The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, October 12, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WAV ITT A I.ABOK KNIGHT. HE IS ADMITTED AT THE MIN NEAPOUS CONVENTION. Tbe Members of tfce Irish National League to be Organized Into an As sembly Fiery Passages in the Sum ming Up at Mitchellatown—Attorney General O’Brien in Hot Water. PITTHICIrt, Oct 11.—The Chronicle- Telegraph “tated this afternoon that it ha* Information that on last Wednesday eight after Michael Davitt addreseed the Kmg-:t-> pi Labro convention at Min neap'd:*, a ■cret meeting of tbe leading offi -ial* was held arid Mr. Davitt was made a mem ber of the order, and a Knight* ”f laier organizer, it being proposed to have him organize tbe member- of tfc~ Irish land League into a special district of tbe Knights of larejr. Much opposition i* expected to this project from the Engi:*b and Scotch Knigbta, and it has tes-n '• e:it a profound secret by the leaders up to th.- t me. CHAMBERLAINS jockxzs . LONDON. Oct. 11.—Joerph Chamberlain, who in company Jes'-c Ceilings, left Birmingham yesterday to make a To ir of Ireland, was received with enthusiasm on his amval in that country He made sev eral speeches, in which he declared that tbe time would come when the tiliers of the soil would be its owners At Belfast the weather was cold n 1 ahowery. Large crowds bad gathered at the depot to welcome Mr Chamberlain, and the stres ts and bouses were decs,rated with flags and bunting in his honor. Mr. Chamberlain was driven along York 1 street in a carriage at a slow pare for a rfia’ter of a mile and ws heartily gre-t-cl with cheer*. Tb<- crowd then unharnessed tbe horses, and drew the carnage themselves. The crowd escorting Mr. Chain lev lain rapidly increased Cries of ‘•boo’’ from some workmen were alters Hated with the cheers of his admirers. A SPEECH. Upon hi* arrival at county Down depot, Mr. Chamberlain, in response to a call for a speech, addren-ed the crowd. He said: With the help of our Liberal-', nienist col league* and the support of the whole Conserva tive i-arty we liave at all events saved the union, there .y preserving Great Britain from injury and Ireland from ruin and disaster Although tbe danger has teen temporarily seems pnesible that thL* great i-sxue w,:i again have to be fac'd, when a gr cal deal w:ll depend upon tbe attitude and determination of the men of Ulster If the majority ar- animated by the spirit id those present, I have no doubt of the result. It might lx- possible to give Ireland home rule if ihe Irish demand was unanimous, but it would be impossible for Ulster to accept a government she distrusted and deteste J. The liberal conference at Hawarden to day decided to accede to the demands of the Welsh Liberals and make din-establishment of a portion in TV ale* a plank of the plat form to be presented at the coming Liberal Federation Congres-. It was decided tliat there should lie no further development of the Horn * Hule policy, and that, nothing would be a/1 led to or withdrawn from that Elder. Mr. Morleyfar.d Lord Rose berry ft fiawarden this evening. BALFOUR TO RETURN TO DUBLIN. Mr. Balfour, Chief Secretary for Ireland, will return to Dublin Monday The (supporters of the Ministry censure O’Brien, Attorney General for Ireland, claiming that it was his blundering that caused the failure of the prosecution in the ease of lrd Mayor Sullivan. It is prob able that Attorney General f/Brien will be forced to resign his office. The hearing of the Crown’s appeal from the de cision in the ease of ird Mayor Sullivan will not Ite beard until the end of November. Until then the Irish executive will be jiowerleo* to interfere with tbe proclaimed branches of the league. Tbe leauge counsel has dis covered a serious flaw in the Mitcbelistown decisions against William O'Brien in the fact that the court pronounced sentenee on two charge* only one of which Mr. O'Brien was tried c- It is said that an appeal would he certain to result in the quashing of tbe sentence, thus making greater the defeat of the prosecution. HUMMING UP AT MITCHELL6TOWN. Mwhelijitown, O -t. 11.—Mr. Morphy, counsel for the Crown, to-day addressed tiie C,ironer's jury m the case of the victims of the recent not here. He sad that he did not expect much consideration from the jurymen, in view of the fact that they were eitlier members of th" national league, <t in sympathy with its objects. It was hardly worth while for him to address any Juryman who openly told the court'ba' he wax in the hands of the opposing counsel. Mr. Harrington, interrupting—This is the grn *M**t piece of sooundrelumi 1 ever heard of. No remark that could possibly be con •trued as having that meaning lias been made. CONDOS BLAMED. Mr Morphy, proceeding, contended that Cofiimi-A. oiler Condon was recrxmsible Cor the riot, inasmuch a* he urged tbe crowd to clow uj i and oppose the police. The people, said Mr. Morphy, had gathered for a seditious purpose. The assembly wa* an unlawful one, arid th" action of the crowd In attacking the police would not lie tolerated in any civilized country. Mr. Harrington will add row the jury to morrow. The statement that during yester day's proceeding* at the inquest Mr. Condon threatened to chastise Morphy wan inaccu rate. There were several lively exchanges Ix-tween the opposing counsel, but Mr. Con don did not interfere. Mr. Harrington will ask the jury Pi And a verdict of wilful mur der against Chief Inspector Brownrigg and five constables. Count D'Andlau Disappears. Paris, Oct. 11.