The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 28, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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CITY GOVERNMENT. OfflcitU Proceedings of Council. Savannah, Ga.. Sept. 21, 1887. Coiuicil met this evening at 8 o'clock. Pres ent: Hon Rufus E. Lester. Mayor; Alderman John Schwarz, Chairman of Council; Aldermen Bogart, Duncan, Haines, Mell, Myers. Nichols, Retd and Thomas. * ACCOUNTS. The Committee on Accounts report that they have examined and found correct bills against the city amounting to fifteen thousand six hundred and fifty-five dollars and two cents, as per accompanying schedule, and recommend that the same be passed for payment. GeorgeS. Haines, Acting Chairman on Accounts. The report of the committee was adopted, and the accounts, as per schedule annexed, were passed for payment. Board of Health— Time of hands 0. E. M $ 15175 John G. Butler 1 00 Savannah Hospital 300 00 St. Joseph's Infirmary 300 00 M. L. Boyd, M. D 83 33 E. K. McCoy 75 00 Lewis Cass 83 38 Thomas Carr 37 50 J. T. McFarland, 51. I) 125 00 W. W. Owens, M. D 83 33 F. B. Lee 20 00 Strauss Printing Cos 0 00 Andrew Hanley 2 50 Knickerbocker Ice Cos 3 49 William J. Cleary 83 33 H. D. Fahrenbaen 05 00 W. D. Dixon 27 00 Osceola Butler.., 172 34—51,622 90 Dry Culture— G. 8. McAlpln $ 302 Time of hands 104 25 Time of hands 104 13 Isaac Wateree 20 00 Time of hands. 115 38 406 78 R. C. Kennedy 125 00 Fire Department— Pay roll Sept., 1887 $1,470 82 Gutta Pereha and Rubber Mfg. Cos 904 78 Lindsay ,<fc Morgan 30 00 L. A. McCarthy 0 75 N. Paulsen & Cos 13 51 E. Lovell & Sons 0 35 John Nicolson, Jr 64 00 Fretwell & Nichols 8 00 A. Hanley 64 50 Thetis Bros 3 00 LaFrance Fire Engine C 0... 7 00 W. D. Thompson 19 00 W. D. Dixon 13 04 LaFrance. Fire Engine C 0... 2,000 00— 4,701 65 Incidentals— C. S. Hardee, C. T 33 00 Interest Account — Eugene Kelly & Cos 57 66 Harbor ano Wharves— Alfred Moultree 35 00 Laurel Grove Cemetery— George N. Nichols $ 400 A. F. Torlay 83 33 Lovell & Lattimore, 7 60 J. M. Futch 2.50 Time of hands 173 50— 270 93 Market*™ Fretwell A Nichols $ 300 T. A. Maddox 66 66 Palmer 8r05..., - 350 Time of hands • 50 00— 123 16 Paving— M. Cooley $ 55 50 . M. Cooley 187 36 M. Cooley. 78 93 M. Cooley 195 23 M. Cooley 1919.3 M. Cooley 193 92 M. Cooley 80 45 M. Cooley 35 78 M. Cooley 52 47 The Chicago Mail Cos 26 89 - 1,114 65 Parks and Squares— I. & Lattimore $ 100 Time of Hands 184 87 Edward Lovell & Sons 1 35 Theodore Meves 75 00— 262 12 Police— Andrew Hanley $ 550 * Isaac Deveaux 58 62 SI. J. Doyle 1181 W. B. Mell&Co 40 00 William Pollard .. 8 00 Bacon Johson & Cos 1 00 Edward Lovell & Sons 459 74 584 67 Printing and Stationery— J. H. Estill 45 83 Quarantine— Jonn Johnston $ 750 John A. Wegefarth 85 00— 92 50 Salaries— City officers, Sept., 1887 $ 98.3 33 JohnW. Howard 30 00 J. deßruyn Kops 125 00 James L. Rankin 116 06 Alvin M. Bell 135 00 L. J. Slyers 100 00 C. V. Hernandez 60 00 E. J. Kelly 65 00- 1,604 99 Scavenger Department— Sirs. M. Swoll, admin’x $1,345 83 Sirs. M. Swoll. admin’x 400 00— 1.745 83 Streets and Lanes— G. S. McAlpin $ 56 44 R. N. Stunt 143 00 Time of hands 679 67 Edward Lovell *£ Sons 6 70 Lovell & Lattimore 13 00 Andrew Hanley 3 30 Time of teamsters 212 50— 1,114 61 Water Works— P. H. Sloeller $ 15 00 Andrew* Hanley 17 00 Thomas Dillon 1 75 Charles Harrison & Cos 76 00 Times Publishing Cos 1 00 Charles P. Small 5 15 Fretwell Nichols 175 George N. Nichols 7 50 James H. Hooker 6 00 J. D. Weed ,t Cos 13 03 Vale Royal Sl'f'g Cos 1 58 Hirsoh Bros 16 67 Ocean Steamship Cos 4 48 FrankA. Exley 5 00 Timeof hands- artesian wells 243 87 Pay roll September, 1887 910 59 a.E. Mottwilder 387 37- 1,713 74 Total $ 15,655 02 reports of committees. The Committee on Streets and lanes, to whom was referred the communications of the President of the City and Suburban Railway Company, addressed to its Chairman, and dated respectively July 28, 1887, Aug. 8, 1887, and Aug. 19, 1887, report adversely to the. request mentioned in the last of these communications for an extension of the lines of this company, the route verbally mentioned by its President not being acceptable to this committee. D. R. Thomam, Geo. N. NtcnoLS, John Schwarz, Committee on Streets and Lanes. Report adopted. The Committee on Finance, to whom was re ferred the petition of C. Glllican ns inspector of nuvßl stores, nml his petition asking the city to refund one half of license fee paid by him as In spector, and giving as his reason for said request his resigning before the conclusion of the year, lieg leave to recommend that the resignation ho accepted and that the request to refund one half of fee paid by Mr. GiUlcan for the privilege of being an inspector be not granted. It. D. Bogart, Chairman Committee on Finance. Report adopted. The Committee on Streets and Lanes, towhom was referred the petition of Savaunah Street and Rural Resort Railroad Conqinuy, a corpor ation incorporated by an act of the legislature of Georgia, approved Sept. 22. 1883, rejs>rt as follows: This company has published in Hie Sa vannah Morning News, the official gazette of the city of Savannah, once a week for four weeks, (said publications having been mode Aug. 23, 1887, Aug. 30. 1887, Kept 6. IW*7. nnd Sept. 18. 1887), a notice setting foith the streets and routes mentioned in its said petition to Council, as required by Section Six of the said act of the Legislature of Georgia, incorporating tile said company, the following being a copy of said notice. NOTICE. “In accordance with the terms of the charter of the Savannah Street and Rural Resort Rail Paul Company, noth* Is hereby given that the approval of the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah'' will lx’ asked for the use of the following mures and streets in said city: “Front the western city limits of Savannah, In a line across the canal and up the entire lemrlli of Indian street to West Broad street, up 'Vest Ilrouil io Bay, at wbicli point a junction is made; one line running through Hay street to East Broad, the other continues up West Broud to Ltiierty, t lieia-o east one blocs to Montgomery street, thence out Montgomery to Seventh street, thence east to Hnis’rsham, down Halier sham to Bolton street “ The eomniltl**e recommend that the petition is* grained ami that tin 