The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, December 08, 1887, Image 1

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( ESTABLISHED 18(10. 1 1 J. H. KeTILL, Editor and Proprietor. I CARLISLE'S COMMITTEES. HE IS HARD AT WORK TRYING TO MAKE THEM STRONG. All the Members Invited to Call and Notify Him of Their Preferences— —The Men to Whom Some of the Chairmanships will Probably Fall- Senate Committees. Washington, Dee. 7. —Speaker Carlisle is hard at work on the House committees and the two caucus committees are hard at work on the Senate committees. The Speaker spent the day in his room at the Capitol listening to the request of members for places on the committees. He had an nounced quietly that he would be glad to know their preferences and that he would devote several days to receiving them. He has had cards prepared containing the names of members of the committees they prefer. When he has gotten them all filled he will arrange them as best he can. TO BK AS STRONG AS POSSIBLE. He proposes to have the committees as strong as possible and will, therefore, pick out the best men in every case, first meeting the individual preferences when he can, but ignoring even the rank held by a member on a committee last sessson, lie will not always promote the second man to the chairmanship, unless the chairman has failed of re-election. Certain chairmanships are pretty well understood to have been already assigned. Mr. Mills will go to the head of the Ways and Means. William L. Scott, who was said to have been selected for this chairmanship, said to-night that he would neither take that nor any other place on the Ways and Means Committee. He did not feel like undertaking that sort of work. RANDALL SECURE. Mr. Randal! will be chairman of the Com mittee on Appropriations, but the rest of that committee will be stronger than last session. Mr. Turner will be chairman of the Com mittee on Elections, Mr. Culberson of the Judiciary, Mr. Bland of the Coiimge, Weights and Measures, Mr. Blanchard of Rivers and Harbors, Mr. Hatch of Agri culture, Mr. Herbert of Naval Affairs, Mr. Blount of Post Offices, Mr. Scott of Bank ing and Currency, Mr. Springer of Terri tories, and Mr. Forney of Militia. Mr. Belmont will be chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Mr. Cox was talked of by the New York delegation in recommending this to the Speaker. ’ibis committee will also be strengthened, so that it will be more efficient than in the last Congress. Mr. Crisp, of Georgia, will probably take the Chairmanship of the Committee on Commerce; Mr. Clardy, of Missouri, of the Committee on Mining, and Mr. Oates, of Alabama, of the Committee on Public Bands William Walter Phelps will proba bly succeed Mr. Hiscoek on the Way3 and Means Committee. IN THE SENATE. In the Senate more difficulty is expe rienced than iu the House, because the se lections have to be made by two caucus committees by diplomacy. The managers hope, however, to place everybody within a day or two. The attempt of the Democrats to get large representation and additional chairmanships has failed. The contest is now between individuals for places on favorite committees. Messrs. Hiscoek and Farwell are trying for Warner Miller's place on the Finance Committee. Mr. Hiscoek as Mr. Miller’s successor in the Senate and as a member of the Ways and Means Committee in the last House will probably get it, and Mr. Farwell will go on the Committee on Appropriations in place of Mr. Logan, TELLER TO BE REWARDED. There is a vacancy on the Judiciary Com mitteo which is greatly covered, and which Mr. Teller, of Colorado, will probably get. He was to have had a place on that com mittee two veal’s ago, but stood aside to give Mr. Evarts the opportunity. He will no w receive his reward. Mr. Chandler will either get the chair manship of the Naval Affairs Committee, or that on the District of Columbia, prob ably the latter, since it is vacant and the other is held by Mr. Cameron, of Pennsyl vania. The other New England Senators will probably remain where they are. Mr. Cullom, of Illinois, will be on a special committee on interstate commerce, of which he would like to be chairman. ( It is probable that the Committee 011 Railroads will be charged with the inter state commerce question, but Mr. Sabin, of Minnesota, was chairman of that, and will probably want to remain. Mr. Reagan, of Texas, will go on this oounnittee. NATIONAL BANKS. Senator Farwell’s Proposed Substitute for Government Bonds. Washington, Dec. 7.— The principal fea ture of the bill for the perpetuation of the national banking system, which will be in troduced by Senator Farwell when the Son ate committees are formed, consists iu the substitution for United States bonds, as se curity for circulation, of State or municipal bonds, or any firet mortgage railroad bonds of the United States, upon which interest has been heretofore orompsly paid, and whose market or cash value is equal to or greater than their par value, bearing interest at a rate of not less than 4 per centum"per annum, and all the provisions of all hanking laws shall be applicable so far as may be to the bonds herein provided for iu the same manner as to United States registered bonds, provided that the Treasurer of the United States shall not receive such State or municipal bonds at more than 75 per centum of their par value, nor shall the Treasurer of the United States receive any such iirst mort gage. railroad bonds exceeding in total more than the amount of $500,000,000, nor shall he receive them at more than 50 per centum of their par value. GOVERNMENT FINANOE3. Figures From tho Statement of the Ap propriations Committees. Washington, Dec. 7.