The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 28, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. MINiATUR^EXI3aANAC^-THISDAY.~~ BrN RiSEf, 6:38 Ecn Sets 4:59 Hioh Water at Savannah 6:40 am, 6:42 p m Monday, Nov 28, 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Carondelet, Evans, New York—C G Anderson. Bark Canada (Gcr), Herman, St Vincent, C V I in ballast—Paterson, Downing & Cos. ’ Bchr Susan b Ray, Spaulding, Baltimore, with merchandise to order; vessel to Master. Schr Albert H Cross, Henderaon, New York, with guano to order; vessel to Master. Schr Sarah D Fell, Loveland, Baltimore, with guano to order; vessel to Master. Steamer David Clark. Bravo. Darien, Doboy and Brunswick—C Williams. Agent. Steamer Ethel, Carroll, Cohen's Bluff and way landings—W T Gibson, Manager. ARRIVED BELOW YESTERDAY. Bark Nightengale (Nor), Ingebrethsen, Liver pool, with salt to C M Gilbert & Cos: vessel to Master. Bark Magdalena (Nor), Gundersen, Cuxhaven, kainit to order; vessel to Master. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship City of Augusta, New York. Bark Viig (Nor), Rotterdam. Bark Maitland (Nor), St Simon’s. MEMORANDA New York, Nov 25—Cleared, bark Nellie M Slade, Texeira. Brunswick. Sailed, schr Eleanor, Port Royal, 8 C; Mary J Cook, Ferhandina. Brow Head, Nov 25—Passed, steamship Scaw fell (Br), Stanhope, Savannah tor Reval. ( ette, Nov 20—Sailed, bark Nada (Aus), Pensa cola. Liverpool, Nov 25—Sailed, steamship Lake Nepigon (Br), Owens, Savannah. Riga, Nov 25—Arrived, steamship Foscolia (Br), LeTemplier, Savannah. Port Spain, Oct 15— Arrived, schr Nellie F Saw.ver, Stowers, Fernandina, Apalachicola, Nov 22—Arrived, bark Sondre (Nor). Lee, Buenos Ayres; schr LKCottingham, Whitaker. Galveston. Brunswick, Nov 24—Arrived, barks Bravo (Nor), Christopherson, Santos; Stephen O Hart, Pearson. Providence; 25th, steamer Tonawanda, Brinkley, from New York; bark Sultana (Br), Mosher, Havana. 24th— Sailed, barks Ribes (Aus), Cattarinich, Porto Rico; Flora (Nor), Halvorsen, Savannah; schr Frank M McGear, for Baltimore. Belfast, Me, Nov 24—Sailed, schrs Charlotte T Sibley. Bartlett, Jacksonville; Penobscot,Carter, Jacksonville. Charleston, Nov 25—Arrived, schr Chas 0 Dame, Daniels, Savannah. Coosaw, Nov 25—-Arrived, bark Bertha (Nor), from Buenos Ayres. Darien, Nov 28—Arrived, bark Albert Schultz, Thatcher. Savannah; 24th, brig Wild Rose (Br;, Price, Pernambuco. Jacksonville, Nov 22—Arrived, schrs City of Baltimore, Tawes, Baltimore; 23d, Annie P Chase, Poole, New York: St Johns, Gilmore, Belfast; Lucie Wheatley, Munford, Philadelphia. Cleared, schr Caroline Hall, Lollis, Philadel phia; steamer Cherokee, Doane, New York; brig Alice (Br), Barton, Halifax; schr James E Woodhouse, Douglass, New York. Mobile, Nov 25—Cleared, schr Bessie H Rose, Adams, Apalachicola. New Bedford. Nov 24—Sailed, schr W S Shepard, Reeves, Port Royal, S C. Pensacola, Nov 25—Arrived, ship Reciprocity (Br>, Jones, Liverpool; barks Marie(Nor), Sanue, Buenos Ayres: Aldebaran (Sw), Samuelsen, do; Fenice (Ital), De Negri, do; Telefon (Nor),Visco, do: Alabama P (Ital), Pellerino, Genoa; Wal tikka (Bus), Bergman, Rio Janeiro; Edward Cushing, Dow, New Bedford; schr Nuova Provi denza (Ital), from Marseilles. Cleared, bark Woodfield (Br), Jones, West Hartlepool; schr A DI jam son, Smith, New York. Port Royal, 8 C, Nov 25—Cleared, bark Strath spey (Br), Mackenzie, United Kingdom. Schrs Chas E Y'oung, for Baltimore, and Sarah Potter, for New York, have not yet sailed on ac count of wind. Philadelphia, Nov 25—Arrived, brig Hyperion, Hadley, Savannah; schr A P Nowell, Cornwall, liiplfiSGti vi Up SatiUa River, Ga, Nov 21—Sailed, bark Dispo nent (Nor), Schonberg, Buenos Ayres. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Norfolk, Va. Nov 21—The last of the material saved from the wrecked schr Bessie Morris was brought up to-day. London, Nov 25—A telegram from Reval states that Steamer York City (Br). Benn. from Savan nah, has arrived there with her cargo on fire. She has cn board 6,234 bales of cotton. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Boston, Nov 25—A black spar buoy, No 25, has been placed in four fathoms of water about 700 yards N of West Chop Lighthouse to guide ves sels clear of the rocky path upon which the steamer Alleghany struck. Wilmington, N C. Nov 23—The whistling buoy at the mouth of the Cape Fear River has gone adrift. RECEIPTS. Per steamer David Clark, from Brunswick and landings—3s4 bales cotton, 9 bdls hides, 1 >dl skins, 3 boxes oranges, 144 sacks rice, 1 bdl empty bags, 1 case shoes, 1 pair shafts, 1 box mdse, 1 box crackers, 1 bbl syrup, 1 empty can, 312 bbls resin, 1 box tools, 1 pkg, 1 sack nuts, 11 bbls empty bottles, 1 basket fish. , EXPORTS. Per steamship City of Augusta, for New York— -2,1 lfi baies upland cotton, 8 bales domestics and yarns. 286 bales sea island cotton, 8 bbls fish, 88 sacks rough rice. 80 bbls spirits turpentine, 769 bbls rosin, 12 bales hides. 