretary of the National Association of Fire Engineers, Cincinnati, O. The exhibition of fire apparatus sup plies, etc., will lie very large, and the occa sion will be one winch will well repay a visit. A temperance mass meeting was held at Yonge’s Park Hall last night under the auspices of tlie Reehnbites and Good Templars. Rev. A. M. Winn o|>ei!pd the meeting with prayer and the programme of the evening was then taken up. There were a number of songs, recitations and readings, and addresses by Rev. T. T. Christian and B. 11. Webster. Rev. J. P. Wardlaw, who conducted the meeting, also delivered an address. Henry Devant, alias Vickey, who was ar rested some two weeks ago for the larceny of a guitar, on a complaint in Justice Shef tall’s office, was delivered to Mr. Pragor, the South Carolina penitentiary officer yes terday, to to taken back to his old home at Summerville. It seems Henry is an escaped convict, and the South Carolina authorities having learned of his whereabouts shortly after he was jailed, sent on an officer for him. As he had four years yet to serve there, lie was not tried on tlie larceny case, but delivered to the officer as he agreed to go without any requisition papers. But he is too far gone in consumption to live long, any way. Local Personal. Mrs. E. Collins left for Cincinnati, on the Central, last night. John Feeley left on tlie steamship Talla hassee for New York yesterday morning. Mrs. Dr. Houston went to Hot Springs via the Charleston and Savannah yesterday. Dr. W. S. Lawton and wifeleft last night for Hot Springs, N. C\, via the Charleston and Savannah. Mrs. Emile Newman and Miss Newman left for Asheville yesterday on the Charles ton and Savannah. Mr. L. Desbouillons and son were among the passengers on the steamship Tallahassee, which sailed for New York yesterday. Capt. James L. Foster, of Darien, passed through this city yesterday en route for Clyde, 0., where he will spend a few days. Among the arrivals at the Screven House yesteixlay were A. S. Cohen, Atlanta: W. W. Oliff, Excelsior; T. R. Leslie, Suwannee Springs, Fla.; G. B. Mallory, A Loeb, New York; J. L. Kemper, Baltimore; G. W. Perkins, Augusta; August Schmidt, Darien; A. C. Von Lehe, Walterboro, S. C.; M. J. Frintorg, Cincinnati: MarcusCruant, May port, Fla. At the Pulaski House were W. H. Si mons and wife, Miss Simons, Altoona, Pa., Charles V. Norwood and wife, Boston. W, Wakeman, H. T. Williams, S. T.Long, New York; J. W. Wightmer, Empire, Ga.; A. Kuchler, W. H. Jones, Allen Thompson: J. L. Meriman, Charleston: W. F. Mc- Garey, W, S. Ford. Philadelphia; William Screven, Williamsport, Pa.: Andrew Mc- Dowell, W. T. Pratt, Baltimore. At the Marshall House were W. P. Semple, Louisville; J. C. and Y. V. John son, Statenvillo: M. B. Green, Jasper county, Florida; I). H. Wall and wife, Grahamvilfe, S. C.: L. M, Comer, Svlvania: C. K. Lat shaw, St. liOuis; H. Fleetwood and wife, Trenton, N. J.; H. McKervey, Maeon; H. Huntingdon, Darien; F. C. Malvern. New York; John Brown and son, Duboy; H. B. Beatty, Macon: M. Lattimcr, Mobile; J. H. Hart, Louisville; P. O. Manning, Bruns wick; A. J. Carlson, Columbus; John C. Reynolds, Waycross; A. M. Peeples, King’s Ferry; E. 11. Crawley and daughter. Way cross; M. L. Hartrige, Jacksonville, Fla. At the Harnett House were W. B. Woodard. Wheeling, W. Va.; S. A. Sabin, Philadelphia: H. Heger, Macon; D. J. Blackburn, Needham; F. J. Blackburn, Manor; J. W. Robbins, Svlvania; F. R. Lewis, Newburvport, Mass.; W. W. Parker, Wooilcliff; G. W. Russell, Boston; E. J. Ferguson,Marion: John P. M. Lamon, Hwainsbore; J. G. Chittv, Haleyondale; J. H. Edwards and wife, New York; R. J. Miller, St. Augustine, Fla.; James M. Free man, Wm. Parker, Waycross; Eli