The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 13, 1887, Image 1

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, ESTABLISHED ISSO. 1 'l J H. ESTILL, Editor aud Proprietor, f dirges but no red flag the mayor issues orders to guard against a riot. No Banners Will be Allowed In the Procession and No Concealed Weapons Can be Carried-Dirges On y Can be Played by the Banda— Police to Keep An Eye Out. Chicago. 111., Nov. l‘J, - Tbe doors of tbs undertaking establishment to which the Indies of the dead Anarchists were taken !.‘!er the execution yesterday, were thrown fi ■*>!) at 6 o’clock this morning, and a crowd v hiob had been waiting began to file in. Only the bodies of Parsons and Fischer w?r' left to gratify the morbid curiosity of 1 lie crowd, the remains of Bpies and Eu pd having already been removed. Occas ionally one of the curious would mutter something as he gazed upon the upturned distorted faces of the dead, but most of the people passed on silently after a single glance at the countenances of these much talked of men. At 9:30 the doors were closed. At that time there was a big crowd outside arid it was estimated that 4,000 or 5.000 people had view ed the remains. Half an hour later the bodies were removed to the residences of the dead Anarchists. Mu excitement at tended the transfer of the remains. Guarding against funeral riots. It looted very much this morning as if the i-irv authorities would refuse to allow the friends of the executed Anarchists to carry i at their programme respecting the funer als. which were set for to-morrow. It was learned that Mayor Roche, Chief of Police Ebersold, Inspector BontieM and Commis sioner of Public Works Swift had hud a long conference respecting what they would or would not allow. The Chief and Mayor v ere both set against permitting crowds to Fie the streets through which the cortege pronos&d passing, and it looked as if it might be decided that the burials of the "Reds” would have to be made separate. A HALF MAST FLAG ORDERED DOWN. An incident occurred this morning which •bowed the temper of the law-abiding peo ple of the city. Spies was a memiier of the Aurora Turn Vereim Some Socialistic members of the organization placed the American flag at half mast on the Aurora Turn Hails. It had not been there long be fore the owners of the building ordered the flag taken down, and it was done. ft was strongly hinted this morning that she authorities of the Waldehe.m Ceme tery, the one in which it proposed to bury !, “Reds,” and over their graves erect a monument, were seriously considering whether it was not their duty to refuse a resti.ig place for the Auarcliists’ remains within their inclosure. At least they will not allow a monument to be ejected. Both owners of the Aurora Turn Haile, it may be interesting to know, are Hermans. It was also learned that the Turn Halle would mo t likely refuse to allow the body cf Spies to lie In state in the Halle as was proposed. FISCHER’S BODY TAKEN HOME. At 10 o’clock the casket containing the body of Fischer was taken out. It was to K e taken to the home of his wife. It was quickly lifted into a wagon and an oil cloth revering spread over it. The undertaker fuid his assistants mounted the box and the wagon was driven out Milwaukee aveuue, followed by a, crowd of small boys, most of the grown "people staying behind iu the hope ■if getting a glance at Parsons. A detail of voice just. going on duty came along at the t .me and marched al tar the wagon. This taxed some commotion along the avenue, but if died out w hen the police turned olf at Noble street. The wagon, with its guard of boys, moved on to the house of Mrs. Fischer, just a block east of Milwaukee ava vie It is a two-story frame structure and occupied by several families. Mrs. Fischer's apartments are in the rear on the ground floor and are entered through an areh under the rear stairway leading from the second story. This areh was draped with white aud black cambric. Around the bouse was a great crowd of women and children, evi dently belonging in the neighborhood. They were morbidly curious rather than sympathetic, and when the wagou drew up in front of the house they ■'! sued their necks to see * whar they could. Mrs. Fischer was at the house of one of her neighbors when the body of her husband arrived,but as soon as tt had been carried into the house and properly placed she was escorted into her desolate home by two female friends. She was suffering greatly and her actions were •omewhat hysterical. She stopped occa sionally, threw her arms nbout'one or the ether of her friends and wept bitterly. At 1 o clock the curious throne still bung about the house. AT SPIES’ HOUSE. The doors and windows of Cris Spies • fuse, where the body of the dead Anar r hist. lies, were barred, and would not ■" open for any one. Long strips •f white and black ere do swuug I cm the door bell; at the top of tho labels of mourning- was a largo ’Aiek rose, made also of crepe, and from 1 he middle of the rose streamers of red flut tered in the breeze. From the rpouieut the '.cad body arrived at the residence of August’s brother, the bouse had been sur i ounded by a crow and of inquiritivespectators. Me morning the assemblage gradually in •■' l.'d in numbers, all King anxious to rtt a. look at the face of the famous Anar ,",t. Nobody wx gratified. Repeated calls 'd the door failed to elicit any response. TAKEN' TO .IOUKT. Schwab and Field' n lutt Chicago for Joliet "t 1 o’clock to-day. A few acquaintances of Ftslaen were at the station ami a lew idlers gathered around tho car in which the two 1 onvicts V'cirj placed, but that was all. It wjis and, tinitely decided tlii.-> afternoon Fiat the remains of Spies should not be laid ?!