The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 27, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 SIFTINGS OF CITY NEWS. UTTLE GOSSIP PROM THE STREET AND SIDEWALK. Deshea Here and There by the News Reporters Yesterday’s Happenings Told in Brief Paragraphs- Pickings at Police Headquarters. The fines in the Mayor's Court yesterday amounted to $55. There were ten ari’ests yesterday, all for disorderly conduct. A negro named S. XV. Kelsey was arrested at the instance of J. E. Loisieu who asked that he be held until he could take out a warrant for larceny after trust. The new Episcopal Orphans' Home, at Liberty and Jefferson streets, is nearing completion, and is one of the handsomest buildings in that portion of the city. Alfred Walton, who is charged with being implicated in the theft of tobacco from the warehouse of EUis, Young & Cos., hail an examination before Justice Waring Russell vesteiday. and was bound over to await the action of the grand jury. The sale of reserved scats for “Baby” Bindley's engagement at the theatre this week began at Davis Bros, yesterday morn ing. To morning night Miss Bindley will appear in “A Heroine in Rags ” and on Thursday in “Excitement” and “Dot.” The sixth annual drummers’ ball prom ises to he a very brilliant affair this season. The committee —M. L. I.ilienthal, H. M. Boley, A. Barnett, Jr., and S. S. Einstein — has met nnd decided upon making this the most brilliant of all the balls. The souvenir programmes, which were so much admired last season, will be surpassed this season in originality, design, etc., the design of last season lieing given carte blanche. BIBLES FOR THE PEOPLE. Work of the American Bible Society in Savannah. The American Bible Society is actively at work in Savannah. During the first five months of the year, or rather beginning with last December, its local agent, Rev. J. F. Brundage, visited 0.848 families in the city, and placed altogether very nearly 000 Bibles in homes where there were none. Of the j,OOO and more families visited. 1.700 were without the Bible, and the heads of 352 families could not read even if they had one. hi many of these homes though, Bibles were, placed in the hands of the children. During June, July and Au gust no work was done, hut on Sept. 1, it was resumed and a thorough canvass of the city is now being made. Mr. Brundage has personally canvassed the dis tricts west of XVit 4, Broad street, east of Eeast Broad a l * . pr.s tio iof the district between Bay an . v '*'.*< Broad streets. He has been most successful in his work so far and he expects to canvass the entire city during the next six months. His duties are most arduous, but the results which he has accomplished are an evidence of the faith ful and efficient service be has rendered. The •work is carried oti under the general direction of the Slate .Superintendent of the society. Rev. H. P. Myers, formerly of this city. The general repository of * the so ciety for Savannah is at the Young Men’s Christian Association rooms. Mr. Brundage. in his report for the past foul months of the year gives in connection with his December report the following figures; Home* Without Cannot Vixited. BibUx. Supplied. Rend. December .1,004 im 250 as January 871 3gl 46 :jo February 1014 382 (VI 25 March I,2*', IS2 120 K 7 April 1.200 ITS 130 49 May 730 85 214 53 Totals 8,848 1,755 836 332 A large portion of the homes where the father or mother could not read were of course among the colored people. Wherever the people are able to pay for a Bible it is sold, but where they are not able, one is placed by the society's agent. In connec tion with his work of canvassing Rev. Brundage will conduct a Bible reading at Trinity church lecture room every Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock. He is a firm believer in divine healing and at every meeting thei-e will lie a short reading bearing upon this subject. The Bible Society is very thorough in its work It has the indorsement of the churches and it looks to them for support and en couragement The Savannah Bible Society is also expected to place an agent, in the field to work in conjunction with the State organization, and with their united efforts the gospel will lie brought to the doors of hundreds and thousands who otherwise would never come under the influence of its teachings. E. J. ACOSTA, SR., DEAD. A Well-Known Georgian DiOH at the Savannah Hospital. Mr. E J. Acosta, Sr., of Biackshear, Ga., died in thi- city yesterday morning. Mr. Acosta had Yx-en in failing health for some months past, and. accompanied by his Wife, came to the city last Thursday for medical treatment. He was taken to tiie Savannah Hospital on Saturday morning, where lie continued to sink rapidly until hi death, which took place about 8:30 o’clock The deceased was a native of Fcrnandina, nnd moved to Biackshear after the war, where he held theofth-eof railroad, express end telegraph agent for years, serving in these capacities with notable intelligence and fidelity. He leaves a wife and seven children, among whom are Mr. K. J. Acosta. Jr., formerly of this city—now of Binning ham—and Mrs. J. C. Nicholls, wife of lion. J. C. Nicholls. ex M“int>erof Congress The remains were taken to Biackshear for inter ment. ANOTHER OF THE GANG. The Police Take a Hand at Running la the Sneak Thieves. A negro, who gave his name a* John Henry, was up before the Mayor yesterday as a suspicious character having in his pos session hams, (tour and other articles which were supposed to be u part of the plunder of the gang of thieves that ha lieen ojiera ting m the suburbs. Henry had taken mi vantage of the arrest of his companions to assume the position of collector for the association, and he had started