The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, October 07, 1887, Image 1

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1 ESTABLISHED 1850. \ j .1. H. ESTILL, Editor and Proprietor. \ A TOUR FULL OF TRIUMPH MILWAUKEE GIVES THE CLEVE LANDS A ROYAL WELCOME. The President Pays a Plying Visit to the Military Encampment Before Leaving Chicago- Both Called to the Platform and Cheered Before Leav ing the Depot. Chicago, Oct. s.—Swanns of people ngain filled all the approaches to the Palmer House this morning, eagerly watching for a glimpse of President Cleveland when he should emerge for a drive to the inter national military encampment. Crowds of workmen and shop girls on the way to their daily tasks forgot for the time being the toil before them and pressed forward through the jam of country people and well dressed city sightseers. Half a dozen mouuted police had no little trouble in clearing a passage for the Prasident’s car riage, which was drawn by four spanking hays. The sky was lowering and everyone pre dicted that it would rain before the Presi dent could make a start. Not a drop fell, however, and at 8:45 o'clock Mr. Cleveland, looking but little the worse for his wholesale handshaking of the previous day, appeared at the arched doorway, with his hat doffed and making a good-natured bow to the cheering crowd, he lightly sprang into the wailing carriage and in a trice was whirl ing through the thick business district and aut Washington boulevard to the encamp ment. He was accompanied by Mayor Hoc he, Gen. Terry and a dozen lesser digni taries. Early and threatening as was the rlay the sidewalks along the entire route were lined with people, including thousands who, notwithstanding their strenuous all hay and evening efforts yesterday, had failed to see the President or his wife in the general confusion prevailing. STUCK IN THE MUD. A ludicrous incident occurred at the entrance to the encampment grounds. The President’s carriage got stuck in the mud. There was not a mo ment's time to spare, and the pranc ing hays were smartly lashed with the whip. It was nip and tuck with the mud, that was made thick and sticky by the rain during (he night. Finally, the vehicle containing the chief magistrate of the nation gave a terrific lunge forward and was gone from the laughing, cheering crowd. A rapid drive past two or three thousand troops drawn up in line, a thundering salute from the artillery, and bows and smiles to a rouplo of thousands of sjiectators in the ftands, completed the ceremonies at the en campment Without delay the President lioarded a train for the depot down town, from which the start for Milwaukee was to be made. It lacked but five minutes of 10 o’clock, the schedule time of the start tor Milwaukee, when he arrived. Mrs. Cleveland had pre ceded him by half an hour, slipping quietly Into a carriage at the hotel and being drawn to the depot comparatively unobserved. The hundreds of spectators crowding the waiting rooms when she arrived had grown to thousands in the short interval before the President came. Behind the long railings an the platform parallel with the Presi dential train it seemed like a quarter stretch an Derby day. so closely packed and thor oughly excited were the people. Mrs. Cleve land gazed out from the windows of the car with decided interest when the President stepped from the incoming train on the idjoining track and briskly walked to her side. At once cheers of sntreaty went up for them to come out on the platform. “We want to see Mrs. Cleve land,” and “Three cheers for Grover,” were the cries. W hon Mrs. Cleveland, in her green traveling dress, and the President with his head uncovered, appeared at the fear door of the train, a mighty cheer rolled through the depot. Just then the train began to move, and while the multitude yelled, the President ind his fair young wife waved a farewell to Chicago. On the way*to the international encamp ment’this morning President Cleveland ex pressed a desire to see the historic site of the rlaymarket massacre. The President's car riage was turned from Washington boule vard and driven rapidly to the scene, where Mayor Roche described the details of the terrible tragedy. The President viewed the rcene with profound interest. MILWAUKEE’S ENTHUSIASM. Milwaukee, Oct. 6.—Up to to-day Mil waukee had been only once honored by the presence as her guest of a President of the United States. To-day the city Was glow ing with patriotism over its second oppor tunity to do honor to the chosen ruler of the People. A large concourse of people assem bled at the Northwestern depot, on the Lake Shore, long before the time set for the arrival of tho Presidential train, and be tween the surging of the crowd and the movement of the different organizations into their assigned positions in the line of parade, that section Df the city was afforded a spectacle new in its history. When the train finally drew into the depot, and the Presidential car "as brought abreast of the temporary plat form upon which the President was to alight the immense crowd cheered repeatedly, and swayed and surged about the depot plat form. The Presidential salute was fired by * buttery on shore, and the revenue steamer Andy Johnson opened her ports and re echoed a response. THE ESCORT. The prearranged plans were quietly put In operation, and the escort of the distin guished visitors took up its jxisition. The military presented a line appearance. It was the largest parade of militia that has been Soon in Milwaukee since the great reunion in lsso. As the procession traversed the line of march there were frequent bursts of cheering, and the President bowed repeat edly and lifted his hat in response to the cordial salutations. The buildings ou both sides of tho streets traversed by the procession wore tastefully decorated with tho national col;us, evergreens, etc., some of the designs being unique as well as tasteful. On W is copsin street, opposite their club rooms, the Juneau Club, an organization composed of young Democrats, erected a graceful arch o( evergreen bearing the word “Welcome,” and pictures of Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland, and along tho walk in front of its quarters was the reviewing stand from which the members of the club and their ladies greeted the President and his wife and showered flowers upon them. Tho govern ment buildings were also decorated with the national colors and with portraits of the President and his wife. CLEVELAND’S REPLY TO THE WELCOME. Following is the President’s speech in re sponse to Mayor Waltberk: l ain very glad to have an opportunity,though the time allowed is very brief, to meet the ]**'>- |le of Wisconsin's chief city. Since we left “"nic and in passing through iho different States n our way there has been presented to us a ' iriety of physical features, characteristic of cr diversity in soil and conformation. But the people we have met at all points have been | same lu their energy and activity. In their "* ; d pride, and in that peculiar trait of \oieri ' character which produces the belief, that is f : '>ly adhered to by every individual, that V ' particular place of residence is the chosen A most favored spot which the world contains. ■‘is condition creates an aggregate of sentiment )t §Sfatmm invincible in operation, furnishing motive power which has brought about the stupendous growt h and development of our country. But t here has been another element of charrcter displayed among tho people everywhere on our travel, which has been universal, and not disturbed or changed by any difference in place or circumstances. No State lines have circumscribed, ou local pride has dimin ished and no business activity bus in the least stifled the kindness and cordiality of the people's welcome. There is bitterness enough in the party feeling which seems in se parable from our political methods, but the, good people of the United States have, I believe, decreed that there are occasions when this shall have no place. This is well manifested to-day in our hearty greeting by the people of Wiseonsion and this active stirring city. Municipal enterprise has added much to the natural beauty of your metropolis, as is attested by your pleasant streets and handsome homes, with their sur roundings. But its great increase in population, in manufactures and in its trade, demonstrates that its citizens have not been eon tent with beauty alone. I cannot for get my interest in municipal affairs arising from active experience at one time in city government, and 1 find myself very much inclined to scrutinize such statements as fall under my eyes demonstrating their financial condition. With all its extensive public iiu provements, unless I am much at fault, the city of Milwaukee has less of public debt than any city of its population in the United States, excepting one. In these days, when the temptation to local public ex travagance is not enough withstood, you umy well be proud of this exhibit; and besides the satisfaction which this financial condition pro duces, it lias a practical side to it. Large enter prises are often much influenced in their loca tion by such considerations, and they are apt to be established where the burden of taxation is least, and where the share of public indebtedness to be borne by them is smallest. I feel that I can express no kindlier wish for the people ot Milwaukee than that they may con tinue, by their splendid advantages of location and sound financial condition, to invite to their city the most important elements of growth and wholesome progress. ON THE WAY TO THE PARK from the court house reviewing stand, the procession resumed its march to Schlitz Park, where the handshaking feature of the programme was arranged to be carried out. Behind the Presidential carriage all the way up to the jvark trudged a grizzled old Irish man, holding aloft a banner inscribed with the words; “President and Constitution.” He had walked to Milwaukee all the way from Neenali, Wis., with his flag for this purpose. He gave his name as John Sexton. At the park there was an avenue of arches formed of gas jets, large lyres of punctured gas pipes being placed above the centre of each arch. Though it was broad daylight, the gas was lit, and against the back ground of trees presented a very pretty sight. IN A TIGHT PLACE. The President was stationed on the plat form, in the main pavilion inside the park, surrounded by the citizens’ committee. Some slip in the arrangements caused considerable confusion, the crowd becoming massed in side the building in such a manner that the people could not get out, while they Kept pouring in like a stream. At one time the President and his party were in danger of being swept off their feet by the surging throng, but the police finally managed to keep the crowd in check. The President’s reception lasted an hour. He was so tired of handshaking, as ha himself observed, that most of the time he kept his hands behind him and simply bowed as the people passed. Many of them were not satisfied with this, however, and persisted in touching bis clothes with their hands From Schlitz Park the party drove to the exposition building and thence, after a brief rest, to the Plankinton House. MRS. CLEVELAND’S MOVEMENTS. Mrs. Cleveland had left the procession early in the afternoon, and at 8 o’clock dined at the residence of John L. Mitchell, resident manager of the Soldiers’ Home. The dinner party was confined to the chief guest and ten ladies. From here Mrs. Cleveland was driven to the residence of James Kleek, on Grand avenue, where she gave a public reception, lasting until (I o’clock, when she was driven to the Plank inton House, where she listened to the toasts at the merchants’ banquet from the balcony of the dining hall. A BANQUET AT NIGHT. Just 350 guests sat down at the banquet terdered by the Merchants Association this evening to the President, including leading Republicans, Democrats and Mugwumps, from all parts of the State. The dining hall was elaborately' decorated with ferns and pal ms. The guests remained standing until the arrival of the chief guest of the evening. Mr. Cleveland entered on the arm of C. E. Andrews, President of the Merchant’s