The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 11, 1887, Image 1

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< E*TABLI*HKI> 1850. ) ) J. 11. ENTILE, Editor and Proprietor. \ RUSSIA ON THE GRIDDLE. BISMARCK MAKES THE CZAR DANCE TO HIS TUNE. No Official Information as Yet as to Whether there will be a Meeting of the Emporors at Stettin—The Bill to Increase the Duties on Corn. (Copyright 1W by the New York Associated Press. 1 Berlin, Sept. 10. —The Emperor and Em press will leave Babelshurg Monday and will arrive at Stettin at, 4 >lO o’clock in the afternoon. They will remain there until Saturday. The programme of the week’s proceedings, published yesterday, has been eagerly scanned to see if there is any chance of a visit from the Czar. Mili tary manoeuvres and social entertainments will fill every day', except Thursday, for which day the Emperor’s only engagement is an official dinner. There is no indication that a meeting of the Emperors is intended. Was it ever projected? is the question now discussed. The New Free Press, North German Gazette and other official papers seek to discredit the idea that any preparations were made to receive the Czar, hut they cannot deny the fact that the Stet tin authorities were warned to prepare for the reception of a great foreign personage who was popularly supposed to be the Czar. AN INTERVIEW LOOKED FOR. That, an interview was expected to take place between Emperor William and the Czar is beyond doubt, and its abandonment is attributed in the highest circles to influ ences hostile to Germany, which were brought to beer on the Czar after his arrival at Copenhagen. Prince Bismarck, finding that the Czar hesitated whether to meet Emperor William, decided to show no solicitude about the matter and seized the occasion of the Emperor's accident and his abandon ment of the Konigsburg journey to intimate a doubt whether the Emperor would be able to go to Stettin, and that the projected in terview must drop. The press and all par ties concur in saying that I’rince Bismarck went far enough toward humoring Russia. THE ALLIANCE WITH AUSTRIA. The North German Gazette hints that the approaches madeto Prince Bismarck, while he was at Kissingeu, if met as the Czar de sired, would have drawn Germany into a policy hostile to the Austrian alliance. The Yossische Zeitung states that Prince Bismarck favored the policy of Russia as far as his friendship toward Austria per mitted, but this did not satisfy the Czar, nor has it finally tended to more friendly relations between Germany and Russia. What, the Czar desired was active mediation of Germany in the Bulgarian question, Prince Bismarck to take the initiative and propose European intervention under the shadow of the Berlin treaty to promote a settlement satisfactory' to Russia. Prince Bismarck’s absolute refusal to either assume the initiative or to give Russia any advice regarding Bulgaria, disappointed and irri tated the Czar, whose position is now rather worse than before an entente appeared probable. Instead of supporting, Prince Bismack now appears inclined to thwart Russian policy. ONE OF THE INDICATIONS. A significant indication of his changed diplomacy is found in Germany’s answer to the Porte’s note regarding Gen. Ernroth's mission, whicli declares necessity to regu late the Bulgarian question in strict con formity with the Berlin treaty, meaning that Gen. Ernroth must not go toJßulgaria, or Russia interfere in any way without the sanction of the powers. Prince Bismarck went to Bahelsburg yes terday and had a long conference with the Emperor. He will return to Friodrichsrahe Friday, where he will receive Count Kal noky, the Austrian Prime Minister. The following week he will visit the Austrian statesman, and so set at rest the rumors of any tendency toward a departure from his friendly policy in relation to Austria. In official circles it is believed that Prince Bismarck has finally decided to present a hill in the Reichstag increasing the duties on corn. Party demands, supported by numberless petitions from all parts of the country, will force the government to in troduce the bill, though it is. certain to hamper the negotiations for a treaty of commerce with Austria, and lead to further protective measures in favor of other than agrarian interests. CATHOLIC RIGHTS. The coming session will, it is threatened, lie made lively by a renewal of the activity in the Centre party in favor of an extension of Catholic lights. Her r Windthorst, armed with a mandate from the Treves Congress, will introduce a bill vesting direc tion of Catholic schools and their entire control in the clergy. This movement on the part of the Clericals is a direct breach of the compact between Prince Bismarck and the Vatican, under which the Kukturkamp ceased. The inter vention of the Pope may be invoked to influ ence Herr Windthorst to drop the project, but the temper of the leaders of the Centre party will not brook further submission to the behest of the Vatican, and the bill is certain to tie pushed and backed by the whole fower of the clericals of Germany. Not a single step towards a concession will lie taken by the government, and Herr Windthorst's action will bo resented by Prince Bismarck an 1 fiercely opposed by a ma jority of the House. The short truce between the ( ntholic church and Ktate will soon terminate, forecasting inevitable developments. The programme of Hie Centre party which, it is certain is speedily extending beyond school control, "ill embrace complete suppression of the veto of the Htate on ecclesiastical nomina tions. the return of the Jesuits and the res titution to the church of the administration of all charitable institutions now super vised by the State. BRITAIN UP TO SNUFF. Great Britain lias just concluded a