out to collect the money for the stolen goods which had been sold but not paid for. He had other propertv. too, which he at tempted to sell to Halhe Whitmore, who was suspicion* and refused to purchase it. She pointed the fellow out to Policeman Deignan, and lie wa* taken to the liar racks. The Mayor hound him over to ap|xiar before the Supe rior Court grand jury. HE WOULD A WOOING GO. A Dueky Lover Hustled into the Street by His Inamorata. Fred W. XValburg 'colored) swore out warrants against Jane Harris, Eliza Denni son and George Burke, all colored, iiefore Justice Waring Russell yesterday, charging them witu assault nnd Unitary. XValdburg assert* t hat he had lieen [inyitig his court to Jane Hun i. but on Friday night when he visited tier lie found Burke there. He di luted to have him expelled from the house, but Jane, on the contrary, sent him out. and, lie says, site. Georg* and Eliza followed him to hi* house 0111! violently assaulted hint Th* accused denied their guilt, and gav* bond for their ap|*-arano* at court. The Wonderful Healing Properties of Derby'* Prophylactic Fluid Wherever a preventing, healing, cleansing and deodorizing injm'tjou or wash 1* r* auired, use Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. Any inflamed surface, external or internal, treated ith the fluid will Ist quickly re Itevnd It eee effected cure* that had i •Med the leal medical akU] HOW THE LAMPS ARE MADE. Some Things About the Incandescent Light - The Carbon Threads Since the introduction of the incandes cent system of electric lighting in Savan nah there has been a groat deal of inquiry aboqt the mechanism of the lamp, what it is and how it is made. The light emitted from the lamp is from a thread of carbon heated by the electric current until it glows with an almost white heat. A Morning News reporter visited the Brush Company’s works on Indian street last night, and watched the generation of the current which lights the thousand lamps all over the city. The little thread of car bon, which many call a wire, inside the glass globes, is made from some animal or vegetable substance, such a-s cotton or linen thread, silk, bamboo, hair, and sometimes of celluloid. The thread is baked in an oven, excluded from the air until all volatile matter is excluded, and nothing remains but a shinv black thread of char coal or carbon. if the thread were heated and exposed to tlic air it would burn up in stantly. In older to fit it for a durable lamp it is placed in a glass bulb and the air pumped out; it is then sealed up hermeti cally. In this state it can be used for a long time without being consumed. The average life of the lamjis used in Savannah is 800 hours. The difference in lamps is very little, ex cept in the preparation of the carbon thread or “filament,” as it is called. THE “FILAMENT.” Every maker claims something superior for his own lamps. The length of the fila ment and its thickness is in projiortion to the pressure and quantity of electricity which it is designed to carry, and also the candle power. If the current is to be of high pressure the thread of carbon is made longer, or, if the current pressure is lower the thread is short. A low pressure cur rent of large “quantity” possesses greater economy, in heating effects, than one of higher pressure and less quantity. But high pressure is necessary to overcome the resis tance to the flow of the current over the wires or conductors. The majority of the different systems of electric incandescent lighting use a direct current from their dy namos to the lamps. THE WESTINGHOCBE SYSTEM. In the YVestinghouse system, which is the one adopted by the Brush Conqwiny, of this city, the current is alternating, that is, it is reversed in its direction very rap idly. A high pressure and small quantity current from the dynamo to the lines is used in order to use smaller wires for con ductors. At convenient points, for the ser vice of lamps, they place upon their poles induction coils or “converters,” as they are called. The office of the converter is pecu liar. The line current passes through one coil of wire in the converter, and near that coil, lut not connected with it in any way, is another coil of wire in which is generated a current by induction. The induced cur rent is of low pressure and of large quanti ty, just suited for the short distance and low resistance between the converter and the lamp. The current to the convert ers is called the “primary,” and the one from the converter to the lamps is called “secondary.” The latter current is not ca pable of giving any electric shock, as it is scarcely perceptible. 30 DANGER OF LIGHTNING. There is no danger of lightning ever entering a building for the conductors ex tend only a short distance to the converters. The incandescent light is steady, bright, and emits very little neat. It consumes no oxygen, Thei-efore it is the most whole some iight in the world. When the wires are properly put into a building, they have inserted into them, at the entrance and the several branches, strip of lead or fusible i-ompoaition, which will melt out or cut off the flow of currents. The leads are called “fuses,” and are so proportioned for the size of wire and current, that they will melt out before the wires are hot enough to ignite anything. There is, therefore, no danger of fire originating from the wires of a current if the work is properly done. THE COOL WAVE GONE - Rise in Temperature Reported All Over the Country. There was a slight moderation in the weather yesterday, the temperature rising five degrees. The maximum was 74’ and the minimum 55*. The temperature in all the cotton district rose, the highest lieing in the Galveston district, where the average maximum was 82 , and the average mini mum fiß‘. The Charleston district reported an average maximum of 72’, and an average minimum of 44’. The cold wave is tepidly moving out to sea, mid there will probably be a decided rise in the teinparnture to-day. There were heavy rains 111 the Galveston district, 21 stations reporting an average rainfall of ). 