The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, December 14, 1887, Image 1

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c ESTABLISHED 1850. ) "l J. 11. ESTILL, Editor aud Proprietor, f FEDERAL LINES OF WIRE PROVISIONS OP SENATOR CUL LOM’S BILL. Trunk Lines Which Are to be Con structed First and the Cities they Will Touch—s4,ooo,ooo Named as the Sum to Start With—The Proposed Tolls. Washington, Dec. 13.—The postal tele graph bill introduced by Senator Cullom to-day establishes the United States Postal Telegraph as the part of the postal system of the United States, and for the purpose of inaugurating the system provides that the following telegraph trunk lines shall first be constructed: One from Washington, D. C., to Portland, Me.; one from • Washington to Minneapolis; one from York to Cleveland; one from Pittsburg to Topeka, Kan., via Columbus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Kansas City: one from Toledo to Detroit; one from Washington to Galveston via Richmond, Charlotte, Columbia, Au gusta, Atlanta, Montgomery and New Or leans; one from Chicago to St. Louis; one from Chicago to San Francisco and one from Cheyenne to Denver. OPENING OFFICES. Postal telegraph offices are to be opened at the places named, and at all intermediate points at which first, second or third class post offices are established. Branch lines, it provides, shall be constructed from time to time as appropriations therefor are made by Congress, the intention being to connect it with all cities where the postal free de livery system prevails, but no additional facilities are to be provided in States already connected with trunk lines until postal telegraph offices have been established in every State and Territory. The system is to be constructed in straight lityss as near as practicable, but regard is to be taken of cities that will afford the best telegraphic facilities to the public. Lines are to be con structed by the engineer corps of the army and then transferred to the custody of the Postmaster General. GOOD MATERIAL. The poles are to be of iron, the wires of copper and all other materials of the best character, eight wires are to be strung on the line from New York to Chicago, and four upon the other lines. The Secretary of War is authorized to use the military service lines of the United States as far as expedient, and also to make all necessary condemnations of lands or buildings at fair compensation. All disputes as to what is fair compensation are to be settled by the Court of Claims. The Secretary is further authorized to construct, take and use all machinery and devices, not including telegraph lines, whether patented or not, as shall lie deemed necessary, the compensation to be deter mined in the same manner as the condem nations of land. The sums of moneys nec essary for this purpose are appropriated by the bill. CHEAP TOLLS. The rate of 10c. for each twenty words, and fie. for each additional ten words is fixed for distances under 500 miles, and an addi tional rate of sc. for each 250 miles over 500. A night rate of 25c. and a day rate of 75c. is fixed for each 100 words transmitted for newspapers, except that where the same dispatch is dropped at mere than one office, the ratio shall be 25c. and 50c. respectively. The office of Director General of Telegraphs is created as part of the Post Office Department. It is made the duty of the Postmaster General to report to Congress, after the passage of the act, a plan for complete organization of the postal telegraph system, with detailed estimates of the men and money needed. Before the system is put. into operation and the employes selected, examinations are to lie held by the Civil Service Commission to determine the fitness of the applicants. Four million dollars is appropriated for the location and construction of the telegraph lines provided for by the act. The introduction of half a dozen bills on the subject, including one by Mr. Edmunds, and the struggle as to whether a special committee shall consider them or the Com mittee on the Post Office, indicates the interest take# by the Senate in the proposal postal telegraph. It is probable that the Senate will pass a bill establishing a postal telegraph. It would be beaten, however, in the House. MAYOR LESTER STANDS OUT. He Refuses to Sign the Dead to the Barracks Property. Washington, Dec. .13. —The report of District Attorney Guerry upon the title to the barracks property, selected as a site for Savannah’s new public building, has arrived at the Department of Justice. It fills twen ty-five foolscap pages. It reviews the his tory of the site and describes the interests of * the different owners. It states that all the owners except Mayor Lester will unite in the conveyance to the United States. There are judgements against some of the owners, he states, which might he liens on the property. Some of these are outlawed. Some he considers valid. He is informed by Capt. Purse that the latter will be cleared off. Mr. Guerry does not give the names or amounts. MAYOR LESTER’S CLAIM. He says that Mayor Lester claims that he is not a corporator, but a tenant in common. If Mayor Lester will not join in the con veyance or submit his claims to arbitra tion, the District Attorney suggests that Congress condemn Mayor Les ter’s interest, so as to secure an undisputed title. Mr. Norwood said to-day that he must wait until tfie Attorney Gen eral had read and passed upon the report before he did anything. If it then seemed necessary he would intnxiuce a bill to authorize the condemnation of Mayor Les ter’s interest. He says that would lie easily Passed. If Mayor Lester's acquiesces, Mr. Norwood will try to get through both Houses a resolution appropriating SIOO,OOO so that, work may be commenced as soon as possible. RIVERS AND HARBORS. States Interested to be Represented on the Committee. Washington, Dec. 13.