The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 22, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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THAT IN'Ti;iiS".\TF. LAW. IT, MADE NO PJO VISION FOR 'FREIGHT ON WOiEN’S BUSTLES. The Traffic Manages Are All Excited Over the Question and May Refer it Back to the Intestate Commerce Commission. From the New Y<rk Evening dun The pool corninissioiers and trafH: man ager! of the trunk line, the central traffic lines, and the transcoitinental lines are in a muddle. And it is al about a little siniplo matter which any woman could Answer in half a moment, namely, the difference be tween a hoopskirt and a bustle. The story, as told by a railrad official, is as follows: Messrs. Stiefel, Sachs & Cos. of 18 Walker street, in this city, are extemve dry goods shippers. They do a bjg txnscoutinental business, mainly with their inn Francisco house, Sachs Bros. & Cos. Anong the arti cles which they ship are lades’ bustles. Not a week goes by but large caes of these im portant articles in the mtonal economy of a lady’s attire are shipped rom New York to San Francisco by this h>use. Last spring the traffic nanagers and pool commissioners of the line between the At lantic and the Pacific .oasts made out a new rate sheet to take effect on May 9. The rate sheet covers nanv pages of large paper, and comprises atieles of every pos sible description. Undo-the head of “dry foods” is to be found the word “bustles.” ho rate affixed to tiis is $3 per hundred pounds. Under the lead of “wire goods,” is to be found the woxl “hoopskirts.” The rate affixed to this is §1.50 per hundred pounds. This was done witi ail the arrogance of ignorance. Probabl' every man in the meeting thought i* knew' just what a bustle was and what a hoopskirt was. If the traffic managers had been a little less conceited about thdr wisdom, if someone of them had only *ked his wife, in an off band way, for a definition of these terms, days and weeks of labor would have been saved. But no one did io, and the rate sheets were printed and distributed all over the country to railroadmen and to shippers of all kinds. Tim shipping house of Stiefel, Sachs & Cos., and (bubtloss many others be side, were shrewd enough to take advantage of the ignorance oftho rate makers. They shipped their many cases of bustles with the mark “wire goods” on the boxes, paid the rate of §1 50 per hundred, and they flour ished and wore happy, and their race multi plied on the face of the earth. It is the custom of the agent of the lines in the Transcontinental Association at San Francisco to open the boxes and see whether the mark on the outside really corresponds with the articles inside the box. The agent of the lines, who was acting in this capacity last July, happened to be an officious young man of the kind who think they know ail about it. He opened a case from Stiefel, Sachs & Cos., marked “wire goods.” He found in it a collection of articles, the nature of which was, he thought, known to him. He was a married man, and he felt sure the articles contained in the case were bustles. The rate on bustles was, he ascer tained, twice as large as the rate on hoop skirts. On the strength of this he reported buck to the Pennsylvania agent of the Star Union line that a higher charge should have been made on that consignment of goods. The Pennsylvania agent looked into the matter. He was a bachelor and didn’t know any more about bustles than he did about Kamschatka. But he thought the Californian must know, and so he sent back word that he coincided in the opinion and would see that the matter was rectified. Then he referred the subject to the agent of the California Fast Freight line. This gen tleman did not agree with the other author ities who had expressed their opinions on the matter. He said the articles were made of wire, hence they were wire goods. As hoopskirts were the only things named under the head of wire goods which could be anything like the articles in the box in nature, he thought that the shipper should be given th i benefit of the doubt. Still, he said, his ideas on the matter were not altogether clear, and he asked that the subject be referred to Commissioner Albert Fink. Commissioner Fink made an exliaustive examination into the case. It seems that the articles in question were about 2W? feet long. They had an outward, an inward and a second outward curve to them. They were wire frame with a cloth covering. Mr. Fink’s idea of a bustle was a wire article about a foot long, and shaped like a quarter of a sphere. A hoopskirt, on the other hand, he took to tea wire article in the shape of a dinner tell without the handle. He didn’t know anything about these com promise things with their in curves and out curves. It must he something which hnd recently come in like in curves ami out curves in the game of base ball. Such things weren’t heard of when he was a boy. They might be hoopskirts and they might be bus tles. On the whole lie was inclined to agree with the Star Union man that they were bustles, because lie didn’t think they could bo hoopskirts. Then the matter was taken lief ore the Broadway Classification Committee. This committee consists of representatives of all the trunk lines between New York and Chicago. The thing had now teen going on for alxiut six weeks, and there was a stuck of papers about the ease a foot high. AH the reports and opinions of the railroad men and all the evidence which could be obtained, by deposition or otherwise, were carefully kept for future reference. The Broadway Classification Committee, among whom is Commissioner 8. F. Pier son, listened patiently to the evidence, but flatly refused to give any opinion. They considered that it was a subject for wiser beads than theirs to decide. They referred the matter to the committee of the Central Traffic Association. This association is com posed of the representatives of the lines be tween Chicago and the Missouri river, and Ls headed by Commissioner G. K. Blanchard. The Central Traffic Committee listened eagerly to the evidence, and