1 said Savannah Street nnd Rural Resort Railway Company J" 1 , '’J'", 1 to use the streets and route set forth In tbelr said petition and In the said notice, for the Clio struction of n street railway thereon and its operation by here- power, for the term of thirty years, and under the terms and c.iudlt lons of It* charter provided that the ell > reserves lhe right hi wit hdraw Us consent to the use of the street* it the sold company *t* n s construct Its road along the streets north of Aislsrsosi street within twelve mouths from this dsn*. II it. Thosas. GSosos N K irame, John HchWaNX. t 'linosUtas on street* and lanes I .rpnrt uoaimfitee mioptrd as lesotuuou of Tl*# OuomH4>rw Oi iMy i/ita bt wU**tu 1 '*• 11,. Jieutmi. of W' r> Mass.M Swat the i4y tew# him the ttirm M* situared at the southwest corner Liberty and Price streets, ° ~ leave to report unfavorably thereto. _ . , Geo. 8. Haines, Chairman Committee on City Lots Report adopted. The Commit left on Streets and lanes to whom was referred the petition of S. P. Hamilton, relative to sewer connections with premises corner Bay and West Boundary streets beg leave to report in favor of charging for the connec tions made the sum of sllO. less amouut paid by petitioner for original connections. . _ , D. R. Thomas, L liatrman Committee on Streets and nines. Report adopted. The Committee on Fire to whom was referred the petition of J. T. Logan for permission to repair house on lot No. 15, South Oglethorpe want, beg leave to report favorably to the Bani ®. John Schwarz, Chairman Committee on Fire. Report adopted. The Committee on Streets and Lanes towhom was referred the petition of A. McCormick for permission to erect stoop to house at southwest corner New Houston and Lincoln streets, beg leave to report favorably thereto. , D. It. Thomas. Chairman Committee on Streets and Lanes. Report adopted. The Committee on Water, to whom was refer ced the petition of D. G. Purse, J. H. Estill and ”■ C. Rowland, Committee on Property, Solomon Lodge No. 1, F. A. M., asking for permission to connect with water main for the purpose of running elevator in Masonic Temple, corner Liberty and Whitaker streets, report favorably on the following conditions: That petitioners famish an indicator showing amount of water used, and arrange so that the waste water shall be conducted to nearest sewer, and that it lie distinctly understood that the city reserves the right to shut ofT the water front said building at any time the general supply should be deemed inadequate by the city authorities. Herman Myers. Chairman Committee on Water. Report adopted. The Committee on Streets and whom was referred the petition of sundry cltizens.ask ing that a sewer lie built in the neighborhood of Huntingdon, Price, Taylor and Gordon streets, beg leave to report adversely, as the appropria tion for this year is insufficient for the work prayed for by petitioners. D. R. Thomas, Chairman Committee on Streets and Lanes. Report adopted. The Committee on Streets and Lanes, to whom was referred the petition of Joseph Copps, for permission to repair stoop to house on lot No. 67, Brown ward, beg leave to report favorably to same. I). R. Thomas, Chairman Committee on Streets and Lanes. Report adopted. The Committee on City Lots, to whom was referred the petition of R. H. Tatum, asking the city authorities to value and place at public sale the lot situated at the southwest corner of Liberty and Price st reets. No. 60 Troup ward,beg leave to report adversely to the sale of said lot. Geo. S. Haines, Chairman Committee on City Lots. Report adopted. petitions and applications. Petition of John Kuck, for permission to erect an awning to cover sidewalk in front of his store, corner Jones street lane and Drayton street. Referred to Committee on Streets and Lanes. Petition of Margaret L. Ferrell, for permission to transfer lot No. 1801, in Laurel Grove Cenie tery, to Ellen F. Green. Referred to Committee on Health and Cemetery. Petition of F. Putzel, for permission to move bouse from the corner Ahercorn and Liberty street lane to northwest corner Harris and Ab ercorn streets. Referred to Committee on Fire. Petition of sundry eitizensasking city authori ties to widen sidewalk on Tatnall street, be tween Jones and Berrien streets. Referred to Committee on Streets anil Lanes. Petition of sundry citizens asking city au thorities to permit the Savannah Street and Rural Resort Railroad Company to lay track on certain streets in the city. Petition received. Petition of German Fire Company offering to fell to city their building on Congress street, now used by city for engine house. Referred to Committee on Fire. Petition of D. Samson relitive to fine im posed in Police Court for obstructing the side walk. Referred to his honor the Mayor with power to act. Petition of Mary Rocheforth for permission to repair house on lot No. 16 Washington ward. Referred to Committee on Fire. Petition of sundry citizens relative to the con dition of Bay street, between Drayton and Lin coln streets, and asking that a pavement be laid on north side of street for the public con venience. Referred to Committee on Streets and Lanes. Petition of sundry property owners on Liberty street asking the city authorities not to allow the construction of another railway line on Liberty street. Petition received. Petition of sundry citizens asking city authori ties not to remove the pump on Broughton street, between Price and Houston streets. Re ferred to Committee on Water. Petition of C. Gillican, recommending Mr. R. B. Jewett for position of Naval Store Inspector. Referred to Committee on Finance. Petition of S. P. Hamilton, President Brush Electric Light and Power Company, relative to pole ordinance. Petition received and referred to Committee on Streets and Lanes. Application of Robert Groves for permission to make sewer connection with Jefferson street sewer from premises No. 86 Tattnall street. Re ferred to Committee on Streets and lames and Sanitary Board, with power to act. I‘etition of J. I). Weed for permission to make sewer connection with Barnard street sewer from premises corner Broughton and Barnard streets. Referred to Committee bn Streets and Lanes and Sanitary Board, with power to act. Petition of Thomas Ballantyne for permission to make sewer connection with Perry street lane from premises on Liberty street near Last Broad street. Referred to Committee on Streets and Lanes and Sanitary Board, witli power to act. ordinances Ordinance read the first time Sept. 7, 1887. read a second time Sept. 21, 1887, amended and passed. An ordinance concerning appointments to the police force of the city of Savannah, the pen sioning of disabled members thereof, and for other purposes connected with the said police force. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah in Council assembled, That no person shall ever be ap pointed or re appointed to memliership in the police force of the city of Savannah, or continue to hold membership therein, who is not a citizen of the Uuited States and a resident of the State of Georgia for at least one year next preceding his appointment, or who lias oocn convicted of crimeTn this State or elsewhere, or who cannot read and write understanding!}’ in the English language. Sec. 2. That no jierson shall be appointed a policeman of the said city who shall be at the date of such appointment over thirty-flvo (35) years of age. Sec. 3. That any member of the said nolico force who has or shall have performed duty therein for a continuous period of thirty years or upwards shall, upon the certificate of the hnirgeon of Police, concurred in by Council, that such member is |iermanently disabled, physic ally or mentally, so as to be unfit for duty, be placed on ttie retired roll, and shall receive an annual pension from the treasury of the city of Savannah during bis lifetime of a sum of not less than one half of the full salary or compensa tion of such members so retired. Sec. 4. That any memlier of the said police force who has or shall have performed duty therein for a continuous period of twenty years or upwards and less than thirty years shall, upon the certificate of the Surgeon of Police, concurred iu by Council, that such member is permanently disabled, physically or mentally, so as to lie unfit for duty, bo placed on the re tired roll, and shall receive an annual pension during his lifetime of a sum not less than one third of ttie full salury or compensation of such memlier so retired. Sec. 5. That In determining the term of ser vice of any memlier of said police force no ser vice rendered prior to the organization of the firesent police force on the first day of Noveni >er. 1865, shall be counted. , Sec. 6. That every member of said police force who dies in service from natural causes, shall he buried al the expense, not to ex reod fifty ($51100) dollars, of the said city of Ka vannali. and the dependent family of such mem Ist shall receive his monthly salary for three months after Ills death. Every meal ier of said force who is killed while In the discharge of his duty, or dies from the effects of wounds received in the discharge of his duty, shall Is- burled at the ex iHUme. not to exceed fifty dollars, or the said citv. and 'he dependent futility of such memlier shall receive Ids monthly salary for six months after his death Her. 7. Any iiietnlier of sai Pollen Force who may l- jiermnueutly disabled by reason < f wounds received In file discharge of his duty,ami thereby made unable to earn a support, may I o placed on the retired list on one half |y. Her s Thai all ordlnam es. and parts of ordi nances in coufiict w Ith this ordinance ore hereby reiiealed. _ _ ((nliuence mod the first time Kept, 7, IHB7, mod a second lime Kept. 21, 1887, and panned An <>oniN*Ncn U> regulate signs In tfie city of Bavaaoato. Hu qion i. Ha It ordained by the Mayor and Ablrrmru of the city of Savannah In Council as sembled. That from and after the |SMeage of thla ordinance H dud I lie lawful to erect or put up sign* in the etty *>f Savannah dpi lrou or I wooden leSMs. provide! sort! poaU are souureiy and safely Disced iiomoduutly wWIUn fbe eurfi ■My of **! Ui front of ,k* pi*!* at bunt*** tbr prrmoti or fwti*** using the aonie. UUI emth I—* •"*'*■ iron me legal hoe two nor new than ten | dianieiar, and I tour * Ura m *i*m mittrnmm, IBM THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1887. such signs shall he at least eight feet above the pavement or sidewalk and shall not he exceed ing four feet, in width ami five in height; ami, provided further, that said signs shall l* securely and safely fastened to the said posts, and that the erection of the said signs ami posts shall lie under the direction aud supervision of the City Surveyor. Sec. 2. IV it further ordained. That it shall also be lawful from and after the passage of this ordinance to suspend signs from the sides of buildings in the city of Savannah, provided such signs are securely and safely fastened to the sides of said buildings, at the place of busi ness of the iierson or persons using the same, are at least eight feet above the Hidewalk, and do not overhang said sidewalk exceeding t hree feet, and provid ed, also, that said signs shall be put up under the direction and supervision of the City Sur \ eyor. Sep. 3. Be it further ordained. That from and after the passage of this ordinance it shall not be lawful to erect or put up any sign in the city of Savaunah, save in full and strict con fortuity with all the provision of the preceding section of this ordinance. Sko. 4. Be it further ordained. That all posts erected at the time of the j>assage of this ordi nance sustaining signs, if said posts are not im mediately within the curbing, shall within thirty days from the passage or t his ordinance. l>e securely ami safely placed immediately within the said curbing; ana all signs which, at the time of the juissage >t this ordinance, are lower than eight or are on awning frames shall within thirty days from the passage of this ordinance be securely ami safely placed at least eight feet above the sidewalk or street, and he removed from said awning frames. Sep. 5. Beit further ordained. That it shall not be lawful to erect or put up in the city of Savannah, or to continue erected, or to have or use, any sign that is unsafe or dangerous to life, limb, person or property, no matter how saiil sign may have been originally constructed or erected. Should any sign now erected, or which may hereafter be erected, be or become unsafe or dangerous, within the meaning of this section! the person or persona owning or