The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, October 14, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 RAILROAD SUPERVISION. MB OLIVE’S MEASURE PASSED BY THE HOUSE. Itf= Aim the Protection of Persons and Their Property, and Particularly the Western and Atlantic Railroad- Mr. Harrison’s Resolution to Sell or Lease the Road Taken Up. Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 13.—1n the Senate to-day the following bills were introduced: To amend the charter of the Atlanta Home Insurance Company by vesting in said company power to become a mutual insurance company. To authorize the Commissioner of Chatham county to sell the present site of the court house, and use the proceeds in building a more commodious building. To incorporate the Lexington Terminal Railroad Company. To allow the town of Elberton to issue bonds for school purposes. To relieve the estate of Albert P. Dearing, of Clarke county. A resolution to pay John M. Graham the sum of $l5O for services as stenographer to the Lunatic Asylum Investigating Com mittee. To incorporate the Southern Phoenix In surance Company. To amend the act providing for a Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenue for the counties of Camdeu, Echols, and Thom as, so far as the same relates to Thomas county. To authorize the Board of County Com missioners of Mitchell county to hold an election for the purpose of deciding whether 1 or not bonds shall be issued to build a court- j house. To authorize the Governor to direct the i Librarian to supply the Georgia Methodist | Historical Society with certain books. To incorporate the Lookout Mountain, Luia Lake and Gadsden Railroad Company. To incorporate the town of Cornelia in the county of Habersham. To incorjiorate the Progress Loan, Im provement and Manufacturing Company. A bill to make the Sheriff of Decatur county ex-oflieio Sheriff of the Couni y I Court of said county. A bill to amend the charter of the At lanta and Hawkinsville Railroad Company, to change the name thereof to the Atlanta and Florida Railroad company. Mr. Hawkes, Chiarman of the Marietta BDd North Georgia Railroad Investigation Committee submitted a report and 300 copies were ordered priuted. In the House. In the House to-day the special order, which was the bill providing for additional supervision of railroads in the State, and to render less hazardous the transportation of persons and property, was taken up as the continuing order of yesterday. Mr. Jones, of Baker, offered an additional section: “Providing that this bill shall apply only to the Western and Atlantic railroad.” Mr. Jones urged the adoption of his amendment. He said that if the purpose of the measure was to protect the proper ty of the Western and Atlantic railroad his amendment would show what was intended, and make the ob ject of the measure plain. Mr. Olive spoke in favor of his bill. He was opposed to the amendment offered by Mr. Jones. Mr. Harrison, of Quitman, was against the bill and all its amendments. His argu ment was a defense of the lessees of the Western and Atlantic railroad. The lessees liad a contract with the State and should I* left alone. Gov. Brown had paid the l ent and would no doubt continue to do so. His remarks had little reference to the merits of the bill and were directed to a general review of the condition of the prop erty of the Weitern and Atlantic railroad, past, present and future, and the belief that tiie lessees would act fairly with the State. Mr. Simmons of Sumter, thought that the measure bad several good features. The Commission should have the supervision of the railroads so that the lives of the people of Georgia would be protected. He thought that the measure was a meritorious one, and should pass. TWO OBJECTS. Mr. Candler said that there were two ob jects which were sought to be accomplished by the bill. One wits to protect the lives and property of the people of the State, and the other was to protect the property of the Western and Atlantic railroad. The law now regulating common carriers was sufficient to cover the first object, and the second object, which was to protect the property of the Western and Atlantic railroad, could not be accomplished by the bill. The bill was an innovation upon the State’s contract with the lessees. The bill in hisopinion was un necessary, as the object sought to be ac complished had already been provided for by the Legislature. 'The amendment by Mr. Jones was lost. Mr. Howell, of !• ulton, called the previous question on the report of the committee, which was favorable to the passage of the bill, and on this Mr. Harrison, of Quitman, asked that the yeas and nays lie recorded, which was granted. Mr. Berner, of Monroe, was given the twenty minutes allowed the committee, and devoted the time given him to advocating the passage of the measure. He was in favor of it, because it protected the lives and property of the jieople of the State and the pEO!<erty of the Western and Atlantic railroad from being run down by the lessees. The bill said to the corporations of the State keep your roads in good condition. On the passage of the bill the yeas were 97 and the nays 35. THE HARRISON RESOLUTION. The second special order was what was known as the Hunison resolution providing for advertising the property of the Western and Atlantic railroad for sale or lease. The resolution was reported by substitute, and to this there was a minority rejiort pre sented by Mr. Felton, of Bartow, providing for advertising the property for louse. Mr. Mathews, of Houston, favored giving all the information that could bo gathered going to show the extent and value of the property. He thought that this informa tion should be placed iti possession of the next Legislature. He was opposed to this Ijogislature going further than to get up in formation for the benefit of the next Legis lature. Mr. Felton, of addressed the House in advocacy of the minority report, which