The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 26, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WORKING FOR THE PRESS. What Newspaper Women Think of Newspaper Work. [Copyrighted 1887] New York, Sept. 24.—“1s the newspaper #ffire a promising held of work for women?” This is the substance of the inquiry which in one form or another, by letter or by word of mouth, I have put to ten or t welve news paper women. “Would you, in the light of your experi ence, advise a young girl to try the work? What work is there that a woman can do on the modern newspaper? Do reporters of the other sex welcome a woman or do they feel her presence among them an intru sion •" Jennie June, the editor of Galley's Lady's Book, who liegan newspaper work ou the Weekly Times iu New York before any other woman, unless one counts Margaret Fuller, had attempted it, has been a staunch advocate of journalism as a business for women. In reply to my questions Mrs. Croly said: “I'do not think there is any question in j regard to the woman's claim to some sort of j place in the journalism of to-day. She has made it for herself and demonstrated her right to its occupation. Wnat seems to me the greatest obstacle to good and permanent work is the want among women journalists i of deliberate purpose and proper t quipment They are still accidents, the driftwood of fortune, rather than the result of deliberate aim and conscientious preparation. To make a distinct and recognized place for herself in journalism to-day a woman needs, in ad dition to a broad and liberal education, in timate acquaintance with some subject upon which she can make herself an authority. This is sure to lead to success, as in the ease of Mrs. Martha J. Lamb, whose natural bent for history was cultivated for fifteen years by the writing of short historic sketches and the ‘History of the City of New Y T ork,‘ when she naturally gravitated into the editorship of an historical maga zine, and in a very short while placed it far and away in advance of its kind by the breadth and fores' of ex|>erience and char acter of her work. “It seems to me that the work of women in journalism will always be more special than general in its nature. The discussion of art, literary, social, domestic, and educa tional topics, correspondence and editorship of periodicals which represent these rhemes and interests. I do not think general re porting on a daily paper in a great city pos sible or desirable for women, while the field of dramatic criticism is difficult of the late hours and the embarrassment eif traversing the streets after midnight with out an escort. Yet women are excellent critics and publishers find them the keenest, quickest and most cons F• #, ious of readers and book reviewers. Far p*. dishing houses now but employ more less women in this capacity. “As for the dangers of newspaper offices to women they are chimerical. A woman who attends to her business is respected just as a man is; there is no sex in hard, honest work.” The newspaper correspondence and much of the special work of which Mrs. Croly S leaks can be done partially at least from ie writer's own study desk and do not al ways or necessarily involve the routine of daily office horn's or bring up the perplexing questions of relations with journalists of the other sex. On these points 1 consulted Mrs. Florence Finch Kelly, who first us reporter for the Boston Globe and later as editorial writer for the same paper, made herself a reputation as one of the brightest of the younger newspaper workers in Boston, and who since her marriage and residence in New York has found time for constant newspaper work as well. Mrs. Kelly says: “Should a woman who wishes to do news paper work try to get a position in an offiee or attempt to do simply contributing from the outside? The newspaper editor will in variably tell her that she doesn’t need to undergo the discomforts of office work, that she can just as well do her writing outside. But he tells her that because it is the easiest way to get himself out of an uncomfortable position. He knows that in all probability she would be an unwelcome addition to his staff and he does not wish to say so. He knows verv well that her value to him will be doubled and her worth as a newspaper worker vastly increased if she goes into an office as one of its regular workers and takes, a training in ‘all-round' newspaper work. “But there is a prejudice, and a strong one, among newspaper men arciinst women in newspaper offices. Nor is if strange that there is, for so many of the women who have gone into the work have exnected and demanded that the rules of the drawing room beenforeed in the office that they have made the whole sex unwelcome. The’news paper office is thoroughly democratic and no person can enter it ana gain favor of any kind by reason of race, sex, color or previ ous condition of any kind whatsoever. No one man or woman ought to expect an office full of people to change their habits to suit the likes and dislikes of that one individual. If a woman objects to tobacco smoke either she should not go into an office where nine tenths of the people are smokers, < r, if she does, she should keep her objections^whether they be moral or physi :al, to herself. If she thinks there is anything inherently dis respectfully in a man with his coat off or his heels on a desk, she should do her writing at home. And if she enters an offiee the more closely she attends to business and the less she thinks about her moral influence the better she will succeed. Also the more in fluem-e she will exert. The less considera tion she seems to expect on account of her sex the more she will get. The fewer favors she asks for the more will be offered. She