The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 24, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 A FIGHT 0 V ERA CHARTER THE SAVANNAH, MACON AND BIR MINGHAM ROAD BEATEN. Capt. Gordon Makes a Hard Ficrht for the Bill Ho Charges the Savannah, Dublin and Western’s Constructors with Building at a Big Profit. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 23.—1n the Senate to-day the following bills passed; To amend the art incorporating the West End ami Atlanta Street Railroad company. To create a board of commissioners of roads and revenue for Marion county. To provide for the levy and sale of per ■mini property when the t itle remains iu the vendor. To amend the old tavern license act so as to fix the fees of the Ordinary of Chatham county. To provide for the registration of voters in Terrell county. To establish a City Court in Coweta county. To incorporate the Georgia Mutual In surance Conti tuny, of Savannah. To create a lioard of commissioners of roads and revenues of Clayton county. Mr. James introduced a resolution invit ing Hon. N. Staub, of the Nineteenth Sena torial district of Connecticut, and Chief A. C. Hendrix, of New Haven, J. B. Carrie! 1 , of Norwich, Samuel J. Gower, of South Norwalk, and Samuel C. Snagg, of Water bury, to the privileges of the Senate. The resolution was unanimously adopted. The Senate adjourned till Monday. In the House. Iu the House to-day Mr. McCord moved a reconsideration of the action of the House yesUirdny in defeating the minor labor bill. The resolution was tabled. The following new bills were introduced: By Mr. Ashley, of Wilcox—A bill regu lating seining and fishing in the Alapaha river. By Mr. Perkins, of Burke - A bill for the relief of the National Insurance and Security Company. By Mr. Hunt, of Hancock—A resolution that a joint committee to consist of the Speaker ami three members of the House and the President and two members of the Senate be appointed to ascertain what busi ness there is before the General Assembly, with the view of fixing a day for final ad journment. The resolution was adopted. The Finance Committee reported unfavor ably on the resolution to pay for the Code of parliamentary law, and to provide for the purchase money, ns dedicated by the au thor (Louis of Garrard.) The report of the Finance Committee ask<sl that the bill to establish an industrial institute for the education of the girls of Georgia, tie read the second time and re committed. The resolution by Mr. Hunt, looking to adjournment of the Legislature, was recon sidered for the purpose of amending it. SHELVED ALTOGETHER. Mr. Tate, of Pickens, moved to amend by adding Oct. Bas the day of adjournment. The amendment killed the resolution and both were vot*' down. The following additional new bills were then introduced. By Mr. Sims, of Lincoln—A bill to amend the charter of the town of Lincoltiton. Bv Mr. McMicliael. of Schley—A bill to incorporate the Planters’ Bank, of Ellaville. Mr. Kay’s bill to provide for the levying a county tax fo- the stipjiort of common schools was recommitted. The resolution of Mr. Kenan, of Baldwin, to appropriate $3,50(1 for repairing the old capital building at Miiledgeville was eonsid ed in committee of the whole mid passed. At the afternoon session the bill to appro priate the proceeds of hire of misdemeanor convicts in the Northeastern circuit to the payment of costs, passed The bill to provide for the settlement of disputed county lines i>ass?d. A FIGHT OVER A RAILROAD BILL. Quite a discussion was had on the bill in fcr odueed by Mr. Feiton. of Bibb, to incor ate the Savannah, Macon and Birmingham Railroad Company. The question caine upon the substitiu ■ proposed by the commit tee. which provided that the charter should not be operative until October, 1838, and not thou if the Savannah, Dublin and West ern is completed. There was strong oppo tion to the bill from the Savannah, Dublin and Western people. Mr. Gordon, of Chatham, made au earn est and able effort to secure its passage. He charged that th‘ opposition is trying to build a road 200 miles long, and propose to do it by float ing three millions of bonds, 416,000 per mile. Experts .say the road can ha built for SB,OOO or SIO,OOO, and after built could not pay a dividend and could not pav their Interest on the bonds. For that reason be felt confidence in saying that the bonds can never be sold. DOUGLAS GREEN'S ATTITUDE. He read a telegram from Douglas Green, of New York, Pi evident of the iSavaimah, Dublin and Western, saying that the op- IKKition to the eharter was without his mow ledge or consent. He also read a tele gram from tV. E. 11. Searcy, the only Geor gia director of the United States Construc tion (■ unpany, saying he was notopjswod to the bid a:ni honed the Savannah, Dublin and Western would withdraw their opposi tion to it. He referred to the rail road situation in Savannah, stating that the influence controlling the Richmond and Danville and the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Centra), and would divert busi ness from Savannah to Norfolk. He thought Kavauiiah entitled| to the competing line this bill would give them, and the Legisla ture ought to pass the bill. He hoped the legislature would view the ques tion without fear or favor, prejudice or partiality. He only asked justice for Sa vannah. Mr. Gordon was supjiorted by Mr- Chappell, of Muscogee, who made a manly speech in favor of the bill. Speeches in opposition were made by Messrs. Simmons, of Sumter, and Hill, ot Meriwether. On a rote the bill was lost by 37 yeas to (S3 nays. KILLED BY HIS INSANE WIFE. Bhe Found Her Husband’s Gun and Shot Him in the Face. Bainbkidi.k, Ga., Sept. 23.