— Tho clerks of the Appropriations Committees of the two houses of Congress, have prepared a tabular statement, the footings of which make the following showing: The not increase in the estimates for the next fiscal year over those submitted for the current year, is $8,187,- 937 29. Tho net increase over the appro- Sriations for the current year is $23, 787,- >8 75. The total of the estimates for next year is $384,094,527 58. The astimated reve nues for 1889 aro $440,063,734 32. Faulkner to be Seated. Washington, Dec. 7.—Senator-elect Faulkner, of West Virginia, said to-night that be would be unanimously accorded tho seat from which he was temporarily ex cluded by Mr. Hoar’s objection ou Monday last. Tliere was at flint some difference of opinion in the Republican caucus, but it wus Anally determined to admit him without objection." §ob Jlflfmng CONGRESS OILING UP. The Law-Making Machinery Not Run ning Smooth Yet. Washington, Dec. 7. —In the Senate to day a letter from the Secretary of the In terior was laid before the Senate stating that an appropriation of $77,495 is required to complete the publication of the Anal re port on the census of 1880, four of the twen ty-two volumes being still unprinted. The communication was laid on the table. After the presentation of various other communications from heads of departments and the Court of Claims, Mr. Cullom re marked that the rule was when bills are in troduced before the committees are ap pointed to have such bills laid on ths table, and that created unnecessary work. He therefore moved that the Seftate adjourn, but he withdrew his motion temporarily to permit Mr. Plumb to offer a resolution call ing on the Commissioner of Agriculture for information as to whether any person in the employment of that department making ex periments as to the manufacture of sugar from sorghum, had obtained or applied for a patent or patents connected with such manufacture and growing out of such ex periment. The resolution was adopted. Mr. Farwell asked his colleague to with draw the motion so as to allow him to intro duce a bill to perpetuate the national bank system. Mr. Cullum declined, stating that he made the motion because he understood it to be the custom of the Senate not to receive bills until after the appointment of the committees. Mr. Harris thought there was great wis dom in the position taken by the Senator (Cullom). If the door was thrown open he would insist that there should be no restric tions on the right. He hoped the motion would prevail. Sir. Farwell thereupon withdrew his re quest and the motion was agreed to. The Senate, at 12:20 o’clock, adjourned. A CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE. Its Object to Unite thd Denominations in Fighting Sin. Washington, Dec. 7. —The General Christian Conference, under the auspices and direction of the Evangelical Alliance for the United States, of which William E. Dodge, of New York, is President, and Rev. Dr. Josiah Strong, of New York, is General Secretary, opened in this city this morning in the Congregational church, at the corner of Tenth and G streets, northwest. The conference met in response to a call issued by the alli ance several months ago and signer! by Presidents McCosh of Princeton College, Hopkins of Williams College, Anderson of Rochester University, Gilman of Johns Hopkins University, Dwight of Yale Col lege, Rev. Drs. Phillips Brooks of Boston, Cuvier and Storrs of Brooklyn. Ormiston and Howard Crosby of New York, and a large number of other eminent clergymen and laymen from all of the Evangelical de nominations in this country. OBJECT OF THE CONFERENCE. Tho stated object of tbo conference is to discuss measures upon which all these de nominations may be brought to unite to meet certain new and pressing emergencies wtiich have arisen in connection with the great increase of wealth, business, immigration, changed relations of labor and capital and the great and growing pei’centage of our population who are not church members or attendants. The Con gregational church, in which the confer ence met, and which is one of the largest in Washington, was completely filled when President Dodge called the meeting to order. Addresses were made by President Dodge, ex-President John Jay and Rev. Dr. An drews, of Washington. Rev. Dr. JJauiel Dorchester, of Boston, read a paper on “The City as a Peril,” which was discussed by a number of dele gates. Ex-Justice Strong, of the Supreme Court of the United States, presided at the after noon session, and Senator Colquitt, of Georgia, at the evening session. The delegates have been invited to visit the White House Friday. VIRGINIA’S LEGISLATURE. Gov- Lee’s Recommendations Relative to the State Debt. Richmond, Va., Dec. 7. —The General Assembly of Virginia met to-day at noon. Both houses organized by the election of officers in each body as selected by the Dem ocratic caucus. A joint committee waited on Gov. Lee and informed him that the Legislature was ready to receive any com munication he might wish to make. The Governor thereupon sent to both houses a message in writing, which was read. The message contains many important sugges tions and recommendations relative to State matters. In regard to the public debt, the Governor says that in view of the recent decision by the United States Supreme Court, declaring the act of May 12, 1887, constitutional and valid, and reversing the decision of United States Cir cuit Judge Bond in regard to the eleventh article of the Federal constitution, he rec ommends the pa&sage of a joint resolution suspending legal proceedings against those who have tendered coupons in payment of taxes, a- he was assured by authority that such action would decidedly benefit all parties concerned. He thought when the bondholders consider this decision they will be willing to accept such offer as the State can make, based upon the surplus revenue to lie applied to the payment of interest on the principal of what the State considers her just debt. IOWA’S BREWERIES. Two at Sioux City Yield to the Law and Go Out of Business. Sioux City, la., Dec. 7.