The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, October 15, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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T-HK INDIANA WHITE CAPS A GANG OF VIGILANTES WHO USE THE WHIP FREELY. The Story of Their Brutality as Told by a Victim—They Woke Up the Wrong- Person Once. From the yew York Times. Louisville, Kv„ Oct. 11.—“ Yes, sir; the-White Caps whipped me last Wednes day.” drawled a pale-faced, lazy-looking young man, as he leaned over a rickety* fence in the very wildest part of Harriso county, Ind., in answer to a Times cori spondent's interrogation. The corresp* dent had heard of several recent outra®’ and had gone there on his recent toi investigation. The name of the indiv ua * referred to is Joel Wright, and he liv- on a small place in a little hamlet called shker ville, about eight miles east of (Vydon. His property consists of land, hrough which runs a huge ledge of rock, he story of his troubles with the “White C fi ” is best I old in his own language: “I am a poor man and live he with my wife and brother-in-law, Ike A® 1 - * was always sort of weakly and ne f able to Work much, and people said I lazy, but 1 tell you the truth, I want-** work as much as anyone, but I can’t I'm a sick man. Last Wednesday night was laying here in bed a-sleeping,' jist ahice as any one would want to, when nuething got hold of iny throat. I was ah" half awaka by that time and I lollered out: •Sly ! Mirandy! Jneaning my wife,) Werner’s do has got me.’ I saw it was a inaran’ I hauled off en I knocked him over fainst Ike’s lied. Then two more of ’em graped me, an’ I fit till they tiedme. Then my dfe she screamed, on’ was bad skeered. T 9 children cried, 100, and begged ’em not t hurt me. There were seven of the men, ir I counted ’em. One of’em had a lantern They w ere dressed in common clothes, butrt'h had a handker chief tied across his inoul and nose, an’ his bat was palled down so t could jist see. “Seem 1 couldn’t do tillin', 1 went with them to a wixxls nee here, where they stripped off my shirt a’ tied me to a sap lin’. " Then one man fid: ‘Joel, there’s been lots of stealin’ gin’ on ’bout here, and while we don’t say f>u did it, you’re a sort of a no ’count fellor and don’t provide for yer family. We’re/oin’ to whip you, an’ if you don’t hum yourself an’ go to work we’ll come back ad give you another heatin’.’ This sheerer me, but I’m not a nervous man, and I kow’d 1 hadn’t done no wrong, so I just aid, kinder pleasant like: ‘Gentlemen,’ if I’ve done anything wrong 1 want to hangfor it.’ ” “That kind of a Juft' wouldn’t work, though, would it, Joe!” said his wife, who had come out and stod near by, with a smile on her face, wh.e Joel related his ex perience. “As I was say in’,’’son tinned Joel, who is a great talker and exdently slighty proud on account of the suiden prominence he has secured by his “Wiite Cap” experience, “one of ’em cut a iaplin’ an’ hit me seven or eight times with" on my bare back. It hurt like blazes, and when I hollered so much they stoppedan’ run oyer to then horses, which theygot on an’ rid r.wav. Joe Brown's boy saw km right afterward over there near the cut My Tittle girl came over an’cut me loose. 1 ain't over it yet; they hurt me pretty bad.” * During the past weekno less than twenty men have been taken out in different parts of the county and whpped by the white tapped vigilantes. O'er in Spencer town ship, last week, probaily two of the most sensational cases took place. Aaron Bitner, a wealthy farmer over (50 years old, and Squire John Hilde/brand were taken out and whipped untiHhey were nearly dead. They live in a smtll settlement on "Big In dian creek. At taat place the reporter was unable to see the principals, as they were both in bed and their families would not talk about the occurrence. From a talka tive neighbor, however, the following par ticulars were leaned: Bitner was a widower, and about four months ago he mcrried a widow with one son about 7 years of age. From the begin ning, it is said, Bitner had no affection for the noy and was continually abusing him. The young fellow was pretty wild, and after getting into several scrapes was, it is alleged, unmercifully whipped by his step father. A week ago the boy got into trouble again and the story is that Bitner took him out to a shed to punish him. The reporter’s informant said that fifteen min utes afterward the boy’s mother became alarmed and went out to see how the pun ishment was progressing. To her horror she beheld her son hanging from a rafter with a clothesline around his neck. Near by stood her husband with a fiendish look upon his face. The mother screamed for help, which soon arrived, and after much difficulty the half dead boy was restored to life, but he had a narrow escape, and even now is very ill from the effects of his terrible experience. The story of the alleged brutal outrage was soon noised about, and on Monday about twenty masked men rode into town and, taking Bitner, gave him the whipping he so richly deserved. Esquire Hilderbrand threatened to kill his wife and daughter, and otherwise behaved very unbecomingly. He was flogged on the -imn night, and probably earned his pun ishment, for he was fined and put under bond before Escpiire Slaughter on Friday for abusing his family. Mott Station is just now enjoying a little sensation of almost a similar character. Mott is a very appropriate name for the place, for there are as motley a crowd of people there as one would be üble to find anywhere on the face of the globe. On Thursday morning early risers found near the railway station the following expressive note tacked upon a post: NOTICE.