The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 02, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 SANFORD’S LITTLE SCARE. JACKSONVILLE INVESTIGATES AND QUARANTINES. No Diagnosis in the Case of the Two Deaths but Room for Grave Appre hension-Only Four New Cases and Two Deaths at Tampajin the Past Twenty-Four Hours. {Sanford, Fla., Nov. 1. —Dr. Taylor, of Lake county, was here to-day investigating the yellow fever rumor. He is thoroughly satisfied that there is none here. He will immediately order Lake county’s quarantine off. Dr. Daniels, of Jacksonville, was here to day, and is satisfied, personally, that there is no yellow fever here. Not a member of the Hoard of Health could now officially ad vise the quarantine raised. The doctor re turned to Jacksonville this morning. He ■will lay' the facts before the board. Dr. Brunner, of Savannah, is here, and will in vestigate thoroughly. He is likely to make a post mortem examination of the colored woman who died vesterday. and then make an official report." The people are much quieter than vesterday, and no alarm is felt, There is one case of slight malaria in the city. Father Swembergb, of Orlando, died in ’l'ampa last night. SANFORD QUARANTINED. Jacksonville, Nov. I.—The two deaths from fever under suspicious circumstances yesterday in Sanford induced the Duval County Board of Health to seud Dr. Daniel, a yellow fever expert, down t here last night on a special train to ascertain the facts and report them. Dr. Daniels returned this afternoon anil made an official report to the Board of Health, in which he says that no reliable diagnosis could be obtained, but ad; Is: “There is undoubted room for grave apprehensions under the circumsiaoces and I am very sure the authorities of Sanford are so impressed in regard to the matter themselves.” Pre ferring to err on the safe side the Duval county Board of Health has declared a rigid quarantine against Sanford. Trains will not lie alioweil to run to the latter city but will stop some miles out and be met there by trains from Sanford bringing the mails aim through passengers Through | ass-ngers will not be allowed to come to Jacksonville, but wiil be trans ferred at the junction outside of the city limits to roads leading north. Sanford is 125 miles iron' Jacksonville by rail and 200 mijes by riv er. The wenthcr is cool and there was a heavy frost this morning. There are no fears of u spread uf the disease. Dr. Caldwell wired the board to-day that the quarantine station would be moved to a point between Plant City end Seffner so as to stop all refugees on the four railroads centreing thereabouts. Father Slavrel, Vicar General of the diocese of St. Augustine, located at Man darin, left yesterday for Tampa. It is said'that a third patient ill under suspicious circumstances is in a precarious condition at {Sanford. The lioard here wore somewhat amused over the BuHoch episode In reply to their notification of the doctor's arrest, the Savannah board telegraphed that they had no desire to interfere with the quarantine regulations here, and added: “When you have got through with him, will receive him.” The members were ajnused over tne philosophical way the case was treated, anil several jokes at Dr. Dulloeh's expense were indulged in. He is “rusticating” at the ''sand hills,” as Duval’s quarantine station is called, but don’t seem to enjoy the close attention recently paid him. News is received here of the death of Father Swendiergh, the Catholic pi lest who volunteered to go to Tampa from Orlando at the death of Father Peterman. Father Swembergh came here a year ago or so, and then was sent to Orlando. He was a promi nent figure in the late local option elections there, as he opposed the temperance side vigorously. The Jacksonville and St. Augustine base ball clubs will play a match game here Tnursday on the fair grounds. The pro ceeds are to be devoted to the Tampa suf ferers. A GOOD SHOWING AT TAMPA. Tampa, Fla., Nov. 1. — To-day there were but four new cases, and two deaths from fever, Father Swembergh and L, P. Anspaugh. Twenty-five patients were dis charged by the physicians to-day. There has i>een lio frost yet, but the weather is cool. But sixty cases are now under treat ment. Physicians advise refugees not to retro liefore the last of the month. FLORIDA’S METROPOLIS. A Man Assaulted Two Months Ago Sudd nly Dies. Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. I.