The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, October 10, 1887, Image 1

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j ESTABLISHED I*so. \ ) ,!. H. ENTILL, Editor and Proprietor, f TAMPA'S MILD EPIDEMIC. PHYSICIANS STILL DIVIDED AS TO ITS EXACT NATURE. Only Three New Cases and No Deaths Since Thursday—The Sick all Doing Fairly Well—Dr. Stoner Gives a Little History of Broken Bone Fever Out breaks. Washington, Oct. o.—The Marine Hos pital Bureau has received a telegram from Deputy Collector Spencer, at Tampa, Fla., ,f which the following is a copy: “There are twenty-six cases in all. Two deaths bave occurred. It is questionable as to the cause of the death of the two. A majority of the sick are convalescing. The town is depopulated, and very little material is left. Doctors disagree as to whether the disease is dengue or yellow fever.” PRECAUTIONS ADVISABLE. Dr. George W. Stoner, Chief of the Quarantine Division, says that if is it dengue there is no cause for alarm nor necessity for rigid quarantine, hut if doubt exists it is proper to act on the side of safety. Dengue, nr ns it is sometimes called break bone fever, is a very distressing infectious dis ease. not contagious in the usual accepta tion of the term, and rarely fatal unless complicated with other disease. WHEN n> WAS EPIDEMIC. Dengue prevailed in the West Indies and many places in the South about fifty years ngo. and was prevalent in several Southern cities in 18.50, especially itf Charleston, where about four-fifths of the population were attacked, but only a few deaths rela tively occurred. In yellow fever, on the other hand, the mortality is sometimes as high as 75 per cent., and if not controlled hy proper quarantine restrictions the disease may spread from place to place during warm weather. Frost kills it. I)r. Stoner believes the disease at Tampa to be yellow fever. FUMIGATING THE MAILS. The acting surgeon has also received the following telegram: Tampa, Fla., Oct. 9. fi. IF. Sinner, Acting Surgeon (feueral: Arrangements will be made to fumigate the mails between Plant City and Lakeland on the line of the noad. Through mails from Havana o Key West are fumigated on board the ships, die same as has been done all summer. J. P. Wall. THREE NEW CASES AND NO DEATHS. Tampa, Fla., Oct. 9.—Three new cases if fever are reported to-day, but no deaths. The sick are nil doing fairly wpll. Many of he oldest citizens claim that yellow fever ioes not exist in Tampa. More than half he physicians are of the same opinion. NO ALARM OUTSIDE TAMPA. Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 9.— Reports ■rom Tampa say that there have been only four deaths to date and none since Thurs day. The fever is of a very mild type, with only three doubtful cases out of about twenty-five. The Florida Health Protective Association to-day sent representatives to Tampa to organize a Howard Asso •iation, maintain order and nurse the sick. There is no alarm outside of Tampa at any point to-day and no danger s apprehended. Experience proves that yellow fever cannot exist in the interior of Florida nor in the seaports which are in toed sanitary condition. Trains and steam ms from northern points are crowded with oeople coming home and the advance guard >f tourists and immigrants. RANDALL AT ATLANTA. Officers of the Exposition Meet Him on His Arrival. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 9. —Samuel J. Ran- Jall, accompanied by his wife, and Fred Serker and wife, of Philadelphia, reached Atlanta to-day at 1 o’clock, by the Atlanta ind Charlotte Air Line. They were met at the train by President Collier and Vice President Grady, of the Exposition, and es ,'orted to the Kimball House. I'hore an informal reception was tendered In Mr. Randall and his friends. During the afternoon and evening Mr. Randall had piite a number of callers. To-night Senator Cobjuitt and ex-Congressman Hammond Jailed together. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Occupy the best rooms in the Kimball, and the same ones that will be placed at the dis posal of the President and his wife when they reach Atlanta. FORAKER NEARLY KILLED. A Train on Which He Was Riding Meets With an Accident. Columbus, 0., Oct. O.—A train contain ing Gov. Foraker, State Librarian Doane Wd a large delegation of Zanesville people tn route to Zanesville, where the Governor delivered an address, was derailed near Roseville, ten miles south of Zanesville last night, by a defective switch. The engine and baggage car kept the track, but the smoker left it, drag ging with it Gov. Foraker’s car, which went to the brink of a twentv-foot embankment, and was only prevented from going over by the strong coupling to the rear of the coach. Gov. Forater and party escaped by crawl ing through windows. FISHERY NEGOTIATIONS. Commissioner Putnam Has an Inter view with Secretary Bayard. Washington, Oct. 9.—William L. Put ham, of Portland, Me., who is, together with President Angell, of Michigan Univer sity, to act with Secretary Bayard in the coming negotiations with the Chamberlain commission, and who arrived yesterday, l ,;i already had an informal talk "dli Secretary Bayard about the position to be taken by the J nited States. President Angell will b here in a day or two, and the course to ■’ followed by the Secretary of State and li s associates will then be determined. It '•'ill l>e, of course, on the extension of the Inc on which tiie administration has been Raveling in this regard. Utah’s Application for Admission. Salt Lark City, Oct. 9.—The Mormon constitutional Convention reassembled yes terday and shaped a memorial to Congress praying for the admission of Utah into the 1 moil, declaring their good faith and pur l'"sr> to carry out the provisions of the con stitution as adopted. As one inducement admission, Congress is informed that by admitting Utah the nation will be relieved W the troublesome questions. Seizures of Sealers. S\n Francisco, Oct. 9.