The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, December 09, 1887, Image 1

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J ESTABLISHED 18.10. ) ( J. H. KbTILL, Editor and Proprietor. ) R ANDAL LUES TO FIGHT. SEVERAL CONFERENCES HELD BY THOSE IN THE RING. They Are Determined that the Tax on Tobacco Shall be Repealed—The Re publicans Hope the Democrats will Show Weakness by Straddling the Issue. Washington, Pec. S.—Mr. Itandall has held several conferences with a few of the Democrats from Now York. New Jersey, Ohio and Pennsylvania—those who are gen erally known as Randallites—yesterday and to-day. They have been planning to meet the President’s message. They have con vinced themselves, apparently, from their utterances that in the language of one of them “it will soon blow over.” They say the only tax reduction bill that can or will be passed in the House at this session is one re pealing the tobacco taxes and making such conservative reductions in the tariff as will not disturb the infant industries. The cut on sugar being the most marked, they think that no other hill will be reported from the Waj's and Means Committee, but on this point they are mistaken. THE OUTLOOK. While it is probable that the tax reduc tion bill that will pass the House will con tain a repeal of the tobacco taxes, it is not probable that the tax reduction bill to be reported by the Ways and Means Commit tee will do so. Speaker Carlisle no more desires the repeal of the tobacco taxes than the President does, nor will the Chairman of the Committeee on Ways and Means nor the majority of its men'll >ers. The great majority of the Democratic party in Con gress have already taken their stand at the President’s side and are looking forward to the next campaign with eagerness. The Republicans are already qualifying the expressions of pleasure with which they greeted the message, with the prediction that the Democrats will be straddling the tariff issue before next fali. It is on this weak-kneed straddling that the Republicans really place their hope-. Representative W. C. P. Breckinridge said to-night: “The tax reduction bill that the House will pass will necessarily be a compromise, because we tariff reformers have not a majority. The President lays down the principles which we all firmly believe, but we can only put them in prac tice to a certain extent. Ho speaks from his standpoint. We shall have to act from ours.” CANADA’S FISHERIES. The Negotiations Have Not Been Broken Off in a Disagreement. Washington, Dec. B.—Secretary Bayard said to the News correspondent to-day that there was not the slightest foundation for the report that the fisheries negotiations had been broken off in a disagreement. The negotiations have been adjourned until Sat urday when they will be resumed. He could not say what their duration would be, but he felt sure that no one would begrudge the time necessary to settle such an im portant question. He would, of course, say nothing about tbe negotiations themselves, but it is understood' that while the negotia tions are proceeding slowly the negotiators feel hopeful of reaching a satisfactory set tlement. WHAT HAS BEEN DISCUSSED. It is also understood that so far the ne gotiations have dealt only with the ques tions as to the rights of our fishing vessels in Canadian ports and as to the rights of Canadian fishing vessels in our ports, includ ing the three-mile limit problem. Minister of Marine Foster, of the Dominion govern ment, the most active of the Dominion officers in all the dealings with our fishing ves els of the past two years, has arrived, and is advising the British Commissioners, particularly as to the policy heretofore pur sued by the Dominion government and the facts and theories upon which it was based. He urges them to resist the claims of the United States that our fishing vessels are entitled to all the commercial rights in Canadian ports which we accord to Canadian fishing vessels in our ports, and that the three mile limit should follow the indentation and curves of the coast. ELECTION CONTESTS. The Cases Which Will Come Before the House This Session. Washington, Dec. 8. —In compliance with the act of Congress of March, 1887, relative to contested election cases, the Clerk of the House laid before that body to day such portions of the testimony in all of •the contested cases as the parties in interest have agreed upon or as seemod proper to the Clerk. These portions have lieen printed and indexed, together with the notice of contest and answers, and are now ready for delivery to the Committee on Elections. The cases in which notice of contest have been given are the following: Nathan Frank against John M. Glover, Ninth Congres sional district of Missouri; Robert Lowery vs. James B. White, Twelfth district of In diana; J. V. McDuffie vs. A. C. Davidson, Fourth district of Alabama: Robert Smalls vs. William Elliott, Seventh district of South Carolina: F. J. Sullivan vs. Charles N. Felton, Fifth district of California; Geoge H. Thobe vs. John G. Carlisle, Sixth district of Kentucky; N. E. Worthington vs. Phillip S. Post, Tenth district of Illinois; Joseph D. Lynch vs. William Vandeveer, Sixth district of California. WOMEN IN WANT. A Niece of Andy Jackson and Robert Morris’ Granddaughter. Washington, Dec. 8. —Night before last Mrs. America Davidson, a niece of President Andrew Jackson, arrived here from Walla- Walla, AV. TANARUS., with her three young grand children, on her way to friends in Virginia in utterly destitute circumstances. She had been hefped by charitable persons to get here, but arrived without a dollar. She was cared for by one of the hotels yesterday and to-day was sent to her destination. It is stated that Secretary Whitney paid the balance of the sum necessary to secure the admission of great grand daughter of Robert Morris to the home for old ladies. Some SBO was raised by a news paper subscription for this purpose. Mails tor Mexico. Washington, Dec. B.