treaty with the King of the Tonga Islands, under which that monarch will cede nothing to a foreignjpower without the assent of Eng land. The treaty is an unpleasant surprise to Germany, as the Tonga Islunds nave heen considered a promising Held for Ger man enterprise. The TngNntt, referring to the Samoa affair, asserts that it was known here for a f r,| >K time that King Malietoa has been ''ii retly instigated by tho American Consul •° oust the German proprietors of planta tions. The Vnsainchr Ztitung maintains that the sole object of Germany's action was to Punish King M a lie test for trio roblieries per petrated against German colonists. The treaty with Et;land and America will lie maintained, hut King Malietoa will not be restored. The French mobilizing experiment is Watched rloaely, and finds general approval Among German military critics, who admit Hie general success of the operations, while finding fault with the details. The Cologne Go zftle says that the nialu ijiieation. wheth er men, horses and material could be in • heir places at a prewrilsd time, was satis factorily determined. The concentration m the lieid of 1 roups was also well carried nut. This success was, perhaps, due to SMcfa] propai a lions, but whatever tho reuse, ■hero is no denial that tha Utah araa tbor •Gghljr done. gCh t IMonting STANLEY'S EXPEDITION. He ?as Weil July 12 and Advancing Peaceably. London, Sept. 10.—A dispatch from St. Paul De Loanda, under date of Sept. 9, states that Maj. Bartellot, commander of the camp on the Aruwini, had sent advices to Leopoldsville that he had received news from Henry M. Stanley, dated July 12. i Stanley was then ten days’ march in the interior, and was still proceeding up the Aruwini, which he had found navi gable above the rapids. He had launched a steel whaleboat and raft. The members of the expedition were in good health, and provisions were easily procured at the large villages. The country showed a gradual rise toward high table lands. The caravan of 480 men followed the expedition on the loft bank of the river, and an advance guard of forty natives of Zanzibar led. Lieut. Stairs foraged for supplies, Stanley expected to arrive on July 22 at the centre of the Mobodi district, and to reach Wadelai by' the middle of August. The advance had been so peace ably accomplished that Stanley had in structed Bartellot that he would shortly •send him orders to follow the expedition by the'same route. SAMOA’S DETHRONED KING, The Explanation Given in Germany of the Alleged Action, BkrCin, Sept. 10.—The North German Gazette says that the government has received no information concerning the imposition of a heavy flue upon King Malietoa, of Samoa, and his sulisequent deposition by the Commander of the Ger man Squadron. It is true, the paper states, that the squadron was ordered to demand satisfaction for robberies committed on German plantations, and for insults to Emperor William and abuse of Germans while celebrating the Em peror’s birthday. in Apia, If King Malietoa refused to pay damage, and to give satisfaction for the insuits it is probable that, military intervened. Samoan foreign relations, especially the equal rights of Germany, England and America, will remain the same whatever may lie the fate of King Malietoa. A large majority of the Samoans have long recognized the authori ty-of Tamasese as King. FERRON ON THE MOBILIZATION The Whole Nation Inspired With Con fidence by the Result. Paris, Sept. 10. —M. Ferron, Minister of War, attended a banquet given by the officers of the Seventeenth Army corps last night. He offered a toast in honor of the corps, which was the one selected for the experiment in mobilizing troops, and lauded the zeal of the civil officials and the devotion of the people, from whom he said any sacrifice might be asked when the interests of France were involved. The experience gained by the mobilization of the corps had dispelled the doubt oppress ing the nation, and hail given Parliament and the country. a feeling of confidence which they did not possess before the mo bilization. BOYCOTTED BY MUSICIANS. The First Case of the Kind Brought up in Washington. Washington, Sept. 10. —The first prose cution brought in this city to test the legali ty of a boycott was initiated to-day, by the arrest of nine musicians, members of Wash ington Musical Assembly, No. 4,308, Knights of Labor, upon a warrant sworn out by Franz Krause. The affidavit accom panying the warrant sets out that the men arrested conspired to extort from Krause, who was leader of the band, the sum of $75 on account of fines, and to prevent, by threat, a number of musicians whom he employed from pur suing their calling, and to boycott them. The defendants, who number among them a prominent music dealer and several leaders of bands, were all released upon bail, hear ing of the cases being postponed until the end of next week. FAREWELL TO GOV. PORTER. The State Department Employes Bid Him Good by. Washington, Sept. 10.—Just before the close of the business to-day all of the em ployes of the Department of State called upon Assistant Secretary Porter to express their sincere regret at his departure and say farewell. Gov. Porter will leave Washing ton to-morrow, and go at once to his home in Tennessee. He was amused at the published statements which connected his name with the proposed new Chinese National Bank, and said that there was ab solutely no foundation for them. Secretary Bayard has not yet returned to the city but is expected back Monday morning. POLITICAL INTERFERENCE. It will Go Hard with Those who Defy the President. ’Washington, Sept. 10. —The New York Sun is a little out of tho way in it* state ment this morning of the notion taken by the President to prevent the interference of office-holders in political conventions. The warning it attempts to quote was sent by the President to Philadelphia before the Allentown convention. He has taken no action in the matter since the Allentown convention, because the conduct of the Philadelphia Federal officials there has not as vet Ixxm brought in any tangible form before him. When definite charges are made against them he will investigate them, and if ho finds that his warning was set at naught it will go hard with the offenders. Twenty Miles of Track Washed Out. San Francisco, Sept. 10.