—The Franz Brewing Company, of SioUx pity, closed its doors yesterday morning, and the Selzer brewery, following the example, shut down at noon. C. T. Hoyt, President of the Franz Company, and Mr. Selzer, proprietor of the Keizer breweiy, say that they are through with the business of manufacturing beer in lowa, and Mr. Hoyt says ho is through with the business altogether. The Federal questions involved in the prohibi tory law iiaving been decided against the brewers, the Sioux City brewers voluntarily withdrew from any further contest against the law. Athens on a Boom. Chattanooga, Tknn„ Dec. 7. Contracts were awarded to-day by the Athens Mining and Manufacturing Company for the erec tion of water works at Athens, Tenn., and also for the building of a $5,000 spindle cot ton mill, a $40,000 hotel, a SIOO,OOO furni ture factory and other industries. Work has already begun. Five hundred hands are now at work building a railroad from Athens to the Jellieo iron ore fields. Bucket Shops Raided. Philadelphia, Pa-, Dec. 7.—Five “bucket shop” stock exchanges were raided by the police to-day, and their owners ar rested and held to bail in SBOO, under the gambling act. Fourteen places were to be raided, but nine of thorn apparently got wind of what was iu store for them and closed up. SAVANNAH, GA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1887. BLAINE PLAYS AN ACE. HE PROBABLY THINKS IT WILL WIN A SOUTHERN STATE. Repeal of the Tax on Tobacco Favored in Opposition to the Reform in the Import Duties Advocated in the President’s Message—He Calls the Leaf a Necessity. New York, Dec. 7.—The Tribune's Paris correspondent cables to that paper a report giving the views of Hon. James G. Blaiiye on the President’s message. Mr. Blaine said to the Tribune's representative: “I have been reading an abstract of the Presi dent’s message and have been especially in terested in the comments of the London pa pers. These papers all assume to declare that the message is a free trade manifesto, and evidently are anticipating an enlarged market for English fabrics in the United States as a consequence of tho President’s recommendations. Perhaps that fact stamped the character of the message more clearly than any words of mine can.” “You don’t mean actual free trade with out duty!” queried the reporter. “No,” replied Mr. Blaine, “nor do the London papers mean that. They pimply mean that the President lias recommended what in the United States is known as a revenue tariff, rejecting the protective feature as an object, and not even per mitting protection to result freely as an in cident to revenue duty.” FAVORS REPEAL OF THE TOBACCO TAX. “I don’t know that I quite comprehend that last point,” said the reporter. “I mean,” sanl Mr. Blaine, “that for the first time in the history of the United States a President recommends retaining the in ternal tax in order that the tariff maybe forced down even below a fair revenue standard. He recommends that the tax on tobacco be retained, and thus that many millions annually shall be levied on a do mestic product which would far better come from a tariff on foreign fabrics.” Mr. Blaine favors repeal of the tabacco tax. He said: “I should urge that it be done at once even before the Christmas holidays. It would in the first place bring great relief to the growers of tobacco all over the country and would, moreover, materially lessen the price of the article to consumers. Tobacco to millions of men is a necessity. The President calls it a luxury, but it is a luxury in no other sense than tea and coffee are luxuries. The only excuse for c uch a tax is the actual necessity under which the government found itself daring the war and the years immediately following. To retain the tax now in order to destroy the protection which would inci dentally flow from raising the same amount of money on foreign imports, is certainly a most extraordinary policy for our govern ment.” DON’T APPLY TO WHISKY. “Well, then, Mr. Blaine, would you ad vise the repeal of the whisky tax also?” “No, I would not. Other considerations than those of financial administration are to be taken into account with regard to whisky. There is the moral side to it. To cheapen the price of whisky is to increase the consumption enormously. There would be no sense in urging the reform wrought by high license in many States if the national government neutralized the good effect by making whisky within the reach of every one at 20c. a gallon. Whisky would be everywhere distilled if the surveillance of the govern ment were withdrawn by remission of the tax, and illicit sales could not then be pre vented by a policy as rigorous and search ing as that with which Russia pursues the Nihilists. It would destroy license at once in all the States. Whisky has done a vast deal of harm in the United States. TO FORTIFY COAST CITIES. “I would try to make it do good. I would use the tax to fortify our cities and sea boards. In view of the powerful letter ad dressed to tho Democratic party on the subject of fortification by the late Samuel J. Tilden, iu 1885, I am amazed that no at tention has been paid to the subject by the Democratic administration. Never before in the history of the world has any govern ment allowed great cities on the seaboard, like Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Balti more, New Orleans and San Francisco, to remain defenseless.” WOOL GROWERS WAIL. The Allusion to Them in the Message Makes Them Wince. Washington, Dec. 7. —The conference of wool growers and dealers, called by the President of the National Association of Wool Growers, now in session here, to-day