The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, December 06, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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6 GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. NEWS OP THE TWO STATES TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS. A Planter of Crawford County Cele brates His lOOth Birthday—An Au gusta Negro Attempts Suicide Be cause His Wife Whipped Him At lanta to Vote To-Morrow. GEORGIA. McDonough has built ninety new houses since the railroads came. An Evansville, Indiana, brewery is figur ing to make Atlanta its distributing point for the South. Messrs. Dupree & Bishop, of Stevensrille, have moved to Dublin, and are now busy opening a large stock of goods. Lawrence McNeil has sold his real estate in Irwin county to Capt. H. H. Tift, of Tifton. This sale compasses forty lots, or 19,200 acres of land. W. T. Freeman is one of Madison’s most energetic young farmers. He has this year made with one mule, t* bales of cotton, 175 bushels of corn, 100 bushels of potatoes, fod der, shucks, peas, etc., in abundance. Knoxville, Crawford count)’, is to have a newspajier, and it will lie a visitor to the homes of her citizens before many mere days hare passed. Percy V. Howell, of Gibson, will be editor and proprietor. Stephen Ball, a negro man about 30 years old, now in Houston county jail for hog stealing, is an old offender. He has been in jail eighteen times, and lias served two terms in the chain-gang. This is his second time in Houston jail. At 12 o’clock, m., on Tuesday, Dec. 20, at Calhoun, there will he a competitive ex amination of applicants for the cadetship at the United States Military Academy, for admission June o, 1888, from the Seventh Congressional district. A mortgage on the stable, stock and other property of Holman <fc MoAndrews, at Macon, for 84,000, was foreclosed Satur day by I. C. Plant & Son, to whom the mortgage was given. The stables are now open, but are in charge of an agent ol' Plant & Son. The registration books for the city elec tion, which takes place at Atlanta to morrow, closed Saturday night. About 6,500 voters have registered. Of this num ber only a small percentage are negroes. Six members of Council and two Aldermen are to be elected. A colored citizen of Augusta, named Andrew J. Jackson, said he wanted to die, and took laudanum Saturday. He did not take enough, however, and is still living, with very fair prospects of recovery. Ho and his wife had a difficulty, in which he was a bad •cond. , Information reached Waycross Saturday from Argyle, sixteen miles from there on the Savannah, Florida and .Western rail road, that an unknown nyjf|*o was run over. He is supposed to havafbecn murdered and placed on the track conceal the crlfne. The body was dragged one mile or more by the train before hafmg discovered by the en gineer. / Hon. Tlioiufhs F. Brady, President of the Boston Municipal Council of the Irish Na tional League, has accepted the position of superintendent ot the Georgia marble quar rfeSj/'ln Pickens county. Before leaving Boston a magnificent banquet was tendered him by many of the most prominent Irish men of the flub, which is prominently re ported in all of the Boston journals. W. H. Price, the leading merchant of Williamsburg, lost his entire stock of gen eral merchandise by fire last Monday night. Mr. Price estimates his loss as having been between SIO,OOO and $13,000, upon which he only carried $2,000 insurance. The store room which he occupied belonged to Capt. P. E. Boyd, of Leary, and was worth aliout SI,OOO, upon which there was no insurance. John Shell, of Senoi, lias in his possession a dangerous ax. About two weeks ago his oldest son cut a large gash on nis knee and was laid up for several days. Last Monday another one of the boys while running with an ax on his shoulder, stumbled aid fell, cutting his left hand nearly off, and peruaps will lose it. Thursday morning, while an other of his sons was cutting wood, he un fortunately split his left foot wide open. A. Ruddatt, a pensioner of the German army, who lived near Glenmore the past three years, recently sold his ten-acre farm, with a fair house, two head of cattle and his crop, for S6O in cash. Ia order to retain his place on the pension rolls it was neces sary for him to be in Germany once every ten years. As he and his family hal been away from the Fatherland nine years, they sacrificed thoir place to raise means to re turn on. CoL P. M. Slaughter, a well known en gineer, for several years in charge of the government works on the Flint river, died m Albany Friday after a lingering illness with heart disease ami consumption of the throat. Col. S aughter was transferred some time ago from the Flint river to the Chattahoochee, but fell sick while in that city in September last, and remained there at the house of a woman for whom he had formed an attachment until his death. The house of John F. Usry two miles from Adams Station, on thf Southwestern railroad, in Lee county, was destroyed by fire Wednesday. It is not known how it started. The smoke house was saved by hard work. Mr. Usry had just sold the place to two of his brothers, Barney aud Will, and was about moving to Texas. The house was insured for S6OO, which was probably all it was worth. Most of tho fur niture was saved. The farm yields have been unusually good in Southwest Georgia this season. As many as twenty-six bales of cotton to tho mule have been made this year. In some of