The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 11, 1887, Page 3, Image 11

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TRAGEDIES OF NIAGARA. DEATH OF CHARLES ADDINGTON AND KVA T> ■: FORREST. Thrilling Experience of an Unknown Victim in 1864 A'Man Who Has s Dread of a Similar Fate tor Himself. Harrisburg <Pf .) /.Viler in \'cw York Sun. “I am going to Niagara Falls,” said a passenger on a Pennsylvania railroad train from Philadelphia yesterday, ‘‘and if yen read in the papers in a day or so that some person, known or unknown, has boon car ried over the falls, you may bo sure that 1 have reached my destination. No: it won’t lie me—not if I can help it. But 1 have never been to Niagara yet that someone did not go over the falls, either inten tionally or accidentally, and nothing but a positive and important business engage ment, such as compete me to go there now. could induce me to visit the spot which is associated in my mind with three terrible tragedies. I was a horrified spectator of two most heart-rending Niagara tragedies, slid on my third visit to the falls the other was enacted. I have been for six weeks trying to avoid this fourth trip, for toy recollections of Niagara are sufficiently un pleasant without having a fourth one to be n perpetual shudder to me, "My first visit to Niagara was in the summer of ISSS, and I had been there not more than an hour when I witnessed the agonizing scene of a young man and a beau tiful fair-haired child swept away by the swift current of Goat Island and dashed over the falls. Tho young man was Charles Addington, and t he child was iittle Eva TV Forrest. Tho Addingtons and Do Forrests were prominent. Buffalo families. Young Charles Addington was engaged to be mar ried to Ada tie Forrest. The dav that I paid mj' first visit to Niagara Mrs. be For rest. Ada and her littlo sister Eva, and r oung Addington liad come from Buffalo for a day’s outing at the falls. They pie nicked on Goat Island, and little Eva Inn ing strayed away from the group her mother enfc yotmg Addington to find her and fetch her back. He discovered her not far away, standing on the shore, looking at the swift water. Thoughtlessly stealing up behind her, he grasped the child under the ai ms and, lifting her up, hold her out over the water. She threw up her arms and slipped from his hands into the river. Addington sprang in and caught her itofore she had been carried into the swift water. Ho suc ceeded, after a desperate struggle, in get ting back near enough to the shore to throw the child Oil the bank. She had not suffi cient strength to hold on until her mother could grasp her. and pull her toasafe place, and fell back into the current Addington again seized her, but he was too much ex hausted to make way against the swift wa ter, and the two were carried into ihe rap ids and disappeared together over the falls. I was on Goat island and saw the whole oc currence. "In the summer of 1864 I again visited Niagara Falls. I arrived there at night, and early next morning 1 walked over to Goat Island, and looking down the Ameri can rapids what should I see but a man clinging to an old tree trunk that had lodged at some time in the current between the small islands off Goat Island and the Ameri can shore, Before I could give the alarm the man had been discovered by others, and the news spread rapidly. Who the man was or how he came to do in this perilous situa tion no one ever knew, but it was supposed that he had been rowing across the river -ninewhere above tbe night before, and, losing control of his boat, hail been swept down into the rapids, and the boat striking the trunk, he had by some miracle gained a ioothold upon it. "As soon as possible after the discovery of the man was made word was telegraphed to Buffalo, and a party of life savers came on a special train to the Fails to try and rescue him. Before 10 o’clock thousands of jierscns were gathered at every available -pot where a sight of the unfortunate man could be obtained. The railroads ran special trains, and people came in convey ances of all kinds from the surrounding country. No one seemed at. first to know how to go to work to be of aid to the man, but he clung to the tree, watching every movement that was made—how anxiously he -watched may be imagined. It was of course impossible to make him hear anything that might be shouted to him, and there was no way to give him any directions. Finally a life Goat was attached to a cable and let down the rapids from the bridgo toward him. Guide ropes were tied to it, by which it was directed toward the log by men ou tbe shore of the island. The plan was well calculated, and the boat made directly for the spot where tbe man was hanging between life and d°ath. The assembled multitude began to feel that in a few minutes the poor man would be safely drawn ashore. Suddenly the byat was caught by a swirl of the rapids. The cable parted like a weak kite string. The boat rushed past, the man like a flash, and was carried over the fails. “This sad ending to that effort to rescue the man showed the life savers that there was no hope for the man in that plan. .Sev eral others were suggested, and finally one was adopted which it took until late in the afternoon to get in readiness. In all i hose long hours of suspense I don't believe one of the spectators moved from his tracks. Everything else about Niagara Kalis was forgotten except the terrible scene of a fel low-being hanging on tbo verge of death and patiently awaiting the success or fail ure of the efforts that were being made to rescue him. The plan adopted was to