The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 17, 1887, Image 1

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j ESTABLISHED I*so. ) I J. H. EfeTILL, Editor nnd Proprietor, f A THRILL OF PATRIOTISM. CULLY 80,000 TROOPS IN LINE AT PHILADELPHIA. President Cleveland and Gen. Sheridan Cheered by the Spectators-The G. A. R. Posts Show Especial Marks of Respect While Passing the Chief Magistrate. Philadelphia, Pa., Sept, IC.—Eleven years are gone since the national centen nial began. This will be the last. Only the record and memory will remain after to-morrow. The wheels of history mark a century since the fathers gave to the na tion the constitution which has fostered material growth more than fabulous to the old world. These three days will end the story of a hundred years. The record has been a good one. A patriotic spirit com manded each citizen to assist according to his opportunity in giving the impulse of success to this occasion. Philadelphia never makes slow response when the honor of the country is to be sustained or deeds of men —brave, wise, patriotic—are to be celobrated. Nature was kind to Philadelphia yesterday, and to-day she again showered her gifts upon the city with a lavish hand. The day opened bright and clear. A better one could not be asked. SOUND OF DRUM AND FIFE. Soon after daybreak the people were astir and clothed in holiday raiment. They were one and all ioining in with a will to make the second day of the grand occasion even more of a success, if such a thing were pos sible, than yesterday. Sounds of fife and drum early told that preparations were being made for the grand street demonstra tion of the nation's protectors. Even during the time of the late war when men left the plow, workshop and all to uphold the honor of their country with the deadly implements of warfare, there were not as many soldiers in Philadelphia as there were to-day, and even when that bitter strife ended and those who remained to tell the tale of countless bloody battles marched back to their beauti ful homes their numbers did not even reach a shadow of what was here to-day. 30,000 SOLDIERS IN LINE. Nearly 30,000 uniformed soldiers passed in review before the Chief Magistrate and the high officers of this and other govern mentsDefore the noonday sun. At their head rode the gallant cavalry hero, Gen. Phil H. Sheridan. During the past two days there arrived in the city by various railroad lines nearly 400,000 people, and tc this number must be added the vast number who reached the city by other means than railroads. There were at least 500,000 strangers within the city’s gates to-day, and even with this vast throng, in addition to the 1,000,000 of in habitants, the page of history made yesterday passed away without a blot. Not a single accident of a serious nature marred the occasion. Everybody was good natured and forbearing, and had hut one object in their mind's eye—peaceful and happy cele bration of the greatest event of civilized times. The enormous size of some of the displays in yesterday’s pageant prevented them from occupying any other street than Broad, but to-day’s demonstration being purely iflilitary the display passed through all the prominent streets, thus giving a greater number of people an opportunity of witnessing the display than were allowed to yesterday by reason of the limited space afforded them. PRESIDENT CLEVELAND ASTIR EARLY. President Cleveland was not allowed to sleep very late this morning, for the day was packed full of incidents for him. and he had to start out early. His escort, the First City Troop of cavalry, under Capt. Grubb, reached the Lafayette Hotel long before Si o'clock, and in a few minutes the committee of the Commercial Exchange drove up in barouches and paid their res|>ects to the President Chairman Thomas M. Thomp son and B. K. Jamison were already there, and in a few moments Mr. Cleveland was ready for his first public duty of the day," the reception at the Com mercial Exchange. The City Troop cleared a passage for the party and Mr. Cleveland, leaning on the arms of .Messrs. Thompson and Jamison, entered a carriage waiting for him. The members of the committee followed and in a few moments tho party was clattering down Chestnut street. At the custom house the inspectors and other employes were drawn up in line and were rev>owed bv the President. STREETS ALMOST IMPASSABLE. The streots wora almost impassable, and when the Exchange, which is located on Second street, above Walnut, was reached, it took all the efforts of the soldiers to clear a way into the building. In the meantime, the members Of the commercial, stock, drug, grocers and importers, maritime, petroleum, lumber, oil and wool exchanges, und the Board of Trade had assembled in the large hall on the third floor, and were listening to the strains of the Weecaroe legion Bond. The arrival of the Presidential party was the signal for repeated cheering, and when the Chief Magistrate had made his way to the rostrum at the lower end of the hall the cheering broke out again, and the names of Gov. Beaver, Mayor Fitler, Secretary Bayard, A. J. Drexel aud George W. Childs, were also cheered. Chairman Brook anuouneed that as soon as the Presi dent had spoken a few words the members would be given a chance to meet him. FORMALLY INTRODUCED. President, Cornly, of the Commercial Ex change, said: 1 have the high honor to present tn my fellow members and our guests. Ills Excellency, the President of the United Stattw. The cheering broke out again, and it was some moments before Mr. Cleveland could be heard above the dm. After quiet had been secured he spoke in a firm and clear voice. He said: 1 am glad I have the opportunity to meet so large a representation of* the business nien of Philadelphia. It is well that we should not entirely forget, in the midst of our centennial jubilee, luai the him and purpose of good government lend after h i to the advancement of the mat trial Interests el Hi" people and Incivasc of their trade and bommeree. The thought hits sometimes oe eiirpyl to in" that 111 the hurry, an I ruth of business thets* well be Infused a little more patriotism than we art' wont to see. Ann a little morn recognition of the fact tlwt whnlpsorno.politleal sentiment to closely related. not only t 0 the gtoirrai good hut to the general sue,cess of business. (>7 course our cltlxens en *®ged in business ure (|iifek to see the liearlng of Any policy which the goveriuneut may hdopt, as It affects their |emonal ami their accumulation, but I wotihl like to see that brood and pu tivitli- sentiment among them which can 1 " beyuad their (tectillsr personal Interests *hd which can recognise ilia ti lvanceutcnKif < >eentire oountry is an oh ce lot which limy may well s live, even sometlniee oliiiiiiuiltion "j Jbeir constantly tuuiwtslug profit Most we ‘•iwAjs look for political opinions of our bu.