Association. He was received with applause. At 10 o’clock Mrs. Cleveland appeared in the balcony of the dining room to listen to the toasts and responses. She was greeted with great ap plause. Immediately after the applause had subsided Mr. Andrews made an address of welcome. As President Cleveland arose to respond he was greeted with vociferous cheering. Mr. Cleveland said: I feel like thanking you for remembering on this occasion the President of the United States; for I am sure you but intend respectful recogni tion of the dignity and importance of the high office 1 may be for a time noldiug in trust for you and for the American people. It is a high office, because it, represents the sovereignty of a ffee and mighty nation. It is full of solemn responsibilities and duties. It em bodies in greater degree than any other office on earth the suffrage and trust of such a people. As an American citizen, chosen from the mass of his fellow-countrymen to assume for a t ime this responsibility and this duty, I acknowledge with patriotic satisfaction your tribute to the office which belongs to us all; and because it belongs to all the people the obligation is manifest ou their part to maintain constant and continuous watchfulness and in terest concerning its care and operation. Their dfity is not entirely done when they have exercised their suffrage and indicated their choice of incumbent, nor is their duty performed by settling down to bitter, malignant and senseless abuse of all that is done or attempted to be done by tho incumbent selected. The acts of an administration should not be approved as a matter of course for no better reason than that it represents a political party, but more unpatriotic than all others are those who, having neither party discontent nor fair ground of criticism to excuse or justify their conduct, rail lieeaiiHe of jktsoiihl disap pointment, who misrepresent for sensational purposes and who profess to see swift, destruc tion in the rejection of their plans of govern mental management. After all we need have no fear that the American people will permit this high office of President to suffer. There is a patriotic sentiment abroad which in the midst of all party feeling and all party disappointment will assert itself and will insist that tho office which stands for the people’s will shall, in all its vigor, minister to their prosperity and welfare. The fourth regular toast, “The State of Wisconsin,” was a subject assigned to Post master General Vilas. After tho s(>eech of the Postmaster Gen eral, which evoked demonstrative enthusi asm, letters were road and impromptu speeches followed, lasting into the small hours of night. Mississippi Negro Scare. New Orleans, Oct. 6.— A special to the Times-Deni or ml from Brook Haven, Miss., says: “Excitement over the alleged negro insurrection near the Lawrence and Pike county line, mentioned a few days ago, has about subsided. The latest reliable in formation from there states that the whites arrested and whipped a number of negro leaders and ordered thorn to leave the county and State immediately. No other violence is reported, and all is again quiet." Thomas Hughes’ Mother Dead. Cicinnati, Oct. 6.—The mother of Thomas Hughes, of England, author of “Tom Brown at Rugby,” died at Rugby this morning. SAVANNAH, GA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1887. IRISH EDITORS ON TRIAL. A PROCESSION ACCOMPANIES THEM TO COURT. Publishing Accounts of Proclaimed Na tional League Meetings their Offense The First Case Results in an Acquit tal but the Crown Will Appeal—More Evictions at Gweedore. Dublin, Oct. 6.—The trial of Lord Mayor Sullivan and Mr. O'Brien for publishing in the papers respectively controlled by them, reports of meetings of the suppressed branches of the National league, opened at the Mansion House Court this afternoon. At 1:30 o’clock great crowds of people lined the route which was to lie taken by the Lord Mayor and Mr. O’Brien and the cor poration of the city, which was to attend them in state during the trial. IN PROCESSION TO THE COURT. The Lord Mayor was driven to the court in a carriage, which was followed by John Dillon, ex-Lord Mayors E. Dwyer Grey and Charles Dawson, ex-Sheriff Peter McDonald and others. Tho City Marshal, wearing a cocked hat and sword, led the civic digni taries, who were all arrayed in the full robes of their office. Mr. O’Brien joined the procession soon after it started and proceeded to the court. The streets through which the procession passed to the court were thronged, and the Lord Mayor and Mr. O'Brien were the recip ients of a great ovation along tho line. Policemen wandered singly through the crowd. A cordon of police surrounded the Mansion house and prevented the crowd from approaching the court. There were fifty municipal officers present in court. A WARM DISPUTE. After the case had been called by the magistrate a warm dispute occurred be tween the police attendants in the court and Mr. Sexton, member of Parliament and High Sheriff of Dublin, arising from the de sire of the latter to place the city sword and emblems before the magistrate. The police attempted to prevent the placing of the city emblems on the table, whereupon Mr. Sexton and other municipal officers scizod the sword and attempted to place it there by force. The police and municipal officers struggled for possession of the sword, while the specta tors in the gallery cheered Mr. Sexton and exhorted him to “hold on.” After a few minutes both sides desisted, ami after a par ley a compromise was effected and thesword was placed ou the magistrate’s bench. After the adjustment of the difficulty in the body of the court the corporation officers retired to seats which had been reserved for them • in the gallery. O’BRIEN KAILS TO RESPOND. Mr. O’Brien did not enter the court to answer the summons which had been issued against him. When quiet was restored, the ease of Mr. Sullivan was proceeded with. Mr. Carson appeared as counsel for the crown and Timothy Healey ap peared as counsel for the defense. After hearing the evidence the court dis missed the case on the