—W. <M. Brooks was killed by his insane wife, two miles south of here, this morning about sun rise. J. F. Ingram, acting Coroner, was notified and held an inquest. The facts elicited were that during breakfast they hail a quarrel. Brooks threatened to whin her. but did not, He went out and was hitching up an ox cart to come to town. She found his gun where be had hid it, wulked out and shot him in the face, killing him instantly. Brookb has recently told citiaena t hat, his wife's insanity was increasing, and that his life was in constant danger. She was also i slave to whisky, and its influence adder! to her fury. The deceased was a thriving and industrious farmer. He came here from Henry county, Alh., where he has relations. His >vifo was a Mbs King, and has relations in this Hlate and Eufaula. Ala. They have four smull children. The oldest is a boy of ft years. They and bis proisTty have ls*-n taken in chaigo bv 11. B. Ehrlich until their relations can lie heard from. The wife is in jail raving wildly. Tennllle Topics. TKWKILUC, Ga., Bent. 23.—8. C. Htew*rt, formerly of Knvannab, had the misfortune to lose his dwelling Wednesday morning by fire. Tile fire originated in tlie kitchen, and the family barely escaped with their lives, losing everything. The insurance'is a I suit II.OiNi, wlui'h will not tsiver luxlf the loan, We are now having a light rain, the first in tin e" mouths Cotton is coming in rnp litMllwws is issiUlillg Luo* Will Retain Hl* Command Wamukoton, 23.-Admiral 1 aice, m>iiiviing the North AUonUc squadron l*> witUdrawn hi* request Uj b* reli*v*j and will retain lia ajtuiiuuid STANDING BY THE LESSEES. Dr. Eugene Foster Tells What He Found at a Camp. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 33.—When the con vict hearing was resumed this morning, Dr. Eugene Foster, of Augusta, was sworn. For several years he was physician to the Augusta camp. He thought the treatment and condition of the convicts at the camp compared favorably with that of the city of Augusta convicts and the convicts of Richmond county. Judging from their physical condition, he thought they must have been well fed and kept. The witness at the time of the recent charges of reces sive sickness, scurvy,etc., at the Bondurant camp, was engaged by Capt. Lowe to ex amine the camp as an expert. Asa result of that investigation he thought the camp should be relieved of the charges of liail sanitary condition. He examined every convict for scurvy 1 , but failed to find a case and in only one instance was there symp toms of scurvy, and he did not believe that was a ease of scurvy. The report made by the witness to Capt,. Lowe of the result of this examination, which was very lengthy, was by consent of counsel read by the witness and is now in evidence. The wit ness complimented Dr. Westmoreland very highly l iu the discharge of his professional duty as principal physician. A RAILROAD MAN’S TESTIMONY, j Maj. Green, Chief Engineer of the Geor gia Midland railroad, was sworn and testi- I tied to the good treatment of the convicts I during the construction of that road. He thought they were better fed and better treated than free labor. Mr. Hill, for one of the lessees, brought in two witnesses, young white men, but they were found to be drunk, and were excused. Capt. Starnes made a statement in reply to Mr. Bondur ant’s charges ol’ yesterday that he lmd mis appropriated supplies, clothing and blankets boujrht for the convicts. Htarns made an enijihatic denial, and denounced Bondurant in round terms. The hearing was then ad journed until to-morrow. CONVICTS GROWING UNRULY. Since the recent investigations into the treatment of convicts, the executive action touching some of the camps, and the pend ing prosecution of the case against the lessees, reports have been constant, that the convicts, construing the move ment as one looking to their protec tion agninst punishment, have be come disobedient and insubordinate to such an extent that it is difficult to con trol them by the ordinary discipline. The matter has been laid before the Governor, and this afternoon he issued an executive order, directed to the principal keeper, di recting him to notify the convicts in each camp that the investigation instituted by the Governor was not intended to interfere with the discipline of those lawfully in con trol of the camps, and that disobedience and insubordination on the part of the con victs would not be permitted or tolerated, and that such conduct would lie punished. FUN OF THE FIRE CHIEFS. The Association Elects Officers and Then Goes for a Drive. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 33.—The National Association of Fire Cbiofs held a short ses sion this morning in the ball room of the Kimball House. Ex-Chief Stocked, of Nashville, chairman of the committee, made a report, showing the extent and character of fire apparatus exhibited for the lienefit of the association. Some of the exhibitors made short talks explanatory of their displays. Ex-Chief Farque.