The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 22, 1887, Image 1

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\ ESTABLISHED ISSD. \ I J- H. Editor and Proprietor. | CLEVELAND’S ITINERARY | A CONCISE PROGRAMME OF HIS COMING TRIP. Savannah Does Not Appear to be Down on the List—None of the Cabi net Officers to Accompany Him—No Deviation from the Plan. Washington, Sept. 31. President and Mrs. Cleveland will leave Washington next week, Friday, to an absence of three weeks in the AVest and South. They will be ac companied by no officials, the other mem bers of the party being the President’s pri vate secretary, Col. Lamont, two personal friends of the President, Wilson S. Bissel, of Buffalo, his former law partner, and Dr. Joseph D. Bryant, of New York, who was a member of his military staff while Gov ernor. DETAILS OF THE TRIP. Following is the itinerary of the journey: Leave Washington by the Pacific railroad Friday, Sept. 30, at 10 a. in. Arrive at In dianapolis Saturday, Oct. 1, at 3p, m. Ar rive at Terre Haute Saturday, Oct. 1,at5:30, p. m. Leave Terre Haute Saturday, Oct. 1, at 6:15 p. m. Arrive at St. Louis Saturday, Oct. 1, at 13 o’clock midnight. Leave St. Louis by the Chicago and Alton railroad Tuesday, Oct. 4, at 11 p. m. Arrive at Chicago Wednesday, Oct. 5, at 9 a. ni. Leave Chicago by the Chicago and North western railroad Thursday, Oct. 6, at 10 a. m. Arrive at Milwaukee Thui-sday, Oct. 6, at Ip. m. Leave Milwaukee Friday, Oct. 7, at 10 a. m. Arrive at Madison Friday, Oct. 7, at 10 p. m. Leave Madison by the Chi cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad, Monday, Oct. 10, at 9a. in. Arrive at St. Paul. Monday, Oct. 10, at 5:30 pm. Leave St. Paul, Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 13 noon. Arrive at Minneapolis, Tuesday, Oct. 11, at Ip. m. Leave Minneapolis by the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha railroad, Tuesday, Oct. 11, at Bp. m. Arrive at Omaha, Wednesday, Oct. 13 at 11 a. m. Leave Omaha by the Chicago. Burlington and Quincy railroad Wednesday, Oct. 13 at 13 noon. Arrive at St. Joseph Wednesday, Oct. 13 at 5:15 p. m. Leave St. Joe Wednesday, Oct. 13 at 5:45 p. m. Arrive at Kansas City Wednesday, Oct. 13 at 8:15 p. m. Leave Kansas City by the Kansas City, Fort Scott and Gulf railroad Thursday, Oct. 13 at lip. m. Arrive at Memphis Friday, Oct. 14, at 6p. m Leave Memphis by the Louisville and Nashville railroad Saturday, Oct. 15, at Ip. m. Arrive at NashvilleSat urdav, Oct. 15, at 11 p. m. Leave Nash ville "by the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis, and Western and Atlantic railroads Monday, Oct. 17, at 11 a. in. Arrive at Atlanta Monday, Oct. 17, at 11 p. m. Leave Atlanta Wednesday, Oct. 19, at 13 o’clock midnight. Arrive at Montgomery Thurs day. Oct. 30, at Ba. m. Leave Montgom ery, by the Kennesaw and Western North Carolina routes. Thursday, Oct. 4 30, at 1 p. m. Reach Washington Saturday, Oct. 33, at 6 a. m. NO OTHER STOPS. No stops will bo made except at the points above mentioned, and in no instance can the time given to cities where stops are to be made be extended. The fact that the jour ney is timed to mee- fixed engagements will prevent any exceptions to this determina tion, but through the day in passing all places of any considerable size the train will be run at a very slow rate of speed. ,111 reception committees have l>eeii re quested to meet the President at their re spective cities instead of en route as has been proposed in some instances. This is to enable the party to get as much rest and quiet as jwssiblo while traveling. At the suggestion of the President much proiipsed speech making at places to be vis ited has been abandoned, and instead an im portent feature in the programme at each place-will be carriage rales about the cities over previously announced routes, which will gratify his desire to see the towns and their populations and enable all to see the President without the dis comforts and dangers attending crowded rooms and platforms. Formal acceptances of invitations from these cities will now be made, earlier notice having been impossible on account of the uncertainty as to the route and dates. COMMERCE WITH SPAIN. The State Department Makes Public the Memorandum. Washington, Sept. 31.—The Department of State furnishes the following for publi cation: Memorandum of an agreement between the gov, rnment of the United States of America and the government oi Spain for reciprocal and complete suspension of all discriminating duties of tonnage or imposts in the United states and islands of Cuba and l’orto Rico and ull other countries belonging to thecrown of Spain, upon vessels of the respective countries and their cargoes. 1. It is positively agreed that, from tills date, absolute equalization of tonnage, dues and imports shall at once Im applied to produc tions of, or articles proceeding trom the United States, or any other foreign country when ear ried in vessels tielonging to citizens of the United States and under the American flag to >be islands of Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines. and also to all other countries belonging to the crown of Spain and t hat no higher or other tonnage dues or imposts shall lie levied up >n said vessels and goods car ried in them as aforesaid, than on Spanish ves sels and their cargoes under similar circum stances. 