the lower counties long staple cotton lias proved a sucoess after several years experiment ■with it, and it is bringing wealth to the small farmers who cultivate it. Long staple cotton in Coffee and other counties yields a bale per aero and brings in the snug sum of SIOO per bale. Alf Starr, a Henry county darkey, is a wiser if not a bettor man than he was two SHns ago. He camo to Griffin Friday with sevei-al dollars in his pocket, intent on having a good time. He invested a portion of his wealth in two gallon* of whisky, with which he filled himself to the brim. At this stage he claims that several city darkies took him in hand, got all his money, took his whisky and turned him loose on tfie cold chanties of the world, fifteen miles from home, and without a cent. He says ho will take out a warrant for those who robbed him. Near Taylor, Crawford county, Saturday Daniel Hulto, a tilanter, reached the age of 100 years. Mr. Hulto has been a resident of that section a good number of years, having been among tho earliest settlors of the county. Ho wus a volunteer in the war of 1812 and remembers incidents that oc curred as far back as 1792. His age and feeble health would not permit him to take part in the struggle of 1861. Nevertheless he cherished the cause arid advised his only son to volunteer at the age of 17. Mr. Hulto has been enjoying first-rate health for several years until a few weeks buck. His health is now fooble. Americas Recorder: Mr. H. J. Morgan, a Recorder subscriber in Drayton, Dooly county, was in Americus Friday, and paid our office a short visit. While talking, lie pulled out a handful of fine ]>ecan nut.s and laid them on the table. Upon inquiry, we found be had a fine pecan tree on his place, from which Uo had already sold over SSO worth of nuts, and had raise 1 quite a crop of cotton under the tree. He still lias nuts to sell, and a number of small jiecan trees. In a few years the pecan tree industry promises to be quite large in So sb west Georgia, as many farmers are putting out small trees, for the demand for the nuts can never be filled, and there is a big profit in thorn. Washington Chronicle: We have in our possession the books of A. P. Bignor show lnß''’bat he made off one and a quarter acres kn thirteen consecutive years. Mr. Bignon’s garden was near Augusta, and tho results therefrom are astonishing. They fairly take away the breath of a cotton farmer. These books are neatly and accurately kept (astlio grand jury would say) and show all dis ursements and receipts. If he sold a bunch of rye he credited his farm with that much. The record runs from 1850 to 1811. inclusive. The first year he only made s'.> 50. Ohe year as high as $3,877 45, but this was in war time. The total receipts for thirteen years was $36,915 63. With the exception of 1863 the last years averaged I wit ter than the first. The Ordinary of Laurens county, on tho petition of over 1,000 voters, has ordered an election on Deo. 21 for the issuing of bonds for the purpose of building a substantial iron bridge across the Oconee river at Dub lin. The opnds are to bo fifteen in number, for SI,OOO each, with interest not to exceed 7 per cent., and the first bond is to mature on Jan. 1, twenty years after date; and one bond to mature on the first of every suc ceeding year until all are paid. There will have to be secured two-thirds as many votes as were polltxl at the last election for mem bers of the General Assembly, and as the vote then was very heavy, representing the total voting capacity of the county, strenu ous efforts will bo necessary to secure the requisite number. 1 .afayette Messenger: G. W. Ransom, well known in our county, was brought in from Chattanooga Tuesday by James Os burn. He is charged with the rajM* (Oct. 26) of Elvira Estep, an 8-year-old child living near the T. G. McFarland Gap. The war rant under which he was arrested was sworn out by the girl’s mother, and issued by J. M. McFarland, Notary Public. He was jailed in Chattanooga and delivered up to James Osburn, under a requisition from Gov. Gordon, dated Nov. 18. After being brought to Georgia the committing papers were issued by Squire Greenwood. The trial is set for Thursday, nt Dry Valley court ground. The defendant pleads not guilty, and we trust that he will be able to prove his innocence of the charge. Near Newnan Friday night an almost fatal shooting scrape occurred at 11 o’clock be tween B. Edmondson and Ad. Beavers. Both are white and married men. Beavers shot at Edmondson five times, three balls taking effect, two in his left arm and the other in his side a few inches below his heart. Ed mondson is a blacksmith of Newnan and Beavers a farmer living a few miles below there. It seems that both were drinking heavily, and while in this state went to the house of a friend, who began drinking with them, and while there the nieii became in volved in a quarrel, whicn as above and will probably end in the death oi Ed mondson. They were on the best of terms before going to the house. Bearers has left for parts unknown, and up to date nothing lias beejy heard from him. C’oJliinbus Enquirer: Mrs. C. H. Dudley wt in the city Thursday en route to the .