The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 11, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 THE COTTON EXCHANGE. PRESIDENT FLANNERY’S REVIEW OF THE YEAR. How Savannah Maintains Hor Posi tion as the Second Cot:on Port in the United States The Transportation Question Touched Upon—The Recent Fires and the Necessity for Prevent ive Measures—The General Outlook. The annual meeting of the Savannnh Cotton Exchange was .held last night. President Flannery is ill, and Vice Presi dent E. M. Green presided. The reports of the Superintendent and the various com mittees were read, and after them Supt. Bryan read the President’s report. The Exchange has 137 members and gained 11 members during last year. The Superintend ent's compilation from the National Cotton Exchange reports shoe s that the net re ceipts at Savannah during last year were 808.434 bales, an excess of 1,053 bales over tbe previous year. Tins gives Savannah 12.43 per cent, of the total crop against 12.30 per cent, in 1885-86, and is proof that tbe port has fully maintained its position as the second cotton port in the United States. The President's report touches upon the various interests represented by the Ex change, and is an interesting document. After referring to the committees’ and Superintendent's reports the question of transportation was taken up. Touching upon this matter President Flannery said: THK TRANSPORTATION QUESTION. The discriminations in favor of through business, and therefore against that which is local, and to which attention has been called in previous annual reports, still ex ists to some extent, notwithstanding that renewed efforts have been made during the year through committees of the Exchange to have it corrected or still further modified. It is to be hoped that at some day in the near future transportation lines, having their termini here, will devise plans by which cotton coming over their lines and consigned locally to this port will be put on as favorable a footing as if it came here on a through bill of lading consigned to some other ]oint. It would seem as if it should be to the interest of the transporta tion companies to encourage rather than to discourage tbe consigning of cotton locally, as they are promptly relieved of the ex pense and responsibility attending the care of such cotton, and by increasing this part of their business, which can, probably, be done by reasonable encouragement, they would, no doubt, gradually diminish in stead of increasing as of late the quantity of cotton left in their charge without com pensation for the risk and expense they are put to in caring for it. The increased charge for compressing cot ton inaugurated on Sept 1 has operated to the injury of the local cotton trado. The benefits that may have accrued on account of the advance appear to have been mainly in favor of parties whose interest it is made to send their cotton here compressed, and on through bill of lading, and who, there fore, only use the port as a transfer or way station. THE COTTON KIRKS. The subject of cotton fires on shipboard President {Tannery said, has become a grave and somewhat alarming one the present aca.-ou on account of their frequency and the peculiarity of their de velopment, and it becomes a matter of great importance to prevent such a repetition of such disasters. Tne Exchange has taken some action in tbe matter by adopting a series of resolutions suggesting some of tne probable causes and enjoining greater cure on and around vessels and wharves, and in all other places where the staple is being handled in tbe port. The city authorities have been urged to enforce existing ordinances, and tbe railway and press companies and work ingmens’associations have been requested to co-operate in carrying out existing rules framed for the prevention of such fires. All of them have promised to do their part, in the line of prevention, but more is needed in order to get at the cause or causes, which lead to tbe damage or destruction of so much valuable property, and to the injury which must necessarily result to the port if a repetition of such fires continue. THE CROPS. Referring to the condition of tho rropr, tho President said that, with the ex ception of rice the crops in the country naturally tributary to Savannah promise a fair average outturns; while the yield of cot ton will fall short of what was expected from the general prospects in .1 uly we may reasonably look for as largo an outturn as we had last yoar, and the exceptionally favorable picking season enables fanners to save it in excellent condition. The August storms and freshets did considerable damage to our rice crop, which it is estima ted wfll not yield over two-t hirds to three fourths of the last season. Corn and other grain crops are estimated to be about the usual average. THE RIVER IMPROVEMENT. "The work on our river,which wascarried on under the superintendence <>f Lieut. Car ter, United States Engineer Corps, lie tween Nov. ‘JR. !RBK, and July 3, 18*7. has resulted in putting it in better condition than &t the time of any previous annual reixirt. The least mean high water depth between the city and the sea is a fraction over twenty feet the shoaled point lining at the “Lower Flats.” No further work ran be done until Congress makes another appropriation. The practice in Congress of making insufficient yearly appropriations for this work has increased its cost, and ma terially delayed its completion. The sur vey recently made by the Engineer Depart ment, under authority of Congress, shows that it is practicable to obtain a depth of l wenty-eight feet at mean iiigh title in the shallowest part of the channel between tho city and the sea. Flans and estimates for this work have been submitted to the War Department, and will lie reported on to Congress at its coming session. It is to bo hoped that our city government and trade organizations, with the co-operation of our immediate Representative in Congress, will