The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 09, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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4 C|tc3Honting|lflus Morning News Building, Savannah, Ga. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER , 1887. Registered at the Post Office in Savannah. The Morn [NO News Is published every day In Che year, and is served to subscribers in the city, bv newsdealers and carriers, on their own ac count, at —> cents a week, $1 no a month, to 00 for six months and $lO 00 for one year The Morning News, by mail, one month. $1 00; three months, $2 50; six months, $5 00; one year. $lO 00. The Morning News, by mail, six times a week (without Sunday issue!, three months, $2 00; six months. $4 00 one rear, $s 00. The Morning News. Tri weekly, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, or Tuesdays. Thurs days and Saturdays, three months, $1 26; six months. $2 50; one year. $5 00 The Sunday News. In/ mail , one year. $2 00 _ The Weekly News, by mail, oue year. $1 35. Subscriptions payable in advance. Kemit by postal order, cheek or registered letter Cur rency sent by mail at risk of senders This paper is kept on file and advertising rates may he ascertained at the office of the Ameri can Newspaper Publishers' Association, 104 Temple Court, New York City. Letters and telegrams should be addressed “Morning News. Savannah, Ga.” Advertising rates made known on application INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Meetings Jasper Mutual Loan Association. Special Notices-Hats, at Jaudon's; As to Nor. Bark Patent; Oysters, Etc., Chas. F. Gra ham. Guns Palmer Bros. Proposals- Bids Wanted for Construction of Thomasville, Tallahassee and Monticello Hail road. Cheap Oolcmn AnvEßTisr.iiENTs—Help Want ed; Employment Wanted; For Rent; For Sale; Personal; Miscellaneous. ArmoN Salk Personal and Perishable Prop erty, by J. Mol-aiighlin & Son. Ayoub Khan, the Afghan refugee, tntiy yet prove to he the agent through which the Czar will disturb the peace of Europe. Mr. Khan appears to he at home in Russia. District Assembly No. 4it, Knights of Labor, of New York, lias voted that, mem bers may contribute money to aid the Chi cago Anarchists. This is in direct opposi tion to Mr. Powderly’s orders, and is another evidence of his lessening influence. What has become of the gas well which was to give Chattanooga a population of 100,000 within a year, and about which that city was in such a fever of excitement a few weeks ago? The newspapers have nothing to say about it lately. Was their talk all gas ? The feud between the Belt and Oldham families, In Hardin county, Illinois, has led to about a dozen murders, and the commu nity is practically without the protection of law. It looks as if Hardin county, Ken tucky, had slipped across the river to get out of the way of Gov. Buckner’s militia. It is more than probable that the survey of the extension of the Central railroad from Carrollton, Ga., to Decatur, Ala., had considerable to do with the collajise A>f the alleged New York capitalists, Grovesteen & Pell. The prospect of the Central’s bnild ing an almost parallel line with the Rome and Decatur railroad paralyzed the effort to float the bonds of the latter concern. . The Northern papers are printing sketches of the career of Count Eugene DeMit kiexwioz in this country before his departure for China, which contain statements it will trouble him to explain satisfactorily to the Mandarins he has brought over to investi gate the standing of himself and his as sociates. It is said the Russian minister had something to do with the collection of these facts. From all accounts DeMitkiexwiez is a wonderfully bright and resourceful ad venturer. A member of the New Hampshire Senate charges Kirk P. Pierce, a nephew of Presi dent Pierce, with having attempted to bribe him to make a sjiecch in favor of a railroad bill, and an investigation is in progress. Mr. Pierce has possibly had experience in the Washington lobby, and thought it as easy to buy a State Senator now as it was to buy a Congressman in the Pacific rail road days. He is no doubt chagrined at his mistake. Rhode Island, like Georgia, is having a penitentiary investigation. Gen. Viall, warden of the State prison, who is accused of brutality toward convicts, demanded in vestigation, but, not finding it what he thought it would be, has so intimidated the commission, appointed by the Governor, by threats of suits for libel that several of its members have resigned. The State should push the investigation aad protect its agents. Baltimore and Ohio stock has declined front 175 a few weeks ago to 140, and diffi culty is experienced at selling at the latter price. It is fearod in Baltimore that the decline may continue, and the large income derived by the city and Johns Hopkins Uni versity from their holdings be serious ly diminished. The city is prosperous und growing and could stand the loss, hut the usefulness of the University might be se riously crippled. Mayor Hewitt, of New York, is about to begin a vigorous attack on the encroach ments of the elevated railways on the rights of the city. Mr. Hewitt is probably as good a Mayor as New York has over had, and the citizens would probably cheerfully undergo at every recurring election the turmoil and anxiety caused by Henry George's candi dacy, if necessary, to secure the services of men of the high character and ability of the present Mayor. The Washington Republican says the revenue reform measure which has lieen agreed upon in conferences at Oak View, in which it says Mr. Randall took part, pro vides for the abolition of the tax on tobacco and fruit brandy, a reduction of customs duties and a large addition to the free list. Other papers deny that Mr. Randall has been to Oak View and that any agreement bas been reached. The policy indicated above, while Issttor than doing nothing, in dicates too great concessions to the Randall faction to be readily accepted by people anxious for real revenue reform. The New York Herald, whose owner has a million dollars invested in the Commercial Cable, indignantly denies that Mr. Markay, who controls the company, is about to sell out to Jay Oould. Mr. Mackay is said to have lost several millions in the big Cali fornia wheat ileal and to lie practically out of ready money, though he has many mil