-Ledside of her husband, at Seale. Mr. Dud ley fell from a house in Seale during the fire Thursday morning, about I o’clock. At the time Mrs. Dudley was at the home of her sister, at Upotole, Ga., about 40 miles from Seale. Mrs. Dudley informed a friend that she was very restless Thurs day night. She awoke some time between 12 and 1 o'clock, and iniagined she heard excited men talking. Like a panorama the hotel at Seale loomed up before her, and she could see coatless forms hurrying to and fro. Someone told her that they were dancing, but she thought it was very strange that they should be running about the hotel without their coats and betray so much ex citement over a dance. The scene came up before her so vividly that sleep was ban ished from her eyes for the night. She thought that her husband was in danger and siie far away and unable to help him. Mrs. Dudley is a Christian lady, and at day break she knelt at her bedside and prayed that God might spare her husband and allow her to see him again in life. While at breakfast the telegram came bringing the news of the accident and confirming her fears. Probably the largest damage suit ever brought in Augusta was filed Saturday in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court. The suit in question is brought by the Au gusta and Chattanooga Railroad Company against Messrs. W. B. Ijowo & Cos., con tractors, and is for s.'{oo,ooo damages. The biil alleges that the damage consists in this, that they had $75,000 in conditional sub scriptions in the upper counties on the line, in which counties they were compelled to have commenced work before any of that amount could bo collected, and they claim that W. B. Lowe & Cos. agreed to locate a camp in each of the counties in order to allow the road to collect the subscriptions. This they failed to do, after the engineering corps had gone over and staked off a lino at a cost of $5,000. It then alleges that with out notice the contractors removed the con victs on Nov. 11, to suspend, having graded only fifteen miles, when they agreed to grade 275, and further claim that the con victs were taken off to move to a more profitable job. By reason of this suspen sion the road claims to have been damaged to the amount of $300,000. Messrs. W. B. Lowe & Cos. deny it all, and claim that it is only a bluff to force them into compromise, and their (VV. B. L. & Co.’s) claim of $300,- 000 against the road is just and they expect to get it. A recent number of the New York Tribune contains the following announce ment, which will be of interest to Geor gians: “Mr. M. P. Higgins, Superintendent of tho Polytechnic Institute, of Worcester, Mass., is going South on a year’s leave of absence to establish a big machine shop Slid foundry for the Georgia Technological School at Atlanta.” At Atlanta Thursday S. M. Inman, of tho Technological Commis sion, was asked ooneeruing Mr. Higgins and his prospective work here. In reply, Mr. Inman said: “Weare glad that Mr. Higgins is coming to Atlanta. He is the head and fi-ont of mechanical instruction of the United States. To him, more than to any other man, is duo the wonderful success of the Polytechnic Institute at Worcester, Mass. Mr. Higgins had many applications to go elsewhere, hut would only consent to come to Atlanta. Under his organization and method of instruction the commis sioners of the School of Techtfology feel that success is assured. The commission is quietly and wisely laying plans in other directions to secure additional memliers of the faculty, men of the highest reputation and fitness. They feel more hopeful of thorough success than ever before.” To the question as to progress in the buildings, Mr. Inman re plied: “One of the buildings will be ready on Jan. 1, and is already beginning to stand out In magnificent proportions in the western portion of the city. The founda tions for another large building have been laid, and the superstructure will lx* ereotod next spring. North avenue will be thor oughly ojietied from Peachtree to Mnrietta street, and we have assurances that a street car line will be extended along the whole of the street. The lot on which the school buildings stand has been beautifully graded, and it is woll adapted for the pur poses intended. On the whole, the State is to be complimented on tho progress being made with the school. It is safe to say that no enterprise undertaken in Atlanta will accomplish more good or be of greater honor to tho city.” FLORIDA. Key West cigars are still going to Cali fornia in large quantities. Tho foundation for Strills new brick build ing on Centre street, Fernaudino, has been laid. A number of new cars l’or the street rail way at Key West aro expected soon from New York. Work on tho jetties at Femandiua has beou suspended, owing to the appropriation boiug exhausted. At Fernandina Judge Baker, of the County Court, has paid out $9 for wild cat skins during the past week. Thirteen million five hundred and ninety eight thousand feet of lumber were shipped from Fernandina during the month of N >- vemlar. Tfio frame of George E. Chase’s new dwelling, corner of Beech and Davidson streets, Fernandina, was blown down by the heavy wiud of last Tuesday. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1887. At Seville, Saturday, John Way and A. J Odum, both colored, quarrelled fiver $1 45. Odum shot at Way twice without effect. Way cut Odum soveral tunes. The Bt. Nicholas Hotel, Gainesville, W. T. Jackson, proprietor, is a now brick structure, r.cwly furnished, central!) lo cated, first-class in all its appointments, and has a capacity for 100 guests. It open* to-day. Tho new freight schedule of the South Florida railroad makes the rate on oranges 2c. per box higher, and an advance of 3c. tier barrel on flour. Grain and hay in car loads lc. per hundred weight higher than formor prices. The new firm of C. E. Pontier & Cos., formerly of Tampa, now of Orlando, deal ers in hides, furs ami wools, report business in their line as looking up, and if the en couragements hold out will make Orlando their headquarters instead of Tampa. A large congregation assembled at the Baptist church at Brooksville Thauksgiviug evening to witness the “marriage in high life," which was reported take place On that day, but the bride and groom did not put in an appearance. It was postponed until Monday evening. Dr. John Wescott is in daily expectation of the arrival at St. Augustine of the ofii cers and stockholders in the Coast Canal Company from Washington. On their ar rival at St. Augustine they will be tuken on a tour of inspection along the route of the canal ns far as Lake Worth. Over fifty telephones have been put in at St. Augustine by the telephone company, and a large number of others will soon be in operation. Anew switchboard and a large number of telephones arrived this afternoon. The next thing contemplated is connection by telephone with Jackson ville. There was a serious shooting affray among some negroes in a house of ill repute at Kissimmee Thursday night., in which three of the participants received bullet wounds. < )no of the wounded, Doc Jones, was brought into Orlandq Saturday and the doctors think he will die. The parties in the affray all reside in Orlando. One of them was arrested and lodged in jail at Kissimmee, while another made his escape. John F. Hooper, a colored man from At lanta. Ga., was shot and mortally wounded Saturday night, Nov. 26, by Charles Tyre, also colored, at the latter’s house, in Fort Mvers. Hooper was supposed to be inti mate with Tyre’s wife. Dr. L. C. Wash burn heid a Coroner's inquest on Nov. 28, and a verdict in accordance was rendered by the jury. The preliminary examination was held before Robert Cranford, County Judge, and Tyre was committed to jail to answer at the next term of the Circuit Court. An important sale is about to be consum mated in St. Augustine by which the Cath olic church wifi secure a valuable piece of property. A. J. Alexander, the Kentucky stock raiser, who owns a fine residence and grounds on the corner of Bridge and St. George streets, arrived Friday, and will probably in a few days complete the sale of his property, which adjoins the convent of , the Sisters of St. Joseph. Mr. Alexander, who has for many years boen a winter resi dent of this city, will probably make this his last winter in Florida One of the prominent institutions in St. Augustine, and what has more than any thing else contributed to tho general enjoy ment of the winter visitors is the St. Augustine Yacht Club. The club has lately been greatly cramped for room, and has been looking for more commodious quar ters. v lt has now on band the sutn of S2OOOO with which to purchase buildings suitable for a club house. The most conveniently located place obtainable is the Edgar pro perty ami without doubt they will soon own this property. Daniel Edgar, in company with Capt. A. V. 11. Leroy, arrived Friday, and is at present stopping at the Magnolia Hotel. The early appearance of these gen tlemen, who are both regular visitors and members of the yacht club, is supposed to be in connection with the sale of the Edgar property. The sum of $25,000 is asked for it. Last Friday, while loading the schooner Lily White, at Punta Rassa, with cattle for the Key West market, a man was badly in jured by a bull. The cattle are eorraled in a large pen which is connected by a shuteor driveway to the vessel, and the cattlo are run in in bunches of ten or more. It was while assisting one of these “drives” tiiat John Watkins, mate of the ves sel, was charged on by a vifcious bull. The men assisting saw his danger and called to him, but he did not see or realize Ins danger until the animal was within a few feet of him. He reached uo and at tempted to draw himself out of the corral, by catching on the overhead fixtures, but he was too late. The bull caught him and threw him, and took another hold on him while he had Watkins down. Dr. T. E. Langford called to th ■ men to catch Wat kins, but they were a little too late, and he was again thrown. Then the hull settled down and got another hold on him and as Watkins was tossed up, the men grabbed him and pulled him over the pen, dislocat ing one of his shoulders. Watkins was hooked across the at>domen, but fortunately not deep enough to do serious injury. Dr. Langford states that Watkins, though bad ly hurt, is not dangerously so, and was sent to Key West on the schooner. Dr. Harris, of Key West, was at Punta Rassa, and at tended to the man’s injuries. Malaria. Darbys Phrophylactic Fluid is held in wide esteem as a specific and preventive. In it we have the means of rendering the air and water wholesome. “Darbys Fluid is a good defecator and de stroyer of miasmatic matter.—J. C. Booth, Chemist U. 8. Mint, Philadelphia” “It should lie used everywhere where im pure gases are generated from decociposing matter.”—Holmes Steel, M. D., Savau nail, Ga SADDLERY, ETC. McGLASHAN SADDLERY 10. 187 BROUGHTON ST., UNDER TURNER HALL, MANUFACTURERS A DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP Sailery, Harness, Wiijs, HORSE CLOTHING, ETC. A FULL LINE OF Scotch, Irish and Concord Team Collars. We will duplicate any Northern or Western bill of hand-made Harness, and warrant satis faction. Trunks Covered, Harness and Saddles Repaired, and fliwt rate workmanship guaran teed. Come anil see us and give us a trial. FOOD PRODUCTS. west ®j Ills. 