--Phil Zeiner, Harvey Emily, John 1-ong, and Robert, Mott, the whisky ring, had better quit the vav they are a-doing. If they don't they will be taken out and whipped. Bob Mott had better leave the county. White Caps. There was great excitement uniong the tnen, and Mott immediately sold out and left. The others, however, are doing better. On last Saturday night the “White Caps” 'volte up the wrong man, and although they nearly killed him, some of them will tie sick for many days to come. Fielding Berry is a farmer, pretty well advanced in years, with a powerful physique, and lives on Blue River, near Milltown. Hearing of his whipping, the reporter rode out yesterday to see him. Arriving at the house, a. noat two-story frame, the reporter walked up to the jiorcii and past two ferocious 'logs, which growled ominously. At the door a middle-aged woman ans wered the summons, and invited the reporter into a very nice sitting room. He soon made known the object or his visit to tlie woman, who was not at all averse to relating the circumstances. “Fielding and myself. ’ she said, “were sitting right here about S o'clock, w hen someone knocked at the door. Fielding got up and opened it. As he did so two moil grabbed him ami pulled him out into the yard, when alxiut J'jght men, all masked, surrounded him. They were just getting ready to tie him when my husband picked up a piece of plank and knocked three or four of them down. He kept up striking at them, and finally made them all run. One of them stopped at the gate, where he fired three shots, all of which struck my husband. Two bit him on the right log aiid one in tho side. The latter is only a flesh wound, however, and will soon heal. The two bullet wounds in his leg are very severe. H'hen he fell, near the spring house 1 went into the kitchen and brought out the shotgun. The men were coming back then to whip my husband. 1 went to where he was lying and put the gun in his hands. Then I helped him up, and he told them to go back or he would blow their Leads off. They went awav, saying they would come back again. We don’t, know any of them. The only one who spoke said they had come to whip him because he had licked Alf Green's boy. Cole Green is the meanest boy in this section, and he deserved all my husband gave him. We we not afraid oF*‘ U ’ I,ite SSgJ’Ej? 4 ,hf> ne *A timo(W>me w.j will be better prepared tor thei " ° * lliVe *> f “ ar d of them whip nine tc men near here during the past * Viart huffy and Zeke Kaebel were whini Thursday night. They said the n * J been caught stealing.” jXferry told tlie same story as that of hi ‘Tc. He said he would know the men if ir he saw them again by the marks he lr e upon them. As soon as he is able to about he proposes to visit in the neigh fhood. The old man looks as though he ould be a dangerous subject to trifle with, id when he takes the warparth thore will robably be some blood spilled. The general sup|x>sition is that Harrison county, the home of the “White Caps,” is a wild, lawless section. Such, however, is not the case. Some of the best farm lands in the State are to be found thore, and the people are for the most part intelligent and educated. The great drawback is that there is but one railroad through the county, and although there are very many fine stone quarries, but little of their product finds its way to the outer world. Many of the smaller houses are built entirely of stone. One of these huts In particular was overgrown with bright green moss, and looked to be fully fifty years old. The in habitants are all thrifty in their way, and the farms are well tilled. There is, how ever, no spirit of advancement or enterprise manifested, and the coming generation, un less a wonderful change takes place, will be perfectly satisfied to go plodding along in the footsteps of their fathers and grand fathers, content in their own little world. From this it must not be inferred that they are not of a social turn, for the debating and singing societies meet at least twice a week. Nearly everybody drinks whisky; but it seems to agree with them, and there are but few drunkards to be seen. The “White Caps,” from what the re porter could learn, are not a gang of lawless ruffians, as one would suppose from leading of their proceedings, but farmers who pro pose to make the lazier, shiftless population behave themselves. A dollar looks as big to them as a barn door, and, in order to save the expense of a court trial they simply con sider the case and take the law in their own hands. An instance illustrative of this oc curred yesterday, while the reporter was stopping at Gresham station. Bob Morris, a worthless fellow, broke into the railroad station and stole six tickets to Boston. The young lady who has charge traced the theft to him readily, and when she boldly charged him with it he owned up. Twenty minutes afterward a note was left in his front yard, signed by the “White Caps,” telling him if he did not leave the place immediately he would be taken out and whipped, No one thought of having him arrested. A BIG GAME OF DRAW. A Fargo Man Rakes in a $25,000 "Pot” at Sioux Falls. From the New York World. St. Paul, Oct. 7. —The biggest game of poker played in the Northwest for several years took place in Sioux Falls, Dak., yester day. Maj. Edward I.Koffarl.of Fargo, wentto Sioux Falls on private business, but when his presence in town was known Frank Pet tigrew. ex-Congressman and a prominent capitalist, and Mellville Griggsby, the political director of South Dakota, hunted him up, and in less than an hour the