provided for leasing the road only. He was opposed to selling the road now or at any other time, He believed that in 1 hirty days after the adjournment of the Legisla ture the lessees would forfeit tlio lease. They would refuse to make a bond. In his opinion the bond should have tieen given long ago. If the road was again leased he believed that the lessees would be the Louisville and Nash ville syndicate. The contract should be kept up unchanged. Gov. Brown says that the contract does not nllow anything for tietterments. The road, in his opinion, should be easily leased for $3>,00) per month. He called in an earnest manner upon the legislature to stand by the oeonlo of the State and not do an \ thing in the way of selling the l oad, blit keep it and lease it. Mr. Calvin, of Richmond, said that he wa. opposed to selling the road, also to the substitute and the minority report n bieli iirovided for leasing the projiertv. This legislature should leave the road alone until the lease expires. The State could then take charge of the property and when ever the'question of betterment -.was dis jxiwd of, the question could be settled with more satisfaction and to letter advantage to the State. MR. KKLTON'S SUBSTITUTE ADOPTED. The Felton substitute was adopted by a vote of 111 to 10. At the afternoon session the following bills were passed: To provide an additional system of work ing the public roads in Camden county. To amend the charter of the Planters’ j Loan and Savings Bank of Augusta. To exempt fifty members of the Clarke Light infantry from jury duty. To amend the registration law of Lowndes county. To prevent frauds on travelers by restrict [ ing the sale of tickets. To incorporate the Fort Valley and Dub | lin railroad. To incorporate the Jackson and Indian I Spring railroad. To incorporate the town of Culloden, in ; Monroe county. To incorporate the Coweta Bank. To incorporate the town of Guyton, in 1 Effingham county. To incorporate the Traders’Bank, of At lanta. To amend the act incorporating the | ThomasviHe Rnd Augusta railroad. To incorporate the Albany and Bainbridge | railroad. To incorporate the Tailuiah Falls Railroad and Improvement Company. The bill to vest in the Commissioners of Chatham county control of the Old Ceme tery was tabled. The House met at 7:30 o'clock to-night, and the following bills were passed: Two to provide for the improvement of the streets af Athens. To amend the charter of Athens, so as to improve the sewerage system. Amending the act vesting the title of the commons of the city of Columbus in the Commissioners. The bill providing for the payment of Justices by Bibb county was lost. The bill to better protect the lives of pas sengers by prohibiting the running of rail road trains by overworked officers and em ployes came up w ith an unfavorable report and was lost. The bill to prohibit seinimr in the Alapaba river in Wilcox county passed. The announcement that this was the last local or special bill on the calendar was received with much enthusiasm. The House then adjourned. MADISON ITEMS. Local Affairs in a Pretty Florida Town. Madison, Fla., Oct. 13. —Our town seems to have taken on anew lease of life since it has become a “dry ’ town. Our merchants say that business with them has been quite brisk lately. When our town was “dry” before, during a period of two years, there were new buildings erected and improve ments made on old ones amounting to about 000. When tie saloons came into ex istence again and continued for a little over two years, the improvements did not reach $5,000. We confidently expect a large ex p nditure for improvements during the next two years. The Orange Blossoms Missionary Society, composed or young ladies and children, ex hibited their missionary quilt at the Meth odist Episcopal church last Thursday night, on which they had already secured over 100 names, and that night secured a good many more. Miss Nellie I’arratnore, one of our charm ing young ladies, left last weejt for Colum bia, H. C., where she will enter the Colum bia Female College. Prof, F. 1.. Kern, the new Principal of St. John’s Seminary, will open the fall term on Oct. 17. Our Seminary has been rather un fortunate of late years, but now it is hoped that this time it will succeed and be second to none in Middle Florida. Prof. Kern comes from Michigan highly recommended as a teacher and gentleman. Miss Lizzie O. Thomas, who has been spending the summer in South Carolina and Georgia, visiting relatives and friends, re turned home last Friday night. Our library, which has been closed for some time, will be opened to the public in a few days, under very favorable auspices. J. Waldense Smith, of the firm of S. 8. & J. W. Smith, is suffering from a serious illness. He is a young man of unusual promise for a suecesful future. UNDER THE LASH AT LATONIA. A Summary of the Six Racing Events of the Day. Cincinnati, Oct. 13.—Following is a summary of to-day’s races at Latonia Park: First Race— Seven furlongs. Lucky Jim won, with F.vangeliue second and Jim Nave third. Time 1:311*. Second Race— Seven furlongs. Chance won, with Dudley Oaks second anil Monoerat third. Time 1:30|4. Third Race— Five furlongs. Flitter won. with Irena H. second and Balance third. Time 1:04. Fourth Race —One and one-sixteenth miles. Frebus won. with Burch second and Paragon third. Time 1:494i. Fifth Race Slue and five hundred yards. Little Minch won, with Sour Mash second and Montrose third. I ime 3:15. Sixth Race—Mile. Huntress won, with Leon tine second and Billy Pinkerton third. Time 1:47. AT JEROME PARK. New York, Oct. 13. —The Jerome Park races to-day resulted as follows: First Race.— Three-quarters of a mile Cyclops won, with Rosebud second and Druid third. Time 1:17?*. Second Rack - Three quarters of a mile. Be linda won, ith Speedwell second and King Crab third. Time 1:17. Third Race. —One and three-quarter miles. Firenzi lieat Hanover, the only other starter, in 3:01%. Fourth Race.