asked for more. They all had decided opinions in the matter and tried to express them all at once. At last, after a stormy meeting, in which the committee reaolved itself into two fac tions and much bad blood was shown, they gave it up and sorrowfully returned the answer that they could not agree upon a ver dict. The committee is composed of four men. Two of them insisted that a bustle was a “little sawed off thing shaped like a quarter of an orange,” and that these big long tilings must te hoop-skirts, The other faction as vehemently protested that a hoopskirt was a big thing that “came ail the way around.” Then the matter wont to the committee of the Transcontinental lines between tbo Omaha anil the Pacific coast, of which L. U. Cannon is a member. The Transcontinental people, after sev eral wordy meetings nnd a couplo of all night sessions, succeeded in coming to an agreement. The articles were hoopskirts. They were sure of it. They were all inar m'd men, and it was a pity, they said, if they didn tknow what a hustle was. Having now, after months of inquiry, ob tained a verdict from one committee, the California Fast Freight people referred the matter back to the Bt ir Union lino to te re considered. Representatives were appointed from the two lines to visit the house of Htiefel, Bachs & Cos., on Walker street, and probe tiie important subject to the bottom, That, there should lie no prejudice in the matter one married man wa* appointed on the committee and one single man. The married man was the Htur union man, Mr, Frank Smith, and the techelor was Mr. John H. Mliillinn, of the California Fast Freight at 3*f< Broadway. 1 ast week the*' two gentlemen met and discussed Um ques thin. The pile of |Ki| r* in tin* itks‘ was brought out, and all tin- facts and opinions Were read over They than Visited toe IS I*l Wa c*Ui!>itshutout of Mttotal. H*u’te 4 Cos, Mr. ttlrauaa, a mimawMit* of tka firm. received them kindly. He undertook to s low them the error of their ways. "You see " he said, “the old-fashioned bustle has not teen in use for manv years. It was a little, short contrivance. Now the new-fashioned bustle is longer and larger It is much like a hoopskirt, and we claim that it comes under the head of wire goods.” He then brought out samples of old-fash ioned bustles, new-fashioned bustles and hoopskirts, until the head of the unmarried representative, Mr. Minihan, began to swim witli bewilderment.. They loft the store wiser men. That is the way the matter stands at present. The evidence and weight of opin ion seems to te slightly in favor of the hoop skirt theory. The committee appointed by the two lines submitted the case, with their additional testimony, to the Trunk line people, in whose hands it now lies. They will hold a meeting in a few days and will consider the subject. It is hoped that they will arrive at a decision. If they do not, the case may have to te brought before the Inter-State Commerce Commission, and the views of this august body on the subject of bustles and hoopskirts will then be revealed to the world. “The tale offers a sad example of the re sults which follow an attempt on the part of intelligent men to meddle with a subject which is beyond them,” said the railroad man who told the story to the reporter. “The men who prepared that rate sheet are men whose names stand high in the annals of railroad management. “Yet so simple a thing as a bustle floored them. Had they been wise and consulted their wives, as I have done, they would have learned that hoop skirts are not worn now in civilized countries like the Unit,si States. Again, why should they rate bustles at #3, and Ifiop skirts, which are made of the same material, but are much larger, at §1 50. Surely if they had had any concep tion of the subjects they were treating of they would not have done so. "If there had only been one woman in that company of traffic managers, how dif ferent would the result have been? Hoop skirts, bustles and dry goods of all kinds would be rated with some sort of system. This matter throws anew light on the sub ject of later for women. Think how much work aud valuable tim-j could have been saved if there had been a woman at any one of these meetings when the subject was discussed. “Now the case may go tefore the Inter state Commerce Commission. What then? Are those sages any better authorities on the subject of hoop skirts and bustles than anv other men? They will be just as badly off. If there only were . woman on the Inter state Commerce Commission we would have some hopes that justice might te done.” AN ARTIFICIAL LARYNX. A Genuine Talking ’Apparatus Sub stituted for the Vocal Organs. From the Boston Advertiser. One of the most remarkable operations in the history of surgery is now being per formed at the New York Hospital by Dr. Bull, one of America’s most noted surgeons. He has removed a man’s larynx and vocal organs, and is now perfecting a machine whereby the patient may be able to articu late in a loud tone. About six months ago Mr. William Wil son, an engineer of Newburg, N. Y., who is undergoing this painful but heroic opera tion, experienced a difficulty in breathing. He thought at first that it was somo throat affection caused by a cold, hut the trouble increased at such a rate that he felt it expe dient to come to New York and consult Dr. Bull. It is fortunate that he did, for had he delayed two days he would have been a dead man. As it was, he was in danger of suffo cation. Dr. Bull thought that Mr. Wilson was suffering from a papillary growth in the larynx, the same disease that the Crown Prince of Germany was under treatment in England for. The operation of tracheot omy was performed by cutting an orifice in his windpipe and passing a silver tube into the lungs, thus allowing the man to breathe through this medium. When it was neces sary to feed him, this opening was plugged up with a rubber cork. The larynx was also opened at this time, scraped out and cauterized. Mr. Wilson went home apparently in good health and experienced no difficulty with his new breathing machinery. He did not enjoy