take steps to have our claims in this matter properly presented when the time arrives. THE RAILWAYS. "The railway lines continue to keep abreast of the times by providing facilities for the transportation of all species of merchan dise committed to their charge. Their properties are kept in good condition and are reasonably remunerative, which enables them to meet competition at all points without the dread of bankruptcy, and it is to be hoped that their managements in the future may lie such as to prevent injury to the trade of our port, or this latter catas trophe to themselves. The extensions of lines from Goodwaterto Birmingham, Ala., from Clayton to Ozark, Ala., and from Blakely, Ga., to Columbia, Ala , are being pushed forward to an early completion. THE CITY’S GROWTH. “The growth and general improvement of the city during the jiast year has been satis factory, and is a fair indication that its business has, on the whole, boeu prosperous. It is pleasant to note the continued liealth fulnees that has prevailed iu our midst for .everal years past, which must, in a meas ure at least, he attributed to tho improved drainage of our suburbs and to other sani tary work, done or under way, in and •round the city. The tuturo of our city, and of the country that is tributary to it, •ppears to lie on a fairly solid foundation, nd with conservative and intellige t, en terprise on the part of our people it is likely to continue there. Should it do so we can afford to let other sections enjoy their looms without allowing envy to enter our hearts, or bile to disturb our livers, and without, feeling that we merit reproach as being too slow because, in our journey through life, we prefer to ride in a regular passenger coach rather than on the cab or an the pilot of the engine, so as to get to t>ur destination a little ahead of the balance •f our fellow passengers.” THROUGH THE CITY. Items Gathered Here and Thera by the News Reporters. The Morning News will publish an extra edition this afternoon giving an account of the hanging of the Anarchists and a history of their crime. There were five arrests by the police yes terday for disorderly conduct. Palestine Coimnaiidery. Knights 1 emplar, will hold a regular conclave to-night. A colored man named Joe Mitchell was arrested yesterday for stealing cotton sam ples from tbe office of .1. K. Garmany. He had liecn stealing them and selling to the pickeries for some time. A colored laborer who was at work l olling cotton at the Tyler press wharf, fell dead yesterday morning. Ur. Hummel), who was near by. ran to him, but the man was dead before the physician reached him. “Yellowstone Kit’ i- in trouble in At lanta. He has been sued there for criminal 111*1 by a competitor in the medicine busi ness, who, he claims, has been jiersecuting him for some time. "Kit" has been giving his show at Peter's Park in Atlanta, and lias lieeu contributing the proceeds to the Fulton Countv Confederate Veterans’ Asso ciation. He will 1* remembered from his exhibitions here last spring. THE PAVING QUESTION. The Council Committee of the Whole to Meet Next Week. The City Council will meet early next week as a committee of the whole to con sider the Street and Lane Committee s re port upon the paving question. The com mittee would have met this week, but it decided to await the return of Alderman Wells, who will 1* here probably on Mon day. If pissible a report will be made to Council at its next meeting. It is necessary to take the matter in hand immediately if any paving other than that already under contract is done this season. The Congress street contract has already f*en let to the same parties who laid the Broughton street paving, and work was to have been commenced l>afore now, but it has been deferred until Jan. 1. Tne Con gress street pavement will be of asphalt, the same as Broughton street, and it will 1* laid from Drayton street to West Broad. The work of lay ing the new water mains between Whitaker and Abercorn streets, will begin right after Christmas. Under the contract the work will be completed in two months after it is commenced. In the meantime the city will decide what other streets it will pave and the work cun be let at once. The .Streei and Lane Com mittee re|iorted in favor of paving the north half of Liberty street. The question has arisen whether property owners whose property is on the south side of the street wilt have to pay for the paving of the north side. Under the law they will have to pay their portion of the cost of the work the same as if the pavement extended the entire width of the street. Then when the south side is paved property owners on the north side of the street will be assessed their share of the cost of the im provement. Whether the Council will see fit to pave Liberty street at all, or what streets it will pave will be settled when the committee of the whole makes its report. THE NEW CITY MAP. To be Ready for Publication in a Short Time. The work on the new city map, the publi cation of which was authorizes! by the City Council at its last meeting, is lieing pushed, and the map will be ready for the pub lishers inside of six weeks. It takes more time than most people think to make a map, and very few have an idea of tbe amount of work necessary to be done in older to pro duce a map of a city like Savannah. The growth of the city, the addition of the southern extension and the many changes which have taken place since the last map was published over twenty ycara ago, render it almost a necessity that the new man should be made. The work is being done under the supervision of City Surveyor Howard. The new map will be somewhat smaller than the old one, the scale being 400 feet to the inch, while the scale of the old map was 300 feet to the inch. Aider man Thomas and the membere of the Street and lane Committee, under whose direction tae map is being made, have recognized for a long time the necessity for it, and just as soon as