— Revenue cutter Richard Rush, arrived from the Arctic to day v ’ia Victoria. She reports that during lln season slie seined twelve scaling schoon 'i s with a total of nearly 7,000 skins. The o iissian authorities have seized three sealers !l| > the Siberian coast, one American, one ‘ii'itish, and the nationality of the third is unknown. Paris Papers Ruled Out. Rkiilin, Oct. 9.— The circulation of the Paris paperß La. Sieclr and La Lanterne ws been prohibited in Alsace and I/Orraine. She looming ffrto#. CLEVELAND’S QUIET SUNDAY. Unpleasant Weather Keeps Them From Attending Church. Madison, VVTs., Oct. 9. —President and Mrs. Cleveland have remained in their quarters at the Vilas mansion, resting all day in preparation for the fatigues of an other week of journeying. It was expected that they would go to church this morning and Mr. Vilas’ pew in the Episcopal church was reserved for them, but a heavy, threatening sky and a raw, chilly wind, fresh laden with spray from the lakes, mud in the unpaved streets and clouds of falling leaves from every tree top were forbidding, while the grate fires in their parlors were very tempting. ALL BV THEMSELVES. They have no one there except their fellow travelers and members of the Vilas family, including the mother and brothers of the Postmaster General, who were in vited to a family dinner with the President and Mrs. Cleveland at 4 o’clock. They could not have been freer from interruption at the White House or at Red Top than in Madison. A little group of a dozen or more individuals have been seen nearly all day in front of the mansion awaiting a possible glimpse of them, but the towns people for the most part have respected their wish to be left in quiet. They will leave here on a special train at 9 o’clock to-morrow for St. Paul. A concession has been made to LaCrosse, at which point the train will tarry about twenty minutes tomorrow noon and the party will take carriages to see the place and be seen by the people. EMMA ABBOTT FLASHES FIRE. A Clergyman’s Attack on the Theatre Denounced in His Own Church. Nashville, Oct. 9.—McKendree church, the leading Methodist Episcopal church of this city, was the scene of quite a sensation to-day. The pastor, Rev. W. A. Candler, delivered a very severe and bitter sermon on the sub|Mt of theatres. Miss Emma Abbott occupied a seat in the rear of the church, and at the conclusion of the sermon arose, and in a short speech entered a pro test against the very general character of the pastor’s denunciation. It produced the greatest sensation, and has since been the one topic of conversation in the parlors, family circles, upon the streets and in pub lic places. OPINION DIVIDED. Many members of his church uphold the pastor, but many others commend the course of Miss Abbott. Her appearance showed much suppressed indignation, but her words were very clear and distinct and were heard by all present. She declared that the minister’s charges were unfounded and that her life was as free from blame as that of any living woman. In all the operas of the past week to which the minister re ferred, there was no impure or improper thought. Great lights of the stage, such as Jeuny Lind, Modjeska, Albani and count less others had been good women and model wives and mothers. HER OWN FAIR FAME. She defied anyone to say that aught had ever been said against the fair fame of Emma Abbott. There was considerable ap plause at the conclusion of her remarks. Before it subsided Rev. Mr. Candler an swered that he could not answer the lady, because she was a lady. During the day as the affair became known, a great many ladies who had met Miss Abbott socially, railed on her and commended her spirited defense of herself and her profession. BULGARIA’S ELECTION. The Government Candidates Elected at Sofia. Sofia, Oct. !t. — The elections to-day were orderly. Soldiers patrolled the streets, and guarded the public buildings. All the government candidates here are elected. Stambuloff received 4,020 votes, Stransky 2,915 and GueshofT 2,873. None of the Radoslavist candidates received more than 20 votes, and the Zankoffists received only one or two each. Zankoffists are elected at Rahova. The results in the provinces are favorable to the government. Election affrays in which blood was shed are reported at Plevna. Cuttovitza aud pßahovitza. A crowd of citizens made an enthusiastic demonstration this evening at the palaces of the Premier and Prince Fer dinand. The Prince, in a speech, praised the loyalty of the people. The Svoboda says that Russo-Turkish negotiations have been labor in vain, and that it should lie known once for all that Bulgaria will not be abandoned by the Prince it has chosen. ARRIVALS FROM EUROPE. Several People of Prominence Land at New York. New York, Oct. 9.—Among the arrivals by the steamship Etruria from Liverpool to-day are the following: Ftyrle Bellew. Rev. Morgan Dix and family, John H. Roots and family, Gen. W. H. Seward and H. McK. Twombly and family. Other steamers brought Gen. Comte deßeaumout, Viscomte deßeaumont, Man ton Marble, Lady Louise Ashburton, Sir R. R, Fowler, ex-Lord Mayor of Lon ion, and James Gordon Bennett. N. L. McCready, President of the old Dominion Steamship Company, died 011 shipboard soon after the steamer left Queenstown. His remains were brought here. AN EXPLOSION IN A MINE. One Man Killed and Three Fatally and Twelve Seriously Injured. Chicago, Oct. 9. —A special from Dixon ville, Ky., says: “A terrible explosion oc curred at Renoke’s mine last evening. One man was killed, three were fatally injured and twelve seriously hurt. The cause of the explosion was an accumulation of the dust of bituminous coal, supplemented by several simultaneous blasts, which were fired as usual when each shift leaves the mines. In this instance the blast had been premature and a number of miners were in elosa proximity to the explosion, not less than sixty men being in the mine at the time.” Suez Canal Neutrality. Rome, Oct. 9. —Premier Crispi and Prince Bismarck, in their recent interview, dis cussed the Suez canal uuestion and agreed that as England and Italy were in accord on the subject, the three powers should act uniformly in connection with the canal. Killed by a Negro. Charleston, S. C., Oct. 9. —John F. Oxner, a white farmer living in the Broad river section of Newberry county, was killed yesterday by a negro whom he had ordered off hispluce. Tho murderer escaped. A Town Marshal Shot. Charleston, 8. C., Oct. 9.