—One and a quarter miles. Royal Arch won, with Ben A)i second and lady Primrose third. Time 3:11?^. Fifth Race.— One and one-sixteentli miles. Choctaw won. with Nettle second and Wander ment third Time 1:53. Sixth Race.— Short steeple chase course. Little Fellow won. with Jim McGowan second and Retribution third. Time 3:16. VERY LIKE JESSE POMEROY. A Maine Boy Burns a Seminary Be cause the “Grub” Didn’t Suit Him. From the Wathinejton Star. A strange story has just been developed in connection with the burning of the Oak Greve Seminary building, twelve miles from Augustu, Me. The main school build ings were destroyed Aug. 31, and a pupil, Stevie Jones, perished. A little more than three weeks later the gymnasium ami sta ble, which were being finished temporarily to accommodate the pupils, were also burned. I jest Friday George A. Hui ring ton, 15 years old, who attended the school, was arrested in Brockton Mass., for the crime, and lias made a sworn confession to being the incendiary, alleging as a reason that the “grub” was poor and he was ill used. He says,he had entertained his incendi ary purpose for several days, ami oil the night in question got out of bed about mid night, and, with nothing on but his shirt, ' took a lighted lamp and proceeded down ; three llights of stairs to the basement of the ! building. Upon a beam ho found a quan j tity of rags, which he touched oft'. Ke ' turning to bed, lie dropped fast asleep, and j was awakened by fellow pupils when the | building was n sheet of fiame, and lie barely escaped with his life. Ho lost all his cloth ing. Regardless of the fate of little Stevie Jones, liurdly three weeks had elapsed when one quiet Sabbath morning, as the devout und steady-going Quakers were worshiping in the church near by, lie touched the torch of tiie gymnasium. He was suspected of setting this fire, imttold a story about bath ing in tiie river and threw elf suspicion, but a letter to him from his guardian was intercepted in which there was mentioned j threats he had made to burn the seminary I buildings. On Friday, Kept. 33, lie ran ! away from the school, which had been oon- I tinned in a hall near by the scene of the burning, but the detectives followed him to Stockton, Mo., his old homo, and thence to Brockton. The jienalty of his crime is State prison for life. From his appearance he would seem to Ik* a second Jesse Pomeroy, and manifests the utmost coolness and in difference when talking aliout his crime. Magistrate (to prisoner)— AVhat impelled you j to commit suicide! Prisoner—lt was a conversation I overheard, sir, mi the boat coming down from Troy. One oi em said, “Who’s oo ducky!" The other said. Tse <>o ducky, whose ducuy is oo!" So I happened to have sonic deadly poison in tny pocket and 1 swallowed it. — Epoch. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1887. A COSSACK KNIGHT ERRANT. Om Aschimoff a True Soldier of Fortune. From the Xew York Timet. St. Petersburg, Sept. 31.—Simuitane ously with the announcement that the Italian government is making extensive preparations for a winter campaign in Mas sowah comes the news of the departure from Moscow for Abyssinia on Wednesday last of Om Aschimoff, with a large military and clerical following. The Russians gladly avail themselves of the opportunity of em barrassing Italy by giving the Negus un official aid in the shuiie of leaders and even men, while at the same time they are de lighted to be able to add indirectly to the difficulties of England with regard to Egypt. Om Aschimoff, Hetman of some 10,000 semi-independent Cossacks, is one of the most curious figures of contemporaneous Russian history. Resembling in many re spects the “Raubritter” and knights-errant of olden times, he appears out of place and in the light of an anachronism in the pro saicai and matter-of-fact life of the nine teenth century. His first appearance one the scene was some eight or nine years ago, when he ar rived in this city at the head of a numerous deputation of wild and semi-barbarous looking individuals, who blindly oileyed his every behest. They had come, he de clared, to petition the Czar for permission to settle in the Caucasus on the deserted lands of those of the Tcberkess tribes which bad emigrated to Asia Minor. In answer to the inquiries of the government, he as serted that he was the Hetman, or chief, of a tribe of independent Cossacks, established in Persia, but professing the orthodox Greek religion and regarding the (Var as their supreme chief. Their principal occupation, according to his account, was that of escort ing the caravans proceeding from Trebi zonde and Raioum to Persia, and to protect them against the Kurdish brigands. After some hesitation he admitted that his tribe was composed not only of refugees from the Caucasus but also of vagabonds, convicts and evildoers of every kind and of every nationality. But us a set-off against this, he claimed that a most severe and iron dis cipline was maintained among the tribe; that they elected their own officers and chiefs: that they considered it their bounden duty to fight, massacre and even pillage all infidels and their belongings; that they pun ished theft severely, and that they were de voted to the Czar. In fact, judging by Om Aschitnoff’s own account, his people spent their whole existence on horseback, and gained their livelihood at the point of the sword. The Russian government, after having verified all these statements, which at first they were inclined to disbelieve, at length gave a reluctant and qualified consent to the Hetman’s petition. It was decided that an experiment should be made and that 400 of Aschimoff’s Cossacks should lie allowed to settle for a time in the Caucasus on trial. It is hardly necessary to add that before they had l>een there three months the whole surrounding country was in an uproar. They waged a constant warfare against the respectable inhabitants, indulged hi rapine and