—The Tempn says ! liaf, the fioln-e have searched the residence of < Jen. Count (I'Andlau, the Senator who ir su*- pet.-uxl of Isons an accomplice of Caffarrl. The Senator left his home yesterday prom bing to return, hut he has not yet appeared. Premier Kouviei had a conference to-day with M. Boucher, Public Prosecutor, with reference to the affair. Working’ Up an Indian Meeting. Losdon, Oct 11. —Dhueieep Mighn and the Executive Committee of tlie Indian Inheratioo Stjciety. are printing on the Irish aecret press in Paris an apjieal to the natives of British lud.a to awake from their torpor and prove that they are no longer dupes of English merchants and slaves of English Governors. The ap[>eal is dated Moscow. Ayoub Kahn’Dead. Teheran, Oct. 11.—The statement is con firmed that Ayoub Kahn jx-rished in the desert. Hir death resulted from wounds received in the recent battle with the Ameer's troop*. A Riot at Plevna. Plxvna, Oct. 11. —A riot occurred here Rundav during tlie election for members of the Sonranje, and twenty-four jiersons were killed and thirty wounded. An Unfounded Rumor. BRtSKKI.h, t.'ct. 11.—Tlie rejxjrt tliat Em peror Dotn Pedro, of Brazil, was about to abdicate his throne because of ill health is unfounded. Dcm Pedro Not to Abdicate Paris, Oct. 11. —The Emperor of Brazil demos the truth of the rumor that ho in tends to abdicate. Postal Business Increasing. Washington, Oct. 11.—A statement of the postal business done at thirty ot the larger post offices for the quarter ended Sept. 80, 1887, has been prepared at the Post Office l)e)iartment, anil shows an increase of OJr, per cent, over the corresponding quarter of last. year. The largest percentage of increase was at Brooklyn, N. Y., :;\ui |*-r cent. The gross reocii ts of those thirty ofilces for the quarter were $4.47!*,- tidO, against s4,‘J<4,;M!i for last year, an in erease of JSJZK. A CATTLE COMPANY FAILS. Heavy Losses :n Live Stock the Cause of the Trouble. Bt. Louis. Oct. 11.—The Niohara I-and and Cattle Company, incorporated in East St. Louis. St. Clair county. 111 , made ail assignment this morning to Judge Ke-fer. of Believiile. LJ. Their nominal assets are fiVi.OOO. upon which they will realize u'< to ! 30 per cent. Their liabilities are £>*(.'M.r One vear ago the roundup showed 3D.VA.WJ !&T cattle on hand, for wh:cu they were offers-i f 1 .OJO.OOU. The June roundup reported but &.000 t"a*l. and the September round up showed no improvement Thetr paper accordingly could not be met. and they determined to wind up their affair*. Tl.e;r paper is lie Id by Eastern and S' louts banker* Me*-r-. Newman ami Farr, of the Stock Yards Bank, were the principal stock - holders, and before th" assignment was mad" they transferred their bank to Isaac C. Knox, ravmg him a bonus to as-unie all the responsibilities. Mrs. Karr mortgaged her home in Vandevpnter for $30,(G0 to meet this bonus. T'"dav the Mechanics" Bank, of St Louis, paid trie depositors of the Stock Yaids Bank ui full, paving out jr.AJb.OiW. The bank will continue id business. A TORPEDO ATTACK. The Efficiency of tbe Atlanta's Lights Proven. Newport, K. 1., Oct. 11.—. Uninteresting and successful naval experiment was made in the outer harbor to-night in the form of a torpedo attack on the United States cruiser Atlanta, which wo* stripped of her upper spars, and all her spare spars were used in forming a line of defense about her. Outside of this, at a distance of about forty feet from tbe ship, was stretched a steel hawser, shutting off all possible ap proach. Tbe attacking force consisted of fifteen or twenty steam launches, under command of Com. Chester, of the Galena The test was made after dark, and satisfactorily demonstrated the efficien cy of the powerful -earch light* on board tbe Atlanta. Most of the boats were dis covered at a distance of oue-half mile, and none were able to get within 100 yards un discovered. AFRAID OF THE CYCLONE. Brownsville’s Streets Flooded and Houses Inaccessible New On leans, Oct. 11.—A special from Brownsville to the Timex-Democrat says: ••The report of another hurricane in the Gulf, moving west, creates great uneasiness here. Seven indies of rain fell last night, and the Rio Graude i* higher than ever be fore. The whole country along the river is inundated, and a number of bouses in this city are inaccessible on account of high water, the streets being overflowed. In Matarosas tbe fl<xd hail spread greatly. The steamer Aranzas has been two days off the bar unable to communicate with tbe town on aecouut of rough weather.” NINE HOURS FOR PRINTERS. Subordinate Unions Notified to Await the Result of a Talk. Cincinnati, 0., Oct. 11.