2. On the above conditions the President of the United States shall al once issue a proclama tion declaring that discriminating tonnage dues and imposts in the United States are sus pended, and discontinued us regards Spanish vessels and produce, manufactures, or mer chandise imported into the United States pro ceeding from Spain, from the aforesaid pos sessions, and from the Philippine Islands and also from* all other countries belonging to the Crown of Spain, or from any foreign country. This protocol of an agreement is offered by the government of Siwin and accepted by that of the United States as full and satisfactory notification of the facts above recited; The United States Minister at Madrid will be authorized to negotiate with the Minister for foreign affairs either by an agreement or treaty so as to iilaci' the commercial rela! lons between the United States and Spain on a permanent footing advantageous to both countries. In wit ness whereof, the undersigned. In I ►‘‘half of the Government of the United States and of Spain respectively, have hereunto set. their bandz and seals. Done at. Washington, this twenty-first nay of September, in the year of our I-sird, 1667. |L. b.J T. K. Bayaiid. (L. S.] K. DeMuri'aua. A Delegation from Texas. Washington. Kept. 31.—A delegation of Texans, norms mod of Representatives Cain aral Sayers, Judge Terrell, Ex-Judge Rob ertson, Mayor Hi**iic*r and M. E. Kliberg, ''comi>amod by Major Chalmers and First Auditor Chenowith, called upon the Presi dent to day to urge the appointment of lodge A. H. Willis, of Texes, to tha vacant piece on the Hupreme Court bench. Died from Hie Injurlae. Oarmmma, Pa., Kept- 31.— Ores Gressn. of the Hi ni ng Held Qbio battery, '*hio National Guard*, who was badly ’•'‘SIII'W by the plenisture disciiargs of a •M‘H With which a wdute wea Is ing fired tii* liHlicpUon of 1 liuo 1,1 14* tiiH morning 1(1)01 lock' tew, 1 1 m/1 Hi i h 4i4 Lmi nd til* ‘MulltJOtj WM tilAbftr lifiiii list mvmtiUu ti 1 m/i Mi- Hi* runiiAi mmh i+km* t# bift i <*!<. Jtlnrnimj X rtos. A LOOK AT THE THISTLE. Her Model Not Very Different From the Standard Cutter. New York, Kept. 31.—The Scotch yacht Thistle was docked this morning. Mr. Hystop, measurer of the New York Yacht Club, made out-boani and in board meas urements of the Thistle. While the water was being pumped out of the dock her water litre, stem, boflrsprit, main boom, gaff mainmast and topmast were measured. From what could be seen of her bottom there appeared to be a general resemblance to the Volunteer with the ex ception of the rounding of the side in the Thistle. This does not extend so low or so far aft as in the big white sloop. Then, too, all talk of her model being so different from the standard cutter was all nonsense. She is a typical cutter. Although she is not so foul as was thought, she is rough only where the point is worn off in patches. When the entire keel was revealed it was seen that there was not a straight line in her hull. Her bow made a sharp angle to the midship section, and from there to the stern jiost. There was also a slight curve in the bottom of the keel The princi pal shoulders of the yacht are amidship, or nearly so, and it is in that place that the model makes any pretense of beam. Capt. Joe Ellswortk said, after looking very care fully over the vessel, that there was not enough boat there to beat the Volunteer. Steward Nels Olsen, of the New York Yacht Club, said she was more like a big catboat. in build than anything else. Critics, while admir ing her bow and overhang, agreed that she was not a boat to stand rough weather, but they believe, as they have done all along, that sis* will be a very fast boat in light weather. CYCLONIC PRANKS. Key West Reports Very Threatening 1 Weather—New Orleans’ Flood. New Orleans, Sept. 31. —A special from Key West to the Picayune, says ■ “The ef fects of the late storm, which still lingers in this latitude, continues to be felt here. Throughout the day the weather has been squally. The barometer continues depress ed, being now—s p. m.—39.9U, and the tem perature 81’. The wind is east northeast, and at 3 o’clock had a velocity of 30 miles an hour. The outlook in the Gulf to-night is threatening.” NEW ORLEANS’ FLOOD. The water in the canals leading from this city into Lake Pontchartrain has receded a few inches, hut the rear part of the city, west of Johnson street and between the old and new hasin, is almost entirely covered with water from the crevasses in the embankment of Rayou St. John, between Broad and Galvez streets. These breaks are 40 feet wide and several feet deep, and the water is pouring through them like a mill race. The House of the Good Shepherd, situated on Bienville street, near Broad, can only be reached by boat. The city authorities have a large force at work, and hope to have the breaks closed by morning. The track of the Louisville and Nashville railroad is now clear of water, and trains are running us usual. RICH IN POOR STOCKS. Grovesteen & Poll’s Assignee Tells of the Firm’s Assets. New York, Sept. 21.—The assignee of Grovesteen & Pell says that the assets con sist principally of $796,000 in first consoli dated bonds of the East and West Alabama Railway Company, $635,000 of the Rome and Decatur Railway Company’s first mortgage bonds, shares of tlie East and West Alabama Railway Company of the nominal value of $303,150, and shares of the Rome and Decatur Railway Company’* stock of tho nominal value of $332,800; $490,000 in the Bankers’ and Mer chants’ Telegraph Company’s bonds, 1750 shares of Commercial Telegraph Company preferred stock and other securi ties in smaller amounts, together with cer tain indebtedness to the firm, the largest b -ing $112,009 on a loan made to Watson Matthews, for which the firm hoids as col lateral $452,000 of the Carolina Central Railway Company’s second mortgage bonds and $50,000 in Carolina Central third mort gage bonds. The assignee says the unset tled state of the stock market accounts tor the depreciation of the securities in which the firm dealt. These have no market value at present. OHIO’S COLOR LINE. The Buckeye Parents Don’t Want Blacks In the Schools. Cincinnati. Sept. 21.