—At Ward’s, Edgefield county, to-day Henry Booth, Town Marshal, was shot by a negro who was resisting arrest . He will probably die. Maurice Strakosch Dead. Paris, Oct. 9.—Maurice Htrakoseh, the I manager of lime. Patti, is dead. SAVANNAH, (tA., MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1887. RECRUITS FOR CHRIST. CHURCHES SHOULD INVADE THE UNOCCUPIED FIELDS. Talmage Tired of Seeing the Different Denominations Dipping into Each Others Ponds for New Members Transferring Men from One Division of Christ’s Earthly Army to Another a Waste of Time. Brooklyn, Oct. o.—The audiences at the Brooklyn Tabernacle this autumn are larger than at any time during the history of this church, and greater numbers go away, not able to get in. Led by cornet and organ, the congregation sang with great power the hymn: The morning light is breaking, The darkness disappears, The sons of men are waking To penitential tears. The Rev. T. De Witt Taimage, D.D., read and explained passages of Scripture con cerning the dawn of universal righteous ness. The subject of his sermon was “Un occupied Fields,” and the text from Romans, xv., 20: “laist I should build upon another man’s foundation.” Dr. Talmagesnid: Stirring reports come from all parts of America showing what a great work the churches of God are doing, and I congratu late them and their pastors. Misapprehen sions have been going the rounds, saying that the outside benevolences of this par ticular church are neglected, when the fact is that large sums of money are being raised in various ways by this church for all styles of good objects, not always through the boards of our own denomina tion. This church was built by all denomi nations of Christians and by many sections of this land and other lands, and that obli gation has led us to raise money for many objects not connected with our denomina tion, and this accounts for the fact that we have not regularly contributed to all the boards commended. But 1 rejoice? in that you have done as a church a magnificent work, and am grateful that we have received during the year by the confession of faith in Christ 725 souls, which fact 1 mention, not in boasting, but in defense of this church, showing it has been neither idle nor inefficient. The most of our acces sions have been from the outside world, so that, taking the idea of my text, we have not been building on other people’s founda tions. In laving out the plan of his missionary tour, Paul sought out towns and cities which had not yet been preached to. He goes to Corinth, a city mentioned for splen dor and vice, and Jerusalem, where the priesthood and the Sanhedrim were ready to leap with both feet upou the Christian religion. He feels he has especial work to do, and he means to do it. What was the result! The grandest life of usefulness that a man ever lived. We modern Christian workers are not apt to imitate Paul. We build on other’s people’s foundations. If we erect a church we prefer to have it filled with families all of whom have been pious. Do we gather a Sabbath school class, we want, good boys and girls, hair combed, faces washed, man ners attractive. So a church in this day is apt to be built out of other churches. Some ministers spend all their time in fishing in other i>eople’s ponds, and they throw the line into that church pond and jerk out a Methodist, and throw the line into another church pond and bring out a Presbyterian, or there is a religious row in some neighbor ing church, and a whole school of fish swim off from that pond, and we take them all in with one sweep of the net. What is gained! Absolutely nothing for the general cause of Christ. It is only as in an army, when a regiment is transferred from one division to another, from the Tennessee to the Potomac. What strengthens the army is new re cruits. What I have always desired is that while we are courteous to those coming from other flocks, we build our church not out of other churches, but out of the world, lest ive build on another man’s foundation. The fact is, this is a big world. When, in our schoolboy days we learned the diameter and circumference of this planet, we did not learn half. It is the latitude and longi tude and diameter and circumference of want and woe and sin that no figures can calculate. This one spiritual continent of wretchedness reaches across all zones, and if I were called to give its geographical boundary, I would say it is bounded on the north and south and east and west by the great heart of (rod's sympathy and love. Oh, it isja great world. Sincefi o’clock this morning sixty thousand eight hundred persons have been born, and all these mul tiplied populations are to be reached of the Gospel. In England, or in our Eastern American cities, we are being much crowded, and an acre of ground is of great value, but out West five hundred acres is a small farm, and twenty thousand acres is no unusual possession. There is a vast field here and everywhere unoccupied, plenty of room more, not build ing on another man’s foundation. We need as churches to stop bombarding the old iron clad sinners that have been proof against thirty years of Christian assault. Alas for that church which lacks the spirit of evan gelism, spending on one chandelier enough to light five hundred souls to glory,and in one carved pillar enough to have made a thou sand new “pillars in the house of our God forever,” ami doing less good than many a log cabin meeting-house with tallow candles stuck in wooden sockets, and a minister who lias never seen a college, or known tho dif ference between Greek and Choctaw. We need as churches to get into sympathy with the great outside world, and let them know that none are so broken-hearted or hardly bestead that will not be welcomed. “No!” says some fastidious Christian, “I don’t like to be crowded in church. Don’t put any one In my pew.” My brother, wiiat will you do in heaven t Wbeji a great mul titude that no mail can number assembles they w ill put fifty in your