The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 11, 1887, Page 5, Image 13

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THE MYSTERIOUS HAREM. Inaide View of the Sacred Mahome'an Institution. From the Saturday Revieto. In theory the Moslem classes his women kind with the holy of hojies of Mecca. The innermost shrine of his temple and the rooms with • latticed windows are both called by the same name of Harem or “Sa cred.” The apartment is harem, and the ladies who live in it are harem for all but tlie lord and master. He may enter at will, but gene-ally announces his coming before hand, so that he may not run the risk of meeting female visitors who aro probably the wives of his friends. In well regulated houses the husband intrudes only at fixed hours, perhaps for n short time after mid day prayer, and does not else favor his harem until lie retires to rest. Home life, such as we understand it, can scarcely be said to exist for the Mahometan. The man lives in and at his work outside, and the woman among her slaves and friends in the harem. The most interesting view of the home life of the harem is when it is consid ered as the cradlo in which Eastern man hood is reared. Schools of any kind are few and meagerly patronized, and board ing schools are unknown. A few boys are sent to Paris, Constantinople or Syria to be educated, but the majority grow up among slave girls and servants, seeing a great deal which they ought not to see, and learning very little of what they should. It is small wonder, then, that the better moral quali ties, if any were ever inborn, are rapidly obliterated, and the bov grows up to the man saturated with vice and effeminacy. The women occupants of the harem are the wife or wives and the female slaves. Per haps on no subject does greater misconcep tion prevail than on this of harem slavery. The field, however, is too wide a one to be touched on more than incidentally. The name of slave as applied to the Geor gian or Circassian girl is a misnomer. She occupies more the position of a friend, or at least of a lady’s companion, if she does not, as is often the case, become an adopted daughter of the house. She is well and sometimes expensively dressed, and shares the small amusements of her mistress at the theatre, the moolid or the promenade. Now and then the lady may fly in a passion and soundly box the girl’s ears or pull out a handful of hair; but a reconciliation soon lakes place and is usually cemented with a present of jewelry or a hew dress. The principal diversion of harem life con sists in the visits of friends and of a perni cious class of trading women who hawk about articles of dress and gewgaws from one house to another, retailing the latest gossip and scandal with their wares and as sisting the ladies to get into all manner of scrapes. Wise women who tell fortunes by cards and incantations are also in great de mand and their vaticinations are as a rule, believed in by tbe ladies with much the same delightful and blind confidence as is giv en by fanners’ daughters to the mysterious prophesies of the gypsies. Now and then con dign punishment awaits these hags, as in the case of the notorious Ayesha, who, several years ago, was called for one night, hustled into a carriage under pretense of visiting a great harem, and has never since been heard of. But, as a rule, their sorceries, evil eyes and charms are perfectly harmless, and when there is nothing better to do they are called in to beguile the heavy hours. Nor must the men singers be left out in the cata logue of delights of the harem—a delight, nevertheless, which is but sparingly indulged in, and 'an only be enjoyed to the full when the harem's lord is awav. A notion seems generally prevalent in Europe that if only the harem doors were opened a rush for liberty would immedi ately take place, and many are the sym pathies wasted on the supposed prisoners of the Mahometan marriage tie. In reality, both men and women consider their state far superior to that of Europeans. The man argues thus: “You are a slave from the moment you marry. You cannot go out to lunch or dinner or to your friends without taking your wife with you. You cannot even leave her alone for a”few hours without giving an account of yourself. Such a state of things would be unbearable to me. I go where I like and she goes where she