-i men precisely where they M'p|*s>e I heir j ct.mediHle | s*. mi in r y ndvauLtip, i- found I bow vain it j* to hope for the eradication I ‘a i fish tnotivMH |u all idVall'Hof life, hut 1 sin •tni uh and that we irate loilav the triumph ‘ B** ll lolls,u over K. ■lPshitrss Will any on* 4 say i'd the eonicsKins of Ibe isaist Itulton not li mods or that w are hot to <Uy !' md enjoyment v ( ( Bf , hiesdngs i,'suiting ' r '"u due regm >| fog all the conthetjn* mt'-re-is ‘“I tejentedljy ttie diiTeiHiit r tales which wee- Mr ago. 1 believe Uieuoutaiele §PI)i! JMornina benefits promised people by our form of government, can only he secured by the exer cise of the same spirit of toleration for each others rights and interests in which it had its birth. This spirit will prevail when the business men of the country cultivate political thought, when they cease to eschew participation in political action, and where such thought and action are guarded by better mo tives than the purely selfish, and exclusive bene fit. lam of the opinion that there is no place in the country where such a condition can be so properly and successfully maintained as hen l among theonlightened.and enterprising business men of Philadelphia After his sjieeoh Mr. Cleveland announced himself as being ready to meet the gentle men present, and one by one they walked up the steps of the rostrum ami grasped his hand, and then shook hands with Secreta ries Bayard and Fairchild, ex-President Hayes, Gov. Beaver. Mayor Fitler, A. J. Drexel and George W. Childs, who received with him. After the receiption the Presi dential party drove to the reviewing stand, at Broad and Walnut streets, to witness the military parade. LAVISH DECORATIONS. The decorations on the streets, buildings and residences were practically the same as those of yesterday, ami ovary street through which the column passed was almost a solid mass of tricolored bunting and flags of all nations. In addition to those on Broad street, stands had been erected on Chestnut, Market and Arch streets, and the streets themselves were covered by a solid mass of humanity. Twelve thousand and fifty of the city’s police force were on duty shortly after daybreak, and were shortly after wards reinforced by eighty of the Fairmount Park Guards and a large number of special officers in citizens’ dross. All of tho streets through which the parade passed were roped off from curb to curb, in order to insure clear passage for ih? troops, and street car traffic was delayed at intervals for a short time. The line was opened, however, every forty minutes to allow street cars, vehicles and pedestrians to pass through. ORDER OF THE LINE. At the head of the military parade rode Gex. Sheridan, followed by troops of the regular army, officers and sailors com manded by Admiral Luce and the Marine battalion. Then came the State troops in the order in which the States ratified the Constitution, or were admitted into the Union. Dela ware came film, followed by Pennsylvania, which made the most imposing display in numbers, having eighteen regiments in line, besides a dozen batteries of artillery and detached companies with full division and brigade staffs. New Jersey followed with 1,500 troops. Next came Georgia, represented by Gov. Gordon and staff and the Gate City Guard of Atlanta; Massachusetts with one brigade and two detached companies; Mary land with the Fifth regiment and an addi tionai battalion of 1,000 men; South Carolina with Gov. Richardson and staff, and the Governor’s Guard and Greenville Guard; New Hampshire with a battalion of three companies; Virginia represented by Gov. Lee and a battalion of 500 men; New York by Gov. Hill and staff, four regiments and ten detached companies; North Carolina by the Fayetteville Independent Light Infan try; Rhode island by ono reginieut; Ohio by-Gov. Foraker and one regiment; Maine by a battalion of 400 men; lowa by Gov. Larrabee and staff and the Governor’s Foot Guards; West Virginia by two companies; the District of Columbia by one battalion and three detached companies. CLEVELAND ON THE STAND. The President arrived at the reviewing stand at J 1 o’clock, escorted by the First City Troob of cavalry and a throng of dis tinguished guests. Shortly after 11 o’clock Mrs. Cleveland appeared on the balcony of the Lafayette Hotel, followed by Private Secretary Lamont and wife and two or three guests. Mrs. Cleveland received an enthusiastic round of applause as she ap peared in front of the balcony dressed in a handsome black silfc dress, with white insertions and a beautiful white feather adorning her hat. At just 11:30 o'clock Gen. Phil Sheridan, mounted on a handsome sorrel horse, came up the street at the head of a vast cavalcade of military, preceded by a squad of mounted reserves. As he passed the reviewing stand the Presi dent arose and tipped his silk hat. It was then one continuous round of huzzas. The troops one and all marched with head erect and eyes looking straight ahead, more like graven figures than moving humanity. Gen. Sheridan, notwithstanding the plaudits of the multitude, role erect, looking neither to the right nor left. SALUTING THE PRESIDENT. As each platoon passed the President their commander gracefully raised his hat and saluted, receiving in return a bow of recog nition from the commander-in-chief of all the troops. After passing the stand, and almost directly in front of Mrs. Cleveland’s balcony, the cavalrymen gave marvelous exhibitions of