The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, September 28, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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4 C|c|slonung'Hftos Morning N*ws Building, Savannah, Ga. WEDNESDAY, KEPT. !iB, 1887. Registered at the Rost Office in Savannah. The StORNIXQ News is published every day in the year, and is served to subscribers in ike city , liy newsdealers and carriers, on their own ac count, ut 25 cents a week. $1 00 a month, $5 DO Cor six months and $lO 00 for one year. The Morning News, by mail, one month, fl 00: three months, $0 50; six months, $5 00; One year. $lO 00. The Mobnino News, by mail, six times a week (without Sunday issuel, three months, $2 00; six months. $4 (XI one year, $8 00. The Morning News, Tri Weekly, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, or Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays, three months, $1 SC; six months. $2 60; one" year. $5 00. The Sunday News, by mail, one year. The Week Y News, by mail, one year. $1 25. Subscriptions payable in advance. Remit by postal order, check or registered letter. Cur reticy sent by mail at risk of senders. This paper is kept on file and advertising rates may lie ascertained at the office of the Ameri can" Newspaper Publishers* Association, 104 Temple Court, New York City. letters and telegrams should be addressed “Morning News, Savannah, tla." Advertising rates made known on application. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Meetings -Golden Rule Lodge No. 12, I. 0. O. r. Spectai, Notices—As to Crew of Rritish Steamship Lancaster; Public Schools, W. 11. Baker, Superintendent. Cheap Column Advertisements— Help Want ed; Employment Wanted; For Rent; For Sale. Wood-0. R. Thomas; R. J. Stewart with 1). R. Thomas. Buii.der and Contractor—P. J. Fallon. Steamship Senedui.k—Ocean Sle-amship Com ltiy- Fight Years Odd—Pavia Bros. Auction Sales—Household and Kitchen Fur hituroby I. I). Laltoche's Sons. Ritldleberger’s fight ou Mahono continues. The Democrats see in it happy auguries Anew probability as the Republican for President appears every day. Bob Ingersoll says Judge Harlan is the tnan The North Atlantic Squadron, having re captured most of its runaway sailors, has left Philadelphia. If it wants to keep them it had better stay at sea awhile. Money is so plenty in Wall street now that the banks are begging brokers to take loans at a low interest to whom they re fused money on any terms a week ago. The question is: Where does it come from? The purchase of bonds does not account for It. Col. Ingersoll does not think the An ftrehists ought to Ite hung, because he has an Idea he would have been an Anarchist him- Velf had he lieeu born in Germany. The Colonel is something of an Anarchist, even though an American. He wants to smash the divine laws, however, instead of human. President Cleveland’s Southern and West fern trip will cost him, it is thought, more than $10,0!X). He has engaged a special train of three ears, and will pay all expenses. He sets an example which ought to be fol lowed by other public officials. They need not charter a special train, but they ought {o pay their traveling expenses. Ben Butler says he cannot see any differ ence between the bomb-throwing indulged In so extensively by the Confederates dur ing the war and that done by the Anarch ists at Chicago. One difference which of Itself ought to excuse the Confederates is :hat. some of their bombs were thrown at Ben. Their intentions were all right. Another element appears in the hetero tenons politics of New York. The brewers have combined and are raising a large fund to defeat candidates for the legislature of either party who are known to have prohi bition proclivities. The brewers may find that their action will stir the temper lnoe people to an activity that will more than offset the influence of thoir fund. The friends of Boss Shepherd are not hav ing it all their own way in Washington. They will no doubt have the proposed big Jemonstration in his honor, but it is said the greater part, of the community is looking n with deep disgust, and resents the at tempt to rehabilitate Shepherd’s character with something like anger. Altogether, in fiew of the man’s more than questionable record, the affair is an extraordinary one. Gen. Neal Dow said in a speech in New York a day or two since, that he expected to live to see a hundred Prohibitionists where there are one now. The Prohibitionists In this Btate are so numerous that it would neeli to be populated as densely as Belgium, and all of the increase Prohibitionists, to es tablish anything like the proportion men l.ioned by the General. But Georgia Prohi bitionists are also Democrats, and Demo crats first. Perhaps he doesn't mean that sort. Everybody knows Boston people are the |**t in the world, for they are always say ing so in one way or another. This being true, it can be easily seen that George Francis Train is crazy. Otherwise he could hot have uttered the following: “I don't be lieve in a thing they do or say in Boston. It Is the biggest lot of organized thieves iu creation. I had an idea that this miserable Ichoolboy story they told me about the tea Was true. Do you suppose that Boston merchants would throw away tea? Not a mite of it. I may have been born in Bos ton, but I apologize for it." The Holy Trinity church in New York is having a lot of trouble, and Collector Magone has been drawn into it. The . founder of the church, Dr. Tyng, was some years ago forced to resign the jiastorate by ill health, but recently, when a vacancy (n the pulpit occurred, desired to return. He was mortified to find tliat a large fac tion in the church was opposed to hitn, and withdrew. His frieuds were angry, but they could not prevent the election of Rev. Mr. Warren, of England, to the rectorship. One of the malcontents, Mr. Kennedy, President of Ht. Andrew's Society, had a special grievance because a Scotch gardener, under contract, had been sent back to Europe a few months ago, and determined to set tie both scores at one stroke. Ho he has raised the question of Mr. Warren's tight to enter the country under the con tract labor law, The only exceptions made in tin* law are in favor ef wtors, singers, etc . and the