The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 07, 1887, Image 1

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, ESTABLISHED 1800. ) •’ j, B. EhTILL, Editor and Proprietor, j BOMBS IN LINGG’S cell. startling result op a search in THE JAIL AT CHICAGO. rom - of tbe Death-Dealers Found Nothing Dangerous Discovered in the Cells of the Other Prisoners Increased Precautions to be Taken h v the Jail Authorities. Springfield, Ills., Nov. ti. —Gov. Oglesby's mail in the Anarchist case was Irrger this morning than ever before. Ninety-seven letters and communications were received by the executive messenger from the post office window, and of this number fully SO per cent, related to the Anarchist case. The greater part of were from Chicago, and Gov. Oglesby this afternoon informed an Associated Press representative that while there were many demands that the sentence lie carried put, the proportion of requests for commu tation were decidedly larger than on any previous day. “Asa matter of fact,” said the Governor, “the pleas for clemency have always been somewhat greater than the re quests for non interference, but, this morn iup the proportion was somewhat greater than usual.” Guv. Oglesby, upon being asked by a re porter whether he had had any callers to day said: “No, [ have seen no one to-day. 1 have spent, nearly the whole day at home, and have been very busy. Delegations, I presume, will begin to come in to-morrow and next, day, and when they do 1 purpose to receive them all in the reception room at the capitol. Everybody will l>e accorded a patient hearing end the ease tinally disposed of, just as all other cases of like character have been in the past.” Numerous telegrams have been received by the Governor during the da}-, most of them from Chicago. Their tenor cannot be learned, other than that one of them was from a prominent Chicago capitalist, who favors executive clemency. There is little doubt that the Governor is at this lime receiving communications from an unusually large number of moneyed men of the country, who recommend commutation of sentence. Some of these gentlemen waive all questions as to the law and justice of the case, and simply favor clemency on the grounds of public policy, insisting that it is better to send the condemned men to penitentiary for life than it is to allow them to become professed martyrs by suf tering the death penalty. DID HE INTEND TO COMMUTE? Gov. Oglesby was thunderstruck when he read the news to-night of the finding of the bombs in Lingg's cell. He read and re-read the dispatch and a cloud of gloom, vexation and anxiety swept over his face ns the full import of the information rlavned upon him. “I can say nothing,” raid he to the Associated Press representa tive. “1 must say nothing whatever in re gard to this matter.’ It has just transpired to-night that Gov. Oglesby has, within the past few days, received several communi i ations tbroaLeub'g violence if lie refuses to rxercise executive clemency in behalf of the condemned Anarchists. BOMBS IN THE CELLS. Chicago, 111., Nov. ti. —The cells of the won condemned Anarchists in tho county jail were searched to-day and four loadeid bombs were found hidden away in a wooden box, which was concealed under a pile of newspapers in the corner. Some time ago Sheriff Matson decided to search and clean out the cells of the seven distinguished prisoners, and to-day was set for the examination. Word was sent by the Sheriff to the friends of the con demned that no admittance would be given to the jail, and this morning the entire force of deputy sheriffs reported at the jail for duty. It was shortly after 8:30 o’clock when l.ingg and Engel were led from their cells to the consultation cage, and tho search began. Engel’s cell was first entered and thoroughly examined. The bed and bedding were looked over, cracks in the walls, and table thoroughly explored, and the clothing banging around the cell searched, but be yond a few empty cigar boxes, some fruit, books and papers, nothing was found. lingo's death dealer. Then the deputy sheriffs entered Lingg’s '■ell while its former occupant planted him self in the corner of his temporary prison Bnd watched them with eager eyes. He as as pale as death and trembled like an aspen leaf as the searchers moved around in the little stone-walled room. Suddenly two the three men inside jumped out to the corridor while the third man held at arms lengt h a small wcoden box which he careful ly cai ried to the jaii office and laid oit jailer Ko’.z's desk. The box contained four pieces of gas-pipe, each about six or seven inches in length, filled with some heavy substance and plugged at both ends. Jailer Folz picked up one which was closed at one end with a round iron stopper and one of the officers pronounced it a veritable dynamite bomb. Just then Sheriff Matson arrived st the jail, and ordered that the dangerous weapons lie replaced in the box and sent to a chemist for analysis, although there was no doubt as to the result of the examination. Then the search was continued, but beyond a quantity of rubbish nothing was found. Then the cells of Fischer, Parsons, Spies, b'hwab and Fielden were searched in the order named, bift no contraband articles of & ny kind were found. LINGO’S EXCITEMENT. It was decided, however, that it was best 1° change the prisoners’ cells. All the pris oners except l.ingg submitted to the change and search without displaying the slightest emotion. l.ingg seemed much worried " hen he was toid of what was contem plated, and showe rso plainly that some thing was wrong, that the jailers were not f0 greatly surprised as they might have been ,iV er the disc/very subsequently made, bheriff Matson was seen on the subject Miring the aftornoon. Ho was very reticent Bt first, but after consideration made a ' i p an breast of the whole affair. “We had t o reason,” he said, “to make tho search at 1 its particular time, that, is we reoehed no intimation that anything was wrong, b was merely a precautionary measure decided on some time ago bv t oiler Folz and myself. We selected Suu “*y as a quiet day when the examination "mild make less disturbance ban if