three were comfortably locked within an office in the rear of the First National Bank, with their hats drawn over their eyes, fighting like bulldogs over big jack-pots. Griggsby and Pettigrew- had the advantage in that they were fighting on their native heath, and fortune seemed to give the Major the cold shoulder, but he stood his ground well and met his losses with the grit of a Spartan. He was a heavy loser and it began to look as though he would have to walk back to Fargo, but at last the cards were passed to him to deal, and, taking them carelessly, he laid them over Griggs!iy\s side of the table to cut. Griggsby didn't cut. Slow ly the Major dealt the cards until the hands were out. It cost him a SIOO bill to “stay,” and Griggsby raised it to S2OO. Koffarl saw that and dropped his check for SSOO more in the centre of the table. Griggsby and Petti grew drew a card each. Koffarl drew five. Griggsby jumped in with asl,ooobet; Petti grew raised it to $2,000. Both looked happy. The Major looked disconsolate. He said: “Gentlemen, I’m broke. I’ve checked out to you the last cent I’ve got in the bank, but if either of you w ant to take a mort gage on my newspaper office for SIO,OOO I will give it to you and bet that amount of money that my hand wins the pot.” Both gentlemen agreed and drew their checks on the spot. “I reckon you are suckers. I’ve got four kings,” said Pettigrew, tossing his cards down ahead of time with a jubilant smile. “The !” ejaculated Griggsby, crushing his queen full in his hand. “Hem!” said the Major. “It’s pretty tough, gentlemen, but I had to have them. Here are four aces. It’s funny how they stuck together that way.” He raked in the pile, and the game ended. The Major wasn’t saying a word, but he returned to Fargo something like $25,000 richer than when he went to Sioux Falls, SCENE ON A TRAIN. Love’s Romance Disturbed by the Temporary Missing of a Groom’s Boodle. From the New York Sun. A man and a woman got on a train at Newark, bound for Philadelphia. They were evidently a newly married pair, and all of the otherears being full, the couple had to find seats in the smoking car, where they comfortably settled themselves, alter putting a carpet-bag and several packages in the rack overhead. The bridegroom then began to give her his earnest and undivided attention to making the trip as pleasant as possible. The man was dressed in a pair of trousers of the bedtiek order, with coat and waistcoat of a pea-green hue. From his waistcoat dangled a large and massive watch chain, and around his neck was a bandana handkerchief tied in a knot. Noth ing was wanted to complete his toilet but a collar, and this was missing. The girl was dressed in a calico gown, and a large hat with peacock feathers in it set saucily on her head. After the train had gotten well under way several passengers noticed the peculiar actions of the man. His face was flushed, his eyes snapped fire, and it was evident that some trouble had befallen the pair. The man suddenly arose and began to take off his coat and waistcoat. Then he pulled down his suspenders, and was in the act of removing his trousers when a passenger called the attention of the brakeman to his conduct. Before the conductor could be summoned he drew' a revolver and com menced to emphasize his remarks to his spouse by flourishing it in her face. By this time the occupants of the car be came very nervous, and began to edge to ward the door. The conductor finally suc ceeded in persuading tho groom to subside and put up his pistol. Tho cause of all the trouble w as the misplacement of the finances for the bridal tour. Things looked quite serious for a time and rather discouraging for the trip. At last the conductor sug gested that tho pockets of his linen duster, which had been overlooked, bo searched, and there was found the cause of the un pleasant episode. The groom was then seized with a sudden paroxysm of delight, and, throwing his arms around the girl’s neck, began to kiss and hug her vigorously. He then produced a black bottle and invited the passengoi'S to take a whack with him to celebrate hts good fortune. “Be wise with speed; A fool at forty is a fool Indeed 1” So said Young! Straws show which way the wind blows, and thero are a score of symptoms any one of which shows the ex istence of catarrh. Neglected, it will rob the blood of its purify and the system of its strength. Get Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. It cures even long-standing cases, as t hou sands testify, and should be used for colds in the head, which often result in confirmed catarrh. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, OCTOBER lf>, 1887. CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE ( ENT A WORD. ADVERTISEMENTS, 15 Words or more, in this column inserted for ONE CENT A WORD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody wlio has any want >■> supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to seen re; indeed,any wish to gratify, should advertise in this column. HELP WANTED "lITANTED. a wet nurse; must be neat and Vt tidy, with no incumbrance. Apply at,once to 108 Abercorn street, corner Wayne and Gor don streets. \\T ANTED, a young man as cleric in a town in Vt Florida; only such understanding the dry goods, clothing and shoe business. Address C., this office. \\ r ANTED, a first-class printer to take chaj'ge V V of a country weekly at once. Address J. C. GEIGER, Baxley, Ga. WANTED, an oysterman (colored; one who VV understands bis business. At RADERICK'S, 92 Bull street, VST" ANTED, telegraph operator and railroad it clerk to go to Florida; salary $5O