The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 02, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 TO SELL THE BARRACKS, THE STOCKHOLDERS ACCEPT CAPT. PURSE’S OFFER. The Government to Have the Bull Street Front and the Drayton Street Frontage to be Sold to Capt. Purse for $36,500- Opposition to the Sale- End of the Hotel Scheme. The final scenes in t he new hotel move were enacted last night at Metropolitan Hall, and the project which has so long filled the minds of many citizens has passed away into what the poets call the “vista of the past." The stockholders of the Oglethorpe Heal Estate Company assembled to the number of about fifty in Metropolitan Hall, Presi dent Weil in the chair, for tho pur pose of acting upon the offer of Capt. D. G. Purse. The paper containing the names of those who had authorized Mr. Purse to dispose* of their interests in the company and consent ing to the sale of the property for $75,000, was read. After the reading, attention was called to the fact that it had not been ascer tained whether or not a quoiurn was pres ent. A committee consisting of Messrs. J. B. Duckworth, U*e Hoy Myers and J. C. Rowland was appointed to examine the proxies, and they reported that a legal quorum was present. CAPT. rUUSE'S LRTTEH. The following letter was then lead: Savannah, Ga.. Nov. 1, !W. fl. A. 11V<7, Ks'j., President Ofjlrthot'pe lieal Estate Company , City: Dear Sir—l beg to inform you. and through you the stockholders of the Oglethorpe Heal Estate Company, that, in pursuance of the authority granted me by the paiwr 1 tearing date —— . siguerl by th* stockholders of the Oglethorpe Real Estate Company, and repre seutnig two thirls . its stock. 1 nave effected a sale to the 1 ;.ired States government for the sum of $49,500 n) of that portion of the property know;' as toe United States Barrack* covering the whole of the front 'Bull street and iw feet each on Harr.* and Liberty streets being reetangular in sba*.* * The United States At torney. who is investign i.ig title prior to the making of conveyance to the United States, has requested that the conveyance shall i*e duly authorized in a regular meeting of stockholders of the company by a vote of two-thirds of tho entire stock. Agreeable to his request, I beg that you will lay the matter before the stock holders" meeting to-night, and have proper resolutions passed for this purpose. As to the remainder of the tiarracks lot, 1 beg to submit the following two propositions: TWO PROPOSITIONS. 1. So soon as the title to the portion sold to the United Stains shall have been executed and accepted to the United States. T will pay the sum of $25,500 cash for good and sufficient warranty titles to the remainder of the lot: or 2. Upon the execution of titles to the United States, as above, and acceptance of the title by them, I will pay the stun of SIOO, and give my promissory note due on or before three months after date ! • the sum of $*5,500, for the execu tion and delivery to me of a bond for the titles to th * remainder of said lot, on the following conditions: Good and sufficient warranty titles are to bo made to me on payment of sain note, with the understanding and agreement that in the meantime the proiierty shall be sold by me in block or in lots, and if there is realized from the sale more than $26,000. then the excess over and above the sum of $26,000, shall lx* by me turned into the treasury of the Oglethorpe Real Estate Company to become part of the assets of the stock in which its stockholders are interested. This latter proposition includes the right to have titles made to me or to my assigns for the whole or any part, upon payment on account of said note in proportion to the area of the portion thus conveyed. In explanation of this second alternative proposition. I will say that the sum of $26,000, is fixed upon in onlerto allow the sum>f SSOO for the amount to be paid by me for the bond for titles, and for the expenses of conducting the sab* to the United States government, and the contem plated sale of the balance of the said property. In conclusion, I request that the matters re ferred to in this letter may Ie definitely acted upon by the st>ckholders v in tlieir meeting to night. Yours very respectfully, D. G. Purse. OPPOSITION TO THE SALE. Considerable discussion arose over the several propositions in the letter. The lawyers present were called upon to give their opinion on the question of soiling the property in part or as a whole, and also as to the rights of those who had not accepted stock in the company, but still held their in terests by reason of their original subscrip tions to a one-hundredth part of the pur chase money. Two resolutions, covering Mr. Purse’s two propositions, were offered by Mr. A. R. Lawton, Jr. Maj. A. L. Hartridge moved to amend by accepting Mr. Purse's first proposition. The amendment was accepted and the resolutions were then offered as fol lows: THE SALK CONFIRMED. Be it Rrxvh fd, By the Stockholders of the Ogle thorpe Real Estate Company, representing two t hint- of the entire stock of the said company. ! hat tbe Directors bp. and they are hereby re quested and instructed to cause to lie uncle unto tne United states government, ace nt and suf ficient warranty title in and to that portion of tlie real estate of tbits company described as fol lows, that Is to say: beginning at Ihe southeas tern corner of Bull ai:<l Liberty streets in the city of Savannah, and running thence along the eastern line of Bull street feet and ft inches to the northern line of Harris street; thence along; the not.hern line of Harris street 1211 feet; theme in northerly direction to a point on the south ern line of Liberty street which shall be I Jt l feet front the southeastern corner of Bull and Liber ty streets: and thence along the southern line of Liberty street 12D feet to the point of beginning. B 1 it further Resolved, That Ihe price to be paid by the United Slates government shall be not less