The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 12, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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6 GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. NEWS OF THE TWO STATES TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. Strange Dream of a Jackson Man Who Ate Sardines for Supper Yellow stone Kit Donates $550 to the Con federate Veterans' Association of Fulton County. GEORGIA. Elberton is to have a SIO,OOO hotel. The courthouse at Guyton is to be en larged. The Houston county jail is now entirely unoccupied. Capt. Triplett, of the Yhoiuasville Times, who was ill, is much better. The Dalton Compress Company is prepar ing to put in anew press, of greater capac ity thau the old one. Judge Dari Johnson, of Abbeville, visited Americas the other day for the first time in forty-four years. Seaborn Jackson, the old 'man who was struck bv a train near Gordon, died from his injuries Wednesday night A new Masonic order is being organized at Dalton which will be known as the Royal Society of Good Fellows.” T. J. Cater, of Perry, bus this week gath ered about ninety bushels of sweet potatoes from about three-fifths of an acre. A Toulouse goose belonging to Airs. J. H. Hodges, of Perry, lias been laying regu larly every alternate dav since about Oct, 24. Syrup making is going on vigorously all over Terrell county. The Messrs. Com mander have made about SOI) gallons from a three-acre patch. The Griffin Sun in its eagerness to secure some trade for Griilin, suggests to the mer chants to consider the question of hiring cars and running free excursion trains to Griffin one day in each week. Rev. J. W. Burke, of Macon, has re ceived a letter from his son, Rev. W. B. Burke, stating that he arrived safely at Shanghai, China, on Oct. !!. From there the young missionary starts immediately for Soocliow, where the conference is in session. Cuthbert’s cotton factory is to be sold. This course, the stock holders at their late meeting decided to pursue on account of some dissatisfaction which existed among themselves. The property after proper ad vertisement, will be sold about Jan. 1, 1888. At Dawson Saturday afternoon someone stole Perry Stephens’ harness from off his horse. The horse was hitched at one of the public hitching places of the town, and it certainly was a bold person to commit such a theft m the day time while so many people were in town. Cob Arthur McCauley, who lives aliout two and a half miles north of Perry, has in his possession a book—“ History of the New Testament,” by Jeremy Taylor—published 218 years ago, in 1674. He also has two almanacs printed in 17(58 and 1775. These books were purchased by Col. McCauley’s father, at a sale of old books in Charleston, S. C., several years before the late war. Lem Hooten, who was severely knifed at Concord by Alexander Madden on Tuesday night, was much better Wednesday, and while his wounds are very severe he stands a splendid chance of recovery. Air. Alad den was in Griffin Wednesday, and stated to friends that at the proper time lie would give himself up. He did not know the ex tent of the wounds he had inflicted, and was only keeping out of the way until he could find out such particulars. At Lawrenceville Thaddeus Ixm com mitted suicide Wednesday morning in the woods, near the poor house. He was an in mate at th time and had been for several months. He cut his throat from ear to ear with a razor. His mind was impaired to some extent, and the cause of the suicide is attribute) to this, though few expected such consequences. The Coroner held an inquest and the verdict of the jury was in accordance with the above facts. •At Atlanta Wednesday Yellowstone Kit, the patent medicine man, gave an open air exhibition at the base bail park for the benefit of the Confederate Veterans’ Asso ciation of Fulton county. He drew crowds, and iv iuld no doubt have cleared SI,OOO for the veterans but for a distui bailee which occurred in the afternoon, breaking up the show. He did, however, realize the hand some sum of $5.70, which he has paid to ()r --dinary W. L. Calhoun for the association. Thuisdav the committee of the association held a meeting, at which a resolution of thanks to Kit was passed for his valuable contribution to the fund of the association. At Blacksbeur, Saturday night, William Kinsey, living about two ‘miles from town, being under the influence of liquor, went about cursing and acting shamefully upon the streets. Town Marshal H. J. Bryant, in attempting his arrest was cut at about a dozen tunes, one slash cutting Ids coat sleeve pretty badly but uot inflicting any flesh wound He succeeded in arresting him and carried him to jail and locked him up where he stayed until Sunday night. Ten dollars was given to the Marshal and he re leased him upon his own recognizance until Alouday morning. His honor R. G. Rig gins, upon the prisoner's plea of guilty lined aim $4 and costs. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Gainesville Cotton Factory, Wednesday, Col. Candler tendered his resignation as President, and Capt. John A. .Smith was elected to fill the office. Co], Candler lias devoted most of his time during the past summer, (entirely without remuneration) superintending the erection of the building, purchasing the engine and managing the affaire of the enterprise generally —all of which he lias accomplished to the entire satisfaction of tne Board of Directors and the, stockholders. The management greatly desired to secure the further benefit of his valuable services, but his official duties call him to Washington, rendering it impossible for him to longer hold the position and do justice to the enterprise. Jackson Argus: St. E., who wont to the fair at Macon, had an experience worth relating. On bis arrival in the Central City, about the first discovery he made, was (•but he lmd an appetite. After making his way to a hotel, he gave orders for a supper. The order and supper were sardines. He knew that sardines were a high-toned dish and he wanted to keep pace with the fash ion. At night the young man had a ro mantic dream, considering ttmt he never read marvelous Jules Verne. In the dream he saw himself “3,000 leagues under the sea,” with sardines as thick around him as wiggle-tails in a stagnant well, and imag ined that all the snakes, and lizards and rev enue officers iu Georgia had been couverted mto saidi es, and were seeking his destruc tion, and to tliis day he never hears an acorn fall, but what he turn < to see if it is not a sardine falling out of his coat pocket. The fourteenth session of the North Geor gia Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Chinch began Thursday in the Vtrican Methodist Episcopal church at Roane, Rt. Rev. A. W. Way man, presiding Bishop, in the chair, lie sjioke very ten derly concerning Bishop J. A. Shorter, who departed this life during the interval of the last conference, and also expressed himself pleased to meet the brethren of the confer ence. By motion of Rev. \V. J. Gaines, I). r> , Rev. C. V. Jordan, of Dalton, was elect ed Secretary. Rev. K. IV. Lee, of Atlanta, and C. C. Cargile, of Madison, wore selected as assistant secretaries. Rev. ,J. S. Flipper, of Aalanta, was appointed reporter t > the Sou hern Recorder, Rev. A. IV . IVatson for t he Christian Recorder, Rev. V. Ocounel for the Rome papers, Revs. L. Baxter and H. H. Haynes, marshais. The committees were appointed by the Bishop, end the first day's is-ssiou "las devoted to hearing reports from the several districts. There tire in attend ance 175 ministers and delegates. Gainesville Eagle: A white man named Austin Bruce came into town last Wednes day aud after knocking around a while made the acquaintance of a negro named rhil Brown, to whom he handed a dollar and told him to go into the Arlington saloon and get something to dritik and Tiring bock i the change. Air. Peter McDermid immedi j atcly saw that the money was counterfeit, | and on inquiry the negro stated how (he came by it. An officer was secured. | who, with the negro, went to when* j the man was waiting for liis I change. He was promptly arrested, and I on him was found eight other spurious coins exactly like the one presented by the negro, j A warrant was sworn out and Bruce was taken before United States Commissioner I Gaston yesterday and committed for coun terfeiting in default off 1.000 lmd. It ap -1 peal's that Bruce lias tried to pass these I spurious coins on several persons about j town; how many lie had gotten oIT is not (known. He has recently served out a sen tence for illicit distilling. FLORIDA. The rinneer Mill, at Carrnbelle, has re ceived an automatic saw-gummer. Leon county merchants say that the farmers are paying up old accounts right along. John Theobald, of Apalachicola, hauled in tweuty-sevnu fine trout last Wednesday in about an hour. Messrs. Floyd & Estes, of Apalachicola, expect the arrival of their steam launch some time next week. Tallahassee Methodists are holding a pro tracted meeting. Rev. Mr. Mclntosh, of Apalachicola, is assisting Rev. Air. Part ridge. The Cuban daily El iiteblo, of Key AVest, has suspended publication. Editor Delga do, however, hopes to revive it shortly as a weekly, if nothing more. At Waukeenah there has been such a rush of business during the last few weeks that the merchants have boon compelled to employ additional clerks. The big factory building of Manufacturer Toledo, on White street, Key West., mid way between