The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 28, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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EX-SENATOR JOKES’ PLIGHT. Formerly Rich and Generous, He Now Lacks Even a Home. From the Few York World. Detroit, Nov. 28. Since the expiration Of his term of office , x Senator Jones, of Florida, has not been prominently before the people of the country. Up to that time he drew unpleasant notoriety upon himself, but few men could have more quietly or more stubbornly submitted to the adverse criticism to which he was subjected. He had suddenly left his place in the Senate, where he had acquirer! an enviable reputa tion because ot his statesmanship, his ability as a constitutional lawyer and his honesty. He came to Detroit three years ago, upon invitation of W. G. Thomp son, to make a visit which lias grown into a permanent stay. Much was at iirst made of him. He was genial, sociable, able and possessed of sufficient means to live ex jiensively. With those means he was ever ready to aid the numerous calls of charity, and he very soon became identified withtfio current local movements of men and affairs. He occupied luxurious apartments at the Russell House, sought out the kindred spirits of the city and made desirable acquaiut nces all over the city. Among these was Miss Clotilde Palms, a young lady of great wealth, pleasing man ners, and the highest position socially. Far from being a beauty, she nevertheless was found by ex-Senator Jones to be extremely attractive, and he at once became her avowed suitor. He was persistent, but it is believed that the lady never for a moment gave him a serious thought, and the long siege came to an inglorious end. It is under stood that he thinks it was through no fault of his own or prejudice on the part of Miss Palms that he did not succeed in this, probably his last love affair. But an ex planation of why ho failed, or of why he refused to return, either to Washington or to Florida, or to leave Detroit at all, is necessarily somewhat vague, because the reasons at which he hints are uncertain and apparently based upon a foundation of little fact and much imagination. He believes himself the victim of a con spiracy within the Democratic party. This combination against him involves states men, politicians and newspapers. It fol lowed him through a tour of Euro[ie, was made chiefly manifest at the banquet given him by the Lord Mayor of Dublin, dogged his official life at Washington, thwarted his purposes, maligned his character and was a menace to his life. This, in brief, has been the ex-Senator’s bete noir. He has hinted at assassination if he went home, has seen malice in items of the Eastern press that seemed perfectly innocent to all others, and has traced the evidences of comspiracy among Legislative members of their pre scribed course of public duty. He has vowed that he will “down' 1 all this opposi tion, and with this vow is linked another— that he will remain in Detroit until that purpose is accomplished. At one time his belief that he was the vic tim of a conspiracy found vent in some re markable letters written to his friends here. They are said to have been violent to an as tonishing degree. Whatever may have been their character, it was from them that then started the iirst whisperings of lack of faith in his mental condition. On this point it is impossible to speak accurately as yet. In conversation on general subjects the ex- Senator seems not only sane, but to have unusually good sense and a large fflhd of ac curate information. In a recent conversa tion with a reporter on the subject of yellow fever he showed a remarkable memory, as well as full knowledge and a power of al most fascinating description. When ex-Sena tor Jones came to Detroit he had some ready money. His integrity had stood firm against the temptations held out to him as a Senator of commanding position and in fluence or he would have had more. His in come ceased with his term of office, and the heavy expenses he had assumed when com ing to this city were not curtailed. He had contributed, as already stated, to publie charities with liberality, and had made presents to some of his newly acquired friends >n Detroit. With a room costing him $4 a day at the Russell House, one son, and sometimes two staying here with him at his expense, a serious inroad was made upon his limited means. His bill at the Russell House reached an amount that called for settlement, and a temporary compromise was effected by locking the ex-Senator's room against him. He quietly accepted the situation, and re moved to the