adopted the following: The wool dealers and wool growers of tße United States, representing a capital of over $600,000,000. and a constituency of a million wool growers and wool dealers, assembled in conference in the city of Washington, this sev enth day of Desember, 1887, having read the annual message of the President to the Fiftieth Congress declare that the sentiment* of the message are a direct attack upon their in dustry, one of the most Important of the coun try, and in positive violation of the national Democratic platform of 1884 as inteisgeted by the party leaders and accepted by the rank and file of the party; that the argument made by the President for the removal of our protection against foreign competition ts the old one, reiwatedly made by the enemies of our industrial progress, and effectively an swered in nearly every school district of our land, and so thoroughly disproved by the logic of facts and the demonstration of experience and history as to need no answer from us. We acknowledge that our 'small holdings,'’ and our scattered and unorganized condition make us an easy prey of free traders, hut we had a right to expect something different from the Chief Executive of the nation, at onoethe most happy, prosperous and contented of any of the world, made so by the policy of protection and the de velopment which tie now seeks to destroy. We had a right to expect our President would favor the wool growers of the United States, and we confess our deep disappointment that instead he favored the interests of our foreign competi tors. Justly alarmed at his position, we make an appeal from his recommendation to all the people, to seven and three fouri.hs millions of our fellow-citizens engaged in agriculture, to millions engaged in manufacturing, to the army of wage earners, whose wages are maintained by the protective system, to the tradesman and merchant whose prosiierity depends upon ours confident that the judgment and decision will be based upon justice and patriotism, and there fore for the maintenance of the American policy of protection, to which tlie country is indebted for its unexampled development and prosperity. To demonstrate the Injustice of the Presi dent’s policy, and the policy of the remedy he proposes for a reduction of the surplus we point to the fact that if the whole amount of revenue derived from wool was abolished, it would re duce the surplus about $5,000,000, or less than 10c. tier capita of population, which is )>aid by foreigners, while the old war taxes he recom mends retained yield over $) 19,000,000, and is a direct tax per capita of $2 each, and is what makes up the great bulk of the surplus of $140,- 000,000. and which fosters most dangerous monopoly. We would further add the following statistics in regard to the wool industry: The annual reve nue derived from imports of wool under the tariff of 1867 was less than $1,700,000. Under the reduced tariff of 1883 the revenue last year was over $6,000,000. The number of sheep in the country in 1884 was 50,626,628: in 1887, 44.759,-114, a decrease of nearly 6,000,000, and a diminution of the annual wool product of over 86.000,000 potinda, thus showing that reducing the tariff by the act of I*B4 lias increased the revenue from imported wools, and diminished tho number of sheep in the United States about 18 per cent., and the annual pro duction in the same proportion. The President’s policy would brine; about the destruction of this industry, and tno same policy of reduction or abolition of laritT would end in disaster to all tlie other industrial productive enterprises of the country. CANADA ON THE MESSAGE. Toronto Papers Say That It Defines Democratic Policy. Toronto, Dev:. 7. —The Globe, referring to the President’s message, says: “The message is unusually short and unusually important; although it deals with only one subject no niessage so important has beeu sent by any President since the close of the great war. It is chiefly important because it states plainly what the policy of the great Democratic party oil the trade question will be. Hitherto there has been on all suios evasion of the great issues involved in this question. Henceforth evasion must be impossible.” Tho Mail says; “What the message lacks in length is made up in the emphasis it lays upon the question which the Presi dent evidently considers of the gravest im portance, namely, tariff reform. The Presi dent’s appeal is a strong one and one which should be favorably received by Congress.” MONTGOMERY’S LARGEST FIRE. The Total Loss Over $250,000--The Insurance Rather Heavy. Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 7.—The largest fire in Montgomery’s history broke out on the east side of Commerce street, between 12 and 1 o’clock this morning. Greil Bros. & Cos., wholesale grocers, lose on store and stock $120,000. They are in sured for $55,000. Hebbie & Teague, wholesale grocers, on stock and store lose about $60,000. They are largely covered by insurance. Warren Cos., wholesale grocers, lose on stock $30,000. Their insurance is about half," and a considerable amount was saved. A building on Bibb street was destroyed involving a loss of $30,000 or $40,000, being Tatum’s soda water factory and Sables leather and fur depot. The total loss is over $250,000. Atone time both sides of Commerce street were threatened, but the wind and a bountiful supply of water interposed. •A BURNING FLOUR MILL. Cincinnati, Bee. 7.—A special to the Times-Star from Portsmouth, 0., says: Anderson’s flour mill was burned last night, and the following persons were taken from the ruins: M. H. Anderson, proprietor, who died this morning. William Simpson, killed, George Gerrins, leg broken and internally injured. Frank Fagan, bark broken. John Adams (eolored), both legs broken. John Scot’ (eolorod), internal injuries. Pipeman Metzger jumped through a win dow and was slightly injured. burning of a store. Norfolk, Va., Dec. 7.