13 inches. The indications for this district for to day are for rain also. There is a storm in the west Gulf. The barometer at Corpus Cliristi was only 29.88, and the w ind was blowing at the 'rate of twenty-eight miles an hour. There were no indications of a cyclone, but simply of a storm. There is a cyclone, however, west of Havana and a disturbance south of Key West. Savannah is now just 53fP short in tem perature since Jan. 1, and the record of this season will lower the normal i-onsiderahly. READY FOR THE SCHOOLB Next Monday is Opening Day—The Teachers’ Examination. Teachers and pupils are busy prejiaring for the opening of tiie schools next week. An examination to fill positions as assistant teachers In several of the schools, will ! held at Chatham Academy to-day from 'J :30 until 2o'clock. The examination of white toarhMiu tVill bn held in the south room and the colored appli cants will lie assigned the nortli room. The school* wiil O|ion this year under the most favorable nuspiiw, and the attendance promises to tie larger than it has ever lieen. Next Monday is opening day. A portion of the new academy building w ill !*■ occupied for the first time, and all of the buildings are being put in shape for ixxnmancy. Pu pils will bo getting out their (sinks in the next day or two in readiness for the next year's work. Huperintetident Baker is very busy nowadays, and li* savs that the pros pect lor opening day is better than it ha* ever Ix-en. RIVER AND HARBOR NEWS. Gleaning* Among the Shipping and Along the Wharves. Dr. XVegefarth. physician in charge of the quarantine station, is sick again. The jki sition is being temporarily filled by Dr. Brunner. The schooner Welcome R. flselie sail**! yesterday for New York. Site is in charge of the first mate. Frank R. Smith, vie* ( apt Ixtzier, who suicided on Isiard tiie vessel last week. The British steamship Elsie was to have sailed yesterday, but at the last moment live of the crew deserted the ve-sel Tills delays h*r uutil to-day. Hhe will probably sail this afternoon. Tie steamer Alice Clark is still on Omni* gut Isir up tli river. Kite i*ll Augusta soul* ten days ago with 19*1 ImU- of cotton tor Mavaiinoi' Boiiie of tli* shipper have been (BydU lo nde good th* uottna 1, , ;xiite other route on account of its non arrival. N*v*r Travel Without Them I’erxms should never treval without a J lei* of Hraudreth's Flits. A lew do* taken lietore going on ship will prevent *>-* c k •*, and on* pill every night on xhqtisNtrd will counter* 1 Hi*costive actioa of *tt* •** ah When sick, (1 -iiibh-i w-lb p ;•* , , dizzioc *. or liaving *'b‘ u* , t from three to live pilL *el :i tjt *y do ie* I operate in ah hour or wu Lake this* or tour I more THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1887. THE OBSERVANCE OF YUM KIPPUR The Jewish Holiday, and How It Is Kept- Business to be Suspended. The Jewish holiday, Yum Kippur, will begin this evening at o'clock, and all of the Jewish stores will be closed then and remain closed until Thursday morning. Tliis is the day of atonement, and upon this day God pronounce* sentence upon the peo ple of Israel for sins committed during the past year. The day is a fast day, and none of the faithful will partake of food between sunset this evening and the same hour to raorrow. Yum Kippur is the great fast day of the year, and its observance by the Hebrew-, is rigid. There will lie special ser vices in the synagogue, adapted in character to the day. Aticordirvg to the Jewish calendar this is the 10th day of the month Tishri. During this month come ail the great feasts and fasts of the Jewish year. The first is Roech Hashaima, or new years, the day upon which Gad judges Israel; on the 10th the day of otanement when God pronounces sentence, and on the 7th Tabernacle or the 15th Tishri the sentence is put into execu tion. All of these days are duly observed by the stopping of business, and by appro priate religious ceremonies as well as by many other observances according to the custom. The Wrong Party. New York, Sept. 23. —Editor Savannah Morning News: A few weeks ago I received in my mail a letter from your city, appar ently addressed to me. Upon opening it, however, I found that it was for another party bearing my name, and a closer in spection of the envelope showed that the initials diiTered slightly, 1 consulted our city directory and made inquiries, but could not find the owner I laid the letter aside, ami it was forgotten in the rush of business. A few days ago I opened another letter, and discovered that it was from the same party, to my unknown namesake. There was no name signed to the letters, so that I am unable to return them to the writer, and from the tenor of the last letter there is likely to be a rupture of friendship if this matter is not attended to. 1 have done all in my power to find the party to whom they are addressed, and have failed. If you could insert this letter in your paper it may catch the eye of the writer, who will recognize the name signed and thus claim her stray property. V ery truly yours. R. F. Lank, 153 Broadway, New York city. Death of Mrs. J. W. Mclntyre. Information was received yesterday of the death on Sunday morning at SL Cather ines, Ont., of Mrs. J. W. Mclntyre. The deceased was a daughter of Mrs. Honora Foley, anti went to Canada to visit friends. Her remains will be brought here for inter ment. GENERAL