The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 12, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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COMMERCIAL w ~ SAVANNAH MARKET. WEEKLY REPORT. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS. I Savannah, Ga.. Nov. n, 1887. f General Remarks During tlie past week in the general market there were a few features of interest developed, the most important being ,he rapid and heavy advance in the fleecy staple, while in a few others of the leaders considerable stien'Hh was shown, but in a majority the situation has been a very steady one as regards values. There was a comparatively steady movement in pretty much all departments of trade, and on the whole reached a very fair aggregate amount for this period of the year. The receipt of or ders from the interior has increased slightly over the past two weeks, which is due to the fact that travelers have been enabled to cover more territory iu Florida, as the quarantine was not so rigid as it has been previously. In grocer ies there was a very steady shipping movement in execution of back orders, and a fair amount of new business was had. In the dry goods trade the business was comparatively light, so far as wholesale jobbers were concerned, but in the retail departments there was a fair trade in progress. In all other jobbing braLcbes the business at hand was moderate! with absolutely no features of interest to excite attention. Collections arc jioor. The money market was easy, with some improvement in the demand. Domestic ex change was temporarily scarce and rates were advanced though closing, easier. Foreign ex change is firmer. The security market is slug gisk. The following review of the week’s busi ness will show the tone and latest quotations of the different markets at the close to day: Naval Stores.—The .market for spirits tur fientine was very firm during the past week, and prices were advanced on Tuesday to 35c for regulars. But on the following day they fell off 1,20., closing to day firm at a full recovery. There was a good inquiry, but the offering stock , V ;is light. The total sales were about 3,500 ' casks, the bulk of which was on the basis of 34)*e. Rosin—The market was quiet during the week, and the lower grades declined sc. There was a fair inquiry, and about 9,500 barrels changed hands during the week. In another column will be found a comparative statement of receipts and exports from the beginning of the season to date, and for the same period last year, showing the stocks on hand and on ship board not cleared, together with the official rlosing quotations Rice.—The market for this grain was again strong and prices were advanced )*c. during the week. There was a good demand but the offering stock of clean was rather light and not up to the requirements of the trade. There is no anxiety on the part of owners to sell and the outturn of the mills continues somewhat restricted. The move ment shows that the crop is going rapidly into consumption as it is marketed, although the receipts are still light. The total sales for the week were about 2.000 barrels. The receipts thus far this season were 292.000 busbeis rough, of which the mills have pounded 191,000 bushels, leaving the stock on hand at >OI,OOO bushels. The following are the official quota tions of the Board of Trade. Small job lots are held )*®)4c. higher. Fair 49*® 494 Good 5 ® Prime 5)4®5)* Rough— Tide water $1 10®1 25 Country lots 85® 90 Cotton—The market during last week was strong and advancing. The reports of the Cot ton World and the Agricultural Bureau, and following each oilier so closely, showing the condition of the crop, and verifying to a great extent each other’s estimate of a much smaller crop i ban was anticipated, had the effect of stiffening up controlling markets and prices advanced rapidly and heavily. At ihe close to-day they were fully 94®>4,c. higher than a week ago. There was a very fair demand, bin exporters again complain of g great scarcity of freight room, which of course limited their takings The total sales for this week were 18.100 bales. Toe following are the official clos ing spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: Middling fair 10)4 Good middling 10 Low middling 9)| Good ordinary 914 n< rt Island The receipts for the week up to 4 p. in., as reported by factors, were 1,650 bags, and the sales for the same time were 1.011 liags, tearing the stock at 4.577 hairs. The market has continued firm, and prices have advanced fully )*c. There was a good, steady de mand. ~ but on the advance it was choked, and the week closes with buyers and sellers more or less apart. The stork is light as compared with last year and holders are very firm in then - views as to value. Tiie above business was on the basis of quota tions: Common Georgias i un v-> m ( onnnon Floridas ( ’ Medium . . t9t£@2o Medium fine 21 Fine 22 Extra fine 22)* Choice 2314 The receipts of cotton at this port from all sources the past week were 49.678 bales of up land and 1,650 bales sea island, against 43.194 bales of upland, and 1,432 bales sea island last year. The particulars of the receipts have lieen as follows: Per Central railroad. 40,164 bales up land: per Savannah, Florida and Western Rail way. 7,968 bales upland and 1,342 bales sea island: per Charleston and Savannah rail road. 206 bales upland; per Savannah river steamers, 899 bales upland and 1 bale sea island; >er Florida steamers, 219 hales upland and 41 bales sea island: per Brunswick and Satilla river steamers, 120 lialos upland and 171 bales sea island; per carts, 78 lialcs upland and 95 bales sea island; per various sources, 4 bales upland. The exports for the week were 52.056 bales of upland and 420 bales sea island, moving as fol lows: to Philadelphia, 1.251 bales upland: to New York. 8.698 bales upland and 24" bales sea island: to Boston. 1,793 bales upland; to Baltimore, 1,636 bales upland and 25 bales sea island; to Charleston, 1.038 liales upland; to Koval, 9,400 bales upland; to Liverpool, 6,694 liales upland and 50 bales sea island; to Bremen, 5,283 bales upland; to Antwerp, 3.506 bales upland; to Havre. 5 450 l>ales upland; to Barcelona, 7,295 bales upland. The stock on hand to-day wa114.301 bales up land and 4.577 bales sea island, against 137.860 bales of upland and 3.168 bales sea island last year. Comparative Statement of Net Receipts, Exports and Stocks of Cotton to the FojlowingPlacee to Latest Dates. * Stock on Received since Exported since Sept. 1, 1887. hand and on roars. Sept. 1. Shipboard. Great I O'th F~ n Total C'shrise 1886-87 i 1685-98 Britain.< Trance, j Ports. t-orcMjn. torts. 1887. j 1888. New Orleans Nov. 11 4;'-0,986i 150,489 104,833] 123,802 879.133! 87,339 261,4291 sSM,* Mobile Nov 11 Bi.SB< C 7.283! 7,343 7,1841 sS,ii *1,7801 *4,69! Florida to,. 11 9,18s 8,4931 ' | 9.188 1 .... 1 Texas Nov. 11 B‘. 1.550 330.831 97,108 1.00; ->6.095 125.203; 129,377; 71,324 Ravaimab i Upland.. ..Nov. 11 471,909 385,710 67,564 10.200! 137,508 205,832 161,129! 114,3611 187.8*1 savannah (5,.., Is'd...Nov. IN .'.757 6.10" 110 30 140 3,093! 4,577 8,168 roe,,!, l .Nov. II 225,089 202,200 32,090 10.576 ! 