—Fire this morn ing destroyed the Palais Royal notion store, on Main street, owned by Louis Lowenthal. The loss is estimated at $40,000. The in surance is $22,000. BET HIS LAST DOLLAR. After All Was Gone He Cut His Throat From Ear to E ar. Louisville, Dec. 7. —William Morton (colored) committed suicide at his home in this city this morning by cutting his throat from ear to ear. He was about fifty years of age, and before the war was p slave of John B. Crittenden. Tho suicide is attributa ble to the result of the municipal election here yesterday. Two weeks ago Morton, who drove an express wagon, sold his horses, wagon, etc., and bet the proceeds upon Avery, the Republican candidate for Mayor, thinking it was “sinch.” He also sold a house and lot, which lie had purchased with his hard earned savings, and put every thing he could rake together on tho Republican can didate. He worked hard on election day for his man, but was beaten, and his losses wrecked his mind. TRAINS IN COLLISION. No One Severely Injured and Rolling Stock Not Bauly Damaged. Waycross, Ga., Dec. 7.—A Savannah, Florida and Western Hoad freight and a Brunswick and Western Road lumber train were in collision" at the crossing of these lines here this morning. The Savannah, Florida and Western train ran into the Brunswick and Western train as they were crossing the Brunswick and Western tracks. The train consisted of empty flat cars. The engine struck the third car from the cab. completely demolishing it and ditching the other fiat cars. The engine of the Savannah, Florida and Western train was also derailed. The engineer said his headlight shone over the flat cars so that he could not see them. No one was hurt, save slight bruises to the engineer, and not much damage was done to rolling stock. Seizing Mormonlsm’s Books. Salt Lake City, Dec. 7.—To-day United States Marshal Dye, as receiver, seizod the office of the President of the Mormon church, with his ledgers, books, etc , leaving some minor books which he required James Jack, the church custodian, to receipt for as receiver’s agent. The church organ to night makes a loud protest against this “outrage.” Ashore Off Portugal. London, Dec. 7.—The Royal Mail Steam shin line's steamer Isla Depanay, which left Liverpool Nov. 28 for Manilla, Ilioli, Cebu, Singapore, etc., is ashore nine miles north of Sagres, Portugal. Seven of her crew were drowned. She is a vessel of 3,500 tons. Tourists to California. San Francisco, Doc. 7.—From reports made by several transcontinental routes terminating in this city. Los Angeles and Kan Diego it is shown that 20,000 through nassengei-s arrived In California from the East during the month of November. Sweden’s Quarantine Freak. Copenhagen, Dee. 7.—The government has decided to subject to quarantine regula tions all arrivals from porta in Florida, Chili, Jamaica, Martinique and Guadaloupe in or to prevent the importation of infec tious di eases. A Millinery Goods Dealer Assigns. Lynchburg, Va., Dec. 7.—R. E. Mat thias, dealer ill millinery, has assigned. His indebtedness ia aliout $3,000. The amount of his assets are not known. Baltimore and Philadelphia creditors are preferred. Sold for a Song. Bennington, Vt., Dec. 7.—The Benning ton woolen mills to-day were sold at auc tion by the assignee of H. 8. Raines, bank rupt. The creditors bid off the property for $42,000, about one-twentieth of the cost. On the March After Twenty Years. Fortress Monroe, Dec. 7.—Battery K, of the Second Artillery, which has been stationed at this post for the past twenty years, left here for New Orleans last night. EUROPE'S DOGS OF WAR. RUSSIA STILL RUSHING TROOPS TO THE FRONTIER. St. Petersburg' Editors Say It is Done to Guard Against the Danger of an Attack by the Allies The Berlin Na tional Gazette Says All is in Doubt. Berlin, Dpo. 7.—Tho National Gazelle discussing the Vienna Fi'iedcnblatV* arti cle relative to the massing of troops on the Russian frontier, says it is evident that the force of Russian troops now in Roland is not sufficient to attack two formidable mili tary powers. Tiie present massing of troops is too small for war and too large for peace. We must wait and see how Russia will reconcile the massing with the pacific as surances of the Journal des St. Peters bourtj. BULGARIA’S POSITION. The Cologne Gazette says: “Two opin ions prevail at St. Petersburg regarding Bulgaria. On one side diplomatic solution of the problem is favored, while on the other military measures are believed to be necessary in order to exercise pressure upon the powers, especially upon Austria. With Austria remains the choice between a serious conflict and acceptance of a settle ment agreeable to Russia." A NOTE FROM THE CZAR. The Russian government has sent a cir cular to its representatives at foreign courts in relation to the Czar’s recent visit to Ber lin. Tho circular draws attention to three points: First, that the Czar’s conversation with Prince Bismarck showed that there was not the slightest reason for a breach between Germany and Russia; second, that Prince Bismarck promised that Germany would remain neutral in Bul garian affairs; and third, that both govern ments should order their newspapers to adopt a moderate tone in comments on Russo-German relations. Forged docu ments are not mentioned in the circular. RUSSIA’S RETORT IN KIND. Paris, Dee. 7. —According to private ad vices from Warsaw this morning the mass ing of Russian troops on the frontier is at tributable to information received bv Rus sia of a concerted plan by Germany and Austria for united action in the event of war between either of these powers and Russia. In that contingency it was pro posed that Germany