RAILWAY NEWS. • ' ■ Matters of Money and Management About Various Lines. The Americas, Preston and Lumpkin road is completed to Abbeville, and is being pushed ahead. The extension of mail service on the Orange Belt (Fla.) railway, as far west as Minneola and Clermont, went into effect yesterday. Hunt. VV. W. Starr, of the Port Roval and Western Carolina, Supt. McClmtock, of the Columbus and YVestern, and Supt. T. D. Kline, of the Southwestern railroad, were in the city yesterday. The Kansas City, Fort Scott and Gulf Railroad Company now has a continuous line from Kansas City. Mo., to Birmingham, Ala., a distance of 738 miles, the last rail having been laid on the Kansas City, Mem phis and Birmingham extension of 251 miles. The business men of Monticello, Fla., have tiled a protest before the Railroad Commis sion against transporting cotton from Jeffer soncounty to other towns and selling and shipping it, owing to high freight rates on the Florida Railway and Navigation system of roads. Kiemnn's Wall Street Summary says that while Southern railroad bonds suffered from the failure of Grovensteen & Pell, there has been a good recovery since. The quotation for Richmond and West Point sixes was made through a sacrifliw of a small lot, but the recovery has been quick. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has organized a tourists’ bureau as an auxiliary to its passenger dejiartment for the carrying of special parties. Pullman parlor and sleep ing cars will be used, and each trip will be personally supervised by the iwriipany’s tourist agent,. A matron will also aceom jiany each party to look after the wants of the ladies. Railway and Locomotive Building. During the last thirteen years the United States has doubled its railroad mileage, while in twenty years it tripled the iron roadways of 1887. That record is nothing | more than a fair evidence of American growth and progress generally. The United State-. also lieats the world in locomotive building, not only in the number turned out from shops, but also in the running and wearing character of the machines. As an evidence of this it may be stated that this country not only supplies a large number of engines required for th i-onstantly increas ing extent of our railroads, but furnishes a large numlwr of locomotive* for foreign countries. There were fifty-four locomo tives exported from the United States dur ing the eleven mouths ending with last May comimrcd with fifty-one during the corres ponding period of the preceding fiscal year. During the same period car wheel* were ex porten to the number of 12,248 and 9,319 re spectively. Railway Conventions. Oct 5, YVodnesday- Association of Rail way Section Foremen, Annual meeting in Council Bluffs, la. Oct. 11, Tuesday - Headmasters’ Associa tion of America. Fifth annual convention at Cleveland, O. Oct. 17, Monday—Brotherhood of Railway Brakemen. Annual meeting in Bingham ton, N. Y. Oct. I!, YY'ednesday— Brotherhood of I/>- comotive Engineer*. Twenty-fourth an nual grand international convention at Chicago. Osraes Yesterday. At Brooklyn— Hrookl>n 0 200201 4 0- 9 ItatUmore .. 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2- !i Hus 1 hils Brooklyn It, Baltimore 19. Error*— Brooklyn 9, Baltimore .5. At lietroit—seven innings, rlarknem.— 1 let roils 2 n 2 : 0 0 O 0-7 liMiiaimpolm 2 o n n n ii n o 2 Base lilts Detroit It. Indianapolis 9. Errors tteiroil l. Indianapolis l nmerw-, Uctzein am! (ianzet. Kbreve and Arundel At New York— Sew York 3 5 1 2 n a 8 Iks.* on ... 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 Base lute Sew York 10, Boston 6. Error* - Sew York 2. Boston 7. At Philadelphia - Philadelphia intootosi a Washington o 1 000 20 i j r, Hi* ml rtiilmU'lphi.i |i. Uaahington 12. Error* Philadelphia . Wanhinirlon ! MetroisillUn. I I 33 I 0 0 0 0 9 Athletic 1 0 1 2 0 0 3 O J 8 (tine hit* Metropolitan It Mhlelic 17. Er ror* Metropolitan I, Athletic I. At Chicago The i luoa*'>-rit!**iir* game to-day u poet posed on account of rata Two caiosa will be played to morrow. Do not bs Alar maul ■it the lai-nig of Uanl (run the lunge. It [ i <*ur of the vary sarileet symptom* at amt -1 .-uui|Aioti. and only show* the haaittiy i H’iet* ‘4 lb"v*ton to throw uff the aerofu I lout tiiipm itles <4 the liked which have rm I suited in iil'wmleop of the lung- fr - 1' —i or* ll' dt-n Mflics' Dm overy ’ I* a (tt.imr leiimdy for ‘"UeolupU'ia at thia 'I inltMi fartlefoily if will riaaaiw | the bewi i iwel the I>d in th lunge and I bodd 1 1#, c * t I*o- ii *ie lie#, eivv vyafeaa HOW MEN WILL DRESS. THEIR UNDERWEAR, COATS, HATS AND SHOES. The Frock Coat in Favor Again—No Decided Change For Evening Wear— The Fall Style of Hats Different From Last Season—Canes and Umbrellas. From the New York Tribune. Nominally Sept. 1 marks the introduction of those changes in the fashioning and ma terial of men's garments which pass under the title of fall styles. In reality, however, it is not until another month has passed that youthful or would-be youthful Solomons ar ray themselves in all their glory and tempt the Indian summer sun in Fifth avenue or the windows of clubs on that thoroughfare. On the art of dressing many books have been written, but no Teufelsdrfcch has yet arisen who has satisfactorily solved the enigma of “who sets the fashion.” Fifteen, or even ten years ago, the young man looked to Paris for his models. Nowadays he yearns for London and its styles. But to whom does the youthful Englishman look? Not, as is often, but erroneously said, to the Price of XVales, for the Prince would not lie the perfect dresser he is if he did not him self bow to the mysterious one. Fashion, so far, at least, as * men are concerned, is rather the combined wisdom and taste of