it were made on a woek day. Fo so to time there "as so much of this amnesty b isiness going r ' n that 1 did not car© to interfere with the Rond citizens, who were interested in the "underlined men, or place any obstacle |n their way, hut we felt as though the time nad coiuh to take extra precautions and so “ended to clean the cells out. INCREASED PRECAUTIONS. Of course, in view of the developments “ the search, most stringent precautionary measures will now be taken. The prisoners " ill not lie allowed to exercise as much as , rnierlv, and the number of visitors will * restricted. No one will lie allowed to '’sit any of the condemned in tho ' and if any intorviews are Urn;,led it will be only to near rriatives, and in the presence of the jail thr-ials. 1 won’t say that every visitor will y® “’arched, but there will be no opportunity jur any exchange of anything whatever I*> t*een tho prisoners and" outsiders .V* for ■'"gg, I don’t know that he will lie allowed lc “ee anv one. but I have not vet. fnllv de- tided on that point. Henceforth no baskets of victuals or fruit will be allowed to he sent from any of the prisoners’ friends to them, and no letters or dispatches will be re ceived or sent until they are examined by the jail officials.” The prisoners took their change of quar ters quite as a matter of course, and read, wrote and smoked as though nothing unu sual was going on. A REACTION OK THE AMNESTY SENTIMENT. The news of the finding of the bombs spread like wildfire. A universal reaction of the amnesty sentiment was imme diately apparent. Hundreds of citi zens who have signed the petition for clemency regretted their action, mid wished they had never appeuded their names to the paper. Twenty of the officers of the central detail were in the squad room when a reporter entered and told them the news. Instantly there was a storm of in dignation. The word “bombs” recalled to them t he scene of the Hay market, and there was but one expression of comment on the subject. One lieutenant, sarcastically, re marked: “Well, they ought to pardon Liugg any way” The genera! opinion around the police stations was that whatever might be the fate of the others Lingg’s doom was sealed, and lie would have to go to the gallows. It is doubtful if the condemned will longer be allow ed toen joy the privilege of rca iiug the daily papers. It was suggested to the Sheriff' that the ad •vertising columns might easily lie utilized as a means of communication in cipher lie tween them and outsiders, and in all proba bility they will be deprived of their princi pal pleasures. TWO PROWLERS ARRESTED. The finding of the explosives in Lingg's cell was not the only startler of the day. There was another, the import of which could not be guessed. As the result of it, however, John Van Plinsky, an alleged Polish Count, and John Vetter Riveb, by his own account a South American nabob, are locked up at the Chicago avenue police station. They were seen prowling about the station house and attempting to enter the cells. As they were armed, they were locked up. The bombs were placed in hands of Capt. Schaack, for examination, and that officer reported that they appeared to have been designed for use by some of the condemned men a-s agents of self destruction. INSOLENT FRENCH ANARCHISTS. Marseilles, Nov. H— At a violent meet ing of Anarchists here to-day a resolution was adopted to warn American agents in France of vengeance in the event of the execution of the condemned Chicago Anar chists. A copy of the resolution "-as con veyed by a deputation to the American Consul. The Consul was absent, and the deputation retired quietly. POOD FOR FLAMES. Seven Business Houses Buffned at Tem ple, Tex., with a Loss of $30,000. Temple, Tex., Nov. ti.—Fire early yester day morning destroyed seven business houses on Twelfth street, eight stores being burned out. The total loss is estimated at $;30,000. The insurance is about half that amount. A BLAZE IN NORTHERN NEW YORK. Watertown, N. Y., Nov. O.—A large Are was reported to be raging in Clayton at ti o'clock to-night. The Watertown fire department was called upon for aid. The telephone and telegraph offices are burned out and particulars cannot be obtained. The fire broke out this afternoon in the Porter block, and the building was burned to the ground. The flames spread to the Halpin block and several other buildings on the same street, which were also totally de stroyed. The buildings burned included the best in tiie village, aud as near as can be estimated the loss will reach SIOO,OOO. None of thosummer hotels were burned. Help was obtained from Carthage, and the flames were under control at 8 o'clock. Fuller particulars of the fire cannot be obtained to night. TROOPS MOVING IN LOUISIANA. Every Thing Reported Quiet Among the New Iberia Strikers. New- Orleans, Nov. 6.— A special to the IHmyune from new Iberia, La., says: “The military company from Opelousas passed down to-day. An artillery detachment of the Iberia guards left on a local train in response to Capt. Cade’s call for more men. Ten more of the Iberia guards will leave to night to join their command at Patferson ville. All is quiet here. All the mills in the Fousse Point section, as well as in the interior are at work. A lage number of ne groes went down on the train to-day, going to take the places of the strikers. ” A Morgan City special says: “To-day has been one of considerable excitement, but w-ithout demonstration by the laborers. The killing of four negroes at Patterson ville Saturday created some excitement here. It is not known here who did the shooting. None of the laborers have gone to work in this vicinity. It is rumored that they will resume work to-morrow.” A GAIN FOR TARIFF REFORM. Mr. Mills, of Texas, to be the Ways and Means Chairman. Washington, Nov. 6. —A Democratic Representative who has recently been in conversation with Speaker Carlisle informed a reporter yesterday that there need be no doubt that Mr. Mills, of Texas, will be Chairman of the Committee on IVays and Means. “There are two ways of making that a strong Democratic committee,” said the gentleman in question. “One is to increase the strength of the Democratic members of it and another is to diminish the strength of the Republican members.” The Republi can minority will tie much weaker in this Congress than in the last. Messrs. Hiscock and Reed will lie a great loss to the Repub lican minority of the committee. Mr. His cock goes to the Senate. Mr. Reed will probably be transferred to the Judiciary committee of the House. A CABOOSE TELESCOPED. One Man Scalded to Death and Four Others Badly Scalded. St. Louis, Nov. 6.