—Last week Ned Murphy was sentenced to thirty days in jail for assaulting Hilliard Henderson, ut Pa'oio Beach, two months ago. Henderson was hit over the head with a piece of scant ling and badly hurt, but he seemed to re cover. Last night he died suddenly and a jury was impanelled this noon to inquire into it, as ir was thought that Murphy's blow caused his death. Others say his death was caused by excessive drink, as he had been on a prolonged debauch. Both are colored. Dr. Keuworthy held a post mortem on Murphy’s remains this afternoon and the jury in the case adjourned till morning. Four dwellings and u store were burned in LaVilla this evenihg. The occupants and losses were: Dr. Vvright, $150; Mrs. Mann, $250; J. Wood, $100: Isaac Dowl ing. $2,500, 'Hie latter owned all the buildings. At the City Council to-night permission was given the street ear company to lay ail additional track oil Bay street, from New nau street to the Jacksonville and Fernun diiia railroad depot. A double track to the Savannah, Florida and Western depot will be laid soon also. Frank Micklejohn. the young Georgia while man, sentenced to one year for forg ing the name of Far we 11 <& Page to a check, and attempting to obtain money thereon, was sent to the Live Oak camp so-dav. J. M. Baker, Judge of the Circuit Court, formally opened his court for the fall term this noon, impaneled and charged the grand jury, and was about calling the civil docket, v* hen W. B. Owen arose an , read the reso lutions upon the death of the late C. L. Robinson adopted by the bar on July 5, and requested, in accordance with an expressed desire of the bar. that they be spread upon the minutes, which was .so ordered by thecourt. F. P. Fleming the i, out of respect for the lato member of the bar, moved that the court adjourn for the day. Judge Ba ker then adjourned over until to-morrow. H. A. L'Engle was chosen foreman of tae grand jurj, when that body adjourned for the day. The Criminal Court adjourned for the term this evening. Littleton Scott (colored) was assaulted last night in his house on State and Cedar atreets, and beaten senseless. His clothing was stolen and himself badly hurt. Dr. Ken worthy dressed his wounds this morn ing, and said the assault came near ending in murder. Charles Wilson, a worthless and suspicious character, is suspected of the deed. Found Dead Near Jesup. Jessup, Ga. , Nov. I.—The remains of an unknown white man were found about o:ia mile and a half from Josup in the woods. A tramp sailor passed here übout two weeks ago sick with consumption, and it is be lieved that the deceased is the same man. He had two Ge.inan bibles und a sailor boarding house card, bearing the address of Mias Louisa Cambridge, proprietress, No fcJ Elliott street. Charleston, K. C., among his clothing, in a sack such as sailors use. His body luid been so badly eaten by buz zards that no one could re-'ognize it. The man had evidently been dead about two weeks, and whs found by r colored man Sunday, whose attention was attracted by the buzzards. ATHENS’ FAIR. Senator Colquitt’s Speech -An Old Flag Cut for Miss Davis. Athens, Ga., Nov. I.— The opening day of the Northeast Georgia Fair has been per fect. There was a large crowd on the grounds and eight trains a day are drawiug large numbers of jieople into the city. Senator Colquitt delivered the opening address. He called attention to tiie display made by every section of Georgia in the ex positions in Atlanta and Macon and Athens. He said the South had made a decisive and practical answer to the slanders of sectional lioliticiaus at the North, who contended that the people of the South were lazy and indolent, and were devoting their time to war memoirs and bulldozing elections. He said Georgia had proven that there were elements of enterprise in every section of the Slate, and that while devoted to the memories of the past, she had made a wonderful prac tical revelation to the people of the North and South alike. lie paid a glowing com pliment to Jefferson Davis’ daughters, who sat before him, calling them the brightest jewels iy the Southern cross. He said he rejoiced to know that Southern farmers mi l partisans, although crippled by the war, had gone to work to build themselves up without asking a bounty from the govern ment or without asking to prosper at some body’s expense They sought to thrive by no false system of protection, but were striving to succeed by manly sell n nance. This allusion of Senator Colquitt was the only one ho made to the tariff and was clmered to the echo. Mrs. Hayes and Miss Winnie Davis were then greeted by the old veterans, who oa-sml before them in double file and shook hands with them in their carriage. Both ladies kissed the old battle Dug of uie Troup artillery, Capt. H. H. Carlton cut trom the ci ois two stars and presented them to the .....ijnters of the Confederacy in a beau til’u. pi axil amul wild cheering. Miss Win nie Davis said, as she clasped the star to her breast, while tears tilled her beautiful eyes: “I prize this so much, and yet it is a pity to cut that brave old flag.’’ SALES DAY AT COLUMBUS. Several Pieces of Property Change Hands at Good Prices. Columbus, Ga., Nov. I.