likes. I pay my servants to look after her, and I am sure that she is not flirting with other men when I am not by her s de. You are never sure of this,” etc. This is his line of argument. The woman says; “My religion forbids me to look upon other men than my hus band. If I changed my religion perhaps I would like to mix up with every fellow I come across, but as long as I am a Mahome tan I detest the thought of it. I cover my face from the sight of the world, as your women cover their bodies. As to being watched and guarded, it is a compliment which shows how much my husband cares for me. If he were to leave me to do what I liked, I should Know he did not care for me and I should feel deeply insulted.” It is difficult for the Y\ estern mmd fully to grasp the immense gulf between our ideas and theirs. Their reasoning is fallacious and almost ridiculous from our standpoint, but it is good enough from theirs. And therefore as lo g as the Mahometan religion lasts so long will the harem exist. And its existence is, on the whole, a happy and con tented one, in spite of all the reasoning which may be brought to show that it ought to be miserable Centuries of com munion and contact with Europeans mav possibly change the ideas born and culti vated in the harem, but there is as yet no sign whatever of such a change. Up to the present no appreciable diffei euce is notice able in the domestic economy of the Mos lem. THE LOWELL STATESMAN. Ben Butler Might Have Become Presi dent in Andrew Johnaon’s Place. Washington Letter to the Milwaukee Sentinel. Ben Butler might have been President of the United States. The blue bloods of Massachusetts scouted at the idea that he would ever be Governor of their Common wealth, but time, with its proverbial work ing of wonders, made that possible, and old Ben marc ed out to Harvard at commence meut as much the hero of the day as any Governor of the old Bay State had ever been. At a time when jieople were calling him “Brute” and “Beast” Butler, it seemed ridiculous to suppose that he would ever be President, and yet it is a positive fact that but for hi own refusal Ben Butler would have occupied the White House. This, of course, was not in 1884, when he was an open and active candidate of the Labor party. It was in the last days of lSfio, when Lincoln desired a renoraination as a sign of the people's verdict appraising his administration. The managers of the Republican party had decided that Hanni bal Hamlin was not tf be the candidate again for Vice Presißnt. Mr. Seward’s name was out of the question, as it was uot supposed that he would accept a nomination, preferring to remain the Premier of Mr. Lincoln’s adminis tration, as it was assured him that he should remain through Lincoln's second term, in case the President should be re elected. Other names were suggested, but against each some objection was found. On all sides it was admitted that the )>arty would nominate any man whom Mr. Lin coln might choose to be associated with him. One day the President sent for Simon Cameron and said to him: “I have a special mission for you. I waut you to go to Fortress Monroe and ask Gen. Butler if he will acoept the nomination tor the Vice Presidency on the ticket with me. If be will accept he shall have the place.” Gen. Butler was then in command south of the James. Gem Cameron went down the Potoirrr at once and saw Butler. He delivered the President’s message, together with his own earnest entreaty that Gen. Butler should become the candidate for Vice President, supporting the suggestion with a number of very strong arguments. Of course such a nomination would vindi cate Gen, Butler before the country and answer all the slanders and criticisms that had been poured out on his name. It was *n exceedingly tempting proposition to any man, oven under fair sailing, and espe cially to one who had been made the target of abuse North and South during the war and from all sorts of people. As Gen. Cameron related the incident, it seems that Butler himself thought of the possibility of such a suggestion, for he answered without the least hesitation, going at ouco to the meat of the question. “No,” he said, “I do not believe that any man who can fight ought at this rime to leave the army to accept a civil position for which there are many other men amply fitted.” At that time Gen. Butler regarded his