cannot Hml anywhere truer courtesy than will spontaneously flow all about her when her associates see that she is an unassuming worker, trying to succeed by attending strictly to her own labors, that she does not presume upon her sex, and that she docs not expect extra attention or consideration. In short, the woman who enters a newspaper office must be Willing to take things as she Jinds them and make no comments, or she will soon become the most unpopular mem ber of the staff. Hut by acting with good sense and true politeness she can make her path a very pleasant one and her days in the office such that she will always remem ber them with pleasure.” Genera! reporting for a city daily is work the feasibility of which for a woman is oftenev denied than affirmed. Miss Estelle M. Hatch, the "Grace Kincaid" of the Hus ton Globe, was a repirter for that pajier for a year before she was taken into the edito rial rooms. Of that experience in a brief chat some days since she said: “For a year I was at the call of the paper as a general reporter, taking my assign ments just the same as the men. 1 report'd sermons, lectures, public meetings of all kinds where women formed a part of the audience, and wrote up general news of many sorts during the day. I look Iwek upon that year n-s one into which the expe rience of three or four was crowded. 1 en joyed it greatly umi met with a great deal of kindness, my fellow reportersquite tak ing me in as one of themselves.” One of the best, known of New York news iiaper women to newspaper readers is Mrs. 'aimie B. Merrill, formerly of the (Ira)ihie, now of the Wiiilil, a very bright woman and u very clever journalist. When 1 ap pealed to her fora bit of personal experi ence in news|<n|ier work she sent me what she dulis her "confession." “As the henpecked old minister said wbn someone asked him before his wife whstiie thought of matrimony—that he thought it *a state of excellent liscipllue,' so inn one easily say of journalism for women, tiiat it is good discipline. My personal experience is divided into two parts, one of which may lie characterized a< torment, tiie other as quite ideal. The first year and a halt of my iiew*ptt[ier work was burdened wnh fool lihas and sorrow. 1 was green, I was imw and I wts wound half to dmith It i* n>d less to say that I almost star sad st iny desk and nothing tail very siiunte at bring *ueh an Idiot kepi nr- from leaving llie |oftssnno ami returning lilts a prodigal dsughu-r to my fatiuir's bone 'Feed mu, I pray t han, sod give ins a w hois gown.’ Thai wa the Itid ■ loud- i, Tim swKind lagan wdh Ufa la &*<* fork ami a 'task on U>* Gia/iho j From the first hour of my entrance into ! that office I was as nearly absolutely happy jas mortal woman could be. 1 was, in the j words of the proprietor, ‘the architect of jmy own fortune.’ My copy was not super j vised, I chose my own work and had gene f rally a royal good time. From early in the i morning until dark I was with men, but j never did I hear a careless word or have one ■ directed to me. From the elevator boy up, ! every nmu was courteous and jolly and ab j solutely respectful. The fact that I was a i woman was never forgotten, nor yet was it made the cause of undue attention. I was | simply taken in as ‘one of us,’ and every thing done to make ray work pleasant. Af- I ter a year and a half I left them and have | come into the office of a morning paper to try my hand at special work. It is quite ) the same story here. I am expected to j work, and ought to work hard, but it is made play almost by the fondness I have i for it, and, more important thing still, by the consideration of those under whose I orders I am.” Miss Midy Morgan, the cattle rejiortor of the New Y T ork Times and probably the liest posted authority ou live stock in America, exacts something more than respect—ad miration —for her success in a phase of newspaper work the most difficult in many ways that a woman could undertake. Going day after day, year in and year out up to the cattle pens by the river and out on the stock farms —-she is as vivacious and inter esting outside of her work as reliable in it. To the query what she thinks of newspaper work as a business for women she returns the characteristic line: “As I entered journalism by chance and remain in it through a spirit of idleness, 1 feel incompetent to guide others.” Miss Lilian Whiting, the literary editor of the Boston Traveller, is widely known as a Boston correspondent. She gives me a picture of certain pleasant fields in jour nalism. She says: “The true aim of all journalistic work seems to me less what one can get out of it than what one can put into it—that is, it is especially the work which may lie made a personal contribution to one’s day and generation. All earnest, thinking women live for something higher, I take it, than greed, or getting, or gain, and in every privilege opened by the large horizon of journalism find a corresponding duty In this way women journalists are contribut ing to the intellectual and social progress of the world. Among these i3 held in sweetest memory the name of Mary Clenier. Amoiig the more eminent editorial workers of the day soecial tribute is due to Mrs. Margaret SuliiVar. of Chicago, whose writing is st rongiW' thought and exquisite in quality; Mrs. Sara A. Underwood, another eminent writer, who is associated with her husband in the editorship of ‘The Open Court;’ Miss Mary D. Fell, the strong and brilliant literary reviewer of the New Orleans ’Times-Democrat v Katherine Codway of Boston, who is Jonn Boyle O'Reilly’s able assistant on the Pilot; Mrs. Colby, of Nebraska, who publishes and edits the Woman' Tribune-, Alice Stone Blackwell, of the Woman's Journal ; the young