• state in Aurora Turn Halle to morrow, fate Representative Frank Htnuber, who at the head of the committee of arrttngo- I'.cnts, dtclnies that tho refusal to allow the auxins in the hall if; due to tho four of tho 'nvuert that the police would revoke their ; cense to sell liquors if it should be done. * bis the owners deny. PLAN OF THE PP.OCESSION. Punctually at noon the friends of the rie ' ease and will bo admit tod to tukc n last look of the corpses at their lute homes and fho. tlv after this tlia cortege will start from ■win. Fiichtrs house. It will stop at Mrs. '’arsons’ house, where the hoarse containing hit coffin will take Its place in the procession ofid the Knights of Labor and others will mil into hue. The concourse following ‘'' body will join the procession to W'lere Lirigg’s and Engels bodies lie. Hen the procession will be termed with the Defense Committee et the heed, followed by the Aurora Turn ‘ rf dn, Knights of Labor organizations, H-rman Typographical Union, No. 9. Car -1 enter*’ Union, Pointers' Union, singing so 'lAlcs in carriages, hear so, and families, relatives and friends in carriages. Brass l,lnf is with muffled drums will play funeral •nfirches while the cortege moves on to tho W isconsin Central depot, where special fr.'in wilt take the funeral party to thecem etsry. There speeches will be made in En- glisb and German. Well known orators were selected to-day by William Holmes and William Urban. TO BE A GREAT FUNERAL. It has bsen determined to make tldß the great st funeral ever held in Chicago if the authorities do not prevent. Plaster casts will be taken of the faces of the dead An archists, except that of Lingg. The ques tion of the primary disposal of the (had Anarchists was settled (his afternoon. They will he taken to Waldebeim cemetery and plaoed in a vault for the time being. The committee represented to the directors of the cemetery that, the vault in the Waldeheim cemetery being recently constructed on improved principles was the st rongest of any ceme tery vault near Chicago. Mr. Stanber de clared to the directors that it was feared by the families of the Anarchists that a deter mined effort would bo made by physicians to get possession of the remains for dissec tion. and they wanted them well protected. At last the directors agreed to allow the bod it s to he placed in the vault, but reserved their decision a* to whether they would sell to the committee a plat of ground in which to bury the remains. RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED. Chicago, Nov. 13, It p. m.—Without ban* ners. without speeches, with no music save dirges, the blackening, repulsive remains of the five Havmarket who perished i>y rope and bomb, will to-morrow be borne to a lonely tomb ten miles out from the city of their fearful crime and death. Mayor Roche to-day sent for the Committee of Arrangements for the funeral of the men executed Friday, and had a long interview with them. Ordi narily no penult is necessary for a funeral, but owing to tbo circumstances of this case the Mayor deemed it best for the city to as sume general oversight of the whole affair. 1 The committee suggested that sufficient police should be around to clear a way and preserve order, and readily acquiesed in all the suggestions made by the Mayor. A PETITION TO THE MAYOR. Asa result of the conference, formal ap plication was made as follows: Chicago, Nov. 12, 1881. 7V> the Mo’/or of the City of Chicaoo: We. the undersigned, a committee for aud in behalf of the familli-a end friends in making arrangement* for the funeral of August Spies. A. K. Parson*. Adolph Fischer, George Engel and Louis Ltngg respectfully request that we be permitted to have a procession, which we agree to conduct in accordance with your in structions. Frank A Stauber. HkNRY LtXXr.MKTKK. Max < irPENHEiMER. AN OFFICIAL ORDER. Mayor Roche thereupon issued the follow ing oider: Chicago, Nov. 12. To Frederick Ebertold. Superintendent of Police: You will issue a permit worded a* follows to the committee whose application is inclosed: " ’ Permission is hereby granted to the families and friends of August Spies, A. R. Parsons. Adolph Fischer George Engel and Louis Lingg to conduct a funeral Sunday, Nov. 18, between the hour* of 12 and 2 o'clock p. m., on the fol lowing conditions: The bodies are to be taken from the respective homes directly to the place of build, the families and friends of the deceased foisning a line on Milwaukee aveuue. commencing near Bryson street, and the procession moving from Milwaukee avenue to Itesplaines street, Dev plainee street to Juke street, Lake street to Fifth avenue, and Fifth avenue to the depot of the Wisconsin Central Railway Company, at Polk street The carrying or displaying of ban ners is prohibited. No speeches are to be made, and no concealed weapons or arms shall lie curled in the procession, nor shall any demon stration of a public character be mado except to conduct the funeral in a quiet and orderly manner. The music, if any, shall be dirge* only. This permit is issupd. subject to the. statute law of the State of Illinois and the laws and ordinances of the city of Chicago ; and the 1 accession will at all times lie subject to police regulations. John A. Roche, Slay or. Accepted. Feans a. Staubek, Henry Linnemeybr, Max OppsNHEiinsa. The Mayor hopes and promises that this funeral will proceed quietly and orderly, ns all other funerals are accustomed to da At the same time he says carefu I and thorough preparations have been made for quelling any possible disturbances. AN ANARCHIST WAKE. Police Broke Up the Meetinsr Before it Got Under Way. New York, Nor. PA—The New York brethren of the executed Chicago Anarch ists held various meetings in their private halls to-night to let out, their pent up wrath over the death of their friends. One of the meetings was to have taken place in Fior ence Hall, on Second avenue. Cabinet makers Union No. 1 had encaged the hall for the ostensible purpose' of a ball. Early in the evening the true character of the