—William Aimi son. President of the International Typo graphical Union, announce* to all the sub ordinate unions that at a meeting of the Executive Council of the International Typographical Union, held here to-day for the purpose of conference, and for consid eration of the nine-hour law adopted at the Buffalo session, it was unanimously Resolved, That a committee of seven be ap pointed to confer with a like committee of the Publisher* Association w hich meets in Chicago on Tuesday, Oct. I*. 1887. whose duty it shall Ve to endeavor to bring about that harmony of feeling and artlou which should exist between ail honorable employers and employes, and to secure, if possible, recognition of the right* of both parties: that the enforce ment of the nine-hours' law and all its provision* lx* nmqeui'led, and that all subordinate union* under the jurisdiction of tin* body be notified that they are hereby re quired to withdraw the demand made Sept. 1. 18*7. and that the conditions of this resolution remain in force until further notified by this exix-utive committee of the proposed confer ence. The following are appointed members of the conference committee mentioned above, and should meet at McCoy’s Hotel, Chicago, not later than f)ct. 17: Jacob Cobb of Cin cinnati, O. 1,. Smith of Denver, George Clark of St. Louis, A. Robertson of Chicago. Martin Knowles of Chicago, A. P. Marston of Washington, and W. A. Armour of Nashville Gotham’s Striking Printers. New York, Oct. 11—The Tvpotheta; 'master printers) decided this afternoon not I to give m to the demands of the striking I employes to make their offices union offices. ! The secretary of the organization said it ! would be a light ot many weeks. The em j ployea of Devmn's shop and the elect,rotyp | env nf R. Hanntr Smith K Sons were the ! addition to-.lay to the ranks of the strikers. Braasworkera Still Out. New York. Oct. 11—All attempts to bring to an end tiie brassworkers’ strike here have been fruitless. The employes this afternoon refused to give the men a Satur day liulf-holiday with the full pay de nuuided, and also notified the strikers that they would hereafter hold no conference with any but their own men. LATONIA AND JEROME. Results of the Day’s Races on the Two Famous Tracks. Cincinnati, Oct. 11.—Following is a summary of to-day’s events at LatoniaPark : First Race Seven furlongs Fronie woo, with Anarch second and Phil I-ouis third. Time 1:37. Second Race— Five furlongs. Round About won, with Bertha second arid Helen Brooks third. Time 1:0! Third Race Three quarters of a mile. I-ucky Jim won, with Lomax second and Mis hap third. Time 1:22T 4 Fourth Race—One and one-sixteenth miles. Birthday won, with I’aragou second and Calalpa third. Timelrfiflte. Firth Race—One mile, earns won, with Galatea second aud Frigate third. Time 1:53. AT JEROME PA UK. New York, Oct. 11.—Following is a sum mary of to-day’a events at the Jerome Park races: First Race—One and one-sixteenth miles. Eolian won, with KoyalAreh second aud Tar bouclie third. (Time 1:58. Rupeft stumbled and threw his Jockey, Biily Donohue, who was badly shaken up and had In* c >llarl>nne broken. Becond Rack -Three-quarters of a mile. Em peror of Norfolk won. with Belinda second and Satan third. Time 1:1714. Third Rack One and threenuart-r miles. Friend won. with Diadem second and Pomona third. Time 3:13. Fourth Race One and one-half miles. Linden won, with Volante second and F.unis third. Time 2:43%. Firm Race F'ive-eighlhs of a mile. Freedom won, with Armstrong second and Choctaw third. Time 1:03J4- The Blue Grass Country. John H. Jones, Tuttle, Ky., writes: I have Ixs-n selling medicine for seventeen years. I pronounce Dr. Bigger*’ Huckleberry Cor dial the liest I ever sold. It gives joy to every mother. Fall Clothing! Beginning to arrive. Ready to show a nice selection for early fall wear, also fall Over coats. They are nicer and prices lower than ever, to show our customers that wo have removed to the northeast corner Con an's.* and Whitaker streets. The Famous New York Clothing House manufacture nil the clotiung they sell, dealing direct with the consumer. We save every one who buys of us at least 25 per rent. At the Harnett House, Savannah, Ga, you get all the comforts of the high-priced no eis, and save from $1 to $3 ]>or (lay. Try it and be convinced. —lloston Home Jour IMF' THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1887. EACH HAVE A GAME. 1 The Windy City Sluggers Turn the Tables on St. Louis. St Louis, Oct. 11.