Sutcliffe, Jacksonville. Charleston Startlers. There is a dwarf in Charleston who lias lived here all his life and who rivals Tom Thumb in size. He has never been on ex hibition, however. There remains in the Citadel Academy now eighty-four cadets, nine in the first, eighteen in the second and fifty-seven in tlie third class. A numtor of vacancies in the beneficiary cadetships are to to filled by the board in October and quite a numtor of ap nhcationK from pay cadets are expected. The fourth class will be made up from these. Prof. T. P. Harrison came to the city Sunday from his home in Abbeville to take charge of the Citadel Academy buildings until the opening of the session, w hen he will resume his duties in that institut ion as professor of modern languages. Prof. Bond, who has toen in charge since the commence ment exorcises, toft Monday morning for Lis home in Chester, where lie will spend his vacation. Mr. Q. A. Datnou, a well known mer chant, died Saturday night, at his residence, comer Cbubch and Water streets. Mr. Da moil, although not a native of Charleston, had been long engaged in business here, ami was well and favorably known. He was a native of Bcituate, Mass., where he was born in 1828, but came to Charleston when about 19 years of age, ml has since been identified with the city. At a recent meeting of the properiy own ers along the eastern water front n special committee ivns appointed to consult the owners of wharves and other property as to the matter of the right of way for the tracks of tlie projected line. There now seems but little doubt that the rood w ill to built, application having been made to the (Secretary of State for a charter for a (sir poratiou to to known ns the East, Shore Terminal Company. The following is the return of deaths within the city of Charleston for the week ending Sept. 8, 1.887: iVlutes 10, blacks and colored 28; total 88 —excludingßstillborn*, colored: 1 accident, colored. Under I year of age, 5 white, 3 colored: between 1 and 5 years of age, 9 colored; lietween 5 and 10 years of age, 2 colored: totweeu 10 and 20 years of age, I colored: totweeu 20 and 80 years of age, l white, 8 colored; totweeu :lo and to years of age, I colored; between 40 and 50 year* of age, 2 colored; botWiwn .VI and 60 years of age, 2 white; totwecuon ami 70 years of age, i white, 2 colored; Liet ween 70 and 80 years of age, I white, 4 colored; between 'lO mid 100 vails of age, I colored. Annual dnth rate per 1.000. wlfite. for taut week. 17.16. * j GENERAL RAILWAY NEWS. Matters of Money and Management About Various Lines. Bills have been introduced in the Georgia Legislature to incor]-orate the following raih'oad companies: (hattanooga Southern, Rome Belt, Macon Terminal. The Central Railway and Steamship Coini-aiiy of Boston, Mass., is surveying a railroad from Kissimmee, Fla., to Roek ledge, and from Kissimmee to Punta Rassa. The track of the Americus, Preston and Lumpkin Railroad has been extended twenty-five miles, bringing it fifty-one miles east from Americus, Ga., and within eleveu miles of AbbeyviUe. Of the Birmingham, Georgia and Florida line, which is to run from Birmingham, Aia.. to Tallahassse, Fla., sixty-four miles, have been graded, and the right of way has been secured for 104 miles. Taylor & Elmer, of New York, have been awarded the contract for the track laying of the Charleston, Cineincionati and Chicago Railroad from Camden to Black’s, S. C., a distance of 108 miles, and have commenced work. A meeting is to be held by the stockhold ers of the Pensacola and Memphis Railroad Company, of Alabama, on Sept. 21, to con sider a proposition made by a number of the road’s larger security holders, to consolidate with the Pensacola aud Memphis of Florida