than 848,500, lobe paid in cash after the receipt of title by the Secretary of the Treasury. liV'o/ri’c By the stockholders of the Ogle thorpe Real Estate Company, representing two thirds '■! the entire stock of said company, that the first alternative proposition of I>. (1. Purse he and the same is hereby accepted: and that the Directors ): ami they are hereby requested and instructed to carry out the agreement, and to have t itles signed, sealed and delivered. Be it further icsulved, That the letter trom D. Cl. Purse read to the meeting this evening be spread upon the minutes as a part of the records or this meeting. A vote was taken with the following re sult: For the resolutions SSB Against the resolutions 119 The vote necessary to carry the resolu tions wus M>7, or two-thirds of the stock. ’The motion prevailed, ami the directors were instructed to sell to Mr. Purse. It was stated during the meeting that some of those who had not accepted stock would contest the right of the incorporation to sell their holdings, and one gentleman who had not accepted the company’s scrip left the meeting. The sale of the property probably ends all attempts to build a large hotel in Savannah for many years to come. PUBLIC HEALTH PROMOTERS. Dr. Falllgant to Attend the Memphis Convention Next Week. The American Public Health Association will hold its sixteenth annual convention in Memphis next week, opening on Tuesday and remaining in session until .Saturday. The meeting will be attended by prominent physicians and sanii arians from all over the United States and Canada. Dr. L. A. Kalligant, of this city, who is a member of the association, and who enter tained the delegates at the convention here in 1880, will represent Savannah. Among the important subjects to be discussed and which are of vital interest to Savannah’s people are “The Pollution of Water Bup plieg,” and “The Disposal of Refuse Mattor of Cities.” Dr. Falligant will discuss the subject of house drainage. The Confederate Vetera::*. The regular meeting of the Confederate Veterans’ Association wus held last night and the routine business transacted. The Treasurer’s report showed the association to be in a flourishing condition. Gen. McLaws was requested to prepare a paper to be read a t a special meeting to be called at an early •cate. THROUGH THE CITY. Items Gathered Hare and There by the News lteoorters. The City Council will hold .a regular meet ing to-night Georgia Chapter Koval Arch Masons will hold a regular convocation to-night The Equitable Loan and Building Asso ciation will hold its fourteenth regular monthly meeting to-night. Yesterday was All saints-day, and it was observed with special services at the Cathe dral and in St. John's and Christ Episcopal churches. Mr. Charles M, Hushing, who has been Secretary to the Purchasing Agent of the Savannah. Florida and Western railway for several years, left last night for Albu querque, N. M.. where he expects to make his future home. Yesterday morning he was presented with a gold headed cane by the clerks in the Purchasing Agent’s office. Mr. M. F. Beals in behalf of these gentlemen made the presentation. THE Y. M. C. ASSOCIATION. Its First Annual Meeting—Officers Elected for Next Year. The first annual business meeting of the Young Men’s Christian Association was held last night, President C. P. Miller presid ing. The devotional exercises were con ducted by Mr. George O. Hussey. Mr. James Farie. Jr., chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that after paying all bills there is a small balance left in the treasury. He also reported as chair man of the Gymnasium Committee that the large hall on the fourth floor of Odd Fel lows' building has been secured three after noons and evenings each week for gym nasium purposes. Mr. H. T. Moore, Chairman of the Enter tainment and Lecture Committee, reported that, several entertainments are being ar ranged to be given In the near future. The committee appointed to nominate directors for the ensuing year reported through its Chairman, Mr. A. T. Perkins, the following ticket: For President—C. P. Miller. For Vice President—C. M. Gilbert. For Recording Secretary—John Nichol son. Jr. For Treasurer—Janies Farie, Jr. Directors—F.. F. Cunningham, 11. T. Moore, D. 11. Bythewood, S. A. White, W. tic Bruyn Kops, D. V. Lebey, W. B. Spann, The report was accepted, and the t icket was unanimously elected. General Secre tary Gordon sjiofco briefly regarding the as soeiation’s work; he showed the necessity of each one accepting the work delegated to him in order that it lie not burdensome to a few. There was also some discussion ns to how the association can reach the larger number of young men. STABBED WITH A DIRK KNIFE.. A Tug Boat Captain Seriou ly Cut by a Mclntosh County Man A serious cutting affray took place on Houston street between South Broad and South Broad street lane at 2 o'clock yester day morning. Frank Boulineau, Captain of the tug Winpenny, met a man named Sims, from Mclntosh county, and they got into a quarrel over a woman named Susan Livingston, who lived in Mary Ferre bee’s house of ill-fame. The dispute waxed warhi, and the man from Mclntosh drew a knife and cut Bou lineau in the head. Sims then ran, and nothing more was seen of him. Boulineau was taken to Dr. Stone’s office, where liis wound was dressed. It looked like a danger ous cut then, but the wounded man was taken to his home in Gordon block, whore he was attended by Dr. Weichselbaum, and it is probable that, he will recover. Sims went back to the Ferrebee woman's house, and remained there all night. About S o’clock in the morning the woman opened the house, and wheu she went out on the stoop she saw spots of blood. She thought someone had been cut there, and she rau back into the house, and said a murder had been committed. This awakened Sims, and he got out of bed. and. the woman say's, closed a long-bladed knife that was lying beside him open and bloody, and put it in liis pocket. He