The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 11, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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4 Ch c or n i ngH flus Morning News Building, Savar>naH, Ga. FRIDAY* NOVEMBER 11, 1887. Fegitiered at the Pott Office in Savannah. The Morning News is published every day in rbe year, and ia served to subscribers in the citij , by newsdealers and earners, on their own a count, at 25 cents a week, $1 00 a month. 00 for six months and $lO 00 for one year The Morning News, by mail . one month. 91 00; three months, $2 50; six months, $o iX); one year. $lO 00. The Morning News, by mail, six tfme* a week (without Sunday issue), three months, $v 00; six months. $4 00 on* 1 year. $5 00. The Morning News. Tri-Weekly, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, or Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays, three months, $1 six months. $2 50: one year. s"> 00. The Sunday News, by mail , one year. 9‘- oo The Weekly News, by mail , one year. 91 2.> Subscriptions payable in advance Remit by postal order, check or registered letter. Lur rency sent by mail at risk of senders This paper is kept on file and advertising rates may be ascertained at the office of the Ameri can Newspaper Publishers* Association, 104 Temple Court, New York (Tty. Letters and telegrams should be addressed * Morning News, Savannah, Ga. Advertising rates made known on application. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Meetings— Palest ine Commanderjr No. 7, K. T. J Special Notices —Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Cos.: As to Crews of Strain Tugs Maud and W. C. Turner: Bananas. J. S. Col lins & Cos ; To Whom It May Concern. C. Kulffs, Master British Steamship Naples: State and County Taxes. 1887. Railroad Schedule—East Tennessee, Vir and Georgia Railway. Official —City Ordinances. Gabler Pianos- Schreiner s Music House. Steamship Schedule —< >cean Steamship Cos. New Raisins—A. M &C. W. West. Cheap Column Advertisements—Helu Want ed : For Rent; For Sale; Board; Cost; Miscellane ous. Auction Sales —Lot and Improvements on Henry Street. House and Lot Near S., F. and W. Railway, by C. H. Dorsett. Amusements—Grand Wrestling Match at the Theatre. First Arrival—Strauss Bros. The execution of the four condemned Anarchists who are to die on the gallows to day will take place about noon. The Morn ing News will publish early this afternoon an extra edition, giving an account of the hanging, scenes at the gallows and a full history of the crime for which the Anarch ists were punished. The account will be accompanied by the pictures of all seven of those who were convicted of the Haymar ket crime. All the world is watching Chicago to-day. It is to be hoped the law will be calmly and firmly vindicated, that the lesson taught may be as impressive as possible. A Castile, N. Y., woman picked a cab bage in her garden the other day, and when she cut it open found in the very centre of the head, which was sound, a bird’s egg. Riddleberger has a year and a half more in which to make himself contemptible. Mahone has already disappeared. He was buried under Democratic ballots Tuesday. Virginia ought to be happy. Mr. DeLanoey Nicoll voted the straight Democratic ticket, though his own name appeared on that of the Republicans. He has heretofore won reputation by unselfish devotion to the interests of New York, and didn’t want to mar his record. Mr. Searle, of Great Barrington, Mass., certainly captured a matrimonial prize when he wedded Mrs. Mark Hopkins, widow of the Central Pacific millionaire. She has five dozen years charged to her, but that is much more than balanced by a credit of #15,000,000. Is it possible that to be named Grant is a disadvantage to a candidate in New York! The New York Tribune, in accounting for the defeat of its party, says it was caused in part by Republican discontent with the head of the ticket. The head of the ticket was Col. Fred Grant. •‘Manly,” “sensible,” “wise” are words used by the New York Sun in characteriz ing a recent letter of Mr. Cleveland's. It may be that jmper intends to gradually get back in line with the Democratic party. It must have found it lonesome standing off all by itself for three long years. Now that the elections are over the pub lic press will find time to devote to the in struction of Congressmen as to how they ahull vote on the tariff and other important subjects. To t-t from turmoil and ex citement to th prosaic, not to say dull, em ployment of everyday life, is sometimes a pleasant change. Ex-Alderman Shiels, of New s#ork, one of the indicted boodlers, is reported to have said that District Attorney Fellows is not a man to forget his friends. If Shiels is among the number Col. Fellows will prob ably Drove the truth of his remark bv call ing him up for trial as soon as may be, and sending him to join his comrades in Sing Bing. Mr. Blaine must be losing some of the caution taught him by painful experience. On the very day his party inet with a Waterloo defeat in New York he is reported to have announced to a Mnssachasetts ex- Congressmaii that he would be renominated by the Republicans, and intended to re-enter public life. He should have waited for the election returns. The Woodrow case is not yet settled. The South Carolina Synod has just voted ad versely to the Doctor on one point, and the synods of Georgia, Alabama and Florida will also have to pass upou it. The evolu tion of this case and the time consumed would of themselves remind those concerned of the evolution theories of Darwin, tne teaching of which got the Doctor into trouble. Gov. Rusk, of Wisconsin, says he will call nut the militia to suppress the dens of in famy in the northern part of that State, if necessary. The horrible condition of affairs tie*Titled in recent newspaper articles is laid to have existed for many years, and the question naturally arises? What have the courts been doing all that time? Traffic in “white slaves” must have been notorious, if conducted upon the scale alleged. Henry