pro gramme became plain when a committee arrived with live plain coffins and proceeded to decorate the hall as for a funeral. They were to hold a ako over representations of the biers of the bodies which lav in Chicago. The owners of the hall became alarmed and notified the police He had let the hall for a ball and was unwilling to have it used for the purpose now intended. Cant. MeCul lagb soon appeared on the scene with fifty officers, retaining a reserve at the station bouse uear at hand to be used in case of an t niergenrv. lie stopped the ar rangements suimnarjly. A crowd of 200 men, women and children crowded around the cutranee of the hall and clamored for adnvttance. They be-arae noisy and abusive. The Captain found it necessary to knock one Anarchist down, whou be pro tested too violently against the alleged outrage. The officer finally was obliged to move his force upon the crowd mid disperse it, and midst the curses and violent expressions of tho “wake holders,” the coffins wore seined by the jHjliee, and safely deposited in tho s’tatiou house. No arrests were made. JIKRU MOST AT A MEETING. Over 300 hundred Anarchists met in a hall back of a saloon on Seventh street. Herr Most was the drawing card. When that disciple of the faith arrived, he was with loud cheers, ami led to the platform by his admirers. The subject of Herr Mosf.s harangue was. Tho judi cial murder of our Anarchist friends He opened in a low tone of voice but gradually warmed up with his subject, and bit face fi came rodder and redder, and bis voice ascended into a howl. Some of the choicest expressions and ideas advanced were these, lie began: FeU.i'W Anarchist* I wish t could in langnuge the sadness of my bean which grieves for my devoted brother Anarchists who to bravely met their death yesterday on the gallows. How brave. How noble those four man. You ail know. Would that I knew their executioner. He would not fare well ir. this world. The death of our brothers has brought him drods to join our rank*. We have sworn t* have vengeance and we -I'd! have it They, the capitalistic press, say Linng com mitted suicide. They lie. He was murdered gad reported to have, suicided. Ho they w ant you or me to believe that hi* friends smuggled these bomba In to him. I say they lie. They lie, they lie. * ■ • * (triimol i-'i'jurer, thief, secured witnesses who wore willing to swear away the live* of seven innocent men. Their blood cries to heaven for vengeance, and it shall not cry in vain. The day of reckoning is approaching. Let those who were interested in the arrests, trial and in haoring beware when that debt shall be paid. I point mv finger at Gary. Boallold, the Judges of lbs Supreme Court and that coward of a Governor, Oglesby. SAVANNAH, GA„ SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1887. FARMERS AND THE TARIFF. The National Congress Almost Evenly Divided on the Question. Chicago, 111., Nov. 12.—The Farmers' Congress, after a three days' session, ad journed this afternoon to meet in Topeka, Kan., on the second Wednesday in Novem ber, 1888. Mr. I-awrence, of Ohio, chairman of the Committee ou Resolutions, presented the majority report in favor of increasing the tariff ou wool, and Mr. Kolb, of Alabama, presented the minority report protesting against the introduction of jiolitic* in the Congress. After a long discussion on the tariff ques tion the motion of Mr. Burns, of Alabama, to recommit was lost, and the minority re port was rejected. The majority report, putting the congress on record as favoring a nigh tori IT, was then adopted by a vote of 180 to 150. Col. Kolb, of Alabama, was elected Presi dent for the next two years. Hugh McEldcry, of Alabama, was elected assistant secretary. A vote of thanks was tendered Dr. Lup ton, of Alabama, for his admirable address on “Sciei’ceof Agriculture.” Among the other proceedings of to-day was a vote of thanks to Col. Beverly of Vir ginia, and hi* election as the only honorary member for life. The utmost good feeling prevailed and al though Mr. Lawrqnce of Ohio, predicted the election of Sherman, amid cheers, the applause that followed Mr. Burns of Ala bama, as he pictured the re-inauguration of President Cleveland, showed that the polit ical preferences of the members were pretty well divided. Among the resolutions read and referred ho tho Committee on Resolutions was one looking to “The refunding to the negroes of the South millions of dollars collected as a cotton tax in the early years of reconstruc tion.” Col. F. E. Parsons, of Madison, VYis., was elected Secretary for two years. ASSIGNMENT OF A JUDGE. Depreciation in the Value of Invest ments the Cause. Winchester, Va, Nov. 12.—Judge William L. Clark, of the oounty and city court, who until recently has been for upwards of twenty years General Receiver of the Circuit Court of Frederick oounty, made an assignment to-day of all bis real and personal property to cover his fiduciary obligations. Ills receivership liabilities amount to about $30,000, which his assets will more than cover. His embarrassment was caused not by any im proper use of fiduciary funds, but by in vestments made during the early years of his receivership, which, though good at the time, became afterward in largo part worth less owing to the decrease in the value of lands. These investments were guaranteed by him aud bore compound interest. The trustees are CoL William Byrd and A. R. Peudleton. of this city. Judge Clark gives up everything. GONE WITHOUT PAYING UP. A Couple of New Yo k Business Men Under a Cloud. New York, Nov, 12, -George Haywood Carpenter, President and Treasurer of the Brookside Knitting Compuny, of No. 139 Church street, and Vice President and Treasurer of tho Washburn Saiicilic Manu facturing Company, of No. 103 Chambers street, and who is connected with various other companies, is reported to have left t he city for parts uttknotvu, leaving many debts up paid. His brother, Charles K. Carpenter, who was connected with him iti several cotton concerns, is also reported keeping away. The reason for the depar ture, it is said, is the collapse of some of the schemes they were interested in. It. is reported that George H. had forged biffs of lading on warehouse receipts to the amount of 840,000, and that papers have been taken out for his arrest if he can be found. CAPTIVES TO CUPID. Gov. Gordon’s Son and Miss Yu lee to Go t o Different Altars. Washington. Nov. 12.