the Rocky Road and Salt Ponds, is rapidly approaching completion. The Baptist churches of Esfinmbin, Wal ton and Santa Rosa counties met at Pens® cola yesterday, for the purpose of forming an association for the three counties men tionwl A gentleman of Chattanooga, Tenu., in conjunction with capitalists from Pennsyl vania, is corresponding with a gentleman in Apalachicola to learu the advantages for the opening of a bank. Tt is said that, the steamer Aid, now of Apalachicola, will lie taken to Mobile to run in conjunction with the .Merchants’ and Traders’ line, of which Capt. Henry Moore is the general agent. T. J. Roberts & Son have bought of VV. R. Wilson the property on which their stables and office is located at Tallahassee. It was o i this spot of ground that Mr. Wil son was born and it was with great reluct ance that lie parted with it. L. D. Snooks, of the Brush Electric Com pany, is in Tallahassee trying to organize a Joint stock company to light Tallahassee by electricity. The City Council held a call meetiug Monday and agreed to appropri ate S3OO to pay for four lights six months. Sheriff Bird, of Jefferson county, was kept quite busy last week, and was very successful in bringing viola tore of the law before tiie court. On AVednesday evening it was discovered that Monticcllo was in - fested by a gang of negro thieves, who were successfully plying their avocation. There were four of the villains, and now three occupy quarters iu the jail. A family in Orlando owns a setter pup which is allowed to come into the house. Thursday a member of the family procured the book known as “Letters from Hell,” and happening to leave it within reach of the pup, along with other books, he delib erately took it from the pile and tore it up. No other book has been injured, and no at tempt was made by the dog heretofore to destroy anything. The steamer Governor Stafford, intended for ('apt. Louis Pierce’s Miami .Line, arrived at Key West Saturday from Jacksonville, via Miami and intermediate points. She is owned by the Gulf Coast Steamboat Com pany, at Cellar Keys, was built at Wil mington. Del., In 1884, by Pusey & Jones, is 135 feet long by 26 feet beam, and pro nounced by those best acquainted with her qualities as quite seaworthy. Notice is given of the restoration of the 20,b(K)-aore Aredondo grant, near Lake City, to the public domain. On Jan. IS, 1888, at 9 a. m., the lands embraced in the above named grant will be subject to entry under the homestead and pre-emption laws of the United States, preference being given to ad persons who may furnish evidence satisfac tory that they are bona tide actual residents upon tho land they seek to enter or file upon. In stock and awaiting shipment at Pensa cola and vicinity there are at the present time nearly 30,00),000 feet of lumber. Of this amount the larger firms are carrying aliout 21,500,000 feet, distributed as follows: Muscogee Lumber Company, 4,000,000; Olmflin & Cos., 3,000,000; Simpson & Cos., 8,000,000; Choctawhatchie Lumber Com pany, 1,000,000; George AY. Wright & Cos., 2,000,000: Brent & Cos., 1,000,000; Robinson & Cos., 2,500,000. Leesburg claims that Umatilla leaves the impression that in a convention of the whole people of Lake county assembled there tiiat Tavares was the popular choice for the county seat, whereas it was only a convention of the ]>eop!o of the east side of the lakes, who were favorable to Tavares as the county seat. Leesburg is in tho race to win, and proposes to do do so on tho princi ple of justico and fairness to all competitors and misrepresentations to none. Fmin a small patch of four acres AYilliam Roberts, of Tallahassee, has cut this year four crops of most excellent haw The first, cutting turned out 35,450 pounds, the second cutting 37,300 pounds, the third crop whs rather small owing to drought but made B<X) pounds. The total production is 63,550 pounds. Northern hay not one whit better than this is sidling in the local market at $1 per hundred pounds, but we will put this at 75c. per hundred, a fair estimate, and it foots up $476 65 or sll4 14 per acre—nearly as much as three bales of cotton would bring and made with less than half as much work. At Brooksville, owing to the absence of several witnesses for the prosecution, tho preliminary hearing of the prisoners held for assassinating itollyfleld was postponed until yesterday. The defense will probably attempt to prove that the skeleton that has been discovered is not that of Hollvlield: possibly that it is, and that he died oi r nlm holisni, and therefore the principal link of the chain of the circumstantial evidence is ; missing. A week lias passed since the nr j rests, and the excitement that flint prevailed ■ lias given way to the belief that