George has been expressing the utmost confidence that he would receive 800,000 votes, but on the night of the elec tion, in a public speech, he said he was thankful from the bottom of his heart for 85,000. Politicians can afford to tell some thing like the truth when the time when lies would tie useful has passed. It looks as if Mr. George's day as a disturbing element in Naw York politics were about over. Several Things Settled. The election on Tuesday settled the public mind with regard to several things, the most important of which is that Mr. Cleveland will be re-nominated and re-elected. The Re publicans made an extraordinary effort to carry New York, for the reason, chiefly, that they thought a Republican victory in that State tliis year would convince the country of their ability to carry it next year, and enable them to elect their candidate for President. Throughout the canvass they kept prominent the idea that the national administration was on trial, anil that a Democratic defeat would show dissatisfac tion with Mr. Cleveland and prevent his renomination. They regard him as the strongest man that the Democratic party can nominate. With a Republican victory in New York this year, and Mr. Cleveland out of the way, they would regard the suc cess of the Republican party in the national contest as almost certain. To assist them in carrying New York they depended upon a large vote, chiefly drawn from the Democratic party, for Henry George, a falling off in the Prohibition vote and the supposed popularity of Col. Fred Grant, who led their State ticket. They were disappointed in all these calculations. Henry George's vote in New York city was only a little more than half what it was last spring when he was a candidate for Mayor against Mr. Hewitt, showing that the bottom has dropped out of the George movement. When he ran for Mayor the enthusiasm in his behalf was something re markable during the entire municipal can vass. In the contest just closed be ap peared to be lost sight of. When he appeared at the polls to vote nobody paid any attention to him. The vote which he received throughout the State was so small that the probabilities are that his party will not play any considerable part in the Presi dential contest. The Prohibitionists not only maintained their strength, but actually increased it. The increase in their voti g power indicates a decrease in that of the Republican party, because the Prohibition party is largely re cruited from the ranks of the Republicans. The nomination by the Republicans of Col. Grant did not prove to be a wise one. His party friends knew that he possessed no elements of strength so far as he was per sonally concerned, but they hoped that the fact that he is the son of Gen. Grant would be worth many thousands of votes to the Republican party. Never were party lead ers so greatly disappointed. New York will, beyond a doubt, give Mr. Cleveland a very handsome majority next year. The New Map of the City. The City Surveyor, Mr. Howard, is now at work preparing the new map of the city, ui der the direction of the Committee on Streets and Lanes Avery competent en gineer, who is also a first-class draughtsman, has been engaged to do the work under the personal supervision of the City Surveyor, and it is expected that the map will be ready for distribution within a month or six weeks. The promptness with which the committee has acted in this matter is to be commended, as the map cannot be completed a day too soon. Since the last map was made there have been tranv changes in the plats of the city. The entire burnt district has been laid out upon new lines, the immense area west of the canal has been occu pied for business purposes, and in the southern and eastern limits large tracts have been laid out and partly built up. The new map will establish the lines of the streets in the lately platted sec tions, not only those established by the citv, but also those which have been dedicated from time to time by persons who have opened streets through their own lands and sold lots in accordance with them. A clearly defined plat of the southern addi tion will also aid the city materially in se curing the right of way to streets by familiarizing the people with the general plan for the city’s development. As soon as the map is finished, if not sooner, would it not lie advisable for the committee in charge of the new addition to settle the question about street-ways? The Chicago Tragedy. * One of the condemned Chicago Anarchists committed suicide yesterday, the sentences of two of them have been commuted to imprisonment for life, and four are to die on the gallows to-day. Gov. Oglesby has not been influenced in the least, as far as the public knows, by the numerous ap[>eals which have been made to him to pardon the convicts, or at least to commute their sentences to imprisonment. It is ap parent that in commuting the sentences of Fieltlen and Schwab lie was influenced wholly by statements made to him by Judge Gary, who presided at the trial of the An archists, and the State's Attorney. Mr. Grin ned. The Judge made a statement showing that there were circumstances which would justify a commutation of Fielden’s sentence and the State's Attorney mpde a statement in Ixdialf of Schwab. While the weight of public sentiment was in favor of carrying out the sentences of the court with respect to all of the convicts, there are few, if any, who will find fault with the Governor lor showing mercy to those of the seven, in behalf of whom the Judge and prosecuting officer in terposed a special plea. The country will not lie sorry when the tragedy is completed. Doubtless everybody would be glad if there were no occasion for it, but the occasion having arisen, the gen eral belief is that the public welfare re quires it. George Francis Train has not gone to Canada yet. He stopped over in Chicago Tuesday long enough to warn his friends to leave the city, as Anarchists from all parts of the country were quietly gathering, and would wreak vengeance of the most awful kind if their