10,464 pkgs fruit and vegetables, 200 bbls cotton seed oil, 194 pkgs mase. PASSENGERS. Persteamship City of Augusta, for New York— E T Famham. Mrs Spivey, and 4 steerage. Per steamer David Clark, trom Brunswick and landings-J J McNally, wife and 2 children, S Belsinger, Miss Sarah Bailey, S Galiand, Mrs J W Huntington and 2 children, and 4 deck. CONSIGNEES. Per Charleston and Savannah Railway. Nov 26 -Transfer Office S. F & W Rv, Brown Bros, H M Comer & Cos, W W Chisholm, Byck & S, E A Fulton, H Myers & Bros, Lee Roy Myers & Cos, W U & S Tel Cos, G Davis & Son. Pearson & S, E Moyle, Standard Oil Cos. Jas Hart & Bro, Mon tague & Cos, Garnett, S A: Cos. Per steamer David Clark, from Brunswick ami landings—G V Hecker A Cos. L C Beachum, lee Roy Myers & Cos, M Y Henderson, N Lang. A Einstein's Sons. J D Weed & Cos, Hood, B A Cos, S Guckenheimer A Son, Jno Flannerv A Cos, Herron AG. MYA D I Melntire, Woods A Cos, Baldwin A Cos.. J S Wood A Bro, Parsons A Sons, A Ehrlich A Bro. W W Gordon A Cos, G Mever, < 1 F Mack, T Young, II Myers A Bros. J K Celly A Cos, Meinhard Bros A Cos, Eckman A V. D B ■Stewart A Cos. Perkins A Sons, II M Comer A Cos, M Maclean. DY Dancy, W W Chisholm, H Gundv, Butler A S. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway. Nov 26—Transfer Office. Jno Flannery A Cos, Southern Cotton Oil Cos, Strauss Bros, j Small wood, D Y Dancy, McDonough A Co,T M Keller, A A Aveilhe, Decker A F. I Epstein A Bro, G M D Reiley, M Y Henderson, Stillwell. P A M. W G Morrell, Frierson A Cos, R B Cassels, K Platshek, J K Clarke A Cos. Dale, D & Cos. M Fersl A Cos, G Davis A Son, H Myers A Bros. Smith Bros A Cos, Reppard A Cos, Lee Roy Myers A Cos, J Houston, 8 Krouskoff, J D Weed A < 'o. M Boley A Son, B H Dreyfuss, W W Gordon A Cos, Montague A Cos, M Maclean, Garnett, S A Cos. H M Comer A Cos, J S Wood A Bro, Herron A G. Peacock. H A Cos, J P Williams A Cos, Woods A Cos, Baldwin A Cos, Chas Ellis, F M Farley, Herron AG, Altick A Sons, Ellis, Y A Cos, E T Roberts. Per Central Railroad, Nov 26—Fordg Agt. Jno Flannery A Cos. II M Comer A Cos, Pearson A S. M Maclean, W W Gordon A Cos, Butler A S, Garnett, S A Cos, Warren A A, Montague A Cos, J S Wood A Bro.F M Farley, J P Williams A Cos, Baldwin A Cos. Hammond. H A Cos, Herron A G, Warnock A W, M Boley A Son, J G Butler, J H Hermesch, Meinhard Bros A Cos. Lindsay A 51, Stillwell. P A 51. Grady, Del. A Cos, Menken A A, Hymes Bros A Cos, E A Schwarz, R Casey A Cos, Mohr Bros, Lippman Bros, Teeple A Cos, W D Dixon, Southern Cotton Oil Cos, M Fcrst A Cos, J J Foley, Standard Oil Cos, H Solomon A Son, Dr Chariton, A Ehrlich A Bro. Epstein A W, Miss A Hunter. Frank A Cos, Beudheim Bros A Cos, W H < (onnerat, Rieser AS, I-ce Roy slyers A Cos. S Sternberg, YVarnock AW, A B Hull Brush E L A P Cos, Lilieinlial A Son, H Jlyers A Bros. RF Burdcdl. A Letller, Harms AJ, J D Weed A Cos, A J sliller A Cos, Eckman A V. CLesnutt A O’N, M Y Henderson. Blodgett, M A Cos, L T Gay A Cos. C 51 Gilbert A Cos. Frierson A Cos, 51 Macnan A Cos, B Rothwell, It H Tatein, J W Maurice, A Englirtb, Teeple A Cos, Chas Henderson. Per steninsnipGeo Appold, froth Baltimore — G W Allen, Byck A S, O Butler. Chas A Snv Ry, C’rohan A D. Clark A D, W Q Cooper, R o Con nell, A H Champion, CR R. \V 51 Cleveland, G Davis A Son. Decker AF, Dr Wm Duncan, .Jno Derst, Dno I)u?r A Sons, A Ehrlich A Bro. 51 Eisman, Epstein A SV, 51 Ferst A Cos, P Fox, J A Fritter A Cos, A Falk A Son, C .VI Gilbert A Cos, S Guckenheimer A Son, A Hanlev, Lind av A M. Grady, DeL A Cos. G 51 lleidt A Cos. A B Hull. W Kehoe, Habersham St Pdar’y, A Leffler, Jno I-awton. D B Lester. J J Lutz, N Lang, Mrs C A Lamar, S K Lewtn, Mendel AD. G 8 McAlpin, R D MeDonell, McGlUis A M, A J .Miller & Cos. J H Martiu, Mohr Bros, SC Newton, Nathan Bros, Order F Buchanan. N Paulsen A Cos. S C Par sons Paterson, D A Cos, Riesar AS. L Remion. Reed A Cos. J J Reiley, Strauss Bros. Savannah Furniture Cos. Southern Ex Cos, J S Silva A Son, Btmr St Nicholas, Smith Bros A Cos, stair Katie, strnr David Clark, H Solomon A Son, H J Wink ers, W D Simkins A Cos, JSV Tynan. C White, D Weisbein, G W Tiedeman. A 51 A C W West. J D Weed A Cos, Thos West, P H Ward, Ga A Fla 1S B Cos, LIST OP VESSELS Up, Cleared and Sailed for this Port. STEAMSHIPS. Elsie (Br), Thompson, Cardiff, sid Nov —. Gen Gordon (Br), Clayton, Leghorn, ski Nov 5. Dorset (Br), Brown, at New York Nov 24. Deßay (Br), , Swansea, sid Nov 15, Lake Nepigon (Br), Owens, Liverpool, sid Nov 25. Timor (Br), Hodgson, Palermo via New York, sid Oct 29. BARKS. Lovfald (Nor), Langfeldt, Bergen, sid Oct—. Glixnt (Nor), Olsen, Santos, sid about Sept 12. Niobe (Nor). Olsen, at Buenos Ayres, Sept 27. Remittent (Nor), Pedersen, Liverpool, sid July 31 via Buenos Ayres. Brodrene (Nor), Bie, Liverpool, sid Oct 3. Welgunde, 51eehan, at New York, Oct 7. Agnes Campbell (Nor), Nielsen, at Bueuos Ayres Aug 31. Candeur (Nor). Nielsen, Barcelona, sid Oct 21. James L Prendergast (Br), Bates, Rouen, sid Oct 28. Amaranth (Nor), Barentsen, Port Yendres, sid Oct 24. Konoma (Br), Thompson, Liverpool, sid Oct 25. Unione P (Ital), Ztno, Genoa, sid Oct 26. Unione (Ital), . Oporto, sid Oct 22. sleteor (Ger), Yoss, Stettin, sid Nov 1. Unione (Ital), Garibaldi, Buenos Ayres, sid Oct 13. Sigurd Jarl (Nor), Olsen, Santos, sid Oct 14. Valona < Br), Andrews, Liverpool, sid Nov 27. Republic (Nor). , Amsterdam, sid