military reputation ns the main thing in his cmver. He supposed himself to be in good standing with the President, with Congress and with the loyal people of the North, and had ambitions for himself which entitled him certainly to great praise, Gen. Cam eron returned to Washington and delivered Butler’s answer to Mr. Lincoln, who was greatly disappointed. It was after this that the name of Andrew Johnson, who had been Governor of Tennessee, was taken up. The difference between the two small words ‘Wes” and “no” was all that stood be tween Butler’s becoming President, for as the year rolled round and the war closed, and the President’s life became the forfeit paid to the fury of disloyalty, he would have succeeded to the Presidency. Irnagina tion cau only outline what Butler’s admin istration would have been. That it would have been lar different from Andrew’ John son’s no niau can well doubt; that it would have been exactly what Lincoln’s would have been no one can believe. ORIGIN OF PHRASES. “Cut a Dido,” “Gone to Pot,” "Done to a Turn” and the Like. There is probably more of the poetry of tradition than truth of history in the fol lowing paragraph from the Christian, Un ion: Dido, Queen of Tyre, about seven centu ries before Christ, after her husband had been put to death by her brother, fled from that city and established a colony on the north coast of Africa. Having bargained with the natives for as much land as could be surrounded with a bull’s hide, she cut the hide inso narrow strips, tied them to gether, and claimed the land that could be surrounded with the line thus made. She was allowed to have her way, and now, when one plays a sharp trick he is said to “cut a dido.” A tailor of Kamareand, Asia, who lived on a street leading to the burying ground, kept near his shop an earthen pot, in which he was accustomed to deposit a pebble whenever a body was carried to its final resting place. Finally the tailor died, and seeing the shop deserted, a person inquired what had become of its former occupant. “He has gone to pot himself,” was the reply by one of the deceased’s neighbors. During a battle between the Russians and Tartars, a private soldier of the former cried out: “Captain, I've caught a Tartar.” “Bring him along,” said the officer. “He won't let me,” was the response. Investiga tion proved that the captive had the captor by the arm. and would not allow him to move. So “Catching a Tartar” is applica ble to one who has found an antagonist too powerful for him. While lying on the gridiron over a slow fire, St. Lawrence —in whose honor the Es eurial was built by Philip ll.—-said to the Emperor, who was watching his sufferings; “Assatus est ; jam versa et manduca," which one translator, not quite literally, but appreciatively of the grim humor char acterizing the original, rendered: “This side enough is toasted, Then turn me, tyrant, and eat; And see whether raw or roasted I am the better meat.” Hence. “Done to a turn.” Formerly in London, when a small dealer bought bread of the baker, for every dozen loaves purchased he was given an extra loaf as his profit, from which circumstances “a baker’s dozen” signifies thirteen. Various origins have been assigned the phrase, but the above is the only one that is based on a sure foundation. In a work, “Essays from the Desk of Poor Robert, the Scribe,” published in 1815, the author, C. Miner, tells the story of a boy who, by the offer of liberal compensation, was induced to turn a grindstone for a man who desired to sharpen his ax. The promised compensation was never paid, and of one who disguises his own selfish aims under an appearance of generosity or disinterestdness it is remarked “He had an ax togrind.” ANIMAL LONGEVITY. An Elderly Tarantula and an Aged Queen Ant. From the Philadelphia Ledger. In an interesting communication read by the Rev. Dr. H. C. McCook before the last meeting of the Academy of Natural Sciences on the possibilities of prolonged life among the lower orders of animals, an account was given of the life history of a fine specimen of the spider, commonly known as the American tarantula. The animal was given to him in 188“ by Dr. Joseph Leidy. It was then apparently 18 mouths or 2 years old, and it lived in captivity until July of the present year-. At the period of its death, therefore, it must have been at 1 ast 7 years old, and may