his freedom from pain very long, however, for he returned in three weeks with his throat in a worse condition that at first. The wound was opened and a piece of the papillary growth examined under a mi crospe. It was learned that Mr. AVilson was suffering from cancer of the larynx. Dr. Bull then decided to remove the whole larynx, and with the assistance of Dr. Weir five weeks ago performed a most suc cessful operation. Mr. Wilson, who is a man 152 years, stood the ordeal bravely, but it was decided to put him under the influence of ether. The surgeons cut an incision down the median line of the neck per pendicularly over what is known as Adam’s apple. The wound being well sponged, the delicate task of removing two inches of the man’s larynx was then undertaken. It was cut off just above the trachea and below the epiglottis, and the piece removed. It resembles in alcohol a piece of macaroni half as large as a man’s thumb and about as long. Tne wound was packed witli an antiseptic dressing that stopped the flow of blood and tended to heal the cut. Food was then administered to him by means of a hard rubber tube pass ing into the stomach Two weeks ago a tube was attached to the tracheal ttite on the inside of the orifice in his throat. This tube passed upward into the back part, of the mouth, partly filling the cavity that was formerly occupied by the larynx. After this tube was put into his mouth Mr. Wilson could talk with his tongue and lips, but his articulation was very faint. Then after this tube was inserted it was necessary to put a plug in the upper end of the tube whenever ho wished to eat; for without a plug liis food, instead of follow ing the natural channel to the stomach, would lodge in the tube Dr. Bull there upon inserted a rubber tell that closely fitted the orifice. This accomplished the desired result in that direction. Then the plug was withdrawn from the other, or tracheal tube, thereby allowing the man to breathe and eat at the same time. Having performed these astonishing op erations so successfully, Dr. Bull thought he would go further aud provide the man with u talking apparatus, seeing that ho hail cut away all of his vocal organs. He is accomplishing his purpose in a wonderfully clever manner, inasmuch as he has made a hollow plug to fit the tube timt runs into the mouth. In this hollow plug a reed identi cal to the little tongue or metal that vibrates in u harmonica is placed and fastened with great care in such a manner that it will vi brate and cause a distinct tone when the outer orifice is closed, and the air drawn into the mouth, through the two jointed tubes into the lungs and from the lungs ex pelled in the same manner. The Doctor is experiencing some trouble in fitting this reed, hut thinks that in a week’s time Mr. Wilson can talk us well as ho ever could, though Ids tone will te changed, that, of course, taking the tone ami pitch of the reed. Mr. Wilson will not have to learn to talk again, but doubtless will surprise himself when his new voice gets in good working order New reeds can te put in at any time that Mr. Wilson's voire fail* him, but one reed properly taken care of should last him the remainder of his natural life. He lim. stood hit sufferings well, and when be returns home in a few days lie will te en abled tei attend to bis business, though it is t nought that hi* friends won't recognize his voiie over the telephone For delicacy of •qierution and the remarkable results at tain'd, this of Miration has never been equaled _________________ ♦ # ♦ * (liMMii** it! (•iilwtr wit indu<vrf. p'l!y tuui ridirilly cured Addr, in oonfldMOa, World’s DimmhmsaiV Medical Association, Buffalo, W'V- THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1887. SHAKING HANDS. The Condescending, the Fishy, the Gushing, the Disrnifled * and the Friendly Shake. From the Home Journal. The bony shake is not confined to either sex; it may lie found alike in tall and short, stout and thin; and consists of an offer of the bones only of the right hand; not until your hand closes round the shaker’s palm can you feel the coldness, the lack of fervor in the greeting; there is no responsive grip to your own, but the muscles only of the fingers and the palm lie in your hand, as though you were handling that which may te fitly described as belonging to one of the lemon squeezers of society, one who is a wet blanket on all enjoyment, sees clouds in sun shine, coffins in the candle, whose talk sets your treth on edge, and in whose unexpres sive eves you can find no trace of synqnithy or feeling. The bony fingers should have already warned you that to trust such a one will entail on you disaster and defeat. The Condescending Shake. —Have you never felt it? How lightly the fingers (sometimes three, seldom four, and never the whole hand) drop into your palm; you do the shaking, because the condescending fingers lie passive in your grasp, and the hand itself would tell vou, if it could, how much it feels the ineifable sweetness of its own disposition in even allowing you so great a privilege. The same hand once inaybe met yours with a grasp os genial as your own, but you have remained station ary, whereas Torn had a windfall, and curious, isn’t it, to see cause aud effect? The genial handshake has become more high toned and placid, and the nervous grasp of tiie fingers is changed for a gentle dropping of tho digits in your outstretched hand. The Fishy Shake. —Cold and clammy strikes the hand you grasp, giving you a feeling of dissatisfaction and disgust ns you instinctively think of Uriah Heep, and, under one pretext or another, furtively take out your pocket handkerchief to wipe off the moisture which seems to have passed from the palm of the shaker into yours. Possessed, as a rule, by those whose tempers have gone wrong, whose milk of human kindness has turned sour, or whose hidden purposes it is impossible to fathom, tho clammy hand frequently belongs to those with whom it is not pleasant to deal. In all fiction the ghastly hand is icy cold, or else a fishy, clammy grasp—either will do to fill up the harrowing detail. Even grim death himself is supposed to touch us witli a similar grasp. Take warning in time; never try and perpetrate a joke with a man who has a fishy handshake for a greeting. The Mechanical Shake.