*, of Richmond, offered a resolution of a complimentary character with reference to the Atlanta department, which was adopted. Minneapolis was selected as tho place for holding the next annual meeting. The committee on nominations, through ex- Chief Nevins, of Brooklyn, reported the fol lowing as the officers for the ensuing year: President—VV. It. Joyner, of Atlanta. Secretary—H. A. Hills, of Cincinnati. Treasurer—A. C. Hendrick, of New Haven. Vice Presidents—lt. B. MeCoot, of Penn sylvania; D. C. Larkin, of Ohio; Fred Horn ing, of New York: J. T.;.. of Con necticut; J. F. Lynch, of Massachusetts; A. Fernandez, of Georgia; J, E. li slice, of Maine; R. Kiersted, of New Jersey; R. F. Herbert, of Virginia; J. F. Swenie, of Illi nois; J. Lindsey, of Missouri; G. Kendrick, of Indiana; L. A. Bentley, of Michigan; A. I’. Fogg, of Iowa; F. L. Stetson, of Min nesota; W. Oldenburg, of Texas; N. IV. Eagan, of Florida; Joan Link,of ICentuckv; F. L. O’Neill, of South Carolina; P. B. Sheser, of Tennessee; J. VV. Boone, of West Virginia; VV. K. Jones, of Alabama, and John Bri ey, of Rhode Island. Auditing Committee—VV. Stockell, G. VV. Tavlor and A. P. Suseure. Tne report of the committee was accepted and the secretary was instructed to cast the whole vote for the o 111 cel’s as reported by the committee. This afternoon thirty carriages were p!ni-ed at the dis;>osition of tho chiefs and they were shown ttie city. JACKSONVILLE’S O. A. R. The Citizens Present the Organization With a Handsome Flag. Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 33. AU the members of the G. A. R. of this city, turned out this morning to wish those memliers go ing to St. Louis for the encampment bon voyayr. The armory was filled by a large number of ladles who had heard that a magnificent Hag was to be presented to the excursionists, but us the time was limited it was resolved to present the flag at the dejKjt of the armory as was first decided upon. The members thereuion started down to the depot and having fallen into line Gen. VV. S. Walker of Atlanta, a gallant Confederate cavalry General, presented the colei's in a brief but stirring speech which was received with rounds of applause. Gen Walker’s speech Was replied to by Chaplain S I). Paine who roundly abused the politicians of the country for trying to bring about an estrangement between the Grand Amy of the Republic and President Cleveland. The flag, which was a very handsome one, was a present to the Grand Army of the Republic from the citizens of Jackson ville. Thirty-four representatives went from this city, under the command of E. VV. Henck, department commander. The members expect to be absent ten days, and will lie joined by companies from South Florida and Pensacola. The First District Division of the Sons of Temperance, of Florida, was organized in this city yesterday afternoon. Officer* were elected and the meeting adjourned to meet again in this city on the second Wednesday in October. This division includes the counties of Duval, Bt. John’s, Baiter, Clay and Nassau. Albert Drysdale and J. H. Hardee bought the grocery business of V. H. James to-day and will start a grocery store. Both part ners are prominent young men and ore backed with ample capital to muke the busi ness a success. Excitement was caused on Bay street this afternoon by three pistol shot* following iu quick succession in the interior of Hntz’s barroom All investigation showed that .Sheriff Holland and Deputy Sheriff E. J. Murphy had surprised a gang of twenty-live negro gam- I dels who hud iniide the suloon their rendez vous. tln tie 1 appoaratM-e of the officers the gamblers scntierisl In all direction*, in t ie ■neluo^nock lug the offireis down and escap ing The Sneriff knows several of the gam bler* mid say* he will capture the whole gang. Put In In Distress. Pensacola Fla , Moot. 33. The Norwe gian tank Fee-dsn 11, -111) tons, (‘apt Carl Norls-i g, sailed from Itiienos \ c i# on July 7, 1887, till V IX dnv out, IsMiiid for Vpu lachicola. Ft* Nile encountered the nrmt gai uml put Into thl* port in uUltsm for run r* TIIE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1881. SANFORD’3 SCORCHER A Detailed List of the Sufferers by the Cos n flag-ration. Hanford, Fla., Sept. 28. —At 1:16o’clock yesterday morning fire was discovered iu the rear of Altrees’ bakery, on First street. One of the small chemical engines turned on a stream, but it had no effect. The fire rapidly 1 spread to Sanford avenue on tho east, and to Magnolia avenue on the west, burning out tho following named business houses: houses. but. loss. ; Max Myereon. general store loss . . 3 H.IJUO ! Zerl Adams, grocery 4,500 ilemont, bakery 1 ; 2(X1 | G. Altree, bakery 1,0(IU ——Wheeler, saloon 1,600 K. Cohen, clothing 7,600 ('hftires & Yetser, druggists. ... 4,000 K. W. Shepherd, liquors 3.000 W. J. Hill, paints, oils and plumbers’ materials and building 7.000 J. Buckeit, restaurant 800 M. K. Hester, Girard House . 2,<XX> M. K. Hester, store building 2,000 John Dodd, Teahen House 3,00 > C. Jones, saloon 1,000 T. Mcßae, druggist 1,200 Brumley A Harrison, hardware 2,500 Lord, jewelry. .Stock saved: dam age not known. M. K. Brown, clothing 4.500 M. J. Doyle, general store 24,000 M. J. Doyle, liotel building . 3,(XX) Diedrich, Hotel Everglade furniture. 2.600 Marks & Tomlinson, real estate 500 E. C. Parkhurst, dry gjods, boots and shoes 15,000 H. L. DeForrest, furniture 6,000 C. J. Barrett, sporting goods, billiards.. 1,200 J. S, Vanbeßoe, groceries 3.000 F. Adler & Cos., boots and shoes 3.000 B. Simms, liquors 2,500 W. Beardall, Monroe House 2,100 .1. X. Bishop, Iniiluings 15,000 Drs. W'ylly and Caldwell, medical li brary, etc 2,000 Dr. King 'Vylly. office building 700 Owner unknown—Dr. Forest building.. 