—Advices from Tucson, Ariz.. are to the effect that a tre mendous flood bus swept away fully twenty miles of the track of the Southern Pacific railroad between Tucson and Benson. Full details of the disaster are not vet known, but the officials of the Southern Pacific declare that it will cause an entire cessation of traffic over the southern route for at least two weeks. The disaster is one of the most serious in the History ofthe road. Safe at Marquette. Mii.waukke, Sept. 10.— A special to the Earning UTUeoosm, from Marquette, Mich., says the schooner David flows, which was supposed to have foundered with all hands in bake Superior during the great gale Tuesday and Wednesday, arrived at that iy irt at 5 o’clock this morning. She weath ered the storm, without a mishap, in the open lake. San Salvador s Revolution. La Libkrtah, Ban Salvador, Hept. Kb it is reported that Lahllion was occupied on the nignt of Kept. Bby government troops after an engagement in which several men were kill's! and wounded. Francisco Bare lona, the leader of the revolution, was wounded. The revolution has been com pletely suppressed. SAVANNAH, GA., SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1887. MITCH KLLTOWN’S RIOT. THE INCIDENT UNDER DEBATE IN THE COMMONS. Sexton and the Irish Leaders Blame the Government for the Bloodshed— Balfour Justifies the Action of the Police-No Renewal of the Disturb ance. London, Sept. 10.—In the House of Com mons to-day John G. Gibson, Solicitor Gen eral for Ireland, in reply to an interroga tory by Mr. Sexton, said that the govern ment did not have sufficient information to make a statement in relation to the trouble at Mitchellstown yesterday. Upon receiving this answer to his ques tion, Mr. Sexton said: “I shall resist any progress of the appropriation bill until the government gives the desired information.” [Panic]lite cheers.] All was quiet throughout the night at Mitchellstown, the scene of yesterday’s rioting. All persons who were at yester day’s meeting have returned to their homes. Fifty-four constables were injured to such an extent that medical services wore re quired. One hundred and fifty civilians were also injured. WHAT THE POLICE SAY. The police at Mitchellstown assert that the trouble there yesterday was due to the Nationalist leaders shouting for the mob to hold together. The town to-day is quiet. The Nationalists are exultant over the good fight they made yesterday. A Tipperary boy broke through a Square composed of twelve policeman and fought them single handed. The police finally' overpowered him, but the moo made a rush and rescued him from his captors. The police paraded this morning. • A majority of them wore bandages over the wounds they received yesterday. Fourteen policemen' who were injured (luring the rioting were carried to a hospital. The Pall Malt Gazette says that the mem ory of old man Riordan, lying dead in the Market place at Mitchellstown and his gray hair matted with blood, will haunt both na tions for many days to come. It i$ the duty, the paper adds, of all loaders of the opposi tion to visit Ireland, Mr. Gladstone first, to answer yesterday’s bloody challenge. The Globe says that O’Brien and his friends have at last succeeded in bringing about bloodshed. Upon them rests the entire moral responsibility for the death of those killed at Mitchellstown yesterday. another death. Dublin, Sept. 10. — Another person has died from the effects of injuries received during the rioting yesterday at Mitchells town. Freeman's Journal says: “The blood stain is indelibly attached to Balfour, Chief Secretary for Ireland, and to the govern ment.” The Journal accuses the officials of sending a force of police and a reporter to Mitchellstown, on whose evidence the war rants against Mr. O'Brien and Mandeville, a poor law guardian, were issued for the special purpose of exasperating the crowd. sexton blames the government. In the House of Commons to-day Mr. Sexton appealed to the government to give such justification as they could for the mur derous acts at Mitchellstown yesterday. It was beyond doubt, he said, that blood shed had resulted from the wanton attack of an armed force upon a body of citizens engaged in the exercise of their un doubted constitutional right of public meeting. On every previous occasion appli cation had been made for the accommoda tion of the go Vermont, reporter,and had never been refused. This time no application was made, but another course was adopted, whose only apparent object was to excite the passions of the people and provoke them to violence. [Parnellito cheers.] Who or dered the firing? What steps had been taken to identify the man who committed the murders? AN INEVITABLE RESULT. The catastrophe was the inevitable result of the language and acts of the government, who had found it easier to begin than to end the conflict. [Cheers.] BALFOUR’S VERSION. Mr. Balfour replied that Mr. Sexton had given an account of the affair more minute and detailed than any he could lay bofore the House, but which differed in every vital and substantial particular from the accounts the government had re ceived. The government reporter, said Mr. Balfour, under an escort of police,attempted to approach the vehicle from which the speakers were