lions locked up in telegraph lines and other property. If this state of affairs really exists Mr. Bennett's million is in a pretty ticklish position. The Herald has made Jay Gould and his schemes the target for Innumerable attacks, and if opportunity offers he rnay be counted on to get even with its owner A Talk With tho President. The New York World, on Wednesday, printed a very interesting interview’ with the President. There were three points in it which were much more prominent than any of the ot hers. Thu flrpt was the evident anxiety of Mr. Pulitzer, the proprietor of. the World, to get before the country a statement from the President that he had never sought to influence appointments, and had never, except in one instance, rec ommended an applicant for office. Doubt less Mr. Pulitzer is bappy now, since it cun not lie said, when he publishes something unkind about the President, that he is hos tile to him because the President refused to give offices to his friends. Another of the points was the President’s satisfaction with the progress ho bas mode in the matter of civil service reform. He is confident that if he lias not placed the re form upon a Ann basis he will do so before the end of his term. In the course of the interview he said that for the first year and a half he was overrun by crowds of people who demanded the removal of this or that man from office on the ground that he was a Republican, and when they were informed that being a Republican was not a sufficient ground for removal under the new order of things they went away in a very unfriendly state of mind. Now, the President said, when a delegation asks for the removal of an official the ground allogad is that the man is unfit for the place he holds, and is an un faithful public servant. There is no doubt that the President has brought alxmt a great change for the better in the civil service, and he has done it at the risk of alienating many of his strongest and warmest supporters. Some of the poli ticians who, during the last Presidential campaign, were loudest in demanding a thorough reform in the civil service, were the first to approach the President, after his inauguration, with a request that he would disregard tho civil service law and break the pledges he had mode to enforce it. The President’s firmness in behalf of civil service reform was the cause of all the attacks upon him by members of his own party during the first eighteen months of his administra tion. That he resisted the immense pres sure that was brought to bear upon him to cause him to abandon civil service reform, and, that too, when for a time it looked as if he were about to lie left to fight the civil service reform battle alone, convinced the people that he was strong and honest, and they at once gave him a firm and steady support. With the people to lean upon he no longer had need of the politicians; but the politicians, finding that he had the peo ple with him, quickly came to his support also. He has the satisfaction of having brought about a reform which the people always said they wanted, but which no other administration was able to effect. The third point in tho interview related toaseoond term. Mr. Cleveland, in effect, said that he did not want to be President longer than his present term. His ambition is satisfied, and he has no friends he wants to reward and no enemies he desires to pun ish. He will accept a renomination if it is the desire of his party that he shall, but he will do so not because he wauts another lease of power, but from a solemn convic tion that he should not shrink from accepting any of the burdens of citizenship which he is capable of bearing when called upon to do so. There is no reason to doubt that he is sincere in what he says. No one knows of any act of his which looks like seeking a re election. He has a hold upon the people, not because ho has eourted them, but because he is an honest and faithful President. The Becond Flag Incident. Mrs. Cleveland's refusal to accept the in vitation of the authorities of New York to present certain flags to the firemen of that city continues to be the subject of specula tion and comment in New York and Wash ington. Asa rule her course is commended, but the New York Aldermen say that in not inviting the President to be present at the ceremony there was no intention to slight him. There is another phase of the matter which has attracted some attention, and which, in the opinion of some, affords the true reason of Mrs. Cleveland’s course. It is that Mayor Hewitt and the President are not on the most friendly terms. It seems that Mr. Hewitt has never been at the White House since Mr. Cleveland has occu pied it, although ho was in Congress for quite a long while after Mr. Cleveland be came President. It is assumed by some, therefore, that the invitation was not intended so much as a compliment to Mi's. Cleveland as a slight to her husband. If there is any truth in this it will be admitted at once that there was but one course left open to Mrs. Cleveland, and that was the one she took. It is probable, however, that there was no intention on the part of anybody to slight the President. Before the invitation was sent to Mrs. Cleveland it was understood that it would be accepted, and it was re garded as only a necessary formality. Doubtless Mrs. Cleveland expected that the invitation would include the President, and was surprised when she alone was asked. It is also probable that she immediately hunt ed for some reason for the omission to invite the President. The fact that the ceremony did not require his presence may never have occurred to her as a reason why he was not invited. Her letter of declination was so adroitly and pleasantly written that it was not possible to find fault with it, or with Mrs. Cleveland for declining the invitation. New York has narrowly escaped a great theatre horror. Tuesday night the largest audience ever at the Casino wus present to witness the five hundredth performance of Erminie, and some idiot in the gallery screamed fire. The great crowd was instantly on its feet, and a rush for the doors began. Several women fainted, some people were bruised ill the jam, and a few men exhibited their cowardice by deserting the ladies in their charge, and bolting headlong through the crowd in a mad rush for safety. A cool-headed and strong-voiced actor finally succeeded in allaying the excitement, for which there was no real cause. A lmv ought to be passed sending the man to the penitentiary who unnecessarily gives the alarm of lire in o crowded theatre. As everybody knows, oven ill case of Are, the most imminent danger to the audience lies in its own frantic efforts to escape. If lanic could lie avoided there would rarely be a loss of life. The theatre could be emptied in an orderly way before the dan ger from fire became imminent. Not long since the Ceutral Labor Union, of New York, suspended the Musical Protec tive Union Ik'.auo the latter refused to obey certain orders. The musicians avenged themselves on Die day of the great labor [tarode by demanding an extra t'l apiece, and they got it—-the Central Union had to march to their music. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, 1887. Tho Mistake of a Contemporary. The Jacksonville Times-t’nion appears to have a very largo capacity for making miß stetements. If these misstatements did not appear so frequently in its columns there would be a disposition to believe that they were intentional, but the number of them leaves no room for doubt that they are the result of carelessness and indifference. In its issue of Sept, 7, in an article entitled “Charleston Itedivivus,” it says: “During the year that Charleston experienced a fall ing off of only a few hundred thousand dol lars Savannah lost about £4,01X1,000 worth of business as compared with the previous year.” The reference is, of course, to the year which closed on Aug. 31 last. It would be interesting to know where the Timcs-Union obtained its authority for this statement that Savannah lost $4,000,000 worth of business last year. The fact is that Savannah’s business was never before so large as it was during the year that has just closed. The number of bales of cotton received was about 1,000 less than that of the previous year, but the cotton crop was smaller by over 150,000 bales. The figures, therefore, show that the pro portion of the crop which Sa vannah received was greater than that of the previous year. The significant fact, however, cannot he overlooked that while, owing to a shorter crop, 1,000 bales less of upland cotton were received, the re ceipts of sea island cotton were very much larger. In fact, so great was the increase in the receipts of this kind of cotton that there is every reason to believe that in future Savannah will lie the market for pretty much all of the sea island cotton. Of course, this does not afford the Times- Union joy. It has been doing its utmost to influence Florida planters to send their sea island cotton to Jacksonville, but its efforts have had no other effect apparently than to swell the receipts at this port. But Savannah’s increase in business last year was not alone in sea island cotton. She handled more lumber than in the previous year, and her receipts of rice and naval stores were a great deal larger. Her whole sale trade, particularly in groceries, amounted to many hundreds of thousands of dollars more than in the preceding year, although it was remarkably large in that year. No, Savannah is not losing any of her business. She is increasing it, and that, too, at a rapid rate. She has reason to expect that her business during the present year will be several millions of dollars larger than it was for the year just closed. Savan nah is so prosperous herself that she is not jealous of the prosperity of her sister cities. The Morning News has not been, and will not lie, slow to make known the prosperity of Jacksonville or any other Florida city, and if, through lack of information, it does any one of them au injury, it will promptly do what it can to repair it. The Fisheries Question. According to our dispatches, the London Timm wants to know whether it is too much to expect “that the American Senate should in some way signify before hand its willing ness to be bound by the decisions of the Fisheries Commission.” It certainly is, and it is rather remarkable that the Times should have raised such a question. There is no way in which the Senate can indicate now what it will do when the work of the commission is submitted to it. In the first, place the Senate may not approve the appointment of a commission, as Congress has already au thorized the President to insist upon the in terpetration which this country places upon existing treaties, and to retaliate if the rights of our fishermen are denied to them. But if it does consent to a commission to settle the questions at, issue, by confirming the commissioners \whieh the President mny appoint, it cannot divest itself of the duty, which the consti tution imposes upon it, of passing upon the treaty which the commission inav negotiate. The treaty must be ratified by the Senate before it can have any force, and the Senate cannot say whether or not it will ratify it before knowing what its provisions are. The English Commissioners are authorized to muke such a settlement of the fisheries difficulty as seems to them to lie best, but the American Commissioners will have no such unlimited authority. The Nashville American is devoting all of its energies to securing a subscription of $500,000 by Davidson county to the new railroad being built from Memphis, length wise through the State, to the Virginia line, and known as the Tennessee Midland. A recent issue contained a cartoon represent ing Nashville as a vory small child in the Claws of an immense vulture. The unclean bird represented the Louisville and Nash ville railroad. Yet that railroad has been the principal factor in making Nashville a large city. The American's course illus trates what has often been observed—that, with certain people, nothing good enough can be said of a railroad uliout to lie built and nothing laid enough about one already in existence. Mrs. Ada C. Bittenbender has been nomi nated by the Prohibition party as a candi date for Supreme Court Judge of Nebraska, and is making an active canvass. She is a married woman, young, and was admitted to the liar only four or five years ago. It is difficult to take seriously a |ilitieal party which makes such a nomination ns this. Leaving out the question of sex, it is im possible that t n lawyer with so little experi ence can be possessed of the great fund of knowledge necessary to the projicr discharge of the dutios