The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 08, 1887, Image 1

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i ESTABLISHED I SftO. ) j J, H. ESTILL, Editor and Proprietor, f ENGEL’S DOSE OF POISON. laudanum and morphine pills FAILED TO KILL HIM. The Former Were Too Stale and. the Latter Too Inferior in Quality His Discovery in a Stupifled State Led to the Search Which Disclosed Lingg’s Bombs. Chicago, Nov. 7. — Not the least remark nb]r phase of the bomb discovery is that it came about from the fact that Anarchist George Engel attempted suicide Saturday night by taking an ounce of laudanum. About i 1:20 o'clock Emil Zoener, who is on the night death watch, passed Engel’s cell and was attracted by groans coming from within. On stopping to inquire the cause he found Engel breathing heavily and lying prostrate on bis back. He called him by name, but received no answer, and on open ing the cell door discovered that the man was unconscious and suffering from the effects of some stupefying drug. After repeated attempts to awake the sleeping man Zoener became alarmed, and decided to call in Dr. Gray from the insane ward in the same building. Dr. Gray was sent for immediately. On going to Engel’s cell the doctor soon dis covered that Engel was suffering from poison. His eves (liltated, and rolled -pasmodieally. t>r. Gray at once com menced active work on his patient. As soon as Engel came to his senses he raved and cursed at being disturbed in his sleep, and asked tlte reason of his being awakened. He protested that he had only drank a little whisky, and was all right. "His condition and subsequent events showed that Engel was deliberately lying, and that in the face of death. FORCED TO TAKE EMETICS. He was at once forced to take emetics and kept constantly walking for an hour until all” languor had passed. From that time on surveillance was kept over him, which was not released for an instant. The attempted suicide of Engel is what led to the search of the cells in the morning. Beside the discovery of the explosives mnoug the effects of Lingg there was found in Engel’s cell the bottle from which he had taken laudanum. It was concealed in the urinal. Three or four drops of laudanum nere still contained in the bottle, and Engel was confronted with the evidence of his in tended suicide, which he continued to deny, but at last sullenly admitted the truth of the accusation. He had preferred death by his own hand, he said, to any carrying out of the sentence under the law. Engel stub bornly refused to disclose how lie obtained the poison. The bottle affords no clew and, like Lingg's dynamite, the source of the poison is a mystery. The scheme to furnish I.ingg with bombs, which were discovered iu his cell yesterday, was evidently carefully thought out by some of his co-partners in crime on the outside. Several days ago a fancy soap box was brought to the jail end just now. in the heat of the excitement, the officials say they can not remember who delivered it. They may know who it was, but, if they do, will not Jay so until they have made some arrests. LOOKED HARMLESS. The box was a harmless looking affair and it was handled brief! j in the rough manner in which jail officials usually do these things. A hasty examination disclosed the fact that to all appearances it contained nothing more Man a few delicacies for which such a ' human tiger” as Lingg has an appetite. Had the police and deputies known that 1 here were bombs lying around loose in such close proximity"they would not have felt so easy, but they were in ignorance of any danger, and they would probably have • mtinned so bad it not been for the raid on Lingg’s cell. It was then that the insignifi cant looking soap box was found to have a false bottom, and it was underneath it that t lie four bombs had been smuggled into the jail. BARRING THE CRIMINAL COURT. Mayor Roche and Sheriff Matson spent some time last evening examining the win dows and doors of the Criminal Court build nig, and as a result of their investigation flip outside iron shutters were ordered closed end barred. The heavy iron doors at the Michigan street entrance were closed and securely fastened with shackles and every precaution taken to preclude the possi bility of an outside attack. Peremp tory orders were given to allow no one inside the building except cm a writ ten order issued by the Sheriff. The police guard redoubled and each watch extended three hours. Sheriff Matson this morning said there was no doubt as to the nature of the stuff found m Lingg's bombs. \ part of the filling had been taken out of a couple of the pipes and.oxploded, and it lad been found to be the strongest kind of dynamite. The amnesty people had their tshies on the streets again, hut there seems to be less disposition on the part of the crowd to sign the petitions than on Satur day. and but few names were secured. LINGO'S DESPERATENESS. In regard to yesterday’s discovery of bombs in the county jail and Lmgg. Judge Gary said concerning the latter: "He is tenerally looked upon as the most despierate |,f tho condemned men, and undoubtedlvhe intended to blow up the building and kill as tenny people as possible. The tact that, tie lad armed himself with four of the deadly weapons would seem to indicate that he was determined to do as much damage as he cnild. I suppose this will tend to alarm people and will create a most decided sen sition. lam not worrying over my pros- I cote. I expect to live awhile, anyhow, line of my neighbors is afraid her windows " ill be broken when my house is blown up. I feel sorry for her, and, shall try to hold down my house iu order to save her win dows. 1 hate to have my friends suffer ou •tty account.” " What effect will this be likely to have °ti the future history of the case?” ' I will not speak on that subject.” Iti regard to the statement published in e me of the papers that ho would soon give Ibe public tho benefit of his views on the 1 1 >peal for clemency. Judge Gary said that ■ had not informed anyone that such was