4,IKK) D. J. Ilrawdy, store building 2,000 C. S. Deutch, general merchandise 2,400 W. J. Donbrosky, jewelry and confec’y. 1.500 Ida Gemissert. empty store buildings. . 10,000 Hayden and Philips, store buildings. , 1,500 I’. Ilockstein, store buildings I,IXIO F. Hotchkiss, brick store building 12,(NX) M. C. Hayes, billiard tallies, etc tXX) C. H. Eeffier, store buildings 2,400 K. Miller, store buildings 2,000 S. Hupp, shoemaker 150 A. M. Thrasher, library ... 1,000 A. M. i brasher, store buildings 2,000 Total 3172,50i1. The losses will probably run higher than this, ns quite a number of people were living in buildings burned, anil saved none of their household goods. The fire engine from Or lando arrived here at 4:30 o’clock this morn ing—too late to lie of any service in subdu ing the conflagration. They made the trip, twenty-two miles, over the South Florida railroad in thirty four minutes. The Sanford House and San Leon Hotel are safe. The liquor dealers succeeded in saving most of their stock. From the fire line west to and including the Everglade Hotel, the buildings were con tinuous and all wooden except the Hotch kiss block, which could have been saved with sufficient water. The stream would not run 30 feet from end of hose. CLAY COUNTY’S VOTE. How Pleading and Good Things to Eat Influenced tho Fight. Green Cove Springs, Sept. 23.—Clay county has joined the procession of dry ones in Florid.. The election took place on Sept. 20, resulting in a majority of over 100 in favor of prohibition. Only a light vote was polled, comparatively little attention having been paid to the event outside Green Cove Springs, the county site. All the sa loons of the county nrc located there, as are also most of the hotels In addition to the per sistent gambling and minor immoralities usually linked with saloons, it leaked out recently that at least one of them, a large portion of the Sabbath day lias b -eu devot ed to disgraceful orgies, either unknown to the town authorities or unheeded by them. The ladies, therefore, determined to work for the extermination of the saloons, and entered actively into the canvass. Laggard husbands, brothel’s and sons were roused into action. On the day of election tiie ladies mustered in lull force in front of the polling place at an early hour armed with an ample supply of blue ribbons and < art louils of free lunch, consisting of edibles to suit every palate. These, and pleading arguments, certainly proved effec tual, because it is more than probable that they were the principal cause of tho dry ma jority. Within a few days the saloons of Green Cove Springs will vanish, and tho ladies of the town aro entitled to the credit thereof. Politics or color lines had no part in the issue. Maybe it Was a Fire Balloon. Millkdgevili.k, Sept. 33.—A very sin gular meteoric phenomenon was seen last night about 8 o'clock. It did not seem to be a shooting star, but rather a floating one. It was first seen about half way between the zenith and western horizon, apparently swinging or floating from side to side and up and down just as a light downy feather is borne about by the wind. As it kept slowly bobbing it continued also to gradu ally come down toward . the horizon in a southwest direction until it finally disap peared slowly behind the horizon iu the southwest. The star was about the size of the North star and about as bright, not brighter, and it moved aliout and floated downwurd very slowly. A Qin House Burned. Albany. Ga., Sept. 33.—A gin house upon the sand hills two mileseast of Albany was fired by incendiaries last night. At tempts were made to fire the dwelling house but the dogs prevented. The gin was tho proriertv of Col. Nelson Tift. The loss is SI,OOO, with no insurance. EXCITEMENT ON THE TURF. The Scratching of a Horse Causes a Stir Among Betters. New York, Sept. 3!!.—The following is a summary of to-day’s races at the Brooklyn Jockev Club's grounds: Fibst Race -Three- quarters of a mile. Badge won, Stuyvesant second and Umpire third. Time I:2OVy. Second Race —One and one-quarter miles. Swift won. with Exile second anil Ten Booker third. Time 2:18J4 TmnnRACK Three-quarters of a mile. Ford ham won, with Locust second and Carrie G. third. Time I:29ti. Fourth Race—One and one-eighth miles. Bessie June won, with Duly Primrose second and Alarie third. Time 2:0744- Firm Race -Three-quarters of a mile. Pearl Jennings won. with Harry Russell second and Bed Stone third. Time 1:20. Though Gleaner had lieen sere.tubed before the last rare, his name was put up by mistake on the bookmaker’s hoards and a large amount of money was bet on him. The judges learning of this, ordered all liets off unit theioidh were turned and Gleaner's nuuie was taken ilr The Judges went further mil declared that combination IsKikmakei-s should refund all money on combination In which Gleaner was named ns a winner. This notion Aroused n good deni of excitement until its true purpose was understood, w‘i u it wus seen thnt the judges and managers of the course were protecting the publie. There were ugly reports Hying about its to the cause of the scratching of Gleaner, but none of them could be substantiated Sixth Rack line and one sixteenth miles Maggie Mitchell w on, with Cnrrissimu second mid Bonnie 8 third Time BAbR), LOUISVILLE'S HACKS. Louikvili, k, Ky., Sept 23. —To-day’s races resulted us follow*: First Rack Half mile. Go Lightly won, with I Inutile second ami Hitler third, Time tot 1, tieuoND Rack Mileaiid a Mixteenth host oral first with Kirkland second and Lot i* Cl irk ttdrd Time 1:524 4 , Till'd liAur. Three quarter* t a mil" V.