and talented daughter of Mrs. Lucy Stone and Henry B. Blackwell. Your space and my time would fail if I ventured to pursue names further and still the Boston women journalists—Mrs. Sallie Joy White, Mrs. A. M. B. Ellis and Miss Josephine Jen kins, of the Herald ; Miss Grace Soper, of the Journal -, Miss Minerva Caroline Smith, of the Advertiser Mi's. Washburn, of the Globe-, Miss Twombly, a keen art critic and able correspondent, aud others I wish space permitted me to name, are each, in her special line, doing worn that is full of value to their respective journals, full of interest to the public, that must be, I am sure, a means of that constantly growing happiness to themselves that all work, earn estly done, cannot fail to give. Nearly, perhaps, quite all. the journalists I mention not only contribute this quota to the spe cial journal on which they are engaged, but are also writers of poems, stories and charming corresjiondenee, or contributors to magazines or authors of books. “Journalism offers > them a field full of charm, of possibilities for constant intellec tual culture forgetting good by doing good. What more can we as women who hold some higher ideal aims amid all our real work ask i To me, as I see the happy, ever growing, ever-gladdening lives, Journalism seems full of infinite possibilities for the no ble living, and I feel toward it much as the young couple did toward their blue China, 1 long to live up to it.” Boston is the paradise of newspajrer women. Miss Grace Soper, who is a clever editorial writer on the Boston Journal, expresses satisfaction with her work and a genuine liking for it. Minna Caroline Smith, of the Boston Advertiser, is a plucky Western girl who was fora long time on the Chicago Inter-Ocean. She, too, likes newspaper work and succeeds in it. Olive Logan never attempts to conceal her enthusiasm for her vocation. The last time I saw her she said: “1 like newspaper work because I like newspaper iieople. Of all men they are the most genial, the most kindly, the most in ch ned to good comradeship. I like it, too, lieeause it brings me iu touch with women. I am interested in all that interests women, and I like to write for them and to them.” Miss Mary L. Booth, the editor of Harp er's Bazar, puts as the requisite for a wo man’s success in journalistic work, the ability for continuous effort. She herself keeps daily office hours, from 1) until 4, and for nineteen years, that is, from the dav of the foundation of the periodical, she bad not taken more than two weeks’ vacation at a time until her European outing of this summer. She says: “Like woman’s work, editorial work is never done and the planning, of which it very largely consists, goes ou night and day without interruption.” Mrs, Eliza Archard Conner, second in command to Gertrude Garrison on the American Press Association, Now York, says that she received but $lO for her first six months’ newspaper work, but that a woman who has a none for news ami news paper instincts can succeed if she perseveres and makes a place for herself. Mrs Laura C. Holloway, for years on the staff of the Brooklyn Eagle, liked newspaper work so well that since her graduation into maga zine work and book writing, she lias con tinued to do more or less journalistic work, too. Of the outlook for newspaper women and tSeir prospects in the immediate future, a newspajier •.uin, the managing editor of a city daily, tolls me: “1 am fully convinced that women will do a much greater proportion of the newspaper work of the future than they uro doing of to-day's. There is no reason why ainiut one-third of the editorial and reportorial staff of any city daily should not be women. Under the present conditions of the news paper trade the managing ixiitor, the city editor, sporting editor and many of the re porters are necessarily men, but women would do equally well as editors-in-chief (witness Mrs. Nicholson, of the New Orleans Picayune’), dramatic, literary and art crit ics, as editorial writers, ns managers of ‘Home’ and 'Fashion' depart ments, us writers upon such s|>oeial topics as islucational and charitable work, religious news and foreign occurrences, as reporters of sermons, lec tures and concerts, lawsuits in the higher courts, weddings, parties, and all funerals except those of prize fighters and famous thieves. They could and will cull extracts and do most sorts of editorial lrnek work, for which their juttiencu mid thoroughness would qualify them. I .Ixtlieve I have not named hi this list a single place whieh bus not to my own knowledge Ihnii tlllisl uecep j tablv on some !iews|>u|>cr bv a woman. The quality of the work done is u qu -stioil iof individuals, not of sex. Home women j would do better newspaper work than the j averuge man; some not so g<sl Those who do in it work up Ui the averuge have not cn j tens! the prolessiou as yet to any extent. I , think I know of one or two, but not many. ; liven the*,, are not liable to get drunk o,i | pay day." K P 11. Ms Hosisjs Jsnssuik, rlilaf magistrate of | llerod* who is suw m Kogiunl Is sluing s work osiulniiig portraits soil U.ogtsphlesl xlo-lcle-s •it >lls'oigioslo- I llihlso sts'eslu* o 'file run volume will i-okUmh s ineneor of |su<i lUif I Isi io. Imi <1 n M ettmf/ eousl tof taogrsplnusof I lii* st owi of Wsturs India THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1887. COLD AND DRY The Two Chief Characteristics of the Past Week Washington, Sept. 25.