many master-minds. “Not each man, but all men,” as Mr. Swinburne phrases it with neatness. A young man was at the pains the other day to find out in what direction this hidden force will tend during the coming autumn. Starting with the first principle, underwear, he learned that the gorgeousness of hue which lately marked the elaborate London hosiery has been abandoned. The finest of merino still prevails as the material, silk drawers and shirts or “singlets,” as the Eng lish salesmen now term them, hardly proving so comfortable or so warm in the long run, but the colors are more subdued, a fine pin stripe of red on a white ground being the latest pattern in these articles. Socks for evening wear are, of course, still made of silk ana they are still embroidered in quiet patterns. Embroidery, too, reaches to the shift front, thougli the plain front with three studs is, perhaps, after all, the “best form” for evening dress. The broad blue and pink barred colored shirt has disappeared, it is to be hoped forever, certainly until next summer comes, for a colored shirt in winter i* a thing to lie abhorred. Collars are to be moderately high, turned down in front in various degrees of formality or the reverse. The cuff is still fastened with a link and not with a solitaire, and the merest line of it ought to project beyond the coat sleeve. Neckties just imported are of rich dark colored silks and satins, burns! with colored stripes on a dark ground. They are tied in a sailor’s knot, and the breastpin, though not as omnipresent as formerly, is not yet out of date. Only the smallest and plain est, however, can bo fastened in the upper corner of the knot. Actors as a rule dress badly, off the stage, at all events. They either dress too much or too little. A marked exception to this rule is Herbert Kelcey, the leading man of the Lyceum theatre. He is probably the best dressed man in New York, for no one would accuse the Mr Wall who is so often spoken of in connection witli the subject of really dressing witli good taste. A day or two after his return from England, Mr. Kelcey walked up Broadway, on a chilly afternoon, in a frock coat and tall silk hat. The coat fitted as a frock coat should fit, and was worn as one man in a hundred can wear it It was neither exaggeratedly smooth nor wrinkled. It is mentioned here as drawing attention to the fact that the frock coat has once more regained its as- the afternoon wear, and the cutawaynvill take its rightful place as an ar tide of morning wear only before long. For other morning clothes the tailors will use this season, goods of a rough-looking sur face in broken checks and stripes or mixed colors. Coats and waistcoats will be cut a trifle low in the nock, but the heart-shaped opening is given over to the evil one in the shape of the “ready-made” tailor. Trousers are to beaswiileax ever, and cut straight from the knee to the foot. The ridiculous at tempt made to introduce n tailless dress coat, resulted naturally in failure. It will be long liefore any decided change in the dress worn after nightfall is widely adopted. The dress waistcoat is to be cut rather more V shaped than formerly; also, it is to be judged, oil account of the cheap tailor*. Autumn overcoats will he in every shade of twilled goods, and are single-breasted, and rather longer than last year. In hats there is a decided change. This part of a man’s dices owes its style not to individual fancy, but to a trade combina tion. A man does not, as a rule, order his hat to be fashioned in a [(articular way, but meekly accepts his hatter's ruling and weai-s what Tie dictate*. This year the autumn hat will lie a trifle higher than its predeces sor, decidedly more hell ha poo in the crown and with a brim decidedly more rolled. The low hat, tiie “billy-cock” or “derby” wiii be of medium height, with a brim slia|>ed like that of its silken brother. The sqimre-top ped hat will be worn by comparatively few. and owes its introdurtion to the efforts of one well known hatter alone. Though va rious shades of brown will be worn, black will lie in the best taste. In shoe* there will be practically no change. The toe will lie pointed, hiit no tendency to exaggeration is to tie noted. For evening wear a plain patent-leather without a toe-cap is correct, while for day wear the same leather with a plain toe piece is to be worn. All .shoes will be laced instead of buttoned. A not unimportant addition to ajnan's outdoor toilet nowadays is the stick or um brella. The former of these are large and tipped with a small knob or two of silver, while umbrellas are shown of thinnest of proportion* and top[x-d with ingeniously carved handles. ijocal Personal. Capt. Robert Falligant left last night for Atlanta. Mrs. M. J. Dixon and Miss Dixon left for Baltimore yesterday. Col. and Mrs. William Garrard have returned from their bridal trip. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Bond left for the North yesterday on the Baltimore ship. H. S. tiurkenheimor left, last night for Danville, Ya., called there by the illness of his child. Dr. T. H. White, of the Marine Hospital Service, has been granted n month's leave of abscis-e and his place will Iks tilled by I>r. Pettis, of Norfolk, Va. Mrs. K. E. Cotchett, assistant teacher iu the Ma'sie Hchool, has been elect ed assistant teacher in the Barnard Street School to suc ceed Miss Annie Afcher, resigned. A let ter written in Philadelphia and re ceived yesterday from Rev. W. Bacon, pastor of the Independent Presbyterian church, stated that he will probably reach the city to day. Major William Bren, the Bull street ticket agent of the Knvanniih. Florida and Western, and Charleston and Savannah railways, is still in Boston and writes that lie is mijeh improved in health by the change and real from work. Skinny Mon. Wells' ‘•lbnJth Kenwrestores health and vigor, cures dyspefwia. Impotence, ner vous debility Poi wreak men, delicate worn on. 91. j Wells' Hair Balsam. If gray, rm tore lo original color. An elegant dressing, softs'll* and beautifies No oil or grease A too. Restorative. Btops hair < sailing out; errengthaM, cisaasss, iiaal* s' alp f/ "Bough on Pnea," Why softer false' I'low'l mis relief end •Tgmd~*- —rr~ gxsr- ' ',t lo* tb-ig 1 , on Piles P**er me i> *|ci.