'yyTE arft making an extra quality of GRITS and MEAI., and can recommend It to the trade as superior to any in this market. Would be pleased to give special prices on application. We have on band a choice lot of EMPTY SACKS, which we aro selling cheap. BOND, HAYNES & ELTON 150 It SALE. Old Newspapers, just the thing for wrappers, only 15 cents a hundred, 200 for 25 gents, at the business office. FURNISHING GOOfiS. LOOK OLT FOR 0! IIOVEMNG WK WILL OPEN Onr Cfiristms lions NEXT WEEK, And display a nice assortment nf articles, such as are needed by gentlemen.' Dressing Cases, Cuff and CollAf Boxes, Shaving Bets, ('ord Boxes, Games and Counters. Traveling Cases, Fine Poeketlmoks. l’lush and Leather Dressing and Traveling Companions. Elegant, Embroidered Suspenders, Beautiful Silk Mufflers, H. S. Linen Handker chiefs with any Initial. Solid Silver and Gold Headed Canes, and Gloria Cloth and Silk Umbrellas, all sizes. Gentlemen’s Smoking Jackets and Dressing Gowns, Elegant Scarfs and Pins, Fur Rugs and Buggy Robes. DUNLAP’S AND OTHER FINE HATS ALWAYS ON HAND . AT LaFAR’S, Earl & Wilson Collars $2 Per Dozen, 20 CENTS APIECE Store For Kent and Fixtures For Sale. OF MEN'S WEAR must be sold at and t ’ below cO't. I mean business, can assure von; no humbug. Will sell stock in bulk if buyers will call. BELSINGER’S, 124 Whitaker Street. QUI MON PU M PK IN. PUMPKIN PIE 120 Doispn 3-Pound QUINTON PUMPKIN. Can be used for a Vegetable as well as for Pies. A. M. & C. W. WEST. ' GROCERIES. GEO.WTI EDEMAN, WHOLESALE Grocer, Provision Dealer & Confn Merchant, NO. 161 BAY ST., SAVANNAH, GA. O. nAVIS. M. A. DAVIS. Gr. DAVIS & SON, (Successors to Graham a Hobbell) WHOLESALE GEROCERS, Provisions, Grain and. Kay, 181 and 18$ Bay St,, cor. Jefferson, SAVANNAH, GA. __ Jas. E. Grady. Jtto. C. DeLettre. Jas. E. Grady, Jr. GRADY, DeLETTRE & CO, Successors to Holcombe. Grady & Cos., ’WHOLESALE GROCERS, and dealers in VV PROVISIONS, CORN, HAY, FEED, Etc. Old Stand, corner Bay and Abercom streets, SAVANNAH. GA. HAVE JUST RECEIVED Prunes, Evaporated Apples, Maca roni, Jellies, Mincemeat, Ci der and Firecrackers. C. M. GILBERT & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. W. W. GORDON. F. D. BLOODWORTH. BEIRNE GORDON. W. W. GORDON & 00, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cotton, Rice, Naval Stores, 112 BAY STREET, - - SAVANNAH, GA. JOHN X. GARNETT. THOMAS F. STUBBS. WM. S.TISON. Garnett, Stubbs & Cos., COTTON FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, 9-1 BAY ST., SAVANNAH, GA. Liberal advances made oa consignments of cotton. BROKERS. XTiT hartrldge., SECURITY BROKER. BUYS AND SELLS on commission all classes of Stock* and Bonds. Negotiates loans on marketable securities. New York quotations furnished by private ticker every fifteen minutes. WM. T. WILLIAMS. W. GUMMING. W. T. WILLIAMS & CO., Bx’ollsiex’s- ORDERS EXECUTED on the New York. Chi cago and Liverpool Exchanges. Private direct wire to our office. Constant quotations fzom Chicago and New York. COTTON EXCHANGE. HOTELS. PULASKI HOUSE, - Savannah, Ga, Under New Management, HAVING entirely refitted, refurnished and made such extensive alterations and re pairs, wo can justly say that our friends and patrons will find TIIE PULASKI first class in every respect. The cuisine and service will tie of the highest character. WATSON & POWERS, Proprietors, formerly of Charleston Hotel. NEW HOTEL TOGNI, (Formerly St. Mark’s.* Newnan Street, near Bay, Jacksonville, Fla WINTER AND SUMMER. r PH H MOST central House in the city. Near A Post Office, Street Cars and all Ferries. New and Elegant Furniture. Electric Bells, Baths, Etc. $2 50 to $3 per day, JOHN B. TOGNI, Proprietor. CROCK ERY , ETC. GEO. W. ALLEN, IMPORTER OF CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE, Nos. 185 and IBS's, Broughton Street, SAVANNAH - GEORGIA. ESTABLISHED l&Vt M. M. SULLIVAN, Wholesale Fish anil Oyster Dealer, 150 Brvsn st. and 152 Bay lane, Savannah. Ga. Fish orders for Cedar Keys received here have t Tom a: aUcuLcu. GROUND RENTS. " ARREARS FOR GROUND RENT. City Treasi'rfrs Ofkics, i. Savannah, Ga., Deo. 1, 1887. I T*HK following Lots are in arrears to the city 1 for ground rents, of which lessor's are hereby notified. C. S. HARDEE, City Treasurer. BROWN WARD. West one half lot No. 15, two quarters; lot No. 42, two quarto; a; lot No. 43, two quarters; f ractlon lot No. 65, two quarters; lot No. 66, two quarters, CALHOUN WARD. Lot No. 0, two quarters; east two-thirds lot No. —. two quarters; lot No. 34 two quarters; ot No. 43, two quarters; west one third lot No. 7, two quarters. CHARLTON WARD. Lot No. 1, tw o quarters; lot No. 2, two quar ters; lot No. 5, two quarters;_ lot No. 7, two quarters; south one-half lot No. 14, twenty-si c quarters; lot No. IH, two quarters; lot No. 19, two quarters; south ore-half let N’o. 23, twenty six quarters; lot No. 33, four quarters; lot No. 36, six quarters. CHATHAM WARP. Lot No. V, two quarters; lot No. 8, two quar ters; west one-third lot No. 12, two quarters; lot No. 17, i igiit quarters; lot No. 21, two quar ters; west one-half of east ono-half lot No. 20, two quarters. COLUMBIA WARD. Lot No. 10, two quarters; lot No. .36. four quar ters; part lots Nos. 20 and 30, two quarters. CRAWFORD WARD. North one-half lot No. 21. four quarters; lot No. 20, four quarters; lot No. 83, four quarters; lot No. 81, four quarters; lot No. 35, four quar ters; north one-half lot