The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 28, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 HUFF MAKES THINGS JIUM THE CONVICT LEASE SYSTEM TER RIBLY ARRAIGNED. Everybody Connected with It Put Un der the Ban of His Condemnation— The Debate on the Bill to Establish a Permanent Penitentiary and Sup ply Farm. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 27.—1n the Senate to-day the House resolution authorising the sale or lease of certain property belonging 60 theijttWe, at Calhoun, to be used us a Site erection uf a cotton warehouse by prifflPr parties, was tabled after some discussion. The bill to amend section 4665 of the Code was lost. The bill of Mr. Wright, of the First dis trict, to prohibit transactions in futures, and to provide a penalty, was lost. The bill of Mr. Dean, of the Forty-second district, to prevent the running of trains by over-worked officials or employes, passed with an amendment. The House bill to establish City Court of Newnan, passed. The House bill, known as the Confeder ate Soldiers bill, making an appropriation for those disabled, passed. In the House. In the House to-day Air. AY T eil, of Fulton, moved to reconsider the action of the House yesterday, in refusing to pass the bill to prohibit the operation of “bucket shops” in Georgia. He said that he had introduced the bill at the request of the merchants of Atlanta. Ho thought dealing in futures was gambling. The bill did not seek to control legitimate transactions, but only to prohibit gambling in these enterprises. The motion to reconsider was agreed to. On motion of Mr. Russell, of Polk, the bill introducedhy him to impose a tax of SI,OOO on itinerant physicians, which was adopted yesterday, was reconsidered. The special order of the day was the con sideration of the hill of Mr. Huff, of Bibb, to establish a permanent penitentiary and sup ply farm. The bill was taken up and read, the House sitting as a committee of the whole, with Mr. Clay, of Cobb, in the chair. This supply farm or principal penitentiary, is to be managed by five trustees, three of whom shall be practical farmers, one a con tractor and one a good business man. The superintendent of the farm shall boa farmer, not less than .'!0 years of age, and shall permanently reside on the farm. Not less than 1,000 nor more than -1,000 acres of land shall lie bought at a cost of not more than $lO per acre. The five trustees are to receive $.500 each )>er annum to tie paid the first two years out of money arising from present leases. The Superintendent is to receive SI,OOO per annum paid in the same manner as the trustees. Should the public road gang become established one civil en fineer is to be appointed at a salary of 1.500 per annum. The first sixteen sections of the bill are intended to carry out the act of 1876 by establishing a central penitentiary and farm, to which all future convicts that come into the hands of the State shall go, and from which they shall be drawn, with the exception of women and children under 16. It proposes no interference with the present leases, but allows a surrender by parties now holding, and provides for any that may be forfeited. In case of sur render or forfeiture the counties or Judicial circuits may claim and work their convicts on their roads, and when, from any cause, fifty ablebodied convicts accrue, then a pub lic road gang shall be established under State management. The counties or cir cuits are to take convicts free of exjeense to the State. The rest of the bill simply attaches penal ties to all violators of the leasee act of 1876, M shown by recent investigations to exist. OPENING THK DISCUSSION. Mr. Ten-ell opened the argument iu favor of the bill. He said there were two leading propositions in the bill. He said that he felt no hesitation in saying that there was legislation needed on the system. In op position to tho present system he would not go into the legal points involved. The (Jov ernor was now considering the legal ques tions involved in the lease- and the system. He thought that the State' should punish her own criminals and not delegate that power to private jiersonsand corporations. The sen tence imposed on a convict was that hushoud be punished by hard labor by the State. Again, he thought that the convicts should be punished humanely. He did not take any stock in any alleged maudlin sentiment that was expressed. The convicts are the slaves of the State and she should temper her treatment with mercy. In many in stances th 3 lessees did not look beyond the making of money out of these convicts. A good objection to the system was that it in terfered with free ana honest labor. Hera in Atlanta the brick interest is a monopoly. He said there was a large margin in convict labor. Should not this margin go into the pockets of the State ! As it was this mar gin now goes into the pockets of a few les sees. It might lie held that the next lease would pay more money, but there was no guarantee' for this. Gombinutions . could be formed by which the State' could liiake n<> Letter trade than it did liefore. It ■was nothing but justice to the people that the large margin made out of the handling should go into the pockets of the people. It