the Council authorized the work it was begun. IN BEHALF OF YOUNG MEN. Further Programme of Services Dur ing the Week of Prayer. The Young Men’s Christian Association of this city will, in common with the other Young Men's Christian Associations throughout the world, observe the day and week of prayer for young men. commenc ing on Sunday night next, and continuing each evening of the week until Saturday. On Sunday morning, from !t to 9:45, a consecration meeting will 1* held at the as sociation rooms to which all the active members are particularly invited. In the evening, at 5:15, in the First, Presbyterian church a union meeting will l* held, to which the ladies are invited. Mr. C. P. Miller will preside. The work of the Inter national Committee will 1* presented by several sjieakers. and a collection will 1* taken to assist the committee in prosecuting its work. The meetings at the rooms during the re mainder of the week will 1* for young men only. The committee having these meetings in charge is endeavoring to have some special music. St. John’s Day. It is probable that the several Masonic lodges in this city will celebrate the festival of St. .John the Evangelist, which occurs on Tuesday, Doc. 27, by a banquet. There are five blue lodges in Savamiah, with an aggre gate membership of about 450 brethren, and such a reunion would be something to witness. Grand Master Davidson and other prominent members of the fraternity would doubtless honor the occasion by their pres ence. Funeral of Frank Collins. The funeral of Frank L. Collins, who died in New Mexico last week, and whose re mains were brought to Savannah for inter ment, took place from the Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help at 3:30 o’clock yes terday afternoon and was largely attended. The interment was in the Cathedral Ceme tery. The pall liearers were Messrs. Parsons, John Hardee, Harry Van M'agenen, R. 1). Lattiinore, Robert Van VVaguuen and IV. H. Dooner. Death of Mrs. Willink. Mrs. Belle Willink, the relict of the late Thomas Willink, died at her rosidonee, 72 Broughton street, yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock. The deceased was a lady much esteemed by all who knew her, and her death will boa sad loss to her family and friends. Mr. Polk’s Engagement. J. B. Polk played “Gilderoy Punk” in “The Jerseyman” before a fair house last night. Mr. Polk is one of the brightest comedians on the stage. The next attrac tion here will be “The World” Combination, Nov. 10 and 17. Paying Out Benefits. The Savannah branch of the Iron Hall paid out 1100 in benefits yesterday to mem bers who have been sick since Sept. 1. THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, ISS7. DIED IN A BATH ROOM. Sudden Death of Octavus Cohen—The Circumstances. Mr. Octavus Cohen, of the firm of O. Cohen & Cos., one of the oldest and most respected commercial houses in Savannah, was found dead in the lath room at his residence, at Drayton and Harris streets, yesterday morn ing, By a colored servant. Mr. Cohen's family is in Nash ville, and he was living by himself and taking his meals at his mother’s, across the street. He did not go to break fast yesterday morning, and, thinking that he had overslept, a servant was sent to wake him. He was not in his room, and the woman went to tbe bath room, where she found iiim lying on the floor, with only his underclothes on. She called for assistance, and Dr. Houston was summoned. 1 ,ater Drs. Duncan and Martin went to him, and the three physicians used every effort to re-establish tho action of the heart, but though the body was still warm, Mr. Cohen was deal. He hail suffered a great deal from headache, and derived his only relief from the use of chloroform. A bottle of the drug was found in his bedroom, and it is the theory of the physicians that he had used it to relieve his suffering and then went into the bath room to take bis usual morning bath. As it was before daylight, ho started to light the gas, but after he turned it on and before he ap piid the match the chloroform stopped the action of his heart and he fell. Mrs. Cohen is in Nashville with her little daughter, who is now lying in a critical con dition with typhoid fever. Hhe was imme diately notified of her husband’s death. Mr. Cohen was 43 years old, and was the son of Octavus Cohen, Sr., who was one of Savannah's most prominent citizens. DIDN’T CARE WHO KNEW IT. Policeman Townsend’s Experience with an “Overcome” Stranger. A drayman who had been feeding his team left a lot of hay in the gutter on Bull street, between Congress and Broughton streets, yesterday afternoon. A few minutes later a man fresh from his cups came stag gering along Bull street trying to see just how much of a sidewalk one individual could occupy. When he reached the lane he caught sight of the pile of hay. It at tracted liis attention. He leaned up against the house and gazed at it. Then ho mode what no doubt he thought was a bee line for it. After following a serpentine path he crossed the sidewalk and fondly embraced a friendly post. Again his eyes wandered toward the pile. lie looked at it fixedly for a moment, then a seraphic smile overspread his coun tenaii'-p, and with tho utmost deliberation, he laid himself down upon it ami sunk into a heavy sleep. He was supremely happy until Policeman Townsend came along ami roused him. With the aid of a passer-by, the officer got him to Wright square, when he laid down again. The policeman sum moned a cart and tried to get him to walk to it, but he would not. His arms were then made to do duty as tow lines, and ho was dragged to the conveyance. Eu route be was heard to mutter: “Drag me "long. Don’ make no difference if you wear holes in my pants. Drag me ’long. I’m Irish, and I don’ care who know, it.” He was gently placer! in the cart, and Policeman Townsend sat on him to hold him dowii while he was driven to the barracks. He saiil his name was Joe Haley, and he proposed that it should remain