there is ! nothing in the case and that tho prisoners ! will be released. From the number of con ferences of citizens with the prisoners, it is expected that some of them will testify as to whose remains the skeleton is, or that they will testify that the remains are really those of Hollvlield, but tliut he died from exces sive drinking and exposure. It is conceded that the case revolves upon the skeleton for or against tho prisoners. Worth Reading. From the Bartlesville (Oo.) (lazelte. The Savannah News is one of ttao ablest edited, cleanest and most reliable of our Southern dailies; and no weekly in the South surpasses that of the Savannah News. “Rough on Bile” Pilla. Small granules, small dose, big results, pleasant in operation, don’t disturb the stomach. 10c. and 25c. •Bucliu-Paiba.” Quick, complete cure, nil anuoyiug kid. ney, bladder und urinary diseases. sl. At druggists. “Rough on Dirt.” Ask for “Rough on Dirt.” A perfect washing powder found at last! A harmless extra fine A1 article, pure aud clean, sweet ens, freshens, bleaches and whitens without slightest injury to finest fabric. Unequalod for fine linens and laces, general household, kitchen and laundry use. .Softens water, saves labor and soap. Added to starch pre vents yellowing, be,, 10c,, :lbe, at grocer* THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1887. CLOTHING. WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT OUR Fall Stock is now complete and we will be pleased to show our friends and the public the prevailing and correct styles in CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS i HATS For the season, whether they call to supply themselves or only to see “what is to be worn/' Respectfully, 1 FALK k SONS, Men’s, Boys’ and Children's Outfitters. Our Fall and Winter Catalogue is ready for distribution. $$ OFF $$ “DOLLARS OFF" IS AVHAT IT MEANS. We find in running over our immense stock of GENT’S AND YOUTHS’ FINE SUITS, two and three suits of a line left on hand. AVe have gathered up all of these bkokex (.inks (not “broken suits") put them on one table, knocked THREE TO FIVE DOLLARS OFF the price of each to RUSH TIIIIM OFF. AVe want the room for other lines, and must have it. UNDERSTAND that these suits are NOT BROKEN, ARE STYLISH AIATERIALS. ' ARE THIS SEASON S GOODS. AATiy they are left is probably because they are odd sizes. Yon may find what you want on this table, and can oet it order value. NEAV GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER. AA T e are doing our best to keep up with the un precedented demands that have been made on us this season. IGI CONGRESS ST. B. H. LEVY & BRO. DRY GOODS, Ki.U. Extraordinary Inducements IN Black Dress Silks KOT4 THIS AATEEK: Elegant Black (,'ros-Grnin Silk, Cashmere finish, worth $t 25, at 980. Kxtraordi nary Rich Black Surah Silk, worth $1 ."A, at. 99c. Handsome Black Satin Duchesse,worth $1 3714 at 97t4e. Rich Black Silk Uhadame, worth $1 50, at $1 29 Black Gros-Grain Silk, rich satin finish, worth $1 50, at $1 23. Black Satin Marvelleux. heavy quality and rich lustre, worth $1 75 at $t 46. COLORED SURAH SILKS Fine quality Surah Silks, in dark and delicate evening tints', worth $1 25, at 96c. Priestley’s Fine Silk Warp Henrietta Cloths. Priestley's Silk Warp Nun's Veilings, from 75c. to $2 a yard, suitable for mourning veils. We also carry complete lines of Cashmeres, Crapes and all the staple aud fancy weaves in new mourning fabrics. SPECIAL. All-Wool French Cashmeres, in blue and jet black at 49c., 59c. and 71c., worth Gsc., 75c. and 85c. CROIIAN & DOONER, Successors to B. F. McKENNA & CO., 137 ST. I AM PREPARED TO OFFER A VERY AT TRACTIVE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER Dress Goods Among which will be found RARE GEMS IN COMBINATION SUITS. (NO TWO ALIKE i My stock of domestics in SHEETING, SHIRT ING, PILLOW-CASE COTTONS are unsur passed. CALIFORNIA and WHITNKR BLANKETS in variety. n INFANTS’ and CRIB BLANKETS, TABLE DAMASK NAPKINS. DOYLIES and a great, variety of HUCK and DAMASK TOWELS from 80c. to Doe. GERMAINE’S, 138 Broughton street, next to Furber's. PRINTER AND BOOKBINDER. FIFTY-THREE YEARS-1887. At tttc Kusliiess, and uu wttli the Music all tle Time. GEO. N. NICHOLS, PRINTING, UINDING AND BLANK HOOKS. Evenrtliing complete for the Rcat Work. Mo Nluuchy work, ineu. Mo poor work. PA I S I S AND OILS. “ JOHN G-. BUTLER, TITHITE LEADS, COLORS. OILS, GLASS, VARNISH, ETC.: READY MIXED PAINTS: RAILROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUPPLIES. SASHES. POORS, BLINDS AND BUILDERS’ HARDWARE. Sole Agent for GEORGIA LIME, CALCINED PLASTER. CE MENT, HAIR and LAND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia. 1865 CHRI& MURPHY, "~1865. House, Sign and Ornamental Painting 17XECUTED NEATLY and with dispatch. 