The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, November 29, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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CO M"M EH Cl All. SAVANNAH MARKET. OFFICE OF THE MORNING NEWS,) Savannah, Ga., Nov. 28, 4p. m. ( Cotton—The market was dull and unchanged. There was only a light inquiry. The total sales for the day were 813 bales. On 'Change at the opening call at 10 a. m., the market was re ported steady and unchanged, but with no sales. At the second call, at 1 p. m., it was dull, the sales being 156 bales. At the third and last call, at 4 p. m., it closed dull and unchanged, with further sales of 658 bales. The follow ing are the official closing spot quotations of the Cotton Exchange: Middling fair 10 3-18 Good middling 9% Middling 04s low middling 9% Goodordiuary 8% Ordinary 8% Sea Island— 'The market continues very quiet and unchanged. There were no sales reported during the day. We quote: Common Georgias I Common Fioridas ( hominal Medium 21 ©22 Extra fine 24 ®24% Choice ~ 24%®25 Comparative Cotton Statement. Receipts, Exports and Stock on Hand Nov. 28, 1887, and for the Same Time Last Year. j 188 T-88. ! IWI6--BT. Stock on hand Sept. 1 575 j 0.81S;j 1.141* 4.304 ■Received to day tii 0333' *>o4! 7,123! I Received previously 10.332 550,824 ] 10,8-11' 484,432 i i it— —i i! Total I 10JJ13 _stV.M*7s} j 12,654 ] 495,8691 (Exported to-day ; 880 j 5,690; i 551, 1,156 1 i Exported previously. 5,439< 431,850;i 7,411, 855,248 Total 5,725 j 140,5701 j 7,902 1 350. 103 j I 1 1! - - - - j Stock on hand ami on ship- i i i board this day ; 5,158 j 129,105 1,092 139,4561 Rice—The market continues firm and un changed. with light offerings. The sales for the day were 220 barrels The following are the official closing quotations of the Board of Trade. Small job lots are held at %®% higher: Fair 4%®5 Good 5%®5% Crime 5%®5% Rough- Tide water $1 10® 1 25 Country lots. . 86@ 90 Naval Stores—The market for spirits turpen tine was very firm, with a good inquiry. The sales for the day were about 700 casks at 34c for regulars. At the Board of Trade on the opening call the market was reported firm at 34c for regulars, with sales of 800 casks. At ti e closing call it was firm, with further sales of 100 casks at 34c for regulars. Rosin—The market was firm at the decline, with a good demand. The sales for the day were about 3.500 barrels. At the Board of Trade on the first call the market was reported steady, with sales of 1,450 barrels at the following quotations: A. B. C and D 92%c, E 96c. F 95c, G ?1 02%, II SI 05, I 81 12%. K $1 40. M 81 £O. N? 1 75. window glass $2 30, water white $2 85. At the closing call it was firm, with further sales of 250 barrels at unchanged prices. NAVAL STORES STATEMENT. Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2.543 77,408 Received to-day 3X3 1,726 Received previously 148,804 400,810 Total ..151,735 479,944 Exported to-day 205 1,044 Exported previously 139,732 400,538 * Total .189,937 401,582 Stock on band and on shipboard to-day 11,798 78,362 Receipts same day last year, 280 2,184 Financial—Money is in very active demand and easy. Domestic Exchange —Easy. Banks and bank ers are buying sight drafts at par and selling at %@% per cent premium. I'oreign Exchange —The market is weak. Commercial demand, 84 82%; sixty days, $4 79%; ninety days, $4 78%®4 78%; francs, Baris and Havre, commercial, sixty days, $5 26%; Swiss, $5 27*4; marks, sixty days,94*4. Securities—The market is steady but quiet, and only a nominal business doing. Stocks and Bonds— City Bonds — Atlanta 6 per cent long date, 108 bid, 110 asked: Atlanta 7 per cent, 118 bid. 121 asked; Augusta 7 per cent iong date, 107 bid, 110 asked; Augusta 6s long date, 108 bid, 110 asked; Columbus 5 per cent, 100 bid, 105 asked: Macon 6 per cent, 111 bid, 112 asked; new Savannah 5 per cent, January coupons, 102 bid, 102% asked; new Havannah 5 per cent, February coupons, 101 -34 bid, 102% asked. State Bonds— Georgia new 6s, 1889, 101 bid. 102 asked; Georgia new 4145, 10514 bid, 10614 asked; Georgia f per cent gold, quarterly cou pons, 10344 bid, 105 asked; Georgia 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1896, 120 bid, 121 asked. • Railroad Stocks— Central common, 123 bid, 124 aw teed; Augusta and Savannah 7 per cent guaranteed, 131 bid, 135 asked; Georgia com mon, 193 bid, 196 asked; Southwestern 7 per cent guaranteed, 127 bid, 12714 asked; Cen tral 6 percent certificates. 10164 hid, 10214 asked: Atlanta and West Point railroad stock, 107 bid, 109 asked; Atlanta and West Point 6 per cent certificates, 104 bid. 106 asked Railroad Brnuls— Savannah Florida and Western Railway Company general mortgage 6 per cent interest, coupons October, 111 bid, 112 asked; Atlantic and Gulf first mortgage consolidated 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1897. 11l bid, 112 asked; Central consolidated mortgage 7 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1893, HO bid, H 094 asked: Georgia railroad 6s, 1897, 106 bid, 108 asked; Mobile aud Girard second mortgage indorsed 8 per cent, coupons January and July, maturity 1889, 104 bid, 106 asked; Montgomery and Eufaula first mortgage per cent, indorsed by Central railroad, 108 hid, 109 asked; Marietta and North Georgia first mortgage, 50 years. 6 per cent. 100% bid, 101% asked; Charlotte. Columbia and Augusta first mortgage, 110% bid, 11114 asked; Charlotte, Co lumbia and Augusta second mortgage, 110 asked: Western Alabama second mortgage in dorsed S per cent, 106 bid, 107 asked: (south Georgia and Florida indorsed, 118 bid, 120 asked; South Georgia and Florida second mortgage, 114 hid, 116 asked; Augusta aud Knoxville first mortgage 7 per cent, ill bid, 112 asked; Gainesville. Jefferson and South ern first mortgage guaranteed. 