was certainly right and just that convict labor should never lie put iu competition with the honest tailoring classes of tho State. He thought that in mnking a change the legislature should lx* governed by the experienie of other States. Fulton county was working her women and children sepa rataly from the men, and making them sup port themselves on a farm. Mil. huff’s speech. Mr. Huff said that the length of the bill should not frighten the House. He thought that it uas safe, perfectly.feasible and ]ier fectly practicable. He wanted the bill con sidered inolly, calmly and considerately. He regarded the bill under consideration as secondary in importance only to the disposition of the Western and‘Atlantic railroad. He wanted the question considered and disposed of os a business proposition. There were but four leading ideas iu the bill. The measure pix ijn to take from the lessees the women and children under lei years of age. He proposed to show tluit the lease aet and the contract was uu infamous swindle anon the tstnte, and he meant what he said. The original lease act provided for a peni tentinry. This the lessees have never established and never intended to do so. He proposed to show that tltere is not a South ern Htate in the Union that gets so little money for so many convicts. He proi>osod to show thut the Governor of the t-itate had characterized the law as the most damnable outrage ever put upon the Slate. He said that no lease like that of Georgia had been by any Southern State, lie referred to the length of the lease. The lease started out with a $25 rate, and now we get down to a $lO rate. One of the main provisions of the lease was humanity. He read the act of 1871, showing that Grant, Alexander ifc Cos. were the lessee. He then read the act of 1876, which was fvuwe I during a Remo cratie administration. This act, provided that the State should pay a principal keeper, and this was to tie the only ex;use to the State in connection with the management of the convicts. Tue act provides that nicy •hull work n it more than ten hours u day, and never on Sunday. He would prove that they worked without regard to the number of Hours in a day, and on Sunday time anil tune again. The In***-* bail admitted Htin ilay working, and said that they could not run their furnaces, brick yards and other enterprises without working them on Sun day He ilarm! any lessee or any friend of a lessee to deny it.. There was hardly n provision of the ict that was ras|ss‘til bv the laws iurLuntitmi i.koiki.atuv 'Three or four years L’fore the flint lease sspirad we find loin Alexander and Jnsoini k brown monkey mg around the Icgiiix ture attending midnight caucuses at the Markham House with Judge Reese, and others, fixing up a twenty years lease. The history of the formation of the penitentiary camps was as rich as a nut. He had not lie.n able to get the truth in this connect ion. Helms bran told that camps Two and Three had been started with four convicts out of Fulton county jail. The records show that three camps were organized with nine con victs, which had been secured for Gen, Phillips of the Marietta and North Georgia railroad. He hail Lien told by a prominent lessee that the long lease had been effected to secure the convicts, and keep any one else from getting them. Mr. Harrison, of Quitman, called Mr. Huff’s attention to a decision of the Su preme Court. Mr. Huff then continued by saying that he knew all about that decision. He knew who delivered it and how he came to de liver it, and would tell the legislature all about it. He lmii plowed all around this question and proposed to tell what he had found. He wanted to know where the pen itentiary was. He would defy the world, the flesh and the devil, to pqmt one out. There was no penitentiary and the lessees wanted none. Judge Reese hail told him that the act distinctly provided for a penitentiary. Now he wanted to know where the penitentiary was. Col. Shubriek laughed when he was asked the question, and said there was none. Gov. Brown when he asked him if there had been additional legislation on the con victs outside the lease act, said yes, that there had been some, and that he had been robbed by the State. He wanted again to make the assertion, that a more infernal swindle had never been put on a State, wheth er North or South. A duplicate of such a transaction could not bo found in the his tory of any country on the face of the globe. He referred to the scene now being enacted in the Supreme Court. There sat Gov. Gordon, an original lessee, presid ing with the Attorney General at his side. There sat the lessees, backed by six of the ablest lawyers in the State. Why, the Governor said of tho system that the State was besmeared and besmirched from head to foot with the filthy thing. The committee then arose, reported progress and asked leave to sit again. Tho House then adjourned till to-night. A SESSION BY GAS LIGHT. The House held a session to-night by gas light. The Senate amendment to tho bill to in corporate the Bank of Hawkinsville was concurred in, as was also the amendment to the bill prohibiting practicing attorneys from acting as jury commissioners. By unanimous consent Mr. Simmons had his bill