fasten a strong cable securely to the American 'bore, attach a staunch raft to it, carry the loose end of the cable over to the island, and let it belly down with the raft to the tree trunk. By this menus it was hoped that, the raft, after reaching the log, and the man had crawled upon it, conkl be -teadily drawn to a small island between fbe man and Goat Island, from which small island his rescue would be easy. Some food ■i nd a glass of brandy were floated on the raft, with a rope and written instructions to the man as to w hat was to be done and what be must do. The raft moved down and reached the tree trunk in safety. As the man dropped from his perilous perch "pen the raft, lashed himself to it with the rope according to instructions, and then eagerly seized the brandy and food, such a shout as went from the thousands of people who had watched the proceedings with beating hearts and bated breath "as never heard before. It could bo heard above the angry roar of Niagara. The raft, was slowly - pulled toward the small island. Everything soeme ! working to a charm. The tension on the feelings of the spectators was so great that many fainted away. People were sobbing on every ride. ■Suddenly the raft stopped. The cable, drawn as it was, beneath the water, nought on some obstruction. All efforts to loosen it were unavailing, Ono groan of agony arose from the great crowd. The life-savers ioiled and tugged at the rope, but still it "lung to the obstruction. It was now near '■unset. The man on the raft had unlashed 'he ropes that had been his security against 'he possibility of his being washed off by the current, and joined his efforts with the others to loosen ihe rope, lie was pale, haggard and wiUl-lookiug from his hours of suspense. Suddenly he kneeled on the raft, over which the water was sweeping swiftly, and remained there for a moment as if in prayer. Then he sprang into the raging current and pulled bravely for the bland, which was only' a few feet away. H first he gained visibly against, the cur ivnt. and the thought that he would surely save himself found utterance in auother joyful shout from the spectators. Bntwhpn be was almost, within reach of the shore bis ■ 'rength began to fail. The spice between bira and the island gradually widened. Then every one knew that all hope was gone. He made a few more desperate strokes, hut the wild waters seized him and pitching and tossing and whirling him, bur- | ried him to the brink of the great cataract. I when he reached the edge of the falls he j "as thrown upward from the water until bis whole length came into view standing I upright, and he disappeared as if he had made a voluntary leap over the precipice. Vi idle he was being dashed to and over the falis not abound was uttered by one in that vast crowd of horror-stricken spectators, and, terrible as was the scene, not an eye was turned away from him as he was oar i ted along to liis destruction. The moment he disappeared in the face of the cataract ono heartrending shriek went up from the crowd, and, tho fascination of tu scene be ing broken, tbe spectators fled from it as if from some frightful pursuer. The poor vic tim’s body was never found nor was his iden tity evenestnblished. Ason bit previous visit to the falls, the place had no longer any- at traction for me, and the first train carried me away. ‘‘ln the spring of ISS4, twenty years after my second visit, I made up my mind to conquer my aversion to going again to the place which I could scarcely think of with out a shudder, and resolved to make another effort to see the greatest of Am -ricau nat ural wonders. Although twice on the ground, I had not yet seen the tails from be low; in fact, I could not be said to have seen them at all. T had business in Buffalo in April three years ago, and after getting through with it went on to the fulls. There was ice there vet, 1 remember, and, all things else being equal, the place was not particularly cheerful. 1 made up my mind to go strainght to the Goat Island bridge and brave my feelings by taking a look at, the spot where I had seen that doomed man struggling for life twenty years before. I did so and was greutlv sur prised to see the old tree trunk to which the man clung for so many hours still rising out of the boiling and leading water. I had not been there Jong when I not iced a great, com motion among the people on the island, and ill a few minutes learned t hat not only one but two men had gone over the falls some time during tho night before, and. that the clothing of one of them had beon found, and evidences that ohe of the men, who were brothers-in-law, was a murderer and suicide. Ho had lured his brother-in-law to the island, killed him, thrown his body into the rapids, and then jumped in himself and followed it over the falls. The names of the parties wefc Vodder and Pearson, f did not wait for more min ute details, but hurried to the Erie railway station and caught the first train eastward. ‘‘Now, as J said, l am making my fourth trip to the falls, this time an enforced one? Do you wonder 1 am nervous and a tritie sup erstitious about going there? I hope there will be no fatality connected with this visit, but if vou should read about any one going over Niagara Falls within the next day or two, you may be certain that lam there.” THE EXILED FRENCHMAN. Max O’Hell Discusses His Countrymen Away from France. From ihe Liverpool Courier. A Frenchman out of France is very much like a fish out of water. Of al! tho European people the French are those who emigrate the least. Their country is large and rich enough to feed them and