—Although it wa* a : col i disagreeable dav from 1 J.twD to 15,000 pe- -pie saw tbe Detroit* play a very good game, ami the Browns a very bad one. in tbe world'* championship series to-day. The home team's rank errors, jarticmarly th're of Latham and Boyle, gave Detroit their first four runs. The work of the Browns was hleie*-. a- compared with that yesterday, their fielding except that of O'Niel and Carrutbers, being wretched, and their base running very sleepy. Both pitchers were hit freely. Had Foutz received proper support the hit* charged aga:n-t him would not only have been fewer, but tbe Detroit* would not have triade more than one run. Hanlon for the visitors earned a run on splendid ba*e run ning. stealing second and third. Following is me score by innings and summary: s- Louis 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0— 3 Detro.l 0 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 o—s Ra*r bib—}jt. Louis 10. Detroit 12. Errors— St. Lotus 7. Detroit 2. liarienes—Foutz and Boyle, CoDway and Bennett. Tail-Enders Fighting it Out. Indianapolis, Oct. 11.—To-day's game between the tail-enders resulted in a walk over for the home team. The visitors were shut out. The score by innings and sum mary follow: Indianapolis 1 1 1 2 7000 o—l 2 Cleveland 000000000—0 Base tnts-Indianapolis 11. Cleveland 6. Earned runs—lndianapolis 9. GENERAL RAILWAY NEWS. Matters of Money anl Management About Various Lines. The earning* of the Charleston and Sa vannah railroad in August were $34,327 34, a decrease of $-V.*i 51 compared with August, 1 •ssh. The Port Royal and Western Carolina * earning* were #15,3*51 15, a de-rcase of #Nj '-Pi since August, lMfi. The total earn ings of ail South Carolina roads in August were HTd,O32 85, a net increase of #47,- 185 17. Bupt. Bowkeley. of the Air-Line road, ha* been instructed by the Rich mond and Danville authorities to at once extend the passenger accommodations at Spartanburg, in the way of heating and conveniences, and to put the buildings in such condition a* will fairly well accommo date buxine** at tliat point. He lias also been instructed to reconstruct the depot at Greenville to such an extent as will equally accommodate the business at that point. The management informs the Railriad Commissioners that they are not prepared at present to take up the question of a joint station with the Port Roval and Western Car Mina at Spartanburg. They are especially desirous, they say, of affording every facility at their command for the proper ae'-omiicxlntion of the people, but the recent reduction in rates and the necessary shrink age in the earnings of the lines is coming to tie such a serious question that they are unable to determine from what source sufficient revenue is to he provided to meet the demands of the public in respect to proper accommodations. The Central’s Goodwater Extension. The following facts are given in an inter view a Birmingham Herald reporter had with Maj. Dabney concerning the work on the Goodwater extension of the Columbus and Western railroad: From Good water the track is laid a few miles past .Syllai-anga, though not yet in thorough condition for traffic. The piers for the bridge at the Coosa river are practi cally finished, and work on the superstruc ture is only delayed because the iron has not yet arrived for its construction. The bridge* and grading from Coosa river to Coosa mountain tunnel, are nearly com pleted. Coosa mountain tunnel is aliout halt finished, and ail tbe grading from Coosa mountain to Oak mountain has been finished except one heavy fill. Oak moun tain tunnel is about one-half way through the mountain, and the grading from the tunnel to Ix-wls is about completed. At Ixeeds everything hangs fire jiending the in junction suit*. With the exception of two or three heavy rock cuts, the roadbed from Leeds to Birmingham is completed, and over one half of the track has been roughly laid. The injunction suits by certain land owners at Jx-eds against tiie Columbus and Western railroad were postponed yesterday on account of the illness of Judge fSharp, of the City Court. They are set for to-mor cow-. •Should the injunction suit in the Leeds mu ldle, now pending in the name of the State, lie decided adversely to the railroad, the road would, it is said, be debarred from coming to Birmingham, as the entire Leeds gap is occupied by the prospective town site of jAseds. ‘‘Be wise with speed; A fool at forty ia a fool indeed!” So said Young! Straws show which way the wind blows, and there are a score of symptoms any one of which shows the ex istence of catarrh. Neglected, it will rob the blood of its purity and the system of its strength. Get IJr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. It cures even long-standing cases, ns thou sands testify, and should be used for colds in the head, which often result in confirmed catarrh. Summer Flowers Are All Now Faded Summer joys are all past and summer hopes are dead forever, but hope springs eternal in the human breast. Remember the tJKtth Grand Monthly drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery Company, which will take place without fail on Tuesday .always Tuesday! Nov. b; someone will be better off. Here is how the :Ai*th resulted Sept. 13. 