1 j Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Brushes, Window Glasses, etc., etc. Estimates furnished on ap plication CORNER CONGRESS aNP DRAYTON STB„ Rear of CUri*t Choreh- SHOES, CLOTHING, NOT IONS, ETC. Shoes, Clothing, Notions. DRIVES AT COHEN’S THIS WEEK. The Place to Buy Boots and Shoes at Half Price, AT COHEN’S. The Place to Buy Men’s and Boys’ Shoes, ATC COHEN’S. The Place to Buy Hats, Hosiery and Notions, Etc., AT COHEN’S, SOUTHWEST COR. BROUGHTON AND BARNARD STREETS. IRON WORKS. KEHOE’S IRON WORKS Broughton Street, from Reynolds to Randolph Streets, Sawaimali, - - Georgia. CASTING- OF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. THE RAPIDLY INCREASING DEAIAND FOR OUR SUGAR MILLS AND PANS ITT AS induced us to manufacture them on a more extensive scale than 11 ever. To that end no pains or expense has been spared to maintain their HIGH STANAKD OF EXCELLENCE. TbesaAlills are of The BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP, with heavy WROUGHT IRON SHAFTS (made long to prevent danger to the operator), and rollers of the best charcoal pig iron, all turned up true. They are heavy, strong and durable, run light and even, and are guaran ,7? teed capable of grinding the heaviest fully matured F.. • - fffim All our Mills are fully warranted for one year. HhHK; jgfe’t.ArMpry'fe.TV Cw Our Pans being cast with the bottoms down, 8“' s ei-SSfli posse*, smoothness, durability and uniformity of Gflck^ss^F AR. SUPERIOR To THOSE MADE IN WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO BE AS LOW AS ANY OFFERED. A Large Stock Always on Hand for Prompt Delivery. AVm. I voboe A Cos. N. B.—The name “ KEHOE'S IRON WORKS,’ is cast on all our Mills and Pans. CROCKERY, GI.ABSWARE, UTC. OHA TV 1> I>I.SP Ij AY AT West’s Chinn Palace OF New Mat Gold and Beautiful Decorations in Haviland & Co,’s Celebrated China. Pompadour Shape all the Rage. New Borogue Ware. Satin Ware, in all Shades and Colors. Celladonna, Burmese, Brilliantine and Beaded Ware. French and Belgian Rich Cut Glass Ware. All of our own direct importation. Gas Shades in all the Most Delicate Shapes and Tints. We are receiving: on every steamer NEW GOODS from all countries, suitable for WEDDING and HOLLIDAY PRESENTS. Cali aud inspect the immense stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS at WEST’S CHINA PALACE, 133 BROUGHTON STREET. BELT GREASE. To Mill Men TURNER’S TRACTION BELT GREASE -AND - Belting Preservative Softens Leather and Makes Rubber Belting More Durable. This Grease effectually prevents slipping, ren ders the belts adhesive, heavy mid pliable and will add one third to the iiowerof the belt. Its use enables the belt to oe run loose and have same power. —FOR SALE BY— PALMER BROTHERS, SAVANNAI I- Recommended by DALE, DIXON S: 00.. J. W. TYNAN and many others, SHOES. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE.V^^/ The only S3 SKAMLKSSJ ti&X&crf Shoo in the world, with-r out tuck* or naila. / tfc3-4jl Xi Finest Calf, perfect k! and warranted. Congress,> KSfcj'. oo \ Hutton and Lace, all uj styles toe. As stylish A* Jfewf and durable a'' rfioee jtf : * A costing $5 or s<>.ltoyg/ <✓ r cjjf all wear fh** W. Jr 9> L. DOCGLASX ,J9 I- [| ' 1 ' . „n! r*,. DißiMfcSS |>rllir *topd ea Witora of wb Shoo. J XV. L. DOUGLAS 68.50 SHOE i unex. celled for heavy wear. If not sold by your dealer write W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton, Mask. FOR SALE BY BYCK BROS. SOLE AGENTS, Saviinmih - - Gra,. SUDURBAN KAILWA vs. Coast Line Railroad. Suburban Schedule. CATHEDRAL CEMETERY. HiNVVENTURF. AND THUNDERBOLT. The follow ing sebedulo will tie olrea ved on and after SIONDAY, Oct. 3, ItWT. weekdays, i Sen special schedule forHunday.) Leave Savannah tcity time), 7:10, 10:35, a. m., 8:00. 1.00. *0:3.-, r. it. Leave Thunderbolt, 5:50, 8:00 A. a., 18:80, 4:00, t.vto n. ?i. G-uve Bonaventure, 6:00, 8:10 a. m„ 18:30,4:10, 5:50 p. m. •Saturday night last car leaves city 7:13, In stead or 6:35 -1 .vst ear leaves Thunderbolt. 3:40, instead of 0:80, as formerly. Take Broughton street e ux 85 minute, before departure of Suburban trains. R. E. COBB, Supt. City and Suburban Railway. Savannah. Ga m Nov. 6, 4887. ON and after MONDAY. November 7, the following schedule will bo run on tho Out side Lin#: \. RA V K I ARRIVE LEAVE ISLC IXAVE CITY. | CITY. jOK HOPE. MONTGOMERY 10:85 a. in. s:4oa in. i 8:15a. m. 7:80a. m *17:00 p.m. 8:00 p. in. ! 