and the Pensacola and Memphis of Missis sippi. The advisability of increasing the capital stock will also be discussed. Neither of these three railroads are in any way con nected with the Pensacola division of the Louisville aud Nashville. Of the Alabama, Florida' and Atlantic railroad a Railway Age correspondent says: “This Florida company now operates the old Apopka and Atlantic railroad from Woodbridge to Forest City, Fla, and has 28 miles under construction by contractors J. O. Bronson, of Indian Springs, and-John A. Prentiss,of Woodbridge. The total length of the line as projected is aboutsoo miles from Montgomery. Ala., to Biseayne bay, Fla., J. C. Grail'. New York city”, is President, and J. O. Fries, Orlando, is chief engineer.” The Alabama Midland has been surveyed from Montgomery. Ala., via Oak Grove, Pine level, Orion, Troy, Ozark and Dothen, to Chattahoochee, Fla., and also to Bain bridge, Ga., but it is still undecided which of tiiese points will be the terminus The total length is about 170 miles, and the en tire contract for construction and equip ment has, it is state-1, been let to the Ala bama Terminal Company, of which J. W. Woolfolk, 7 Nassau street, New York city, is President. Arthur Pou, Talbotton, Ga., is chief engineer of the road. Sunday’s Macon Telegraph-. #Tn contra diction of the report that the Covington and Macon railroad had defaulted in the payment of the interest due on the first mortgage bonds, Col. Frobel has received a telegram from Douglass Greene, the Presi dent of the road, saying: “Coupons being paid as fast as presented.” To the New York Sim on Sept. My. Greene said the road being still m pro-x/is of construction, it has never been turn/d over to the com pany by the contractor/, and that so long as the contractors have rhe property in hand it is their obligation to produce money to pay the interest on the bonds. The con tractors promptly supplied the funds, and the coupons were paid” as stated in the tele gram. • BIRMINGHAM BEATEN. Better Batting and Fewer Errors Give Charleston a Victory. Charleston, S. C., Sept. .A—Birming ham lost this afternoon by wretched field work, wild throws and ineffectual batting in the first three innings. The batteries were Smith and Nicholas for Charleston and Webber and Snyder for Birmingham. The locals put up six runs in the first three in nings. In the fourth Duffee rapped the ball over the centre field fence for a home run and in the seventh brought in two men by a three bagger. The odds, however, were too great and after scoring four runs the visit ors went down. The following is the score by innings: Charleston 3 1201000 o—7 Birmingham 000 100 3 00—4 Earned runs—< 'harleston 3. Birmingham 2. Base hits—Charleston 13, Birmingham 8. Errors Charleston 2, Birmingham 6. Stolen bases Charleston 7, Birmingham 1. Struck out—By Smith 6, by Webber 5. Wild pitches—Webber 1. Passed balls -Snyder 1. Time—One hour 45 minutes. Umpire—Moran. BILLY SMITH POUNDED. New Orleans Downs Memphis by Magnificent Work. New Orleans, La., Sept s.— Billy Smith received a terrible drubbing at the hands of the New Orleans team to day. The locals slugged out a victory in the first two in nings. Fine fielding held them down. Memphis also hit Widner hard, but the stick work of Klusman, Cartwright, Fuller and Campau overcame everything. The general work of McAleer, the fielding of Peltz. Campau and Fuller, and the catching of Wells were the features. About 1,500 people attended. MeKeough and Aydelotte will pitch to-morrow. The score by innings was as follows: Now Orleans 8 3 0 3 0 1 1 0 2-18 Memphis 1 0 2 0 0 ) 0 0 0— 4 Batteries—Widner and Wells, Smith and Orotty. Base hits —New Orleans 21, Memphis 9. Errors -New Orleans 7. Memphis 2. Slolen bases New Orleans 6, Memphis 34 Games Elsewhere. At Philadelphia—■ Athletics 0000001 0 I—2 Cincinnati 00200000 I—3 Base hits—Athletic 10, Cincinnati 8, Er rors Athletic 1, Cincinnati 1. At Baltimore—First game— Baltimore 8 8 3 0 0 0 o—ll Cleveland... 