—The operation of the law off last winter which repealed tho statute authorizing the establishment of separate schools for colored pupils is pro ducing friction in some places. At Oxford, Ohio, the colored pupils nearly all deserted their own school and applied for admission to the white school. A public meeting was held and the school board was asked to order the colored pupils to their own school. The hoard complied with the request and the colored people propose to apply for a mandamus. At Yellow Springs the school board has ordered the schools closed indefinitely, or until tho Legislature can meet and take some-action. At Ripley, Ohio, suit in mandamus has been entered to compel the school board to admit colored pupils. CHATS WORTH'S CRASH. The Company’s Report Made to the Railroad Commissioners. Springfield, 111., Kept. 21.—President E. F. Leonard, of the Toledo, Peoria and Western, has filed with the Ktate Railroad anil Warehouse Commission an official re port of tho Chatewortii accident. The doc ument says nothing of the circumstances under which the train was wrecked, nor does it attempt to locate the raqiousibility for the wreck. The rejsirt esti mates from tho number of tickets sold that there were 501 persons on the train, of whom eighty are now dead. The numtier injured Kgiven as 151, ten of whom were employe* of tr.e road. Nine employes and 102 passengers have recovered from their injuries, and thirty-nine are still under tlie care of physicians. Tln-re or four are not free from danger of fatal results. A Flour Mill Burned. Albany, Kept.. 21.—Capron & Woolver ton’s flour mill and pier in front of the city burned this morning with 109,000 bushel* of grain. The loss is $150.0X1 and Uis insur ance SIOI,OOO. Eight firemen who were •'might in Um up|*r story of tho burning linild mg were rearu**l with difficulty. The lailders proving too short, they were lifted lon the shoulders of jiolioenien and men dio|>|*l down from windows. Kalnoky One* to the Kmperor. Item.l*. Kept. 21 Count Kalnuky, Mm iztaf of Foreign Affair*of Austria Hungary, I lie* gone to Kleueeiduirg to submit to Kin l j steer Fra mm J.avpb Uw report <4 lu* m> Irrese With Ft one BinuaTvs upon Use reSiiiuMWisl Uselv With IreiiUUlJ. SAVANNAH, GA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1887. PREVENTING A BIG PANIC CLEVELAND TRYING TO RELIEVE THE MONEY MARKET. The Government Gives Notice that It Stands Ready to Make Purchases Daily of 4 1-2 and 4 Per Cent. Bonds Unexpectedly—Small Offerings the Past Week. Washington, Sept 31.— The offerings of bonds to-day to the Government aggregated $1,370,000 at urices ranging from 107.90 to 110. The light offerings of bonds to-day was a disagreeable surprise to the treasury officials. Acting Secretary Thompson said that the amount of bonds offered was uot as large as he had expected, still the prices asked were generally reasona ble. Touching the future policy of the de partment with reference to bond purchases, Secretary Thompson said that it would be improper to make any statement in ad vance. If there should be a change in the present policy it would be known only by the action of the Treasury and not by means of any preliminary statement of intentions. declined to say. For this reason he declined to say whether it is the intention to extend the "system of purchases to the 4 pet- cent, bonds or to ask proposals for selling a lump sum of 10,000,- 000 or $15,000,000 4Li per cents, to the gov ernment to supply "the requirements of the sinking fund. These and all other plans that had been suggested for the relief of the money market had, he said, been carefully considered, but no decision had yet been reached. When it is it will, as already stated, be announced to the public only through the action of the department. Be fore and after to-day’s purchases the acting secretary consulted with the President, who is taking an active interest in the financial situation. The total of the purchases to-day is sl,- 065,300, at prices ranging from 107.90 to 108 THE BATEMAN CHARGE. A Wall street paper called the Indicator publishes a number of questions which it calls upon Acting Secretary Thompson, of the Treasury, to answer, implying that the Secretary has some connection with A. E. Bateman, of the New York firm of Green & Bateman, which is prominent ly associated with the bear campaign and that the latter has quietly dictated the purchase of bonds, etc. While the charge is indirect, it is made in a covert way that seems to mean a great deal Secretary Thompson when spoken to by a Star re porter on the subject, replied that he didn't know Mr. Bateman, and liad never seen him in his life that he was aware of. CLEVELAND’S PERSONAL ATTENTION. The President is personally directing the financial operations of the Treasury Depart ment. He is consulted at all times, of course, when any important action is to be taken, but just now, M the absence of Sec retary Fairchild, tlie President is practically the head of the Treasury Department, for the present at least. That a bid of 199 to day would have been certain of acceptance is pretty well known, of course, to other holders of 4!./. and had they/lesired money they would probably have sent in their bonds at the above prices, yet the offers ag gregated only $1,370,000. This tends to make the impression here that the agitation in New York is artificial and .speculative. A CONSERVATIVE POLICY. The policy of the adminsitration will be conservative. The fact is recognized that at best any relief that it can grant will be of the most temporary character. It really can do nothing but buy bonds and discount interest. It cannot loan money and it can not make larger deposits than the banks protect. (Congress, and Congress otdy, can reduce the war taxes, tariff mid internal revenue. But the President has no present intention of calling an extra session of Con gress, as it could not meet before November and could accomplish little in the additional time thus gained. When it meets in December a tax reduction bill will have been prepared which will cut down the revenue from SBO,- 000,009 to $90,000,090 by repealing tobacco taxes and reducing the tariff taxes. Let Congress promptly pass that and the present trouble predicted by President Cleveland, Secretary Manning and Secretary Fairchild for the last two years will he abolished. A CALL FOR 4}<£S AND 48. Washington, Sept. 31, 11 p. m.