of a judgo of a reviewing court. An Ainericus guano company has named oue of its brands of guano “John David son," after the President of the Senate, whose casting vote defeated tha Brady bill. Mr. Davitlson is a level-headedman, and in the Brady case displayed considerable nerve for an old politician who is ambitious to “go up lugher.” He is on the right track to future honors. He is a bachelor, and probably the handsomest mau of his age in Georgia. A man named John Grundy was found dead in a dirty garret in Philadelphia a day or two ago, amid the most horrible sur roundings. He had sup|>orted a miserable existence for a long time as a rag-picker. Thirty years ago this same man was nil in fluential politician, was for several terms au Alderman of the city, und a Police Jus tice. His wretched end is but another warning of the perils of drink. A clergymen's meeting has beeu held in Helmswofth iu favor of early interment, in plain earth, in the simplest |M*nibl coffin, instead of falsely so-called burial in vaults and crowded graves, simplicity and econo my in place of ostentatious display; Chris { tinn simplicity instead of pagan and due I reverence at the burial of the very poor, I CURRENT COMMENT. The Tariff Must be Reduced. From the New York Herald (Ind.) It is clear that there is no other duty so seri ous as this in sight. The country is Ijehind the men who have the courage of their convictions on this subject, and that party will hold the White House which works for the best interests of the American people. The Way to Disarm Labor Parties. Prom, the New York World ( Dem.) The way for either or both of the old parties in any State to make the labor movement non formidable is to make it unnecessary. And this can be done by correcting the remediable evils and righting the curable wrongs which give to the movement whatever strength it has. Tho Fisheries Commission. Prom the Springfiehl Republican {lnd.) A joint commission is an excellent medium through which to arrive at an agreement, if it cannot be reached through distant ministers. It is far wiser than a resort to retaliatory meas ures on the part of the ijnited Slates toward Canada, the outcome of which cannot lie fore seen. Let us hojie that success will attend this effort to settle a vexatious question in a friendly way. Virginia’s Trading Politics. Prom the New York Times (Rep.) if the Virginia Democrats still look for “har mony" in the party by means of "truck and dicker" iu official patronage, which is only a form of corruption, a nd by means of concessions of principle, then it will he well for the party that they shall be disappointed. The miserable, mercenary game t hat has been played in Vir ginia by both parties has been a curse to the country. BRIGHT BITS. Now is tte time when the managers of fall fairs fall foul of each other.— Philadelphia News. The day of miracles i4 past, but in this coun try the younger brother may become the elder by simply entering the ministry.— Exchange. Mr. Howells calls himself “we” in his contri butions to Harper's Magazine. This does not alter the fact that Mr. Hotvells is a very singu lar individual.— Chicago Tribune. When a young man sits in the parlor talking nonsense to his best girl—that's capital. But when he has to stay in of evenings after they’re married—that’s labor.— Chicago Merchant Trav eler. ' ‘Then you don’t like hash ?’ ’ said the landl idy sternly. "I don’t object to hash,” exclaimed the boarder? “It's rehash I kick at."— Philadelphia News. On Deck Again.— The minstrel shows on deck again And the end men are a chaining, And the jokes that tickled old Adam and Eve Again set the audience a laughing. “Stay, jailer, stay; I am not mad," com menced the amateur elocutionist to an audience of which Mr. Griggins was one. “No, B’gosb, ye ain’t got no cause to be. Us fellers out here is the ones."— Washington Critic. “Ur,i a writer for an undertaker's journal," sai l Graves, when asked his occupation. “Do you ever have any of your contributions rejected?" asked his friend. "Ob, yes," was the ready response; “but when they are returned as being too gloomy 1 remail them to a comic paper and they are accepted willi thanks."— Drake's Travelers' Magazine. Person, just back from England—Here, boy: come and hoid me haws. Boy—Does he kick? Pupson—Kick! naw. Boy—Does he bite? Pupson Bite' naw. Catch hold of him. Boy —Does it take two to hold him? Pupson—Naw. Boy Then hold him yourself.— Burlington Free Press. Bad Boys Beware.— The spectacled school ma’ams are home from the beach And the mountains, the good boys and the bail hoys to teach Addition, subtraction and mu'tiplication, Aud the turbulent hoys misbehave at their peril. For they find flnt their teachers can manage the ferrule With a vigor inennsed by the summer vacation. When fair September, rich in wines, Puts blushes on the apple’s cheek, And drives indoor the ice-cream signs, And makes the cider presses creak, And paints ih S wood in (laming red, And by a slow and devious track. The happy granger sends to bed. Ilis soul o'erflf wa with applejack. Then gayly comes that jolly royster— The merry, blithe and boneless oyster. American Tourist—Oh, yes, oui oui, I visited Paree, of course. (•rest Traveler—Did you see the Alps? “Veil, no," "There is a remarkable echo in the High Alps. Itisonthe Italian side, no matter what lan guage you shout the echo always comes back witluan Italian aecnt.” “Eh? Is net not wonderful?” "Well, scientist* agree that it is no more won derful than t lie fact that Americans who have been iti Pal is a week always entne back with a French accent."