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 Base hits Baltimore 18 Cleveland 4. Errors Baltimore 3, Cleveland 8. Second game— Cleveland 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 S— 4 Baltimore 1 08 1 0000 x— 6 Base hits Baltimore 10. Cleveland 10. Errors Baltimore 0, Cleveland 4. At Staten Island— Metropolitan 5 0 00000 1 0— 0 St. Louis 10 0 1 1110 o—6 Base hits Metropolitans 8, St. Louis 9. Er ror* Metropolitansß, St. Louis fl. At Brooklyn— Loulsvile 00008008—4 Brooklyn U 0 0 0 1 0 8 9—14 Base hits Louisville 11, Brooklyn 83. Errors —ltonisville 8, Brooklyn 5. At Boston— Boston 10 1000080 o—lß Philadelphia . 4 0 0 0 0 0 ] l 6- u Bnse Hits Boston 81, Philadelphia 13. Errors Boston 3, Philadelphia 10. At New York— New York . 0 0 3 8 3 0 1 0 I—o Washington 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 8 o—3 Rase hits New York 13. Washington 8. Errors New York 4. Washington 4. At Detroit— Detraits 0 1 8 0 1 3 0 0 o—7 Chicago 0 1 0 8 1 3 4 0 x— ll Base hits Detroit 9, Chicago 11. Errors- Detralt 7. Chicago A. At Pittsburg— Pltlsbiirg 00000000 5-5 Indianapolis 3 1 000000 o—4 Base hits Pittsburg 13, Indianapolis 18. Er rors Pittsburg 8. Indianapolis 2. Do you ask for a test of HO/ODONTS power, ■ lust talk to a lady for half an hour: If her Breath is sweet, if her teeth are white, If her glints arc clean, if her gums are bright. If her mouth is pure and her teeth are clean, ISheuscs the SOZODONT, then, we ween. Kail Clothing Beginning to arrive. Heady to show a nice selection for early fall wear, also fall Over coats. They are nicer and prices lower than ever, to show our customers that we have removed to the northeast corner Con gress and Whitaker streets. The Famous New York Clothing House manufacture all the clothing they sell, denting direct with the consumer. "We save every one who buys of Us at least 35 |r cent Til* Fly and Spiders Scarf Pin at Bel- I sili—*>t v, 21 Whitaker ■l.i’eet. Weather Indications. Special indications for Georgia: FAIR Fair weather, except light local I rains in extreme Southeastern Geor gia, slight changes in temperature, light to fresh winds, generally easterly. Comparison of menu temperature r Savan nah. Sept. 5, 1887, and the mean of same day for fifteen years. Departure Total Mean Temperatukk from the Departure .— - Mean Since for 15 years Sept. 7>. >T. j - or ‘Jan. i,iHB7. 80,0 72 0 —8 0 | 482 0 Comparative raiuf&il statement : Mean Daily| Amount, ftCth? Departure Amount for for Meau ih lc e 16 \eais. Sept, o, 87. _ or Jan. 1,1857. 48 I .02 IB I —8 “4 Maximum, temperature 81.0. minimum tem perature 61.0. The height of the river it Augusta at 1:33 o’clock p. m. yesterday (Augusta time) was 7 2 feet—a fall of 0.5 during the past twenty-four hours. Cotton Region Bulletin for 21 hours end ing 0 p. in., Sept. 5 1887. 75th Meridian time. Districts. ! Avkiiage. Nam . N s °ta f Mav - Ml “- ’Ra*n ‘ ;tions.: Temp , Tonlp fail 1. Wilmington 10 78 ; 38 .02 2. Charleston 8 82 j 61 .00 3. Augusta 12 81 64 .00 4. Savannah 13 86 00 *T 5. Atlanta 11 80 j 62 ; .00 6. Montgomery fi 88 (iO .00 7. Mobile 0 02 , 58 ! *T 8. New Orleans 1 14 03 j ‘ 4 j .00 0. Galveston | ll 02 ■ 70 i .00 10. Vicksburg 4 03 70 i *T 11. Little Rock | 11 04 I 04 *T 12. Memphis j 19 92 j 62 j .00 Averages | | | *T denotes trace of rainfall. Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations. Savannah, Sent. 5, 3:36 p. m.. city time. Temperature. Direction, j C- I 2 Velocity. F Rainfall. Name or Stations. Portland 62 S W .. Clear. Boston 66. SW ; Clear. Block Island 66 SW .. j ‘flea - . New York city ... 