dressed and left the house; and it has been learned that he went up to Atlanta on yesterday morning’s train. He came here with two mules and a race horse to sell, and he loft them in O'Brien’s stable, where they now are.' A DOCTOR IN QUARANTINE. The Way the Jacksonville Health Authorities Look After Things. The quarantining of Dr. Bulloch, who went from here to Tampa two or three weeks ago, at Jacksonville, was mentioned in yesterday’s Morning News in connection with telegraphic correspondence between Health Officer McFarland and Mr. Hart r.dgi, Chairman of the Jacksonville Quar rntue Committee. At a meeting ot the Jacksonville Board of Health on Monday the report of Inspector Stallings who arrested I)r. Bulloch and sent him into qunr antinie was presented. Dr. * Bulloch left Tampa about a week ago and was arrested and detained at the quarantine camp near Lakeland, where it was supposed that he would be detained for fifteen days and fumigated. He had a certificate from Dr. Caldwell re leasing him from quarantine, but the In spector noticed that it was not stamped as Dr. Caldwell’s certificates usually are, and consequently arrested him. Dr. Bulloch was anxious to come through to Savannah, and, it was claimed, attempeil to force him self through, but the Inspector held him by force until Mr. Hartridgo and Dr. Mitch ell went to the depot and ordered him taken to the sand hills, where lie is detained. The Savannah health authorities have full confidence in the Jacksonville quarantine, and are depending upon it wholly as a safe guard against danger here. LOOKING_ AFTER JACK. What the Savannah Port Society is Doing lor Seafaring Men. Rev. J. L. Gilmore, Chaplain of the Sa vannah Port Society, in his October report gives some interesting statistics, showing the work that is being done In behalf of the seamen. The sailors’ reading rooms are well patronized, and anew life is being put into the entire work. No. of seamen visiting rooms 301 Pages of tracts distributed 1,838 Seamen’s friend distributed G 8 Life Boat distributed 60 Bibles and Testaments distributed 16 Sermons preached 4 Total abst itienee pledges taken 1 Ships visited 11 The Young Men’s Christian Association has interested itself in the work, and has already rendered the society valuable aid. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH CHOIR. A Chorus to Take the Place of a Quar tette Choir. Tho music committee of St. John's church has given notice that the quartette choir will not be engaged for the coming year. On aocount of the financial condition of the parish tho vestry desires to cut down the expenses, and will, therefore, organize a volunteer chorus choir from the mem hereof the congregation. Quartette choirs have lieen customary in Savannah, and particu larly in this church, as they seemed the only moans whereby to secure the best music. St. John’s choir consisted of Mrs. L. Haynes, soprano; Mrs. Ward, alto; Mr. Ward, tenor, and Mr. Waller, bass, and their excellent voices will be missed from the service. The Engacllne Bouquet, Atkinson s new perfume. This superb distillation sweetly recalls fragrant Swiss flowers. .Bright jewels in a setting of perpetual snow. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1887. A BLOODY FRACAS. Negroes at Ogeechee Make Free Use of a Knife and Pistol. A fight that will probably have a fatal ending occurred on Capt. Cunningham’s Grove Hill plantation, on the Ogeechee, fourteen miles from this city, on Saturday night last. The principals were two negroes, named Daniel Pryor and Levis Handy. Handy wanted a shuve, as the next day was Sunday, and he went over to Pryor's bouse, as Pryor was the barber of the neighbor hood. He started to enter the door, when Pryor began to curse him roundly, and, according to Handy’s statemeut, with out any reason. Handy told Pryor to stop cursing, but his injunction was with out effect. Finally Handy started at Pryor, who drew a pistol and shot his antagonist in the thigh. Handy drew a large knife and cut Pryor's face from his forehead down to his mouth, stabbed him in the shoulder and in otlrr places about the body and head. At, th point of the proceedings a negro named Henry Graham put in his appear ance and struck Pryor in the back of the head with a gun. This put an end to the fight, and the contestants were carried to their homes. Justice King issued a warrant for the arrest of Pryor and sent a constable to serve it. Pryor nad bid tinder the house, but the constable waited nearby until his mau canw out. He could bear liis groans all tin 1 while, and Pryor’s wounds began to be painful, so he gave himself up, but he had to lie put tolled instead of in jail. Graham was arrested oil Sunday and on Monday his father went to Justice King’s office to effect l\i.-> release, but he began to curse and swear and abuse the magistrate, who ordered him arrested. It required the combined efforts of two con stables to effect tiie arrest, but finally they succeeded and tied Graham, as lie would not remain quiet while allowed the free use of his brawny arms. His son was bailed out later by his friends, but the father was brought into Savannah and lodged in jail. Dr. W. W. Owens visited the two wounded men and declared their wounds to be dangerous. A NIGHT OF COMEDY. John Sleeper Clarke’s First Appear ance Before a Savannah Audience. The Theatre was uot tilled last night but it was pretty nearly so. All of the old theatre-goers were there and the audience was a thoroughly representative one—one that any actor would bo proud to appear before. It was Mr. Clarke's first appear ance in the South, and he was given a wel come that he will not be apt soon to forget. The audience expected much, and it was not disappointed. Mr. Clarke is a comedian of the old school. He is a man well ad vanced ill years, but to see him trip over the stage with the springy steps of a youth no one would think it. Time has dealt gently with him. The pluv ‘Tleir-at-Law,” in which he ap peared last