113 bid. 116% asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern not riarnnteed. 113 asked: Ocean Steamship per cent lionds, guaranteed by Central railroad. 10314 hid. 10:144 asked; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern second mortgage guaranteed, 113 asked: Columbus and Rome firs: mortgage bonds, indorsed by Cen tral railroad, 106 bid, 10' asked; Columbus mid Western 6 per cent guaranteed. 109 bid, 110 asked: City and Suburban railway first mortgage 7 per cent, 107 bid, 108 asked. Bank Stocks— Nominal. Southern Bank of the State of Georgia, 193 bid, 202 asked; Mer chant))'National Bank. 100 bid, 165 asked; Sa vannah Bank and Trust Company, 96 hid, 98 asked; National Bank of Savannah, 120 bid, 121 asked; Oglethortie Savings and Trust Com pany, 107 bid, 103 asked. (ins Stocks— Savannah Gas Light stock, ex dividend, 20 hid, 2014 asked; Mutual Gas Light stock, 20 bid, 23 asked. Bacon—Market firm and advancing: demand good; smoked clear rib sides, B%c: shoulders. 7c; dry suited clear rib sides. 8c; long clear, 7%e; shoulders, none; limns, file. and Ties— Market steady. We quote: Bagging—2% lbs, 3r/’.B%c; 2 lhs, 7%® %c: 154 ths. 7®7%c; according to brand and quantity. Iron ties—Arrow and other brands, none: nominal, $1 25 per bundle, according to brand and quantity. Bagging and ties in retail lots a fraction higher. Bi tter-Market steady; choice Goshen, 20c; gilt edge, 227V,25c; creamery. 2i©2’!c. Camiage—Northern, ll@l2c. Cheese—Market steady; fair demand. Wo quote, ll®l4e. Coffee—The market is firm. Wo quote: Ordinary, 19c; fair, 20c; good, 20%o; choice, 21%c. Dried Fucit—Apples, evaporated, 114 c: peeled, TJ4c. Peaches jieeled, 20c; unpeeled. S@7c. Currants. 7c. Citron, 25c. Lav Goods—The market is firm; business fair. We quote: Prints, 4®oc, Georgia brown shirt ing, 3 4,4%c; 7-S do, 540; 4-4 brown sheet ing, 040; white osnaburgs. 8%®9%c; cheeks, 6%@*c: varns, Ssc for best makes: brown drill ings, 6%®7%c. Fish—Light demand on account of high prices. We quote full weights: Mackerel—No. J. 810 00; No. 8, half barrels, nominal. $7 (W®7 60; No. 2, f8 50. Herring—No. 1. 20c; scale. I, 25c. Cod, 6®3e. Frutt—Lemons—Demand light—We quote: $300®.3 50. Apples. Northern, Moo® I*6 Flock—Market firm, demnutl moderate. We quote: Extra, SS7B®B 90: fancy, $4 50®4R5; choice patent. $5 10413 85; family. $4 15(3,4 40. Grain—Corn—Market very firm; demand light. We quote: White corn, job lots, 69c; car load lots, 66c. Oats steady, demand good. We quote: Mixed oats, 45c; carload lots, 40c. Bran, 81 10. Meal, 62%c. Grist, per bushel, 674 c. Hat—Market very firm, with a fair demand; stock ample. We quote job lots: Western, 81 10; carload lots $1 (JO; Eastern, none; North ern, none. Hides, Wool, Ctc—Hides—Market dull; re ceipts light; dry flint, lie; salted, 9c; dry butcher, 80. Wool—Receipts light; prime, in bales, 23® 25c; burrs, 10®15c. Wax, 18c. Tallow, 3@4c. Deer skins, flint, 20c; salted, 16c. Otter skins, 5003.54 00. Iron—Market firm; Bwede, 414®5c: refined, 2%C. Lard—Market steady; in tierces, ?%c; 50 lb tins. 77.4 c. Lime, Calcined Plaster and Cement—Ala bama lump lime is in fair demand, aud is selling at $1 30 per barrel; Georgia, $l3O per barrel; calcined plaster, 8185 per barrel; hair, 4c; Rosendale cement, $150; Portland cement. $2 50. LiqcoßS—Full stock; steady demand. Bour bon. 81 50®.5 50; rye, 81 50®6 00; rectified, St 00©1 35. Ales unchanged and in fair de mand. Nails—Market firm: fair demand. Wequote: 3d, $5 80; 4d and sd, $3 15; 6d, $3 90; Sd, $2 65; lOd to COd, $2 40 per keg. Nets—Almonds—Tarragona, 18®30c; Ivicas, 17@lSc; walnuts, French, loe; Naples, 16c; pe cans, 10c; Brazil, 10c; filberts, 12c; eocoanuts, Barncoa. $5 00 per 100. Oils—Market firm; demand good. Signal, 45c; West Virginia black. !)@ 10c; lard, 55c; headlight, 15c; kerosene, 8%©10c; water white, 13%c; neatsfoot, 50® 80c; machinery, 25®30c; linseed, raw, 54c: boiled, 57c; mineral seal, 16c; fireproof, 18c: homelight, 18c. Onions—Northern, per barrel, $3 75; imported, per case, $3 25. Potatoes—Northern. $2 75®3 00. Peas—New crop in light supply and demand; cow peas, mixed, 75c; clay, 90c; speckled, $1 10; black eye, $1 50®1 75; white crowders, $1 50® 1 76. Prunes—Turkish. 54c; French, 11c. Raisins—Demand light; market steady. Lay ers, $3 00; London layers, new, 83 25 per box. Sai.t—The demand is moderat e and the mar ket is quiet; carload lots, 65c fob; job lots, 75 @9oc. Shot—Drop, 8140; buck, $1 65. Sugar—The market is higher; cut loaf, 74c; standard A, 64c; extra C, 64c; yellow C, 6%c; granulated. 74c; powdered, 7%e. Syrup—Florida and Georgia dull at 35®40c; the market is quiet for sugarhouse at 80@40e; Cuba straight goods, 28c in hogsheads; sugar house molasses, 20c. Tobacco—Market dull: demand moderate. We quote: Smoking, 25c@$l 25; chewing, com mon, sound, 25®30c; fair, 30@35e; medium. 38 @soc: bright. 50®75c: fine fancy, 85®90c; extra fine, 90c@.$l 10; bright navies,' 45®75c; dark navies, 40®50e. Lumber—There has been a slight falling off in inquiry, owing to the approaching holidays, but not. sufficient to affect the market, inasmuch as the mills figure on losing two to four weeks about the holidays for repairs, etc., and are generally filled up to that time. Prices remain steady except for very easy sizes, which are being taken at slightly shaded prices. We quote fob: Ordinary sizes sl2 50@16 00 Difficult sizes . 