68 8 W .....* ,Clear. Philadelphia 68 S W .. j (dear. Detroit 74;S W; . Cloudy. Fort Buford 68 j\y . .04 Clear. St. Vincent 62 ... j Clear. Washington city. 66] Si.. j (dear. Norfolk 01 E | Clear. Charlotte 64; S [..[ . [Clear. Hatteras I |..[ I Titusville 74 NE 24 .06 (’loudy. Wilmington 681 E Fair, Charleston 70 E S ... Clear. Augusta 72 N E 6 Clear. Savannah G6j E : 6 clear. Jacksonville 74 0 Clear. Cedar Keys 74 N E! 8 p 1 ar. Key West 81 NW 10 .... C.eir. Atlanta.... 72; F, 6 ... cieir. Pensacola 78' W ...... Ct> ar. Mobile 76 8 W ... I( leir. Montgomery 78 E Clear. Vicksburg 78 NW Clear. New Orleans i 76 S E . [Clear. Shreveport I 80 S E \.i. ..Clear. Fort Smith 78 Clear. Galveston | 82 SK: 8; Clear. Corpus Christi—l 82 E 24 Clear. Palestine I 78 S E|.. I [Clear Brownesville 78 E ...Clear. RioGrande 82[ E j 6[ . [clear. Knoxville 74 (..! Clear. Memphis 82 S 1 .. Clear. Nashville 78 ; S ‘Clear. Tndianapolis. j 78 S W ... clear. Cincinnati i R3|S Ep. ... ‘Clear. Pittsburg 6* N !..[ Cloudy. Buffalo ! 66; S Fair. Cleveland | 72!S E Fair. Marquette I 69SW ..1.. (Hear. Chicago j 72 S 1..| .5! Clear. Duluth 64 N E .02 Clear. St. Paul [ 70S K-- •MS.*Fait*. Davenport I 78 $ W Clear. Cairo j 76 S W . Clear. St. Louis 80 8 [.J Clear. Leavenworth... .[ 76 S Clear. Omaha I 80 8 1..!.... [Clear. Yankton 1 78 S 1.. L. .Clear. Bismarck | 68 ‘ .. i Clear. Dead-wood 62|8 WI.. ‘ ‘Clear. Cheyenne j 66 E . . Clear. North Platte 82 S K .. Clear. Dodge City 30 S E Clear. SantaFe | 7#|NW|..| [Clear. *T denotes trace of rainfall. G. N. Salisbury Signal Corps. A New Store. Messrs. H. A. Dumas and John LaFar left for the North yesterday to purchase the stock for their new store which will he opened shortly on Bull street, next to Estill’s news depot. The stock will consist of no tions, ladies’ furnishing goods, and such articles usually found in similar establish ments. Savannah, Ga., Aug. 22, 1887.— Mnxrs Sh.upt.rine <f Rro., City — Dear Kirs: Sev eral physicians treated me, without success, for what they pronounced a stubborn case of eczema. In addition to this I hav e tried every so-called remedy that was suggested to me, but nothing did nte the slightest good until, in sheer desperation, i tried your Tetterine. Tliis effected what seems to be a permanent cure, and I take pleasure in testifying: to its merits. Very respectfully yours, Isaac G. Haas. Umbrellas. Gloria, wears better than silk, for $2 50, silver-tip SM, gold-tip 50, Ginghams from Si upward, all selling low to show our patrons that we have moved to the north east corner of Congress and Whitaker streets. Stiff Hats just out at Belsinger’s, 24 Whitaker street. Get this Under Your Hat. ‘ The solemcholly days have come, The saddest of the year. When latest styles are coming in, Ami the old must disappear.'' The English of it is that to have room. and wide room at that, for fashionable Fall and Winter styles, our only object for an en suing short period is to get rid of our re mainiug summer stock of Gents, Youths and Boys Fine Clothing and Furnishing,. “Afiy price” or “your price” are our mot toes. The goods must go. At the same time take a look at our superb stock of Jaeger’s System Underwear uud Over shirts. The Centre of Gents Fashions, ltd Con gress street, B. H. Levy & Bro. Hats for the Fall. The Fatuous has received the latest styles Hats for full, selling them cheap in order to call attention lo their removal to the northeast corner of Congress and Whitaker streets. Anything needed for Men’s wear At Bel singcr's, 24 Whitaker street. • Home Again. Back into our old quarters, and it feels like homo. We've Iteen jient up long