85,073 128,345 45,201 54,115 74.280 Charleston jjjm Is 'j jj ov . I 2,(503 1,651 I 1,408 lW 2214 (North Carolina Nov. 11 j 98,562 66,092 40,337 2,300 22,110 04,773 13,417 25.N541 22.590 j Virginia Nov. 11 894,341 270,188 120,081 120,034 01,510 39.763 43 170 New York Nov. 1! 2.428 13.289 151,808 9,994 74.829 286,541 88.501: 182,374 ('Other ports Nov. llj 42,789 41,5931 83,212 10,992 94,224 20,924; 32,617 ! Total to elate 2.33,378( i 839,96] 139,242 481.745 1,460.968 571,017, 736,320*. ..7 Total to vlat** i* ISB6 11,881,6291 j I | 740,019 Comparative Cotton Statement Of Gross Receipts, Exports -nd Stock on Hand. Nov. 11, 1887, ANn for the Same Time Last Year. 1887-8. j 1886-7. Sea Sea I Island. Rtorl: on hand 1 57T>j O,SlB| 1,149) 4,304 Rewived this week 1,i550j 49,078} 1,432 43.194 Received previously 6,5801 4,745! 343,993 Total 7,8101 480.82s i 7,326 391.49! Exported this week 420: l,??4j 41,770 Exported previously 2,813 1 314,4* 5 2,384 21 r, 855 Total 3.233 1 3tfi,4Cl 4,158! 253,681 Stock on band and on ship- i I J board Nov. 4. I 4,577 114,301 3,168' 137,860 Movement of Cotton at Intf.rior Points, giving receipts and shipments for the week end ing Nov. l and stock on hand to-uight, and for the same time last year; Week ending Nov. 11, 1887.-, Receipts. Shipments. Stock. Augusta 7,960 7,6:13 14,278 Columbus 8.620 3,741 10,014 Rome 4,026 5.045 2.431 Macon 2,780 2,716 5,592 Montgomery 5,322 5,494 16J41 Selma 3.974 2.893 8,521 Memphis 42,112 29.924 125,530 Nashville 3.520 2,492 .8.1.58 Total 73,070 59.938 185,660 Week ending Nov. 11, 1886.-. Receipts. Shipments. Stocks. Augusta 11,672 8.007 21.269 Columbus 8.388 8,428 9,879 Rome 3,442 5,890 4,1t2 Macon 2,198 2,405 4.8.55 Montgomery 6,127 5,477 12,117 Selma 3,91.5 4,442 5,621 Memphis 45.073 26.686 137.533 Nashville 4.808 3,621 5,865 Total 81,218 59,126 201,281 THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT SHOWS THE NET RE CEIPTS AT ALL PORTS FOR THE WEEKS ENDING NOV. u AND NOV. 4, ANU FOR THIS WEEK LAST year: Thus Last Last Week. Week. Year. Galveston 45,944 43.494 34.091 New Orleans 97,095 92.598 87,870 Mobile... 12,052 11,215 9,067 Savannah 50.817 48,507 44,413 Charleston 16,2:45 17,097 17,415 Wilmington 11,003 7,190 7,747 Norfolk 20,032 28,454 34,680 New York .. 463 624 6,974 Various 41,027 37,247 29.866 Total 300.668 286.426 272,123 LIVERPOOL MOVEMENT FOR THE WEEK ENDING NOV. 11, 1887, AND FOR THE CORRESPONDING WEEKS OF 1886 AND 1885: 1887. 1886. 1885. Sales for the week.. 85.000 60,000 54,000 Ex|ioi-ters took 8,300 4,600 3,100 Speculators t00k.... 11.000 1.600 3,300 Total stock 447.000 341,000 394,000 Of which American. 247.000 17.5,000 280,000 TT imports for week. 113,000 69.000 81,00.4 Of which American. 88,000 03,000 7 3,000 Actual exports 27.100 15,900 18,400 Amount afloat ... . 263,000 827,000 184,000 Of which American. 250,000 808,000 99.000 Price 5 11-li‘4 s)*d s)*d CONSOLIDATED COTTON STATEMENT FOR THE WEEK ENDING NOV. 11, 1887. Receipts at all U. S. ports this week 300,668 last year 272,128 Totalfreceipts to date .2.331,378 last year 1,827,652 Exports l’or this week 193,198 Same week last year 143,553 Total exports to date 1,358,438 Last year 981.488 Stocks at all United States ports 736,320 Last year 749,019 Stocks at all interior towns 194,472 Last year 182.877 Stocks at Liverpool 447.000 Last year 341.000 American afloat for Great Britain 250.000 last year 308.000 Visible Supply of Cotton.—Below we give the table of visible supply, as made up by cable and telegraph for the /> inanciai and Commer cial Chronicle to Nov. 4. The continental stocks, as well as those of Great Britain and the afloat, are this week's returns, and consequently all the European figures are brought down to Thursday evening. But to make the totals the complete figures for Ni v. 4we add the item of exports from the United States, including in it the exports of Friday only: 1887. 1886. Stock at Liverpool 4,18,000 345.000 Stock at London 37.000 16,000 Total Great Britain stock 475, 1 4)0 361,000 Stock at Hamburg. .3,700 1,400 Stock at Bremen. 86,600 16.600 Stock at Amsterdam 18,000 6,000 Stock at Rotterdam 200 400 Stock at Antwerp 900 l.iuo Stock at Havre 146.000 124.000 Stock at Marseilles 2.000 4,000 Stock at Barcelona 10,000 28,009 Stock at Genoa 4.000 7,000 Stock at Trieste 9,000 11,000 Total continental stocks 230,400 199,500 Total European stocks 705.400 560,500 India cotton afloat for Europe. 44,000 41,000 American cotton afloat for Eu rope 606,000 482,000 Egypt, Brazil, etc., afloat for fiurope 45,000 44,000 Stock in United States ports... 684,477 670,087 Stock in U. S. interior towns.. 260.752 247.939 United States exports to-day.. 32,213 20,000 Total visible supply 2,386.842 2,006,126 Of t he above, the totals of American and other descriptions are as follows: American— Liverpool stock 234,000 170,000 Continental stocks 60.000 101,000 Ame lean afloat for Europe... 606,000 482,000 United States stock 684,177 670.687 United States interior stocks.. 26 ) 7.52 247.939 United States exports to-day.. 32,213 20,006 Total American 1,886,442 1,691,626 Total East India, etc 500.400 374,500 Total visible supply 2,386,842 2,066,126 The imports into continental ports this week ha ve been 55.1X10 bales. The above figures indicate an increase in the cotton in sight to date of 320,716 bales as com pared with the same date of 1886, an increase of 281,4, 4 bales as compared with the correspond ing date of 1885. anti an increase of 172,170 bales as compare! with 1884. India Cotton Movement.—The following is the Bombay state.neat for the week and year, bringing the figures down to Nov. 3: BOMBAY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS FOR FOUR YEARS. Shipments this week— Great Britain. Continent. Total. 1887 2,000 3,000 5,000 1886 2,000 5,000 7.000 1885 4,000 4,000 1881 7,000 7.000 Shipments since Jan. 1 Gnat Britain. Continent. Total 1887 308.000 083.000 1,051,000 1880 321.000 680,000 1,004.000 1885 219,000 472.000 991.000 1884 603,000 *<45.000 1,148,000 Receipts— Thisveck. Since Jan. 1. 1887 9,000 1,506,000 1883 9,000 1.431.000 1885 7,000 1,022,000 1884 6.000 1,578.000 According to the foregoing, Bninbav appears to show no change compared with last year in the week’s receipts, l> it a decrease in ship ments of 2,000 bales, and the shipments since Jau. 1 show an increase of 41,000 bales. FINANCIAL. Money Market—Money is easy. Domestic Exchange Easy. Banks and bankers are buying sight drafts at 48 per cent, discount and selling at par®)* per cent, pre mium. Foreign Exchange—The market is very firm. Commercial demand, $4 82!*; sixty days 54 79U; ninety days, $4 78: francs. Paris and Havre, commercial, sixty days, $.5 27-44; Swiss. $5 3414; marks, sixty days, 94)*. Securities—Til*' market Is sluggish. with only a limited inquiry for either stocks or bonds. STOCKS AND BONDS State Bonds— Bid. Asked. New Georgia 4)* per cent bonds.. 10694 106)* Georgia new 6s, 1889, January and July coupons 101 102 Btatc of Georgia gold quarterlies. 