The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, December 14, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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4 C|)c||lornmgUrii)s Morning News Building, Savannah. Ga. WEDNESDAY, DEC EMBER 1 I. ISH7 Fegistered at the Pott Office in Savannah. The Morning News is published every day in ibr year, and is served to subseribei-s in the city, by newsdealers and carriers, on their own ac count, at 35 cents a week, $1 00 a month, $5 00 for sit months and $lO 00 for one year. The Morning News, bu mail, one month. $1 00: three months, S3 50; six months, $5 t*o; cneyear, $lO 00. • The Morning News, by matt, six times a week (without Sunday issue), three months, $2 00; six months, $4 00 one year, $8 00. The Morning News. -Tri- weekly, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, or Tuesdays. Thurs days and Saturdays, three months, $1 85; six months, $2 50; one year. $5 00. The Sunday News, by mat'/, one year. $8 00. The Weekly News by mail, one year, $1 25. Subscript ions payable in advance. Remit by postal order, check or registered letter. Cur rency sent by mail at risk of senders. This paper is kept on file and advertising;rates may Is- ascertained at the office of the Ameri can Newspaper Publishers’ Association, 104 Temple Court, New York City. Tetters and telecrams should be addressed “Morning News, Savannah, Ga.” Advertising rates made known on application. The Morn ins? News In the City. On and after dan. 1, 1888, the Morning News will begin, on its own account, the City Delivery of its Daily Morning Issue. The City Delivery will be in charge of a competent Superintendent, and wilt be un der the direct supervision of the Business Office. The delivery in those parts of the City distant from the Publication Office will be made by wngon, and thus place the paper in the hands of subscribers at the earliest moment after leaving the press. The City Delivery of the Morning News will be as efficient as ineney and experience can make it, and nothing will be left undone to have the service unexceptional. None but competent earners will lie employed, and every attention will be given to make the delivery satisfactory to the readers of the Morning News in whatever part of the City they may reside. The terms for the Daily, delivered every day, in any part of the City, are as follows: For one week . 35c For two weeks 50c For one month $ 1 00 For three months 2 50 For six months 5 00 For twelve months 10 00 All subscriptions payable iu advance, and no paper will be delivered beyond the time paid for. Special attention will be given to Weekly and Monthly Subscriptions, and subscribers can make arrangements, if they desire, to pay subscriptions at their resi dences, avoiding the inconvenience of call ing at the Business Office. IXDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Meetings— Pulaski Loan Association; Golden Rule Lodge No. 12, I. O. O. F.; Hebrew Benevo lent Society; The Merchants’ and Mechanics’ ]x>ati Association. Special Notices—To Art Students, Carl L. Brandt, Director Telfair Academy of Arts and Sciences; As to Bills Against British Steamship Naples, and British Steamship Buteshire; As to < Vew of British Steamship Albano; To House keepers, Geo. V. Hecker & Cos .; Last Notice as to State and County Taxes; The Raffle Last Night..—General Transatlantic Cos.; Baltimore Steamship Cos. To Good Livers—H. Logan, City Market. Amusements—Marion Fleming in “The Brook” at the Theatre. Perfectly Astonished —Lovell & Lattimore. At Private Sale—Broughton Street Prop erty, by .1. McLaughlin & Son. New Books—At Estill's Depot. Lottery—Louisiana State. Boots and Shoes—A. S. Cohen. Cheap Column Advertisements Help Wanted; Employment Wanted; For Rent; For Sale; Strayed or Stolen; Personal; Photography; Miscellaneous. The fact that a good many trees have been planted in this city lately is noticed jpth satisfaction. Jacksonville hopes to derive some benefit from Senator Pasco’s appointment to the Public Buildings Committee. Congress is beginning to talk about pro viding for the next census. This is men tioned in order that the ladies may have ample time to conceal their ages. The cable announces that Mr. Sullivan has met the Prince of Wales. “I am proud of him,” says Sullivan. These things must be very gratifying to Boston aristocracy. Neither Representative Turner nor Repre sentative Crisp was anxious for the chair manship of the Committee on Elections. Mr. Turner has filled the position twice accept ably and is justified in expecting promo tion. The projected free public library in Wash ington was started some months ago, and is now being pushed again. Mr. W. W. Cor coran heads the subscription list with 11,000, and the sum of SB,OOO has been sub scribed. Plymouth church having failed to get the Rev. Mr. Berry ought to give up the idea of calling an Englishman to the pulpit of that church. There are doubtless Ameri cans who are capable of filling it satis factorily. Senator Ingalls as a writer of romance •will rather surprise the public, though there is no reason why suoh should be the case. The Senator has been dealing in a good deal of fiction from the time of his entrance into public life. Every Senator and Representative from Maryland is a native of the State. Probably no other State can boast as much, and in some of them almost all are foreign born. Georgia’s Representatives in the House are all natives of the State, but Sena tor Brown was born in South Carolina. The city authorities, in considering the advisability of granting the privilege to run tracks along River street, will do well to re member that there are two projected rail roads that must soon be built either by the fiarties who now have them in hand or by others. Railroad matters are not now as they were a year or so ago, and it