and Austria should suddenly invade Russian Poland ami occupy Warsaw by using their greater facilities for mobilizing. In consequence of the discovery of this alleged project, Russia resolved to compensate for her slow power of mobilizing by a permanent increase of her frontier forces. Tho movement implies no aggres sion, but is purely a defensive precaution. AUSTRIA'S MILITARY COUNCIL. Vienna, Dec. 7. —Emperor Francis Joseph will preside at the military council which is to be held at the Palace to-morrow for the purpose of considering what steps are necessary in view of the collection of Russian troops on the frontier. The Paliheal Correspondence semi-ofll eially denies the report that the powers in terested have officially sent a note to Rus sia in reference to the increased force of troops on the frontier. The paper says Aus tria’s frontier guards will Lie completely organized, and their numbers increased, ft adds that tlie Russian censor has suppressed all telegrams sent to Russia in reference to the Friedenblatt's article concerning Rus sia’s action. BISMARCK’S DIPLOMACY. Tho opinion is very general here that the German press exaggerates the importance of tho military movements in Russia iu order to disguise Prince Bismarck’s diplo macy, the chief object of wi ich is supposed to be the removal of the Czar from the in fluence of those who desire to estrange Ger many and Russia. The course of the Ger man press is considered to be a dangerous one, because, in the event of Prince Bis marck failing in his purpose, it will increase the tension of the situation. It is owing more to possible failure on the part of Prince Bismarck than the massing of Ru-sian troops that Austrian military precautions may be necessary. RUSSIA’S HINT. Moscow, Dec. 7.—The Gazette say.s: “The future policy of France will decide whether Germany will be compelled to watch one or both of her frontiers.” The paper declares that Russia must always have a strong fleet in the Pacific ocean. GOBLET TO FORM A MINISTRY. Falllers Declined to Undertake the Task. Paris, Dec. 7. —President Sadi-Carnot requested M. Falliers to form a Cabinet, but M. Falliers declined on the ground of ill health and lack of sufficient authority. M. Falliers’ friends believe that he will event ually lie induced to accept the task. If ho persists in his refusal it is believed the President will summon M. Goblet. President Carnot has summoned M. Gob let, and requested him to form anew Minis try. M. Goblet has agreed to form a Cabinet. President Sadi-Carnot has been installed in the Elysee palace. Ex-President Grevv is ill. His memoirs are being written by his nephew. O’LEARY ACQUITTED. The Judre Charged That There Was No Evidence on Which to Convict. Dublin, Dec. 7. —The jury has brought in a verdict of acquittul in the case of O’Leary, oue of the men charged with com plicity in the murder of Constable Wheaton at Lisdoonvarna, county Clare. The judge told the jury that there was no evidence to su-iain the charge that O’Leary murdered Wheaton, arid instructed them to acquit him of murder. The Attorney General announced that he would not pro ceed with the capital charge against any of the seven prisoners who were arested for connection with tlie murder, but would have them all tried for misdemeanor. AUGUSTA’S ELECTION. Tho Candidate of the Faction in Power Augusta, Ga., Dec. 7.—The election for Councilman he'd here to-day passed off quietly. The battle was confined to the Fourth ward, where Mr. Neece, a people’s reform candidate, ran against Mr. Young, nominee of the faction iri power, known as “tho ring.” The negroes voted solidly for Mr. Young, who was elected by a large majority, whispers of fraud and prosecu tions are rife to-night. Tho contract has been signed for the con struction of the flint section (from Aiken to Edgefield, twenty-five milee) of the Caro lina, Cumberland Gan and Chicago railroad. The contractors will begin work at once on the Aiken side of the line. President Brown stated that thij New York syndicate who have undertaken the work expect to have the first section completed and equipped within six months, by which time the necessary financial arrangement* will have been made to carry the work of cou strucUou through to Ntu-zi Carolina line. GEORGIA'S CAPITAL CITY. The County Commissioners Fix t.h© Wholesale Liquor License at $ 1,600. Atlanta, Ga., Deo. 7.—The County Commissioners held an important meeting today, in which the wholesale liquor license was fixed. Under the old regime the license was only $25. It was expected this board would raise it. but the actual raise has created a sensation in anti-prohibition cir cles. The majority of the board, Messrs. Kiser, Adair and llunnicutt, are Prohibi tionists. The other two, Messrs. Collins and Wilson, are wet, men. The highest license proposed was $2,500. It. was finally fixed l>y ast rict wet and dry vote at SI,OOO. The only application for license nut in prior to this meeting, was Joseph Thompson, but the high license has dnwd him. won't pay. Mayor Cooper, who is clerk of the board, remarked to the Commissioners after they had lixed tho license that Mr. Thompson, would not pay them a cent, hut would take out a city retail lieonso. Tho Anti-Pro hibitionists speak of raising the legal ques tion whether the County Commissioners have a right to tix a wholesale license when tho business is carried on in the city limits. The fixing of the wholesale license fee was a concession marie to the county by the city some years ago. In the meantime there will probably be no wholesale licenses ■issued at present. THE TREASURER's REPORT. The quarterly report of the State Treas urer for the quarter ending Sent. 30, was filed with the Governor to-day. The receipts for the quarter wore $101,217 28. The dis bursements were $158,843 