—A number of the Democratic Representatives from the South Atlantic States, called on Speaker Carlisle this morning and asked him to give the South Atlantic States representation on the Rivers and Harbors Committee. They pointed out to him that in the last Congress these States had no representative on teat, committee, in spite of their important river and harbor interests, and they asked him to appoint George D. Wise cf V irginia and Charles Dougherty, of Florida, to represent them on that eommit t*e in the present House. The Speaker t>aid these States shall certainly he repre sented on the committee, and intimated a to appoint the gentlmen named ja it could be done. A Lighthouse for Dog Island. Washington, Dec. 18.— A bill was intro duced in the Senate to-day by Mr. Call ask ing an appropriation of $40,000 for the erec- Lun of a lighthouse on Dog Island, Fla. IN SENATE AND HOUSE The Committee on Elections Chosen by the Latter Body. Washington, Dec. 13.— 1n the Senate to day, after the presentation of a large num ber of petitions, Mr. Morrill, from the Com mittee on Finance, reported back the Sen ate bill to credit and pay to the several States and Territories ami to the District of Columbia all moneys collected under the direct tax act of Aug. 5, 1861. It was put on the calendar. Mr. Ingalls introduced bills to remove the limitation in the payment of arrears of pen sions; granting arrears in certain eases to those pensioned by special acts of Congress; for the condemnation of land on Rock creek, District of Columbia, for a park. A number of other bills were introduced, among them the following: By Mr. Hoar—A constitutional amend ment for extension of the Congressional term till the last Tuesday in April. By Mr. Cullom —To amend the interstate commerce act. Also for the establishment and operation of a United States postal telegraph. By Mr. Reagan—For a conference of American nations on a common standard silver coin. Mr. Piatt offered a resolution to amend the rules so that hereafter the Senate shall consider and act upon treaties and execu tive nominations in open session, except when otherwise ordered. The resolution was referred to the Committee on Rules. Mr. Dolph cal led up the bill introduced by him yestei'dhy to provide for fortification and other sea coast defenses, and after a brief speech upon its merits, moved refer ence of the bill to the Committee on Coast Line Defenses. The bill was so referred, and the Senate at 1:30 o’clock adjourned. In the House. In the House to-day a large number of executive communications were laid before the House by the Speaker, and appropriate ly referred, and at 12:40 o’clock the House took a recess until 1 o’clock. After the recess, Sneaker Carlisle having called Mr. Mills, of Texes, to the chair, Mr. Cannon, of Illinois, t 1, red a resolution de claring that the following named gentlemen shall constitute the Committee on Elections: Messrs. Crisp (Chairman), O’FerralJ, Outh waito, Barry, Marsh, Heard, Johnson, of North Carolina, O’Neil, of Indiana. Moore, Rowell, Houk. Cooper, Lyman, Johnson, of Indiana, and Lodge. The resolution was unanimously adopted. The Speaker, having resumed the Chair, directed all papers in the various contested election cases to be referred to the commit tee just elected, and then the House, at 1:10 o’clock, adjourned until Friday. radical desperation. Chandler Wants to Run Congressional Elections in Four States. Washington, Dec. 13.—Senator Chandler has introduced a bill to regulate the holding of Congressional elections in South Caro lina, Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana. It provides for the appointment by the Presi dent, with the advice and consent of the Senate, of four supervisors of election for each Congressional district in the States to which the measure ap plies, who are required to sub-divide the district into a sufficient number of vot ing precincts. In each precinct the Circuit Court of the United States is to appoint four inspectors and two poll clerks, who are to make registration of the voters and con duct Congressional elections. The super visors are to act as a canvassing board, to receive returns from the inspectors and ascertain and declare the result of the elec tion. The supervisors, inspectors and poll clerks are to be divided equally between the two principal political parties. The measure is made applicable only to the States of South Carolina, Florida, Missis sippi and Louisiana. It is elaborately drawn and contains minute provisions governing the whole matter of registration aud the conduct of elections, together with penalties for election frauds. chandler’s explanation. To an Associated Press reporter who asked for an explanation of the theory ami purpose of the bill, Mr. Chandler said it was drawn under that clause of the consti tution which provides that the times, places and manner of holding elections for Repre sentatives in Congress shall bo prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof, but Congress may by law make or alter such regulations. He said the constitu tional power is ample either to pass a general law for all the States, one appli cable to a number of States, or a special law in respect to any particular State. In reply to a query as to his purpose in limit ing the operation of the measure to the four States named, he said: '‘lt is my desire to secure, if possible, the passage of a national ejection law in those States where there is manifest and avowed suppression of the Republican suffrage. In Louisiana the Democratic leaders declare their intention not to allow colored people to vote the Re publican ticket, and have also assorted their intention to settle this question without the slightest regard to Northern sentiment on the subject. Hence I think that both Northern sentiment and interest should lead to the passage of laws to limit the suppres sion of suffrage to elections for State offi cers, and give us free suffrage for national offices.” Mr. Chandler said his measure did not cover Presidential elections, for the reason that the constitution gave no authority for it. He expressed a belief that the bill, or a similar one, will pass the Senate, and he hopos that it may pass the House. CRISPS HESITATION. He Wanted to be Chairman of the Pacific Railroads Committee. Washington, Deo. 13.