— Omaha Worll. PERSONAL. Dr McGlynn’s health continues excellent and be now says he will wiu his fight against the Church of Rome. Rev. Joe A. Munday, the Georgia revivalist, began life ns a circus rider, and was converted while following his profession in a little town in Georgia. Pope Leo presented his niece, Maria Pecci, with an elegant trousseau. The Pontiff chose the materials and the famous Parisian eoutu- Here constructed the costumes. It is reported on good authority that Victoria M<irosini-Schii 1 ing- Hu iskainp is now in a con vent in Italy, where she will remain for some years, “the world forgetting, and by the world forgot.” Chief Colorow. of the Utes, is about 70 years old, some 5 feet Slnches in height, and weighs about 225 pounds. He ts so deaf that it is neces sary to shout in talking to him in order to make him hear. Millard Fillmore Tompkins, grandson of Millard Fillmore, once President of the United Slates, lives in New York. He is proprietor of many retail grocery stores and is reputed to be worth at least $500,000. John Kino. President of the Erie railway, said in regard to the Baltimore and Ohio transfer: “I am not interested iu it all. You can say for me that, as far as lam concerned, I shall re main with the Erie road.” “Congressman Boi-rkk Cochran,” says the New York Sun, “is growing fatter through con stant happiness. He has all the money he wants, a lovely wife, political success, youth, anil a growing law practice. It is hard to see what more a man can want.” Mmk. Patti has declined the “professorship of vocal music” in the Imperial Conservatoire of St Petersburg, recently offered to her bv the Czar. For the present she will remain in Paris, where she has built a private theatre next to her house, and where she will do all her practice work this fall. Charles Dickens. Jr., who is to lecture in this country, is about as unlike what the public would expect in a son of Boz as a parlor match is unlike u comet. His round face and rather feeble cast of features arc scarcely redeemed by a large pair of spectacles, and In fiis delivery he has neither physical uor dramatic power. Robert Bonner recently presented Jockey Murphy with the roan gelding Keene Jim, rec ord 2:19, aud added jokingly: “I don’t care for horses that can’t go a quarter better than .13 seconds.” Murphy got up behind the horse, which is valued at Jti.soo, aud sent him n quarter of a mile in 32 seconds. Keene Jim has been driven in 2:10. Col. Inokrsoll is an enthusiastic lover of home racing, anil was a regular attendant at the Saratoga course up to the last day of the meet ing. Somebody asked him to spend the morn ing lit the lake. “Can't do it,” lie replied. “Must go to the races, where I shall endeavor to win enough to pay my board bill. If I have had luck to day aud to-morrow, the lasl day of the races. 1 fear I shall have to remain in Saratoga nil winter.” There is a theory held by some people in Chicago that "Uoodler” McGarigle left for Canada with his wife only a few days ago. They claim that the man who was taken for McOarigie in Canada and who escaped from Chicago on a steamboat was "made up” to rep resent tile famous boodler und put trie deice fives off the truck. The real McGarigle, they say, has been secreted In Chicago for weeks. There are certainly some very strong argu incuts advanced In favor of these assertions. Miss Lyles, of Mobile, was the heroine of the steamship Knk'kerliocker, which encountered a hurrtcanee during Mm recent voyage to New Orleans Khe was placed aboard the ship at New York by her father aud was traveling alone. While the storm was at Its height ana the waters were washing over the snip she remained calm and hopeful, encouraging tile women bv her example and doing 11111141 to (we vent a panic ller heroism has received Um highest priow in New (trieaiui from ail who were a *ourd the KuiukorbouJtar. Beauty and Utility Combined. f\vm the Philadelphia Call. A Philadelphia man and his Boston friend were sitting in a restaurant, and the Boston man said: '‘You people have considerable artistic taste.” “As now?” asked the Quaker, between bites. "Hera, for instance." said his friend. “Look at that doorway, heaped up with (lowers and trailing vines, giving such a fresh and pas toral air to the room. I declare, it is thoroughly artistic.” “It is very useful,” said the Philadel phia man. “Useful?” “Ys. useful. You will observe that the cashier's desk is near the door not artistically decorated. You will also ob serve that it is impossible to make an exit through the artistic doorway—at least, without attracting attention —consequently they cannot slide out without paving Alas, for human na ture! That is the reason for the art istie decora tion.” The Boston man heaved a mighty sigh of regret and ate bis steak in silence. A Device for Steering Balloons. Paris Dispatch to the London Standard. It is announced that Oapt. Renard. Chief of the Military Balloon Service at the camp of Chalons, has Invented a mechanism for lialfoon steering and propelling. The balloon made by him two years ago could not make headway against a current of the velocity of more than five metres a second, that is to say, against a light wind. It is affirmed that with his inven tion the balloon will be able to resist a current of double the strength. If it is true, it is a step forward which may render balloons really use ful in times of war. Cajvt Renard is so confi dent of the success of his new propelling mech anism that, in order to prevent the secret being discovered, he is having each piece of the ma chine made in a different establishment and in various parts of France. When they are all finished they will be sent to him, and he himself will put them together. It is said that the ma chine will be completed by about the end of next month, when the invention will be put to a test without delay. A Woman Who Steals Children. Boston Special to the Philadelphia Press. A rare case of emotional kleptomania is ex citing the scientists of this city. The culprit, patient or victim, whichever she deserves to be called, is Minnie Nelson, whose age is put down in the police record as 112. She is a fine-looking woman, whose strange mentatcondition results entirely from‘excessive use of liquor. She was a rest and r c intly for ki Inaping the 1- ear-old daughter of Mrs. Donovan, of No. 40u < ~cries street. The singular part of her mania is that she never thinks of stealing a child when she is sober. At such times any mother is perfectly safe in letting her children run around where Miss Nelson is. without the slightest fear. At sueh moments she could even be trusted in an orphan asylum without an attendant being present. But when she is in her cups a close watch is necessary over stray children. Ragged or richly dressed, pretty or homely, tidv or soiled, all children are alike to her under these circumstance*. The cause of this remarkable mania is a puzzle to the physicians, and she will, doubtless, be placed in custody soon and closely watched to see if it is possible to solve the mys tery. Prayed Out of Bed. Chattanooga Special to the New York Herald. A most remarkable ease