—To-day was legal sale day. The most important sale was that of the Perry House property, which was sold by F. J. Jenkins, D. A. An drews and E. E. Yonge, Commissioners, to James A. Lewis for $25,000. The same commissioners sold the two-story store No. 1212 j Broad street to John H. Bass for $2,250. Mre. Caroline O. Williams, administratrix of the estate of W. L. Williams, sold lot No. 20 in the Northern Liberties, to F. J. McArdle, for #1,500. Yonge & Grimes sold the comm oils lot, No. 7, to R. M. Norman, for $9BO. The same parties sold lot No. 10, in block IJ2, to R. M. Norman, for *825. H. A. Thornton sold five shares of the Capital City Land and Improvement Com pany of Atlanta to J. A. Appier for 140 per share. Congressman Grimes left for New York to-dav where he will remain for ten days and then go to Washington. At a meeting of the Columbus Guards to-night Capt. Chappel tendered his resigna tion for business reasons. His successor will be elected on the second Monday of the present month. OYSTER HANDS STRIKE. The Knights of Labor Bou :d to Make a Stir in Louisiana. New Orleans, Nov. I.— A special to the Times-Democrat from Biloxi, Miss., says: “About GOO men, including opster openers and the boatmen m the employ of the can ning company here, struck work to-day. The striko was ordered by the local assembly of the Knights of Labor. Some time ago shippers and j lackers were notified that unless 10c. per 100 lor opening oysters was paid on and after Nov. 1 their employes would strike and call off all the boats engaged in fishing. The shippers and packers have resolved not to accede to the demand of the strikers, and all of them will soon shut down their estab lishments throwiug thousands of persons out of employment. So far as heard from there has been no trouble among the strikers and sugar plant ers to-day. STRIKE OF THE SUGAR HANDS. Pattbrsonville, La., Nov. I.—A gen eral strike among the hands on the sugar plantations was inau fu rated this morning on the lower echo, in the district between Bartells Sta tion and Morgan City. All the places above Grandwood are stiil working, and all the places below, and including Grand wood, are either idle or working with a few white hands. The planters nre a unit in resisting the demands of the strikers, and they hare no doubt about, the result. There is a feeling of intense bitter ness throughout the district against certa n prominent leuders who have urged on the strike, and if the matter is not promptly settled there is no telling what the resuit will be. A letter received this morning from a well-known citizen of that city explains the situation of affairs in Terre Bonne, St. Mary and La Fourche parishes. Because they are threatened with eviction from he plantations, the strikers have become demonstrative and threatening. The letter reads as follows: “The negroes passed a resolution in their meetings to re sist being put off the plantations by force. Tuesday and Wednesday have been fixed by the planters as the time to have the Sheriff move them off. Judge Allen has promised to be here Tuesday, so as to be able to try cases. I fear trouble Wednes day.” Chicago’s Striking Printers. Chicago, Nov. 1. —Two hundred and fifty union job printers, over half the whole number in the city, went on a stfike tills morning. Their fight is for a nine hour day. A member ot the strikers executive committee said that several of the largest offices yielded before the hour set for the strike." The employers generally express confidence of victory and intimate that their main line of action will be to fill their offices with non-union men. Knights to Secede. Chicago, Nov. I.—At a meeting of Local Assembly 1 ,;X> of the Knights of Labor this evening it was decided by a majority vote that the assembly would withdraw in a body from the Knights of Labor. A committee w as appointed to confer with the “provisional committee” of the dissentei's. with Cue ob ject of forming the nucleus of the proposed new organization. The assembly formerly had A. K. Parsons, the condemned Anarch ist, on its membership roll. This is the first body of Knights, so far as is known, to withdraw from the order in response to the api>enl of the provisional committee. Pensacola Points. Pensacola, Fla., Nov. I.—A row oc curred in a saloon at Milview yesterday, during which a white man named William Fui'in shot Frank Butler (colored). Sub sequent Iv William Faulk was attacked by three colored men, but timely interlerence on the part of a deputy sheriff prevented nnv fui ther serious trouble. Col. W. D. Chipley, President of the City Commissioners, is very active in enforcing the sidewalk ordinance on Palafox street wharf. The building of walks along this thoroughfare is sadly needed. A River Steamer Burned. New Orleans, Nov. 1. —The steamer Pemriah, with 1,0-K) hales of cotton, was burned to-day near Alexandria. The loss is tlo,uoo. A Congressional Election. New Orleans, Nov. I.