15 00©21 50 Flooring boards 16 00@21 50 Shipstuff 17 00®21 50 Timber—Market dull and nominal. We quote: 700 feet average $ 9 00® 11 00 800 “ 10 oo®n 00 900 “ “ 11 00®12 00 1,000 “ “ 12 00@14 00 Shipping timber in the raft— -700 feet average $ 6 00® 7 00 800 “ " 7 00® 8 00 900 “ “ 8 00® 9 00 1,000 “ “ 9 00®10 00 Mill timber $1 below these figures. FREIGHTS. Lumber By sail—There is a better inquiry for tonnage, and rates arc firm at outside lim its. Freight limits are from $£ 00@6 00 from this and the near Georgia ports to the Chesapeake ports, Philadelphia, New York, Sound ports and eastward. Timber, 50c®$l 00 higher than lumber rates. To the West Indies and windward, nominal: to South America, $lB 00®!4 00; to Spanish and Mediterranean ports, slloo@l2 00; to United Kingdom for orders, timber, 2?@2Bs; lumber. £3 15s. Steam —To New York, $7 00; to Philadelphia, $7 00; to Boston, $9 00. Naval Stores—Very dull. Foreign—Cork, etc., for orders, 2s 10%d, and, or, 4s I%d; Adriatic, rosin, Ss; Genoa, rosin, 2s 10%d. Coastwise—oleam —To Boston, 50c on rosin, $1 00 on spirits; to New York, rosin 50c, spirits 80c; to Philadelphia, rosin 30c, spirits 80c: to Baltimore, rosin 30c, spirits 60c. Coastwise quiet. Cotton—By steam—The market Is quiet, with ample room offering. Liverpool direct 21-64d Antwerp 19-64d Bremen direct 11-32d Reval direct %and Genoa direct %and Barcelona direct.,.. 11-32d Liverpool via New York 19 lb 11-32d Liverpool via Baltimore $1 lb 11-82d Antwerp v ia New York '{B 18 5-16d Havrevia New York $ ID 4/c Havre via Baltimore 72c Bremen viaNew York lb 11-16 c Reval via New York 25-64d Bremen via Baltimore 72c Amsterdam via New York 70c Amsterdam via Baltimore 70c Boston $ bale 8 1 75 Sea island 32 bale 2 00 New York $ bale 150 Sea island ?) bale 1 75 Philadelphia $ bale 1 50 Sea island bale 175 Baltimore $ bale 1 50 Providence $ bale 1 75 By sail— Liverpool 5-16d Havre 5-lfid Genoa 11-32d Rice—By steam— New York barrel ... 60 Philadelphia $ barrel 60 Baltimore $1 barrel 60 Boston 10 barrel 60 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Grown fowls $ pair $ 55 ® 65 Chickens, 4to % grown 35 @ 50 Ducks 12 pair 50 ® 75 Geese $ pair 1 00 @1 25 Turkeys ft pair 1 25 @2 00 Turkeys, dressed sllb 10 ® 18 Eggs, country, per dozen 20 ® 22 Peanuts—Fancy h. p. Va. Ih © 6 Peanuts—Hand picked slb ® 5 Peanuts—Ga 77 bushel, nominal 75 ® 90 Sweet potatoes, yel. yams "jvl hush.. 50 @ 60 Sweet potatoes, white yams $9 bush 40 ® 50 Poultry—Market overstocked; light demand. Eggs—Market firmer, with a fair demand and in full supply. Peanuts—Fair stock; demand moderate; mar ket steady. Sugar—Georgia and Florida nominal; none in market. Honey—No demand; nominal. Sweet Potatoes—ln fair demand; receipts light. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL. New York, Nov 28, noon.—Stocks active but weak. Money easy at 5 per cent. Exchange —long, $4 XlSq® } 82; short. $4 85®4 851.4. State bonds neglected. Government bonds dull hut steady. Erie 29J4 Richm’d AW. Pt. Chicago A North .110 Terminal 261/ lake Shore Qt% Western Union... 78% Norf. AW. pref... 42 5 p. in.—Exchange dull but steady to firm at $4 2j4@4 8614. Money easy at 3®7 per cent., closing offered at 5. Sub-Treasury balances— Gold, $130,748,000: currency $111,891,000. Gov emment bonds dull and heavy; four per cents 12614: four and a half per cents 108%. State bonds dull but steady. The stock market was moderately active, but feverish and weak nearly all (lay long, leaving pricesat the close materially lower than Satur day. The general fear of a renewal of tight money in the near future induced some selling by uolders of long stock, which fear was aided by reports of trouble among the trunk lines, hut the impression upon vames would have lieeti in significant but for the hammering of the bears and late bill is, who are now looking for a re action. The money market was again Ihe factor, and rates were bid up to 7 per cent., though loans were made as low as 4, and the close was a: 5. Thu declines were very uniform among speculative stocks, though the Gould properties were especially weak, and Kansas aud Texas was sold down on a revival of rumors of reorganization, but Heading, with other coalers and Union Pacific, were all urotni nent at times for the declines mode. Buying was very scattered, and principally by commis sion people, who were extra oely cautious. The opening was very weak at declinos extendldg to per cent., and while the market was quiet with narrow fluctuations in the early trading, everything soon gave way. Kansas and Texas leading. Rook Island, Richmond and West Poiut and St. Paul in turn came to the front during the morning hours, and Panada Southern, Lackawanna and Union Pacific wore the most conspicuous in the afternoon. There was no rally or reaction until the last hour, when buy ing liecame more marked and slight fra-tions were regained. The clotte, however, was heavy t or near the lowest pr.c's of the (lav. Traux eti ins amounted to 870.009 shares. The market closed at the following quotations: Ala. class .Y, 2to 5.105 New Orleans Pa- Ala. class B, ss. 107 eifle, Ist mort... 773/ Georgia 7s, mort.. 104 11 N. Y.Centi al 107% N. Carolina Os.. .117 Norf. AW. pref... 41/4 N.Carolina 4*.... 94 Nor. Pacific. 22% 80. Caro. (Brown “ pref... 46% THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1887. consols 106 Pacific Mail 374 Tennessee set 72 Reading 6864 Virginia 6s" ••....♦4B Richmond A Ale.. 5 Va. consolidated. 47 Richmond A Panv Ch’peakeA Ohio. 4 Richm'u AW. Pt. 2654 Northwestern . 109% Rock Island 1124 „ preferre l ...130 St. Paul 75,4 Pela. and Lack . .131% “ preferred .112 Erie 39% Texas Pacific 26 East Tennessee... 103a Tenn. Coal A Iron. 29 Lake Shore 94% Union Pacific 5534 I,'ville A Nash 60% N. J. Central 75*4 Memphis A Char. 46 Missouri Pacific... 90 Mobile A 0hi0.... 10 Western Union... 78% Nash. & Chatt’a.. 77 Cotton Oil certifl.. 31 •Bid. COTTON. Liverpool. Nov. 28, noon.