of "faith cure” took place here last night. Mrs. W. K. Jordan, wife of a well known min ister of this city, who had been confined to her bed for a year and a half with “heart disease” and a complication of other troubles, was thor oughly “cured.” An emissary of "Christian science,” from Bos ton, arrived in this c ty Saturday, and a service of prayer was held at the bedside of the sick woman that night. Tiie service lasted two hours, when, to the astonishment of all present, Mrs. Jordan arose from her bed unaided, dressed herself and start ed out into the street. She walked ten squares before returning borne. Yesterday morning she arose from her bed, and, after partaking of a hearty breakfast, went to church for the first time in two years. When she mitered the church her most inti mate friends could not believe their own eyes, although they saw her. The affair ha - created a decided sensation in the city. .and her husband, who is wild with de light, fays there is no use questioning the “faith cure in the future. Ballad© of Auoassm. Suggested by a ballade of "The Fair White Feet of Nicolette.” Where smpoth the Southern waters run Through sighing reeds and poplars gray, Beneath a veiled soft .Southern sun, We wandered out of yesterday; Went Maying through that ancient May Whose fallen flowers are fragrant yet. And lingered bv the fountain spray With Aucassin and Nicolette. The grassgrown paths are trpd of none Where through the woods they went astray; The spider's traceries are spun Across the darkling forest way: There come no Knights that ride to slay, No Pilgrims through the grasses wet. No shepherd lads that sang their say With Aucassin and'Nicolette, 'Twas here that Nicolete begun To build her lodge of blossoms gay; Scaped from the cell of marble dun T was here the lover found the Fay; O lovers fond, O foolish play! How hard we find it to forget, Who fain wonld dwell with them, as they With Aucassin and Nicolette. ENVOI. Prince, 'tisa melancholy lay! For Youth, for Life we both regret: How fair they seem; how far away. With Aucassin and Nicolette. —A ndreut Lang, in the Critic. Differences in Social Customs. From the London Life. Europeans uncover the head as a token of re spect or reverence; Orientals never uncover it, anil the Turkish Ambassador is allowed to re tain his fez even in the presence of her majesty. In church all men's heads are bore; in the syna gogue it is considered wrong to remove the bat. In China to uncover the head is a mark of dis res]>ect. To salute with the left hand is a deadly insult to Mohummedans in the East, and for this reason the native commissioned officers of our Indian army In giving the military salute con fined it to the sword held in the right hand with out at the same time raising the left hand to the forehead, as in the ordinary English salute. Unlike our women, who, when they go out, adorn themselves most, carefully, Thibetan women, when leaving their houses, smear their fae< s over with a dark, sticky substance; it is said that they do so in compli ance with a law made by a certain laina, King Nomekhan, in order to protect their morals by making them look ugly when in public. The Thibetansalso put out the tongue as a sign of respectful salutation, and In similar contradic tion to our own customs the Malays, Fijians, Tongans and many other Polynesians always sit down when speaking to a superior. At Nata vulu it is reapectful to turn one's back toward a superior, especially when addressing him. and among the Wahuina. in Congo and in Central Africa, the same custom prevails. The Todas of the Neilgherry hills show respect by raising the open right hand to the face and resting the thumb on the bridge of the nose. By way of compliment the peopje of Yddfih shake the clenched fist; the inhabitants of the White Nile and Asbontee spit ou those they delight to hon or, and some of the Esquimaux pull noses. Some of Oscar Wilde’s Yarns. Mrs. L. C. Moulton in the Boston Herald. He told two the other day illustrative of the disadvantages of the houses in a block being too much alike. A mail was asked to dinner, and he went to the house next door to the one where he bad been bidden. His name was an nounced. and his host stepped forward to wel come him. As it chanced, the guest knew the wife and not the husband. “I am so very sor ry," said the host, “that my wife is too ill to come down stairs. But we must get on ns well as we can without her.” Still thinking he was in the right place, the guest stayed on, took a pretty girl into dinner, and had a charming evening. Two days afterward he met the lady who was to have him, anil she as sailed him with reproaches for spoiling the sym metry of her dinner table, and It came out that he had inadvertantly dined next door. The other tale was of a curious looking old couple, who went to an evening party. They knew no one, and seamed desivrately out of place. When the last guests were gone, the husband said to thd wife: "Queer old codgers (hose two friends of yours." ‘Of mine! Why, they were your friends, surely. I never saw them before." “Well, lam sure I never did!” and inquiry elicited the fact there was a ser vant's ball next d<sr, and that'the old couple hail meant to go there, and had lieen us uncom fortable as possible at not finding any of their acquaintances When Mr. Wilde told thesestoriesthey sounded true, but now I're written them down. I really don't think they do. However, “I tell the tale'’ as I heard it told! and also I tell you aunt her one, widely current in London, that a certain duchess invited one of the cowboys of the Auiertcun exhibition to dine and he arrived at tiie ap|H>lnted time with his wife and baby H said there was no one to Waive the baby with, so he had to bring him. The baby was confided to tie-ducal nursery, and the 4‘nner was nrroil It's the fashion to tell this story, so you may ss well ts-lleve it, - -nr. ntsrfr- i ta When cramped you bavs no time to egperi ■ incut. Van warn relief. If powible, at oaim Tell your druggist you want Fred Brown’s ! OUiger tie- genuine. Philadelphia. 