1:50 p.m. 1:00 p.m F.very Monday morning there will * a train for Montgomery at 7:00 a. in. Saturday aud .Sunday's trains will be run Leafing pity a3:35n. m. ami ratumiaa leave Montgomery at 5:00 p. l.t and Isle of Hope at 5:30 p. in. # Thia train will oe omitted Sundays. tOn Saturdays this train leaves city at 7:80 P.m. J. 11. JOHNSTON*. iTeoktanU RAILROADS. East Tennessee, Virginia k Georgia R. II GEORGIA DIVISION. The Quickest and Shortest Line —BETWEEN Savannah & Atlanta. /COMMENCING Oct. 0. I*S7. the following Vy Schedule will l>e in effect: EASTERN LINE. Fast Night Express. K x press. Lv Savannah 7:06 a m 1:80 p m 7:% p m Ar Jesup 8:13 a m 3:30 p m 9:55 pm Lv Jesup 3:35 p m 3:30 ft m Ar Brunswick 5:35 p m 6:00 a m Lv Jesup B:soam 11:07 pin Ar Eastman 12:12 pin 3:00 ain Ar Cochran 13:58 pm 3:37 a m Ar Hawkiusville. 3:00 pm 11:45 am Lv Hawkinsville 10:05 am 5:35 am 11:15 a m Ar Macon 2:oopm 7:3oam 3:65 am Lv Macon 2:35 u m 7:30 a m 4:00 a m Ar Atlanta 5:45 i> in 11:00am 7:30 am Lv Atlanta 6:00 pm BOOp m 7:35 ain Ar Rome 9:00. pm 4:lopm 10:40 am Ar Dalton 10:32 p m 5:80 p m 12:09 n n Ar Chattanooga;. 7:00 pm 1:35 phi l.v Chattanooga... 9:80 ain 10:00 pm Ar Kuoxville 1:50 pm 2:00 am Ar Bristol 7:35 pm 6:30 am Ar Roanoke 2:15 aiu 12:45 pin Ar Natural Bridge. 3:54 ain 2:29 pm A r Waynesboro ... 6:30a in 4:20 pm At Luray 7.50a m 6:13 p m Ar Sheuando'J'n.. 10:53a ra 9:35 pm Arlla; ‘rshmn. .. 11:55 pm 10:30pm Ar Harrisburg 3:30 pm 1:20 am —.. . Ar Philadelphia. . G:soi> m 4:45am Ar New York . . 9:89 pm 7:00 am Lv Hagerstown... 12:56n00n Ar Baltimore 3:45 pm Ar Philadelphia. . 7:49pm Ar New York 10:35 pm Lv Roanoke. 2:2oam 12:30 noon Ar Lynchburg . 4:30 ain 3:45 pni Ar Washington J2:00noon 9:40 pm Ar Baltimore J:27 pm 11:35 pm \r Philadelphia... 3:47 p m 8:00 ain Ar New York. .. 6:30 pin 6:20 a m Lv Lynchburg. . 0:15 am 3:05 pm . Ar Burkvillo 9:20a m 5:27 pm Ar Petersburg.... 11:10am 7:lspm Ar Norfolk 3:35 p m 10:00 p m Via Memphis and Charleston it. It. Lv Chattanooga . 9:35am 7;lopm Ar Memphis. ... 9:lsj>m 6:loam Ar Little Book.. . 7:10 am 12:55pm Via K. C M F. B. and C. R. R. Lv Memphis 10:30 am Ar Kansas City 7 :40 a m Via Cin. So. R'y. T.v Chattanooga .. s:i)oam 7:lopm 9:ooam Ar. liouisville 6:42pm 6:3oam 6:lspm Ar Cincinnati 6:50 pin 6:50 am 6:42pm Ar Chicago 6:50a in 0:50 pni ( . am Ar St. lA>uis 6:50 am 0:40 pm 6:soam Train leaving Savannah 7:35 p rn, arriving at Chattanooga 1:35 p m. makes close eonnecMou with N. C. A S. 1,, for Sewanne, Mouteagle, Nashville, St. Louis and Chicago. Train leaving Savannnh at .:a; n m. Macon at 2:25 p m and Atlanta a: 6:00 p m is fast train for the East, and goes directly vm Cleveland, car rying tnrough eie*per to Cleveland, making close eonneolion at Cleveland with train leaving Chattanooga at 10:00 p in. Pullman sleepers leave as follows: Rims wick at 6:40 am \• r ‘leveJaml. Itomo af 1:10 pn. for Washington via LynchburgrChattanoogaat 10:0u Sin for Washington via Lynchburg; aUo one lor e\v York via Shenandoah Volley, and at 9:30 a in for Washington via Lynchburg; Chatta nooga at 7:10 i in for Little Rock; Brunswick at 8:30 p in for Atlanta; Jacksonville at 7 p. in. for Cincinnati. B W. WRfcNN, (3. I\ A T. A... •/v.. Knoxvdle.'Teitn. L. J KUiIS, Adi.y, A . Atlanta., WOOD. A. 3. BA C ON, riauia!- Milt, Lushr and IVuod lard, Liberty nnd East Broad sts.. Savannah, Oa. \LL Planing Mill work correctly and prompt !y (lone. Good stock Dressed and Rough Lumbe". FIRE WOOD, Oak, Fine, Lightwood and Lumber Kindlings. 'T'O COUNTY OFFICERS.-Books and Blansk J required by county officers for the use of the courts, or for office use. supplied to order by the 'IORNI.NO NEWS PRINTING HOUSE, 3 Wiikake; street, Savannah. SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMSM FOR New York, Boston and Philadelphia. PASSAGE TO NEW YORK. CABIN S3O 00 EXCURSION S3 00 STEERAGE 10 OJ PASSAGE TO BOSTON. CABIN S2O 00 EXCURSION 32 00 STEERAGE 10 00 PASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA. (via New York). CABIN.. $22 50 EXCURSION 20 00 STEERAGE 12 50 ' I'HE magnificent steamships or these lines I- are appointed to sail as follows—standard time- ' TO NEW YORK. CHATTAHOOCHEE. Cant. H C. Daggett, SUNDAY, Nov. 13. at 4:00 p. a. TALLAHASSEE. Capt. W. H. Fisher, SUN DAY, Nov. 20, at 0:30 a. m. NACOOCHEE, Capt. F. Kempto.v, TUESDAY, Nov. 15, at 5:30 p. M. CITY OF SAVANNAH, Capt. F. Smith, FRI DAY, Nov. 18, 8 a. m. TO BOSTON. GATE CITY, Capt. E. R. Tatlor, THURSDAY, Nov. 17, at 7 p. K. CITY OF MACON, Capt. 11. C. Lewis, THURS DAY, Nov. 24, at 1 p. M. TO PHILADELPHIA. [FOR FREIGHT ONLY. | JUNIATA, Capt. S. L. Askins, SATURDAY, Nov. 12. at 3.00 p. u. DESSOUG, Capt, N. F. Howes, SATURDAY, Nov. 19, at 9 a. m. Through bills of lading given to Eastern and Northwestern points and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Contiusnt. For freight or passage apply to C. G. ANDERSON, Agent, City Exchange Building. Merchants’ and Miners’ Transportation Cuni'y. For Hal t iinorc. CABIN .'