using such signs shall Ik* notified of this fact by the City Marshal,and it shall thereupon become the duty of such person or jiersons to forth with make the said sign secure and safe, or to remove the same. Sep. <>. Be it further ordained. That should any sign be aliandoncd or disused the same may be removed at . the discretion and upon the direction of the Committee on Streets and Lanes, and at the expenst- <>} the p< rson or per sons so abandoning or last using the said sign. Sep. 7. Be it further ordained, That any. per son violating the provisions of the propping sections, or any of said provisions, shall, upon conviction before the Police Court of the city of Savannah, be fined by the said court in a sum not excelling fifty dollars aud in addition to this the sign found to be in violation of this ordi nance, or of any part thereof, shall be removed by the City Marshal at the expense of the said person so convicted, which removal ahnll l>e directed and requkfd in the judgment of said court convicting the party accused. Sec. 8. Be it further ordained. That the city of Savannah reserves full and entire police control over all signs erected, or which may he erected, their location, use and continuance, In so far that no vested right shall accrue to any person or persons lieoadfte of the erection of said signs, as against the said city of Savannah, touching the said signs or any matter or thing connected therewith. Sep. 1). Be it further ordained, That so much of the ordinance approved April 24, 1872 (to l>e found on pages 10l and 1(15 of Kebarer's l>igest of city ordinances as relates to signs, and sec tion K>ur of the ordinance approved March 12, 1873 to lx found on pages 18 and 19 of Kelwir er’s Digest ), which said section four also relates to signs and all ordinances and parts of ordi nances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Ordinance read for the first time Aug. 21,1887, read a second time Sept. 21, and jwussed. An ordinance to provide for the iLiving, grad ing and otherwise improving Bin! street, from the south side of State street to t he south side of Congress street, in the city of Savaunah, nnd for the assessment on the property front ing on said Bull street, between th“ south side of State stroet, and the south side of Congress street, of two-thirds of the eost thereof. Where as, Thn persons owning more than one half of the mil estate in the city of Savannah, fronting on Bull street, between the south side of State street and the south side of Congress street, in said city, have petitioned the Mayor aud Aldermen of the city of Savannah,, by pe tition filed May 18th, 1887. to pave, grade and otherwise improve said portion of Bull street, and Whereas the petition of the said parties has been approved by a two-thirds vote of the said the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savan nah at a regular meeting of Council. Now. therefore the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, in Council assembled, do hereby ordain Section 1. That the Committee on Streets and I*anes be and it is hereby authorized aud di rected to have Ball street from the* south side of State street to the south side of Congress street —the entire width of t he street between the curb stones, graded and paved with sheet asphalt, and have proper sine drains, cross drains and crossings placed in said street between the points named, and also to place such new curbs and curbing bet ween said points as may be in the judgmeqt of said committee proper and ad visable. Sec. 2. After tho total rest of said work shall have heea ascertained, one-third of such cost shall he paid out of the city treasurj'. nnd the other two-thirds by the person* owning reul estate fronting on said Bull street, from the south side of btate street to the south sale t'on gross street; that is to say, ode-third thereof from the owners'*on each side of said street at the date of the passage of tlrk ordinance, ac cording to theiroutugo, and the pro rahi am >unt of the cost of said work is n ,j reby assessed against such real *itate and its owners as afore said; and if such assessment is not paid within ten days after presentation of a bill for tie* same, the amount of such bill shall he furnished by the Committee on Streets and Ladcs to the City Treasurer, who spoil immediately issue execution for the Amount against the person and property as aforesaid, and place the same in the. hands of the Marshal, who shall levy the same on the pr>|>erty described in the execution, and after advertisement and other proceedings as in coses of sales for city taxes, shall sell such property (at the time, place and in the manner provided by law for city tax sales i at public outcry to the highest bidder, and such .‘Miles shall vest an ab solute title iu the purchaser: and the amount of the execution and costs shall go into the City Treasury and the remainder be paid to the owner >r held subject to such owner's order. See. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinance are heroby re pealed. Ordinance read the first time March 23, 1887, read a second time April li, JBB7, and laid on the table; read a third time Sept 21. 1887, and passed: An (Mt ninance to provide for the pai ing, grading and otherwise improving of Congress street between the east side of West Broad street and the west side of I >rayton street, in the city of Savanuan. ami for the assessment on the property fronting on said Congress street between said east side of West Brood street and west side of Drayton street of two-thirds of the cost thereof. Whereas. The persons owning more than one-half of the real estate in the citv of Savan nah fronting on Congroe£ street. Ik*tween tin* east side of West Broad street and the west side of Drayton street, in said citv. have fietitioned the Mayor and Alderm-m of the city of Savan nah to pave, grade und otherwise improve said portion of Congress street; and Wiikueas. Tne petition of said parties has l>een approved by a two thirds vote of the said, the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Kavan nah, at a regular meeting of Council, now, therefore, the Mavor and Aldermen of tne city of Savunuah in Council aascmbloil do hereby ordain: Section 1. That the Com ml tteoV>n Streets and Lanes le and it is hereby authorized to have <’ongres -Htr*et, between the ist side of We*t Broad and the west side of Drayton street the on t iie w idthof said street, between the. eurb stories, graded and paved with sheet asphalt, and have projier side, ftrains, • lVe.s drains und crossing* pine i ! on said street between the f>oiutM named, ami to place new curbs and curbings between said point*. Ki v. 2. That the City an 1 Subuihan Kailway Company is hereby required to pave between the tracks of its road ami for three feet ou uaeh side thereof where its track crosses Congress street, us the jwivingto Undone on said strei t by the Committee oil Str*el* am! banes nrogresses, and with the same material, and should saui railroad fail to commence said work and carry the same forward, the same shall >e done for Hold company by said Committee on streets und lames, and tne c*mt thereof, if not paid when a bill for the same is presented, collected by exo rut lon. levy and sale of the wild nrnpTty of the Bold company, os provided by law and ordi non<N* in the ease of abutting pmierty owner*. Site. 4. After the total ood of said work* shall have I teen ascertained, exclusive of any work chine for said street raJivuod coiufiany, one third of such cost shall Is* paid out of the City Treasury, and the other two-thiol* by the i*'r sons owning real mint* fronting on said Con gross street between the east Mfcta of West Broad at root and the wet side* of Drayton atjert; that I* to any, one-third thereof by the owners on eerlt side of "aid street, at the date of the puMiag** of this ordinance, -ordlng to frontage And fin pro rout amount of th eoat ofaiiTwork Is hereby agslnsl *atd ml<mui *n*t Its owners e* mor* *fUd, Aiel if such aawwvmeii' is oed paid within ten days after |maenfat ion of a bill for ilia mine the amount of sorti Mil aboil I m furmalci'd by lie --hum JUoe on Miwiti and taceo to tig* Trawiitw. wH*> shall laimedial#*ly a execaglnu for the biwaui eg*fuel fowsen and ia*pert •IWrawM. MKi (S UM MUM S UK Mud* l 4 the Marsha who shall levy the same on the'rt described in the execution, anil after advertement and other proeeeilinps as in e.uses of Jes for oit-y ta .es. bli.'.il s.'ll such property) * the time, place, and in the manner m-otided h law for city tax sales) at public outcry to tl highest bidder, ami such sale shall vest an nlwiito title in the purchaser, and the amount of le execution and cost shall yo into the Citv Tusurv, amt the remainder paid to the owner 1 be‘held subject to such owner's order. , . , Sec 4 —ll ordinances and parts or ordi nances coiiietlDK with the above are hereby ro pealed. , , * , The ordfince to regulate poles in the city of Savannah as rend a sm-ond time, and referred to Comtuioe on Streets and Lanes. ELECTIONS. Vpplicatnof R. B. Jewltt for election as in spector oiaval stores. Referred to Committee on Financ RKKOLL'TIONS. Bv Alderan Thomas-- 'Resolve, That the judgment of the Mayor preskUnirt the Police Court on the 30th of Au gust. lfWrt-ouvictiiuc Simon Mitchell of a viola tion of thcit.v ordinance relative to siimslie ap proved. l>o far as it finds that the ordinance was violffd, but that the fine imposed on Mr. Mitchell t remitted. Ailoptn By Aldenan Myers — Resold, That the Committee on Mater he, and thejare hereby authorized to purchase neoessariiipe and lava 6-Inch water main to replace Inch main on Congress street, from Wmtaketo Ahercorn street. This resolution to be irlieu of resolution on same subject passed .1111061404; of Council, July 27, 1887. Adopt*!. By Comiittee on Water— Rosolvl, That the Committee on Water Ih* authorial to bore two additional artesian wells at the wter works, cost not to exceed $1,200. Adoptd. By Aldmian Duncan— Regaled, Whereas Huntlnedon street, be tween 1 nylon and Ahercorn streets, will b> too narrow )r public purposes in the event of the builditiKipon, or the enclosing of lots 01 and 62 Forsythvard. therefore be it Remtid, That the Street and lane Commit tee be. ad they are hereby requested to make a careful tamniation of the locality named, with a view t the condemn ing of said lots and ap propriutpK them to the widening *>f said Hunt ingdon K eel, if such widening of the st reel, be consideijd advisable and for the public good. Adoptd. By Co'hinittSe on rolice— Re.iolM, That the Gommltte on Police be authorlztflto purehase for the use of the Polleo Departnjfrt ahorse, to replace one that recent ly died. Adopt et miscellaneous. A comnimlcation was received from the Com missioner of Chatham county enclosing a js-ti tion frutrthe residents of Conjier plantation in referenedo night soil being depusited on farm of G. M.Kyals. Referred to Committee on Health ail Cemetery. A cotniiunieaMon was received from Jolin Sullivan ; Cos , agents, relative to rent due the city for ljnil belonging t<> the city.and leased to R. Fogaay by estate John M. Cooper. Referred to Crmmiit '** on City Igits A comimiuciition was received from Joseph A. Robots containing protest relative to the collect to; of harbor fees by the city of Savan nah. Reciceil. A comliunication was received from Robert J. WadeClty Marshal, calling the attention of Council to the condition of the platform in front of telly's buildings. The Marshal was in structed to "see ('apt. Flaunery, agent of the owner o’ the property, to-morrow (Sept. 22i and impess upon him the necessity of having the necetsary work done at once, and that the City Stirwyrir take such measnres as may lie necessary ti protect people from injury by the falling of fie platform. A commlnlciition was received front James Moore in eference to uiglit soil u.;**d by G. M. RyalsonHs plantation. Referred to Commit tee on Haltli and Cemetery. APPEAL cases. The cae o‘f Henry Miller, tried in the Police Court Kip'- 7, 1887, charged with disorderly conduct:etc., and fined by Acting Mayor f)5 or thirty *Xys' imprisonment, was app.stlcd t*> Council. The case was heard and. upon motion, the a.cti*n of tho Acting Mayor was confirmed by Coulcil. i (The otse of Simon Gazan, tried in the Police Court h'pt. 16, 1887, charged with violating city ordinaVce, etc., and fined by the Mayor $25 or thirty lays’ imprisonment, was appealed to Counci. The case was board aud, upon motion, the adion of the Mayor wus confirmed by Couriftl. Couicil adjourned. FRANK E. REBARER. Clerk of Council. Savannah, Kept. 