No. 37, two quarters. CRAWFORD WARD, EAST. Dot No. 16, two quarters; one-half of south west part lot No. f, four quarters; portion lot No. 15, two quarters. DECKER WARD. Wharf lot No. 3, two quarters. ELBERT WARD. Lot No. 6. two quarters; lot No. 7, twenty-two quarters; lot No. H, four quarters; lot No. 10, two quarters; lot No. 13, two quarters; lot No. 15, two quartets; lot Ne. 16, two quarters; lot No. 21, two quarters; lot No. 22, two quarters; lot No. 27, two quarters; south one-half lot No. 30, two quarters; south one-half lot No. 40, two quarters. FORSYTH WARD. West four-fifths lot No. 15, two quarters; west four-fifths lot No. 16, two quarters; lot No. 18, tour quarters: lot No. 20, two quarters: lot No. 21, two quarters; lot No. 55, two quarters; lot No. 58, four quarters. FRANKLIN WARD. Ix>t No. 5, two quarters: lot No. 25, two quar ters; west one-half lot No. 39, two quarters. NEW FRANKLIN WARD. North part lot No. 7, two quarters; south part lot No. 7, two quarters; lot No. 8, two quarters; west one-half lot No. 14, two quarters; lot No. 17, two quarters. GREENE WARD. North one-half lot No. 16, two quarters; lot No. 20, four quarters; lot No. 30, four quarters; south one half lot No. 40, four quarters; lot No. 4, two quarters. JACKSON WARD. West one-half lot No. 7, four quarters; north one lmlfwot No. 24, two quarters: west one-half lot No. 37, two quarters; west one-half lot No. 40, two quarters; east one-half lot No. 41, two quarters; lot No. 46. ten quarters; vest one third of north two-thirds lot No. 32, two quar ters. LAFAYETTE WARD. East two-thirds lot No. 40, two quarters; lot No. 44, eight quarters. LIBERTY WARD. Lot No. 1, two quarters; lot No. 4, four quar ters: lot No. 8, four quarters; lot No. 9, four quarters; lot No. 10, four quarters; southeast fraction lot No, 24, two quarters. LLOYD WARD. Lot No. 20, two quarters; east one half lot No 62, twenty quarters; north part lot No. 58, six quarters. MONTEREY WARD. East one-half lot No. 18, two quarters; lot No. 44, two quarters; lot No. 45, two quarters. PULASKI WARD. Lot No. 5. two quarters; lot No. 6, four quar ters; lot No. 9, two quarters; lot No. 23, two quartets; west part lot No. 81, two quarters; lot No. 37, two quarters. TROUP WARD. Northeast part lot No. 5, two quarters; east one half lot No. 13, two quarters; west one-half lot No. 14, twelve quarters; lot No. 17, four quar ters; lot No. 31, two quarters; southeast one quarter lot No. 37, two quarters; lot No. 38, two quarters ; lot No. 40, eight qua; ters. WARREN WARD. Lot No. 12, two quarters; lot No. 17. two quar ters; lot No. 18, two quarters; lot No. 22, two quarters. WASHINGTON WARD. Lot No. 5, two quarters; west one half lot No. 7, four quarters; east one-half lot No. 7, two quarters; south two-thirds lot No. 9, four quar ters; lot No. 12. two quarters; lot NO. 13, two quarters; lot No. 14, two quarters; northwest one-quarter lot No. 19, eight quarters; west one half lot No. 35, two quarters. WESLEY WARD. Lot No. 1, two quarters; lot No. 2, two quar ters; lot No. 4, two quarters; east one-half lot No. 10, two quarters; lot No. 12, two quarters; lot No. 15, ten quarters, SPRINGFIELD WARD. Lot No. 42, two quarters; lot No. 44, two quar ters; lot No. 55, two quarters; lot No. 56, two quarters; lot No. 68, two quarters; lot No. 69, two quarters. All persons having interest in the above Lots are hereby notified that if the amounts now due are not paid to the City Treasurer on or before tho TWELFTH INSTANT 1 will, on the morning of the THIRTEENTH INSTANT, pro ceed to re enter according to law. R. ,T. WADE, City Marshal, REAL ESTATE. W. J. MARSHALL. H. A. M’I.EOD. MARSHALL & McLEOD, Auction and General Commission Merchants, —DEALERS IN— Rea! Estate and Stocks and Bonds 116V6 Broughton Street, Savannah, Ga. ATTENTION GIVEN TO RENTING OF HOUSES AND COLLECTING RENTS. BANKS. KI SSI MM E E C ITy'b AN K, Kissimmee City, Orange County, Fla. CAPITAL - - - $50,000 TRANSACT a regular banklngbusiness. Give particular attention to Florida collections. Correspondence solicited. Issue Exchange on New York, New Orleans, Savannah and Jack sonville, Fla. Resident Agents for Coutts A Cos. and Melville, Evans & Cos., of London, England. New York correspondent; The Seaboard National Bank. SUBURBAN RAILWAYS. City and SuMan Railway. Savannah, Ga., Nov. 5, 1887. ON and after MONDAY, November 7, the following schedule will be run on the Out side Line; LEAVE i AttttlVE j LEAVE ISLE LEAVE CITY. j CITY. |OF HOPE. MONTGOMERY 10:25 a. m.| 8:40 a. m. j 8:15 a. m. j 7:50a. m. *77:00 p.m. | 2:00 p. m. | 1:30 p. m. I 1:00 p. m Every Monday morning there will be a train for Montgomery at 7:00 a. m. Saturday and Sunday’s trains will be rim leaving city at 3:25 p. in., and returning leave Montgomery at 5:00 p. m. and Isle of Hope at 5:30 p. m. '‘This train will be omitted Sundays. tOn Saturdays this train leaves city at 7:30 p. m. J. H. JOHNSTON, President, Coast Line Railroad. Suburban Schedule. CATHEDRAL CEMETERY, BONAVENTURE AND THUNDERBOLT. Tho following schedule will be observed on and after MONDAY, Oct. 3, 1887, week days. (See special schedule for Sunday.) Leave Savannah (city time), 7:10, 10:35, a. m , 3:00, 4:00, *6:,’15 p. m. Leave Thunderbolt, 5:50, 8:00 A. m., 12:20, 4:00, t5:40 P. M. I-cave Bonavcnture, 6:00. 