—A fatal collision oc curred at 6 o’clock yesterday morning at Bremer station, on the Atchison and Ne braska railroad .twelve miles north of Atch ison. A freight train was (standing on tho main track and the cannon ball passon ger train coming south crashed into the rear aud telescoped the caboose, which was occupied by six graders on their way to Arkansas. ,„ , , ~ . John Worth, of Red Oak, la., was scalded to death, Willard Robinson, of SaudsviiJe, jn. was severely scalded, and will probably die T. McEldowney, of Bloomheld, 111., Charles Pullman, of Muscatine, 111., anil A. F. Wilcox, of Northern Nebraska, were badly scalded. Burglar* Blow Open a Safe. Winchester. Va., Nov. ti.—Professional burglars blew open Baker & Co.’s safe here Saturday morning, obtaining S4OO and some valuable impcre. A heavy reward has Been offered for their apprehension. SAVANNAH, GA., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1887. GEN. JACKSON’S SPEECH. Ex-Senator Thurman Extremely Bitter in His Denunciation. Columbus, 0., Nov. ti.—Judge Thurman, late last night, in an address to the Thur man Club at which only members and invited guests were present, used the follow ing words in speaking of Gen. Jackson's recent speech at Macon, Ua.: An old crank down in Georgia by the name of kson iloA forgive him for bearing that name a disappointed politician, a man whom Grover Cleveland recalled from his mission to Mexico, some say because h* 1 got too drunk there to tie of auv use, 1 don’t, know how that it is. 1 am not accustomed lo making iiersonal charges, but what 1 do know is that the l’resi deni, recalled him, ami from the day he was recalled to this day, it Is sairl tlmt the President and Democratic party- ha\c no more malignant eivutivin the untied Mates than lie. [Applause.] The old fool, at a meeting at Macon a month ago or something like that,, saw til to make a siieech and declare that flit- doctrine of secession was not dead. Why. my friends, if a man can make such a declaration as that and not be an idiot, or what is worse, a mischief maker, then 1 don't know what idiocy and mischief-making are. The doctrine of secession mil dead I Why, w hatever life it had was killed stone dead by the civil war. Everybody who has the least honesty himself must acknowledge tliat. Where is it that it is alive - Where is the necessity of blow ing tnimpels and hearingdrums and sound ing bugles in i he North to put down the doctrine of secession when the South itself in a most, emphatic and binding manner in which men can speak have put it under their feet. The judge then quoted the anti-secession articles from the constitution of Georgia and other Southern States, and said Joseph B. Foraker was doing more for disunion by his speeches than all the Jacksons that ever bore that name ever did. ST. AUGUSTINE POLITICS. The Contest Between the Two Tickets Close and Exciting. St. Augustine, Fla., Nov. 6.—Politics is now the subject of absorbing interest here. The election occurs next Tuesday. Both parties have placed the best material in the field and the contest will be close and exciting. The “Citizens” ticket (Deni.) is as follows; For Mayor, N. M. Ingraham: Clerk, Wil liam Moody; Marshal, J. V 7. Drysilale; Treasurer, J. W. Allen; Tax Assessor, C. H. Hopkins; Collector, Eugene Segui; Aider men, First ward, F. li. Bruce; Second ward, T. Lemis; Third ward, J. Llambais; Fourth ward, G. Atwood. The “Peoples” ticket (Republican) is, for Mayor, Hon. George Greno; Clerk, W. H. Atkins: Marshal, John Blake, (colored); Treasurer, J. W. Alien; Tax Assessor, H. Canfield; Collector, E. Popjno, (colored); Alderman, First ward, S. B. Manse: Second ward, T. E. Weitsell, (colored); Third ward, Dr. F. F Smith; Fourth ward, I). M. Papy, (colored.) The “Citizen’s” ticket was elected last year by a majority of t!00, but if elected this year it will be by a much smaller ma jority. On Saturday morning a colored man named Walker, working on the roof of the Cathedral fell a distance of twenty-five feet striking on the stone floor. No limbs were broken, but he was injured internally. Dr. Rainey was immediately called, and the un fortunate matt was carried to his home. He will probably die of the injuries. The action of the County Commisssioners in refusing to call an election on the liquor question, on the petition presented, which was not properly gotten up, and on which many of the signatures were not voters, is universally commended, as there is nodoubt but that if the county was to go “dry” it would seriously affect the business of the hotels, which would more or less affect every business in the city, and as St. Aug ustine now has the reputation of being the greatest winter resort in the South, with the finest hotels in the world, it is to he hoped tliat nothing will be done to keep tourists from coming here, which would undoubtedly be the ease if there was no liquor sold here Merchants report business as good, and the indications are that the coming winter will be the most prosperous ever known in the history of the “ancient city.” STREET CAR STABLES BURNED. A Loss of $2,500 at Columbus—Fare well to a Clergyman. Columbus, Ga., Nov. 6. — The street car stables in this city, which are located on Rosehill, were destroyed by fire to-day about 12 o’clock. A large quantity of feed and one car were burned. The loss is estimated at $2,500, and is fully covered by insurance. A large congregation assembled at St. Paul’s chtu-ch to-night to hear Rev. Walker Lewis’ farewell sermon, but he was feeling too unwell to preach. Rev. G. G. N. Macdonell, of St. Luke; Rev. R. H. Harris, of the First Baptist Church, Rev-. J. B. K. Smith, of the Broad Street Church, spoke of Mr. Lewis in the