—Assist ant Secretary Thompson and Treasurer Hyatt held a long conference with t he Presi dent to-night, remaining at the White House until about 11 o’clock. At midnight the following circular was given to the press. It will lie issued from the Treasury Department to-morrow: “Oil and after this date the government will purchase daily, until Oct. 8. |SB7. at tha office of the Secre tary of the Treasury, to lie applied to the sinking fund, United States percent, bonds of 1891 and 4 per cent, bondsof 1907, acts of July 11, 1870. and Jan. 30.1871, upon the following terms: 4 1 *7 per cent, bonds will be accepted at 108 and four-tenths (108.4) during the nbovo stated period, and four per cent, bonds during the remainder of the present month at one hundred and twenty-five (135). and from October 1 to Oc tober*, 1887, at one hundred and twenty-four (134), which prices include accrued interest to date of purchase The aggregate amount of both classes of bonds which will lie accepted within the time nlsive specified is not to exccisl $11,000,000. Offers should state the specific character of the bonds, whether registered or coupon. No further bids for bonds, as provided in circu lar No. 90, dated Aug. 3, 1887, will be re ceived after this date. Interest due Oct. 1, 1887, on United Htutes bonds, amounting to about $6,500,000,wi1l be paid ori Kept 36, without rebate. WHEELER’S WICKEDNESS. He was DiElionest and Owes Over $2,000,000 Banks May bo Struck. New Haven, Conn., Sept. 21. —Bince the business suspension of E. H. Wheeler & Cos. whs first announced the creditors of the in solvent estate have been engaged in making a close investigation into Wheeler's methods of doing business. Most of the bank offi cials are disinclined to make public any statement in reference to thf ir discoverice, but Hoadiey H. Ives, President of the Na tional K-i'-iiig- Rank, a director Of the Yale National Rank mid a stockholder in all the New Haven ban.- s that hold Wheeler's |per, says that he ia convinced that Wheeler hss not conducted the liusimws honestly. Hank men are said to lie seriously considering a ptojMsiaJ to can * Wheeler’* arrest on a charge of ol tun dug money under false pre tenses. The lunik nvn say that the list of liabilities filet 1 nr" iii Mite ding and that they will amount to at least M,500,00(t Train* Ba rsd from a Pi ungo Pkgiiia, lI.L. Kept. 31 Another railroad horror mi tlie * *!n ngo. ILn i island and p* (•Hie aluiosi hap|s>iul al Killsr lost night A Drudge over a dsuiA 50 liet high nail lieen IsirnediMit, but the fact was discovered by tie' foreman tie went one way uni (tagged a | * ’/• r train, white his wifa ot*j *gj<# itt) uiltnr ma/i PROHIBITION IN TENNESSEE. The Campaign the Liveliest In Ten nessee Since the War. Chattanooga, Sept. 31.—The prohibition campaign, which is now at its height, is arousing the greatest interest throughout the State, and is producing greater excite ment than any election since the war. The State will vote on an amendment to tho constitution prohibibiting the sale and man ufacture of spirituous, malt or vinous liquors. The election will occur on the Kept. 39. The Prohibitionists nro making a vigorous and aggressive campaign, and have enlisted the aid and active co-opera tion of the leading Prohibitionists itt America. Perfect organization is formed, and speeches are delivered daily at nearly every important town and city in the State. The preachers have taken the stump and temperance women are speaking from the hustings. • the w. C. T. u. Tho Woman’s Christian Temperance Union has actively joined in tho canvass, and in every loading town ladies and chil dren wear prohibition badges, and attend all the meetings by thousands. The women in the large cities are making a house-to house canvass, and dispatches to the Times indicate an intensity of feeling heretofore unparalleled. Tho Antis are making a still hunt. A few speeches are being delivered, but hard personal work is being done. Poli ticians are beginning to participate, but are nearly equally divided on tho subject. Some of the leading Democrats have just taken the stump in opposition to the amendment. HOW THE PRESS STANDS. Of the daily press, four of the leading newspatiers in the State are non-commital, two are pronounced for the amendment, and one is aggressively opposed to it. A majority of the weekly papers oppose it. The negroes seem to he concentrating in the opposition, but the Prohibitionists are now claiming one-third of the col ored vote. Opinions vary on the result, but politicians predict the defeat of the measure. In some of the largo cities women and children will be at the polls. Large placards hearing the words “God bloss our homes,” “Save the mothers, wives and children,” etc., will tie conspicu ously displayed on election day at all tho leading voting precincts in the State. EVANSVILLE’S CAMP FIRES. Veterans of the Two Armies Recalling Bygone Days. Evansville, Ind. , Sept. 21.