have been 8, hav ing thus attained the distinction o, being the most aged spider known to science. How long this species and other spiders gen erally live in their natural habitat is not known, but human protection in t! e present instance probably aided to prolong life. It was kept first in a glass globe and afterwai and in a wooden box. with glazed sides and a sliding glass door at the top. One end was filled with dry soil, which was slightly com pacted ami heaped up; the other end was sparsely covered with earth. It was at all times ” liberally supplied with >water, and its food consisted of live flies, grasshoppers and locusts. During con finement the tarantula shed its skin several times, a process apparently attended with some danger, as it was during such a change the creature died, and once before, on a similar occasion, it was found up parently deal, although it afterward re vived. It is possible that it was too much exhausted by long previous fasting to en dure the severe strain which evidently is laid upon the organism in the act of molt ing. The spring of 1887 was a backward one, and some difficulty was experienced in procuring insects for food from the Immedi ate neighborhood. The annual supply of grasshoppers and locusts was very late, and it may be that had the spider been strength ened by a few weeks’ generous feeding, pre vious to its last molt, it might have been still alive. In connection with the general subject of the prolonged life of insects Dr. McCook stated that during a recent visit to Sir Job , Liibl>cx:k at his h use in Loudon he inquired after a xuenn of the fuscous ant which he had seeu in an artificial formicary six years ago, it being then nearly 8 years old. lie was told by his host that it had died the day before, having at the time reached the wonderful age of more than 13 years. She was still attended by her circle of courtiers. Some of these were licking the dead qu"en or touching her with their antenna' an 1 making other demonstrations as though soliciting her attention or desir ing to wake her out of sleep. It was cer tainly a touching sight to witness these faithful attendants surrounding the dead body of one who had so long presided over the maternal destinies of the colony, and seeking by their caresses to evoke the atten tion which never again could respond to their solicitations. Don’t You Know That you cannot afford to neglect that catarrh I Don’t you know that it may lead to consumption, to imsanity, to death t Don’t you know that It can be easily cured? Don’t you know that while the thousand and one nostrums you have tried have utterly failed that Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy is a certain cure? It has stood tho test of years, and there aro hundreds of thousands of grateful men and women in all parts of the country who can testify to its efficacy, i All druggists. I THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1887. MR GARRETT'S GAME PRESERVES. Artificial Breeding of English Pheas ants for Sporting Purposes. From the Baltimore Sun. At Uplands, Mr. Robert Garrett’s country residence, at the junction of Edmondson avenue and the old Frederick road, tbe owner has established a miniature game preserve. Up to the present the only game on the preserve are English pheasants, of which there are aho t 300. The eggs were imported from England about one year since. The first lot, numbering several hundred, failed to hatch, but a second lot, that were packed tinder the directions of Mr. Garrett's gamekeeper, produced good results. The eggs were placed under common hens, and when the birds were hatched they were hand-raised and then turned loose on the preserve, which consists of about twenty live acres of wood and open land, inclosed with a wire fence altout -1 feet high. The birds, though nearly grown, have not taken to the woodland, but disport themselves in the open. The mate birds are very beauti ful, and present a tempting sight to would be poachers us they run along the ground. But the only poachers that the big, stalwart game keeper lias had to contend with so far nave been what he termed “varmints,” which include coons, opossums, bats, rats, weasels, etc., with now ami then a bird hawk. The game keeper, who was imported front England with the birds, Is a typical English keeper. A Yorkshire man himself, he brought with hint a