|lc'„ jeM> id i*g fdeedirig or HM% f ‘>im uf i nee <si* At druggiels w resiled At the Hotels. Pulaski House—Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bery man, Miss Beryman, H. L. Peterson, Al bany, N. Y.; R. W. Stranek, Wilmington. Del.: Allen Atkins, Brunswick; Richard Bawler, St. Louis, Mo.: G. D. Bruce Teeder, New York; W. B. Johnston, Baltimore, Md.; T. J. Myers, Trenton, N. J.; W. B. Hawiett, Philadelphia, Pa.; L. J. Fiinn, Boston, Mass.; R. B. White, Allin Hopkins, Charleston, S. C.; 8. W. Long, Richmond, Va. Bore veil House—B. T. Dent, Georgia; B. A. Brantlev, Branford, Fla.; E. R. Dußose, Atlanta; B. F. Kilgore, South Carolina; Samuel Joseph, E. Benjamin, Ginninnati; C. C. Htulb. G. L. Oliver, H. C. Perkins, Augusta; W. A. Whitaker, Winston, N. C.; G. R. Brooks, Baltimore; G. C. Grace, Scriven county. Marshall House —R. L. Hicks, Doctor town; Miss Jennie Plitch, H. S. r Plitch, W. H. Blitch, Btitch: A. L. Lanier, Oliver: B. H. Harrell, Eastman; Tom H. Martin, Bos ton ;J. W. Halladge, Beaufort, N. C.; Ben Powell. Wadley; L. C. Loyal, Jr.. Brighton, 8. C.; F. J. Meyers, Covington. Ky.: K. A. Yarborough, Dublin; M. M. Westley, Stockton; W. T. Gibson, St. Augustine, Fla. Harnett House—B. C. Kea, Bartow; W. J. Jamison and wife. New London, Conn.; J. G. Gibbes, Tallahassee. Fla.; James Mc- Donough, Mudge; Judge W. R. Phillips, Blackshear; John G. Coburn, Fernandina, Fla.; Mrs. N. E. Evans, R, E. Stringfellow, Florida •B. C. Ritchie, Tampa, Fla.; W. J. Sanders, Macon; L. L. Hinely, Madison, Fla.; A. E. Halstead and wife, Hartford, Conn.; A. S. Luther, Franklin, Pa.; W. T. Walton, Charleston, S. C. ■ Weather Indications. Special indications for Georgia: RAIN Warmer, rain, fresh to brisk south- I easterly winds, followed on Wednes day by cooler, clearing weather and northerly winds. Comparison of mean temperature at Savan nah, Sept. 26. 188 V, and the mean of sains day for (Ifteen years. I Departure ] Total Mean Tempera Time from the Departure — Mean Since for 15 years Sept. 26, 'B7. -|-or — i Jan. 1,1887. 177) 68 0 -v- 11.0 | -- 580.0 Comparative rainfall statement: i-,_ i | Departure Total Mean Daily; Amount j froTO ttlß Departure Amount for; for Mean Sinrn 16 Years, j Sept. 36, 'B7. _ 7i ! 00 I— ,18 a-11.46 Maximum, temperature 73. minimum tem perature 55. The height of the river at Augusta at 1:33 o’clock p. m. yesterday (Augusta time) was st> feet —a fall of 0.4 during the past twenty-four ttours. Cotton Region Bulletin for 24 hours end ing tj p. m., Sept. 20; ISB7. 75th Meridian time. Districts. Average. v Max. f Min. Rain tions. TempjTemp falL 1. Atlanta’. 13 74 52 | *T~ 2. Augusta 12 72 50 .00 3. Charleston 8 72 44 | .00 4. Claiveston 21 82 68 1 13 5. Little Rock 14 ] 78 52 .27 6. Memphis I 18 74 [ 54 .02 7. Moldie 0 I 82 ! 58 *T 8. Montgomery 7 j 80 i 54 .00 0. New erleans 12 82 64 .50 10. Savannah 12 78 52 00 11. Vicksburg 5 82 60 .26 12. Wilmington 8 70 46 .00 Averages *T denotes trace of rainfall. Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations. Savannah. Sept. 'SH. S:3B r. m.. city time. 1 Temperature. | Direction. 2 •/. Velocity. F Rainfall. Name or Stations. Portland 50 g j Fair. Boston 18 g AN' ('loudy. Block island 32: NW 'Clear. New York city ... 54 3V ] Hazy. Philadelphia 541 W Clear. Detroit 54 S E Idoudv. Foil Rufom 55, N dear. St. Vincent 50 N Cloudy. Washington city.. 50 Clear. Norfolk 80; }J ;Fair. Charlotte 58j S jCloudy. Hatteras —! Titusville 74j E 8 .. Fair. Wilmington 58 S E Cloudy. Charleston 84 E 0 Clear. Augusta 62 SE .! Clear. Savannah 84 E . j ... Clear. Jacksonville 68NE..; ...‘Clear. Cedar Keys I 72 E 18 ... Clear. Key West j 78 E 12; ... Fair. Atlanta ! 88 8 E 10 1 iCloudy. Pensacola i 78 SE 24 . Cloudy. Mobile 72 NE . .50 Raining. Montgomery I 72 S E 6 .. ('loudy. Vicksburg 88 S E 104 Raining. New Orleans j 72 S E 10; *T Cloudy. Shreveport 60 Nw! . 58 Cloudy. Fort Smith 84 Ni Clear. (la! vest on. 80j 8 .02 Raining. Corniis Christi ... 78NW 16 58 Cloudy. Palestine 54 N E .88 Raining. Brownesville 72j N jlp .70;Raining. Riotiranrta I Knoxville 02 SW. .04 Cloudy. Memphis 86 N ..I 06 Raining. Nashville 62! E 10:Cloudy. Indianapolis. ...j 58 E .. .12 Raining. Cincinnati J 58 S .. .01 Raining. Pittsburg | 54 N E ..... Clear. Buffalo ! 52 S . ....Clear. (leveland I 53 S E (loudy. Marquette 52 W' !..j . cloudy. Chicago 70 8 K.. .22 Raining. Duluth. NINE.. .12 Saining. St. Paul 54 E 08 Cloudy. Davenport DONE. .12 Ruining. Cairo 60S Ej.. 18 Raining. St. Louis 76 E 08 Raining. Leavenworth... .1 Omaha 80 NW *T Cloudy. Yankton 58 N 04 Raining. Bismarck 50 N , Fair. Deadwood 1 50 W Clear. <'heyenne 56 N ... ... (lear. North Platte ... 58 N 1 Clear. Dodge I 'ity 58 N E ( lear. Santa Fe 52 E ..I .24 Raining. *T denotes trace of rainfall. O. N. Salisoukv Signal Corps. Lord Beaconsfleld (Cherished English primroses as the sweetest of flowers. But neither roses, lilies nor biittereiqw are sweeter than the mouth of that fair nn< who uses Hozodovt daily to keen her teeth white as the driven snow, ami iter gums red us June rosea. That 50c. Mixed Tea at Strauss Bros.’is excellent. Oak, Pine and Llghtwood, For sale bv R. B. Cassels, corner Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 77. New Hubßcrlbera Southern Bell Tele phone and Telegraph Company. CHANGES. 