Griswold, his son accompany ing him. The same unpleasantness was in time encountered there. There was a bill of $l5O, and no money forthcoming in pay ment. Again the door of his room was locked. This time the Senator’s resources did not serve him so good a purpose. He remained at the Griswold, and, barred from his room, availed himself of a lounge in the hallway. Here the night clerks took pity upon him, and in passing, would throw a blanket over him and allow him the best rest obtainable. His son usually spent these nights, which brought no fixed abiding place, with some of his young com panions at their rooms. Finally Detective O’Neil, a friend of the ex-Senator, finding him asleep in the Griswold House office, asked him if he had been without sleep the night before. Jones said that he had and readily accepted an invitation to Mr. O’Neill’s house. This was three weeks ago and the ex-Senator and his son are still par takers of O’Niel's hospitality, but have re ceived a suggestion that his means will not permit a long continuance of this arrange ment. The Senator usually takes from three to four meals a day at "Roos’ restau rant, and a bill of $250 is registered there against him, which sympathy and a reluct ance to deny so distinguished a patron have allowed to “grow with time and the ex- Senator’s appetite. The Russell House news stand has a little account of $25 with the ex-Senator, and other dealers in such articles as he wants are Ins creditors. All this serves to suggest Jones’ condition rather thnn to reflect upon his honesty. His actione are not those natural to a man of his intelligence, native ability aun powers. His friends realize this, and a son from Wash ington is now here to see if something can not be done to induce the father to leave Detroit and engage actively in the work for which ho is fitted. There is a general opin son that he is a monomaniac on the one subject of the conspiracy againsj him. No one is able to talk with or advise him on the subject of his financial difficulties or of en gaging him in the practice of his profession, lie simply walks away, and will have noth ing to say. He declares that he has saved the people of the country millions of dollars, has been liberal since coming to Detroit, and that the peeple owe him a living, which he seems bound to have regardless of the opinions it may create and the comment which it excites. He is a regular attendant at mass and a strict observer of other religious duties, but. aside from that, the whole course of his life seems to conform with the delusion which threatens his life. When ex-Senator Jones’ circumstances first liecame straitened he could have bor rowed all the money he wanted. He did get frequent loans and could, perhaps, get them now by personal application. But qne predominating characteristic is his high spirit, and instead of going frankly to his friends and stating his case, he has sent requests by messengers, until finally these ceased to have the desired effect. He is a man that a friend and adviser cannot talk to. When told by Detective O’Neil that ho could get money to pay his debts and take him home if he would see his friends, he re plied: “Let them come to me.’’ Senator Jones claims to have a fine house in Florida which is unencumbered, but he has never taken any steps to assist himself by sacrific ing it. A meeting of his two sons and a few prominent men has been hold to discuss tho method of procedure in his case. The pres ence in Detroit of the ex-Senator’s youngest son was unknown to the father till to-aay. He arrived here yesterday. It is possiblo that if he persists in his refusal to go home, application may be made to the courts by las friends Ihr the appointment of a com mission of inquiry. WHAT HIS DELUSION IS. Recently ex-Senator Jones opened his heart on the subject of leaving Washington before his term expired, and without so much as hinting this time at any conspiracy gave his reasons iu the most positive terms possible anil with an earnestness that left no doubt whatever of his sincerity. Mr. Jones recited, with some show of bitterness, that while his record iu the Senate was clean, while he never had accepted a bribe, but had oil the contrary, saved the country "millions of dollars,” some of his compan ions, with no greater opportunities, lm<l be come rich by allowing monopolies to flourish where timely legislation would have cut them down. Coming then directly to the matter of his leaving Washington the second time, in July, 1885, the ex-Senator said he did so solely because he lielieved an investigation into a certain matter was coming, in which some of his friends had been dishonestly in terested.