1122. i ITEMS OF INTEREST. The architectural aspect of Berlin is mate rially changing. Last year no less than 469 buildings were demolished, four times as many as were ever before dismantled In any one year. fcoME hundreds of railroad cars, almost wholly o* teel and iron, are being built in England for Hindostan. in the expectation (hit they will prove less perishable in that climate than cars of wood. An interesting addition to the population of Calaveras county. Cal., is promised, in the shape of a colony’ of Japanese farmers. Land has been bought for them near Valley Springs, and two pioneer members of the colony are already at work ou it. Tiie New York hotels are generally comply ing with the law relative to ropes and fire es capes, the Mayor being determined upon its vigorous enforcement. Hotels of ordinary size can be fitted up according to the requirements at an expense of about SSOO each. Tiie following, called a railroad problem, is going the rounds: A freight train one mile In length stopped with the caboose just opposite the depot. The conductor got orders to move his tram to the next station, which was just five miles distant. He gave the ongiueer the order to move, which the latter did while the con ductor walked over head on top of the cars and got there just as the engine arrived at the next station, where he got off The question is, how far did he walk; or, as he was walking during the entire five miles, did he ride at all? One of the simplest and at the same time one of the most efficient of barometers is a spider's web. When there is a prospect of rain or wind the spider shortens the filaments from which its web is sus]>ended and leaves things in this state as long as the weather is variable. If the insect elongates its thread it is a sign of fine, calm, weather, the duration of which may lie judged of by the length to which the threads are let out. It the spider remains inactive it is a sign of rain, but ir, ou the contrary, it keeps at work during a rain the latter will not last long and will lie followed by fine weather. Other observa tions have taught that the spider makes chauges in its web every twenty-four hours, and that if such changes are made in the evening, just before sunset, the night will be clear and beau tiful. Op the objects displayed at the exhibition re cently held at Hanoi for Tong-king is already sufficiently “in the movement,” as the French say, to have had a little World s Fair of its own —none took the fancy of the natives so much as an immense case of corsets of the most modern and most approved shapes and shades. Black and white, red and yellow, lavender and gray— every tint was represented, and every material and style as well. The “Jeanne d'Arc," the “Parissen,” the “Indispensable,” the “Seduis ant,” the “Culrasse,”'the “Tonkinois,” were voted one more bewitching than another by the Tonkinese ladies, who eagerly nought up the en tire stock. They scout the notion of hiding the treasured acquisitions which they contemplate with so much pride themselves, and the corset is worn for the time being as the outward cov ering of the body by all the ladies of fashion in that part of the world. A vessel has just lieen launched at the Im perial dockyard at Wilhelmshaven which marks anew departure in German naval architecture. It is the cruiser Swallow, whose dimensions are, length 62 metres, breadth 9.36 metres, and depth 5.60 metres, the tonnage being 1.300 tons. The Swallow is a composite ship, w ith twin engines of i,500 horse power, driving two screws, which give a speed of 13J4 knots. The vessel is armed with eight long lOjjjj centimetre Krapp guns, for firing in the direction of the keel, the rest being revolving cannon. The crew numbers 120. The vessel is not, of course, intended to take its •place side by side with armored vessels in the contingency of a naval war, but will be em ployed on foreign service, especially in cruising about the coasts of African colonies. Scarcely ten months intervened between the laying of the keel and the launch of the ship. Felix Reqamy, a French artist, well known in Boston but now living in Paris, has made the very interesting discovery that the family of a plaster moulder, by the name of Hubard, has in its possession a bronze copy, full size, of the marble statue of Washington by Iloudon. and that it can lie bought for ?H,nOC. In a communi cation to the Paris Figaro, M. Regamy alludes to a proposition made in this country soon after the erection of the Liberty statue in New York harbor, that the Americans should take up subscriptions in the larger cities for the purpose of present ing to France a statue of one of our eminent men, by an American sculptor, as a recognition of tue gift of Liberty. In place of this, he sug gests that a hint tie made to the government of the United States that it should buy the bronze Houdoii and give it to the Gallery of the Louvre. The Welsh newspapers contain reports of an exciting incident in connection with the annual regatta at Newport, Pembrokeshire. During the progress of the regatta the sea became rough and several of the boats had very narrow es capes. Excitement was caused among the mul titude on shore w-hen it was discovered that the barge bearing the officers and committee was in peril, The vessel had been carried into the hay and seas were breaking over it. There were twenty persons aboard, including three children and two injured men. The excitement among the Crowds on the beach was intensified when the telescope revealed that those on board the craft were absolutely helpless, having neither oars, m ists, nor sails. In a few minutes the Clevedon life-boat was luunc.hed.and the persons in peril were rescued with great difficulty. Hardly had the last person leaped into the life boat than the barge filled with water and sank. Tumultuous cheering was raised by the crowds as the life-boat returned. A small steam yacht has just been con structed at Yonkers, N. Y., the diS gners and owners of which expect with her to beat the famous Stiletto. The new boat is 30 feet long, with 4 feet beam. The draught is very light, being 5 inches forward and 22 inches aft. She has no skeg or stern post. Her keel curves from the stem to her extreme overhang at the stern. She is built of oak, the surface being made very smooth. On the keel is a casting very in geniously formed to hold the shaft, which makes a close connection with the engine. Her wheel is of phosphor-bronze. 