Joe Haley whether they locked him up or no. Canton Chatham’s Muster. Canton Chatham No. 1, Patriarchs Mili tant, will muster its new officers to-night at Odd Fellows’ Hall. Grand Master David Porter, Major of the First Georgia battalion, and commanding the forces in Georgia, is mustering officer. The new officers of the can tonareCapt. Joseph W.Jackson, Lieut.A. B. Brooks, Ensign J. Ash Pearson. After the meeting the members of the Canton will 1* entertained at the residence of Capt. Brooks. The United States Courts. Judge Emory Hpeer came down from Macon yesterday and opened the United States Court for the November term. After a consultation with the bar he decided to as sign the cases and then adjourn until Jan. 4, ISBB. The Judge cannot remain here at present to try cases, as the court at Macon has not adjourned. RIVER AND HARBOR NOTES. Happenings Among the Shipping and Along the Wharves. Messrs. Wilder & Cos., cleared yesterday the British steamship Wetherby for Havre with 5,450 bales of upland cotton, weighing 1,0411,269 pounds valued at $247,592. The two steamers heretofore running be (ween this city and Bluffton, Beaufort and in termediate places are both laid up for repairs and there is now no communication by water with these points except by sailing vessels. Savannah has a large trade with the people living along the route, and a good steamer on the fine would do a thriving busi ness and hold trade here. Local Personal. George Walter, Esq., is lying quite ill at his residence in this city. Alderman David Wells is expected to re turn from the North the first of next week. Col. Lamar, United States Marshal, was in the city yesterday in attendance upon court. Judge Adams yesterday appointed Wil liam W. Rogers, \V. H. Adams, W. K. Wil kinson and T. J. Beytagh Notaries Public. Dupont Guerry, Esq., United States Dis trict Attorney, came down from Macon yesterday to be present at the opening of court. Owing to the illness of Miss Lazaron, the soprano of the synagogue choir, Mrs. Haynes will sing in her place to-day anil tomorrow and until her recovery. MR. WHATLEY’S EXPLANATION. He Has a Word to Say About the Ap pearance of His Name to the Bacon Card. Editor Morning .Vries. - As my name ap pears to a card in your paper of yesterday I beg space in your columns to say that I have never conversed with Dr. Leonard W. Bacon upon the matters to which the card refers, but was guided, in signing it, by the statements of others whose names were upon it, and who assured me that they had seen him and conversed with him. Further more, { have not advocated extending a permanent call to Dr. Bacon at this time, and so expressed myself a few days ago at a meeting of his friends. The objection which I urged upon that occasion was the fer mented and irritated condition of the church. But I have favored, and do favor, his lieing retained here for a time, at least, until his congregation may know him better, and that he and they, if it be possible, may come to a more iierfect understanding. This seems to be due to him and to his friends. Having explained my position toward Dr. Bacon, 1 will further state that I, with a great many others, exceedingly deplore the “advertisement” in the Evening Times of this city, coming as it does from such a man as Col. T. H. Harden, for whom I have the profoundest respect and esteem. The “inquiries” which Col. Harden propounds to Dr. Bacon are degrading in trie last de gree, not only to him and iiis family, but to the pulpit which he occupies, and the in formation, if sought, should ha ve been ob tained in a private and more delicate way. I cannot but believe, therefore, that Col. Harden acted without proper consideration of a matter of such grave importance to all concerned. Very respectfully, J. L. Whatley. FACTORS ( AUGHT DOSING THE COTTON MARKET STIRRED UP BY NEW REPORTS. The Agricultural Bureau’s Estimate of the Crop Causes an Advance in the Market, and Buyers Take Advantage of It—Lively Times in New York The Advance Here. A good many cotton factore were caught napping yesterday. The market was a pecu liar one. It opened dull with considera ble stock offering. Some holders sold early in the day at from l-16c. to under the market. Toward one o’clock buyers began to receive private advices from their New York correspondents. The market there had advanced 7-18 c. per pound for spot cot ton. and futures fully fifty points. This started the ball moving here, anti between 1 and 2 o’clock buyers began to flock into the sample rooms taking the factors by surprise. Their offer ings were so readily snapped up at the first figure named, that later oil the holders were in a quandary and at a loss for awhile to know' what price to ask, or how high figures might be carried. i tie lew wno uad not sold out earlier in the day obtained from an %c. to a %c. higher than the highest prices of the morn ing. This was particularly the east* with fine cotton, and at the closing call at 4 o’clock the market was so irregular and the feeling so feverish that, the Cotton Exchange was unable to furnish accurate figure for quotations. The total sales for the day of spot cotton were 4,616 bales. The report- from New York were excit ing and a number of heavy hear opera tore who were short on large blocks of future contracts were unable to cover before the day closed, owing to the rapidity with which the market vent up on them. The cause of this boom was tho report of the Agricultural Bureau, which was made public yesterday morning, estimating the present cotton crop at 6,300,000 bales, and confirming the estimate previously made by the Colton World of 6,225,000 bales. NO FREE ’AD3” IN THE MAILS. New Ruling on the Obnoxious Postal Regulation. The Postmaster General has put another eonstruetion on the new postal regulation in regard to third and fourth class matter. Under section 371 and 372 of the revised Postal Law- and Regulations, that went into effect Sept. 15, third class matter con sists of printed