—The returns of special election to-day. as far as received, indicate the choice of Col. S. M. Robertson, Dein., to Congress in the Sixth district. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1887. EXTRA DAY AT IVY CITY. The Weather Magnificent and tue At tendance Good. Washington, Nov. I.—This was the first day of the extra meeting of the Natioual Jockey Club. The day was the most pleasant of this meeting with a clear sky and warm temperature. The attendance was good and the track heavy, with the fields in most of the races small. The events were as follows: First Race— One mile. Young Duke won, with Glemnound second and Bariiuiu third. Time 1:40. Sccoxn Race—Mile and an eighth. Nettle won, with The Bourbon second and Orl.tlulo third. Tima 2:01*4. Third Race—Mile and three sixteenths. I.elo gos won. with Argo second and Florence M. third. Time 2:115. Fourth Rack—Six furlongs. King Crab won, gvith Sulviui second and Theora third Time 1:17. Fifth Race— Six furlongs. Frank Ward won, wit h Theodocius second and Main third J une 1 TENNESSEE’S JOCKEY CLUB. Nashville, Tens., Nov. I.—This was the tilth day of the fall meeting of the Tennessee Jockey Club. The weather was dear amt the track fast. The events were a\ follows: First Kok—One mile. Alamo won, with Balance second atui Fronie Louise third. Time 1:43*4. Sec uni> Hack -Mix furlongs. Bill Sterritt finished first, with Barodsburg second end Fel low Broeck third, but HarOtUbunt'* rider claimed a fool and the judges gave the race to Fellow Broeck placing Parish second and land third. Time I:ITJ4- Thiso Hack -Seven furlongs. Gienflsher first, with Bankrupt second and Spiuette third. Time 1:!L Fourth Back—Nine furlongs. Vice Kegent won. with Osceola second and Dancing Kid third. Time 1:. its 14. The Southern League. Nashville. Tens., Nov. I.—The South ern Base Ball League meeting closed to-duy. The guarantee fund was increased to $1,500, and the meeting increased the umpire’s salary to $250 per month. T. Wilson, of Birmingham, was elected Presi dent, and Jamas Hearn, of New Orleans, Vice President. The championship was formally awarded to New Orleans. It was resolved to have an eight club league if four other cities would join Memphis, New Orleans, Birmingham and Charleston, which constituted this year’s league. The retiring President. John Morrow, was pre sented with a gold-headed cane. Charleston’s Trades’ Display. Charleston, S. C., Nov. I.—The mon ster trades’ display to night brought 70,000 people out on the streets. The city was illuminated with the grandest illumination ever seen here. There were eleven bands, 171 floats, about 1,000 horses and mules, and upward of 5,000 persons in the procession, which occupied over an hour in passing a given point. Before the festivities closed the handsome store of F. W. Wagner & Cos. caught lire, but the flames were confined to the decorations on the exterior. Trains to day brought upward of 5,000 visitors to the city, and everything is on a big boom. Failed to Arouse the Voters. Wilmington, Del., Nov. I.—The Morn ing A>•*’ returns of the election in this State to-day to decide whether a constitu tional convention shall lie called, show that the vote falls 1,500 short of the 15,400 votes required by the act submitting the question to the people. Muldrow Goes Home. Washington, Nov. I.—Assistant Secre tary Muldrow left the city to-day for his home in Mississippi. He is expected to re turn in about ten days. OVER IN CHARLESTON. What Is Going on in South Carolina’s Chief Seaport City. Charleston’s gala week is in full progress The Northeastern railroad is importing Italian labor from the North. The Lutheran Synod of South Carolina will meet at Prosperity, Newberry county, on Monday. Rev. J. J. Monaghan, of Greenville, S. C., will succeed Rev. Father Duffy at the Charleston Cathedral. Father Duffy goes to St. Mary's. At the approaching fair of the Mechanics’ Union a beautiful nickel-plated Pullman sleeper lantern will be voted to the most popular conductor on the South Carolina, Charleston and Savannah and Northeastern railroads. In the October number of the American Art Journal, published in New York, is an article purporting to give the authorship of the tune to which is sung: “John Brown's body lies a mouldering in the giave,” and sometimes the words “We’ll hang Jeff Davis on a sour apple tree,' 1 and which came over the picket lines and was transformed into “We’ll hang Abe Li‘Coin on a sour apple tree.” The article in the Art Journal ascribes the authorship of the tune to a Charlestonian. Careful in quiry in Charleston, says the News and Courier, has failed to develop anybody who has ever heard of the alleged author, Mr. Steffe. Musicians and poets alike profess their ignorance of any knowledge or