Yorkshire terrier, which assists him in his labors. The Hrds all know him. and do not appear much frightened when he approaches them, and he is careful not to let strangers go near them unless he is in the lead. Immediately adjoin ing his lodge he has enormous wire coops in which he has a number of old birds that have to be viewed from a distance, as the keeper fears they would rise on the wing at the ap proach of a stranger and kdi themselves against the wire covering. -To avoid acci dents of this kind a fine specimen of the English bull terrier is stationed near the coops, where he can keep guard in the ab sence of the keeper. The little Yorkshire terrier is thoroughly broken to his work. He is the constant companion of his master, and if any of the birds leave the inelosure he finds them and cautiously assists to drive them back. He will not let a stranger pick up even an acorn from the ground, much less handle a young bird. Scattered around in the neighborhood of the birds are a num ber of coops in which are confined common hens with broods of young chickens. When these chickens reach the proper age they will be used ft>r the pur|>ose of hatching out pheasants. When the day for the shooting arrives the birds will be scattered as much as possible, and then the gamekeeper and his assistants will beat the cover, and as the birds fly over the sportsmen the air will be tilled with shot holes, and the gamekeeper will probably be instructed to bag enough game for the lunch which follows the shoot ing. At least that is the programme as in terpreted by a gentleman who claimed to know all about the shooting business as con ducted on game preserves. NOBILITY IN TROUBLE. A Young Man in Jail in Memphis Whose Father s Sale to be an Earl. From the Memphis Aralanche. A handsome young man,with blonde hair and whiskers, lies in tbe county jail, await ing the result of his application for anew trial on a three-years’ sentence p;: sel upon him last week for picking the poc -of the Clerk of the Chancery Court of Carroll of more than $l5O during the visit of the Pres ident to Memphis. The young man’s name is Kenwood, or at least that is the name he gave the police who arrested him, and he is as bright and wide awake a citizen as has been within the clutches of the law here for many a day. He has maintained his self-possession throughout, and has never betrayed the slightest nervousness, though the proof was almost dead agianst him from the begin ning, and Judge Dußose publicly censured the jury for bringing in so light a sentence. Yesterday Gen. P. M. Turner, w’ho de fended Kenwood, said: “He is the black sheep of a noble Enghsh family, and his father is an earl whtse name is known throughout England. Of that I am con vinced by proofs which Ido not care to make public. He has a married sister living in Toronto, Can., who is prominently iden tified with the Canadian government, and it is with this family that we have had our communications. ” “How was it brought about?” “So soon as Kenwood found he was in serious trouble, he asked that the fact be te egraphed the Bank of Toronto, and said he could get financial aid from that source.” “Did he receive a reply?” “Yes, and a very prompt one.” “How did it read?” “To the effect that any amount of money that might be necessary to secure bond for Kenwood would be forthcoming at once, and I think that this at least establishes his claim to wealthy relatives or friends, whether they be titled ones or not.” Alter the receipt of this telegram Ken wood’s attorneys appeared before tiie court and a-ked to lie allowed to deposit $1,500 in cash for his release and as a bond for liis ap pearance when next wanted for trial. “I will not take it,” said Judge Dußose, “so there’s an end of the matter.” “But your honor,” said the prisoner’s counsel, “suppose he never conies back, the $1,500 will be SSOO a year for his services, which will be more than he will be worth to the State if forced to serve out the time for which lie has been sentenced.” “I don’t care,” replied Judge Dußose; “no money will be taken a< security by this court. If I were to turn that hum out on $1,500 forfeit he would steal five times that amount from honest people in the same leueth of time.” And the son of an earl, or whoever he may be, will, in all likelihood, serve his term as a common thief, in spite of all his rich