their skill in drill exercises, wuich were applauded to the echo. Behind Gov. Beaver came over 10,003 Pennsylvania militia, who marched mid performed the different evolutions like veterans. Some of them Mere veterans and carried flags that had been with them throughout the Into war. The entire parade was the most suc cessful ever seen in modern times and it would seem that the height of military per fection had boon reached by the troops of the various State's. It would indeed be hard to imagine anything more inspiring than the 30,1X10 uniformed militiamen, all of whom were headed by regimental bands. The commanders of each turned “faco about” as they reached the President’s stand, and with the cheers of countless thousands and the sweet strains of music the throng of people was completely enraptured. a. A. R. POSTS SALUTE. The rear of the line was composed of the Grand Army of the Republic, and as each post passed in front of the stand its com mander gave the salute to the President, and wus recognized. Post No. aof this city carried in the centre of it. column twenty one flags captured by them during the war; they were a muss of tattered, und lorn colors, but they were honorou hy the spec tutors with cheers whose echo seemed to never die. It was a fine appearance they made, soma walking with the aid of crutches, and all of tb"in wearing on their Visages the unerring marks of time. They were a picture in contrast with the youth ful militiamen. During the time they were pissing the President lemained standing, with nis head uncovered, and answers! each salute as it was given. Orders liad previously lieou issued hy the department commander ul the Grand Army of tliedle public that only post comma id rs should salute, the men in line to walk facing ahead. Tills was not strictly adhered to, however, and many of those of the tank and file passed bv the stand with uncovered heads, and when Garfield Post No. 4, of New , York, came tin the front ranks turned “face about” and sent up a rousing cheer for f lu* Clncf Magistrate, which he graciously acknowledged. Their cheer was taken up by the crowd and car ried to the echo About <J,(kKI Grand Army men were inline. It was just 8:45 when the last ol the Grand Army pasted by. THE RECEPTION TO THE PRESIDENT. The reception to Prosidriit Cleveland and Mrs. Cleveland at the Academy of Music benight was one of the greatest social suc , imish- ever witnessed in this city. It untuned a* though every prominent man and woman her*, h*l f*lt It inrutubeiit Uhon lltaiu to ifii honor to the head of the SAVANNAH, GA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER IT, 1887. nation and his wife. Long before 8 o’clock the street in front of the Academy was a mass of carriages, and fullv 10,000 people found their way into the building before the tired President had grasped the hand of tho last comer. Every one was in evening dress, and the scene presented was one of unusual brilliance. The immense building was most beautifully decorated with flags, flowers, cut and growing plants, and the galleries and boxes were festooned with ribbons. Before the President and his party reached the Academy every seat in the building had an occupant, and the guests of the evening amused themselves liefore undergoing the ordeal of handshak ing by viewing the immense mass of people from the box known as the Prince of Wales box. opfevELAND’s ARRIVAL. Just before 0 o’clock President Cleveland and Mrs. Cleveland accompanied by Justices Harlan and Miller, Secretaries Bayard and Fairchild, Col. Lamont, ex-President Hayes, Mrs. Earnout, !m-s. Cadwalader, Mrs. Franklin Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Amos R. Little, Gov. Biggs of Delaware, Hanni bal Hamlin and Mrs. Hamlin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Harrah, and Mayor Fitler took up their position a t the rear end of the stage ready for the re ception. John A. Kasson, of lowa, Presi dent of the Centennial Commission, acted as master of ceremonies, and ushered in Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop Ryan and the visiting diplomats. Then the officers of the army, navy and militia, under the lead of Lieut. Gen. Sheridan made their bows, and received the grasp of the hand from the President and his wife. After the soldiers and sailors bad passed the rest of the audience followed. It was nearly 13 o’clock before the hand shaking was over and the worn out visitors were allowed to go to their hotel. The President wore a dress suit which became him a great deal better than the frock coat of the morning, and Mrs. Cleveland was clad in a beautiful white satin gown with ostrich trimmings. In her hair she wore several clusters of diamonds. The crowd in the building was something enor mous, but the police ai rangements were so perfect that everything passed off without a jar. AT THE CLOVER CLUB. The dinner at the Clover Club this even ing was a red letter one in the history of that famous coterie of dinners and wags. Covers were laid for 150 at the Bellevue hotel, and the tables were uniquely deco rated with vari-colored lamps. President M. P. Handy presided. Among the more distinguished guests who both dined and ran th# gauntlet of the club’s witticisms and fags, were ox-President Hayes, Senator Ivarts, of New York; Governors Green, of New Jersey; Gordon, of of Georgia; Beaver, of Penusylv&nia; Lee of Virginia: Sawyer, of New Hampshire; Foraker, of Ohio; Perry, of Florida; Lloyd, of Maryland; Senator Hawley, of Connec ticut; •Admiral Luce; Hon. John S. Wise, of Virginia; Henry E. Dixey, the come dian; John Hoey, of the Adams Express Company ; President Kasson, of the Con stitutional Commission: Justice Harlan, of the Supreme Court; Wharton Baxter and Abraham Barker, with the members of the Chinese delegation. . BRINGING THE PRESIDENT. At H o’clock Col. McClure and William M. Singerly, the committee on the part of the club, proceeded to the Lafayette Hotel to conduct President Cleveland to the banquet room, and thirty minutes later they drove up to the front of the hotel with the President. As the two com mitteemen appeared with their guest the entire company arose and sang a verse of the