tra dition concerning him. It is possible, how ever, that Mr. Steffe may have flourished four or live generations ago. It may be mentioned that the tune of “John Brown’s Body’’ was a well-known plantation melody in this State for many years before the war. ON RAIL AND CROSSTIE Local and General Gossip In Railway Circles. Work on the Brushy Point extension of the South Florida railroad is being pushed very rapidly. Steve R. Johnston, General Agent of the Cincinnati Southern railroad, was in the city yesterday. T. F. Barnard, General Traveling Freight Agent, of the East Tenne-aee, Virginia and Georgia railroad, is in the city. The contractors of the first twenty miles of the Chattanooga, Rome and Columbus railroad had expected to begin track laying the past week, but were delayed by the bad weather and the non-arrival of the steel rails. Commissioner Slaughter of the Southern Passenger Agents’ Association, has issued a circular announcing the rate agreed upon by the committee at its meeting la>t month, and which went into effect yesterday. Par ties of ten or more people in one body, trav eling on one ticket, will be given the fol lowing rates: From 10 to 14 people, inclusive, “ l £c. per mile; from 15 to ~5 people 21c., and over 25, •>. per mile. Short line mileage will oe used as the ba-is lor computing ran s between competitive points. One hundred and fifty pounds of baggage will be allowed for each passenger to be carried on the same train, excess baggage being charged for at regular buggage rates. Skinny Men. Wells’ “Health Renewei” restores health and vigor, euros dyspepsia, impotence, ner vous debility. For weak men, delicate worn en. sl. Wells’ Hair Balsam. If gray, restores to original color. An elegant, dressing, softens and beautifies. No oil or grease. A tonic Restorative. Stops hair coming out; strengthens, cleanses, heals scalp. 50e. "Rough on Piles.” Why suffer piles' Immediate relief and complete cure guaranteed. Ask for “Rough on Piles.” Suee cure lor itching, protmd ing, bliss ling or any form of Piles. 50c. At druggists or mailed. At the Harnett House, Savannah, Ga., you get all the comforts of the high-pricod ho els, and save from $1 to $2 per day. Try it and be convinced. —Huston Home Jour n at Weather Indications. (Special indications for Georgia: FAIR Fair weather ight variable winds, warmer. Comparison o* meau temperature at Savan nah, Nov. 1 1887, ami the mean uf same day for tifleeu years. Departure Total Mean Temperature from the Departure .Mean | Since for 15 years Nov. I, '8" -i- or jJan. 1,1387. 50.0 | 52'.’ I— 8.0 | 8*4.0 i 'omparative rmuf.tU statement: ~ _ Departure ] Total Mean Daily Amount {l . tUe Departure A’uuimt for foi Menu Since lb leal*. ■ Nov. 1, 87., _ . cl . _ Jj an . 1, 1887. 08 j 00 J , -It '•* Maximum temperature t3. minimum tern pe ratlin- 39, The height of the river at Augusta at 1:3:1 o’clock p. m. vesterday (Augusta timei was 8 o few—a fall of 0.8 during the past twenty-four nours. Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations. Savannah. Nov. 1. 9:16 p. m . city lime. Direction, j * Velocity. 1 ? Rainfall. Name OF Stations. Portland 32 N Clear. 805t0n..... 3*i N ' 1 Clear. Block Island ... WNE.. .... j Clear. New York city .. 4" N Clear. Philadelphia 12 N Clear. Detroi J|BW j .. Clear. Fort Buforn.. .. 40 NW Clear. St. Vinceut.. 36 NW . .... Clear. Washington city 4i N Clear. Norfolk 46 N . - . Clear. Charlotte Si' Smoky. llatteras Titusville ' 68 W ... Clear. Wilmington 40 N Clear. ('hai 1.-ston 50 N K (dear. Augusta 48 NW . Clear. Savannah 54 X 2 clear. Jacksonville 52 X ... Clear, (’odar Keys 50 N vV| 0 ~.. .Clear. Key West . JO N l* ... clear. Atlanta. 60 W 0 .... Clear. Pensacola 50 S* Clear. Mobile 50 NW .. Clear. Montgomery ... 5 Clear. Vicksburg 00,N K.. .... clear. Now Orleans 02 W Oj....’Clear. Shreveport 58 NK' . .... Clear. Fort Smith 68 S TO . Clear. Galveston 00 S W It Clear. Corpus Cliristi 01 S K 6 Clear. Palestine | 00 S 0... Clear. Brownesvills OPS tv Clear. Rio ( rande t S E Clear. Knoxville 40 N E Clear. Memphis 54 N Clear. Nashville 40 N . Clear. Indianapolis 14 Clear. Cincinnati 44 Si ... Clear. Pittsburg 42 N Clear. Buffalo 3) ... Clear. Cleveland 114 S K;..- ... Clear. Marquette 50 W ...... Clear. Chicago 52 S W Clear. Duluth. 58 Clear. St. Paul 50 ...| Clear. Davenport 50 S j.. j Clear. Cairo | 48 N ’Fair. St. Louis i 50 S !.. Clear. la-avenworth... .1 00 s ! Clear. Omaha ! 04 S ... .. Clear Yankton 54 W j.. I ... Clear. Bismarck 48 NW ’Clear. Deadwood 42 E Clear. Cheyenne. 42 NW Clear. North Platte 60 N E, Clear. Dodge City j 56 S j.. Clear. Santa Fe ; 40 E ! ! Clear. *T denotes trace of rainfall. U. N. SAMsnuav Signal Corps. More Interstate Business.