— Following is the i weather crop bulletin issued by the Signal I Office for the weok ending Sept. 24: During the week ended Sept. 24, the weather has been colder than usual in dis tricts east of the Mississippi and on the North Pacific coast; the greatest departures from normal occurring in the States border ing on the lower lakes, on the South Atlan tic aiul North Pacific coasts, where the daily average temperature was about 2“ below normal. It was warmer than usual in Missouri and the Lower Mississippi Valley, and thence westward over the Rocky Mountains, the daily excess ranging from l’to4' from Texas northward to Dakota. The temperature for the season from Jan. 1 to Sept. 24 was slightly below nor mal from Northern New England westward to the North Pacific coast and South Atlantic States. It has been warmer than usual in all other dis tricts, the greatest departures occurring in the Central valley, where the average daily excess for the season ranges from F to 11, while the average daily temperature for the season, near Lake Superior and oil the South Atlantic coast, was 1° to 4° below normal. A DEFICIENCY IN THE RAINFALL. The rainfall for the week has been less than usual, except in Louisiana, Mississippi und Tennessee, and from Northern Ohio westward over Northern Indiana, Northern Illinois and lowa, where slight excesses are reported. During the past four weeks less than one-fourth of the usual amount of rain has occurred in the wheat region from Mis souri eastward over the southern portions of Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, thus showing a continuation of the drought in this region. During the same period about 25 per cent, of the usual amount of rain has occurred in New England, and less than 25 per cent, in the South Atlantic States and Virginia. The rainfall in the western portions of the wheat region and from Texas northward to Dakota and Minnesota during the past four weeks has l icon abundant and generally has exceeded 90 per cent, of the amount for that period. The same conditions will apply to the belt of country extending from Lake Erie west ward to lowa. The rainfall for the season has been less than usual, except in the central portion of the Middle Atlantic States, at isolated Rocky Mountain stations, and in Oregon anil Washington Territory, where the rain fall has been slightly greater than normal. The large seasonal deficiency in the Central valley has been augmented during the past month. The area in which this deficiency ranges from 10 to 18 inches includes Northern Louisiana and Missis sippi, portions of Alabama, Tennessee, Ar kansas, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois and lowa. HARVESTING COTTON. The weather has been generally favorable during the past week in the cotton region, and the harvest of this crop is progressing rapidly. The deficiency of rainfall in por tions of Arkansas and Mississippi may re duce the yield of this crop. Reports from the greater portion of the winter wheat region shows that the work of preparing the ground is being retarded on account of the continued drought. Reports from Tennessee, the Middle At lantic States, and New England show weather favorable for crops, and that seeding of wheat is in progress. Reports from Kansas, Nebraska aiul the western portions of Missouri and lowa in dicate that the weather for the week was favorable to growing crops. Killing frosts occurred as far south as Central Illinois, Northern Indiana, Ohio and Michigan during the latter portion of the week. Reports for the crop weather bulletin for this season will be discontinued from this date in all States excepting those within the cotton region. FROST NIPS TOBACCO. Lynchburg, Va., Sept. 25.—There was a frost throughout this section of the State last night, and there are fears of great loss in the tobacco crop, estimated at one-third of the crop yet in the field. HE KILLED THE CHILDREN. Implicating the Woman He Was to Have Married. From the Philadelphia Times. Lebanon, Sept. 28. —1n court here this morning William Showers placed his neck in the judicial noose by confessing to one of the most horrible murders on record. He implicates as his accessory the woman who in a few days would have become his bride. The entire confession was given under the most dramatic circumstances. Showers was a cigar manufacturer and farmer in a small way at Annville, this county. He is fifty-nine years old and a widower. He lived alone in a two-story frame house with his two grandchildren, Samuel and Willie Speraw, small boys. Their mother died about a year ago and he took them to rear. He grew lonely and made a proposal of marriage to Miss Betsy Sergeant, a spin ster, aged 40, living near by. She told him that she would not become his wife unless he got rid of the boys. At length he con sented to this, and prompted by her, he was led to murder them. How he crawled into their liedrooin at night and strangled them, how he buried their bodies in a trench back of his yard, how he told their neighbors that he had indentured them to a farmer, their suspicion, Mias Sergeant's purchase of a silk dress for their wedding, Showers’ arrest and the finding of the bodies—this has all been told. AN UNEXPECTED CONFESSION. To day was the time set down for the trial. A great crowd gathered in the court house. Hundreds crowded the streets. Showers was brought into court weak from the loss of blood. He had a hemorrhage of of the ear and many believe that it was the result of a self-inflicted wound. Show ers was pale and nervous. He looked scared as he saw a great crowd gazing at him. Finally Judge McPherson was handed a written statement. It con sisted of five pages, and it proved to be the confession of the infirm and trembling murderer at the bar. No one knew that he was going to confess. It hud been kept an absolute secret. Betsy Sergeant sat in the audience because she had been assured that he would make a de fense, and that everything would lie done to save his life. Judge McPherson read the paper over slowly