Collector naturally hesitates to class the distinguished divine with them, while Mr. Kennedy s eins determined l>o settle the qutmlioy whether a laltorsr in the biM vineyard stands os the win* footing as the man who works his garden Alto gethei anything I ait a brotherly spirit is laUng displayed by the wan ing faction* of IS* church. New Railroads Which Will Aflfect Sa vannah. The business men of Savannah should awaken to the fact that the city’s commerce is threatened in some degree by sevoral rail roads now being built in Georgia. They will invade the territory of lines now tribu tary to this city, and if proper steps are not I taken to prevent it may divert no ineonsid- I ernble portion of their trade and travel to I other places. The Amerieus, Pfestou and Lumpkin railroad is now being extended to Abbeville, Wilcox county. There it reaches a short water route, via the Ocmulgee river, to the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad, or by that river and the Altarnsha to the coast.. It, is in c mtomplation to further extend the road from Abbeville to McVille or Lumber Citv, only a few miles, to m,ako direct com munication with the East Tennessee, Vir ginia and Georgia, and from Lumpkin to Columbus. These extensions are certain to be made eventually, and the work may be done in a very short time. The effect would be another through line from Atlanta to Brunswick, as the Georgia Mid land would no doubt make satisfactory ar rangements with the now road. It can be easily seen that such a lino would be an im portant one, certain to divert cotton and other freights to routes not leading to Sa vannah. Another and still more important road, the Georgia Southern and Florida, is being pushed forward rapidly into a territory the trade of whfhh is now looked uiN>n as belonging to Savannah. This road is lieing built from Macon to Valdosta. Work is going on along the entire line, 2,000 men boing employed, and it is expected that the roadbed will be com pleted by Jan. 1 next. From Valdosta the linn will run via Lake City and Gainesville to Palutka, and the route is now being laid out. The great rapidity with which railroads can be built in these day3 is illustrated in the experience of the Georgia Midland (to .which reference has already been made) and the Atlanta and Hawkinsville roads. Those not especially interested hardly knew that th#l list named had any existence, ex cept on papier, when they saw the announce ment that it was completed and had taken away part of the business of an old estab lished road. These movements on the chessboard of trade and travel can be met and checked by the building of two roads already pro jected. The first of those, the Savannah and Western, was intended to extend from this city to some point on the East Tennes see, Virginia and Georgia. If the point selected should lie the same as that reached by the Amerieus, Preston and Lumpkin, there is no reason why that line should not be made a feeder to Savannah instead of carrying off the city’s trade to another port. It might, besides this, give a competing line to Atlanta and North Georgia. The build ing of this road seems to have come to a dead stop, after the line has been surveyed. The status of the second of the projected roads, the Savannah, Dublin and Western, from this city to Macon, is difficult to get at. Work is going on, hut from the course of its friends in preventing the legislature from granting a charter to the Birmingham, Macon and Savannah Railway, it is fair to infer that there is not much prosjiect of its boing completed at an early day. The question of more railroads may be said to be a vital one to the future pros perity of Savannah, and it should be con sidered earnestly and with a determination to find an early solution by the Cotton Ex change and Board of Trade, the commercial bodies which represent the wealth and en terprise of the city. They cannot act too promptly. The Catching of Oysters. There can be such a thing as too much legislation. A case in poiut is the bill re cently introduced in the State Senate to "prohibit the catching of oysters at certain seasons,” the text of which was printed in Sunday’s Morning* News. The evident purpose of the proposed measure is to pre vent the catching of oysters altogether, ex eept by permission of the owners of prop erty along the coast of the sea islands, rivers and creeks. In Georgia there is an immense water area in which oysters are found, and in pro curing this healthful ami much-prized food to supply the markets of many towns and cities hundreds of peoplo find the means of livclihmxl. Many of them are colorist ]ico nic, who could not readily earn an honest living in othr pursuits, and would be driven to crime by want. In their present occupa tion they contribute to the comfort and w.ll-belng of tho community, anil it is questionable public policy to drive them out of it and subject the public to the exactions of the monopoly rendered possible by this bill. The oyster is a wholesome food and is now so cheap as to be within the reach of everyone. U ruler the conditions created by the pro posed law it would in all probability become a luxury attainable only by the few. It Ls well enough that the law should pro tect the owners of cultivated oyster beds; their expenditure of labor gives them property rights. The wisdom is very ques tionable, however, of virtually making it a crime to catch oysters along ci axts and creeks without the permission of the owners of adjoining lauds. If there are any oys ter Im'<ls of which exclusive ownership is claimed, let the claimant defend his rights under the ordinary law. There is no analogy between the ohjects of this bill and of that recently passed deal ing with terrapins. There was a growing danger that the terrapin would lie extermi nated. This the law attempts to prevent, without bestowing exclusive rights on any liody. The oyster is so abundant on the (Jeorgiu coast that there is no danger of a scarcity for many years, if ever, und the proposed law would injure n great many people for the benefit of a very few. The Biloxi Herald, printed near Mr. Pa vihome at Beauvoir, has an article which th-ows some doubt on the coming of the Confixierate ox President to the State Fair at Macon, on account of the state of his lieilth. Several wis*ks yet intervene be fore the fair opens, and it is to be hoped that cooler weather will so invigor ate Mr. Davis us to enable him to make the journey. Mis visit ls looked forward to with great iutorent by thousands of Geor gians. About fifty New York Socialists had a meeting the other day and adopted u raaolu- Hon to the effect that if all other Menus to save lb* condemned Chicago AilurubUts failed they would arm themselves and rise lie them by f>*re. It is not at all proln ble Ulnae fallows 11.0*11 what they say, but Mludlior they do or not they are walking toward the jail vary fast. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1887. Tte Savannah Post Office. The Savannah post office is not fairly treated by the department, and Savannah people have just cause for complaint. An efficient mail and post office service is an absolute necessity to a commercial com munity. As with every other business, in order to have the mail handled promptly, more clerks must bo employed as its volume increases. In a city like Savannah the work in the post office is almost incessant. Ij, begins with the heavy newspaper mails, increased by the numerous letters which have accumulated during the night in the boxes and are collected from them in the early morn ing, and continues long into the eight. The old-fashioned postmaster and his equally old-fashioned methods have passed away. The postmaster’s place has long ceased to be a sinecure which gave him time and opportunity to talk politics, wlijlo his few clerks sat around on high stools and listened with open mouths to his wise saws. The post office is now a busy scene of labor. It is a great assorting, forwarding and de livering establishment, with a bank of exchange attached. There is an immense amount of work to be done, and that it shall be done promptly and properly neces sitates a man for every place. This appears not to tie the case in Savannah. Fre quent complaints have been made in regurd to delays iu the post office, but investigation has generally resulted in the conclusion that the work was done as well as could reasonably be expected with the limited force allowed by the department. The number is inadequate, and that Savan nah is unfairly treated is made plain in the comparative statement of the receipts and expenses of the post offices of various cities, which follows: I Gross 1 Clerk | Total ! Net cities. Receipts. Hire, j Expenses llevenue. Mobile S3B. AIR 58 $ 9,815 62i519,692 29 $19,154 29 Oakland ! 49,932 70 9,316 00 ; 27.105 SO! 22.826 90 Sacramento 40.707 52 i 8,991 85 ' 22,265 10! 18,442 42 Leadville ! 82.352 68 8.000 00, 14.644 88| 7,707 86 Atlanta J 98.246 78 14.677 39 32,809 06! 65,377 72 I Portland, Me... .. 88.88!) NO 18,768 38 35.283 72 ! 53.104 08 Saint Joseph I 09.393 37 9.159 89 23.869 42 45,538 95 Portland, Ore. . j 68.557 82 10.800 00 21,770 0: 47,116 84 Harrisburg 44.180 04. 11.000 001 23,109 98i 21.079 06 Charleston 1 68.799 63 10.600 00 25.099 69 38.699 94 Austin 30,00t>2 7.038 00! 14.701 47 15,299 15: Dallas I 46,860 62 7.970 80 19.780 71 27,079 91 Galveston j 56.838 41 10,280 00 22.115 61 33.892 80 Houston 33,007 36 9.100 00! 20,219 271 12,788 09 Wheeling 38.450 47 10.000 00 21.973 13; 16.477 S4 1 Savannah ... 63,440 82 8,920 00 *22,655 05! 41,785 77 j * Less $2,571 54 for office rent. In other places named in the above list there is no rent. It is understood that frequent applica tions have been made for an increase of the clerical force, but they have been denied. There seems to lie no one interested in Sa vannah in Washington who has sufficient influence to gain for her the consideration to which her commercial imjiortance en titles her. Or if any one has such influence he has failed to make it of any use. As is shown in the table printed above the Sa vannah post office is not given the pro rata of expenses to receipts allowed to other cities, and the service suffers for the want of the money. A Georgia Congressman was at the head of the committee on post offices and post roads of the last. Congress, and will prob ably be given the same place in the new one. Cannot Mr. Blount give this matter his attention, and assist in applying the proper remedy? A Lack of Sincerity. Witbin a fow years the number of politi cal parties in this country lias greatly in creased. Where before were only the Demo cratic and Republican there are now in addition the Prohibition, the Socialistic, the Ainorican, and two or more divisions of the 1 jabor party, all energetically work ing to advance each its peculiar ideas of government. There is little probability that either of the minor parties will ever gain control of the government, but their existence makes it possible for a party not representing the wishes of a majority of the people to sometimes control the destinies of the country. Tho votes given to their candidates, as far as measures really up for consideration are concerned, are with out influence, and, therefore, wasted. Thousands of voters have for years sur rendered their rightful share in the govern ment in order to protest aguinst tho liquor traffic. Perhaps thousands more will next year (hi tho same thing to help call atten tion to George’s land theories, or to the dangers of the naturalization laws. One cause for this craze for political novelties has undoubtedly beon the lock iff well-defined, clear issues between the two great parties and the lack of sincerity in their platforms. The people grow impatient when year after year the same old questions are voted uion, and, no matter what the result, continue to take up all time and at tention, to the exclusion of new questions. The most important of the issues upon which the parties have divided is that of the tarilf. If there is any issue upon which a party’s position should be thoroughly under stood, it is this. Yet the declaration of th e last Democratic national platform was so worded as to enable a faction to twist it to a meaning directly opjiosite to that which its authors doubtless intended, and to the traditional policy of tho party. This faction has since thwarted all efforts to carry into,effect the promises made to tho people. It is not too lute to make an honest effort to keep faith with them, and it is