song, “Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue,” which ended with “Three dicers for the President of the United States,” as that dignitary was seated by the side of President Handy. Col. McClure introduced President Cleve land as follows: Commodore Singerly has promised that our honored guest shall talk an hour, but you all know gingerly. [Laughter.] I now have the honor to Introduce the tirst President of the United States whom the Clover Club have had the pleasure to entertain, THE PRESIDENT SPEAKS. President Handy, with mock solemnity, passed the “Loving Cup” to Mr. Cleveland, who, after receiving it, said: Gentlemen of the Clover Cluh: I thought 1 was sura that 1 knew the charae ter of Mr. Singerly. but if I bad known that I was to he a victim of his 1 think I would have failed to have entered this banquet hall [laugh ter], and if I had failed to have appeared here I suppose it would have been the most disastrous thing that had ever happened. [Laughter.] ly h ill have but little to say, for what I do say, I try to say briefly. lam here tor several reasons; first, be cause 1 wanted to come [Laughter and ap plause and a voice "Sever mind the rest'd; secondly, because 1 couldn't resist the entreaties that were held out; thirdly, because this is the only place where I can meet the newspaper fraternity without b dug interviewed [Laughter and applause and a voice “He’s a Dandy”], and fourthly, because I believe in encouraging the sort of thing that I see going on about me. for the reason thnt when newspaper men are en gaged in this sort of business they arc out of other mischief. [Cheers and laughter.] I understand that you haven rule regulating the proceedings of this club. I <lo not know enough about it to fol low it, but I propose to suggest a privilege and avail myself of it—thnt every man shall do as he sees fit . lam a little pressed for time. A good many'people are waiting for me. I think very likely that 1 v.-ould rather stay here than go elsewhere. [Cheers and applause, j 1 do not say that it is so; 1 say it may be so. [Laughter.] Gentlemen of the Clover Club, I beg to thank you for this reception. As President Cleveland retired with Col. McClure and Mr. Singerly, the company an iso and sang, “Oh, he’s a jolly g<x>d fel low.” RUN DOWN AT A JUNCTION A Sleeper Hurled into a Ditch, But No One Seriously Injured. Chicako, Sept. Id. —A collision took place last night at Wilson Junction, la., on the Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City railway. A train coming north bad stopped at the junction, when a branch train came in, run ding thirty-five mil's an hour. See ing that a collision was cer tain, the main line train was pulled ahead, and all but the sleeper had cleared the crossing when the hmtieli engine struck it. The sleeper was hurle 1 over into a ditch, alighting aim >st squarely bottom side up. There were were fourteen passengers in the sleeper, several of whom were more or less injured, but none dangerously. Pomologists Adjourn. Boston, Sept. K. -The Amor loan Pomo logical Society ad jou rned to dir,’, after a satisfactory session, in which the pro gramme for discussion was fully carried out. A large number of merits and prizes were awarded for collections of fruit. It was voted to hold the next biennial session at soma |K>int in Florida, and not in Colurn b.c, 0., a may have I Men inferred from previous publication*. A Forged Pension Chock. WahMlXuton, Sept. III. —A pension check originally drawn for s'■!, ituled May, lksft, which had bum raised to $3,450. and had passed through several banks and private hands, was recently presented at the cash room In the Uni led Mute* ’ Treasury for payment by one of tiv city iiauks. Paying Te|lr Glievui t none deb*dad certain Irregu lari tie* in tbo check and an investigation re* voaled the ft,*erv. A SPEECH BY QUEEN VIC. SHE PROROGUES PARLIAMENT UNTIL NOV. 20. Settlement of the Afghanistan Bound ary Dispute - Withdraws 1 of the Troops From Egjfpt Still Uncertain- Arbitration of the Dispute About the Fisheries London, Sept. 16.—A black roil summon ed the members of the House of Commons to the House of Lords where the Lord Chancellor read the Queen’s speech pro roguing Parliament. The prorogation is until November 30th. Following is the Queen’s speech closing the session: My Lords and Oemusiifn -My relations with other powers continue friendly. The protracted negotiations between Russia and myself regarding the frontier, which we should agree to recognize as the northern limit of Afghanistan, have been brought to a satis factory termination. The Ameer readily ac cepted the boundary. I hope the convention will powerfully conduce to maintenance of dur able peace in Central Asia. The treaty between Great Britain and ('hina. with reference to the relat ions betweenCbina and Burmah. lias been ratified The confident hope expressed that general pacification of Burmah would be effected and .whig tho present year has been fully realized. Settled government is I icing gradually introduced in its remoter districts. EGYPT’S OCCUPATION. The convention which was concluded between Turkey nnd myself for the purpose of defining the conditions under which tt would lie possible for me to undertake the withdrawal of iny troops from Egypt at a fixed date has not been ratified by the Silltan. The course of aciion im posed upon me by my obligations to the ruler of the people of Kgypt remains unchanged. The t resence of my forces has secured to Egypt the blessings of tranquillity and has enabled me to etfaetually support the Khe dive's efforts to promote good government and the prosperity of his people I have agreed with the President of the United States to refer to a joint commission the difficult questions respecting the North American fisheries which have recently been discussed by the two nations With singular satisfaction, I mention the as semblage of the first confaronge of representa lives of my colonies ever heltnn Loudon Their deliberations directed to many matters of deep practical interest to their respective oommuni ties, and conducted in a spirit of hearty, cooperation will, 1 doubt not, add streugtb to the infection by which various