—The constantly increasing trade by mail between this coun try and Mexico under the postal convention concluded last spring in the maximum weight permitted in parcels exchanged under its term. Postmaster General V ilas is negotiating with a view to having the maximum raised to eleven pounds. .Should he accomplish this, as he expects, the mail trade between the two countries would be greatly stimulated, and the Post Office Department will go more deeply than ever into tho express business. Free Delivery for Rome. Washington, Dec. a—Free mail deliv ery service has been ordered to be estab lished at Rome, Ga., the service to com mence Jan. 1 next. EVANGELICAL ALLIANCE. Men of Acknowledged Learning Read Important Papers. Washington, Dec. B.—The Evangelical Alliance Conference to-day devoted its morning session to hearing and discussing a paper upon “The Perils of the Family,” by Rev. AV. S. Dille, of Auburndale, Mass.; one by Col. J L. Greene, of Hartford, Conn., on “The Social A’ice,” and one by President John Eaton, of Marietta, 0., col lege, on “Illiteracy.” At the afternoon session Dr. McCosh, President of Princeton University, read a paper on “The Church in Relation to tho Capital and Labor Question,” wnich occu pied the entire session with its discussion. Mrs. Cleveland was in attendance at the evening session, which was presided over by Senator Hawley, of Connecticut. The paper of the evening was by Rev. James 'Manning, of New York, on “The Christian Resources of Our Country.” Prof. Gilman, of Johns Hopkins Univer sity,spoke upon “The Intellectual Resources of the Country,” and#tlie subject was dis cussed by Rev. William E. Hatcher, of Richmond, Ya., who said that in the Southern States, Kentucky and West Vir ginia not being included, there are 4,000,000 Christians out of a total population of -0,000,000. The South, he said, would com pare favorably with other sections of the country in religious matters. The people of the South are imbued with strong religious principles. They believe firmly in the Bible, they venerate and keep the Sabbath* and divorces are rare. BARBOUR FOR SENATOR. Democratic Members of the Virginia Assembly in Caucus. Richmond, Va., Dec. B.—A caucus of the Democratic members of the General Assembly to-night nominated by acclama tion Hon. John S. Barbour for election as United States Senator to succeed Senator Riddleberger, whose term will expire March 4, 1889. The caucus also made the following nominations for State officers: Secretary of the Commonwealth—Henry W. Flournoy. Auditor of Public Accounts—Morton Marye. Second Auditor —F. G. Ruffin. Treasurer —A. AV. Harmon. Superintendent of the Penitentiary—AV. AV'. Moses. All of the officers above named are pres en incumbents. Capt. J. H. O’Bannon, of this city, was nominated for Public Printer, vice A. R. Micon, and Thomas H. Whitehead, of Lynchburg for Commissioner of Agricul ture vice Randolph Harrison. The Republicans also held a caucus to night. but made no nominations for United States Senator. They nominated, however, candidates for all the State offices. It is understood that Gen. Mahoue will be com plimented with a nomination for United States Senator, and that Senator Riddle beger will get some votes in the caucus. COAL OR BLOOD. Settlers in Kansas Stop Trains and Forcibly Help Themselves. AVichita, Kan., Dec. B.—A widespread coal famine has prevailed through the en tire western part of Kansas for some time. The railroad companies have been shipping hundreds of car-loads of coal through from Colorado to this city and Eastern points, but only once in a while can they lie in duced to drop off a load in the western part of the State. One night last week the farmers captured a train of coal cars and took what they wanted. Private dispatches to this city say another mob of settlers last night took in charge another train and filled their wagons. They left their names and money for wnat they took, and told the train hands that the railroad company could arrest them if it wanted to. Some of the farmers live fifty and seventy five miles from the railroad, and great suf fering has been the result of tbe lock of fuel. Settlers complain that they are at the mercy of a monopoly, and that they cannot fet enough fuel to keep their families warm. rouble is feared if the railroad does not furnish fuel for the AVestern settlers, as they have grown desperate. Upon one of the wagons, which was filled with coal last night, was the motto “Coal or blood.” A BOMB CN A CHURCH’S STEPS. The Fuse Had Been Lighted, but the Fire Died Out. Newark, N. J., Dec. 8. —Quite a stir was created in the quiet little village of Irving ton to-day by the discovery of a dynamite bomb on the steps of the Reformed church. The fuse had been ignited, but from some cause the fire had been extinguished before it reached tho explosive. The bomb is made from a piece of gas pipe, plugged with lead at one end. It was found by Mr. Tanner, one of tho elders of the church. It is not believed that the tomb was left on the church steps by any person in the vil lage, but it is thought that s me passer bv was guilty of the act. There was a gather ing of children in the church last night, ami had the explosive done the work intended, the loss of life would probably have been great. BISHOP LEE’S SUCCESSOR. The Convention Meets at Wilmington and Falls to Elect. Wilmington, Del., Dec. B.—The Episco pal Diocesan Convention adjourned this af ternoon, after two days’ session, without electing a successor to Bishop Lee, the pur pose for which it was called. Rev. Boyd Vincent, of Pittsburg; Joseph Cary, of Sar atoga, N. Y., and Dr. E. H. Kingsolving, of Philadelphia, were in turn nominated by the clerical delegates, but failed to receive the two-thirds voteof the lay delegates nec essary to their confirmation. The election was postponed until the annual meeting of the convention at Dover In June. Cutting Off Committees. * Washington, Dec. B.