l is intention. “There are certain features G this ease on which I will not speak,” he laid, “aud that is one of them.” A BUSY MAN. Ibe Sheriff was a busy man to-day. No l oner had he reached the office in the 'Horning t han his office was invaded by men "ho hail been waiting to see him. Some "ere anxious to learn if the story of the "’mbs being found was true, end when they "ere assured that it was. they all had good id vice to give him. During the entire lorenoon, groups of excited men were con- Inegated about the office discussing the sensation. Aliout 11 o’clock the Sheriff returned to his office for a few minutes. “< lan you tell who the expert was to whom the bombs were sent for examination?” he "a asked. " I do not think it would be policy to do • ri , was the reply, as he tried to brush the reporter aside. b'he sheriff said, finally: “I might as well |GI you that it is known to be dynamite. • (l pt. Schaack opened one of the bombs n ' i t night, and took out a small liortiou of the contents. He exploded it, anil found it to be very powerfflk An analvsis is being made, and I expect to receive a report of this to-day. AVhen it is secured I will not hesitate to make it public.” THOSE PIECES OK GAS PIPE. The jail officials here say there is some reason to believe that the pieces of gas pipe of which Lingg’s bombs were made were given Parsons a long time ago to exercise with in place of dumb bells, lor which he had asked. At any rate, those pieces of pipe are missing from Parsons’ cell, and the theory is that they are the same pieces of which Lingg made the bombs. ENGEL’S CONFESSION. Just before noon to-day Anarchi t Engel was visited by Dr. L. J. Gray, Assistant County Physician, to whom the Anarchist made a partial confession of his attempted suicide. In addition to swallowing lauda num, Engel said he took sixteen morphine pilis Friday night. Dr. Gray was amazed at this intelligence, but understood why they proved ineffectual when Engel said he had had the pills ever since he was brought to jail. That was exactly eighteen months yesterday, and long since then the pills ceased to have any active power. Engel said he swallowed the sixteen pills at a gulp late Friday night aud walked his cell all day Saturday, expecting at any momeut to fall down. When it grew toward night and the morphine had no effect, ho resolved to take laudanum. After his friends left in the evening he poured out six or seven teaspoonfuls of the poison and tossed it off. Dr. Gray thin ks that the stuff was purchased in some cheap drug store and that in consequence it was adulterated and a very poor article of its kind. That is why the laudanum did not have effect, for if the drug were of the right quality half the quantity Engel swallowed would”have been enough to kill him. ONLY MADE HIM DROWSY. The old man was made drowsy by the poison, that was all, and his loud breathing was what led to the discovery. At first he said he had been drinking whisky, but a single glance at the pupils of the man’s eyes was enough to convince Dr. Gray that he had swallowed opium in some form. Coffee was given him, and he was made to exert himself and move about. The primary effect, such as it was, soon passed off, and left the would-be suicide a little dazed. This forenoon he was sleepy and confused, but withal talkative. When he found further concealment useless he told why he wanted to die. He’d rather die, he said, than go the penitentiary for life, and he’d rather go off by way of poison than the route ordained by law. He didn’t think he had a fair trial. The old man said he had only made three speeches, and what he seemed to regret most was that he had not made thirty or 800 speeches when he found he was to be hanged for speech making. Dr. Gray asked how long he had had the laudanum. He answered: “Oh, a long time.” But he wouldn’t tell how he got it or who gave it to him. SPIES MAKES A STATEMENT. This afternoon W. M. Salter, who has been working in company with H. D. Lloyd to secure the signatures of prominent citizens to the request for commutation of sentence against the Anarchists, asked Spies to say plainly what he knew about the bombs found in Lingg’s cell yesterday. Spies wrote the following, and to it are ap pended the signatures of Fielden and Schwab. Further below is a statement by Fischer: Chicago, Ills., Nov. 7,1887. .Mr. Salter —It is useless for me and my friends to say that we had no knowledge of any thing of the kind. No sane man would have bombs in his cell, or countenance any such thing in bis cell—think of it —subject, to search at any moment, and at all times. The first inti mation I received of the matter came from Sheriff Watson last evening. I could not believe it at first, and can hardly believe it now. 1 haven't spoken to Lingg for, I think, nine months. I don't know much of him, but i think he is a monomaniac. I had only seen him once or twice before we were put together and charged with "conspiracy.” I don’t believe that a single one of the other pris oners had even as much as a suspicion, for otherwise they would undoubtedly have reasoned the man out of his folly. What use was lie going to make of the shells? Throw them into the jail? What intention, what object could there have been in such an undertaking? I repeat that no sane man would be capable of such a thing. Liugg. as far as I can judge him. seeks to be martyred: and,to be candid.would like the rest of us to go along with him. Did he put those instruments into his cell so that they might lie found .’ That is a quest ioa 1 have been asking myself If he had them mere for any purpos- this is the only one that looks plausible to me He wanted to die, thinking thereby to help the cause of labor. But he wanted us to die also. Perhaps he thought that the best and surest way to bring this about was to place a few bombs ill his cell. I have never met as peculiar a man as be is in my life, and for almost a year I have con sidered him a monomaniac, and have had nothing to do with him. You ask me to con demn his action. It is useless to condemn the action of an irresponsible man. if any man holds us. or any one of us, responsible for jirigg's deeds, then I can't say why we shouldn’t be held responsible for any mischief, whatso ever committed iu the world, and it has actually come to that, we being made the scapegoats for everything. Very sincerely yours, A. Spies. In the above I concur fully, Michael Schwab. I also concur in the above statement, S. Fielden. Fischer wrote: i don’t know what to think of it. I cannot comprehend that Lingg intended to take the lives of the jail officials, who in every respect have treated us very kindly, neither do I be lieve that Lingg wanted to commit suicide, be cause lie possessed too much courage. The whole affair is a puzzle to me. May my fate he what it may. I will la- grateful to the jail of ficials for their kind treatment to the last. The gallows upon which the Anarchists are to hang lias been prepared, and is now in the basement of tiie county jail. Reports of the finding of the bombs iu the northwestern part of the city are said to be without foundation. The supposed bombs were only empty cartridge shells. DANGEROUS OUTSIDE INFLUENCES. Eugei is reported to have said to repre sentatives of the Amnesty Association that liis letter given to the public a short time ago, in which he expressed himself, like Parsons, as wishing either liberty oe death was forced from him bv powerful outside influence, the nature of which he dares noli divulge. Ho also said that this letter was not even written by him but was la-lined outside the jail and sent for his sig nature. He allegi-d that thus being com pelled to utter sentiments which he did not fee! at heart had broken him all up, and that he did not care to live any longer. He also declared that against his wall he had been prevented from signing the petition which Spies, Fielden and Schawb had ad dressed to Gov. Oglesby. Tho Secretary of the Amnesty Associa tion received this morning a twelve page closely written letter signed "Bomb Throw er.” The writer used red ink, and asserts that, he threw the'bomb, and explains-in da tail as to the manner in which he manipula ted the fuse. He further declares that he contemplated using dynamite long before the Hay market riot, and says he intended to threw it into the Desplaines street station. An injury said to have been received in July proceeding May 4, 1886, instigated him to violence He it was who lighted the cigar, and lighted the fuse of the bomb with the cigar. The letter con tains many misspelled words, and is poorly punctuated. The band writing is fair, and is thought to bo that of a woman. The missive was mailed in Chicago, and on the outside of the envelope “Important” was scrawled in large letters. It also bore a speciul messenger stamp. SAVANNAH, GA„ TUESDAY, NOVEMBERS. 1887. PARSONS SUSPECTS TRICKERY. During the day Parsons wrote a long communication, which lie handed to the reporters unsigned. It was almost a his torical denunciation of the bombs’ discovery as a premeditated trick of the condemned men’s enemies to blacken them in the eyes of the public. The meals of the prisoners being no longer allowed to come from their friends, but being instead furnished by the Sheriff, he permitting the men to order at his expense whatever they like, the bill of fare has become a subject of interest. No little curiosity was expressed to-day as to just what food such a man as bomb-maker Lingg would like. When the time came, Lingg calmly requested blood sausage, sour kraut and apply pie. He ate them with a relish. Hon. John N. Jewett was interviewed to-night as to the possibilities of a writ of habeas corpus being issued in the Anarch ists’ cases. He said such a writ was open to them in their present posit ion upon a peti tion strong enough in its allegations, and if issued the Sheriff would be called upon to make a return and show by what process of law the prisoners are held. GOV. OGLESBY THREATENED. Springkild, 111., Nov. 7.—An Associ ated Press representative called at the ex ecutive mansion this morning and inter viewed Gov. Oglesby regarding the threat ening epistles he had received during the past few days from sympathizers with the Anarchists. “I am very much afraid," said the Governor, “that the matter has been exaggerated as such reports usually are. I do not think I have received more than a half dozen threatening communications al together, mostly written the past week or The Governor’s mail this morning was composed of a little over 100 letters, nearly ail of which related to the Anarchists’ case. This is an increase over any previous day, and the proportion of requests for clemency is also said to be somewhat greater than yesterday. Chicago, as usual, furnished the bulk of the mail on this subject. TROOPS HELD IN READINESS. Great excitement was occassioned here to-night by the announcement that Col. Ewert, Assistant Adjutant General, was notified that the commanders of the two Springfield companies of the Fifth regiment State militia must hold their companies in readiness to assemble at their armory for service. The signal for assembling is to be three distinct taps on the fire bells. Men in military uniform are to be seen on the streets, and when questioned all they can tell is that they have been notified u> bo ready to respond to the signal. It is not known at this writing what the object of the order is, nor where the troops are expected to be sent. The belief is prevalent, however, that they are to be ordered to Chicago. ANARCHISTS THINK IT A PUT UP JOB. New York. Nov. 7.