The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 05, 1887, Image 1

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, ESTABLISHED IW I I .1. H. ESTILL, Editor nnd Proprietor, f A HOAX TO MAKE A STAKE THE CHIEF JUSTICE'S INFERNAL MACHINE HARMLESS. r JWO Impecunious Newspaper Men Put Up the Job in Order to Sell the >:ews as a Sensation—Gov. Oglesby Studying the Case of the Con demned. Washington, Nov. 4. — Sherburne G. Hopkins, the person through whom the police indirectly learned last evening that a mysterious looking package had been s„nt through the mails to Chief Justice Waite, made a confession this afternoon to Inspectors Raff and Horne, in which lie ad mitted that the scheme war invented by himself and Arthur B. Sperry, a reporter on the Critic, an afternoon paper here, for the purpose of creating a sensation. Inspec tor Raff says that Hopkins also admitted that another purpose was to raise .some money through the sale of the sensation to newspaper correspondents Both Hopkins and Sperry were immediately arrested upon a charge of cor. oiracy to defraud R. ,1. Wynne, of the Cinciiu ati Contmcrcial (inzfltc. the harmless infernal machine. Hopkins also said in his confession that (be package contained a few grains of pow der, .inst sufficient to burst the tube and alarm the person who might open the pack age, a quantity of shoe blacking, common yvrfiing ink and two exploded percussion caps. This afternoon District Chemist Richardson made an examination ot the package end found the' Hopkins’ statement as to its contents was substantially correct, except, that the perous ion caps wore unexploded Hop kins dated his notes offering the alleged news to various correspondents, room 27, < orroran building, office of Mr. O. Austin. Sperry is the person who called at the Chief Justice’s residence last evening and inquired whether the mysterious looking package had been received. EXPLOSIVES in thv mails. Assistant Attorney General Bryant, of ihe Post Office Department, aid today in reference to the transmission of explosives through the mails and the penalty a •♦aimed to mailing the same, that the postal laws proper only declare uiui,ai!able explosives or other matt r liab’e to injure the mails or the persons of those who handle them and make it the duty' of postal employes to withdraw-such matter from the mails when discovered. None of the statutes defining postal crimes make it a criminal offense to offer such matter for mailing, nor does there appear to be any Federal statute declaring such au act a crime. The postal officials, said Judge Bryant, have no right to withdraw from the mails fully prepaid matter at first - • lass rates, enclosed under seal, unless it is manifest, without breaking the seal, that m; h matter is urunailable. It is not enough, aid he, that the package be suspicious in ppeamu'.'o 'f Hopkins and Sperry are convicted a all, it must be ureter the dis trict law. RELEASED ON HAIL. Hopkins and Sperry secured bail later in the afternoon and were released, to appear id Police Court to-morrow morning and answer the charge of conspiracy to defraud Mr. Wynne. District Attorney Worthing ton. is looking up the law. of the District of Columbia to-night to sec if there is not some other statute under which the young •■•on cau Vie punished. It is thought Uuu they can be’ *• to answer a more serious charge than that ot conspiracy. TTopkins, tke principal in tbo case, is a young man shout, 22 years of ago, rather dudislily in dined, and ot an unenviable reputation among the correspondents in newspaper row’, who speak of him as a romancier in fields where fact and not fiction is demanded. Hr is not regarded as vicious, but simply as a dealer in the sensational. A KA i *. OF FAKES. He has T.VL nally imposed what are known as ‘ . stories upon Washington correspondents, and for this reason they have of late fought shy of news which he brought to them. Last night's exploit, however, was entirely unlike anything in " bich he bad previously engaged, and as it "as an exceedingly' serious affair in what ever aspect it was viewed, his s-torv was telegraphed the papers after au investigation had shown that the box was actually sent to the Chief Justice, and that it contained gunpowder and some suspicious looking unknown liquid. At the same time the reputat ion of Hopkins "■as such as to discredit his story, and all of the correspondents who wrote it up for their papers called attention to the probability ''•at the affair was a hoax, \ttre time of the excitement over the R'Unay, N. jk. murder, Hopkins wrote ot ‘ di -patch pre tending to identify (he muruerod woman as R former in mate of a house which is called ‘ Division” in this city. He is also responsi ble for an item printed in one or two papers ttes-rting the existence of a Congressional poker club, which changed its quarters nightly and had for doorkeeper an employe at the capitol. GOV. OGLESBY READING UP. Chicago, Nov. 4, A special to the Daily S'euis from Springfield I!'