10314 105 Georgia Smiths, maturity 1896, ex-interest 130 121 City Bonds— Atlanta 6 per cent 103 no A t Uinta 7 per cent JJ* Augusta 7 per cent 115 Augusta 6 percent. J Columbus 5 per cent 100 105 Macon B per cent HI H* New Savannah 5 per cent, quar terly. January 101 10154 New Savannah 5 per cent, quar terly, February coupons 100It* 1.0)4 THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 12, 1887. Railroad Bonds— Savannah, Florida and Western Railroad general mortgage bonds, 6 per cent iuterest cou pons 114 Atlantic and Gulf first mortgage consolidated 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1897 112 113 Central consolidated mortgage 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1893 109)4 110V* Georgia Railroad 6s 106 108 Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta first mortgage 100 111 Charlotte, Columbia and August* second mortgage 110 | Mobile and Girard, second mort i gage indorsed 8 per cent, cou- I pons January and July, maturi ty 1889, ex-interest 102 103)* : Marietta and North Georgia first mortgage 6 per cent 100 101)* Montgomery ami Eufaula first mortgage indorsed 6 per cent.. 106)* 108 Western Alabama second mort gage indorsed 8 per cent, cou pons October, maturity 1890. .109 107 South Georgia aud Florida in dorsed •”•118 120 South Georgia ami Florida sec ond mortgage 114 116 Ocean Steamship 6 percent bonds. guaranteed by Central Railroad 103 103)* Gainesville, Jefferson and South ern first mortgage. guaranteed 115 116)* Gainesville, Jefferson and South ern, not guaranteed 113 Gainesville, Jefferson and South ern, second mortgage, guaran teed 113 Columbus and Rome, first indors ed 6s *O4 106 Columbus and Western 6 per cent first guaranteed 108 110 Augusta and Knoxville railroad 7 per cent first mortgage bonds.. 111)4 112 City and Suburban Railroad, first mortgage 7 per cent bonds 106 107)* Railroad Stocks — Augusta and Savannah, 7 per cent guaranteed..., 132 133 Central common 123)* 124 Georgia common 193 196 Southwestern, 7 per cent, guaran teed 125)* 126)i Central, 6 per cent certificates... 101 10194 Atlanta and West Point railroad stock 105 107 Atlanta and West Point 6 percent certificates 103 104 Bank Stocks — Southern Bank of the State of Georgia 198 201 Merchants'National Bank 160 165 Savannah Bank and Trust Com pany 90 95 National Bank of Savannah 120 121 1 he Oglethorpe Savings and Trust Company 107 108 Gas Stocks— Savannah Gas Light stock 19)* 20)* Mutual Gas Light 20 23 Factory Bonds— Augusta Factory 6s 105 .... Sibley Factory 6s 103 .... Enterprise Factory 6s 103 ... Factory Stocks— Eagle and Phcßnix Manufactur ing Company. ’. .120 121 Augusta Factory 107 Graniteville Factory 140 Langley Factory 108 .... Enterprise Factory Common 50 .... Enterprise Factory, preferred 110 .... J. P. King Manufacturing Com- Cany 102 .... lev Manufacturing Company .100 Naval Stores.—The receipts for the past week have been 3.280 barrels spirits turpentine and 15,274 barrels rosin. The exports were 3,406 barrels spirits turpentine and 8,c62 barrels rosin, moving as follows: To New York, 1.831 barrels rosin and 187 barrels spirits turpentine; to Bal timore, 354 barrels rosin and 100 barrels spirits turpentine; to Boston, 283 barrels spirits turpen tine and 390 barrels rosin; to the interior, 384 barrels spirits turpentine and 6 barrels rosin; to Philadelphia, 200 barrels spirits turpentine and 383 barrels rosin; Barcelona 382 Darrels rosin; to Cork for orders 2,244 barrels spirits turpentine. The following are the Boar,, of Trade quotations; Rosin—A, B, C, D and E 95c., F $1 09, G Si 02)*. H SI 05 ISi 10, Ksl 40, M Si 50, N Si 75, window glass $2 80, water white $2 86. Spirits turpentine—regular 35c. Receipts, Shipments and Stocks from April 1, 1887, to date, and to the corresponding date last year: _ —lßß6-7—-, 188.5-6 Spirits. Rosin. Spirits. Rosin. On hand April 1.. 2,543 77,408 2,116 61,821 Kec’d this week.. 3,280 15,274 2,67.5 7,794 Ree and previously. 187,721 359,358 116,367 321,087 Total .143.544 442.040 121,358 390,102 Shipments: Foreign — Aberdeen 3,080 .... 3,544 Antwerp 18,0'3 4,386 12,788 5,416 Belfast 250 3,003 Bristol 4,821 3,448 3.449 4.094 Buenos Ayres. ... 200 5,000 200 6,f1>0 Barcelona 3,762 Cork for orders... 3.925 1,935 Carthagena 1,103 Cronstadt 8,800 Dantzig 8.133 GarstoD Dock 6,0.50 2.700 Genoa 9,295 .... 4,000 Glasgow 3,086 2,841 11.000 Uoole 2.350 113 6,330 G ranton 5.048 Hamburg 2,818 4,000 9,067 15,572 Ilarburg 9, 49 .... 3.290 Hull 4,517 750 3,887 2,640 Las Palmas 27 Liverpool .... 5,476 Loudon 26,730 16.371 12,520 16,941 Lisbon .... .... 2,429 Marseilles 3,735 .... 3,800 Montevido 1,400 ... 1,500 Oporto .. .. 600 .... 596 Paysanda 507 .... Pernambuco 1,531 .... 2,865 Pooteeloff Harbor. .... 22,026 .... 8,186 Queenstown tor orders 1,968 573 Riga 2 20,780 .... 3,700 Reval •■■■ 1,417 Rotterdam 1,422 18,005 5,801 13,175 Stettin 3,587 .... 6,200 Trieste 300 15,701 .... 4,840 ( Vi/9 cfi/’i co— Baltimore" 6,396 62,316 9,250 67,434 Boston 9.871 9,422 8,436 10,588 Brunswick 500 1.064 Charleston 500 1.500 Philadelphia 5.609 3.206 4.252 8.289 New York 32.GH0 119,808 22,177 115,637 Interior towns.... 16,290 4,517 12,703 0,81 l Repacking, ulage, etc 1.759 2,789 2,755 Total shipments.. 133,571 376.865 112,174 344,9:15 Stock on hand and on shipboard Nov. 4 9,973 65,175 9.184 45.767 Bacon Market firmer; demand good: smoked clear rib sides, 8)*e; shorn ierx, i, m; dry salted clear rib sides, 7)*c; long clear, 7)*c; shoulders, none; hams, 13c. Bagoing and Ties—Market steady. We quote: Bagging—244 ttds, 8®8)4c; 2 Its, 7)*c; llbs, 7®7)*c, according to brand and quantity. Iron t es—Arrow and other brands, none; nominal, Si 25 per bundle, according to brand und quantity. Bagging and ties in l e-all lots a fraction higher. Butter—Market steady; choice Goshen, 20c; gilt edge, 22@25e: creamery, 25@26c. Cabbage—Northern. 11® Pic. Cheese—Market steady; fair demand. We quote. 11@.140. Coffee-The market is dull. We ouote: Ordinary, l8)*c; fair, 19)*c; good, 20c; choice. 21c; peaberry, 24c. Dried Fruit—Apples, evaporated. I1)*c; peeled, 7)*c. Peaches, peeled, 20c; unpeeled, s®7e. Currants. 7c. Citron. 25c. Dry Goods—Tue market is firm; business fair. We quote: Prints, 4®6c: Georgia brown suirt ing, 34, 4Wc; 7-8 do, s)*c; 4-4 brown sheet ing. 6)*c; white osnaburgs. BV*® 0c; chec s, 6)4®7c; yarns, 85c for best makes; brown drill ings, 7@7>*c. Fish—Light demand on account of high pries. We quote full weights: Mackerel—No 1, $lO 00; No. S, half barrels, nominal, $7 OU@7 50; No. 2, $8 50. Herring-No. 1, 20c: scaled. 25c. Coil, s®Bc. Fruit—Lemons—Demand light—We quote: $3 00(0 3 50, Apples, Northern. $3 00®4 25. Flour- Market firm; demand mo er te. We quote: Extra, $3 75®3 90; fancy, t '0(77,4 85; choice jiatent, $5 10(775 35; family. $4 o i/,4 40. Grain—Corn—Market very firm; demand light. We quote: White corn, job lots. 'l9c; car load lots. 66c Oats steady: dema and good. We quote: Mixed oats, 450; carload lots, 40c Bran, S' 10. Meal, 62)*c. Grist, per bushel, 67)*c Hay—Market very firm, with a fair demand; stock ample. We quote job lots: Western, $1 10; carload lots, $1 00; Eastern, none; North ern. none. Hides. Wool, Etc.—Hides—Market dull; re ceipts light; dry flint. 