highest terms, after which resolutions of regret at his departure adopted by the Methodist churches were read. Mr. Lewis leaves for Nashville this week. This morning, in Lee county, Ala., George Hart was taken from jail by a mob and lynched. Hart and another negro murdered their employer about a year ago for money they expected to find on his person. HOLIFJELD'S MURDERER. A Deputy Marshal One of the Five Men Accused of the Crime. Macon, Ga., Nov. ti. — William J. Bled soe, a United States Deputy Marshal, was arrested here to-day by Detective Rhodes, of Florida. He is charged with being one of five men who assassinated John Holifield at Brooksville, in that State, in Novem ber, 1884. Holifield suddenly disappeared at tliat time with SSOO. but it was nut until four months ago that his body was discov ered. An investigation brought out the fact that he had been murdered. Four resi dents of the county have already been ar rested, and to-day the fifth man was found. Georgia’s Negro Fair. Athens, Ga;, Nov. fl. —The Colored Fair Association will hold its second exhibition at the Northeast Georgia Fair grounds, commencing to-morrow, and lastnig four days. Madison Davis, the President, has been hard at work in behalf of the fair, and the exhibits and races promise to be very fine. Special trains on all the roads will be run, and another crowd Is expected in the city. _____ Only Two Cases and Two Deaths. Tami*a, Fla., Nov. ti.—Two very mild new cases are rcjiorted to-day and two deaths, Mrs. O. Kammerer and an Italian named Han to Deiiouo. Thirty-six patients are under treatment. The weather is warm. The outlook is favorable. A Marriage at Tampa. Tampa, Fla., Nov. 6.—G. D. Powell and Mrs. 8. I). Vaughan were married in the Methodist Episcopal church to-day. Sudden Death of a Baron- London, Nov. d.— Baron VVolverton died suddenlv at his hotel at Brighton fco-dav. CONCORD AND DISCORD. TALMAGE ON THE LAYING OF THE WORLD S CORNER-STONE. The Whole Universe Was a Complete Cadence - The Great Sheet of Immen sity Laid Out and What Was Written on it Snapping of a Harp String by Sin. Brooklyn, Nov. o. —The main feature in the music of the Brooklyn Tabernacle is the congregational singing. To-day, after the o|iening song, in which all the thousands heartily participated, Prof. Browne gave on the organ Scherzo, opus 61, by Mendels sohn. The Rev. T. DeWitt Tolmage, D. D., expounded a chapter in the first book of Sanmel, where Haul, possessed of an evil spirit, threw a javelin at David, who was playing on the harp before bint, tints show ing that the evil spirit does not like sacred music. The subject of the sermon was “Concord and Discord,” and the text was front .Joli xxxviii, 6, 7: “AVlto laid the cor ner-stone thereof; when the morning stars sang together?” Dr. Tulmage said: AVe have all seen the ceremony at the laying of the corner-stone of church, asylum or Masonic temple. Into the hollow of the stone were placed scrolls of history and important documents, to be suggestive if, one or two hundred years after, the build ing should be destroyed by fire or torn down. AA'e remember the silver trowel or iron hammer that smote the square piece of granite into sanctity. AVe remember some venerable man who presided, wielding the trowel or hammer. AA'e remember also the music as the choir stood on the scattered stones and timlter of the building about to lie constructed. The leaves of the note books fluttered in the wind, and were turned over with a great rustling, and we remem ber how the bass, baritone, tenor, contralto and soprano voices commingled. They had for many days been rehearsing the special programme, that it might be worthy of the corner-stone laying. In my text the poet of Uz calls us to a grander ceremony—the laying of the foun nation of this great temple of a world. The corner-stone was a block of light and the trowel was of celestial crystal. All about and ou the embankments of cloud stood the angelic choristers, unrolling their librettos of overture, aud other worlds clapped shining cymbals while tho ceremony went on, and God, the architect, by stroke of light after stroke of light, dedicated this great cathedral of a world, with mountains for pillars, and skv for frescoed ceiling, and flowering fields for floor, and sunrise and midnight aurora for upholstery. “AVho laid the corner-stone thereof; when the morning stars sang together?” The fact is that tho whole universe was a complete cadence, an unbroken dithyramb, a musical portfolio. The great sheet of im mensity had been spread out, and written on it were the stars, the smaller of them minims, the larger of them .sustained notes. The meteors marked tho staccato passages, the whole heavens a gamut, with, all sounds, intonations and modulations, the space be tween the worlds a musical interval, trem bling of stellar light a quaver, the thunder a base clef, the wind among trees a treble clef. That is the way God made all things, a perfoct harmony. But one day a harp.string snapped in the great orchestra. One day a voice sounded out of tune. One day a discord, harsh and terrific, grated upon the glorious antipbone it was sin tha made tho dissonance, and that harsh discord has been sounding through the centuries. All the work of Christians, and philanthrophists, and re formers of all ages is to stop that discord and get all things hack into the perfect har mony which was heard at the laying of the corner-stone, when tho morning stars sting together. Before I get through, if I am divinely helped, I will make it plain that sin is discord and righteousness is harmony. That things in general are out of tune is as plain as to a musician’s ear is the un happy clash of clarionet and bassoon to an orchestral rendering. The world’s health out of tune: AVeak lung and the atmosphere in collision, dis ordered eye and noonday light in quarrel, rheumatic limb and damp weather in struggle, neuralgias, and pneumonia,, and consumptions, and epilepsies in flocks swoop upon neighborhoods and cities. AVhere you find one person with sound throat, aud keen eyesight, and alert ear, and easy respi ration, and regular pulsation, and supple limb, and prime digestion, and