1887, at New Orleans. la. 'Ticket No. 37,43*5 drew the First Capital Prize *lsiyjoo. Ticket No. <51,503 drew the Sec ond Grand Prize of $50,000; it was sold in tenths at sl, sent to M. A Dauphin, New Orleans. I>a.; one went to the People’s Bank of New York eity; one to Paul Baier, 15*5 Hudson avenue, Chicago, 111., through Southern Express Company; one to Chris F. Netz, 137 West North avenu*, Chicago, 111., through Southern Express Company; one to Albert Evans, through First Na tional Bank of Pueblo, Col.; one to F. Ep stein, Roodhoiise, 111., through Itoo.lhou-e Bank; one to Paul Kinler, runner Union National Bank, New Orleans, for a deposi tor; one to Frank Uillett, Norfolk, Neb., through Southern Express Company, etc., etc. Ticket No. U 5,372 drew the Third Grand Prize of $30,000; it was sold in tenths at #1 each; two were paid to Mrs. Francis W. Siddail, Canton, 0., through Southern Express Company; one to National Com mercial Bank, Mobile, Ala.; one to Charles ; Johnson, Mobile, Ala., through National Commercial Bank, Mobile; one to Godhilf Wizamaun. New York, through Southern Express Company; one to B. Nathan, 83b Broadway, New York, through Southern Express Company. Nos. 61,677 and 6'J,3i#t drew the two Fourt h Grand Prizes of SIO,OOO each; they were sold in tenths at #1 each, sent to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. They were held by parties in San Francisco and Sonora, Cal.; New Orleans, lap: Bos ton, Mass.; Kansas City and St. Joseph, Mo. ; Denver, Col. ; New York City, N. V. ; Memphis and Glemnary, Tenn.; "Franklin ton, N. C.; Fort Union. N. Mi x.; Milwau kee and Janesville, Wis.; Norton, Kan; Sioux City, Iowa; and Gordo, Ala; and the other portion of $535,000 were sent to all )arts of the world, and it all will occur again on Tuesday. Nov. b, 1887. For full particulars of which event address M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. —New Orleans (La.) Times Democrat, Oct. 6. Safe and Sure. A remedy manufactured at home and having a record for some of the most won derful cures known, is a safe one to use. There is no experimenting, but simply fol lowing the lead and using the best. Such a remedy is F. P. P., the greatest Blood puri fier of the age, a sure cure for every skin and blood disea*>\ It can be obtnine t f.oin all medicine dealers. Tbe Savannah Weekly News. Sixteen Pages. For Saturday, Oct 15, 1887- READY THIS MORNING CONTENTS. First Pxox—a Girl of Honolulu: Romance of P.i' bmond. an Original Story by Walter M. Richmond; A Story of the War; Leather from Human Skin; Encyclopedias. Becono Paoe—Cleveland at Chicaeo: Ex- Gov. Washburn Dead: Huff End* Hi* Speech; Mariacua Mention; Peabody'* Fund; More Trouble in Morebead: Not on a Junketing Tnp: Manning Resigns; Tampa's Foolish Scare; Tobacco in Gadsden; Cotton in Texas; Wel comed to Washington. Third Pace —A Tour Fu’l of Triumph: Sitting Bull's Fiendi*hness: Knight* and Anarchists: Bribery In 'Frisco; Huff's Bill Sent Back; Gould Gets the B. & O.: Evil* of Protection: Romance of a Nun: Jenny land at Home; Slandering Mr Vilas: Robber* Take a Train. Fourth Psoe—At tbe Home of Vilas: Gould's New Line; Southern Cotton Mills; Cotton s Poor Yield; War on the M -rmons; A Mysterious Pitcher; Victorious Volunteer; Convict and Rum Hole; Hawthorne lv.-sonals; A Murderous Maniac; Facts About the Mormons; Yellow Jack at Tampa. Firm Page—A Detective's Stone*; Bis marck's Two Allies: Government Bonds; Cot ton's Condition; Influence is Required, illus trated: Cleveland an Angler: Athenian Annals: Tampa's Dread Visitor: Gotham's Cholera Ship: State Officers Fined Sixth Page— Tarujia s Mild Epidemic: Cleve land* Quiet Sunday; Emma Abbott Flashes Eire: Interview With Mrs. E. J. Nicholson; Charleston Items: Socialists Up in Arms; Wives of Literaieurs; Diplomacy at the Casino; The Bottom Falling Out. Seventh Page— Agricultural Department: Farming that Does Not Pay: Ways of Wasting Milk; Green Soiling: Eggs by Weight; Smoke a* a Fertilizer: Manuring (iraperines: Tobacco in Bartow County: Household: Farm and Stock Notes. Popular Science: The Venice of To-day; Lesser Gods of Wall Street; A Dozen Wealthy Editors; Veteran Usher is a Woman; Mile. Aim"" Dead. Eighth Page— Recruit* for Christ, Talmage Says the Churches Should Invade the Unoccu. pied Fields; Georgia's Central City; Sitting Room and Sidewalk; Petite Women the Fashion; The Anarchists' Wives. Ninth Page —Cities to be Proud of. Cleveland on the Rivalry of St Paul and Minneapolis; Thirty Said to be Dead. Fire Breaks Out in a Train Wreck in Indiana; A Better Bond Wanted, The State Road Lessees Must Put Up 3!.