—The second day of the reunion of the blue and gray has proven a grand success The weather continues fine and the crowd was estimated at ‘35,000. The morning was devoted to re ceiving distinguished guests. Grand Army of the Republic Posts and Confederate camps. Addresses were made by Gov. Isaac P. Gray, of Indiana, who welcomed the strangers to the State; ex- Gov. E. F. Noyes, of Ohio, who made a magnificent speech of half an hour; Gen. Adam, Johnson of Texas; Gen. J. C. Wheeler, of Nashville, Tonn,; Col. Wood, of Florence, Ala.; lieu. Green B. Raum, of Washington, D. C., and George W. Peck, of Milwaukee. Later in the afternoon two visiting military com panies gave a dross parade on the drill grounds In the presence of several thousand people. To-night camp fires are being held, old veterans are talking over the past and making short addresses. Gov. S. P. Buckner, of Kentucky, will arrive to-morrow morning, accompanied by his staff. Gov. Gordon, of Georgia, is also expected. In the forenoon an industrial parade will take place, and In the afternoon addresses will be delivered and prize drills held for large parses. Gens. Gresham and Hovey and other prominent men are here, and will make speeches. To-night the city is aglow with illumina tions, and tho streets are crowded with peo ple enjoying the sights, the equal of which was never before witnessed here. Friday there will be prize drills and a sham battle. GEORGIA HUMANITARIANS. A State Association Permanently Or ganized at Atlanta. Atlanta, Ga., Kept. 31. —The Georgia Humane Association was permanently or ganized in tho archives room at the State house this morning. Messrs. Martin and Calvin, of Richmond, presided, with W. G. \Y hid bey, of Fulton, ns secretary. The committee reported a constitution for the government of the association, which was adopted. The objects of the association wore declared to lie the collection and tabu lation of all statistics which may servo as a basis for the formulation of measures for the amelioration, advancement and eleva tion of man, morally, socially and intel lectually, and to nssist worthy indigent soldiers in procuring suitable employment. The officers of the association consist of a president, secretary and treasurer, and an executive committee of one member from each Congressional district in the Htate. Each member of the executive committee is empowered to appoint a sub-committee man in every county in the Ktate. The executive committee is to select the time and place for the annual meetings. The membership fee will be 35c., for which a certificate of memlicrship will be furnished. Hon. J. T. DeJannette, of Putnam, was unanimously elected [lormanent President, and W. G. Whidliy, of DeJCallf, Kecretary and Treasurer. The President was empow ered to select this executive committee at ids leisure. The selection of delegates to the animal mooting of tho American Humane Association was referred to the President. Those wishing to become mem bers of tho association can do so by address ing the Kecretary at Atlanta. The fol lowing Executive Committee was appointed after the meeting was over: First district, W. G. Brantley of Pierce; Second district, Reuben Jones of Baker; Third district, C. Taylor of Randolph; Fourth district, H. VV. lliil of Meriwether; Fifth district, W. Ilaight of Fulton; Kixth district, W. L. l eek <>( Rockdale; Seventh district, W. H. F.lPiii of Harlow; Eighth district, C. H. Ashford of Ooonoo; Ninth district, J. H. Cowains of Hanks; Tenth district, Martin Calvin of Richmond. Refused an Audience. Berlin, Kept. 21.—While in Copenhagen tho Czar refused to grout an audience to Paul Deroulede, the Revanchist leader, and forbade him access to the Royal Chapel on the occasion of the service m honor of the Czar. Tho service was attended by the Ciat and Czarina and all the members of the Danish Royal fumily. Exeter's Theatre Horror. London, Sept. 21.— The Coroner s Jury in the rase of the victims of the Exeter theatre fire ha* rendered s verdict that they came to their death tl.rough an accident, hut liiamen the architect of the building for not providing sufficient means of egress and the msgistrste for not having this defect remedied Mat-ton e Dry Majority Ocala, Fi.a,, Hept 3). - Full returns from Market county give 187 majority for the dry tick'd There o great rejoicing throughout Us- county. O’BRIEN TO DIE GAME. PRISON GARB AND HARD LABOR TO BE RESISTED. Evicted Tenant Kilbride Elected a Member of the House of Commons— Mr. Harrington Gives the Mltchells town Sergehnt Another Tongue- Lashing—Fighting the Proclamation. Mitohellstown, Kept. 31. —John Dillon was a witness to-day at the inquest into the Mitohellstown fatal riot. Mr. Harrington complained that a Dublin paper hail declared that the police would lie justified in making him acquainted with the peculiarities of a horso-pond. This language, ho said, was an incitement to tho police to commit violence, ami tho court should not permit such lan guage to bo used with impunity. Mr. Murphy, while not justifying the course of the piqier, considered that Mr. Harrington's calling Sergt. Ryder a murderer and villain pro voked tho comment. Buck language lmd never been uttered without meeting with re proof in any court in tho civilized world. Mr. Harrington retorted that he should eon tinue to use tho same language The Coro ner "deprecated the retort. Korgt. Ryder was then recalled. In the course of his testimony he said: “Mr. Harrington called me a murderer, scoundrel and ruffian, and said he would kick me off a chair.’’ Harrington—l call you a liar in addition to scoundrel, when you make such a state ment. I will call you a murderer again, and before I have done with you I will get for you the punishment of a murderer. ONSLAUGHT OF THE POLICE. Mr. Dillon deposed that the police entered the crowd without giving warning. He saw them pressed back, and shouted: “le>t these men alone.” The meeting then proceeded quietly until a second attack was made by the police. He followed the retreating con stables to their barracks and found a few persons outside the buildings. He failed to induce the inspector to withdraw tho police. That officer, however, withdrew his men subsequently. Magistrate Beagrave arrived simultaneously with the military, and to Mr. Dillon’s request not to march troops through the crowded streets, turned hack and muttered something like “I am not here to answer the questions of every d— jackanapes.” The inquest was ad journed until Tuesday. THE THUNDERER ON DILLON’S SPEECH. London, Kept. 21.