night, is one of his greatest suc cesses, aud his “Dr. Pangloss'’ and “Zekiol Homespun,” are two of Tiis greatest parts. The plot of “Heir-at-Law” is the old hack neyed one of the wrongful heir being eventually ousted by the rightful heritor turning up at. an inconvenient period to in truders, unwilling and willing alike. But for one character standing out in mirth moving prominence, it is doubtful if the playwright’s work would have lived be yond his contemporaries. It is due to the actor, however, that “Dr. Pangloss” has be come one of tho characters of proverbs. The two characters in which Mr. Clarke appeal's are entirely opposite. One is that of a guileless old tutor; the other that of a blunt jtmd big-hearted countryman. His change from one to the other is as quick as it is complete, and in neither would the audience suspect that the actor is tho same. Mr. Clarke’s methods are as effective as they are artistic, and his comedy is hardly surpassed, lie is ably supported. His son, Mr. Creston Clarke, the rollicking, dashing “Dick Dowlas,” played the part for all it was worth. He is a graceful and painstaking young actor, and although yet young, lie promises to take his place well up among the names of those of his family who have acquired his trionic fame. He is a grandson ot the elder Booth and aspires to Ik- a representative of the family. Miss Marie Hudspeth as “Cicely Home spun."’ gave a charming interpretation of the part . Mr. Theodore Hamilton, the “Lord Duberly” of the play, was very cordially received. The cast is a strong one through out. At the close of the comedy the origi nal epilogue was spoken in characters by Mesdames Gertnon. Hudspeth, Hamilton; Messrs Creston Clarke. Hamilton, Boker, Leslie aud John S. Clarke. The opening piece, a comedietta, “A Fair Encounter,” was not less enjoyed than the comedy itself. There are but two charac ters in the plav, “lstdy Clara St. John” and “Mrs. Celia Greenville,” and both were gracefully acted. To-night Mr. Ciarke will appeal - in “She Stoops to Conquer." This comedy, the masterpiece of the dramatic writings of Oliver Goldsmith, has a iieculiar, but natural charm for ladies. In Baltimore and everywhere else it has drawn overflowing audiences. The fact of Mr. Clarke playing “Tony Lumpkin;” young Clarke, who com bines both the families of Booth and Clarke, acting “Young Marlow;” Mrs. Germon, who maternally is a Jefferson and inherits the comic genius of that family, playing “Mrs. Hardoastle;” Theo. Hamilton, who, during the war, was the first star actor in the South, acting “Old Hardoastle,” Miss Brandou —a charming reminder of Mary An terson—appearing as “Miss Hard castle;” Miss Hudspeth, a vivacious lon don soubrette of high repute, doing “Miss Neville,” Is quite enough to command suc cess. The comedy is so delightful that Harper'. s Magazine published it with illus trations by Abbey. Contributions for the Infirmary. The ladies of the Georgia Infirmary Aid Association solicit cast off garments for males and females, old linen, blankets, feather bods and pillows. Any articles will be thankfully received for the inmates of the infirmary by Mrs. R. H. Audereou, President c f the association. • Books for Convicts. A barrel of books, Sunday school supplies and temperance matter, has beeu sent by the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union to the Savannah convicts at Cole City, in response to a request from them for the purpose of starting a Sunday school. Local Personal. Mrs. C. M. Holst left yesterday on the Tallahassee for the North. F. G. dullignon, Esq., returned yesterday from Macon, where he spent the week. Dr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Black shea r left yester day on the Tallahassee for New York, whence they will sail for England. Mr. John S. Schley, fox - the past two years : 'he freight department of the Cen tra! ra, ul, has resigned his place, and will t ■ i for a Macon firm. Mr. W. W. David will take charge ns ob server at the signal service station ut Titus ville, Fla., to day. Mr. Pennywitt who has had charge of the station, will go to Point Jupiter. Signal Observer Hannerhas been grantod a leave of absence, and will leave this morn ing for Charleston, where he will spend gala week. Mr. Banner is a faithful officer in the signal service, and fully merits the brief rest which he will have from duty. “She Stoopa to Conquer.” Acting copieeof the “Heir-at-Lnw,” “She Stoops to Conquer,” “Toodles,” “Follies of a Night.” “Paul Pry,” “Fortune’s Frolics,” and ot t comedies can be had at Estill’s News Depot. Price Joe. ANOTHER FALSE CLEW. A THEORY CONCEF.NINGTHE BEAU LIEU MYSTERY EXPLODED. A Second Remarkable Circumstantial Case Disproved The Murdered Wo man Supposed to be Annie Lee, but She is Found Alive and at Her Home A Review of the Case. The Beauiieu mystery is likely to place itself in the category of unexplained crimes. It ranks now, in mysteriousness, with the famous Rahway caSe, anil like it has fur nished many clews to lie traced, none of which have thrown a particle of light upon the remarkable case. In some respects it is much more deserving of fame than the much talked of New Jersey crime, for in following up two of the threads that seemed to lead to a solution tw o remarkable cases of circumstantial evidence were develoiied and almost proved, only to lie shown false when they seemed most true. Immediately after the finding of the Duly rumors that the dead woman was a Mrs. Thompson began to circulate and the facts m the case were all hunted up. Mrs. Thompson was ac counted for up to the time that the mur dered woman was supposed to have been killed. Bhe had left her husband about that time and had not been beard of afterward. Her husband had been seen with a musket and had been heard to threaten to take her life, and everything pointed to her as the vic tim. 1i t frioivi. and family thought she had been killed an l gave her up for dead, and j . : as the case seemed to lie made out and u