Nov 12. Peabody (Nor), Nielsen, Santos, sid Oct 18. Samuel Welsh, Thiessing, Philadelphia, up Nov 14. Ossuna (Br), McKay, Belfast, I, sid Nov 18. Alliance (Nor), Salvesen, Hamburg, sid Nov 18. BRIQS. Clara Pickens, Eddy, Richmond, up Nov 11. Robert Dillon, Leigliton, New York, up Nov 18. Florence. Flynn, Philadelphia, up Nov 16. John Wesley, Van (jitler, Baltimore, up Nov 24. SCHOONERS. Island City, Voorhees, Baltimore, sid Nov 23. Lizzie Dewey, Clark, Baltimore, up Nov 24. Three Sisters. Simpson. Philadelphia, sid Nov 21. R Bowers, Thompson, Baltimore, up Nov 81. Ida Lawrence, Y'oung, Baltimore, up Nov 24. BOY'S’ CLOTHING, CARPETS, ETC Daniel Hogan. JOTS’ CLOTHING. \I7'E will place on sale on SIONDAY NORN “ ING 500 as handsome Boys’ Suits as can be found south of New York. Prices of tailor made and perfect-fitting suits are for better grades $6 SO, $7 50, 88 50, $!) and $9 50. Also a large variety, fully 500, just as durable, but not os fine, at the following prices: Si 75, $2 25, $2 50, $3, ®3 50, 8-1, $4 50 and 85 SPECIAL SALE OF Tapestry and bgrain Carpets DURING THE ENSUING WEEK. One lot Tapestry Carpets at 65c. per yard. One lot 3-Ply All Wool Carpets at 85c. per yard. One lot All Wool Extra Supers at 60c. per yard. One lot Ingrain Carpets at 55c. per yard. One lot Ingrain Carpets at 50c. per yard. One lot Ingrain Carpets at 40c. per yard. One lot Ingrain Carpets at 23}£c. per yard. 500 Smyrna Rugs RANGING PRICE FROM 85c. Each to $lO. Canton Matting. 100 rolls fresh Canton Matting, ranging in price from 30c. to 50c. per yard. Special Bargains Will also be found in the following goods during this w r eek: Silks, Satins, Dress Goods, Cloaks, Shawls, Lace Curtains and Curtain Goods, Flannels, Blankets, Bed Comforts, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Ladies’ and Gents Silk Umbrellas, etc., etc. Daniel Hogan. STOVES. SOLE DEALERS FOR SAVANNAH IN THE CELEBRATED Acorn Stoves & Ranges. Also, the best known Stove in Southern Georgia, THE FARMER GIRL. Thousands of these splendid Stoves and Ranges are in use, and every guarantee is given. Call on MESSRS. LOVELL & LATTIMORE, At 155 and 157 Congress St.. Savannah, Ga. ELECTRIC BELTS. Electric Belt Free. rpo INTRODUCE it and obtain Agents we wil. 1 for the next sixty days give away, free of charge, in each county in the United States a limited number of our German Electro Galvanic Supensory Belts—price $5. A positive and un failing cure for Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Emissions, Impotency, Etc. S3OO reward paid if every Belt we manufacture does not generate a genuine electric current. Address at once ELECTRIC BELT AGENCY P. O. Box 178, Brooklyn. N. Y. CHOCOLATES. CHOCOLATES and COCOAS. JUST RECEIVED, a line of the Royal Dutch CHOCOLATES and COCOAS from Bends dorf, of Amsterdam, Holland. These Chocolates and (’ocoas are conceded, to be the best in the world. L. C. STRONG. DRUGGIST, OFFICIAL. An Ordinance to change the width of Third street, between Bull and Habersham streets. Sect ion 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah in Council assembled, That the width of that certain street in the extended limits of the city of Sa vannah known as Third street, between Bull and Habersham streets, is hereby changed from fifty to sixty feet. That the north side of said Third street, between Bull ami Habersham streets, shall remain os heretofore laid out in tlie extension of the city limits, and the line of the south side shall be moved ten feet south, so as to coincide and be identical with the line of the south side of Reppard street, as originally laid out oy Reppard & Cann In their plan of the sec tion including Reppard street. B*c. 2. That all ordinances and parts of ordi nances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Ordinance passed in Council Nov. 18, 1887 RUFUS E. LESTER, Mayor Attest; Frank E. Rebarer. Clerk of Council I THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1887. ’ OFFICIAL. ORDINANCES?” An Ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled an ordinance to permit the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, the Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah or such railroad corporation now existing or hereafter to be formed as the said last-named corpora tion may designate, to run a track from the present system of tracks on the west side of the Savannah and Ogeeohee canal to Mont gomery street, in Ay city of Savannah, und thence along to the Bilbo canal. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah in Council assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the au thority of the same, That the title of the ordi nance passed in Council Jan. 7, 1885, be and the same is hereby' amended so that the title to said ordinance shall read as follows: An ordinance to permit the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, the Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah or such railroad corporation (now existing or here after to be formed) as the said last named cor poration may designate, to run a track from the present system of tracks on the west side of the Savannah and Ogeechee canal to Mont gomery street in the city of Savannah, and thence along River street or the system of streets and alleys in said city lying next south of the buildings on the south side of RiJer street and north of the north side of Bay street to Randolph street in said city, and across Randolph street to Bay street, and through said last named street to Bilbo canal. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That the second part of the first sec tion of said ordinance passed in Council Janu ary 7th, 18S5, be amended by inserting in the first clause thereof the words along River street, or and immediately' liefore the word south in said clause the word next, and immediately after the words River street in said clause the words “and north of the side of Bay street,” and by inserting iu the last clause thereof the words “and completed iu the time proposed by them,” so that said second part of said first sec tion when amended shall read as follows: That the Central Railroad and Banking (lorn pany of Georgia, or the Ocean Steamship Com imy of Savannah, or such railroad corporation (now existing or hereafter to be formed) as said last named corporation may designate, be, and they are hereby permitted to construct a track from slontgomery street, on the west along River street or through the system of streets and alleys in the said city, lyring next south of the buildings on the south side of River street, aud north of the north side of Bay street to Ran dolph street, aud across Randolph street to Bay street, and through said last named street to tiie Bilbo canal, with such turn-outs, switches, side tracks and connections as may be necessary to bring into general and more profitable use the wharves along the city front, and to use and operate on said tracks such care as may be necessary for carrying freight to and across said city front; but nothing herein con tained shall preclude or prevent the said the Stayer and Aldermen of the city of Savan nah from permitting any other person or cor poration from building or constructing or build ing itself a track from slontgomery street to the Bilbo canal in the event the same be not built as aforesaid by the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, or the Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah, or such rail road corporation (now existing or hereafter to be formed) as said last named corporation may designate, but in the event any other person <>r coi poration shall apply for permission to build such track from Montgomery street to said Bilbo canal, then the said the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, or the Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah, or such rail road corporation (now existing or hereafter to be formed) as said last named Corporation may designate, shall be notified by the slayor of the city in writing of such application, and if work is not begun within thirty days, and completed within such time as such or other person or corporation shall bona fide propose to complete the same, then the said the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah may grant such permit as to building said tracks as they in their discretion determine, or the city may build the said tracks itself, but in the event that work shall not be begun bona fide under said new permit within thirty days after the same is granted, and completed in the time proposed by them, that the said right shall be forfeited, and the permission hereinbefore given shall lie revived and re newed to the said the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, or the Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah, or such rail road corporation (now existing or hereafter to be formed; as said last named corporation may designate under the condition hereinbefore pro vided. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained by the author ity aforesaid. That section six of said ordi nance, passed in Council January 7, 1885, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: That in the event said company ex tending or using said track shall charge for transportation of freight, no difference in rate shall be made on traffic controlled under like conditions on account of distance. Ordinance passed in Council January 14th, 1885. RUFUS E. LESTER, Mayor. Attest: Frank F. Rebarer, Clerk of Council. An Ordinance to amend an ordinance passed Nov. 3, 1888, and entitled “an ordinance to provide for the improvement of the sidewalks of the city of Savannah." Section 1. Be it ordained by theslayorand Aldermen of the city of Savannah in Council assembled. That the above recited ordinance is hereby amended so as to include in divisioa“A” as a p.irt thereof both sides of Liberty sire t, from Wheaton to East Broad street, the north side of Bay street, between Drayton and Lin coln streets, the north side of Bay street, be tween Jefferson and West Broad street-:, both sides of slontgomery street, between William son and Bay street, east side of West Broad street, between Williamson aud Bay streets. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained that all side walks on the parts of the streets designated in the preceding section shall he paved in terms of the existing ordinance in relation to the paving of sidewalks by the first day of February, 1888: and if not paved by that time the work may be done by the slayor aud Aldermen of the city of Savannah under the terms and provisions and with all the rights und powers of section five of the said ordinance of November 3d, 1886, in cluding the manner and means of collection mentioned in said section five. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That the side walk on the east side of East Broad street, be tween Liberty and Gaston streets, is hereby placed in Division K of the said ordinance of November 3, 1886, afid the said sidewalk is hereby required to be graded under the terms of said ordinance, and In the manner therein provided by the first day of February, 1888. In case the said grading is not done by the first day of February then the said .Mayor aud Al dermen of the city of Savannah may proceed in the manner pointed out in section five of the said ordinance, with all the rights and powers, including the manner and means of collection for the work done provided for by said section five. Sec. 4. Be It further ordained. That all ordi nances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Ordinance read in Council for the first time Nov. 16, 1887. and published for information. FRANK E. REBARER, .Clerk of Council. An Ordinance To protect the city officials and employes at the Quarantine Station. Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah in Council assembled. That if any person shall be convicted in the Police Court of the city of Savannah of resisting, opposing, cursing, abusing or molest ing anv city official or employe at the Quaran tine Station of the city of Savannah, or on the waters under the jurisdiction of the quarantine regulations, he or she shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the common jai) not exceeding thirty days, either or both, in the discretion of the court. Sec. 2. Be it lurther ordained, Tlnlt all ordi nances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Ordinance passed in Council Nov. 16, 1887. RUFUS E. LESTER. Mayor. Attest: Frank E. Rebarer, Clerk of Council. An Ordinance to extend the time in which the track authorized to be laid under the ordi nance passed in Council January 7th. 1885, and amended Jamiary2Bth, 1885, may be laid, and for other purposes. The Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Sa vannah, in Council assembled, do hereby ordain as follows: ' Section 1. That the proviso in the first sec tion of the ordinance passed iu Council January 7, 1885, entitled, "An ordinance to permit tlie Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, the Ocean Steamship Company of Sa vannah, or such railroad coriioration mow ex isting or hei rafter to be formedi as the said last named corporation may designate, to run a track from the present system of tracks on tho west side of the Savannah and Ogeechee canal to Montgomery street, in city of Savannah, and thence along River street to the Hiibo canal,” be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Provided the construction of said "track shall lie completed in six months from the passage of this ordinance. Sec. 2. That section 2 of the above recited or dinance be amended by the addition of the fol lowing at the end of the same, to wit: But nothing in this section shall be construed or held to require the company constructing a track under this ordinance to build all the way from Montgomery street to Billxi canal, but that any part of said line may be built here under Sec. 8. That the said ordinance passed m Council Jan. 7, 1885. as amended by the ordi nance passed in Council Jan. 28,1885, be aDd tho same, a* amended by the first and second sec tions of this ordinance, is hereby re-enacted. Ordinance read in Council for the first time Nov. 18,1887, and published for information. FRANK E. REBAKER, Clerk of Council OFFICIAL. ~ ' ■"'ORDINANCES. An Ordinance to permit the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, the Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah or such railroad corporation (now existing or hereafter to bo formed) as the said last 101111181 corporation may designate, to run a track from the present system of tracks on the west side of the Savannah and Ogeeeliee canal to Montgomery street in city' of Savannah, and thence along River street to the Bilbo canal. Whereas, It is deemed desirable to bring again into active use the wharves in the eity of Savannah which have been idle for a great length of time, and whereas the Central Rail road and Banking Company pf Georgia is dosir ous of extending a track along, or as near as possible to, the river front of said city. Section 1. Now, therefore, the .Mayor and Aldermen of the eity of Savannah, in Council assembled, <lO ordain, That the Central Railroad and Banking Company of Georgia, or theOceau Steamship Company of Savannah, or such rail road corporation (now existing or hereafter to be formed) as said last named corporation may designate, be and they are hereby iiermitted to extend a track from the present system of tracks west