going to ad dress the people; Mr. Condon shouted to the people to close up against the police. That was the signal for an assault on the police, which was utterly unprovoked and of a most violent and brutal character. They were pelted with stones and blackthorn sticks, thrown out of formation and ridden down by men on horseback, and driven back inside their barracks. The doors and windows of the barracks were broken, and it was then, in self-defense, that the shots were fired. [Cheersl. If this account were true, as he believed it was, there never had beeu a more wanton or brutal attack upon the police. [Renewed cheers.] WAS THE SPACE CLEARED? Mr. Sexton asked: “It > you deny that the space around the barm . was entirely free when tho shots were fin e Mr. Balfour, in reply, said he had given the substance of the reports telegraphed to him. Fifty-four of the police were struck, and twenty of them severely injured. Tin men did no more than their duty in resorting to their means of defense as a last necessity. The responsibility rested with the hand of politicians calling them selves the leaders of the Irish people, who s|xike of the government reporters as sides. If those persons, instead of talking about constitutional agitation, had exercised their influence to keep the people within the law the country would not ha ve to deplore these scones. Mr. J. O’Connor justified Mr. Condon’s advice to the people to close their ranks. Tho Irish rneinl x-rs, he said, ware doing their best to restrain the |eople while the Irish officials were doing their utmost to provoke them. Bir Edward Reed, member for Cardiff, warned the government that the English electors would resent interference with public meetings. Tlie jieople of Great Bri tain, he said. would not allow their fellow subjects in Ireland to la- treated like tho people of Mitohellstown had been treated. Six Cases and Four Deaths. London, Bept. 10.—During the past twenty-four hours there were tl new cases of cholera, and 4 deaths from the disease re ported in Malta. ON THE INCREASE. Rome, Kept. 10.—During the last twenty four hours sixteen new casos of cholera and fourteen deaths from tho disease have licen reported at Catania. At Palermo there have been ten new cases and nine death*. Several new cases hA va occurred In this city. Given a Poetmaaterehlp. Washington. Rrpt. 10.—Vhe President to-day appointed E. K. Wortham, postmas ter at Greenville, Miss. GIBBONS AND M GLYNN. The Cardinal Denies that He Sup presaed the Letter. Baltimore, Sept. 10, —Cardinal Gibbons was seen early this morning in regal'd to the statements of the Brooklyn Standard of his connection with tho suppression of tiie letter to Rome regarding the case of Dr. McGlynn. After reading the letter ho simply said: “I have no reply to make.” Cardinal Gibtensthis afternoon author ized tho following statement in reference to his connection with the McGlynn case: Shortly after his arrival in Rome in Febru ary last, Cardinal Gibbons,“in an audience with the Holy' Father, was requested by his Holiness, to ask Dr. McGlynn to come to Rome. The next day the Car dinal complied with the instruc tions of i,he Holy Father hut as he did not. know Dr. McGlynn’s address ho wrote a letter to Dr. Burtsell, because lie regarded him as a friend of Dr. McGlynn. Home weeks later Cardinal Gibbous received a reply from Dr. Burtsell giving reasons and excuses why Dr. McGlynn did not go to Rome. As the answer from Dr. Burtsell was addressed not to Cardinal Simeoni, but to Cardinal Gibbons himself, the latter saw no reason for handing the letter to the propaganda. NOT SUPPRESSED. Far, however, from “suppressing” its con tents, he was very careful to communicate them to the Cardinal Prefect of the Propa ganda. It may be added that Cardinal Gibbons was in no way authorized to act as an inter mediary between Dr. McGlynn and his Arch bishop, and therefore scrupulously avoided interfering in a matter in which he had no direct concern, and his visit to Rome had quite a different purpose. While the Cardinal, in common with the prelates of the country, wns anxious, in the interest of education and religion, to see a university established in the country, he has abstained from giving his vote in lavor of any particular locality. Tim Cardinal has no knowledge of any change contem plated or effected iu the original endow mont. EXPELLED BY THE MASONS. McGarigle’s Name to bo Removed from All the Books. Chicago, Sept. 10. — A local paper says: A special meeting of Lincoln Park Lodge No. 011 was held last night for the purpose of taking action on the charges of unmasmiic conduct preferred against William J. Mc- Garigle, a member of that lodge. Every precaution was taken to prevent the decision arrived at being made public, even visiting brethren being informed that only members of the lodge could be admitted. Tho lodge unanimously voted to expel the accused mem tier. The decision arrived at will be communicated, under the seal of the lodge, to the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, Commandery of Knights Templar, and the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, of which he was a member, and they, at their next meeting, will proceed to remove McGnrigle’s name from the roll of memliership. Having been ex pelled by the Blue Ixxlge he, by that, action, i'oases to lie a member of all the other bodies, but each body' will proceed to expel him formally to prevent the possibility of his visiting any otherchapter, commandery or other body connected with the Scottish rites. NINE INDICTMENTS. Nine indictments were returned by the grand jury to-day against four persons alleged to have been abettors in McGarigle’s escape: Dr. Leonard St. John, of the Col lege of Physicians and Sumeons, Levi Dell, janitor of the same college, Capt. John Irving, commander of the schooner Edward Blake, and Capt. John Freer, commander of the George A. Marsh. There were two indictments brought against each, for conspiracy to effect the escape of a prisoner and for assisting the escape of a prisoner after conviction. Tho ninth charges Rt. John with perjury, and doubtless refers to his testimony before the July grand jury, where he is repre sented as denying any connection with the escape. Assistant States Attorney Long necker, says a very strong circumstantial case has been made against these four men. CONVICTS STARVED. As Bad a State of Affairs in Louisiana as in Georgia. Chicago, Sept, 10.