cheering to know that such an effort will soon be made. * This is the instance in which the Demo cratic party has been most at fault. Tho history of the Republican purtv for years is a record of promises unperformed. It is not unnatural that jieoplo who feel strongly on certain subjects should desert to new parties in the hope of forcing action ujioii them, when they see the promise anil the performance of the old political orguni rations so far H|>art. They lose faith in the sincerity of platform promises, and look upon the party leader* as mere trick sters, anxious to retain office and indifferent to everything else. There is no doubt that u large increase in this class of |ieopie would be a national mis fortune The way to prevent such an in crease in to take a hold, o|ien stand upon every public question, anil to make a faith fill effort to |M<rforin every promise at what ever cost. l’artieM would tlien represent ulcus, lint traditions alone Montreal is ill the throes of an invnstiga tion of a hiMslie transaction by her Alder men. It was carried mil in the regular Chicago way Tin* influence of tin- Ameri can colony in Gaiunla w evidently I wing felt. and tne isiunt y will Is- ready fill an nexatiou to Uas t uitad btaU* bwfuro very long. CURRENT COMMENI The Rent Question in Greaßritain. From the Philadelphia Press ■ ip).'. Human nature is the same ou l>4i sides of the Irish sea. Men will take what the can get. The passive resistance to rack-rent* 1 chroni cle in our Irish correspondence will gore lone begin to reduce the,rents of Englishandlords unless they aro reduced by law The til to him who tills is sure as fate iu both lands. Conditions of Democratic Stjcess. From the New York World (Dei.) The Democrats must champion ref on instead of abandoning it. and attack the Oases and dangers of monopolies and the monfl power., instead of wasting words on dead lues and dull generalities. The situation is futif diffi culties, but difficulties only serve to ling out the strong points of leaders who can lad. The Farmer's Disadvantag. From the Philadelphia Record ( Oil.) A farmer can sell a bushel of corn ft 45c. to 48c ,if he have it to sell. He might g more for it but for the fact that it lias to b * q-ried to market on protected steel rails. The q-mer is obliged to contend, unprotected, agaist the foreign market. Meanwhile the railmker can add sl7 per ton to the price of his rap-—that lieing the amount of the tariff duty onbreign made rails. BRIGHT BITS. A Vermont woman broke her jaw, jud her husband facetiously called her the “ex-B|pker. ” —Burlington Free Press. Says the Burlington Free Press: "A nip may have a shining crown and yet be no kinl” To which we re-ply: “A man mav have uoniniug crown and yet be aching.”—Lowed CViuifcr. “Overcoats wdll lie shorter the cominqvinter than last.” Many young men and hifbandg who spent their first summer at the sfshore this season Will also be "shorter” the Dining winter than last.— Norristown Herald. T under Passages: He (tenderly)—Yes when its done again you must really see the londin donkey! She (sincerely)—l will. I will look ouf or it, and when Ido to it, I'll think of you.—Da don Punch. Go away from a city and stay twsntyjyears, and when you return you will see thrisaije bald headed man playing double bass in a Jheatre orchestra. It shows that while rapH jianges may be going on the orchestra leader dies not frequently change his base.—. Veto Orltyls Picn yu ae. There is a newspaper out in Colorab whose proprietor, editor ami assist ant are tWonlv in habitants of the place in which it is pfclished. It claims to have the. largest circuljtion in town; but you can’t put much de.peulence in what Western papers say about circu^tion. — Burlington Free Press. Jack—Ethel, I am ashamed of you. I saw that Frenchman in the conservatory kissing you repeatedly. Why didn’t you tell him to stop? Ethel -I couldn’t, Jack, Jack—You couldn’t? Why not? Ethel—l can’t speak French.— Judge. An Enormous Boom.—“ Yes,” said tje man from Biggsvilie, "weare having an old-fahioned. boom. Four railways heading our wayj street car company organized, uew stock yardi—” “New stock yards?" “That’s what I say.” “How large are they?” “Oh, they're small yet. I’m using 'en for a hog pen just now.''— Lincoln Journal. Ali. the Requisites.—Omaha Dame—lohnny, what did you do with that quarter? Johnny—Bpeut it for education. “Education ?” “Yes. we went to see the ‘Battle if Gettys burg.' ” “I told you I’d take you there next, Reek.” “I couldu’t wait. Dick an’ me is getiin’ up a amateur magazine, an' I'm to write the war articles for it.”— Omaha World. City Boarder—Any letters for me, Mr. Du senbury? Country Postmaster—Dunno; I’ve l*en so busy raound the store’t I haint had tine ter open the mail bag. City boarder—But (here is an important let ter for me in that bag, and I insist upon having it at once. Country Postmaster—Say mister; I kinder reckon I’lti a-runnin’ this office; if I ge> time this afternoon 1 11 open the bag, 'll if I find any thing for you I'll save it 'f I think of it; praps you think a United States Postmaster aint got no rights.”— Tid-Bits. I heard the following conversation oi the piazza of the (mental Hotel at Manhattaaleach lost week, betwemrtwo youths under 12 yews of age, which illustrates that the betting fever has almost extended to the nun*ry. Neither o’ the laris had got into long breeches. Said the lrst: “Going over to the racesK “Naw!” answered the second disgustedly. “You’ve got a badge?” “Haven't a cent, though. Ma’s against bet ting and the guv'nor’s away.” “Well come over and look on.” "Not much! I don't see the fun of hollering for the first horse that comes in."