give them employment, the family ties are very close, tho ambition for great wealth seldom exists, and they prefer living on a snug iittle income in France to acquiring a large fortune abroad. Not one boy is brought up with a view to being sent abroad when he is grown up. Most French men whom you meet settled out of France arc men whose career was blighted by tbe political events of the last thirty or forty years. Once domiciled in a foreign land, how ever, the Frenchman soon forms with other exiled compatriots clubs and societies where their characteristics come out in full light; gaiety and goodfellowship reign, but tem pered, if one may say so, by the little na tional failings, jealousy and yearning after elective titles. societies, we see, are subdivided into sections, committees, com missions, etc , each having a president, a vice president, a treasurer, a secretaire rapporteur. a secretnire-archiviste, and what not. For that matter you will never see half a dozen Frenchmen meet round the table for the discussion of anything but a good dinner without appointing one of their number president, another vice president, etc. Each one must have a title, and if there are six members amt only five titles to lie dispensed, the one who is left out sends in his resignation and goes about abusing the other live. It seems up to now as if the republic had failed to make the French peo ple real republicans. Frenchmen when in exile do not allow either pride of birth, education or former position to bo an obstacle in the way of earning a living, if only humble opportuni ties present themselves. Once I was shown an aristocratic-looking countryman of mine in a fashionable restaurant in London, wash ing glasses. This plucky Frenchman had tal en to glass-washing, for w hich he earned a shilling a night, and his dinner, an attend ant something more suited to his acquire ment and requirements. Like many others, he bad fled his country because he had held a post under the Commune, ami was ••wanted” by - M. Thiers. If he had the tra ditional half crown in his pocket by the time ho reached England it was as much as he could boast in hard cash, and so he bravely accepted the work I saw him at. I was not surprised to learn some time ago that, he is now manager and partner of one of Ihe large French houses of business es tablished for the sale of French manufac tured goods in England. If you go to a certain cafe in Regent street, London, between 12 and 1, you may - almost every day see, seated at one of the tables, n tall, (bin, gentlemanly Frenchman of about 50. This is no less a personage than the first cook in London. It is said t hat he makes an income of over £2,000, #IO,OOO a y ear. This is how ho earns his living. In his own brougham he sets out toward evening for the house of some rich man who is going to give a dinner at which every dish must be above criticism. Here he alights, and makes for the kitchen, goes through the process of tasting all the soups, sauces and made dishes, advising, when bis palate sug gests, a little more, salt here, a pinch of herbs there, a dash of sugar in this entree, a suspicion of onion in that salmi)!. , etc. This done he pockets his fee of two guineas, and drives to the next dinner-giving patron who has bidden him to his least in this strange fashion. His nightly list comprises many houses all through the London season. A Bone in His Lung. From the Washington Star. Cincinnati, Nov. 3.—On Nov. 13 throe years ago .Mrs. Winter, wife of George Winter, while eating dinner swallowed a bone about the size of a Navy bean. Phy sicians were sent for, but the case seemed hopeless. Opiates to soothe the dreadful sufferings of the lady were administered. Though 48. years old she rallied, and then begun a systematic course of treatment. Dr. Zipperlen took the case in hand, but pronounced it incurable. His diagnosis was that the bone had lodged in the lung, and as its removal was an utter impossibili ty, decay of the longs must ultimately - set in, and death was only a question of time. During all this time Mrs. Winter suffered the severest, tortures. Hemorrhages suc ceeded each other in rapid succession. Her coughing spells were continuous, and wasted her from a robust woman to a mere skeleton. Last Sunday an event in the nature of a miracle occurred, accord ing to the Enquiirr. As usual Mrs. Winter awoke with a terrible spell of coughing fol lowed by a hemorrhage. Suddenly she felt a gradual rising pain on her left side. The tingling pain rose higher and higher, until all at ouce she felt a hard substance emerge from her throat and fill her mouth. Spit ting it out upon tlm floor, like a revelation it struck her that this was the bone she had swallowed three years ago. A closer exam ination revealed the fact that the hard sub stance was a bone with numerous sharp edges. Dr. Amick was called, and pro noum-ed the case simply miraculous, and gave the reassuring opinion that the effects of this irritating tenant of the lady’s lung would soon wear away. The coughing spell has since almost ceased, and, except for the debilitating effect, she is almost restored to health. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1887. SPIES’ BROTHER. A Man Who Claims to be Reiated to the Condemned Anarchist. From the. Si. Louis Republican. A man about, five feet nine inches in height, well built, brown eyes, black mous tache, attired in a'dark suit of clothes, daik overcoat and a black slouch hat, walked into tho Circle saloon, on the northwest corner* of Twelfth street and Chouteau avenue, about (5 o'clock yesterday afternoon and asked fora glass of beer. Albert Booth, the bar-keeper, brought him the beverage, and it was drank and another ordered bv the thirty customer. One beer followed another until the drinker was more or Uses under the influence of the beverage and be came quite talkative, llis language was in broken English, and he was evidently more used to speaking in German than any other language. There were several men in the barroom with whom he drank several times and they tried to draw him into conversation with them, but their efforts were unsuccessful, as none of them could talk in tho visitor’s native language. Finally, a tall, well-dressed young man entered the saloon, Hnd as he spoke in German to the bar-kopper, the Unknown German refused to lot him pay for the drink which had lieen ordered, but. called for one for himself and they drank together. He appeared to take a strange liking to the new comer, for he would often express his private opinion on the manner which the Anarchists were treated in this country. He mentioned the word Anar chist in English and in such a wild and threatening manner that, the bar keeper became frightened and told one of the bystanders to run for a police man and have the man taken to the police headquarters. The advocate of anarchy ap peared to know what policeman meant, for lie told the barkeeper in broken English that there would be trouble in that saloon if an officer was summoned, for lie was well prepared for any emergency. His young companion was the most controlled one in the crowd, and ho told the frightened saloon man to stop hi-, noise and attend to his busi new. \\ hen quiet had been restored, the strange man took his so-called young friend into a corner, and speaking German, he told the following strange story: “I suppose you nr# acquainted with the facts concerning the Hayuiarket riot in Chi cago, and of the capture and conviction of the Anarchists. Now these men never had a fair and square trial to begin with. Even if they did it is no reason why they should bo banged like a puck of cowardly curs, in stead of receiving the treatment of gentle men, as they all are—and some of them are soldiers. It was a made-up plot to have these men tried for a crime they never com mitted, and once indicted there wus but a very little chance for their lives. When these men were convicted I was thousands of miles from where 1 urn standing now-, but I received the sad intelligence by cablegram an hour after the men were sentenced to death, I was personally interested in the trial all the time, and I had men watching everything and everv body connected w ith the prosecution of tbe Anarchists, in hopes that I would find some wav by which the men could be set at lib erty. Much to my dissatisfaction no chance presented itself, for the men til my employ cabled everything to me. Was 1 discour aged when I received no cheerful news? Oh, no: I only waited patiently night after night, entertaining the, thought that I would soon get news which would give me cour age. lam tho brotherof August Spies, and I live in Bolatte, Byron. Bavaria. That is the reason I have always taken so much in terest in the welfare of the Anarchists. Spies is not the doomed man's right name, but that Is the name he told me he was going to go by in this country, and I nave received positive information that be is my brother. In Bolatte. myself and my father are engaged in the brewery business; in fact we have one of the largest breweries in that section of the country, and our busi ness is very extensive through every part of Europe. August. (I w ili call him* by that name) went to college some distance’ from our home, w hen he was quite a young man. When be entered it wns his intention to study for the priesthood. He remained at school for some years, but w hen he returned home on a vacation ho toid us that he had chang'd his mind and would not study for the priesthood. When he formed this resolution we could not man age him at nil, and he became very wild. He then embarked in tbe business, which lie followed up to the time of his.arrest. When the information received in Bolatte it created the greatest consternation among the Anarchists, and a meeting was instantly called. The hall where the meeting was held was crowded with people eager to assist their brethren in their distress. We adopted resolutions promising to send assistance in the shape of money, or a large body of men. The ques tion whether we would come over to this country in a large body or not was a sub ject of debate for several months. It. was finally decided that we would gather together the best, and most influential Anarchists iu that pait of the country, mid charter steamers and come to this country. We chartered the steamer Friesia amt two other large steamers, and left Bavaria almt one month ago. Among the number on board the steamers, which were crowded, there were throe brothers of Herr Mot, of New York. Ido not care to say how we landed, but I will state that the men landed at such places and in such numbers that, we escaped the surveillance of tho police.” “Where are the men now?" asked the young man, who had listened attentively. “They are scattered throughout the East, but please do not interrupt mo. 1 came to this city last, Friday, mid was met at the depot by - several Vimrchists who had not the slightest idea t hat, I was coming here. I was put in a carriage and driven to the resi dence of one of the pi eminent members of the labor union, and stopped there until this evening, when I slipped quietly away. Myself and the host had an understanding, and lie has agreed to have a thousand Anarchists