-, says: The importer of the Supreme Court delivered to the Governor this morning v.iie first copies "f the advance sheets ot tno opinion of the Illinois Supreme Court in Urn Anarchist < Gov. Oglesby is busily engaged in ex "'.ining the records of the case, the decisions of the Illinois, and 1 mted States Supreme Court, newspaper editorials and reports of the public ex pressions of prominent men. Since he en tered upon this tusk he has not made his Appearance at the executive office until nearly noon, and then only to remain for a 1""’ minutes. After this he retires again to Ihe mansion, and devotes his attention to careful inspection of the case and matter " hieh may have come by mail to hitn dur ing the morning. HIS MAIL DOUBLED. Since the decision of the United States Supreme Court, refusing the writ of error he mail of the Governor’s office has more ! han doubled, and the office force has been busily engaged in the disposal of the ne ’umuletion until nearly midnight. The petitions that have been circulated in vari ous cities in behalf of the Anarchists rave not begun to arrive and he i na j| eonsists mainly of ndividual appeals. The Governor arrived ’ the executive office shortly before noon I ' day. The morning's mail wae full ot an archistic communications from all parts of he country, but their contents were not J* -•'dosed. He said the letters of Rngel, l ingg and Fischer have never reached him. ihe Parsons’ letter has not l>ccn re .'eived, and it may 1* said i°r the Governor that he has only d'e newspaper report authority for the statement that these men will refuse to ,l ( 'ept a commutation to life imprisonment •bd demand liberty cr death. Every sdicial and employe about the Slate House, ' and ad the politicians and men about town "ho have hu acquaintance with the Got-- J nor m-e firm id the belie! that be will not mt*rrre with the execution of the sentence ct the court. It is expected by those near the Governor that he will nako no official order, buts.iuply permit the taw to take u eourse. ALI, TO SION A PETITION “I expect to go to Springfield ’ with a petition to the Governor cy, signed by every one of the > • denoted men,” is what (’apt. I’ • 0.,< . cluster of report ts onlay. , ■' tion as I shall carry ” continue. tain, “does not mean that the • ••.tm . ; , their principles, tha. the' " \iT. iwu c.t tl marrow-bones begging ‘o- hi. toy, v that they icg .ird .he’iise'ves least hit guilty of / erinv.- t will b complying ♦’i a. 1 , in the matter, at and calling for G< ■ < >gl >■'. y io perform a jud. • cial act.” The foli o air p F'grm?y showin„ the ex act time v (1 c ) e i v will In tornmll asked "f t.. • Governor, was sent forward to-night: ( memo. Nov 4. ISk: . fr la'lir* K. Quit tl. Jet' U Sl'int'ill, t" I> I lit (/remit u * V Pat-1 Tftc formal spplioa.l,ll to the Go ’r-ior fc clemency foi the AncivLists will fie i o.Ue 'i Wednesday. Nov. 0. litc <*l l i■ -tt —• ’ act - leave here Ti day night .Mi the << ■ should lie in S|.i4ngfieli'. [II , not iaier' ,n'\*-i Monday morning. Ueorok a Scki ~i-. I’hroeof the condemned Anarch '-have signed a petition li fie I!,ncm •• n-kittg executive cler ency. Fair o' tli it lire fuse to do so. The t, icud of fh> ■ G pleaded win them ■ •., da tuny ts.i *!ie names of Ki\;el. IJ.tgg. F'isohet an * i ar son* were not secure-, when he rim. meet ing for the da y broke :pat ti o'clot k I.A'OR SV lI'VTHUES. New Vor.c, Nov. —The Pi - . •grrssivt Labor party mass meeting in tl, uania Hall to-night i 'suited m a tennn <>f . nqsi thy for the ooi lenims; Anarchists, Mitor Schevitch. of i j,- .'.■frr, made a violent speech. Wild celts a.d cheers e - e fre quently intei parsed in the spew’’ I y the audience. A BOMB IN THE RUING. St, Louis Police Stii \ to the V eo -y of Dyne r.ite Hr. last, is, Nov 4. - beers Sr a. Palmer, who were detailed to watte t! ruins of the Fourteenth street ex| io > >, while walking the debris last. nig'V, at 10:30 o'clock, unearthen an iron semes'' e which, on exam, nation, proved to te the remains of a dynamite 1 nib. The imVi < machine was carried to rice bead. (im •< and the cause of the exp e on again rji ip, ed to the dynamite theoi the rank nil file of the police ocing n.i>soluto prat of the fiend s work ii the'latestdiscover/. Ili ■ detectives, however, were unshaken ir, „r.< u Iteltef tint 1 ‘if ia' istrophe was purely •. • dental as.tfity oa'i find no motive tit - deed, and tre Vn b was fo. nd am ng e brie thai ha : Vset ca - eful -• over) amed i ic tlay before PUT THEtU? BY V CRANK. They are open : • v (ertlons that the liomb wa.- placec the- • isuarday !.yori of the sensittionali. s w :o nay > V-n wnt • g letters to the police au I ■ n ; ers r’- Jap ing that they weix* civ es<’t >“u the job.” Already had ad x .m: , t,. ■ sent many let lei's U t.v -J ■ ii Ft Unit papiers claiming that t.hi ci. •> . xenL .. the horrible crime. As tie fun. *'■ ■ -ai ing away tin* wreck bad . nil out .cs ■ • y morning there were lio workmen i.l hi Ia a|| day and then was ample opp. - tunity to leave the t.tej l. Tho Coroner will hold an nqu-te. Mi 'id y. LAMAR TO BF A JUDGE. He Has Accepted the Port ot ill® Suc cessor Not Yet Osi eti Washington, Nov. I.—r tfary 1 imer has been tenderei . ind ht n. -epteil h" plm m the Ut made vacaul by th;. ’ *Mi a Justice Woc l- His successo •f t th ■ aead >f the 1... ?' Department, has ’.c-l yet been defo”tninari upon. Fostniaster (Fneral \ ils- may be transferre,’ to the Interior lk|>artin'it. although he iocs ...t know 1v -t ai'cooling to his own statement. Don M. Dickir sort of Michigan may then succeed Mr. Tilt sas Postmaster General, hjt, he does not 1 now it yet, according to his own tater lent. The fact seems to he that t h Fret ident wishes Mr. Dickinson in tho Cabinet,, nnd will have him if • can, hut that • Mr. Diekiuso i is not rttady yet to give up hi-s big law | rat tn e for a Cabinet place. Mr. Dickin-oti who has been here talking the : lat'.cr iv* r with the President and Postnia tw (-<• verai Vilas, with both of whom lie i on intimate terms, will go to his home in Detroit, and see ; the advice of liis friends there hpfi me giving tho President a definite reply. If Mr. Dickin son should define, Postmaster Itneral Vilas may remain just where he is. A MAN ENDS FOUR LIVES. After Murdering Three Relatives He Hung Himself to a Door. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 4. -Mrs. Mary Bruner called this morning at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Charles B. Brown field, and discovered her son-in-law hanging by the neck to the door, and her daughter, granddaughter,aged tt a idliers..n, William F. Bruner, all dead, wit,l their hroits cut. Mr. Bruner boarded wit h Brow niiehl. On the bureau in the parlor t he follo-.ving letter, dated ii;3o o’t l<s-k this m-a-mng. .irv) written by the murderer in an unusually legible hand, was found: To all whom it may ronre n; l Charles R. Brownfield murder *d mv dear wife and bahy, and also \\ F. Bruner, my brother-in-law. I killed my wife and baby l>e i was tired of life ami did uo want them left penniless in the world, and n< one to core for them. M v cause ft i 1-eiug ii ed of life is gambling. Now let m\ hittlhers and friends take waniing. I kilietl IV IP . Briin-r because I didn't tlmik he was (It to Ii -e, and now I will make an attempt on my lift, so good hv, my father, brother and sister and friends md nda tions. All take warning, fiend by Ch AH I F B. MRO tVNTIEI.O. Brownfield was 27 car of tge, was a drummer, and was always 1 nowif a sober and industrious young man A REFORTER FELLFD BY A TOUGH A Scribe Kicked Into Insensibility After He Wr,s Down. Kansas City, Mo., Vov. 4.— At WAldo Park this morning, Ki < irrigati. a well known turfman, struck T. J. Hosier, a Tinum reporter, in the fa e and knocked him down, after which lie kitkod 1 inialsmt the face and head until the reporter was insensible. Mosier's litlt jiw was broken, and his fa< e ad bead fearfully geahed anf 1 bruUi. He was removed to a hos *ilf J. In an nc couut of a dog; fight printed ,n the '!\nirs a few dajs ago it was stated tl at the trainer of one of the dogs bore resemblance to Pat Corrigan, brother of Ed. Tl is m s reposed to bo the cause of th* attack. Oorri .an has not yet been uiTestcd. England’s Peace Delegation PHn.ADUI.PtHA Nov. 4.~ Tje deputation of distinguished Englishmen who. a,ne to this country in quest of pern dual p be tween the United Kingdom and I uitori States, arrived here this evening ant were received bv a special commit'ae of •L-zens and tendered the freedom of this city SAVANNAH, <<A.. SATURDAY. NOVKMBKR I*B7. INJURED AT A FIRE averal People Caught Beneath Failing V, all* a. Nashville. N Asiiv tei.E, Ten i., Nov 4 A Unit 4 ■> this ,nornme Ic budding w ’'n.ei <’ ii l.'ege st’>, tby Wc.iVly iC Warren as furniture store m is diseoveisd on fire Owing to the infliu nuiWe clcu.u ter and the material, the rtsti'es ( rciid r iirudlv through the building and >■, enuni -ated to adjoin ing building-. YLr ,'ritirA bltv*k from 'la'ik alley, south of the it e-dern Union building, was soon burn big. The Western Union oilic, was s*rioi>-ly .UrenL nod, Iml estapisl without m ich djiiiage. The 1 >lnl bv < grcgaL - . , a si on (he lion-. , i U h arc ir.s ire,| for f :V( (Wl. ’ihe loss m ft: .■ is v.'ll and lie • isuranfc aheut X). SLVEUAI. P IPLK RI.U Our* a, tie |.rogr> ;s of tbo fir ' t| e '.vt.lls •I ' c 1 i il ling mi|oining Bank .11 y fell in ■• • ‘ >; ii mini'• t ,f people wer a in and, r ii ■ ,•! vihlv 1 <: ■ v. Alum g 1 hr iv< ,m hs. son o H Me in , about 15 y- ar* ot 'V I skoll i- ’ ernbly crush'd arc 1 lie w. .1 die. •TiHiani Stewart, a sign pair ter liis !‘! leg li ill , Ir: ’n -ed. Bradfi rd N. In llad hi -h: nd imarisl. Fe>, ie.. nHi inn and a number of oil irs were moiv or l --s it. iured. The te -graph wit■ - in r e.i-ly all and rec eLii.. a uid nvq n hundi'ad tole pl one n ire- destroy and. I’he following lamed tiaus sustaineii loss'*: • -stkiev A Mil'ren , sUh ks fjO.OOO; in sir ♦•it 1 fin;* ii tiv 1 v s,,| M . urnitur ire.icra; stock iHai. iiis- 'nnn Id, my). A ooi Utev 'i"s.n ,1. Cos . hardware: stock R.i inn . m .uiv ' f<ir: hrceJourtliH. 'i— budding s npieft b, - Wmkley * Warren belong;h' hi Judge J. V. li'M and W 'V Fit v . ti- valued at s2i>ofio, witliiJisu. nii.v "ff S.IM. Th-' baildmg > < i pi- I >y itw 11 t Kmad "’. iwihhl hi i.t- '.Vi,von Valuel at #iu,- fifi 1 nnd in iuiwi for (piJifW it* 1i , sfev r.soii e. lb r-H. i*4 K. U . if - ii du I; was xni’ieil s t $24,000. V i*' l> ■■ - isr. -risl iiv ns>nani'i'. A OR I .'.I.AIiD F- .T \ CAPTAIN. l’ho L'< it • Allei Vernon Com lLar iad.js On firmed Sot. c o inn, No, F/Ignr Hall, brother f. . , .-i r _r J the w,-ecke<l pi j ) and \ *h! yesterday tha* n < -l f tim Io r -as ii. Chicago he fo! 1 hun t (‘apt. i ip master of tho Cor a ' .. > i-t i U of delirium tremens win!* ,-ii ip.ii l, lilot bouse. The te.ti nn i "I ill.ei i. ;le goes to show that, 1 xi riordinal - drunk ard In,ln i ■•i anil ori .i voyage. Vanv knew its atul it ojput to havels-en -■‘il known to tbi fficers of tho proiieller line A\el Stui.c, the nil survivor of the dis aster. when i.skxi if lie over law ( apt Thorp drunk rep uM: 'bo capt-pu was drunk most of tti* time, and b as very drunk when we ioft Cheboygan la -l, week. While i*i- were ci aiing l irourh ’te ,mhio the - cond inat- said to him* ‘Sober up. son drunken lien- :, and lake sire of this boat and ps.pic ' The eaptaq’ told him to goto 1 vh> in the cabin at heuimj, 1 and heard every word that was s” ,t. 1IRI \K A HI:N HK WKD. “Friday night. ihich was the night that the stoam r wa- ut, the captain ass c .trunk a:t I «\or saw him, and he kept, ink ing n drink etery litdie while from 4 bottk that he earn 1. hie coat pockfi. I gue* that is why : > '1 i mate, stayed on .leek nil the tune, l.c . 