per month. Address H., this office, giving refer ence. AIT'ANTED, good agents for the only “His- VV tory of the Confederate States Navy.” recently ready; highest Southern commenda tions; also r<u : "Earth, Sea and Sky.” and a splendid boot for the holidays: these books are profusely illustrated. W. H. SHEPARD A CO., Atlanta, Ga. EM I’LOVMENT WAKTXD. YIfANTED, work of any kind by a young VV man who understands bookkeeping; writes a good band and is quick at figures; best of references furnished. Address . this office. QAVANNAH INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, 148 O Liberty street ; reliable servants on hand; city and country supplied ITease don't ask for credit. K. THOMAS. M 1 SC EL, LANEO US WA X IS. T*/ - ANTED, two connecting rooms, unfur V* nished, on first or second floor. Address ROOMS, News office, ROOMS TO HEM. IVOR RENT, large elegantly furnished room, 1 with or without board; private bath. 27)4 Broughton street. I AUUE southern rooms near the Park, with is board in private family. Address WOODS, News office. 110 US as ANI) STORES FOR RENT. TT'OR RENT, the desirable two-story English 1 basement dwelling 57 Charlton street, be tween Habersham ami Lincoln streets; in per fect repair; possession immediately. JNO. SULLIVAN a CO., ill Bay street. I NOR RENT, the two-story brick residence 1 south side of Taylor street, second east of Drayton; in excellent order; possession imme diately. JNO. SULLIVAN A CO., 114 Bay st. I SOP, RENT, the commodious building Nos. 95 and 97 York street, suitable for stable or w ood working establishment; possession imme diately. JNO. SULLIVAN A c< >.,114 Bayst, TT'OR RENT, the two story brick residence 170 P Hall street, third east of Barnard; just put in elegant order: possession November Ist. JNO. SULLIVAN A CO.. 114 Bay street. {T'OR BENT, a five-room house, on Little Jones ' street, between West Broad and Purse. Ap ply to JOSEPH MANNIOX, 57 West Broad st. TT'OR RENT, brick dwelling 114 Jones street. I Apply to I). R. THOMAS Is OR RENT, stores 71. 70 Bay street; house, 7 Jones street, near Abercorn. Large Her ring safe, wagon and horse for sale. JOHN H. RUWE. I'' OR RENT, that large dwelling corner State 1 and Montgomery, suitable for large family or boarding house. Apply to C. P. MILLER, News. TT'OR RENT, brick store lt)9 Broughton street, U between Drayton and Bull; possession given Octobgr 4th. Apply to LEWIS CASS. I ''OR RENT, desirable brick residence 139 1 Gordon street; possession Oct. 1. Apply to J. M. WILLIAMS. 143 Jones street. IAOR RENT, the most desirable resience on ' Taylor street, two doors west of Abercorn street; possession given from Ist Oct. Apply to WALTHOUR & RIVERS, No. 83 Bay street. TT'OR RENT, that desirable residence No. 61 i 1 Barnard street, with modern conveniences, faring square. Apply to WALTHOUR &■ RIVERS. 83 Bay street. FVOR REST, brick store 156 Congress street; three stories on cellar; possession given irn mediately. Apply to WALTHOUR & RIVERS, No. 83 Bay street. lAOR RENT desirable brick residence corner ' Liberty and Abercorn streets; possession Oct Ist. Apply to WALTHOUR & RIVERS, No. 83 Bay street. IVOR RENT, the store No. 165 ('ongress street, . next door to Solomons A Cos.; one of the best stands in the city. For terms apply to GEORGE W. OWENS. 113 Bay street. I T'OR RENT, from Oct. Ist, splendid store No. 1 87 Bay street, situate ill Hutchison's Block, next to corner of Abercorn: has splendid cellar and is splendid stand for any business; second and third stories can be rented if desired. A. R. LAWTON. Jn„ 114 Bryan street. TOR KEN T—MISCELLANEOUS. lAOR RENT, a truck farm of fifty acres, about 1 three miles from the city on the Louisville road. For terms apply to GEO. W. OWENS, 113 Bay street. FOK SALE. (T'OR SALE, single tenement new framn house: r seven rooms; bath room; cold water and gas; size of lot 30x60 feet; fee simple; located southwest portion of city, on Duffy street. 11. J. FEAR, Broker, 114 Bryan street. ' TT'OR SALE, one share of Southern Mutual 1 Loan Stock, Series B; 15 months' install ments paid. Direct LONE, News office, with price given. _ _ _ Ivor SALE, a well established barlier shop, wit li bath room complete, doing a good business; the owner wishing to remove from here. Address BARBER, atthis office. I,V(j R SALE, Citizens’ Mutual Ixian Company's 1 stock. Address, naming price, CITIZEN, this office. IT'OR SALE, Laths, Shingles. Flooring, Celling, 1 Weatherboarding and Framing Lumber. Office ami yard Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 211. REPPARD A CO. TT'OR SALE. Splendid salt water river-front r building lots, and five acre farm lots with river privileges, at ROSEDEW; building lots in Savannah, near East Broad and Sixth streets, and in Eastland; several good farm lots near White Bluff, on shell road. Appiy to Dr. FAL LIGANT, 151 South Broad street from 9 to 10 A. M. LOST. 1’ OST, a brown and white Pointer Dog; nn j swers to name of “Ilector;” had a leather collar with “S. D. Ravenel” on It. A liberal re ward if returned to R. R. DANCY, 156 Bolton street. _____ I OST, a Pointer Puppy; 5 months old; an j swers to the name of “Bang:” black and white mottled. Finder will bo rewarded by re turning to 88 Hall st refit. I' OST. a red Irish Setter Bitch; answers to J name of “Ruby.” Finder will be rewarded by leaving at 132 Gaston street. BOARDING. v\ “ANTED, two hoarders for large south VV room: both room adjoining; terras mod erate. Apply 45 Abercorn. PHOTOGRAPHY. IJHOTOGRAPHY—SPECIAL NOTlCE—Prices 1 reduced. Fine Cabinet Photographs u specialty. Price, $2 for six or $3 a dozen. J. N. WILSON, 21 Bull