8:10 a. m„ 12:30,4:10, 5:50 p. m. ‘Sntmday night last car leaves city 7:15, in Mead of 6:35 tLast car leaves Thunderbolt 5:40, instead ot 6:20, as formerly. Take Broughton street cars 25 minutes before departure of Suburban trains. w L. COBB, bugw SHIPPING. OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY FOR New York, Boston and Philadelphia. PASSAGE TO NEW YORK. CABIN S2O 00 EXCURSION 32 00 STEERAGE 10 0 PASSAGE TO BOSTON. CABIN S2O 00 EXCURSION , 32 00 STEERAGE 10 00 FASSAGE TO PHILADELPHIA. (via New York). CABIN $22 50 EXCURSION 30 00 STEERAGE 12 50 THE magnificent, steamships of these lines are appointed to sad as follows—standard time; TO NEW YORK. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. J. W. Catharine, TUESDAY. Dec. 6, at 9:30 A. m. TALLAHASSEE. Capt. W. H. Fisher, FRI DAY, Dec. 9, at 1:30 p. m. CHATTAHOOCHEE. Capt. H. C. Daggett, SUNDAY, Dec. 11, at 2:30 p. M. NACOOCHEE, Capt. F. Kempton, TUESDAY, Dec. 13, at 4:30 p. m. TO BOSTON. CITY OF MACON, Capt. H. C. Lewis, THURS DAY, Dec. 8, at 11:30 A. a. GATE CITY. Capt. E. R. Taylor, THURSDAY, Dec. 15, at 6 p. a. TO PHILADELPHIA. [FOB FREIGHT ONLY.] JUNIATA, Capt. S. L. Askins, TUESDAY, Dec. 6, at 9 a. u. DESSOUG, Capt. N. F. Howes, SUNDAY, Dec. 11. at 2:30 p. M. Through bills of lading given to Eastern and Northwestern points and to ports of the United Kingdom and the Continent. For freight or passage apply to C. G. ANDERSON, Agent, City Exchange Building. Merchants’ and .Miners’ Transportation Com’y. ITor Baltimore. CABIN sl2 50 SECOND CABIN 10 00 THE STEAMSHIPS of this Company are ap pointed to sail from Savannah for Balti more as follows—city time; GEO. APrOLD, Capt. Fields, FRIDAY, Dec. 9, at 2 p. h. WM. CRANE, Capt. Billups, TUESDAY, Dec. 13, at 7 A. u. WM. LAWRENCE, Capt. Snow, FRIDAY, Dec. 16, at 8 a. m. GEO. APPOLD, Capt. 'Fields, TUESDAY, Dec. 20. at 10 a. m. And from Baltimore every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 3 p. m. Through bills lading given to all points West, all the manufacturing towns in Now England, and to ports of the United Kingdom and tho Continent. JAS. B. WEST & CO., Agents, 114 Bay street. SEA ISL AN D ROUTE. STEAMER ST. NICHOLAS, Capt. M. P. USINA. Commencing Monday, Oct. 31, win leave / Savannah rroin wharf foot of Lincoln street for DOBOY. DAKIEN. BRUNSWICK and FERNANDINA, every MONDAY and THURSDAY at 4 p m., 'city time, con necting at Savannah with New York. Philadel phia, Boston and Baltimore steamers, at Fer nandina with rail for Jacksonville and all points in Florida, and at Brunswick with steamer for Satilla river. Freight received till 3:80 p. m. on days of sail tng. Tickets on wharf and boat. C. WILLIAMS, Agent. PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE. Tampa, Key "West, Havana. BKMI-WEEKLY. SOUTH-BOUND. Lv Tampa Monday and Thursday 9:30 p. m. Ar Key West Tuesday and Friday 4 p. m. Ar Havana Wednesday and Saturday 6 a. in. NORTHBOUND. Lv Havana Wednesday and Saturday noon. Lv Key West Wednesday and Saturday 10 p.m. Ar Tampa Thursday and Sunday 6 p. m. Connecting at Tampa with West India Fast Train to anu from Northern and Eastern cities. For stateroom accommodations apply to City Tic ket Office S., F. & W. R’y, Jacksonville, or Agent Plant Steamship [jne, Tampa. O. D. OWENS, Traffic Manager. H. S. HAINES, General Manager. May 1, 1887. For Augusta and Way Landings. STEA ME R KA f T IE. ( APT. J. S. BEVILL, \U r ILL leave EVERY WEDNESDAY at 10 v * o'clock a. m. (city time) for Augusta and way landings. All freights payable by sJUppors. JOHN LAWTON, Manager. Niederlandisch-Amerikanische Damp fschiff-fahrts-Geselischaft. Koeniglich - Nisderlaendische Post, Billige Route nach und von Deutschland. Postdampfer aegein von New York und Holland jeden Sonnabend. 1. Cajuete (einzeiue Fahrt) $42 I Esteurbillets SBO 2. ’’ “ “ 521 “ oo BWTSCUENDKOK 10 don biliigsten Freisco. GEN. AGENTUR: 25 South William street, Now York. GEN. PASS AGENTUR: 18 and 20 Broadway, New York. AGKNTEN:—At Savannah, Ga.—JOSEPH COHEN & CO., and M. S. COjSULICH & CO. _______ ELECT Hit; BELT’S. SThis Belt or Regenera tor is made expressly for the cure of derange ments of the generative organs. A continuous stream of Electricity permeating thro’ the parts must restore them to healthy action. Do not confound this with Electric Belts ad • u-r. yertlscri to cure all ills; IttefortbeoNK specific purpose. For full in formation address CHEEVER ELECTRIC BELT (JO /'.isituiirioc bt„ Ohicogo lit RAILROADS. S 6 I-I ED U L K CENTRAL RAILROAD. Q„ Savannah. Oa.. Oct. 16, issr N and after fhi* date I'assenger Trains will run daily unless marked t, which oredailv except Sunday. ■' The standard time, by which these trains run. Is 36 minutes slower than Savannah city time: T No. 1. No. 8i No 7 ' Lv Savannah..7:loam 8:30pm... 5.46 Ar Guyton 8.07 am 9:4oam lj:08pm "l!:": Bip2 Ar Augusta.. 11 MB am 6:45 am ... p a Ar Macon 1:40 pm 8:20 am . . ' Ar Atlanta s:4opra 7:15am... ' Ar Columbus. .9:85 pm 8:55 pm ' Ar Montg’ry. .7:25am 7:lBpm .!! * Ar Eufanla.. 4:87 am 4:10 pm . " * Ar Albany .11:01 pm 2:55 pm Train No. 9t leaves Savannah 2:00 p. m. - arf rives Guyton 3:55 p. m. ” w FWngerefor Sylvanla, lVrlghtsvlUe, Mil. JedgevUto andLatonton should take 7:10 a m train. ra-ssengers for Thomaston, Carrollton, Perrv Fort Gaines, Talbotton, Buena Vista, feiaMi and Clayton should take the 8:30 p. m. train * r . No. 3. No. 4. No~i'* Lv Augusta. 13:i0pin 9:10 pm Lv Macon. ..10:35am ll:(IOpm .... * Lv Atlanta.. 6:soam 7:15 pm * LvColutnbus 10:30 pra 13: !5 pm .... * Lv.Montgry. 7:35 ppi 7:4oam \ Lvhufaula.. 10:18pm 10:47am JA Albany.. 4:45 am 11:5.5am I.v Mille.n ... 3:38 pm B:3oam 5:66am Lv Guyton.. 