enough and feel like spreading ourselves. Come and neons: we nave a regular palace, ami 1 looks as neat as a pin. We've prepare 1 our selves for this move with new and attractive goods and are ready for business. W shall endeavor to retain the confidence our friends and patrons have placed in us for selling only the finest grades of Watches, Jewelry, ' Silverware, etc,, of winch we have an at tractive assortment. We always carry the largest line of first water Diamonds in the Htate. M. Htkknmkhu, 157 Broiignton street. At the Harnett House, oavaiiuau. Ga., you get all the ennifortaof tile high price.l I no e|, ami sav* from (I latJ |ier day Try it oe| be afuvlne*tL -Uutluu Hum. Ju HtU • HIDDEN dt, BATES S. M. H. FINE WEDDING Engraving k Printing. THIS DEPARTMENT OF THE BUSINESS OF L. & B. S. M. H. FINE STATIONERS, is in the hands of specialists who are familiar with the “cor rect” stylos. Including the word ing of invitation work, and the thousand-and-onc little points of taste and etiquette connected therewith. A plate and fifty cards can be had at $1 25. of a quality as good as any offered in New York or elsewhere for the same money, while parties desiring more expensive work can be accommodated. HIDDEN AND BATES FINK STATIONERS, Fine Wedding Engraving and Printing! SOUTHERN MUSIC EOHSH r- f— ... 1 - - . - - j FURNITURE AND CARPETS. AJMILLER&CO, 148,150 and 152 Broughton St., Desire to t all attention to the fact that they* arg offering their immense stock of Furniture and Carpets, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, at— Big Bargain Prices. Our NEW F r \LL GOODS are crowding: in upon us. and we MUST make room by rushing; out the goods. Parties contemplating: fitting up will find it to their advantage to call oi| us and obtain our estimates. A. J.MILLER & CO. State of Weather. DRY GOODS. CLEARING GUT SALE! To Make Room for Fall Stock, I will offer Special Inducements iu MY ENTIRE STOCK, With exception of my Empire State Shirt. 'T'HE following* goods will Fw sold cheaper than I ever offered in Savannah: Summer and India Silks. ('ream. White ami light Shades of Albatross. Uolored and Black all Wool Dress Goods. Black (.Timers Hair Grenadines at 85c.; 40 inch wide. Printed I.iann Lawns at less than cost. R' Scotch Ginghams at less than cost. Biai k Henriettas at Si 40 and Si 75; sold at st*aud S-i Si. lauiios' and Children's Silk and Lisle Thread Hose in black and colored Ladies’ and Children's I ndervests; bestgoodj in the market. Linen Sheeting: and Pillow-Case Linen. Cream and White Table Damask 0-4 White Damask at $1; former price $1 50. Napkins and Doylies in cream and white. Linen Dainask Towels in white and colored bordered. Linen Huck in white and colored bordered. Pant ry Crash Doylies at great reduction. The above poods will be offered at prices t® insure quick sale. J. P. GERMAINE, Next to Ftu-ber’s, 132 Broughton street. PIANOS. PIANOS ORGANS! STEM "<i SONS, Gabler & Bro., E. ROSENKRANZ. ) T .. aA G. HEYL, Imp ted. Peloubet Cos., PIPE REEO ORGANS! Sold on Liberal Terms. TUNING, REPAIRING. MOVING PIANOS AT LOWEST RATES. Schreiner's Music House DAVIS BROS. IllTl! ■yOTWITHKTA NDIWI the fact that we have ■“ been blow n up. we are still In the ring, and can sell you just as Ann a line of STA TIONERY and FANCY ttOODSas ever. The burglars left all our PIANOS and OTt- OANK, and we can give you Just as good bar gain* today in the celebrated KNABK, KHAN IOH A BACH. HAL'S a<l KSTKY PIANOS, and KBTEY ORdANS, as we could before THE *' ciosN-r. Call around and buy a Plano from us, thereby helping us to make up some of tbi* loss. We can sell you Just aa good a Piano and on Just as easy tei-tus aa anyone cl*<* Try Ui DAVIS BROS Fine Wedding Engraving and Printing!