- It was certain that if an investi gation was begun he would te called as a witness, and, knowing what he did and be ing unable to give false testimony, even to save the reputations of friends, he chose in stead to leave Washington till the squall should blow over. Then, however, came the newspaper comments because of his ab sence, and he the more easily cultivated a feeling of resentment and stubbornness be cause about the samt time he became con vinced of the existence of what he has called the conspiracy to ruin hi in. “I don’t yet just know what we will do with father,” John Jones, the ex-Senator’s second son, said this evening. “I am very much afraid that he can never be persuaded to quietly leave Detroit. He is very stub born on this point.” “Do you consider his mind affected?” “I hardly know what to think. It is true that father was for a time partially insane, but that was always regarded as the result of a sabre wound and not hereditary. Father has always been in excellent health. lam in sore straits regarding the proper thing to be done in the matter. ” Ex-Senator Jones was seen in the office of the Griswold House late this afternoon. He entered the office with firm tread, twirling his cane in the manner which has grown habitual to him. His conversation is en tirely rational and he does not seem to ma terially differ, except in the matter of attire, from his appearance in his days of pros perity. “The day is not far distant,” he said, lead ing the way to a retired seat, “when the newspapers will bitterly regret this attack upon me. It has always been the way of the world to attack everything that is good and everything that it cannot understand. If I had used the advantages offered by my seat in the Senate to become a rich man, no one would have had a word to say against me to-dav; but that I did not do. I went into the Senate a poor man and came out of it a poorer one, but it will all come right some day. lam a firm believer in the doc trine that all things eventually find the proper level. Everything that I have been —and I leave my official record to speak for itself—was accomplished by my own exer tions. “I landed in this country from Ireland with my widowed mother, away back in the forties, when I was but twelve years of age. We were almost entirely without means. Chance took us to Florida, where I started in to make a man of myself and be come somebody in the world. In all my previous life I had not to exceed a year and a half of schooling. During those early years in Florida I worked like the veriest slave by day, and studied by the light of a pine knot or tallow dip far into the nights. In this way I fitted myself for the bar. to which I was admitted in 1858. The records of my legal career are scattered all over Florida, and lap over into several other States. I had to fight against race preju dices, and was entirely without backing or influence, but I climbed to the very pinnacle of legal distinction before entering upon a political career. I was particularly versed in all matters pertaining to constitutional law, and was quite universally regarded as an authority upon that subject. “My political career began with being elected to the Legislature. I was a member of the Legislature which sent me to the Senate in 1874. Since that time my career has been national property. It may be that I have endowed the office of Senator with high and holy qualities which it does not rightfully possess, but I entered the Senate Chamber with reverent tread, and never quite lost my veneration for it. I lost sight of all selfish ambitions and tried to give my life and my best efforts to my country. That is why I come forth both poor and pure. I wish it understood,” and the eyes of the speaker snapped with enthusiam, “that I still have friends in Florida. Had I chosen to return to the Senate I could readily have done so.” “And your plans for the future?” Mr. Jones rose slowly and with much dig nity to his feet. “That, sir, is a subject upon which I will not talk. I defy the pa pers which have tried to vilify me,” and he walked quickly and firmly out of the hotel. Although he was reported to be penniless on Tuesday night, he was seen to have a large roll of bills in his possession last evening, the presumption being that the published articles had called some friend to his relief. William H. Hughes, of the Michigan Catholic, met Senator Jones to-day and en deavored to counsel him regarding his pres ent course and future prospects. “Don’t you advise me, sir,” commanded the Sena tor. “Neither you nor your friends must direct my private