pew. What are the select fewto day assembled in the Chris tian churches compared with tli<* mightier millions outside of them, *00.900 in Brook lyn, but loss than 100,000 in the churches! Many of the churches are like a hospital that should advertise that its patients must have nothing worse than toothache or “run rounds,” but no broken mwhp 110 crushed ankles, no fractured thighs. Give us for treatment moderate sinners, velvet-coated sinners and sinners with a gloss on. It is as though a man had a farm of 3,000 acresand put all his work on one acre. He may raise never so large ears of corn, never so big heads of wheat, he would remain poor. The church of God has bestowed its chief care on one acre, and has raised splendid men and women in that small inclosure, but, the field is the world. That means North and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa, and all the islands of the sea. It is as though after a great battle there were left 50,000 wounded and dying on the field, and three surgeons gave all their time to three patients under their charge. The Major General coints in and says tolhe doctors: “Come out here aud look at the nearly 50,000 dying for lack of surgical attendance.” “No,” say tho three doctors, standing there fanning their patients, “we have three important cases here and we are attending to them, and when we are not positively busy with their wounds, it takes ail our time to keep the flies off.” In this awful battle of sin and sorrow, whew millions have fallen on mil lions, do not let us spend all our time in tailing care of a few people, and when the command comes: “Go into the world,” say practically: “No, I cannot go; 1 have here a few choice cases, and I am busy keeping off the flies,” There are multitudes to-day who have never had any Christian worker look* them in the eye, and with earnestness in the accentuation, say: “Come!” or they would long ago have been in the kingdom. My friends, religion is either a sham or a tremendous reality. If it be a sham, let us disband our churches and Christian asso ciation. If it be a reality, then great popu lations are on their way to the bar of God unfitted for the ordeal, and what are we doing! In order to reach the multitude of out siders we must drop nil technicalities out of our religion. When we talk to people about the hypostatic union and French Encyolo pedianism, and Erastiuianism, and Coin plutensianism, we are as impolitic and little understood ns if a physician should talk to an ordinary patient about the peri cardiuni, and intercostal muscle, and scor butic symptoms. Many of us* come out of the theological seminaries so loaded up that we take the first ten years to show our j>eo ple how much we know, and the next ten years get our people to know as much as we know, and at the end find that neither of us know anything as we ought to know. Here are hundreds and thou sands of sinning, struggling, and dying people who need to realize just one thing—that Jesus Christ canto to save them, and will save them now. But we go into a profound aud elaborate definition of what justification is, and after all the work there are not, outside of the learned professions, five thousand people in the United States who can tell what justification is. I will read you the definition: “Justification is purely a forensic act, the act of a judge sitting in the forum, in which the Supreme Ruler and Judge, who is ac countable to none, and who alone knows the manner in which the ends of His uni versal government can best be obtained, reckons that which was done by the substi tute in the same manner as if it had been done by those who believe in the substitute, and not on account of anything done by them, but purely upon account of this grn eious method of reckoning, grants them the full remission of their sins.” Now, what is justification ? I will tell you what justification is—when a sinner believes, God lets him off. One summer in Connecticut I went to a large factory, and I saw over the door written the words: “No Admittance.” I entered and saw over the next door: “No Admittance.” Of course I I entered. I sot inside and found it a pin factory, and they were making pins, very serviceable, fine and useful pins. So the spirit of exclusiveness has practically writ ten over the outside door or many a church: “No Admittance.” And if thearanger enters he finds practically written direr the second door: “No Admittance,” and If lie goes in, over all the pew doors seems written: “No Admittance, ’ while the minister stands in tho pulpit, hammering out his htlle niceties of belief, jioundingout the technicalities of religion, making pins. In thoraurt practi cal, common sense way, and laying aside the non-essentials and the hard definitions of religion, go out on the God-given mission, telling the people wbat they need and when and iiow they can get it. Comparatively little effort as yet has been made to save that large class of poisons in our midst called, skeptics, and he who goes to work here will not be building upon an other man’s foundation. There is a great multitude of them. They are afraid of us and our churches, for the reason we don’t know hqw to treat them. One of this class met Christ, and hear with what tenderness, and pathos, and beauty, and success Christ dealt with him: “Thou shait love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength. This is the first command ment, and the second is like to this; namely, thou shait love thy neighbor as thyself. There is no other commandment greater than this.” And the scribe said to hiuu “Well, Master, thou hast said the truth, ft# there is one God, and to love hint with all the heart, nnd all the understanding, and all the soul, nnd all the strength is more than whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” And when Jesus saw that he answered dis creetly, he said unto him: "Thou are not far from the kingdom of God.” So a skeptic was saved in one interview. But few Christian people treat the skeptic in that way. Instead of taking hold of him with the gentle hand of love, we are apt to take him with the iron pincers of ecclesiasticism. You