pillage, and when tiie local authorities attempted to visit their camp in order to in stitute inquiries into their conduct, they re ceived them with volleys of musketry which force ! the gentlemen in uniform to beat a hasty retreat. While prof easing the most blind devotion for the Czar, they made no effort to conceal their unmitigated con tempt for all government officials, mid in fact for every representative of authority whom they laid not themselves eiected. At length the Governor General of the Cau casus, Prince Donduroff-Korsakoff, was obliged to force them to recross the frontier and to return to their former homes in Pei's ia Aschimoff, on hearing of the measures adopted against his followers, lost no time in coming to this city, and used every effort to induce the Czar t,> revoke the Governor General’s edict. Finding that a deaf ear was turned to all his entreaties, he left the capital in disgust, and, accompanied by his two favorite Lieutenants, Sastrebb and Goff, made his way to Constantinople. While there he was brought into contact with members of the British embassy. After a good deal of negotiation lie entered into an agreement witli the military attache of Queen Victoria’s mission, according to the terms of which he was to return to his peo ple, organize his warriors, and make a raid into Turkestan for the purpose of destroy ing the Central Asian railway, now in course of construction by the Russian gov ernment. It was agreed that he should be paid a stipulated amount for every mile of permanent way destroyed, and he experi enced but little difficulty in obtaining from the somewhat credulous Britishers a large sum of money in the shape of an advance. Within a lew days after receiving the gold he disappeared with his two compan ions from Constantinople, but instead of re turning to his own tribe, as arranged with the British inilitay attache, he turned his footsteps toward Egypt. He was seen at Cairo, and then he disappeared coin- I pletely from view, nothing more being heard of him until lie turned up about eight een months ago in Abyssinia, at the Court of the Negus. According to his own account, after leav ing Cairo lie succeeded in reaching the Mahdi in the Soudan, mid took part in sev eral of the encounters with the British troops. Although we have only Aschimofifs own version on which to rely in the matter, there are many grounds for believing his assertion to lie true. The British officers, especially those of the late Sir Her bert Stewart’s Hying column, have repeat edly insisted that the rebel forces which they encountered during the Soudan cam paign w re led and organized by w hite men, and many of the English outposts assert having liven able to distinguish fair-haired warriors among the enemy’s forces. As chimoff claims to have been prosout at the fall of Khartoum, and relates that shortly afterward he quitted the reliel army and made his way to Abyssinia. When asked as to how he could have reconciled himself to tight in the ranks of Mohammedans against Christians he exclaimed: “What Christians? Why, Protestants, Jesuits, and Mohammedans me all one and the same thing. They are all infidels and enemies of the Czar.” There is much analogy between the form of Coptic Cbristianism professed by the Abyssiniaus and Uie Orthodox Greek rito as practiced in Russia. Aschimoff was, therefore, exceedingly well received by King John, and soon contracted the firmest kind of friendship with Uas-al-Loula, the Abyssinian Commander-in-Chief. He greatly assisted the latter in organizing his army and in arranging for the defensive and offensive measures adopted against the Italian force at Massowan. The Cossack chief makes no attempt to conceal the fact tlmt something more than mere ties of friendship bind him to the interests and fortunes of the Negus anil of his General, anti admits that several thousand of his men have left their homes in Persia, and aro now on their wav to Abyssinia. When asked if his Cossacks were taking their ponies with them ho replied in the negative, saving they were merely tak ing their guns, their saddles, and their las soes, and tUut horses could be found every where. AschimolT regiuds os hopeless the situation of the Italians at Massowali. Tiie hills and mountain passes which environ the town on every side arc held by a well drilled force of 40,000 hardy Abyssinian mountaineers, commanded by tlas-nl-Liula, and well equipped with Remington rifles. The town of Massowah itself is one of the most pestiferous und unhealthy s)>ots on the whole Red Sea coast, and the Italians are losing an enormous quantity of men by sickness and disease. Om Aschimoff returned to Russia about eight months ago. lea\ing his two lieuten ants with Ras-&1-Loula. On arriving at Moscow he was most warmly received by the late Editor Kutkoff, by whose assist ance he organized the expedition which left the southern metropolis on Wednesday last, with the tacit consent of the Russian gov ernment, Kutkoff was only too glad to I avail himself of such a favorable opportun -1 ity of extending his Panslavist propaganda. and of harassing his arch enemies, the Eng lish, and their allies, the Italians. Some eight weeks back AschimofTs lieutenant, Sastreb, arrived at Moscow from Abyssinia, with important letters from Ras-al-Loula to the Hetman, recommending urgency and speed. Om Aschimoff is a man of gigantic stat ure and herculean strength. He w ears an immense red beard, and has a pair of very soft and mild blue eves. He always smiles when he is talking and has a singularly winning manner. M. Deroulede, the mouth piece of the war partv in France, who met him the other day after KatkotTs funeral, was therefore somewhat startled when the Cossack chief asked him in the softest and most insinuating manner jxissibie what the price the French government, in the event of a conflict, would be prepared to pay for every head of a German, and whether it would be willing to pay down a