The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, October 12, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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CITY GOVERNMENT. Official Proceedings of Council. Savannah, Ga., Oct. ft, 1887. Council met this evening at 8 o'clock. Bros eflt Hou. John Schwarz, Mayor pro. tom; Mdorfftan John J. McDonough. Vice Chairman of council; Aldermen Bogart, Duncan, Haines, Jlell, Myers. Nichols,Reid and Thomas. A* 'COUNTS. Tim Committee on Accounts report that, they hare examined and found correct hill* against the citv amounting to fourteen thousand one hundred and ninety one dollars and sovent.v one cents, as per accompanying schedule, and recommend that the same be passed for pay ment. liEORGK S. ItAINKS, Acting Chairman Committee on Accounts. The report of the committee was adopted, and the accounts. a per schedule annexed, were iiassed for payment. Boarp of Health— A!. J. Doyle $ 200 John fi. Butter 1 oo i morgia Infirmary 900 00 Geo K McAlpin inn 88 Pr. Geo. E. Matthews 91 on Alfred Kent 4ft 4T ,1. K. Furlong 7 18 Time of hands, O. E. AI . Ir,;, < ineeola Butler 185 30 W D. Dixon 89 50 Time of hands, O. K. M 91 50 -$1,030 8(S City Court - J lay wood, OageS Cos 7 00 Grn Damps Brush K. Ti. & I*. CO 3,195 00 Dry CuLTt'RE — Time of bauds $ 30 i8 (i. 8. McAlpin 15 97 T L. Kinsey 10 30 Patrick Barrett 1 95 Time of bands 157 50 Time Of bands 102 26 320 68 FIRE HE* ARTMENT - Par Roll September, 1887... .$ 7fil 50 G s McAlpin 50 05 H 8 McAlpin 82 02 (I S. McAlpin mio I ,u France Fire Kng. Cos (jo 00 A J Miller & Cos 0 to Dixon* Murphy 19 00 <vConnor & Ray 27 01 Thomas Curtis u 00--$1,091 98 INC I CENTALS —■ The Mutual Gas L. Cos $3 0 Haywood. Gage * Cos 3 00 )- K Rebarer C. C 48 67 y. F Kebarer C. C 7 45 Young A feons 440 00— $407 18 l.jiHEi. Grove Cemetery— CE. San berg $ 875 I’ime of bunds 17K 50 James M. Flitch - 9 00 R. .V. Stunt 14 75 R. N. Stunt 30 13— 297 13 Market- - Brush Electric L. &T. C 0... .$ IrtO 00 Mutual Cfts Light CO 10 26 110 26 Parks and Squares— Michael Walsh $ 125 00 Time of hands 264 40 Savannah Brick Al'f'g. C 0... 231 in) Alfred Kent 21 00— 641 40 Pa vino Streets— New York Herald 47 25 Ponce— Mutual Gas Light C'o $ 29 08 G. S. McAlpin 148 80 O’Connor * Kav. admin's. .. 1 00 John P. Darnell 200 00 Palmer Bros 5 20 Alfred Kent 24 00 Alfred Kent 8 25 Alfred Kent 27 00— 444 10 Printing and Stationery Smith & Berry $ 125 & Nichols 11 05 fret well * Nichols 1 40 ofoming News 3 oo William Estill 1 75 19 35 Quarantine — Bark Birgette and owners . ? 27 78 N Paulson & Cos 8 00 N Paulsen* Cos 6 95 Time of hards 75 00 Ross i Sanford 1,677 50— 1,795 23 oTREfTS ANT) I.ANES - L D Orson $ 13 00 Ocean Steamship Cos 1,683 08 G S. McAlpin 18108 Time of teamsters ado on McDonough * Cos 53 65 Dr. George E. Matthews 2 00 Julius Perlinski 4 00 Patrick Barrett 12 50 Tunc of Lands 614 81 O’Connor * Ray. adm't’s 44 00 Sa i annili BrieltMf'g Cos 115 50 Thomas Krautler 50 00— 2,928 82 Water Works G. F, Mott wilder. • • $ 368 00 71. A Beinkampen 84 56 O'Connor & Rav. adru's. ... 11 43 George S. McAlpin 15 97 Thomas Dillon 75 Ocean Steamship Company. 51 R D. Wood* Cos 42 51 H. R. AVorthington. . ... . 2,300 00 Ocean Steamship Company. 6 05 Pierce Well Excavator C 0... 194 87 J. W. Tynan 6150 Ishmael Berrien 27 60 Time of hands artesian well. 50 00— 2,966 31 Total . $14,191 71 REPORTS or COMMITTEES. The Committee on Drainage, to whom nas referred ihe petition of A. Kent for damages sustained by cow in falling in sewer, beg leave m report in favor of paying Alt’. Kent S4O in full settlement of his claim. 4V. B. Mkll, Chairman Committee on Drainage. Deport adopted. The Committee on finance, to whom was re ferred the communication of C. Gellican. asking that in the event of the election of R B. Jewett as Inspector of Navni Stores thaMtte license fee paid by Mr. Oellieaii as inspector before his resignation be allowed to stand good for Mr. Jewett for the balance of the year 1887, recom mend that the petition be granted. R. D. Bogart. Chairman Committee on finance. Report adopted. The Committee on Streets ami lames, to whom was referred the petition of Messrs. Byrnes Bro A Cos., for permission !o erect sign, beg leave to report adversely, as t he erection of the sign in the manner proposed by petitioners is. prohibited by ordinance f. ft. Thomas, chairman Committee on Streets ami lames. Report adopted. The Committee on SI reels and lames, to whom was referred the petition of Thomas ICrautter. fop compensation for damages us i a inert bv horse, beg leave to report that they have set 1 ,e, 1 the claim, paying the petitioner SSO in full settlement. D. R. Thomas, chairman Committee on Streets and lames. Report adopted. The Committee on Streets and Lanes, lo ' hnm was referred the petition ol John hook o' permission to erect awning in from of his tore, corner Drayton and Jones street lane, begleaie to report adversely, the erection of the awning as proposed being prohibited by city ordinance. D. R Thomas, Chairman Committee on Streets and Istnes. Report adopted. The Committee on Slreetsand Lanes, to whom "’*s referred the petition of sundry citizens relative to w idening sidewalk on Tattnall street, hetseen .Tones ami Berrien streets, report favor ably, the Sidewalk to he thirteen feet wide, in accordance w ith ordinance of Aug. 4. 