ositive conclusion reached that she was dead, regardless <>l the evidence in the case, she turned up alive and well at, Da rien The circumstantial evidence in that case was strong enough to have hanged the man with whom sl was last seen, bui her appearance saved him from arrest. NOT KILLED WITH AN AX. Subsequent to this it was reported that a white women and a negro man were seen walking down the road toward the spot where the body was found, and they were traced to within a mile of that spot, but they could l>e followed no further. The white woman had li n seen around Isle of Hope for several days and had slept m the house of Diana Thompson, a nogross. One morning she started down the road with the negro, and neither of t hem had been seen after they were met by one of the neigh bors, about a mile from the thicket that held the body. After this report was circulated a black straw hat with a red feather in it, a shawl and an ax were found iri the thicket, and an in vestigation followed. Some gentlemen started out to discover whether the two who walked down the road together were the murderer and his victim, and while carry ing on this investigation they stumbled upon the second remarkable circumstantial case. The ax they found to be in no wise connected with the case. They learned that two boys started out to cut wood, and coining across the body they became frightened, dropped the ax and ran. This relieved the ease of an embarrassing feature, for had the ax been proved to be the deadly weapon used, what was the meaning of the broken musket? THE HAT AND SHAWL IDENTIKED. Having disposed of this question the gen tlemen took the bat and shawl and pro ceeded on their search. At length they dis covered that the white woman who was seen on the road with the negro was none other than a fallen woman who was known as Butler, and that she was t hen in a house of ill fame in Savannah. One of the people who had seen them, however, was a negro named Edmund Jones, and when a visit was paid to his house it was learned that he was then in his boat on the river. Being in formed at just exactly what point he could be found the gentlemen went down to Isle of Hope river and hailed him. He was on the other side, and when he was called he began to row across. The hat and shawl were laid upon the ground, out of his sight, and the party went down to the bank to meat him. After hearing his description of the two who were then suspected a shrewd detective trick was played upon hitn. Without telling him to follow them the gentlemen turned and walker! slowly up the bank. Jones naturally followed and they led him directly by the hat and shawl, hut without calling his at tention to them When he saw them he stopped and exclaimed: “Why, I know that hat and shawl. Where did they come from?” “Are you sure that you know them?” he was asked. “Yes. I have see them a hundred times. They belong to Annie Lee who lived nu Pigeon Island with Clarence Love. I’ll swear tliev were hers, and Capt. Annie can identify thorn. THE OWNER OF THE MUSKET NAMED. Capt. Annie is Mrs. Adams, who lives on Tigeon Island, and so the inquisitors went to the island to learn what they could from her. When she was asked if she iiad ever seen the hat and shawl slfe replied she had, ami often. They were worn by Annie Lae while she lived on the island, ( 'apt Annie was asked for further particulars regard ing Annie Lee, and she made quite a long statement about her and hercousm Clarence Love. Among othc things she was asked if they e\-er quarralled. and she said that they had, and that Love had threatened to kill his cousin if she ever left him, which she hail talked of doing. "Did lie have a gunl” she was aslced. "Yes,” she replied, "an old musket.” “Did you ever see it?” “Yes, and 1 could identify it.” “How?” “The end of the barrel was tient up and there was a W scratched upon the stock.” “On which side of the stock?” She thought for a while as if trying to deckle which was the left and which the rignt side of a gun, and then said: “Well, when you raised the gun to shoot the W is on the next to your cheek.” That is a perfect description of the gun found by the l There is a “W”on the stock on the side indicated, and the barrel is bent upward. “What has become of Love and his cousin,” asked Capt. Annie’s questioners. “I don't know, she replied. “Annie Lee left here and has not been heard from since. Live left about the same time, anil the strangest part of it ail is that, he had grow ing crops in the field and he let them go to rum.” i ANNIE LEE ALIVE. The evidence in the case seemed to settle the identity of the parties beyond dispute, and the searchers gave up the investigation there to lake it up al, another point. A few days after this Clarence Love came to Savannah and was seen hy some of his acquaintance, with whom he talked. One of them told him that it was reported at Isle of Hope that he was connected with the mystery and asked him why he did not pub lish a card in the Morning News denying that he had anything to do with it and stating where he could be found. He replied that he did not care what people said. He left the city and nothing lias since iieen heard from him. Taking it all together, there seemed to 1 e but one conclusion that could possibly be reached, and everything depended upon one thing only, though that one thing was the whole point in the case, viz: Is Annie Lee a ive or dead? To ascertain this an inquiry was instituted, and it was learned that her parents lived at, Kennedy's post office, twelve miles from Eden, In Bryan county. Solicitor General dußignon wrote a latter directed to Mr. Leo at that place, stating briefly the facts of the case, and asking whether any information con cerning Annie Lee or her whereabout* could be given. An answer has been awaited with impatience, and yesterday it came. It was from Mrs. Lee, who stated that her daughter Annie was Hlive and well, and living at home, and thus the second remark able case of circumstantial