—The engagement of Miss Nannie Yulee, daughter of the late Senator Yulee, of Florida, and G. Belden Noble, son of G. Belden Noble, of this city, is announced. The young people beeante acquainted in Aiken, S. C., last, spring No wedding cards have lteen sent out, as all the invitations to tho marriage are verbal. It is probable that the Yulee house on Connec ticut avenue, that has been closed since ihe death of Mrs. Yulee, will be opened for the bridal. The engagement of Miss Georria Louise Kilbourn, eldest daughter of Hallet Ktl bourn, and Frank Gordon, son of Gov. John B. Gordon, of Georgia, is announce and. The marriage will be celebrated in St. John's church on Thursday, Dee. IS. A Barracks Needed at Norfolk. Washington, Nov. 13.— C01. Motawley, commandant of the Marine Corps, in his annual report renews his recommendation for an appropriation to build a barracks and quarters at the Norfolk Navy yard. This matter has been brought forward year by year, be says, sinee the close of the war, but without result. “The onb |builditig for me is a wooden sbed not equal to a brirt building for cattle near by, and the officers have no quarters and live at long distanced from the nten.” Trouble at a Virginia Mina. Lynchburg, Va., Nov. 12.- The nativo miner* at Pocahontas to-day refused to let the Hungarian* go to work, am Ia difficulty resulted. Several persons were hurt but uo one was killed. The Governor ordered 1 l oops to the scene from Lynchburg. Both sides are fortified. The employers want tho Hungarians to go to work. The citizens back the native miners. A telegram just received from Pocahon tas says that tiiere lias been no disturbance to-day _ Bun Down on a Curve., Ala., Nov. 12.—A special to the Times from Uniontown says: “An extra tram on tho Central division of the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad, coming around a curve at thn depot, dashed into the rear of a freight train standing on the main track. Heverol cars were badly wrecked. Tho conductor of the freight train had no danger signal displayed, hence the collision. No persons were injured.” Commissioner Sparks’ Successor. Washington, Nov. 12.~ Ex-Uenreeeuto- Hve George W. Julian, the new Surveyor General of New Mexico, and ox-Repie*m'a tive Stock-lager, now Deputy Commissioner of the General Land Office, are mentioned as the successor of Commissioner Bparks. Both are Indiana men. Dynamite at Wheeling. Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 12. — A dyna mite cartridge wo* exploded In a gutter alongside the residence of Jacob Wise, a re tired capitalist, tonight The force of the explosion tore out the paving stones of the gutter. The miscreants are unknown. IN THE CANCER’S CI.I’TCH TERRIBLE FATE OF THE GERMAN CROWN PRINCE. Doctors Divided as to tho Beat Method of Treating the Growth in the Present Case—German Opinion Inclined to Turn Against Dr. Mackenzie. [Copyright 1887 by Xew York Ateociated Press.] Berlin, Nov. 13. —The first whispers of the dire uews from Butt Kemo were unheard in Berlin till toward evening. On tbo Bourse business was over. Some evening papers had congratulatory articles on the improving prospects of the Crown Prince, when suddenly semi-official reports were permitted to transpire that, yester day evening's advices wore false news. These reports created gen eral consternation. Early announcements were vaguely put to the effect that the dis ease bad been found to bo of a cancerous nature, and that with regard to the further treatment of tho Crown Prince no trust worthy information would be obtainable until a verbal report was received from Dr. Schmidt, who went to San Remo at the command of the Emperor. Nothing was said about the chances of recovery or the condition of the patient, but the official ad mission was enough to confirm the worst fears in the public mind oouoeniing the Crown Prince's fate. THE TRUTH LEA KINO OCT. Later it became known that Prof. Berg mann had not lectured at the university, King engaged in consultation on the expe diency of performing another operation; that Drs Scnroter and Kraus were in favor of immediate tracheotomy, while i)rs. Hcbretzer aud Mackenzie were opposed to it. At the last decisive examination made yes terday, which resulted in the doctors unani mously declaring that a radical cure was irniiossiblo, the only difference of opinion being as to how ioug the Crown Prince s life eottl i be prolonged, the Crown Prince heard part of tue discussion between the doctors. He showed the greatest self possession when told that his recovery was very uncertain, and retired to meet the Princess. He afterward sent a long dis patch to tho Emperor, and then, recalling the doctors, he told them that he placed himself in their hands. Dr. Mackenzie communicated the result of the examination to Prince William, who seemed to be more affected bv the dreadful news than his father had been. Dr. Schmidt, who will personally read the report of the doctors to the Emperor to-morrow, shares Dr. Mackenzie’s opposition to an immediate operation. His relations with the Emperor, therefore, will undoubtedly influence the family decision. Prince William returns to Berlin to-morrow. methods of treatment. The confirmation of the statement that the Crown Prince is afflicted with cancer has revived interest in the methods at tempted for the extirpation of the disease. The