—Mr. Crisp, of Georgia, had a very good reason for trying to get out of tho chairmanship of the Com mittee on Elections when the caucus put it upon him yesterday in his desire to take the chairmanship of the Committee on Pacific Railroads, which he was almost certain to get and for which ho is so well prepared. He knows more ahout the Pacific railroads than any other Democrat except Mr. Outhwaita, of Ohio, who has also been placed on the Elections Committee. There is some talk of giving Mr. Cr:sp both chairmanships. The probability is that. Mr. Out waito will now be made chairman of the Pacific Railroads Committee. Mr. Turner, of Georgia, former chairman of the Elections Commit tee, will go either on the Ways and Means or Judiciary Committee. Esmond and O’Connor. Washington, Dec. 13.—Sir Thomas Esmond and Sir Arthur O’Connor, Irish members of Parliament, will arrive here to morrow night. They will address a meet ing in Masonic Hall, over which Senator Ingalls is to preside and at which Senators Sherman, Dolph, Representatives Collins, McAdoo and others are to speak. Thursday night they are to he ( given a dinner at Chamberlin’s by the Irish-Ameriean mem bers of Congress. Faulkner to be Seated. Washington, Dec. 13.—The Senate Com mittee on Privileges and Elections has de cidedly unnniinously to seat Mr. Faulkner, of West Virginia- SAVANNAH, GA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1887. FICKLENESS OK FRANCE. A BELIEF THAT THE NEW GOV ERNMENT WILL FALL IN A MONTH. President Carnot Threatened to Resign if M. Tirard Refused to Form a Min istry—The President’s Message Sent to the Chamber and Well Received— Wilson Whitewashed. Paris, Dec. 13. —The formation of the Tirard Ministry was brought about by the threats of President Carnot to resign if M. Tirard refused to go ahead with the task. It is now called “Carnot’s Cabinet.” The organs of M. Clemenceau and other radical organs, make violent attacks on the new government, which, it is expected, will col lapse after the holidays. CARNOT’S MESSAGE. President Carnot’s message was sent to the Chambers to-day. In it he says that he is fully sensible of the honor conferral upon him by his election to the Presidency, and of the great duties entrusted to him. His appointment clearly proclaims that Parlia ment has resolved to put aside all causes for disagreement, and that regard for the vital interests of the country and legitimate influences abroad calls for a union of all representative devoted to the nation and animated by common patriot ism. For him, upon whom has fallen the honor of uniting the suffrages of the differ ent sections, the first duty is to show that he himself is penetrated with a spirit of con cord. The government will, therefore, en deavor to facilitate harmony by calling upon the members of the Legislature to work on common ground for the moral and material interests of the nation. PROMISE OF PROGRESS. With appeasement, security and confi dence the government hopes to assure to the country steady progress and practical reforms calculate! to encourage industry, strengthen credit and produce a .revival of business. Preparations are living made for the great industrial exhibition in 1889, The government desires to give consideration to measures affecting labor, public hygiene and national thrift, and it specially wishes to study and improve the financial condi tion so as to effect an equilibrium between the revenue and expenditure and to simplify the administrative and judicial systems. The government is also solicitous to give a large share of attention to the land and soa force. A PLEDGE TO EUROPE. It is for the Chambers, continues the mes sage, to endow the government with power to execute this programme, which will pre pare for the country a lasting era of peace ful and fruitful activity, and thus give Eu rope a precious pledge of the ardent desire of France to strengthen the general peace and assist in the developing of good rela tions between the powers. Strong in your support the government will be a vigilant and resolute guardian of the constitution and laws of France. Thus, respected, broad and calm and prosperous at home, the na tion will bo able to prepare actively for a fiting celebration ot the great coming cen tenary. The message was well received. Alter it had been read the Chambers adjourned till Thursday. M. Tirard, Prime Minister, will introduce a bill asking for a provisional budget for three months. The Bourse was firm to-day until the close, when it became weak on rumors of a Cabinet difficulty. WILSON WHITEWASHED. The Court of Arraignment has pro nounced that no case has been established against M. Wilson, ex-President Gravy’s son-in-law, in connection with the decora tion scandals. The charges against him have therefore been dropped. The charges against Gragnon and Goron, in connection with the decoration scandals, have also been dismissed. Mme. Limeouzin has been mulcted for the costs of the trial. The Senate has proclaimed the expulsion of Gen. D’Andlau, on the ground that he is liable to arrest if he attempts to sit in the Senate. ' TIRARD’S ATTITUDE. Paris, Dec. 14, 4 a. m. —Premier Tirard, in an interview yesterday, said: “You know I am not a politician by profession, but a man of business. I desire to turn my attention chiefly to commercial expansion of trade and financial equilibrium, bidding a truce to jiolitios, with which the country is