matter uuarket reports, circulars and all other printed communica tions) which contain no personal matter or writing of any kind. The envelopes containing such mutter must have upon them only the names of tho addressee, tne card ol the addresser and his address, without anything more than enough to identify the letter and sender, by name, with his place of business, if he so de sires. Nothing is allowed in the way of an advertisement of the business of the sender. As to the fourth clas- matter, the inclosure of any written communication is prohibited. Such packages must contain only merchan dise, such as samples, etc., not over four pounds in weight, at lc. per ounce, or any fractional part thereof. The marks on the face or surface of the package shall be only the name of the sender, with the word “from” above and preceding the same, and there may be also written or printed the nnmber and names of the article- enclosed, and the sender thereof may write or print or attach to any such articles, by teg or label, a mark, numlier, name or letter for the pur pose of identification. Nothing is allowed in tho way of an advertisement of the busi ness of the sender. The contents of any envelope in either class may lie descriptive, directions for use, or other information reflecting the articles enclosed as pari of the original packages or labels done up for transmission if the same lie printed, but upon the surface or face of the package for mailing no writing, print ing or marks other than t hose authorized by the statute can be placed without subjecting the matter to first-class rates. Possibly future legislation may correct what now seems to be an inconvenient rule for business men to follow. So long as the law stand- as it now does tho post office officials are bound to enforce it as it reads an las it lias been construed by the depart ment. A special ruling has just been made by the department with reference to the mail ing of samples—all words except the word “sample,” and tbe name of the sender with the word “from” preceding it, and the name of the addressee and his address, are erased as not permissible. The Postmaster General holds that under a strict interpretation of the law merchants and tho public generally are not permitted to display their names or business addresses either printed or written on any' mail mat ter except that upon which the full letter rate of j lostage i- paid. In one instance, a bookseller in New York made a sale to a customer residing in New Orleans, and the books were mailed as third class matter. In addition to the name and post office address of the purchaser the dealer marked “printed matter” with ]*n and ink in one corner of the package. Acting under the instructions of the depart ment the jKwtmaster charged full Setter rates for the package, which the purchaser refused to pay. There were a number of similar cases forwarded to the department as samples of the hardship under which the business communities suffer in this connection. Many persons who have patented tags and labels for marking packages have affixed their names to the same, and it is claimed that the loss will be exceedingly heavy, unless they are permitted to use them. In view of this fact the Postmaster General has decided that, such fags and labels may be used on mail matter below class one, provided all traces of anything resembling a business advertisement are obliterated. He claims that he is obliged to enforce the law as he finds it, and that any redress in this diris-. tion must come from Congress. He will lay the subject before the President in his an nual report on the postal affairs of the gov ernment. ON RAIL AND CROSSTIE. Local and General Gossip in Railway Circles. The Morning News has received from Supt. Fleming a copy of the report of the fourth annual inspection of the Savannah, Florida and \V estern and Charles ton and Savannah Company’s railways, which was made last August. Tho report, which is a printed pamphlet of about thirty pages, is very full, and it shows the exact physical condition of the roads. The Monarch Palace (’ar Company is to send a special train of five sleeping and ob servation cars from New York to Jackson ville, leaving New York Dec. 6, and arriv ing in Jacksonville the morning of thesis' ond day alter. Mr. Gustave Levy, suiieriu tendent of the company, will have charge of the party, numbering as it will about 250 persons. The fare for the trip, including palace car accommodations, will he #27 75. The Ymir, which ran to St. Augustine last winter, will be one of the number. Consumption, Scrofula, General Debil ity, Wasting Diseases of Children, Chronic Coughs and Bronchitis, can 1* cured by the use of Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites. Prom inent physicians use it and testify te> its great value. I’lease read the following: "I used Scott’s Emulsion for an obstinate cough with hemorrhage, loss of npix-tite, emaciation, sleeplessness, etc. All of these have now left, and 1 believe your Emulsion has saved a ease of well developed consump tion.”—T. J. Finducv, M. D., Lone Star, Tex. CHARLESTON'S GOINGS ON. A Day’s Events in South Carolina’s Chief Seaport City. C’apt. F. W. Wagner and Lieut Jonas Simons have resigned from tiie German Ar tillery. Capt. V\ agner has been in com mand of the corps since 1802. The Catholic Diocesan Synod of South Carolina is in session in Charleston. This synod is the lirst held in Charleston since the episcopate of Bishop England, and is held under the call of Bishop Northrop. Charleston is elated over the success of its recent festival. It is now intended that the Gala Week Association shall be made per nuuient, and that Charleston shall have next year, and in each succeeding year, a great carnival season, when all the people of South Carolina and the adjoiniug States will assemble in this historic old town to spend a few very pleasant days together. The gala week liel]>ed wonderfully to swell the receipts of the