—Cotton quiet and without quotable change; middling uplands 5 9-10d, middling Orleans 566d: sales 8,000 bales, for speculation and export 1,000 bales; receipts none. Futures—Uplands, low middling clause, No vember delivery 5 38-64(jj£ 37 64d; November and Decemlier 5 86-64d; Decern lie r and January 5 35-64@5 34-fi4d; January and February 535 64 (and 5 31-64d; February and March 5 36-64®5 84 Old; .March and April 5 37-04®5 36 Old; April and May 5 38-04®3 39-64d: Mav and June 5 41-01®5 40-64d; June ami July 5 42-64®. j 43 G4d. Market dull. The tenders of deli veries at to-day’s clearings amounted to 9.200 bales new dockets. 2 p. m.—The sales to-day included 5,700 bales of American. Futures—Uplands, low middling danse. No vember delivery 3 3.'-64d, buyers; November and December 5 35-61d. value; December and January 5 34-64d, suiters; January aud February 5 34-64d, sellers; February and ilarch 5 35-64d, sellers; March and April 5 Btl-64d, sellers; April and May 5 38-64d, sellers; May and Juno 5 40-*i4d, sellers; June and July 5 42-6ld, sellers. Market closed easy. 4 p. m.— Futures: Unlands, low middling clause. November delivery 5 30-04d. sellers: No vember aud Decemlier 5 34-04d, buyers; Decem ber and January 5 BS-64d, buyers; January and February 5 33-64d. buyers; February and March 5 34-U4d,buyers; March and April 5 35-6-kl. buyers; April and May 5.87-G-kl. buyers; May aud June 5 3.!04d. buyers; June and July 5 41-U4d, buyers. Market closed easy. New York, Nov. 28. noon.—Cotton quiet; middling uplands 104 c, middling Orleans 103 s c; sales xt bales. Futures—Market opened steady, with sales as follows: November delivery 10 47c; Docember 10 46c; January 10 54c; February 10 61c; March 10 68c; April 10 75c. 5 p. m.—Market closed steady; middling up lands 10 7-16 C, middling Orleans 10 9-itio; sales to-day 82 bales; net receipts 50 bales, gross 14.087. Futures—Market closed steady, with sales of 127,i)00 bales, as follows: November delivery 10 4‘2®10 43c, December 10 40®10 41e, January 10 48®10 49c, February 10 54c, March 10 61® 10 62c, April 10 68® 10 69c, May 10 7.1 c, June 10 81 @lO 82c, July 10 85@10 86c, August 10 89 ®lO 91c. Green A Co.'s report on cotton certificates says: "There has been omy a fairly active and somewhat irregular market, with average busi ness at a slightly lower range than rates ruling on Saturday. The intimation of small receipts at New Orleans gave an opening start of ”• (6 points advance, as shorts were rather inclined to cover, but Subsequent advices showing the port movement to be pretty full, there was a drop of 10® 11 points from the highest. Under this about all the weak holders sold, and the de cline was assisted by tame suggestions from Liverpool, but before the close a slightly steadier feeling was brought about, aud final rates were only a fraction below Saturday.” Galveston, Nov. 28.—Cotton quiet; middling 9 11-16 c; net receipts 8,485 bales, gross 8,485; sales 776 bales: stock 102,163 bales; exports, to Great Britain 19,725 bales, coastwise 8,328. Norfolk, Nov. 28.—Cotton quiet; middling 9 ] >-l c; net receipts 5,029 bales, gross 5,029; sales 781 bales; stock 51,460 bales; exports, coastwise 2.214 bales. Baltimore, Nov. 28.—Cotton quiet but steady; middling net receipts 507 bales, gross 1,382; sales none; stock 8,444 bales; sales to spin ners 1,100 bales; exports, to Great Britain 3,652 bales, to the continent 55 Boston, Nov. 28. — Cotton quiet; middling 10 916 c; net receipts 368 bales, gross 3,743; sales none; stock none; exports, to Great Britain 3.047 bales. Wilmington, Nov. 28.—Cotton steady; mid dling 94c; net receipts 1.349 bales, gross 1.349; sales none- stock 18,127 bales; exports,to France 2.245 bales, coastwise 1.105. Philadelphia, Nov.2B.—Cotton firm; middling lORc; net receipts 390 bales, gross 337; stock 18.414 bales. New Orleans, Nov. 28.—Cotton quiet; mid dling 9 11-lbc; net receipts 23,001 bales, gross 23.311; sales 3.250 bales: stock 311,131 bales Mobile, Nov. 28. —Cotton quiet, middling 9 9-16 c; net receipts 2,970 bales, gross 3,137; sales 800 bales; stock 29,251 bales; exports, coastwise 3,052 bales. Memphis, Nov. 28.—Cotton steady; middling 9 9-16 c; receipts 9,349 bales; shipments 7,(467; sales 4,550; stock 163,403 bales. Augusta, Nov. 28.—Cotton steady; middling 9 11-16 c; receipts 1,505 bales: sales 742 bales. Charleston, Nov. 28.—Cotton quiet; middling 9J4c; net receipts 2.602 bales, gross 2,602; sales 200 bales; stock 45,081 bales: exports, to Great Britain 3,921 bales, to the continent 1,022, coast wise 1,824. Atlanta, Nov. 28.—Cotton steady; middling 9fy,c: receipts 721 baies. NewYork, Nov. 28.—Consolidated net receipts for all cotton ports to-day 53,413 bales; exports, to Great Britain 45,728 bales, to France 3,495, to the continent 7,306 bales; stock 837,570. provisions, groceries, etc. Liverpool. Nov. 28, noon.—Wheat quiet but steady; demand poor; holders offer > moderately. Corn firm; demand fair. New York, Nov. 28, noon. — Flour quiet but steady. Wheat dull but unchanged. Corn lower. Pork firm; mess sls 00® 15 25. Lard easier at $7 47%. Freights steady. 5:00 p. m.—Southern Hour unchanged. Wheat —options declined %@%c, leading to moderate degree of activity, closing firm with slight reac tion; cash a shade lower, dull and heavy; No. 2 spring nominal at 87%c, No. 2 red, Decemlier delivery 86 15-16@87%c, January 88%@88%c, Mav 9215-16®93%c. Corn—cash firm; options %@%e better; No. 2, December delivery 57%@ 57®(\ January 58%@58%c, May 09%@593/c. Oats a shade better and fairly active; No. 2. De cember delivery 36®86%c, January 36!%®36%c, May 38®88%c, No. 2 spot 38@86%e. mixed Western 35®37c. Hops quiet. Coffee firm; Rio nominal; options unsettled and lower but more active, closing steady; No. 7 Rio, December de livery 14 25@1470c, January 14 (Js@l4 50c. May 14 IX'®l4 25c. Sugar dull and nominal; re fined dull. Molasses quiet but steady. Cottou seed oil quiet at 40c for crude, 45®47%c for re fined. Hides steady and quiet. Wool quiet and unchanged. Pork steady. Beef steady. Cut meats quiet hut firm.. Middles neglected. 