—Tho Times, com menting on the siioeeh made by Mr. Dillon, at the meeting of the National League in Lim erick yesterday, said: “Mr. Dillon’s speech reads rather like an unconscious confession of weakness. There will lie many more such confessions if the government continues steadily and unflinchingly in its task of vindicating the law. The law is now really a power and has passed away from juries of iieriured jiarti sans Mr. Dillon and his kind are natu rally anxious to sustain the erroi-s of the league. We do uot disguise from ourselves the fact that the struggle will be a sharp one.” * Mr. Gladstone has written a letter to a Glasgow Liberal, in which he deplores the grave acts of the Irish police against the people of Mitohellstown, and what is still graver, the approval of those acts by the government. He continues: “I trust the country will not be slow to ‘condemn that, indirect approval, given without awaiting the result of an inquiry, and thereby discourage a repetition of the proceedings it was eminently calculated to promote.” PROCLAIMED LOCALITIES. Dublin, Sept. 21. — Freeman's Journal says the localities in Ireland proclaimed yesterday by the government, are those in which the most sweeping evictions have taken place, and argues that these localities have been selected because the landlords are losing the fight they alono wantonly pro voked. KILBRIDE SENT TO PARLIAMENT. Mr. Kilbride, the gentleman who aecom ponied William O’Brien to Canada in his tour against tho Marquis of Lansdowne, was to-day elected without opposition to represent Houth Kerry in tho House of Commons. Mr. Kilbride was the Marquis of Lansdowne’* principal tenant, paying $3,800 per year for a farm valued by the government appraisers at hut $2,100, and the emergency men who executed the evic tion broke into Mr. Kilbride’s house and threw tho furniture out so violently that nearly all of it was broken to pieces. MEETING FOR COMMON ACTION. The members of the league in the pro claimed localities are uniting for common action. They will hold a numlx-r of meet ings on Sunday in defiance of the prohibition. At a meeting of the Kilkeo carmen to-day it was resolved to defy the league's orders not to drive police. Tho car men afterwards drove police to and from tho Moveen evic tions. Edmuml Dwyer Gray, member of Parliament for Dublin, will leave Kept. 38, to make a tour of America. A CONSTABLE'S PROTEST. Constable McCallahan, of Castle Island, has resigned os a protest against the coer cion act. A car proceeding to the causeway, County Kerry, to take prisoners from the petty sessions to Traloe jail was stopped on the rood by three men who beat the driver, threw tno car into the ditch and in jured the horse. Tho men have been arrested. A CLOSE-FISTED DOMINIE. The poor law guardians of Limerick, had arranged to hold a meeting to-day for the purpose of considering and condemning the conduct of I lev. John Del mego, a large landlord in Limerick, county, for harshy evicting tenants unable Pi pay their rents on his estate*. Rev. I ielmege’s friends, however, circumvented the guardians so that when they arrived at the work home they found it surrounded and guarded by armed |s>lice, who refused to (wnint a meet ing to take place. O’HItIEN’H RESOLVE. Cork, Kept. 21.—William O’Brien states that in the event of his is-ing sentenced to imprisonment lie will alisoliiPily refuse to weur the prison garb or Pi perform menial offices, as a proD'wt against the treatment of jHilitical prisoners as common culprit*. lie will rreist such treatment to tho last, he says, even though his : life lie sacrificed. Mr. O’Brien maintains a cheerlul demeanor. He re latives daily iKmquets and present* of fruit, game, etc , from the ladies of Cork. The Mayor and municipal authorities, clergy men and other distinguished residents of Cork will atPui the trial of Mr. O’Brleu in order to show their sympathy with him. ENGLISH NOME RULER* AT CORK. An enormous crowd welcomed the Eng lish home rule deputation to-day. Mayor ! Davltt and many prominent cit **na escort • ed tie* visitors Pi tin) hotel, where Mr. (>av ttt made a speech. No cooreive measures, •aid Mr. Davitt, would spi;> the triumphant ■ progress '<l the national government. The i I tell our govern outfit flrwi , tin* 1 win tor tlmi whii it wo* oaiy * iHHIfi Ut’iF iDllllltiGlVi, it Will* difficult ti) mi|f f hi* pdopic iwiouglDK Ui tho Noti*m*i 1*0(111* It might I* fHNWMOory U* uphold i tli# right oi i n'+'Unx nitd f wdont of ikpn** ii bjr il*4*ktho* n If Iklf'Hjr iivr- I midona resorted to more deadly weapons than batons, the manhood of Ireland would be perfectly justified in doing likewise. Prof. Harold Rogers (Jonybeare, member of Parliament, and others made addresses. WHELKHAN’S SLAYERS. Galway, Sept. 21. — I The gunboat O'Rell while conveying to Bally vatighn to-day the prisoners concerned in killing Constable vYhelehan, grounded two miles from shore. The accident caused great confusion. The prisoners, heavily ironed, were placed in boats with difficulty and rowed ashore, watched by ad utble guard. The demeanor of several of the prisoners showed that, they would risk their lives outlie merest chance to escape. At the in quiry to-day, the widow Sexton, mother of the farmer whose house was attacked by the prisoners, stated that after the han or I lie league had been placed upon the family they could not get; food or other neces saries of life in the locality; that nobody was permitted to work for them and that she was watched incessantly in order that people might i>e prevented from speaking to her. She identified only one of the moonlighters, having seen him pull his mask off Ins face at the time of the attack. ADVOCATES OP PHYSICAL FORCE. New York, .Kept. 81.