((*;.GJJ More; Three Sick and a Death, The Mortality at Tampa Still Very Small: Other Telegrams. Tenth Page —The News in Georgia. Gathered from Correspondents and Exchanges; High Judges on the Bench: Opening the Piedmont, Thousands Throng the Grounds: An Ex pres* Safe Robber: Tampa Still in Doubt; Murderer* Ape Masonry: Eleventh Page— Round About in Florida, News of the State Told in Paragraphs; South Caroline. Items: Virginias Jailed Officials; Cleveland at St. Paul: Cotton Consumed; Florida's Metropolis; Randall in the House; Columbus Chapters. Twelfth Paok— Editorial: Scheming Against Mr. Cleveland; A Significant Resolution; The Sad Voyage of the Alesia; Ohio Politics; The President's Chicago Reception; Preparing For a Centennial Celebration; The President's Rebel lious Temper; Dangerous Haste of Health officer Smith: Encouraging Immigration. Quinn Squelched: Minor Telegrams. Thirteenth Paoe— Ixcal Dejiartment: An other Cotton Eire; The Naval Stores Trade; Not Afraid of Yellow Fever; A Blaze in Mid-Air; The Condition of the Crops; An Entrance Se cured; Set Upon in His Office; Turned Into the Pool; Wednesday's Tw o Fire*; Tampa Asks for Help: A Youth in the Toils; A Newly Projected Florida Road. Fourteenth Page— ln the Denver Stage; Van derbilt and the Cats; Ranch Life of Girls; In a Tight Fix; American Girls Abroad; A Good Story; Daughter of a Queen; A Maguey Planta tion. I iKTEENTii Page— Why he Killed His Mother; A Convenient Wooden Leg: Hamnmcks for the Sick: The Western Girl: Brea! From Heaven; Low-Down-Dog's Tale; Not Used to a Hotel: Phenomenal; She Was Only a Woman After All; How the Ameer Punished an Alarmist; Defrauding Sewing Girls Systematically: He Knew When to Stop: Current Comment; Bright Bits; Personal; Items of Interest. Sixteenth Paoe— Commercial and Financial Review of the Week; Other Items; Advertise ments. Just the paper to send to your friends. Single ci qiies 5 cents. For sa'e at Estiii’s News Depot and at the of fice 3 Whitaker street. i*. p. i* MAM FArrntixG co. The Weather To-Day Will Be Cooler, except slightly wanner in north Georgia, fresh to brisk northerly winds, fair weather. in Oiin in Eras', DEATH AVERTED BY THE USE OF PItICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT, POTASSII'M I had a nejrra working on my place who lmd a very ugly sore on hi* neck, extending from the chin to the breast bone. It was eating away rapidly, and was supposed to lx* a cancer, lie had gotteu to such a state that he was not able to work, and could only swallow milk or soup. At this stage I decided to try Dr. Whiteboiul’s Blood Purifier on him Prickly Ash, Poke Rout and Potas sium P. P. P Thu effect was perfectly wonderful. The sore began to heal at once, ami the man daily trained in strength and llesh, iill finally the entire of impure flesh came out. ami the place rilled up and Kuablxsd over. This scab finally shed off and left a smooth scar whore once a most filthy eating sore had been. The man is now work* iutf in the woods an a regular hand, and is in p Tfevt health. I). F. McDUFFY. Mr. Me Duffy is a well known oper ator in Naval Stores at Glenmore, Ga. P. P. P. is the only certain Remedy for all Blood Diseases. Asa Tonic it is Unrivaled. For Sale by ail Medicine Dealers. < ONDKNSKD MI I.K. Highland Brand Condensed Milk. A Pure Milk condensed to a syrupy consistency. FOB SALE AT STRONG'S DRUG STORE, Corner Bull and Perry street lane. rpo COUNTY OFFICERS. Books and Blansk 1 required by county officers for the use of IBe courts, or for office use, supplied to order by the MORNING NEWS PRINTING HOUSE, "3 Whitaker street. Savnonah. FI'SERAL INVITATIONS. HANLON — The reiarives, friends and ac quaintance of Mr. and Mr* Tb.mas Hanlon, and of E H Conway and family, are respect fully invited to attend the funeral of the wife of the former, from her late residence. Purse, one door from Jon-*, at 9:39 o'clock THIS (.Wednes day. MORNING. HOVER—The friends an! acquaintance of Mr ami Mrs L. L. Hovia are requested to at tend the funeral o? the latter, at the laurel •■rove Cemetery, a: 10:30 o'cioek WEDNESDAY morning. McFARLAND —The friends and acquaintance of Mr and Mr* T. McFarland are respectfully inem-d to at :end the funeral of their son. Charles* L. McFaki.ind. from their residence. Ogeechee road, three doors from Sarah street, THIS AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock. DEATHS. TIGHE.—Died, oa Baad, Oet 9th, 1887, Many A , relict of the late Patrick Tigbe. aged W years. MEETINGS. GOLDEN RI LE LODGE NO. 12. L O. O. F. A regular meeting of this Lodge will be held THIS EVENING at 8 o'clock. Members of other Lodges and visiting brothers are invited to attend. By order of FRED EINSFELD, N. G. D. F. McCoy. Secretary. WORKINGMEN’S BENEVOLENT ASSO CIATION. Attend a special meeting at your Hall THIS (Wednesday) EVENING, at 7:90 o'clock. By order THOMAS KEENAN, President. J. T. Fitzhsxery. R & PULASKI LOAN ASSOCIATION. The regular monthly meeting of the Pulaski Loan Association, being the 74th of Series 8., wdi l*e held on THIS 1 Wednesday EVENING, at * o'clock. at the offices of Garrard A Meldrim, 135 Bay street. R D. WALKER, President. WiiJ.iA* Garrard, Secretary. THE MERf H ANTS ANII MECH ANICS' LOAN ASSOC IATION. The sixty-fifth (65th) regular monthly meet ing of this .Association will he held at the office of Jackson A Whatley, THIS (Wednesday; EVENING, at 8 o'clock. D. G. PURSE, President. J. L. Whatley. Secretary. GERM AN FIRE COMPANY. A special meeting of the Genuan Fire Com pany will be held at their Hall on THURSDAY EVENING, Pith inst., at 8 o'clock. It is of the utmost importance that every member be pres ent at this meeting. The shareholders in the Company 's building are also earnestly requested to attend. JOSEPH KOOS, President. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements inserted under “Siteeial Sot ires" wiU be charged $! 00 a Square each insertion. YOCTHs HISTORICAL SOCIETY WiU give their Entertainment on WEDNES DAY. OCT. 19, 1887. A limited number of Tick ets will be placed for disposal by the Committee. Honorary and Pay Mem tiers admitted free. SPEC IAL NOTICE. Stockholders in arrears for 9th INSTALL MENT METROPOLITAN SAVINGS AND LOAN COMPANY, due TUESDAY, Oct. 11th, ran avoid fines by immediate settlement, H. C. DAVIS. Treasurer. NOTICE. Neither the Captain nor Consignees of the British steamship SC AW FELL, whereof Stanhope is Master, will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. A. MINIS & SONS. Consignees. NOTICE Neither the Captain nor Consignees of the British steamship ANNIE, whereof Ormston is Master, will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. A. MINIS A SONS, Consignees. NOTICE. Neither the Master nor the Agents of the British steamship ABEONA will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. WILDER & CO., Agents. NOTICE. Conignees per steamship DESSOUG, arriving Oct. 1, are notified tliat ail goods remaining on wharf after 6 o'clock TO-MORROW EVENING will be stored at their expense. C. G. ANDERSON. .Agent. DK. T. B. CHISHOLM HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. CITY TREASURER S OFFICE, i Savannah, Ga., Oct. 1, 1887. f The following taxes are now due: REAL ESTATE. Third Quarter. 1887. STOCK IN TRADE, Third Quarter, 1887 FURNITURE. ETC.. Third Q ,arter. 1887. MONEY, SOLVENT DEBTS, ETC., Third Quarter, 18,81 . Also GROUND RENTS in arrears for two or more quarters. A discount of TEN PER CENT, will be al lowed upon all of the a'jove (except Ground llentsi if paid within fifteen dans after Of't. 1. C. S. HARDEE. City Treasurer. ULMER'S Lit ER C ORRECTOR. This vegetable preparation is invaluable for the restoration of tone and strength to the sys tem. For Dyspepsia. Constipation and other ills, caused by a disordered liver, it cannot be excelled. Highest prizes awarded, and in dorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for Ul mer's Liver Corrector and take no other. $1 00 a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B. F. ULMER, M. D„ Pharmacist. Savannah. Ga. EDUCATIONAL. University of Georgia. P. 11. HELL, ft D„ 11 ft, Chancellor. nTHER7tb cession of the Departments at \th -1 ens will begin Wednesday, Octotier ft, 1887. TUITION FREE, except in Law Department. LAMAR COBB. Secretary Board of Trustees MAIT’IN'N UNIV ERSITY SCHOOL, Kllioott City. Md. SIXTH SESSION opens 1 Ath September. For catalogues address CHAPMAN MAUPIN, M. A., Principal. DESKS. r^rWY^RDKKCD '>*' I'lO‘F* • iT* Meyie actubirs Oe FINE desks, bank countep.3 iHgggßatfijWw-j BANk. COURT HOUSE, GOVERNMENT WORK and fine office fittTnos. "ti‘Cr BerstWorkandLowest Pricei Guaranteed. 100 pegs Illuiti Ct'talc| f 'i, S-prgeverpr-.iteO, ■ B AMUSEMENTS. SAVANNAH THEATRE' OCTOBER 10. 11 AND 13. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT OF AMERICA'S GREATEST ACTRESS. Mrs. D. P. Bowers, —SUPPORTED BT Mr. HENRY AVELING And her own company, in the following select Repertoire: MONDAY. OCT. 10th. QUEEN ELIZABETH. TUESDAY. MADAME CKtESUS WEDNESDAY MATINEE. LADY AUDLEY S SECRET WEDNESDAY NIGHT.QUEEN ELIZABETH. ' Mrs. D. P. Bowers performance of the ex acting role of ’Elizabeth* is a marvel to our older theatregoers and a revelation to the younjrer one*." .Yew York Tribune Seat* on sale at Davis Bros,* (>ct Kth. Next attraction. Tom Keene. Oct. *2O. 21 and 22. EXCURSIONS. Hstoi nil Sarmieli Ft-A.ILW-A.'YU Summer Excursions Commencing SUNDAY. MAY 15th. this Com pany will seU round trip tickets to CHAR LESTON, By foUowing Trains and at following Rates: By train leaving Sundays only, at 5:43 a. m : re turning, leave Charleston at 3:33 r. x , same day $1 00 By train leaving Sunday only at 6:43 a. m : re turning, leave Charleston Monday morn ing $2 00 By train leaving Saturday at 8:33 p. M : return ing. leave Charleston Monday morning.. $3 50 By train leaving Saturday at 12:26 p st.: return ing, leave Charleston Monday morning.. $3 00 Tickets for sale at WM. BREN'S. Bull street, and at Depot. E. I*. M(*SWINEY, Gen. Pass. Agent. CROC ERIES. Canned Goods! PIE PEACHES, GALLON PEACHES, GALLON APPLES. 2 and 3 lb TOMATOES, 2and 3 lb OKRA and TOMATOES, EARLY’ JUNE PEAS, EXTRA SIFTED PEAS. Abcve are new packing! 