ground that the crown had not proved that the meeting re ported in the .Notion, was arneeting of a sup pressed branch of the national league. The spectators, and crowd outside the court room were widly enthusiastic over the decision. The case of Mr. O’Brien will be called to-morrow. THE CROWN WILL APPEAL. The counsel for the crown has given notice of an appeal against the decision of the court in the case of Lord Mayor Sulli van. In the streets there was a scene of wild enthusiasm and the crowd was so great that it almost prevented the progress of the civic procession. The Tory newspaper offices were hissed by the people. The Lord Mayor on arriving at the Mansion House made a speech. Referring to the result of his trial, he said that the national press had been victorious in its first tussle with the coercion government, and the news would gladden the hearts of Messrs. Parnell and Gladstone. The only way to defeat the infamous coercion law was to defy it. As for himself the plank upon which he was to sleep in jail had not yet been sawed. Callihan, who turned Queen’s evidence against his confederates in the murder of Constable Whelehan at Leisdonvaarne in his testimony to-day at Ennis, not only declared that he had been an informer for six years past, but that all his expenses had been paid by the government. A BAD RECORD. Callihan admitted that he had been sent to prison five times since his expulsion from the army. He was sentenced to two years’ imprisonment for indecent assault and to seven years’imprisonment for larceny. In accounting for his failure of memory as to portions of his career, he plead that his loss of memory was due to habitual drunken ness. The Freeman's Journal publishes to-day four columns of reports of national league meetings held Sunday in the counties of Clare, Cork, Kerry and Wexford. At all the meetings resolutions were passed denounc ing the attempts of the government to sup press the league and the prosecution of Mr. O’Brien and Lord Mayor Sullivan, of Dub lin, by the^authorities. POLICE REFUSE TO EIRE. It is stated that twenty members of the police force engaged in the work of eviction at Gweedore have intimated to their com mander that they will not fire upon the people if ordered to do so. This is said to lie the real reason why reinforcements have been asked for. MORE EVICTIONS IN GWEEDORE. The work of eviction was continued at Gweedore to-day. A widow named Duogan was turned out of her house after a fierce struggle iietwren the bailiffs and neighbors, whom the widow had called to her aid. It is reported that a gunboat with troops on board is off the coast at Gweedore, ami the belief is expressed that soldiers have been sent to assist the bailiffs and police in evict ing tenants. Nine persons have been arrested on a charge of being implicated in the murder of John Kinsella, near Arklaw. Kinsclla was killed while resisting emergency men who were seize cattle. bright’s opposition. London, Oct. G. —Mr. Bright, in a letter to Mr. Ellis, a Scotch Unionist, says: “The defenders of the union ought to explain clearly their difference with other Liberals, who are led, they know not whore, by Ml’. Gladstone. A Parliament in Dublin once created would lie difficult to deal with. Mr. Parnell sulks at Avondale, silent amid the tumult he has created, while his lieutenants are in deep rebellion, and are keeping the pot boiling in three provinces of Ireland. Ilis right, hand clasps Mr. Gladstone's on this sifle of the Atlantic, the other giving a fraternal greeting to tjje gang in New York by whom the outrages and murders are all designer!, and wno collect the funds from which one-lmlf of the Irish party receives pay to insult the Sneaker of tho House of Commons and to make useful legisla tion impossible. Mr. Gladstone says that future Irish legislation must satisfy Ireland, meaning Parnell. So the coming Gladstone bill must run on the line of the lenders who are paid to play at rebellion and to discredit Parliament. The party is to forget its honorable rwst and adopt this hideous policy for its future, and all this at the bidding of one man—a statesman of great eminence, but who is no more free from liability to err than are other statesmen. Surely the Liberals will never mako a surrender so fatal, so humilia ting and so ignominious.” LUROPE’S PEACE. The North German Gazette on the Recent Conference. Berlin, Oct. li.—The North German Ga zette refers in cordial terms to the meeting between Prince Bismarck and Sig. Crispi. “The interview,” says the Gazette , “is fresh proof of the old and tried friendship exist ing between the rulers and people of Ger many and Italy, and has established the fact that with Austria to preserve tho peace and prevent a European war, and in case of necessity to ward it off altogether, the task is not subordinate to auy pending question of detail, nor the outcome of pass ing personal moods. It results from the combined interests of both nations, which, having established national unity, desire to improve the benefits thus attained. Peace loving citizens, ready to welcome joyfully every fresh guarantee of peace, will re gard with satisfaction the visits of Count Kalnoky and Signor Crispi. The voices from abroad expressing displeasure, do not come from that great majority of the European people desiring peace, but from those who would seek to bring upon the nations the calamity of great wars.” VICTORIA AT BALMORAL. She Thanks the Tenantry for a Statue They Have Erected. London, Oct. ti.—At Balmoral to-day the Prince of Wales unveiled Boehm’s statue of the Queen, presented by the district tenant ry. The Queen expressed her thanks for the loyal and kind address presented to her. She said: “This statuo will be a lasting memorial of the affection I always bear for my Highland home. lam deeply touched by the grateful terms iu which you have alluded to my residence amongst you. The great devotion you have shown me and mine while here, has ever added to the joys and lightened the sorrows of my life. I miss many kind faces of old friends no longer with us, who would have rejoiced equally with me. I heartily reciprocate your good wishes, and I trust that we may still look forward to spending many happy days together.” Her majesty was heartily cheered. The Seaforth Highlanders fired a feu ile joie. BULGARIA’S RULER. A Roman Editor Points Out Russia’s Folly. St. Petersburg, Oct. O.