and sympathizers in Chicago next Friday morning. But 1 cannot say any more, young man, for 1 must hurry and catch my train," he said, and moved toward the door. “But I don’t know where the depot is; will yotijilirect me toil.'" The young man walked with him toward the depot, and on the way he resumed the story. “We have it all arranged, so that at day lignl next Friday morning, the active An archists will meet in the Gruener-Baurn hall, 538 Sixteenth si reel, and try and come to some understanding whether we will liberate the doomed men by strategy or bloodshed. See here.' - said the speaker, as he drew from a pocket in his coatsleeve a small bottle of arsenic, "if all our effort* fail we can pass one of these into each of the doomed men as easy as taking a cigar. We have men on the iuside of the jail who dare not fail us.” During their walk they visited several saloons, and the Anarchist w as pretty much intoxicated. Finally the young man suc ceeded in putting him on the Chicago and Alton train, and stayed with him until it puiled out at 7 :56 o’clock. At Peace. A stomach in revolt is an obdurate relief Corrected with Hostetter’s Stomach Bitter*, its dissensions with the food Introduced into it in unwary momenta of appetite ceases. Then It is at peace. Then dyspepsia abandons Its grip. Then such fractious manifestations mi heart burn, a sinking sensation in the pit of the abdo men between meals and unnatural fullness afterward, flatulence, acid gulping", biliousness, etc., cease to inflict martyrdom. After a course of the national tonic and alterative, the liver and bowels, always more or less disordered dur ing a prolonged attack of indigestion, resume their functions and necome regular. Thus not only dyspepsia, but it* concomitants, constipa tion and biliousness, a r - conquered by the medi cine, which remedies riieir fruitful cause, weak ness of the organs of digestion. The epigastric nerve, cellular tissue, in short, every organ that ir-ars a part in toe digestive processes acquiree vigor and regularity from tne benign fnvig oratit. _ A Pure Grape Wine lor #l. and a choice Houppcruoug Wine for f l 50 at D. B. Les tor's. CHEAP ADVERTISING. OXK CENTA WORD. ADVERTISEMENTS, F> iron/* or more, in this column inserted for ONE CKXT A WORD, Cash in Advance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want lo supply, anything to buy or sett, any business or accommodations to secure: indeed, any wish to gratify, should advertise in this column. HELP wan ted, II’K wish to make arrangements with sales 1 1 la.lies for the coming holidays. SCHKEI NEK’S TOY HOUSE VI 7 ANTED, competent white nurse. Address t? NURSE, Newsoffice. A\’’ANTED, a good cook; must come with VY reference. Apply between 10 and Jones struct. YY r ANTED, a first elans shop salesman for the. Y Y Atlantic cast from Virginia to Florida inclusive on commission: good line of men s medium grade buff and call’ M. 8. and M. 8. goods: can also give line of fine and medium grade ladies’ samples if wanted; good trade es tablished. Address, with references, THE 1.. GRAFS MANUFACTURING CO Newark, S J. f’ANDYMAKER WANTED: a good, steady Y thorough hand. Address B. T. KCHI„ Or lando, Fla. VI7ANTED, agents to sell the Universal But- YY ton Fastener. Write for sample and price to G. BL'RUETT, Box HI, Columbus, Ohio. EMPLOY' NT IINT YV AN TED. U /ANTED. bv a Carolinian, who thoroughly understands the turpentine business, a position as manager or woodsman: can distill also. \ddress TURPENTINE, care Morning News, Savannah, toi. Mist KI.EYNKors WANTS. House WANTED.—Willing to rent or pur chase If reasonable. Desirable location wanted. Address CHEAP, this office. ROOMS TO KENT. 17'OIt RENT, three connecting rooms, ivtth and closet. DulTystreet.tidoorseartof Abercom. I/n iR RENT', large or small rooms, furnished or unfurnished. 158 South Broad. NICE, large furnished rooms to rent to gentle men; table boarders wanted. Mbs. JANE ELKINS, Abereorn and President streets. I NOR RENT, south front rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with water and bath, 38 Broughton street. NO. IT Abereorn street, handsomely furnished rooms, eu suite or singly, also table board. Rooms w ill be vacant Monday, 14th. RENT, two floors, containing eight rooms 1 and bath room, over my store northeast corner of Broughton and Barnard streets po session given Nov. Ist. Apply to JO C. THOMP SON, Grocer. HOUSES AND STQRE9 FOR RENT. TNOR RENT, brick store and dwelling corner I Montgomery and Huntingdon street.-. ROBT. H. TATEM. Real Estate Healer. 17'OIt RENT, the very desirable residence on Bull street., between Macon and Harris, and fronting Madison square: possession at once. Apply to HENRY T. BOTTS & CO , 108 Bay street, } 7*oll RENT, that desirable residence on the southeast corner of Eton- and Montgomerv Streets Apply to WAUTIIOUR & RIVERS, No. 88 Roy street. L''OR RENT, the store 165 Congress street, T Market square. For terms apply to GEO. W. OWENS. If’i Bay sti-eet. J/ OK REST, brick house, two-stogy on base menu corner Gaaton and Barnard. Apply to LAUNKY & GOEBEL, ltd Broughton. TAOR RENT, brick store 108 Broughton street, ' between Drayton and Bull: possession given October 4th. Apply to LEWIS CASH. 17’OK RENT, the most desirable rtisience on Taylor street, two doors west of Aberoorn street: possession given from Ist OCt. Apply to WALTHOUK AKi VERs. \‘o. 88 Ray street. FOlt RENT, brick store 150 Congress street; lhreo stories on cellar; possession given irn mediately. Apply to WALTHOUR & RIVERS, No. S8 Ray street. RENT, desirable brick residence corner 1 Liberty and Aberoorn streets; possession