—Who is not fa miliar with the action of a pump handle as it is pushed up and down, and in some hand shakes the same principle is at work? There is no soul in it. The lifting up and down of the arm, which, when it is released, falls dmvn flat against the owner’s side; the me chanical utterance of a few common place words spoken like an automaton, all these tell you enough of the character of the man who stands before you. You cannot gather grapes from thorns, or else you might expect miracles to occur again on earth; and if you think there is any enthusi asm below the surface in tho mind of tho mechanical shaker, why, all wo ask is try to force it out of him if you can. Tho Gushing Shake.—The how-are-you shake, with tiie how very large ami loud, the sort of greeting that fairly takes your breath away and makes you tear you will te eaten tefore you know it —the jolly man or the jolly woman, to whom life is a pleas ure and whose existence is a series of de lights, who wants everybody to teas happy as he is himself, and whose flow of spirits fairly infects you with some measure of the same good humor; your usual sober-mindedness mayte, comes 'to the rescue just in time, however, aud you get over the slight attack cf unwonted frivolty; yet when the shaker has gone it almost seems as if a ray of sunshine had shone on you, and the day seems all the brighter for the gleam. The Dignified Shake. —Much affected by the professions. You are, may te, im mersed in some pursuit for the good of man kind at large, or for your special town (for we trust you are the respectable and belong to somewhere); big with importance, you stroll along, and so strolling you meet the dignified shake. You hail thought of com municating your opinions to the lady or gentleman you have now met, hut—-one touch of the hand aud away flies the fancy! Like the frozen mutton of the Antipodes you will want thawing in the warmth of friend ship before you can talk to any one again, and as the gushing shaker gave you life and light, so the dignified shaker gives you a douche of the cold water, which takes away your energy and spirits for the day. The Friendly Shake.— I The hearty grasp, which, without being too violent either to crush tho bones or to hurt tho fingers, is yet warm enough, fervid enough, to tell you that the shaker’s heart is right. Y’ou have only to look into the eyes of such a one to he able to read the honesty of purpose that shines through the lamps of the soul: a grasp that tells of a loving heart, in whose recesses there are sympathies that can share the woes as well as tiie joys of others; that can afford to laugh at the narrow-minded, the selfish and the wicked; but can offer to those whom they respect the genial hand shake, wherein every muscle, overy nerve, tells of a desire to do ail they can te cheer the path in life of those they meet and inspire within their fellow-creatures’ hearts the knowledge that there are among us still those who are ready to offer at all times and seasons the fervid grasp that tells of friendship, of fel lowship and good will. A CHECKERED CAREE& An Englishman Who Has Disbursed Two Fortunes, and Expects to Make a Third. From the New York Bun. The Hon. Vincent Pool, of England, pass ed through this city recently, on route to the famous ruby fields of Burniuh. He is largely interested in the Anglo-French com pany that has secured the privilege of work ing these historic mines, and has resignod from tho English army to serve this com pany in an official capacity For years Burmah has been the chief ruby producing country in the world. The min ing, however, has teen confined to the sur face, nnd carried on in tho most primitive manner. The new company, with modern appliances, expects to increase the output cm innously. Mr. Peel is over six feet three inches tall, straight as an Indian; proportioned like a Hercules, he is, with his clour cut features, closely curling blonde hair and merry blue eyes, a singularly handsome man. His complexion, from exposure to many suns anil many climes, is as swarthy as an Arab’s. His career has been a remarkable one. Horn in 1845, ho graduate-. 1 from col lege at 20, when he came into the possession of a handsome patrimony and hunted a couple of years in Asia and Africa He then bought n commission in the army arid served in the Abyssinian, Ashantce, Zulu, Afghan, Egyptian, < Jordon relief, and Bur mah campaigns. 110 Was intimately ac quainted witli the votlli ; Freni h Prince Imperial, who was killed in tin- Zulu war. Mr. Peel was not long in dissipating hi* inheritance. But fortune has strangely fa vored him. When the great Kimberly diamond field* were discovered he was hunt ing in this vicinity, and teught several claims, somo of whin i proved valuable, and he Mild out for what would seem, to most men of ordinarily extravagant Lnstcs, a for tune. But ho has little to show for ft now except pleasant meiuorie'. When the Bur mese expedition was mooted, and it seemed certain that. Burmah would Is* annexed to the Indian empire, be was cast ing uteiit for anew fortune, ami sugg*iU*l to friend* in Gnnion and Pari* that tne •privilege of working tie ruby mince would be of untold value, and Itiirumh was no sooner annexed than the uniiounrement was unite that Much a concession hail Is co obtain**!. Ho now thinks that te can defy the wolf for the laklfie of his life. |f is ac </oij/ni>l by UoL Frank Wilson, of < ana*la. and a ptrty of Englishmen Ib< y go vi,* tte i snariMMi Pacific, end in tend bunting a (aw weak* in the Itocky mountain* CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CENTJL WORD. A D VERTISEMENTS, 15 Words or more, in this column inserted for ONE CENT A WORD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or aceommodations to secure; indeed,any wish to gratify, should advertise in this column. HELI* WANTED. \\T ANTED, five carpenters. Apply