24, 1887. Coined met at 12 m. Prment. The Mayor. Aldermen Myers. Moll, Hates, Nichols and Reid, being a majority of the Aldermen in the city. Th Mayor stated the object of tho meeting was lo consider the contract about to he made with the Warren Schaef Asphalt Company for the pining **f Congress street, the sniil company not being willing to accept the condition onto time of completion of work set forth In resolu tion of Council adopted Sept. 9, 1887. The fellow ing resolution was adopted; “Resolved, That the bhl of the Warrcn-Sehaef Asphalt Company for paving and curbing pur ti<*ns of Congress and Bull stro*'t.s he accepted, provided the said company enter into a written contract, in terms such as were made in the paving of Broughton street, and give bonds as tit that case under the ordinance of tho city of Savannah for the performance of the coni ract, and provided the w ork lie not commenced until .Inn. Ist. 4888, and bo completed by the Ist day of March, 1888. Council adjourned. FRANK E. REBARER, Clerk of Council. AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. Furniture, Tinware, Stoves, Croekery —AND— HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS AT AUCTION. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer. THIS DAY, 28th hist., at 11 o'clock, at 192 Broughton'street, I will sell the entire stock cofatained in this store. 11* ailing health causes t he owner to retire from business. > COOKING and OFFICE HTOVER (wood and coal burnerai. COOKING UTENSILS, SM< >OTII ISO IRONS, FIRE DOGS, full stock of tinware, WATER COOLERS, TIN BEDROOM SETS. KEROSENE STOVES. COAL SCUTTLES, LAMPS, CLOCKS. CANDY JARS. BROOMS, BASKETS. COFFEE MILLS, PLAIN and DEC ORATED CROCKERY. GLASSWARE, SHOW CASES, CHAMBER SETS, Etc., Etc. —AIAn BEDSTEADS, SAFES. BUREAUS. EXTENSION tabees. common tables, chairs cniain and black walnut), WASHSTANDS, ItED ST’RINUS, MATTRESSES. LOUNGES, ROCK ERS, WASHBOARDS, Etc., Etc. — MJU> — TABLE CUTLERY and PLATED-WARE. Tin* Dtock i* new and In good order. AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS. Household anil Kitchen Furniture CONTAINED IN COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Opposite Market, on Bryan street, For Sale at Auction, BY— I.D.LaßochesSons. Auctioneers On THURSDAY, the 29th |nL, Will bo sold at Commercial House, on Bryan street, between Barnard and Whitaker streets, all the FURNITURE contained therein, nnmely: BEDSTEADS fall kinds). BUREAU!, WASH STANDS, TABLES, CHAIRS. MIRRORS, PIC TURES, WALL ORNAMENTS, CARPETS, MATTING. MATTRESSES. HLU>WS, BOL STERS. SHEETS. BLANKETS, yUH.TH, C'US PAMjKKK, BEDROOM SETH, In Block Walnut, Pine and Cherry, content* of PAHI/>R, DIN INO-KOoM and KITCHEN; in fact, ail the Fur niture found in first clana hotel. Good* must he wild, se parties are giving up the inner TERMS CASH PRINTING!, KIT, \ I FROM A NTS naenufai-turen, nieeksns-t. ,v| i'ir)B -rnuone, end eli ufKfrs In nerd of CHEAP ADVERTISING. • ONE CENT A WORD. ADVERTISEMENTS, 15 Words or more, in (his column inserted for ONE CENT A WORD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply anything to buy or sell, any business or acoommodations to seen re; indeed,any wish to gratify, should advertise m this column. 111.1.1' WASTED. \\ r .\NTEI>, city rtrurtimor to represent good 11 houses through broker. Address A., can of Nows office. W ANTED, four Rood lathers, at Central ltail 1 road, new building; Rood wages. I*. J. FALLON &CO. \ BRIGHT, int.-Uiuront young lady wanted: good situation to riglit party. Apply HEKMESA ROBINSON, Photo Art Gal lery, 177 Oongceeo street, city. VirANTED. four good lathers, at Central Kail VV rood. new building; good wages. >'. J. FALLON & CO. , WTANTED, a tuba player for brass band VT (white). Address TUBA, tbisolllce. . * ■— - - ■"*— \\7ANTKD, a printer capable of conducting a ▼ V country weekly. Aiflivss, with reference* NEWSPAPER, ltox 7. Huston. Ua. J|>|t|L| iiijui—llllllß—l mm r ————— KM IM.OVMENT WANTED. \\ r ANTED, position as governess or teacher O in a family: tench English branches aud Music. Address 11.. OraiiumviUe. S. O. _ 1 LICENSED APOTHECARY. with A) years .V ex|ierienei>. wants a good paying poslton either in tjeorgia or Florida; refereneo satis!.'ic tory. Address AI'OTHECAHY, care of Morning News. ' MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTED TO KENT, a small gas cooking \\ stove; may purchase. Answer to-day to G 1 Jefferson street. VLADY desires one or two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Address L., Morning News. Wf ANTED, house hy the year, with eight or 11 nine rooms: rent not exceed $95. Address H. 11., Morning News. ROOMS TO RENT. lAOR RENT, three connecting rooms, first ’ lloor. southern exposure, furnished or un furnished, with or without board. 183 Liberty street. I .''OK KENT, two desirable furnished rooms: I 1 southern front; gas and bath. 73 Liberty el re 'I . I /'OK KENT, to gentlemen, nieely furnished ’ front room, centrally located. Address, with reference, LIUKKTY, Jr., Morning News. HOUSES AND STORES KOK RENT. I .''OR KENT, from Nov Ist, stores in the Odd ' Fellows'Hall, also rooms in odd Fellow s’ Hall: possession given at once. Apply to A. K. FAWCETT, Market square. r po KENT, rooms and store, with bar fixtures I complete, corner Hryan anil Whitaker sts.; lately occupied by Mr. John Jinmon. Apply L\ 0. box Si. IVOR KENT, anew house; southern front; well located: modern improvements; rent low. SALOMON COHEN. I’OR KENT, the most desirable resianee on l‘ Taylor street, two d,sirs west of Aberrorn street; possession given from Ist Oef. Apply to WALTIIOUR f. RIVERS, No. Ai Bay street. I/OR RENT, that desirable residence No. fd ■* Barnard street, with modern conveniences, facing square. Apjily to WALTIIOUR A RIVERS. SMBay street. I NOR RENT, brick store 156 Congress street; ’ three stories on cellar; possession given im mediately. Apply to WALTHOUR & RIVERS, No. 88 Bay street. ■ __ I SOR KENT, desirable brick residence corner I Liberty and Abereorn streets; possession Oct Ist. Apply to WALTIIOUR Hi RIVERS, No. 83 Bay stredt. I,■'OR RENT, brick store RIO Broughton street, r between Drayton and Bull; possession given October It'll. Apply to LEWIS CASS, a I,X)R KENT, that large dwelling corner State 1 and Montgomery, suitable for large family or hoarding house. Apply to C. P. MILLER, News. I NOR RENT, three-story brick house, 36 State street; slow 13H Congress street, facing Johnson square. J. C. ROWLAND, 96 Bay street. I ."'OR RENT, stores7l and 73 Bay street. JOHN H. Rt’WE. I, ''OR RENT, the store No. 165 Congress street, next lloor to Solomons & Cos.; one of the best stands In the eitv. For terms apply to GEORGE W. OWENS. 