Charleston street car companies. It is estimate l that fully sh/KIO jieople rode in the street cars from Monday morning, Oct. 81, up to last Satur day night, or 53,000 on the City railway and 35,000 on the Enterprise railroad. The average for each day was over 1:2,000 pas sengers. Some days it was ninro and on other days it was less. The receipts for Fri day were the largest for the week. Charleston Republicans are organizing for the next campaign. A meeting of the Union Republican party was held Wednes day night. The -Veins and Cot trier says that there was nothing new in anything ut tered by the speakers, the only thing worthy of special note being that the ad vice of all the speakers that the colored men should register amounted in every ease to the strongest kind of appeal as their chance of regaining the rights and privileges which were alleged to be lost. It is rumored that the steamship City of Columbia, which formerly ran between New Vork aud Charleston and Fevnandina, in connection with the Clyde line, has been sold to John Alexander, who recently pur chased the City of Atlanta, and will in future run between New York and Havana. This leaves the company controlling the South Carolina railroad only one steamer, the City of Mnntioello. which is now tied up at the wharf at the foot of Pine street in Jacksonville, and it is said that negotiations are being made to sell her also. Skinny Men. Wells’ “Health Renewer” restores health and vigor, cures dyspepsia, impotence, ner vous debility. For weak men, delicate worn en. sl. Wells’ Hair Balsam. If gray, restores to original color. An elegant dressing, softens and beautifies. No oil or grease. A tonic Restorative. Stops hair coming out; strengthens, cleanses, heals scalp. 50c, “Rough on Piles.” Why suffer piles.' Immediate relief and complete cure guaranteed. Ask for “Rough on Piles.” Suee cure for itching, protrud ing, bleeding or any form of Piles. 50c. At druggists or mailed. Fr.OM CHIN TO BREAST. Death Averted by the Use of Prickly Ash, Poke Root, Potassium. 1 had a negro working on my place who had a very ugly sore on his neck, extending from flic chin to the breast bone. It was eating away rapidly, and was supposed to be a cancer. Re had gotten to such a state that be was not able to work, and could only swallow initk or soup. At this stage 1 decided to try Dr. Whitehead's Blood Purifier on him - Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potas siuin—P. P. P. The effect was perfectly wonderful. The sore began to heal at once, and the man daily gained in strength and flesh, till finally the entire mass of impure flesh came out, and the place filled up and scabbed over. This scab finally shed oft and left a smooth scar where once a most lilthy tatting sore bad been. The man is now work ing in the woods as a regular hand, and is in perfect health. D. F. McDUFFY. Mr. Mr Du ft'v is a well-known operator in naval stores at Glenmore, Ga. P. P. P. is the only certain remedy for all Blood Diseases. Asa tonic it Is unrivaled. For sale by all medicine dealers. Drt. Whitehead can be consulted daily at the offico of the Company, Odd Fellows’ Ilali building, without charge. Prescrip tions and examination free. All inquiries by mail will also receive his personal atten tion. Only a few applications of Tetterine will cure Ringworm permanently, without pain. 50c. at druggists. Men's Furnishing Goods at Belsinger's, 24 Whitaker street. Tetterine is the best remedy known for Itching Piles; full directions in package. 50c. at druggists. Broadway Silk Hats at Belsinger’s, 24 Whitaker street. If your bahy has a breaking out on its hpad, frequently the rase while teething, Tetterine will cure it; 50c. at druggists. All the leading E. &. W. Collars, at Bel singer's, 24 Whitaker street. Tetterine is sent by mail to any address, on receipt of price, 50c., by J. T. Shuftrine & Bro. Savannah, Ga. Handsome line of Scarfs at Belsinger's, 24 Whitaker street. The Florence Heaters, for sale by Jas. S. Silva & Son are the best oil stove for heating, both rooms or small apartments. We sold a good many of them last season and they gave universal satis faction. We append one of many certifi cates of their merits: Messrs. Jas. S. Silva ip Son: Dear Sirs. The kerosene heating stove bought of you works splendidly. It keep* my bath room comfortably warm in the coldest weather. There is no odor from it whatever and I consider it a perfect thing. Geo. N. Nichols, Printer and Binder. For further information apply at 140 Broughton street. About Arms. The human arm plays a very important part in the drama of life. A lady who can boast of a pretty arm is not apt to conceal the fact to any great extent. Man’s natural weapon of defense and offense, is his strong right arm. When an auctioneer’s arm comes down it means “sold,” in more ways than one. The large Golden Arm that in vites the passer-by to step in and examine our great variety of Gents .Youths’ and Boys’ Suits, Overcoats, Hats and Gent's Fur nishing Goods, illustrates the hammer-like strokes of success achieved by us in catering to the wants of our friends and the public generally, and encourageingly beckons in those who have not enjoyed the many ad vantages wo possess in our line. Our stock is constantly augmented bv new arrivals, and our know n upright dealing and minute attention to our customers’ seeds, brings constant additions to our clientage. We ask an inspection of our clothing and com parison of prices. You can easily find the sign of The Big Golden Arm. Simon Mitchell, 150 Broughton street. D. B. Lester Has Pickles. Sauces, Jellies and Jams. Smoked Beef, Butter, ami the best of Ma ns; Currants, Citron ami Raisins cheap. Bromn, Cocoa and Chocolate sweet: i 'hon e Coffees and Teas he always keep, And everything nice for i-eople to eat; Groceries. Groceries of every kind, Brandy, Whisky and the finest of Wine; Crackers and ( anned Goods of every description, Give him a call and make your selection. 