— Town Topics. ' PERSONAL. Senator Wade Hamilton has presented the President with a high bred saddle horse, which he wants him to use every day. Justice Field has reached Chicago on his Washington nay from the Pacific coast. Hi, thinks the Southern California land boom a healthy one in every respect. Mlle. Dosnh, M. Thiers’ prim little sister-in law-. who is immensely rich, has just disposed of a large part of her wealth in an imjiosing mausoleum for Thiers' remains. Ida May Hutchins, of Atkinson. Me., has been sentenced to a term of eight years in the Maine State prison for arson. She burned a neighbor’s bam through motives of spite for some fancied insult. Ex-Minister Lowell will return from Eng land early next mouth. He is greatly troubled by attacks of Insomnia, and it is reported that his general health is accordingly little short of wretched. The lists of oldest living ex-Senators now I wing published in some of the newspapers fail to mention John P. King, who was United States Senator from Georgia from 1888 to 1887, and is now living on Sand Hills, a suburb of Augusta. Loan Randolph Churchill is being boycotted by some of th* Tory organizations, and lie gets but little sympathy from the Tory leaders, a number of whom haie refused to speak from the same platform with him. Presidentlveh, of the Fair Haven and West ville railroad, a Connecticut line, has been in vestigating the use of electricity as the motive power for norse cars. He thinks ears can he run between Fair Haven and Wostville in thirty minutes. Principal Gilbsht of the Newhuryport, Mass., public schools, lias notified the tobacco deulers in (hat city that they will he prosecuted if they continue to sell cigarette* to school chil dren. A fund has l- -n raised to institute pro ceedings against the first offender. F.X. CoNO RKSSM AN WILLIAM H. MORRISON Of Illinois, now a member of the Inter State Com merce Commission, Is to be a candidate for re election to i '<ingress in liisold district next year, lie says he thinks be can defeat Jehu Maker, the present incumbent, and have 1,800 votes to spare. It is said that Philanthropist Corcoran, of Washington, will never In fully restored to health. His recent paralytic stroke, coupled with his advanced age, serves to notily Mr. Corcoran that Ins days ore uhout numbered. His mind is as vigorous, however, as it was a score of years ago. AeconniNo lo Edmund Yates, Miss Phyllis de Rathe, Sir Henry Bathe’s youngest daughter, has made tho ihatch of the season She is to marry Sir Seville Bi-enton Crossley, who is ciglit-aiid-twenty. ana is also the owner of Som erleyton-Lowesioft and Belle Vue Halifax, with an income of iMj.Ottl per year. Edward Olson, the new President of the University of Dakota, 1* a Norwegian by birth mid succeeded Prof. Boise, the noted Greek schi lor, as lVofessor of Greek at Chicago Uni versity, holding the position until (In* university was suspended. Mr. oianu is the first college president of Scandinavian origin. MiksCaurie PtNCOMHB, while the reigning I* lie of Queliee, Is nlmul ns quick to seek iv dress when wrong-,I his the average woman. Sim plighted her trothtoawealthy suitor named Hansen Mom* months ago. This wi*ek he de clared the engagement off and she retaliates by brill,.mg *uit for $3h,iMU damages for breach of promise Mrs Ezra H Allen ascended atone in a bal Usui from tlie Stale Fair grounds at Nairugun *"lt Park. Providence, Wolnoaday afternoon blie reached a height of three miles and met with diverse current*of air anil a whirlwind. Tie- -ituaUon grew so threatening ijmt *h<* iHilksl Ills explosion cord, and fell with ltic I,si I'm.n a mltc and n belt Tun force of I lie fall was broken by ! in* bultoon aliglitmg in a free top Mrs. Martha M llavde* baa Juat obtained a dlvwee at MinaeatsiUw from (’liaries Hayden Thirty five years ago Mrs I! ay den's juisliatid disap|-‘r. and tdie mourned ban a* dead mitii a few week* ago, when al*e leu/ lie.l that be wan atilt living, 4ii<l ht*l jHUiiily Itmr Tlii* r>’ .TttobM.l U‘i ('Hue ijolm'iil *n<l dhttf m •>!¥■ uiml !4m* Miiir ihiw. tm<J übc did 1*1) U*| k W Um k*34 *tU, A FLYING SNAKE. No Wonder the Judges Are Cutting Down Licrsior Licenses. From the Pittsburg Chronicle. The beauty ot this is two-fold. First, it is the latest, and, second, it is anew version of it. “Why dori't you write something about the big snake that was seen up in the air:-” was the remark of a Sbarpsburg iron worker to a reporter. ‘‘What do you mean?” “Oh, I know it sounds queer, but it is a fact. The thing, whatever it was, was seen by a num ber of men at work in Kpaug, Chalfant & Co.'s lower pipe mill two or three nights ago.” This is the story: While a number of men were standing outside the works one of them looked un and saw what he at first thought to be a snake about five feet, long, evidently more than 2.000 feet away, in the air. He did not say anything to his fellow-ivorkmen until he saw the object coming closer, and it was then that he called the nttenWm of the others to it. The men watched It, i\n 1 it was not long until it was over them, looking to be about 500 feet high, or about as high again as the hill at that place. The object w-as more than five times the length it seemed to be when first noticed. As it came nearer it looked to tie a monster snake. It. was jet black and In thickuess looked like an ordi nary keg. The ponderous jaws of the reptile were frequently seen to to open, from which emerged a large tongue. It sailed in a regular course, but when the jaws opened it then took a downward course and seemed as though it would fall to the ground Ik-low. On the descent the mouth remained open, and after a fall of about lUO fe -t the jaws would close and the snake would raise its head and slowly wend its way up to its former height. The course of this monster air snake was in n northwesterly direction During its stay of about an hour it seemed to long for a visit to every part of Etna. From the mill it moved like a snake on land westward about a mile to a point on the Allegheny river, from where it took a back course to the place where it was first seen by the naked eye. From there It took an upward direction and it was watched until it disappeared behind the mill, sailiug somewhat toward the northeast. A welder named William Stewart, was the first to see the snake. Why Tar box Howled. From the Lewiston (Me.) Journal. Look at that Maine individual over there in the-red flannel shirt which is not even on speak ing terms with soap.. You might not think from a casual observation that be has any peculiari ties whatever, but the other day he came down with a terrible toothache^an ache that reared, and kicked and "bucked” all within thirty sec onds. till this world ceased to have any attrac tions for the man who was entertaining it. Well, lie just couldn’t stand It any longer, and started post haste for a