11c: salted. c; dry butcher, Bc. Wool—Receipts light: prime, in bales, 28®25c: burry, 10® 15c. Wax, 18c. Tallow, 3®4c. Deer skin ~ flint, 20c; salted, 16c. Otter skins, fioc<£Ls4 1 *J Iron—Market Arm; Bwede, 4)4®5c; refined, 254 . Lard—Market steady; in tierces, 7s*c; 50 lb tins, 7)*c. Lime, Calcined Plaster and Cement—Ala bama lump lime Is In fair demand, and is selling at $1 30 per barrel; Georgia, $1 30per barrel; calcined plaster, $1 85 per barrel; hair, 4c; Rosendale cement. $1 50; Portland cement, $2 60. , J „ Liquors—Full stock; steady demand. Bour bon, $1 50® 5 50; rye, $1 50®6 00; rectified, $1 00® 1 35. Ale* unchanged and in fair de mand. . . ... Nails—Market firm; fair demand. W e quote: 3d, $3 80 ; 4d andSd, $3 15; 6d, $7 90 ; BJ. $2 05; 10d to OOd, $2 40 per keg. Nuts—Almonds—Tarragona, 18®20c; Ivlcas, 17®18e; walnuts, French, :5o; Naples, 16c; |s>- eans, 10c; Brazil. 10c; filberts, 12c; cocoanuts, Baracoa, $5 (X) per 100. Oils—Market firm; demand good. Signal, 45c; West Virginia black, 9@loe: lard, 55c; headlight, 15c; kerosene, 8)*®10c; water white, ISUc: neatsfoot, 56®80c; machinery, 25®>c: linseed, raw, 54c; boiled, 57c: mineral seal. 16c: fireproof, 18c; bomelight, 18c. Onions—Northern, per barrel, $3 75; imported, per case, $3 25. Potatoes—Northern. $2 75®300. Pear—New crop in light supply and demand; cow peas, mixed. 75c; clay. 90c; speckled. $1 10; black eye, $1 so@l 75; white Crowders, $1 50® 1 75. Prunes—Turkish, s)*c; French, 1 lc. Raisins—Demand light; market steady. Lay ers, $t 00; London la.vers, new, $3 25 tier box. Salt—The demand is moderate and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots, 65c fob; job lots, 75 ®9oc. Shot—Drop, $1 40; buck, $1 05. Sugar—The market is higher; cut loaf, 7V*c; standard A, 6J*c; extra C, 6)4o; yellow C, 394 e; granulated, 7)so; powdered, 7)*c, Syrup—Flor da and Georgia dull at 85®40c; the market is quiet for sugarhouse at 3o@40o; Cuba straight goods, 28c in hogsheads; sugar house molasses. 20c. Tobacco—Marlcet dull: demand moderate We quote: Smoking, 25e®$l 25; chewing, com mon. sound, 25@,’YV; fair, 80®86c; medium, 38 @soe; bright, sb®7sc; flue fancy, 85®90c; extra fine, 90c@$l 10; bright navies, 46®75c; dark navies, 40® oc. Lumber—Tliere is no material change in the market and the movement continues very steady, while prices remain Arm at quotations, except that scarcity of orders for easy sizes has caused a slight easiness in prices on such or ders. We quote fob: Ordinary sizes sl2 50@16 00 Difficult sizes 16 0.i<,21 50 Flooring boards 16 00®21 50 Shipstuff IT 00®21 50 Timber—Market dull and nominal We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 00® 11 00 800 ’’ “ 10 00®11 00 900 *’ “ 11 00® 12 00 1,000 “ “ 12 00®14 00 Shipping timber in the raft— -700 feet average $ 6 00® 7 00 800 “ “ 7 00® 8 00 900 “ “ 8 00® 9 00 1,000 “ “ 9 otl®lo 00 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber By sail-Vessels are In good pres ent supply, and there is a light demand for future loading at current rates. Freight limits are from $5 00®6 (X) from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphia, New York, Sound ports aud eastward. Timber, _soc®s! 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West and windward, nominal: to South America, sl3 00®14 00; to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, sll 00®12 00; to United Kingdom for orders, timber. 27®285; lumber. £3 15s. Steam —To New York, $7 00; to Philadelphia. $7 00; to Boston, $9 00. Naval Stores—Very dull. Foreign Cork, etc., for orders, 2s 10)*d, and, or, 4s l)*d: Adriatic, rosin, 3s; Genoa, rosin, 2s, 10)*<t. Coastwise—Steam To Boston, 50c on rosin, $1 00 on spirits: to New York, rosin 60c; spirits 80c; to Puiladelpbia, rosin 30c, spirits 80c; to Baltimore, rosin 30c, spirits 60c. Coastwise quiet. Cotton—Bv steam—The market is very Arm, with a considerable scarcity of freight room. Liverpool direct 21-64d Antwerp Bremen direct H-620 Reval direct WJ Genoa direct tB<J Liverpool via New York lb l!-32d Liverpool via Baltimore "X lb 11 -52,i Antwerp via New Y’ork $ lb, 5-16d Havre via New York W lb 94c Havre via Baltimore lb 5c Bremen via New York B> Reval via New York 25-64d Bremen via Baltimore ?! tb . 70c Amsterdam via New York. 70c Amsterdam via Baltimore 70c Boston f) bale $ 1 75 Sea island $ bale : 2 00 New York 39 hale 1 50 Sea island W bale 1 “5 Philadelphia bale 150 Sea island $ hale 1 75 Baltimore?! bale 1 50 Prov.dence ?! bale I <5 By sail— Liverpool 9-82d Rice—By steam— New York ?! barrel 60 Philadelphia barrel. 60 Baltimore ?! barrel 60 Boston ?! barrel 60 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls ?! pair $ 60 ® 70 Chickens, >4 to 94 grown. 85 @ 45 Ducks S pair 50 ® 75 Geese $ pair 1 00 ®1 25 Turkeys pair 125 @2 00 Eggs, country, per dozen . 20 ® 22 Peanuts—Fancy h. p. Va. ?! lb ® 6 Peanuts—Hand picked slb ® 5 Peanuts—Ga ?! bushel, nominal.... 75 ® 90 Sweet potatoes, yel. yams ?! bush.. 60 @6O Sweet potatoes, white yams ?! bush 40 ® 50 Poultry—Market overstocked. Eggs-—Market easy, with a fair demand and in full supply. Peanuts—Fair stock; demand moderate; mare ket steady. Sugar—Georgia and Florida nominal; none In market. Honey—No demand; nominal. Sweet Potatoes—ln fair demand; receipts gbt. SAVANNAH MARKET. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS,) Savannah. Ga., Nov. 11, 4p. M. f Cotton—The market was very quiet. Prices were advanced 7-16®)*c all round. There was a light inquiry, and but a small business doing. The total sales for the day were 1,770 bales. On ’Change at the opening call, at 10 a. m., t ie market was reported irregular at an ad vance of )*c in grades of middling fair, good middling and good ordinary and of 7-16 c in mid dling and low middling, with sales of 808 bales. At the second call, at 1 p. m.. it was quiet and steady, the sales being 287 bales. At the third and last call, at 4 p. in., it closed dull and un changed, with further sales of 675 liales The following are the official closing spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: Middling fair 10)4 Good middling 10 Miudliug 994 Low middling 9)* Good ordinary 9)4 Rice —The market was quiet, but very firm at quotations. The sales for the day were 147 barrels. The following are the offi ial quotations of the Board of Trade. Small job lots are held at )*®Ho higher: Fair 4sx®4s4 Good 5 ® Prime s)*®st* Rough— Tide water. $1 10®1 25 Country lots 85® 90 Naval Stores—The market for spirits tur pentine was very Arm. and prices were ad vanned. There was a fair demand, and about •AiCHsks were disposed of at 85c for regulars. At the Board of Trade on the owning cull the market was reported firm at 85c for regulars. At the elo ing call it was firm at 36c for regu lars. Rosin—The market was firm a: quo ti ni. There was a good demand. The sales for tue day were about 2,675 barrels. At the Board of Trade on the first call the market was re|orted firm, with sales of 1,892 barrels at tiie fol lowing quotations; A, B, C. D and E. 95c. F $1 00. (I $1 02)*. II $1 05. 1 $1 10. K $1 40. M $1 50, N $! 75. window gl iss $2 30, water whit. 82 85. At the last call it was unchanged, with further sal sot 112 barrels. MARKui'S BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New York, Nov. 11. noon.