relations and influential friends. Pulling Teeth with Oxide Gas. From a New York Letter. It was the first and only time that I ever took nitrous-oxide-gas. The next tooth out will have been the second. The rubber bag was attached. I lay back in the chair com posed. The mouth piece was applied. The first sensations of the gas wore peculiarly peculiar. You know how it is yourself. Completely under its influence, I became an immense bombshell, and was placed in one of the largest of siege mortars. It was be fore Yorktown. The lanyard was pulled and the monar discharged with a terrific, to me, stunning report. The shell—that is I—was fired aloft with the velocity of a well oiled streak of lightning. I felt my self flying through the heavens above. The (use burned. I,was not on a “starring tour, - ’ but “what goo. up must come down.” I reached the h.ghest oos-üblo altitude, and, maki g a graceful curve prepared to de scend. I was about to bui-st. i felt the tii e of tho fuse as it burned down to the iron shell. I was descending as rapidly as I hud gone up. Why did 1 not burst? Bt.ll downward, downward, down ward I rushed, until I lek x should strike the ground without bursting—a terrible calamity. I felt the fuse burn into the hole in the iron shell and thought, “Hurrah 1 Now lam going to buret.” “No, 111 not burst.” “But I cannot help myself.” “I must burst.” Then a feeling of “I don’t care a whether I burst or not” came over me, and I did burst nit > smithereens, with an intense feeling of relief as I flew into tid-bits and tenderloins. When I was relieved from the effect of the gas I found that the first pull the dentist had made he pulled the whole crown of the tooth off. That was when the mortar was discharged. Then he cut around the roots, anti I felt tho sensation of soaring aloft. In the mean time the fuse burned. Finally the dentist affixed his instrument of torture, and with one mighty effort severed mv whole bead from the roots of the tooth. The shell burst. The' sensations were as real as though I had been a living bombshell, and yet were not unpleasant. There was a feeling of aban don about it all that was enjoy able. I ex perienced no ill effect, DRY GOODS. le-opened at the Old Stand! David Weisbein, 153 BROUGHTON ST., SAVANNAH, Announces to his many customers and the public at larjtre that he has re-opened businew at his former place, I%*>3 BROUGHTON STREET, so well and favorably known, and which has been patronized to such extent that it became known aa THE POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE. T'l7'E have in stock every quality of goods up to the VERY FINEST, and our prices will be found “ to be far lower than they have ever been, mid by ~ir lower than tlie sanio qualities can bn purchased anywhere, New York city not executed. wears aware that this is n fur reaching as sertion, but we mean exactly what we say. Call and test us. Wo or - wiling to risk our reputa tion that this is not aa advertising dodge. We stake our honor U|>on its truthfulness. Wc Insist That What We Say Are Indisputable Facts and Easily Proven. firn IUIFCQ f.flfltK STUPE Contains the best, choioe-it and largest assortiueut in the city, and Utn UIUjOJ UUUUO OlUttt our prices arc about one-third leas. OPR BI ACK DRESS SILKS Arethebest wearing Bilks in any market, and one-fourth cheaper. fil'D Oil t r VL’I VETO pi rOIIL O Plain and Fancy. Moire Katins in all shades, and all the Util l ihft 1 1. LI L IJ, I btoilbii, novelties of Trimmings in Jet aud Braid are the latest styles and at remarkably low prices. fIITR RI A NETT FIFPATTT\TK\T Is complete In every sense of the word. We have White Util ÜBdillYLl Blankets as low as 85c. a pair and up to $25. We especially recommend our $o Blanket; they are simply immense. fiPR CT ANNUA DEPARTMENT Contains every grade, style, quality and color, from the Util lLddilLL humble a grade to the finest Eiderdown, and we are sure our prices are very low. Af!R ENGLISH WAIKING Wra P s - Circulars, Jerseys, Children’s Cloaks are un Util L.IULIi’U UdldWifU ddllYLlo, questionably the best, most fashionable and elegant in the market, and the prices by far lower than elsewhere nn? Em GinVF nFPAHT\fF\T Is superb. Wr are oroud of it. Bee our varions grades at Util mil ULUib ULldll 1 illl. f I s(lc , ,3c., sl, etc. They are positively worth double Our 50c. 4-Buttou Kid cannot lie matched