1880. D. R. Thomas, i hairman Committee on Streets and lanes. Report adopted. The Committee on Streetsand lanes, to whom tras referred the ordinance to regulate poles in i he city of SaAanuah.and the petition of the) Pres ident of the Brush Electric Light and Power Company, in reference to same, beg leave to re fr'it by amendment to said ordinance. D. R. Thomas, <’hairman Committee on Streets and Lanes. Report received. the Committee on Fire, to whom was re ferred tiie petition of Robert Sissons for pei - •*' -Mon t 0 remodel house on smith half of lot 22 North Cin ryto \ i ward, ling leave to report ad versely. John Schwarz, Chairman Committee on Fire. Report, adopted. The Committee on Fire, to whom w as referred the petition of Mary Rocheforth, for permission to repair house on lot No. 10 Washington ward, beg lea report favorably to the same. John Schwarz, Chairman Committee on Fire. Report, adopted The Committee on Health and Cemetery, t.o hnm mil; referred the petition of Msgarct L. ! • rrell, n, transfer lot 1.301 isoirel Grove Cem elcry lo f.llen K. Greene, beg leave to report fa'orably to same. William Duncan. M. D., Chairman (bmniittceon Healt h and Cemetery, Report adopted. flie Committee on Finance, to whom was ro fcrrerl ihe application of R. B. Jewett for elec tion to the office of Inspector of Naval Stores, '• port favorably and recommend that the elec tion proceed. R. I>. Booart. < 'hairman Committee on Finance. Report received. TANARUS the Honorable the Manor aiut Aldermen ' ill/ of No rtf ii noli: Gentlemen The following named persons have failed or refnaed to repair their sidewalk fa required by ordinance after being duly noti fied John Flannery, lots 71 and 72, Brown "ard; .Mrs. Hannah Bainbrick, lot. 6, Decker "rd, Carpenter tvthlng; John Kuok. lot 20, [ alhoun ward; Mrs'E. C. Wayne aud children, lot 36, Brown ward; estate William O. Bulloch, '■B*t half lot 57. Brown ward; WilliamDier*. cast hi If 10l yd. Monterey ward; estate Gilbert But ler. west half lot 84, Jackson ward; H. R. Jock "n, lot 6. Vernon tytbiug, Heathcote ward; Mrs. M. A. Buntz and children, oasi ualf lot 1. J renon tything, Heathcote ward; Mrs. Margaret Row, south hair tot 16. Green ward: Mis. F. * utzel, lot 8, Lafayette waft); estate Thomas Bateson, lot 5, Third tything. Reynolds ward; estate Mrs. J Barron, lot, 36, Elbert ward; E. A. M. Schroder, west third lot 84, F.lbert, want: John A. Douglass, east two-third lot 34 Elbert ward; E. A. M. Schroder, lot 88. Elbert ward, John Nieolson, Jr., part lot 11. Ctirrytnwn; Airs. K. Quantock and children, lot 12. Elbert ward; Airs. Sarah M. Black, lot 2. Holland ty thing. Percival ward; estate N. Geil, w. Vi lot 9, Isi Kochi* tything. Heathcote ward; estate J. D. Teu Broeck, e,Wj lot ‘J. Isi Roche tything, Heathcote ward; Meyer Mendel, w. i-5 lot 14, Franklin ward; \\. D. Simmon. 1-6 lot 88, Chat ham ward. 1. A[. Solomons, w. lyj lot 15, Chat ham ward: H. R. Coleman,lot 29. Jackson ward; estate R. Hutchinson, lot i and 2, First tything. Reynolds ward: estate F. Tupptoi, lot 4, Jekyl lyt hing, Derby ward; estate Geo, w. Owens, c. L, Jekyl tything, Derby ward. It. J. \Vade, City Marshal. Report received and Marshal instructed to re pair sidewalks in accordance with ordinance. PETITIONS AND APPLICATIONS. Petit ion of ('. Lucian Jones et ah, relative to bond of Woodward Barnwell for lease of Hutch inson Island. Referred to committee of the whole. Petition of sundry Market dealers, relative to the hour Of closing the Market on Saturday nights. Referred to Committee on Alarket, with permission to order the clerk to keep open until 9 o’clock for two weeks. Petition of Aliases F. ami R. G. Atinis, for per mission to erect sloops to houses tn be erected bn lot No. 18 Midiile Oglethorpe w ard. Referred to Committee on Streets and Lanes. Petition of Mrs. Eliza O'Connor, by P. J. O'Connor, attorney, for permission to transfer lot No. 1,952 Laurel Grove Cemetery to A. it. Fulford. Referred to Committee on Health and (lametery. Petition of L. P. Gilkey. master of schooner Belle Hooper relative to Quarantine charges. Referred to Committee on Health and Ceme tery, and Sanitary Board. Petition of George Schroder for permission to make repairs of wooden house on lot No. 4. Choctaw Ward. Referred to Committee on Fire. Petition of G. Henken, for estate of D. W, Henken, for permission to re shingle house on lot No. 26, Garden lot. Referred to Committee on Fire. Petition of P. H. Kiernan, for permission to erect a shed 10 feet high and 30 feet long. Re ferred to Committee on Fire. Petition of Alatilda M. Alnnroe for permission to repair back piazza to house on lot 21, Berrien ward. Referred to Committee on Fire. Petition of Joseph A. Roberts * Cos., relative to harbor fees. Referred to Committee on Finance. Petition of Francois D'Orvall in relation to the Opening of St. Nicholas street lam* or St. John street or St. John street lane, in the city's ex tended limits. Referred to Committee on Streets nnd lames. Petition of James Hart for permission to erect stoops to brick houses to be erected on lot No. 28, Liberty w ard. Pet ition granted. Petition of Beil Nash for permission to erect stoops to houses to be built on lot No. 4. North Oglethorpe ward. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Lanes. Application of E. Crafford for permission to make sewer connection with Barnard street sewer from premises on Barnard street, second door from Gordon street lane. Referred to Committee on Streets and 1 .ones and Sanitary Board with power to act. Application of Airs. John Lewis for permis sion to make, pipe connection with Drayton street sewer from premises corner Charlton and Bull streets. Referred to Committee on Streets and Lanes and Sanitary Board with power to act. Petition of Salomon Cohen for permission to make pipe connection with Abercorn street sewer from promises Lincoln street near AVald burg street. Referred to Committee on Streets and'Lanes and Sanitary Board with power to act. Petition of Afi-s. J. AI. Masters, for permission to make pipe connection with Duffy street sewer from premises corner West Broad street aud New Houston street lane. Referred to Committee on Streets and Lanes and Sanitary Board, with power to act. Petition of Central Railroad and Ranking Company of Georgia, relative to ordinance granting the Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah permission to extend a railroad track front the Ogeechoe canal to the Bilbo canal. Referred to Committee on Streets and I .anus. Ordinance on its first reading. By Alderman Duncan An Ordinance to require connection with the city sewers in certain cases. Section 1. Beit ordained by theAlayorand Aldermen of the City of Savannah, that all owners of property in the City of Savannah, located not exceeding a block from a public sewer are hereby required to make connection with such sewer, ami it is hereby made unlaw ful for said owners to use privy vaults. Sec. 2. Bo It further ordained, that in ease of the refusal, or neglect of said owners to make such connection, the same may be made by the said City of Savannah at the expense of Ihe owner or owners of the pi*o|ierty for which execution may issue to be mane aud levied as in cases of execution for city taxes. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, that all ordin ances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance art) hereby repealed. Ordinance read the first time Sent. 7. 1887, read a Second time Sept. 21, 1887 . and referred to Committee on Streets and Lanes, returned Oct. 5, 1887. amended and passed. An Ordinance to regulate poles in the city of Savannah. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Alsyor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah in Council assembled, that it shall not be lawful to erect any poles in any street, lane, park or square ot the city of Savannah save after the consent of the Committee on Streets and Lanes to such erection. If in the judgment of said committee the erection is proper it may be allowed if done under the supervision of the City Surveyor, if the decision of the committee is adverse to the erection, an appeal may be made to Council, which may review the judgment of the com mittee. Sec. 9. Be ft further ordained that all poles now erect*si, or which may he hereafter erected, may be removed at any time by order of Conn oil and the location of said poles may be changed at any time by direction of the Committee on Streets and Lanes, the decision of the said com mittee being subject to the review of Council on appeal to Council. Sec. 3. Bo it further ordained, that no hook nr prong shall is* left in any or the said poles within eight feet of Hie surface of the street Sec. I. Be it further ordained, that it shall not be lawful to place or put on any of the said poles any sign, poster, or placard of wood, tin, paper, or other material. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained, that the owner or owners of said |>nles shali. by the first day of January next, neatly paint Ihe said poles, and shall also place upon said poles Ihe name of the owner thereof and the number by series of each of said poles, said name or number to be dis tinctly painted or stencilled thereon; provided, however, that the requirement herein contained ns to painting the said poles shall apply only to those now erected, or which may be hereafter erected, north of Hatl street and between Ran dolph and West Broad streets, and to none others. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained that, any per son or persons violating the provisions of this ordinance, or any of the said provisional, shall upon convict ion before the Police Court of the city of Savannah he fined In a sum not exceed ing fifty dollars, and the pole erected contrary t,o till* ordinance, or not painted, numbered or marked as herein provided, shall he at once re moved by the ( lily Marshal at the expense of the owner of said pole. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained that all ordin ances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. ELF.) TIONB. R. B. Jewett was elected an Inspector of Naval Stores. ncsoLmoNs. Bv Alderman Myers- Retolvrrt, That the Committee on City Lots are hereby authorized to sell at public auction within the next six months, nl such time ami place as they may designate, all of those lots located south of Seventh street, belonging to the city, purchased from the Dillon estate and knownVs part of the Dillon tract, hut not below the minimum valuation placed upon them. Adopted. By Committee on Health and Cemetery— Resolved. That authority lx* and the same Is hereby granted to Mrs. Margaret L. Ferrell to transfer lot No. 1,801 Laurel Grove Cemetery tn Ellen F. Green. Adopted. MtSCEI.LANOrS. A communication was received from Dr. J. T. McFarland, Health Officer, forwarded by R. H. Anderson, Chief of Pol in*, recommending Policeman Fleming to be retired on one-third or his annual pnv as provided for by ordinance. The recommendation wan concurred in by Conti oil and Policeman Fleming retired in accordance with ordinance. A communication was received from A. IT. AiacDonell relative to revising city ordinances. Referred to His Honor the Mayor. The following statement submitted by the City Treasurer in compliance with section XVI. of tax ordinance was read and received for in formation: Statement of Kxpemuti res from Jam ahy Ist to Septkmbk.k 30th, 1887. INCLUSIVE as shown uv the Citv Tkzasckek’s books. Board of Health $ 39*605 JJ* Hoard of Health, O. E. M 3.W41 HI City clock* 148 ‘JS City Court ** * (Tty extension 613^7 City lamps $ Fire department 28.220 87 "r* u . • •.