1.0 w that the captain was ndrunk tl.n; a i dly knew what lie nas about. and a as . os lily afraid the captain would do sorietJii ;>g foolish. If the captain had been so.s ■, i do.i t believe tne vessel would have beta- nut. for any solier man *m|d have turuc I l a -k when he s„w how Imtiiy aie; <u:ie i ji the i’i* sea. Both mates of tha Vernon c capt.ii.i4-, who had taken mates' births fo lack of but!.' e.cplo;. laent.' A N ILL-FAT ED CIRCUS TRAf . hour Cara ’ nave the Track in Indian and kre Borneo. IsDiANAi'or.i' Nov. r> —A traincarrying Robinson's eirr a was wit~ked lo-dry on the Vandnlia hue eight miles west of Brazil Ind. The traiu carried nineteen alileau wngo it forty tw > cages of aniinals a -d -KV men ar.d women. Three or four ..cache left the track while tie stain wits rounding a sharp curve, an I were piled cp in a conlu*w* mass. he cars thrown fr<mi tin. rail toe- me and vere consumed, n|t the re mainder of the ti sin was saved. No lives were log. though several person* were bruised. The Homage indicted be the wreck. ad.led to that experienc'd yesterday at St. Louts, will aggregate about flOO.OOO, which ia covered by insurance. Th 1 show was an route to Cincinnati to go into win ter quarters. SWUNG Of'E ON THE GIBBET. A Black Lothario Pays the Pena'ty of Killing a Husband. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 4.—Henry Robinson (colon and) was hanged at Union Springs, about 4f miles east of here, to-day. In May last he r tui’dered au aged colored nan who had a young w ife, and who was the cause ot' the t rouble. KENTUCKY GETTING CIVILIZED. Lexington, Ky. Nov. 4. -Tuck Agee was hanged in tie incloauro of the Itexing ton jail at 12 o’clock today. On Sept. 22, |si, Age, murdered his brother-in-law, James Fnuikner. during a quarrel atiout the ownership of tvo dozen roasting earn. In sixteen minutes after the trap fell life whs pronounced extinct. This is the first oxe -utkin .>, a vriiite man in Central Ken tucky aims the var. LONDON'S UNEMPLOYED. A Meeting In Trafalgar Square Dis perser 1 by the Police. London, Nov. 4.—Tlie police this morn ing disjieiwsv f- meeting of unemployed workmen which had gathered in Trafalgar square and was istening to an address by a man name.l Wo b. The action of the police was in con sequel oe of complaints of shop keepers it* -the vicinity, who had complained that their business was being hijuifd hv the gatherings of the unemployed, many of their customers being afraid f v v isit. shops while demonstra tions were b.-ii g made. Webb was ar roAtcri. Th* n.oh made no resistance. Web! v ii- sei termed to Imprisonment for two weeks for trying to incite the crowd to a branch of tin Oermiit z’s Import Duties. Be . llx, Nov. 4.—The Agricultural Coun cil lias jirovisiin ally voted to fix the duties ou rice and w. eat at H marks, oats, maize and I'ailoy at :t marks, buckwheat and pulse at 2 marks, and on other kinds of grain *t •£ mar The Prussian Minister of Agriculture a.u other government officials were iiresent and iring th discussion which preceo*d the vote, but took no part, in it. A definite vote 'lrill be taken by the council to-inorrpw. BA 1 FOI fi i N BIkMIMJII\'I HE SALATS TO A CLUJ AND THEN TO r'HS MdOPi-JJ. G adatfti’e' a fours • on the Irioh ami Die-eauibliehaieLt Questions Criti cised Wild -juccxatio Bitterness Tho °ftrttc'iaiMis in the Midnight Meet ing iv, 'fi’o' a ford to be Prosecuted. Lublin, Nov. 4 — The government is rc ved te ’ifi.*sh-.i e til persoi: - ! who look l-an, ill the mi.’*ii.,n. aeclingHt Woodford or. Sundm , < Krf H. which the proclama tion of lie is’ i l,iiit-x amt fir bidding the maetiny, >ve.s Among those n. Ih proseiaifi • ,re riemlers of I’arluunent 'am . Ro\ - ’luu(h., T. T. Gill and Davis Sho’i.y o and V • ' iiiin sby, Facretnrv to the Lor IMn \or if I >u* m. Mr. ' ox, Membei of Phrllameifi, failed to appear to day at court ii answer to it summons for at tending proclaim 'd meet ings in County Clare, and a warrant for his arrest has boon issued. BALFOUR AT BIRMINGHAM. London. Nov. 4. —Mr. Balfour, Chief Secretary for Ireland, went fi> Birmingham to day and attended the first annual meet ing of the Midland Conservative 1 nioti. He was accompanied by detccti\and the Chief of the Lemiiigt-on police. At. Btr oiington arnus 1 detectives were |>isfi>d at the depot to watch for suspicious, ha ranters. Mr. Balfour received iluriitg tl><> day a hundred address, s from Conservative Asso ciations, mul in thanking the deputations which brought then, he gave assurance that the government were resolved to proceed t-oldlj and flrinlv with the work they had *aken in hand in Ireland, and bringing it to a good conclusion. He admitted that the task was a difficult nnr, but hold that it was perfectli possible and capable of successful accomplishment. Certain ; undents in Ireland had caused some cf t heir friends misgiving, hut. these incidents \\-t re due. not to lack of resolution on the p't't >f the government, butte He feet' iri the law, which had never contem pint s' tho pi esent system of organized popa ii rein !li< n. at THE town h ALL. Mr. Dnlfour addressed a large anil cut hit srfistic audience at the Town Hall this even mg. Ho said lie hojied that at the next ses -inn of ! ar'iament England and Hcntland would gel r fair share of the legislation. Still t e tush question wou'd remain the torem t prohlitu in the mind of every one who * vik hii interest irt tho fortunes of his .-nun ry. He had noticed that. Mr, (Hailstone [Hooting and ur'es of “clips,'’ nnd laughter] alt.Fo. g't lie had rneuti mcl liis program!) ll of leg islation, and I not appear to take r v'ry li‘e|y inlet est in it hi j.self. F.m' 'ft Os re yards tie niter of the plii 'deriiu of th 'Fotiish and \\ elsh c.’ul. hes .-is .a nut <• te" di. uicn K i men' of the envare, V.