anywhere for le . than $1 We are fully prepared in every stvle of Gloves , or I.a lies. Gents and Children at the very lowest prices. Gentlemen dosi ing a good Dress or Driving Glove will find an immense variety and NOT fancy prices. fIER UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT For Lodic*. Children and Gents contains every variety Util tUijll" Ijdll Util dill .Ilia! I from the ordinary to the very host. Children’s Vo to as low as 15c. for a very fair quality. Gents' All Wo >1 Scarlet Undershirts and Drawers as low as 50c. We direct, also attention to our very superior line of Ilaif Hose and Stockings in Wool, Merino, Cotton, Silk ana Lisle Thread. CHE- T ART P PT fITFK Damasks, Linens or all kinds. Sheetings, Calico Comfortables, Mar ultdl IdDliLf LliulUo, seifies and other Quilts and Bed Spreads. In fact, every article necea sary for housekeeping we have In the lar test variety and at the lowest prices. We offer full width New York Mills Bleached Sheeting at ll4c. OUR DDMFkTIP DEPARTMENT I R beyond doubt unequaled. We offer the celebrated Lons ULII UUJILuHb dale Bleac le 1 Shirtmr, yard wile, genuine goo Is, by the piece at Bc. Also the well-known yard wide Fruit of the hmin at BVfce Splendid Canton Flannel us iow as sc. The very best Standard Calico at 6c.: sold elsewhere at 8c LADIES’ MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, in large variety at nearly half OUR BAZAR Will be opened on SATURDAY, the 29th October, and will contain the best and unapproachable bargains in Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Huttons, Toys, etc. We will inaugurate this open ing by a Special Sale of Towels. They are warranted to be pure linen and worth 25c. each, We will sell them on Sat urday, Oct. 29, and Monday, Oct. 31, at the uniform price of 10 cents. DAVID WEISBEIN. BOOTS AM) SHOES. The Post Office Location SETTLED AT LAST. TIIE OLD RELIABLE SHOE HOUSE OF JOS. ROSENHEIM & CO. at the same old place, 135 BROUGHTON STREET, where you will find the best line of GENTS* #3 OO NIIOEB ever brought to this market. This is not an empty Brag, Boast or Bluster, but an assertion we are prepared to stand by. An ex amination will convince the most skeptical. JOS. ROSENHEIM & CO., Shoes for Tender Feet. IN BUTTON, BALS AND CONGRESS. A full line of SHOES —Pointed Toes. Hi/h Heels Medium High Heels. Common Sense SliO“S —in A B C, I). E und EE last Shoes in every style t<> tit everybody, at A.. S. COHEN’S, 1391 BROUGHTON STREET. Vale Royal Manufacturing to. President. SAVANNAH, GA T -’LSV.£w LUMBER. CYPRESS, OAK, POPLAR, YELLOW PINE, ASH, WALNUT. bunds. MOULDINGS of all kinds and deaortpto i. CASINGS and TRI VIMINQrt for ah classes of dwelling), PJSVVS and I> W ENDS of our own design and manufacture, x RNKD aad SCR ILL, U vI-oSTICRS, ASH HANDLES for Cotton Hooks, CEILING, FLOORING, WAINSCOTTING, SHINGLifiS Warehouse and Up-Town Office' West Sroad and Broughton Sts. Factory and Mills; Adjoining oteainship Co.’s Whar/es RANGES, STOVES, HOUSEFURNTSHING GOODS, ETC. CLARKE & DANIELS Dealers in Portable Kanges. Cooking, Parlor. Office and Laundry Stoves, and a nice line of House Furnishing Go ds, Table Cutlery, I’l.i ed and Pearl Agate Ware, Coal Hods, Sitters, etc. Also, agent for the celebrated Charter Oak, which is guaranteed to do absolutely perfect cooking, pro ducing the food juicy, tender and thoroughly cooked, and a saving of 30 per cent, of the nutrimen and cost attained with more economy of fuel and less labor than any cooking apparatus made Their appliance for hea'iug water for pressure boilers is the simplest and most effective yet devised. Our Ranges and Stoves are selected for their conve nience, easy operation and durability. They are sold as cheap as any of the same quality, weight and finish can be sold. Our desire to plea-e, combined with long practical expe rience at the business, enables us to warrant the successful operation of every one sold by us, or we will refund the money willingly Cali and examine or send for circular. CLAHICE &, DANIELS, GUARDS ARMORY, Corner Whitaker and York Streets., Savannah, O-eorsrta. MILUNEKY. BARGAINS FOR EVERYONE! PLATSHEK’S, 138 Broughton Street. Read thoroughly the great and grand consolidation of bargains carefully selected from our numerous depart ments. Don't wait for your neighbor, but try and be first to get the choice. KID GLOVES! One lot Ladles’ Kid Glove*, lotted together from Gloves that were 7.