street. “MISCELLANEOUS. ANF.W line of samples. Call and select your winter suit. GAZAN. Bull, corner Brough ton , _ _ \\r \TCHES, Clocks and Jewclrv carefully re i VV paired. BROUGHTON STREET rfAIK 1 STORE, Watch and Jewelry Repairing Depart- I ID*llf. MISCELLANEOUS. DP. EDWARDS has moved his barber shop • t,i Congress street lam- and Drayton, and invites the public to call, having in use tho bo.t Oil and Perfumery. LUDDEN * BATES 8. M. 11. ON DECK! M YOU want a tine Piano or Organ of ||ll strictly first-class make that will stand 1111 by you for a life-time? If so Pianos for Sale. \l mi DAN get just such an instrument V I 111 maximum in quality, minimum in | ■||| price, “a thing of beauty ami a jov I sjv %g forever,’’ at our wa re rooms, where we Pianos for Rent. gas a K|aM TO see you. A call cannot fail I®| II Ml I to convince you that we can I]) O If I give you a larger stock from ■ ■ fill I which to select and a better in strument than can be had elsewhere. Organs for Sale. V THOSE who contemplate purchasing I I J we beg to say that we ean and will reu l 11 der valuable aid in making selections. I W Our life-long experience in the business is at your service, and you may rest us sured your interests are safe in our hands. Organs for Rent. ft R % 12f* NKWEY, annoyance, patience, V It If L time, expense ami misery “in t be ■% [j M r saccharine futurity” by the pur cl V Im chase of a first class article. Our immense trade enables us to meet and surpass all competition. Handsome Outfits. RflAßliPlfTt INVESTED in a CHICK MnNFY? 111 Vllb I ■ BENT & CO. or ARION PIANO, or MASON A HAMLIN, PACKARD oi- BAY STATE ORGAN will prove a judicious In vestment, an and ma k e home happier than ever. LUDDEN & BATES Southern Music House. MILLINERY. the mm Of bogus bargains are every flay happening in the sphere composed of Fancy Goods dealers, but where unceasing energy and eternal pluck is brought into requisition, low prices will knock them out of sight and remain master of the situation; so like an AVALANCHE Sweeping down the mountain side we scatter before us all this opposition on tteso favorite offers. BARGAIN JERSEYS! Each piece tailor-made, glove fitting, and lead iug quality. BIG JOB LOT, Tidies* all wool, Boucle Jer seys. in Black, Brown, Navy, only 75c. each; worth $1 50. 75 DOZEN, Ladies' Black brilliant wool Jer seys. pleat backs; a grand bargain, $1 each; worth fully $1 75. 50 DOZEN Ladies' Black brilliant wool Jer seys, vest front, box-pleat back; a startler, for $1 2d each: worth fullv 4i DOZEN ladies' fclack brilliant wool Jer seys: a superb article, with box-pleat back, only $1 50 each; worth fully S'-’ 85 DOZEN 1 Allies liest brilliant Black wool Jerseys. Fedora fronts ami box pleat back, only $2, rarely sold elsewhere under SB. Grand Additions of New Millinery hy Every Steamer. TINT stock. NEW KID GLOVES! NEW KID GLOVES! At Lowest Prices. New Fall and Winter Goods in every Depart meat. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. PLATSHEK’S, 138 Broughton gtreet. STOVES AND FURNACES. ESTABLISHED 1845. VyTE have a lot of very celebrated STOVES and RANGES, and will take special pleasure in showing them and their quotations to our friends and customers. If you have a Stove to buy go to LOVELL & LATTIMQRE, 155 AND 157 CONGRESS STREET, Savariniih, - Georgia. REMOVAL We have removed to 167 Broughton, three doors west of Barnard (formerly occu pied by Mr. Cor mack Hop kins.) CORNWELL &CHIPMAN. SOAP. SOAPS! SOAPS! OEARS’, RIEGER S, COLGATE'S, PI.EAV -1 ER’B, F.ECKELAKim BAY LEY'S, LU BIN’S, FEMBI.E S MEDICATED just received at BUTLER'S PHARMACY. Canned Goods. 1 iinn CASES tUL season pack. TOMA- Z.UUU TOES. CORN. OKRA and TOMA TUBS, PINE APPLES, etc. roll *!. BY C.M- GILBERT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS. IaEGAL SAKKS. CITY MAHSHAI/S SALK. City MahshalV Opficf, \ Savannah. Oa., October 4th, issv. t i \N th* FIRST TUKSDAN IN NOVEMBER, * * ISB, betw(**n the lawful hours of sale, Ih* fore the Court House door, in the city of Savan nah, Chatham county, Ooorjcia, and under the j direction of tin* Committee on Public Sales and City Lots, will be sold the following property, for'‘arrears of ground rent duo the Mayor ami Aldermen of the city of Savannah: Lot mmil>er fifteen (15) Wesley ward and the improvements thereon, ten (10) quarters grouuil rent due by William M. Davidson. ROBJ&KT J. WADE, City Marshal. 1 I CAL NOTICES* NOTICE." City Marshal's Office, l Savannah, Oct. 11th, i YVTHEREAStbe tollowiug described property *▼ has been sold for arrears of real estate taxes ami was bought by the city ; and whereas, under the authority vested in me by the or dinances of the city and the laws of i lie State, l have made titles to the purchaser Now this Is to notify the former owners that they may redeem their property without paying the addi tional FORFEIT MONEY allowed by law if done within FIFTEEN (15) DAYS front this date. O. T. Lemon and Isaac Becket, lot 68 Gun ward. O. T. Lemon, lot #0 and improvements Gue ward. Mrs. S A. Greiner, north one-half lot G 7 Choc taw ward and improvements. A. E. Robertson, west one-half lot 23 Davis ward and improvements. Mrs. S. H. kahilly, east one-half lot 18 Davis ward and improvements. Patrick Prenfy, lots 83 and 34 Crawford ward and improvements. Est. Henry Mongin, lot 10 Schley ward and improvements. Cupid Ring, east two-thirds lot 25 Choctaw warn and improvements. U. T. Jacobs, lot is White ward and improve ments. Delaney Jenks. southwest part lot 10 North Oglethorpe ward and improvements. Mrs. Mary A. Fleming, west one-half lot 6 North Oglethorpe ward and improvements. Wnt. Logan, south one