—Stocks dull but steady. Money easy at B®4 per cent. Ex change—long, $4 H194®4 82: short. $4 85® 4 85)*. State bonds dull nut steady. Govcrnne-et bonds dull but steady. Erie 2894 Rlchm’d &W. Pt. fAke Shore .... 951* Terminal....... 25>* Coicago North. .1099* Western Union. . 7'H;7 Norf. &W. pref. 42)* 5:00 p. m. —Exchange dull but steady. Money easy at 4®5 per cent., el slug offered at 4. Bub-Treai,urv balances— Gold, #l3 .ill' 1 ,(XX): cur rency sll. 92,000. Government bonds dull but su-aty; four per cents 127; four and a half per cents 10794. State bonds dull aud le.itureles*. Tiie stock marset wsh more active than usuel, and was strong from the opening to Ihe close wtbout a semblance of reaction. The reature of the trading was the purchases for foreign ac count, which were somewhat of a surprise te the bears, who had expected a renewal of the selling movement of yesterday. Reading w. s the special feature, scoring a larger gain than aDy of the active list. The opening was firm generally at smull advance* over last evening’* final figures, and the market became strong im mediately, Reading and Richmond and Weit Point leading tile advance. Erie and I-ocka wanna came inlo prominence toward noon und St. Paul later In the day. and in the last hour Hocking Valley joined the procession, making a very marked advance on an increased business. The rise was almost continuous from the first sale to the last, and thecloeewo* active and strong at tbe best prices of the day. The bears seemed much demoralized, while bull* wpiv con fident of a S!ill greater advance in prices. Total sales 399.000 shares. Reading gained 2)4. Lacka wanna 1 : . Union Paciltc If*. Missouri Pacific and Norfolk and Western preferred Erie, St Paul, and Louisville and Nashville :Vv Mich igan Central and Manitoba 1 per cent., and others smaller amounts. The following were tire closing quotations: Ala. class A, gto .J lOfl New Orleans Pa- Ala, class 11, >s 10(1 eifle, Ist m01t... 70*4 Georgia ,’s. mart. 100 N. Y Cent ial 107'iJ N. Carolina Us . .117 Norf. A W, pref... 4-Jta N. Carolina Is 96 Nor. Pacific iil l J So. Caro, thrown “ pref... 4-t^ consols 106 Pacific Mail 81 1 --, Tennessee set 71 Rending 60*4 VirginiaOs 48 Richmond A Ale.. 5 Va. consolidated. 46 Ricamond A Danv Ch’peakeA Ohio. 9 Richm'd AW. Pt. 25*4 Northwest in 10914 Rock Island lIS->4 “ preferred... 1 r.'Uj St . Paul 7-H4 Dela.aud Lack ... 13U s “ preferred .11344 Erie iH Texas Pacific 24M East Tennessee. 11*6 Tenn. Coal A Iron. 27 W Lake Shore 95*2 Union Pacific 80-Jr L'ville A Nash 89 N. J. Central 7554 Memphis A Char 50 Missouri Pacific... 89*J Mobile A Ohio 10 Western Union... 78 U- Naah. A Chatt’a.. 7944 Cotton Oiluertifl.. 8144 COTTON. Liverpool. Nov. it, noon.—Cotton strong and advancing: middling uplands s*d, middling Orleans 8 ft-lfid; sales 16,000 lin es, for speculation and export 3.000 bales; receipts 25,0iH1 bales— American 7,300. Futures-Uplands, low middling clause. No vember delivery 8 43-64ti1.6 40 64d: November and December 5 42-04®5 37 64d; December and January 5 82-64(5 5 40-64d, 589 64@6 36 64d; Feb ntary and March 5 32-6l'd 5 40-64i1, 8 89-64(5! 8 38-64d; March and April 5 40-64@5 42 64d, 8 S9-6f@s 3s nid; April anil May 5 44-6464.5 41-6fd; 'lav and June 5 40 64@5 46 (4id. 6 44-64485 43 64d; June and July 548 61@5 46-64d. Market ex cited. The tenders of deliveries at to-day's clearings amounted to 300 bales new dockets. Sales for the week 85.000 bales—American 52,000 bales; speculators took 11,000 bales; ex porters took 8,300 bales; forwarded from ships' side 27,11X1 bales; actual ex port 11,000 hales; total import 113,000 bales—American 88,000 liales; total stock 447,000 bales—American 247.000 bales; total afloat 263.000 American 350.1X10 bales Middling uplands 611 lGd, middling Orleans ■54-id. 3 p. m.—The sales to-day included 6,900 bales of Vnierican. Futures—Uplands, low middlin? elause, No vemberdelivery & 41-64d, buyers;November and December 5 3*-04d, buyers: December ami January 5 37 64d, buyers; January and February 6 37-64d, buyers: February and March 5 38-04d. buyers; March and April 5 39-64d, buyers; April and May 5 4: -64i1, value; May and June 5 48-o4d. value. June and July 5 45-tkd, value. Market quiet. 4 p. m.—Futures: Unitin'!*, low middling clause, November delivery 5 41 64d. sellers; No vember and December 5 S9-64d. sellers; Decern ber and January 5 37-t>4d, buyers; January and February 5 b7-64d, buyers; February and March 5 88-64d.buyers: March and ' nrlls "• ; April and May 6 4!-64d. value; Slay and June 5 43 64U. sellers; June aud July 6 45-04d, sellers. Market closed steady. New York, Nov. 11. noon.—Cotton quiet but steady; middling uplands 10 7-lOc, middling Or leans 10 9 16c; sales 1. 4 hales. Futures— Market opened easy, with sales as follows: Novc nbei’ delivery 10 50c. December 10 45c, January 10 53c, February 10 59c, March 10 65c, April 10 70c 5:00 p. m.— Market closed easy: middling up lauds 10 7-I6c, middling Orleans 10 918 c; sales to-day 114 bales; net receipts none, gross 6,.’135 bales Futures-Market closed steady, with sales of 2.19,,6/ bales, as follows: November delivery 10 32@10 38c. December 10 30®l0 3tc. January 10 40c, February 10 46® 10 47c, March 10 55c, April 10 62@10G3c, May 10 68(1 (,10 OUc, June 10 75 @lO 7e. Green A Co.’s report on cotton futures savs: “Activity aud excitement couthiue as the ruling features on cotton options, but the buoyancy has become temporarily checked, and there was something of a setback on the line of values for the day. Many of the trade affect to doubt the reliability of recent official crop estimates. A failure in the trade induces greater eaulion, and reports from the continent regarding the polit ical situation are more or less unfavorable. The result has been found in a large amount of liquidation on the fluctuating line of values, showing 13@16 points drop early, recovering 10 points, and then another set!nick that left final rates H®lß points under Inst evening, with the feeling unsettled and feverish, though the ottl cial tone was given as steadv. ■' Weekly net rddßipts 163 bales, gross 43,722 bales; exports, to Great Britain 15.98] bales, to the continent 14,271,t0 France 1.877; sales 1,789 bales, stock 88 501 bales. Galveston, Nov. 11.—Cotton strong; middling 9**c. Nokfole, Nov. 11 Cotton weak; middling 10c. Baltimore, Nov. 11.—Cotton firm; middling 10*40. Boston, Nov. 11.—Cotton unsettled; middling H’Hc Wilmington, Nov. 11.—Cotton firm; middling 10c. Philadelphia, Nov. 11.—Cotton firm; mid dling K* 7 £c. New Orleans, Nov. 11.—Cotton firm; middling 9%c. .Mobile, Nov. 11.—Cotton irregular; middling Memphis, Nov. 11.—Cotton strong; middling 956 c. Augusta, Nov. 11. -Cotton unsettled; buyers and sellers apart; middling 10c. Charleston, Nov. 11.—Cotton very firm; mid tiling 9*4e. Montgomery, Nov. 11.—Cotton unsettled; mid dling 9)4 C - Macon, Nov. 11.—Cotton Irregular; middling 9W,e. Columbus, Nov. 11.—Cotton firm; middling 94.0. Nashville, Nov. 11.—Cotton strong; middling 9*<>c. Selma, Nov. 11.—Cotton firm; middlingDVic. Rome. Nov. 11. Cotton steady: ru ddling 9-)£c. Atlanta. Nov. !I.—Cotton closed quiet. New York. Nov ll.