-—No more than 400 people were present at the indignation meeting held in Cooper Union to-night to protest against England's treatment of Ire land. The meeting was called by Prof. Mezzeroff, dynamiter, P. J. Fitzpatrick mid K. I). Power. The speakers all recommend ed physical force as a means of righting Ireland’s wrongs. A violent manifesto was read by Prof. Mezzeroff, and loudly cheered by the crowd. TURKEY AND BULGARIA. The Sultan Not Anxious to Join In Sending a General. Constantinople, Sept. 31. It is officially stated that the Sultan has not approved the Turkish Ministerial Council'll proposal to the powers that a general selected by Russia and Turkey jointly be sent to Bulgarin with power to restore order in that country in accordance with the terms of the treaty of Berlin. The report that Baron Rhine, the Italian ambus sador at Constantinople, Imd counseled the Sultan to refuse to allow Russia to occupy Bulgaria for the reason thut Austria would then occupy Salomon is ascertained to he baseless. Baron Blanc has assured the Sultan that there is complete cordiality ex isting between Austria and Italy. BAVARIA AND BRANDY. The Tax Bill Discussed and Passed by the Diet. Berlin, Sept. 81.—The Bavarian Diet to day discussed the brandy tax bill. The Minister of Finance declared that the gov ernment held itself responsible to the coun try for waiving the reserved rights of Bavaria relating to the taxation of brandy. Such action required the sanction of the Diet, but the putting of the bill to ft vote involved no necessity for a formal demand to modify the constitution. This dispensing with that formality in the present instance would create no precedent for its omission hereafter under different circumstances. The bill was finally passed by a vote of 13!i to 18. WHEAT IN ENGLAND. Lord Churchill Tells Farmers They Can’t Raise it Profitably. London, Sept. 21.—Lord Randolph Churchill, addressing a meeting of farmers at York, said the present low prices of wheat wero ruinous to the farmers. Asa politician he had not u grain of comfort to offer them The British fanner growing wheat, he said, did not seem to know when ho was beaten. Lord Churchill said he foresaw nothing that was likely to cause a rise in the price of wheat sutllcient to af ford a protlt to the grower. Foreign im ports were groat, not from America only, t tit from other countries. The farmers of England should realise thoroughly that India is a tremendous granary, and will con tinue to pour into tho English market in creasing quantities of wheat. This radical change in tho condition of farming should prepare all persons interested in agriculture to adapt themselves to the changes. ONLY A BO i ISH FREAK. The Arrest of Bchnaehele Lightly Treated by Le Temps. Paris, Sept. 21. —Lr Temp* referring to the arrest of the son of Commissary Behnae- Isilo declares that the incident is uniin|ior tant as the prisoner is an infunt, and not re sponsible for his actions. "There is no need." says Le Temp* "for the French gov ernment to interfere excepet semi-olllcially. The incident is to Ist regretted because it helps to maintain both sides in a state of susceptibility. The two governments should appoint frontier officials endowed with cool judgment.” A dispatch from Pagny says that Commissary Hchuaebele strongly dis approves his son’s conduct. Germany’s Crown Prince. Vienna, Sept. 21.—Hr. Mackenzie is at Milan inquiring as to a suitable health re sort for the Crown Prince Frederick Wil liam of Germany, Tohloch having lieeoruo too odd. The correspondent of the Berlin Medical New* comments on the annoyance felt by German doctors because of their being ignored since the Crown Prince's visit to Scotland. German physicians, the writer says, aver that I)r. Mackenzie is far too suiiguine regarding the Prince's condition. Rome’s Celebration. Romk, Bept. 21.—The anniversary of the entry of the Italian troop* into Home was celebrated here yesterday by processions and banquets to the veterans. The city was brilliantly illuminated last nfght. Tho statue of the last Roman tribune. Cola di Rieuzn, was unveiled during the day. Sig nor Crisp!, Prime Minister, has donated f. 1,000 to open n fund for the erection of un orphan asylum in honor of tho occupation of Rome by the Italian forces. Cholera’s Record. Home, Sent. 21. —During the fiast twenty four hours there were sixteen now casus of cholera and five deaths in Catania; eight new camw ami three deaths in I’ak-nuo, and Bid new cases and forty-four deaths in Mcs sina. Et.REINO FROM MESSINA. Ream, tfepfe. 81. Fifty thousand inhahi taut* of Mussina huvo tied from that city on account of cholera. Lelpelc’a Anarchist Trial. Rerun. Kept. 21. —The Anarchist trial at liriiwic has Ivon fixed for Oct. ft). The Bor liti advocate, Herr Muncksl, will defend John Neve. The trial of tlje alleged Alsatian spies, Caliannes ami Bruckner, for treason, will follow, The trial at Breslau of three Socialists, Including Depot v ICrocker, of the Reichstag, has IMe’ii fixed for Oct 3 on a taunt, Kept Sfl.—-Princa William and tkii King of Bsxony, in comiaiif with the BmpartW of Austria, are hunting in Htyris. 