would not he so rough on that man if you knew by what process he had lost his faith in Christianity. I have known men skeptical from the fact that they grew up in houses where religion was overdone. Sunday was the most awful day of the week. They had religion driven into them with a trip-hammer. They were surfeited with prayer meetings. They were stuffed and choked with catechisms. They were often told they were the worst hoys the parents ever knew, because they liked to ride down hill better than to read Bunyan's Pilgrim’s Progress. Whenever father and mother talked of religion they drew down the corners of their mouth aud rolled up their eyes. If any one thing will send a boy or girl to perdition sooner than another that is it. If 1 had hud such a father and mother I fear I should have been an infidel. Others were tripped up of skepticism from being grievously wronged by some man who professed to be a Christian. They had a partner in business who turned out to be a first-class scoundrel, though a professed Christian. Twenty years ago they lost all faith by what happened in an oil company which was formed amid the petroleum ex eitement. The company owned no land, or if they did, there was no sign of oil pro duced; but the President of the company was a Presbyterian elder, and the Treasurer was an Episcopal vestryman, and one director was a Methodist class leader, and the other directors prominent members of Baptist and Congregational churches. Cir culars were gotten out, telling what fabu lous prospects ojiened before this company. Innocent men and women who had a little money to invest, and that littlo their all, saiil: “l don’t know anything about this company, but so many good men are at the head of it that it must be excellent, and taking stock in it must be almost as good as joining the church.” So they bought the stock, and perhaps received one dividend so as to keep them still, but after a while they found that the company had re organized, and bad a different president, and different treasurer, and different direr tors. Other engagements, or ill health, had caused the former officer- of the company, with many regrets, to resign. And all that the sulmcribers of that stock had to show for their investment was a beautifully orna mented certificate. Sometimes that man, looking over his old papers, comes saw that certificate, and it is so suggestive that he vows he wants none of the religion that the presidents, and trustees and directors of that oil company professed. Of ooursethe r rejection of religion on such grounds was unphilosophical and unwise. lam told that one-third of the United States army desert every year, and there are twelve thousand courtmartial trials every year. Is that anything against the United States govern meat that swore them in! And if n soldier of Jesus Christ desert, ie that anything against tho Christianity which they swort to support and defend! How do you judge of the currency of a country! By a coun terfeit bill i Ob, you must have iiatience with those who have been swindled bv re- ligiotts pretenders. Live in the presence f others u frank, honest, earnest, Christian life, that they may he attracted to t he same Saviour upon whom vour hopes depend. Remember skepticism always has some reason, good or bad, for existing. Goethe’s ii rcligion started when the news came to Germany of the earthquake at Lisbon, Nov. 1, 177.5. That 60,000 people should have perished in that earthquake and in the after rising of the Tagus river so stirred his sym pathies that he threw up his belief in the goodness of God. Others have gone into skepticism from a natural persistence in asking the reason why. They have been fearfully stubbed of the interrogation point. There are so many things they cannot get explained. They cannot understand the Trinity or how God can be sovereign and yet man a free agent Neither can I. They say; “I don’t understand why a good God should have let sin come into the world.” Neither do I. You say: “IVhy was that child started in life with such disadvantages, while others have all physical and mental equipment!’ 1 cannot tell. They go out of church on Easter morning and say: “That doctrine of the resurrection con founded mo.” So it is to mt' a mystery be yond unrnvelinent. I understand all the processes by which men get into the dark. I know them all. 1 have traveled with burn ing feet that blistered way. The first, word that children learn to utter is generally papa or mamma. I think the iirst word 1 uttered was “Why!” 1 know what it is to have a hundred midnights pour their dark ness into one hour. Such men are not, to be scoffed but helped. Turn your back upon a drowning man when you tiavo the rope with which to pull him ashore, and let that woman in the third story of a house perish in the flames when you have a ladder with which to help her out and help her down, rather than turn your back scofliugly on a skeptic whose soul is in more peril than the bodies of those other endangered ones possibly can be. Oh, skepticism is a dark land. There are men in this house who would give a thousand worlds, if they possessed them, to get back to the placid faith of their fathers and mothers, and it is our place to help them, and we may help them, never through their heads, but always through their hearts. These skeptics, when brought to Jesus, will be mightily affected, far more so than those who never examined the evi dences of Christianity. Thomas Chalmers was once a skeptic, Robert Hall a skeptic, Robert Newton a skeptic, Christmas Evans a skeptic. But when once wit h strong hand they took hold of the chariot of the Gospel, they rolled it on with what momentum! If I address such men and women to-day, I throw out no scoff. 