113 Bay street. I JOB RENT, from Oct. Ist. splendid store No. ’ K, Bay street, situate hi Hutchison's Block, next to corner of Abereorn: lias splendid cellar and is splendid stund for any business; second anil third stories can lie rented if desired. A. R. LAWTON. Jn., 114 Bryan street. FOB RENT MISCELLANEOUS. IAOR RENT, atnick farm of fifty acres, about . three miles from the city on the Louisville road. For terms ap|ily to UEO. W. OWENS, 113 Bay street. _ _ L''()U RENT, a desirable office on Bay street, 1 overlooking the river: terms $lO per month. Address OFFICE. Morning News. IVOR RENT, that desirable office No. x Bryan street, two rooms, first door. Apply to ED F. NEUFVILLE, 100 Bay street, rv 0: rent, one half of office, 114 Bay street, I 1 upstairs; inline*Unto possession. JOHN STON & DOUGLASS. KOK SA LK. I/OU WALK,’, a lut of Tamly Machines and out- I fit, cheap. Address Mbs. (,'HAH. OARKINS, Jacksonville, Fla. I NOR HALE, CHEAP, gontlo bona at White Bluff Toll Oat*. INOR SALE, one home, two single and one double wagon, .truck, phaeton. Inrun Hit ring's Halt* (five feet hl{,hi. JOHN H. KUWE. SEND ten dollar* and buy one lot at DENKAU, Floriila: dimensions one nere. Correspond with F. M. HENDRY. Myers,-Florida, I .''Oil -.AI.E. I nth:.. Khlnglcs._ Flooring, Celling, Weatlierlsifirding and Framing Lumber. Office and vurd Taylor nod East Broad streets. Telephone "No. ail UEPPARD & V<J INI lit SALE, splendid salt water river-front building lota, and five acre farm lota with rtver privileges, at UOHKDEW; building lota in Savannah, near taint Broad and Sixth street*, and in Eoatbuul; neveral good farm lota near \\ bile Bluff. mi shell road. Apply to lilt. FAL LItiANT, 151 South Broad afreet from U to 10 *. M. * " 11 11 ■- i IMIOTOURAPHY. I >HOTO(IRAPII V SPECIAL NOTH'I. Price* I reduced. Fine Cabinet Photographs a specialty. Price, f'-J for six or S3 a doxen, J. N. WILSON, ' 111 Bull street. ■' ■ r MISCELLANEOUS. SEND your clotbM to have them renovated P> ('HAS KATZ, the dyer, opposite Marshall House ( OIWKTH. LUDDF.N * BATES S. M. H. HOW! WHEN! WHERE! WHY! You must all have music. ’Tis both un fashionable ami detrimental to go without. From the cradle to the grave the civilized world realizes the necessity, and a few 'll us are engaged in supplying the demand. To every one of them come the questions as aboveemphasized. Id us helpyou to answer them; ■ ■ rfhfe. ffi * a Put niomey in your AiUiH rt purse. Come to our 9 2 / House. We have the ■l9 KB * Newest, Nicest, Neatest ■ “ ™ ■ ■ and best that money, judgment and experience can procure. • nil mn ■ Any time. We await Bp 8U 0v,,1,rO v,,1,r l " H ' t ' ssit y and MVjf |M| fa hSS f pletisiire. We prom Jj a 11 * ise |HiliU'and enre ■ • ■ ■ ■** ■ ■ ■ fuj attention, and prices sat isfactory, regular and low all the time. WIIFRP f ■ *3 $ HB 1 * illation and in ■ ■ ■ ■ *a* “■ ■■ ■ gpoetion. Instru ments sold on ttioir merits. No misrepre sentation. One price. No humbugging. Low prices will toll and people will tell low prices. ■ ■mill That’s the question. Ilj'll fit Why buy of us. Because l||l W win Justice to yourselves, M N 8 B ! y° ur families, your ■ V 9 9 ■ ■ friends, ymir sweet heart, your country, you should invest your money judiciously and secure the lush- that that, your menus will allow. We civilize, harmonize and emphasize the lienuty and glory of music. Wo study the useful as well ns tlio artistic part of our business. Caine and see us. Wo are anxious to meet old as well as now friends. PIANOS AND ORGANS Sold for Cash and on Easy In stallment Plans. Rented and Exchanged. LDDDBN& BATES S.B.H. FOOD products. FOREST CITY MILLS. Prepared Stock Food for Horses, Mules, Milch Cows and Oxen. Made out of pure trrain. G uaranteed Sweet and o Nutritious. Bond,Haynes&Elton “hardware. EDWARD LOVELL T"SONS HAVE MOVED BACK TO OLD STAND, 155 BROUGHTON STREET. * it l: vi, ESTATE. WALTHOUR & RIVERS, AUENTS AND DEALERS IN lie [hi S|ieeial attention given to Collection of Renta, Repairs, etc.; also Buyiug and Selling. Offloe: No. K 1 Hay St root . IINDERTA K EK. W. I). DIXON. UNDERTAKER DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF COFFINS AND CASKETS, 43 Bull street. Residence f>9 Liberty street, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. "LEGAL NOTICES. V ..'WvA/N.NJV*^vA.fSAZ / 1 KOIIGIA, Chatham County. In Chatham a f Superior Court. Motion to estublish lost deed, To Isaac D, Laßocbe, Henry Love, Abraham Barker, L Franklin Dozier, Wm. E. Dozter, Thomas B. Duster, Bona Hosier, Nina Dozier Pressley, Blanche E. Choppfn, Arthur D. t 'h.ippin, George R. Beard, Emma Estelle Hodgson, Mary L. IDnlgson, Agnes B, Ihnlg son, (ieorgo H. Hodgson, and Joseph C. llodg sod: ELIZABETH A. RILEY having presented to me a |ietltlon In writing, wherein she alleges that a retrain deed to lota Nos. II and Ik lit Stephen ward, in the city of Savannah, was mode by ISAAC l>. LaROCHKand SAMUEL P. HELL, acting as Commissioners under a decree in equity in Chatham Superior Court, wherein you were parties, or are representatives of parties, or an- 'n ter rated adversely to her title to sahl lota of land, which said deed, a copy of which in substance Is attached pi said is-tition and duly sworn to, tears date the 9th day of June, IRflO, and the original of which deed said petitioner claims has been lost or do st toyed, and she wishes sold copy established in lien of said lost original. You are hereby commanded pi show cause, If any you can, at tie- next Superior Court to lie held In and for said county on the FIRST MONDAY IN DE CEMHF.It NEXT, why said copy (itssl should not In established iu lieu of the lust or destroyed original. And It further appearing that some of you, to wit Abraham Backer, L. Franklin Dealer, Wm. F,. Dozier, Thomas B ltozler, Bona Dozier, Nina Dozier Pressley, lllnnehe E. Cboppin, Ar thur B. Choppin, Georg* R Heard. Em telle Hodgson, Mary L. Hodgson, Ague* It. Hodgson, Gsorge H. Hodgson and Joseph C. Hodgson rouble