•... $ ooioft * M “* Coupons, bonds 1879 *]!>'-<*■ -n Coupons, bonds 18t3 In t-is #:■ - Coupons, old bonds 1,404 49 1,78,867 56 TIIE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1887. Harbor aud wharves SIS 96 Laurel Grove Cemetery 4.376 81 Licenses 80 Ot) Market 2.699 SB Parks and squares 6.060 41 Polks* 40,978 79 Poliee uniform' 1,118 80 Paving siilew alks 5.260 79 Paving streets 4,737 70 Printing And stationery 1.7.M1 86 Public buildings 1,038 79 Quarantine 2.434 69 Salaries 15.218 46 Scavenger Department 14.95 K .'in Sinking fund bonds of 1879 37.890 00 Sinking fund houds of I*B3 6.370 00 Streets and lanes 38,116 01 Taxes, 1884 14 35 Taxes, 1885 9 81 Taxes. ]Beu 51 89 Taxes, 1887 114 47 Water works 39.919 18 Total $459,000 23 Council adjourned. FRANK K. REBARF.R. Clerk of Council. CHEAP ADVERTISING.* ONE CEUTA WORD, j ADVERTISEMENTS, 15 IPoidx or more, in this column inserted for ONE CENT A WORD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accom modal ions to seen re: indeed,an y wish to gratify, should advertise in this column. HELP WANTED. \\T ANTED, two competent milkmen. Apply if to FELL & JONES, 2 mile post, Augusta road. YtTANTHD. a good vest maker at once, t V LEVY, the Tailor, under Screven House. WANTED, cash boys. Apply at once. A. R. V> A CO. l'.M PLOYMKNT Vi'ANTED. r p<J PHYSICIANS AND DIU’I,GISTS Grad I uate University of New York, Single, sev eral years practice, one year hospital experi ence, wants a position as assistant; lias had two years experience in drugstore. Address PHY SICIAN, this office. MI SC KLI AN EC >UB WAN IS. rpWO gentlemen wish to rent a pleasant room, I with or without board, in private family. Address TENOR, News office. \T/ANTED, by single gentleman, neatly fur- T t nished room, with or without beard: pri vate family preferred. Address HOME, News cilice. WANTED, a flat of three or four rooms, with V V water and bath; price and location must be stated, or no notice will be taken. JUDSON, News. ROOMS TO RENT. IAURNISHKD ROOMS for rent. 80 Brough ' ton street I A RGK southern rooms near the Park, with J board in private family. Address WOODS, News office. HOUSES AND STORKS FOR RENT. 15OR RENT, that fine two-story brick house T on south side of Jones street, second door from Tattnall: possession given Nov. Ist. Ap ply to Mrs. THOS. BOWDEN. 219 Broughton st JAOR RENT, eight room house. Apply lo 1 WM. BOUHaN, between Price and East Broad, on Huntingdon. IjAOR rent, IST Liberty street. Possession 1 given at once. THOS. A. FOLLIARD, West Broad. RENT, tw o small houses on Bryan, near West Broad street. Inquire 80 Broughton st. IGV)R RENT, from Nov. Ist, stores in the Odd Fellow s Hail, also rooms ill Odd Fellow s' Hall: possession given at once. Apply to A. R. FAWCETT. Alarket square. . r pO RENT, rooms and store, with bar fixtures I complete, corner Bryau and Whitaker sts.; lately occupied by Mr. John Inunen. Apply iv < * box Si. IT'OR RENT, new house, north side .Tones street, second from East Broad; rent $lB. F. VAN WAUENEN, 80 Tattnall. sX>lt RENT, brick dwelling 111 Jones street. ■T Apply i l ' D. R. THOMAS. RENT, stores 71,73 Bay street; bouse, Jones street, near Abercorn. Her ring safe, wagon and horse for sale. JOHN 11. RUWE. IT'OR RENT, that large dwelling corner State I and Montgomery, suitable for large family or boarding house. Apply to C. P. MILLER, News. RENT, brick store top Broughton street, 2 between Drayton and Bull: possession given October 4th. Apply to LEWIS ( \ss. IX)R RENT, the most desirable resience on Taylor st reet, two doors wesi of Aberoom street: possession given from Ist < ct. Apply 10 WALTHOITR A RIVERS. No. 83 Bay street. R RENT, that desirable residence No. HI Barnard street, with modern conveniences, facing square. Apply to WALTHOUR & RIVERS. S3 Bay street, ITHDR RENT, brick store 153 Congress street; three stories on cellar; possession given im mediately. Apply to WALTIIOUR A RIVERS, No. 83 Bay .street. IM>R RENT, desirable hriek residence corner Liberty and Abercorn st recta; possession Oct Ist. Apply to WALTIIOUR A RIVERS, No. 83 Bay street. RENT, the store No. 165 < v*ngress street, next door to Solomons A Cos.; one of the ties! stands in the. city. For terms apply to GEORGE W. OWENS. 