comrades were executed. The threat which so promptly put George Francis to flight a few weeks ago—that ho would be put in an insane asylum—ought to be repeated. He is evidently conscious of his weak point, and it should be used to keep him out of mischief. The success of the Republican candidate in tho Second Rhode Island district gives his party a majority of the delegations of twenty States in Congress—just enough to elect a President.should the Electoral College be unable to do so. Many Democrats will think it fortunate that the chances for a deadlock, attended by intense excitement and perhaps corrupt political trading, is thus destroyed. The success of the Demo cratic candidate would have left Congress unable to elect. There are some indications that a break will soon come in the steel rail market, as sales have recently been made close to #:kl a ton at the mill. It is time for the trust to begiu to restrict production. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1887. Girl Politicians. Three girls were candidates for the office of School Commissioner in diffei-ent parts of the State of New York last Tuesday. Miss Ida M. Griffin was the Republican candi date at Oswego. Miss Nellie M. Cook the Democratic candidate at Wolcott, and Miss Ellen A. Clark the Prohibition candidate at Macedon. Miss Giifthis district was strong ly Republican, and she received the full sup port of her party and was elected. The dis trict in which Miss Cook ran is also Repub lican by about 1,500 majority. Being u Democrat the chances for success were against her from the very beginning of her canvass. Being young—only 21 years of age—and handsome, and hav ing plenty of money she entered the campaign with a show of pluck and energy which seemed to promise victory. She rode from one village to another in a carriage drawn by four spirited horses, and, in the public halls, made speeches which, it is said, possessed a great deal of merit. She was everywhere treated with the greatest cour tesy and won the praise of every one for her courage and modesty. On the day of election many of her young lady friends went to the polls and solicited votes for her. In her own village she had a fine lunch pre pared for all who supported her. Hundreds of Republicans who had never voted anything but the straight Republican ticket scratched their tickets, and placed here name upon them. She was beaten by only a few votes. In view of the fact that her party was largely in the minority, her canvass was a remarkable one. If she devotes her life to polities she will certainly make a very successful politician. Miss Clark did not display the popular qualities which enabled Miss Cook to come so close to victory. She was not good at speech making, and lacked the courage to ask for votes. She was, therefore, ba lly beaten. Miss Griffin it is said, ha--, the honor of being the first woman ever elected School Commissioner in the Empire State. The entrance of those three girls into the field of politics may- be only the be: inning of a movement on the-part of women in New York and, perhaps, in other States to secure possession of the minor offices. They are filling very acceptably many- positions to-day in which they were totally unknown a few years ago. It would not be strange, therefore, if, in a few years, the names of women should appear frequently upon po litical tickets. Liability of Sleeping Car Companies. Porters of sleeping cars are the sub jects of innumerable jokes, and now and then they are the subjects of complaints. It is quite certain that some of them become the terror of the traveling public, not only because of their demands in the way of fees, but be cause they seem to think that they own the cars in which they are employed, an 1 act as if they were conferring a favor upon every body for whom they render a service, how ever slight it may be. It is related that an. Englishman who bail heard a great deal of train robbers remarked, on his arrival at New York from San Francisco, that he was surprised at finding that all the train rob ebrs along the route, of which he had heard so much, were black. He had, in his inno cence. taken the sleeping car porters for train robbers. Doubtless the porters and conductors of sleeping cars have some excuse for some times acting in a way that is not altogether pleasant to those with whom they come in contact while discharging their duties. There are a good many contentious, cranky and altogether disagreeable people among travelers, and they not infrequently make life a burden to those who have charge of sleeping cars. A rather interesting case has just been decided by a court at Vicksburg, Miss., which involved, to some extent, the rights of occupants of sleepers. Two travelers asked to have their berths ma le up before the usual hour at which the porter was ac customed to perform that duty Their re quest was refused, and a dispute arose be tween the travelers and the conductor and porter. It seems that the travelers were grossly insulted by the two employes. The outcome of the trouble was that the berths of the two travelers were not made up at all. and they were compelled to sit up all night, although holding sleeping berth tickets. They brought suit against the Pullman company and received a verdict for $750. It does not appear from the report of the case whether they received damages for the injury done their feelings by the insult, or because their berths were not made up in ac cordance with their request, or because the berths were not mado up at all. Quiet ami uncomplaining travelers doubtless hope that this case will not put it into the heads of persons of a speculative turn of mind to get into disputes with sleeping car porters and conductors with the hope of getting damages from sleeping car companies. A New York Presbyterian minister who is attracting a great deal of attention is the Rev. Richard D. Harlan, son of Mr. Justice Harlan, of the United States Supreme Court. It is not quite three years since be gradu ated at the theological seminary at Prince ton, N. J. He