and carefully, and his face blanched at the fearful contents. The court room was hushed in silence. Showers cast his eyes to the floor. Later on lie was asked to plead. He was told to stand up. He did so meekly and humbly . more than a thousand eyes upon him. Then the indictments were read charging him with the murder of his two grandsons. Showers was then asked, "guilty or not guilt v.” With a weak voice he answered, "guilty," and trembling took his seat, while a buss of excitement and satisfaction fol lowed from the packed audience, craning their necks toward him. The confession was then handed the clerk of the court, who read it. BETSY KKBUEANT FAINTS. Betsy Sergeant arose in the Hudionce. gave u wail of desisuation and sank over unconscious. In this condition she was car ried out of the court room. lii his confes sion Kbowers gives an account of when and when- he met Miss Seargcant. She said tint she would not. come to Im pluoe unless the children wore away. He rontiuuiw: "We were engaged to Is- married. I Imd been everywhere, tiut couldn't get the chll dren homes. Betsy was very min hex ! cited i Went there one evening and site said: ‘We must work the children out of the way.' It was very late in May, ami we |so agreed Unit tile children should Ist killed ” MTHAMOLED WHILE THEY SI.KI'I lie goes on to tell how silo culoe to Ills Ih i“ ini tb night of the murder. "I in uii old la o lenr 1 had already dug the hole 111 j which the children were found in the gutter j the evenintr before. The children were then ; already in bed. Sammy, the little one, slept : up stairs and William down stairs with me. j Then we went into the bed-room where William was. I had a thick twine about as j thick as a lead pencil and about a yard long. I Willie was sleeping. I tied the twine around | his neck more than once and choked him to death. She carried the lantern and had closed it so that no one should see it and I carried the boy under my arm and put him in the bole. Then we went up stairs. She cm ried the lantern to give me light. There was a little petticoat which I tied around Sammy’s neck and strangled him. Then we took him down. BURYING HIS VICTIM. “I carried him under my arm. She car ried the lantern. There were currant stalks at this hole, .and when I came there with the little boy I stumbled over the stalks and the Ixiy flew out of my hands against the wall. I had to let him go or I would have fallen into the hole. Betsy caught hold of my back at the coat or I would have fallen in. Betsy stood the lantern in the currant bushes, opening it sufficient to give enough light to cover the hole. 1 then covered it up w ith the ground. Then we went up to the house. On the way to the house I said: ‘ What will we do with the clothesThen she said, 'These I would burn now.’ “After we put the clothes in the cook stove I poured coal oil on them and they were soon burned.” The blifcdy bed clothes and child’s petticoat were shown in court by Constable Fagean. Miss Sergent is under police surveillance tonight. Showers is in jail and ail Le banon and surrounding country is excited. Threats of lynching are heard oil all sides and it would only take a leader to organize a mob and hang both Sowders and his ac complice. ESCAPED FROM SIBERIA. The Thrilling Story of an Exile’s Flight from Russia’s Penal Colony. London, Sept. 22. —A Russian political exile who recently made liis escape from Si beria tells a thrilling story of his escape and the hardships which he endured in his at tempt to regain his liberty. He is a man of about middle age, of pleasant, appearance, and speaks English well, as most educated Russians do. He gives his name as Baker— a name which he assumed since his arrival in London. With numerous companions Baker was sent into exile early in 1881 for complicity in some plot against the Czar’s life, and im mured within one of the Siberian interior villages, surrounded by vast tracts of ice and snow. Here the prisoners were left in the keeping of a few guards, but they were prevented from escaping far more effectually by the fear of becoming the prey of the fierce wolves, whose baying at night could lie distinctly heard on all sides of the vil lage. The idea and hope of escape never leaves an exile’s mind, says Baker, and liis one absorbing thought was how to reach freedom, anil the hope of accomplishing this remains with an exile until death. The exiles were obliged to go into the forests near by and cut what wood they used, and it was by this very means that Baker suc ceeded in eluding the vigilance of the guards and in leaving the village. One day while he and companion were securing their supply of wood, they acci dentally came upon a small opening, con cealed by an evergreen tree, which led to a good-sized cave. Here was a means of escape. Without giving the details, which Baker relates so fully, it is enough to say that the two exiles kept the matter secret, and removed day by day to the cave such of their provisions as they could spare with out exciting attention. When the cave was stocked with food enough to last for some time if frugally used, the men prepared to take their departure and begin the hard, doubtful struggle for liberty. So, one day, they want out for wood, but did not return. Of course search was made for them, and the country scoured, but, having thrown their pursuers off the track, the exiles lived securely for nearly two weeks within sight of their recent place of confinement. At the end of that time they came out of their hiding place and began a journey full of hairbreadth escapes and shocking suffer ings. After innumerable dangers from wolves, from Cossacks, from freezing and starva tion, they finally reached civilization: but Baker’s companion died soon after their escajie from the effects of the terrible ex posures he had endured. Baker says that there’ is an organized movement on foot among Nihilists to effect the escape of a large number of prominent political exiles, and that the arrangements for the accom plishment of the plan are most extensive. Nihilists in all parts of the world have con tributed to the fund necessary to carry out the design, which will soon be put into op eration. BEAN WAS A “BLIND.” Surprising Developments in the Life and Death of a Texas Millionaire. Dodd City, Tex., Sept. 22.