118 Bay street, POR RENT, from Oct Ist. splendid store No. I 87 Bay street, situate in Hutchison s Block, next to corner of Abercorn: has snlendid cellar and is splendid stand for any buxines*: second and third stories can be tented if desired. A. It. LAWTON, Jr., 11l Bryan street. i- 1 ■■■—- ■ ■■■■ FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. I NOR RENT, a truck farm of fifty acres, about three miles from the city on the Louisville road. For terms apply to CEO. W. OWENS, 113 Bay street. FOR SALE. I NOR SALE, one full set Encyclopedia Britan nica, 7*o volumes, new : cost $5 per volume, total, $100; will le sold at a discount and on easy monthly installments. Apply to or address J„ care i int is Bns. IXOKTY FIVE building lots for sale, In pleas ant localities. ROBERT H. TATEM, Real Estate Denim*. I NOR SALK, a fine Bull. Apply at 103 Harris, 1 two doors from Montgomery street. i X>U SALK, l-aihs. Shingles. Flooring Celling, Weatherboarding and Eraming Lumbar. Office and yard Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No 211. RKITARI) & 00. IX)H SALE splendid vail water river-front building lots, and acre farm lots with river privileges, at HOSEDEW: building lots in Savannah, near East Broad and Sixth streets, and In Eastland: several good farm lots near White Bluff, on shell mad. Apply to Dr. EAL LIGANT, 151 South Broad street from ll to 10 a. M. BO ARBI SU. BOARDING. Pleasant rooms, with board: location very near the Park. Apply 162 (button at reet, second dooi eat of Whiw or I’HOTOG K APil V • PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIAL NOTICE Prices E reduced. Fine Cabinet Photographs a specialty. Price, $2 for six or $8 a dozen. J. N. WIUSON, 2l Bull street. LOST*. lORT ( olCs revolver, self-oocker. between 4 Savannah, Florida and Western depot and jail, either on Liberty or Whitaker street; re ward will le paid on the tiuiipr leaving it at 177 Congress street, MWUKfitAVKOrs r pTIE tenth annual session of Sherwood’s 1 Dancing Academy, et Masonic Teftjple, will re-open on Saturday afternoon. Oct. lft. with misled and masters* etas*. mid on M<iday even ing. Oct. 17, with ladies and gentleovn* el**s, Send for circular. Address J. B. SHERWOOD, Masonic Temple. MISCELLANEOUS. VTTENTJON : Send your order for paper hanging, mattress malting, carpet laying, curtain hanging, furniture upholstering and re pairing to A. GOSS, Practical Workman, 212 Ml. Julian street. I FEMALE Canary birds at GARDNER 8, 80^ 1 Bull street. N otice We have to-day that excellent tiean soup, Boston woodcock, etc., at DAN QUIN AN'S, a Bull street. A FRESH Ibl singing Canaries, at GARD- I \ NEH's. tut., Bull street. \\' ATCHES, Clix*ks ami Jeweli v carefully re -44 paired. BROUGHTON STREET HAIR STORE, Watch and Jewelry Repairing Depart merit. LUDDF.N At BATES S. M. H. BOOMING! a * TRADE is booming with us not- If jL %* withstanding the cries of "fresh I | els," "short crops," "hard times," I !U> W* z etc., coming from some few sec ' tions of our large territory. PIANOS $2lO. niin IMMENSE sales are due lo Hie fact, 1 R I I IJ that we have built upon the rock of I 18 B II "ONE PRICK TO ALL AND THAT UU SI THE LOWEST KNOW N, thus in suring to one and all honest treatment and full value. ORGANS $24. OIIPP COO ■ll 888 8a * Bi no of hearts and ty? He * homPfi ll UV m ImVh made happy by reaKon of our omKavors and tho sitle of honest Instruments at honest prices. STOOLS. raDCn■>2^ M'™'S n C U asTis.'T.'Tcss ourselves to fumish better qochls tit It him* r pliers mid on easier terms than can be had elsewhere. COVERS. A HP n WE have been in vnur SO VL ft n,idßK v-hirh afa B time we have not only IW 8 held our own, but with long and large capital have mom tiie lead, and stand to-day the largest and most successful house in our line South. BOOKS. B ft YES, Incredible as it may seem, IS I■ i I we are doing more business than S*s ll I I ether Southern Houses conr- Fl W% ■ bined. Why ? Simply because we have gftine-1 the confidence of the people, have the best Instruments, one priee to all, dollar for dollar, and no misrepresentations# GIVE US A CALL. LUDDEI & BATES Southern Music House. MILUNERV. THE SLIDING H* I : Of bogus bargains aro every day happening in tin* sphere composed of Fancy uoodb dealers, but where unceasing energy and eternal pluck is brought into requisition low prices will knock them out of sif?ht and remain master of the situation; so like ffh AVALANCHE Sweeping down the mountain side, we scatter before lib all this Opposition on these favorite offers. BARGAIN JERSEYS! Fach pieoe tailor-made, glove fitting, and lead mg quality. Bit; JOB TjOT. Ladies" all wool. Bouele Jer seys. in Black, Brown, Navy, only 75c. each; worth $1 .V>. 75 DOZEN, Ladies' Black brilliant wool Jer seys. pleat backs; a grand bargain, $1 each; worth fully 81 7.". 50 DOZKN Ladies' Black hrillinnt, wool Jer seys, vest front, box-pleat back; a startler, for 25 each: worth fully $2. Yi Toadies' Black brilliant wool Jer eeys; a superb article, with box pleat back, only Si 50 each: wort h fully ‘A’. .‘ls DOZKN Ladies' lwt brilliant Black wool Jerseys. Fedora fronts and box nleat back, only rarely sold elsewhere under SB. Grand Additions of New Millinery by Every Steamer. IN STOCK. NEW KJD GLOVES! NEW KID GLOVES! At Lowest Prices. N>w Fall and AVinter Goods in every Depart ment. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. PLATSHEK’S, 138 Broughton Street. ( IMF.VI. ,11 RECEIVED! * CARGO Ol Portland Cement! OIRECT FROM EUROPE —rOR 4ALE LOW BY— ANDREW HANLEY, SAVANNAH, GA. | PRINTING, F,T< . MERCHANTS, manufacturers, mechanics, ! corporations, and ail others in need of printing, lithographing, and blank hooks can nave their orders promptly filled, at moderate prices. at -To MORNING NEWS PRINTING I 11 OUSE, 3 Whitaker street. WINES AND LIQUORS. GO TO D. B. Lester's FOR \m OLD RYE WHISKIES. PURE OLD CORN WHISKIES. PURE OLD IRISH AM) SCOTCH WHISKIES. PURE OLD MANOR MALT WHISKIES. (The llesi Malt Made). Pure Old Jamaica and St. Croix Hum. PURE OLD HOLLAND GIN. (The Rest Olh Imported). Pure Old llenncssy and Martell Brandies. PURE OLD DUFF GORDON SHERRIES. PURE OLD PALE SHERRIES. PURE OLD PORT WINES. PURE OLD MADEIRA WINES. PURE OLD CATAWBA WINES. PURE OLD SCUPPERNONG WINES. Pure Old Peach and Apple Brandies. Parties using stimulants as a means of iin proving health and healing human Ills can rely upon the quality of the above goods. D.J3. UKKT Ivil 21 Whitaker street. Savannah, fla. POE S A I. EL B Select Whisky Si on Belter Whi*ky. ... 