1 implead them by the memory of the good old days, when at their mother’s knee they said: “Now l lay me down to sleep,” and hy those days and nights of scarlet fever in which she watched you, giving you the medicine at just the right time, and turning your pillow when it was hot, and with hands that many years ago turned to dust, soothed away your pain, and with voice that you will never hear again, unless you join her in the better country, told you to never mind for you would feel better by-nnd-by, and by that dying couch where she looked so pale and bilked so slowly, catching her breath be tween the words, and you felt an awful loneliness coming over your soul; by all that, I beg you to come back and take the same religion. It was good enough for her. It is good enough for you. Nay, l have a better plea than that. 1 plead by all the wounds, and tears, and blood, and groans, and agonies, and death-throes of the Hon of God, who approaches you this moment with torn brow, and lacerated hand, and whipped back, and saying: “Come unto me, all ye who are weary aud heavy laden, and 1 will give you rest.” Again, there is a field of usefulness but little touched occupied by those who are astray in their habits. All northern na tions, like those of North America, and England and Scotland, that is, in the colder climates, are devastated by alcoholism. They take the fire to keep up the warmth. In Southern countries, like Arabia and Spnin, the blood is so tliey are not tempted to fiery liquids. The great Roman armies never drank anything stronger than water tinged with vinegar, but under our Northern climate the temptation to heating stimulants is most mighty, and millions succumb. When a man’s habits go wrong the church drops him, the social circle drops him, good influences drop him, wo all drop him. Of all the men who get off track but few ever get on again. Near my sum mer residence there is a life .living station on the beach. There are all the ropes and rockets, the boats, the machinery for getting people off shipwrecks. Summer before last I saw there fifteen or twenty men who were breakfasting, after having just escaped with their livi'S and nothing more. I p and down our coa-is are built these't.usctill structures, and Uiu mariners know it, and they feel that if they are driven into the breakers there will lie apt from shore to come a rescue. The churches of God ought to be so many life-saving stations, not so much to help those who are in smooth waters but those who have lieen shipwrecked. Come, let us run out the life boats! And who will man them! We do not pleach enough to such men, we have not enough faith in their release. Alas, if when they come to hear us, we nre lalioriously trying to show the difference between sub laps&rianiam. and supralupsarianism, while they have a thousand vipers of remorse and despair coiling around and biting their immortal spirits. The church is not chiefly for goodish sort of men whose proclivities are all right, and who could get to heaven praying and sing ing m their own homes. It is on the beach to help the drowning. Those bad cases are the cases that God likes to take hold of. He can save a big sinner as well as a small sin ner, and when a man calls earnestly to God for help ho will go out to deliver such a one. If it were nec 'ssary God would come down from the sky, followed bv all the artillery of heaven and a million angels with drawn swords. Get one hundred such re deemed men in each of your churches, arid nothing could stand before them, for such men nre generally warmhearted and en tbusiastic. No formal prayers then. No heartless singing then. No cold conven tionalisms then. Furthermore, the destitute children of the street offer u Held of work comparatively unoccupied. The uncared-for children are in the majority in Brooklyn and most of our cities, when they grow up, if unrefoi med, they will outvote your children, and they will govern your children. The whisky ring will hatch out other whisky rings, and gbig shops will kill w ith their horrid stench public sobriety, unless the Church of Goit rises up with outstretched arms and enfolds tins dying population in her bosom. I’ublic schoois cannot do it. Art gallorics cannot do it. Blackwell’s Island cannot do it. Almshouses cannot do it. New York Tombs and Raymond Street Jail cannot do it. Sing Sing cannot do it. Church of God, wake up to your magnificent mission! You can do it. Get somewhere, somehow to work. The Prussian cavalry mount by putting their right foot into the stirrup, while the American cavaljy mount by putting their left foot into the stirrup. I don’t care how you mount your war charger, if you only get into this liattle lor God and get there soon, right stirrup, or left stirrup, or no stirrup mi all. Ihe unoccupied fields are all around us, and why should we build on another man * foundation! That God has caned this church to especial work no one can doubt. Its history has been miraculous, (tod has helped us at every step, and though the wheels of its histooy have made many revolutions, they have all been forward, and never backward, and now with our bor ders enlarged, and with important rein forcements we start on anew campaign. At Sharon Springs, nineteen years ago, walking in the park, I asked (tod if he hud any ((articular work for me to do, to make it plain and 1 would do it. He revealed to me the stylo of church wo were to have, and Ho revealed to me the architecture, and He revealed to me the modes of worship, and He revealed to me my work, and, as far as In my ignorance and weakness I have seen the right way, I have tried to walk in it. We decided that we wanted it a soul-saving church, and it has been almost a constant outpouring of the Holy Ghost. Ye powers of darkness, ye devils in hell, we mean to snatch from your dominion other multitudes, if God will help us. I have heard of what was called the “thun dering legion.” It was in 179, a part of the Homan army to which some Christians be longed, and their prayers, it was said, ware answered by thunder and lightning and hail and tempest, which overthrew an invading army and saved the empire. And I would to (iod that this church may lie so mighty in prayer and work that it would become a t hundering legion before which the forces of sin might, be routed, and the gates of hell might tremble. Now that the autumn has come, and the Gos]iel Ship has been repaired and enlarged, it is time to launch her for another voyage. Heave away now, lads! Shake out the reefs in the foretopsail! Come, O heavenly