passed to amend the charter of Americus. The bill by Mr. McLendon, of Thomas, to appropriate $4,000 to the trustees of the State University for the purpose of com pleting the agricultural college at Thomas ville, Amended by the committee so as to make the sum $5,500, was taken up by the House committee and passed. Mr. Lamar’s bill to amend section 9 of the general tax act for 1887 and 1888, passed. Mr. Alorgan’s bill to define what is post ing lunds in this State, passed. The bill of Mr. Riley, of Chatham, to provide for the appointment of a Surgeon for each light battery of artillery, passed. The bill of Mr. Humphreys, of Clinch, to appropriate money to pay M. M. Caswell for an artificial arm, was considered in com mittee of the whole and passed. The bill of Mr. Johnson, of Screven, to make it unlawful for any peddler to expose his wares on the land of another without consent of the owner came up. Alv. Hunt, of Hancock, offered an amend ment that the bill was not to apply to mar ried ex-Confederate soldiers, which was adopted. The bill was lost and the House adjourned. STATE CAPITAL SIFTINGS. Bills Signed by the Governor—The S. F. & W. Pays its Taxes. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 27. —The Savannah, Florida and Western Railroad this morning paid its taxes, amounting to $13,874.815. The Governor signed the following acts to-day: To incorporate the Citizens’ Bank of Sa vannah. To incorporate the Atlantic, Birmingham and Great Western Railroad. The Governor to-day offered a reward of $250 for the apprehension of the unknown incendiary who set tire to the gin house of W. P. Crawford, in Columbia county, on the night of Sept . 21. Dr. Janies A. Gray, a prominent physi cian and surgeon of Atlanta, and Dean of the Atlanta Medical College, died at his home on Church strrat this morning from an attack of typhoid fever. He had been sick for several weeks, hut was not regarded as critically ill until within the last few days. He was editor of the Atlanta Medical and Sunjiral Journal. He graduated from the Atlanta Medical College with the class of 1878, and the same year married Miss Gertrude Harkins, of Atlanta. Within a year after ho graduated he was made one of the professors of the Atlanta Medical College, which position he held at the time of his dentil. The funeral will take place to-morrow. The faculty of the college will officiate as pall-bearer*. He will bo buried with Masonic honors. A CORPBE IN THE RIVER. Murder, Subside or Accidental Drown ing near Columbus. Columbus, Ga., Sept. 27.—The steamer Fannie Fearu reached this city from Apa lachicola this morning and brought the in formation that when off a jioint not far from tile hospital, just below the city, the body of a dead negro woman was seen lodged against the river jetties. The dis covery was reported to Coroner Griffin, who immediately proceeded to the spot and had the body brought to the court house, where an inquest was held. The woman is unknown to anyone who has yet viewed the remains, and she was most prob ably a stranger in this section. Rhe has evidently been dead several days. An in vestigation has been made and there is no evidence to show whether she was murder ed or accidentally drowned, but. the general impression is that she was murdered, as her face was badly disfigured. Flames at Jonesboro. Jonesboro, Ga., Sept. 27.—-The two story brick block known as the Mor row block, was discovered on fire to-day, but the flames were extinguished by hal’d work. I’he building was considerably damaged. The stocks of Stewart & Waul, W. 11. H. Morrow and J. J. Haines were damage I by removal am l exposure to the rain. The building anJ stocks of all ex cepting J. J Haines, were insured. There was $6,000 on the building, and insurance on tiie stocks as follows: Atlanta Home, $900; Liverpool and London and Globe, $4,500; Home of New York, $3,000. A Blow at Pensacola. Pensacola. Ft,a..Kept. 27.—The steam ship Lizzie Henderson put into this jiort this morning on account of stress of weather. It. is suppiM'd that she is from Tampa and Liund to Mobile. Owing to rough weather the steamship Cumberland did not leave for Tampa this morning us advertised. Another equinoctial storm has put in au appearance and there is rough weather out slue. There has tiecii a stiff breeze blowing here for the last twenty-four hours. Died from Her Burn*. J acks'ivvii.l.K, ;*topt. 27.—A 4 year-old girl nun nil Ada Luketus, daughter of a sliooniuk' r in this citv, died this morning from injuries received liv the bunting of n Kerosene lump Inst night. The child was terribly lomH nrou'io tier lower limbs and leidy. Tiie fiimlly lieiug very poor a sub ► '*i f ii of f.Vi Aa . Kj**Uly raised bv a i i|i" •• of •y on itlociug citizens, wlui cm pi* o' 1 I eve and doctors to try and save her. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 28, 1887. WRECKED ON A TRESTLE. ! Thirty Persons More or Lcs3 Seriously Injured in Tennessee Jackson, Tenn., Sept. 27.