88. The balance on that day was $342,762 38. June 30 the balance was $341,882 03. The public acts of tho last Legislature have not been published by the State Printer, owing to the exhaustion of the printing fund. This state of affairs is caus ing great inconvenience. Almost daily re quests are made by Superior Courts for a cony of the act disqualifying certain county officials as grand jurors during their term. Tho officials disqualified bv tho act are (iounty Commissioners, Tax Rerej vers, Tax Collectors, members of the County boards of Education, County School Commission ers, Ordinaries and Treasurers. THE LITERARY CONVICT ESCAPES. J. W. Livingston, of Muscogee county, a convict in the camp on the Atlanta and Hawkinsville railroad, near Bnrnesville, escaped Saturday. Livingston managed to keep in the hospital, and being or a literary turn devoted himself to writing letters and essays of an original ebaracter to penitentiary officials here, some of which found ttieir way into print. The maqner of his eseape is a mystery', as he Had a dis eased foot which prevented his getting about. The receipts at the Treasury from taxes to-day were $187,841, of which Chatham contributed $3,500. The following (Supreme Ccffirt decisions were handed down to-day: Work vs. the American Freehold Land Mortgage Company; from Hall. Affirmed. Howard vs. Mumford; from Bartow. Affirmed. Eight cases from the Cherokee circuit were argued to-day, leaving eighteen in that circuit. The municipal election for two Aldermen passed off quietly. A comparatively light vote was polled. The election hinged upon the prohibition question. The Antis bad out a straight ticket, while the Prohibitionists ran a com bination ticket. The election was warmly contested, and resulted in a decisive victory for the Antis, their average majority being about 1,000. This gives the Antis complete control of the city. The count has progressed slowly, and at midnight the returns are just in from all the wards, but sufficient are at hand to show the election of the straight Anti-Prohibition ticket, as follows: Aldermen, Albert How ell, Jacob Haas; councilman James M. Stephens, P. K. Moran, James G. Woodard, Sampson A. Morris, Andrew P. Thompson, Martin Amorous, of the six wards respect ively. When the new members go in the wets will have a clear winning majority in the Council. COLUMBUS CHAPTER3. Tho Winner of the Bigr Prize3 in the Guards' Lottery. COI.UMBUB, Ga., Dec. 7.—The drawing of the Guards’ Library Lottery ('ame off last night. J. D. Parish drow the building lot at Hose Hill, valued at S4OO. Mrs. 11. A. Little drew a silver service, valued at S2OO. In Muscogee Superior Court to-day Miss Bertha Courtney was charged with aiding prisoners to escape in November, 18t)ft William Courtney, her brother, convicted of forging orders on tho Eagle and Phenix Mills, with others, broke jail. The jury, after being out ten minutes, returned a ver dict of not guilty. The mother of the child found in a sewer was discovered to-day. She came from Alexander City, Ala., a short time ago. She e>oaped across the river to-day before tho officers arrived to arrest her. To-night at 10 o’clock an electric light wire at Twelfth street'and Second avenue fell. John Lumsford, a backmari, ran his horse into it. The horse was instantly killed, and the man was knocked out of the vehicle. _________ TARPON SPRINGS TOPICS. Growers Holding Their Oranges Back to Avoid a Glut In the Market. Tarpon Sprinos, F’la., Dec. 7.—Vege tables are beginning to move northward from this section. The Mary Disston, one of the boats of the Gulf Steamboat Company, takes about 22,.M10 crates every trip to Ce dar Keys. They are mostly cucumbers and egg pants. What oranges there am— scarcely one-third of a crop—are of excell ent quality. They are being held buck, firobably 011 account of the prevailing Ixj ief that growers in the northern portions of the State will nut their fruit into the mar ket as rapidly as possible, for fear of a freeze, and so ovor supply the demand tem porarily. Tarpon Springs people have always had great confidence in the Silver Springs, Ocala and Gulf railroad. It has been ■slowly working this way for some time. Ex-President Clark, late of the Illinois Central railroad, who represents the finances of the enterprise, was over the projected line not long ago, and assured us that the road would now be rapidly pushed south ward to Point Pinellas. The Orange Delt railroad reached the Big Cypress, some twenty miles away, Thurs day night. The iron is being laid at the rate of two miles a day. The “tie gaug” will finish to this point in four days, and the track will follow close behind. Milledgreville’s Election. Mir.LEDOEVii.LK, Ga., Dec. 7.—ln the municipal election to-day Mr. Staley, tho wet candidate for Mayor, beat Mr. W hid den, the dry candidate, by a small majority. Mr. McCombs is elected Marshal over Mr. Owens. All the majorities are small. The vote for Aldermen has not been counted yet. The late Lord Lovat’s famous herd of short boms, at Beaufort Coatle, Inverness, will be sold at auction next spring. ' I PRICEfIIO A YEAR. I 1 *JE\TB ACOn . f WOOLFOTXS RED HAND. ITS IMPRINT ON HIS BARE LEG MAY CONVICT HIM. Jurors Find Discrepancies in the Pris oner's Statement Concerning It The Blood on the Suspect’s Feet and Other Damaging Evidence Against Him-A Struggle for a Pistol. Maoon, Ga., Dec. 7.