..513 50 SECOND CABIN 10 00 THE STE AMSHIPS of this Companvare ao-- pointed to sail from Savannah for Balti more as follows—city time: WM. CRANE. Capt. Billups, SATURDAY, Nov. 12, at 4 p. m. WM. LAWRENCE, Capt. Snow, THURSDAY, Nov. 17, at 8 A. M. WM. CRANE, Capt. Billups, TUESDAY, Nov. 22, at 12 M. WM. LAWRENCE, Capt. Snow, MONDAY, Nov. 28, at 5 r. u. And from Baltimore on the days above named at 3 p. si. Through bills lading given to ail points West, ail the manufacturing towns in New England, end to ports of the United Kingdom and the Contineht. JAS. B. WEST * CO.. Agents. 114 Bay street. SKA ISLAND IiOU TK. STEAMER ST. NICHOLAS, Capt. M. P. USINA, /COMMENCING MONDAY, Oet. 31, will leave V Savannah from wharf fool of Lincoln street for DOBOY. DARIEN. BRUNSWICK and FF.RNANDINA, every MONDAY and THURSDAY at 4 p. .. city time, con necting at Savannah with New York, Philadel phia, Boston and Baltimore steamers, at Fer namlina with rail for Jacksonville and all points in Florida, and at Brunswick with steamer for tat ilia river. Freight received till 3:80 r. M. on days of sail ing. Tickets on wharf and boat. PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE. Tampa, Key West, Havana. HEM I WEEKLY. SOUTHBOUND. I,v Tampa Monday and Thursday 9:30 p. m. At Key West Tuesday and Friday 1 p. in. Ar Havana Wednesday and Saturday 0 a. in. NORTH-BOUND. Lv Havana W/nlnesdav and Saturday noon. Lf Key West Wednebdav and Sat urday JO p m. Ar Tampa Thursday and Sunday t> py in. Connecting at Tampa with Vvest India Fast Train to and from Northern and Eastern cities. For stateroom accommodations apply to City Ticket office S., F. fc W. li'y, Jacksonville, or Agent Plant Steamship Uno, Tatiua. (L>. OWENS, Traffic Manager. H. S. HAINES, General Manager. May 1, 1S 7. For Augusta and Way Landings. STEA MER KATIE. Capt. J. 8. BEVILL, TT7TLT, leave EVERY WEDNESDAY* at 10 ' ' o'clock a. M. tcity time! for Augusta and way landings. AU freights payable by shippers. JOHN LAWTON, _ Manager. Nlederlandisch-Amerikanische Damp fsc! ii ff-fah rts-G ese Ii schaft. - Nisderlaendische Post, BiHitje Route nnek und von DruUrhlnnd. Posulainpfer ncgoin von New York und Holland jeden Sonitabend. 1. Cajiiete iuiucelneFahrt) $43 I Esteurbillets SBO 8. " " “ 58 | “ tO zwiscnicxnrcK 10 den billigsten Freisco. GEN. AGENTUR: 85 South William street, New Y T ork. GEN. PASS AGENTUR: 18 and 80 Broadway. New Y'ork. AGENTEN:—At Savannah. On. JOSEPH COHEX & CO., and M. 8. COSGLK.'H A CO, ELECTRIC BELTS. This Bell or Regenera vUrUß'ii'a IYN'i'&lC-iIA ,or is made cxpiv'sly Ar’ft'n. ’‘'-A-for the vureofdcraii.'-*- W-'fJP, pHECVEAYJ. 1 mom soi tbeg.-i-ral ive IHrAPCT Di/>S\6r/Sf'l organs. A continuous '(k’fv'-Wk KJtYLJtivrj stream of Electricity pirmettling Ihro' the k . parts must restore 1 a ./ I Ik ni to healthy action. 111!' i It with Eli ctric lielm ad ," " ■ verliseil to cure all ills; It is for the on* specific purpose. For lull in formation address CHE EVER ELECTHIO BELT CO.. 103 Woshiuctoa St., Chicago lit RAILROADS. S C II E d' ul'k CENTRAL RAILROAD. O Savannah, Ga.. Oct, 16, 17 N and arter this date Paa*nger Trains win run dally unless marked t, which except Sunday. The standard time, by which these trains ran. Is ub minutes slower than Savannah city time: ’ . „ No. 1. No. 3. No 7 * Lv Savannah.,7:loam B:2opm 5-40 Ar Guyton 8:07 am ! a-JoSS ArHllTleh 9:40 am 11:03 pm Ar Augusta.. 11:15am r.:4sam .. pta Ar Macon I:4opm 3:Boam ' Ar At1anta....5:40 pin 7:15 am * Ar Columbus. .9:35 Dm 3:75 pm * Ar Montg'ry. .7:35 atn 7 13pm... ' Ar Etifaula. . ,4:37 am 4:lopm * Ar Albany. ..!l:0-. pn. B:sspm ~*..** . Train No. 9+ loaves Savannah~2:oo n. m . rives Guyton 2:53 p. m. **■ ra ” ar ‘ Passengers for Sylvania, WrightsvlUe Mil. ledge villa andEatouton should take 7:10 a. in train. * u ** Passengers for Thomaston, Carrollton, Perrv Fort Games, Talbolton, Buena Vista Blakeii and Clayton should take the 6:20 p. in. traim * No. 2. No. 4. TTY' Lv Augusta. 18:10 pm 9:10 pm Lv Macon.. .10:35 am 11:00 urn I * Lv Atlanta.. 6:50 am 7:15 pm - LvOolumbus 10:30 pra 12:15 Dm - Lv Montg’ry. 7:35 pm 7:40 am * I.v Eulaula. .10:1: pm 10:47 am . iMRw- l:4sam 11:55am .. Lv Millen— 2:28 pm 3:30 am 5-OOam Lv Guyton . 