-tl nan!" won, with poteen second and t’atalpa thirl Time 1:15 i ouhiii lju'K Due mile. Bertha won, wilti I‘alloii second and Kentucky llan third. Tine* 1:46 Firm Baca Mmou aiffh'li*of ainile Walker woo. with Hoped*!* second and ( ha lev third Tims I *1 SINGER’S WIVES AND WEALTH. Tho Death of a Duke Recalls Memories of Hia Eccentric Ways. From Ihr Chicago Inter-Ocean. A recent cable dispatch announced the deatii at Paris, of the Duke Canepo Selice. who was described as the husband of one of the beautiful daughters of Isaac M. Singer. The Duke died of heart disease and was a millionaire. Hardly a twelvemonth pusses without the occurrence of some incident, either foreign or domestic, which recalls memories of the patentee and first manu facturer of tha Singer sewing machine, Isaac 51. Singer, whose immense wealth ami total disregard for matrimonial bonds made him notorious on both sides of tiie Atlantic. Singer was bom in Massachusetts, but spent tiie greater part of his early life in and around New York City. After obtaining his patent, Singer, in order to protect, him self against Howe, associated himself with a lawyer named Clnrke in the manufacture of machines. Clarke managed tiie business and in reality made the money for Singer. After the organisation in 1853 the style of the firm was Isaac M. Singer & 00., Clarke tan ng the company. Singe made the most, if not all of his gigantic fortune, between the years of 1853 and lIWB, lor during tho latter year the company was incorporated us theSlOgur Manufacturing ('ompuny, and Singer himself, having been marriod-about four times more than the law allows, sold all of bis property, retaining only some of the stock of the newly organized company, and, crossing the Atlantic, took up his resi dence in England with the one of his five wives with whom he'was most impressed at tiie time. Hero Singer died in 1873, and litigation of his estate of over $15,000,000 is not yet ended. Tiie wife of tho Duke Campo Selice is thought by Chicago persons, who know something of Singer’s history, to be one of tiie children of the union maintained by Singer and one of his wives for ten years in England. Several daughters of the re nowned Singer resided in New York city, and attracted considerable attention through their great personal beauty and style. Some three years ago the noted actor, Frank C. Hangs, married one of them, but a sensa tional separation followed the wedding be fore the honeymoon was passed, and later on the actor instituted suit for divorce. Some time within a year past an enterprising newspaper correspondent unearthed, as it were, one of Singer’s widows down on the Jersey coast, near New York City, where she had been living for years under an assumed name, and having given up all hope of obtaining any portion of Singer’s estate. A brother of Isaac M. Siuger has Jived in various por tions of Illinois for the past ten years. He is of a roving nature, however, and chooses farming as his vocation. The brother’s name is John, and he occasionally comes to Chicago. About a year ago he stepped into the office of the Singer Manufacturing Agency, on Wabash avenue and Jackson street, introduced himself to the managers, and, after spending a few moments in con versation, disap;ieared as suddenly as he had come and has not been heard of since. A Man Whose Electric Fingers Cause Him Great Trouble. From the Philadelphia Fries. Anton Saverne, a Belgian cabinetmaker employed at a Kensington shipyard, has the wonderful power of producing electric sparks by rubbing his fingers. Saverne is a little, swarthy fellow, about 40 years old, with a bushy head of black hair, keen blue eyes—ver 11 rare among his countrymen— and very small hands. His motions prove that he is excessively nervous, and his senses of hearing, sight and smell, us he as sured a reporter yesterday, are unusually acute. His parents still live on a farm in Belgium, near Brussels, and he is the young est of a family of eleven children. “I know not how I do it,” he said lust eve ning, as the reporter saw sparks shoot from isav erne’s fingers. The cabinetmaker rubbed his finger tips rapidly up and down upon his trousers. Then, hofding his hands out with fingers widely extended, jets of tin/ yellow flames, or long sparks, shot out. They seemed propelled I)3’ some un seen force ten or twelve inches into the air, when they vanished. The right hand ap peared more charged with electricity, if the sparks are electric, than the left. Tiie lamp in Saverue’s front room was put out so that the .sparks might be seen in all their bril liancy. It' wus a wonderful sight. Again and again did the bushy-headed Belgian rub his fingers and hold them out while tiny showers of bl ight sparks darted out as if from toy fireworks. “I wus not always so,” said Saverne. lighting the lamp and his black pipe filled with villanous tobacco, at the same time. “When I had been sick ten years ago it was said 1 would die. I lay so weak one night iu my father’s house when there came up a storm. Such thunder and lightning I never knew before. And my body had sucli queer sensations. While I lay, covered up with bedclotlies, my mother sat holding her face in her hands by my side, and I seemed to feel a thousand needles pricking my limbs and chest and tho soles of rnv feet. It was not so painful, for queer thrills came with every prick, and when the thunder rolled away and tiie rain stopped I rose up, leaned back, and put out my hand to take that of my mother’s. My eyes were closed, but I heard her cry: “ ‘Anton!’ 