affairs. They have enough to do in looking after their own. I know what they will never know until I choose to divulge it. When the proper time conies I will make such disclosures as will electrify Detroit, t he State of Michigan and the whole United States. It will make every hair on ycur head stand, Mr. Hughes.” “If you knew anything so startling you would have told it long ago.” “Would I? That’s your opinion, sir. I have held my peace for three years, and I will not speak until the full time has come. Then I will show myself the man for the emergency. Every enemy of mine will be brought to a terrible accounting. These newspapers that are now discussing me as a private citizen will'be made to answer for every word. The reckoning will cotne.” A subscription paper for his benefit is be ing circulated among his friends. Jones’ son John had another interview with his father to-day. To all entreaty the ex-Sena tor was deaf. “I will stay right here in Detroit until I vindicate myself and tri umph over my enemies,” was the sum of the old man’s answer. “What means do you intend to employ to do it?” “That is my own business.” And here the interview elided. A friend of Mr. Jones says the latter believes that Janies G. Blaine was once at the head of the con smiracy against him. To get even with him Jones was in the habit at one time of send ing Blaine newspapers with anti-Jones com ment in them, and of writing on the margin “What do you think of this, you villain?” The general feeling among those who know all the facts is that matters in Jones’ case have reached a crisis. AT THE MATINEE. Where the Women Disport Them selves on Saturdays. [Copyrighted, 1887.] New York, Nov. 26.—-Not far from 25,000 women disport them selves at matinees in New York on Satur days, and very interesting audiences, to philosophical observers, they make. do you account for the rows upon rows of white-headed women you see chuckling at Daly’s on Saturday afternoon, and for the flocks of girls who take in Henry Irving or German opera at the Metropoli tan?” a student of human nature asked me the other day. “Give it up,” I replied. “The gravity of over-educated youth, anxious to improve it self, I suppose.” “Not a bit of it. It’s the levity of age. Mamma is fat and forty and likes to laugh. She salves her conscience with serious views about the improvement of her daughters, and ]lacks the bread and butter misses off to yawn through the elevating strains of •Fidelio,’or to gasp at the Wagnerism of ‘Siegfried.’ Then she quietly aud comfort THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1887. ably sets off for Daly’s, where a whole or chestra full of dear old spectacled roly jiolys laugh at The Railroad of Love till their sides ache. They have hail sorrow enough in their time. When they go to a matinee they want fun, not n trage dy.” * All of which, a little observation has con vincetkme, is true. New York is a matinee city, and a matinee audience could lie told from an evening gathering if you were to meet them in the Fiji Islands. Your mati nee people, in the first place, are almost all of them feminine. In the second place they are all in tailors’ gowns. One goes to the theatre in the evening to see dress. In the afternoon there is none to see. You can’t tell the Fifth avenue belles in the boxes, so far as gowns go, trom the East side shop girls who look down from the gallery. Evening dress was never so vari ous, daylight toilets were never so uniform before. Slender figure, clean cut face, bright eyes, trim fitted dark gown, chic braided jacket, hangs less fluffily volumin ous than last year, dark gloves, character ize every woman under :>0 in the house: and how curiously out of place, as if they lmd strayed in from last year, those two girls in the balcony look who have added to the well-bred, faultlessly monotonous dress de corum of the theatre a garden oi chrysan themums each, growing in the lapels of their tailor coats. A matinee is curiously restrained, cautiously dignified as to its dress, but womeu who have been shopping carry their bundles, school girls drop in with books on their arm and the pencil marks not washed off their cuffs, and people who want to indulge more or less opeuly in caramels To the actor the matinee is a black ter ror. He is painfully conscious of the absence of the critics, the literati; there are no heavy swells, masculine or ft minine, no fa miliar faces, nothing brilliant to catch the eye in the house. The actress doesn’t hold the afternoon per formance in quite such horror, because she is shrewd enough to know that the cohorts of hoarding school misses from out of