steady nerves, you find a hundred who have to be very careful because this, or that, or the other physical function is disordered. The human intellect out of tune: The judgment wrongly swerved, or the memory Seaky, or the will weak, or the tamper in flammable, and the well balanced mind ex ceptional. Domestic life out of tune: Only here and there a conjugal outbreak of in compatibility of temper through the divorce courts, or a filial outbreak about a father's will through the Surrogate’s Court, or a case of wife-beating or husband-poisoning through the criminal courts, but thousands of families with June outside and January within. Society out of tune: l-abor aud capital, their hands on each other’s throat. Spirit of caste keeping those down in the social scale in a struggle to got up, and putting those who are up in anxiety lest they have to come down. No wonder the old piano forte of society is all out of tune, when hy pocrisy, and lying, and subterfuge, and double dealing, anti sycophancy, ana char la tanism, and revenge have for six thousand years been banging away at the keys and stamping the pedals. On all sides there is a perpetual shipwreck of harmonies. Nations in discord: AVith out realizing it so strong is tho feeling of nation for nation that the symbols chosen are fierce and destructive. In this country, where our skies are full of robins, and doves, and morning larks, we have our national symbol, the fierce and filthy eagle, as im moral a bird as can be found in all the /ornithological catalogues. In Great Britain, where they have lambs and fallow deer, their symbol is the merciless lion. In Run sia, where from between her frozen north and blooming south all kindly beasts dwell, they choose the growling bear: and in the world’s heraldry a favorite figure is tho dragon, which is a winged serpent, ferocious and deathful. And so fond is the world of contention that we cltmb out through the heavens and baptize one of the planets with the spirit of battle, and call it Mars, after the God of war, and we give to the eighth sign of the zodiac the name of the scorpion, a creature which is chiefly celebrated for its deadly sting. But, after all, these symbols are ex pressive of the way nation feels toward na tion. Discord wide as tho continent aud bridging the seas. I supjxise you have no ticed how warmly in love dry goods stores are with other dry good stores, and how highly grooerymen think of the sugars of the grooerymen ou the same block. And in what a eulogistic way allopathic and ho mcepathio doctors speak of each other, and how’ ministers will sometimes put ministers on that beautiful cooking instrument which the English call a spit, au iron roller with spikes on it. and turned by a crank before a hot fire, nnd then if the minister being roasted cries out against it, the men who are turning him say: “Hush, brother: we •re turning this sett for the elorv of God and the good of your soul, and you must bo quiet while we close the service with: “ ‘Blest tie the tie that binds Our hearts In Christain love.' ” The earth is diametered and circtttnfer enced with discord, and tho music that was rendered at the laying of the world's corner stone, when the morning stars sang to gether. is not hoard now : and though here and there from this and that part of so ciety, and from this and that part of the earth, there comes tip a thrilling solo of love, or a warble ol worship, or a sweet duet of pat ience, they are drowned out by a discord that shakes the earth. i’aul says: “The whole creation groan eth,” and while the nightingale, and the woodlark, and the canary, and the plover sometimes sing so sweetly that their notes have been written out in musical notation, and it is found that the cuckoo sing t in the key of D, awl that the cormorant is a basso in the winged choir, yet sportsman’s gun and the autumnal blast often leave them rutiled and bleeding, or dead in meadow or forest. Paul was right, forthe groan in na ture drowns out the prima donnas of tha skv. But if in this world things in general are out of time to our frail ear, how much more so to ears angelic and deific. It takes a skilled artist fully to appreciate disagree ment of sound. Mahy have no capacity to detect a defect of musical execution, and, though there wore in one bar as many of tenses against harmony as could crowd in between the lower E of the bass and the higher G of the soprano, it would give thorn no discomfort,,* lulc ou the foreheads of the educated artist ticads of perspiration would stand out as a result of toe harrowing dis sonance. AA’hila an amateur was perform ing on a piano anti had just struck the wrong chord, John Seba tiau Bach, the im mortal composer, entered the room, and the amateur rose in embarrassment, and Bach rushed ivest tha host, who stepped forward to greet him. and before the keyboard had stopped vibrating, put his adroit hand upon the keys anti changed the painful inhar mony into glorious cadence. Then Bach turned awl gave salutation to the host who had invited him. Tartiui, the great musical composer, dreamed one night, that he made a contract with Satan, the latter to bo ever in the com poser's service. But one night lie handed to Satar a violin, on which Diabolus played such sweet music that the composer was awakened by the emotion and t ried to repro duce the sounds, and therefrom was written Tartini’s most famous piece, entitled the “Devil’s Sonata,” a dream ingenious but faulty, for all melody descends from heaven, aud only discords ascend from hell. All hatreds, feuds, controversies, backbitings and revenges are the devil’s sonata, arc dia bolic fugue, are demoniac phantasy, are grand march of doom, are allegro of perdi tion. But the worst of all discords is moral dis cord. If society and the world are pain fully discordant to imperfect man, what must they be to a perfect God. People try to define what sin is. It seems to me tliat, sin is getting out of harmony with God, a disagreement with His holiness, with His purity, with His love, with His commands, our will clashing with His will, the finite dashing against the infinite, the frail against the puissant, the created against the