satiated. It was an attempt to make too wide concentration that caused the failure of all previous efforts to form a Cabinet. I had, therefore, to strike an average. If we are not venturesome reformers, we do not dread progress, nor even certain re forms. If we are provoked we shall defend ourselves.” GERMAN EDITORS RESERVED. Berlin, Dec. 13. —The German press is reserved in its comments on th? French Cabinet. The North German Gazette dubs it “a business Ministry,” representing no political idea. The Tagblatt is pleased that M. Flourens retains the foreign portfolio. ENGLISH CATHOLICS. An Address to Mgr. Persico in Circula tion for Signatures. London, Dec. 13. address to be signed by many English Catholics will be presented to Mgr. Persico, who was charged by the Pope to make a personal investiga tion of affairs in Ireland, assuring him of their devotion to the Holy See, and express ing hope tiiat his mission will result In in ducing the Pope to assist in obtaining for Ireland a fulfillment of her national aspira tions. The address will repudiate the ac - tions of those English Catholics who have adopted a course of bitter aud uncompro mising hostility towards Ireland. The ad dress has already been signed by the Mar quis of Ripon, Lord Ashburniiam, Lord Orard, and other prominent gentlemen, and is now lieing circulated for signatures among the Catholics of England. Germany's Duty on Wheat. Berlin, Dee. 13.—The Reichstag, after a debate which lasted seven hours, rejected the proposal of the government, to raise the tax on wheal and rye to 6 marks. The vote was 233 against and 108 in favor of t u e measure. A proposal to make the duty 5 marks was adopted by a vote of 213 .to 126. An Ambassador in Disgrace. London, Dec, 13.—The fall Mntl Gazette says that Gen. Willoughby, until recently Ambassador of Madagascar, in London was convicted on his return to Madagascar of the embezzlement of £12,000, and sentenced to imprisonment for an indefinite period. Convicted of Smuggling. Liverpool. Dec. 13.—Harris Goldstein, Isaac Wolfe and Adolf Hilverstem, the latter a New York detective, have been convicted of smuggling tobacco into Liverpool inside baleH of cotton, and have been fined SB,OOO. Retrenchment in Hawaii. San Francisco, Dei.'. 13.—Advices from Honolulu are to the effect that the newly elected legislature has cut down the salaries of all the HUite officials, and has aho ma terially reduced the King's salary. ERIN’S LANDLORDS. A Conference at Dublin Complair.a of the Government’s Action. Dublin, Dec. 13. —The Duke of Aborcorn presided at a conference of landlords held here to-day, and made a speech in which ho condemned absenteeism. A dele gation was appointed to submit to the gov ernment that the land owners of Ireland are entitled to coinpensa tion for the losses sustained through the action of the government in reducing rente to a greater extent than was justified by economic causes, in depriving land own ers of reversionary interest in occupancy of the soil, in lessening the saleable and re ceivable value of judicial rente and in de priving land owners of the right to obtain the best rent a solvent tenant, was able to pay in open market. The delegation will claim that the land owners are entitled to a direct pecuniary grant to compensate them for their losses, and to indirect relief in the shape of a grant to them of advances within limits which would involve no risk to the govern ment. Compulsory reduction of interest on mortgages, they will insist, is unjust ami impolitic, as it is impossible to distingui sli between mortgages and family charges. They will also urge simplification of the methods of transfer, charging aud discharg ing of land. PYNE ELUDES THE POLICE. Mr. Pyne, Member of Parliament who has been barricaded in Lisflnny Castle, his residence in County Waterford, resisting the efforts of the police to arrest him, left the castle early this morning, eluding the police sentinels, and taking a car that was a waiting him drove to some unknown place. Tho police aro scouring the country for him. EARL GRANVILLE ON THE SITUATION. London, Dec. 13. —The Eighty Club gave a banquet to-night in honor of Earl Gran ville. In a speech Lord Granville contend ed that ttie reception given to Lord Harring ton and Mr. Gosehen in Dublin was no test of public opinion. Desertions had not de stroyed tho Liberal party, which was en dowed with enduring vitality carrying aloft the banner of progress. The Liberals did not wish to declare that the Dissidents were beyond the pale of the party. On the con trary they wished to bring ’ahout reunion. But it was impossible to achieve reunion bv a suspension of the Irish question. Not all the power of Lord Salisbury and Mr. Glad stone united could do that. [Hear!] If the government undertook to settle tho Irish question upon a reasonable basis of self government, they would have the hearty support of the Liberals. It would tie (letter for the government to try to settle the Irish question than to follow their present course, which tended to take from the Irish all re spect for the law. Mr. Gladstone, in a letter to a Liberal meeting at Dunoon, Scotland, says: “Shock ing and painful discord is being created in the name of union, as at one time the worst crimes were committed in the name of liber ty. The State of Ireland has grown .sadly worse under the present government, O’DONOVAN ROSSA’S SUCCESSOR London, Dec. 14, 4 a. m. —The Times states on the authority of a Pamellita who stipulates that his name must not be dis closed th t Dr. Williams, of New York, succeeds O’Donovan Rossa in the leadership of the extreme Nationalists in Now York, and that Williams has a fund of £2OO,(XX) at his disposal to organize assassinations and dynamite explosions by sending to England Irish-Amerioan agents who do not work directly, but endeavor to find among the criminals of the large towns men to assassinate public men and conduct dynamite explosions. These men are now at work, and are well supplied with funds. The Times' informant also states that 200 weight of dynamite has been stored secretly in London, but he professes to tie unaware of its exact locality. The Times hopos that the police on the strength of this state ment will be able to discover the dynamite. England’s Fair Trade Agitation, London, Dec. 13.