—A New Orleans special to the Times says: “For several years the inmates of the parish prison of this city have been suffering from a peculiar disease, frequently terminating in death. Thirty nine cases of the disease and five deaths have occurred since January. The disease has generally Wien attributed to the damp con dition of the prison The physician of the Htate Board of Health made a thorough ex amination of the matter, and his report does away entirely with the dampness theory, and states that the sickness is caused by insufficient food. The rations consist of a cup of tea ami a piece of bread in the morning and soup during the day. The meat for the soup is provided by contract, at a very low rate, and has several times been condemned by the resident surgeon. This food is wholly insufficient. Tho in specting physician declares that several of the prisoners presented evidence of scurvy. Tiie board of health has called tho attention ol the parish authorities to the condition of affairs, and insists that the prisoners be provided with liettor meat, and with vege tables occasionally.” GOULD’S ALLEGED SCOOP. Western Union Will Issue New Stock to Make the Purchase. New York, Hept, 10. — There were no new developments in the street to-day re garding the rumored sale of the Baltimore and Ohio telegraph lines to the Western Union Company, but the statement was freely circulated that at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Western Union Company next week an increase of $5,000,- 000 in the capital stock would lie recom mended. This stock, it wa* generally be lieved, would tie used to exchange for stock of the Baltimore nnd Ohio Telegraph Com pany. The denial of President Bates, of the Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Company, had no effect on the market, a* brokers generally lielieved it to be based on tech nicalities. GERMS IN THE GRASS. How Texas Fever was Spread Among Cattle in Illinois. Chicago, Hept. 10.—Blue Island, 111., is greatly excited over a fatal disease which has Ixren spreading among the cattle in that vicinity for the past few days. Heveral deaths have occurred, and the symptoms manifested are claimed to be similar to those of the Texas fever. People who have investigated t be mat ter assert that the dlsaase was carried from the stockyards not long ago by a man who was engaged in hauling manure from the U uiun stock yards. This manure was distributed uround oil land In Blue Island, and it is thought the germs of the disease were transfer red to cattle pick ing gram where the manure was spread CROPS IN RAD CONDITION. THE SEPTEMBER REPORT THROWS A CLOUD ON THE OUTLOOK. A Reduction of Ten Pointß In tho Av erage of Cotton Excessive Rains and Drought Have Similar Effects in Dif ferent Parts of the Belt—Potatoes Badly Set Back. Washington, D, C.,Sept. 10. —The statis tical report of the Department of Agriculture for September, presents a heavy reduction in the condition of cotton, corn and pota toes, with little change in the status of wheat and other small grains. The high promise of the cotton crop has lwon reduced over ten points, from 113.3 to 82.8 from tho effect of excessive rains on the Atlantic Coast and drought in the Gulf States. Serious shedding of the bolls has resulted from both causes. The boll worm and caterpillar have a wide distribution, are doing some danmgo already nnd threaten ing still heavier loss. The State averages are: Virginia 88 North Carolina Kt, South Carolina 89, Georgia 84, Florida 88, Alabama 81, Mississippi 84, Louisiana 80, Texas 77, Arkansas 83, Tennessee 78. CONDITION OF MAIZE. There is further loss in the condition of maize front 80.5 to*72.3per cent., four points lower than last year's crop in September, The memorable crop failure in 1881 was in dicated by 00 in September anil lit! in Octo ber, some improvement having resulted from more favorable conditions. The de preciation is nearly nil in the West. The States of the Atlantic coast and those of t iie Gulf report larger crotis than those of last year already beyond the reach of disaster. Ft r the seven corn surplus States the aver age of last month was 74. Now it is 0-1. The figures are: Ohio 08, Indianaol, Illinois 57, lowa 78, Missouri 07, Kansas 42, Ne braska 72. Tho average of New York and Pennsylvania is ltd, of Georgia 04, of Texas 88, of Tennessee 80 ami of Kentucky 00. The average condition of winter nnd spring wheat when harvested is 82. Last year it was 87.8. In 1885 it was 72. SPRING WHEAT. In the spring wheat region Dakota re turns 80, a sinull gain; Minnesota and Wisconsin 78, lowa 71, nnd Nebraska 76, a slight reduction from last month. The in crease of acreage will make the difference still less between the present crop and that of 1886. The acreage for rye is 82.2. That of oats is 83.4 against 85.6 last month, showing a slight decline. The average for barley is 83 against 80.2 last month. A reduction in buckwheat has occurred from 90 last month to 8!). The average of condition for potatoes is very much reduced, from 80.8 last month to 67.3. This is four points lower than in 1881, and the lowest record for September that