4no lni[K>rlal Whisky no Pineapple Whisky 2 on North Carolina Corn Whisky a 00 Old Rye Whisky 1 50 Rum New England and Jamaica $1 So to .1 00 live mid Holland (tin 1 .VI to :| 00 Brandy—Domestic and Cognac > 50 to 6 00 WINKS. Catawba Wine S! 00 lo $1 50 Blackberry Wine 1 00 to 1 SO Madeira, Ports and Rherrys J 50 to SOU PLEASE GIVE ME A CALI.. A. H. CHAMPION, i URMISIIIM. GOODS. SHOOT 11 MI! The Straw Hat, We Mean. FOR OUR NEW FALL HATS ftRE NOW OPEN, VSTE offer the best 'Derby Hat ever shown for ▼ ▼ the price Only $2 and $2 aOeach. A splendid assortment, all sizes, in Black or Broun. DUNLAP NKW FALL HATS ami N AS< ’IMKNTOS, comfortable, flexible huts, for which we are the sole agents in Savannah. Beautiful Scarfs, at to 50c. each. T in** Linen Handkerchiefs, plain, hemmed or at itched. at s!> per dozen. Regular made Half-Hose, in plain or fancy colors, at 23t\ Gloria Cloth Umbrellas, outwear the silk. Boys' Cloth Hats and Polo Caps, Valises, Satchels. Sleeve or Collar Buttons. Night Shirts in variety, TV. upwards. Fine Dress Shirts, nun the elegant “Diamond" Sliirl x, ftt si, of Wamsutta goods. Rubber < oats, Rubber Leggings. Rubber Pil lows, and Fancy Notions of nil kinds for men. RLMKJMBKR, now is the chance to get a good Derby lfat for $2, at. L ; i Faiis,* ’s, 29 BULL STREET. CORSET*. MA( lItNKRV. J. W. TYNAN, ENGINEER a:id MACHINIST, S.W.WX Ml. UKOPfIIA Corm*r uVst Firoad rtitd Indian St \ 1,1. KINr*H Ol MACHINERY. 1* "l .F.'ls, l\ Hiv.. >]uile and rt|tuir*d. r>TKA*U l'l MTS. <ir>VKt:\oi.x INJECTORS ASn STEAM WATER KITTIVfiSor nil kinds for .ale. IKON WORK*. McDoißii & Batolyie, IRON FOUNDERS, lioiler Makers and Blacksmiths, , Idr 4* MAN! I'At.TL'nERH of STiITON.vhV iHM POKTABI.K ENGINES, VEHTir.flS’trtW TOJ’ ni'N'SINO CORN 1 Mj-U.-d'-fff'ilAK Mll.i.S and TANS. \OE?frs for Alert, awl Union In the Htmnfcfcto rtu-T flirmt effective on tn market; Oullcu." Light Draft Magnolia Cotton Ulo, the heat irl tile !iworker. All order* promptly attended to. bend lor Price List. GRAIN AND HAY . Rust Proof Seed Oats COW PEAS, Keystone Mixed Feed. HAY and GRAIN, by G.S.McALPIN 1T BAY tSTRKET. AUCTION *AI.,K>( TO-DAY. Groceries, Furniture, Crockery, Stoves and Tinware. Daniel R. Kennedy, Auctioneer. THIS DAY at II o'clock, at my salesroom, 171 lls.v street, GROCERIES. 311 BARR KM FLOUR. CO SACKS FLOUR. It CASKS UJIM REACHES. V (ASKS (>.) PKACHFS, 2 DOZEN BUCKETS, 2 BARRELS VINEGAR, 1 CASKS SMOKING TOBACCO, S,OOOCIGARS, 10 BOXES RAISINS, l BARREL COFFEE. .", BUCKETS PRESERVES, H BAGS NUTS, 10 CHEESE, 0 TUBS BUTTER, etc,, etc. FURNITURE. 1 very nice BEDROOM SET. 2 EXTENSION TABLES, CHAIRS. MATTRESSES. UF.ERIG KRATORK. PILLOWS and BOLSTERS, WASH STANDS, COMMON REDSTICADS, ITATRACK. SAFES, CUPBOARD, SEWING MACHINE, NEW GOODS. 1 CASK CROCKERY, 8 COOKING STOVES, 2 OFFICE STOVES. Assortment of TINWARE. 2 DOZEN SLOP BUCKETS. TIN ME AH UR US. WATERING POTS, SMOOTHING IRONS, etc. Tliee,* good* will be ftoltl without' reserve. LEGAL SALES. CITY MARSHAL'S SALE. , City Mammhai.V Omen, i Savannah, lit., October 4th. 1887. ( ax the first Tuesday in November, " " 1857. between the lawful hours of sale, lie foro the Court House door, in the city of Savan nah. Chatham county. Georgia, and under the direct ion of I tie t 'ommlttee on Public Sales and City I/its, will be sold the following property, for arrears of ground rent due (be Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah: Lot number six (H) Calhoun ward and the im provements thereon, ten (U)> quarters ground rent due by William M. Davidson. ROBERT J. WADE. City Marshal. LEGAL NOTIC ES. (t EORGI A, Chatham County. In Chatham I Superior Court. Motion to establish lost deed. To Isaac D. I.aßoche, Henry Love. Abraham Backer, L Franklin Dozier, Win. K. Dozier, Thomas B. Dozier, Bonn Dozier, Nina Dozier Pressley. Blanche K. Choppln, Arthur D. Choppin, George K. Beard, Emma Estelle Hodgson, Mary L. Hodgson, Agnes B. Hodg son, George 11. Hodgson, and Joseph C. Hodg son: ELIZABETH A. RILEY having presented to me a petition In writing, wherein she alleges that a certain deed to lots and IS in Stephen ward, in the city of Savannah, was made by ISAAC P. I .aROCIIEand SAMUEL P. BELL, acting as Commissioners under a decree in equity in Chatham Superior Court, wherein you were parties, or are representatives Of parties, or ai-e interested adversely to her title to said lots of land, which said deed, a copy of which In substance is attached to said petition and duly sworn to, bears date the rtf h day of Juno, 1800, and the original of which deed said petitioner claims has been lost or de stroyed, and abe wishes mid copy established in lieu of said lost original You are hereby commanded to show cause, if any you can, at the uext, Superior Court to be held in and for said county on the FIRST MONDAY IN DE CEMBER NEXT, why said copy deed should not be established in lieu of the lost or destroyed original. And it further appearing that some of you, to wit: Abraham Backer, L. Franklin Dozier, Will. K. Dozier, Tliomaa B. Dozier. Bona Dozier, Nina Dozier Pressley, Blanche E. Choppin, Ar thur B Choppin, George R. Beard, Emma Es telle Hodgson, Mary L. Hodgson, Agnet; B Hodgson, George H. Hodgson and Joseph C. Hodgson reside outside of the Stare of Georgia. It In therefore further