Oct Ist. Apply to WALTHOUR A RIVERS, No. 83 Bay street. - —: x I,’TiR RENT, from Oct. tsi. -('“‘"did store No I 87 Bay street, situate in Hntemw.n's Block, next to corner of Abereorn: h -pleudid collar and is splendid stand for .u:\ burin***: second and third stories can be rented if desired. A. R. LAWTON. Jr., 114 Bryan street. FOB SA I K. i < ROCERY AND BAR to lie disposed of im- VT mediately; satisfactory reasons given; paying concern; good position syfter-- nppi-rtue nit.y for a good man. A chance i In: seldom oi curs. Address A. IV.. care Horning News. Is OR SALE, Hoffman Seedling, Sharpies*. Ob' Iron-clad Stravir-rry Plants. Address tV. BARNWELL, Savannah, (In. POR SALK, ten thousand feet of second-hand I White Pine Boards, and live thousand feet of Hemlock Joist, in lots to suit. Apply at 78 Bay street. [POR SALE. 1.000 bushels inisi Proof Seed I Oats. Address H. G. ST'- 'N If. IP-s(on, 1,.i. JUST ARRIVED and must Is- sold twenty-five head of South Carolina Nlilch Cows, w ith young Calves. Can be seen I hi* morning at the corner of Harris and Montgomery streets. •TAMER L. MKIIRTENR. 1 POR SALE, first-class dairy; nolk sells ten cents per quart; full demand. Apply Iwx 142 Gainesville, Fls. _ KALE, a fine U!-passenger Bus, nearly new, in flue order. Price, S4OO, with a good harness. Write for photograph. G. I’. AVERY, Feruandina, Fla. IjM >K KALE, town lots and farms, near Jack fconvillo. Fla.; a wholesale, and retail busi ness of general merchandise, established 21 veers age. Address AUGUST BUESINU, Jack tionviUe, Fla. P(>E SALK, rathe, Kbingles. Flooring, ( riling, I IV< atherhnarding and framing Lumber. Office and vard fay lor und East Broad streets. Ti • phone N • ML' REP PAR D A 00. F'GR RALE. Splendid salt water riverfront building lots, and five acre farm lots with river privilege*, at ROBEDEW; building lot* In Savannah, near East Broad and Sixth streets, and in Eastland; several good farm lots near White Bluff, on shell road. Apply to Da. FAL LIGANT, 151 South Broad street from 0 to 10 a. Y. RKU A HI). u-Oil REWARD.- I have recovered two of the missing volumes of the lioiind files of the Morni.vo Nxws. The following are still wanting: July to December. 1860. July to December, I*6l. July to December, 1H62. The volumes are undoubtedly in this city, probably in some law office, us lawyers are gen orally the borrowers of our files. There is *ib waiting for the return of each or any of the above volumes, and no questions asked ” J. 11. ESTILL. HOARDING. BOARDING.— No. 13 Aberncorn street, corner of St. Julian. Handsomely furnished rooms en suite or singly; ali table board. BOARDING in private family; large and small rooms; pleasant locality. Address 8., News office. OOARDING, lodging and desirable flats ob -1 > Mined at 180 Broughton street; specially convenient. ( < OOD, w holesome Ivoerding at reasonable f rates to lie had at 87 Whitaker street. FHOTOG RAPHT. [ >HOTOGRAPHY- SPECLV I, Nt iTiCE -Prices I reduced. Fine Cabinet Photograph* a specialty. Price," $2 for six or $3 a dosea. J. N. WILSON, \T the top in quality, at the bottom in prices. LAUNEY & GOEBEL’S Fine Photographs, Crayons. Pastels. Mater Colors, Inks. etc. And don t forget that now is the time for holiday or ders. Cloudy weather no hindrance. Come. LOST. JOST, bunch of small kpy*: button book ou -J ring. Reward It' loft t'l?7 Broughton stre.d. MIM ELLA N EOl’ N’EW.— Unbreakable Dressing Combo. *r#l stylos. Cull and nee them. U. M. UKIUT * CO. _ rANIS THOUSAND SPONGES, all rises, 10c. ‘ ' each, ai M* l ■ LAS! 1A VS, 187 Broughton stroot, under Tumor Hall. r IpRY a ]O-c*t>t box ot' HEIDT'S Celebrated I Cough Crops and tost their superiority. —ak It. IV RETURN TI'Hl T.ATt BOILKR f(.r l< sale oheap. UKO. R. LOMBARD * CO., Augusta. Ga. THIE FINEST, the beet, the biggest Sponge 1. for the money at Hl-’IDT'S p BEAT RIG lIARNKSS and Carriage Spot,ges \ * at 10c., I.l< 3.V.; nice as.-.irunent of lap Robes. Horse Blankets aud Toy Trunks. NKID LINGI R & RABI N. Mammoth 10-cent Sponge at heidi a DRUG STORE. OATR V, H. I*. DOUBLE ENGINES cheap I GEO It. LOMBARD aie Augusta, Ga. 1 Ar! ruRN TUBULAR BOILERS and En I," :rs elit'np and good. GEO. R. LOM It.VHlt A CO., Augusta, Ga. / • iH OIL AND WATER WELLS DRILLING. * * lntervi ws aud correspond' ii •• solicited R. W. EVANS A’ CO., St, James Hotel, or Box 2(4, Cinduuati, O. LUDDEN a- BATES s. At. H. Do you want to purchase a Piano? If so, bear In mind that it is to your interest to invest in one of American manufacture, for they arc fur more reliable for use in this trying climate limn any other. Aside from tills !hey contain more really valuable Improvements; are sweeter in tone, more powerful, more durable, and insure greater returns for amount invested, as well as coating less to keep in tune and good order generally. RELIABLE In every sense of the word, as thousands of satisfied purchasers can testify. We can fur nish you a good Piano of American make at $2lO And with it furnish free a fine Plush Stool, Embroidered Cover, Instruction Book. Premium Al bum and Six-Year Guarantee. And furthermore, if you reside within the city limits we will keep the Piano in tune for one year without charge. AVK SEldi THE CHICKERING, MASON & HAMLIN, MATHUSHEK, BENT & CO. and ARION PIANOS. All of which are sold on easy Installment Plans. If you want an Organ, we can meet you with the celebrated MASON & HAMLIN. PACKARD ORCHESTRAL and BAY STATE ORGANS. Smallest monthly payments imaginable ac cepted Give us a call. LUDDEN & BATES Southern Music House. piano*. 