Creator. If a thousand musicians with flutes, and comet-a-piston, and trumpet, aud violiueello, and hautboys, and tro nbone, and all the wind and string instruments that ever gathered in a Dusseldorf jubilee should resolve to play out of tune and put concord to the rack, and make the place wild with shrieking, and grating, and rasp ing sounds, they could not make such a pandemonium as that which rages in a sin ful soul when God listens to the play of its t houghts, passions anil emotions —discord, life-long dtsoord, maddening discord. The world pays more for discord than it does for consonance, High prices have been paid for music. One man gave two hundred aud twenty-five dollars to hear the Swedish songstress in New York, and another six hundred and twenty-five dollars to hear her in Boston, and another six hundred and fifty dollars to hear her in Providence. Fabu lous prices have been paid for sweet sounds, but far more has been paid for discord. The Crimean war cost one billion seven hundred million dollars, and our American civil war over nine and a half bijlion dollars, and the war debts of professed Christian nations are about fifteen billion dollars. The world pays for this red ticket, which admits it to the saturnalia of broken bones, and death agonies, aud destroyed cities, and ploughed graves, aud crushed hearts, anv amount of money Satan asks. Discord! Discord I But I have to tell you that the song that the morning stars sang together, at tho lay ing of the world’s corner-stone, is to lie re sumed again. Mozart’s greatest overture was composed one night when he was several times overpowered with sleep, aud artists say they can tell the places in the music where he was falling asleep, and the places where he awakened. So the overture of the morning stare, spoken of in my text, has been asleep, but it will awaken and be more grandly rendered by the evening stare of tho world’s existence than by the morn ing stare, and the vespers will be sweeter than the matins. The work of all good men and women, and of all good churches, and all reform associations, is to bring the race back to the original harmony. The rebel lious heart to lie attuned, social life to be attuned, commercial ethics to be attuned, internationality to be attuned, hemispheres to be attuned. But by what force, and in what way? In olden time the choristers had a tuning fork with two prongs, and they would strike it on the back of pew or music rack, and put it to the car, and then start the tune, and ail the other voices would join. In modern orchestra the leader has a complete instrument, rightly attuned, and he sounds that, and ail the other performers turn iho keys of their instruments to make them cor respond, and sound the bow over the string, and iisten, and sound out over again, until ali the keys are scr wed to concert pitch, and the discords melt into one great sym phony, and the curtain hoists, and the baton taps, and audiences are raptured with Schumann's “Paradise and the Peri,” or Rossini’s “Stabat Mater,” or Bach’s “Magnificat” in D, or Gounod’s “Redemp tion.” Now, our world can never be attuned l>y an imperfect instrument. Even a Cremona would not do. Ifcaven has ordained the only instrument, and it is made out of the wood of the cross, and the voices that ac company it are imported voices, <antatrioes of the first Christmas night, when heaven serenaded the earth with: “Glory to God the highest and on earth [>eace, good-will to men.” Last we start too far off, and get lost in generalities, we had better begin with oureelves, get our own hearts and life in harmony with the eternal Christ. Oh, for His almighty spirit to attune us. to chord our will with His will, to modulate our life with His life, and bring us into unison with all that is pure, and self-sacri ficing and heavenly. The strings of our nature are all broken and twisted, and the bow is so slack it cannot evoke anything mellifluous. The instrument made for heaven to play on has been roughly twanged and struck by influences worldly and demoniac. 0 master hand of Christ, re store this split, and fractured, and de spoiled, and Unstrung nature until first it snail wail out for our sin and then trill with divine pard>m. The whole world must aiso De ust-uaeu o> the sanio uowor. A few da vs I was in the Fairbanks Weighing Scale Manufac tory of Vermont Six hundred hands, and they have never had a strike. Complete harmony between labor and capital, tho operatives of scores of years in their beauti ful homes near by the mansions of the manufacturers, whose invention and Christian behavior made the great enter prise. So all the world over, labor and capital will be brought into euphony. You may have heard what is called the “Anvil Chorus,” composed by Verdi, a tune played by hammers, great and small, now with mighty stroke, and now with heavy stroke, beating a great, iron anvil. That is what the world has got to come to-anvil chorus, yard stick chorus, shuttle chorus, trowel chorus, crowbar chorus, pickax chorus, gold-mine chorus, rail-track chorus, loco motive chorus. It can bo done, and it will be done. So all social life will bo attuned by the Gospel harp. There will lie as many classes in society as now, but the classes will not bo regulated by birth, or wealth, or accident, but by the scale of virtue and benevolence and people will lie assigned to their places as good, or very good, or most, excellent. So also com mercial life w ill be attuned, and there will bo twelve in every dozen, and sixteen ounces in every pound, and apples at the bottom of tho barrel will be as sound as those on the top, and silk goods will not. he cotton, and sellers will not have to charge honest people more than the right price l)e cause others will not pay, and goods will come to you corresponding with the sample by which you purchased them, and coffee will not liei hicoried, and sugar will not be sanded, and milk will not be chalked, aud adulteration of food w ill tie a State's prison offense. Aye, all things shall be attuned. Flections in England aud the United States will no more he a grand carnival of defama tion and scurrility, but the elevation of righteous men in a