parts of my em pire are bound together. The Queen thnnks the House of Commons for the liberal provision for the public ser vice, ar.d continues: There is some ground for hoping that the grave depression under which all commercial and industrial interests have lain so long, is as suming a lees severe character I deeply grieve to add that there is no mitigation of the suffer ing under which large portions of the agricultu ral community continue to labor. THE IRISH QUESTION. The wants and difficult iez of Ireland have oc cupied your close attention during the pro traded session, t trust the remedies your wis dom has provided will gradually effect com plete restoration of order in Ireland and give renewed encouragement to peaceful industry. In order to pass them it has been necessary to postpone many important, measures nffeciing other parts or the kiugoiom. wbioh. doubtless, you wul tie able to resuriwavithout hindrance at the coming session. After reference to allotments, coal mines, merchandise marks and criminal procedure in the Scotland acts, the Queen concludes: This year, the fiftieth anniversary of tpy reign, nos been the occasion of the ex pression of fervent loyalty which has deeply touched me. I am indeed truly thankful for the warm, hearty proofs of affection which have reached me from all classes. In thanking God for the blessings he has vouch safed me and iny country, 1 trust I may be spared to continue to reign over a loving, faith ful and united people. A FUNERAL AT MITCHELLBTOWN. Over 1 .000 People Follow Caeey's Re mains to the Grave. Mitchellstown, Sept. 18.— The funeral of Casey, another victim of the affray on last Friday, took place to-day. Over one thousand persons marching eight abreast, all wearing laurel leaves, followed the re mains to the grave. There were four bands in the procession playing funeral inarches. Father O’Neill, of Ca]>e Colony, has con tributed £3OO to a fund for a monument to the victims. At the Coroner’s inquest to day it was shown that Lonergan was killed by a bullet in the brain, aDd that Mhinnick and Casey died from tho effects of buckshot in the brain. Tho government reporter, whose presence at Friday’s meeting was tne prime cause of the affray, deposed that when he and his police escort had passed the line of horsemen fringing the crowd, shouts camo from tho platform to the people to close up. Tho crowd thereupon began to attack tho police, he being in civilian dross escaped unhurt. The story that the people tried to kill him was no't true. He so w stones thrown at the barracks door to which Constablo Leahy had stag gered, his face and clothes stained with blood and mud. O’BRIEN S ARREST OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED. London, Bept. 16.—1n the House of Com mons to-day tue Speaker read a letter from the Irish authorities announcing the arrest of William O’Brien, member of Parlia ment for Cork. In reply to a question by J. O’Connor, W. H. .Smith said he lelievod that the usual regular formal course would be followed regarding the trial of Mr. O’Brien. He had no information, he said, tirnt tho day fixed for the trial would he anticipated. DUBLIN’S CORPORATION PROTESTS. Dublin, Sept. ltf.—The Dublin Corjxira tion today, on motion of the I/ird Mayor, adopted a resolution protesting against “the tyrannical policy of the government,” ami approving “the patriotic conduct of 'William O’Brien.” The Executive Branch of the National League has arranged for meetings to f>e held Sunday at Roscommon, Bandon. New ton mid Kiimactomaa. Members of Par liament Shoepy, Brunner, lioo|er, Timothy, Healey and Dillon will address the meet ings. Mr. Balfour held a conference to-day with Lord Ashbourne and Gen Duller, and it is expected the meetings will lie proclaimed. At a mooting of tno City (Corporation to day, a letter was read from Mrs. Fellows, daughter of Sir Rowland Hill, asking to be allowed the honor of joining the National Loague, and enclosing a check. Bulgaria Will Apologize. Constantinople, Kept. Hi. The Bulga rian agent has announced that measures have been taken to render satisfaction to Germany for the insult offered to the Ger man Vice Consul at Rustchuk by the new.- piper l.n Bulgarie. Tin' reply from Ger many as to whether the reparation is suffl eient is expected to-morrow. The Boal Seizure*. London, Kept. Id.—ln the House of Com mons to-day, Mr. Hmith, In replying to a question by Mr. (fourlay, said: “Tlie Do minion Government had not reported whether the order for the release of vassal* seised by American cruisers had been ear ned out " __ Cholera Stilt Raring Home, Kept, id TJiere have been eight naw case* or cholera and *4* death* In Ca- Urnia durin* the post twenty-four houiw, l&M rata* and V> doth In Measles, aud U MM* and 10 deaths In the provuicaef Nap las MEXICO’S FOURTH OF JULY. Independence Day Colebrated with Great Enthusiasm. City of Mexico, Sept. 16.—Independence day was celebrated in this city with extraor dinary enthusiasm. The city was finely decorated and the illuminations, last night, were magnificent. At 11 o'clock last night President Diaz made his appearance in front of tho National Palace, and repeated to a great crowd assembled there the his toric declaration of independence; no sooner had his last words died away w hen a tre mendous salute of cannon was flrol, and enthusiastic citizens marched through the streets with hands of music. This morning the President and high functionaries, mem bers of Congress, foreign consuls, etc., marched in procession to Alameda, where patriotic exercises took place. AMERICANS PARTICIPATE. The business offices of the Americans along the line of march were finely decora ted with the stars and strijies intertwined with the Mexican Hag and portraits of Hidalgo and Washington crowned with laurels. The American colony took nil active |>art in the celebration. The Ameri can allegorical ears in the grand procession which occurred later in the forenoon were frrcatly applauded. They represented the anding of Columbus, Hidalgo and Wash ington, and Columbia, or the God dess of Liberty. The Americans lav ished great care and excuse on these ears and they were acknowledged to be among the finest in the procession. The military feature of thejprooession was very imposing. Ten thousand of the finest troops of Mexico ware in line commanded by veteran generals of the country’s wart. At no time has the anniversary of the inde pendence of the country been celebrated with more eclat. It Is estimated that 250,- 000 persons witnessed tho procession, which, in every detail, was deserving of high praise. FRANCKS ARMY. Tho War Department Clerks Did Not Divulge the Plans. Paris, Sept. 16.