2@3 points higher, firm and quiet; Western steam, on spot quoted at $7 50@7 55, Decem ber delivery S7 32@7 35, May $7 16. Freights dull; cotton 5-32d. grain 3d. Chicago. Nov. 28.—The intensely cold weather this morning had a tendency to liven up matters on the Board of Trade to-day and the arguments of hulls caused the whole list to open up firm, and in some of the products it made quite an axlvauce. May wheat was quoted at 823/c, which was %c higher than it closed Saturday. There was little of It for sale. After awhile it sold up to 82%c, but free selling soon put it back to 823/0. from whence it recovered to 82%®83e. The local crowd stood about even on the mar ket. having made their arrangements to this effect on Saturday, and were not disposed to do very much until the visible supply should have made the situation clearer. To-day there was the usual Monday wait for the appearance of the figures, though changes are generally nretty accurately figured out beforehand-))© closely, in fact, that posting rarely has the effect it nice had. The crowd to-day was badly out of the way. New Yorkers were among the first to dis cover that they had been figuring on too much wheat, and sent tho tip West. This helped May option up to 82%c a second time, and after the wheat increase was officially announced at oniv 490 Osmi bushels, the market quickly strengthened t083%®88%c. It closed firm at 83%c. May corn opened at 50%c, and. in sympathy with wheat, went to 50%c. The close was at 51c. The greatest bulge was in pork. January ojxmed at sl4 22% and sold up to $1435; but the demand did not last and after selling down to sl4 20 it dosed at the opening figure. Cash quotations were as follows: Hour very quiet but steady. Wheat, No. 2 spring 753/c; No. 2 red 76c. Corn, No. 2, 46%c. Oats, No 2. 29-/C. Mess pork, sl4 00®14 25. Lard, per 100 lbs, $7U5@7 12. Short rib sides, loose, $7 10 Dry salted shoulders, boxed, $5 70®5 ©o. Whisky $1 10. Leading futures range 1 as follows; Opening. Highest. .Closing, No. 2 Wheat— Dec. delivery.... 7.5% 16W _,6% Jan. delivery.... 763s 16% 16% May delivery 82% 83% 83% Copn*. No* 2 Nov. delivery.... 46% 463/ 46% Dec. delivery ... 46% May delivery — 50% 51% 51 Oats. No. 2 Dec. delivery.... 283/ 28% 28% May delivery.... 31% 82% 32% Jan. delivery... sl4 22% sl4 35 sl4 22% May delivery.... 14 75 14 87% 14 n% *7 00 $7 02% $7 02% Jart. delivery.... 7 12% 7 12% 7 07% May delivery.... 7 42% i 15 7 42% Short Ribs— ... Jan. delivery s7 20 $< 20 $< 18 March delivery . 7 40 7 40 7 35 Bamtmomc, Nov. 28.—Flour quiet but ateadv; Howard street and Western super fine £l B?®2 75. extra $-100® t 60. family $3 85® 4 35, city uiilis sujierflne $2 37®2 00, extra 83 W ®3 62; Rio brands $4 r>o® 165. Wheat—Southern firm and quiet; red 86®8Sc, amber 87®se; Western steady, closing tTrrn; No. 2 winter rod. on spot six,*;, 835/ e. Cony -Southern steady and firm; white 52®53c, yellow 51@33c; Western higher. St. Louts, Nov. 28.—Flour quiet but very stiff. Wheat higher: No. 2 red, cash 755 1 @ 76c, Decemlier delivery 7Bfa®7s"iic. May HIF,,® SPiie. Corn higher; cash 45Ji@46e. Noveinlier delivery May 4i ; "h, IT iso Oats higher; cash 281/@28140, May delivery 3114 c asked. Whisky steady at $1 05. Provisions steady; pork sl4 00. Lard at $6 90. Dry salt meats - boxed shoulders $5 67ty, long clear s'. 26 ci 7 3714, clear ribs sides $7 25®7 27L., short clear sides $7 50(3:7 G/W Bacon—boxed shoulders $6 00®6 25. loug clear sides SB. clear rib sides $8 10, short clear $8 25. Hams steady at $lO 25 ®l2 00. Cincinnati, Nov. 28. — Flour firm. Wheat firm; No. 2 redßo4/®Ble. Corn in good demand; No. 2 mixed 50@51c. Oats strong: No. 4mixed 32c. Provisions—Pork quiet but firm at sl4 50. I.acd tirmai S7 05® 7 J2®. Bulk meats nominal; short ribs $7 50. Bacon quiet; short clear $8 50. Whisky steady at $1 06. Hogs active and firm; common and' light $4 00@5 00, packing and butchers $5 00®5 30. Louisville, Nov. 28.—Grain quiet. Wheat— No. 2 red, 80c. Corn—No. 2 mixed 49c. Oats— No. 2,82 c. Provisions firm: Bacon—clear rib sides $8 50, clear sides $9 00, shoulders $6 50. Bulk meats—clear rib sides $7 87H, clear sides 87 62Uj; partly cured shoulders $0 Mess pork 814 50. Hums, sugar cured slloo@l2oo. Choice leaf lard $9. , New Orleans, Nov. 28.—Sugar active and firm; Louisiana open kettle, prime 4 7-lOe; fully fair 4!4i@4S-16c; Louisiana centrifugals, plantation granulated 6tq®C 5-16 c, choice white ,'rV. choice yellow clarified 5 5-16 c, prime dit to 5 8-16® 59ic. Molasses active but not quotably higher. NAVAL STORES. Lonpon, Nov. 28, 4 p. m.—Spirits turpentine 27s 3d. NewYork, Nov. 28, noon.—Spirits turpentine quiet at 37c. Rosiu quiet at $1 1 1 4 f-v <’ 1 12® 5:00 p. m.—Rosin steady at $1 0i ®@ 1 124(j. Turpentine dull at 37c. Charleston, Nov. 28.—Spirits turpentine quiet at 34c. Kosin firm; good strained 90c. Wilmington, Nov. 28—Spirits turpentine dull at 33J4p. Rosin steady; strafnedSOc,good strained 85c. Tar firm at $1 10. Crude turpentine firm; hard $1 00; yellow dip and virgin $1 90. RICE. NewYork, Nov. 28.—Rico firm. Fruit and Vegetable Market. Phiiadelphia, Pa., Nov. 28.—Bright oranges, $3 00@3 50 per box; russets. $2 25@2 50 per lx .x; market firm. E. Roberts A Bro. Nf.w York. Nov. 28.—The receipts to-day via the Savannah steamer were 4,100 boxes oranges and vegetables. Having a dull, rainy Monday, but little business was doing and prices were unchanged. Fancy oranges sold ut $3 00 @3 50 per box; Savannah beans, $1 50®1 75 par crate; Florida cucumbdrs, $3 00®3 60 Iht crate. G. S. Palmer. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE MINIATURE ALMANAC—THIS DAY. Sun Rises 6:88 Sun Sets 4:58 High Water at Savannah 7:18 am. 7:18 p a Tuesoay, Nov 29. 1887. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Tallahassee. Fisher. New York—C G Anderson. Agent. Steamship Gate City, Taylor, Boston—C G An derson. Agent. Steamer Pope Catlin, Swift, Beaufort, Port Royal and Bluilton—H A Strobhar, Agt Steamer St Nicholas, Usina, Femandina and way landings—C Williams, Agt. ARRIVED UP FROM BELOW YESTERDAY. Bark Nightengale (Nor), Ingebrethsen. Liver pool. with salt to C M Gilbert A Cos; vessel to Master. ARRIVED UP FROM QUARANTINE YESTER DAY. Schr Carrie A Lane, Dyer, from Tuspaii for New York in distress—Jos A Roberts A Cos. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Carondelet, Evans, New York—C G Anderson. Steamship Geo Appold, Field. Baltimore— Jas B West A Cos. {L Bark President (Br), Corbett, London— Strachan A Cos. DEPARTED YESTERDAY. Steamer Ethel, Carroll, Cohen's Bluff and way landings—W T Gibson. Manager. Steamer St Nicholas, Usina. Femandina and way landings—C Williams, Agt. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Carondelet, New York. Steamship Geo Appold. Baltimore. Bark Freya (Nor), Liverpool. MEMORANDA New York, Nov 28—Arrived, schr Clara E Ber gen, Burroughs, Femandina; bark Mary Has urouek, Ludwig, Port Royal, 8 C. Cleared, brig Lewis L Squires, Nilsson, Savan nah; schr Tamos, Moule. Jacksonville, Carthagena. Nov 21—Arrived, bark Roma (Itall, Trajiani, Savannah. l rawle Point, Nov 26—Passed, steamship Joshua Nicholson (Br), Regnart, Coosaw fer London. Barbados, Nov 10—Arrived, schr Samuel B Vrooman, Smith. Femandina; Bth, barks Nyas sn (Nor, Bethelsm. Pensacola: 9th. Hrabren (Aus). Tiscovich, do: 11th, Orient (Nor), Olau sen, Wilmington; 12th, Araunah (Sw), Lund gren, Charleston; schr Lizzie B Willey, Feruan dina. Baltimore, Nov 26—Cleared, schr Lizzie Dewey, Clark. Savannah. ‘MARITIME MISCELLANY. London, Nov 26—The fire in the cargo of stmr York City (Br), Benu, from Savannah (before reported at Reval). is still burning right aft, but is under control. Authorities refuse her en trance to the harbor. Her cargo will have to be discharged in the roads. She will be sur veyed in order to ascertain the amount of sal vage payable. SPOKEN. Nov 14, lat 28 30. lon 68 40. schr Lizzie Lane, from Femandina for Demerara. RECEIPTS. Per steamer Pope Catlin, from Beaufort—2 bales cotton. 2 cases eggs, 4 sacks peas, 2 bdls hides. 2 calves, 1 box mdse, 1 sack mdse, 2 emp ty kegs. 8 bbls spirits turpentine. Per nnarleston and Savannah Railway. Nov 28—35 bales col ton. 1 oar machinery. 1 car h h goods, 37 sacks rice. 150 sacks fertilizers. 22 trunks, 10 sacks peas. 39 sacks peanuts. 31 bdls chairs, 5 cases boots and shoes, 2 cases cigars, 2 cases tobacco, 3 bbls pitch, 7 boxes sardines, 1 bbl v. ine, 1 case clothing, and mdse. Per .Savannah. Florida and Western Railway, Nov 28—952 bales cotton. 1,366 bbls rosin. 327 bbls spirits turpentine, 26 cars lumber. 1 car shingles, 7 cars wood. 22 bbls molasses, 11 bales hides, 1 car cotton seed, 120 empty bcls, 272 sacks rice. 7,606 boxes oranges, 197 bbls oranges, and mdse I’er Central Railroad, Nov 28—5,226 bales cot ton, 22 bales yarn. 91 bales domestics. 7 bales hides ! bale plaids. lOrolls leather. 2 pkgs paper. 4.20 X lbs feathers. 17 pkgs tobacco, 350 lbs lard, 26.300 Iba bacon, 250 bbls lime, 151 lbs fruit, 120 bbls spirits turpentine. 604 bbls rosin, 616 sacks beans, 394 bales hay, 200 qr bbls beer, 661 bush corn, 112 pkgs furniture an I h h goods, 12 cars lumber. 3 cars wood, 558 bushels rice, 1 bbl syrup, 12 pkgs wood in shape. 168 tons pig irou. 2 pkgs twine, 7 pkgs vegetables. 13 bbls wax, 3 pkgs carriage material, 15 doz brooms. 271 pkgs plow material. 9 bales paper stock, 1 car marble, 139 pkgs mdse. 150 bbls cotton seed oil, 1 car baud iron, 3 pkgs empties. 150 pkgs hardware, 40 cases eggs, 4 cars coal, 2 bbls whisky. EXPORTS. Per steamship Geo Appold. for Baltimore-- 1.422 bales cotton. 183 bbls rice, 758 bbls rosin, 20 bbls spirits turnentine. 25.000 feet lumber, (id tons pig iron. 87 bales bides. 59 bales domestics and hides, 10 bbls fresh fish, 1,860 boxes oranges, 50 crates vegetables, 479 pkgs muse. 25 bales paper stock. per bark President (Br). for London—s,Bsl bbls rosin, weighing 2,533,930 pounds—Raymond Judge. PASSENGERS. Per steamer Pope Catlin, from Beaufort—T Martin, and 25 deck. Per steamship Geo Appold, for Baltimore— F M Dryden, A S King, (I Oeane, A B Carey. Per steamship Tallahassee, from New York— A Mi-Master and w it*'. G Truman an 1 wife. D Murray and wife. C Murray and wife, Miss B Murray, Miss K Murray, Maggie Collins, Marv Gorman, J C Conners, H E, C L Jen nings, J Burdick. E Gray. C Bronson. Miss M Quinlan. Miss M Bridget. Miss B Leonard, Miss M Sage, Miss M Karen. J Sinsth and wife, Robt Smith. J Smith. P Smith, Elsie Smith. Mrs A Rankin. 0 S Neidllnger. Miss H J Baker. Miss Bai;er. Dr H Carrutliers and wife, L Linder, Miss C Llndergruen. Miss M Collins, N Was haunt. Mis* M Talbott, G Hollingshuad, R Farr. E 1‘ Lancaster. Hon T D Stillivun. C Bchrer. lion D E Finn, C E Dedov, T H McColemy, W Gib bons. J Butler, R Morrin, Mary Balxey (coll, Mrs Selbv (col), li Greeuway, C Quinby. L Quiuby, C Rhodes, A Randall, E falbox. E Robinson, Jno Crunlev. 