preached his first sermon after graduation in Washington, D. C., ami it excited a great deal of favorable com ment. A New York correspondent, speak ing of him, says that lie is very tall and slender, ami has a smooth face. His voice is rich and strong and his manner is verv captivating. He occUoies the pulpit of the church that is believed to lie the wealthiest in New York. It is the church that such families as the Astons ami Lenoxes have attended for two or three generations. It is nip and tuck for wealth between Trinity church, the Rev. Dr. Pax ton’s, and this church of young Harlan’s. Its contribution to benevolent objects was for years away ahead of any given by any Presbyterian church in the land. Of late the collections taken in Dr. Paxton’s, Dr. Hall's and Bt. Bartholomew’s, where the Vanderbilts go, have been nearly on a pur with Harlan’s. But Harlan’s is a remarka bly rich congregation. Strangers have fallen into the habit of visiting Mr. Har lan's church, because of the stories told of his success as a preacher. When they first look upon his boyish face they are some what surprised to find that he is so young a man. Before the sermon is well begun, how ever, they forget his youthful looks and only know that they are listening to one of the brainiest of men, with one of the richest voices they ever hoard. It matters not that the preadier hasn't been old enough to vote long. The sermon inspires and elevates, and the voice and manner charm. Mr. Har lan is a born orator. His success is a matter of some little interest in this city, for the reason that a suggestion was made, before he accepted the New York appoint ment, that he be considered in connection with a Savannah pulpit. QURRENT COMMENT. We Would All be Grateful. from the Baltimore American (Rep). If some muscular Englishman will be kind enough to give Sullivan a good, sound thrashing he will earn the undying gratitude of the Ameri can people. The Fatal Mugwumps. From the Sew York Tribune (Rep.) The little combine formed by Br'er Ananias, Br er Bilk and Br er Flip-Flop against Br er Judas has lieen successful The Republicans might have pulled him out, but when the Mug wumps turned in to help, the case was lost. Their help is always fatal. Meets Defeat Cheerfully. From the Philadelphia Press (Rep.) Scooped—that st he plain word for it, fellow Republicans, and there's no use denying it. Yet we don't hear any crying over spilt milk. We have met the enemy and we are theirs. We hasten to congratulate our friends, the enemy, upon being in such excellent company. To our friends, the enemy: We'll see you later. Meanwhile we admit that we are yours truly. Afraid of the Old Maids. From the Chicago Tribune (Rep.) • The editor of a reputable Southern paper says he has seen Gov. Gordon kiss 500 women in one day. If the Democrats of Massachusetts had possessed any gumption they would liave tn vited the Governor to canvass their State dur ing the campaign now closing.* •On second thought it must lie confessed that he would haveshudderingly declined the invita tion. BRIGHT BIT3. As yet old Colorow can say, “No pent, up Ute taker contracts my powers.”— Pittsburg Chronicle. Why can't the duelists of to-day be fair and square about it and designate as weapons "Chins, at two miles:I’*—Sashville 1 ’* — Sashville American. A clergyman who preached in a prison not many Sundays ago began his discourse with; “My friends, 1 am glad to see so many of you here this morning.''—Cedar Rapids Gossip. Magistrate—Were you ever arrested before? Prisoner—Once lfore. your honor. Magistrate— What was the charge? Prisoner—fen dollars and costs.—Philadel phia Sews. Ox the Train —Old lady- Conductor, I hope there ain't going to be a collision. Conductor—l guess not. Old lady—l want you to be very keerful. I’ve rot two dozen eggs in this basket.— Texad Si/t --ings. “John, John, there's a burglar in the house! I hear him at the cupboard!” ' Where you put that pie?” "Yes. O. John, where are you going?” “I'm going down to rescue him.”— Washing ton Critic. “And so you didn't get elected after all?” “No.” “You should have put yourself in the hands of your friends.” "Sc I did. But Sharpley did better He put his money in the hands of his.”— Boston Tran script. Mother—Has Mr. Goslow offered himself yet? Harriet—No; not yet: but I think he will soon. Last night he said he was looking around for a wife, and asked me very particu larly if 1 thought I could earn enough to venture to marry on.—Life. Hunter—Can you tell me what is the funniest pait of a dog' Farmer—His tail, I guss It's such a wag. “No; the funniest part of a dog is his lungs.” "How do you make that out?” “THey are the sea; of his pants, don't you see "- Texas Biftings. Teacher—Bobby, what do you know about the ocean? Bobby (loudly)-Big ships sail on it. Teacher—And what do they do on the big ships when the sea runs high in stormy weather? Bobby—Drink brandy and lemon juice.— Town Topics. "Papa, raise the blind, won’t you?" languidly requested Maud, as the growing gloom set tled over the 97th page of “Armaud, the Terri ble.” " Papa was snoring mildly, but he managed to grunt: "On a queeu high? D'ye take me for a chump?" and the tired spirit was again wafted into glorious dreamland —Binghamton Repub lican. "So you call this 'ere tavern ‘a modern hotel with every convenience, do you?" said Farmer Furrow to t lie clerk of an uptown hotel. “We Hatter our selves that this house is emi nently w orthy of that title," suavely replied the clerk, with Chesterfleldian courtesy. “Well, by gosh!" yelled the granger, as he pounded the counter with his horny fist; “why’n : bunder don’t you have doughnuts and cider on the table once u while, anyhow ?’’ — Hotel Mail. Judge—Of course you have an excuse ready? Prisoner—l have, your honor. I was full, but it was for medical purposes. Whisky is good for snake bites. Judge -Were you bitten by a snake? Prisoner—-No, but, your honor, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Judge—l sis-, 1 see. But you should have con fined yourself to the ounce. 