155 ft. Davis & Hons, successors to Gra ham A Huhhcll. 274 Kops & IV). (Deßruyn), successor# to Kops &, Hbearson. NEW. 418 Williams, W. T. & Cos. l;W lioeiistem A Maooaw. 2>V4 I’. Ivothwell. For Doboy, Darien, Etc. At(nllon is called to the advertisement of the sl-miier Pope Cat I in, which leaves on Tm-sdiiys and Fridays for the above points. To be Given Away. Oe to J. (1. Nelson A Cos. and Iwiy your Cioertes and secure a chance on the fifteen f-barrels flour to be given away on No vember Ist, IM7. While they offer this *- traordJnary inducement thav will continue then cut ratea on all anode, staple and faeev Give tbeia a trial, and you will save utoner Allis- • erred t House. Gevanneh, Ga . vei ( -<u i'l lie > 'Witrst tof th I’igtr prirwri (*-< .iI save trout 81 hrf t |et day. Iry 11 "*d '-A - Uvtivu Uuntm •/ear* GENUINE TEXAS CAMELS. Novel Exhibition to be Made at the Texas State and Dallas Exposition. From the Galvettnn Newt. In order that the Texas State Fair and Dallas Exposition may be complete in every particular, the association has concluded to bring from the West a number of Texas camels, which they will place among the products of Texas. It is not generally known that there are camels, both wild anil domestic, in Texas, but it is nevertheless a fact. Texas is a great State, and has a little of everything. A reporter yesterday called upon Maj. John Henry Brown in quest of information in regard to the history of Texas camels. Maj. Brown says that they were brought to Texas by the Federal government in 1852 for the purpose of testing the feasibility of using them in crossing the great American desert and the dry region between here and California Several Arabian canvass ers came along with the camels for the purpose of instructing the Americans in their art of handling the animals. These Arabs remained in the employ of the gov nrnment for the space of two years, and when they left it was believed that the camels were a success as a means of travel ing in the dry region, and it was also be lieved the animals would retain their vigor and health of their native country. The government then proceeded to breed them at Camp Verde, a military past in Kerr county, and they multiplied and replen ished with great rapidity. When the war came on the camels of course fell into the hands of the Southern Confederacy, which had control of them until the close of the struggle at which time Maj. Brown says there were seventy six camels at Camp Verde ranging in age from 1 year upward. But all the camels were not concentrated at Camp Verde. They had scattered during the war, and some of them were in use in Arizona, while others had wandered Irom the settle ments and gone wild. Very little attention was given to the camels or to communica tion by means of them with California dur ing the war, and by the time the Federal government got Texas reconstructed and ready to resume the caravan business across the plains, the railroads were solving the problem for which the camels were being bred, and the ships of the desert were heard of no more as a factor in the commerce of America. The propriety of running the camels at Camp Verde into Mexico was dismissed by some of the Texans who sought refuge in that republic at the close of the war, but the matter ended in discussion. Maj. Brown says he had not kept run of the camels of late yaars, but he is certain that there are still quite a number of them, both wild and tame. Appropriately Named. Colgate’s Cashmere Bouquet Perfume, ombining the odors of many sweet flowers. Oak, Pine and Lightwood, For sale by R. B. Cassels, corner Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 77. Advice to Motnera. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Svrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little suffer at once; it produces natural, (juiet sleep by relieving the child from pain and the little cherub awakes as “bright as a button.” It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, re lieves wind, regulates the bowels, and Is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. 25 cents a bottle. Stiff Hats just out at Belsinger’s, 24 Whitaker street. If you want a Corset go to Gutman’s, 141 Broughton street, where you will find all the popular makes and styles. German Dill Pickles, Loose Chow-Chow, Olives, etc. Strauss Bros’., 22 and 22)* Bar nard street. French and Turkish Prunes at Strauss Bros’. Before buying Hams or Breakfast Bacon price those at Strauss Bros.’ 12'i‘c. for Breakfast Strips at Strauss Bros’. New Fat Mackerel, new Tomatoes, new Peaches, Codfish, Breakfast, Strips, 12ly'o. Hams, Hams, Hams. Mixed Tea at 50c., worth sl. Strauss Bros’., 22 and 23) * Bar nard street. ruie old Rye Whisky, made in March, 1881, only $3. Pure old Catawba Wine sl, at D. B. Lester's. Broadway Silk Hate just out at Belsin ger's, 24 Whitaker street. New line of fall teok puff and plait Scarfs at Belsinger’s, 24 Whitaker street. The Fly and Spiders Scarf Pin at Bel singer’s, 24 Whitaker street. Gutman has French Escuriol, Spanish Guipure and Handrun Lace Financings, all over Net, and narrow Lace to match; Bead ed Laces and all over Beaded Net to match, Beaded Ornaments, Beaded Gimps, beaded fronts, beaded sides, black and colored Beaded Rets, black and colored Braided Sets and Panels, black and colored Fancy Braids, A*trachan and Feather Trimming. Don’t you think we can suit you in Dress Trim mings! Come and try. F. Gutmau. Anything needed for Men's wear at Bel singpr’s, 24 Whitaker street. Children's Hand-Made Crochet Sacques 35c., worth 50c. Children’s Mull Caps 25c., 35c. and 50c. Nurse Aprons at 25c. and up wards. An immense assortment of Buttons and Pocket Books at Gutman's, 141 Brough ton street. State of Weather. Fall Clothing Beginning to arrive. Ready to show a nice selection for- early full wear, also fall Over coats. They are nicer' and prices lower than ever, to show our customers that we have I'emoved to the northeast corner Con gress and Whitaker streets. The Famous New York Clothing House manufacture all the clothing they sell, dealing direct with the consumer. Wo save every one who buys of us at least, 2f> per cent. Umbrellas. Gloria, wears better than silk, for s'2 50, silver-tip •$:!, gold-tip s•'! 