—1 t develops that Thomas Bean, the dead millionaire of Bonham, was not named Bean at all, but that his name was Saunders, and that when he died his negro servants stole the will to get away with a lot of money. Letters from Mississippi, also from prominent citi zens of Gainesville and Bonham, confirm the re|>ort that his name was Saundei's, and that the name of Bean was assumed to escape prosecution for n murder committed in Mississippi many years ago. A man, who was supposed to be his father, who was Imriod some time ago under the name of Bean was not his father at all, but a man who was buried as a “blind” to con ceal Bean’s true.naine. The man Saunders, whoclaimed to be Bean’s brother, will be in Bonham to-morrow to establish his claim. His daughter, who is the wife of a farmer in Lainar county, Texas, has been in Bon ham and satisfied those with whom she com municated that her claim was a just one. A prominent citizen of Bonham, who requests his name withheld at present, sav.s Col. Bean years ago, told him the same story, that Saunders reports now, and a further cor roboration of it is from a prominent phys ician of Gainesville. A life loug'friend of Col. Bean, the physician writes, giv s the same facts here givon to the citizens of Bon ham. . Other citizens of Bonham say they remember .Saunders and that he and Col. Bean were frequently together in Bon ham, Ban Antonio and other places. It was known that Bean had about $70,000 in money, and it is supposed that the negro servants got this wealth and took the will too, and it is rumored now that a negro of Bean’s says ha knows where the will is and will prodiica it when Saunders comes; that the main fact.about Bean and Saunders are recorded in tin- will. Bean owned almut 35,000 acres of land, worth millions of dol lars. A relative named Thaddeus Bean, from Washington, D, fsaid to lie a amein on Bean’s mother’s side of the house, is in Bonhum now. Pensacola Pointers. Pensacola. Fla., Sept. 25,—The steam er Cumberland, which is to run between here mid Tampa, mention of which was made in the News yesterday, arrived down this morning from Milton, where she has Isson mi the (locks for several days. She Ims lx*.n thoroughly overhauled uud repaired. She leaves for the above named port next Tuesday. Mrs, Marie Ferguson, wife of Cajit. Alex D. Ferguson, one of tlm oldest pilots on the bar ana Commodore of the Bur Pilots’ As sociation, died this morning. All of the tug I outs in the |*>rt have their flags at half mast out of respect for the deceased, Hlieep that arc accustomed to a lnd will run to it of their own accord when it rains, and it is well that tiny should, says a writer. Water never yet did a sheep good, exter nally administer'*! No slus-p is In* batter for a netting, but rather worse, no matter what Hie 1 line of yeai The wool in a mail's (*ml Is Injured by rain, and so, only to a Ism degree, p tha|, is til* living fibre on the shorn's itsi’k. MEETINGS. CAI-ASTHE LODGE AO. 2H, K. OF P.' A regular meeting of this Lodge will gCSJX be held THIS (Monday) EVENING at The second rank will be conferred. V&gStj Members of other Lodges invited to attend. J. GARDNER, C. C. W. Falconer, K. of R. and S. DeKALB LODGE, AO. 9 I. O. O. F. A regular meeting will be held THIS (Monday) EVENING at 8 o'clock. There will be an Initiation. Menders of other Lodges and visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. By order of H. W. RALL, N. G. John Riley, Secretary. WORKINGMEN'S BENEVOLENT A 880- (TV THIN. Attend special meeting at your Hall THIS (Monday) EVENING, at eight o'clock. By order THOMAS KENAN, President. J. T. Fitzhenery, R. 8. Savannah, Sept. 26th, 1887. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements inserted under “Special Notices" will be charged 81 00 a Square each insertion. KINDERGARTEN. MISS CUNNINGHAM will reopen her Kinder garten on MONDAY, 17th OCTOBER, at her residence, New Houston street, two doors west of Bull. NOTICE. All persons are hereby cautioned against har boring or trusting any of the crew of the British steamship WATJJNGTON, as neither the Cap tain nor Agents will be responsible for any debts contracted by them. RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Agents. NOTICE. All bills against the British steamship ALBA NIA, Simmons, Master, must be presented at our office by 12 noon THIS DAY, or payment will be debarred. RICHARDSON & BARNARD. Agents. ARCADE OYSTER AND CHOP HOUSE. The finest delicacies of NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN MARKETS. NEW YORK OYS TERS per every steamer. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT T. H. ENRIGHT. DR. HENRY S COLDINU. DENTIST, Office comer Jones and Drayton streets. THE MORNING NEWS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, 3 Whitaker Street. The Job Department of the Morning News, embracing JOB AND BOOK PRINTING, LITHOGRAPHING AND ENGRAVING, BOOK BINDING AND ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURING, is the most complete in the South. It is thorough ly equipped with the most improved machinery, employs a large force of competent workmen, and carries a full stock of papers of all descriptions. These facilities enable the establishment to execute orders for anything in the above lines at the shortest notice and the lowest prices con sistent with good work. Corporations, mer chants, manufacturers, mechanics and business men generally, societies and committees, are requested to get estimates from the MORNING NEWS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE before send ing their orders abroad. J. H. ESTILL. ULMER’S LIVER CORRECTOR. This vegetable preparation is invaluable for the restoration of tone and strength to the sys tem. For Dyspepsia, Constipation and other ills, caused by a disordered liver, it cannot be excelled. Highest prizes awarded, and in dorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for Ul mer's Liver Corrector and take no other. $1 00 a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B. F. ULMER, M. D., Pharmacist, Savannah, Ga. ICE. 1C E ! Now is the time when every body wants ICE, and we want to sell it. PRICES REASONABLE! 20 Tickets, good for 100 Pounds, 75c. 140 Tickets, good for 700 Pounds, $5. 200 Tickets, good for 1,000 Pounds, $7. 50 Pounds at one delivery 30c. Lower prices to large buyers I O JK Packed for shipment at reduced rates. Careful and i>olite serv ice. Full and liberal weight. KNICKERBOCKER ICE CO, 14:4: I3AII ST, NEWS DEPOT. 1563. ESTABLISHED 1 SOS Estill’s News Depot, No. 21 BULL STREET. WILLIAM ESTILL, DEALER IN—- Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Stationery, Hooks, Kte. \FULL supply i>f all kimlx of Reading Matter eoiiKianl ly on band. Any Book, Magazine or Paper you may desire, which is not in stuck, will bo promptly procured for you by laaving your order. S|**clal attention given In the do livery of llio SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS Heed Oa t s, Seed Rye, Seed Rye, CORN, OATS, HAY’, BRAN, EKED MEAL. Special prices on car lots. PRODUCE, APPLES, ONIONS, CABBAGE, POTATOES, TURNIPS I.KMONS, FLORIDA ORANGES. GRAPES, etc. 109 BAY ST, W. D. 81MKIN8 CO. AMUSEMENTS. Savannah Theatre. Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 28 and 29. GRAND MATINEE THURSDAY. FLORENCE J. BINDLEY. One of America s Brightest Stars, Supported by Boston's Favorite Young Actor. Mr. James Horne, And the Well-Known Comedian, Mr. Otis Turner*, And a Well Selected Company of Metropolitan Artists. WEDNESDAY NIGHT Miss Bindley will appear in Bartley Campbell's Great Success, “A HEROINE IN RAGS.” Thursday Matinee, 'EXCITEMENT," the Great London Craze, with more laughs in less time than anv other play in the world. Thursday Night, "DOT; or, JUST FOR FUN,” C. P. Brown’s great sensational drama. Usual prices. Seats at Davis Bros.’ Sept. 2(5. Next attraction. BARRY & FAY, Oct. 6. CLOTHING. Please, Sir! Wait for the Fall and Win ter Display of yyh Mi, Underwear, Neckwear, Furnishings and Latest Shapes in Hats at the Clothing Palace, ARRIVING BY EVERY STEAMER. While you wait, look over our bargains to close out remaiaing Summer Suits and Medium Weights. JAEGER SYSTEM SANITARY UNDER WEAR AND OVERWEAR. Equal to anything on the market and at lowest prices. 161 CONGRESS STREET. B. H. LEVY & BRO. FALL 1887. We are pleased to announce that we are now exhibiting samples from which to make selections for Clothing to Order, and feel confident that this season will add greatly to our already widespread popularity in this branch of our business. We are showing all the newest designs, colors and textures of materials, the best productions of foreign and domestic markets, and guaran tee stylish, easy and graceful fitting garments, thoroughly made, and at moderate prices. We would advise the pi icing of orders with us early, that the garments may be finished in time. Although we have largely increased our facilities in this department we may not be able to keep pace with the demand later on. If goods do not please in every particular our customers are requested not to take them. Satisfaction is guaranteed. To our old customers we make the above an nouncement, satisfied with the result. Of those who have never dealt with us we ask a trial. Respectfully, A.FALK&SBN COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. r T'HE firm of M. MENDEL & BROTHER has A this day been dissolved by mutual consent. M. MENDEL retiring. J. MEN DEI, will continue the business, and has associated with him Mr. MAURICE DEITSH under the firm name of MENDEL & DEITSH which new firm is authorized to collect all out standing debts due the late firm and sign the firm’s name in liquidation. MEYER MENDEL. JONAS MENDEL. Savannah. Ga., Sept. 24, 1887. NOTLCI2. HAVING formed a copartnership under the firm name of MENDEL & DEITSH aud purchased the interest of Mr. M. MENDEL in the late firm of M. MENDEL <£ BRO., we re spectfully inform our friends and the public generally that we will continue said business at the old stand, comer Bull and Bay streets, and solicit their patronage, which has been so liber ally bestowed upon the late firm. Re .liectfully, J. MENDEL. M. DEITSH. FOB SALE, A GRAND OPPORTONITY TO BUY A Good Paying Newspaper. ONE of the best paying and liest Located coun try newspapers in Georgia is offered for sale at a bargain. Can be made to pay $3,500 to $4,000 per annum. No competition; gets patronage irom two good towns and three large cities: good reason for selling. Address W. E. M„ Box 111, Talbottou, Ga. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. .A— 33. HULL, Wholesale Grocer, Flour, Hay, Grain and Provision Dealer. 17'RESH MEAL and GRITS In white sacks. Jv Mill stuffs of all kinds. Georgia raised SPANISH PEANUTS, also COW PEAS, every variety. Choice Texas Rt and Host ( roof Oats. Special prices car load lota HAY and GRAIN. Prompt attention given .ill orders and satis faction guaranteed. OFFICE, .’ ABKRCORN STREET. WAREHOUSE, No. 4 WADLEY STREET, on line Central Railroad. PAINTS AND OIL'S. JOHN G. BUTLER, WHITE LEADS, COLORS, OILS, GLASS " VARNISH. ETC.: READY MIXED PAINTS; RAILROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUPPLIES. SAKIIES, DOORS. BLINDS AND BUILDERS’ HARDWARE Hole Agent for GEORGIA LIME, CALCINED PLASTER. CE MENT, HAIR and LAND PLASTER 6 Whltako/ Street, Savannah, Georgia. Hid ('IIKI.S MIHFIIV, Hid House, Sign and Ornamental Painting l/XKCUTED NEATLY and tth .lumau-h I t Painu, Oils. VarnutlMw, llnikiu**, Window IJIaMMO. etc,, ate. Ealliualsa funuanmi mi ap pUuathHi CORNER CONGRESS AND DRAYTON STS., Rear ot OUrwt (‘meeli MILLINERY. BRANIGAN IS the man who wears seven league boots. An ancient fable reads: “Some day it would come to pass’’—if this refers to Branigan'g Pedalistic Motors, to monopolize the way ha must BLOW Much different or tackle a hedger. Straw grows for everyone! Who doesn't know that: Some merchants want all the earth contains, but choke down something smaller. Now to tha point; let out YOUR BANB AND Feast Upon These Offers Misses’ and Children’s SCHOOL HATS! SCHOOL HATS! 1887-8 SCHOOL HATS! 1887-8 10.000 MISSES’ and CHILDREN’S ELEGANT FINE STRAW, BROAD RIM SAILORS Trimmed with fine Satin Band and Streamer’ in Navy. Seal Brown and Mixed, sold by other dealers at 50c., we offer the lot for 25c. EACH. 6,000 MISSES' and CHILDREN’S MILAN STRAW BROAD RIM SAILORS, Trimmed with fine Satin Band and Streamer, Edge and Creton worked with silk Chenille, in Navy, Seal Brown and Mixed colors, other dealers cry bar gain at 75c,, we offer the lot at 35c. EACH. Grand concentration of BARGAINS through out our establishment, PLATSHEKS, 138 Broughton Street. C4S~' P. S. -Jlail orders solicited. ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND MOTORS. Arc and Incandescent Electric Lighting. Office of thf. Brush Electric Light and 1 Power 1 0.. Rooms 8 and 9 Odd Fellows Building, Savannah. Ga.. Sept. 1,1887. j IUE are now prepared to furnish Arc and In- T T candescent Lights. Buildings wired by thorough Electricians in accordance with the rules of the Fire Underwriters. Incandescent Lights have many advantages over other modes of lighting, some of which are the absence of heat or smoke, the brilliancy and steadiness of the light, no danger from fire. ELECTRIC MOTORS. We are also prepared to furnish Motive Power in quantity from H. P. to 20 H. P. These Motors recommend themselves to all persons using power for any purpose. We also furnish and put in Electric Annunci ators, Door and Call Bells, Electric Gas Lighters, etc. Employing only the best skilled labor, we guarantee our work. Our office is in Rooms 8 and 9 Odd Fellows Building, where we invite the public to inspect the lights and motor which will be in operation every evening. SAMUEL P HAMILTON, President. FOTELB. NEW HOTEL TOGNI, (Formerly St. Mark's.) Newnan Street, near Bay, Jacksonville, Fla. WINTER AND SUMMER. THE MOST central House in the city. Near Post Office, Street Cars and all Ferries. New aud Elegant Furniture. Electric Bells, Baths, Etc. $2 50 to $3 per day. JOHN B. TOGNI, Proprietor. DUB’S SCREVEN HOUSE. r |''IIIS POPULAR Hotel Is now provided with 1 a Passenger Elevator (the only one in tha city) and lias been remodeled and newly fur nisned. The proprietor, who by recent purchase is also the owner of the estaolishment, spares neither pains nor expense in the entertainment of his guests. The patronage of Florida visit ore is earnestly invited. The table of the Screven House is supplied with every luxury that the markets at home or abroad call afford. THE MORRISON HOUSE. - One of the Largest Boarding Houses in uia South. VFFORPH pleasant South rooms, good board with pure Artesian Wator, at prices to suit those wishing table, regular or transient accom modations. Northeast corner Broughton and Drayton streets, opposite Marshall House. PORTRAITS. The Great Southern Portrait Company, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. L. 13. IDA.VIS, Secretary and Manager of the Great South era Portrait Company. \N inspection of samples of our Portraits at our office, with Davis Bros., 42 and 44 Bull street, will greatly interest those who contem plate having small pictures of themselves, their •friends, living and deceased, copied and enlarged in OIL, WATER COLOR, INDIA INK, PAS TELLE and CRAYON. We guarantee a per fect likeness and excellence of work. We havo about TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES AND GRADES IN SIZES OF ENLARGED POR TRAITS from Bxloto 50x90, and our prices are from $2 to S3OO each. EMPLOY FORTY ART ISTS; been twenty-six years in the business; have a 6,0.10 candle-power ELECTRIC LIGHT, and are fully pie|mied with all projier expedi tion and skill to execute all orders promptly uud satisfactorily. We respectfully solicit vyur orders. 1,. B. DAVIS, Secretary and Manager The Great Southern Portrait Cos. PROPUSALf) WANTED. PLANT INVESTMENT COMPANY. Offiuk of Chief Enoinkkr ) and Generai, Manager, Savannah, Ga.. Sept. 3d, 1887’. 1 BIDS will lie received at this office until 12 . SEPTEMBER dot h, for the construction of that portion of in • Tltoinaaville, Tallahassee and Munticello railroad extending front Thomas villa, GeorgD, to the Florida State line Ail cleurlng, grubbing, grading mid bridging will Is let under one contract. profiles may Is* exam ineil and full her information may Is- obtained upon application at the Chief Engineer s office, K.. F. ami W. Ry., Savannah, Ga, after Septem ber 15ih. H. 8. HAINES, ( liief Engineer and Gen. Manager P. i. Cos, PRINTER AND BOOKBINDER. NICHOLS JOB PRINTING. NICHOLS— BINDING. NICHOLS BLANK BOOKS. NICHOLS -GOOD work. NICHOLS —FINE PAPER. NICHOLS -Low PRICES. NICHOLS -wJU my m'mvv*