—M. DeUiors declares that the Turkish proposals looking to the appointment of a Russo-Turkish commission to temporarily govern Bulgaria cannot assume a substantial form until the Sultan summons Prince Ferdinand to leave Bulgaria. The advice of England, Austria and Italy to the Sultan to abstain from violence in Bulgaria paralyzes his majesty’s action. ITALY’S VOICE. Rome, Oct. ti.—The Riforma. says: “Rus sian proposals with reference to Bulgaria may serve as a basis for discussion, but it is impossible to permit the appointment of a Russian Envoy in violation of the Berlin treaty. Russia ought henceforth to recognize how prejudicial to her is her policy of separat ing herself on the most important European q uestions from powers which, from t heir number and unity, are always iu a position to utter the decisive word.” The Riforma repeats that the Bismarck- Crispi interview means peace. Sig. Crispi will return to Rome to-mor row. A Cabinet council will lie held Sat urday. Plans of the Socialists. Berne, Oct. 6.—The Socialist conference at St. Gallit closed to-day. The general result of the deliberation it is believed will be to consolidate'the Socialist party through out Europe. The conference decided to convoke an International Labor Congress during 1888, and adopted resolutions protest ing against anarchical theories. Afghanistan’s War. Lahore, Oct. (s.—The fighting between the forces of the Ameer of Afghanistan and the rebels is continuous. The warfare is carried on with varied success. Salient features of the situation are Omra Khan’s success in Bagaur and Swab, and tho Rus -1 sian activity on the Badakshan frontier. Germany’s New Anti-Socialist Law. Berlin, Oct. ti.—The new Socialist law prepared for the Reichstag imposes a penalty upon expelled persons who return even for a passing visit to forbidden towns. COTTON IN TEXAS. The Crop Greatly Injured by Drought and informs. Galveston, Tex., Oct. 6.— The News to-morrow will publish returns from sixty one counties in Texas on the conditi on of the cotton crop. It says editorially: “The outlook is by no means favorable. A month ago the prospects of the Texas cotton crop were very flattering for a fair yield, but those flattering prospects have lieen sadly reversed within the past month. The rains that came in August found the crop much more injured by the drought of the early summer than there was reason in August to believe, and the good that the August rain did has lieen ruined in a very large proportion of the State by the rav ages of the cotton worm. Over thirty counties reporting show a loss in yield, compared hale for bale with last year, amounting on the average to possibly in excess of ‘Jo per cent., while not more than thirteen of the counties show an increase compared with last year, the increase aver aging not more than 15 percent. This is a sorry showing for the cotton crop of the State. A number of count ies sho wan equal yield to that of last year, hut the damaged portion of the State embraces the counties which usually make the greatest yield." The News closes its summary by declar ing that its reports may be relied upon, and prediets that the cotton crop of Texas will not reach the yield of last, year as a maxi mum estimate by 7to 10 per cent., and this without resjiect to increased acreage. Miss Caldwell’s Gift. Richmond, Va., Oct. 6. -Rt. Rev. Bisliop Keane, rector-elect of the new Catholic university to be located at Washington, has received a letter from Cardinal Gibbons in forming him that Miss Caldwell, who do nated $300,000 to found the university, ex presses much annoyance at the publication in the newspapers of a statement that stio intended to withdraw the gift, and that the Iwiseless rumor “is authoritatively contra dicted,” as it does Miss Caldwell serious injustice, no thought of the kind having ever entered her mind. Bunk With Six Men. Port Huron, Mich., Oct. The tug Orient, owned at Fairhaven, Mich., was lost on lAdm Erie yesterday, and her crew of six men drowned. GOULD GETS THE B. & 0. WESTERN UNION STOCK TO BE IS SUED TO PAY FOR IT. The Details of the Deal Not Given Out In Their Entirety—Officially but Nev ertheless Pretty Well Known Phila delphia Claims $50,000 on Account of the Sale. New York, Oct. 6.— lt is announced that tho salo of the Baltimore and Ohio Tele graph Company to the Western Union has been completed. The contract was signed this morning. Mr. Gould says he does not yet know the exact price, but that the Western Union Company will issue sufficient stock to take up the indebtedness aud capi tal stock of the Baltimore and Ohio. The matter has now lieen referred back to the Baltimore and Ohio directors for ratifica tion. Although the officials of the Western Union Telegraph decline to make any state ment formally iu regard to the Baltimore and Ohio matter, it is given out by them in an informal way, under promise to use no names, that the papers for the transfer of tho Baltimore and Ohio telegraph to the Western Union have been signed and the wires of the former company are already virtually under Western Union control. The contract signed includes not only the Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Company's lines, but the wires ami exclusive right of way of the railroad company. This gives tho Western Union the right of way as well as the right to wires on the West Shore road. All the avenues to New York by trunk lines arc now owned by the Western Union comj iany. the only other wires entering the city com ing by highway. The price, or other Ue tails of transfer, cannot yet be obtained. BALTIMORE NOT SURPRISED. Baltimore, Oct. ti.