—Mr. Springer offered in the House to-day a resolution pro viding for the abolition of the committees on Pacific railroads, invalid pensions, mileage militia and improvement of the Mississippi river, and the transfer of their functions to other committees. Provision is also made for a general increase of the mem bership of the remaining committees and the rearrangement of their duties to some extent. Congress Adjourns Till Monday. Washington, Dec. 8. —After the reading of the journal and tho presentation of a few department communications the Senate this morning, on motion of Mr. Farwell, adjourned till Monday next. The House adjourned to-day at 12 o’clock until Monday, after the introduction of a few resolutions relating to amendment of the rules. ___ A New Standing Committee. Washington, Dec. 8. —TheJJouse Com mittee on Rules will probably report favor ably Representative Dingley’s proposition creating a standing committee on naviga tion and fisheries, to consider all questions affecting our shipping and fishing indus tries. SAVANNAH, GA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1887. NEXT YEAR'S CONVENTION THE REPUBLICANS TO MEET AT CHICAGO JUNE 19. Time and Place Named at a Meeting of the Republican National Commit tee at Washington Yesterday— Blaine’s States Said to Have Run Things Their Own Way. AVashington, Dec. B.—The Republican National Committee this afternoon selected Chicago as the place and June 19 as the time for the next Republican National Con vention. The selection was made in the new club bouse of tho Republican National League, on Thomas Circle, formerly occu pied by the Chinese Legation. Both the time and place of holding the convention were dictated by Mr. Blaine. He was represented not only by his special friends, Stephen B. Elkins, of New Mexico, and Powell Clayton, of Arkansas, members of the committee, but by Joseph Marley, of Augusta, who arrived this morning, and Representative William Walter Phelps, of New Jersey, who had the latest advices from Blaine. The committee had a very simple and easy task apart from the necessity of listening to the delegations representing Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Minneapolis, Omaha and St. Louis, none of which had the least chance of receiving the conven tion. The committee had only to ask what Blaine wished, and then to do it. It was entirely subservient to tho will of tho man whom its members believe almost without exception will lie the next candidate. To night the members of the committee, and numerous Republican Senators and Repre sentatives are praising Mr. Blaine’s Tribune interview, and drinking Mr. Blaine’s health in champagne and whisky, asjhe guest of the Republican National League at its club house. The only disputed question among them appears to be who shall be nominated for Vice-President. the meeting. The Committee was called to order at 11 o’clock this morning, in room No. 150 of the Arlington Hotel, by B. F. Jones, of Pennsylvania, its chairman. Samuel Fes senden, of Connecticut, acted as Secretary. In a brief speech, Chairman Jones stated the object of the meeting as follows: Gentlemen of the Committee: As stated in the call, this meeting is for the purpose of se lecting the time and place for holding the next Republican National Convention, and also to consider such other matters as may properly lie brought iiefore it. As everything connected, however remotely;, with the government of this great country is important, our action to-day inay have far reaching results. We should there fore carefully consider such subjects as may tie-brought before us that we may decide wisely. We may congratulate ourselves on the improved prospects of the Republican party since the national committee met in this city four years ago for the same purpose that we are now assembled. At that time the majority against the Republican party in the North, at the last preceding general State elections, counted up into hundreds of thousands. Tbe great States of New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio had Democratic Governors. NewYork’s was elected by nearly 200,000 plurality, which was reduced for the same candidate in the Presi dential election to less than 1.100. Though by accident the Democratic party have the presi dency and the prestige of success, the signs are auspicious for the election of a Republican Presi dent in 18H8. Tbe movement acquired by twen ty-five years of the prevalence of Republican principles has not yet lost its force, anti the ma terial interests of the country are still prosper ous as a result of Republican industrial legisla tion. Recent utterances, however, indicate a determination to end to is prosperity by adverse legislation forced upon the country by an administration hostile to American Industry and also indicate the neces sity of the return lo newer of the Republican party in the national government so that American industry, wool growing and sugar raising equally with iron making and textile production, may have continued prosperity and employes in these industries constant employ ment and continued good wages, such as American workmen should receive. CALL OF THE ROLL. The roll was then tailed, and every State and Territory, with one or two exceptions, was represented by a delegate or proxy. The delegate selected from the State of Kentucky, J. Z. Moore, having removed from that State, Air. Brownlow, of Tennes see, moved that Hon. (4. M. Thomas lie ad mitted as committeeman to represent Ken tucky. He stated that the Republican members of Congress from that State had met and selected Mr. Thomas as a member of the committee. A question