— " Better keep your head in the car," continued the conductor on the l .arising train as he passed through a coach and saw an old man with his head thrust out. It was slowly drawn in and the owner turned ton man on the seat behind ami asked: “What harm does it do to put my bead out?" "You might knock some of the telegraph poles down ' - “Oh, that’s it ’ Well, if they are so 'fraid of a few old poles I’ll keep my beud in. Tliat’s the way on the railroads since that new law went into effect,"— Detroit Free Press, People Wonder How We Do It! But wo do sell a Knee Suit for $2 50, Knee Pants for 25c., and a Boys’ Hat, or Polo Cap, for 25c.; a boy’s outfit, with extra Pants, for $3. The “Famous,” manufactur ing all the Clothing they sell, are always able to give lower prices, or if the prices being equal, butter quality for the money than our competitors. Having removed on September Ist to the northeast corner of Congress and Whitaker streets (store for merly kept by Mi'. Birnbaum), we have re duced our prices in order to make our re moval public. We sell equally low oili stock of Hats, Caps, Trunks, Shirts, Under wear, from the cheapest to tho very best. Umbrellas from $1 up to s(> 50. Oak, Pine and Lightwood, For sale by R. R. Cassels, corner Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 77. P. I*. P. The wea ! her to-day will be fair and slightly warmer. I For Sale by All Medicine Dealers. DR. WHITEHEAD can be consulted daily at oWit of the Company, Odd Fellows" Hall Building, without churn*. Prescript lons ati-i examination/re *. All inquiries by mail will also receive his personal attention. DISSOLUTION. NOTICE). and after the 10th instant the business now conducted by me will be carried on by Messrs. T. J. DAVIS & CO., and l beg for the new firm the patronage of ray many friends who have been so liberal to me, and feel assured that the new firm will give (hem the same at tention a* they received from me, Mr. DAVIS having been my head man for the past four years. Messrs. T. J. DAVIS and J. G. HARDEE or authorized to collect ull billsdue the retiring firm G. R. McALFIN. MEETINGS. GEORGIA CHAPTER VO, 3, R. A. M. A regular convocation of this Chapter will be held on WEDNESDAY EVENING, Nov. 2d, at 7:45 o’clock prompt. The M M will be conferred. Transient companions are cordially invited. By order of THOMAS BALLANTYNE, H. P. P. H. Ward, Recorder I. O. O. F. MAGNOLIA EN- * CAMPMENT No. 1. Odd Fellows' Tern- , _ KkWA _ _ pie, N. W. corner Bar- I • w.U •i. nard and State streets. // Jk It.'gular meeting /f- aghf this i weii nemin viHmw^. ' gjgY EVENING atßo’clock. " FRED. FICKEN, C. P. J. S. Tyson, Scribe. GOLDEN RULE LODGE VO. 12, I. O. O. F. A regular meeting of this Lodge will be held THIS EVENING at 8 o’clock. Memlmrs of other Lodges and visiting brothers arc invited to attend. _ By order of FRED EINBFELD, N. G. D. F. McCoy. Secretary. ________ Et(l IT \ III.E LOAN AVI) BIILIMVU ASSOC I ATI O V. The fourteenth (14th) regular mouthly meeting of this association will be held at the office ot .lui ksou & Whatley THIS (Wednesday) EVEN ING ut 8 o'clock. C. P. MILLER, President. J. L. Whatley, Secretary. MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF TIIE CITIZENS’ MITT AL LOAN COM- P AVI . There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the CITIZENS’ MUTUAL LOAN COMPANY at the Metropolitan Hall, on WEDNESDAY, Nov. 2,188 T. at 8 o’clock p. to take into con sideration the merger of s lid company into the Citizens’ Bank of Savannah, and such other business as may be brought before the meeting. By order of the Board of Directors. GEORGE (’. FREEMAN. Treasurer, DKIUGIHTB —AND— APOTHECARIES TAKE NOTICE That the next meeting of the GEORGIA BOARD OF PHARMACEUTICAL EXAM INERS will take place in ATLANTA Thursday, Nov. 10. to examine candi dates and grant licenses to qualified applicants. Candidates will apply at the office of Dr. J. S. Pemberton. PHYSICIANS who are Druggists must lmvo a license from the present or previ ous Pharmaceutical Board. Their diplomas are not sufficient to continue the drug business. ALI. ARE NOTIFIED that PROSECUTIONS will certainly be instituted against all unlicensed vendors of drugs. For penalties see Pharmacy Act, approved September 29, 1881. By order of EDW. BARRY, M. D„ Chairman. State or Weather. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements inserted under “Special Notices ” will be chaiyed $1 00 a Square each insertion. ALL-SOl LH-l) AY. ¥ Coast Line Railroad will run a convenient schedule to Cathedral Cemetery TO-DAY. R. E. COBB, Superintendent. SOLICITED, By the Georgia Infirmary Aid Association, cast off garments for males and females, old linen, blankets, feather beds and pillows. Any of the above articles will be thankfully received for the inmates of the Georgia Infirmary by MRS. R. H. ANDERSON, President. NOTICE. All persons are hereby cautioned against har boring or trusting any of the crew of the Nor wegian bark TREIA, Capt. Johnsen, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by Master, Owners or M. S. COSULICH & CO., Agents. NOTICE. All bills against the British steamship HUGM ENDEN must be presented at our office before 12 o’clock noon, THIS DAY, Nov. 2, 1887, or pay ment will be debarred. RICHARDSON & BARNARD, Agents. ANOTHER ARRIVAL Of 39 dozen FELT HATS by Steamship City of Augusta just opened at JAUDON’B, 150 St. Julian Street. TO KENT. Stores in Odd Fellows’ Hall. Possession Nov. Ist. Apply to A. R. FAWCETT, Secretary, Market Square. NOTICE. Savannah, Nov. Ist, 1887. Public notice is hereby given that on the first day of September, 1887, the "Upper Steam Rice Mills" passed into the I muds of ROBERT H. COLEMAN, of Cornwall,‘Pennsylvania, and is a matter of record in this county. The business is conducted under the name Upper Rice Mill Company, HUGH M. MAXWELL, Treasurer. —Mr. R li. HABERSHAM remains with the mills as Manager. 1 would take this occasion to say that the mills were never in better order than at present to maintain their well known reputation for good work; and all business intrusted to them will receive careful and prompt attention. Appreciating the patronage already extended, a share of the trade from planters and dealers generally, is respectfully solicited. HUGH M. MAXWELL, Treasurer. NOTICE. The undersigned have this day formed a Co partnership muter the firm name of ADAMS & FLEMING, for the purpose of conduct ing the General Produce ana Butcher business, at the corner or Liberty and Whitaker streets. We herewith solicit l lie trade of our friends and the public in general. AARON ADA 118, thos. w. Fleming. ILMKR’b LIVER CORRECTOR. This vegetable preparation is invaluable for the restoration of tone und strength to the sys tem. For Dyspepsia. Constipation and other ills, caused by a disordered liver, it caunot be excelled. Highest prizes awarded, and in dorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for Ul mer's Liver Corrector and take no other. $1 00 a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B. F. ULMER. M. D., Pharmacist.. Savannah. Ga. PROPOSALS WANTED. SEALED BIDS FOR COUNTY BONDS. Madison, Fla., October 7, isST. SEALED BIDS will lie received by the Board of County Commissioners of Madisni county, at the Clerk’s oittce in Madison, until the 1 >th DAY OF NOVEMBER, ißt<7, for the purchase of nil or any part of the issue of the Coupon Bonds of Madison county, limited in amount to seventy-five thousand dollars, of the denominations of five Hundred and one hundred dollars each (one hundred and twenty-flu* ;f each denomination) und bearing interest at the rate of six (ft) per centum per annum. Princi pal payable at tne office of the County Treasuiy m Madison, Florida, on the first day of June, A. I>. 1912. Redeemable at the pleasure of the County Commissioners a; any time after the first day of June, A. 1). IHM2. Coupons for in terest payat*le at the County Treasury on the first day oi June in each and every year. All b;ds for bonds shall specify amount of bonds bid for. the time when the bidder will comply with his bid. and shall specify whether bid is in current money or in past due indebted ness of the county. No bids entertained below par. The County Commissioners reserve the right to reject anr and all bids. Address CHANDLER H. SMITH, Chairman Board County Commissioners Madi son County, Fla. AMUSEMENTS. SAVANNAH THEATRE. THREE NIGHTS—NOVEMBER 1,2 and 3. John S. Clarke, THE EMINENT AMERICAN COMEDIAN. What is said of him: “The charming humor and exquisite pathos of Mr. Clarke's versatile genius was wonderful.’’ What is said of the company: “It was the perfection of acting.’’ TUESDAY, “A FAIR ENCOUNTER,” and Coleman's 5-act Comedy, "HEIR AT LAW.” Mr. Clarke appears in two opposite characters, “Dr. Panginss, LL.D. and A.S.S," anil "Zekiel Homespun." WEDNESDAY, Oliver Goldsmith's Old English 5-act Comedv, “SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER.” THURSDAY,Great Double Bill, “THE ROUND TRIP" and “TOODLES." Seats now on sale at. DAVIS BROS. Next attraction - J. B. POLK, Nov. 9. EXCURSIONS. Clarlesl end Savannah IR-A.I:G'VY-A.'Y", Summer Excursions Commencing SUNDAY, MAY 15th, this Com pany will sell round trip tickets to CHAR LESTON, By following Trains and at following Rates; By train leaving Sundays only, ot 6:45 a. a.; re turning, leave Charleston at 3:35 p. m., same day $1 00 By train leaving Sunday only at 6:45 A. M. : re turning, leave Charleston Monday morn ing $2 00 By train leaving Saturday at 8:25 p. m. : return ing, leave Charleston Monday morning... $2 50 By train leaving Saturday at 12:26 p. u.: return ing, leave Charleston Monday morning. $3 00 Tickets for sale at SVM. BREN'S. Bull street, and at Depot, E. P. McSWINEY, Gen. Pass. Agent. BOOTS AND SHOES. WHAT A Horrible Fate - IT IS FOR A Person TO BE TaM to Dean. This terrible event can be luckily avoided by making your purchases of us, for once you call and see our goods, no talk is necessary. Notice the following desirable STYES and PRICES of our footwear: Ladies’ Bright Doogola Button, Opera Toe or Common Sense, D and E Widths $2 00 Ladies’ Fine Curacoa Kid Button, Half French Heel, Opera and Common Sense, C, II E 2 50 Ladies’ Fine Glove-Fitting Button, All Styles and Widths 3 00 Ladies’ Finest Kid Button, Hough & Fords'Make, 0. D E. ...... 