half lot 8 Elliott ward and improvements. George Davis, part lot 9 North Oglethorpe ward and approvements. Mrs. Virginia Falkner and Mrs. Marie Lums den, west one-half lot 37 Warren ward and im provements. Mrs. B. C. Prendergast. lot 1 O'Neil ward and improvements. John Bryan, south one half lot 01 Jones ward aud improvements. Est. James M Wayne, part lot 13 Bartow ward and irnprov cment s. August H. Tamm, lot Y, Middle Oglethorpe ward ami improvements. Wm. Schlutor, one-quarter lot 80 Choctaw ward. Barnard Monahan, improvements on one half of southwest part of lot 1 Crawford ward. A. Morse, lot 24 Davis ward. Paul Ferrebee, improvements on lot 10 Minis ward. Charles Collins, part lot 23 Atlantic ward and improvements. John L\ neh, lot 2ft Swollville ward. Bryan Luce, loi 27 Swollville ward. Wm. Burke, south one-half lot 70 Gue ward and improvements, Mrs. M. A. Becket and children, lot 82 Gue ward and improvements. Children or Nancy Brown, improvements and middle one-third lot AS Gilnierville ward. Est. Win. Rine, improvements on lot 17 Chatham ward. Josephine Fisher, improvements on lots lOti and 108 Schley ward. Mrs. L. J. Kemps, improvements and south one half lot 47, south one half lot 48 and south one half lot 49 One ward. John [jtiwrence, improvements on part lot 7 Screven ward. Michael Fay, improvements on lot 86 Wylly ward. Est. 51. Lufburrow, improvements on lot 4ft Jackson ward. George H. Lawler, improvements on part lot 58 Lloyd ward. Est. Wm. Murry, improvements on north one half lot 60 Jones warn. Wm. Martin, improvements on southeast part lot 17 Si*reven ward. Samuel Batter, improvements on northwest one-quarter lot 81 Elliott ward. Henry Wiehrs. improvements and lot 34 Choctaw ward. Mrs. (. A. Talbird, improvements on north one-half lot 16 Greene ward. Mrs. F. K. Pelol and children, improvements and west one half lot 11 Jackson ward. Est. Thomas Murtagh, improvements and lot 54 White ward. ROBT. J. WADE, City Marshal. ('t EORGIA, Chatham County. In Chatham I Sujjerior Court. Motion to establish lost deed. To Isaac D, laßoche, Henry I*ove, Abraham Backer. L Franklin Dozier, Win K. Dozier, Thomas B. Dozier, Bona Dozier, Nina Dozier Pressley, Blanche E. Choppin, Arthur D. Cboppin. George R. Beard, Emma Estelle Hodgson, Mary L. Hodgson, Agnes B. Hodg son, George 1L llodgson, and Joseph C. Hodg son: ELIZABETH A. RILEY having presented to me a petition in writing, w herein she alleges that a certain deed to lots Nos. 11 and 12 in Stephen ward, in the city of Savannah, was made by ISAAC D. LaROCHEand SAMUEL P. BELL, acting as Commissioners under a decree in equity in Chatham Superior Court, wherein you were parties, or are representatives of parties, or are interested adversely to her title t<* said lots of land, which said deed, a copy of which in substance is attached to said petition aud duly sworn to, bears date (ho 9t.h day of June. IHGO, and the original of which deed said petitioner claims has Ikh*d lost or de stroyed, and she wishes said copy established in lieu of said lost original. You are hereby commanded to show cause, if anv you can, at the next Superior Court to le held in and for said county on the FIRST MONDAY IN DE CEMBER NEXT, why said copy deed should not Im* established in lieu of the lost or destroyed original. And it further appearing that some of you, to wit: Abraham Back* r, L. Franklin Dozier, Win. E. Dozier, Thomas B. Dozier, Bona Dozier, Nina Dozier Pressley, Blanche E. Choppin, Ar thur 15. Choppin, George R. Beard, Emma Es telle llodgson. Mary L. Hodgson, Agnes B. j Hodgson. George H. Hodgson and Joseph C. Hodgson resile outside f the State of Georgia, It is therefore further ordered that you so re residing outside of the State of Georgia be served ny a publication of said rule nisi for three months before the next term of said court to wit: Three month* before the FIRST MON DAN IN DECEMBER NEXT in the savannah Moruing News, a public gazette of this State, published in this county Witness the Honorable A P. Adams. Judge of said Court, this 27th day of August, A. D. 1887. BARNARD V. BEE. Clerk S. 0., C\ 0. R. R. RICHARDS, ISAAC BECKETT. Attorneys for Petitioners. A true copy of the original rule nisi issued in tbe above case. BARNARD E. BEE, Clerk S. C., C. C. ( 1 EORGlA— Chatham County— Notice is here] \T by given that I have made application to the Court of Ordinary for ( hat ham county for order to sell five share* of the capital stock of the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia belonging to estate of GEORGE T. DRANK, minor, for the education and mainte nance of said minor; and that said order will Ikj granted at November term, 1887, of said court, unless object lons are filed. October 7, 1887. HENRY 31. DUANE, Guardian of Georg* T. Drane. ——————WW.l..Hl ... IW.W WATCHES AM) JEWELRY. THE CHEAPEST PEACE TO BUY WEDDING PRESENTS Such as DIAMONDS, FINE STERLING SIL VERWARE, ELEGANT JEWELRY. FRENCH CLOCKS, etc., 1 to be found it A. L. Desbouillous, 21 BULL STREET, the sole agent for the celebrated ROCKFORD RAILROAD WATCHES, and who also makes a specialty of 18-Karat Wedding Rings AND THE FINEST WATCHES. Anything you buy from him being warranted an represented. Opera G-lasses at Cost. I'LUMIJER. l. a. McCarthy, Successor to Chas. E. Wakefield, PLUMBER, GAS and STEAM FITTER, ■lx Barnard street, SAVANNAH, UA. Telephone 1179. AUCTION SALES TO-DAY. AT AUCTION by j. McLaughlin & son, ON Saturday, Oct. 15,1887, A/r la o’clock, At the Upper Hydraulic Cottpr, Press, foot of Montgomery street, 75 Buies Cotton, Scorched. —ALSO— -1 Lot Loose Cotton, Damaged by fire and water on board the steam ship