ordered that you so re sosiding outside of the State of Georgia lie served by a publication of said rule nisi for three months liefore the next term of said court to wit: Three months liefore the FIRST MON DAY IN DECEMBER NEXT in Ihe Savannah Morning News, a public gazette of this State, published in this county. Witness the Honorable A P. Adams. Judge of said Court, this 27th day of August, A. D. 1887 BARNARD E. BEE, ClerkS. C.. C. C. R R. RICHARDS, ISAAC BECKETT, Attorneys for Petitioners. A true copy of the original rule nisi issued in the above case. BARNARD K. BEE, Clerk X. C.. C. C. / GEORGIA. Chatham County. Notice is * 1 hereby given tbai I have made application to the Court of Ordinary for Chatham county for older to sell lot number :tn Crawford ward and the improvements, lot sixty by ninety; ten shares of Atlantic and Gulf railroad slock, and lots numbers 248, 247 and 5 in ('obb, Chattooga and Dawson counties, respectively, being wild uncultivated lots, belonging to estate of CAS PAR LE.NZ.AR. deceased, for the payment of debts and distribution, and that said order will be granted al VOVKMRKH TERM, 1887, of said court, unless object ions are tiled. OcIOSEJI 4, 1887. JOHN LENZAK Administrator of Caspar Lenzar, deceased. ( ' EORGIA, Chatham coi nty. Notice Is I hereby given to all parties Inning de mands .-tgßinst the ‘“.late of GEORGIA A. PAT-BIRD. late of Chatham county, now de ceased. lo present them to me properly made out within Hie time presertts'd by law. so as to show t le*ir character and amounts; anil all per sons indebted to said deceased are hereby re quired (o make immediate payment to me Savannah. October Ith. )vB7. ISAAC D. LaROCHE, Administrator Estate of Georgia A. Talblrd, de ceased. i < r.onuiA. Chatham county. Notice i* " 1 iu-ruby given to nil pnrii*'s having de in.’iudH mki inj<t the wt.iiP of PETER B. RKTP, lac- of Chatham county, now decuamd. to pro wnt i hem to mi* properly made out within Ifce time proMTlhed hy law, mo ns to ahow fheir uliHi'Hi f®r and nniountn: and ail perform In ifohtfd to said dec*nnei are her'hy rn|uiT*d to make payment to me. Wavantwh, Oetoher 4th. I^7 JAMES M. HKIfJ* Administrator Entate o‘ Peter R. Reid. iNv^umvl. (t KOIP.JIA, Chatham County. Notice i I her* hy. lo all parties bating de ruHnds Hvrtinul theoiateof KATK MoMATiON, lt(* of < liaiham county, now d***a**d* to pi* sent i hem to me projHTly made out within the time prescribed hy law. ho jm to whow thejr charm ter and ammints: and all peraonaindebted tOMtki deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment to us Kavannah, October ft l. ihMt. J< HN FLANNKRV. .IAMKB I McC^WAN. Tzfei 'jtors KstAte ot Kate M.-MUhOP, deeiAmjrtd roi; i RAH >. The Great Southern Portrait Company, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. L. B. DA VIS, Secretary and Managfer of the Croat South ern Portrait Company. \N of aamplCMof our Portraits at our oftlce. with Davis Bros., tJ and 44 Bull ntr.vf. will Kieatly Interest those who contem plate h.i . ui:; Ntnall pictures of thefnaelvcM. their ir lends, iiviuu and dJK*eaad crtied aid erd rt?ed in on,, watkk an/jH, India ink. pas- TKI.I*I and (’KAVON. -a p*t feet likeness ntid etcell*- of work. We hftve about TWKNTY JtlH KRKNI STVDKH AND cRAIDS IN SIZES ol- ENLARGED POR TRAITS from B*JU to fiOxtfUf and our priitn* are from $•: to WKM> each. LMPLOV KORTV ART JMTH: hren twenty-nix yearn In the hualneiwi; have a t>,tt n> candle-power ELECTRIC LRiHT, ar.d nr** fully prepared with all proper cxperll tion and <kll! to execute all <rdera promptly and satisfactorily. Wo respoctfitlly solicit your orders. L. B. DAVIS, Secretary and Manager The 1 treat Southern Portrait t o. REAL ESTATE. W. A. MAIWHAhts. Ft. A. lI’LKOP. MARSHALL & McLEOD, Auction and lieneral Commission Merchants, —-DEALKIM IN— Re;)! Estate and Stocks and Bonds, II"14 Broughton Street, Savannah, Ga. ATTENTION GIVEN TO RENTING OF HOUSES AND COLLECTING RENTS. |7'OK SALE. Old Newstiaper*. junt the thing F for wrapper*, only 15 cent* a hundred, XP for 25 cent*, at the buxines* office. C. H. DORSETT’S COTsUSTV. Executrix’s - Sale. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. By virtue of an order granted by the HonOrAlUa Ordinary of Chatham county, I will sail be fore the Court House, in Savannah. durtng the usual hours of sale, on TUESDAY, No vember Ist, 18*7, AM that certain lot. of land id the city of Ife. rAniiali known as lot number eight In C* J- HulPa subdivision of lots mnnhars flfty-tar* and fifty-four South Oglethorpe ward, with tJt Improvement* thereon, consisting of a two-glory brick dwelling house on the corner Of West Boundary and Margaret, street*. Sold as the property of CHARLES JONES, deceased, for payment of debts and for distribution. LUCINDA JONES. CUtriX Of ( bnrl**s .(.>ne*, deoOAIUKI Guardian’s Sale. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. Under and by i Irtue of an order granted by the Ordinary of Effingham county. Georgia, Iwfil mil at public outcry, before the door of the Court House, in Savannah Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on TUESDAY, the fit. day of November, |HtS7. the following property of LULA SHEA ROUSE and JOHN SHE AR OUSE, minors, namely: One undivided one sixth (1-6) Interest, tn tbit certain lot of land situate and being in SAid City of Savannah and county of Chatham, known M lot number set on (7, Davis ward, fronting flftr six feet on Taylor street and running back fo Jones street laue. Terms cash; purchaser pay ing for titles. JOHN E. SIIE.VROUSE, Guardian of tails and John BhearouSe. COMMISSIONERS' SALE - FOR PARTITION. By C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court. Of ('batham county, passed on the 40th day of July, 1887. during tlie June term of SaldeOurt, in a case therein pending in which Jam** j. McGowan, Kate McMahon and Mary E. Doug lass are complainants, and Mary Elisabeth Kine and John Sherlock are defendant*, the undersigned oommlaalouera (appointed for thle purpose) will sell at public outcry before the door of Ibe Court I!