>c\, $1 and $1 at 50c. per pair; this week only One lot Ladies' 1 Button Embroidered Back Kid Gloves, all •shades and sizes, extravagant quality, at Ode. per pair; worth fu ly s|. One lot Lndio.v .*> Button Embroidered Back Kid Gloves, all shades and sizes, at 75c. per pair; knows no eo* al under $1 £*> elsewhere. Splendid 11 e of other brands Lad efi', Gents’ ami Misses' ivid (doves at headquarters' prices; money saved on every pair Gloves you buy. drives in Handkerchiefs i One lot Children’s I*arge Size Hemmed Handkerchiefs, fast color border, at Bc. each: this week only. One lot Lulies' Large Size White H. S. Linen Handkerclih**s at fu*. eich; this week only. One lot Lad es’ Full Size Neat Colored Horn stitched Linen ilankerchiefs at He. each; this week only. One lot Indies’ Full Size Mourning Border H. S. Linen handkerchiefs at 9c. each; this week only. CLOAKS AT LOWEST PRICES! ICE. ICE ! Now is the time when every body wants ICE, and we want to sell It. PRICES REASONABLE! 70 Tickets, {rood tor 100 Pounds. 75c 140 Tickets good for 700 Pounds, $5. 200 Tickets, good for 1,000 Pounds. $7 50 Pounds at one delivery 30c, Lower prices to large buyers I C E Parked for shipment at reduced rates. Careful and polite service. Full and liberal weight. KNICKERBOCKER ICE CO. COTTON SEItD WANTED. ✓* , - w .. 18 CENTS I’er bushel (#32 per ton) pal l tor good COTTON SEED Delivered in Carload Lots at Southern Cotton Oil Cos. Hilt —AT— SAVANNAH, GA., ATLANTA, GA., COLUMBUS, GA. Price subject to change unless notlfled of ao ceptance for certain quantity to be ahipjied by a future date. Address nearest mil’ as above. WOOD. A. S. BACON, Planing Mill, Lumber and Wood Yard, Lilrerty ami East, Broa I sta., Savan uah, Ua. ALL Planing Mill work correctly sud promjst ly done. Orxxl stock Drueead and Rough Lumber. EIRE WOOD, Oak, Pule, Light wood and Lumber Kindlings. FRUIT AM) GROCERIES. NEW RAISINS^ PATRAS CURRANTS IN BARRELS, Vostizza Currants in Cases CITRON IN 50-POUND TIN BOXES, THB FINEST INPORTED. N’EW NTJTS AND FIGS. An Fruit Cake is better with aome age, would it not lie well io buy the Fruit at onoe?. A. Ml. & C. W. WEST. KKKI). HAY, QRAIN AND ALL KINDS OF FEED ron— STOCK AND CATTLE. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Private Family Trade —ALSO— FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND PRODUCE, ion BAY STREET, W. D. SIMKINS & CO. 75 BARRELS APPLES. OS BARRETS EATING AND COOKING -•* PEARS, Barr.-l* HEBRON POTATOES Sacks KIO and JAVA COFFEE, LIQUORS and WINES of all kl,ml.i, SUGAR, CANNED MEATS, Cboion ELGUR CANNED GOODS, NUTS and RAISINS, New TURKISH PRUNES. New CITRON. BUTTER. CUKE .R, i.ARD, SUGARS, SOAP, STARCH, CRACKERS, BROOMS, PAILS, CRANBERRIES, GRAPES, etc. Fur bale at lowest prices. A. H. CHAMPION. HEM GREASE. To Mi 11 Me n TURNER’S TRACTION BELT TREASE -AND- Belting Preservative Bofterw Leather ai.d Make* Rubber Belting More Durable. This Grease effectually prevents slipping, ren ders the belra adhesive, heavy and pliable and will add oik* third to ie jtowerof the belt. Its use ennui* Uie belt to oe run loose and have same i>ower. —roß 3AUC BT— PALM Eli BROTHERS, SAVANNAH. R<*omnientlf>d l>y UAJJC, DIXON oe CO., J. W. TYNAN and many others. CORNICE'S. CHAS. A. COX, BARNARD ST.. SAVANNAH?GA., —MANUFACTURE* OF— GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES AND- - TIN ROOFING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Tne only house using machinery in doing work. Fail mates for city or country work promptly furnished. Agent for the celebrated Swedish Metallic. Paint. Agent for Walter’s Patent Tin Shingles. MACHINERY. J. W. TYNANj ENGINEER and MACHINIST, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Corner West Broad and Indian Streeta ,4 I I, KINDS OF MACHINERY, BOILERS, i\ Etc., made and repaired. STEAM PU MPS. GOVERNORS, INJECTORS AND STEAM WATER FITTINGS of all kinds for sale. BRICK. Wm. P. Bailey & Cos., BRICK MANUFACTURERS, KEEF CONSTANTLY ON HAND, In large quantities at their yard on the SPRING HELD PLANTATION, and will deliver the same in any port of the city upon the shortest notice. The beet Well Brick, Pressed Brick, Hard Brown Brick, Gray Brick, Soft Brown Brick. Orric*—Corner Bull and Broughton, at SI MON GAZAN'S CIGAR STORK, where all or dura will receive prompt attention. 5