—The leading topic of conversation among the Anarchists leaders in this city to-day was the report of the finding of the bombs in the cell of the condemned Anarchist Lingg. All of the leaders agreed that it was a job put up by the police, and when talking about it they grew greatly excited. Herr Most was seen at his office. He denounced the police as cut-throats, thieves and murderers, and claimed that they had placed the bombs in Lingg’s cell for the purpose of influencing public opinion against the condemned men. A committee, representing different labor societies, will leave here to-night for Chi cago for the purpose of pleading with Gov. Oglesby to spare the condemned men. ENGLISH SYMPATHIZERS. London, Nov. 7. —A deputation profess ing to represent the Liberal arid Radical clubs of London and the Provinces, visited the United States legation to-day to present to Mr. Pbelps a protest against the execu tion of the Chicago Anarchists, and asked him to cable it to the Governor of Illinois. The deputation were without credentials, and were all unknown to the minister, who declined to receive the protest, or interfere in any way in the matter. A ST. LOUIS BANK CLOSED. Directors Heavily Indebted to the In stitution. St. Louis, Nov. 7.—The Fifth National Bank of this city closed its doors to-day. It had a capital of s3'Jo,ooo and usually car ried about $1,130,000 in deposits. A run upon it had been in progress since Friday. Henry Overstoltz, former Mayor of the city, was President, and C. C. Crecilus cashier. The President has been sick for some time, and tho management has been entirely in the hands of the directors, some of whom now appear to be quite heavily indebted to the bonk. Tho failure affects several firms in this city to some degree, and three concerns whose names have not transpired, are reported to he crip pled. It is claimed that depositors will be paid in full. CAPTIVE CROWS. All the Refractory Bucks in the Guard House Except One. , Washington, Nov. 7. —The Secretary of the Interior late this afternoon received the following telegram from Indian Inspector Armstrong at the Crow Agency in Montana, dated to day: “The refractory Indians are all delivered and in the guard house butone. Ho will be delivered to-night, Their leader was killed in a skirmish yesterday. The balance of the Crows in camp are quiet and submissive. No more trouble need lie feared. The Crows will lie peaceable and contented in the future. The whole matter has been well managed and successfully terminated by the troops. Gen. Huger agrees with me in the suggestion that the prisoners be sent to Fort Knelling at once and held until their future disposition is decided upon.” Louisiana’s Colored Fair. New Orleans, Nov. 7. —The first annual fair of the ILouisiana Colored State Fair Association opened to-day at Spanish Fort, and will be continued throughout the week. Large crowds were in attendance upon the opening ceremonies. Special rates have lieen granted on the railroads and numer ous excursion trains from all parts of the State will be run during the week. There are strong prospects that the undertaking will be successful, notwithstanding the fact that the labor troubles in the Teche district will curtail to some extent the large attend ance which was expected from that quarter. The opening ceremonies were held in the Casino, Gen. T. B. Stomps presiding. Rear Admiral Luce’s Command. Washington, Nov. 7.—Acting Secretary of the Navy Harmony to-day denied the revived report that Rear Admiral Luce is about to relinquish the command of the North Atlantic squadron and to be placed in charge of the Naval War College at Newport. Com. Harmony said he knew no reason for the report, since Secretary Whit ney and Rear Admiral Luce had come to an understanding sometime ago. Chicago’s Omnibus Boodlers. Chicago, Ills., Nov. 7.—A motion for a stay of execution in the omnibus boodle case, came up for trial this morning before Judge Jamison, and was overruled. The defendants were each sentenced to two years imprisonment. The defense asked permission to file a bill of exceptions, and was given twenty 4* vs to do so. O’BRIEN’S LIFEIN PRISON. 8,000 PEOPLE WITH BANDS IN FRONT OF THE JAIL. Tho Prisoner Appears at One of the Windows and Waves His Handker chief He and Mr. Mandeville Put On the Bread and Water Diet. Dublin, Nov. 7.—Eight thousand jiersons assembled in front of Tullamore jail last evening, accompanied by bands of music playing “God Save Ireland.” Mr. O’Brien appeared at one of the windows and waved his handkerchief. Freeman’s Journal says Messrs. O’Brien and Mandeville have been put on bread and water as a punishment for refusing to wear the prison garb. The Governor of the jail to-day refused the demand of Mr. Moorehead, a Catholic magistrate, to see Mr. O’Brien, but on learn ing that the magistrate had a legal rigtit to hold intercourse with the prisoner, sent for Mr. Moorehead and informed him that the desired interview would fie granted stipulat ing, however, that lie himself should also be Dreseut. Mr. Moorehead says the atmos phere in Mr. O’Brien's cell, together with the bread and water diet, is likely to have a fatal effect on the consumptive iierson. The breaking down of Mr. O’Brien’s constitu tion, he thinks, is only a question of time. Mr. Moorehead asked Mr. O’Brien whether he had any complaint to make regarding his treatment, and Mr. O’Brien replied that his system hail not been excited by undue severity of the officials. Mr. Mandeville, Mr. Moorehead says, appeared cheerful and determined. A STAUNCH FRIEND OF IRELAND. London, Nov. 7.—Baron Wolverton, who died suddenly at Brighton yesterday, was a staunch friend of tho Irish cause. lie do nated £IOO,OOO toward the expenses of the Home Rule candidates in the parliamentary elections of 1886, and had frequently inti mated since that he would spend a like amount at the next general election. He was one of Mr. Gladstone’s closest friends. The Freeman's Journal, of Dublin, sjieaks in high praise of his services in behalf of Ireland. Earl Granville in a speech at Stanley this evening, denied there had been mechanical acquiescence by tho Liberal party in Mr. Gladstone’s lead on the Irish question. It was not Mr. Gladstone, he said, but Earl Spencer who tiad converted him. It was impassible to cast aside home rule. He be lieved he would live to see the enactment of home rule, though not all of its blessings. Mr. Byrne, a magistrate of Mallaw, who was recently removed from office by order of Baron