of the Savannah an 1 Ogeechee canal across the said canal in the line of River street, and along said River street across Water street, in said city, to West Bread street, and across West Broad street and along River street to Montgomery street, in said city, with such turn-outs, switches, side-tracks and connect ions as may lie necessary, and to use and operate 011 said tracks such engines and ears as may be necessary for carrying freight to and across said city from west of said canal to slontgomery street, in said city: Provided, The construct ion •if said track shall be begun in one year from the date of the passage of this ordinance, and completed in two rears from the date thereof. That the Central Railroad and Bunking Company of Georgia, or the Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah or such railroad cor poration (now existing or hereafter to lie formed), as said last named corporation may designate, be, and they are hereby, permitted to construct a track from Montgomery street on the west through the system of streets and alleys in the said city lying south of the build ings on the south side of River street to Ran dolph street, and across Randolph street to Bay street, and through said last named street to the Bilbo canal, with such turn-outs, switches, side trucks and connections as may lie neces sary to bring into general and more profitable use tlie wharves along the city front, and to use and ojierate on said tracks such cars as may ho necessary for carrying freight to and across said city front; but nothing herein contained shall preclude or prevent the said the slayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah from permitting any other person or corporation from building or constructing or building itself a track from Montgomery street to the Bilbo canal in the event the same be not built as aforesaid by said the Central Railroad aud Banking Company of Georgia, or the Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah, or such rail road corporation (now' existing or hereafter to be formed) as said last named corporation may designate, but in the event any other person or corporation shall apply for permission to build such track from Montgomery street to said Bilbo canal, then rhe said the Central Railroad and Ranking Company of Georgia, or the Ocean Steamship Company cf Savannah, or such rail road corporation (now existing or hereafter to bo formed) as said last named cor poration may designate, shall be notified by the stayor of the city in writing of such application, and if work is not begun within thirty days, aud completed within such time as such other person or corporation shall bona fide propose to complete tlie same, then the said the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah may grant such permit as to building said tracks as they in their discretion determine, or the city may build the said tracks itself, but in the event that work shall not lie liegun bona fide under said new permit within thirty days after the same is granted, that the said right shall be forfeited, and tlie permission herein before given shall be revived and renewed to said the Central Railroad aud Banking Company of Georgia, or the Ocean Steamship Company of Savannah, or such railroad corporation (now existing or hereafter to be formed) as said last named corporation may designate under the condition hereinbefore provided. That the said the 51ayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah shall have the right to locate the tracks in any streets through which they may pass, and the same shall be located by the Committee on Streets and Lanes until otherwise directed; the said tracks when laid through, across or along any street in said city shall be so laid as not to interfere with the use of said streets by vehicles iiassing over the same; and said company shall, at it own expense, repair and keep in repair, according to the proper grade to be fixed by the City Surveyor, six feet each way, until otherwise required, from the centre of said track, in the streets of said city, of such material as will form a hard and uni form surface, of even grade at the point of junction with the rails themselves, so that car riages and other vehicles can cross the track with facility and comfort, and, should the city require it, of the same or similar material as the city may use should it pave the street. Sec. 2. That in constructing said tracks from the western to the eastern side of the Savanrah and Ogeechee canal, the said company is au thorized to extend across said canal such bridges as may be necessary to connect the tracks lying 011 the western and eastern side of the Savannah and Ogeechee canal and to cross said bridges as often and whenever it may be necessury so to do. Sec. 3. AH damages that may be sustained by private individuals or corporations from the use and occupation of their pro|>erty in exercising the rights herein granted shall be met and paid by said company, aud the said the slayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah shall in no in stance be responsible therefor. And the said the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah shall in no case be liable for any damage w hich may be sustained by digging or other unavoid able work in repairing or laying gas or water pipes or sowers now running or to lie run in said city, and said the Mayor and Aldermen shall at all times have the privilege of crossing and put ting down under said tracks such water pipes, sewer or other public work as may be necessary from time to time, and in no case shall said city be liable for any delay to trains caused by the putting down of such water pipes, sewers or other public works, provided due diligence be used to avoid delay. Sec. 4. And said company shall construct and keep in good order wherever its said track shall intersect or cross any street or lane in said city, a safe and convenient crossing for both vehicles and foot passengers of the full width of the street or lane so crossed, and if at any time such crossing shall become unsafe, or out of repair, the said company shall forthwith repair the same at its ow n cost and expense upon no tice from the Mayor of said city, and it within twenty four hours after the giving of said notice the said company shall not have repaired or begun to repair said crossing, then ana iu that event tlie said tlie slayor and Aldermen of said city may proceed to have the same made at the Cost, and expense of said company-, or said com pany shall be liable to an information in the Police Court of Savannah, and if there con victed of any failure or neglect to keep said crossing in good repair shall be fined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and for every day t hat the same shall continue uncor rected and unrepaired shall constitute a sepa rate offense and be punished accordingly. sec. 5. And nothing herein contained shall he taken or held to preclude or prevent the said (he .Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah from regulating the construction, repairs, rale of speed, keeping crossings clear, length of trains, and arrangements for the prevention of accidents in said city by the running of trains by the company or corporation using its streets, and nothing herein contained shall lie taken or held to abridge the right of the Mayor and Aider men of the city of Savannah to pass such other police regulations as may be from time to time necessary. Sec. 6. That in the event said company shall charge for transportation of freight the same shall lie uniform to all wharves or warehouses in said city. Ordinance passed in Council January 7th, 1885. RUFUS E. LESTER. stayor. Attest: Frank E. Rebarer, Clerk of Council. An ordinance to repeal the ordinance of Jan. 30, 18(0, concerning the planting of trees, ami to provide for the future planting of trees in the city of Savannah. Section 1. Be it ordained by the 51ayor ami Aldermen of the city of Savannah iu Council assembled. That the ordinance of the city of Savannah, passed Jan. 30, 1840. and to be found on page 471 of the Savannah City Code of 1871, which ordinance relates to the planting of trees ■in the city of Savannah, be and the same Is hereby repealed in so far as it may refer in any way to this subject matter. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That it shnil not lie hereafter lawful to plant trees in the city of Savannah nearer than thirty (80) feel apart, and trees planted in violation of this ordinance shall he removed by the direction of tlie Com mittee on Streets aud Lanes. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained. That it shall hereafter not be lawful to plant any tree on any street in the city of Sav annah of less than fifty (50) feet in width the roadway of which is pave I. and a tree planted in violation of this section shall lie re moved as provided in the preceding section. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That, all ordi nances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Ordinance read in Council for the first time Nov. 16, 1887, and published for information. FRANK E. KEIiAHKR. Clerk of Council. MERCHANTS, manufacturers, mechanics. corporat ioim, and all others in need or printing, lithographing, aud blank books can nave their orders promiitly filled, at moderate prices, at oil KING NEWS FEINTING HOUSE. 3 Whitaker street. DRESS GOODS, WRAPS, NO VET.TIES, ETC. teral KeJuctinns this Week at Mstein’s Fine Choice Goods Sold at Price of Inferior G-rades at fiustave Eckstein & Co.’s Combination French Suits at Reduced Prices. Combination French Suits $lO, worth sls each. Combination French Suits $7, worth $lO, BLACK HEAVY VELOUR SILK sl, worth $1 35. BLACK LYONS SILK, best value ever offerer!, $1 50. COLORED SILKS AND SATINS, 50c. yard and upwards. Congress Street Alive With Bargains | BARGAINS in Hosiery, BARGAINS in Gent’s Handkerchiefs, BARGAINS in Ladies’ Handkerchiefs, BARGAINS in Silk Handkerchiefs, BARGAINS in Gent’s Neckwear, BARGAINS in Boys’ Scarfs, BARGAINS in Men’s Underwear, BAKGAINS in Ladies’ Underwear, BARGAINS in California Blankets. PLUSH SACQUES, WRAPS, WALKING JACKETS, PLUSH SACQUES, WRAPS, WALKING JACKETS, Selling Fast at Our Low Prices. GUSTAVE ECKSTEIN & CO. CLOTHING. “THRICE ARMED “Is he whose cause is just," or words to that effect. The intention to maintain and advance our prestige as The Leaders in Fine Clothing Has prompted us to order for the approaching Holidays a special stock of perfect Custom Made Suits and Overcoats, Unique in Pattern, Style and Finish, which will rank as “Faultless." Nothing has been spared to obtain the choicest and most matchless materials. We invite inspection. THE SIGN OF THE BIG GOLDEN MENKINI ABRAHAMS, 58 BROUGHTON STREET 3STew and Lfaslxiozn-aTble CLOTHING! ZEST" eefewear, Slxxnrbs, TT XLcLe:t?