• fi ad stone lisyilajM t.t le into \-t in a, ytirug i-ii ent the Cri'M queff u. Mid no i.,v . i done itmri M mekc it nn|s*sil>le to .rr..s, the Trisli q\ ,-stiou. Thi reforc, l> jlund would ls> hb .Balfour’s) topic ro-night . The (pies’ion was not, whether Ireland was to tie governo.l r her own or an English Parliament, but whether she was to he go-erued at all in ausirdance with any oi those principles < hu h had hithe-to regula. >1 the x ‘tion of every civilized State ,’ i th 'nrld. [Cheers] THE EVENTS i.'F lhN>. Deferring to the events .f the winter of IV. he ceinj a red toe Lilieral )>mty te those tiarnari’ am eiors who got bap ti*d lcause th< ir King embra -ed Chris tianity. One morning Mr. Glad stone announced himself a Home Ruler, and forthwith a large sec tion of the Liberals declared themselves home rulers. Condemning .Mr. Gladstone'* inconsistency, and his present tactics, Mr. F.nifour decclared that not one of the evlc tioT* now happening could have lieei. nr( vented even if tn ameudli V which Mr. biinl.ton* vanted had tesrP in.'-’’ted <r (F* ’am! bill. Mr. Gladstone’s> on s.;d tei> :lt ion were strange inueec, sue , ir>tui a mm who for sixtc it r,. • nt. >u y.*rs had fruitlessly Lakered ■ vtill til* niMt.lint. M T CHK) t.STGtV.V'S RIOT. In regar 4 o the unhappy affa**- at Mitchellst iw Ulavt >i.i had attacked him (.inlfoin • mall f o. .ot listening to these Attacks ...i m, ■ ..c •„•: I 'heir i -i.., ii defense of *he h. .(Tie ion .of in a--< ura Ii ■ had pun Glad m ■ r i his assertion- on 'u- Vt.. hut w>-s unneraMstu yto entor m* * ■ ’sin judkiv ing the police. I*. as the N.i -fliso-v t.-iri Mr. GtadstO.-P dei-ghted I, ... im police were defeated nan routed. . i . anv one blame Lh*ni if tin y I -ed ‘ |(.Vies of “Oh."] Tut tenth was : i,.. Nationalists, including 11 - Gk-dstoi,.- n choose upon which hors- they w ill ride, i they choose to triumph in the dec sit of tli ]>olice, let them not blame the p-Jire for firing in self defense. It tlipv <-li **- ay the police were brutal butchers, and . hat they fired without cause, iet us hear i.o more of this indirect triumph in their defeat. [Cheers.] Mv. Gladstone at tack on the character of Constable Wb-iehan who was murdered by u mkinlighter, was the mostmonstrous of all of Uis assertions, and ought to cause sham- to his followers. The statement that the police Jiad paid au informer previous to pluming tiie outrage was totally untrue. In comparison the num ber of nits'tings proclaimed by tlie Conner vative was much less than during, Mr. Gladstone's administration. Mr. Balfour said be intended to stop speakers who directly advocated crime, but to tolerate those who only talk and nonsense. lord Spencer moved uneasily in I’arnellite livery, but. Mr. (iiudstone, as if “to the manor txirn.” lie concluded by a statement that steady application of the present policy of tlie government, would re sult in the Irish becoming enthusiastic and loyal supporters of an empire which they, by their virtues, upheld and adorned. FRANCIS RENTES. The Passage of the Conversion Bill a Government Victory. Parts, Nov. 4 —The newspapers of Paris admit that the passage of the Rentes Con version bill by the Chamber of Deputies is a victory for the government. The gov ernmsnt.'s is attributed to the sup port, received from the Right, a majority of whom changed front and voted for the bill. Paul He ('assagna- publishes 111 Ills ;taper a statement in explanation of the night’s action, in which he says that the party wished to give the ministry Its Inxt lesson in abnegation and loyalty. He says tho party will abstain fro/h further disinterest ed ness* JnitrnaVrlm Drlnitx asserts that the rupture bet ween the Radicals and gov ernment is of thi* aoiitint nature. In Town to Get Data. Washington, Nov. 4 -Gov. I'al|isnn, ( hanman of the Pacific Kail vac (Commis sion, came to-night to get some data from the official records for the report of the i-ooimiaaion, which will be finished by the time Congress meets. 00 7. GORDON'S HE l ?kH| f nr lie renion the Tn u ot t:© From Cleveland >t \rr a nta, .v . Nov 4 Ik* . in tie amv.l a ft I MU (1' i 1 M (l ** veculi \•* i 'll i> ■ durng the day s paper men to !!.'• • i w him .;* ‘id- i his treatment • 1 1 Min. nn l tlir p. ',<ll ■ lollt. Tin* (tO\ !•!■' ■' W .Is 10(4 • showiug n • tia euf tat lnwr JM ; ' • lil * ■ m wit-li In trip i BS M/ .01.1 til UlMs> cf It pill' H I X W ' ~n t ill attention and court* xv. 5 ~j|l ‘■v **l*tioi in the easi* of Uo\ . ! ,;h I *’ tbo republican privet, which >1 W * N violent hatred ot the South Hb hibittx! titteon v.mrs ago. *'* l u % itount'Cil before leaving f iiH>rJ|^^P atr ' not diMome State \vsiu** t>r cfindi^^B* 1 '* onl\ Mentioned 1 io\. Foraker *' ** 1 1 Sjh'tM ll s, .o*l t alt Wll.s tO ,IH i'p ~r* J , wln r i. M i Mild not *' *' " ' dm : ;ig Ins htav .in r a Ini sod ‘ f Ucfoi ho ■ niter ho loft. oruoi \•i ♦ * •:. ■ sidorahle < ' 1 * over tljo i\|KH tof Pis having velnnd M"i>’ in and (*1 *.! a *.on/od it ax a ' r ‘ s Lraoer'dp. M > aid tx> the Nt truth jNindAi.t that tin re was not a w..r Ilf ' in it The tact was t• M, “' Morgan wax a gallant Federal '' “1 wiifii he wa.x - pvikmg a; t No* that it a foreign war should n^^B^' 1 ’ 11 1 ’ he ami (lov. (.<<rdon w>add nnu f ge*her to meet tin* common foe. * l,ni said t hi>, t o\. t iordon rose and *. • by tlie hand amid th' wild rhs*ru audience. The lsmi*r rc|torU’r u * k,rt ';x fe*t and saw ail that oeei.nod^^^B**" 1 f ' l.diirr know it wim a crushing ftn *‘ the falsehoods w|v h tilled C-x * ,v ,IM endeavored tor* i?w rac* *s out right falselw*od trons ('Lmthai.i eo r *v • n.Vihufed to ur> to-da\ :;,aui. i i;iv..p',;'i The loin ' ~ Surieim *. rurt was ham led dow t* ta\ 11 n '* Anna Mnv v> * and datird^^BP; Banking K'urru any ir*> ; U tinned. COLUMBUS CH *.1*1 n A Hunter Accidentally Shoot^^K Companion Noar Stinson. jHl while <'mi.imhi k, (;. Ni v. i. r.» "Ul InmticK near Stinson, (ii., Unit, of this oily, ai’i-i lt'lllilllv .hot tilt under Hay nr-, < >1 11 roi‘,1 v illr H. t-oiiaH 1 and known moans tin* gun was disol iarj""*^M*vor ! Ip load 1 1 iot I'flV'-t io i hr riphr side. inyr tin' imiM'lm ol the arm Mr "i'l |o-p |n~ arm and his recovery t> d'MVy \ few dnysHj.o,l 'I I easier, of <'li«K I -Ilf" i.