arose as to the right of the commit tee to admit the gentleman to member ship except upon certification of the State Committee, and the further point was made that no resignation had been received from Mr. Moore. At the suggestion of Mr. Clarkson, of lowa, Mr. Brownlow modified his motion so as to provide that Mr. Thomas be admitted as temporary Representative of Kentucky at the present meeting, and as modified the motion was agreed to. A committee of three members of the Re publican National League appeared, and through its chairman, J. Hale-Sypher, re newed the invitation tendered by the league to the committee to hold its meetings at the league headquarters, and the invitation was unanimously and cordially accepted. The committee then adjourned to re assemble at tho league club house. CLAIMS OF THE CITIES. Delegations were present to urge the claims of Minneapolis, Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Philadelphia. Each delegation was given fifteen minutes to pre sent, its case. Col. William C. Elam, of Richmond, presented an argument in favor of the Republican party of that State. He was accompanied, he said, by members of the Senate and House of Representatives of Virginia and by its five or six Re publican members of Congress, and they represented the Republican party of Vir ginia. He read a paper which had been prepared in the form of an address to the committee and which reviewod the history of the Republican party in that State since 1878. Under the old management the party had been so badly beaten in 1878 that it had become disheartened and demoralized. In 1878 the Chairman of tho State Executive Committee had united with the Bourbons in an effort to organize anew party. Local in fluences, which had I wen steadily at work, had resulted in 18711 in the disruption of the Virginia Democracy. Tho Rt publi can rank and file had gone over to Mahoue, ■while the others had joined tho extreme Rourbons. The Republicans had from that time until 188 b abandoned the field to the foe. The election in Virginia had been egregiously misrepresented. They had car ried 50 on tof 100 counties, had elected 10 out of 10 Senators and carried 7 out of 10 Congressional districts. And all this they had done with strictly Republican votes. He stated these facts to show that the national Republican organization of Vir ginia was not ineffective or unsuccessful, and to demonstrate that with the cordial recognition and support of the national Republican party Virginia would give her electoral votes next year to the Republican candidate for tho Presidency. THE BALLOTS. The first formal ballot, resulted as follows: Whole number of ballots cast 47 Necessary to a choice 24 Chicago received 25! Omaha 4 Cincinnati 9 Minneapolis 8 Philadelphia 3 St. Louis 1 The second formal ballot resulted: Chicago 25 Omaha 1 Cincinnati l!i Minneapolis 8 Mr. Gallagher, delegate from the Now York Workingmen’s party, was, on applica tion, admitted to present the views of that party. He asked of the committee some recognition of the cause of labor. Ho want ed tho committee to further the views of the labor party in the direction of a high pro tective tariff, strong navy, more coast de fenses, internal improvements, compulsory education and other matters; and to use up the surplus nud protect the labor of Ameri can workingmen. They ask for the enfran chisement of white slaves, as they bad wit nessed that of black slaves. There are a few men on the Republican National Committee who are not for Blaine. They express considerable indignation at the dictatorial way in which the Blaine men rode over them to-day. They also accuse the Blaine men of improper methods. A RECEPTION AT NIGHT. Probably the most notable social gather ing of Republican leaders, ever held in this city, assembled at the club house of the Re publican National Ijoague this evening on the occassion of the reception tendered by the league to the National Republican Com mittee. Almost all the Republican mem bers of both branches of Congress as well as many ex-Congressmen, and well known Republican politicians, were present. The members of the National Republican Com mittee, and the membei-sof the visiting del egations here in behulf of their respective cities, were in attendance to a man. Flowers, national flags and portraits of prominent Republicans alxmndod in all the rooms, and placards bearing the mottoes of Republican doctrines were displayed throughout the House. The main idea contained in the latter was pro tection to American industry and enter prise, and this was the keynote of all the speeches delivered during the evening. The K] leakers assailed the President’s utter ances on the tariff in his recent message to Congress and advocated protection to American labor. At times the enthusiasm ran to high pitch. Speeches were delivered by Senators Cullom, Stewart of Nevada, Allison, Hawley and Evarts, Murat Hal stead, of the Cincinnati Cow mereial-Ga zette, Delegate Plummer, of Dakota, and Representatives Cutcheon, of Michigan, Morrow, of California, and McComas, of Maryland. LIBERAL UNIONISTS. Lord Hartington Presides at a Confer ence in London. London, Dec. B.