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton porta to-11/ 5,426 bales; exports, to Great Britain 10,432 bales, to the continent 19,715; stock at ali American ports 786,320 bales. PROVISIONS. GROCERIES. ETC. Liverpool. Nov. 11, noon.—Wheat steady. Corn firm. New York, Nov. 11, noon —Flour quiet but ste dy. Win at better Corn higher Pork firm; mt ss* $lB 00@18 25. Lard firmer at $7 U2*fc. Fiv rhts quiet. 5:00 p. m.—Southern flour quiet but steady Wheat t.,@ 1 tjf higher ami moderately active; options firm: No. 2 red, November delivery 88%e, May 89 13 IC@9O 1-ii.c. Corn *,.( 9c Higher, closing firm with moderate demand; No 2. No vemlier delivery .‘3M @.'4<’. Oats a shade fil m and hi. her; No. 2. November delivery 33*6® 33 dc. May 35J6c; No. 2, spot 3 ; fixed West ern 33®35c. ilops firm. Coffee, fair Rio, on spot steady at lt% !8!4c; options opened 15® 25 points lower, closing higher and firm; No. 7 Rio, November delivery i5 3d .j, 15 5Hc, Ilecember 15 2d@ls 55c, May 14 75® 15 1 sc, Sugar film- hut niet; fair refining 5 316 c; refined dull. Mo lasses dull Cotton seed oil. 3;tsc for crude, 44® 4714 c for refine-1 Hides moderately active. Wool quiet but steady. Fork firm. Beef quiet. Cut meats firm. Middles nominal. Lard 5@7 points higher; speculation fair; Western steam, on spot $7 10. November delivery fco 97@7 00, Slay $7 14@7 16c. Freights dull. Chicago, Nov. 11.—The markets on 'Change were all higher to-ilay and the volume of specu lation larger. es|eoinlly during the early part of the day. The features of tie day s trailing was nn .uivtmce in corn and provisions, which h lp. il other articles, and caused a 1 etter feel ing an ong all classes of traders. Wheat was doggish, and the pit dur ng most of the morning was deserted, operators finding other pits more attractive. The market, howeier. was firm,ami helped somewhat by strength in corn and provisions. Corn was act ive, both s|-ecnlativelv and for shipping purjs ses. uml the markit ruled stronger. Light receipts, an urgent ship ping demand, together with the government crop report showing aliout 50.0fX1.0n0 bushels ,|o crease under lost mouth’s report, created a firm feeling. Shorts covered freely, and there was buying from other sources, ilie market opened firm at yesterday's closing, wive need with slight changes, ruled steady, andpinned 66®5-4c higher than yesterday Oats showed a better feeling, and more Interest was centered in the market. The priucipal trading was In May, aud the improvement in the market was attributed to a favorable c: ange in corn. The market closed fairly strong and \ I’rovis 01,s were also acti.--, aud i-i.nsiderablc strength win (level pod. Prices for hogs exerted con siderable influence in tin- market Fineness iu corn had some eiTe-1. Shorts were auxious to p u-chase, and ouls <1 orders to buy were quite liberal. Prices were aJv tmw-1 materially on ail leading artiees, hut outsi.le prices were not fully supported. Packei-s were -nspo-ed to sell some products for future delivery at an ad vanca, and tins tfas the mam cause for reac tion Receipts were fair and shipments liberal. January aud May are the most active opt ons. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dud aud n g.eeted: ir es steady. Wheat. No. 2spring 72?4@72f<c; No. 2 red 73 n ,7.i*6c. Corn. No. 2, 43!4c Oata, No. 2. 2.'>*4o. Mess pora. sl3 0-I&U 25. Lard, per 100 lbs, $6 6i*4 Short ilb Hidl-s, loose u 5 0 0. Dry salted shoul ders boxed, $5 00@5 2d. Short clear aides, boxed $ N..@6 90, VV’hisny el 10. Leading future. ri 1 red as follows: ripening. Hlguost. (dosing. No. 2 Wheat— Nov. delivery.... 7234 7234 72’H May delivery.... 79 79>4 78>k Corn. No. 3 Nov. delivery.... 4VA 43 4214 May delivery 45->4 4614 46*4 Oats No. 2 Nov. delivery.... 2534 .... May dolivery 29*2 30 29*6 Mess Poke - Jan. delivery.. .sl3 B-’U sl3 25 sl3 17** May delivery 13 02V* 13 70 13 66 lußa- Nov. delivery.... $6 67W $6 62U $6 62*4 May delivery ... 6 92*4 695 695 Short Rina— Jan, delivery ... $6 66 $6 67*4 $6 66 Baltimore, Nov. 11.—Flour dull but fairly steady; Howard street and Western superfine $2 37@2 75. extra $i tX’@ ; 60. family $3 75@4 .'O. city mills superfine $2 37@2 60, extra $3 00® 3 62; Rio brands $4 3V@4 50. Wheat—Southern firm and in fair demand red 7s@Sßc. ainlier 81®84c: Western dull but firmer: No, 2 winter red. on spot so'q@BixLo. Corn—Southern quiet blit firtnei: white 50@f2c, yellow 47@49c. St. Lons, Nov it.—Flour steady. Wheat— No. 2 red, cash7lf4@72- s c, November closed at ■ I*4o, May delivery 80>tc. Corn - cuah 39® hi*4tt, November delivery closed at 39c, May 42*4c. Oata -cash 24-34®25*4C, May delivery 287gc. Whisky steady at $1 08. Provisions stronger: Pork, summer cured $1278 Lard $6 40@6 50. Dry salt meato—boxed shoulder $5 ofi@s I2U, long clear $6 70®.6 80, clear ribs $6 ft @6 91, short clear $7 00®7 12*4 Bacon—boxed siioul ders $5 8714. long clear $7 67L,, clear ribs $7 75, short clear $7 90®8 iXI, Hams sll (<)®l2 50. Lonsvii.t.R. Nov. 11.—Grain and provisions quiet and unchanged. Cincinnati, Nov. 11.—Flour easy. Wheat firm: No. 2 red 78c. Corn firm; No. 2mixed 46*4c. Oata stronger; No. 2 mixed 28V4@28jf(o. Provisions—Pork firm at sl2 50. lAnl strong at $6 611®6 62V4.. Bulk meats firm. Bacon firm Whisky steady and unchanged. Hog's active and firm; common and light $3 Co®4 60, pack in" and butcher* $4 40®4 80. New Orleans, Nov. 11,—Cotton seed oil pro ducts dull ail nominal. Ru ars active and a shade higher; Louisiana open kettle, strictlv prime 4 l.VtOc; Louisiana centrifugals, nliintu lion granulated 634 c, choice white s*4"'-6c. choice yellow clariiieil s*yc, prime yellow clarified 534@5 7-18 c. Molasses dull, weak and lower; Louisiana open kettle choie -40 c, strictly prime 37 tii 38c; Ixxdsiana ecu'ri" g ds, strictly prime 25®27c, good prime 23@24c, NAVAI, STORES NvwYork Nov It. noon.— *tp(rlts forwent,ine steady at S7*4c. Ro-in steady at $1 10@1 15. 5:00 p. m.—Rosin quiet at $1 10@1 15. Tuipen tine mil at 37c, Charleston, Nov. 11.—Spirits turpentmo firm at 3U*c Rosin firm: good strained 85c. Wilmington, Nov ll.—Spirits turpentine firm at 34*4c. Rosin firm; strained 80c, good strained Ksc. Tar firm at $1 15. Crude turpentine firm; hard $1 05; yellow dip $2; virgin $2. rice. New York. Nov, ll.— Rice steady New Orleans. Nov. 11—Rice in fair demand ; prices higher; Louisiana, ordinary to prime 4*4 @s*gc. Fru't and Vegetable Markets. New York, Nov. 9.