— One of the worst wrecks that ever occurred on the Mis sissipi and Ohio railroad occurred about two miles south of this place this morning. An en tire passenger train, except the engine, was hurled from a trestling while running forty five miles an hour, and over thirty persons were injured, though, by what skeins almost a miracle, none were killed. The coaches were thrown forty feet from the track and some were tumid completely over. Tho scene was almost indescribable. Women and children were screaming for help and release from closed cars. All were, however, rescued and medical attention given. some of the injured. Dr. R. A. Crook, of Jacksor., was on board and was slightly injured. Baggage Master Ira Perkins, of Jackson, is injured internally, and has bran unoou clous all day. His recovery is doubtful. J. B. Jones, a mail clerk, of Jackson, had his right shoulder torn loose and received other injuries. 11. 8. Depew, of Bt. Louis, ..General Traffic Manager, had his hip and head cut M. H. Meek and wife and child, of Jack son, received slight injuries. Stephen Rosenburg, of Trenton, Mo,, was badly hurt. His wife suffered spina) injuries. M. D. Johnson, of Cayce, Ky., is badly cut and bruised. Martin de Faron, of Mobile, was painfully injured. J. W. Dunning, an express messenger, was bruised and cut. Ninetran others received slight injuries, over 100 yards of track were torn up, anil the trestle was torn down. It will be late to morrow before the running of trains will be resumed. The breaking of a track and a bad track are the causes givon for the wreck. FLOODS IN MEXICO. Great Destruction of Property in Guer ro and Mier. Galveston, Tex., Sept. 27.—A special to the News, from New Laredo, Mex., says; “Dispatches were received this evening by Mayor Brosig, giving details of great de struction of property in Guerro and Mier, Mex., near the Rio Grande, by the over flowing of two rivers. In Mier, which is built on the banks of the river Mier, 200 houses were destroyed and many were completely washed away. The town of Guerro, which is situated on the banks of the Salado river, was inundated and about fifty houses were either completely washed away or damaged. Both these rivers rise in the Lampasas mountains and were swollen by a great waterspout, which fell Friday, and did much damage to the Mexican National railroad.” PROSPECT PARK’S PACE. How the Racers Came Out in the Rush for the Purses. New York, Sept. 27. —Following is a summary of to-day’s events at Prospect Park: Firstßace—Handicap for all ages: six fur longs- Cyclops won, with Roi L>. second and FausLPas third. Time 1:15. Second Race— Handicap for three year-olds and upward; one mile. Esquimau won, with Swift second and Arundel third. Time - :03$4* Timm Race— Clinton stakes for three year old fillies; mite and a quarter. Lady Primrose won, with J Miss Ford second and Connemara third. Time 2:lO$L Fourth Race—For three year olds and up wards; mile and a furlong. Lelax won, with Fa vor second and Joe Cotton third. Time 1 Fifth Rack— For maiden two year olds; five furlongs, Tnragon won. with Speedwell and Monmouth third. Time l:034- 4 . Sixth Rauf. For three-.vear-olds and upward; one mile. Maggie Mitchell won, with Adrian second and Helmont 1 hint Time 1:41 The winner was entered to be sold for $2,000. and was bought in for $2,405. Rose fell at the quar ter pole, ami Mooney, her Jockey, got a severe shaking up. Ad extra day's racing is announced for Friday. NO RACING AT LOUISVILLE. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 27. —On account of the rain, which commenced yesterday, and which has continued without intermis sion Ml nra, there was no racing to-day at the Louisville Jookev Club track. The post poned events will be run off Wednesday, the extra days’ racing closing with Thurs day. Another Death on the Alesia. New York, Sept. 27. —There was one death to-day aiiioug the cholera stricken passengers of the t Italian steamer Alesia, who are quarantined down the bay—that of a man 47 years of age. Another death is expected. Tho other patients are reported to be doing well. SICILY’S RECORD. Rome, Sept. 27.—During the past twenty four hours 112 new cases of cholera and 63 deaths were reported in Messina, and 4 new cases and 4 deaths in Catania. End of a Strike. Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 27.—The strike at tho American Iron Works of Jones & Laughlin’s has ended favorably to the strikers and work will be resumed in all de partments in the morning. The strike was for a small advance til the roll turners’ de partment, and affected less than a dozen men, but almost the entire force of 3,000 men quit work pending a settlement. Surrendered by Their Bondsmen. Chicago, Sept. 27.—The formal surren der of Harry Varnell on a bond of $3,000, and of John G. Van Pelt on one for $35,000, was made to-day before Judge Waterman by the bondsman, W. C. McDonald. Deputy Sheriff Gross was instructed to formally notify the Sheriff’s office, States Attorney and jail authorities of the fact. A Financial Crook. Staunton, Va., Sept. 27.—George M. Rixlell, one of the absconding firm of Cline denst. & Bodell, who was arrested in Cana da, reached here last night in charge of At torney Braxton. To-day he waived trial lie fore a magistrate and was sent to the grand jury. He will plead guilty to a charge of forgery. Tobacco’s Ruin. Lynchburg, Va., Sent. 27.