lown who have dreamed all the week of the foot lights, who adore Modjeska’s grace and Rose Coghlan’s coquetish sauciness and Annie Pixley’s diamonds and Mrs. Potter’s gowns; to whom the glitter of paste is the shine of old mine jewels, and whose hearts swells with admiration or burst with envy at the froufrou of silks, the tracery of laces or the art of make up that seems nature’s own stamp of beauty to them; the actresses feel that no audience can be gathered that enjoys so much delight marred by so little criticism. Her manager once said to me, with a tbat-settles-it air which told volumes, that Mrs. Langtry was tne best matinee attrac tion in the country. Very likely he told the truth, for the Lily knows how to wear her gowns. Mrs. Potter is going to be a mat inee success, and it is there, if anywhere, that her pretty face and fetching gowns will tell. It is gowns that tell the story. “What a beautiful woman Agnes Booth is; I could look at her forever!” exclaimed a woman in front of me the other afternoon. Mrs. Booth is a very clever actress, of won derful intelligence, but it is not her proud, almost coldly haughty face that has made her “Nina Ralston” famous, it is her rich gowns. If Manager Palmer had staged “Jim the Penman” less extravagantly he would have lost money by his economy, and it would have been his matinee audience that suffered most. People who don’t go to Daly’s of an afternoon to see Mrs. Gilbert’s love scene, and to be reminded by it that that mature charmer began to play before they were grown, and consequently the last hope of such things for them has not fled, go to see Ada Rehan’s gorge ous marigold satin ball dress with its yellow velvet bodice and peerless, rich, long train. Sophia Knight is wearing about SOOO in one gown in “The Baron” and Georgia Cay van has sported money enough on her back in an afternoon to fit out a moderately economi cal society woman for a season. Actresses are artists enough to know that they don’t look any better for spending $lO a yard for gold embroidered satin, but they are wise enough to know that it pays, especially for matinees, Mary Anderson played “Pauline” in the Lady of Lyons, the first time she ever ap jieared in New York in a white gown that cost exactly $4 25, and she never looked sweeter after shegot rich enough to pay $125 instead; but the cheap silk wouldn’t do for matinees. Women who can dress magnificently are the best matinee attractions. Among men there has never been a successor to Montague. The alleged feminine worship of hand some actors is mostly stuff and nonsense, but what little truth there is in it applies to the schoolgirl contingent of tho matinees. Montague was horribly bored bv women, but they worshiped him, and Wallaek's was never the same after he died. There isn’t a reigning favorite now. Dixey got a deal of adoration last season, but women have tired of “Adonis.” Handsome Bob Hilliard held a good many hearts in his hand, till the feminine world somewhat slowly tumbled to the fact that both he and Dixey are married and devoted to their wives; since when the owners of the offered hearts have reclaimed their property. Man tell was a god in the old days when he played “Fedora,” but that idolatry has waned. Bellew has made sad havoc, but Bellew is married and marriage is a sad de stroyer of romance. Richard Mansfield and Osrflund Tearle draw women to mati nees and Joseph Haworth has had some worshipers at nis shrine. Campaniui is a schoolg rls’s hero, if she doesn’t happen to meet nun off the stage and get disen chanted. It takes a certain kind of play as well as a certain sort of actor to draw at a matinee. Romeo and Juliet, and The Lady of Lyons take with the feminine audiences where The Taming of the Shrew won’t go down. There's that delightful absurdity all about “Parthenia” anil “Ingomar.” The critics all fall foul cf it as an antiquated, histrionic chestnut, but it will catch a matinee any afternoon, because it appeals to the femin ine heart to see a slender woman make a big burly Goth get his hair cut and do as she pleases generally. The London papers cracked ponderous jokes at Mary Anderson’s expense when she chose that play for her English debut, but it took with English women, it would he safe to wager. The s[X)Ctacular doesn't take at a matinee. Women don’t admire their own sex, as a rule, in tights, and would like Loie Fuller, for instance, much better in gown. The country contingent, with some men in it, which makes up the rest of an afternoon audience, goes to the standard attraction, and the spectacle has to look on the evening for its big houses. A matinee audience is less