—Lord Hartington pre sided at a conference in Westminster Hall to-day of Liberal Unionists. Many leaders of the party were on the platform. Six hundred delegates were present. Earl of Derby offered a resolution in favor of increased exertions to strengthen the Unionist party. Ho said that the con stituencies, especially those of Scotland, showed a market! increase of feeling in favor of the Dissidents. The Irish question hail been so prolonged that it is possible that the people might say it must be settled somehow, but they should bo made to un derstand that the granting of an Irish Par liament would be no settlement, but only the beginning of an agitation as violent and as troublous as the last one. Mr. Hartington, replying to a voteof con fidence, denied that the Unionists had de serted Liberal principles, which, he said, did not belong to one man or one party. If they had agreed to Mr. Gladstone’s home rule scheme, they would have falsified the pledges they had made before the general election. NO CHANGE IN THE METHODS. ' Lord Hartington continued: “Wo were told that the mode of operation in Ireland had been changed, owing to the sympathy of Englishmen. But we did not see such a great change. Boycotting, intimidation, resistance at evictions and non-payment of rents continued as before, with the open support of a portion and the toleration of all the English home rulers. Remem ber Mitchellstown has been flung forth to animate tbe passions of the people in their struggle against the law. Every method of open resistance short of rebellion has been resorted to, with the tacit consent of Mr. Gladstone and the Liberal leaders. The Unionists had a satisfactory under standing with the Conservatives, and would continue to act with them.” Referring to the fair trade movement, Mr. Hartington said it was not possible to speak in too strong terms of those who spoke of returning to the policy of protec tion. He hoped tbe Conservative loaders would weigh well the consequences before they gave their succor and support to a policy which would lead to the disruption of the Unionist party. Those who advocated fair t rade must be responsible for the conse quences. Mr. llartington’s remarks were warmly applauded. A BANQUET AT NIOHT. Lord Hartington presided at a banquet in the evening. There were 750 guests pres ent, including all the leading Unionists. Mr. Goschen, in the course of a speech, said ■that as a member of the government he would say deliberately that he did not be lieve there would be advanced a single principle, executive, administrative or fiscal, which would cause any difficulty be tween the Conservatives and Dissidents. HARRINGTON’S HARDSHIP. He Must go to Jail for a Month for Pub lishing Reports. Dublin, Dec. B.—Edward Harrington, Member of Parliament, was tried in Tralee Court to-duy, on a charge of pub lishing fri his paper reports of meetings of suppressed branches of the national league. The defendant’s solicitor objected to the proofs offered of his client’s guilt, but the magistrate overruled the objection. The solicitor then withdrew from the case. Mr. Harrington was found guilty and sentenced to one month’s imprisonment without hard labor. Notice was given of an appeal from the sentence. The court offered to release Mr. Harring ton on his own recognizance if he would agree not to publish any more reports of meetings of suppressed branches of the league, but Mr. Harrington refused to give such a promise. Mr. Mandeville, who is a prisoner in Tul lamore jail, has been subjected to bread and water diet for forty-eight hours for re fusing to clean his cell. THE LOYALIST RALLY. London, Dec. 8. —Mr. Dillon, in a speech at Islington, this evening, said that the Nationalists intended to publish an analysis showing that the persons on the platform at the recent meeting in Dublin addrossjd by Lord Hartington, were chiefly castle offi cials, Orangemen and lawyers. Not Cancerous. Berlin, Dec. 8. —A private telegram from San Remo reports that the doctors attend ing the Crown Prince have completely changed their opinion regarding the nature of his disease. The Magdffburffer Zeitung correspondent at San Remo says that during the past few days the physicians attending the Crown Prince have expressed hopes, not only that his life will be pre.-verved, ImCalso that he will completely recover from his throat trouble. AN AMOROUS OLD FRAUD, HARPER MADE LOVE TO HIS FAIR EXCHANGE CLERK. Kisses and Promises of a Rldo Tliey Took Just Before the Crash Cnme- A Messenger Betrayed the Old Rep robate’s Confidence by Appro -1 [printing- Letters Glvon Him to De liver. Cincinnati, Dee. S. —The Enquirer this morning prints fao simile letters, which it says were furnished by Charles Hopkins, son of the Assistant Cashier, Benjamin E. Hopkins, of the Fidelity Bank. They pur port to be letters sent by Hamer to Miss Josie Holmes, his former exchange clerk. It is explained that after the failure, Harper professed the warmest friendship for his assistant cashier, Hopkins, and promised to do every thing that could be done to shield him. Young Hopkins was correspondingly kind to Harper and became his messenger to carry letters to and from Miss Holmes. While in this office he liegan to suspect that Harper was arranging y> shirk upon Hop kins the responsibility of all the transactions with grain brokers, and young Hopkins, to placo Harper within bis power, conceived the bold design of concealing the letters and delivering verbal messages only. HARPER FURIOUS. This worked well enough until Miss Holmes visited the jail. Harper was furious upon learning of the treachery of his mes senger, and has since been cold toward Hop kins. The loiters were in cipher, which was easily read. Harper also sent three checks to Miss Holmes, which Hopkins suppressed and turned over to District Attorney Bur net. They aggregated $700,1X10, and it is presumed they were intended to be placed so as to cover up some of the crooked transactions of his lunik. Ono for $;00,00() was dated Feb. 28. The otners were for S2OO,(XXI each, ami were dated June 27. The lettei-s of Harper to Mi s Holmes are as ar dent as those of any lover could Ik-. In the first one ho instructed her about what sho should say in her testimony. She answered saying she would be ns evasive ns she could lie, but feared she could not testify as he wanted her to. She said he had made a botch sending “H.” to seo her, and asked him why ho did not go when he had a chance. She asked him to send her a law yer to advise her how to testify. PROTESTATIONS OF LOVE. To this Harper replied with many pro testations of love for his bright angel, and upbraided her for her coldness, and espe cially for her cool suggestion that ho should have flown. It looked to him as though she wanted to got rid of him. He re minded her of his talk during their last ride together, that ho said the worst thing would lie their separation, and that she said that would fie and pressing a kiss on his lips said she would go to prison with him, or if that could not be would visit him daily. He begged her to get well and come to' him before she got into the safe deposit tiox, otherwise all would tie spoiled. He nlso urged her to de cline to be interviewed. In one of her notes Miss Holmes said to Harper: “Your wife has $300,000. 