16 inches In diameter, with 2Lj feet pitch, and having two flanges. The rudder is of brass, supported from tl e top of the stern, and is described as working like a flsbs's tail. The engine is compact and light. It is the boiler on which much of the success of the experiment is supposed to depend. Inside of it is a coil of double copiier tubing, one tube being placed within another. In the smaller or central tube petroleum is placed, and in the outer tube water. A small fire beats the coil, producing vapor from the oil and steam from the water. This vapor and steam produce an intense heat. The whole is tightly sealed up, and no oxygen is drawn from the atmosphere. This, it is claimed, is the great secret of the ex periment. A writer in the Vienna Allgemeine Zeitung describes an interesting episode in the life of Col. Sudeikin, the St. Petersburg Chief of Police, whose assassins were but recently sentenced to death. “On a Saturday in the first weeks of the year 188:!,'' he writes, “ ‘La Perichole' was per formed in the Demidoff Theatre at Moscow-. I had a sent in the first row, directly behind the orchestra, and next to me sat a police i ifflcer who seemed to know everybody. It was Col Sudeikin, a handsome young man of elegant appearance, whose faultless military dress was very liecoming to him. A singer had just finished the famous romanza of the let ter when a flame was seen to shoot up between the wings on the left side ‘Fire!' I called to the police officer. ‘We are lost, sitting as we do behind the orchestra, far from the exits, in this wooden structure.’ 'Don’t liudge,’ he called, drawing a revolver with one hand and violently pressing my arm with the other, simultaneously jumping upon his seat. Mer.aring the crowd with his weapon be called ill a voice of thunder: 'ln the name of the Emperor, let everybody remain In his seat" And now I witnessed a most remarkable scene On the one side there was a stage wrapped in flame aiul smoke, on the other an immovable mass of people, chained to the ground by the word of a single man who had invoked the magic of the imperial name. All this had oc curred with the rapidity of lightning, for that courageous and cool-blooded man knew well how precious evei y moment was. • (inrodovoi hi- called to the policeman guarding the doors •assist the audience out!' Then, one after the other, those whom the Oarixbiihii touched with the fingers, rose and left. Boxes anil rows of seats were emptied almost noiselessly Behind us, who stood with our hacks to the stage mu sicians aud actors had long ago fled nd above us the ceiling was burning I was seized with a desire to flee, hut as a Frenchman I did not want to show less courage than th- Russian is. bee officer, and I was, moreover, convinced that, had I made the attempt to save myself he would haie shot me down a he would' have sh<S any one else a surmise the oorreel ness of which I learned from him the next morning W lien we finally reached the door the theiitm laid been emptied so quietly that it was posslide ev#u to remove coats and furs from the cl.uik room Into the open air. At the moment of our leaving the officer preceded me, saving' 'Asa stranger you may have the honor of having iwwu the last to leave the building.* in.' wlioi. isauirreiue. which to l|e seemed endless, iuid iasled lonely ten minutes A qiisrter of an hour later the flumes had completely devoured lit* lUuotrs " * w | BAKING POWDER. p?WICE)S CREAM |AKIKg pqwdeß Used by the United States Government. En dorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as the Strongest. Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price's the only Baking Powder that does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. DRY GOODS, ETC! Exceptional Reductions —IN— Summer Goods AT tola 4 Dour's, SUCCESSORS TO B. F. McKenna & Cos., 137 BROUGHTON STREET, FIGURED BATISTE CLOTHS. VVTE will close out the remainder of our stock VV of these fine goods, formerly sold at 18c. a yard, now reduced to 12j$c. 25 pieces Figured Lawns, S3 inches wide, regu lar price 12}4c. a yard; now B^e. 75 pieces Figured Lawns, choice styles, at 50 pieces Wide Width Lawns, regular price 10c. a yard; now 6j^c. One lot Crinkled Seersuckers, regula rice 15c. and 17c. a yard; now 1214 c. One lot of Dress Ginghams, choice styles, regular price 12J4e. a yard; now 10c. 36 Import’ll Marseilles Quilts, slightly soiled, formerly sold at $3. We will close the lot out at $1 85 each. Hosiery and Underwear. 100 dozen Unbleached Black and Colored Hose, regular price 12Wjc.; now 9c. a pair. A mixed lot Yf Misses' Fine English Hose, Ribbed, Plain add Silk Clocked, regular price of these goods froffl 25c. to 50c. We will close the lot out at 17c. a pair. 50 dozen Ladles' Gauze Undervests, regular prices 25c. and 86c.; now 19c. each. 35 dozen Ladies' extra fine quality Gauze Un dervests, regular prices 50c., 65c., 75c. and 85c. We will offer the lot at the extraordinary low price of 47c. each. Oar $1 Unlaundried Shirts Reduced to 90c. 75 dozen Gentlemen's Unlaundried Shirts, re inforced back and bosoms, the best $1 Shirt manufactured. In order to reduce our large stock we will offer them at 90c. each. CROHAX & DOOSER. 7.ONAVEIS9CRKAM. FOR THE TEETH Is made from Ifetc Materials, contains no Adds, Hard Orii, or injurious matter It is Prn, Repined. Perfect. Notiuxg Likk It Ever Known. From Senator Cocgesball.—“l take pleas ure in recommending Zonwelss un account of Us efficacy and purity.” „I‘rm Mr*. Gen. Logon’s Dentist, Dr. E. s. t nrroll. Washington, D. Ci—“T have had ZonwelM analyzed. It ia the tuott perfect denti frice I have ever seen.” From Hon. ('lra*. P. Johnson. Fx. Lt. toy. of Ms.-"Zouweias cleanses the teeth thor oughly, la delicate, convenient, very pleasant, and leaves to after taste. Sold bt all dblooists. Price, 85 cents. Joiinson A Johnson, 28 Cedar St„ N. T. Vmihu '-uv.i-jj*■■>..' TrmmtMwmmmmtr For sale by LIFPMAN BROS., Lippraan’s Block, Savannah. M EPICAL.. FOR Indigestion, I Sick Headache, Constipation, Inactive Liver. The merchant planning business schemes; The preacher struggling through his theme*; The statesman in assembly halls; The limit, r wild wjth ••puts and calls." To cool Ihf Blood and lirats- the mind. Will TAHKAAT'AMIJI/r/.liH safest find CURE DEAF I >K< 'K’H PATKNT IMPROVED CUBHfOKISD I l-AH DftulM p*rfvt)y NHOfi tha liAiriti| tuui ilia wurk af tlia nntijnU drum. 1 ti vbdnla, conif*rtiiU* mui alwiiya Id pomiion. Ail iif'VfOuUi'w tut* l own wbiapan li ’uri dirtLiu'f x iMMik WlUl tOnUil^NtiAil FHKK. Address or call u „ tr HMKXtt. tttf Hrotlw4f Kaw Y *rk. MilUud t<Mi uu4