1 fine yon $lO for prescribing medicine without a diploma.— Omaha Herald. Look Out for Him Next Year.—Farmer Du seuhury—Yes, 'J.iza Jane, the Perkinses kinder k: oeked us oout on summer boarders this year with that miu'ral spring they fixed up with rock salt an’ alum, but we're a-goin’ ter git the eraowd next year, an" don't you fergit it. 'Liza Jane—Haow ’re ye goiu' ter manage it, ’Lijah? Farmer Dusenbury—l'm goin ter have a b’lin’ spring soul in the caow pastur, a haunted room up in the attic and Washington's headquarters right here. When "Lijah Dusenbury humps hisself, b'gosb, ’taint safe ter buck agm’ him.— Tid-Bits. PERSONAL. It is said that Dean Stanley once offered his hand to Jenny Lind in marriage. Lord Cairns will be married to Miss Olive Berens the first part of December. Boss Shepherd is one of the most frequent atnl daring flyers in the Washington annex to Wall street. Frances Hodgson Burnett and her two boys have left England for Italy, where they will pass the winter. . J. Randolph Tucker's connection with the case of the Chicago Anarchists is said to have hint him a good deal in Virginia. Scarcely a day goes by that Collector Ma gone. of New York, does not receive some con tribution to the "conscience fund.” Ex-Senator J. J. Patterson, of South Caro lina, now an eminent citizen of Bloomfield, 111., was recently married to a young lady of that place. The recently discovered petty cash book kept by Charles Dickens during his term of service with Mr. Black more shows that his salary of 18s. fid. a w eek was raised Aug. 1, 18s!8, to 15s. a week. Mu Chamberlain is one of the most foppishly dre-Ni and men in England. His clothes are al ways new and lierfectl.v fitting. An orchid adorns his butt nnole, and his gloves are always light iu hue. French papers say that M. Wilson will not get one cent of Papa-in-law Gravy's fortune be cause of tiie recent disclosures. The bulk of the fortune will now lie bequeathed to his little grandchild. Marguerite. The Duke of Richmond objects to parting with the annual income of $85,000 which he re ceives as inheritor of the pension bestowed upon his infamous ancestress, the Duchess of Portsmouth, by Charles 11. Charles Dickens was presented to a man in Boston a few days ago who ' ipened the conversa tion by the graceful remark that the son of the famous novelist is not the man his father was. The conversation ended just there. Three of the forty "Immortals” have lately died iu Paris in rapid succession—Caro, Viel- Castel, and Cuvillier Fleury. Lesgeps is now, at Ml, the oldest academician, while the historian. Nisard, who was elected in 1850, is the oldest member. Hon. Benjamin Harris Brewster sold his great law library to the University of Pennsyl vania because it was too large for private use, and he wanted to have It where it would do the most g,od. He did not dispose of it for financial reasons, or because of any Intention of retiring from the practice of bis profession. It is said that the late Dinah Mulock-Craik did not dread death: nor, perhaps, was it wholly unexpected to herself: but when it came her strong desire to witness the apuroac ing mar riage of her adopted, daughter caused lier to murmur, “Oh, it I could live four weeks longer! But," she added, "no matter—no matter.” W. E. Crist, of Washington, is now consid ered Hie fastest amateur bicyclist iu the coun try. He is not yet SI years of age, and has a great future before him on "the wheel." During the past season he has ridden in fifty races, win ning thirty-eight first priezs, eight second prizes, dropping out of three handicap races, and having one serious fail. Why She Tarried. From the Philadelphia Sew*. At a leading summer hotel during the past season Mrs. D. was among the last guests to leave, taking her departure only when, with Sept. 1, the closing ot the hotels became immi nent. "Why Is this tbusly? 11 asked a friend. “I thought you were going to Bar Harbor for Au gust ?" "Yes." said Mrs. D., ’‘we did talk about it, but, in the first place we were perfectly com fortable where we were, and, in the second. I noticed that everybody who left was duly picked to pieces by those who remained, so, like the dove in the fame, I staid to protect my repu tation.'' 1 An English Girl’s Blunder. Fi om the Button Courier. The blunders of foreign visitors always strike one as far more droll than they really are. It tickles the vanity to find intellectual people making mistakes about matters that to those to the manner born appear perfectly simple, since to know so well what causes an -tber to stumble seems to argue a mcst lofty intellect. And yet the errors into which strangers fall are usually logical enough For instance, it was by no means strange that in a land where butternuts abound an English girl should make the mistake which so mightily tickled Boston ians last winter. "At what season, 11 she asked innocently, "are doughnuts ripe? 11 And heartless Americans not only repeated the question to each other with the greatest gl*e, but laughed at her therefor openly and un disguisedly. Art Criticism. From the San Francisco Chronicle. Washington Irving Bishop told the other night a story about Dr. John Brown, who wrote "Rab and his friends," one of the most delightful of books. Sir Daniel MacXee, the celebrated pain ter, had just finished a picture of Mrs. Brown, the doctor’s wife. They were both old people then. The picture hud been sent home, and the doctor and his friends went in to look at it. It was hanging on the wall, and the old man had l*en gazing at it for some time in silence. His nephew, a young man just back from college, stood by him. "A fine picture: but don't you think, uncle, it rath *r flatters the old lady* 1 * be said rather flip pantly. The doctor, without taking his eyes from the Sieture put out his hand ancl drew the boy to im. "My boy," he said, "it Is the truth beautifully told. 11 Snifty McGarcrie's Head Shaved. From the Sew York Sun. "Say. Sergeant, I want that Eyetallan stuff of a barlier in North Sixth street arrested.’ 