1) A Tyson. P Gallagher. W Cook. K F Libby, M Peters, J Peters, R 11 Selling and wife, G C Rowland, F G Williams. L Bogard, .1 Welsh, M Sandenuan. G R Hid. C Weeks. A If Attel.v. A T Ding. J Smith. D Feely, P Sparks, G Ihil son, II G Jennett. II Vane. (1 Ualbol, A Berg. Per steamship Gate City, from Boston L H Daggett, M Jossyln, Mrs J A Boswal, Helen Boswal, J M Ncott, Sirs J M Scott. D H Ester brook, Mrs S S I/v, Miss B A Wells. S S Leo, J C Lee, K Murphy, Mrs K Murphy, Mary A Dwyer, Luev Seaivv. IT E Hadlovk, Mrs H K Iladlnrk, M Hairy NYttio Bean, IMYeleh, DH Blethen, Mrs L ihethen. ,1 Forrest, H Hunt, (' Choate Mrs Calvin dictate, Mrs .1 W Seed, ('has Browii, Mi-s Chas Brown, .1 C liny, D Flagg, L McDonnall. J b (Yookett, .1 W Green. Mi's .1 W Green, Minnie Lyman, F W (Juasott, MrsGus sett. (’ Howe, M King, V Wells. F Wliittaker, T McKay, M A loot t, S Friel, Lilly Beard. F Libby, Mias Gordou, I Austin, C K Bartlett, TV!i*i Bart lett, Miss Bartltt. W A Lindsey, Mix W A Lindsey. Mrs M Harlow. Mrs U U Brown, O il Swan, Mrs Swan, 1111 Fay. K E Morrison, FD Walker. Katie T>eary, Miss Bassett. W Jones, G M Harlow. V E Harlow, A W McKindlay, F 1> C Davis, O 1* Mosv.U*y, F. Cotton, .1 L Brophy, J M Lee, FK Prosoott, VI L Hills, M J Connoly, C Sullivan, and 27 steerage. CONSIGNEES. Per steamer Pope Cnflfn. from Beaufort—B M Gibbs. R Kirkland, MY£ D 1 Mclntire, Wm Davidson, Ellis. Y A Cos. FIT Roberts, P Cox, Decker A F. M Y Henderson, Order. Per Charleston and Savannah Raihvav. Nov 28—Transfer Office. H KothchiM. J Foley. B M Garfunkle. G V Decker & Cos, II M Comer X Cos, M Y & l> I Melntire, .las Hart A Bro, G H Mar tin, E A V! Schroder. Montaaue A Cos, J M Hen dersnn, Garnett. S A* Cos, Jno .Flannery & Cos, R Kirkland, W \Y Chisholm, Decker A' F. Per Savannah. Florida and Western Railway, Nov is Transfer Office, Jno Flannery A Cos. Dale, D& Cos. H Brown. R D MoDonell, T A Zoivckf*. Stillwell. i* A M. A A Avcilhe. AS Ba con. a Leffier. Leo Roy Myers A* Cos. Byck S. Smith Bros .£ Cos, M V Henderson, S Cohen, P Morrison. A Ehrlich & Bro. J Quarterman, F Doyle. Decker A K, Slater, M A Cos. D Y Dancy, W(1 Morrell, r \\ Gilbert A Cos W W Maokall. J M Denmark. II Myers A' liras. T P Bond A’ Cos, C E Stults, Meinhanl Bros A ('o. Strauss Bros, I Epstein A- Bro, W D Finikin* A Cos, Butler A S. T Mclntyre, Kavanaugh I>, Garnett, S & Cos, W W Gordon A Cos. Herron A > <’ .Mont a -rue A Cos, A H Champion. J P Williams & Cos. Chas Ellis, Woods & Cos, J S Wood A Bro. Peacock. 11 A Cos, M Maclean SGuckenheimer A Son, Ellis, Y & Cos. Baldwin A ’•>. E T Roberts. Per Central Railroad, Nov 2*—Fordjr Agt. Herron AG. Garnett. S A Cos. Montague A Cos, .1 S Wood A Bro. VI Y Al) I Vlclntire, Chas Ellis, W W Gordon A Cos, F VI Farley, Warren A A. A Jones, VI Maclean. Jno Flannery A Cos, Barwick A R. Tom Lanier. I) C Cowart. Woods A (To, W W Chisholm, Baldwin A Cos, G Walter & Cos, Savannah Guano Cos, R D Unhurt. Pearson & S, II VI Comer A Cos, Warwick A W.J C Thompson, J P Williams A Cos, W 1) Simkins A Cos, J II Ilen nessy. Southern Cotton Oil i 'o, E Lovell A Son, A Hanley, Geo Movers, Jos A Roberts A Cos. i G Haas. C H Carson. Stillwell, P A VI. Mrs L 0 Dickinson. McDonough A Cos. M Y Henderson, A F 1 Mlilnian, Lindsay A VI. AVIA 0 W West. CII Dorsett, Mrs L J Ryan, C M Gilbert A Cos, Byck A S. McOiUis A VI. J I) Weed A Cos. Singer Mfg ( o, VI Boley A Son, E A Schwarz. Mr* S VI Lewis. A J Vlilier A Cos. Einnm .lolls. G C Free man. W 1 Miller, J, Put,-/.el, J Wahanka, J M Bel linger, Wni Hone A Cos. H Myers A Bros, .1 T Robinson, J S Silva A Son. Vl©inhard Bros A Cos, Lilienthal A Son, I Epstein A Bro, Frank A Cos, A Leffler. Eckman A V. Clark A D. Launey A G, H Carey A Cos, T 1* Bond A Cos, W A Hobenstein, J J Greenlaw, L Vlurkhans, John Pereell. C C Bailey, A Ehrlich A Bro, T G Johnson, I> D Ar den. Pearson A S. S W Branch, W C Jackson. Per steamship Gate City, from Boston—R Butler, Appel AB, T P Bond A (To. Byck Bros, VI Holey A Son. Laldwin Fertz Cos, Cbas Brown, B J Oubbedge, W S Cherry A Cos. FT VI Cennor, W O Cooper, A S Cohen. S Cohen, Davis Bros, J S Collins A Cos, C R R, J H Estill, Epstein A W, A Ehrlich A Bro. A Einstein's Sons. A Hanley. Fret well A N, Grady, DeL A Cos, M Ferst A Cos, J S Haines. II FT Hutenins, Herman AK, W P Johnson. H S Jones, A Krauss, Kavanaugh A B. Lindsay AM, N Lane. S M Lewis, I) B Ixwter, FT Lovell A Son, A J Miller A Cos, McGilUs A VI, Meinhard Bros A Cos, Palmer Bros, .1 Perliriski, ,1 Rosenheim A Cos, FT A Schwarz, stnir Katie, E A Smith, H Solomon A Son. H I- Schreiner, S Small, Strauss Bros, Southern FTx Cos, Theus Bros, S. FA W Rv, PTuberdy, Teeple A Cos, Vale Royal Mfg Cos, J D Weed A Cos, C White. Vlrs D Weym< nth, Ga A Fla IS B Cos. Per steamship Tallahassee, from New York— A R Altmayer A Cos, Appel AS, FT A Abbott, Byck AS, O Butler. FT L Byck, J S Barbour, L Runner. L E Byck A Sons, T Busch, S W Brancn, Bond. H A E. Bendheim Bros A (To, J G Butler, FT VI Connor, A ii Champion. J S Collins A Cos, W H Chaplin, W G Cooj>er, Com Guano Cos, C A Cox, Cohen A B. Mix J Clinch. G Davis A Son, J Derst, ,1 A Douglass A Cos, M J Doyle. T H FTn right, Eckman A V. G FTckstein A Cos. J II Estill, Einstein A L, Epstein A NV. I 1 pstein A Bro, A Ernst en, Frank A Cos, Fret well A N, L Freid, M Ferst A Cos, A Falk A Son, Fleischman A (To, W H Flint, S Guckenheimer A Son. J Gorhain, C VI Gilbert A Cos, J VI Green care B J Cubbedge, C F Graham, Grady, DeL A Cos, Hexter A K. I) Hogan, II Hess, Hirsch Bros, Win Hone A Cos, A B Hull A Hauler. J C Harris, W R Holden, A L Hartricige, T Henderson, S G Flames, Chas Hartman. R Judge. Kavanaugh A B, A Krauss, P O Kessler. FT .1 Keiffer, S KrnuskofT, P W Ker nnn. J H Lyons, N Lang, Lippman Bros, John Lynch, D B Lester, Lovell A L, A Lloyd. E La- Biche. J F Luhs. A B H Levy A Bro, Lee Roy Myers Cos, Mohr Bros, A Minis. Mar shall House, J McGrath A Cos, RT> VloDonell, A McMaster, Meinhard Bros A Cos, S Mitchell. Mu tualGosLCo, H Myers A Bros, T J O’Brien, Moehlenbrock A I), Jno Nicolson Jr, Otis Bros, J G Nelson A Cos, Mrs J S Owens. Palmer Bros, Order, K Platshek, VI Prager, N I’oiilgen A: Cos. S B Palmer, W II Price A Cos. A Quint A Bro, C D Rogers. C A Retze, J J Rilev agt, J D Reed A Cos, s A Robbee, Rieser A S, P B Springer, W F Reid, II Solomon A Son, Smith Bros A Cos, C FT Stults, Jno Sullivan. Southern Cotton Oil Cos, Slater, M A Cos, Strauss Bros, J S Silva A Son. VI Sternberg, Solomons A Cos, W D Simkfim & Cos, Savannah Hteam