• mse of Chatham county on the FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER NEXT, being the first day of said month, be tween the legal hours of sale. The following lots, t racts and parcels of Uni iu the corporate limits of the city of Savannah, namely: All that piece, parcel or lot of Und In the oitr of savannah, county of Chatham and State of Georgia, descrllied on a map drawn by Joseph M. Sbellman, City Surveyor, as lot number four (4i; bounded north by lot number three, than described as the property of the estate of Thomas Williams; on the east, for a distance of' two hundred and twenty-two and one-third feet, by the Ogeechee canal, on the south by lot mua bur five (5), the property of G. w Anderson; on the wost by a straight line drown from the northwestern corner of said lot number five to tbu southwestern corner of lot number three Also those three lota designated on ? map drawn by Joseph M. Shellman. City Surveyor, as lots numbers one. two and three, being parrs of the lot above described as lot number four, through which the Savannah and Ogeechoo ovna I pa-aes: each of said lots containing sixty three and one-half feet, more or less, on West Boundary street und running westwardly to tin: canal; nd together bounded north by lot number four of the sub-division lots on thepUn of soul Joseph M Shellman, east by wear. Boundary street, south by original lot number five anti west by the canal. Also all those lota designated on the said map of Joseph M. Shellman as lota Idlers E. D. L if. I and It on West Boundary street and E and D on Lnndier street between Margaret and Zubly streets; each of said lota contain:ng sixty-three and one-half feet hy ninety feet, more or less; lots letters I and E forming what Is known on the city map as lot number fifty-one, and lot* letters H and D forming what is known on tils city map ay lot number Itfty. Also lots designated on said map of Joseph M. Shellman as letters V. B and 0. now known ou the city map ns lots number twenty six. twenty-seven and twenty-night, f renting west on Lumber street, between Margaret and Zubly streets, each containing sixty-three and one naif feet on Lumber street and ninety feet, more or less, In depth. Also lot number twenty-nine, bounded north by Zubly street, east by lot number ten. south hy lot number twenty-eight, or letter "C.” and West by Lumber st cqptaing sixty-three feet six Inches on Lumber street, aDd ninety feet, more or less, in depth. Also the east anil west halves of lot number fifty two on the city map, bounded north by lot number fifty-one (lot* 1 and K), east by Lumber street, south by lot, number fifty-three, and west by West Boundary street. Also the eastern halves of lots numbers fortv eight mid forty nine on the city map. together bounded north by Zubly street, east by Lumber street, south by lot letter Dior lot number fifty) and w est by the western parts of said lots num ber* forty-eight and forty-nine. In ail sixteen parcel*of land. The above parcels of land will he sold in lot or lot* to stilt purchasers Term* cash, purchaser* paving for papers. Sale Subject to confirm** tion by court. R. R. RICHARDS, C. H. DORSETT. J. R. SaUSSY. Commissioners. Upon Very Easy Terms. I can sell the two-atory residence (tenement) <n* the west side of Wost Broad street, between Anderson and Henry, upon the following easy terms: A cash payment of J-W. A monthly ixiyrnont for two year* of $93 74. Ali.-r Hie sxiiiratlouef two years a monthly payment of flu 75 for seven years the House I* nearly new and ha* s Parlor, Dining-room. Kitchen and three Bad rooms, w itb eater lo the yard. The house is well built and furnished, ha* good size room*, high celling*, and I* altogether a rety comfortable home Will sell ou above terms, or for tl.tSO cash. Seven per rent, on $1,150 for nine years, with tbc principal amounts to sß,ant) If "the ahtWA jrii" payment In calculated it will amount to FOR RENT. I have for rent a ne new store and rstt donr*e on the corner of West Broad and Gwinnett street*. FOR RENT. Tbc residence No. ISO York street, between Bull and Whitaker streets; very roomy and con venient to business. C. H. DORSETT. A Few Additions TO THE OFFERINGS HAVE BREN MADE RECENTLY, TO WIT: A Very Elegant Residence large room*, high celling*, all the conveniences expected in A first class house, located in an aristocratic neigh borhood. A full lot on Booth Broad Street Facia* North. A Two-Story Residence on Green square. Tht* is a Bargain at fifteen hundred dollars. An Elegant Lot 80x10#, in Southeastern Sec. lion, for eighteen hundred dollar*. A Let 80x91, on Second Avenue, near Barnard, for s4,'j. No City Taxes. \ I/rt on Montgomery street, near Second Avenue, for so®. A Two Story Wooden Dwelling, good locality, in northern part of me city, convenient to Bay street and the Market, for *2,430. A Two Story House in Yamacraw for ftVXk Also two One Story House* for SI,OOO. c. ii. ism, Real Estate Dealer .1.. o(J T3 A. A • 3