—The dispatch from New York announcing the completion of tiie deal of the Western Union for tho Balti more and Ohio telegraph created no sur prise here. It is understood that the terms are $5,000,000 of stock of tho Western Union and a cash payment annually by the West ern Union of SOO,OOO. It is thought the Baltimore and Ohio telegraph will be con ducted without change for the present. The Baltimore and Ohio directors will meet Wednesday next, when the matter will be acted upon. As soon as the announcement was made at the stock board Western Union stock advanced from 77 % to 79%. PHILADELPHIA WANTS $50,000. Philadelphia, Oct. 6.—At a meeting of the City Council to-day a resolution was adopted directing the City Solicitor to in vestigate the reported consolidation of the Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph Company with the Western Union Telegraph Com pany, and if found to lie a fact, to take pos session of the poles and wires of the former company within the city limits and proceed to collect tiie $50,000 bond given by that company as security that it would not merge or consolidate with any other company, which was the condition upon which it was allowed to enter the city with its wires. WELCOMED TO WASHINGTON. A Big Parade in Honor of the Paver of the City’s Streets. Washington, Oct. ti. —Ex-Gov. Alexan der R. Shepherd, who has recently returned to Washington from a long sojourn in Mexico, was tendered a public welcome home to-night by the citizens of this city. Tiie reception took the form of a parade, in which nearly every military company in the city, the fire department, several thou sand citipns and over 300 wheelmen participated. Gov. Shepherd was es corted from his suburban bouse near Washington by a committee appointed for that purjiose to the reviewing stand erected near the south front of the treasury where, with several hundred invited guests, he re reived the salutations of the passing throng and isiwed his acknowledgments. The streets along tho line of march were densely crowded, ami locomotion was at times difti cult. The city was ablaze throughout the evening with fireworks. At the close of the review tiie crowd demanded a speech, to which Gov. Shepherd responded in a few words of grateful acknowledgment. EFFECT OF THE PROTESTS. The Barracks Site May Not be Pur chased After All. Washington, Oct. ti. —Secretary Fair child will await tho receipt of the protest of the Savannah mass meeting against the purchase of the barracks site before con eluding the transaction. He could not close it any way until he received a favorable report on the title from the Attorney Gen eral, but ho will take, in addition, all the time that may lib necessary to properly pass upon the matter. He acted on the recom mendation of Siqiervlsiiig Architect Freret, Messrs. Anstell and Hinton, of the Super vising Architect's office, lxit.ii of whom had examined the site, and Representative Nor wood. No one protested, and so he accepted their representations as to its desirability a conclusive. He will now hear the other side. Manning Hasn’t Resigned. Washington, Oct. (I—Tiie report that Judge Manning, United State- Minister to M"xioo. has resigned is positively denied at the Department of State, and it is not be lieved that he lias any intention of giving up his mission. ‘ Special to the A 'nre. Washington, Oct. 0. Secretary Bayard tips received no official information as to the resignation of Minister to Mexico Manning. He ie> n*t likely to until the President re turns. lxitiisiana men now here, who are perfectly cognizant ot all the facts, confirm all tho suitenients made in these dispatches in tin's i ijuneetion last night. Redemption of Bonds. Washington, Oct. *>. —The total amount of bondajifiered to the government to-day was $337,700, of which $378,100 were four aud a-haif per cents. This makes the total received In 'late leaving $1,585, 150 to beMKured within the next two days, to make the $j,l.0.)0,000 required for the sinking fund. National Banks Must Report. Washington, Oct. 0. —The Comptroller of tluvCurroucy to-day issued a call for re ports of the condition of all the national banks at the close of business Wednesday, Oct. 5. A Testimonial to Burgess. New York, Oct. ti. — At arneeting to-day of the New York Chamber of Commerce a resolution indorsing the movement in favor of a national testimonial to Designer Ed ward Burgess and providing that a subscrip tion list for the testimonial he posted in the Chamber, was referred to the Executive Committee. The members have already subscribed $7,000 toward the testimonial. Sharp’s Stay. Albany, Oct. H.—Tft* afternoon Justice Huger granted a stay to Jacob Sharp. Mr. Martino, Mr. Nicoll and others a'gited against it, while Bourke Cochrane argued lor it KNIGHTS AND ANARCHISTS. Powderly Thinks tho Bomb Thrower Should be Hung-. Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 15.— The Knights of rubor convention met at 0:15 o'clock this morning, and after a tribute to the memory of the late Thomas Armstroug, editor of the National Labor Tribune, which was expressed in a speech by General Master Powderly, and the appointment of a committee to take suitable action, the con vention resumed consideration of the credentials and protests, which * con sumed most of the day. Immediately alter 2 o'clock Mr. Powderly began the reading of his annual address, and did not conclude till about 0:30. The address tills sixty-four jiages of ordinary pamphlet, and contains about 50,000 words. KNIGHTS ANO ANARCHY. He took up the question of the ntti tilde of the Knights of labor toward an archy, with regard to which he said: The relation of the order to anarchy has taken up so much space in the public press, and has been the subject of so much discussion in the assemblies of some large cities that it is proper to speak of it here, ana report to you my doings in connection therewith. SOCIALISM AND ANARCHY. me say here that i have never, as has been so much asserted in the press of the land, eon fouuded socialism with anarchy i draw a wide line of distinction between the two, as every reading, thinking man must. I will ask of the General Assembly to define the position of the order on the attempts that have been made to prostitute it to such base uses as the Anarchists would put it. I have never pub licly uttered