righteous way. In the sixteent h century the singers ca lled the Fischer Brothers reached the lowest bass ever recorded, and the highest note over trilled was liy ],a Bastarilella, aud Catali ni's voice had a compass of three aud a half octaves; but Christianity is more wonder ful ; for if runs all up and down the great est heights and the deepest depths of tho world's necessity,and it will compass every thin > and bring it in accord with tho song which the morning stars sang at tho laying of the world’s corner-ston t. All the sacred music in homes, and concert halls, and churches tends toward this consummation. Make it more and more hearty. Sing in your families. Bing in your places of busi ness. If wo with proper spirit use these faculties, we are rehearsing for the skies. Heaven is Pi have anew song, an entirely new song, hut 1 should not, wonder if, as sometimes on earth a tune is fashioned out of many times, or it is one tune with the variat ions, so some of the songs of the re deemed may have playing through them the songs of earth, and how thrilling as coming through the great, anthem of the saved, accompanied by hai-pers with their harps, and ti uni(icter with their trumpets, we should hear some of the strains of Antioch, and Mount Pisgah, and Corona tion, aud Lenox, and Ht. Martin's, aud Fountain, and Ariel, and Old Hundred. How they would bring to mind the praying circles, and communion days, and the Christmas festivals, and the church worship iu which on earth wo mingled 1 I have no idea that when w e bid farewell Pi earth wo are Pi bid farewell to all these grand old Gospel hymns, which melted and raptured our souls for so many years. Now, my friends, if sin is discord and righteousness is harmony, let us get out of one and enter tho other. Aftor our dreadful civil war was over, and in the summer of 18ftt, a great national peace jubi lee whs held in Boston, and as an elder of this church had been honored by the selec tion of some of his music, to lie rendered on that occasion, I accompanied him to the jubilee. Forty thousand people sat and stood in the great Coliseum erected for that purpose. Thousands of wind and stringed lnstiuments. Twelve thousand trained voices. Tlie master-pieces of all ages ren dered, hour after hour, and day after day—- Handel’s “Judas Maccahaeus,” Bphor’s “Ijist Judgment," Beethoven’s “Mount of Olives,” Haydn’s “Creation,” Mendelssohn’s “Elijah,” Meyerbeor’s “Coronation March,” rolling on and up in surges that billowed against the heavens. The mighty cadences within were accompanied on the outside by the ringing of the bells of the city and can non on the commons, in exact time with the music discharged by electricity, thundering their awful liars of a harmony that as tounded all nations. Sometimes I bowed my head anil wept. Sometimes I stood up in the enchantment, and sometimes the effect w r as so overpowering I felt I could not endure it. When all the voices were in full chorus, and all the batons in full wave, and ail the orchestra in full triumph, and a hundred anvils under mighty hammers were in full clang, and all the towers ot the city rolled in their majestic sweetness, and the whole building quaked with the boom of thirty cannon, Parepa Rosa, with a voice that will never again be equalled on earth until the archangelic voice proclaims that time shall be no longer, rose above all other sounds iu her rendering of our national air, the “Star Spangled Banner.” It was too much for a mortal, and quite enough for an immortal, to hear, and wnile some fainted, one womanly spirit, released under its power, sped away Pi be with God. O, Lord, our God, quickly usher in the whole world’s peace jubilee, and all islands of the sea join the five con tinents, anil all the voices and musical instruments of all nations combine, and all the organs that ever sounded requiem of sorrow sound only a grand march of joy, and all the bells that tolled for burial ring for resurrection, and all the cannon that ever hurled death across the nations sound Pi eternal viepiry, anil over all the acclaim of earth and minstrelsy of heaven there will lie heard one voice sweeter anil mightier than any human or angelic voice, a voice once full of tears, but then full af triumph, the voice of Christ, saying: “I am Alpha and Uuiega, the beginning ami the end, the first and the last.” Then at the laying of the top-stone of the world’s history, the same voices shall be heard as when at the laying of the world’s corner-stone “the morning starssang Pigether.’ O’BRIEN RESISTS. Tho First Attempt to Force Him to Don a Uniform Fails Dublin, Nov. <i.— Mr. O’Brien resisted an attempt to force him to put on a uniform of Tullamore jail to-day. The prisoner’s doc tor then directed the governor to desist, on account of the unfavorable state of Mr. O’Brien’s health. Mr. Dillon spoke at Castierea to-day. He entreated his h. -tiers to swear with him that as long as life and liberty remained they would do everything in their power “to avenge Mr. O’Brien, and Pi make suffer the batefnl class who consigned this beloved and gifted Irishman to a felon’s cell.” Tho Tory press and landlord, he said, had cer tainly struck a heavy blow when they re moved Mr. O’Brien, but every one 'with Irishman’s blood would solemnly vow to strike back harder. The police did not in terfere. A summons under the crimes act has been issued against Mr. Sheeljy, member of ftir liamont for Booth Galway. Canada’s Next Governor General. London, Nov. 6. lt. is reported that Lord Stanley, of Preston, will sucoood the Mar quis of lamsdowne as Governor General of Canada. i PRICE8(10 A YEAR 1 1 i L.