—Reports to the Advance from Campbell county, one of the largest tobacco raising counties in the State, indicate that this year’s crop, the finest ever raised, has lieen almost entirely ruined by a frost, in a large area not a plant will lie cut, as it is utterly worthless. A Liquor House Closed, Chicago, Sept. 27.—The large wholesale liquor bouse of Adams, Smith, Shermin & Cos., at Nos. 174 and 17ti East Adams street, was closed by the sheriff to-day uudor an execution for $183,000, issued from the Su perior Court on a confession of judgment in favor of the First National Bank. An Estimate on the Corn Crop. Chicago, Sept. 26.—The Farmers' flr virw, of Chicago, will publish in this week's issue its estimate of the corn crop of 1887, placing it at about 1,300,000,000 bushels. Wilkes' Wealthiest Citizen Dead. Washington, Ga., Sept. 27.—W. W. Himueon died at the family residence to-dav at 3 o’clock. He was probably Wilkes county’s wealthiest citizen. A Prophet for Profit. From the Detroit Free Press. “Uncle Jack,” said a city market butcher to mi old colored whitewadier the other day, “you know the weather pretty well, don't youf” “Yes, sail." "What kind of a winter do you think we’ll have <*’ “Well, snh, dat same queshun war’ axed me yesterday, accniu|iaiiied bv a gift of lUu. an’ i predicted a worry mild winter, llow sumeber you haven't"—— "Herp'* a dime. Uncle Jack." “ Ail! thanks. It's gwlne in lie mild, snh worry mIM Ye*, salt—we'll have sum titer mli a i tli,” FRUITS OF HONEST GOVERNMENT. Receipts Largely Increased -Expenses Largely Reduced- From the Philadelphia Times. Washington, Sept. 25.—The fruits of honest, business-like government are strikingly exhibited in the administration of the revenue laws, which are the same under Cleveland that were in operation under Arthur. It is natural that revenues should increase to some extent because of the steady growth of the business of the coun try, but the Invariable rule heretofore has been for the expenditures, or costs of col lection, to increase all the time, whether the revenues increased or not In both tho revenues from imports and internal tuxes, there has been a steady and decided increase of revenue anil as steady and decided de crease of the cost of collection under the present administration. The figures are taken from the official records of the Treasury Department, and are tiioroughly reliable. The following are the receipts from customs for the fiscal years ending June .’SO, 3885, 1886 and 1887; the year ending June 80, 1885, being the last year of the Arthur administration: receipts from customs. Year ending Juue 30, 18*5. $183,11i>.8n6 60 Year ending June 3U, 1880 194,180,356 00 Year ending June lb, 1887 217,280,893 13 EXPENSES OF COLLECTION. Year ending June 30, 1845. $0.1118,22119 Year ending June 80, 1886 0.127,013 00 Year ending June 30, 1687 8,870,071 43 The cost of collection the last year of Arthur’s administration was 3.77 per cent.; the cost in 1886 was 3.30 per cent., and the cost in 1887 was 3.16 per cent The same re sults are shown in the receipts from internal revenue and expenditures, as follows: INTERNAL REVENUE RECEIPTS. Year ending June 30, 1885 $112,498,725 54 Year ending June 80, 1880 110,805,030 48 Year ending June 30, 1887 118,887,301 00 EXPENSES OF COLLECTION. Year ending June 30. 1885 $4,455,430 27 Year ending June 80, 1880 4,290,485 28 Year ending June 30,1887 4,070,150 2a It is these substantial and beneficent re sults of administering the government on business principles, instead of wasting the taxes of the ]ieople in party plunder, which make Cleveland strong with the people and compel politicians who are ever on tue hunt for spoils to support the policy of the Presi dent even against their own inclinations. The one inflexible rule now in force in all public departments is that every official must perform his duty with the same fidel ity thut would be demanded in any business employment, and that is the kind of gov ernment the great mass of the people of all parties want. A young medical student of Paris, said re cently to tiie chief surgeon of several military and civic hospitals: "Doctor, I don’t think I’ll ever be a success at sawing bones for the sight of blood paralyzes my faculties.“ “I’m in the same fix.” replied "the surgeon, “so when I amputate a leg or an arm I close my eyes.”—Paris Figaro. Ik Savannali Weekly News. Sixteen Pages. For Saturday, Oct. 1, 1887 READY THIS MORNING. CONTENTS. First Page —Peace :Five Old Letters, Chapters VI! IX' A Wonderful Little Engine; Georgia at the Centennial; A Posthumous Beard. A Man Whose Electric Fingers Cause Him Great Trouble. Second Page. —Cleveland's Itinerary; A Look at the Thistle; Ohio’s Color Line; Chatsworth’s Crash; Prohibition in Tennessee; Evansville's Camp Fires; <Yctone Pranks; Rich in Poor Stocks; Preventing a Big Panic; Parsons Makes a Point; Georgia Humanitarians; Secrets of the Camps; Georgia Legislature; State Capital Siftings; Did he See her Spirit? Third Page —Glenn's Bill Under Fire; Stand ing by the Lessees; Sanford’s Seorchej - : Fugi tive Jail Birds; A Hurricane in Texas; Pryor for the Anarchists; Clay County's Vote; Severe Punishment; Singer's Wives and Wealth; Chol era Off New York. Fourth I’AOE—The Blenheim Palace; Gov. Foraker’s Silence; Col. Duval's Big Winning; Scinda’s