Resolute and sold at auction by order of Capt. Beavley, Master, for ACCOUNT OF WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. OFFICE FURNITURE. By J. McLaughlin & Son. THIS DAY, at 11 o’clock, on the premises, 78 Bay street, opposite Abercorn street, FINE CABINET, DESKS. TABLES, LETTER PRESS, OFFICE CHAIRS, etc. SALE POSITIVE. AUCTION SALKS FUTURE IJAYS. Sale of Elegant Feriitore, China, Cut Class, Silverware. BY J. MCLAUGHLIN & SON, On TUESDAY, IRtb October, instead of Mon day. as has been advertised, at 11 o'clock, at 175 Waldhurg, between Barnard and Jeffer son, HALLET & DAVIS PIANO, EASY CHAIRS. ETAGERK. SECRETARY, MIRROR, BRUS SELS CARPETS, PERSIAN RUGS, MATS, MARBLE TOP TABLES, WARDROBES, BU RF.AUS, si i list ant ia I Rosewood and Walnut BEDROOM SUITES, HAIR MATTRESSES, STAIR CARPETS, SPLENDID HAT RACK, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, CHINAWARE, SOFAS, LOUNGE, HALL CLOCK, ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS, PASTEL PICTURE, “Queen of May,’’ WATER COLORS, ENGRAVINGS, STEEL and OLIOGRAPHS, EXTENSIVE LI BRARY', BOOK CASES, a large CAGE OF BIRDS. Important sale from day to day. House w ill be open for inspection on Monday from 11 o’clock to 2 o'clock. Whitaker and West Broad street cars within a few blocks. Remember SaleToesday, 18th Oct.,at 1 lo’clock WINKS ANIL LIQUORS. <VO TO D. B. Lester’s FOR PORE OLD RYE WHISKIES. PURE OLD CORN WHISKIES. PORE OLD IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKIES. PORE OLD MANOR MALT WHISKIES, (The Heat Malt Made). Pure Old Jamaica aud St, Croix Rum. PORE OLD HOLLAND GIN. (The Best Gin Imported). Pure Old Hennessy aud Marlell Brandies. PORE OLD DUFF GORDON SHERRIES. PORE OLD PALE SHERRIES. PORE OLD PORT WINES. PORE OLD MADEIRA WINES. PORE OLD CATAWBA WINES. PURE OLD SCUPPERNONG WINES. Pure Old Peach and Apple Brandies. Parties using stimulants as a means of im proving health and healing human ills can rely upon the quality of the above goods. D. B. LESTER 21 Whitaker street, Havannah, Ga. FOB SALE.' B Select Whisky $4 00 Baker Whisky iJMiJf.. 400 imperial Whisky I 3 00 Pineapple Whisiiy 2 flu North Carolina Corn Whisky 2 00 Old Rye Whisky 1 50 Rum New England and Jamaica. .$l5O to 800 Rye and Holland (lin 1 50 to 8 00 Brandy—Domestic and Cognac 1 50 to 6 00 WINKS. Catawba Wine $1 00 to #1 V) Blackberry Wine 1 00 to 1 50 Madeira, Port* and Kherrys 1 50 to 300 PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL. A. H. CHAMPION, PORTRAIT >. The Great Southern Portrait Company, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. B. B. DAVIS, Secretary and Manager of the Great South ern Portrait Company. AN inspection of samples of our Portrait* at our office, with Davis Bros., 42 and 44 Bull street, will greatly interest those who contem plate having email picture* of themselves, thoir friends, living and deceased, copied anil enlarged In OIL, WATER COLOR, INDIA INK. PAB -and CRAYON. We guarantee a per fect likeness and excellence of work. We have about TWENTY DIFFERENT STYLES AND GRADES IN SIZES OF ENLARGED POR TRAITS from Bxlo to 50x00, and our prices are from $2 to S3OO each. EMPLOY FORTY ART ISTS: been twenty-six years In the business; have a 6,000 candle-power ELECTRIC LIGHT, and are fully prepared with ail proper expedt tion and skill to execute all orders promptly and satisfactorily. We respectfully solicit your orders. L. B. DAVIS, Secretary and Manager The Great Southern Portrait Cos. 17'OR SALE, Old Newspaix'rs, Just the thing J? for wrappers, only 15 cents a hundred, 200 for ttb cento, at the business office. __ C. IT. DORSETT’S COLUMN. New Bedsteads,Carpets,Matting,Stoves AT AUCTION. C. H. Dorsett, Auctioneer, Will sell on MONDAY, October 17tb, 1887, At U o’clock, at 158 Bay, 2 new COOKING STOVES, SO dozen MASON’S BLACKING, NEW BRUSSELS and INGRAIN CARPETS, NEW MATTING, lot of WINDOW SHADES, BILLIARD TABLE, PIANO and STOOL, OFFICE STOVES, IKON SAFE, DESK. —ALSO— -20 NEW BEDSTEADS, 10 NEW BEDSTEADS. Administrator’s Sale of Personal Property. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. Under and by virtue of an order grant. 1 by the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, I will sell on MONDAY, October 34th, 1887, commencing at 11 o’clock *. m., the per sonal property and effects of the late J. J. Abrauis isold for the payment of debt* and for distribution), the same consisting In part of THE OFFICE FURNITURE, DESKS, BOOK CASES and LAW LIBRARY*, to be sold at the late office of the deceased, 118 Bryan street, between Bull and Drayton streets. also— immediately after the above sale, at the room* above the National Bank of Savannah, a few doors west of the office, A HANDSOME CHERRY BEDROOM SET, HATRACK, SIDE BOARD, TABLES, GLASS ami SILVERWARE, CARPETS. RUGS, UPHOLSTERED CHAIR, EXTENSION CHAIR, SOLE LEATHER TRUNK anil numerous other articles. .MORI). ABRAMS, Administrator. N. B Among the books in the library are the following valuable works: A Thoroughly Annotated Code of Georgia, Georgia Report* (Nos. 1 to 75), 17 vols. Blackfnot's Circuit Court Reports, 9 vols. Benedict’s District Court Reports, 31 vols. American Decisions (Nos. I to 31), 34 vols. American Reports (Nos. I to 34). Abbott's I-aw Works on Admiralty, United States Courts, etc., 8 vols. Russell on Crimes, 16 vols U. S. Digest 111 Ist series), 12 vols. U. 8. Digest (new series i, 24 vols. Georgia Act*. Executrix’s Sale. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. By virtue of an order granted by the Honorable Ordinary of Chatham county, I will sell be fore the Court House, in Savannah, during the usual hours of sale, on TUESDAY, No Member Ist, 1887, All that certain lot of land in the city of Sa vannah known as lot number eight in C. J. Hull’* subdivision of lot* numbers fifty-three and fifty-four South Oglethorpe ward, with the improvements thereon, conslstlngof a two-story brick dwelling bouse on the corner of West Boundary and Margaret street*. Sold a* the property of CHARLES JONES, deceased, for payment of debts and for distribution. LUCINDA JONES. Executrix of Charles Jones, deceased. Guardian’s Sale. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. Under and by virtue of an order granted by the Ordinary of Effingham county, Georgia, I will sell at public outcry, before the door of the Court House, in Savannah, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on TUESDAY, the first day of November, 1887, the following property of LULA SHEAROURE and JOHN SHEAR OUSE, minors, namely: One undivided one sixth (1-fll Interest in that certain lot of land situate and being in said city of Savannah and county of Chatham, known a* lot number sewn (7) Davis ward, fronting fifty six feet on Taylor sti-eet and running back to Jones street lane. Terms cash; purchaser pay ing for titles. JOHN E. SHEA ROUSE, Guardian of Lula and John Sbearouse. COMMISSIONERS'SALE -FOR PARTITION. By C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Chatham county, passed on the 2ffth day of July, 1887, during the June term of said court, in a case therein pending in which James J. McGowan, Kate McMahon and Mary E. Doug lass are complainants and Mary Elizabeth Kino and John Sherion are defendant*, the undersigned commissioner*(appointed for thi* purpose) will Will at public outcry before the door of the Court House of Chatham county on the FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER NEXT, being the first day of said month, be tween the legal hours ot sale, The following lots, tract* and parcel* of land in the corporate limit* of the city of Savannah, namely: All that piece, parcel or lot of land in the city of Savannah, county of Chatham and State of Georgia, described on u map drawn by Joseph M. Shellman, City Surveyor, as lot number four (4); bounded north by lot number three, then described a* the property of the estate of Thomas Williams; on the eaat, for a distance of two hundred and twenty-two and one-third feet, by the Ogeerhee canal, on the south by lot num ber five 15), the property of G. W. Anderson; on the west by a straight line drawn from the northwestern corner of said lot number live G the southwestern corner of lot number three. Also those three lots designated on a map drawn by Joseph JI. flbeilman. City Surveyor, a* lot* numbers one, two and three, being part* of the lot above described a* lot number four, through which the Savannah and Ogeeche* Canal passes; each of said lot* containing ilxty tbree and one-half feet, more or less, on West Boundary street and running westwardly *• the canal; and together bounded north by lot number four of the sub-division lots on the plan of said Joseph M. Shellman, east by West Boundary street, south by original lot number flvo and west by the canal. Also all those lot* designated on the said map of Joseph M. Shellmau as lots letters E, D, I, If. I and Hon West, Boundary street and E and D on Lumlier street, between Margaret and Zubly streets; each of said lot* containing sixty-threw and one-balf foet by ninety feet, more or less; lot* letters I and E forming what is known on the city map a* lot number fifty-one, and lot* letters H and I) forming what is known on the city map as lot number fifty. Also lots designated on said map of Joseph M. Bhellinan as letters A. B aud 0, now known on the city map a* lot* number twenty six, twenty-seven and twenty-eight, fronting wet on Lumber street, between Margaret, and Zubly street*, each containing sixty-three and one half feet on Lumber street aud ninety feet, more or less, in depth. Also lot number twenty-nine, hounded north by Zubly street, east by lot number ten, south by lot number twenty-eigbt, or letter ’’C." and West by Lumber street, containg sixty-three feet six inches on Lumber street, and ninety feet, more or less, in depth, Also the east and west halves of lot number fifty two on the city map, bounded north by loh number fifty-one ifots I and E), east by Lumber street. south by lot number fifty-three, and west by West Boundary street. Also the eastern halves of lots numbers forty eight aud forty-nine cm the city map, together bounded north by Zubly street, ea tby Lumber street, south by lot, letter D (or lot numberflfty) ami west by the western parts of said lot* num bers forty eight, and forty-nine. In all sixteen parcels or land. The above parcels of land will be sold in lot or lot* to suit purchasers. Terms cash, purchaser* paying for paper*. Bale subject to confirma tion by court. R R. RICHARDS, C. It. DORSETT, J. R. HAUBBT, Commissioner*. A COMFORTABLE HOI Upon Very Easy Terms. I can sell the two-story residence (tenement) oa the west side of West Broad street, between Andersou and Henry, upon the following very easy terms: A cash payment of $350. A monthly payment for two years of $22 75. After the expiration of two years a monthly payment ot str> 75 for seven years. The House is nearly new aud has a Parlor, Dining-room, Kitchen and three Bed-rooms, with water in the yard. The house is well built and furnished, has good size room*, high ceilings, and is altogether a very comfortable home. Witl sell on above terms, or for SI,AV> cash. Heven per cent, on $1,350 for nine years, with the principul amount* tc $2,200. If the above time payment is calculated it will amount to 3