a sentiment regarding the course of the seven men condemned to death in Chicago this is written Sept. II), 1887 I will now give my opinion: If these men did not have a fair trial such as is guaranteed every man in the United States, then they should be granted anew trial. If they have not tieen found guilty of murder they should not be hanged. If they are to lie hanged for the action of others it is not just. The man who| threw the bomb In Chicago should ie nauged and Ills accomplices should receive the punishment allotted to such offenses by the laws of the State of Illinois. All letters relating to the anarchy subject were quoted by Mr. Powderly at length. THE DENVER HOW. The Denver questions wore given in full, and of that matter Mr. Powderly said: I regarded the whole affair as an outrage and the questions as being ini pertinent, rascally, and prompted by malice or revenge. The resolution, which should pass, is one to demand Hint every avowed Anarchist be obliged to withdraw from the order or lie expelled. We have nothing to fear from trade unions, but everything to fear from the con taminating influence of men who preach de struction in the name of our order, and who, at the same time, assert that they are Socialists, while giving the lie to every principle or socialism when they advocate violence of any kind. THE HOME CLUB. After referring to the “home club,” of New York, and his supposed connection with it, and to the resolution adopter! at Richmond for the expulsion of the cigar makers, which he said he thought unconsti tutional and void, Mr. Powderly made a number of recommendations, among which were that the Knights of Labor ask Congress to create a department of labor in Washington; that the nett Congress be also asked to act on a bill for government telegraphy to be run in connec tion with the postal service; that the order have a journal published under its control and put into the bands of every member; and that systematic rules lie adopted for State and Territorial, mixed and trades as semblies. With regard to socialism Mr. Powderly said: Phillip \’an Patten sent me a card of member ship in Hie Socialistic organization in August. 1880, lint 1 never took any action on it and merely kept it as a memento. I saw that the declara tion of principles of the Knights of Gabor con twined all of the socialism that I cared to advocate. I never cast a vote for the candidates of l hat party, was never a member of any of its sections, anil bad no connection with it except in the manner related above. The use of fire arms or dynamite is not advocated by the So cialist - ( onfiscation of property or distribution of wealth, or in fact tbe bestowing of wealth cr money u | -ou those who have not worked and earned it, Is not socialism, it is robbery, it is rapine, and no sane man can advocate such doctrines. If believing in the declaration of all the principles of this order makes of me a Socialist then I have rio denials to make: but that I am a member of any other society in w hu ll questions of labor or reform are discussed I do deny. Mr. Powderly condemned the practice of caucusing and lobbying on the part of members of the order, and in conclusion stated his perfect willingness to withdraw from the office if the assembly so desired. Some very wholesome advice was given re garding the proper attitude of the members of the order toward their officers, and as to tlio best, way of conducting the business of the convention. TELEPHONES IN CHINA. No Truth in the Story That the Gov ernment Had Racked Out. New York, Oct. 15. The announcement that the privileges granted by the Chinese government to Count Mitkiewicx and an American syndicate had been rescinded by command of the Empress is contradicted by persons interested. The Count said to day that the contracts had been legally executed, and tliat they were in his possession. He did not fear thul sin-h action as rumored would lie taken, as the Chinese government realizes the immense good the execution of his plans would do. Vice Consul I.ew Yuk I,in said: “Neither the Chinese Minister, Consul nor I have received any such notification, nor had the Count or syndicate. The dispatch is false beyond doubt, as we would imve been notified had any such ship Is-eu taken. My country would lose too much. You will he safe in saying that the plans of the Count will he carried out.” NEBRASKA’S REPUBLICANS. Western Farmers Tired of Paying Tribute Through fhe Tariff. Lincoln, Neb., Oct. ti.—The Republican State Convention, after the nomination of Judge Samuel Maxwell as Judge of the Supreme Court, completed the ticket by the nomination of R. B. Davis and George Rob erts as Regents of the State University. The platform adopted condemns the system of revenue that eonqiels til® farmers of the West to pay tribute to the manufacturers of the Ea t; favors pensioning Union soldiers; sympathizes with Ireland; commends the efforts of Messrs. Parnell and Gladstone; pledges the party to support the prohibitory amendment; condemns tne President for his attempt be return the flags: favors the ad mission of Dakota; views with alarm the abuse of the veto power by the President, and sustains the Board of Transportation in its effort to secure reasonable freight and passenger rates. Richmond's Primary. Richmond, Va., Oct. ti.— The Democrats hold their primary meeting to-day for the nomination of four candidates for the Hbuae of Delegates. The “Reformers” made streitoiis efforts to keep the workingmen from the [sills, but signally failed, for not withstanding the fact that there was little or no rivalry among the candidates, nearly 5,000 votes wore cast, and the following named gentlemen were nominated: A. ft Buford, Henry L. Carter, John A. Curtis, and Lyon G. Tyler. This is next to the largest legislative primary ever held in this cit v ( PRICE fIO A YEAR ) | 5 1 E -TS A COPV. f TAMPA’S FOOLISH SCARE. SENSATIONALISTS REPORT DEN* GUE AS YELLOW FEVER. People Lose Their Heads and Flee from the City in Terror of the Imaginary Invader Reputable Physicians Vouch for the Character of the Dis ease. Washington, Oct. <!.