—Lord Randolph Churchill is the guest of Lord Harrington at Hardwick Hall. It is reported that they aro conferring a-, to the best means to meet the fair trade agitation. England’s Parliament. London, Dec. 13. —The Cabinet has de cided to reassemble Parliament on Feb. 7. The government will try to limit the debate on the address in reply to the Queen’s speech to one week. Cigar Makers to Resume Work. Havana, Dec. 13. —The cigar makers’ strike ended to-day and work will be re sumed in all the factories to-morrow. POWDERLY VERY ILL. The General Execut ve Board in Ses sion at Philadelphia. Scranton, Pa., Dec. 13. —General Master Workman Powderly arrived here last night from Philadelphia suffering from a violent attack of hemorrhage. He was stricken while journeying from Providence, R. 1., to Philadelphia. His condition last night until early this morning was critical. No one was aware of his illness but his imme diate friends The attack is said to be more serious than has been made public. SESSION OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. Philadelphia, Dec. 13.—At to-day’s session of the General Executive Board of tho Knights of Labor the question of grant ing national district charters to three appli cants now before the board, the Reading railroad men, street ear employee and tex tile workers, was again considered, and after the adjournment it was stated bv members of the board that all three would be granted as soon as the necessary preliminary forms had boon gone through with. The board do not expect that Mr. Powderly will be present at any of the sessions this week, and possibly ho will not be able to attend at all during this meeting. A secret circular signed by General Mas ter Workman Powderly is being received by the Secretaries of the various local assem blies throughout the country, together with blank petitions to Congress in favor of the establishment of governmental telegraph. The circular embraces many of the t houghts thrown out by General Master Workman Powderly in a letter recently published, am> recommends that work be’ now begun in earnest in favor of the great scheme. Life Lost In the Fire. Chicago, Dei'. 13.—Late last night it was rumored that the great fire in Pheljis, Dodge & Palmer's Iks it and shoe rouse was attend ed by lorn of life. It is said that at the time the names burst from tho building several persons were at work on the fifth floor, and the rapid spread of the flames must have cut off all means of escape. The watchman of the building is missing. The origin of the fire is a mystery. After the flames had made a good deal of headway, a loud explo sion was heard. Fire Marshal 8 wench says he thinks it was a hot air explosion. Dakota’s Vote on Division. Bismarck, Dak., Dec. 13.—The official statement of the vote of Dakota on the di vision is: In North Dakota the majority against division is exactly 10,000. In South Dakota the majority for division is 13,398. THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL HENRY S. IVES ARRESTED FOR GRAND LARCENY. Misappropriation of a Check for SIOO,- 000 the Charge Against Him Har per’s Trial at Cincinnati Followed by that of Assistant Cashier Hopkins- Heavy Failures at New York. Cincinnati, Dec. 13.—Tho trial of Ben jamin E Hopkins, late Assistant Cashier of the Fidelity National Bank, began this morning in the United States Court, Judge Sage presiding alone. The court passed up on the demurrers which had lieen argued, and struck out six of the forty or fifty counts which cover practically the same acts. The indictment as it remains was stated in substance to the defendant to lie a charge of misapplication of funds of the Fidelity National Bank and of making false entries in the books of the bank, To this the defendant pleaded not guilty. The jurors summoned were then called and sworn to answer questions touching thetr fitness to serve on this trial. The slow process of their examination then began. Assistant District Attorney Rruoe conducts the prosecution. Warner K. Bateman ap pears for the defendant. A GOOD RECORD. Hopkins is attended by his son and two daughters, and Mr. O’Keefe, his son-in-law. He has been so well known in Cincinnati by nearly all kinds of people that the court room was again tilled with spectators. He refers with pardonable pride to the fact that in his long semi-public life here, this is the first time a serious charge has lioen made against him, and claims he can now prove his innocence. The selection of the jury was accomplished and the jury sworn before the noon odjourhment, Ten of the jurymen are farmers, one is a stock dealer anil the twelfth is a liook binder. Mr. Bateman demanded tho bill of particulars of specific transactions upon which all of the offenses named in tho first; count is made. The court will rule on this to-morrow. WHAT THE GOVERNMENT WILL SHOW. Mr. Bruce, for the government, then stated that he extiectad to show that Hop kins at one time had misappropriated SHOO,- tKX) of the Fidelity Bank’s funds and $70,000 at another; that he had drawn checks for large sums for which he had no funds to draw upon, and that he hail made false en tries on the books of the bank representing $1,0(X),000 used in the Wiltshire wheat deal. Mr. Bateman for the defense said that they would prove that the defendant was not aware of what was being done in the bank, and that he signed improper drafts when handed to him with others by Harper, not knowing their nature. DEALS