dentist in a neighboring town. The proprietor of a hardware store in close proximity fb this dentist was standing in the door of his store that afternoon when he heard a most terrible and ear-splitting shriek proceed ing from the office of the man of teeth. He had become accustomed to moans and subdued ex clamations from that quarter, but never had he heard such bellowing as now pierced the air. His curiosity was so thoroughly aroused that a little later on he walked into the dentist's office and said: “Whom have you been butchering over here? I never heal'd such a yell in all my life.” “Oh.” replied the extractor of molars, “that was old John Tarbox, from T . He had a tooth out." “Had a tooth out!” replied the visitor, “well, I should think so, and it must have come mighty hard to fetch such a roar as that.” “Oh. dear, no,” said the dentist, “he didn’t make that noise when I pulled tne tooth. It was afterward.” “Afterward?” “Why, yes,” was the reply, “the tooth came easily enough. The time The fetched that cry of agony was when I charged him 50c. for doing the job! 1 ’ An Expensive Liver Pad. From the Pittsburg Dispatch. The early closing season at the watering places and mountain resorts has set in, and the pleasure-seeking army is on the homestretch, making good time. As the New York woman says when she goes down the steps in June, and looks behind her at the tightly-closed house, “Oh. how nice it will be to come hack next Sep tember!" I hope every woman didn’t make the mistake that Mrs. Careful did. She was on her way to Europe, and. after she was seated in the carriage bound for the boat, she remembered a liver pad that she had bought for the old man. ‘Til just run back to the parlor for it," said she. “Don't be a fool, but stopat the druggist’sand buy another,” said he. “As if I would, after buying that,” and out she climbed. With three keys she let herself in, flew to the parlor, turned up the gas with the electric key, and smirched. Then she ran up to the front room, lighted the chandelier, and found the pad. She triumphant ly made her way out of the house, locked it carefully up again, and rode away in victcry. having had her way and saved an outlay of 75c. That was on June 3. She ar rived here on Sept. 3, and was astonisoed at opening her house to find the parlors cheerfully lighted to receive her. She had forgotten to turn off the gas. and for three months, night and day, two burners have blazed away and illuminated the industry of the merry moth and the beautiful buffalo bug. Wheu her husband pays his summer gas bill, he will think liver pads the most expensive thing he ever struck. A Society Leader. From the Boston Globe. Mrs. Paran Stevens, whose name has been mentioned frequently of late as the entertainer of the notorious Duke of Marlborough, is an ex ample of the gre-kt change of position and for tune that not unfrequently come to American women. Paran Stevens was a well-known hotel keeiter, and first began to amass his subse quently immense fortune while proprietor of the Revere House, in Boston. At that time the present Mrs. Stevens, who was his second wife, was earning her living in an adjacent manufac turing town. She was young and beautiful. Mr. Steven* fell In love with her, made her his Wife and educated her. She proved an apt scholar. She is a most ambitious woman, and to-day is thoroughly educated, oon verses well on all topics, ami is a clever linguist, speaking French and Herman fluently. By her tact and wisdom the very materially aided her husband in gaining his fortune. In appearance Mrs. Stevens is portly aud somewhat florid, but she also has a command ing air and her toilets are exquisite. Her property runs into the millions and is mostly in real estate. To lie a society queen is her great est desire. She is generous, but her charity does not consist in giving to institutions or the very poor, but to those of her friends who are trying to keep up appearances. Jinny is the wedding outfit she is said to have paid for for some society girl that but for Mrs. Stevens’ bounty would have cut a sorry figure. The Way to Fairy-Land. What is tbe way to fairy land? Which is the road to take? Over the bids, or over ; he sand Where the river ripples break? The hills stand listening night and day As if to a wonderful tale; The river whispers along its way Secrets to every sail. They miLst lie listening and whispering there, with the fairy-folk l know; For what but tills is the sound in the air So sweet, ajid soft and low? The sound that floats o’er the misty hills, And runs with a little shiver, As of a thousand musical trills. Over the running river. 0 hills that stand so lofty there, Listening night and (lay, Listen to me and show me where The fairy-folk do stray! And river, liver, whisper low, t\ his per tne low and sweet, Tell me the secret! that you know Of the fairy-folks’ retreat —Nora Pen y in St. Nicholas for October. Thought He Wan Too Personal. Frqm London Society. A housemaid, after hulng a short time Ih her place, gave warning. Her niistivSK asked her What she had to tin.l fault.with: wa-O he wotk too intro, or will! ' No. sin- had n.-tiling to complain of on lint score, but sue could not stand being prayed at by I lio master at morning prayers. Mist roes (loquitur) - What on earth do you mean, Mary? Your Blaster does not pray at any one. “(ih. yes. tie doc* inarm: hepraysat 111** every day. sod 1 won't stand it any longer.” does lie say. then?’* “Why. lie iy, •<> laird, who ha test nothing Injt tlw housemaid '" -Uh.jc alter a itliie reflection and further inquiry. ieo itsins that Mary hae thus utter (note, I < i Jrd, who hut eat nothing that TUou Lost inode,” Malaria. Fred lir<>was Jamaica Ginger will relieve any uud-ten attack *jf malaria, Never go to a malarious dieinui viikmii u. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Nearly 200 kinds of gold filling are now mado for teeth. The town of Waquoit, Mcsi., has not a Demo cratic voter in it. Of the 181 churches in the city of Edinburgh 121 are Presbyterian. Prohibition is the local law in 275 Jlassachu- j setts towns and villages this year. A piano over a century old and still playable only fetched $1 at a Reading (Pa.) sale. Italians are engaged in making cheese out of tomato pulp at a Burlington (N. J.) canning house. There are over 300,000 children in the United States between 1 and 12 years old whose lives are insured. An international literary congress will be opened at Madrid on Oct. 9 by the Queen of Spain. A steel company of Chicago reports that they turned out in one day recently 802)$ gross tons of steel rails. Soft wood compressed by hydraulic machin ery is reported to lie a useful substitute for box wood for the manufacture of loom shuttles. The first will of an Indian ever ffitd in the courts of Washington Territory was recently admitted to probate at Tacoma. His name was Milton Fisher. He died on the Puyallup reser vation six months ago. A colored blacksmith, who works every day at ills forge, and who is 100 years old, is a resi dent of Osan, Ark. His name is Perkins. He was sold on the block in New Orleans and taken to Arkansas in 1840. There is said to be a barber's sign near the Palais Royal, in Paris, liearing the legend in the vernacular of, “Callileucocapillaire water, which colore the hair white. For the ase of magistrates and young physicians." Aniline dyes, according to Prof. Watson Smith, are being more and more used every year, anil last year their consumption increased more than 33 per cent. They have nearly driven every other dye stuff, with th” exception of indigo and logwood, out of the market. Announcement of the editor of the Quincy (Mich.) Herald, who is also a preacher: “We will marry the first licensed couple who applies tous, free of charge, send them a copy of the Quincy Herald one year for nothing, and if they are not then satisfied we will throw in a good sized chromo in the bargain.” A TWELVE POUND CANNON SHOT WSS fOUqd im beded seventeen inches deep in an oak tree in the suburbs of Franklin, Tenn. It wasevidently fired from a Federal cannon during the bloody battle twenty-three years ago, as it entered the tree on the side next to the town. The fibers of the oak are still attached to the ball, and are nearly as hard as the iron itself. The news that the Pope has aked the Propa ganda to tender forthwith for the contract of civilizing the black fellows of New South Wales, which is at present in the market, the contract price being 300,000 acres of land, reminds us once more how smart a man is now in charge of the Catholic church. If the Trappists make a success of the aborignes they will deserve their 300,000 acres and more besides A recent copy of the London Sporting Life printed this advertisement: “Bird singing, Windsor castle. Windsor street, Essex road. A free linnet handicap, three pairs of birds, for a leg of mutton, will take place at the above house on Saturday next, Sept. 3. Birds on the nail at 8:30 p. ni. Entries close and draw on Friday night at 9 o’clock. N. B.—The Irish giant is now staying with the proprietor and may be teen daily at the bar.” The assessed valuation of property in Denver for 1887 is, according to the abstract Of tbe as sessment, $35,414,545. In view of the fact that Denver is only thirty years old and started with nothing, except the little that the pioneers brought with them in their wagons, it is evident that somebody has been making money. There has been an average increase of considerably over $1,000,000 per year. The population of Denver is about 80,000. Rolling out continuous iron chains from the solid bar without welding would seem almost impossible from a mechanical point of view, but is stated the feat has been accomplished. Four rolls are employed, and they are so arranged as to form links at right angles to each other. As the bar passes from the rolls the thin feather edge, which is left on the inside of the link is broken and a subsequent shuffling in the tumble barrel finishes the chain ready for market. Thousands of swallows have made their nests in two old smoke stacks at the foot of Mill street, Paterson. N. J., and people in the neighborhood wonder how so many can live in such a small space. At the first streak of dawn they emerge in a great flock that resembles a cloud of smoke and take their flight eastward, evidently in the direction of the Hackensack meadows, where millions of them can be seen during the day time. Each night they return. From a report published in the Nouvelles An nates de la Construction, the total area of the streets of Paris, measured between the curbs, amounted at the end of 1886 to 8.517.17)0 square metres (91,678,065 square feet), of which 6,450,- 000 square metres are laid in granite. 1,608,100 square metres macadamized, 302,000 square metros asphalted, and 355,000 square metres pro vided with wood [lavement. The cast last year for relaying and repairs amounted to 11.000,000f. (£440,000). To put all the streets of Paris into thorough order would rcqtijre about 75,- 000,000f. (£3.000,0001 of which 15,(100.000 would have to be spent in changing macadam ized roads into pavement, and 60,000,000 in improving existing pavements. It appears from official statistics that on Jan. 1 in the present year one person in every thirty four of the population of England and Wales was a pauper. On that day 822,215 persons— men, women and children—were receiving relief under the present poor law, 201,598 being indoor and 620,517 outdoor paupers, while 100 received both indoor and outdoor relief. Of this large nuinlier more than 70.000 were insane, while about 367,000 were too infirm to lie classed ns able-bodied, and 209,000 were children under 16 years of age. In 1849, however, the figures were much more appalling. Then, with a much smaller population, over 1,000,000 persons were relieved. The number has been steadily de creasing since, though still frightfully large. F.xperiments are being made at Cap de la Heve, near the mouth of the Seine, on the pro duction of electricity for lighthouse purposes by moans of the force obtained by windmills. The suggestion to do so was male by the Due de Feltre, and it is a system proposed by him that is to be tested. The wind works a dynamo-elec tric machine employed in charging accumulators of suitable eanaeit.y. The electricity so produced and stored is to be used at will to 'make a focus of light. The system, if successful, will have the advantage of costing only the putting up of the machinery. The whole question to lie ascer