1 PRICE 810 A YEAR. 1 i S CiSiVTR A COPY, f PARSON'S MAKES A POINT HE DOES NOT WANT MERCY, BUT DEMANDS JUSTICE. If He Hod Never Been an Anarchist Before, His Recent -Experience with Courts and the Law Would Have Made Him one-8,000 Sign the Petition. Chicago, Sept. 31. —The number of sig. natures to the |>etitioii for mercy on Iwdmlf of the Anarchists reached about 8,000 yes terday, counting those that the committee of the Amnesty Association had received actual returns of. Of this number about S,IMX> were in the city and the remainer were scattered through the State. There hex lieen no system discovered yet by the com mittee to circulate the petition. At pres* it blanks und circulars are being sent to Hunt prominent iu labor organizations. The committee has written out another appeal to go at the head of the petition blanks. ITS DRIFT. It is more voluminous than the first one, and caters to the passions of those who, even in the jH'tition for clemency, cannot foi-ego expressions of abuse against the judicial procedure, Ivy which the Anarchists were convicted. This |ietition was drawn up as an experiment, and will be submitted to the Amnesty Association at its meet ings 10-night. A member of the committee said yesierday: “As far as tlia indignation at the verdict is concerned, I think myself, that, the verdict was a burn ing shame and an outrage. But it U en tirely out of place to put anything ol' than sort Into a petition for clemency, aid I, for one, am setting aside my personal feelings in the matter entirely.” PARSONS FURNISHES A STATEMENT, A. R Parsons, the condemned Anarchist, sent for a reporter to-<iay and gave out for publication a long document addressed t/> “The American People," and made a special request that it lie published without altera tion. He quotes at length the evidence nmi rulings of the Supreme Court; says that the sjieeches credited to him in the trial were garbled extract* by excited and imaginative newspajier t |H>rters; that his Hayinarket speech did not excite the riot, and that there was no con nection between his speeches and the death of (Ullcer Began. He says the evidence did not siiow him guilty, but proved his inno cence, and that he has been convicted as on Anarchist and not as a murderer. HIS SURRENDER. He came and gave himself up for a fair trial, and appeals to the American peopla to avert the awful crime of judicial mur der. Lovers of justice are engaged in an effort to thwart tho consummation of judi cial murder by commutation of sentence to prison. For this I thank them, but lam an innocent man. lam sacrificed to those who say "these men may be inno cent but they nre Anarchists.” lam pre pared to lay down my life for my rights and the rights of my fellow-men, but I object to being killed on false and unproven accusations, therefore I cannot countenance or accept the effort* of those who would en deavor to procure commutation of my sentence to imprisonment in the peniten tiary. FURTHER APPEALS DISAPPROVED. “Neither do I approve of any fur ther appeals to the courts of law. As between capital and its legal rights and lalnir and its rights the oourto must decide with the capitalists] classes. An appeal to them would be the upiieal of a wage slave to his capitalistic master for liberty. If I hail never been an Anarchist before, my experience with the court and laws would make an Anarchist of me now. I appeal not for mercy bu„ 'or justice.” After again saying that he will not accept com mutation of sentence, he closes by quoting the language of Patrick Henry: “Give me liberty or givo me death.” AN ANARCHIST CIRCULAR. Chicago Police Will Arrest Those Dia trlbuting It. CHICAGO, Kept. 21. —A circular of deep red Anarchistic tendencies is being circu* lated in Chicago. It is headed: “To the Workingmen of tho United .States of North America,” and denounces the action of the Supreme Court in upholding the decision of tho lower court in tho Anarchist cases. Tlw circular refers to Capt. Bonfield as “The notorious police bandit,” and villi ties Judge Gary without stint. The circular is signed "Tho Federation of Trade Unions,” and was printed in New York. Police Cap tain O'Donnell telephoned this morning all ovor tho city to have any persons found dim trlbuting tho circular arrested. FLORIDA’S METROPOLIS. Registration Books Opened-Two Prominent People Dead. Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 2L—Regis tration commenced in all the precinct* of this county this morning, and beyond some littlo disputing everything went off quietly, although it was feared that some negroes might is; troublesome. A race was arranged this evening between three boats of the Brooklyn Yacht Club. The race will take place Sunday. One hundred bales of cotton came off th Florida Railway and Navigation train from Middle Florida ton lay to lie shipped on tha Clyde steamship Seminole to New York. The arrival of such an unusual amount of cotton in Jacksonville caused quite a flutter in business circles. More is to follow shortly. News was reeeivid hero this morning from Hot Springs, Ark., of the death of Calvin Price, who was a prominent citizen of this city. Tile deceased left Jacksonville about two weeks ago for Hot. Springs for his health, accein|ianied by his wife, and this morning Mrs. Price telegraphed here that her husband was dead. The remaina will lie brought here. This community was shocked this morn ing to hear of the sad and sudden death of Mrs. Mattie Thrasher, the wife of A. B. Thrasher, a well-known drummer of this Htutc. Mrs. Thrasher recently becair a mother of a still-born child, and ever since ■he lmd lieen slowly sinking, until last night she expired, at the house of Mrs. C. v. Thrasher. The deceased was formerly a Miss Martha F.dmoii*nn, of (Juitman, Qa. Two Forgers Arrested. Toronto, Ont., Kept. 21.—Petectivt Wilkes, of Staunton, Va., visited this city several week igo qiiwl n| ( ’harlss !•;. Clinedist and George M. liodell, charged with forgery The men had been carrying on business in Ntaunton ai carriage manufacturers, disappear*!, leav ing liabilities and forgeries amounting to between •SU.OUO Slid fbU.OOU. Clinedist ws arrested a fsw days ago lit Brantford, ami Bodell to-day m Grillb A lawyer is hens looking after their extradition. Flame* Cause Loaa of Lifa. New Yore, Hept. 21,—A fatal firs la tbs four story brick fiat at ih# cornet o i I jilsyeitc and Iwwis avenues, in Brooklyn, to-night, resulted in the daaUi of oaa Hfos pant, tha fatal liurning of a girl and serious injury u/ A I* ill **•