at Hull and Lincoln streets. A. J. AVIB WORTH. \\ T ANTED. a good white nurse for children. Apply to Pm. FALUGANT. Y*7'ANTED, agents In every town nnd village V tom-ll our New Christmas Books (5), sell ing from .10e. to .V); oue woman wilh a fam ily writes that she averaged §7 a day last year, from September until Christmas; one new agent madesl2s in six weeks; one sold 55 the first week in a village of only 290: try it In your school district if no more; you can make from $25 to SSOO. D. E. LUTHER, 69b, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Oa. AITANTED, a first-class colored linker. Ad- VV dress T. B. REBBE, Thomasvllle, (in. AIT ANTED, n No. 1 clothing salesman,of good It address, from 90 to 45 years of ace, who ean furnish satisfactory references, and is sober in habits; one who bus influence itli city trmU preferred. Address 8. A. P., care of Morning News. 1 XT'ANTED, a first class busheler, who is extra t t fast nnd lias good knowledge of eont lit ting and tailoring in general: must lie strictly sober and can furnish good references Address, stating salary, etc.. P. 8. TANARUS., care of this office. YT7ANTED, a lady teacher in private family v V one that teaches French, Latin and Music, and English branches. Address J. H. BAKER, Alapaha, Ga. KM Pl.t) YMENT W A Nil'll, VN experienced and accomplished teacher and professor of Music, French, Latin and English desires an engagement. Address PRO FESSOR, Morning News. Savannah. I XT’ANTF.ii. a situation in a grocery or com it mission business, by a single young man; now in business in Virginia, desiring to locate in Savannah; test of references as to character and capability. Address A. 8., care of Lindsey & Morgan. YIT'ANTED, situation as bookkeeper, or as it sistant, in some reliable commission house; have n good knowledge of the country. Address X., this office. MISt ELI.A X EOUS W A NTS. AXTANTED, suite of four or more rooms, con il veniently located to business portion of town and suitable for light housekeeping. Ad dress, at once, AVON, this office. YIT'ANTED, small house, five or six rooms, H centrally located; good neighborhood. Address J. 8., this office. Wf ANTED, second-hand Bar Fixtures. Ad- V V dresp IV. J. 8., 284 Congress street. ROOMS TO RENT. 1N)B RENT, at No. 158 State street, five doors east of Barnard, fronting south on Telfair Place, second floor, consisting of four nice rooms, with private bath-room on same floor, suitable for light housekeeping, or will be rented furnished to single gentlemen. IDOR KENT, one or two rooms, furnished or I unfurnished; southern exposure, lit Lib erty street, between Bull and Drayton. HOUSES AND STOKES l-’OK KENT. IDOR RENT, the most desirable residence on ’ Taylor street, two doors west of Ahercom street; possession given from Ist Oct. Apply to WALT HOUR * RIVERS, No. 83 Bay street ._ IDOR RENT, that desirable residence No. 61 Barnard street, with modarn conveniences, facing square. Apply to WALTHOUR & RIVERS. 83 Bay street. "C'OR RENT, brick store 156 Congress street; r three stories on cellar; possession given im mediately. Apply to WALTHOUR & RIVERS, No. 83 Bay street. IDOR RENT, a two-story am! basement brick dwelling, No. 116 State street. Apply to JNO. SULLIVAN A CO- 114 Bay street. FDOR RENT, from Ist October next, that desir able residence on the southwest corner Lin coin and Kt. Julian streets. Also, dwelling over store. Apply to L>. O'CONNOR. 66 Congress street. Ij'Oß RENT, desirable brick residence corner Liberty and Ahercom streets; possession Oct Ist. Apply to WALTHOUR & RIVERS, No. 83 Bay street. RENT, brick store 109 Broughton street, between Drayton and Bull; possession given October 4th. Apply to LEWIS < ASS If i IK KENT, that large dwelling corner Stale aud Montgomery, suitable for large family or lxarding house. Apply to C. P. MILKER, News. I DOR RENT, desirable new residence, with modern improvements, at low rent; cen trally located. SALOMON COHEN. IT'OR RENT, three-story brick house, 36 State street; store 138 Congress street, facing Johnson square. J. C. ROWLAND, % Buy street. I DOR RENT, stores7l and 73 Bay street. JOHN T H. KUWE. IjMJR KENT, from Oct. Ist. residence north west corner Jones and Ahercom streets. Apply at Grocery Store, 95 Abercorn near Jones t reet. I DOR RENT, dwelling 114 Jones street. Pos session Nov. I. D. R. THOMAS. I DOR RENT, one large or two small houses. Apply 34 Lincoln street. I DOR RENT, the store No. 165 Congress street, nextiloor to Solomons A Cos.; one of the test stands In the city. For terms apply to GEORGE IV. OWENS. 118 Bay street. TDOR RENT, from Oct. Ist, splendid store No. I 87 Bay street, situate in Hutchison's Block, next to corner of Abercorn: has splendid cellar and is splendid stand for any business; second and third stories can te rented if desired. A. U. LAWTON, Jr,, 114 Bryan street. FOB KENT MISt KI.i.iNKDI s. POK RENT, the building No. !*5 and 97 York T street; suitable for stable or carpenter shop. Apply to JNO. SULLIVAN A (SO., 11l Bay si. OFFICE for rent from Ist November next. That desirable office on Bay street now oc cupied by 51. A. Cohen A Cos. Apply to T. A ASKEW, 151 Congress street. I DOR RENT, a desirable office at 104 Bay street. Apply toE MORAft. I DOR RENT, that, desirable office No. 116 U 1 Bryan street, two room*, first floor. Apply to ED F. NEUFVILLE. W 0 Buy street, IT'OR RENT, mu- half of office, 111 Bay street, 1 upstairs; immediate possession. JOHN STON A DOUGLASS. FOR SALE. IDOR SALE, cali’iage plant*. Hoffman seed ling nnd Sharpless strawb-rry plants. Ad di css 'V I; A l(N W ELI*. 1 igleMmrpo Barracks. |D< iRHALF.. borne, wagon, truck and harness; r also Fairbanks scale. K. POWER, Con gress and Hull. I DOR HALE, flour sacks, paper and pais.-r bags J of ail size*. K. POWER, Ht. Julian and Bull. __ Jfi fit Cii- n- v’ ' I will wl! Hi-- io mshni-r of my goods cheap K. POWER. |DOK KALE, *t *W West Broad, two elegant T emvs, with young calves. IDOR HALE. Splendid salt water river front building lot*, und live acre farm lots with river privilege.. at UOHEDEW; building lots In Havantiab. near East Bread and Klxth streets, and In LaetUnd; several good farm lots iwar White Bluff, on atell road Apply to jig, FaL LIGANT. 