1 said a youth well known to the Wilhamshurgh police as Snifty McGarglq of the Dump, as he brought up on a rush at the desk of the Bedford avenue police station. "What do you want him arrested for? 11 in quired Sergeant Reardon. "What for? for dis; 11 and. pulling hi? hat from his head, he showed a bare poll from which the hair had been cut and the scalp shaved. The barber had left a slight fringe of hair about his cal's. While the Sergeant shook with laughter Snifty told the following story: "I'd been h'istingiu a little an 1 went to der stuff ter get fixed. I fell asleep in der chair, and when he shook me an 1 got sight of myself the blooming stuff said: ‘Justa you wunta him, eh? and then he said I had told him I wanted him to cut my hair that way. Then 1 remembered that I had a dream while he was working on ine and got thinking of Father McGlynn, cause I was going to his lec ture, and the Fyeialian said. ‘Justa hka him, 1 and then he fixed me. Father MeGlynn ain't bald headed, but the Evetalian said that was the way all padres had their hair. 11 When Mr. Cleveland was Mayor. From the Chicago Neu siDem.) A Chicago man who makes it his business to follow up the races recalls a little incident that came under his observation during one of the trotting meetings at Buffalo, at the time when President Cleveland was Mayor of that city. Pat Sheedy, the Chicago sport, was in Buffalo at the time and, being a man of exceeding good address, managed to scrape up an acquaintance with Mayor Cleveland for a purpose which will presently appear. The Mayor was consider ably pleased with "Mr. Sheedy 11 who, of course, was on his best behavior, and tlie acquaintance rii ened as rapidly as if it had been set under a glass case out in the sun. Mr. Sheedy sat around the Mayor's office the better part of two days, handed out choice cigars, tided to order up the best of wines and, in short, strove to make himself as agreeable os possible. Wheu he thought he had ingratiat*3d himself into the Mayor's good graces far enough, he drew his chair close to that of the Executive, laid his hand familiarly on the Mayor's arm. ami said: "Mr. Cleveland, will you do me a little favor? 11 *‘l shall l>e glad to do anything I can," replied the Mayor. "Well, it's this way,’ 1 said Pat. encouraged; "you see. I came here to run a faro hank during the races, but the gamblers who live here don't like it. and are going to try to have me run out of the town. Now what I want is for you to see that I’m protected. Will you do it * The acquaintance was cut off very short. In the Shadow of Spears. From the Inter-Ocean. “Why, this is my friend,” I said, “of whom I am fond and proud; This is my friend, whose good name, you say, rests under a cloud. "Well,” and I stood up straight, and I looked him right in the eye; “Whatever you say of my friend, I know that it is a lie!” Back he shrank, like a whipped cur, green eyes glaring venomous hate; But 1 laughed at his anger, and scorned his threats; they had not a feather’s weight. Oh. he who talks of another, be sure he's the one that's wrong; The wicked are always envying the beautiful, good, and strong. Are always reaching out greedy hands and try ing to drag them down. Who by integrity, truth, and right, have won fair honor's crown. He who was talked of thus knew not even my name; I had never spoke to him. nor touched his hand, but I loved him all the same. For I knew of the good deeds he had done, the good words he had said; Knew him a brave, true, noble man, tender hearted, wise of head. No need to meet God's great hearts to under stand what they are; That soul could no more fall from its place than could heaven's highest star. Brave benefiter of mankind I my friend, nay, my brother was lie; Aud I'd tight f.,r him against all the world, as he fights for humanity. Shs Slid Down the Pole. Prom tMSt. Louis Sunday Sayings. Nearly every resident of St. Louis has enjoyed the sight of seeing the tire department horses, at the stroke of the alarm, run out from their stalls and take their respective places at the different vehic es to which they belong. This is a sight worth witnessing, and one which never wears out. People may see it again and again, and yet are always i-eady to rush to see it again. Last Tuesday night when the alarm struck at 9 o'clock a large crowd gathered around the engine house of the “Thirtcens,” on Eleventh street, near Wash. Among them was a lady named Mrs. Pipe, who lives on Thirteenth street and Olive. She was delighted with the scene, and went into ecstncies when she beheld the firemen slide down the steel poles like a flash of lightning and take their places. So enthusi astic was she that she expressed an earnest and loud desire to do the act herself. Her friends who accompanied her seemed shocked at the peculiar desire of the lady, and argued the pro priety of the act. "The idea of you, a lady, attempting such a thing; it's nonseusifHl," said one. “1 don't care,” cried Mrs. Pipe, “I can do it and I will.” Nobody was more amused at the remark than the firemen themselves. One or two of them suggested thut the lady be given a chance to display her agility. This encouraged Mrs. Pipe, who is rather a stout, well-formed woman of 30, and she at once declared herself ready. The lady was led up-stairs, and grasping the pole, waited for the gong to strike. “All ready.” cried one of the firemen, seizing a hammer to strike the alarm-“one, two, three!” Ding, ding, went the bell, and down came Mrs. Pipe, her skirts flying iu the breeze, It cannot Ite said tliftt the act was well or gracefully executed, for Mrs. Pipe came with a thud upon the bard floor lieneath. Her face v.'