—The clerks in tho war office who were arrested on a charge of divulging the details for the mobilization of the Seventeenth Army Corps have lieon found innocent and released. It was learned during the examination that the real offender was n jierson not in the employ of the war office, but who had the run of that department. He has fled. FRANCE BUILDING FOnTS. Berne, Sept. 10.—While the pn*s’ is dis cussing the right of Switzerland to oceupj certain portions of Savoy in tho event of war between France and Germany, France is busily engaged in fortifying Kuuailla Pass nnd is building a fort to command the town of Gex anil the road loading thereto. UNABLE TO STAND LONG MARCHES. Berlin, Sept. 16.—1 tis reported here that tho recent mobilization experiment in France showed thut the troops were unable to bear the strain of long marches. EXCURSIONISTS KILLED. Two Trains Collide While One Was Going: to tho Races. London, Sept. 10.—A dreadful collision occurred to-day on the Midland railway. A train tilled witli excursionists who were going to Dnocaster, to witness the races at that place, collided with another train and was wrecked. Twenty of the excursionists were killed and inanv injured. The Midland train was standing on a crossing a mile from Doncaster, while the tickets wore being collected, when the Liverpool express dashed into it. The guard lx>x was smashed to atoms and the first car riage of the Liverpool train was telescoped by the next succeeding carriage and broken to splinters. It was a long time before the injured and dying, who were wedged in the ruins, could lie rescued. Twenty-four per sons were killed and many of the injured cannot recover. The disaster was caused by defective signalling. MEXICO’S CONGRESS. President Diaz Dwells on Peace in His Opening Speech. City or Mexico, Sept. Hi.—President Diaz opened the Congress) with tho usual ceremonies this evening. His message, which is of some length, denis mainly with practical tonics, tho material progress of the country ami education. He said that, gener ally speaking.Moxiro’s relation." with foreign governments were friendly, and that hur monious relations continue to bo cultivated with the United States; and if there lie not wanting diplomatic complaint of one against the other country it is <luo to private individuals who deem themselves injured, and this must be considered as a consef)uenoo of the contact which neighbor hood produces, anil this contact is growing more and more intimate daily by reason or the traffic on railways, which, on the other hand, are destined to scatter positive bene fits on both nations. Russia’s Nihilists. St. Petersburg, Sept. 16.—A pamphlet has been circulated in this city announcing that the reorganisation of the Nihilists has been successful, and that the cam tins of ar tion are fully provided with everything requisite for the carrying out of the Irish plan. Nihilism is fust spreading in Siberia, where, during August, forty-five guards ulisconded und twenty three prisoners es caped. Scotland Wants Homo Rule. London, Sept. HI. At a conference of the Scottish home- rulers, held to slay, Mr. Kind later, President of tin- Scottish Farmers’ Alliance, advocat 'd homo rule for Sot laud. He o|eul ■ declared that the northern and eastern coiintf**! of S<'otland were ripe for it. A committee was appfinted to con sider the question bringing the matter be fore Parliament. .six BUBMBD TO death. A Sleeping Family Hemmed In by Flamea from Below. New Ori,e. .vs, Hept. Ifi.—At 12:30 o'clock this morning an explosion occurred in the grocery store of Dominick M. Messina at the corner of Enghienund Dauphine streets, and a moment later the entire building was on fire and all escape from the upper stories, where Messina's family resided, was cut off. The tiro must have been burning some tune before the explosion, which was doubtless caused by ignition of powder, which Mes sina kept for sale. When the firemen reach ed tlie scene the voices of the Messina (amity could l>o heard, mingled with the roaring and crackling of Die names, crying for help. Every effort of the firemen u> rescue the un fortunate Inmate. of tho burning building hole I and 111" entire family, constating of Messina, his wife and their four little chil dren burned to death A Oyulono Off Cuba \V aahjhotgn. Kept 111 An afternoon dispatch troin Havsns. Cuba, to the signal office reports a eyewnto <tinturlwr>ce as "*0 trsJ southwest <ii that station, ami probably moving westward with slightly increasing energy. ANARCHIST BRAGGADOCIO. They Decline to Countenance the Cir culation of a Petition. Chicago, Sept. 16.—The consultation as to whether they would do anything more to save themselves was held by the condemned Auarchists this morning. They talked over the same tiling yesterday and renewed the discussion this morning. They came from their cells at. 8::k) o’clock and until o’clock they talked earn estly and turned the matter over for and against. Ael one friend of all the men, and a prominent member of the Defense Association, saw them this morning to learn the result of the discussion. He was induced to say that t hey had discussed two things— one the question whether they shall ap|>oal to the Supreme * 'ourt of the United Stales, and the other a monster petition it. is pro posed to get up pleading fore xecutive clem ency. NOTHING TO ASK PARDON FOR. The last measure was voted against by every man there. They feel, said (he in formant, that they have done nothing for which to ask the pardon of society, and that society ought rather to ask their pardon. As for the appeal to the Hu promt! Court, that is a different matter. Some of them feci that t hey may use every resource to be found in the laws and then if they die their death will accuse the system The member of the Defense Association said that three of the condemned men were opposed t<> an appeal to the Supreme Court, but. he refused to disclose their names. He also said that no matter what the final decision of the men was their friends would go ahead and make every effort for a re versal of judgment by the Supreme Court, lu the event of that failing a petition would lie gotten up. A MARKED PAPER. Ottawa, 111., Sept. 16.