outside of tlie stale of (Jeorgin, It I* therefore further ontered that you so re seal ding outside of the State of Georgia In* served by a puliHoution of said rule hist for three monl Its before the next term of said oourt- Pi wit: Three months before the FIRST MON DAY IN DECEMBER NEXT In the Savannah Morning News, o public ga/etPr of this State, published m this county. Witness the Honorable A P. Adams, Judge of said Court, this 271 h day of August, A. D. IHH7. BARNARD ft. BEE, Clerks. C..C.C. It. R. RICHARDS, ISAAC BECKETT, Attorneys for lvtltionecs. A true copy of the original rule nisi i-wued in the above eaae. BARNARD h. REE, Clerk h ecc (' K< >H< • IA. CHATHAM Oocrnr -Notlee la here Iby given that I have made applies!ion to the CouPt of Ordinary for Chatham county for outer Pi anil the undivided one half Interest In the northwestern corner fiart or portion of lot No. Ik. Washington ward. In the city of Havszi nab. county stsl Slate aforesaid sold tmrtb westeru eoroer |siiiton of said lot being thirty HIM fiv4 will** tiy fifty six feel deep belonging Pi notate of WILLIAM FITZDF.ItA LR, minor, foe the istymenl of debts, inainteuaisv and mid psi of asl*l minor, nod that said order will fm graiitsiat *H T' 'lit.'l TERM, iMtT. of said court, ttept. tan, ltd 4 y wjUGHT, tluat dteM W W, inavAi itissersWL C. H. DORSETT’* COLUMN. FURNITURE AT AUCTION. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell on THURSDAY, 2l)th inst.. at 11 o’clock, at 198 and 300 Broughton street. All of the FURNITURE and HOUSEKEEP ING GOODS contained in these two well fur nished houses, consisting in part of CARPETS, RUGS. Elegant PIER GLASS. HATRACK, MARBLE TOP TABLES, CHAIRS, DINING ROOM FURNITURE. SIDEBOARD, EXTEN SION and other TABLES, 1 in .( EERY, CUT LERY, CASTORS, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, CLOCKS, PICTURES, CHAIRS and the con tents of ill, rooms MARBLE TOP BUREAUS, WAHHSTANDS, BEDSTEAD. SPRINGS, MOSS MATTRESSES. FEATHER PILLOWS/BLAN- K ETS, SHADES aud many other articles useful, to housekeepers. Contents of Bar and Restaurant at Auction. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell on MONDAY. October Bd, at No. JO# Broughton street, All of the contents of said store, consisting of fine BAR FIXTURES, MIRROR, SHOW CASES,. COUNTERS, BEER COIL, GLASSWARE, FANCY DECANTERS, BOTTLES, SPOONS, MIXERS, etc., and all of the adjuncts necessary to a first-claim liar. —ALSO — 1 fine MAKBLE-TOP OAKSIDE BOARD, WALNUT Lt lUNGE, EXTENSION TABLE and Si other TABLES, all sizes and styles; 16 r.VNE BEAT WALNUT ARM CHAIRS, 0 CANE SEAT WALNUT DINING CHAIRS. I OAK ARM CHAIRS, REFRIGERATORS. BRACKETS, MEAT SCALES, COUNTER SCALES, PLAT FORM SCALES, SAWS KNIVES, WATER Ci n >LRR, O AS BKAIKKTK. fine RANGE. OOP- • PER BOILERS and STEAM TABLE, 10-Gallon PLATED COFFEE URN, CASTORS, COFFEE POTS. CROCKERY, CUTLERY, GLASSWARE, PLATED SUGARS, MILKS. BUTTERS, SIN IONS, PLA TES, CUPS, SAUCERS. DISHES, BOWLS, STANDS, ote., and many useful and valuable artieles too numerous to mention. Upon Very Easy Terms. 1 can sell the two-story residence (toneme iff) on the welt Bi<l' of West Broad street, between Anderson and Henry, upon the following %ery easy terraa: A cash payment of $350. A mojitnly payment for two years of s*2B 76. After tho Hxnirat ion of two years a monthly payment of sl;> 75 for seven years. The House is nearly new and has a Parlor, Dining room. Kitchen and three Bed-rooms, with water in the yard. The house is well built and furnished, had good size rooms, high ceilings, and is altogtjther a very comfortable nome. Will sell on above terms, or for $1,350 cash. Seven per cent, on $1,330 for nine years, with the principal amounts to SB,BOO. If the above tune payment is calculated it will amount to FOIt RENT. I have fur rent a fine new store and real dence on the corner of West Broad and Gwinnett streets. FOR RENT. The residence No. 130 York street, between Bull and Whitaker streets; very roomy and con vniD'iit 111 business ( II DORBBTT. ANNOUNCEMENT BY Odes H. Dorsotl, AUCTIONEER. The resumption of the activities of anodier business season suggests the propriety of au Announcement to the public that my Monday Auction Sales Will lie continued during the present, wasonsrt 156 BAY STREET. At these weekly sales I dispose of at Auction the week's accumulation of Furniture, Groceries, Dry Coeds AND^— Merchandise Generally. Account Sales are made out at onoe,. and enslie,l at sight. I .urge consignments will be disposed of by Special Sales. Ilonseholders having surplus accumulations, merchants having "off” spiek. can seud such in at any time during the week, and sale will bo made on the following Monday. A careful truckman will he sent to residence* for goods to ho sold, and same handled properly. Sales at residences and spires will he con ducted with cam aud dispatch, and all bilbo cashed. The public are invited to attend my Auction Sales. All are treated courteously and fairly. No misrepresentations of goods or unfair dealing of any character will lie countenanced. In Heal Estate The indications am tliat a larger business will lie done this season than has been done in year* before. I am ready to serve my friends in bringing buyers and sellers together, and feel with each recurring yeur the Increased experience render* mu better üble to serve them satisfactorily. C. 11. DORSETT, Heal Estate Dealer and Auctioneer, SAVANNAH, G-A-. A Few Additions TO THE OFFERINGS HAVE BEEN MADB RECENTLY. TO WIT: AVery Elegant Residence large rooms, high ceilings, all the conveniences expected in a first class bouse. Located in an aristocratlo neigh borhood. A full lot on South Broad Street Facing North. A Two-Story Residence on Green square. Thi* Is a Bargain at llfteen hundred dollars. * An Elegant Lot 80x100, in Southeastern Seo tion, for eighteen hundred dollars. a A Lot 30x91, on Second Avenue, near Barnard, * for $425. No City Taxes. A Ixit on Montgomery street, nsar Second Avenue, fur $323. A Two Story Wooden Dwelling, good locality. In northern iwrt of the city, convenient to Boy street and the Market, for S2,iWU. Not far from the Park, a throe-story brloh bouse, containing eight rooms, aud a two story brick bouse in the mar. The whole prop erty will produce S3OO per annum. Can bo bought for s4.ou>. C, H. ill Real Estate Dealer 150 JJaVY. 3