3 50 Ladies’ French Kid, Vamp Button, Hand-Sewed, Turned uud Machine Sewed 4 00 We guarantee these goods absolutely cheaper for Quality, Style and Workmanship, than are sold by any store in the city. Not only that we carry the above Popular Styles, but are Leaders ot Fashionable Sbaj>es of Ladies’ Finest Foot wear, in French, Dongola, Curacoa, Kid. and Pebble and Straight Goat Button Boots. Ma chine-Sewed, Hand Welts, and Hand-Sewed Turns, in widths of B. C\ D and E. ou Opera Toe, Common Sense and Waukenphast Lasts. In any of the above goods we guarantee you a fit. like the SHOE WAS MOULDED OVER YOUR FOOT. Our Men s. Boys', Misses' and Children's Shoes everybody knows "are RELIABLE, and that our STYLES are hard to beat. CLOTfilNti. AT SEA! So many dazzling promises are held out that the would-be buyer is now puzzled as to which IS the best place to provide himself with Winter Clothing. We ofle’ no inducements beyond a chance to select from the LARGEST STOCK, GREATEST VARIETY, BEST QUALITY, LOWEST PRICES, And rest our reputation on these claims. Tiie public Uoesn'rtjxpect nor claim more. DRESS SUITS, BUSINESS SUITS, OVERCOATS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, FURNISHINGS. HATS. NECKWEAR, FURNISHINGS EOR GENTS. YOUTHS, BOYS AND CHILDREN. Come ami see us. and if we can’t treat you as well or better than any other house, try else where. 161 CONGRESS. B. H. LEVY & BRO. FOR SALE. FOR SALE, A Good Newspaper in a Live and Prosperous Georgia Town. ANYONE desiring to purchase a daily and weekly paper in one of the most prosper ous towns in Georgia can do so now if applica tion is made at. once. Reason for selling pro prietor has been in ill health and lias too much other business to engage ills attention. Outfit is nearly new and paper doing a good business, and now. in the height of the business season, is the time to purchase. Address for particulars G. S., care Savannah News, Savannah, (,u. MAUKKJIKI,. JUST RECEIVED. EXTRA SHORE No. 1 f J MACKEREL in half barrels. C.M GILBERT & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS. BOY'S’ CLOTHING, CARTETS, ETC Dan I Hogan. w mu. We will place on sale on MONDAY MORNING 500 as handsome Boys’ Suits as can be Found south of New York. Prices of tailor-made and per fect-fitting suits are for better grades $6 50, $7 50, $8 50 $9 and $9 50. Also a large variety, fully 500, just as durable, but not as fine, at the following prices: $1 75, $2 25, $2 50, s;j §8 50, $4, $4 50, and $5. SPECIAL SALE OF Tapestry and Ingrain Carpets DURING the ensuing week. One lot Tapestry Carpets at 05 c. per yard. One lot 3-Ply All Wool Car pets at 85c. per yard. One lot All A\"ool Extra- Supers at 60c. per yard. One lot Ingrain Carpets at 55c. per yard. One lot Ingrain Carpets at 50c. per yard. One lot Ingrain Carpets at 40c. per yard. One lot Ingrain Carpets at 22 Ac. per yard. 500 Smyrna Rugs RANGING PRICE FROM 85c. Each to $lO, MATTING. 100 rolls fresh Canton Mat ting, ranging in price from 20c. to 50c. per yard. AM* A- 'V Special Barpins Will also be found in the fol lowing goods during this week: Silks, Satins, Dress Goods, Cloaks, Shawls, Lace Curtains and Curtain Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Bed Com forts, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Ladies’ and Gents’ Silk Umbrellas, etc., etc. )aiM Hop, HOTELS. NEW HOTEL TOGNI, (Formerly St. Mark’s.) Newnan Street, near Bay, Jacksonville, Fla. WINTER AND SUMMER r pilK. MOST central House in the city. Near J Post Office, Street Cars and all Ferries. New ami Elegant Furniture. Electric Bells. Batiis, Etc. ho to S.O per day. JOHN B. TOGNI, Proprietor, _ DUB’S SCREVEN HOUSE. r IMIIS POPULAR Hotel is now provided with 1 a Passenger Elevator (the only one hi the city) and has been remodeled and newly fur nished. The proprietor, who by recent purchase is alao the owner of the establishment, spares neither pains nor excuse in the entertainment of his guests. The patronage of Florida visit ora is earnestly invited. The table of the Fv reven House is supplied with every luxury that tho markets at home or abroad can afford. WOOD. A S. BAC ON, Planing Mill, Lumber and Wood Yard, Liix-rty and East Broad sts., Savannah, Ga. A LL Planing Mill work correctly and prompt ly done. Good stock Dressed and HougA Lumber. FIRE WOOD, Oak, Fine, Liglitwootf and Lumber Kindlings.