•iinly . "as throe n from Ins 1 ■' 11 ami ints'iiiH!1 \ injured, ami today ho from t.h> r> flat‘Us tt ,vp ! H f'halitinnd John l> lleiifroe It^HP' pe *o. ia I ai’.tnymmonts to publish a I at it in Ih'ownhvilje. The pa|s>r will n <i eai tti. e ■ ne wtek from in |Mll^H ".t!i .•('*. -id'- p ate at lorif. and hi /P iii. editor. to pi o|. t •: - i n e fo- i long t I'l'i't' ,.:|i rip i Nr a. AN UNLOADED fi-UN .-OE3 OFI \ Boy Playfully Poliivod T t at lia Sinter and Fired. AuotaTA,6> Nov. •( A .*nous »nd H'most fatal ai- . iMl occurred in* morn-ng atS o'clock. Ili/t-r Tayi-u . iS-yearold hoy, was playing with H peril ’ die, poi jt mgitaleneb and ever* ime in the dicii g room of his fathers bouse. Ho aimed I ip rifle at his Id-years >ld sister, who sai !, "You ran lire it at n.o if you like,” ill a jis-ose manner. /it thut mono at the rifle « i« accidentally tiiV’licrged, and the hull it passed through Mi~s 111 a s lip, shatlerit q her teeth, three of »hich were destroy* I and otlie •* badly injured. The I* tie gir , thou,;? suit ig niiieh |mm, is tu t const faiall;. . 'iiiia»«l. The «, •■••wt lecply r> cr-»tjt*sl by her SroUlPf. TA 1 T ' ’B /Ao'J' ON TH *> W Kit •o-'iy One .o'* • and lim e Tir o > Since tiia I .an i"sport. Tam’A, Kt.\. Nov. . I.i ml Tiailc; Cifv Cierk, i» the only now fi •/«.• pa; nut ti day, ‘••if .here were 'hroe dint'.is, M s J i tilpeck. Mrs. IV. U. Ciu’idier -n 1 r f KuUcr. riipirians predict that tie ' • win lie ovoi Lj . 1 middle of the in ■ i. Busmen, men are n*. s ICvei ; thing han a more hoaiLtiv dru. '•» veathor it cool. Physicians are ei'jcviinf much i.eet. si i < -i. At the hi.-piuif f t” pc: -os:* have heen oirctaarged to-day, having thirty eight now under treatment; hvi of these are in « i-rit ioal condition. Very many of the nurses “re inicnipfoyed. To give an evidence of 1 r.v, mild tile lever is getting it is stated ,ii. i 1‘ircu of tliose reported as new rasi on _V in end .id were oil the streets this mtauoiR sud one ol the negr ps has gone to work as (• IalK?rer on the sti «et-cleaning gang. S i rul II .re patients will tie dis I'liliged torn I »n,ar.. the worst is Dow tuougtl to la' ■ nr. DI7VA 1j <5 EXHIBIT. The County Ooi.-missionera to Recon sider Their Action. Jacksonville, Fla., Nov. 4.— Cha'rnian H. Y. Robinson, of the Board of County Commishionors, bus called a special meeting lor Monday morning, to reconsider their action on the question of an appropi iation to advertise Duval county. The business men and taxpayers all urge the appropria tion strongly Comptroller Barnes has instructed Sheriff Holland, of this county, to pns-eed to col ieot S74,U>W and costs, riy a levy on and sale of the propei-ty of the Jacksonville and At lantic Railroad Company. This tax the Comptroller says i- for lasts, and Is overdue, and must lie paid. The Comptroller also has ordered the Sheriffs in the various counties to proceed and sell railroads, roll ing stock, etc., where back and overdue taxes are unpaid. • Pooler News. Pooler. Ga., Nov. 4. -Since our last mention of Pooler the place has been rapidly Improving. An elegant school house has been built and is in full working order, with sixty scholars. Miss 1 vie Pat tersen, of Savannah, is assistant teacher. Codings avenue ha. been on a boom for the past month. Five two-story bouses have been built. I. I), l.a Roche contain plates building a tine house on Codings avenue. I). Jackson is adding quite a large store to his house. Pooler is away ahead of Havannah in one point—it has only one “time,” which is standard. To Keep Out Cholera. WabHIKOTON, Nov. 4. —The Treasury De partment has declined to grant the request of the Richmond authorities that a re.enuo cutter he stationed at the entrance to Chesapeake Bay to intercept incoming cholera infected v esse!*. * G.VEAT BAX':' ii SHIP • ! r 'vboul the Mammoth Twln- Sorexr Vemwl. ir thr /fiiltfnuirr gaK-imt. '*! k. V ,\.. Nov. '.’. ANM.itam Naval i > 1 1<ic IVanns T. E iwlos, who is to >'!• • nleii i i‘ u const rm luVi of the i.*w ,i < battle ship M he built .it the ■'"v, ini bore. furnishs-f e following in ti’e- tin,* ■i s rription of th ♦ great vessel: The '< r ore prepm-d I y the Harrow Miii I )Mt:Ui,'*rg Company id It now, Kng laud, and oft Mibmittivi to the Navy lie pnrtnumf ' et Vurch in response to an ail vivtiseniMii • for •ompetiUv.t designs for two srmnr.'ri • nets,< ne to bet cruiser, and the ■ ier a b.Vti ic-ldp The I * row de-ign wan j.. '*:“'|tbi lest of the battleships, and ac noteilhj ’ne Secret, uv of the Navy, and I•. ,'Viil tl ,111/0 of i'l.'i.On I offei-eil he the gove *un Tlie • iw- • wil’ i ! Hi Piet in length, ftl feet Is'.’u . ’tii' nave . mean draught of water <•/ v feet U hei fully equipped and it L inrnial drought her tot.'l dis Ila i’iii* o, i weight will I--Il,lion tons t- 1 ■ ■ >vi"i • pro|ielhv( I twin acrews, a• .c,"d bj tivi ii.iepo.i |en* aita of nia ea ne .ii il triple mansion engines, e l i ’I din eloping S HOO indicated foVea power. wib give the ■ essel a sjieed of v-lent >on .il ls vet or a measu fid n‘ii‘. Tin oal iiiuki rill ootain llV) . . >f > imi, ir mtJVient t enal J* the ves *'ii .to.u'i t, ihi idles it twelve knots ai h i ' w mil v. at filli'peed. ’ hmcally sinking tl’ • vet*.