—By special request of the publisher of the News, I have again resumed telegraphic quotations on Georgia and Florida produce for the benefit, aud information of the track growers, aud it shall be my aim to make them as complete aud correct as possible, aud will not exaggerate prices, consequently they can be relied upon. Through the courtesy of the Morning News I desire to say further that we have every reason to look forward for large crops of both Georgia and Florida produce, and we w ill have active markets here and much en courageinent to exp:t remunerative prices for certain specialties in vegetables, and yet the success of the shipper and grower will depend largely on the kind of produce planted, quality and uianner in wfiich it Is packed, etc Dud u many years of experience in handling Southern produce in this market I have found tl at choice marks of eil her fruit or vegetables are not neg looted or left on the market after the business is over, and even in our greatest gluts. These brands of goods generully sell for fairly re muuerative prices; whereas inferior goods, beii g faulty either from improper packing or in l uniform in quality, or having been packed Uw soon or held too long I efore gathering, all of which tend to deteriorate the quality to the buyer, and the accumulation of these goods 01 the market is what breaks prices mid s-rioiiah etfeots the price obtained fur the superior ar tide. I would therefore urge the necessity of all growers and shippers to aim to have good quality rath‘*r than quantitv, as twenty five 01 fifty packages of choice fruit or vegetables will frequently show better net results than ilonble the quantity of inferior goods, from the fact that the expense in packing, transporting, etc., is the same on a package or inferior as on one of the best. At pn s nit there is a demand for snap beans egg plant aud cucumbers, which are already coming to our market, some from Florida an others from Savannah, and this demand will continue throughout the coming winter. Other icgetables will not pay to send forward unt i after Jan, 1. The outlook is specially favorable for the spring potato crop, from the fact thin our Northern supply is very short and showing already indications of rot; the demand will therefore lie very large for the new crop. It is gratifying to note the encouraging out look for all lines of business throughout th en un try, and which is a favorable feature for the coming market ou vegetables. Allow me to lliank niy natrons throughout the South for their many favors in the past, ami assure them it will be my pleasure toservethem to the liest of my ability in the future. Very truly yours, G. 8. Palmer, 166 Reade street. New York. New York. Nov. 1! P-ceipts of Florida or snges via to-day's steamer were 1.90 • Isjxes. and 20 ) boxes vegetables. The latter an-111 better demand. Green beans are selling at $1 50®2 00; wa x beans $3 00. Egg plant is more plentiful and selling at $3 50®5 00 per b ’rrel. Cucumbers $3 oo®4 On. Fancy, matured oranges continue scarce, and are Belling at $3 00®3 25; prime $2 50; Inferior $1 50@2 00. Lemons $ I 00®5 09. G. S. Palmer. Philadelphia, Nov. 11.—Oranges nre firm. Last r p >l, fancy $3 2’.; fair s.’ ,io@2 75; rus set $7 <V@2 25. A. B. Detwiler & Hon. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Miniature almanac—this day. Sun Rises 6:24 Sun Rets 5:04 High Water at Savannah . .5:22 a m. 5:41 p u Saturday, Nov 12, 1887. ARRfVF.D YR*T 1 IDVY Steamship Chattahoochee. Daggett, New York —C G Anderson. Bohr Belle Higgins. Rkolfleld. New York, with guano to order; vessel to Jos A Roberts & Cos. ARRIVED AT TYBEE YESTERDAY. Hark Boroma (Bn, Thomas, Belfast, iu ballast —Holst & Cos. Burk Tikoma(Br), Pugh, Liverpool, In ballast —Holst & Cos. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Tallahassee. Fisher. New York—(' G Anderson. Agent. St-amship Elpis (Br), Burnett, Bremen-A Minis & Sons. SAILED YeTFkRDAY. Steamship Tallahassee. New York. Steamship M etherby (Br), Havre. Steams’ ip Elpis (Br). L’rem -ti Bark Aquila < Aua>, Cork for order*. MEMORANDA. Fernandina. Nov 11—Cleared, hark F.nielia, Nash, New York; schrs Rosa Mueller. ’VC'iearn, Anna R Bishop. Rubm. New York; Tom Williams. Mills, Perth Amboy. New York. Nov 9—Arrived, schrs Stephen 0 l/owl, Torrey. Fernandina; Oliver 8 barren. Roberts, Hal ilia River, ila. Cleared, steamship Donar(Oer), Kuhn, Savati nah; schrs Jas H Woodhouse, Pensacola; Wel come K Heels', Smith. Savannah; Charmer, Da boll, do. Amsterdam. Nov B—Arrived, steamship John Dixon (Br), Welsh, Savannah. Antwerp. Nov 9—Arrived, brig Edina (Br), Robertson, Savannah. Buenoß Ayres, Sept B—Arrived, brig Pare Scblafflno litali, Oliver, Pensacola; Oct 10, barks Caterina V (Its!), Vacoari, do, Liverpool, Nov 9—Arrived, steamship Irthing ton (Br), Kiddie, Brunswick. Rotterdam, Nov 8 - Arrived, bark Jane Falrlie (Br). Thomas, Bninswic.. Rio Jan iro, Oct 17—Sailed, ship Medusa (Nor), Oxholn. Pensacola Barbados,Oct dA-Arrived, brig Rnzella Smith, Green, Rio Janeiro, and sailed kith for Bruns wick. Sailed SBd, barks Witlza (Sw), Pensacola; Washington(ltal . Savannah. 8t Thomas. Oct 27—Arrived, scbr C R Flint, Duki'-ihire, Jacksonville. Apalachicola, Nov ((--Arrived. sciir Ella M Hawes, Purington, Boston. Baitim ire. Nov 9 - Sailed, schr J Waples Pon der, Dodge, Jacksonville, Cape Henry. Nov 7—Passed out, steamship Edinburgh (Br), from Brunswick via Newport News for Liverpool. Darien, N v 7 -Arrlved, liark St Christopher (Non, Si h utply. St Vincent, C V; aeiir Sat. Ila, Schofield. Boston; Elia M Watts, Stevens, Sa van nah. iiyannia, Maas, Nov 9 - Anchoretl outside, schr Maggie O Hart. WtlUams. Brunswick, IJu. for Boston. Port Eads, Nov 9—Sailed, bark Venezuela (Br), Peiry, from Liverpool for Pensacola. Pensacola, Nov 9—Arrived, liark Svalen (Nor), roi'i'ii eii, Whitehaven. Cleared, bark Sai auak (Nor). Morterisen, Mar seilles. Port Royal, 8 C. Nov 9- Bailed, schr Alfaretta Campliell. Campbell, Darien, Ua. Vineyard ilaveu. Nov U-Arrived, schrs Geor ttle I, Drake, Copgswell, Darien, On; Douglass j llovcy, Thompson, r ernanoma t or Boston. I RECEIPTS. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. Nov It—6 halißcotton, 1 carstock. 1 cur wood, 100 sacks guano, 40 sacks peanuts. 35 tons coal, 17 boxes bellies, 24 b'ds nee. 190 boxes tobacco, 25 caddies tobacco, and mdse. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway, Nov tl 8411 hales cotton. 644 bbL* rosin. 118 bbls spirits turpentine, 2.643 boxes oraDges, 25 bbls oranges. &) bbls whisky, 21 care lumtier. 1 ear iron, 1 car brass. 10 liales hides, 18 tons Iron, 10 bales moss, 1 car cattle, 6 cars wood, 1 car poultry. 3"i sacks rice, and mdse. Per Central Railroad, Nov 11—6.378 bales cot ton, 39 liales yarn. 51 Isiles domestics. 10 bales hides, 8 rolls leather, 8 pkgs pa|>er, 1.881 lbs fniit, 89 pkgs tobacco, 28 obis spirits turpentine, 106.- .ViO Hi* baron. 600 bbls loam, 30 bt Is whisky, 10 hf hills whisky, 77 pkgs furniture and h h goods, 32 head cattle. 13 cars Iu u tier, 1 car wood, 24 head horses anil mules, 107 bushels rice. 8 bbLi syrup. 131 pkgs wood in shape, 143 tons pig iron, 8 cases liquor. 14 pkgs vegetables. 1 pkg wax. 2 pkgs machinery. 00 pkgs carriage material, 50 doz brooms. 109 pkgs mdse. 3 cars rottm see-1, 50 bbls cotton seed oil, 33 liales plaids, 40 boxet soap, 49 pkgs hardware. 3 cans coaL EXPORTS. Per steamship Elpis (Bri, Bremen—B.2B3 bales upland cotton, weighing 2,611,959 pounds. Per steamship Tonawanda, for Brooklyn— -313,6A1 feet pp lumber Stillwell, Pike £ Mulen. Per steamship Tallahassee, for New York— -1.824 ha leu upland cotton. 300 bales domestics and yarns, n ’t liales sea island cotton, 176 sacks rough rice, 209 bids rice, 1,063 bbls rosin, 12 bbls fish, 82 bbls spirits turpentine, 84 cans shrimp, 216 tons pig- iron. 489 pkgs mdse. 3,684 pkgs fruit aud vegetables, 80S pcs p p lumber. PASSENGERS, Per steamship Tallahassee, for New York— Mrs G A Whitehead, Mi’s K Tomlinson, J Adams. H s Krelton S Fellows, M Fellows, J M Taylor, M' TflvV r ’ -- L'—i -'-a v - tecra-re. Per steamship Chattahoochee, from New York - ,iii .