wind, and (ill thecanvasl Jesus aboard w ill assure our safety. Jesus oil the sea will beckon us forward. Jesus on the shining shore will welcome us into harbor. “And so it came to pass that they all escaped sale to land.” DIPLOMACY AT THE CASINO. Some of the Plots of the Schemers. New York, Oct. 8. —The Casino is rap dly becoming the home of diplomacy. No where outside of the Press Club is politics so rampant, and the amount of scheming and manoeuvring that go on in the leading light ojiera house in America would put even the suave and polished fellow's of the Theatre Francois to the blush. The Casino engages a great many people for its various compa nies and the struggle of outsiders to get w ithin the charmed circle is only equaledby the labni-s of those already in the companies to get, hold of the managerial reins. The most consummate and fathomless of these is the comedian Francis Wilson. He is a tac tician of the deeperfeehool. While merrily capering about the stage, and apparently giving himself up to abandon, hilarity and glee, he is in reality laying deep and cun ning plans for the entrapment of Rudolph Aronson. The latter gentleman is mean while tucked snugly away in his office, keeping a wary eye on Wilson and di recting a wealth of legal ability toward forming a contract that no actor can break. When Wilson recently made an arrange ment with Col. McCaull to play at Wallace's Theatre next summer in opposition to the Casino,despite the fact that he was drawing $‘.15,000 a year salary from that house, he achieved what was generally regarded as a triumph of diplomacy by the McCaull party and a dastardly bit of double dealing by the Aronson faction. The news of the arrange ment was being carefully nurtured into a boom for publication the following Sunday, when the facts came to my knowledge and I printed them a week ahead. The secret had been carefully nursed, and there was soinespoculation as to my sources of inspira tion. Then* was no mystery about it. One ot the interested parties called on nie and gav e me the details before the ink on the contracts was dry. 1 discovered last night through a similar ly responsible source that there has been another move on the part of the schemers. Wilson’s old contract with the Casino ends May l next. His new Casing contract be gins Sept,. 19. This gives him four months’ vacation, which he told Mr. Aronson he would spend in l'.urope Instead he buys Sydney Rosen fold's opera, “The Lady or the Tiger,” takes it to McCaull and agrees t f> pluy the lending role during his so-called “vacation.” This action in running in active rivalry to the house where be was already under all enormous salary caused an immense amount of talk Everywhere the action of Wilson has been commented ui>on freely, and the squabble over the new opera of “The Lady or the Tiger” has been telegraphed all over the American continent and cabled to Europe. The piece has received a free advertisement of tre mendous value. It is already well known to newspajier readers, though it will not be produced for seven months. Now it begins in look as though the scheming was deejier than even the most careful observers thought, tor l learn on excellent authority that Wilson is not going to play the part at nil and his whole action in tue matter was in tiie nature of a bluff. Mr. De Wolf Homier will create the role in “The Lady or the Tiger,” despite all the talk to the con trary. All of which teaches us that there are several ways of achieving notoriety and getting free advertising. But one thing remains to tie noted, and that is that if “The Lady or the Tiger” should be a failure what an exceedingly neat grind it will lie on the conspirators and diplomatists who have been engineering this mighty plot. As Mr. Rosenfeld s operas are prone to failure, it may be that, more wisdom will lurk in Wil son’s head seven months hence than lurks there now—though it’s a wise head just the same. Blakely Hall. IN A VIRGINIA PRISON. Messrs. Ayres and Colt Taking Life as Easy as Possible. Richmond, Va., Oct 9. —Hon. Rufus S. Ayres, State Attorney General, and Col. John S. Colt, Commonwealth Attorney of Kauquler county, who were committed to jail last night under the order of Judge Bond, punishing them for contempt of court, still remain in confinement. They are made us comfortable as money can make them under the circumstances. Their meals ami liquid refreshments are furnished from a hotel, and barring the fact that they arc prisoners, they are having as good a time as possible. They were visited during the day by a number of friends, which served to make the time pass pleasantly and confinement bearable. Their counsel will to-morrow commence proceedings for a writ of habeas corpus. Irish Visitors at Boston. Boston, Oct. !t. —Sir Thomas Grattan Esmonds and Arthur O’Connor, Irish mem bers of Parliament, addressed a large audi ence in Boston to-uight. Suspension of the Freeman. New York, Oct. The World, says: “After four years of existence the Freeman, the organ of the colored people in this city, has suspended.” A Gunboat Believed to be Lost. Shanghai, Oct. o.—lt is believed that the British guulsiat Wasp, from Singapore, was lost with, all hands in the recent ty phoon. Signal ropes for mines are on the Conti nent made of ditta metal, for the reason that this metal resists corrosion. It is said to have a tensile strength of more than fifty tons per square inch of section. | PRICE (MO A YEAR I 1 ft CENTS A COPY, f SOCIALISTS UP IN ARMS. THE UNION SQUARE INCIDENT EN RAGES THEM. An Indignation Meeting to be Held Next Monday Night in the Same Place -Henry George Denounces the Action of the Police—An Investiga tion Demanded. New York, Oct. 9.