21 Whitaker street, Savannah, Ga. Weather Indications. ~1 Special indications for Georgia: FAIR Fair weather, light northerly I winds, becoming variable, slightly warmer in northern portion, sta tionary temperature in southern portion. Comparison or mean temperature at Savan nah. Nov. IP iBB7, aul the mean of same day for fifteen years. __ , Departure Total Mean Temperature from the j Departure Mean I Since _ for 15 yeurs Nov. 10, *B7, --or iJnn. I,IHS. til 0 ' t>4 0 -|- #.O i-- 688,0 Comjiarative rainfall statement: „ IT . Departure Total Mean Duly Amount f rum me Departure Amount for tor jteen Since lti \eara Nov. 10, 87. or _ , lan j. jhß7. T 7 | 05 | --_.o2_ I -11.87 Maximum temperature 71. minimum tem perat ure 58 The height of the river at Augusta at 1:33 o’clock p. m. yesterday (August a time! was 7 0 feet—a rise of 0,2 during the past twenty-four nours. An Englishman at the White House. Oalrnga'a Letter to London Time*. The accommodations of the President’s family in the White House, however, are on such a contracted scale that strange as it may seem, he is almost tmab e to invite vis itors beyond two or three,for want of sleep ing apartments. Yet all elf >rt to get a bet ter house or in a healthier localit y has failed. The ruler of so proud and wealthy a nation might be generously provided. As it is. his dwelling Is more than half a public office, for the people flock in the Kust Room at will, and its worn and faded carpeting tes tify the shuffling of many feet, while the tom window curtains demonstrate the stealthy energy of the relic-hunter. A large number who can readily nu various pre texts get permission, climb to the upper story, and bore the secretaries arid often tiie President himself with their importu nities, so that he has little comfort and not even privacy. Every day. when fagged out with the persistence • f the visitors above stairs or fatigued bv the aim st overwhelming cares of his august office, the President seeks relief by coming down to the East rot an to pass a few mo ments with the mnltitude. He feels secure from importunity there, and is not averse to gratifying the pardonable curiosity of the citizen who is desirous of seeing and briefly shaking hands w ith the Chief Magis trate. Hundreds wait for this audience, and he has a hearty grasp and kind word for all. President Cleveland isasturdy, unassuming man, with a good face and pleasant ways, and this daily “handshake” lias done much ta popularize him with the visitors as well as the people of Washington. The cere mony, which is the only one bringing the ruler in direct contact with the people, is very simply done, without any show or guard of any sort, and with open doors to everyone, all class, s, high or humble, being received with equal affability Costly Attire. From the Xeio York Sun. An amusing and interesting i-icident oc curred on the steamship Aller on Friday. The steamship was nearing port and one of the women cabin passengers appeared in the dining saloon dressed in the costliest lace. She confided to her female friends that every article of dress she wore was of lace, even to the gloves and hose, and added that she would wear lace boots if It wasn't so chilly. She explained that one of her daughters is shortly to be married, that the lace was for her trousseau, and that inasmuch a- she personally wore it, the customs regulations could not take it from her. It is estimated that the fair and matronly one was draped with $5,000 worth of the lace. A Standard Xmas Gift is an assortment of Colgate’s unrivalled toilet soaps and perfumery. Now ready. Cable Street Cars. There was a rumor afloat a few days ago that this new street railway, which is to go to the Central railroad wharf and through the city, was to be run by cable, like the Chi cago street railway. This would probably cost more money in the start, but would prove more profitable in the long run, as so many more trips could be made in a day, and parties having important business to at tend to at the Central railroad wharf, could get there in a very little time. Just, the same at Appel & Schaul’s, the One Price Clothiers; it takes you no time to get an outfit at their establishment, as every arti cle is marked in plain figures with the lowest price to all on same, tints saving an hour or two argument on the price, etc. Their plan of doing business is sufficient for those that are not judges of goods to bu y with confidence, knowing their friends do not buy the same goods for less money, and those that are judges are invited to call and inspect prices to convince themselves. Their fall and winter stock has been received, and are ready for inspection—l 63 Congress street, opposite the market. Three year old Kentucky Rye Whisky for $3 per gallon, at D. B. Lester's. A Big Crop of Weddings. Reliable rumor predicts a greater than usual number of weddings during the fall and winter season, an indication of prosperity surely. We are in proper trim for just such occasions, and would ask jersonal inspection of the multitudi nous articles, ornamental and decorative, with which our storerooms are crowded. We point with pleasure to our immense array of Solid Silver and Plated Mare suitahl-' for wedding presents, rare Vases, elegant Clocks, handsome Statuary, and bric-a brae generally. Our line of bronze ornaments is brilliant in itself, and throughout may be found a thousand valuable novelties suitable and appropriate as souvenirs and keepsakes. In Diamonds, Jewelry and Watches, it is impossible in limited space to speak intelligibly. Suffice it to say I hat not. even the famous "Tiffany’s" can outrival us in beauty and careful selection of our stock. Prices have lieen made to suit the times, and we offer our representative stock on its merits, and stake our reputation on the result. Our engraving department is carefully conducted, and al! work in this line is artistically executed. We are always pleased to snow visitors through our stock, even though they may not bo ready to buy. as we feel that our establishment is one of the "sights" of the city, audit is always “exhi bition day” to the public. Respectfully, M. bTERNBKRo-. 