—The third day Of Hie celebrated Wooifolk trial w-as begun in Bibb Superior Court this morning at 3 o’clock. All interested were on hand promptly at the hour. For the first time since the murder the prisoner looked hag gard and careworn. During the examina tion of the witnesses, however, he seemed to regain his spirits, and laughed heartily sev eral times nt the testimony as it waa elicited. The first witness was S. E. Chambliss, who was recalled by the State’s attorney in rebuttal. He testified as to blood found oa Wooifolk, especially as to the blood spot dis covered in his right ear, and as to the brains found on the floor and bed that were taken up and put in a box. He also testified as to the blood stains in Woolfolk’s room, which appeared to have been scoured with soap and water. WHAT WOOITOLK TOLD SMITH. W. H. Smith was then examined for the State He testified to the story told him by Wooifolk. When the former reached the scene of tho murder on tho fatal morning Wooifolk admitted to him that he had blood on Uis feet from walking about the house and that tho bloody tracks in the hallway were also his. lie described the position of the several bodies. While talk ing with Wooifolk at the gate he heard a noise inside tbe house as of someone mov ing a chair. He did not hear it repeated. THE GARMENTS IN THE WELL. G. W. Gatos was next examined for the State. He repealed the story oPthe mur der as told him by Wooifolk. The main point elicited was as to the hat, shirt and drawers the witness saw drawn out of the well. There were blood and brainson them. He saw Mood in Woolfolk’s room, and bloody water on the hearth where a trunk had been palled over it to hide it. The bloody shirt and draw ers were produced and Identified. Jere Hollis, for the State, also testified as to the finding of the garments in the well, and as to tbe blood and brains being on them. He also testified as to seeing a foody hand print on one of the legs. A HAND PRINT IN BLOOD. W. A. Davis, for the State, testified to seeing the imprint of a bloody band on Woolfolk’s bare leg when he was examined by the Coroner's jury corresponding to the imprint on the drawers. Wooifolk ex plained then that, he got blood on his hand when he replaced his mother on the bed, and that afterward, in arranging his shirt the blond was transferred to uis drawers. The counsel for the defense laid great stress on this point, and attempted to show that, the bloody hand-print was not noticed at tbe Coroner’s investigation WOOLFOLK’S EXPLANATION REFUTED. The witness was persistent, however, and insisted that Wooifolk made no statement about the hand print until tho direct ques tion was asked him. The (losition or the hand print was described minutely, the jurors taking part in tho questioning. Juror Tinsley asked if me Augers of the hand inclined inward or outward. The reply was inward. This created a sensa tion, as it seemed to refute the explanation given by Wooifolk. When the court oonvened at 2:30 o’clock Henry Brown was called for the State. Pending big examination the court ad journed until to-morrow morning at 9 o’clock. A nRAMATIO UICIDENT. Avery dramatic incident occurred during the dinner hour. Wooifolk was in the grand jury room eating and conversing gaily with the two bailiffs m attendance. He had ju-t remarked, “Boys, if I had a pistol I could get away now,” when a pistol dropped almost at his foot from the person of bred Bparks, the jsnitor, who was standing near. In a twinkle Wooifolk marie a spring for it, ami a desperate struggle ensued iietweon him and the bailiffs, who finally succeeded with much difficulty in securing it. Wool folk laughed heartily over the incident and taunted the bailiffs. The presence of the pistol will be investigated. BURNING OF A HOUSE A Brave Young Cirl—Cther Item* from Captolo. Captolo, Ga., Dee. J.—Tho dwelling bouse of Mr. Fenton Nunnally, who Uvea sevoral miles from Sylvania, was burned on Thursday last. Mr. Nunnally was not at home at the time. Mrs. Nunnally was sewing, when one of her little children came to her and said :“Mainma,giter is trying to set the house on fire.” A few minutes after, Mrs. Nun nally went into the kitchen wiiero the chil dren wore, and the roof waa falling in. Hearing her cries for help, Miss Lola La nier ran to assist her, but seeing that it was useless to try to extinguish the flames, car risi everything out of the house. At one ti oe she carried a heavy cotton mattress, a f father bed, and all of the bed slats. (She carried all of the furniture out of tho hou e without help, and then took a hatches a id knocked the sash out of the window aug carried them out too. Her hands and arim were badly torn, but will soon be healed Miss Lanier is slightly above the medium height and very Mender. She is also con sidered very pretty. The new Red bluff Baptist church will soon be completed. The first meeting waa held in it on Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 3 and 4. It is in sight of the post office at Captolo. Two men from Russia came to this coun try two or three years ago aud peddled for a livelihood. Now they have a large storr in our town filled with first-class goods, and the firm goea by thejnaine ot Keatle Bros.' There is to boa lively wedding at this place on I)ee. 14. The contracting parties are a Mr. Daltou and Miss Ida Moor. PENSACOLA POINTERS. Funeral of Capt. O’Leary—A Quaran* tine Ship to be Purchased. Pensacola, Fla., Dec. 7.—The funeral of Capt. M. O’Leary was largely att *Jed to-day, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather. The Escambia Rifles, a mili tary organization of which Capt. O'Leary was an honorary member, attended Ins funeral in a body in full dress uniform. The Board of Health, with a view to facilitating the commerce of the port, wifi purchase tne hull of a vessel and fit it up as suitable quarters for the port physician. The quarantine ship, as she will doubtless be called, will be permanently stationed all some suitable point in the harbor, a safe dis tance from the city. Cause of the Collapse. Ga., Dec. 7.—The fall of the water tower here yesterday, it is now stated, was caused by a cave in under the foundation, and was not the fault of the contractors or workmen in any way.