National Zeitwnff in so article hearing the stamp of authority says: “Deepit# the malignant nature of the cancer the larynx operation is now frequently successful, ’l'he most famous German opera lore ctre Dr. Hahn, of the Friedricbsham Hospital, Ber lin, and Dr. Bergmaun, who recently per formed five operation*, and in every ease the patient rapidly recovered. Evou extir pation of the whole of the larynx can lie done with complete success. A gentleman named Prieuer, residing in Prague, has sent letters to the newspapers Mating that Prof. Gussenbauin, of Hoidlo berg, removed the whole of his larynx in IXBO. Binoe i hen he has enjoyed excellent health. Whatever is done with the Crown Prince the feeling in the highest quaiter is against further reliance upon Dr. Mac kenzie. GERMAN SPECIALISTS SLIGHTED. “It will be an unavailing and poignant source of regret to all Germany that while German specialists diagnosed the cancer ous character of the growth at the outset of the Prince's illness, treatment of the case was committed to Dr. Mackenzie. The opinion of Profs. Tobold, Fraenkel and others, published in the spring, are re call's! B.s a proof of the accuracy of the German specialists. Prof. To bold’s written opinion is now of historic interest. He de clared that the removal of the first, growth from the Crown Prince’s throat with the forceps, by Dr. Mackenzie’s method provoked a vigorous recurrence of the tumor. After tbo fourth conulta lion of the Crown Prince’s ease Prof. Tabold wrote: ‘I bold that the quite dan gerless process of laryngo fissure is the fittest mode of completely doing away with the growth, enabling sureneaa and absolute exactness in the examination of the diseased pari and the destruction of the seeds of further growth by cauterization.’ ” The only eminent defender of Dr. Mac kenzie iR Prof. Vertel, of Munich. He maintains that Dr. Mackenzie did not select the wrong treatment, that he con tinued that begun under Dr*. Bergmaun and Gerhardt, and that an operation in the spring would have been utterly useless. A SUMMARY or THE OPINIONS. The following semi-official summary of the opinion* of the physicist!* in attendance at San Remo is issued to-night: Dr. Sell rotor bolds that the new growth below the vocal chords is cancerous, and advises complete cutting out of the whole larynx, He claims that an immediate operation svould bo very advantageous, but says be would consent to a no*t,,o.nemeut, as in the meantime the malady can be con trolled by tracheotomy. Dr. Schi-otor is <smvineed that the life of the Crown lTinoe might bo preserved by total excisiou of the larynx. Although the operation is very dangerous and its effect uncertain, it might be attended with good results. An excision from the windpijie, ho maintains, would only defer death n few years. Dr. Kraus states that the uew swelling prevents him from expressing a decisive opinion. The affection appears to be can cerous. t ut Ire opposes complete excision of the larynx, and advise* tracheotomy. Dr. Mackenzie considers the growth to ba cancerous and advisee that a small piece of Jt be extracted for subtnis' ton to nnnlysl* by Prof. Virchow, on whose report the tiual decision of tho physcians should be bused. The Emperor is naturally much affected by the serious nature of tba Crown Prince’s illness, but the rumors that lie has had a relume, threaten mg death are untrue. He has appeared daily at the palace windows at the. time for re lieving the guard, and lowed and sainted the crowd waiting for him. Ho looks hale end works at bis desk for some time before dinner. News come* from Coblenztem that the Empress is worse. No bulletin* about her conditiwn have i*u ported, and it is feared that her ill near is serious. The Sutio/ia' Zeitu.ig state* that the Gore man specialist* on Friday after consultation • greed that the diagnosis of the dieeoae a* cancer in April was correct, and that the disease has since spread. The Crown Prince waa Informed of their conclusions and he re tired for an hour to consider what course to pursue, lie finally decided not to suhmit to an operation, lie bear* himself in the bravest manner. THE FRINGE'S CONDITION IMPROVED. San Remo. Nov. 13.—Crown Prince Frederick William slept soundly last night. His condition is much improved. The swelling of the larnyx has decreased and the throat shows less congestion. The Prince's hoarseness has decreased to some extent. Prince William has started for Berlin. LONDON’S UNEMPLOYED. Entrace to Trafalgar Square to be At tempted by Force. London, Nov. 12.—Sir Charles Warren, Chief Commissioner of Police, has issued a proclamation that no procession shall be allowed to approach Trafalgar Square to morrow. The Radical clubs and Socialist federations aro actively engaged in arrang ing a plan of march by which they hope to force their way through every street de bouching upon the square. Placards have been posted iu various places appealing to w orkingmen tounnio by tens of thousands, and resist the carrying out of “the ukase of the military despot.” Gen. Warren, Commissioner of Police, has instructed the police to consider the slightest attempt at holding a meeting m Trafalgar Square to-morrow justification for arrests. I’he delegation of the Radical clubs has completed arrangements for inarching to the square and declare their determination to carry them out. Annie Besant, Mr*. Ashton Rilke and Mrs. Aveling will join In the procession. FRANCE’S SCANDALS. The Irreconcilable.-! Preparing to Bar ricade the Streets, Parik, Nov, 15.—M. Wilson, charged with complicity in the Ceffarel scandal, ap peared before an examining magistrate to-day. He affirmed that the disputed letters are authentic. Mme. Limouzin per sist* in her declaration that they have been tampered with. Le Voltuire advises Iho Republicans to prepare for n congress of Deputies and Senators for the election of a President of the Republic. The Irrecoucilabli* liave resolved to form n committee of control and to construct a barricade in the streets if M. Ferry should be elected to succeed M. Grevy in the event of tho latter resigning the Presidency. A FIGHT WITH IRISH PDLICB. The Officers Mortally Wound a Woman During Their Churgo. Dublin, Nov. 12.