evidence was completely upset, and the shadow which hung around Love and his cousin has de- j rnrtod. Now the case is without a clew. ! Tuere is nothing that point* toward any one, ! and the identity of the murderer and his i v ictiin is just as much a mystery ns it wan | the day the body was found. If there are any women misting from this part of the country, they will doubtless be found, if some of their friends will only su passe for a while that they were murdered at Beaulieu, for every time a missing woman is supposed to be tlie victim, she comes to light with promptness and dispatch. KIND ACTS REMEMBERED. New Jersey Odd Fellows Send Greet ing to Their Savannah Brethren. Mr. J. C. Hooper, representing Falls City Odd Fellows’ Lodge No. 101, of Paterson, N. J , arrived in the city on Monday on a special mission to Oglethorpe Lodge of Savannah. A meeting of the lodge was called last night, and the other lodges in the city wero invited to to represented. The meeting was a large one. The lodge having been opened in form, the members of DeKalb Lodge entered and were properly received. Thev were followed by Grand Master Porter and Grand Patriarch Charles D. Hus sell, accompanied by Past Grand Hopper, who was introduced by the Grand Master as a delegate bearing a special mission to Oglethorpe Lodge. Past Grand Hopper, after giving a slight history of his lodge, went on to sav that one of its members having come to Savannah in need of assistance, which was rendered by Oglethorpe iiodge, Falls City Lodge, desir ing to attest its appreciation of the care of its member, hud directed him to pro ceed to (Savannah and to present to Oglethorpe Lodge a 'Set of resolutions which lmd been adopted by Iris lodge and which he now had the pleasure to present. The resolutions were brought in richly en grossed on parchment with emblems of the order and enclosed in a beautiful gilt frame. They were adopted at a meeting of Falls City- Lodge on Sept. 2d, and read as follows: Whereas, The knowledge of tiie courtesy and substantial aid extended by the officers and members of Oglethorpe Lodge No. 1 to Brother K. T. Sears, e. member of Falls City Lodge, while sojourning within the jurisdiction of Oglethorpe Lodge, having been made knowa to this lodge. Therefore, be it Rrmired. That the unanimous thanks of Falls City Lodge No. lU4, be extended to the officers and menjlters of Oglethorpe Lodge No. 1, for their kindly action, and that we com mend the brotherly feelings extended, which, while it illustrates faithfully the fundamen tal principles of our order, will serve as an ex ample to more closely unite in Friendship, Love and Truth its members. A copy of the resolutions was ordered sent to Oglethorpe Lodge, and Past Grand Hop per was delegated to make the presentation. The signatur es of James W. Peel, N. G., Fred Edwards, R. 8., and of the committee James W. Peel, J. C. Hopper und George W. Boesom, are attached to the resolutions under the seal of the lodge. Vice Grand H. E W i Ison acting in the absence of the Noble Grand re sponded in a feeling manner, accepting the resolutions in the spirit in which they were tendered. He called uy>on the members present to respond in behalf of the Lodge. Speeches were made by the Grand Master and Grand Patriarch, Past Grand Masters Btone and Askew, Past Grand Warden Ward, Past Grand Blanche, Brooks, Baseli, Fawcett and Brothers Marshall Whatley, McLaws and Kuhn s. Brother Marshall, of DeKalb Lodge, moved that a committee of one from each lodge be appointed to convey to Falls City Kodge the appreciation the Odd Fellows of Savannah have for its act. The motion was carried, and Past Grand Osborne was named as the member from Oglethorpe, the ot her lodges to be informed of the action and requested to till the committee. The Secretary was directed to have the testimonial hung in a conspicuous place in the lodge room. With Prof. E. A. Schultze at the organ, Bro. J. Vanßerschott favored the meeting with “The Sea King." and ac companied by Bro. E. B. Peake, “The Lar board Watch Ahoy." then again by himself “If on the Meads,” followed by Bro. Peake in “Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep.” Mr. Hopper expressed his thanks for at tention extended to him while in the city. The occasion touched the feelings of all pres ent very deeply. It will no doubt result in further deeds of kindness when occasion of fers. Mr. Hopper will leave the city this morning On the Savannah, Florida and Western to visit his mother in St. Mary’s. Time by the Forelock. If you intend making a Fruit Cake, don’t forget that you can find new Currants, Cit rons, Raisins, all kinds of Spices, and other ingredients necessary for the same, at Messrs. Strauss Bros', :*2 ami 22’j Barnard street. This firm are alive to the demands of the trade and are always making big drives in the Grocery line. We are pleased to note that the Baldwin Fertilizer Company of our city obtained the diploma at the State Fair held at Macon, (!a., for the best display of Fertilizers and Fertilizer Material. This premium was well deserved. The display of mammoth Bones and Fossils are not, equaled except at the Smithsonian Instituteion in Washington. The exhibit has been sent to Columbia, 8. C., to compete there for the diploma offered there at the estate Fair. We wish them success, and certainly think, from the enterprise shown by t lie Company, that they should succeed, at least they have our best wishes. Yellow fever in Savannah or out of Sa vannah, it makes no difference to E. J. Crane; he will pay cash for Old Gold ancf Silver just the same. Corner Wheaton and Reynolds streets. Loose Chow Chow and Mixed Pickles, Imported Sauer Kraut and Dill Pickles, loose Jellies and Preserves. Strauss Bros. Cable Street Cars. There was a rumor afloat a few days ago that this new street railway, which is to go to the Central railroad wharf and through the cit} r , was to lie run by cable, like the Chi cago street railway. This would probably