111- - • '■ ' Tln. : WiVf SMA • mum IIF ~< i\BLE[{" PIANOS Sold in Savannah Alone. Satisfaction in Every Instance Recorded. Sweet Singin-'Quality of Tone. Excellent Durability, First-Cla' : s Material and Workmanship. Low Prices. Knsy InetallmentH. WARRANTED FOR BIX YEARS. SCHREINER’S MUSIC HOUSE, RJCATL r.sTATK. W. J. MAHSHAU-. H. A. M*LOf>. MARSHALL & McLEOD, Auction and General ('ommission Merchants, —dkajxrs in Real Estate and Stocks and Bonds 116Jei Broughton Street, Savannah, Ga. ATTENTION GIVEN TO RENTING OF HOUSES AND COLLECTING HI NTS. GRAIN AVI) PROVISIONS. -A~ 18. HZTJXiii, Wholesale Grocer, Flour, llav, Graiu and Provision Dealer. J A RUSH MEAL and GRITS In white sacks. Mill stuff* ..f all kinds. Georgia raised SPANISH PEANUTS, also COW PEAS, every variety. Choice Texas Red Hunt Proof Oat*. Special prices car load lot* HAY and GRAIN. Prompt attention given all orders and satis faction guaranteed. OFFICE, 3 ABERCORN STREET. WAREHOUSE. No. 4 WADLEY STREET, on lino Central Railroad. ELECTRIC BELTS. Electric Belt Free. 'po INTRODUCE it and obtain Agents wewll, 1 for the next sixty days give away, free of charge. In each county in the United State* a limited number of our German Electro Galvanic SupeiiKory Belt*--price, s•’>. A positive and un failing euro for Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Emissions, impotency, Etc. s.'du reward paid if every Belt we manufacture doe* not generate a genuine electric current Address at .moo ELECTRIC BELT AGENCY P. O. Box 178. Brooklyn, N. Y. Empty Syrup Barrels —FOR KALE BY C. M. GILBERT & CO., " COR BAY AND BARNARD STS. LEGAL NOTICES. BORGIA, CrtATtuM Corvrv. In Chatham * T Superior Court. Motion to establish lost deed. To Isaac D. r.aßOche, Henry Love, Abraham Backer. I, Franklin lioxier, AVm. E. Dozier, Thomas H Dozier, Bonn Dewier, Nina Dorter Pressley. Htauche U. Choppin, Arthur t>. Cboppln, George It. Beard, r’.mtna Estelle Hodgson, Mary L, Hodgson, Agnes 8. Hodg son. Gcorgn JI. Ilotlgs ii, at: 1 Joseph C. llodg- Noil: ELIZABETH A. RILEY having presented to me a petition in writing, wherein she alleges that a certain deed to lots Nos. 11 and 18 in Stephen ward, in the city of Savannah, was made by ISAAC D. LaROUHKand SAMUEL P. BELL, acting as Commissioners under a decree in equity In Chatham Superior Court, wherein you were parties, or are representative* of parties, or are interested adversely to her title to said lots of land, which said deed, dopy of which in substance is attached to said petition and duly sworn to, hears date the 9th day of June. 1 hi M, and the original of which deed said petitioner claims has been lost, or de stroyed, nml Mir wishes said copy established in hen of said lost original. Aon are hereby commanded to show cause, if any you can. at the next Superior Court to be held In and for said county on the FIRST MONDAY IN DE CEMBER S.KXT. why said copy deed should not- he established in lieu of the lost or destroyed original And it further appearing that some of you, to wit: Abraham Backer, L. Franklin Dozier, AVm. K. Dorter, Thomas B. Dorter, Bona Dorter, Nina Dorter Erei-alny, Blanch* E Choppin, Ar thur B. Choppin. George It. Beard, Emma Es telle Hodgson Mary L Hodgson, Agnes B. Hodgson, lleorgo II Hodgson and Joseph C. Hodgson reside outside of the State of Georgia, It is therefore further ordered that yon so r*- setiding outside of the State of Georgia be served by a pu- I.Vution of said nile nisi for three months before the next ter fit of said court to wit: Three months before the FIRST MON DAY IN DECEMBER NEXT In the Savannah Morning News, a public ga/etta of this State, published m this county. Witness the llouorHlile A I*. An*Ms. Judge of said Court, tills -Vth dav of August, A. I). 1887. BARNARD K. BEE. ClerkS. (’.. C. C. K. It. RICHARDS, ISAAC BECKETT, Attorney* for Petitioners A true copy of the original rule nisi issued in the above ease. BARNARD F.. BEK., Clerk 8. c.. c. < /' IN )RG IA On ci mam Cot’STY. Notice Is In-re " 1 b\ gives that i have made application to the Coin i.a did.nary for Chatham county for order to s.-ll all that certain lot or parcel ol laud situate. !' :uc aim bring in Hie city of S.ivau nah. ('bat'aiui county, a- 1 'iwied as lot nnm hcr fitly flv In the min of Garden lot number fifty seven i, oust. shewing sub division into forty-seven building lota, drawn by JOHN It- HOGG, i .tv surveyor, for Hie estate of Gen-go Andersen, on March ith, IW.I; said let number fifty-slv liavlng a frontage oil Nli-ell street of forty 1 40 1 feet end u depth of eighty (80) feel more or 1, ~S, and la lug bounded on the north by Nicoll street, east by lot number fltt-.v seven (.17), south by lot number sixty nine (69). and west hv lot iiuieiicrtlfty-llvc (us)of solid building lots, with tin- and veiling, house, improvements anil appurtenance* on said land. lielong iug to 'eslate of DANIEL DALEY, deceased, for the payment of debt* and distribution, and that said order will Is l ,granted at DECEMBER TERM, IS*; ,of said Court, unless objections are filed. KATE DALLY. Administratrix esliite of Daniel Daley, deceatod. NevwiMa M, MW. C*TATI OF GEORGIA Chatham CottNTY ij Notice, is hereby given I o all persons having demands ugninsf JAMES NOLAN, deceased, to present them to me properly made out within the time prescribed by law, so its to show their character and amount; and all persons indebted to *a id deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment to me. October 6, 188*. JAMES B READ. Qualified Executor of die will of James Nolan, deceased. OTATE Ot GEORGIA -Crumam i'ocntv- O Notice is hereby given to ail lg-rsonshaving demands against AI. GARDNER JONES, d*. ceased, t o present them to me properly mode out within the