—. Justice Ma cruder received yesterday a copy of the Milwaukee Daily Labor /icnetc, which has the words ’’Free speech and free press” en closed in heavy black linos, the type being set backwards. The head lines “Law and Order Triumphant; Society to bo Saved by Judicial Murder on Nov. 11” were marked to attract the Judge’s attention. The decision of the Anarchist case gives entire satisfaction here. Everybody breathes freer, and with the ex ception of perhaps a dozou sympathizers with the Socialists, every!sidy says “justice has been done.” The reports that the case will lie taken to the United States Supreme Court, does not meet with approbation. Lawyers generally t hink it will not be done. MONEY HARD TO GET. Dun & Cos Report Stringency at All the Money Centres New York, Sept. 16.—1 t. G. Dun& Co.’s review of trade for the week says; “All the anticipations of monetary stringency this fall, which were expressed months ago, are abundantly justified by the pres sure now felt in spite of the supplies from abroad far beyond reason aide anticipations. Were the merchandise movement uloue to controls gold would be going out in large amounts. Indeed gold is coming in largely through the ojieratKius of syndicates in the purchase of securities or for other investment* or loans and yet the pressure is severe. tight markets. “The Boston market' is tight, many mil lions having been sent West for railroad buying or other operations. Philadelphia is cautious because of recent failures, the con sequences of which are not wholly disclosed. Cincinnati banks are forced to especial con servatism by the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton uncertainties and the effects of the Fidelity hank’s collapse. Chicago re ports an enormous business done by note brokers and high rates bid by merchants and manufacturers. [Stringency is reported at Nashville and Atlanta, with an active demand at. full rules at New Orleans, and the demand in Cleveland, Omaha. Kansas City and other Western cities is unusually brisk on account of activity in trade or in building. pia mow production. “The weekly production of pig iron is not smaller than a year ago, as some assort, but according to the Iron Age, 121,4*0 tons of anthracite and bituminous against 102.413 tons Kept. I, 1880, an increase of 10 per cent. Except for a few grades the tone is weaker, and heavy imports continue with much complaint of under valuations. “The exports of breadstuff*, provisions, cotton, cattle and oil in August were $37,- 000,000 in value, 0.3 pel cent. al>ove the same month last year, but the imports at New York for August show an increase of 15 percent., which woukl indicate another long excess of imports over exports for that month. Gold comes this way, not in pay ment for goods, but os a loan. “The lm mess failures occurring through out the United Ktates und Canada during the last week, number for the United Htates 165, and for Canada 23, a total of 188 against 174 last week, and iff!) the week pre vious.” GOV. BARTLETT’S BURIAL. Business Suspended Throughout Cali fornia. San Francisco, Kept 16.—The obsequies of Gov. Washington Bartlett, who died in office, occurred in Ibis city to-day. His re mains were taken to laiurel Hill Cemetery j He was given a State funeral, and the occa sion was in many respects one of the most remarkable in the history of the Pacific coast. There was complete cessation of business in the city, I and tins wus the nil s throughout the Btate of California, in Sail Francisco buildings were heavily dro|*i and Hags were dis played at half mas* from all imidic and nu merous private buildings. The remains lay in state for two days at Pioneer Hall, Gov. liartiett liuving arrived in this cltv in I*4ll. After the reading of the Episcopal burial service at Grace church, a public escort preceded the body to the cemetery. This included all the Federal and Ktate judges and public officials in car riages, 1,000 I nited S ates tri-ops and ma rines and 3,000 National Guard troop*, in addition to numerous civic societies, making 10,000 marcher*. ALABAMA’S DROUGHT BROKEN. Copious Rains Reported from All Over the State. Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 16.—A drought of over six weeks' duration in Atu lAiiia was broken to-day by copious rains a'.l over the Mute. Cotton not pleknl is nearly ull open in the fields, and where the rains are heavy much damage will be dona. A special to the Adeertiiwr from 'fu 'a | lissmi reports a terrific thiniilemtorin today, j during which lightning struck two bouse*, kidliig Hush Turner and injuring two other men, one so I sully that bn is not expected to rerovei uonatructlon Train* Col I Id* MEMPHIS, Tgtlß., Kept. 16. A collision occurred late last night on the Iron Mouu j tain railroad, north of Nettleton. bet wu*ui two oonstruction trains, which result*! in lb* killing of Miras men and tavsre injury i UiotlMUs. Both augine* were (sully wiwksd. 1 PRICE 010 \ YEAR. 5 < KVl> A COPI . SAILED IN A STIFF BLOW. THE VOLUNTEER BEATS THE MAY FLOWER BY TWENTY MINUTES. f A Poor Showing Made by the Thistle Under Unfavorable Circumstances— A Schooner Leaves Her Behind in a Scrub Race -The Volunteer Chosen to Defend the Cup. Sandy Hook, Sept. 16.