4:08 pm 6:07 am 6:58 ant Ar Savannah 6:00 pm 6:15 am 8:00 am Train No. lot leaves Guyton 8:10 p. m.: arrive. Savannah 4:35 p. m. ITO * Sleeping care on all night trains between 3a, vanuah. Augusta, Macon and Atlanta, also Ma, con ana Columbus. Train No. 3, leaving Savannah at 8:30 n. m wi 1 stop regularly at Guyton, but at no othei andMlllen 10/1 passonKßra Savanna* Traill No 4 will stop on signal at stations be tween Millen and Savannah to take on passer*, gera tor Savannah passei* Connections at Savannah with Savannah FloHdit aUd Western Laiiway for all point" nj Tickets for all points and sleeping car berth, on sale at City Office, No. 30 Bull street n I Depot Office 30 minutes before departure'o* each train. 05 J - & ? H A W ' E - T - CHARLTON Ticket Agent. Gen. Pass. Agent. Savannah, Florida & Western Railway! [All trains on this road are nm by Central Standard Time,] r riME CARD IN EFFECT NOV 13. as trains °“ th “ road run dafl* WEST INDIA FAST MAIL. READ DOWN. ™ la-sn a m Savannah Ar 12.23 pm P m Lv Jacksonville Lv 7'3oam 4:fopmLv Sanford Alv UliaS o.lopm Ar Tampa Lv 8:10*3 PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE. Tbum ay .pm(- Lv... Tampa..,. Ar ■jg^ ns ' n * Frid^. y p a mi Ar.-KeyWest-.Lv ‘£3 Ar.. .Havana.. .Lv "ei^ Pullman buffet cars to and from New York and Tain pa. * NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS. 7:06 am Lv Savannah Ar 7:58 pn B ; 4.amLv .Jesup Ar 6:16 pm 9.50 am Ar Waycrosg. Lv 6:06 p m a m A- Callahan Lt 2:42pm 12.00 noon A r Jacksonville Lv 2; 00 p m < :30 am Lv Jacksonville Ar 7:45 pm J2:i2 am V v Wavcross. Ar 4:40 pn* 12.04 p m Lv Valdosta Lv 2:56 p m 1..84 p m Lv. Quitman Lv 2:28 p m 1:22 pm Ar Thomas villa Lv 1:45 pm 3:80 p m Ar Bainbridge Lv 11:25 a m 4-04,pm Ar —ChattahoocheeTrTTLv 11:80 am Pullman buffet oars to and from Jacksonville and New York, to and from Jacksonville sad New Orleans via Pensacola. EAST FLORIDA EXPRESS. 1:30 pm Lv Savannah. Ar 12:23 p m P m Jesup Lv 10:54a m P r OSB. Lv 9:58 a m 7:45 pm Ar Jacksonville Lv 7:30 am 4: . 15 P 111 Lv _ Jacksonville Ar 9:45 a m a : iS pm Way cross. Ar~edSsTTm 6.30 pm Ar .Dupont Lv 5:30a m 3:25 pm Lv 1 Ake City. .. .. Ar 10:45 a m 3:4.5 p m Lv Gainesville Ar 10:80a ra 6:55pm Lv IJve Oak Ar 7:loam P m Lv i ..Dupoiit.. Ar 5:25am 10:o5pm Ar Thomasville. ...Lv 3:25am m Ar. Albany Lv I:2sam “, man oars to and from Jacksonville and St. Louis via Thomasville. Albany, Mont* gomery and Nashville. ALBANY EXPRESS. 7:35 pmLv Savannah Ar 6:10m 10:05pm Lv..,, Jesup Lv 3:lßam a m Ar .Atlanta Lv 7:05 pra 12:40 a m Ar Waycross. Lv 12:10 am i : SS am Ar Jacksonville Lv 7:00 p m jjQOpniLv Jacksonville Ar 7:25 ara iM a m Lv Waycross.......Ar 11:30pm 2:30 am Ar Dupont Lv 10:10 pra UlO a m Ar Live Oak Lv 6:56 p m 10:30am Ar Gainesville Lv B:4spra 10:45am Ar Lake City Lv 3:2s~pra 2:55am Lv Dupont Ar 9:4spra 6:3oam Ar Thomasville Lv 7:oopm 11:40 a m Ar Albany Lv 4:00 p m Stops at all regular stations. Pullman sleeping cars to anu from Jacksonville and 3a* vannah. JESUP EXPRESS. 3:45 p m Lv Savannah Ar 8:80a m 6:lopniAr..,. Jesup... Lv s;2bauk Stops at all regular and flag stations. CONNECTIONS. At Savannah for Charleston at 6:45 am, (ar rive Augusta via Yemassee at 1:17 pm), 12:49 p m and 8:23 pm: for Augusta and Atlanta at <:!0 a m and 8:20 p m; with steamships for New York Sunday, Tuesday and Friday; fop Boston Thursday: for Baltimore every fifth day. At JESUP for Brunswick at 3:30 a m and 3:35 Pm; for Macon and Atlanta h:..0 a m and 11:07 p m. At WAYCROSSfor Brunswick at 10:00a rnand 5:05 p m. At CALLAHAN for Femandina at 2:47 pm{ for Waldo, Cedar Key, Ocala, etc ,at 11:27 a ra. * At Li V L OAK for Madison, Tallahassee, eto.. at 10:58 a m and 7:30 p m. At GAINESVILLE for Ocala, Tavares, Brooks ville and Tampa at 10:55 a m. At ALBANY for Atlanta, Macon, Montgom ery, Mobile. New Orleans, Nashville, etc. At CHATTAHOOCHEE for Pensacola, Mobile, New Orleans at 4:14 p m. Tickets sold and sleeping car berths secured at BREN’S Ticket Office, and at the Fassenge* Station. WM. P. HARDEE, Gen. Pass. Agent R. G. FLEMING Superintendent. Charleston & Savannah Railway Cos. CONNECTIONS made at Savannah withSv ' vannah, Florida and Western Railway. Trains leave and arrive at Savannah by stand ard time (90th meridian), which is 36 minute! slower than city time. NORTHWARD. No. 14* 66* 78* LvSav’h...l2:4Bpm 6:45a m B:23pin Ar Augusta I:lspm - Ar Beaufort 6:30 pm 10:1 am - Ar I*. Royal .3:4 . p in 10:80 a in - Ar Al’dale.. 7:40 p m 10:57am. - Ar Chasten 5:20 p in 11:40a m 1:25a m SOUTHWARD. 33* 35* 27* LvOha'ston 7:3oam 8:15 pm B:4sam Lv Augusta 9:46 a * LvAl’oale.. 6:lsam 12:12pm Lv P. Royal. 7:00 am 12:20 pm - Lv Beaufort 7:l2am 12:83 pm - Ar Sav'h.,.. 10:. ara 6:84 D m 6:41 a m *Daily between Savannah and Charleston. tSundays only. Train No. 78 makes no connection with Port Royal and Augusta Railway, and steps only at Kiugeland, Green Pond ana Ravenel. Train It stops only at Yemassee and Green Pond, and connects for Beaufort and Port Royal daily, and for Allendalo daily, except Sunday. Trains 3o and 66 connect from and for Beaufort and Pore Royal daily. „ lor tickets, sleeping car reservations andau other information apply to WM. BREN. Special Ticket Agent, 22 Bull street, and as Charleston and Savannah railway ticket ortlae, at Savannah, Florida and Western Railway depot. C. S. GADSDEN, Supt. Junk 6, 1887. i i —i ii *^ RIESLING’S NURSERY, White Bluff Road. PLANTS, BOUQUETS, DESIGNS, CUT FLOWERS furnished to order. Ixsave or ders at DAVIS Bltos.’, corner Bull and *e r <£ sue-ls. de:v r ><jue cfcU 2(v'<