Sceptre; Walking on Water; An Artifi cial Larynx; Dynamiting a Schooner. Fifth Paoe—Walking on Broadway; Notes for Women; Recent Theatrical Ventures; Train Wreckers Trapped; Some Fallen Napoleons, illustrated; A Financier of Blood and Iron; A Man Who Handles Millions; The Salvation Army. Sixth Page— Strides of the South; Negro Masons Under a Cloud; Long Brown's Life und Death: The Resurrectionist Cabby; Growth of the British Empire; The Stable Cure; Charles ton Chat; Burglars at Brooks; The Little Boy’s Papa; Couldn’t Leave Him After His Mother Died: Not So Rustic as He Looked; Live Toads Applied; Eads’ Ship Railroad; “I Fooled Dat Nigger.” Seventh Page— Agricultural : Department; The Southern Negro as a Laborer; When and How to Plant Strawberries; The Value of Wild Fruits; Whipping Horses; Big Head iu Horses; Household; Farm and Stock Notes; Popular Science: Rolison’s Troubles; Hen Talk; Sugar from Sorghum; Lively Women at the Bank. Eighth Page—Up and Down Religion, Tal mage on the Piety of the Present Day; On a Mar Footing, Germany Ready for a Struggle with France; Escaped from Silieria; Bean was a “Blind;' Left his Bones Behind; The Toad and its Prey. Ninth Page - Won by the Volunteer, The Thistle Beaten is Minutes in Twenty-four Miles; Democrats at Saratoga. The Convention Meets and Begins its Work; Sinners in Black Hides, More Testimony About their Treatment in Geor gia: O’Brien May be Jailed, The Tories Bound to Gag Him if They Can; Other Interesting Tel egrams. Tenth Paoe- The News in Georgia, Gathered from Correspondents und Exchanges; The Tariff and the Farm; Bell Carries His Point; Genuine Texas Camels; Jails Full of Vermin; He is Sorry He Said It. Eleventh Page—Around About in Florida: The News of the State Told in Paragraphs; Col. Smith’s Farm; A Groat Meteor, Carlisle on Democracy; The Color Line in Kansas; Native Indians of Alaskat Bucket Shops Slay Run: A Negro Uprising: Brief Telegraphic Summary. Twelfth Paoe— Editorial: The Financial Situation; Features of the Convict System; Wasting Greit Fortunes; Right on the Tariff Question; The Cotton Tie Tax; The Tax on Whisky: The State’s Railroad Property; The Plea for the Anarchists. Thirteenth Paoe— Local Department; The Town of Pooler; Kell Ninety Feet: Disease Among Horse.;; A Bullet in 11 is Brain; Hunting a Panther; Narrow Fire Escape; An Important Measure; Central's August Earnings; Death of an Engineer; Base Ball. Fourteenth Page The New National An them: Circumstantial Evidence; Cured by Christian Science; A Hangman's Experience; Life Closely ( ailed; A Snnke Bake; A New Proc ess in Cotton Manufacturing; The Black Napo leon of Finance; The King of Birds in this In stance Was a Crow. Fifteenth Paoe Method in It; Stories of Greeley; A Martyr Sou; Borodino and Gettys burg; In fulls and his Cow Boy Constituent; Strange Suicide at Berlin; A Sure Cure for Chills; A Valuable Enemy; A Big Defalcation of l/>ng Ago; A Filial Habit of K|ieci'h; Cur rent Comment; Bright Dlls; Personal; l*ems of interest Sixteenth Pahs Financial und Commercial Relies of tiie Week; tl.ilf Milkiis Things Hum. Thel onvtct letaeo System Terribly Arraigned; Advertisement* Just l iie paper to send lo your friends. Single copies 5 cents. For sal** ut felill'i News Depot and at the of A* i*. 3 W mi lker el DEATHS*. DUCKWORTH.-Died” onthe 27th September, 1887, Hei.en Battersby, youngest daughter of .1. B. and M. H. Duckworth, aged 8 months and 8 days. MEETINGS. GOLDEN Rl NO. I 2,1. 6. O. F. A regular meeting of l his I.odge will be held THIS EVENING at 8 o’clock. Members of other lyxlges and visiting brothers are invited to attend. By order of FEED EINSFELD, N. G. D. F. McCoy. Secretary. SPECIAL, NOTICES. Advertisements inserted under “Special Notices" trill be charged,s 1 00 a Sguareeach insertion. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. These schools will be reopened on MONDAY, the 3d day of October. The districts have been so changed as to require children living north of Jones street to attend school at Chatham Academy. The Superintendent will be in his office on THURSDAY and FRIDAY of the present week, between 9 A. M. and 12 M.. to issue cards of ad mission. W. H. BAKER, Superintendent. NOTICE. Neither the Master nor the Agents of the Brit ish steamship LANCASTER will be respon sible for any debts contracted by the crew. WILDER & CO., Agents. NOTICE. Neither the Captain nor Consignees of the British steamship HAW ARDEN, whereof Wil son is master, will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. A. MINIS & SONS, Consignees. NOTICE. All bills against the British steamship WIM BLEDON, Jarvis Master, must be presented at our office by or before 12 o’clock, midday, on TUESDaV, Sept. 27th, or payment thereof will be debarred. A. MINIS & SONS, Consignees ARCADE OYSTER AND CHOP HOUSE. The finest, delicacies of NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN MARKETS. NEW YORK OYS TERS per every steamer. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. T. H. ENRIGHT. THE MORNING NEWS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, 3 Whitaker Street. The Job Department of the Morninq News, embracing JOB AND BOOK PRINTING, LITHOGRAPHING AND ENGRAVING, BOOK BINDING AND ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURING, is the most complete in the South. It is thorough ly equipped with the most improved machinery, employs a large force of competent workmen, and carries a full stock of papers of all descriptions. These facilities enable the establishment to execute orders for anything in the above lines at the shortest notice and the lowest prices con ■ sistent with good work. Corporations, mer chants, manufacturers, mechanics and business men generally, societies and committees, are requested to get estimates from the MORNING NEWS STEAM PRINTING HOUSE before send ing their orders abroad. J. H. ESTILL. ULMER’S LIVER CORRECTOR. This vegetable preparation is invaluable for the restoration of tone and strength to the sys tem. For Dyspepsia, Constipation and other ills, caused by a disordered liver, It cannot be excelled. Highest prizes awarded, and in dorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for Ul mer's Liver Corrector and take no other. 81 00 a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B. F. ULMER, M. D., Pharmacist. Savannah. Oa. FUIINAt'Ks. Richardson & Boynton Co.’s SANITARY HEATING FURNACES Contain the newest patterns, comprising: latest improvements possible to adopt, In a Heating Furnace where Power, Efficiency, Economy and Durability is desired. Medical and (Scientific ex perts pronounce these Furnaces superior in every respect, to all others for supplying pure air, tree front gas and dust. Send for circulars-*Sold by all first-class deal ers. Biohardson .St Boynton Cos., M'f 'rs, 232 and 234 Water Street, N. Y. Sold by JOHN A. DOUGLASS * CO., Savannah, Ga. WOOD. WOOD.' ALL KINDS AND LENGTHS, PROMPTLY DELIVERED BY D. R. THOMAS, Dealer in Coal and Wood, 111 Bay. West Broad street wharves. Telephone No. 89. woorx I AM now at Mr. D. U. THOMAS' Coal and V\ ood Wharves, and will be pleased to serve my old customers. JR. .1. STEWART. Wharves foot of West Droad street. A", s. bacon, Planiny Mill, Lumber and IVn.iri Yard, Liberty and East Broad sts., Savannah, Ga. \I,I. Planing Mill work correctly and prompt ly done Good slock Dressed and Rough Lumber. KIRK W OOD, Oak, Pine, Lightwood and Lumber Kindlings. PRINTER AND BOOK HINDER. Chips from the Old Block! THE WORKMEN EMPLOYED BY GEO. N. NICHOLS, PRINTER AND BINDER. Tltelr work liaa given repu tation to flic Ktublluliiiieut. None better. < ONl'BAt TORN. P. J. FALLON. BUILDER AND (MRACTOR, 22 DRAYTON STREET, HAVANSAH Ij'HTIMATKK |ir<snptly furnished for 1 abiding .J ui any class. AMUSEMENTS. Savannah Theatre. Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 28 and 29. GRAND MATINEE THURSDAY. FLORENCE J. BINDLEY. One of America's Brightest Stars, Supported by Boston's Favorite Young Actor, Mr. .James Home, And the Well-Known Comedian, Mr. Otis Turner, And a Well Selected Company of Metropolitan Artists. WEDNESDAY NIGHT Miss Bindley will appear in Bartley Campbell’s Great Success, “A HEROINE IN RAGS.” Thursday Matinee, "EXCITEMENT.” the Great A London Craze, with more laughs in less time than anv other play in the world. Thursday Night, “DOT; or, JUST F )R FUN,” C. P. Brown's great sensational drama. Usual prices. Seats at Davis Bros.’ Sept. 26. Next attraci ion. BARRY & FAY, Oct. 6. EXCURSIONS. Charleston and Savannah RAILWAY. Summer Excursions Commencing SUNDAY, MAY 15th, this Com pany will sell round trip tickets to CHARLESTON, BEAUFORT AND PORT ROYAL. By following Trains and at following Rates: By train leaving Sundays only, at 6:45 a. m. ; re turning, leave Charlestonat 3:35 p. m., Port Royal 3:30 and Beaufort 3:45 p. m. same day Si 00 By train leaving Sunday only at 6:45 A. m,; re turning, leave Charleston Monday morn mg $2 00 By train leaving Saturdaj* at 8:23 p. m. ; return ing, leave Charleston Monday morning... $2 50 By train leaving Saturday at 12:26 p. m. : return ing, leave Charleston Monday morning . .$3 00 Tickets for sale at WM. BREN’S, Bull street and at Depot. • E. P. McSWINEY, Gen. Pass. Agent. CLOTHING. FALL 1887. We are pleased to announce that we are now exhibiting samples from which to make selections for Clothing to Order, and feel confident that this season will add greatly to our already widespread popularity in this branch of our business. We are showing all the-newest designs, colors and textures of materials, the liest productions of foreign and domestic markets, and guaran tee stylish, easy and graceful fitting garments, thoroughly made, and at moderate prices. We w ould advise the placing of orders with us early, that the garments may be finished in time. Although we have largely increased our facilities in tlus department \re may not he able to keep pace with the demand later on. If goods do not please in every particular our customers are requested not to take them. Satisfaction is guaranteed. To our old customers w r e make the above an nouncement. satisfied with the result. Of those who have never dealt with us we ask a trial. Respectfully, A. Please, Sir! Wait for the Fall and Win ter Display of Wiiialile Miii, Underwear, Neckwear, Furnishings and Latest Shapes in Hats at the Clothing Palace, ARRIVING BY EVERY STEAMER. While you wait, look over our bargains to close out reinaiaing Summer Suits and Medium Weights. JAEGER SYSTEM SANITARY UNDER WEAR AND OVERWEAR. Equal to anything on the market and at lowest prices. 