—The trouble with the police at the Progressive Labor Party’s mass meeting at Union square, Saturday night, restored the wrangling factions of the Central Labor Union to at least tem porary harmony. At their meeting to-day Delegate Hawks, a pronounced Georgs man, offered resolutions denouncing the police for interfering, and they were seconded by several George men. Delegate Hay burn, in speaking on the resolution, said the circumstances which had brought about the Chicago Haymarket bomb throwing were identical with those that precipitated last night’s onslaught upon peaceably assembled workingmen of New York. MADE stronger. The resolutions first offered were not deemed sufficiently strong, and they were rewritten and unanimously adopted. They declared that the meeting in Union square had been called to discuss political ques tions; that it was a peaceable meeting; that it hsl lwen interrupted by the police in a brutal and unwarrantable manner, and such action on the part of the police was apt to bring about a state of affairs when citizens would Is? compelled to repel such brutal attacks by unlawful means in defense of their constitutional rights, and that the action of the police must be condemned, as t hey had instead of protecting peaceable citizens infringed u|mn their rights, and provoked a bloody riot. A committee was appointed to present, the resolutions to the Board of Police Commissioners. HENRY GEORGE AROUSED. William T. Croasdale presided at. the regular Sunday night meeting of the Anti- Poverty Society, at the Academy of Music to-night. Henry George was the first speaker. His speech consisted principally of a denunciation of the police for their in terference at Union square last night. “The people who met there,” he said, “dif fer from us. They entertain a bitter feel ing toward us. Nevertheless, they have as good a right as we have, as good a right as any body of American citizens, to peace ably meet and express their feelings and wishes. It was not, Anarchists and Socialists who wore dubbed in Union square last night. It was the genius of American liberty. A crime like that differs only in decree from the crime for which six men in Chicago lie under sentence of death. If we would stand against, anarchism w-e ought to enforce the law against the custo dians of the law when they transgress thrir proper privilege and make assaults upon citizens.” TO TAKE UP ARMS. The Executive Committee of the Pra gressivo party were in session from early this afternoon until late to night. They adopted resolutions denouncing the police attack made at the mass meeting last night, and demanding from the Mayor and Gover nor vindication of t heir constitutional rights by the dismissal and punishment of every policeman engaged in it. A law committee of five was appointed to take the measures necessary to secure the results required to fullv vindicate free K|ieech. A number of affidavits were taken from men who were themselves dubbed and who sav others were dubbed. It was also decided to hold an indignation meeting ia Union square on Monday night, Oct. 17. The Socialist* openly say they will go to this meeting armed. RADICALS SYMPATHIZE. London, Oct. 9.—The London Radical clubs are making arrangements to bold a general meeting to urge another trial of the Chicago Anarchists and to consider the ad visability of sending a delegation to Ameri ca to speak in behalf of the condemned men. Several Radical clubs at meetings to-day adopted resolutions condemning tba sentence. THE BOTTOM FALLING OUT. A Tract on an Illinois Farm Slowly Sinking Into the Earth. Chicago, Oct. 4. —A correspondent of the Hr raid at Sterling, 111., tells the following storv: The people of this locality have been for some time exercised over an earthly phenomenon, visible about four miles due north. Elkhorn creek meanders for about fifty miles through the most fertile portion of this continent, emptying itself into Rock river, 4 miles west of Sterling. It is hard by this stream that the phenomenon oc curred, or is occurring. It Is a sinking of the ground—a subsidence that has been going on ever since April 14, ISkfi. On that night Benj. Bressler. whose grist mill is run by the waters of the Elkhorn, was awakened by a loud, rumbling noise, and by the rat tling of the windows as well as a general ris king of his little cottage. A few weeks later, the frost having disappeared, he instructed his hired man to plow a small field lying on the south side of a road running by his cottage, and was astonished an hour later when the man informed him that a portion of the field had sunk “3 or 4 feet,” as he said, “with great cracks along side its edges what seemed to run clear down to nowheres.” And this was true. The news soon spread, and muuy visited the spot. Interest in the phenomenon might have died out, hut the sinking has been slowly going on ever since. A day or two ago your correspondent visited the depressed soot, and observed that it was ribout 5 inches lower than when he saw it some three months since. The depression is now about 5 feet in depth, and its east tioundary is about SO feet from the watei-s of the creek Its great est width is about 71V feet, and it* length, north to south, about 500 feet. The 00 feet of earth lietween the creek and the sunken area is not distnrlied in the slightest. The greater part of the depressed land is covered with trees, which, formerly erect, now in cline, without exception, westerly at an an* gle of about 45’. A Thrifty Man. From the Arkansaw Traveler. A white man, upon meeting a negro whom he had not seen for many years, vig orously shook his head and said: “Spencer, I am delighted to see you. How have you been getting along P* . “Woulder been gittin’ erlong Mr. Jim, ef folks had ertended ter dar own bizness an’ er let me erlone.” “Did they not let you alone f” “No, .-ah, da didn. Da tuck me frum the ferryboat whar 1 wuz doin’ well ernuff an’ made a Justice o' de Peace outen me." “it was a case where the office sought the man. It was a high compliment. Spencer. You should not hesitate to serve the public.” “Oh, I didn’t mind goin’ inter ae office, sail, ef da’ jes let me erlone aider dat. Da came erroun’ cuzen me o’ fakin’ >r bribe o’ SSO an’ sent me tor a nenitenohy fur er year, da did. Come ’stroytn’ er man’s prospecks dater way. Da ’lowed w’en I tuck de office dater thrifty man could niakeer libin’ outen it, an’ jes ir. I got tor be sorter thrifty da whirled in an’ sent me ter dat penitenchy, ’mong dem thievin' niggers an; low down white folks. Dat sin’ no way ter ack in er er country like dis ”