1 have nothing now to do but to die, with your family disgracing ine as they have done in the last two days.” READY FOR THE DEFENSE. The examination of witnesses for the pros ecution was concluded to-day, without adding a further sensation. Then Judge Wilson asked the court to give him a little time to prepare for opening the case for the defense, and the court adjourned until to morrow at 10 o’clock. It is expected that Harper will be placed on the stand, and that no other witness will bo called. The prosecution made no reference to the publi cation of the cipher letters between Hariier and Miss Holmes. CLENCHES HIS TEETH. Harper was seen at the jail this morning by a reporter an:l was asked what he had to say about the publication of his letters to Miss Holmes, liarpor paused a moment, and then, with clenched teeth, said: “You can say tiiat Charley Hopkins did not pub lish other letters that would have benefited me as much as it would his father, and that lie did not publish anything about the $lO I gave him for her. Now will you excuse met’ and he finished his toilet and went upstairs, where his wife and his sister were in waiting to take him to the court room. In the court room Harper gave his usual polite attention to his wife, and showed but little trae; of trouble. His wife, however, sat like a statue, as though oblivious of hor surroundings. There is no dout t of the authenticity of the letter. Edward M. Watson, the attorney sent from Washington to assi-t District At torney Burnet in the Harper trial, died sud denly last evening at the residence of Dr. Kemper, from tho rupture of a blood vessel. The love letter episode makes a world of sympathy for Mrs. Harper, but it creates correspondingly hard feeling against liar per. The court, upon the close of the gov ernment’s testimony to day, of its own motion ruled out four of the counts in tho indictment as being imperfectly drawn. As there are 55 counts in all, these show but a small figure to the defendant's credit. It is an unusual and remarkable fact that not a single exception has so far been taken to any ruling of the court. Moreover, tho rulings have generally been made with hut little argument. FAILURE OF A BANK. County Officials Lose Heavily on Deposits. Chicago, Dec. B.—A special from Btow artville, Mo., states that the Stewartvillo bank of Buck & Mi Croskoy was closed yes terday. It is impossible to learn the liabil ities. The asset s are practically nothing. Eli Burton, County Treasurer, has S47,(XX) on deposit, and will lose it all. The county will lose nothing, as it is protected by his bond-men. Judge King, of tho County Court of DeKalb county, will lose fid,(Ml. All of tho merchants and many farmers are victims to a greater or less extent. Mr. Buck, the senior partner, claims that the assets are ample to meet all liabilities if properly managed. A SILVER CITY RANK FAILS. Silver City, N. M., Dec. B.— Great ex citement has been caused by the failure of Meredith & Alnian, bankers, who assigned to-day. George I). Goldman. Cashier of the Silver City National Bunk, in a notice on the door says tho money was not wasted in speculation, but is loaned to people of our country who have property, but no money. Mr. Meredith is County Treasurer arid makes the county a preferred creditor for about $20,000. About 80 per cent, of the HiiVer City National Bank was owned by the firm, which has been weak since the assignment. ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE MARKET. Louisville, Ky., Dec. 8.-—Amos Mc- Carnpbeil & Cos., bankers and dealers on margins, closed their doors in this city to-day. The members of the firm say they have been on tho wrong side of the market for some time and could not stand tho pressure. Branches in St. Paul, Minne apolis and New Orleans, Mobile and Montr gomery are also involved. The entire lia bilities are placed at $26,000. The assets are nothing. AUSTRIA WON’T BE RASH. A Grapple with Rusela to be Avoidod as Long as Possible. Festh, Dec. B.—lu the bost informed circles the situation arising from the re enforcement of Russian troops in Poland iH not regarded as portending any immediate danger. Nothing more will be done yet beyond the sending of a warning to Russia that Austria is watchful and will not leave unanswered any further military measures that Russia may take. Austria will not precipitate counter measures because she does not desire to leave Russia without a loophole or to give her retreat the appear ance of being due to Austrian menace. It is expected that Austria will grant to Rus sia a l rief delay for furnishing a spon taneous explanation of the massing of her troops. Meanwhile Austrian preparations will quietly continue. The pross regard matters in a perfectly calm spirit. AUSTRIA NTRENOTHtNO HER FORTS. Vienna, Nov. B.