sophisticated than an evening house and it always enjoys itself. The student of human nature en joys the audience if there is nothing divert ing on the stage. Eliza Putnam Heaton. M EPICAL. myTxpkrimcl “I have been afflicted for many years with Dyspopsia, Hick-Head ache, and affection of tho Kidneys, caused by a Torpid Liver. During last Fall and Winter I was obliged to suspend the moet of my labor in my field of Home Missionary work on account of my health, Early this Spring I was induced to try Simmons Liver Regulator, and have had more real good health than for years before. It relieves me at once, and is more satisfactory than any thing of the kind I ever tried. I have also used it successfully to ward off bilious attacks.”—Joseph E. Wheeler, Cumberland Pres. Minister, Lebanon, Mo. This Trade Mark Z, in red on front of Wrapper, is your pro tection. IJRY GOODS. THIS WEEK We Will Make Memorable by the Low Prices at Which We Will Sell OUR TAILOR-MADE WALKING JACKETS, OUR FLUSH SACQUES AND WRAPS, OUR ENGLISH WALKING COATS, OCR CIRCULARS AND NEWMARKETS, OUR CHILDREN’S CLOAKS & NEWMARKETS. V We have closed out 2,350 of these Garments at 50 cents on the dollar, and are thereby enabled to give these Extra ordinary Bargains. Remember, the sooner you come, the larger the Choice and the greater the Bargain. “WIEU ALSO OFFER 3,000 Yards Heavy Red Twill Flannel at 16c. Per Yard; Fully Worth 25c. OUR BAZAR Is Brimful! will Bargains. We will Mention a Few: Ladies’ Jerseys worth 75c. at -25 c. Ladies’ Jerseys worth $1 at - -50 c. Ladies’ Jerseys worth $1 50 at - -75 c. Ladies’ Jerseys worth $2 50 at - $1 50. Ladies’ Full Regular Hose, worth 25c., at 10c. Linen Towels worth 25c. at - - -10 c. Pearl Dress Buttons at 2AC., 3c., 4c. & se. pr. doz. Fine Pearl Shirt Buttons at - sc. pr. doz. 1,000 Hair Brushes worth 25c. at - - sc. English Needles worth sc. • - lc. Paper Pins worth sc. - - * • lc. Gents 1 Undershirts worth 25c. - -17 c. Gents’ All-Wool Scarlet Undershirts at -50 c. And Thousands of Other Great Bargains. rFIiE-A-SIE USTOTE THIS: We will sell an Unlaundried Shirt, of A1 Shirting, and Pure, Fine Linen Bosom and Bands, with 12 Pleats, at 50c. \\ r e warrant that this Shirt cannot be matched for less than sl. David Weisbein, 153 BROUGHTON STREET. FURNITURE, CARPETS, MATTING, ETC Scared to Death. ji j Jg WAKE UP OLD MAN, GET UP AND RUN! Or you will be late to get the pick of those astonishing bargains in FURNITURE and CARPETS, which LINDSAY & MORGAN are offering at Bankrupt Prices. They are showing a most elaborate lino of FANCY GOODS in their Furniture Department, and have just received a large invoice of NEW RUGS in their Carpet Department. Don’t be late, but come at once and make your selection. LINDSAY & MORGAN. MILLINERY. KROi: SILO ILF’S (Iftiiiij (if fit Fall fan 188?, However attractive and immense our previous season’s stock iu Millinery has been, this season we excel all our previous selections. Every manufacturer and importer of note in the markets of the world is represented in the array, and display of Millinery goods. We are showing Hats in the finest Hatter’s Plush, Beaver, Felt, Straw and Fancy Combinations. Ribbons in Glacee, of all the novel shades. Fancy Birds and Wings, Velvets and Plushes of our own im portation, and we now offer you the advantages of our im mense stock. We continue the retail sale on our first floor at wholesale prices. We also continue to sell our Celebrated XXX Ribbons at previous prices. TO-DAY, 500 dozen Felt Hats, in all the new shapes and colors, at 35 cents. S. KROUSKOFPS MAMMOTH MILLINERY HOUSE, BROUGHTON STREET. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, ETC. “A Carriage Spoke and the Wagon Wheelswere Tired.” THE REPOSITORY OF THE SOUTH. Our stock Is the largest and completest. It was bought right, and will be sold at prices that will meet and vanquish all competition. BUGGIES, McCALL WAGONS, PHAETONS, PLANTATION WAGONS, ROCKAWAYS, TURPENTINE WAGONS. A FULL and complete line of H ARNESS at bottom prices, and every article usually found In a /V first-class CARRIAGE, WAGON and BUGGY REPOSITORY. We handle the products of the best and leading makers, and our goods Mil ftiways be found reliable and satisfactory. It will be money in your jnx'ket to see and get our prices before buying. OFFICE: CORNER BAY AND MONTGOMERY STREETS. SALOMON COHEN. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ETC. <C* It AIN 1> DIN PLAY "West’s China IPalace OB’ New Mat Gold and Beautiful Decorations in Haviland & Co.'s Celebrated China. Pompadour Shape all the Rage. New Borogue Ware. Satin Ware, in all Shades and Colors. Celladonna, Burmese, Brilliantine and Beaded Ware. French and Belgian Rich Cut Glass Ware. All of our own direct importation. Gas Shades in all the Most Delicate Shapes and Tints. Va are receiving on every steamer NEW GO< >DS from all countries, suitable for WEDDING and HOLLIDAY PRESENTS. Call and inspect tho immense stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS at. WEST’S CHINA. PALACE, 133 BROUGHTON STREET. L ll " 11 ™ ™JLL. - . 11 .—..-"i ■ ri KMiTlir, CARPETS, MATTING, ETC. CARPETS! CA R PETS! CA I! PETS! Now is the time for Bargains in Carpets. A fine selection of Cotton Chains, Union’s Extra Supers, All Wool, Two and Three-i’lys, Tapestries and Body Brus sels just arrived. Our line of Furniture is complete in all its departments. Just received, a carload of Cooking and Heating Stoves. So call on us for Bargains. We don’t in tend to be undersold, for cash or on easy terms. TEEPLE & CO. * SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, ETC. Vale Royal Manufacturing Cos. H ' p ' SAVANNAH, GA. T ' fcjgilw LUMBER. CYPRESS, OAK, POPLAR, YELLOW PINE, ASH, WALNUT. M ANUFACTURERS of SASH, POORS. BLINDS, MOULDINGS of all kinds and descriptions CASINOS and TRIMMINGS for all classes of dwellings, PEWS and PEW ENDS of our own design and manufacture, TURNED and SCROLL BALUSTERS, ASH HANDLES for Cotton Hooks, CEILING, FLOORING, WAINSCOTTIN(•, SHINGLES. Warehouse and Up-Town Office: West Broad and Broughton Sts. Factory and Mills: Adjoining Ocean Steamship Co.’s Wharves SUSPENDERS. MBBBM BRACE! I U ELASTIC SUSPENDER WITHOUT RUBBER, H M ygJ Combining Comfort and Durability. MlO RUBBER USED IN THESE GOODS. NICKEL PLATED P*"j BRASS SPRINCS FURNISH THE ELASTICITY. Ef j&L MAsk Your Dealer for Them ll My 7?Et Rent by Mail, Post Paid, on receipt of price, at the following Lie. jsi A Quality, plain or fy. web. BOID Quality, pim or fancy web SI 2S ) AfiT, I iWVII ■ “ • " 76 E “ plalnellk web I.SO Jsy- '©d Y\C “ “ l OOiF - fancy “ 2.00 r X&y M'F’O 00.18? Oft GROCERIES. "ge6T W? TIEDEMAnT WHOLESALE Grocer, Provision Dealer & Com'n Merchant, NO. 161 BAY BT., SAVANNAH. GA. ■ W ■ , I, . | O. DAVIS. M. A. DAVIS. GK DAVIS & SON, (Successors to Graham a Hubbbij.) WHOLESALE GROCERS, Provisions!, Grain and Hay, 181 and 183 Bay Bt., cor. Jefferson, SAVANNAH, OA. Jas. E. Grady. Jno. C. DkLettre. Jas. E. Grady, Jr. GRADY, DeLETTRE & CO, Successors to Holcombe. Grady & Cos., YXTHOLESALE GROCERS, and dealers in t V PROVISIONS, CORN, HAY. FEED, Etc. Old Stand, corner Bay and Abercom street*, SAVANNAH. GA. CONTRACTORS. 'P. J. FALLON, ~ BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, 22 DRAYTON STREET, SAVANNAH. ESTIMATES promptly furnished for building of any class. PLUMBER. ITaT McCarthy,' Successor to Chaa. E. Wakefield, PLUMBER, CAS and STEAM FITTER, 48 Barnard street, SAVANNAH, GA. Telephone 378. BANKS. KISSIMMEE CITY BANK, Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - $.50,000 r pRANBA(TT a regular banking bunlneß-i. Give I particular attention to Florida collections. Correspondence solicited. Issue Kxehaage on New York, New Orleans, Savannah and Jack sonville, Els. Resident Agents for Coutts <6 Cos. and Melville, Evans Sl Cos, of London, England. New York correspondent; Xha Seaboard National Bank, BROKKrtR. A. £. SECURITY BROKER BUYS ANT) BELLA on commission all classes of Stocks and Bonds. Negotiates loans on marketable securities. New York auotations furnished by private ticker every fir teen minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. CUMMINO. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., Brokers. ORDERS EXECITTED on the New York, Chi cago and Liverpool Exchanges. Private direct wire to our office. Constant quotations from Chicago and New York. COTrON EXCHANGE. < HOC K ERY, ETC. GEO. W. ALLEN,' IMPORTER OF CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, Nos. 165 and 16&A4 Broughton Street, SAVANNAH - GEORGIA. FISH ANIS"OYBTERK " ESTABUBHED 1858. ’ M. M. SULLIVAN, Wholesale Fish and Oyster Dealer, 150 Bryan st. and 152 Bay lane. Savannah, Ga. Flab orders for Cedar Keys received here havi prompt attention. LUM HER. ~ LUMBER! LUMBER! A. S. BACON, Office and Planing Mill, Liberty and East Broad Streets. A full stock of Dribsku and Roonit Lumber. Laths, Shinolks, Etc., always on band. Estl mates given upon application. Prompt deliver) guaranteed. Telephone 117. PAINTS AND OILS. JOHN G. BUTLER; WHITE LEADS, COLORS OILS, GLASS* V> VARNISH, ETC.: READY MIXED PAINTS; RAILROAD, STEAMER AND MILL SUPPLIES, SASHES, DOORS, BUNDS ANC BUILDERS’ HARDWARE. Sole Agent fot GEORGIA UMK. CALCINED PLASTER, CE MENT, HAIR and LAND PLASTER. 6 Whitaker Street, Savannah, Georgia* 5