—tSurgoon General Hamilton has received the following tele gram from Deputy Collector Spencer at Tampa, I’la., reporting an outbreak of yel low fever at that place: Tampa, Fi.a., Oct, 8, Surqeon General John Ti. Hamilton, H'nsli ington: Yellow fever is reported here. The people are flying. Can I use the tents heref T. K. Spencer, Deputy Collector. The tents referred to are those sent from New- Orleans some time ago for use at Kgmont Key for refugees, and from Key West. UNDOUBTEDLY ONLY DENGUE. Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 6.—A sensa tional rumor got abroad here to-day that yellow fever hail made its appearance in Tampa, hut an investigation snowed the falsity of ihe rumor. The Duval County Board of Health is in constant communi cation with Dr. King Wylly, of Sanford, President of tho State Medical Association, and Dr. Willy promised the Jacksonville board that if yellow fever appeared at Tampa he would immediately notify them. Dr. Wylly is at present at Tampa, and as he has not notified the board here of the ex istence of yellow fever no alarm is felt. A type of fever does exist at Tampa, hut it is dengue beyond a doubt,. This, at least, is Dr. Wylfy’s report. DR CALDWELL’S STATEMENT. Dr. Frank H. Caldwell, Secretary of the Florida Health Protective Association, which stands for the State Board of Health, makes the following official statement with reference to the report that yellow fever exists in Tampa: “There are a large number of cases of fever in Tampa, which the local physicians pro nounced dengue. Dr. King Wylly, Presi dent of the Florida Health Protective Asso ciation, was in Tampa yesterday and saw several cases, all of which were of dengue. There have been only three deaths in three weeks out of a population of 5.000. Ous man of dissipated habits died of riengue. BRIBERY IN’FRISCO. A State Senator and Other Prominent Men Implicated. San Francisco, Oct. o.— State Senator Creighton was convicted in the Superior Court hero a few days ago ou a charge of jury-bribing in connection with the suit for damage, commenced against the Ulster Street Railroad Company a few years ago by a widow, whose husband had been run over and killed by one of the company’s cars. Indictments for trying to bribe the jury in this case were found recently against Robert A. Morrow, a millionaire, and tho principal stockholder of the Ulster Street railroad; J. R. McCord, a prominent politician ngd ex-Superintendent, of the road; air. Creighton anil F. N. Northey, two local politicians, who, it is claimed, were employed by Messrs. Morrow and McCord to bribe the jury to render a verdict favora ble to the corporation. Creighton is the only one who has Iveen tried, and when he was convicted the court ordered him to appear to-day for sentence, in the mean time rumors were circulated that Creighton had left the city. The court immediately issued a bench warrant for his arrest, and the police authorities have been searching for him, but without success. THE PENALTY. T he penalty for (Ireighton’s offense is from one to ten years' imprisonment, and there seems to be no doubt that he has left the State. Advices from Tucson. Ari., last night state that he passed through that place, and it is supposed here that he was on bis way to Mexico. The ( hief of Police has telegraphed a description of Creighton to various points, with orders for his arrest if found. These cases of jury-bribing, together with similar charges recently made against Christopher Buckley, a politician, and several other parties of more or less prominence, have created a great sensation in this city. The latter charges are now being investigated by the grand jury, and among the evidence in I heir possesdon are certain documents which indicate that the association of Chinamen raised a fund of SIO,OOO for the protection and defense of Its members, and bribes were paid out by the association through those political leaders to a (Superior Judge, jurors and various court officers. EVILS OF PROTECTION. TheNew York Chamber of Commero® Takes Action. New York. Oct. fi.—The New York Chandler of Commerce, at its meeting to day, unanimously adopted the following preamble and resolutions with regard to the Treasury surplus: Whereas, It is believed that the revenues of the United States are now larger than are re quired to meet the necessary exfienses of tha government, and gradually pay off the public debt; and Whereas, An unnecessary accumulation of money in the Treasury is a public Injury, and tends to interfere, with the natural course of trade; therefore Retnlved, That the business men of ail parties should unite In demanding sjieedy action by Congress looking to such reduction of our reve nues as will inak- the income of the nation con form as nearly ;is practicable to the necessary expenditures of the nation. TRAIN TELEGRAPHY. An Exhibition of the Workings of tha New System. New York. Oct. ti. —The following dis patch has been received from the special experimental train on the Lehigh Valley road: “On board special I-ehigh Valley train, Oct. 6.—A special exhibition of train telegraphy was given this afternoon by the Consolidated Telegraph Company of New York to a large numlter of prominent scientists and electricians. The special train was running from New York to Easton, Fa., and back over the Isthigh Valley railroad for this purpose, and telegrams were exchanged between the swiftly moving train and the company’s New York office. Among the promiuent guests on b >ard the train are Frof. George Barker, of the University of Pennsylvania, Thomas A. Edison, electrician, and E. J. Gilliland, of Indianapolis." Armstrong’s Funeral. Pittsbuko, Oct (5. —The funeral of Hoq, Thomas A. Armstrong, late editor of the National Labor Tribune, took place this morning, and was attended by delegations from the Grand Army, Union \ eteran Legion, One Hundred and Thirty ninth Regiment. Pcnnsyhanm Volun teers, tho Pittsburg Press Club, Ma sons, and every labor organization in the city. After tbe services at the First Meth odist Protestant Episcojtal church, the re mains were taken to Btetiben villa. 0.. fuC interment