large sum for the head of a Prussian General. THE GUILLOTINE. Its History and Its Sureness-The French Execution. Farit tetter to the Epoch. The beheading of Pranzini gives what the French call actualite to the subject of executions. Let us sc; how an assassin in this country pays his debt to society. France is, with the exception of Italy, the sole European country that decapitates its mur derer. Germany uses the ax only in cases of high treason; Spain und Portugal gar rote their assassins. Switzerland and Bel gium have practically alxiiished the death penalty. Without going into a scientific discussion as to tho advantage of beheading over the more general—and, according to the popu lar idea, more infamous —mode of hang ing, the guillotine has tho precious advan tage of being sure every time; there are no cords to break or stretch, and no miscalculation is ever made in the “drop.” it is a curious and not generally known fact that tne first guillotine was constructed after designs of a recorder at Ktrasburg, by a certan Tobias Schmitz, manufacturer of what is to-day considered another instru ment of torture—the piano! Until 1873 the guillotine had not been much improved. It resembled the scaffold that is used in America. A flight of steps led up to the platform, which was surrounded by a rail ing. Tiie idea was to ‘'let everybody see.” Theguillotine wascalled by criminals the Abba ye de Monte-a Hey ret. signifying that it was an abbey which separated them from the world and that they mounted its steps with regret. Heindereieh, who was the heids man in 1873, had greatly improved the in strument. Instead of a monster machine that it took three or four hours to put to gether, Heindereieh reduced the guillotine to its simplest expression and such as it is to-day; two upright iron beams containing two grooves oil each inner side, one for the “lunette,” or socket, and the other for the trapeziform knife; a perpendicular swing ing plank rising to the level of the culprit’s breast, against which he is thrown forward between the two beams; at tho right of this plank, and leaning on to a willow basket, painted black and partly filled with bran, is a board over which they slide the body after decapitation; to the left, two pails of carbonated water; in front, a sort of zinc tub into which the head falls. The guillo tine was formerly painted in red, and the knife so exposed that it was the first object seen by the condemmed man on leaving the prison”gate. Now, it is of a pale yellow color, and the knife is concealed. The guillotine is erected on the part of the Rue de la Roquette, which forms a small square between the two prisons fronting on it. One is the Grand Roquette, used for condemned to long terms of im prisonment or banishment and who re main here until they are sent elsewhere or shipped to New Caledonia. The other is Little Roquette, where minors are con fined. The distance from the prison door to the guillotine is not more than twenty steps. The executions take place at the dawn of day, and as far as anything being seen by the crowd they are practically private. Only the journalists and a few privileged ones arc a knitted on the square. At 3 o’clock in the morning the cavalry and in fantry of tiie Paris Municipal Guard, 100 each, fifty cavalry gendarmes and about AUO policemen apjiear. The soldiers push back the mob so as to leave the entire square deal'. Shortly afterward the executioner arrives in a large red wagon which contains the guillotine. The instrument is packed in a number of cases, each piece being nu n bored. The aids put it together, the work not lasting over half aa hour. When the knife is in place the headsman tries its edge o:i a bundie of straw to see that it slides easily and cuts well. Just before the mo ment of execution the gendarmes arrange themselves in a horse-shoe form around the guillotine, and two rows of policemen form a line from the prison door to the instru ment. It is through this line that the condemned passes. Charles Seymour. THE FIRST ON RECORD. Hearing of a Case Listened to and De cided on a Railroad 5-ain While in Motion. A telegram to the Cincinnati Enquirer from Galena, 111., says: Probably the first legal cause ever argued and decid 'd on a railroad train in this jiortiou of the North west was witnessed Thursday by the passen gers on the Milwaukee-bound train between Fenuiuiore and Moatfort, Wis. It was the opening davof the regular term of the lowa county, Wisconsin, Circuit Court, .Judge George Clementson presiding, and the train was crowded with lawyers, witnesses and jurors going to the county seat at Datige ville. Among the passengers was Judges Clementson and Evans, their attorneys, Wilson and Evans. Their purpose was to argue at Dodgeville n motion that had been sot lor hearing in chambers at Lancaster, but which had tieen postponed. The ac commodating Judge listened to the argu ment of the counsel, find before Monttort was reached gave his decision in tho case, which was adverse to the motion. By this opportune hearing the attorneys were enabled to return home at once without being obliged to go to Dodgoville. The Wicked Male Flirt. From London Society. The male flirt is an individual not con fined to our own days, nor yet even to our own century. From time immemorial this terrible yet fascinating person has scoured society just ns the pirates and buccaneers of old are said to have scoured the seas with their powerful and irresistible charm. There is a weird attract ion about him, a fearful joy at his approach, a horrible and unnatu ral delight at the bare mention of his name. Like the vampire of German fairy lore, ho subjugates the senses and curdles the blood at one and the same time; ho is delightful and yet charming, catching and yet appalling, all at once. Tho male flirt is the terror of mothers, and the detestation of tiie whole race of elderly aunts and chaperones of all kinds. We have all in turn been warned