—Constable Thompson, of Limerick, has resigned, as a protest against the treatment of William O’Brien. An encounter has taken place between the people aud police at Ennishoflln. The polioo charged with bayonet* on the crowd amt mortally wounded one woman. Many of the policemen were injured by lining hit with stones. The local magis trates, after inquiring into the affair, ex culpated the police. Cuba's Disastrous Floods. Havana, Nov. 12.—' The losses inflicted by the recent floods are estimated at over f 1,000,0X1, .Several large plantation* on the island were inundated and this may cause a falling off of SO,(XX) tons in the com ing sugar crop. The rainfall recently ha* been very light, A Golden Chalice for the Pope. Rome, Nov. 12. —The Jlalian royal fam ily will present a golden chalice to the Pone on the occassion of ins jubilee. This tact is held to indicate a desire for reconciliation between the Vatican and Quit inai. A Man-of-War Run Down. London, Nov. 12.—An English steamer off Ntcolaieff, Russia, collided with the Russian man-of-war El boron*. Seven per sons aboard the latter vessel were drowned. TALES OF THE TURF. Last Day at Ivy City and the First at New Orleans. Washington, Nov. 12.—This was the last, day of tbo second extra meeting of the National Jockey Club at Ivy City. The weather was dear and cold, the track fair and the attendance slim. The event* were as follows: First Rac— Puree 8100; for Iwo year-niiis; soiling race. Vixen Colt won. with Umpire tec ood ami Jne Lee ttiirrl Time 1:18. Betokd Rack— Purse $ 400 : mile and one-six teenth. Royal Arch won, with Pericles second and Error third. Time l:M. Third Haic -Handicap sweepstakes of? 15, with s4ooadded; one mile and one-sixteenth. Bessie .tune won, w-fth Harvard second and Ante third. Time 1:43. K. imr Race Purse $109; selling race Tliree (insriers of a mile, nronremarte won with It ]I ringer second and Nettie Van third. Timt:iK. Firm Raos—Purse S2BO, for ponies, gentle men riders. Bar Shunter won, with Nina second and Little Wilde, third. Time 0:54J4. AT NEW ORLEANS. New Orleans. Nov, 12, This w.s the first day of the lull meeting of the Louisiana Jockey Club. The weather was delightful, The attendance was rather light. The events were as follows; First Race—Selling: six furlongs. Bill star ritt won. with SkolielotT second and Dulime third. Time 1: IftU. Second Rack Half a mile. Golightly won, with Cruiser second and Tucker third. Tima 0.60. Turnn Race—Seven furlongs. Bankrupt, won, with Specialty second and .Jennie McFariaud third. Time 1.-30 U, fV i utu Hack-One. mile and seventy yanls. Kloienc i C won, with Utile Munich second and Glenliall third. Time 1:18. VINCENT’S PUNISHMENT. The State Satisfied With Giving Him Fifteen Years’ Imprisonment. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 12 —Ex State Treasurer Vincent defaulted and fled the State in January, 1883. lie was captured in March of this year. Ho was tried and convicted on two indictments for embezzle ment, in July. He was arraigned this morning on a third indictment, lie made tio defense when the jury was in structed if they believe the evidence to bring in a verdict of guilty, which they did, and the Judge sentenced him to five years in the penitentiary. The Stale’s Attorney announced that this made uu ug gregnte of fifteen year*, which they deemed sufficient punishment, in which the court concurred, and they dismissed the remain ing thirty-six cases. This ends the matter, i. the appeals of former conviction* will ho dismissed Pensacola Pointers. Pensacola, Kla., Nov. 13.—D. Rcai-he, e grocery merchant, to-day made an assign meat to R J. Jordan for th benefit of all his creditors. Uu go crowds went dawn on the steamers (Jessie M. and WUIe C, to vvitne t* tlie Indian war dance of (Jeronimo and hi* tribo at Fort Pickens, yesterday evening and this eve.dug, Frost Hurts Cotton. GaLveston, Nov. 12, —Specials from a number of points throu. limit North Texas report a heavy frost Thursday mght, doing Injury to the top crop of cotton. FLORIDA'S A Colored Girl Run Over By a street Car and Killed. Jacksov villi:, Fla., Nov. 12.—Grave GUberta colored girl, was run over and killed by a street, ear on Bridge street this afternoon. No blame is attached to the white driver, named Simon*. In a game of base ball this afternoon be tween the doc tors ami lawyer*, the doctors won by a score of 23 to 7. An overflowed naptha bank caught lire at the gas work* this noon, and from the Im mense blaze that sprang up it was feared that the entire wonts would be destroyed. The firemen were unable to do much work for fully twenty minutes, and the nearness of another large tank of the fluid made it dangerous for them to work. Finally, after hard work on the part of the liremen the flames wore subdued and the danger of a wholesale conflagration was averted. The loss is $-150 to SIOO. Chief Jones, by his presence of mind and disregard of danger, averted a panic several times. PALATKA’S CHARTER Enrolling Clerks Added Several Beo tlon* Atter Its Passage. Tallahassee, Fi.a., Nov. 12.—CoL R. W. Pairs to-day argued before the Supreme Court on the constitutionality of thePalatka charter passed by the last. Legislature. •The bill was terribly mutilated by the enrolling clerks after its passage, and the bill as signed by the Governor contain* several more section* than were actually passed by the Legislature. The question i* whether these sections not passed by the Legislature, but incorporated in the bill as signed by the Governor are legal. The argument was to show that the signature of the Governor Is not, conclusive against th journal* of she I s-gtslal lire, which show that tha objection able sectiou* were not passed. MACON'S JOURNALISTS. Harry Edwards and Col. Lamar to Run a Sunday Paper. Macom, Ga., Nov. 12.