151 South Broad street from 9 to 10 a, M. / < AN'AKY llllll'ft. *o<*l singers, for sale at V GAJiiJNEIt'M, Bull street. '.A l,k Llite, abit'ites Ki-e-nng, Oiling WniUi-ebnardiiMj and Framing Lumber i ifft* e and yard Taylor and tew Br-swl strsste. T. teSeme No Hi. KKPPAKD *CO rV/K HALE. Old H**|J*|*er, fust lb* I Inn* fur wrappscs, only U e..te a hundred. M3 tut imMM. at the tmdmm LOST. IOST, between Jewish Temple and Taylor 4 street, a gold locket; bM the monogram “A. K." on the outside and small photograph inside. Finder will lie rewarded tiy leaving same at 114 Taylor street. PHOTOGRAPHY. PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIALNOTICF. Prices I rednceU. Fine Cabinet Photographs a specialty. Price, It lor six or $3 a dozen. J. N. WII.SON, 21 Bull st reet. Mist i:i.i. \n i:or>. MISS MoINTOSH will reopen her Primary School on MONDAY, the Hd of October, at I*7 South Broad street. Special attention to be ginners. I J ARTIES having work or wishing goods will I please call before Saturday night. Mas. K. rOWEK. (Al’K samples for fall and winter suits are now / open; call and ntake your selections. GAZAN'S LUDDE.N * BATHS s. M. H. Mason & Hamlin Organs. 0 What They Say of Them in Europe INQUIRIES everywhere, even from rival mak ers. have elicited the same reply- t hat Mason A Hamlin have brought tin* American organ to j>erfection anti thoroughly deserve the him dredsof medals, etc., widen they have received as awards in all countries I recently saw the gold medal which was presented to them at the Invent ions Exhibition. It was designed by Wyoin, and is a tint* work of art. One could not spend a pleasanter morning anywhere than in tin* music room of tin* agents for these organs. Then* will he found all sorts and conditions of American organs from those that can 1)6 packed In a box and conveniently carried to a camp meeting in a quiet by street, to the famous Liszt model, which has no rival for power and beauty of tom*. There is also the Queen's mix lei, which received her majesty's warmest approbation. The London music room of this firm, with its comfortable lounges and old engravings, is open to all comers, and there you will ine**t in its precincts the most cele brated musicians of the day. Many of them come and listen with rapt attention and admira f ion to the brilliant improvisation of celebrated organists, who are always kind enough to play for visitors who wish to hear them. Here you will sometimes find Sir Arthur Sullivan. Sir George drove, Maud Valerie White, Gwyllym Crowe, Charles Godfrey (Horse Guards), thiea lossi, Lawrence Kellie, an I even, on some morn ings, the beautiful Mary Anderson and the gifted Mrs Kendall; but indeed, m every one goes there, the list Is endless. - London Lady's World , May, 1887. Two hundred styles made for Church, School and Parlor, cost* ing from $24 upwards. Sold on easiest terms of payment. Rent ed until paid for. A superb line of best styles always in our warerooms. Prices same as at factory. Ludden & Bales Southern Music House, Southern Distributing Depot —-FOR TUB - Mason & Hamlin Organ and Piano Company. MILLINKRY. PLATSHEK’S, 138 Broughton Street. Grand tainl Cul IN THE PRICES OF High Art Embroidery Materials. These price* will remain the same throughout the .season unless factory prices changes. Fasten Your Eyes Right Here! 85 Skeins (1 hunch) of Corticelll, best skein Embroidery Silk, in every shade, for iftc. 12 Skeins (double length) Shaded Embroidery Silk for 20c. 12 Skeins Florence Filoselle Silk, every shade, for 24c. Florence Etching Silk, in every shade, at He. a spool. Florence Best Knitting Silk, )4 ounce spools, for ‘-ISc. each. - Best Quality Silk Arasene (IB yards to bunch), In every shade. IV. a bunch. Sujiertor Silk Itihbonsanc (IN yarns to bunch), in every shade, 25c. a bunch. Every shade Frosted Tinsel (Bjs yards to ball) at H)4c. each. No. 1 Silk Chenille (15 yards to bunch), In every shade, for 2V. a bunch. No. 8 Silk Chenille (15 yards to bunch), in every shade, for IV. a bunch. Bergman s Imported Berlin Zephyrs, In 2, 4. R fold, at $1 |*T pound of Id laps, or 7c. per lap; a line consisting of nearly 1,000 shades and con firmed t he largest in the South. Shetland Floss and other Fancy Wools, giving the best weight !u this country, at $1 per pound, or 7c. ist ounce. None Can Touch Us. We have the largest and best detailed depart ment devoted to this purpose In this city. Get Rock Bottom Prices From us on 2-yard wide French Felts, in every shade. Lambrequin Ornaments. Chenille and Silk Cords, Canvasses of all kinds. 25-lneh Flushes, Macreme Cord, Darning Cottons, Embroidery Cottons. Linen Floss and the host of such articles kept in u first-cluss department devoted to this use. Bargains throughout our entire lines of MILLINERY and FANCY HOODS. P. 8. Mailorders promptly attended to. STEAM LAC NDRY . SAVANNAH SiKAM LAUNDRY. A. C‘AlU>. HAVING pa*F/*rJ my annivpniay In thin now outornrisc, I cannot refrain from tluiukiriK a klrnl public for the patronage extend'd to me, aleo for the i>atjorie<* dinpl.iyod in overlooking afiortcorningM on the part of my employe*. IlttvirK now Holvvl the uiyaterieH of nrfcfwian water and the use of difficult machine, i can promwe an Indulgent public that h*n<afoith iny work will equal tTie hunt and Htirpan* the ino*t tt4*ni in thi.< country. My call and i, ba Improved,. largely extended, 1 am, rei*ctfuily, M. PB4OKK, I *rojrietor. LKiJAL NOTH l>. ( KORtJfA, ORiTRAM Oh .htv. Notice Inhere Jt Uy glv*n that I bv* mud** application to tli* Court of Ordinary for (in* Ilium countv for iN'dr to #e|) lot mmd*r tdirhf in t\ J. Flill*h wibdiviilonof lota tiutrdMftr* fifty three and flft v four Hotith t>gl*thorp’ ward, city of Havannan, with t im* in|>rov*?ro#*ni., th**roon, I'onaMiug of a two atory mttm dwelling lioubh on the uornor of Hmt boundary and Maraan t 4re**u, U longing U> l4n* 4D,UtM of JON I >4, d.MT for the payment of debt, and distnlmtcn. and that maid order will he granted at (tCf* iftKft I ICIiM < tM?j of aaid Oourt, MtiioM d<jf< t b tm are filed LUCINDA June*. f.iiH <un* at will of (‘iMriea Joues, <i-.