.vs flushed. She smiled as she arose from a sitting position upon the floor. “I told you 1 could do it,” she said, triumph antly, but as she walked toward her friends she limped considerably, A few moments later she discovered that she was scarcely able to walk, and had to be assisted home. At last accounts she was still quite lame, and when her friends ask her the cause of the sud den lameness she meekly replies, “Kheuwa tism.” ITEMS OF INTEREST. A Michigan train ran over a fox and killed it the other day. New York has erected this year 860 000.000 worth of new buildings. Leadville, Col., hasn't funds enough to keep its public schools open, but supports 1,100 sa loons. It lakes 14,800,000 gallons of oil a year to keep the lull wavs of Great Britain going, and the cost is nearly $2, 000,000. There is a restaurant in liondon where only those eat who are afflicted with corpulency, the food being entirely anti-fat. There are now 23,000 less Irish soldiers in the British army than there were twenty years ago. Englishmen have taken their places. The Bolivar (Tenn.) Bulletin will be given free one year to the man or woman who will explain the causes and effects of female beauty. The Dominion of Canada is in debt to the ex tent of $228,500,000, fully $39 per head of popu lation. The Dominion debt has increased $3,407,699 since June 1. Rena Brown, a girl of Akron, 0., ran a long splinter under her finger nail. She pulled it out herself, and then went into a spasm aud lay ap parently dead fur four hours. Twenty five years ago Gallatin county, Ten netisee, issued $300,000 in bonds. More than $1,090,000 in interest has since been paid on them, but the bonds themselves have never been redeemed. An unenviable experience has been had by a New Bedford whaler, just heard from in the Arctic regions, where she has been "frozen in" for eleven months, with the thermometer part of the time down to 56° below zero. The body of a Swiss tourist, who perished four years ago when ascending one of the peaks in Canton Valais, has just been found in perfect preservation, it was completely incased in ice, which had thus arrested natural decay. The sales of Denver, Col., real estate for the first ten months of 1886 amounted to $7,807,- 083 36, and the sales for the first ten months of 1887 were $21,824,800 79, a gain in real estate sales of $17,017,777 43 for the latter period. A bill has been passed by the vice regal coun cil of India for the protection of wild birds. The chief object of the measure is to check the large slaughter of certain birds for whose plumage there is a demand in the European markets. Shrill cries of ‘‘Oh. mamma! Oh, mamma! 11 brought New Lisbon. Pa., people to a creek to find, instead of a drowning child. Miss Henrietta Arter's pet crow complacently practicing his favorite phrase, picked up from the neighboring children. A column of brick masonry, about twenty feet high, is still standing, overgrown with ivy, amid a group of fine old trees, on the James river. It is all that remains of the church erected by the Jamestown colony early in the seventeenth century. A negro at Eden Station, Miss., on last Satur day ate twelve boxes of sardines in the space of thirty minutes and then asked for a box of potted ham. which was refused him. He says it is a hard country where a man can't buy enough to eat with his money. A young man at Tiffin, 0., courted a young lady until 1 o'clock in the morning. When he started to go home he found the door fastened w ith wires so that he could not open it. When he tried to crawl out of a window he was arrested as a burglar and had to be identified by the girl. The pocket sewing machine, to introduce which a company was formed in England, and shares sold for general investment under a very glowing prospectus, is now said to lie a failure, and the manipulators of the company are charged with deliberately getting up the scheme to swindle investors. London appears to be much better fixed in the matter of school accommodations than most of the large cities on the other side of the Atlantic. At the i*ecent reassembling of the School Board the Chairman. Rev. J. B. Higgle, stated that "there are now facilities in London for teaching 657,337 children, while there are only 633,058 names on the school rolls. 11 A contingent of the Salvation Army on land ing at Bombay lately not only announced that they had definitely adopted Indian dress, but Indian food. A native paper commenting on this says: "They then had their first Indian dinner on rice and curry, which they declared to be the most delicious dish they had ever eaten. Our people can learn an infinite deal from the Salvationists. 11 John Bright recently wrrote a letter in which he said; ‘I am not in favor of what is called a Labor party in Parliament. The best reprsenta tives of industry in jiast time have not been laborers in the common sense. Mr. Hume was not a laborer, nor was Mr. Cobden. nor is Mr. Charles Villers. nor am I. and yet how much have we and many others done on'liehalf of the bplk of our laboring population! 11 The native merchants of China are said, to be inveterate swindlers. A foreign dealer at Tientsin recently contracted for 1,500 bales of camel's wool, guaranteed free of dirt and sand. When the first installment had passed through the cleaning machine 35 per cent of the gross weight was found to be sand and gravel, and. besides that, the w*ool had been wet to make the dirt stick in and also to make it heavier. Simmons, the well-known American sculptor at Rome, has just completed a very fine statue of Longfellow, which is to be erected in Portland. Me. The poet is represented in a sit ting attitude, and the likeness is said to be most admirable. The bronze figure, which if stand ing would be 10 feet high, is to be placed on a pedestal of polished red granite, which is to be 12 feet high. The statue will be unveiled at Portland in May. It takes nearly 100,000,000 foreign eggs a month to keep the English in cakes and pud dings. The matter of the protection of the English hen from the competition of the pauper fowls of France has leen thought so serious that even Gladstone has paid some attention to it. Experts estimate that the consumption of eggs in England is 100 a year for every person. Nearly $15,000,000 is paid every year for the eggs Imported into the country. Secretary of State Kelsey of New Jersey started a fund some months ago for a monu ment over the grave of Gen. McClellan. He asked subscriptions only of intimate friends