—Harry S. Ed wards, of the Telegraph, haa rotigued his position as editorial writer on that journal and will, with R. Laui&r, late editor-in chief of the same journal, begin on Decem ber 10, the publication of a weekly paper to be known as the Macon Sunday Times. Thu prospectus include* the follow ing announcement: “It will be of con venient form and size, with eight pages. If is proposed to discuss all public men and measures freely, fairlv and intelligently, unhampered by the rule of u partisan eau cii- of the suggestion of cliques and oi the personal necessities and ambitious of Individual politicians." While no reference is marie to the tariff, the 7<mcs will bo “protective." Tho uew enterprise is tile subject of much favorable discussiou ou the streets to-day. AUGUSTA ANNALS. Gen. Lea's Private .Secretary Dead— A Bank Robber's Faithful Sister. Augusta, Ga., Nov. 13.—William Hay ward Adkinson, a prominent citizen of Beech Island, 6. C., and for some time dur ing the late war private secretary to Gen Robert E. Lee, died on Thursday. The sister of Himmotta, the fatuous bsuk robber, who helped to (steal ¥2,500 from the Commercial Bank of Augusta, in open day light, ii in tho city trying to get signature* to a petition for (be purdou of her brother. Tho ground* of the petition ore not known. Tho voluntary subscription to the expo sition fund to-day amounted to ¥I,BOO. Seven New Cases at Tampa. Tampa, Fla., Nov. 12.— Seven new cases of fever developed to-day. Mayor Spar li lt nn is among the number. Five are white end two colored. Dr. Kilmer i* improving slowly’. The weather is cooler. WASHINGTON MONUMENT. How It is Protected Against Relic- Hunters. From the .Veto York Quit Washington, Nov. o. —The watchman at the Washington Monument estimates that the average number of people visiting the structure daily is "00, uearly 110,000 visitors a year, and yet nothing but the outside of the shaft can be seen. For a year or so after the monument was finished every one who came armed with a pass was allowed to climb the iron stairs and gaze at, Washing ton city from n height of something over 600 feet, aliout fifty feet from Lhe apex. This custom was nee asariiy abandoned, as most of the Right-seers were relic-huntors who began to carry the monument away with them piece by piece. Con gress, at its last session, appropri ated mouey for the construction of an elevator to carry the passengers to the toj). It neglected, however, to appropriate any money to run the elevator with, and so it stands "to-duy unused and Immovable. Money was also provided for electric light appliances, but nono for furnishing the light. Therefore the inside of the monu ment is os dark as a pocket. The visitors who were foitneiiy allowed to climb the stairs were provided with candles at the bottom and loft to their own guidance. There ti a watchman at the foot of the stairs, but none at the top or on any of the landings. Therefore the vandal* worked unmolested. They have chipped off the corners of the monument on the out side from the ground up to a point a j high as a man can reach, and in the inside many of (tie finest atones ore sen ted by foreign countries, and tins several Klates biive (hh-ii defaced. This is why no more persons will tic allowed inside the monument until Congress provides the ncee.-sary money for ruuning the elevator, furnishing lights at different (Kiinis along the stairways and employing watchmen to see that the moiinmeut is allowed to utand where it is. it is thought that tills money, will tie appropriated ut tbo coming *c*ioii of Congress and tb“ monument put in a iHi.wiiUihle *hn|>e by the first of May. Nothing has yet Isson done toward laying out tilt' park about tiie monument or oou structing the approaches to its base, but it it expected that tins work tain also be com menced next spring. A Connecticut Gold Bug. From the New Haven Heyteter. An oak leaf 101 l from a tree recently near the alumni Ihi tiding ou the Yule campus. On the upir si je, a it luy on ths ground, was wbat hurieared to tie at first sight an ordinary gold collar button. The leaf was picked up and put under glax at Olmstead’s drug store, corner of Bint anil York streets, with h. view of showing the object attached to the leaf to Prof. Vemll or some other professor attached to the I’en laxly Museum. Only by a very close inspection could it bo discerned (hat the glittering object wax u gold bug. Ttiere was no mark or any color about it, ouly like that of shining gold. It had curious toes used in walking, and a number of persons who saw it hod never seen anything like it before. The bug waa small, but lively. j PRICE 310 A VEAft I 1 Ht.Vu ALOFV., A CZAR’S CALL AT BERLIN BISMARCK AND DE GIERS TO B 9 WITH THE TWO RULERS. Tha Central European Alliance Will Not be Imperiled by the Conference— The Visit to bo the Least Ceremo nious Possible on Account of the Crown Prince’s Condition. [Copyright 1887 by the Sew York Associated Tret*-], Nov. 12.