cost more money in the start, but would prove more profitable in the long run, as so many more trijw* could be made in a day, and parties having important business to at tend to at the Centra! railroad wharf, could get there in a very little time. Just the same at Appel & Sehaul’s, the One Price Clothiers; it, takes you no time to get an outfit at their establishment, as every arti cle is marked in plain figures with the lowest price to all on same, thus saving an hour or two argument on the price, etc. Their plan of doing business is sufficient for those that are not judges of goods to buy with confidence, kuowiug their friends do not buy the same goods for less money, and those that are judges are invited to call and inspect prices to convince themselves. Their fall and winter stock has been received, and are ready for inspection—Ulfi Congress stroet, opposite the market. Fresh Gatmeal and Barley at Strauss Bros'. Another lot of Roll and Dutch Herring just received at Strauss Bros’. A Cold Wave Coming. Overcoats will be in demand. The “Famous,” 144 Congress, corner Whitaker streets, has received from the Factory a flue assortment of Overcoats and Winter Suits for Men, Youths and Boys, which are sell iug at .Factory prices. To dispel any doubt about our saving you from Sit 50 to $5 on an Overcoat or Suit, go look at the prices our competitors give you, then come to us and be convinced. We still havo Boys' Knee Pants, Blue Hats and Polo Caps at 25c.; worth 50c. Finest, Table and Cooking Butter at Strauss Bros’. New ('urrants, Citrons, Raisins and Nuts. Strauss Bros. RIVER AND HARBOR NOTES. Happening’s Among the Shipping and Along the Wharves. The steamer Katie did tint arrive until last night. She was detained by a big freight, the accumulated business of several weeks past, owing to her absence from the river. Messrs. A. Minis & Sons cleared yester day the British steamship Bavley for Liverpool with 7.157 bales of upland cot ton, wefghing 3,443,619 pounds, valued at 1312,450. An appraisement survey was held on the British brig Isabella, by Capt. L. Wiggins, Port Warden, and Capt. T. Laird yesterday morning. The board appraised the value of the hull, rigging and spars, in its present condition, at $BOO. and the value of the ves sel, with the repairs recommended by a re cent survey, at" 81,500. A survey will lie held this morning on the Norwegian brig Arnykos, which arrived up from quarantine yesterday. The Amykos, concerning which there has been so much discussion, put in to this port a couple of months ago while on a voyage from St. Jago, Cuba, for London with a cargo of rum and molasses, in distress and dis masted. The W. C. T. U. The national convention of this women's society is to be held in Nashville from Nov. lfi to 21. A wonderful gathering is expected. A call for union of prayer is issued for Sat urday morning, Nov. 12, to all Christian women, thut everything may be done to the glory of Cod at this great gathering, and that the world's Woman’s Christian Temperance Union may be instrumental in rescuing all lands from the power, curse and degradation of drunkenness. Mrs. Webb. Consumption, Bcrolula, General Debil ity, Wasting Diseases of Children, Chronic Coughs and Bronchitis, can be cured by the use of Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites. Prom inent physicians use it and testify to its great value. Please read the following: “I used Scott’s Emulsion for an obstinate cough with hemorrhage, loss of appetite, emaciation, sleeplessness, etc. All of these have now left, and 1 believe your Emulsion has saved a case of well developed consump tion.”—-T. J. Findley, M. I)., Lone Star, Tex. Old Alabama. W. C. Lourd, Leesburg, Ala., writes: My little babe, ten mouths old, was almost dying from teething; gave it Dr. Biggers’ Huckleberry Cordial, The happiest result followed. Every home should have it. Another Lucky Omaha Boy Wins a Prize. Oscar Grosbell, in Richardson’s drug house, was the lucky holder of No. 46,856, which drew one-tenth, $2,000, of the $20,000 capital prize in the drawing of The Lou isiana State Lottery on the 9th ult. He told a representative of the Bee that he had held tickets in the lottery since last January and drew a prize at each drawing. He is not alone in the tickets, but that the young men of the house have formed a syndicate and have invested $l5O in tickets this month.— Omaha (Neb.) Bee, Sept. 10. Green Peas, Split Peas, White Beans, Lima Beans, by the quart, bushel or barrel. Strauss Bros. New Lentils and Green Kern at Strauss Bros’. The Florence Heaters, for sale by Jas. S. Silva & Son are the best oil stove for heating, both rooms or small apartments. We sold a good many of them last season and they gave universal satis faction. We append one of many certifi cates of their merits: Messrs. Jas. S. Si lea <0 Son: Dear Sirs. The kerosene heating stove bought of you works splendidly. It keeps my bath room comfortably warm in the coldest weather. There is no odor from it whatever and I consider it a perfect thing. Geo. N. Nichols, Printer and Binder. Fir further information apply at 140 Broughton street. Go to Strauss Bros’, for Teas and Coffees. Caught by His Wife. It was just about dark, and he should have been at home, according to promise made his wife, before dark. The old, old story. Just as he had made up his mind to keep his promise to his little darling at home, he met a friend. She prevailed upon him to attend her up the street to get a nice pair of shoes. Nice man, you know, could not refuse a lady’s polite request, and had just stepped into A. 8. Cohen, IH9 ] , Brough ton street, where the best and cheapest line of Ladies’, Misses’, Children’s and Men's Shoes are kept, and had been fitted to an exquisite pair of shoes, when his little dar ling from home called for the purpose of making a purchase of a pair of those nice $2 common sense shoes. They met. Tableau. Oak, Pine and Lightwood, For sale by R. B. Cassels, corner Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 