against him, all cautioned to steel our hearts to his advances and to barricade the portals of our souls against hi-, seepent-like depredations. Yet so contradictious and so foolish is the nature of women that there is not one of us, young or old, who lias not at some time or another of our lives fallen a willing victim to this seductively dangerous individual. The male flirt is made so neither by practice nor yet by education —he is born so; just as genius, or cooking, or mathematics is born with o man, so is flirting in its higher brunches implanted within him by nature. He is not often a handsome man, although he is invariably a pleasant one, and ho is not, a-s a rule, popular among his fellow men. Fathers and brothers eye him with suspicion as something which they do not wholly comprehend, while husbands turn cold shoulders u|kiii his blandishments, or at best treat him with freezing politeness. Men, in short, look upon him askance, and one and all unite In running him down— but, perhaps, that is only because they are jealous of him. THE VISIT CAUSED A WEDDINO. Pat Hally’s Daughter Marries Her Lover All Through Cleveland’s Coming. From the Chicago Tribune. St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 10. —Mr. Cleve land's visit here has brought domestic bliss to two young people whose marriage shows to Pat Kelly that he may be the boss Demo crat of Minnesota, but is not boss of his own household. Pat Kell} - is known all over the country a< the boss of Democratic politics in this State. In addition to that he is a successful merchant, is worth $:i,000,0()0, and now aspires to social eminence. Ho has two daughters, and hoped that they could accomplish all that was needed to raise him to the desired social prominence by judicious marriages. In bis zeal to climb into bt. Paul’s first social circles the Hon. Pat has given many dinners to promi nent St. Paul people and their visitors, at which he never has less than seven kinds of wine. Less than that number would not have come up to the eminent political boss’ idea of a dinner. Among those who were invited to some of those dinners was E. W. S. Tingle, whose father is Seal Agept for this government at the Alaskan islands. Tingle the younger is employed on the St. Paul Globe, and, as is the custom of his class, is as poor as the time-honored church mouse. Ho was not one of the persons upon whom Pat Kelly had fixed his eye as a suitable husband for one of his daughters. Young Tingle visited the house frequently, took one of the young ladies to the " theatre very often, ana otherwise paid attentions that won her heart. Mr. Kelly, in the meantime, paid attention to liis private and political busi ness, and did not think much about young Tingle’s visits. A short time ago Tingle asked his consent to marry one of his daughters. The Hon. Pat, in language fre quently used by Democratic bosses, denied the boon. The young girl was true to her lover, and they agreed to be married by the priest Oct. 14. I .ike a dutiful daughter the young lady wrote a note to her father, ask ing him to be present. He threw the note back, saying that if she proposed to make such a fool of herself he did not wish to keep any souvenir of it. But Mrs. Kelly finally came to the rescue of the lovers. The boss had decided to have Col. and Mrs. Vilas to dinner during the President’s stay and to capture Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland if that were possible. All arrangements had been made when Mrs. Kelly declared she would not receive Mrs. Cleveland, Mrs Vilas, or any one else unless her daughter was allowed to be married at her own home and to invite her friends. Mr, Kelly knew his wife meant what she said. It was neces sary to give a dinner to Col. and Mrs. Vilas, and he was determined to capture the President and his wife. He could not afford to lose this big social plum oil any account, and finally ne con sented to the match. The wedding was set for the 14th, two days after the President’s departure. Fearing that after his own point had been gained her father might not carry out his part of the agreement, the young girl concluded that she had better be mar ried first. This decision was announced to the honorable Fat, who was made blue with anger. He was compelled to give in, how ever, and the marriage took place last Wednesday. The young people are East on their wedding trip. “So,” remarked a liosry-headed sage, ‘-you think you have in your brain an invention that will revolutionize the carrying trade?" • I trow 1 have," replied the ambitious youth. "Well," sai 1 the h. h. s., "learn a lesson from the hen. When she lavs an egg she straight away cackles until the whole farm knows it.” “And then?” said the giddy youth “.Somebody comes and takes away the egg.” And the g. y. looked serious and made a memorandum in his note book.— Brooklyn Eagle. I*, r. P. MAXITI-'A( TrillXG CO. The Weather To-Day Will be Fair, proceeded by l ain on the coast, cooler. 15 YEARS OF AGONY. RHEUMATISM OVERTHROWN BY THE USE OF Prickly ash, Poke root, Potassium I suffered fifteen years with Rheuma tism. and during 11 ml time tided all the so-called specifics t:uit I could hear of. One of them I paid >A per bottle for, and took nine bottles and received no bene fit from any of them. Aly grandson, who runs on the B. and W railroad finally got a bottle of I*. P. I*. cPnckly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium), while in Way cross, and induced me to take it. The first bottle showed its wonderful effects, and after continuing the use of it for a short time the Rheumatism dis appeared, and I feel like anew man. I take great pleasure in recommending it to sufferers from Rheumatism. W. H. WILDER. Hon W. H. Wilder is Mayor of Albany, Ga, and takes pleasure in tes tifying to the virtues of P. P. P. P. P. P. is not a Humbug, but a Prep aration of Prickly Ash, Poke Root, Queen’s Delight and Sarsaparilla, with (lie lodide of Potassium