—The first of the trial races between the Boston sloops May flower and Volunteer was sailed to-day. The Mayflower is now owned in New York, but. she is still regarded as a Boston boat. At 8 o'clock this morning it looked a* though it would be a glorious day for the race. The wind blew a perfect gale all night, and at daylight was bowling through the rigging of the Thistle at the rate of twenty-five miles an hour. The Thistle was all ready to follow the racers over the course and at 8 o’clock was standing out toward the lightship, where the start was to bo made. NATURE or THE RA( E. The race was twenty miles to leeward and return. The Volunteer and Mayflower passed out by Handy Hook at 1>;40 o'clock. They were still in tow, but were preparing to hoist ) heir canvass. The Thistle was sail ing close behind them as they passed the Hook. She had her whole mainsail set, and rolled a great deal in the heavy sea. She lugged the same old dingy behind. The wind was then blow ing from the west north west at the rate of thirty-two mile* an hour. The tug Is wit cast off the lines which held her to the Volunteer and the Mayflower Ilk 9:48 o'clock. A SCHOONER BEATS THE THISTLE. The racers were then nearing the light) ship, and Imd their whole mainsails, loie staysails and jibr. set., with their jihtopsaila in stop. < )n!y a few excursion boats wei then assembled at the starting pong, hut a number were coming down the liny. Au interesting clinch look place between the Thistle and schooner .V. L. Lockwood on the way out to the lightship in which the Lock wood showed that the Scotch visitor’.- speed is greatly overestimated. The Lockwood at Romer beacon win a mile and a half be hind the Thistle. She gradually overhauled the foreigner until finally off the bar both vessels were sailing on even terms. Thera is no question but that the Thistle was sailed for all she was worth, as her sails were full at the time. THE START. The flagship Electra reached the lightship at 10:15 o'clock, and, taking upher position, drew an imaginary line. The wind harl gone down a little, and the dial at the ob servatory registered twenty-four miles. The Mayflower and Volunteer were then beat ing around to the north of the flagship, awaiting the preparatory signal. Thestart ing signal wns given at 11:10 o'clock. The Volunteer crossed the line first at 11:11:45, and the Mayflower at, 11:14:58. Jay Oould's A talari hi also passed out to ac company the boats over the park of tlie course which was to leeward. The Thistle took her spinnaker in at 11:30 o’clock, and allowed the boom to rest on tha pirt side. The main boom was to the star boerd. Notwithstanding the absence of the large spinnaker, the Thistle appeared to hold right on to the two American racers. The Volunteer at, It! o'clock wasa little over a mile ahead, and to the south of the May flower, and tiie Thistle was to the south of the steel sloop. The wind at that time was blowing twenty miles an hour, and the racers were dashing through a iross-choppy sea. At 12:15 o’clock the Volunteer was gaining steadily on the Mayflower, and the Thistle was fast falling behind. She is now sailing with her spinnaker set. All three yacht* are steering southeast. WENT OEK LIKE RACK HORSES. The Volunteer broke out her spinnaker on the starting line. The Mayflower fol lowed her example a minute before crossing. They had the mainsail, club topsail, fore staysail, jib and spinnaker; et,,and started off like racehorses, with their booms to star board ami spinnakers to port. The Thistle, which hurl lienn in the south of the starting line, starred two minutes after the Mav flower, hut did not set her spinnaker for eight minutes after starting. The Volun teer, at 11 >3O o'clock was leading by nearly three quarters of a mile. The wind was then still from the west northwest, and the yachts laid a straight course out of east southeast. At 12:25 o’clock the position* of the yachts were unchanged The Volunteer was still over a mile ahead. The Thistle had assumed third place. All three of the yacht* took in their spinnakers at 12:05 o'clock, and were then heading due east. The wind was from the northwest and failing slightly. The Volunteer jibed her boom over to the port at 12:18 o’clock, and at 12:30 o'clock wm*i the starboard tack, heading for shore. The Mayflower went about on the same tack at 12:21 o'clock. The Thistle still kept her course. At 12:35 o'clock both yachts were still on the starboard tack, heading down the Jersey coast. The Volunteer wn- two mile* ahead, but the Mayflower was to windward It now looked a* if the boats were sailing a triangular course, liu ving turned the stake Issit off Long Branch. It was hazy off shore and a y'eat deal could not be seen. A TRIANGULAR COURSE. There was a strong wind blowing from north to north northwest all day. It reached a velocity of thirty miles an hour. Added to the splendid conditions of the element* was the excellent judg ment of the committee, who de cided after the yachts got under way t hat a triangular race should be sailed. That decision gave the Contestant* a <urse of thirty-eight miles to sail over, with the wind on every hand. They hail a run to leeward of ten miles, a stretch of nine mil#; and return and a beat for home of ten mileC, At every turn and ill every weather, except during the first part of the run to leeward, when the Mayflower sailed I sitter than the Volunteer, the lat ter I tat, her opponent. Tho outcome of the day’s rare was that the Volunteer was choeen by the America’s ('up Commit tee, who Judged the event from the flagship. The Electro is to meet the Thistle in an In ternational (tontest. The Tbistla was out 100, but her handling was tit such a kind during the first half of the rare a* to give no idea of what the could do. After that she wart evidently sailed fir all she wa* worth. With a foul bottom mid under other hod con ditions she wa* out**lied by both the May flower and Volunteer. Tlie official table of figure* made by the judge, was os follows: Start. n*)A Klapsrd Time, Volunteer. 11:11:97 8:22:441-9 4 #M9 1 J Mayflower .11:14:19 :9<:M4 4:*>:M 4 8 Thei was irrected time figured a* neither yacht hail botn measured and a* the time atiowan* 1 * would have probably been let* Mum n minute, the result could not have I Men *ff< vted A Mortgage for $3,600,000. Nashville, Tlx*.. Sept HI A *pec>*l to the . I nu'r i att iron: * 'ohtmMa, Teen , says; “The Nashville, Florence slid Bhef held Railroad * ompari v have made a mortgage to Mu- New York i antral Trust Company for Vn.lfiu for Its < yduplet ,■ n of the load and liialeij** 04*4 to pay I*o hou-imi and floating krill* ”