Ashbourne, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, appealed to Mr. Gladstone who has replied as follows: “I am unable to per ceive any justification for your removal. Tho present arbitrary and illegal proceed ings of the government through their of ficers require jealous examination. Their conduct is affecting the liberties of the people of Ireland.” Mr. Thomas Sexton, M. P., at a meeting to-day of the City Corporation, of which he is a member, proposed that the Council adjourn without the transaction of the ordinary business as a mark of respect for William O’Brien. He was horrified, he said, by the reports of the barbarous treatment to which Mr. O’Brien had been subjected in Tullamore jail. The government hail tried to break Mr. O’Brien's gallant spirit, and failing in its endeavor, was determined to take his life. In accordance with Mr. Sex ton’s motion, the council adjourned. GERMANY’S CROWN PRINCE. A Recurrence of the Growth Lower Down In the Throat. Berlin, Nov. 7.—A consultation of the doctors attending Crown Prince Frederick William, at San Remo, with Dr. McKenzie, will be held Thursday. Prince William, of Prussia, the eldest son of the Crown Prince, will be present. The Reichsan Zeiger publishes a state ment from Dr. Mackenzie that, the Crown Prince’s throat is worse, but that ho is in no imminent danger. Drs. Schroerer and Krause have been ordered to San Remo, where the Crown Prince is staying, and Prince William, the Crown Prince’s eldest son, will start for that place to-night. The announcement of the Crown Prince’s condi tion has caused a sensation. Dr. Mackenzie says the general health of the Crown Prince is excellent. He takes a great deal of exercise in the open air, and sleeps and eats well, but the local complaint within the last few days has assumed an unfavorable character. To-day’s article in the Journal de St Petersburg regarding Bulgaria, combined with unfavorable reports concerning the condition of the Crown Prince, had a de pressing effect upon the Bourse. Russian securities fell % per cent., and other foreign securities W per cant. At 7 o’clock this morning Prince William, son of the Crown Prince, visited Prof. Berg mann to arrange for a conference of physi cians, which was held this forenoon, the Prince being present. At midday Prince William started for San Itenio via Frank fort. /t F ankfort ho was joined by Dr. Sehinit, me specialist, wiio Is to decide whether an operation is necessary or not. It is reported that the fresh growth in.the Crown Prince’s throat is a tumor, aud that the Prin e’s voice is again hoarse. A later dispatch from Man Remo says: “Dr. Mackenzie found a totally new growth half an inch liolow the ligaments of the glottis. There is no immediate danger.” The doctor thinks the growth is too low to be operated upon through the mouth, and that an incision will have to be made into the throat. Tho news of the (’rown Prince’s condition caused a great sensation inßerlin and Vienna. surgery difficult. Vienna, Nov. 7.—A dispatch from Gan Remo says: “Dr. Mackenzie states that the renewal of discharge Of pus from the Crown Prince’s throat renders very difficult and complicated the cutting operation on the larnyx.” a growth lower down. London, Nov. 7.—Dr. Mackenzie tele graphs from Kan Remo as follows regarding the condition of the German Crown Princ e: There has been ft recurrence of the growth lower down iu the throat lam issuing an un favorable bulletin to-night. CAFFAREL ON TRIAL. Ha Admits Entering Into Business Re lations with Mme. Limanzin. Paris, Nov. 7.— The trial of Gen. Caffarel, Mme. Limanzin, Mme. Rat&zzi and Qen. d’Andlaus for selling Legion of Honor deoorations, was commenced to-day. All the defendants were present except Gen. d'Andlau. Geu. Caffarel was ex amined, and admitted entering into business relations witli Mme. Liman zin in order to obtain resources to relieve his embarrassments. He interested himself in applications for legion of Honor decoration solely to oblige Mmo. Limanzin. He never received any money for them. He denied that he divulged the plan for the mobilization of the Meventeenthaanvcorns. TRIBUTES TO JUSTICE WOODS. The Resolutions Adopted by tho Bar Association Presented to tho Court. Washington, Nov. 7. —There were no decisions of public importance rendered by the United States Supreme Court to-day. Attorney General Garland presented the resolutions adopted by the Bar Association on the death of Justice Woods, and addressed to the Court, highly eulogizing the late Justice. The resolutions were then read, as follows: I. Resolved, That the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States and the officers of the court are profoundly sensible of the loss that lias been sustained iu the death of William Burnham Woods, who has illustrated Ids country as a patriot, citizen, soldier aud jurist. J. That we tender the family of the deceased assurance of our sincere sympathy. 3. That, the chairman be and he is hereby re quested to transmit a copy of those proceedings to the Attorney General of the United States, with the request to present the same to the Bu pi-erne Court of tho United States for such action thereon as is usual and proper, accord ing to tlie course of t he court. 4. That the chairman he and he is hereby re quested to transmit an engrossed copy of these proceedings to the family of the deceased. CHIEF JUSTICE WAITE’S REPLY. The Chief Justice responded as follows: We are grateful to the bar for this tribute to the memory of our late associate What has boon said is no more than Just, and meets our hearty approval. Mr. Justice Woods was taken from us in the midst of his usefulness, but the record of his judicial life as Chancellor for the Middle Division of Alabama, as Circuit Judge for the Fifth Judicial Circuit of the United States, and as Associate Justice of this court extend* over a period of nearly twenty years of the most active service. Very soon after he took his seat on the bench of the Circuit Court he was compelled to deal with questions of the highest importance, novel In their character and applicable to the new order of things, among those whoso rignts were in volved. How well he met them ami witli what, ability he exercised the duties of his office is shown by the reports of his judgments and by the esteem In which he was held by all through out the entire field of his labors. He brougtd to this court large judicial experience, and from the beginning lie was zealous in his work and faithful in every duty. He was au upright man and just Judge. The resolutions of the bar and tho re marks of the Attorney General in present ing them will be entered on the records of the court. VIRGINIA’S ELECTION. The Nonsensical Talk of the Combina tion of Carrying the State. Richmond, Va., Nov. 7.