the department has ever recorded. Tho reduction is mainly in tho West. Maine’s average is 78, that of New York 81, and of Rennsylvanin 75. Michigan’s aver age is 39, that of Illinois is 40, Indiana 43, Ohio 52, lowa 57, Missouri 77, Kansas 62 and Nebraska 68. CIGAR TOBACCO. The condition of cigar tobacco is high in New Yorkuml Pennsylvania, but depreooed slightly in Connecticut and Wisconsin. There is slight improvement in eastern shipping tobacco and further depression in Western. The condition is: In V irginia 87, North Carolina 89, Tennessee 60, Ken tucky 55, Ohio 56, Indiana 48, Illinois 52, Missouri 59. THE COTTON WORLD’S REPORT. New Orleans, Hept. 10. —The Cotton World gives tiie following report on tho growing cotton crop in continuation of tho National Cotton Exchange system: “There his been a deterioration in the condition of the plant and a corresponding diminution of the crop prospects throughout the belt during the month of August. On the At lantie coast an excessive rainfall caused a luxuriant growth of tho plant, but the fruitage was decreased. In the upper part of the Mississippi valley arid in Texas the protracted drought operated adversely. Everywhere there has been unusual loss from shedding and rust, and fruitage has lieon disappointing. Worms have done considerable damage in some localities and poisoning operations have lieen retard'd by inability to obtain supplies or material with which to work. Asa rule, lalxir is sufficient for all requirements. Bv reference to the table of conditions it will lx' seen that the figures have been lower in all the States, bringing down the average for the belt lielow the figures at the correspond ing date last season. Last year the month of August was on tho whole favorable, the deterioration resulting from the dry weather in Texas and west of the Mississippi river being more than offset by tin- favorable con ditions of the Atlantic seaboard, so that the average was marked up one [xiint. Picking began somewhat earlier than last season, and is now general over nearly all the States, Below will lx? found the condi tions by States: Virginia sti, North Caro lina 86, South Carolina 87, Georgia 84, Flor ida 87, Alabama 81, Tennessee 80, Arkansas 81, Mississippi 88, Louisiana 85, Texas 8). The average for tho Ix4l is 816; average last year 86.6.” OIL SHARPS SKIN A BANK. The Assignee Forcing Them to Return the Money They Obtained. Pittsburg, I*a., Sept. 10.—Master Wil liam B. Rogers, in the suit of Henry War ner, assign'*' of the defunct Pennsylvania Bank, against William N. Riddle, President of the bank, and M. K. McMullin and J. P. Beal, oil operators, entered in July, 1886, for the purpose of charging the defendants with certain moneys of the bank lost in oil transactions during the years 1883 and 1884, has just completed his report. The assignee charged that the defend ant* unlawfully und repeatedly withdrew from the hank sums of money aggregating nearly $1,000,0*10, for the purpose of making u corner in oil, which was illegal. The master finds that Riddle. Beal and McMil lan were all parties to the conspiracy, and that the bank itself, not being a liarty, its assignee may recover the isis from the conspirators. He conclude* his report by recommending that a decree ix> made against, the defendants for $827,- 091 38 less $02,000 on di'ixwit to the credit, of McMullin at the time of the ixmk’s suspen sion. SIOO,OOO Voted to a Railroad. Danville, Va., Sept. 10.—A special to the DaUy Itetfister from Durham, N. C., says that that place voted a sulsx-ription of SIOO,OOO to-day to the Durham and North erh road. This road is designed to give connection with the Seaboard and Roanoke road, giving a direct line to Norfolk, Jumped tha Track. Staunton, Va. . Sept. 10,--A north bound train on the Baltimore and Ohio rail road jumped the track at TimberviP* this morn ing. The tench*', express, smoker ami one passenger cor were thrown down the and part of the parlor car was derailed. No person was seriously hurt. END OF THE CONGRESS. The Foreign Delegates Formally Ex press Their Gratification. Washington, Sept. 10.—The final session of the Ninth International Congress was called to order by President Davis at 0:110 o’clock this morning. Many of the Ameri can members lmd already left the city for their homes, and the attendance was conse quently not as large as usual. The Secretary (leneral read by titles at one*' the several resolutions passed by the sections and referred to the congress. Dr. Grailey Hewitt, of London, arose and said that he was requested on the j<art of the foreign members of this eongr<>ss to ex press in, a few words, the sense which was entertained bv them of this congress and of the efforts which had been made by the Executive Committee of this congress for the furtherance of the objects of this great meet ing, and to convey to them the grate ful thanks of the foreign members for the attention l>stowod upon the matter and the grateful appreciation which attended their effort. He desired also to express their sense of the hospitalities, and kindness and attention, which they had receive*l, both in public and in private, attentions which would make their visit to Washington a ■source of gratification and happy memories in future. A FORMAL EXPRESSION. Asa formal expression, he legged to pro pose the following resolution: lirsolrcd, On the port of foreign visitors and officer* of the congress. We desire to convey to the President of the United Stoles our best thanks for his presence at the ceremony of the inauguration or this congress. We desire to ext press to the Executive Committee of this con gress, particularly to Dr Henry H Smith. Dr. Johnß. Hamilton, Dr A. Y. P Garnett, Dr. Toler and Dr. Arnold, our very high appreciation of the efforts they have made for efficient organi sation, action and working of the congress, which have resulted iu so great success. We would convey our warmest thanks to the citi worn of Washington for the kind hospitality, both public and private, we have received dur ing our visit to their beautiful city. BALD KNOBBERS GIVE IN. They Agree to a Verdict of Guilty and Trust to Mercy. Kt. Louis, Sept. 10.