157 Broughton street. Where can you get choice Candies at 10c., 15c. and 25c. ? At D. B. lister’s. Black, Nutt and Brown Stiff Hats, the latest, at Belsinger's, 24 Whitaker street. Stiff Hats just out at Belsinger’s, 24 Whitaker street. If you want a bargain in choice Preserves, Jellies and Jams, go to D. B. Lester's. Underwear. People now-a-days pay extra prices for underwear, because the word sanitary is printed on them, with some heretofore un heard of doctor’s name attached. All they can possibly claim is that the article sold is all wool, which no one need to pay extra tor. \V hen a firm like the Famous New vork Clothing House, corner of Congress and VV hitaker streets, warrant underwear all wool, they can lie relied on as such, without having to pay almost double the price for them. We have underwear of every quality, aud prices the lowest in the city. Everyone knows, by manufacturing our own Clothing, we undersell all our competi tors. Out of our large stock of Overcoats and suits for men, youths and bovs, wo can suit everybody. Our $2 50 knee suit, our '-ic. knee pants, and :25c. blue felt bovs hats, are real bargains. We keep Umbrellas, Hats, Trunks and Valises of every description. Our 25c. hearts and Suspenders cannot be matched for less than double the price. Our $2 50 Gloria Umbrella wears better than silk. At the Harnett House, Savannah, Ga., you get all the comforts of the high-priced ho els and save fi ora 31 to $2 per day Try it and be convinced.— Moston Home Jour nal. BAKING pnwur.': Iggi ,|g| Absolutely Pure. This Powder never varies. A marvel of Purer Strength and Wholesoineness. Store economy cal than the ordinary kind, and cannot lv- sol i, in compel ition with the multitude of low lest short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold oulu in ran*. Royal Baking Powder Cos . lrt& Wall street, New York. LUDDEN ,fc BATES S. M H. Cannot Be Duplicated \ Y7E have purchased the samples of a travel, > ? ing salesman, who represented one of tin largest manufacturing and importing Fancy Goods Houses in the C. S, Said samples consist of nearly 500 pieces of ELEGANT HOLIDAY NOVELTIES. Plush and Brass Goods. Brash and Comb Sets, Mirrors, Whisp Broom Holders, Wall Pockets, Manicure Sets, Toiler, Sets. Jewel Boxes. Shaving Sets, Game Boxes, Brass Novelties, and many attractive and hand some goods suitable for Birthday, Wedding, or Holiday Presents. As none of these goods can be duplicated, we suggest an immediate investigation, and if price-, warrant a selection we will cheerfully lay aside for responsible bona fide purchasers, who can have privilege of payingfor when delivered. Goods were bought at one half the actual cost of manufacture, and the public can avail them selves of these bargains by visiting 1 & B. S. a H. FURNITURE AND CARPETS. CHEAP E R THAN 'X’ITK CHEAPEST ! For quality aud price w* can do better than any other concern in the Tioul h Our goods are all specially selected from the most renowned manufacturers, and embrace everything in the Furniture and Carpet trade Our terms are most liberal, and all goods are just as represented, A personal inspeot ion will convince you tbv. wo can sell you much CHEAPER than Ilia CHEAPEST. A. J. Miller#Co.’s FURNITURE AND Carpet Emporium, I is, 150 and 132 BROUGHTON ST. BANKS. KISSIMMEE CITY BANK, Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - 150,000 r PIiANSACT a regular banking business Give l particular attention to Florida collections. Correspondence solicited. Issue Exchange on New > ork. New Orleans, Savannah and Jack sonville, Fla. Resident Agents for Courts &. Cos. and Melville, Evans & Cos., of London, England. New York correspondent: The Seaboard National Bank. l)A VIS BROS. TESTIMONIALS.' From the American Art Journal f December* 1882. PRESIDENT ARTHUR'S CHOICE—A KN ABE GRAND IN THE WHITE HOUSE.—It is gpn*r ally conceded that President Arthur is one of the most cultured and accomplished gentlemen who have occupied the executive chair. B ,]t few <f our readers, outside of metropolitan cir cles are aware that he enumerates among his many accomplishments that of music. President Arthur is not only an excellent amateur, but considerable of a music connoisseur. H* re* cently gave the old and reliable house of Koabe tt Cos. an order for a Concert Grand for tn* Presidential Mansion, at Washington. The in strument is one of t he most superb Grands pro* diiced by Messrs. Knabe. It. is richly carved, mid is an exceptional instrument in beautiful equality of tone, power, exquisite touch, rj' :■’pensiveaction and artistic workmanship- R was placed in the White House last week. Tn* President is not alone in bis preference for tn e Knabe Grand, as it graces the parlors of Hon. .lames (i. Blaine and many other statesmen at Washington. Mnwra. Wm. Knob e Cos.: I >;•;an Sirs: The Upright Piano which you kindly presented me commands my admiration. Eorlieauty of tone, touch and action. J hoi* fif t ti. its equal, and it gives me great pleasure u render tins justice to the instrument of you* manufacture. Relieve me, very truly yours, * ‘EARA LOUISE KELLOGG. Ci. A rehurst, September 14. Messrs. Wm. Knabe rP Cos.: . Gentlemen: I give my testimony as to toe qualities of your Concert Grand Piano, in P°\ session of one of my friends, with greatest pleasure, as only the very best can be said o them. Tone and touch are equally excellent* and assist Ihe artist In the execution of ©very possible measure, aud I will with pleasure od v ‘ cate their Introduction. There is not the [esa doubt that they will compete to greatest advan tage with all others. - ADOLPH BLOMBERG, Musical Director. Mulravsin, October 10. To control this territory on the above Pl*®*! 1 ' we buy and pay spot cast for every one of Mw 1 Instruments on our floor. See us for terms an prices. DAVIS BROS-