IN WHEAT. Frank A. Armstrong, now employed in the Cincinnati post office, but recently a broker, testified that in March last the de fendant met him on ’Changeand inadean ap pointment to meet him at Bowman’s, where Hopkins arranged to have the witness buy for him 100,000 bushels in Chicago on a 9c. margin. The witness took the order and Hopkins gave him a SIO,OtXI draft, of the Fidelity Bank on the Metropolitan Bank of Chicago. Hopkins said the deal was not for himself, but for a strong party whom he could not name. Chicago called for margins and the witness sought Hopkins, who could give him no answer until he saw his principal, it was not until 11 or 11:30 o'clock that Hopkins to and him to sell out the wheat, which he did, malting a loss of $3,750. He paid the proceeds to Hopkins in currency at the bank, at Hopkins’ re quest. A BROKER FROM CHICAGO. John T. Snodgrass, of Chicago, a dealer in grain and provisions, was next called. He was asked to state a conversation he had with Hopkins in February last here, but the defense objected. The jury was sent out while the court inquired what the tosti mony was, and then ruled it competent Mr. Mnodgrass went on to say that Hopkins told him he was wanting someone in Chicago to manage for a friend of his who was amply able to deal or “corner” wheat. “They,” as he named his unknown backer or backers, wanted to buy on a 2c. margin and, give New York exchange at the close every day as might be required by the state of tho the market. The witness said he could not close the arrangement until he went to Chi cago and consulted his firm. The next day he hail a telegram from Hopkins signed “Ben” saying: “If you can comply with our conversation buy a million bushels ot May wheat, and a million more every cent break.” The witness said this conversation oc curred on Feb. 22, Inst, and the telegram was sent the next day. On cross-examina tion, he said he did nothing on that order; that he leplied to the telegram in person, telling Hopkins that his firm wanted more margin and must know who was his princi pal. Hopkins suiii there were others who would do business on the terms lie wished, and so the matter dropped. The court then adjourned. IVES ARRESTED. • He ie Charged With Grand Larceny In Stealing a Check for SIOO,OOO. New York, Dec. 13.— Henry 8. Ivee, of the defunct banking firm of H. S. Ives & Cos., wa# arrested about 4 o’clock this after noon on a warrant which was issued on a charge of grand larceny, made by Julius Dexter, President of the Cincinnati, Ham ilton and Dayton Railroad Company. The affidavit of the complainant alleges that on Juno 6, 1887, a draft drawn by the First National Bank of Cincinnati June 3, on the Western National Bank of New York to the order of the Cin cinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railway Company for $100,(XX), indorsed by F. H. Short, Assistant Treasurer of the company, hail been stolen by Ives. The draft was alleged to be tho projierty of the Cincinnati, Hamilton find Dayton Railroad Com pany. The draft hail lieen sent to Ives as trustee of the company to is; turned over to A. R. McKcen, President of the Terre Haute and ludl an apolis Railroad Company, In part payment of $889,500, which was due to the Terre Haute Railroad Company for stock pur chased by tho Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton railroad. Ives, instead of indors ing and delivering the draft to the order of MoKecii as required, it is alleged, in dorsed it to the order of Heury 8. Ives & Cos., and deposited it with tho American Exchange National Bank of New York, to the credit of the firm. Ives was taken to Police Court, where his counsel claimed that the cose was one for the civil courts. Ives said he did not exiiect criminal proceedings. He was held in S2S,(XX) bail for examination, his sister fur nishing security. Ivee said he was not guilty. CRr.SHES IN NEW YORK. 8s Cos. Go to the Wall With Liabilities of Nearly $1,000,000. New York, Dec. 13.— The well-known firm of I). de Castro & Cos., shipping and commission i> ci-chants at Mo. 54 tv.ljfmv, street, have failed, and Famandiue Fer rusea, general partner, mode a general as- I ] sigument to-day to Henry YV. Barnes, the I firm’s confidential manager. The firm is I composed of Fcrnandiuo Porrosea and Digo Jde Castro and Joaquin de Cas'ro, both of Paris, special partners. The two gentlemen last named contributed $200,000 each as special capital. This was renewed in June for three years. The total capital of the house was placed at $500,000. The firm was looked upon as the most influential one in the Colombian trade and for a time bad the cream of South American and Central American trade. The counsel for the linn said that, the liabilities and assets, roughly estimated, were from $750,000 to $1,000,000, about three-quarters of which were due in South and Central America. The Arm estimated that t hero were enough assets to pay their debts in time, but their ent ire capital of $500,000 would be gone. The causes of their trouble were an accumula tion of bad accounts, and slow collections in South and Central America, where repeated revolutions had beggared some of their debtors. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS ASSIGN. Frey Bros, cigar manufacturers, assigned to-day, giving preferences for $26,060. They churned a capital of $50,000. The Ann is an old one, and went through bank ruptcy in 1876. Another important business Arm reported to be in trouble is Berhinor, Healy & Con way. dry goods morchants at Nos. 800 and 811 Broadway. Today Under-Sheriff Hox ton placed a keeper in charge of the store on an attachment for $1,470 in favor of Passavant & Cos. They began business in September last with $40,0(50 cash capital. They all had been employes of A. T. Stew art, & Cos. In the trade their liabilities are reported to be $60,000 and their assets SBO,OOO. JOBBERS IN NOTIONS FAIL. Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 18.—Soarle Vanneinan & Cos., jobbers of notions and white goods, at Nos. 723 and 725 Market street, made an assignment to-day for the beneAt of their creditors. The liabilities are placed at $265,000, hut the assets are not yet known. The principal creditors are Phila delphia, New York and Boston houses. RICHMOND TEKMINAI,. A Satisfactory Showing Made at the Annual Meeting. Richmond, Va., Dec. 18.—The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Rich mond and West Point Terminal Company was held in this city to-day. More than 330,000 shares of common and preferred stock were represented. John P. Branch, of Richmond, was elected chairman of the meet ing, and after the transaction of the usual routine business, Alfred Sully, of New York, was unanimously re-elected President of the company. The following directors were also unanimously chosen: John H. Inman, George L. Scott, Samuel Thomas, C. M. McGhee, John G. Moore, S. Wormsor, George F. Stone, J. A. Rutherford, VI Rockefeller, Calvin S. Bryce, Emanuel Lehman, R. T. Wilson, R. P. Flower, John H. Hall, all of New York; and James B. Pace and T. M. Logan, of Richmond. the president’s report. The President’s report was submitted, and showed a prosperous condition of the compa ny’s affairs. By its control of the Richmond aiicl Danville railroad, East Tennessee, Vir ginia and Georgia, Georgia PaeiAc, and the lines of connecting companies, it now oper ates a system of about 4,700 miles, which, m point of magnitude, is the sixth system in the United States. The net earnings of the Richmond and Danville road for the year were $584,786, against which there appear charges for equipment and construction of $240,028. The net income of the East Tennessee, Virginia ami Georgia is stated to be $52 012, and the net income of the Georgia Pacific $183,925. favors consolidation. The President’s report animadverts on the useless invasion of the Terminal system by other lines, and argues in favor of the necessity of practical consolidation in one ownership of railway systems, such as those controlled by the Terminal Company. Mention is made of the lines now being constructed by those friendly to the interests oi the company from Clarksville to Dur ham, and of the completion of the gap in the line of the Georgia Pacific railway. The physical condition of the system is said V) lie excellent. The company is urged to consider the propriety of establishing an express company of its own. From the Treasurer’s report it appears that the total par value of the stocks, bonds and property of the Terminal company is fixed at $52,965,401. INDIAN TERRITORY’S ROW. Each Party Iseues a Circular Claiming to be in the Right. St. Louis, Dec. 13.—Advices from Tah lequah, I. TANARUS., say that an ultimatum in the political crisis has been reached by the Nationals calling on the United States gov ernment to settle matters. They issue a cir cular declaring that an irr> sponsirile body of men have taken forcible possession of the Capitol and executive offices, and ask that they at once be disarmed. They demand that the statutes as they existed before the seizure be fully restored. The Nationals will then be willing to refer to arbitration the settle ment of tho difficulties. Downing’s party answer, indorsing tho desire for peace, hut refuse to turn over the government to Bushy Heal, disclaiming that the capitol is in the bauds of an armed mob, but that it is under control of the regularly elected officers who were not regularly sworn in because of the negligence of the Nationals, and as there was no legally quali fied executive, it became necessary to save the country from anarchy for tho officers elected to take their seats. The manifesto proclaims that Bushy Head's term expired Nov. 7. They accordingly decline arbi tration until it can be more clearly shown that the laws of tho Cherokee Nation are not adequate to determine such a crisis. Agent Qwen made a talk to a large mass meeting of both iiarties, and informed tho people that he had a document signed by the leading men of eacli party pledging peace. He had telegraphed the Indian officers at Washington and commissioners would be sent at once to settle tho matter. The National members of the Senate and House refuse to obey President lamation of an extra session, and nAt of them have gone to their homes. adjourned until Monday. Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 13.—The Timex Tahlequah, I. TANARUS., special says that Chief Mayes adjourned the special session of the Council until next Monday. All of the mombers have gone home, and there is no further indication of a conflict. An Indian insiector is on his way from Washington to examine the situation and report as to who Is entitled to the office claimed by both parties. A County’s Safe Cracked. Lynchburg, Va., Dec. 13.—A Finoastle special to the Aralanrhe savs: “A bold robbery was committed here last night of the County Treasurer's office. The door of the office was broken down, the large fire proof safe drilled and blown open and S6OO of Botetourt county lionds stolen. The work was evidently done by professional thieves. The tools of the burglars were fsULd ieiii a mile jjgf* town. No arreei, has been mode, but the Sheriff and posse are out scouring the country.” 1 PHICEBIO A YEAR. ) 1 4LKNTH ACOPt. ( UNITING PRESBYTERIANS COMMITTEES OF THE TWO ASSEM BLIES TO MEET TO-DAY. Each will Report to the Bodies They Represent at Next Year’s Meetings —The Deliverance of Two Synods of Missouri on the Spirituality of the. Church Led to the Conference. Louisville, Ky., Dec. 13.