\ U A COPY, f A FIGHT WITH INDIANS. SWORD-BEARER AND A CORPORAL ON THE DEATH LIST. A Private Wounded Four Times Gen. Ruger First Held a Parley and De manded the Surrenderor the Hostile* After Consultation the Redskins Open Fire and Are Routed. • ’Row Iniuan Agency, Montana, Nov. •A Gen. Huger had a parley with the Crow Indian chiefs to-day, and demanded that. Sword Bearer and all the other hostile Crows lie surrendered for punishment. After some talk, the chiefs said they would go to the camp and consult the medirin* man. The cavalry were then drawn up in full field order on an eminence fronting the Indian position, and the Indians soon began riding about and singing war songs At the end of the time allowed the Indians to eotne in with the bail young men, the cavalry ad ianced, (he Infantry took positions, and the Indians opened fire. A CORPORAL KILLED. At the first volley C’orpl. Charles Bump son, of Troop K., First Cavalry, was shot dead and Private Eugene Mouoy, of Troop K., was wounded four times. The Indians took position in rifle pita and in the brush. The Hotchkiss rifie threw its first shot beyond the Lit tle Horn. The next fell in the Indian camp, aud one Indian and a horse were killed. The cavalry now ad vanced upon the Indians, .driving them into the brush. Sword Bearer was killed, being shot twice in the skirmish fire by G. Troop First Cavalry , commanded by ('apt. F. C. tlpbam and Lieut J. B. Aleithirn. The Crow scout, Firebug also claims to have fired the tatal shot. Nearly all of them came into the agency, oniy T ahuutjwenty escaping to the hills. The latter are now being pursued by the caval ry. The above names cover all the casual ties except on ' man, who was slightly disa bled by a fall. Five Indians were reported dead. ' There is no danger to the settle ments. THE CHARLESTON FESTIVAL. It Was a Great Success In Every Re spect. Charleston, Nov. s.—The old city has just finished her festival, and has hardly yet realized its success or its importance. If the ghosts of some of the great men of the secession period could have vial ted the city this week how they would have been horrified. The writer recalls the celebra tions here twenty-seven years ago, when the momentous events which led to the groat, st.rugglo were occurring. The stars and stripes were not. particularly popular at that time; the Confederacy haft not yet been born, and the Confederate flag had not sprung into existence; but men aud women taxed their brains and their ingenuity to invent new flags and banners, and various devices in which the palmetto and the crescent and the cannon and cotton bale en tered largely, were worked into flags and banners. The stars and stripes were, however, not to be crushed out. They are here to-day an hundred thousand strong, and they are here to stay. Charleston has fully proven to the world that she is in for the old flag, and an appropriation for tho jetties. No such deni onstration has ever been witnessed here liefore. At the intersection of Hayne and Meeting streots, where, twenty-seven years ago, the first secession flag was raised on a liberty pole, there is a triumphal arch be spangled with the old flag and the national colors. There is not a street in the entire city in which the old flag does not flutter lu the breeze. The dealers are unable to give an idea of the number of flags they sold. They sold out their stock three days before the festival opened and then telegraphed for morn; sold out the additional stock and tele graphed for more. As for lanterns it would seem that there could be very lew of them left at tue manufacturiee. A SIGNIFICANT FEATURE of tho festival was the interest token in it by everylsidy in the city. The only thing to compare with the decorations was the Chatham Artillery centennial at Savannah a year agi > last. May. There were not 100 out of the 10,000 houses in the city that were not decorated in some way. As to the visitors to the city it is difficult to give a correct estimate.' Tho various railroads entering here reported the num ber of passengers brought in on the regular trains every day, but the figures do not by any means represent t lie number of strangers who were in the city. THE POPULATION SURROUNDING CHARLES TON on the land ’ side at least, is very dense, and it was all here. The rail, roads transported an average of about 3.500 persons daily. This would give a total of about 20,000 people who came to the city during the week. Add to this the arrivals by steamer, ferry and country roads, and those who came in advance to spend the week with their friends here aDd the figures will easily reach GO,OOO. To those who are accustomed to read of big crowds these fig ure* seem comparatively insignificant, but they mean a great deal to Charleston. It is admitted by all who were hare that the car nival was a grand success. It will be re memborod that there was no exposition, no central |Kiint of attraction. It was simply a carnival gotten up at short notice and in tended to arouse interest in the city. So great has been the success, indeed, that a carnival association will at once be formed with a view of giving annua) festival*. The Charleston Association will invite co-opera tion from Savannah, Columbia, August** Jacksonville, Wilmington, and other South Atlantic cities. The idea is to have perma nent associations in each of the cities named with annua! carnival* to he arranged at such dates as will not conflict. In thi* way a vast quantity of floats and other para phernalia can be accumulated and could be used in each city in turn. Such a combina tion would also attract a splendid lot of horses from all over the country and establish a permanent racing circuit. It would induce the owners of race horse* to spend the winter in the South, and would, besides, attract thousand* and thousands of Northern visitor*, who now ODly think of coming Mouth ill the early spring. Steps have tieen taken to submit this proposition to the cities named, in the hojie of forming a Mouth Atlantic circuit. A Wrecked Brlgf’s Crew Brought In. Philadelphia, Nov. A--The brig Lilian, from Deinerar.i, has landed at this port Uapt. Davis ami part of the / crew of the British brig W. H. I-atimer, which was bound from Fernandina for Demerara. with lumber, and which was abandoned on Sept. 8, in latitude 28’ 3F and longitude S3’ w , in a sinking condition. All of the crew were saved. Buried at Winchester Winchester, Va., Nov. ft.- Mrs B. E. Rouse, the aged mother of Charles R. Rouse, a millionaire merchant of New York, was buried here to-day. Its First Move Since the War. Fortress Monroe, Nov. ft.—Battery K, of the Second artillery, which ha* been stationed here since the war, has been or dered to New Orleans.