* 1. ~oy , ~ .1 jie, .tn t iui -al 1, .lira M Johnson, Mi’s M K .McGrath and Inft, M Mark waiter, W J Colgorn. Itev Wtn Dodd, G ,'losly, Rov A D Dllley. A Phillips, Dr Scott, I. Foster. I. Hoyle, Mrs K. Mathews, Alex A DeWitt, W D Hurt. Miss A Fillmore, Miss M Hart, A F Hocke fellow, J II Glaslien, L McCntchon, E Sperry, A O Davenport and wife, Mrs<i C Happold, Mrs VV H Waterhouse, R K. Cobb, Miss S Waterhouse, W E Sherman, 11 I, Sinter, E Prine, H M Stod dard and family, (’ E Thomas, Mrs W Stephens, Miss M McCMusLey, Mi’s GA McCluskey, Mrs B Mol'luskey, Win Stephens. Mrs J W Lees, Miss J Lufferry, R Colcor f, Miss F Lufferry, M J Con roy and wife. G J Russell and wife. G Lufferry and w ife, W Weaver. Master Lufferry, Wm Rob ins- -n, 51 L Finch, C K Bartch S H Gulich, Geo McCausland. D O’Connell, T Robinson. M B s Koe* t t Scott, 0 H Bartlett, 28 steerage and 1 colored. CONSIGNEES. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. Nov 11 —R B Cussela, A Hanley, M Boley it Son. W It t-ange. C VI Gilbert A Cos, Grady, DksL A Cos. F W David, F M Hull. M Feral A Cos. C DU ing flrld care !>>e Rov Myers ACo G W Tiedeman, V lefller, Hartshorn A 11. Lee Roy Myers & Cos. las Hart A Bro, Byek A S, Garnett, 8 & Cos, C J Wall, Jno Flannery & Cos, M YA D I Mclntire, H M Comer A Cos, Hemm A G. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway, Nov 11—Transfer Ofilee. Jno Flannery A Cos, G C Angin, D A McGee, A A Aveilhe, E Geffken, Dale. D A Cos. McDonough A Cos, A 6 Bacon, R B Huliersham. B Myers A Bros. M Ferst A Cos, W Maguel W D Slinkins A Cos, D Y Dancy, PO /.oucks. Decker A F. J F Entelman, J S Horn, A S Delanev. D Weislieln, T Keller, Keppard A Cos, U-e Roy Myers A Cos, H Solomon A Son, Kay A J. Epstein A 'V, J Sternberg. Peacock. II A Cos. M Y Henbei-son. Ka'-nuau-'h A W Mrs M J b-i’i netlv. O Eckstein ACo J ’ O’--,--) e c*,-, *—r Katie. McDonough A Co,BGuekenheimer A Soa, •i O LiGUUIM IK I>U| Ik ck. ODu* t, ai LiU| l( f htlhlinuii, Coriiwi-7 sc. AMAOW West, Natiia'i Bros. Souther" Cotton Oil Cos. IJniLsay A M, Thus West . W W Gordon A Cos. C I. Jones. H M Comer A Cos. M Maclean. J 8 Wood A Bro, Garnett, 8 A C-o, Herron AG, Montngue A Cos, G Waller A Cos, Woods A Cos, J P Williams A Cos, Fills. Y A Cos, E T Roberts. Per Central Railroad. Nov 11—Fordg Agt, J P Williams A Cv.. J C Thompson. Herro AG, Jno Elannerv A Cos, Warren A A. Baldwin A Cos, F M Farley,W W Gordon A Cos. J 8 Wood A Bro, Butler AS. R D Bogart, M Maclean. Ctias Ellis, II M Comer A Cos. Woods A Cos, Montague A Cos, Garnet t, K A Cos, GWallerACo. RutlerAS L Alexander. M Y A I) 1 Mclntire. M Y Henderson, Rieser A S, I G Haas. Herman A K, C H Carson, Moore, H A Cos. E Lovell A Son, Ludden AB, H M vrrs A Bros. Smith Bros A Cos. Wlnton A It, H Solomon A Son. Roy M vers A Cos, Mrs w V Taylor, Solomons A- Cos. W B Mil] A 00, W J O Brien, Mohr Bros, Southern (kitton Oil Cos. A H Glratdeau, Wamock A W, tlater, M A Cos, W H Exley, C M GUbert A Cos, > oore. H A Cos, O Murphy, Hainee A D, J D Weed A Cos. P O Kess er, Lindsay A M.G VV Tiedeman I.'ppman Bros. Bendbelrn Bros A Cos, G Eckstein A 00, Flint A Bro, A R Altmaver A Cos, C H Dorsett O Davis A Son, S Guckenheimer A Son. Teeple A Cos, Jno DexterJr, Eckman AV. Frank A Cos, J F Entls nan, CfKoiauoi i, A bro, Palmer Bros, F Asen lorf, H Schroeder. Stillwell, p A ItT H Enright* eaeook. H A Cos. VV I K'lJer, W A Kilgore, E R Bulger, M Cohen, P S Onlahan, Jno Darnell, 8 L Newton. J Seckinger, C Nee s in, T J Grlffln. Per steamship Chattahoochee from New York A R Altmav er A Cos, (J w Allen, 8 VV Branch, T P Bond A Cos. Bn iEL A P Cos, J O Butler, O Butler, Bendhein nm A 00, Butler AB, T A Uelzman, A Bl it/. W S Cherry A Cos, L lust.-in, ;yck Bros, J S Collins A 00, C R R A Bkg Cos, w G Corqsir, B J Culibedge, Bohen A B, Clarke AD, H C Cunnlugliain, li Clarke. E VI Connor, Mrs J II Clinch. A H Champion, Crohan A D. L harrier. Cortiwell AO, Coleman A Bro, Mrs O Cunninghain, l Dasher A Cos. A Doyle, j Derst, i A Douglass A Cos, G Davis A Ron, H A Dumas, M J Doyle. A I, Desbouillons, G Eckstein A Cos, F-psteiM A- VV, Eok'uan A V, A Ehrlich A Bro. T If Enright, Einstein A 1., M Ferst A Cos, Frank A Cos, A Falk A Son, Fleisohman A Cos, Fretwell A V, (iray A O' if. J Gorham, Uriel Bros A ( o. C F Graham, U A Gemuuden. F Gutman, VV Goid stein. I’ J Golden, C 51 Gilbert A Cos. L J Gazan A Cos, S Guckenheimer A Son, C Gulden, Jos Goett -, Herman A K, D Hogan, J L Hartfelder S Cos. E Y Ham, Harms AJ. A Hanley,H He- s\ I H Helmken, A B Hull, F 51 Hull, Hirsch Bros, W A Jaudon. Kavanaugh A 11. A Krause, 51rs M '••lb. S Kronskoff, stmr Katie, Lippman Bros, Jno Lyons A Cos. A I/dtler, D If Lester, N I-ang, ; i i.ii-.-u, B H lyvv A 8r0,51 Lippman, J Lutz, r ) I 1 v -n K Lovell A Son. Lovell A 1.. II Tgigan, Ludden A B, Lindsay A 11. Lee Roy Myers A Cos, Vloiii’ Bros. J Me -ruth A Cos, S Miu-Liei..Marshall House, E de’al v. cin -ard Bros A Cos. H T Meyer. W B slell A Cos, D B Hyerson.T II Massy, . Glasha!, a . o,A and Miller A Cos, J -I McMahoq, Mutual Co-op As -o’n, Jno Nicolson Jr,G A Nu’ulL J G Nelson A Cos, T Nugent. Oblander Bros, P O'Connor, Order notify J E Bensob, Order uo tifv H Miller. Palmer Bros, N "aulsen A Cos. K Platshek, B T P u.n, L Putzei. Peacock, H A Cos, S O Parsons, C D Rogers. Rieser A S, VV F Reid, J .1 Reilly, J Rn enheim A Cos. A J Roach, H P 8 nail, Solomon* A Cos. W D Simklns A Cos, Wru Sehelhing. ff Solomon A Son, S, reven House. Dr . 1 H Stone. .Mrs A G Stubbs, Snill b Bros A Cos. M Schwarzhaum. Jno Sullivan, Slater, M A Cos, Savannah Steam Bakerv, L C Strong. Southern nauk, P B Spriuger. O (V Tiedeman, P Tuberdy, Teeple A Co.V.ile Royal Mfg Co,J D Weed A Cos, A 51 A C W W est. Wylly AC. Thos West. 8 WU- Unsky. D Weisbein, R J Ward, S, F A VV By, W U Tel Cos. Ga A Fla I S B Cos BROKERS. A. lT HAIiTRIDGE, SECURITY BROKER BUYS ANT) SELLS on commission aD e!asa of Stocks ami Bonds. loans on uutrkftable *nirlties. New York quotations furnished by private ficker every (lttoeu minutes. WM T. WILLIAMS. W. CUMMINOi W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., Bz?o3si©z?S -ORDERB EXECUTED on the New York, Chi cago ami Liverpool Exciiunges. Private direct w Ire to our office. Constant quotations from Chicago and New York. C OFT ON EXCHANGE, BANKS. KISS!MMEE CITY BAN K, Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - • *30,000 'TRANSACT a regular banking business. Giv I particular attent ion to Florida collections. Corresiionilenoe solicited. Issue Exchange dta New York, Newr Orleans, Bvannah and Jack sonville, Fla. Resiuent Ag.nts for Coutts t Cos. and Melville, Evans & Cos., of London, England. Now York correspondent: The Seaboard National Bank. (’ROCKERY, ETC. GEO. W. ALLEN' , IMPORTER OF CROCKERY, CHINA AND GI.A STARE, Nos. lift an.l VKI4 Broughton Street, SAVANNAH, - GKOKftIA. L l FRIEND in n"ed is a friend Indeed.” If J\ you have a friend send him or her the SAVANNAH WEEKLY NEWS; It only costa *1 25 tor a year. 7