^Area.:c\, XT zm/burellas, IE?ro-"b'bex‘ Coats. Latest styles in IIATS, best $L SHIRT in the city. Suits made to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. PARTIES in the COUNTRY can have goods expressed C. 0. D. free of charge, with privilege of returning if not suited. MEISTIvEISr & ABRAHAMS. NEW YORK OFFICE, 650 Broadway. BOOTS AND SHOES. ALL FRESH GOODS. SHOE&SHOES Of Every Description AT A. S. COHEN’S, 1391 BROUGHTON STREET. LITHOGRAPHY. THE LARGEST LITHOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT IN THE SOUTH. TIIE Morning News Steam Printing House SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. THIS WELL KNOWN ESTABLISHMENT HAS * Lithographing and Engraving Department which Is complete within itself, and the largest concern of the kind in the South. It is thoroughly equipped, having five presses, and all the latest mechanical appliances in the art, the best of artists and the most skillful lithog raphers, all under the management of an experienced superintendent. It also has the advantage of being a part of a well equipped printing and binding house, provided with every thing necessary to handle orders promptly, carefully and economically. Corporations, manufacturers, banks and bankers, mer chants and other business men who are about placing orders, are solicited to give this house an opportunity to figure on their work. When orders are of sufficient mag nitude to warrant it, a special agent will be sent to make estimates. J. H. ESTILL HARDWARE. EDWARD LOVELL k SONS, DEALERS IN Parker and Colt’s Breech Loading Guns. Brass and Paper Shells. Hunting Coats, etc. Chamberlin Loaded Shells. ■■■' —. ""—"Ha HEATERS. BOY TsT TCfisf RADIANT Baltimore Heater IS A NEW DEPARTURE IN MECHAN ICAL CONSTRUCTION. The combination of the front side flue columns with the revertible dues of the base secures a greater amount of radiuted heat in the room io which it sets than any other Heater ever pro , 1 1 | CORNWELL & CHIPMAN, Agents. FRUIT AND GROCERIES. KO-KO-NUTS! FRESH ARRIVAL OF SELECTED Baracoa Cocoanuts, Lemons, Apples, Potatoes, Cabbage, Onions, Turnips, Grapes; Pears, Florida Oranges. HAY, GRAIN AND FEED, BLACK-EYE PEAS, SEED OATS. Special prices on large lots of Grain and Hay. IGO BAY STREET. W. D. BIMKINS & CO. NEW RAISINS, PATRAS CURRANTS IN BARRELS, Vostizza Currants inCases CITRON IN 50 POUND TIN BOXES, THE FINEST IN PORTED. NEW NUTS AND FIGS. As Fruit Cake Is better with some age, would it not he well to buy the Fruit at once?. A. M. & C. W. WEST. SEED OATS. Rust Proof Oats, Seed Rve, ’ 1 1 / APPLES, P< iTATOES, ONIONS, CABBAGES. And all kinds of VEGETABLES and FRUITS By every steamer. 25 Cars Oats, 25 Cars Hay, 50 Cars Corn. GRITS, MEAL, CORN EYE BEAN, PEAS, anti feed of all kinds. 155 BAY STREET. Warehouse in S., F. & W. R’y Yard. T. P. BOND & CO. GRAIN'AND HAY. T. J. DAVIS & GO., SUCCESSORS TO G. S. MoAlpiru GRAIN, HAY. ETC., R. I*. OATS, SEED RYE AND PEAS. 178 BAY STREET. WINES AND LIQUORS. B SELECT'WHISKY' per gallon |4 Off' BAKER WHISKY per gallon 4 00 IMPERIAL WHISKY per gallon 3 00 PINEAPPLE WHISKY per gallon 2 0W PUKE OLD RYE WHISKY per ga110n.... 150 HUM, GIN and BRANDY ix-r gallon 2 00 N. ('. CORN WHISKY per gallon 2 00 MADEIRA. SHERRY. PORT and CATAWBA WINES from fl tos3 per gallon. FLOUR, RICE, SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, NUTS, RAISINS, CANNED GOODS, CITRON, ORANGES, APPLES, GRAPES, etc., cheap, MACON SAUSAGE and FRESH KILLED GAME received daily. —FOR HALS BY A. H. CHAMPION, FOOD PRODUCTS, lust Citj ills' \yE "e making an extra quality of GRITS and MEAL, and can recommend It to the trade oa superior to any In thla market. Would bo pleased to give special prices on application. We have on band a choice lot of EMPTY SACKS, which we are selling cheap, BOND, HAYNES & ELTON IRON WORKS. IcMoU & Batotm IRON FOUNDERS, Machinists, Boiler Makers and Blacksmith^ KANCFACTCRBRS OF STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES, VERTICAL and TOP-RUNNING CORN MILLS, SUGAR MILLS and I*AN& AGENTS for Alert and Union Inlectors, the simplest and most effective on tne market; Gullett Light Draft Magnolia Cotton Uin, tne beat in the market. All orders promptly attended to. Send for Price List. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. A. B. HULL, ~ Agent Hazard Powder Cos., —WHOLESALE DEALER 15— FIOUR, hay,gra:n, rice, staple AND FANCY GROCERIES. MILL STUFFS of all kinds. Genuine TEXAh RED RUST PROOF SEED OATa Special prices carload lots HAY and GRAIN. Prompt attention given all orders and satis faction guaranteed. OFFICE, 5 ABERCORN STREET. WAREHOUSE, NO. 4 WADLEY STREET, O* LINE CENTRAL RAILROAD. 7