77 • A Big Crop of Weddings. Reliable rumor predicts a greater than usual number of weddings during the fall and winter season, an indication of prosperity surely. Wo are in proper trim for just such occasions, and would ask persona! inspection of the multitudi nous articles, ornamental and decorative, with which our storerooms are crowded. We point with pleasure to our immense array of Solid Silver and Plated Ware suitable, for wedding presents, rare Vases, elegant Clocks, handsome Statuary, and bric-a-brac generally. Our line of bronze ornaments is brilliant in itself, and throughout may lie found a thousand valuable novelties suitable and appropriate as souvenirs and keepsakes. In Diamonds, Jewelry and Watches, it is impossible in limited space to speak intelligibly. Suffice it to say that, not even the famous "Tiffany's” can outrival us in beauty and careful select ion of our stock. Prices have lieen made to suit the times, and w-e offer our representative stock on its merits and stake our reputation on the result. Our engraving department is carefully conducted, and all work iri this line is artistically executed. We are always pleased to show visitors through our stock, even though they may not be ready to buy. as we feel that our establishment is one of the “sights" of the city, ami it is always "exhi bition day" to the public. Respectfully, M. Sternberg, 157 Broughton street. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. A Rare Opportunity—Consultation, Ex amination and Advice Free of Charge. Dr. Whitehead has opened an office in Sa vannah, and offers to give a free consulta tion to all cases of rheumatism, scrofula, syphilis, old sores, skin eruptions, malarial poisons, and all conditions arising from an impure condition of the blood. Dr. Whitehead lias made this class of dis eases a special study for years, and has a remedy which he has used in thousands of cases with remarkable success. He has letters and certificates from responsible peo ple he lias cured throughout the South. The doctor makes no ridiculous claim as to Indian secrets, or the Hoodoo medicine arts, he simply offers his remedy as a com bination of the best known vegetable altera tives and tonics (Prickly-Ash, Poke-Root Queen’s Delight, Sarsaparilla, and Gentian) ami that it contains that matchless blood purifier, the lodide of Potassium. If you have any blood disease call and see the doc tor and lie will examine and prescribe for you free of charge. Dr. Whitehead has many valuable remedies he list's in the local treatment of old sores, ulcers, skin erup tions, etc., in connection with his Blood Purifier. Office in New Odd Fellows' Building, corner State and Barnard streets. Office boms ha, m. to (i p. m.: Sundays Ba. in. to 12 i... iters itom a distance answered anu ttuvico given free of charge. BAKING I’O'.'DEE. | ll| g A solutely Pure. This Powder never varies. A marvel of Pnrltv Strength and Wholesomeness. More economy cal than the ordinary kind, and cannot he soi l in competition with the multitude of low test short weight alum or phosphate powders Sold or h/ in rans. Royal Baking Powder Cos.. 10S Wall street. New York. XUDUKN <te BATES 8. M- H. VARIETY Handsome Plush Goods. Toilet Sets, Jewel Case, Manicure Sets, Work Boxes, Shaving Sets, Game Boxes, Brush and Comb Sets, Collar and Cuff Boxen Sealing Wax Sets, Albums, Music Rolls, Portfolios, Lap Tablets, Ktatiouery Boxes, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes. FINE LEATHER GOODS. Poeketbooks, Card Cases, Ladies' shopping Bags, Toadies’ Belts, Fine Photograph Albums, Autograph Albums, Scrap Boobs. Fine Memorandum Books, Elegant Frames for Cabinet Pictures, Hand Blotters. BRASS GOODS. Inkstands, Easels, Toilet Sets, Smokers’ Tables, Smokers' Stands, Cologne Bottles, Hand Mirrors. Banner Rods, Placque Stands, Frames, Candlesticks, Match Safes, Ash Receivers. Many other handsome goods already fop • inspection and appropriate for Anniversary and Holiday Presents Aztec Vases and Jugs, Royal Hungarian Ware, Peachblow Glass, Plate-Giass and Bronze Mir rors, Pedestals, Busts and Figures. Etruscan, Florentine ami Sienna Bronzes and Lamps, Bisques, Terra Cotta, Music Racks, Card Re ceivers. Fine Engravings, Paintings, Etchings, etc., etc. Progressive Euchre Outfits and Prizes, Favors for the German, Wedding Invitations and En graved Calling Cards. LIKMH.HLIB.S.M.H. ITU EX ITU EE .VXD CARPETS. CHEAPER ’X'HA.IN' THE CHEAPEST ! For quality and price we can do better than any other concern in the South. Our goods are all specially selected from the most renowned manufacturers, and embrace everything in the Furniture and Carpet trade. Our terms are most liberal, and all goods are just as represented. A personal inspection will convince you that# we can sell you much CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST. A. J. Miller & Co.'s FURNITURE AND— Carpet Emporium, IP, 150 and 152 BROUGHTON ST. ....... ■■■a MACHINERY. j w TYNAN, ENGINEER and MACHINIST, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Corner Went Broad mid Indian Streets, i IX KINDS OK MACHINERY, BOILERS, Iv Etc., made and repaired. STEAM PUMPS, GOVERNORS. INJECTORS AND STEAL* WATER FITTINGS of all kinds for sale. , - —-■ - SOAP. SOAPS! SOAPS! PEARS-, RIEGER'S, COLGATE'S, CLEAV- I HR'S. I.KCKELAER'S, BAYLEY’S, LU. BIN'S, PEMBLE’S MEDICATED just received at BUTLER'S PHARMACY. BAVIs BROS. H Mil! We think from the present way in which our business is (trowin'? t hat wo will be compelled to have larger railroad connections, and pos sibly add anew line of ocean steamers. We in vite your attention to the following new goods just received : PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, PICTURE FRAMES, STATIONERY, ELEGANT LINE OF NEW BOOKS, BIRTH-DAY CARDS and CROQUETS, PLAYING CARDS (at factory prices) VISITING CARDS printed or engraved all short notice. Printing is our specialty this week. Five new pianos to be in this week. Music. Music. Music.