—The very ex citing political contest which has been go ing on in Virginia for the past few months will be closed to-morrow. The campaign has been most active on the part of both op|K>sing parties. The real contest is for 100 members of the House of Delegates and 1!) State Senators. On the result will de pend whether Democratic domination in the State shall be maintained or whether the combination of tho reformers aud Republicans shall come into power. The incoming legislature will also elect a United States Senator to succeed Senator Riddleberger. Of twenty-one State Sena tors who hold r, seventeen are Demo crats aud four The last House of Delegates was over two-thirds Demo cratic. For the Coalitionists to capture the Legislature by securing majority, there will have to be a revo lution throughout the State. This the Democrats claim will not occur, and they' express confidence that they will have a good working majority in both houses. The Coalitionist*, under the leader ship of ex-Senator Mahone, have worked as never before, and they speak hopefully as to the result of to-morrow’s vote. In this city the contest has been particularly active. The Coalitionists are now claiming that they will elect the four city Represen tatives, despite the 2,000 majority which Democrats had in the last general election. The Democrats claim that they will carry the city by from 700 to 1,600 majority. SHOT BY AN ANGRY FATHER. He Objects to Mr. Kahn Keeping Company With His Daughter. Brazil, Ind., Nov. 5.—A shooting scrape occurred here this morning between the Hon. George A. Knight, a leading attor ney, and David Kahn, a young clothier. For two or more years Kahn has been pity ing his attentions to one of Mr. Knight’s daughters, although notified to desist. The daughter is young, and has not yot completed her education. Kahn, however, failed to desist, and a warm affec tion seems to have sprung up between the couple. Some woeks ago the daugh ter returned home from college, fast night she was on the street with Kalin iu company with other young friends. When near the Knight residence the irate father appeared with a revolver and opened a brisk fire, Kahn retreating. This morning at 7o'clock Mr. Knight nptieared at the door of the store where Kalin is engaged as a salesman, and seeing him within opened fire on him. The fire was returned, each party emptying his revolver. The shots flew wild, scatter ing bystanders and creating much excite ment. Kahn receiver! a flesh wound on one arm. The only wonder is that both were not killed, as the shooting was at close range. Chamberlain Arrives. New York, Nov. 7.—-The Cunardsteamer Etruria, on which Hon. Joseph Chamber latn is a passenger, was sighted off Sandy Hook early this morning. The revenue cutter Manhattan took the illustrious visitor from the Etruria and landed him at tho barge office, where he was received by Wil liam Dine Booker, British Consul General, and Hon. William Smith, Deputy Minister of Marine of Canada. On board tho Man hattan, Secretary Edwards, of the British Legation, met Mr. Chamberlain at quaran tine and accompanied him and his party to a hotel. Political Matter In the Malle. New York, Nov. 7.—The post office is overflowing with campaign document*. From Friday noon to this noon 1,700,000 newspaper prints were handled, 25,000 let tors and circulars and 2,200 sacks of small matter, all on political subjects. Quietly and without any confusion 812 election inspectors for the United Labor Partv were sworn in by the Police Commis sioners at headquarters this evening. Thoy will servo to-morrow. Not Believed to Have Foundered Quebec, Nov. 7.—The manager of the telegraph office here says that it is impos sible for news of any disaster to the steamer Oregon to reach here except by telegraph, und.that he has heard of no accident to that vessel. The sensational report concerning the foundering of the Oregon is not be lieved here. Exiled to Siberia. Sr. Petersburg, Nov. 7.—Eighteen young army officers have been sentenced to various terms of exile in Siberia on charges of connection with a revolutionary plot against tho government. Emperor William Arises. Berlin, Nov. 7.—The Emperor prose this afternoon and was able to bear a number of verbal reports DUBUQUE'S INCENDIARIES. Additional Attempts to Start Fires in the Lumber Yards. Chicago, Nov. 7.—A special dispatch from Dubuque, lowa, dated Nov. 6, says; “.Last night several further attempts were made to start tires in different parts of the city, and tiie anxiety of property holders naturally increases. Two men attempted to gain entrance to Knapp, Stout & Co’s, mill office by forcing the window - latches. As they were about to enter anWifficer in tercepted tliem, and chased one, but failed to capture him. Knapp, Stout & Cos., suf fered a loss of $15,(X)0 by ari in cendiary lire the night previous. What object the men had in attempting to fain an entrance to the office is not known. n the main yard of the company two places were found where light kindling saturated with benzine had been placed un der piles of seasoned lumber. In Robin son’s lumber yard, located in the southern part of the city, similar arrangements had been made. "The plan was undoubtedly to fire all the lumber yards at once anil thus destroy the business and monufacturing portion of tiie city. Extra patrolmen were nut on guard to-day, and many citizens will watch to night. Lum bermen are greatly alarmed. Their insur ance is likely to be cancelled at any mo ment. One firm is said to have closed down until the danger is over.” FLAMES IN A NEWSPAPER OFFICE. Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 7.—Fire broke out at ti o’clock this evening in the press room of the Daily Commercial, and the flames quickly spread to the composing and editorial rooms. The building was swept by the fire, but the timely arrival of the the department saved the office from complete destruction. Tiie chief damage was done by smoke and w r ater, and will not exceed $5,000. The Western Union Telegraph Company’s office occupied the first story of the build ing and was completely saturated with water but not seriously damaged. The operators were accommodated by the rail road companies and ihe business.of the night was conducted without serious inconven ience. A printer named J. M. Haines, of Virginia, was asleep in the newspaper of fice at the time and was not discovered until he was almost asphyxiated. His recovery is doubtful. The Knights of Pythias hall in tiie third story of the building was slightly damaged. The total loss is about $7,500. The loss is fully covered by insurance. A TOBACCO FACTORY BURNED. Danville, Va., Nov. 7. —lnformation has been received of a fire at'Reidsville, N. C., which destroyed the largo tobacco far toryof 11. Sampson & Cos., together with a large stock of tobacco. The loss is reported as follows: On stock, $60,000; on building and machinery, $30,000. It is said to be covered by insurance. GEORGIA'S CAPITAL CITY. Dr. Tucker’s Retirement from the Christian Index Explained. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 7.—The proprietors of the Christian Inde.r, James P. Harrison and Dr. J. 8. lawl.on, contradict the im pression that Dr. Tucker's retirement was in any way caused by Dr. Hawthorne or Dr. Tucker’s article on Sunday prohibition meetings in the Opera House. Mr. Harrison said to the News correspondent this even ing that changes in the ownership and man agement of the paper, as well as in the gen end editorial policy, induced the relieving of Dr. Tucker, for whom they had the friendliest feelings. There will lie no suc cessor to Dr. Tucker as managing editor. It, is understood that Dr. Tucker will retire from all active work or business. It is esti mated that Dr. Tucker is worth SIOO,OOO, and can live comfortably without an edito rial salary. Commissions were issued to-day to Fii-st Lieut. Grogan, Second Lieut. Swift and Junior Second Lieut. Hawes, of the Elbert Light Infantry. The Governor has received and accepted the resignations of L. H. Chappell, as Cap tain of the Columbus Guard, and J. C. Reedy, Captain of the City Light Guard, of Columbus. The Adjutant General received from Washington to-day the muster rolls of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Georgia Volunteer regiments. The convict, lease decision will be rendered at noon to-morrow. GEN. JACKSON’S PROTEST. He Corrects Some of the Statements of Ex-Senator Thurman. Atlanta, Noy. 7. —The speech of ex- Senator Thurman in Columbus, 0., on Gen. Henry R. Jackson has created much com ment here Gen. Jackson is 67 years of age and for more than forty years has been a prominent, and honored citizen of Georgia, and that ex Senator Thurman, who has always been in high favor here, should have made such a personal attack upon him caused great surprise. Gen. Jackson to night furnished the Constitution with the following card: Marietta, Ga.. Nov. 7. 1887. Messrs. Editors: The statement which Judge Thurman is reported to have made about me at Columbus, 0.. to Ihe effect, that drover Cleve land recalled me from my mission to Mexico, and his Intimation that. I was recalled because I got too drunk there to be of any line, arc utterly ral e, and destitute of the slightest foundation. In fact, 1 was not recalled, except, at my own request. I resigned of my own lolltlon, without a suggestion from any one, for reasons perfect ly satisfactory to myself. My resignation thus tendered was not accepted for months. Judge Tlmrman further states that, the President and Democratic ixtrty have no more malignant enemy in the united States than I. This is equally false I have too high rekiiect for Judge Thurman’s character to doubt that in- will ho quick to correct these gross misrepresentations, he made them at, ail. I cannot believe he would have knowingly made. Yours very truly, Henry R. Jackson. RUNAWAYS AT ATHENS. Hugh Taylor Believed to Have Been Dangerously Injured. Athens, Ga., Nov. 7.—This afternoon about 5 o’clock, as Hugh Taylor and J. M. Mclntosh were riding in a buggy down Broad street, the horse became unmanage able, and despite tho efforts of both gentle men to hold him, he succeeded in running against another team with such force as to upset the buggy, throwing both occupants to the ground. Mr. Mcln tosh escaped with a few slight bruises, but Mr. Taylor was thrown on the wheel of the buggy,"and it is feared that his back has been injured. He was picked up in an un conscious condition and as yet has not recovered sufficiently to be examined. The horse, which broke loose from the buggy, passed out Broad street and caused tnree dray horses, which were near the compress, to run away. Five Terms Mayor. Baltimore, Nov. 7.—Gen. F. C. Latrobe was formally inaugurated Mayor of Balti more at noon to-day for the fifth time. Sailed for Norfolk. Fortress Monroe, Va., Nov. 7.-The United States steamer Saratoga has sailed for Norfolk. ‘ PRICE#IO A YEAR I t 3 CENTS A COPY. ( SOT SLAIN' BY SOLDIERS THE SHERIFF’S POSSE FIRED THE SHOTS AT PATTERSONVILLE. A Movement Toward His Hip Pocket by a Negro Provoked the Shooting— The Blacks Had Threatened to Burn the Town That Night—A State of Siege. Nf.w Orleans, La., Nov. 7.