11 ‘Whatt’ I gasped, weakly. “ ‘Your hand.’ “I looked at it. The one nearest to her It was all afiame. I was terrified. My cry brought my father and sisters to the room. They looked at me in horror. I took my other hand from the clothes to rub the right. Sparks shot from the fingers of the left Soon they died away, but I have but to rub iny bands as you have seen and the light comes.” Saverne told of the hardships brought, upon him by his singular faculty. The neighboring peasants in Belgium avoided him and told awful stories of his being in league with the devil. Men would not hire him to plow or in harvest time. His own family clung to him, but the farm was small and he came to this country five years ago. Here he learned the cabinet-making trade and got employment at finishing ship interiors. But when his companions sa w his faculty or infirmity they treated him coldly, liis ignorant neighbors in Schles wig street regard him as possessed of an evil spirit. Saverne’s electric fingers are the cui’se of his existence. Remarkably Sensitive Telephone. Milford i Mass.) Dispatch to the Poston Journal. By invitation of W. A. Heyward, man ager of the Pulsion Teleptnthe Company, the Assciated Press agent and other news pa|>er men inspected their private wire this afternoon. The transmitter contains a most sensitive vibrator, fully covered by patents and uses no electricity. Two transmitters were placed in the attics of two different buildings and connected by I,IXIO feet of bale copper wire. Another wus run to un apple orchard,wound around a tree and continued back to the house. The party stood in the orchard and Mr. Prince went to one of the uttics. Conversation wus varied on by simply standing near and talking toward the limb of the tree that the wire wins attached to. Tho lowest whisper and the ticking of a watch were distinctly hoard by placing one end of a broom-handle or ii stick against the tree and the other end to the ear. A hat was held against the wire mid the Associated Press agent walked sixty feet by uetuul measurement from tho hat and yet distinctly heard all the conver sation. The playing of a harmonica and singing was heard a distance ol seventy-five feet from the Imt. The party then went to theattie of the house where one transmitter was stationed, while Mr. Prince remained at the other end, nearly half a mile away. The lowest conversation was heard iu any part of the house, also wliis|ieriiig, singing, etc. The party then went out of the house down sinir- anil stood in the yard till" e fe> t from the stairs and heard Mr. Prince sing Mild talk. Mr. Prince then went down stairs m the hoiix* where hi* tiaiwmitter was h cited and talked in an entry awai from the transmitter end wire, a id coni I Im> Plainly h *.crd ir ,si ru# other end I MEETINGS. T. P. A. An adjourned meeting of tbe Travelers' Pro tective Association will beheld THIS EVENING at the Screven House, at 8 p. M. A punctual attendance is requested. D. NEWMAN, President. H. M. Holey. Secretary. A CARD. To the Members of the \a*nl Stores Mutual Protective Association. A meeting of the Association is hereby called to assemble at the Marshall House, in Savannah, Ga., on OCTOBER 3n, at 10 a. m. Important business in relation to the naval stores industry will be considered and efforts made to inaugurate some plans by which the objects of the Association may be advanced. A cordial invitation is extended to every oper ator to meet with us and unite with the Asso ciation. E. J. BAKER, Pres. Naval Stores Mutual Protective Ass’n. Jos. B. Fraser, Secretary. ■SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements inserted under “Special Notices " will be charged $1 00 o Square each insertion. NOTICE. All persons are hereby cautioned against har boring or trusting any of tbe crew of the Aus trian bark SIRENA, Capt. Cosulich, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by Mas ter, Owners or M. S. COSULICH & CO., Agents. NOTICE. All bills against the British steamship ELSIE, Thompson, Master, must lie presented at our office by or before 12 o'clock midday on SAT URDAY, the 24th inst., or payment thereof will be debarred. _ A. MINIS & SONS, Consignees. _ SPECIAL NOTICE. MR, A. S. COHEN, formerly with Collat Bros., is now opening a Shoe Store at 189)4 Broughton street, and respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage. ARCADE OYSTER AND CHOP HOUSE. The finest delicacies of NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN MARKETS. NEW YORK OYS TERS per every steamer. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. T. 1L ENRIGHT. NOTICE. Neither the Master nor Consignees of the Ger man bark ELENA, Fr. Gerber, Master, will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. AMERICAN TRADING SOCIETY, Savannah Agency Consignee. VARIETY BAKERY. CRANBERRY, APPLE. PEACH AND CO COANUT PIE; also CREAM PUFFS. A large variety of Cakes fresh; baked every day. JOHN DERST, THIS MORNING! TO-NIGHT: GRAND FREE LUNCH > RICE BIRDS, FRIED OYSTERS. DELICACIES, SUBSTANTIAL Call around. CHAS. KOLSHORN & BRO., ■ 170 Broughton street, DR. J. EMMETT BLAt RSHEAIL LATE OF MACON, GA. Office and residence: 150 Jones street, Savan nah, Ga. • NOTICE TO DELING CENT WATER TAKERS. CITY TREASURER’S OFFICE, I Savannah, Ga., Sept. 14, 1887. i Unless your water rent, past due since July lst, is paid without further delay, the supply of water will be shut off from your premises with out further notice. C. S. HARDEE. City Treasurer. THE MORNING NEWS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, 3 Whitaker Street. The Job Department of the Morning News, embracing JOB AND BOOK PRINTING, LITHOGRAPHING AND ENGRAVING, BOOK BINDING AND ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURING, is the most complete in the South. It is t horough ly equipped with the most improved machinery, employs a large force of competent workmen, and carries a full stock of papers of all descriptions. These facilities enable the establishment to execute orders for anything in the above lines at the shortest notice and the lowest prices con sistent with good work. Corporations, mer chants. manufacturers, mechanics and business men generally, societies and committees, are requested to get estimates from the MORNING NEWS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE liefore send ing their orders abroad. J. H. ESTILL. DR. HENRY £ COLUINU, DENTIST, Office corner Jones and Drayton streets. I LMER’g LIVER CORRECTOR. This vegetable preparation is invaluable for the restoration of tone and strength to the sys tem. For Dyspepsia, Constipation and other Ills, caused by a disordered liver, it cannot lie excelled. Highest prises awarded, and in dorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for Ul mer's Liver Corrector and take no other. $1 00 a bottle. Freight paid to any address. R. F. ULMER. M. D., Pharmacist. Savannah. Ga. PRIN'T'IIU AMD BOOKBINDER. 1834,- FIFTY-THREE YEARS-1887. At the RuMlncn.H, nmi up with tlie Muitic all tlie Time. GEO. N. NICHOLS, PRINTING, BINDING —an n BLANK BOOKS. ■■:verytliliiK complete for the ttent Work. No Hlniichy work, men. No poor work. REA L ESTATE. WALTHOUR & RIVERS, AGENTS AND DEALERS IN Ileal Ks ! ate. Special attention given to (.ol'e ilon of Rent*. Hriwlr., etc.; also lYujr'rg mi l Selling. Olflnn t No O'l |i n . a.i • MILLIN ERY. PLATSHEK'S, 138 Broughton Street. fid Carnival flit IN THE PRICES OF High Art Embroidery Materials. These prices will remain the same throughout the season unless factory prices changes. Fasten Your Eyes Right Here ! 25 Skeins il hunch) of Corticelli, best skein Embroidery Silk, in every shade, for 16c. 12 Skeins (double length) Shaded Embroidery Silk for 20c. 12 Skeins Florence Filoselle Silk, every shade, for 24c. Florence Etching Silk, in every shade, at 3c. a spool. Florence Best Knitting Silk, J 4 ounce spools, for 33c. each. Best Quality Silk Arasene (18 yards to bunch), in every shade, 18c. a bunch. Superior Silk Ribbonsene (18 yarns to bunch), in every shade, 25c. a bunch. Every shade Frosted Tinsel (8)4 yards to ball) at BVc. each. No. 1 Silk Chenille (15 yards to bunch), in every shade, for 28c. a bunch. No. 2 Silk Chenille (15 vards to bunch), in every shade, for 18c. a bunch. Bergman's Imported Berlin Zephyrs, in 2,4, 8 fold, at Si per pound of 16 laps, or 7c. per lap; a line consisting of nearly 1.000 shades and con firmed the largest in the South. Shetland Floss and other Fancy Wools, giving the best weight in this country, at $1 per pound, or 7c. per ounce. None Can Touch Us. We have the largest and best detailed depart ment devoted to this purpose in this city. Get Rock Bottom Prices From us on 2yard wide French Felts, in every shade. lambrequin Ornaments, Chenille and Silk Cords, Canvasses of all kinds, 25-inch Plushes, Macreme Cord, Darning Cottons, Embroidery Cottons, Linen Floss and the host of such articles kept in a first-class department devoted to this use. Bargains throughout our entire lines of MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS. P. S.—Mail orders promptly attended to. GROCERIES. 'the Mutual Co-Operative Association, UNDER ODD FELLOWS’ HALL, —IS HEADQUARTERS FOR— New Mackerel, Household Ammonia, Cross & Blackwell’s Preserves, —AND ANYTHING IN— Staple and Fancy Groceries. John R. JWithington, Agt. Rust Proof Oats, Seed Rve, v > APPLES. POTATOES, ONIONS, CABBAGES, And all kinds of VEGETABLES and FRUITS By every steamer. 25 Cars Oats, 25 Cars Hay, 50 Cars Corn. GRITS, MEAL, CORN EYE BEAN. TEAS, and feed of all kinds. 155 BAY STREET."' Warehouse in 8., F. & W. R y Yard. T.JP. BOND & CO. GRAPEK FINE GRAPES IN SMALL BASKETS Pears, Apples, Cabbages, Onions, Potatoes, Lemons. Florida Oranges. Seed Rye and Oats, CGIiAIN, HAY AND FEED. I*arge buyers are urged to get our prices be fore buying. 169 BAY ST, W. D. SIMKINS & CO, Kippered Herring, Findon Haddocks, Preserved Bloaters, Smoked Sardines, -AT - A. M. & (’. W. WESTS. m ean s DEPOT; 1565. ESTABLISHED iww.V Estill’s News Depot, No. BULL STREET. WILLIAM EST ILL, DEALER IN Newspajiers, Periodicals, Magazines, Stationery, Books, Etc. A FULL supply of all kinds of Reading Matter constantly on linn I. Any Book. Ma ;azine or Paper you may desire, which is not in stock will Is* promptly procure 1 for vou hy tearing your order. hjaN-ial at ti-nti>>n given to thede llvery of the SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS. PROPOSALS WANTED. I’I.AM firawm CWAE Omus or (‘Hitr Enoipkkh i ANO (iKNCIIAI, MaNAOKR, '■ Savannah, Ua . Sept. !kl, PW. j I thu u> until 18 u.. I > HI .11 I-MLER.knit, for the construction of that isirtlon of the TbniuMVllle. Tallaiiaee •!