-*a>sl A t uner 11. DM7 AUCTION SAT.F.S TO-DAY. Elegant and Costly Furniture at Auction. I. D. Laßoche’s Sons. Auctioneers On THURSDAY, the 22d insf., we will sell to the blithest bidder all the household aud kitchen furniture eontalned in premises No. IBS McDonough street, 2d door east of JeiTer son street. On Basement EXTENSION PINING TABLE. PLUSH LOUNGE, SINGER MACHINE, new style. BLACK WALNUT DINING CHAIRS, BLACK W ALNUT SIDEBOARD and GLASS WARE, MIRROR, MATTING BLACK WAL NUT REFRIGERATOR. EIGHT DAY CLOCK. In good order, WINDOW SHADES, PICTURES, OIL PAINTINGS, MANTEL ORNAMENTS, BLACK WALNUT MAKHI.E TOP TABLE. Etc. Second Floor (Hall! BLACK WALNUT HAT RACK, MATS. OILCLOTH, STAIR CARPET, CHAIRS. PICTURES. Etc. Parlor VELVET CARPET. PARLOR SET (l’lusli. cost $30(11, UPRIGHT PIANO, PARLOR ORGAN, in good order, FRENCH PLATE MIR ROR PICTURES. Etc. FRENCH CLOCK and ORNAMENTS marble, vases, velvet RUGS, CUSPADORKS, RATTAN EASY CHAIRS, 2 SMALL EBONY TABLES mid STATUETTES, WHATNOT and ORNAMENTS, SHADES, LACE CURTAINS, LAMBREQUINS, CORNICES, Kte. Bedrooms FINE BLACK WALNUT BED BOOM SUITE, HANDS! IMF, WARDR< >BK with French Plate Mirror, CANOPY mid LACE NET, HAIR MATTRESSES, FEATHER BED and PILLOWS, H< I ESTERS, SPRINGS, BLANKETS, BRCSHKLS CARPET. FRENCH CLOCK and ORNAMENTS TOUNGE, WALNUT CABINET DESK, 2 BLACK WALNUT WARDROBES, BRACKETS, Etc. Third Elixir- Two Bedrooms finely furnished. Fourth Floor Four Bedrooms finely furnished Kitchen furniture complete. The iiliovo goods are sold lieeause parties aro breaking up housekeeping. Terms cash. Sale positive. Sundries at Auction. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer. THIS DAY, at 11 o'clock, Very nice BLACK WALNUT BEDROOM SET, MARBLE TOP. BLACK WALNUT SIDEBOARD, BLACK WALNUT HAT RACK, BLACK HAIR CHAIRS, TA BLES, BEDSTEADS, SAFE, SHIPPING DESK, 2 small MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, STEP LAD PER, UMBRELLA STAND, BASKETS, MAT TRESSES, DRUMMER'S TRAVELING CASE, PLATFORM SCALES, FINE CLOCK. OPERA GLASSES, CORNICES, 3 large HAND TRUCKS, assortment, of STOKE TOOLS, PRESERVE JARS, COOKING STOVE and UTENSILS, lot ROPE, STOVE PIPE, EMPTY BARRELS, DUMB BELLS, CLOTHING, WINDOW SHADES, IRON SAFE, LACE CURTAINS, MATTING, BUTTER TRAY, OIL CLOTH, GUI TAR, DOLL HOUSE, etc. —Amo— A young and gentle PONY, sold for no fault: OPEN BUGGY, can be used either as a single or double seat. —ALSO — 2 barrels VINEGAR, B kogs VINEGAR, 3 tubs BUTTER, 2 barrels COFFEE, 5,000 CIGARS, 6 boxes CIGARETTES, RAISINS, DATES, and ail assortment of NUTS. LEGAL NOTICE*. / i EORGIA, Chatham County. In Chatham l I Su|ierior Court. Motion to establish lost deed. To Isaac I). Laßoche, Henry Love, Abraham Backer, I- Franklin Dozier, Win. E. Dozier, Thomas It. Dozier, Bona Dozier, Nina llozier Pressley. Blanche E. Choppin, Arthur I). Choppin, George K. Beard, Emma Estelle Hodgson, Mary L. Hodgson, Agnes li, Hodg son, George 11. Hodgson, and .Joseph C. Hodg son: ELIZABETH A. RILEY having presented to me a |>etitlon tu writing, wherein she alleges that a certain deed to lots Nos.ll anil 12 ill Stephen ward, in the city of Savannah, was made by ISAAC D. La ROCHE and SAMUEL P. BELL acting as Commissioners under a decree In equity in Chatham Superior Court, wherein you were parties, or are representatives of parties, or are interested adversely to her title to said lots of land, which said deed, a copy of which in Hutmtance is attached to said petition and duly sworn to, liears date the litli day of June. IMflO, ami the original of which deed said petitioner claims lias Js n lost or de stroyed. and she wishes said iTipy established in lieu of said lost original. You are hereby commanded to show cause, If any you can, at the next Superior Court In beheld in and for said county on the FIRST MONDAY IN DE CEMBER NEXT, why said copy deed should not be established in lieu of the lost or destroyed original. And it further appearing that some of you, to wit: Abruliniti Backer, L. Franklin Dozier, Win. K. Dozier, Thomas li. Dozier, Bona Dozier, Nina llozier Pressley, Blanche K. Choppin, Ar thur B ( hoppia, George It. Heard, Emma Es telle Hodgson, Mary L. Hodgson, Agnes It. Hodgson, George 11. Hodgson and Joseph C. Hodgson reside outside of tlie Mum of Georgia, it is therefore further ordered that you so re sesidlng outside of the State of Georgia be served by a publication of said rule nisi for three mouths before the next term of said court to wit: Tbns! months before the FIRST MON DAY IN DECEMBER NEXT In the Savannah Morning News, a public gazette of this Slate, published in this county. Witness the Honorable A I*. Adams, Judge of said Court, this 2Tth day of August, A. D. 18W. BARNARD E. BEE, Clerks. C„ <!. C. R R. RICHARDS, ISAAC BECKETT, Attorneys for Petitioners. A true copy of the original rule nisi issued In the above case. BARNARD E. BEE, Clerk S. C.. C. C. (t EORCHA, Chatham Coi ntv. Whereas, I JORDAN F. BROOKS lias applied to Court of Ordinary for Is-tters of Admimsl ration on the estato of CHARLOTTE CAKLKY, de ceased. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to Ist and ap pear before said court to make objection (if any they have) on or before the FIRST MONDAY IN Of T<)HKR NEXT, otherwise said letters will Im granted Witness the Honorable Hampton L. FkMUIX. Ordinary for (Tmtliam county, this ttie list day of August, 1887. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, Jr., Clerk C. 0., C. C. / • EoltOIA, Chatham Coi ntv Whereas, l I KATE DALEY has applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of DANIEL DALEY, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may conoern to tie and ap|uir before said court, to make objection (if any they have) on or before the FIRST MONDAY IN OCTO BER NEXT, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton 1,. Febiuix, Ordinary for Chatham county, this the iilst day of August, 1887. PHILIP M. BUSSELL, Jr., _____ Clerk C. 0., C. C. / ' EOROIA. Chatham County Whereas, l I ( LINTON C. MARTIN lias applied to Court of < irdinarr for Imtters of Administration on the estate of FRANCIS O. FOLEY, deceased. These, are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be and appear Is,fore said court, to make objection (if any they have; on or before the FIRST MONDAY IN OCTO BER NEXT, otherwise said letters will tie granted. Witness, ttie Honorable Hampton L. Fcrmix, Ordinary for ('halham county, this the 81st day of August, 188)'. PHILIP M. RUSSELL, Jn . Clerk C. 0.. C. C. / ' EOROIA, Chatham County. Whereus, I I KKK.D A. JONES has applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of MARTIN (1. JONES, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern to be cud appear lie lore said court to make objectionII f any they have 1 on or Isrfore the FIRST MONDAY IN OCTOBER NEXT, otlierwlau suld letters wi,’J he granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrua, Ordinary for (Chatham county, this the list day of August, 1887. PHILIP M, RUSSELL, Jr., Clerk 0. 0., (', C. / 1 ECIHdIA ( hatha s Cop NT v. Whereas. II JOHN HOLTON SHEKRoir has applied to Court of Ordinary for Letters of Adminisiration and b. n. 0. t. a on the estate tf ROBERT BOL TON. deceased. Those are. therefore, to cite and admonish all whom 11 may concern to be and appear lie fore said eoiirt, to make objection (If any they have lon or Isifow the FIRST MONDAY IN Of/ft (HER NEXT, otherwise said h iters will Ist granted Witness the HoHoratde li ami-ioa I, Ktssiu, I Ordinary for t 'hafitam county. this the 31st day of August, DM7, PHILIP H. RUSSELL. J*„ ('lsrk 0.0 .C. C. I C. H. nOKSETT'S COLUMN. A COMFiiRTABLE HOME Upon Very Easy Terms. I can sell Hie two-story residence (tenement) on the west side of West Broad street, between Anderson and Henry, upon the following very easy terms: A rash payment of $350. A monthly payment for two years of $22 75. After the expiration of two years a monthly payment of 81.5 75 for seven years. Tlii' House is nearly new and has a Parlor, Dining-room, Kitchen and three Bod-rooms, witu water in the yard. The house is well built and furnished, has good size rooms, high ceilings, and is altogether a rerv o -oifortablo home. Wifi sell on above terms, or for $1,350 cash. Seven per cent, on $1,350 for nine years, with the principal amounts to $2,200. If the above t ime payment Is calculated it will amount to $2,219. FOR RENT. I have for rent a fine new store and res! dence on the corner of West Broad and Gwinnett streets. FOR RENT. The residence No. 139 York street, between Bull and Whitaker streets; very roomy and con venient to business. C. H. DORSETT. FOR RENT. Avery desirnble residence on Bolton street near Jefferson; southern front; unfurnished or furnished, bi dding auil crockery excepted. C. H. I)i iRSF.TT__ ANNOUNCEMENT BY [kite l Dorsett, AUCTIONEER. The resumption of the activities of another biisiuess season suggests Ihe propriety of an Announcement to the public that my Monday Auction Sales Will be continued during the present season at? 156 BAY STREET. At those weekly sales I dispose of at Auction the week's accumulation of Furniture, Groceries, Dry Goods -—AND Merchandise Generally. Account Sales aro made out at once, and cn shed at sight. Large* consignments will be disposed of by B|Hiciai Sol**s. Householders having surplus accumulations, merchants having “off ” stock, can send such in at tuny time during the week, and sale will l>e nindi' on the following Monday. A careful truckman will be sent to residence® for (roods to be sold, and same handled properly. Bales at residences and stores will be con ducted with care and disjMtch, and all bill* cashed. The public are invited to attend my Auction Sales. All are treated courteously and fairly. No misrepresentations of goods or unfair dealAg of any character will lie countenanced. In [Real Estate The indications an*! that a larger business will Ik* done this season than has l>t*eri done in years before. I am ready to serve my friends in bringing buyers and sellers together, and feel wit h each recurring year the increased experience render® me better able to serve them satisfactorily. C. 11. DORSETT, Real Estate Dealer anil Auctioneer, SAVANNAH, O- A. A Few Additions TO THE OFFERINGS HAVE BEEN MADE RECENTLY, TO WIT: A Vrry Elegant Residence large rooms, high ceilings, all the conveniences expected in a first class house. Located in an aristocratic neigh borhood. A full lot on South Broad Street Facias North. A Two Story Residence on Oreen square. Thi* is a Bargain at fifteen hundred dollars. An Elegant Lot 60x105, in Southeastern Seo tion, for eighteen hundred dollars. A Lot 30x91, on Second Avenue, near Barnard, for 8425. No City Taxes. A Lot on Montgomery street, niar Second Avenue, for sti2i. Not far from the Park, a three-story brick bouse, containing eight rooms, and a two story brick house in the rear. The whole prop erty will produce SSOO per annum. Can b* bought for $4,000. Fine Lot on Jones street. 60x100, next to Schwarz's Bakery; Inis two small dwellings oh the lane. Price $2,500. Five Acres (unimproved) on the Coast Lina Railroad, between the City and Bona venture. There is a certain profit to subdivide this into cheap lots. A comfortable Two Story Residence and Store nearS., F. and W. Railway, for $2,200. Lot 30x106 on Henry atreet, near West Broody in neighborhood just built up with good house* S4BO. A Two Story Wooden Dwelling, good locality, in northern part of the city, convenient to Bay street and the Market, for $2,200. A Two Story House in Yamacraw for S6OO, Also two One Story Houses for SI,OOO. The Large Double Two Story Residence In the northwestern corner of Bryan and Habersham streets, for $1,500. Two Chean Lots south of the city, near the Dillon I*urchae, each 40x90. S2OO each A Snug Cottage Home corner of West Broad and Henry streets. Lot 49x 55. Price $2,003. A Splendid Water Front, magnificent oaka, ao cesaible by railroad. A most desirable site for a residence. A Three Story Brick Residence, with fourteen rooms; location good. Prico $5,000. A genuine bargain. t. DORSm, Real Estate Dealer 150 13 A.Y. . 3