—A special to tlio Timrs-Democrat from Patterson* villo says; “Tuis town was profoundly quiet yesterday, many of the negroes, who form a majority of the population, having cleared out in consequence of the affair of Saturday afternoon. Of that affair every body lias a different story to tell. The fol lowing nre the conclusions arrived at, after some pains and careful consideration: Trouble had been threatening in this neigh borhood for some time past. The negroes had been talking freely of burning the town of Pattersonvilla. It is stated that ono who is now a prisoner made a full con fession to Hon. Don Caffrey of a plot to burn the town, which was to have been carried into effect Saturday night, huts tiie events of Saturday afternoon pre vented. Mr. Caffrey went to Franklin on the afternoon train and has not, therefore, been interviewed. Tiie shooting and wound ing of four white men on Phiar’s plantation on Friday decided the authorities here to in stitute a search for arms in the town, and at the same time to arrest several men vf bo had made themselves most, conspicuous by the loudness and ferocity of their threats. THE MARCH ON THE TOWN. “The troops were quartered on steam boats lying alongside William’s ;aw mill, about a mile from the town. From there Saturday afternoon between 4 and 5 o'clock the Attakpas rangers under command of Capt. Cade, together with a passe of citi zens, partly from this neighnorhood, and partly from Franklin, moved on the town. There are several versions of what after ward occurred. The correct story is prob ably this; at the entrance to the towu stand two cottages, the one on the right occupied by a white man named Hibbert, and the one on the left by colored people. Here as the troops approached they found a crowd of nearly one hundred excited negroes assembled. This crowd was ordered to dis perse. and gome of the members of the mob left, while others remained and assumed a defiant attitude. Ono negro of notorious character threw his hand tiehind him as if to draw n pistol, and then in a moment the whole affair was over. A regular fusilada was opened upon the negroes by the Sheriff posse, and four of them were shot dead. THE TROOPS DIDN’T FIRE. “It is asserted by the militia, and with considerable positiveness by some of them, that no militia man fired a shot, and that, all the killing was done by the Sheriff’s posse. Capt. Cade seems to have had great, difficulty in restraining his tiimrfroni firing, but he appears to have succeeded. Besides the four negroes killed, one was very se verely wounded. Two boys are also said to have been hit. Tiie Sheriff withdrew as soon as the firing began. After the affray tiie troops marched through the town, and many of the negroes retired to the woods. The number of shots Hi ed is variously estimated at from forty to 100, but the firing was by no means indiscriminate. The four men killed were all bad characters. Their names were Walsh amt Dolpb Anderson, brothers, Lewis Cooper, a brother-in-law of the Andersens, and Robert Wrenu, a negro saloon keeper, who killed a man a few weeks ago within a a few yards of the place where lie was shot. Tho dead were buried yesterday by the troops. The town was guarded and pa trolled by t-av Iry and infantry last night. It was impossible to move in any direction without being challenged.” NO NEW ASPECTS. A dispatch from Houma says the strike has assumed no new aspects since Saturday. On several plantations evictions were made this morning without difficulty. Laborers from abroad are pouring into this section to take the places of the strikers. The planters are confident of resuming opera tions this week. The presence of the militia has had a most wholesome influence in pre venting disorder and violence. A dispatch from Franklin says: ‘‘Most of the plantations between Pattersonville and Tigerville have resumed work, though as a rule with a short force. The men working were, in most instances, strikers who have receded from their demands. The Patter - Ronville negroes are still badly scared ami many of them remain out iri the woods.” A dispatch from Pattersonville says that the strike in that section is over, all hands having resumed wor k. A sjrecial from Plaqueinire, La., says: "The strike of the laborers on the planta tions has reached this parish. Only one plantation, the ‘Kvergreen,’ is so far affected. Should the strike spread and con tinue the planters will suffer to a great ex tent, ns the larger portion of the crop of Iberville parish is still in the fields.” Lost on the Toro Reefs. New Orleans, Nov. 7. —The Southern Pacific Company’s steamer J. S. Harris, ( apt. Thomas 'Morgan, bound from Blue Fields for New Orleans, with 4,000 bunches of bananas, 30 tons of rubber, etc., struck the Toro Reefs, Oct. 22, and sunk in two hours. Her crew took to the boats and roacbod Caiie Gracia*. Tho vessel and cargo are a total loss. There is no insurance. Job Printers Strike. Louisville, Kv., Nov. 7.— The printers in tiie four leading job printing establish ments of the city struck this morning. The strike is due to the refusal of the proprietors to advance the price of composition on book work to 42 .c. per thousand, as de manded by tho union. Lower Rates to Florida. Washington, Nov. 7.— The Atlantic Coast Line has reduced iterates for continu ous passage tickets to Jacksonville, Fla., as follows; From New York, $27 75; Phila delphia, $26 75; Baltimore, $23 05; Wash ington $22 76. A Propeller Ashore. Land Beech, Mtch, Nov. 7. —The pro peller Osceola, of Wards Lake Superior line, went ashore lasi night in a thick near Port Austin and has thrown over part of her cargo. Particulars are very meagre The wind is blowing hard. Death of a Rich Physician. Norfolk, Va., Nov. 7.— Dr. William Selden. an old any prominent physician of this city, and the wealthiest capitalist in this section, died suddenly this morning. Storekeeper and Gauger. Washington, Nov. 7. —The Acting Secre tary of tho Treasury to-day appointed Alfred N. Promt, to 1* storekeeper and gauger at Reedy Branch, N. U. New York’s Illegal Voters. New York, Nov. 7.—Between 40b and 500 warrants for the arrest, of illegal voters in this city to-morrow are now in the hands of officers.