}'.' railroad eglrndlUK from Tin.mas t ille, Georgia, to tic l Florida Slate line All clearing, grubbing, grading and bridging will la* let under-e contract It-.lilrs mav he exam Ined and further Informal ion may lie obtained upon "I'l'lba'ion „t the Chief Engineer'* office K.. 1 and NN Ky.. Savannah. 0a , after Hcptatn , . 11 H hainbC (’hisf Ks?|nAsr AfiA (Un * i n ~ p i ( EXCURSIONS. Wfistofal Sara® RAILWAY. Summer Excursions Commencing SUNDAY, MAY 15th, this Com pany will sell round trip tickets to CHARLESTON, BEAUFORT AND PORT ROYAL. By following Trainsand at following Rates: By train leaving Sundays only, at fi:4s a. m. : re turning, leave Charleston at 3:35 p. h., Port Royal 3:30 and Beaufort 3:45 p. m. same d°y $i oo By train leaving Suhday only at 6:45 a. m,; re turning, leave Charleston Monday mora ls 00 By train leaving Saturday at 8:23 p. m. ; return ing, leave Charleston Monday morning.. $2 50 By train leaving Saturday at 12:26 p. m.: return ing, leave Charleston Monday morning.. $3 00 Tickets for sale at WM. BREN’S, Bull street and at Depot. E. P. McSWINEY. Gen. Pass. Agent. DRY GOODS. CLEARING JHJT SALE. To Make Room for Fall Stock, I will offer Special Inducements iq MY ENTIRE STOCK, With exception of my Empire State Shirt. r Y , HE following roods will lie sold cheaper than X ever offered in Savannah: Summer and India Silks. Cream. White and Light Shades of Albatross. Colored and Black all Wool Dress Goods. Black Camel’s Hair Grenadines at 8oc.; 40-inch wide. Printed Linen Lawns at less than cost. Real Scotch Ginghams at less than cost. Black Henriettas at $1 40 and Si 75; sold at $2 and $2 25. Ijidies' and Children’s Silk and Lisle Thread Hose in black and colored. Imdies’ and Children's Undervests; best goods in the market Linen Sheeting and Pillow-Case Linen. Cream and White Table Damask. 9-4 Whip! Damask at $1; former price $1 50. Napkins and Doylies in cream and white. IJnen Damask Towels in white and colored bordered. Linen Huck in white and colored bordered. Pantry Crash Doylies at great reduction. The above goods will be offered at prices to insure quick sale. J. P. GERMAINE, Next to Furber's, 132 Broughton street. ICE. ICE ! Now Is the time when every body wants ICE, and we want to sell it. PRICES REASONABLE! 20 Tickets, good for 100 Pounds, 75c. 140 Tickets, good for 700 Pounds, $5. 200 Tic' ets, good for 1,000 Pounds, $7. 50 Pounds at one delivery 30c. Lower prices to large buyers. ICE Packed for shipment at reduced rates. Careful and polite service. Full and liberal weight. KNICKERBOCKER ICE GO, 144 BAY ST. PORTRAITS. The Great Southern Portrait Company, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. L. IL DAVIS, Secretary arid Manager of the Great South ern Portmit Company. \N inspection of samples of our Portraits at our office, with Davis 8r05.,42 and 44 Bull street, will greatly Interest those who contem plate having small pictures of themselves, their friends, living aud deceased, copied and enlarged in OIL, WATER COLOR, INDIA INK. PAS TE LLP and CRAYON. We guarantee a per fect likeness and excellence of work. We have about TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES AND GRADES IX SIZES OF ENLARGED POR TRAITS from Bxlo to 50x90. and our prices are from $2 to SBOO each. EMPLOY FORTY ART ISTS; been twenty-six years in the business; have a 6,000 candle-power ELECTRIC LIGHT, and are fully prejiared with all proper expedi tion and skill to execute all orders promptly and satisfactorily. We respectfully solicit your orders L. b. DAVIS, Secretary and Manager The Great Southern Portrait Cos. HOTELS. NEW HOTEL TOGNL (Formerly St. Mark’s.* Newnan Street, near Bay, Jacksonville, Ha WINTER AND SUMMER. r PHE MOST central House In the city. Neat 1 I’ost Office, Street Cars and all Ferries. New and Elegant Furniture. Electric Bells, Baths, Etc. fcii 50 to $3 per dav. JOHN l>. TOWNI. Proprietor. DUB’S SCREVEN HOUSE. r POPULAR Hotel Is now provided with 1 u Passenger Elevator (the only one in the city) and h%s oeen remodeled and newly ftir nished. r rhe proprietor, who hy recent purchase is also the owner of th© establishment, •pori neither pains nor expense in th© entertainment of his guest*. The patronage of Florida visit ors is earnestly invited. The table of tlie Screven House is supplied with every luxury that, the markets at home or abroad can afford. THE MORRISON HOUSE. One of the Largest Boarding Houses In the South. \FFORpS pleasant South rooms, good hoard with pure Arlesian Water, at prices to suit those wishing tabic, regular or transient accom modations. Northeast corner Broughton and Drayton s'.reeta, opposite Marshall House. PAINTS AMD OILS. JOHN G. BUTLER, WHITE LEADS. COLORS, OILS, tiI.ASS, W VARNISH. ETC.: READY MIXED PAINTS; RAILROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUPPLIES. SaSIIES, doors, bunds and BUILDERS’ HARDWARE. Sole Agent for GEORGIA LIME. ( AU’INED PLASTER CE MENT, HAIR hud LAND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Street. Savannah. Georgia. IST rums. MEKPBY, m House, Sign and Ornamental Painting I'XECUTIiP NEATLY and with dispatch. I j Paint*, Oil*. Varniftlit.N, Brunbe*. t* iado* <il/uwe*. Ho., etn. hftttuuiUw furmh*J on *!► pluatkm. OOKNfctt OOJfOKKHd AXt) DRAYTON bTt- Pi*'* *• a/ i 'hf'ff riiiiH