added. One bottle of P. P. P. is equal to six of the ten preparations so com mon in the market. For Sale by AH Medicine Dealers. STOLEN. STOLEN^ AX the night of Sept. 30tb, ISS7, from Peter V " Olliff. near Statesboro. Bulloch county,Ga.. a Horse aid Buggy and sls In money. Horae medium size, nun color, with s< a’s on the rump, sore on back and shoulder. Buggy, piano body, with hole through back of seat made by buggy shaft; in use about one year. Supposed to nave been taken bv a negro known as Nick Harvey, about ('• feet high, ginger bread color, weighs about ISO pounds, lias light moustache and quick movements. I will pay a reward of $.Y> for information leading to the recovery of said horse and buggy, and ask the public to aid in bringing the t lief to triul. PETER OLLIFF, Statesboro, Bulloch county, Ga. W A NTED. ' W A ZST T BdT 100 OOn heart pine r. r:. ties, lull,""" hvwwl or saved on four sides, 7xß and BL, feet long, deliver ‘d on vessel's ruil iu Savannah or Brunswick. Apply to J. <\ McNAUUHTON & 00.. 228 Dock Street, Philadelphia. Pmi.AIIKI.VIUA, Oct. 5, 1887. EDUCATIONAL. COMMERCIAL AND PRACTICAL INSTITUTE 114 LIBERTY ST.. SAVANNAH, GA. PHONOGRAPHY, BOOKKEEPING, TYPE- I WHITING, PENMANSHIP, TEIJSGRAPII INU and DRAWING. Open day und night. Students way enter at anytime. C. S. RICHMOND, Principal. IRON PIPE. RUSTLESS IRON PIPE. EQUAL TO GALVANIZED PIPE, AT MUCH LESS PRICE. J. D. WEED & CO., FPXERAb INVITATIONS. KEMPS. The friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kemps and Mrs. M. J. McGlashan are invited to attend the fueral of Edora, the little daug .iter of the former, from the residence of the latter. No. 184 Liberty street. THIS MORNING at 10 o'clock. STONE.—The friends and acquaintance of Sir. and Mrs. C. U. Butler and of Miss Nellie E. Stone are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of the latter, from her late residence, Tattnall street, three doors north of Gaston, at 3 o’clock TIHS AFTERNOON. LARCOMBE—The friends and acquaintance, of Mr. R. J. Larcombe and family arc respect fully invited to atu-nd his funeral at 3 o’clock THIS AFTERNOON from the Baptist Church. GARDNER —The relatives and friends of Mrs. E valine c. Gardner and of Mrs. Mary Puder and Mr and Mrs. Henry Roberts und family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of the former from the residence of the latter, corner Bolton and Montgomery streets, at 3:30 o'clock THIS AFTERNOON, MEETINGS. PAL ESTEEM OWMA.VUKRY NO. 7, K. T. A regular conclave of the Commandery will be held in their Asylum THIS (Friday) EVE NING. The attendance of all the members is specially desired. R. H. ANDERSON, E. C. J. W. Pead, Recorder. GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The members of the Georgia Historical Society are requested to assemble at the Baptist Church at 2:45 o'clock TO-DAY to attend the funeral of our late Curator, Richard J. Larcombe, Esq. WM. HARDEN, Librarian. NOTICE. The members of Greenwich Park Association are particularly requested to attend a meeting at the Park TO-DAY at 6 p. M. A special car will leave West Broad street for the Park at 5 p. M. Business of great importance. J. B. DUCKWORTH, President. NOTICE. The Forest City Clerks’ Association having organized on Sunday, Oct. 9. requests all Clerks, in all lines of business, who wish to co-operate with us, to attend a meeting of the above named organization, to be held on SUNDAY, Oct. 18, at the Blues’ Hall, at 11 o’clock a. m. THE JASPER MUTUAL LOAN ASSOCIA TION. The seventy-first regular monthly meeting of the Jasper Mutual Loan Association will be held THIS EVENING, at 8 o’clock, at the office of Wooten & MacDonell, 118 Bryan street. P. W. MELDRIM, President. J. E. Wooten, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements inserted under “Special Notices ’’ will be charged $1 00 a Square each insertion. CONFEDERATE VETERANS’ ASSOCIA TION. Members of the Confederate Veterans’ Asso ciation who propose to go to Macon on the 26th inst. are requested to give in their names as early as possible to the undersigned committee, who are authorized to arrange for transporta tion, etc. JACOB GARDNER, T. E. BESSELLIEU, P. BUTTIMEK. NOTICE. All bills against the British steamship GEOR GIA must be presented at our office before 12 o’clock noon. THIS DAY, Oct. 14, 1887, or pay ment will be debarred. RICHARDSON & BARNARD. Agents. NOTICE. All bills against the British steamship HA WARDEN, Wilson, Master, must be presented at our office by or before 12 o’clock m., THIS DAY, Oct. 14, or payment thereof will be de barred. A. MINIS & SONS, Consignees. NOTICE. Neither the Captain nor Consignees of the British steamship SC'AW FELL, whereof Stanhope is Master, will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. A. MINIS & SONS, Consignees. NOTICE. Neither the Captain nor Consignees of the British steamship ANNIE, whereof Ormston is Master, will be responsible for any debts contracted by the crew. A. MINIS & SONS, Consignees. SPECIAL NOTICE. CITY OF SAVANNAH. 1 Office Clerk of Council, October 13, 1887. f The following ordinance is published for the information of all concerned, and the members of the Police Force are hereby directed to strictly enforce the ordinance and arrest all I persons found violating the same. ! By order of the Mayor pro tern. FRANK E. REBARER, Clerk of Council. ORDINANCE. An Ordinance prohibiting smoking on the whan l-s. in railroad depots and other places, and on loaded vessels at the wnarves wituiii the city of Savannah, where cotton, naval stores, hay, oil or other inflammable merchandise is stored, or where it is being loaded or unloaded, prohibiting smoking or use of matches in holds or on deck of vessels, loading or unloading cot ton. naval stores, bay, oil or other inflammable merchandise, and providing for the erection of sign boards and prescribing penalties lor violating the same. Section l. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained bv the au thority of the same, That from and after the passage of this ordinance it shall bn unlawful for any person to smoke any pipe, cigar, cigar ette or tobacco ignited in any way by lire, upon any of the wharves in said city, where any ves sel or vessels are loading or unloading cotton, naval stores, hay, oil or other inflammable mer chandise, or where cotton, naval stores, hay, oil or other inflammable merchandise is stored, or in any of the railroads, depots or yards in said city where cotton, naval stores, hay, oil or ottier inflammable merchandise is stored temporarily or permanently. Sec. 2. He it further ordained bv the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby ordained by the au thority of the same. That it shall be unlawful for any person to make or to use matches in any way in the holds of vessels of any descrip tion, or on the decks of the same during the time the said vessels may betaking in or un loading cargoes of cotton, naval stores, bay, oil or other inflammable merchandise. Sue. 3. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, and it is hereby ordained by the au thority aforesaid, That there may' be pre pared and put up in conspicuous •places up, n the wharves or other places used for loading or unloading or storing cotton, naval stoics, bay oil or other inflammable merchandise, sign boards or notices to the effect that n > sinokui <• allowed under penalty of the law, and it shall be unlawful for any person except the owner lessee or ogeut of the building or wharf upon which said sign Is placed to remove or take away an}' such sign or notice so erected. Sec. 4. Be it fimh *r ordained by the authority aforesaid, and ii is hereby ordained by the au thority ol the same. That any person violating any of the previsions of tiiis ordinance shall on conviction thereof in the Police Court of Savan nub, be fined in a sum not greater than one hundred dollars, or Imprisoned pot longer than thirty days, either or both in the discretion of the officer presiding pi said court. Ordinance passed in Council March 11 1885 ... KUKUX E. LESTER. Mayor. Attest, r rank K. Rkuaiuer, Clerk of 4 ,'ouncll. ULMER'S LIVER CORRECTOR. This vegetable preparation is invaluable for the restoration of tone and strength to the sys tem. For Dyspepsia, Constipation and other ills, caused by a disordered liver, it cannot tie excelled. Highest prizes awarded, and in dorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for Ul mer’s Liver Corrector and take no other. Jl oo a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B. F. ULMER, M. D., Pharmacist, Savannah. Ga. SPECIAL NOTICES. OR. HENRY a COLDiNG, DENTIST, Office corner Jones and Drayton streets. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS. “ CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE,* Savannah, Ga., Oct. 1, 1887. f The following taxes are now due: REAL ESTATE, Third Quarter, 1887. STOCK IN TRADE, Third Quarter. 1887. FURNITURE, ETC., Third Quarter, 1887. MONEY, SOLVENT DEBTS, ETC., Third Quarter, 1887. Also GROUND RENTS in arrears for two or more quarters. A discount of TEN PER CENT, will be al lowed upon all of the above (except Ground Rents) if paid within fifteen dags after Oct. 1 C. S. HAISIEE, City Treasurer. CLOTHING. WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT OUR Fall Stock is now complete and we will be pleased to show our friends and the public the prevailing and correct styles in CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS & HATS For the season, whether they call to supply themselves or only to see “what is to be worn.” Respectfully, A. FALK 4 SIS, Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Outfitters. Our Fall and Winter Catalogue is now in the hands of the printer and wil I be ready for distribution about October 20. At the Head of the Heap! VND only our second fall season. Being very busy since Sept. Ist with our Custom De partment, we have neglected to inform our friends and the public at large that we have on hand and ready for inspection one of tne most complete lines of CLOTHING For all shape men, boys and youths ever ex hibited in our Forest City. Our style of doing business STRICTLY ONE FRICK TO ALL. with each and every article MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES (which has met with so much favor since we commenced busi ness* is sufficient to guarantee satisfaction iu every respect. We have every department complete, Hats, Trunks, Valises, Gent’s Furnishing Goods, to which we call particular attention to styles, assortment and prices. Our specials this season art• as follows: Special Custom Department—Armenian Natu ral Wool Sanitary Underwear (recommended by all physicians). Screven’s Patent Elastic Seam Drawers [to sea(in) them is to buy them], Earl A: Wilson s Cuffs, Ward’s Reversible Linen Covered Pa tier Collars, Chocolate Color Imitation Camel Hair Underwear, Miller's New York Fine Stiff and Silk Hats. Our buyer is at present in New York, where he will b for the n* xt ten days, and th* public can depend on anything new or novel m our line which has come out since the season opened. Remember the number, IG3 CONGRESS STREET, opposite the market. APPEL & SCIIAUL, ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, HATTERS FURNISHERS KICKABODT AN ALL-WOOL SUIT WITH EXTRA PANTS AND CAP TO MATCH FOR BOYS FROM 4 TO 14 YEARS B O.i 161 CONGRESS ST., B, H, LEVY & BRO. ICE! Now is the time when every body wants ICE, and we want to sell it. PRICES REASONABLE! 20 Tickets, good for 100 Pounds, 75c ,40 Tickets, good'for 700 Pounds, $5. 200 Tickets, good for 1,000 Pounds, $7. 50 Pounds at one delivery 30c. Lower prices to large buyers. I O JK racked for shipment at reduced rates. Careful and ]xdite service. Full and liberal weight. KNICKERBOCKER ICE CO. 14-4 HA\ ST. CONDENSED MILK. Highland Brand Condensed Milk. A Ihire Milk condensed to a syrupy consistency FOli SALK AT STRONG’S DRUG STORE. Corner Bull and Perry street lane.