Bakery, D Weisbum, Watson A ]’, J D Weed A Cos. Thos West. J W Tynan, 0 A Vetter, AVIA 0 W West, Vale Royal Mfg (To, Dr J J Waring. Wvlly A G\ Mrs VI C Williams, J P Withingtou, j Wohaoka, J R Yonge, stmr Katie, Ga A: Fla IS B Cos, Southern Ex Cos, C R R, S. F A W Ky. II AMS. ASK YOUR GROCER FOli AND BREAKFAST BACON IN3TOISJJ-J QBNUINE JNLCSS OEAKINQ OUK PATENTED TRADE-MARKS, A LIGHT MtTAu.iQ SEAL. ATTACHED TO THE BTRINO, AND THE STRIPED CANVAS, AS IN THE MIT, REAL ESTATE. W. J. MARSHALL. H. A. M'LKOD. MARSHALL & McLEOD, Auction and General Commission Merchants, —DEALERS IN— Real Estate and Stocks and Ronds Broughton Street, Savannah, Ga. ATTENTION GIVEN TO RENTING OF HOUSES AND COLLECTING RENTS. DYES. LADIES! DO your o*n Dyeing, at home, with PEER LESS DYES. They will dye everything. They are sold everywhere. Price 10c. a package —4ti colors. They have no e(|ual for strength, bright ness. amount in package*, or for tastaeas of color, or non-fading qualities. They do not crock or smut. For sale by b. F. Uuucu, M. D., Pharmacist, corner Uroughton and Houston streets; P. B. Rkiii, Druggist and A|x)the cary, corner Jones and Abercorn streets; Edwakd J. Kibkfkb, Druggist, corner West Broad and Stewart streets. This Belt or Begenera. o - tor is made expressly f° r ** ie curederange u 'l/RyQ, nft-VEtvJ 1 mentsof the generative DC lV I organs. A continuous b.T:;t.yY* “lU wiptfcTV stream of Electricity Vew/ / porIV pirmeating thro’ the . '-Cy" . parts must resi.ire I A// ,/ them to healthy action. Rja; ,i|V 1 )0 not confound this IV] r Kl C VvJr fIMI I with Uleetrie Belts ad- IVIi Iv w ’ "’I * vertiseil to cure all ills; It is for the owl specific piinsise. For full in formation address CHI EVER ELECTRIC BELT CO.. UK vYuaiiiniruui bt Chicago ill BOOTS AM) SHOTS. The Post Office Location SETTLED AT LAST. THE OLD RELIABLE SHOE HOUSE OF JOS. ROSENHEIM 8c CO. at the same old place, 135 BROUGHTON STREET, where you will find the best line of GENTS’ s*:* (><> SHOES ever brought to this market. This is not an empty Brag, Boast or Bluster, but an assertion we are prepared to stand by. An ex amination will convince the most skeptical. JOS. ROSENHEIM & CO., 135 BROUGHTON STREET. - - J!I FURNITUKE, CARPETS, MATTING, ETC. Special Inducements IT* Furniture and Carpets. Your attention is called to a lot of medium-priced WALNUT BEDROOM BUTTS now offered at a very reduced price to close them out: also, a few ASH COTTAGE SUITS will be sold l>elow cost. Now is your chance to furnish spare rooms. Just received a lino of FANCY PLUSH and LEATHER CHAIRS. They are beauties, come and see them, and at the same time look at those New and Handsome Bedroom and Parlor Sets! AN UNUSUAL FINE AND LARGE ASSORTMENT. Bargains ii Carnets, Rags, Matting, Oil Cloth, Etc. Remnants of CARPETS at a sacrifice. ACCOMMODATING TERMS. EMIL A. SCHWARZ. CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS! Now is the time for Bargains in Carpets. A fine selection of Cotton Chains, Union’s Extra Supers, All Wool, Two and Three-Plys, Tapestries and Body Brus sels just arrived. Our line of Furniture is complete in all its departments. Just received, a carload of Cooking and Heating Stoves. So call on us for Bargains. We don’t in tend to be undersold, for cash or on easy terms. TEEPLE & CO. 193 and 195 Broughton Street. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, ETC. WE HAVE COME TO STAY LOW PRICES, GOOD WORK AND HONEST DEALINGS IS OCR MOTTO. We manufacture all our work by the day, and it is supervised by a member of the firm. We are one of the oldest houses in the country, having been manufacturing for over forty years. We invite the public to call and inspect our irumens* stock of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, McCAULL, TURPENTINE AND FARM WAGONS, And also Our Complete Line of Harness, Whips, Etc. We guarantee all our work, and we can replace any part right at our Repository, we being practical mechanics, and we do not have to call in carriage makers to do our repairing. We do it ourselves. Thanking the public for past patronage, and asking for a continuance of the same, w* are, very respectfully, I>. A. ALTIOK’S SONS, Broughton and West Broad Sts., Savannah, Ga. ESTABLISHED 1848. * BASH, DOORS, BLINDS, ETC. Vale Royal Manufacturing Cos. H - P Resident SAVANNAH, GA. T - W LUMBER. CYPRESS, OAK, POPLAR, YELLOW PINE, ASH, WALNUT. Manufacturers of sastj, doors, blinds, mouldings of all kinds and description* CASINGS and TRIMMINGS for all classes of dwelling-, PEWS and PEW ENDS of our own design and manufacture, TuRNF.D and SCROLL BALUSTERS, ASH HANDLES for Cotton Hooks, CEILING, FLOORING, WAINSCOTTING, SHINGLES. Warehouse and Up-Town Office: West Broad and Broughton Sts. Factory and Mills: Adjoining Ocean Steamship Co.’s Wharves LI TIIOGRA I*ll Y. THE “LARG E ST LITH OGRA PH IC ESTA B USHMEnT Til E Morning News Steam Printing House SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. THIS WELL ~ KNOWN ESTABIFsHME NT HAS A Lithographing and Engraving Department which Is complete within itself, and the largest concern of the kind in the South. It is thoroughly equipped, having five presses, and all the latest mecnanical appliances in the art, the best of artists and the most skillful lithog raphers, all under the management of an experiened superintendent. It also has the advantage of being a part of a well equipped printing and binding house, provided with every thing necessary to handle orders promptly, carefully and economically. Corporations, manufacturers, banks and bankers, mer chants and other business men who are about placing orders, are solicited to give this house an opportunity to figure on their work, when orders are of sufficient mag nitude to warrant it, a special agent will be sent to make estimates. J. H. ESTILL. 7