—The visit of the Czar f invested with increased importance by tho Anal decision that Prince Bismarck and M. i)e Oieru should be present at the mooting of the two emperor*. The North German Gazette announce* that Prince Bismarck will attend the confluence at tha command of the Emperor. The Post as sart* that M. Lie Glers will accompany the Czar. Up to yesterday it was defi nitely understood in official circle* that Prince Bismarck would not be present A reversal of the arrangement is asserted with the developments in the condition of the Crown Prince, whose death would materially affect the European situation. Thursday is now mentioned a* the day of the Czar’s arrival at. Berlin. Under the sorrowful circumstances the visit will be the least ceremonious possible, without, pomp or parade. TO BE MET AT WITTEVBEOO. Gen. AVeder, Governor of Beilin, who for twelve years was German plenipotentiary at St. Petersburg, will meet the Czar at VVittenberg, between Berlin and Hamburg When tho imperial tram arrives in Be. tu Prince Williim, Prince Regent of Brum wink, and Prince and Princess Aldecfct will receive the imperial party. The Czar'* own regiment, the Alexander Grenadier Guards, will be arranged along the platform a* a guard of honor. The imperial party will drive directly to the Russian Embassy, where Prince Wiliiani will receive the Czar and Czarina. The Czar end M. de Giera will niter ward proceed to the pi lace, where they will have an interview with Empeior William and Prince Bismarck. At to'the court banquet the Czar and Czarina will continue their journey to Moscow. The other mem here of the imperial family will not leave the train. EFFECT OF THE COXFEREXCE. AVhatever may result from the DeGisra Bismarck conference official circles disbe lieve it will have the slightest effect to shake the Central European alliance. On thecoa trary it i hOjied that the Czar wiii be per suaded that the coalition has ton strong a basis to be overturned or for any power to be fndured to abandon it. The Fremdenblaat, in a semi-official arti cle, suggests that the Czar will carry awy a personal conviction of how strougiy the Russian National party fudges the aims of Germany, and will certainly Utahn mat the alliance can never be weakened nor loosen ed, and that it may bn extended, attracting other powers to its programme, and em bracing In the k-acue o; peace Russia al*e The R,-'ich Bank's refusal to make further advance* on Russian sorurPies appear* less hostile to Ruettia now that there is a report that the refusal will be extended to all foreign bonds * the Belch Bank thus follow ing i lie example of the Bank of England end Bank of France, The Reich Bank haa never advanced on Russian securities more 1 ban atxmt ono-third of their market value SOME lIJING AB UT O .--EWING GUM Gaa Fixture# and Crowing Novel ties In Connection With Them. New York, Nov. 12, —I entered a car the other day oceuped by four pretty, stylishly dressed girls, who did nothing but laugh, chatter and. oh, horror 1 chew gum! If there i* anyth*, g vulgar It is this habit, w-hich juft now seems to be the rage with a certain class. I was amazed to see *ueh ladylike-looking girls showing this habit There is one thing that ought to prevent gil ls from doing this, and that is their van lty, for it is far from becoming, this ever lasting chewing that seems to make one’s iswn just (o watch these chewer*. I have notic'd chewing gnm offered for sale at the elevated tuitions, #o I asked the boy if be sold much of it. “Yes, indued,” lie replied, “boxes and boxes of it.” “Who buys it!” I asked. “Oh, all the pretty young ladies and some old onee. They chew it as a cure for indigestion,” “Does it cure themf” I asked, “They think it doe*,” he answered. Later I made further inquiries from one who ’•nows, and ascertained that there are seve. J factories manufacturing chewing gum, and the man who advertises extensively is making a fortune, which proves somebody buys it. At n ▼ druggist’s I mw a placard, “Heal old and wn £ ist sp u e gum." "Who buys it?* I said. “Oh, every body ; people you wouldn’t dream of that wouldn’t bo seen chow mg it in pub! o. They use it for promoting digestion, and the pure spruce gum does it, ana it whitens the teeth. Even men chew it after smoking. I is tie best, thing in the world to remove the wor of whisky or onion*” I became imbue* with the fact that ail the w-orld were aceu* turned to chew gum, privately, ;f not in public. Nevertheless, it Is a vulgar habit und ono our young girls had insst avoid. There las been little n6tv in the way of pas fixtures for a long time, but the other day I saw something extremely novel and beautiful Apparently a palm tree about four feet high stood in a mass flower pot. which ax placed- in a corner of the room. There was a gas pipe beneath that could not bo seen. IN' hen the gas was turned on from under every leaf ana point glmmjerod asoft light, small hut of great brilliancy. Hose In,dies are nimilarly arranged; they are not so expensive as Koran might suppose; no more so than the fancy lamp* now in vogue. A v ery pretty decoration for the side of a mirror is a honeysuckle vine that clam bers away over the tpp, drooping upon the other side. When the gas is turned on a tiny light shines from the centre of each flower. The leaves and stalks of these plant* are made of Iron, so artistically enameiod sk to be easily ml* aken for real plants until closely inspected. A pretty girl friend of mine was making the other day what I sup posed was the skirts of dolls’ dresser. “Dreas mg dolls fora fain" I asked. “No.”she replied. “I aw maaiug covers for the gas shade*,” The advantage is that in this uay one cau have different oolortd shades when ever she pleases. They were made of a straight pieoe of thinnest China silk, a* quarter or a yard wid“ and half a yard long. After being sewed together there waa aheui put In each edge, through which au a'afilc was ruu; in this way they would fit any shaped or sized globe, anti the elastic also served to lu ’p them 1 place. My friend had a set of ytilow, blue, pale ero. a, and those she was making were pink. When placed upon the globe and the gaa turned on the effect was a soft colored light, very pretty to look at and vary becoming. Evelyn Bakjer Harvuer. BrookevlUe’a Murder Trial. Brooksville, Fla., Nov. 12,—The pre liminary trial it. tar Uolilkdd murder case Opened here Thursday, with a large attend ance of citizens uud an array of ths beet legal talent available. Great interest is uiami*ld. and it is loped justice will b meted out, whatever it tuny be. to every one.