-*-The commit tees appointed by the last General Assem bly of the Northern and Southern Presby terian churches will meet in this city to morrow, for the purpose of taking stops looking to a union of the two bodies. The committees, after a joint meeting, will probably recommend to their respective gen eral assemblies at the regular session some action in regard to the matter. The confer ence is the result of the iiarmony of action and opinion evidenced at the last geueral assemblies. They were in session during the same week last May, the Northern as sembly at Omaha, and the Southern assem bly at St. liOuis. THE ENTERING WEDGE. During the session of the Northern Assem bly the delivorance of the two synods of Missouri of the Southern church upon tha spirituality of the church was adopted. Thereupon the Southern Assembly at once took cognizance of the action of the North ern body, and resolutions were adopted commending it as a step toward the union of the Northern mid Southern churches, and expressing the opinion thut one of tha principal obstacles to such union had tieen removed. The l•©solutions further pro vide for the appointment of a. committee of lour ministers and four ruling elders, with the moderator of tlie assembly, to meet with a similar com mittee of the Northern Assembly, if such other committee I<e appointed. The South ern Assembly instructed its committee to ascertain tho facts regarding the present (Kisition of the Northern church and as to the proposed future position of that body concerning colored churches, ecclesiastical boards mid other subject* now regarded as obstacles in the way of a union of the two bodies. MET HALF WAY. The action of the Southern Assembly be ing brought to the notice of that of the Northern churches a similar committee was appointed to meet for conference with the Southern Assembly. The Committee from the Northern Assembly was instructed by resolution to confer with the other commit tee ‘ concerning the whole subject of or ganic union, co-operative union and every other relation bet ween the two assem blies,” and to “report the result of the joint conference to the assembly at its next meeting in May, 1688, for its approval or disapproval.” Louisville was subse quently agreed upon as the place of meeting and the two committees will accordingly meet as stated to-morrow. Following are the mombein of the two committees: Southern Assembly—Rev. M. D. Hoge, of Richmond; J. R. Wilson, of Clarksville; T. D. Witherspoon, of Louisville; W. F. Jmikin, of Charleston. Ruling eldeni, William McPheeters, of St. Louis; P. H. Carter, of Abilene, Tex.; R. T. Simpson, of Florence, Ala., and W. S. Primrose, of Raleigh, N. ('. Northern Assembly—Revs. Joseph T. Smith, of Baltimore; David C. Marquis, of St. Louis; E. P. Humphrey, of l/misville; Roliert M. Patterson, of Chester, Pa.; James T. Iteftwieh, of Baltimore. Ruling Elders, George H. Shields, of St. Louis; Warner Vannorden, of New York: Johusou H. Bald win, of Pittsburg, and Wiliiain S. Avarill, of the Ebenezer Presbytery, Kentucky. DEATH IN THE BANKS. The recent death of Ret Dr. Humphrey, creates a vacancy in the committee from the Northern Assembly. He would probably liavc been made presiding officer of the con ference. NodeAnite action can be taken at tho meeting, the provincoof the committees being only to report, and recommend to the general assemblies at the ensuing annual mooting, it is stated that the conference may lust two or three days, and that the deliberations will lie strictly private. Only two of the committeemen have arrived so far. A Union meeting of the Presby terian ohurrhas of the city was held to-night and the questions to bo settled were infor mally discussed. DEMPSEY WHIPS REAGAN. Forty-five Rounds Were Fought Before Twenty Spectators. Nkw York, Dec. 13.—At the third at tempt the Jack Dcmpsey-Johnny Reagan prize light for the middle- weight champion ship, took place to-day up the Hudson river. There had been given out a report early in the flay that tho affair was off for the third time, but this was only a “stall.” The men met and battled for forty-five rounds with kid gloves, under the London prize ring rules, and the fight was won by Dempsey, who outgeneralled Reagan from the start. Reagan stood up with remarkable gamenoss, but in the forty fifth round, after the men had been engaged for an hour and nine minutes, Reagan’s seconds seeing that he bad no possible chance of winning threw up the sponge. Reagan had suffered severely, while Demp sey was comparatively free from marks of the combat. Frank Stevenson was refer** and only about twenty people were present. The stakes were $2,006. BOSTON’S BALLOTING. The Democratic Mayor Re-Elected by a irate Majority. Boston, Dec. 13.—The vote polled in the municipal election here to-day aggregated 51,487, which is the largest of any municipal vote since 1883. Of thi number, O’Brien (Dem.), the present incumbent, received 26,621 for Mayor, and Hart (Rep. and Ind.) 24,866, the I-abor vote failing to material ize. There have been several changes in the makeup of the Board of Al dermen, the new board standing eight Republicans and four Democrat*, being a gain ot two members by the Repub beans. The Common' Council will stand forty-three Democrats and twenty-nine Re publicans, the same as last year. Hugh E. Brady, Dem., is elected Street Commissioner by about 2,000 plurality. The city has un doubtedly been carried for license. Tho standmg’of the School Boardcannot be ac curately stated. The license vote resulted: Yes, 26,577; no, 18,094. Tho majority for license last Soar was 4,437. All of th’e large towns in le State, so far as known, voted for license. Burglars Make a Big Haul. Detroit, Dee. 13. —The Journal's Toronto special says: “Burglars on Saturday morn ing blew open the post office safe at Nor wood and stole SII,OOO in cash. SSOO in stamps and SIO,OOO in notes and securities.” Chamberlain at the White Houee. Washington, Dec. 13. Joeinh Chamber lain called on Mrs. Cleveland this afternoon. ’ He was afterward shown tbrmigh the White House. He admired the Wetud* ui the conservatories.