101 CONGRESS STREET. B. H. LEVY & BRO, WHEAT GRANULE*. A DELICIOUS BREAKFAST DISH HECKER’S Wheat Granules. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. 33. BCTT3L3L, Wholesale Grocer, Flour, Hay, drain ami Provision Dealer. KMtESH MEAL and GRITS In white sacks. I Mill -luff, of alt kind. Georgia raised SPANISH PKANUTB. also COM PEAS every variety. Choice 'ietiut r<d 11 .ist proof t>ate Hjwclal prtc-m car I oat I lata HAT and GRAIN. Prompt atteuf lon glv-m all orders and aatur faction guaranteed OFFICE ft A HKRCOHK PTKKKT WAMEHOt'NK, Ho 4 WAOLKY STREET, on lltia t 'idOil Its llr- *s-l GROCERIES AND I.IQUORS. Harps GO TO D. B. Lester's Where you can get everything in the Gro eery line at reduced’ price. You will also find a large stock of Fine Old Rye & Bourbon WHISKIES, PORTS, SHERRIES, And All Kinds of Domestic Wines. 21 WHITAKER STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. WOJI SALE. B Select Whisky $4 00 Baker Whisky 4 00 Imperial Whisky 3 00 Pineapple Whisky 2 oj North Carolina Com Whisky 2 Oil Old Rye Whisky 1 50 Rum—New England and 50 to 300 Rye and Holland Gin 1 50 to 30) Brandy -Domestic and Cognac 1 50 to 6 00 WINES. Catawba Wine 51 00 to 81 50 Blackberry Wine 1 00 to 1 50 Madeira, Ports and Sherrys 1 50 to 3 00 PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL. * A. H. CHAMPION, ICE. ICE! Now is the time when every body wants ICE, and we want to sell it PRICES REASONABLE! 20 Tickets, good for 100 Pounds, 75c. 140 Tickets, good for 700 Pounds, $5. 200 Tickets, good for 1,000 Pounds, $7. 50 Pounds at one delivery 30c. Lower prices to large buyers. ICE Packed for shipment at reduced rates. Careful and polite service. Full and liberal weight. KNICKERBOCKER ICE CO, 144 BAA ST. HOTELS. NEW HOTEL TOGNL (FonnerlySt. Mark's.) Newnan Street, near Bay, v Fla. WINTER AND BUMMER. THE .MOST central House in the city. Near Post Olflce, Street Cars and all Ferries. New and Elegant. Furniture. Electric Bella, Baths, Etc. $2 50 to S3 per day. JOHN B. TOGNL Proprietor. _ DUB’S SCREVEN HOUSE. r J MIIS POPUL A R Hotel Is now provided with Jl a Passenger Elevator (the only one in tho city) and has been remodeled and newly fur nished. The proprietor, who hv recent purehasa is also the owner of the establishment, sparea neither pains nor expense in the entertainment of his guests. The patronage of Florida visit ors is earnestly Invited. The table of tho Screven House is supplied v.dth every luxury that tho markets at home or abroad can afford. THE MORRISON HOUSIL One of the Largest Boarding Houses in tho South. AFFORDS pleasant South rooms, good hoard with pure Artesian Water, at (trices to suit those wishing table, regular or transient accom modations. Northeast corner Broughton and Drayton streets, opposite Marshall House. PORTRAITS. The Great Southern Portrait Company, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. L. !B. DAYIS, Secretary and Manager of the Great South ern Portrait Company. \N inspection of samples of our Portraits at our office, with Davis Bros., 42 and 44 Bull street, will gicatly interest those who contem plate having small pictures of themselves, their friends, living and deceased, copied and etilsrged in OIL. WATER COLOR, INDIA INK. I’AS TEI.LJ. and CRAYON. V'e guarantee a per fect likeness mid excellence of work. We nave about TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES AND GRADES IN SIZES OK ENLARGED POR TRAITS from HxiO to 50x90, mid ottr prices are from $2 to S3OO each. EMPLOY FORTY ART ISTS; been twenty-six years in the business; have > 8,040 candle power ELECTRIC LIGHT, and are fully prepared with all proper expedi tion and skill to execute all orders promptly and satisfactorily. We respectfully solicit your orders. L. B. DAVIS, Secretary and Manager The Great Southern Portrait Cos. PKOPOS \ Lft WANTED. PLANT INVESTMENT COMPANY. Orrtcß or Chief F-noineeh ) and General Manager, r Savannah, Ga.. Sept. 3d. IHB7 ) BIDS will he received at this oftloe until 12 1.. SEPTEMBER 30th, for the construction of that portion of the Thoniasvillc. Tallahassee and Monticcllo railroad extending from Tboraas vllle, Georgia, to the Florida Stale line. All clearing, grubbing, grading ami hritlgliig will lie let under one contract. Profiles may be exam ined and further Inlorinatlon may no obtained U|Min ajipllcation at the t'luef E.ngineer s ofilce, S.. K and W. Ity , Savannah. Ga , after Septem ber lftth. R. H. HAINES, Chief Engineer mid Gen Mnnagerl' I Cos. c BALED PROP! >ALH will Is- receivdd liy the k ’ County Coniiiifheimiei-s of I>l4vo 1 county, Florida until 12 o'clock mem on DECEMBER ftth, INS,. f,,r the building of an addition L- the County Jail, in plan 41 fiiet by 58 feet. to cimteln 42 cells. Pinna i an h * seen an-1 eies-itlcAtlnnn procured at tile office nt It. N El.Llrt. Coldly Engineer, Host wick s Itbs-k. Jacksonville, Fla Se|avraie bids will lie rw .-t-oxt for tiie iron work All bale to l*< marked "Hbl, for Con my Jail" and ad dressed to Caki T. E. KCCkMAM. Osmty clerk, Jacks.,ip me. Fla. Tie* 1 -mrtiisee-naffi reserve liie right to reluct any or all bids It N. ELI .IN. M Hi . this 'ttl***"*