1887 >, and for sale at STRAUSS BROS’. HAMS —Our 12).) and 13c. Hams give good satis faction. BREAKFAST STRIPS only 12)4c. per pound, BONELESS CORN BEEF. CODFISH in 1 and 2 It. bricks. MACKEREL in kits and half barrels. HERRING at lowest prices. Call and inspect our stock and learn our prices. Goods delivered promptly. STRAUSS BROS., 33 and 33 1-3 Barnard Street. “the Mutual Co-Operative Association, UNDER ODD FELLOWS' HALL, —l3 HEADQUARTERS FOR— New Mackerel, Household Ammonia, Cross & Blackwell’s Preserves, AND ANYTHING IN— Staple and Fancy Groceries. John R. Withington, Agt. Rust, Proof Oats, Seed Rye, APPLES, POT ,TOES, ONIONS. CABBAGES, And aU kinds of VEGETABLES and FRUITS By every steamer. 25 Cars Oats, 25 Cars Hay, 50 Cars Corn. GRITS, MEAL, CORN EYE BEAN, PEAS, and feed of all kinds. 153 BAY STREET. Warehouse in S., F. & W. R'y Y'ard. T. R BOND & CO. TIKISH Hit A FINE CONFECTION IMPORTED FROM CONSTANTINOPLE Try a Small Box, at A. M. & C. W. WESTS. Canned Goods. *) CASES this season pack. TOMA- A.UBW ToKn. CORN, OKRA and TOMA TO ES, PINE APPLES etc. FOR SALE 3Y C.M GILBERT & CO., WiP ILESALE GROCERS, PROPOSALS WANTED. S2EALKI) PROPOSALS will be. received by the *,/ Bounty Commissioners of Duval county, Honda, until 12 o'clock noon on DECEMBER sth, IHB7, for the building of an addition to the County Jail, in plan 44 feet by 58 feet, to contain 42 cells. Plans can be seen and specifications procured At the office of R. N. ELLIS, County Engineer , Bostwcks Block, Jacksonville, Fla. Separate bids will !*• received for the iron work. All bids to 1* marked ' Bids for County Jail" ami ad dressed ,0 . Cast T. E. BUCKMAN, County Clerk. Jacksonville, Fla. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. R. N. ELLIB, , .. County Engineer. Jacksonville. Fla., Sept. 12. 1887. CLOTHING. At the Head of the Heap! VND only our second fall season. Being very busy since Sept. Ist with our Custom De partment, we have neglected to inform our friends and the public at large that we have on hand and ready for inspection one of the most complete lines of CLOTHING For all shape men, boys and youths ever ex hibited in our Forest City. Our style of doing business STRICTLY ONE PRICE TO ALL. with each and every article MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES (which has met with so much favor since we commenced busi ness (is sufficient to guarantee satisfaction ia every respect. We have every department complete, Hats, Trunks, Valises, Gent’s Furnishing; Gods, to which we call particular attention to styles, assortment and prices. Our specials this season are as follows: Special (‘ustom Department—Armenian Natu ral Wool Sanitary Underwear'recommended by all physicians•. Screven’s Patent Elastic Seaiii Drawers [to sea m > them is to buy them], Earl A Wilson's Collars and Cuffs, Ward's Reverse G T.ineu Covered Paper Collars. Chocolate Colt Imitation Camel Hair Underwear, Miller's New York Fine Stiff and Silk Hats. Our buyer is at present in New York, where he will b • tor the n-vt tea days, and th- pimi]- can depend oil anything new or novel in our line which has come out since the seas n opened. Remember the number. 163 CONGRESS STREET, opposite the market. APPEL &SCIIAUL, ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, HATTERS AND GENT'S FURNISHERS FALL 1887. We are pleased to announce that we are new exhibiting samples from which to make selections for Clothing to Order, and feel confident that this season will add greatly to our already widespread popularity in this bi-nnch of our business. We are showing all the newest designs, colors and textures of materials, the best productions of foreign and domestic markets, and guaran tee stylish, easy and graceful fitting garments, thoroughly made, and at moderate prices. We would advise the placing of orders with us early, that the zarments mav be finished in time Although we have largely increased our facilities in this department we may not be able to keep pare with the demand later on. If sroods do not pleas* in every particular our customers are requested not to take them. Satisfaction is guaranteed. To our old customers we make the above an nouncement. satisfied with the result Of those who have never dealt with us we ask a trial. Respect fully, A.FALK&SON RICRABODT $4 7C $4 10 AN ALL- WOOL SUIT WITH EXTRA RANTS AND CAP TO MATCH OR BOYS FROM 4 TO 14 FOR 1 161 CONGRESS SI B. H. LEVY & BRO. GAS FIXTURES, IIOSE, ETC. JOHN NICOLSON, Jr. DEALER LN Gas Fixtures, GLOBES & SHADES. PLUMBERS’, MACHINISTS’ and A.l ill Supplies*, ENGINE TRIMMINGS, Steam Packing, SHEET GUM, Hydrant Steam ai Suction HOSE. IRON PIPES AND FITTINGS, Lift and Force Pumps. 30 and 33 Dravton St. GROC Lillies. consignment! BOXES PRIME DRY SALT SHOULDERS ■S> Boxes DRY SALT STRIPS. 00 Boxes HAMS. 00 Boxes CUMBERLAND CUT SMOKED SIDES. 2ft Boxes SMOKED SHOULDERS. B 0 Barrels POTATOES. 50 Barrels ONIONS. 50 Barrels APPLES. JO Barrels CABBAGE. All choice stock. Bottom prices. A. EHRLICH & BRO, Wholesale Grocers and Liquor Dealers, k r >7 BAY H T Jl VI FI r P .