* <t* a twin •o'. t'UVvt double tirr ♦ ship, with an i I i’iilil eiiclim,iig .he lievet parts ■ ■ s niaevinery for nwia,, - to turrets anil nidiiif, the guns and h tin. ,• casings of tin Isulrr- The ip -s i> 'H feet al-'vi the water, and •tin • .'t a .. two turraW of 13 inch steel •trie v. a. containing a lU-inci g-.ui "he 'v'li'tit- p.visst on • cli.ilon that is, tl.e t t.t.'ro •i s on the part side anil tie i ■ •. the atarlsiiifd side, mi tluit. ■v a .inch guns ii iv tie n:'Might Is h* ' *> I■ >r iic,! stern, a op not, i>• ■’ lies. Two f> inch pins are p , s\t ui... Mitrel rivft mono mgs for • o s, n . i ion t h.. dwk fot how and (un i h*. * k 'ijt, l ■ • tructur*, fnrming a bridge dee ui t ir >ll this ik, prodding a ■Nil ( , be |MVS.*WOP Ilf t'Ve less. i. Sr th" a i, ■.* liests *i<l for J t mount ’■v it \ t mechino guns and search ,.i> A ha li'Mts uiiu flyirg bridge, ii'Tv- <■ , ■ ■ tv nni t ! apid-f. dug guns iiia -I i bps prte: led. A !• •’ ■ ■ e .••.,• in >■ twslvo Inches *h 'k is , i 1 i onn levrj with ‘ V .fiitg ■ Tl o*'. ll , nictt < .nni' with the vinmu, . a-. ; fo, rr ii tlr, •.hev el ar 'tisl ii • ui mno j • a-,a three ireht - H i' I Ko.'bit neb, tsar-. ,u|/.,t in spoil • SOSSOI tile I tail loo'- th* >CI .--l’ tadolV tlio Up. Vi* • "•llfuae iil j, s rPgO ftunirgli' ,' iiwi r .weutv-fi dogieb., nipt t s. I m , nd l i ; j Turly ait. hi u six, u ii-' fst 11* tt i.y f-Munii er I lot > e ..ii -tl ~. -, .... I rty srv *rv* /illf ii> , i.gld nihe itini.i ileci the .j, ft,, , ur , deck hoini err 1 el" iting one and a half i :e> • i * th-gi . o. c.d H to secure a S*av < u mid a >gOod dcf. f>- a 1 *|. -I<. HBt Elrborate t>r< < (~i iium ■Bf It pedi*-., I t- I Jrpwl' lii (r, -> is fnrrwad H ’t, ‘he >y lv,: ’ “f n til ii * i>hi|i* thick. W ’ T 'iid length •>( i k. w -tn >r i xte ■ "iv'u 'i ■'*' nh the v* ■ i u <-f wood two of an m il *i framK.g and girder*. An armored prf*c Re deck, "• inches thick, extend.-. f;r .h< ewg lore, boil.-rs and magai.icos, si * -,g,io i Rrw *r>l and aft to thi.rextn-nilf.i->* .1 the \ curel, protecting ihn U *... •*' gear nix and meeting the low at the point of Hr ,m. The stem i* formed n a jeiwpi-fnl ~11, a id heavily *tro~igt.h sued. file redoo.' mam disk, in ■ (AV| ; , he of thi turrets and their gear nchet thick mil covered with 1 inch vnr the *p ts- not occupied L/ the . i •' - V: null fl l •• : r , : sure • ,hc cel -x •• .. in Tf *-i • luiext -nds • ni ga lines for i * i■ *, ... '.ci -i,; it u,tb ’ ' Ml 1 ti II -. I*• ; i j |< • ■ 11' .C . .-'ll IHI • ' l 1,.'. ~-r e . ~,- Puli** ■ > tbe.f i ~ay rH • ~e, - I-. ••;. evil *, . ,r. . an- ,-on ; -',rl. rt-’i'..f -freni;/i gi n ‘ . ti,: , rtrif-ture fiy ,!.*■ bulir re.> -g r- , .--k,; loiigiti; ins! b*.i , Ist t.-i. i 10. hi at* i ■ Um-.-e'- Mid ei’ ' **,- with troisverne finish- /*!:,. il- ling for lii i into agr * nt:nd>:i > * . '.ef'-.i -o tp irtnienl* ’•'lit- fi t so piu>d l.i two c-imrar,- hw o aria Vic x.i-'siif' , and ape, iliar ti-ataro if th! the nia . ines at . shell roouti Bn. :n v -.'n* ol central, midship 'xnpvrtDi tit cxViidii.s "ou-fb tli- lioi ,*r I' .ris this It i lyiuf i- .-'■ui. tion di rectly in ! a t| * g itll ,u r . . ougtuy .i,•-t.* mi • i tea' Or ol !v ia'.o? re, „ ~s vcss-’i /• cutircl)- i -ut x,, , , • being BMed r.cihvi *-. .* i y , arryhig f iir r v-'i" s,,n- The tp ,in. bi ,i u ~ AChisi’ e of ;• "uui ' , and he estimated uvt of > 1 -.* * •, . ■ : the mh-iiiici'-y f-. t.’ko weight .! tV it mot in, ’■ bi-. ■ I’d ... • 1 -I*. i,i it on f m -,io' oi i lml * i • .of rbmt Jf’.P dOl -i r-’rer j* ,1 j.t‘ -. ini in Uw • id.' Vid of vo>ni vc/ ■ • ,< The am.. \u>‘ c pt- .dftd ,i h'U Mono e-'j’ r. t Is* far , > i lb **1*1.1.!..' yi oimiK *• e sary l,*-s ls*;,i •' .*r.. ira. .* •> J. p-eventfi. jayt’.*.. 'I .*. 1 tan or t've’ l vi tie ' x and l jl, c lor How ■ thinks that wV ■ l least ttn yoat sto comp • thee'.ip hei once begun, employing a l is 1.,-.-' J.VIO to J.OOO men. The addition vi rl*j . will <ot |I.V), 000. and will pii'-e tic- ■ e in a position to build three other tdiuin- 1 •. ips . on* #, if given the work. Lost With All k'andß Norfolk, \’a., Nov. 4. -A raperc be* henn rec'-ivv here that the tehoouer Krirji Bird, of Wilmington, N. !’ ( apt. Kdwaid < ’. Daniel, carrying tin* uui’ between Nag'* Jie id, Monter. and Kli/a> Ih City, N. C., sank curing a storm Monda* night in the I’aiquoUuik rirer, and all r n board were lost. Among the fatssen,,-,- * were three pointers fi-oni Rlixabeth City thn captain’s son a school teacher from . iouteo named Howe, and several colored ; -n n. .Senator Paoco’n " our. Pi xsACOLA, Ki.a., Nov. 4.--Senator Bait uel Pasco prolonged his visit to this city beyond his He parti*-; palo lin an excursion oxti ii.iel in bis honor at A vronville today. Aaronv lie is a favor abie pleasure resort on thf sh ires of Penvi cola aav. The ontertainmsnt on thi* occa sion n honor of the Henafoi w.taa decidedly plea*nt one. 1 PRICE gI O IVCAH i I * CENT* A COP V. ( TfIADK OUT OF DANGER. I— THE VOLUME OF BURINES-S CON TINUES LARGE. c ricee Bettered as a Lule Only NVhr Theteere EfToctive Trade Com bin a tlons The Architectural Demand Vailing Oft The Demand for Woo’.eo Goo'ls Lighter Than Whs Expected. Nkw You, Nov. 4.