of the dead soldier, and has received about $7,000. The grave plot, is too small to admit of the elnb orate shaft the money would buy, ami as a larger plot cannot be chosen until Mrs. Mc- Clellan, who Is in Italy, is consulted, the matter must rest until her return in the spring. Grcyere cheese, which has been made by the farmers of Jura. Switzerland, under a system hy which each in turn mtde a cheese of the milk of the whole community given to him every day. is now made in a factory to which all the farm ers take their milk, and the product of which is common property, instead of each cheese l>eing the individual property of the man who made it. This makes the cheese more uniform and of better quality, and increases the farmer’s profits. A Glamorganshire “baud” recently sent a jubilee poem to the Queen, which was returned with the curt information that “it is a fixed rule that her majesty does not receive poetry.” This “fixed rule” however, did not prevent tlie Queen from “graciously accepting” some verses by a Highland poet, entitled “She Noddit to Me,” some time ago. Why, therefore, gal lant little Walts" should have been so ruthlessly snubbed it is not ersy to understand, and it is true that there is not another sovereign in Eu rope who would have been so ungracious to an humble subject. An Italian correspondent, writing from Rome to the Frankfurter ZHtunq. states that at Castro Giovanni, in the province of Caltani setta, in Sicily v a lake has become red in color, and quantities of dead fish have come to the surface. The inhabitants attribute this to the influence of lightning that struck the lake It will he remembered that in the early part of the year a similar phenomenon was reported of the Lake of Lugano, which was attributed to an earthquake that, occurred some days previously. Castro Giovanni is on the site of the ancient Euna, associated iu classical times with the special cult of Ceres and the legendary scene of the rape of Proserpine. The daughter of the late William Rippin, the blind watchmaker of Holbeacb. has written an account of this remarkable workman. He he came blind at 28, but instead of being crushed by this misfortune he became one of the clever est of blind men. Hisability to clean and repair clocks, watches, musical instruments, and every article connected wiib the business was tnil'v marvelous being able to work as well as before He generally had 100 watches in the shop for repairs, some of them being brought from a distance of 100 to “00 miles. Every watch he knew by the touch, and every customer by his voice. Having been a first-rate cricketer, after his loss of sight he played two single-wicket h ? tl “ of n 'htch he won. He could play cards, dominoes, bagatelle, was a musician and leader of tlie Holbcuch brass baud. BAKING POWDER. WEIGTTP^v, CREAM Its superior excellence proven in millions ot homes for more than a nuartcr of a centaur It is used by the United States Government. In dorsed by the heads of the Great Universities i, the Strongest. Purest and most Healthful Dr Price's the only Bakin* Powder that does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. se W YORK. i Fill’AGO. sf. r/'*’TA. BOOTS AND SHOES. Happy Hours Are experienced by every body that wears our popular makes and styles of reliable footwear, and if you should have been so unfortunate not to have worn a pair ot our perfect-fitting SHOES Lose no time and call on us AT ONCE, and let us tit you in a pair that will not fail to call forth your admiration in the highest terms. We have long been acknowledged to carry the best aud most reliable makes of Bovs’,Misses’ & Children’s School Shoes t 1 and desire to quote you a few prices: Youths’ i.ace and Button (all solid) at $1 ’Jo and $1 50; sizes 11 to -. sold everywhere at 51 50 auu $1 75. Boys' Lace and Button (all solidi at 51 50 and The above goods are made by the renowned New York Catholic Protectory, and for wear are equal to any sold at double the price we ask. We are Sole Agents for the above line of Men's Fine Shoes, which from our variety of styles in Button. Lace and Congress we guarantee to perfectly fit any foot, no mat ter how deformed. This line of goods we claim to sell from 50c. to $ I 50 a pair cheaper than any first-class shoe that is sold in Savannah. They are made of the finest imported French Calfskin, strictly hand-sewed, and as elegant workmanship and finish as is possible to put on a Shoe. This fact can be attested bv the thous ands who wear YOUNG S RELIABLE SHOES. Call and see if your eyes will deceive you. BYCK BROS. 17 WHITAKER ST. ZON'WEISS C REAM. ae—B'mri ii■mi i —' FOR THE TEETH f ! made from Wan Material*, contains no Acids. Hard Gril, or injurious matter It is Pubs, Refixed, Pkbfxct. Kotbixo Likb It Ever Known. From Senator Cnggcshall.--"! takepleas lire in recommending Zouweiss on account of R3 efficacy and purity.” From Mrs. Gen. Tngan’s Demist, Dr. E. >. Carroll, Washington, 1). C—"l have had Zonweisa analyzed. It la the most perfect denti frice I have ever seen.” From Him. I has. P. Johnson. Ex. lit. Gov. of Mo.—“Zonweias cleanses the teeth tborv ougbly. Is delicate, convenient, very pleasant, and leaves no after taste. Bold ut alu dbcuoist*. Price, 35 cents. Jonxsox & Johnson, 23 Cedar St., N. I. Fcr sale by LIPPMAN BROS., LippmanM Block, Savannah. DISSOLUTION. JSOVICK. and after the 10th instant the business now conducted by me will be carried on by Messrs. T. J. DAVIS & CO., and I beg for the new firm the patronage of my many friends who have been so liberal to me, and feel assured that the new firm will give them the same at tention as they received from me, Mr. DAVIS having been my head man for the past four years. Messrs. T. J. DAVIS and J. G. HARDEE are authorized to collect all bills due the retiring firm. 0, S. McALPIN. DESKS. HfIAFYLER DESKCG ST. LOUIS, MO. D B S ANk®CoTOT°n?^^f GOVERNMENT WORKan-l fine office fittSigs. Guaranteed. 100 page lUuat'i Catalogue, fiipV 7q "FRESH BULBSr Hyacinths, tulips, crocus, snow DROPS and JONQUII.S. Also PANSY and VIOLET SEED. STRONG'S DRUG STORE,