tained is whether a sufficient quantity of elec tricity can be stored to provide for the require ments of any particular station when there is no wind to move the sails of the mill. M. de l’Anglo- Beaumanolr, a civil engineer at Baris, has been authorized by the Munster of Public Works to make, at the expense of that department, the trial of tliis system of electric lighting at the i,a Heve lighthouse. For some time past spec'ally prepared sing has been used in Germany for the metalling of roods, principally in tbe neighborhood of Han over. Some of Ihe furnaces in the Hanover dis trict make a specialty of a metalling material called slag storte. In preparing this material the liquid slag is run from the furnace into cast iron moulds, slightly tapering toward the top. The moulds have no bottom, but stand on an iron trolley, mid after the slag lias been in the mould some little time, the sides anil bottom ah stract sufficient heat from the mass to solidify it on the outside. Tbe mould is then lifted off vertically and placed on another trolley ready to receive anew charge, whi.e trie the block of molten slag, inclosed in it* own akin of solidified slag, is rim over a pit, where, after lierforntuig the skin, the liquid slag is allowed to runout, and is covered w ith ejnder* and ashes and left to cool very gradually Under this treatment the Hl.igassumes a dense ami crystalline eonsti tut ion very suitable for pacing j Hit* poses. The use of alum to clear muddy water has long lieen known, but Prof. lamslh, in the course of rii invest i gat ion on an outbreak of typhoid fever at Mount Holly. N. J., discovered another value in its use, which mavis- very important He round that the water which wiu supplied to the inhabitants of Mount Holly was swarming with bacteria, about fifteen drops Icing capable of forming B.IOU colonies of these microscopic germs when spread ii|sn a suitable snrfiuv He t ried the ex|>eniMont of aiding a minute amount of aitun to this water In the prn|sirtion of only lialf a grail) lo s gallon, mid found that not only was tin* dirt and coloring Inalt'*r proclpitslcil, lint liist instead of the same qunniiiy of water c .ntHilling M int) Coiornes of hsMeria. It <on tamed only mil ms! these were all of u large form >n filtering Hie water through two Hindi ileases of interim' |*|s r lie found that ilia filtered water contained no ionteria, (sit was aa startle aa if it tuid le**B auoj*s*i lo pi -long * ! ladling 'till* amount of alum Is too small lo I# evident to die taste m.d Is mg leu mini In health If his ohset raiimie shall r**uusiu ultra fin.l I ley may form a valuable method of put dying polluted dnuauig water. BAKING POWDER. —fUU. PURE fg?PRICE§ CREAM jjAKI Kjj Its superior excellence proven in millions ot homes for more t han a quarter of a century. It is used by the United States Government. In dorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as the Strongest. Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price’s the only Baking Powder that does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. —3. """" DRY GOODS, ETC. SPECIAL^ ANNOUNCEMENT! OPENING OF Fall and filter Goods AT- — Mai & [liner’s, SUCCESSORS TO B. F. McKenna & Cos., 137 BROUGHTON STREET. ON MONDAY MORNING We will exhibit the latest novelties in Foreign and Domestic Dress Goods, Black and Colored Silks, Black Cashmeres and Silk Warp Henriettas, Black Nun’s Veiling, Suitable for Mourning Veils. Mourning Goods a Specialty. English Crapes and Crape Veils, Embroideries and Laces. Housekeepers’ Goods Irish Table Damasks. Napkins and Tow els of the best manufacture, aha selected especially with a view to durability. Counterpanes and Table Spreads, Cotton Sheetings. Shirtings and Pillow Casings in all the best brands. Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs—Regnlarly m dr-French and English Hosiery for ladies and children. Balbrlggan Hosiery. Gentlemen s and Boys’ Half Hose, Ladies' Black SUlc Hosiery' Kid Gloves. Indies’ and Gentlemen's Linen Handker chiefs in a great variety rif fancy prints, and full lines oFhemmefl-stlCaed and plain hem med White Handkerchiefs. Gentlemens Laundried and Unlaundried Shirts. Bays’ Shirts, Gentlemen's Collars and Cuffs Ladies’ Collars and Cuffs. Corsets—lmported and Domestic, in great variety, and in the most graceful and health approved shapes. Vests—Ladies', Gentlemen’s and Children’s Vests in fall and winter weights. Parasols—The latest novelties in Plain and Trimmed Parasols. Orders—All orders carefully and promptly executed, and the same care and attention given lo the smallest as to the largest commis sion. Samples sent free of charge, and goods guaranteed to be fully up to the quality shown in sample. Sole agent for McCALL’S CELEBRATED BAZAR GLOVE-PITTING PATTERNS. Any pattern sent post free on receipt of price and measure. C ROHAN & Doom Fancy Dress Braid 12Wc. yard and up. Beaded and Jet Trimmings :Jsc. yard and up. Handkerchiefs, all kinds, 25c. dozen and up. Corsets, full assortment, 35c. pair and up. readies’ Misses’ and Gent’s Hose, 10c. and up. Hamburg Embroideries sc. ami up. Dress Buttons, elegant lino, 10c. dozen and up. Satin, Gros Grain, Daisy and Sash Rib bons 3c. yard and up. Job lot Colored Silk Velvet Ribbons vory low. Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Merino Vests 25c. and up. In fact a full line of Ladies’ and Gent's Furnishing Goods. Try our GUARANTEE KID GLOVES. Hosiery Our Specialty! AT H. A. Dumas, 23 BULL STREET. Sllol>. Ask your Retailer for the ORIGINAL $3 SHOE. Beware of Imitations. None Genuine unless liearing the Stamp eJ airies Means’ $3 SHOE. A Made in Hutton Congress A xfffl Loco, Best (' ,ir Sl,ill Un /re" 11 esc,-lied In Durability, Coni- U l' o, ' ( and Appearance. A fj \— A postal card sent lo us will ■ Y it i ring you information how f Jf to set lids sh<' in m \ . '-V an. Stab- or Turrit< >ry r- ' ** • This Sirs' Sian*ls higher iu tlie nntiinallon of wearers than any other in iho world. Thousands who wear It will tell you the reason If you twk them. Fur sale by A. S. "N icholn, W iirtrtjjrM'Hi niroH, Mavauuali. lit. ' •*C COUNTY OWiriCiiM ami JiUittk 1 minima by txjiMtj r < *> far i tar • mr Utr #♦!• • imm. i uduUnJ Ut an mi itre UOltMi-.i, NF.Wg I'ltiNfl.Mj UUbMk • suvwl, Ha-.wtak