lima prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount; and all per sons indebted to said deceased are hereby re qulred to make immediate payment to me. October IS. 1887, FRED A. JONES. Qualified Administrator estate M. Gardner Jones, deceased. KURN At K-. Richardson & Boynton Co.’s SANITARY HEATING FURNACES i ontain the newest patterns, comprising latest improvi nients possible to ndopt tri a Heating furnace where Power. Efficiency. Eoouoniv and Durability is desired Medical and Scientific ei p'.rts pronounce these Furnace# superior in every respect. I , all oilier* for supplying pure air, free from gas and dust. Send lor circulars Sold by all first-class deal ers. Richardson V Bovnt-on < 'o., M’f 'r, 283 and W Water Street, N. Y. Kohl by JOHN A. DOUGLASS * CO., Savannah. Ga. HEED OATS. Rust Proof Hals. Seed live, APPLES. POTATOES, | ONIONS. CABBAGES. And ail kind*, of VEGETABLES and FRUITS Ry every steamer. 25 Cars Oats, 25 Cars Hay, 50 Cars Corn. GRITS. MEAL, CORN EYE BEAN, PEAS, and feed of all kind*. 153 BAY STREET. Warehouse in S., F. & W. R y Yard. T. P. BOND & CO. TYIMWV It ITERS. 5 1 1 jj Does tin* (rU of dn- I rin 1 ; §IOO. Indorsed by LEADING BUSINESS MEN. GE‘. BECKER & CO.. 80 Great Jones St.. New Y'ork City. Send for Circular IRON PIPE. RUSTLESS IRON PIPE. EQUAL TO GALVANIZED PIPE, AT MUCH LESS PRICE. J. D. WEED & CO. SOAP. SOAPS! SOAPS! PEARS-. RIEGER'S, COLGATE'S. CLEAV- I ER’S EET'KELAER'S, BAYI.EY'S, LU BIN'S, PEMBLK'B MEDICATED Just received at BUTLER’S PHARMACY. C. H. noRSEXT’S rOLUNTN. Near the S„ F. & W. Railway. HOUSE AND LOT. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. Will sell at the Court House on TUESDAY. D* comber. 6th, 1887, during the usual hour# of sale. South half of Lot No 14 Crawford ward east, 16x16 more or lews, on the corner of Reynold* and Ferry street lane The improvement# con slat of a two story residence containing eight, rooms and piazza, also a store with separate yard, stable and kitchen; water in each yard. A 1 metal roof. I sit fee simple This property is very convenient to the Savan nah. Honda and Western railway and to the Savannah and Tybee railway; also to the lum ber yairis The house is solidly built and in very good condition. N. B -Parties wishing to treat at private sole eftn secure easy term* On Henry Street Near East Broad. HOUSE AND LOT, C. H. OCRSETT, Auctioneer. Wilt HI fit th* Court on Tuesday, TVomu * ber Ot h, during the usual Lour* of Sato. Lot. No. on tho north Bid* of Henry np,r luaM Broad, having a fronton Houry strwr of forty ff*u more or and n of One htindrrd and idxt**n (lift) feet, more or legate iKiftv t.r v t lane, together with the improve ruenis thetvou, of a four-room House wit h i wo ore places. TKIiMS ( ASH. FOR SALE. On West Broad street, west side, between Huntingdon and Gwinnett streets, a lot fifty feet front by eiguly-one feet, deep, cornering on a lane, with the improvements, oonsiatlng of • one story house. Price ¥I,OOO, Terms easy. ALSO— Bet ween Hall and Gwinnett, a lot fifty feet front and eighty-one feet deep, cornering oo Gwinnett and Maplo streets with a one story bouse, for ?I,JOO. - At-so A lot (No. 9) forty feet front by eighty five feet deep en Gwinnett street, for five hundred and fifty dollar*. Terms easy . —also — Two lot# on Maple street, Nos 17 and 30, each lOiIOO, for S.WO Terms eaav. The above lot* are a portion of that high and beautiful plateau on West Broad and GwinmwS streets, which has just been platted, and from which eleven lots have already been sold These are good lots and wooden buildings can lie erected upon them. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will offer at the Court House, on TUEBDAY, December 6th, unless sold previously at private sale. The eastern portion of Lot No. 31 Cslhoun ward, measuring 10x100 and the improvements, consisting of on exceedingly pleasant and well located RESIPENC® #0 Gordon street, near and east of Drayton. This residence has four rooms in the bss* ment, four on (he parlor floor, four bedroom* and a bath room, and two rooms in the attic. The lot is subject to an annual ground rent bj the city of SH The location. snrrounding# sod convenient size of this residence wdU recommend It to those who are looking for nice home*. TERMS CASH. EXECUTOR'S SALE. C H. DORSETT, Acctiokckii. By virtue of tnc provision# of the will. Itwtll soli before i he Court House door iq the dy of Sa vannah, on TUESDAY. December 6th. '.887, during the legal hour* of sale, the following, ns the property of ELIZABETH A. BAILEY, deceased, for the purpose of distribution: All the iniitberti portion of lot No. 11 White ward, situated on the northeast corner of Lin coin and Bolton streets, having a frontage of 42 feet and 9 inches, more, or less on Bolton and 70 feet, more or In*#, on Llnooln and the im provementa thereon. Terms caab. Robert and. walker, j., Executor FOOD PRODUCTS. tri City Ills. Y\7 E are making an extra quality of GRITS and MEAL, and can recommend It to the trade as superior to any in this market. Would be pleased to give special prices on application We have on hand a choice lot of KMPTi SACKS, which we are selling cheap. BOND, HAYNES & ELTON IRON WORKS. McteousH k Ballaatyiio, IRON FOUNDERS, Machinists, Boiler Makers and Blacksmith* MAKCFiCTURER* OF STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES, VERTICAL aud TOP-RUNNING CORN MILLS, SUGAR MILLS and PANS. A GENTS for Alert and Union Injectors, the /V simple*!, and most effective on the mar’ *t; Gullett Light Draft, Magnolia Cotton Gin, the best in the market. All orders promptly attended to. 'Ber.l lor Price List. - 3