—The War Office is tak ing measures to permanently increase the facilities by which troops can be mobilized, and to place Galicia in better position lor defense. The Przemysl fortress, tho most important defense work in tho province, is lining surrounded by a net work of rail roads, and track has been added to the Hungarian Galician railroad. Other forti fications are lieing erected. These prepara tions will enable a large force to be thrown into Galicia at the shortest notice. No extra force will lie stationed in Galicia. THE MILITARY COUNCIL Emperor Francis Joseph presided to-day at the Military Council. Count Kalnoky, the Imperial Prime Minister, was also pres ent. It was decided not to summon the delegations for the present, as Russia has apparently stopped her menacing movements. Measures for the mobilization of troops were arranged which will lie immediately adopted, should Russia continue massing troops on the fron tier. The public is not unduly excited, but it is resolved to meet any attack that may be made with firmness. In leading cities, the idea tiiat. Austria intends to givo Russia provocation for war, is repudiated. The Emperor has summoned another Mil itary Council for to-morrow. Col. ZujefT, the Russian military attache hero, has lieen summoned to Hfc Petersburg. RUSSIA’S PACIFIC PROFESSIONS. St. Petersburg, Deo. B.—Well informed persons assert that the Russian Govern ment’s intentions are entirely pacific, and that public opinion m Russia is also in favor of peace. Predictions of an approaching conflict between Russia and Austria are more unjustifiable uftor the recent Imperial meeting at Berlin, as the rapprochement then effected can but contribute to the g: ueral fieace by involving Austria in similar pacific developments. Tho Russian movements on the frontier con sist merely of the dispatching thither of a division of cavalry, not with an aggressive idea, but for the protection of certain localities. The city of Lublin is exposed to attacks by an enemy, against which pru dence recommends that provision lie made in view of the important military prepara tions now proceeding in Austria. RUSSIA REFUSES a LOAN. London, Dec. !>, 4 a. m. —The Paris cor respondent of the Times learns tiiat tho Russian government has just refused the offer of a Parisian syndicate to guarantee the raising of a loan of SISO, (XX), (XX). This action, he says, is proof of Russia’s pacific intentions. The Standard gives some supplementary information relative to the forged Bismarck letters. It says that the letters sent- back to Prince Bismarck from Russia consisted of two series— diplomatic messages in tho usual form and confidential letters to the Czar alone. The purpose of the lettters seem to have been two-fold: To stimulate the Czar against Germany and to create good will between the Czar and Prince Ferdinand of Bulgarin. A prominent member of the Czar’s family, who is connected with the Orleans family, is implicated in the plot. BOULANGER FOR WAR MINISTER. Goblet will Bring the General to the Front Again. Paris, Dec. B.—lt is stated that M. Goblet, who has undertaken the task of forming a ministry, intends to demand that Gen. Bou langer shall be Minister of War. M. Paul de Roulede resigned the Presi dency of the Patriotic league because of a disagreement with the Executive Commit tee in relation to his action during the Pres idential crisis. It is refiorted to-night that the Cabinet will be composed as fol lows: M. Goblet, President of the Council, nnd Minister of the Interior; M. Ribot, Minister of Justice; M. Flourens, Minister of Foreign Affairs; M Rinard, Minister of Education; M. Loubet, Minister of Agri culture; M. Menard-Dorian. Minister of Public Works; M. Clamageran, Minister of Finance; M. Siegfried, Minister of Com merce; M. Bourgeois, Minister of Marine; Gen. Fevrier, or Gen. Thomassin, Minister of War. M. Goblet still finds difficulty in forming a Cabinet. It is not, probable that official announcement of the composition of the Cabinet will lie published until Haturday. RIBOT REFUSES TO ENTER. M. Goblet has been foiled by the refusal of M. Ribot to remain in a Cabinet in which two portfolios are given to members of the Extreme left—M. Sigismond Lacroix anil M. Menard-Dorian. A prolonged conference was held between President Carnot nnd M. Goblet and M. Ribot, tho I’resident support ing M. Goblet, but no agreement was ar rived at. M. Rieard, who is President of the union of the Left, joins M. Ribot in refusing to enter the Cabinet. M. Goblet regards M. Ricard’s action as a refusal of the union of the Lift to eo-ojierate, and he w ill probably resign the task of forming a Ministry. If M. Goblet does resign the task M. Rouvier will probably be called to head a mollified Cabinet. It is reported that the dissension between M. Goblet and M. Itibot is due to other reasons besides the share of the radicals in the government, notably to differences in regard to the income tax and worship budget. _ BUSHYHEAD BOUNCED. The Downing Party Bwears In a New Chief and Assistant* St. Louis, Dec. 8. —The latest informa tion from Tahlequah, I. T. p is that the patience of the Downing party having be come exhausted waiting for the Senate to count and declare the vote of the late elec tion for Chief and Assistant Chief of the Nation, ttiey last evening swore in Judge Mays as Chief and Ham Smith as Assistant Chief, und then conducted them to the ex ecutive office, whore the lata Chief Bushy head was apprised of the situation and re quest! and to jienceabiy vacate, which he did. Notwithstanding this irregular way of in ducting the Chief into office, no disturbance ensued, anil C ief Mays says that order shall be fully preserved.' Pig Iron Affected by the Message. London, Doc. 8. —President Cleveland’s message has caused excitement in the Scotch pig iron market, and prices are ruing. (PRICF.9IO % YEAR. I 1 HE.M'SAtOt’i.f WOOIFOI.K'S TURN NOW. THE LAST WITNESS FOR THE STATE HEARD. Witnesses Tell of Threats Being Made by the Prisoner Long Before the Crime was Committed—A Desire to Obtain Control of His Father’s Prop* erty Manifested for Months. Macon, Ga., Dec. B.