30, Ginghams from 81 upward, all selling low to show our patrons that we have moved to the'north east corner of Congress and Whitaker streets. High Class Bronze Statuary, Etc. Cur senior is hack from New York. Our citizens who appreciate handsome and ar tistic effects in Bronze, are cordially invited to visit our vvareroonis and tn*!>e<it the grandest display of most lieautitul de signs in ornamental and decorated art ever pGu-ed tiefore the ttavannah public. Faust and Marguerite, in companion pieces, in ,-r lino, are gems worthy of the noetic interest that attaches to the weird and mystic. Re hides we are receiving, nlmnstdaify, invoiem of IsMxitifiii objects of virtu in the latest and rnost novel conceits. (fur display of tine Silverware is unapproachable in quality and quantity and variety. In |u. moads we, of course, lend, and our slock of Fine Jewelry menu attention ()ur aim to he the Jewelry Palace of this city will, we think, he eeiahtistusl bv this seusoii*N dis play. and we request the public to favor us with a visit of inspection regaidims of a de sire to purchase. M. STERN lIKIKi, 15? Broughton Boys Knee Pants helling for ./><•. and Tike., by the Fsmoos New York Clothing House, northe*si cor- I wr t ongreas sad U hitaker streete. they are ] worth more, but juet to show the hoys j • l*et ewe he ate. sd us. LUDDEN A BATES S. M. H ARTISTS’ MATERIAL'! WK offer anew line of TUBES, which are tt fully giiaranted as to quality.. They are double quantity, of unusual sues and sell at ex tremely low prioq of 12 cents each. They can lie had in following colors: Cremnitx White, Burnt Scenioa Silver White. Raw Seenica, Flake White, Haw Umber, King s Yellow, Burnt Umber, Chrome Yellow, deep, Antwerp Blue, Chrome Yellow, medium, Prussian Blue, Chrome Yellow, lemon, Light Red, Yellow Ochre, Terre Verte, Ivory Black, Vandyke Brown Also in stock a full line of Windsor and Nur! tin's and American Tubes, Oils, Palettes Brushes. Varnish, Placques, Drawing Papers’ Bristol Boards, Pencils, etc. ’ Our Framing Department Shows nil new- styles of Mouldings,' and we manufacture all sires and kinds of Frames and Stretchers on shortest notice and at lowest, price Our stock of Room Mouldings, Picture Wire Cord, Nails and Hooks is large, and we invite Inspection. '*. rtebunush and Repair Old Frames, attend to moving and banging, also pack and ship. Moving and Shipping Pianos. We handle at our own risk, do it quickly and sal'clv. and our price:, are still $3 for Square, and Uprights from parlor flour to parlor floor PIANO TUNING-’ At this season of the year your Piano may need Tuning, and we can assist you by attend ing to it. We do no juggling, and if you favor us with your order we guarantee you satisfac tion. OUR PRICES. For Timing Square or Upright, $3 single tuning. For Tuning Grands. $5 single tuning. For Tuning Squares and Uprights, $8 for year, which includes Strings or any slight regie iat ion of action. * For Tuning (i rands, s!*, for year, which in cludes Strings or any slight regulation of action. L. & B. S. M. I I. FURNITURE AN D CARPETS. A. J. Miller & Co.'s FURNITURE AND Carpet Emporium, OCCUPIES A SPACE OF OVER 30,000 SQUARE FEET, And is filled with the Choicest Line of Hoods to he found anywhere. The advantages to be ob tained hv having such an immense and complete stock to select I rom will be appreciated by those who have never bought of us. and who have been obliged to confine their selections to only a limited assortment. Buying as we do by the CARLOAD and tor CASH, we are enabled to undersell any one in the South. Our workmen are skilled mechanics, and our salesmen the most polite. A J .MILLER & CO. MS, 150 and 152 BROrftHTON ST. COTTON SEED WANTED. 1 Ter Bushel (sl4 per ton) paid for good lll*' SEED Delivered in Carload Lots at Southern Mton Oil Cos. Mills —A*— SAVANNAH, GA., ATLANTA, GA., COLUMBUS, GA. Price subject to change unless notified of ac ceptance for certain quantity to he shipped by a future date. Address nearest mill as above. DOORS, SASH, ETC. ANDREW HANLEY, DEALER IN Doors, Sashes, Blinds, Mouldings, Etc. All of the above are Best Kiln Dried White Pine. —ALSO DEALER IN Builders’ Hardware, Slate, Iron and Wooden Mantels, Grates, Stair work, Terracotta, Sewer Pipe, Etc., Etc. Paints, Oils, Railroad, Steamboat and Mill Supplies, Glass, Putty, Etc. Lime, Plaster, Cement and Hair. Plain and Decorative Wall Paper. Frescoem*, Hons** and Sisrn Painting given personal atten tion and finished in ihe best manner. ANDREW HANLEY. DA V*lS BUGS. MIXED HIES 1 1 Elegant I |wight Kuabe Piano 8650. 1,009 boxes Paper and Envelopes, each 10c. 1 Fine Upright Knahe Piano(3so. 5Wt Mvcrdeen Linen paper and Envelope*. each UV. 1 Upright Knahe Piano $459 309 Bin lies Best Black Ink, each SC. 1 F.sley Upright Plane fW PHI Bottles Parson's indelible Ink, each 33c. 1 Rhiih Upright Plano S4OO 2UII tint lie. Real Red Ink, each 3c. 4 Krank'h A Bach Uptight Pianos, each (490. 899 Bellies Rest Blue Ink, each 6c. 13 Fsley ( Irgans, each $75, 24 Sh<"‘ts Note I’aper for sc. 24 Whit# EnvalopM for sc. Bee ns and you can save money all around, liei otii on your JOR PRINTING. DAVIS BROS.