4:03 pm 5:0. am . . '6 : sß*m Ar Savannah 5:00 pm 6:15 am !.C 8:00 am GUytOD Wrm.Tarrives Sleeping cars on all night, trains between Sa .id ilk and Mail “ 0-1 pa “ en * ers between Savannah . w “ lat <> p °n signal at stations be in een Millen and Savannah to take ou Dassen gers for Savannah passen Connections at Savannah with Savannah Florida aDj " esturu Kailway for all points ul Tickets for all points and sleeping car herths ™ City Office, No. 20 Bull street and Depot Office 30 minutes before departure of each train. u * J Si? H A W - E. 3’. CHARLTON, Ticket Agent. Gen. Pass. Agent. Savannah, Florida & Western Railway. [:VU trains oa this road are run by Central Standard Time.] TIME CARD IN EFFECT JUNE 19 1887 A Passenger trains on tins road wiU run daily as follows: J WEST INDIA FAST 1M A TT f head down. 7:06 a m Lv. Savannah Ar 12 06 p m P m Lv Jacksonville Lv 7:00 a m m V v -Sanford Lv lasiS 0.00 p m At Tampa Lv 8:00 p m PLANT STEAMSHIP LINK fsp.rt} ''-“■v-* isstss Sat. ““'.ami- Ar.. .Havana.. .Lv Pullman buffet cars to and from New York and Tarnpa. NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS. 7:06 am Lv Savannah Ar 7-S.Snui ..Jesup Ar 6:16 p m 9.50 a m Ar Waycross Lv 5:06 pm 11:88 a m Ar Callahan Lv 3:47 nm I.OXI noouAr Jacksonville Lv 2:06 p m 7:00 am Lv Jacksonville Ar 7:45 p m 10:15am Lv Waycross Ar 4:4opm p m F v Valdosta Lv 2:56 p m 12:34 pm Lv Quitman Lv 2:2Bpm J—pm Ar Thomasville... .Lv I:4spm 3:3.3 pm At 7. Bainbridge Lv 11:25am Pni Ar—Chattahoochee....Lv ll:80a"in Pullman buffet cars to and from Jacksonville and New Y’ork, to and from Waycross and New Orleans via Pensacola. EAST FLORIDA EXPRESS. J : 22 pra F v Savannah. Ar 12:06 pm *fj pm v v ...Jesup Lv 10:33a at 4:40 pm Ar Waycross Lv 9:23 am 7:45 pm Ar Jacksonville Lv 7:00 a m 4:lspm Lv. . .Jacksonville. ...Ar 9:45am 7:20 p m Lv Waycross. Ar 6:aiaTa 8:31 pm Ar Dupont Lv s:3oam 3:35 pm Lv.. . l,ake City. ..Ar 10:45 arn B:4spm Lv Gainesville .Ar 10:30aTm 0:55 pm Lv Live Oak Ar 7:loam 6:40 p m Lv. DupontF7.T7r.AFl?2o"aTu 10:5o p m Ar fhomasville Lv 3:25 am Up,n m Ar Albany Lv 1:25 a m Pullman buffet cars to and from Jacksonville and St. Louis Thomasville, Albany, Monte gomery and Nat rille. ALBANY EXPRESS. 7:35 p m Lv Ar 6:loam 10:0.> p m Lv Jesup Lv 3:lsam 7:3oamAr Atlanta Lv 7:ospm 12:40 a m Ar Waycross Lv 12:l'fa Mi 7:25 ain Ar iacksonville Lv 7:00 pin 7:00 pni I.v Jacksonville Ar 7:25 ain 1:0.5 a m Lv Waycross Ar 11:30 p m 2:3d a m Ar Dupont Lv 10:05 pm 7:10 am Ar Live OakTT. - . ..Lv 6:55 pm 10:30 a in Ar Gainesville Lv 3:45 p m 10:45 am Ar .... Lake City.. T~T.Lv 3:25 pin 8:65 a m i.v Dupont Ar 9:35pm 6:30 a m Ar Thomasville Lv 7:00 p m 11:40am Ar Albany Lv 4:oopm Stops at all regular stations. Pullman sleeping cars to and from Jacksonville and Sa vannah JESUP EXPRESS. SMS pin Lv Savannah Ar 8:30a rn 6:10p mAr Jesup Lv 6:25a ta btops at all regular and Rag stations. CONNECTIONS. At Savannah for Charleston at 6:45 am, (ar rive Augusta via Yemassee at 12:30 p m), 12.a? j) m and 8:23 pm; for Augusta and Atlanta at ,':00 a, m. 5:15 p m and 8:20 p m; with steatnshipti for New 5 ork Sunday, Tuesday and Friday; for Boston Thursday: for Baltimore every dfth day. At J ESUP for Brunswick at 3:30 a m and 3:35 p m; for Macon aud Atlanta 10:30 a ra and 11:<W p in. At WAYCROSSforßruuswiokat 10:00a man® 6:05 p m. At CALLAHAN for Fernandma at 2:4? p *U for Waldo, Cedar Key, Ocala, etc , at 11:27 a m. At LIVE OAK for Madison, Tallahassee, etc., at 10:58 n m and 7:30 p m. At GAINESVILLE lor Ocala, Tavares, Brooks vilfe and Tampa at 10:56 a ra. At ALBANY for Atlanta, Macon, Montgom ery. Mobile. New Orleans, Nashville, etc. At CHATTAHOOCHEE for Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans at 4:11 p m. Tickets sold and sleeping oar berths secured at BREN’S Ticket Office, and at the Passenger Station. WJI. P. HARDEE, Gen. Pass. Agent. R. G. FLEMING Superintendent Charleston & Savannah Railway Cos. C CONNECTIONS made at Savannah withSv > vanuah, Florida and Western Railway. Trains leave and arrive at Savannah by stand ard time i.DOth meridian;, which ia 86 minutak slower than city time. NORTHWARD. No. 14* 88t 66* 76* Lv Sav’h.. .12:26 p m 4:00 pra 0:45 ain 8:23 pnt Ar Augusta ~... 13:30 pm - Ar Beaufort 6:08 pm 10:15 am - Ar I’. Royal 6:3opm 10:30am - ArAl’dafe.. 7:40 p tn B:lspm 10:30a Ar Cha ston 4:43 p m 9:20 p m 11:40 a m 1:25 a m SOUTHWARD. ,3.3* 36* 27* Lv Chasten 7:10 ain 8:86 p m 4:00a tn Lv Augusta 12:35 p - LvAl'dale. s:loam 8:07 pm Lv P. Royal. 7:00 a m .... 2:oopm - Lv Beaufort 7:l2am 2:lspm .... ■■■• Ar Sav'li... .10:15 am 6:58 p m 6:41 a ™ •Daily between Savannah and Charleston. ISunduys only. . 3 raiti No. 78 makes no connection with Pori Royal and Augusta Railway, und stops only at Rklgelaud, Green Pond and Kaveuel. Train ' stops only at Yemassee and Green Pond, ana connects for Beaufort and Port Royal nail;', and tor Allendale daily, except Sunday. Train* and 66 connect from und for Beaufort and l or. Royal daily. . .. l or tickets, sleeping car reservations other information apply to WM. rsrto- ■ Special Ticket Agent, 22 Bull street, and *“ Charleston and Savannah railway ticket ornoe, at Savannah, Florida anl Western Ru 7 del ot. C. S. GADSDEN, bupt Ji ME U. 1897. KIESLING’S NURSERY, White Blufl Road. PLANTS. BOUQUETS, DESIGNS, CUT r LOWERS furnished to order. Leave of dors at dAVIS BROS.', cornet' Bull aud -orw streets, ’lee-phone coll 2(0.