—The fourth flay of the Woolfolk trial was concluded today. The first witness of importance examined by the State was John Owens, a negro whitewashes who testified that Wool folic, pointing to bis father’s property, said: “Do you seo all of this property around here! It tielongs to me and my two sisters. Some day I w ill have every bit of it.” The most sensational evidence elicited during the morning was sworn to by Bone Davis. It was not only of a startling nature, but was new testimony, never having been made public before. It was damaging to the prisoner, anil contained an ineendiarv threat. Mr. Davis testified that he saw Woolfolk in March, when the latter rode some distance in his buggy with him. THE THREAT. lie asked Woolfolk if he was going to his father’s. Woolfolk said no, but that he might go there uftor a while. He said his father did not like him. He drank a little and spread around some, which Ins father called loafing, and be would not let him stay about home unless he worked. Wool folk further said: “Father is independent and I am . de|iendeiit, but by fire will make them as dependent ns I am. I will not stand it, anil will see tho last one of them in before I stand it.” The wit ness here clinched his fist in imitation of how Woolfolk did. The witness was rigidly cross-examined, but did not alter his statement, which made a profound impression ou the large crowd in the court room. WANTED MONEY. On the same line J. Danenberg,a merchant horn, testified that in the year 1885 Wool folk rented a store from him on Third street and paid him tho rent. One day he said when ho came into the store: “You are a smart man and know a great deal about law, and can tell mo something.* The witness told him he knew nothing about law and was only acquainted with commer cial law. Woolfolk said he was very poor now, but one day would lie well off. He spoke to the witness about* his father’s property, and said he would vet die a rich man. He spoke also about his stepmo’her anil stepsisters, and the impres sion left on Mr. Dauenberg’s mind was that he did not like them. He said nothing about not liking his father. Other witnesses were examined, but noth ing of a startling nature was elicited. The Htate then closed, and the court ad journed until to-morrow morning at 9 o’clock. The trial is exciting great interest, which is increasing as it progrei-ses. TEXAN BANDITS IN JAIL. Tha Authorities Had Been on Their Trail Nearly a Year. Fort Worth, Tex., Dec. 8. After months of watching anil pursuit, the ring leaders of tile famous Brooking gang of thieves and train robbers were last night taken to jail. The entire ranger force of the Pan Handle, in command of Capt. Mo- Murray and the Sheriffs of three counties, with their deputies, have been at work on these cases for nearly a year. The scene of tile depredations was in Childress, Wil barger, Baylor aud adjoining portion* of the Htate. The rohliei lived in canons and caves mi< l were well organized. All the big ranebmen have suffered at their hands, and in one case a whole herd of cattle was stolen In Green county and taken to Kansas and sold. The train on its ar rival last night, hail the ap|*-arance of bear ing a little army;Winchesters and revolver* appeared in large numliers. Th* men placed in Tarrant county jail were Boode Brooking. Captain of the brigands, C. Hpencer, Wylie Bell. J. Y. Burke, Mika Hwain, and Bam Prescott. The Arizona Kid and three others were left in Vernon jail. The scene of the crimes of these men is 176 miles from Fort Worth, bub tfiey are brought here for fear of rescue. ENGLAND’S PROTECTIONISTS. They Say They Won’t Moderate Duties Imposed on Import3. London, Dec. 8. —A meeting to advo cate fair trade was held in St. James Hall, to-day. Howard Vincent, Conservative member of Parliament, asserted that a ma jority of the Conservative party favored fair trade as a necessity, in order to find employment for the increasing population. He said that other nations used fair trade to the disadvantage of England. Resolutions were adopted favoring mod erate import duties and urging a modifica tion of the free trade policy. MUST BE RECKONED WITH. London, Dec. 9, 4 a. m.—The MominQ Post, referring somewhat favorably to th fair trade agitation, says the movement is rapidly becoming a power which must be reckoned with politically and socially. TRAINS TOGETHER IN A FOG. A Freight Runs Down a Passe ngaf Cooling a Hot Box. Council Bluffb, Dec. B.—An out-going Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffi passenger train was run into last night by a freight train at PercivaJ, and according to the reports of the officials two tramps on the freight train were Killed. The passenger train hail stopped on account of a hot box. A flagman whs sent back, but the fog was so dense that the freight engineer could nof see his signal. Travel was blockade* several hours. Other reports state that the freighteugin wont almost through a sleeper, and that one passenger was killed and about twenty in jured. Two Brakemen Killed. Brainehd, Minn., Dec. B.—A freight train ou tho Northern Pacific road was wrecked near Kim tier ly tbis morning, and two braken en nameo Kline and Holmes, were killed. Hieam es ciyiing from the engine scalded engineer D. W. Travis, and it is feared that he is so badly hurt that he will not recover. South Carolina's Comptroller to Re sign. Columbia, S. C,, Dec. B.—Hon. William E. Stoney, Comptroller General of Souui Carolina, will to-morrow tender his resigna tion to the Gov. rnor. Mr. Stoney resigns for the purpose of accepting the position of Auditor of the South Carolina Railway Company. Loss of a British Steamer. London, Die. B.—The British steamer Lome, plying in Chinese waters, was wrecked Sundry on the east coast of the Island of Hainiu. Of those on board sixty nine were saved. The fate of the others i unknown. The Lome was 1.066 ton# burthen.