—A special from Jef ferson (hty, Mo., says: The trial of the Bald Knob tiers came to a sudden termination yes terday afternoon by the defendants, in a body, entering a plea of guilty. In the morning Col. Boyd, their counsel, showed fight, and the case of George Deaton was called. He was charged with bulldozing a homesteader named lUdonhone. John Denny and George Hilvey were arraigned for whipping Caleb Atwood, and entered a pica of not guilty. Col. Boyd asked for a severance of the two cases, which whs de nied. He then objected to the jury on tho ground that it was prejudiced from hearing the other cases. The court ordered the trial to proceed, when the court adjourned. At noon the government had made the best case up to date. STRONG EVIDENCE. The direct and circumstantial evidence was very strong, and when the afternoon session opened Col. Boyd said: “All you Bald Knohbers who have not been tried come forward.” John Wright, William Si Ivey, George Silvey, John Denny, E. H. Denny and W. F. Wright, responded. Col. Benton stated to the court that an agreement had lieen reached with Col. Boyd that, tho pris oners that had not yet been arraigned, to gether with the prisoners on trial, should submit their cases jointlv to the jury, and agree to a verdict of guilty on all the indictments, and also that the prisoners convicted and under second in dictment for beating Hugh Ratcliff, had agreed to the same process. The jury re t urned a verdict of guilty in each case. Col. Boyd then withdrew all motions for new trials and announced that, the prisoners awaited sentence. Judge Kreckel said lie would not pass sentence before next week. The men are all young and of good charac ter, none of them being over ”1 years of age. There is no blood-thirsty demand for vengeance, and it is generally believed that the sentence will be mild. NO SLIGHT INTENDED. A Supplemental Order Issued to the Grand Army of the Republic. Philadelphia, Sept. 10.—The order of Department Commander Harper, of the Grand Army of tho Republic, to lieoliserved on Friday next, the day of the parade of the organization, which has provoked con siderable criticism, owing to the omission of any reference to President Cleveland, was explained as follows to-day hy Col. Thomas J. Stewart, Assistant Adjutant General Department of Pennsylvania, Grand Army of the Republic, who framed the order. The order read as follows: Iu passing the reviewing stand, or while being reviewed ny Ijeut Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, United Staton Army, none hut post, command ers will salute. The post colors will be dipped. THE EXPLANATION. Col. Stewart said to-day: “It is all wrong to imagine that we intended to slight the President. The order issued concerns only the Grand Army of the Republic, and is in every way correct. It was issued solely for the information of Grand Army of the Republic men, who were anxious to know whether or not they were to he re viewed by Gen. Sheridan. Gen. Sheridan will review them, and that’s what the order says. But in saying so it doesn’t ignore the President, or, if it does, it wasn’t, so intended. However, in order that there may tie no misconstruction of that section of the order, there has been issued from headquarters a supplementary order, including the President in the salute. The supplementary order reads: •• In passing the reviewing stand at Broad and Hansom streets, where the column will he re viewed hy the President of the United Htates, or while being reviewed hy Limit. Gen. Philip II Sheridan. United States army, near the Ik>lnt of dismissal, none but post commanders will saint*-, the post colors will Is* dipped, comrades wilt march hy without saluting ana eyes to the front,” ’ LIT UP BY FLAMES. Five Saw Mllla in a Group Burned at Minneapolis. Montreal, Sept. 10.—Porter & Savage's tannery and boot and shoe factory, with Gauthier's tenement house, was burned to day. The total loss will exceed $200,000. The insurance is $70,000. Three hundred hands am thrown out of employmout. FIVE HAW MILLS BURNED. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 10.—At 7:10 o'clock this evening fire broke out iu a grout) of saw nulls, and the Haines spreading rapidly were not gotten under coni ml until five mills were totally destroyed. The louses are approximately ns follows; East man, Bovey & Cos., sft>,ooo; Cole Ac Weeks, $00,01)0; Marriinan, Sparrow* & Cos., HDD, ism; <;. <'. Smith & (Jo., $50,000; McMullm & Cos., $50,000. Barn Jones at Washington Washington, Sept. 10. Rev. Sam Jones was in (he city yesterday, ami Inst evening addressed a large audience. He left this liernhig for MassacliuaetU. His family will lie in Washington next week. Mr. J* Mms propose* to lake up hia permanent residence tiers. I PHH'K #lO A YEAR. I ) 6 CENTS A COPY, f SUFFERERS IN STRIPES. COL. TOWERS'TELLS MOREIABOUT THE CAMPS. Bondurant's Determination to Make the Prisoners Go Without Shoes— Anonymous Letters Not Admitted as Evidence Wretched Sanitary Condition of the Jails Dangerous to Life. Atlanta, Oa., Sept. 10.