—K. G. Dun <£ Cos i weekly review of trade savs: Notwuh. stauduig slow i ollecttons in many quarter! and some failures of unpleasant ttgnifb canoe, the prevalent feeling is that the most rerious points of dangor have twi weathered, ano that trade dnd industries have been war? ed in season to check un?ls ex)vansion. Toe volume of business con tinues large, whether judged by reports from money centres, by bank exchanges outside of New York (which exceed last year's bv about IS per cent., or by railroad tonnage, which results in an increase of about Is) |wr cent. over last year ,n reported earnings, hut prices don’t advance much. In general bet ter prices appear only where there arv effective trade combinations The long hesitation in the steel rail market is broke i lower price, sale, .f Northwestern and New I delivery having h.on inadecn the basis of *32 at th- miu. Tig iron n weaker at Pittsburg. Bar is not so strong. less nriLTiXG. The architectural dema. and slacken, . and ncils are dull. In woolmi manufacture the demand •. • tinues lighter than has been ex|iei'teo, ar, . auctions of light weight goods and t'>jerv occupy attention. There is so. ve ccmp l ai , .'R of slow collectlons at most Western points, but nt most points monev is easi'r or in ample supply, though collec tions are inconveniently slow aA some places where currency is abundant, doth Fasten' and Westeru manufacture)a in many branc hes find the demand less than was expected, and aln.e m E-astern and V estern cities narrow profits ip the trade are reported Interstate decisions lend stcailily toward lower rates for transporta tion. i.nd the trunk lines have agreed upon uniform export rates by the diffeieot routes and through different’ Atlantic porta \ large increase in raili'u.i ex penses keeps pime, in numerous instances, with the past urctease in earnings Foreign imports for t. s past, two weeks show an increase of over !u per cent., and the exports from New York a demoas* of (i.j ner cent., compared with lad year Funds are coming hither frxu* Boston, nut Western and Southern ex'hinge still indiiaten some movement of currency to those sections. The business failures occurring through out the country during the're, v number Tor the United States ‘iil, and for Canada 20. a total of :J4- r . agaiust 21fi last. week. Th* in cr.sse, noticeHtiie this week, arise* alvo g' -.her in the Weeteru and Southern States. FAII.tHBR AT LOCISVU.IJS. Locn.vtl.LE, !*ov. 4.—There were two large failures on .Vain street t/sday. Hess i Mayer A Cos.. vet l ole*aln drillers in dr.f KOisJn atnl notions vide an twignment, a* did alscOfenke A Vv tl/e. wholesale dealers t hats at and caps The liabil‘tie and easel* are stated in neither raw, hut line, Mayer A; Cos. arc rated in the .)Oinni**roiaJ agencies at between .150.000 an .if JOO,OOO and Henke Ac Wolfe at About #4<>,(JOO TUs failure of Hiwi, Mayer A. Cos., i v gr.iet. surprise, the ! lirm being one of the larges* and most pro | gteshive in the cnv. IVY PITY RACKIfi ! How the Horaa* r inlahw’ la the Fire Evente o'the Wakbinotoh, ffot 4.--Tjsi Ivy Cby racea to-day result'.! r. lollov t First Rai k For (*!' hr-*.. . one rptls. won. with Bari u:t s* o and acd ihnser o J;mii 1 4P/4 P*” '.c. p 'ske*. o Sr. - ,daniPi*i mile Hiaba Wa, -1 third Time •j 1 ’ '‘P ‘ Vhiki. lUc* For ■-< filog ra.-e; six furlong*. How -H. | n Valiant -—ren-l and Bronrx* Max . ;,-c Pocstii f: a, r Sweepstake* for tbra* v^^fc old and ~|-ujir<i mile and a furlong, a-^ horses except Ptuyvesaot were wralahed and he rf* gallopei* ovm-Hie course PiFTh K.-1-Purdle hatsilrap sweepstakes, one mil • '*l ha'f crer six hurdle* War riugton won. Tattler second Vtuh* PMme* third. I bio iilk’Ve. ; sSHVILLF’S m.tTl.N<*. N/! •>. .lb, Nov. 4.—To-day** e-'-un we- ea fo lows: I'lH, f'*-r Klvo-Cighthsof a mile Kknbel'-V von wi i Elsie B second and Ann hpmoette third. I.w 1:0444. Si.< 4>*i. i<-ti -Seventh eighth*of a mil* Diet Fisher w r * i- h Harry Glenn second and Carua tbli-fl Tim* 1: Ot*. Thi an Re. Mile. Florence won, with Gov. ernor .*■-■ mo aid Dancing Kid third.. Time 14:p, hii r ii Ri- Half mile Black Knight was Hr— at a.\. will* f’l uire sec<d. Ten penny third t*i ( o n .leenji fourth The laib-r ,-ame iih r rush, however, avd pnsaad the lot at the three . liane- pr.le arui u -*. around the turn and home .tr-K-h Iso c oj-.lh* Her* all began to race, and tie* lot. errept Black Knight, cam' ucdei tn< wire a* if aLof out of a cannon i'ouaia ,/>*mn wn i declared the winner by a none, with " Jci uut is-.-Mjd and Oraugotilrl third. Time Many -Mbie* are beginning to clear out r. ~. -as Oity and Ne w Orleans. IQUISIANA-a STRIKE. r* Tremble at the Greenwood Plant*- t’.on Greatly Exaggerated. >.w Oblkans, Nov. 4.—Three of tba y (*jv recently sent to the Greenwood at ion, near Tigervilie, where the stnk t.'<;roe* are reported to have fired on ’ - from ambush, returned to the city n> ruing They say that the first re ,f the affair was greatly exaggerated. • ..Ii itant General hat- issued an order l-.u '.-Fig the militia whi'-h had been ae remble.F in Baton Rouge. This ’Morning a negro striker named M'ere }. ogiiea shot and seriously wounded 1 hob mV Forest, a prominent planter near lyockpoil. When a deputy sheriff at tempt*, to arrest Hughe* be was *ur rounde by shout ISO of hi* friends, who defied Uie aulhoritiec. The Opelousas Guard* fere eaiied upon toassiattba deputy sheriff, -nd they sue -erled in capturing the man -runout trouble. Great excitemen* prevails 11 neighborhood All is quiet in this v*'nity and many of the .sinkers base returned to work. Charleston's Celebration. CliMtllTox, S. C , Nov. 4.— The feature* of ,’ie carnival to-day were the races, base hall and Venetian display in the harbor, in cluding a grand illumination of all the f jrU, and a procession of vessels around the battery. There are et least 10.000 strangers in the city. The ball game resulted as fol lows: ChH-agn 0 8 2 0 0 0 10 1-.|4 St Uni* i a o o o j o o o— 4 Haw hit* i hlcago 12, St. Louis 12. Errors— Chicago I, St. IxmH* s. A Strike CoUapfFn*. Bgi ssels, Nov. 4. -T -vvw-s' strike in the Bennage district is e .