—The Governor's Court was held to-day in the Senate Cham lier, which wan densely packed with mein liers of the Legislature and interested visi tors. Tho examination of the principal keeper was continued by Mr. Smith. The witness found Betsell, superintendent of the Bondurant & Joplin camp, giving medi cine on one occasion. It was not Bondu rant. Mr. Lowe said he would break up the camp if Bondurant continued to refine to discharge an objectionable guard. Bondu rant said on one occasion that the convicts should iiave no more shoes until a certain time of the year. The convicts recently sent to tho Bondurant & Joplin camp were assigned to W. B. Lowe. Bondurant & Joplin had no right to them. The wit. ness looked to W. B. Lowe in tho matter. to whom he looked. Mr. Towers has always rwognized tho successors of W. D. Grant, as the one* in charge of the convicts formerly controlled by Mr. (Irani. The witness came into office in July, 1886. Governor McDaniel’s orders for the transfer of the convicts was issued prior to that time. Mr. Towers identified a letter, dutod Hept. 1, 1887, from A. M. Lm k, a guard at, the camp near Madison Thu letter referred to tne death of Convict William Williams, on Hept. 1. Mr. Smith asked to ho allowed to intro duce tlie anonymous letters from convicts at Camp Bingham, not as evidence, tint as part of the history of the case. Mr. Hill said that, where the reputation, and probably the lllierties of men, were in volved, he objected to the introduction of inadmissible evidence to make history. • RULED OUT. Tho Attorney General examined the letters, neither of which was signed, and re duced his ruling to writing. He held that the unverified statements of letters were not admissible us evidence, or for any other purjs iso Air. Towers identified his report on the Bingham camp, and said that it was true. The order of Dec. 28, 1886, issued bv Gov. Gordon, giving permission to transfer cer tain convicts, but stating that this order should not lie construed ns an official recog nition of J. W. English as lessee, was put iu evidence hy Mr. Hmith. Judge Hopkins then began the cross-ex amination. He read extracts from the principal ketqier's report, which dwelt on the wretched sanitary condition of the jails, ami admitting the fact that the diseases, which ended in the death of some of the convicts, probably originated in the con finement in the jails. OF THE SAME MIND. Mr. Towers stated that he still held these views. He testified to the prompt action irf Captain James in discharging Vvhipping- Boss Hmith when his rotigb treatment of convicts was reported. The wit mas said t here lutd lieen tome complaint at Chatta hoochee. The convicts were about to mutiny before Bingham left. The inhu manity at Camp Bingham was the first he hail charged to Bingham. Bingham boasted that in the long time he was connected with the convict system there hail never been an illegitimate child torn by a convict in any camp of which be had eharge. A GOOD WORD FOV NO. 2. The witness had never made a suggestion to the President of Company No. 2, which had not Ison complied with, it wan true that Mr. Lowe discharged Betsell before the Bondurant camp was broken up. When tlie witness ordered shoes anti blankets and Bondurant said they sb* mid not be furnished, Mr. Lowe said thev should, and they were furnished. While the matter was being re. ferns Ito Col. Lowe the convicts suffered from cold. The witness said there was now no trouble iu any of Company No. 2’s ramps. Mr. Towers thought the peniten tiary system ha/1 not been so severe aa to decrease crime. AN EXECUTIVE ORDER. Mr. Cox offered in evidence the executive order of Jan. 10, 1885, which appears on I>age 185 o(J the Penitentiary Committee’s report. The witness said that. Mr. James told him that he had returned the check given to him by Col. Jackson. Col. Towers stated that with the camps scattered over the Htate it was impossible for him and his assistants to inspect t hem oftener than one* a month, and one day at a time. At other times the Htate has no representative** at the camps. At 12 o’clock Col. Cox stated that, he nnd just heard that his child had taken the wrong medicine and was danger ously sick. Gov. Gordon said that under the circumstances he would adjourn until 10 o’clock Tuesday, Kept. 20. STATE CAPITAL SIFTINGS. Bud Veal Indicted for Involuntary Manslaughter. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 10.—C. C. Jones, of Augusta, has been appointed as commis sioner to represent Georgia at the Constitu tional Centennial to be held in Philadelphia the coming week, and Mayor Cooper has ar>- pointed a committee of twenty citizens attend the Ontenninl. The Governor to-day commissioned Mias Tygart Ordinary of Berrien county. Adjt. Gen. Kell has ordered an election to fill the office of captain of the Griffin Light Guards. The vacancy was occasioned by the resignation of Capt. George C. Htewart. Frank Miller, the 12-year-old nephew of Fannie Brown, was drowned in a well on Chestnut street this morning. The boy was standing on the I>ox around the well adjust ing a well rope when he lost his balance and fell in. The grand jury has found a true hill against Bud Veal, charging him with in voluntary manslaughter. It willberemem bered that Veal accidentally shot and killed Charles D. Horne, one of the contractor* of the new State house, while engaged in a difficulty with Bainuel Venable in a room at the Kimball House several weeks ago. The grand jury has also found a true bill against Charles Shuler, the convict who cut Dick Lester's throat at the Chattahoo chee brickyard four weeks ago. Tho charge is murder. A Short Session in the House. Atlanta, Ga., Hept. 10. —The House held a session to-day. A large number of lulls were road for the second time. Mr. Met lee, of Murray, offered a resolu tion providing for an adjournment of ths Legislature sine die on Hept, 28, which was referred to tho Committee on Rules. Waylaid and Killed. Bronson, Ki.a., Bpt. 10.—Nears has readied hem that Jwjxn- Medlin was way. laid in the lower edge of this county and shot and killed Wednesday night. There is no clue as to the assassin* as yets