will be well to provide for future contingencies. In view of the howl that is going up from a portion of the Republican press because of Mr. Lamar’s appointment, the New York Hcrahl says he is very fortunate in that the State rights decision in the Virginia habeas corpus cases is rendered before ho goes ou the bench. Ves, if that decision had been rendered Mr. Lamar assumed his du ties, a general "l told you so,” wonld have passed along the line. The Mugwumps. The chairman of the National Republican Committee, Mr. B. F. Jones, manages to get into the public prints pretty often. Doubtless ho is under the impression that his party friends want to hear from him whenever any political matter of impor tance is being discussed by the public. The President’s message and Mr. Blaino's comments upon it have afforded him an opportunity to say that the free trade ques tion will be the issue between the two great parties in the next Presidential contest. He doubtless thiuks it will be because Mr. Blaine would like it to be, and because all the protection organs are aiming to make it so. The only point in Mr. Jones’ interview that is worth more than a jiassing notice is his allusion to the Mugwumps. He says that they are all Free Traders, and he leaves the impression that they will all support Mr. Cleveland again for that reason. It is true that a great many of those who are classed as Mugwumps are earnest tariff reformers, but they did not support Mr. Cleveland in 1884 because they sympathized with his tariff views. They supported him because they believed him to lie an honest man, and they opposed Mr. Mr. Blaine be cause they had no confidence in his Integ rity. If Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Blaine are again opposing candidates, they will pursue the course they did in 1884, and for the same reason. The admission of Mr. Jones that the Mug wumps will again support Mr. Cleveland shows two things. First, that Mr. Cleve land has lived up to his pledges and given the country a safe, clean and an economical administration, and second, that the Re publicans are thoroughly satisfied that they have no reason to hope for any assistance from the Mugwumps. The information that the Republicans do not think it possible to win back the Mugwumps will be accepted as a sufficient excuse for Mr. Jones’ inter view. Philadelphia’s License Law. The high license law in Philadelphia promises to close more saloons than it was thought it would when it was adopted. The license is S.OOO. Perhaps four-fifths of the 0,000 saloons of the city can raise that sum and can affiprd to pay it, but it is now believed that not one-half of the number can give the $2,000 t>ond which is required from every saloon-keeper. The bond has to be signed by two respon sible citizens, who have in real estate, free from incumbrance, more than the amount of the bond, and they are bound to pay every fine and every judgment for damages imposed upon their principal for violations of the license law. There are very few men who care to be come sureties on a bond of that kind. If the authorities are strict in inquiring into the qualifications of those offered as bonds men, it is pretty safe to say that Philadel phia will not have a thousand saloons next year. The city will suffer no damage on that account. Indeed, it will bo better off. Its inhabitants will be happier and its streets will be freer from drunken rowdies. The saloons will be turned into workshops and the industrial interests will flourish in pro portion as the saloons disappear. Of course those saloon keepers who can pay the license and give the bond will have a better business than they had under the low license system. If they do a particu larly flourishing business the license will probably be increased. Philadelphia will soon enter upon an experiment that will be watched with a great deal of interest. The Grand Army Chief’s Mistake. Commander-in-Chief Rea, in reply to a question concerning the feeling of the sol diers toward President Cleveland, said the other day that the members of the Grand Army would take no concerted action hostile to the Presi dent, but he thought Mr. Cleveland had lost many votes that he otherwise would have obtained, but for his attitude toward pension bills and the soldier element gener ally. Mr. Rea talks like a man who doesn’t understand his subject. If he will take the trouble to go into the rec ords, he will find that President Cleveland’s attitude toward pension bills and the sol dier element generally is far more liberal, so far as the signing of pension bills is con cerned, titan were Presidents Grant, Hayes, Garfield or Arthur. Furthermore, on in vestigation it will be found t: at Mr. Cleve land has always been favorably disposed to ward the soldier element. Mr. Rea’s opin ions are, no doubt, based on the President's veto of the dependent pension bill and of sundry private pension bills. It might lie well for him to grasp the fact that the Pres ident is not put in office for the purpose of signing every bill, good and bad, that comes before him. The veto power can very often be used to good effect, and Mr. Cleveland seems to know when to use it. Mr. W. L. Glessnor, an energetic and liberal Ohioan who moved to Americus, Via., and has been running the Recorder , thinks that Georgia farmers have every natural advantage over Ohio farmers, and wants them to make better use of their advantages. Mr. Glessm-r wants more attention paid to grasses, which, he says, mean cattle, sheep, hogs, the reclamation of old lands, diversified fanning, dairies, creameries and cheese factories. He is not far from right. For example, take Putnam county, in this State. Bermuda bottoms are being utilised there, good stock is being raised, and for the year ending in October last 32,000 to 35,000 pounds of delicious Jersey butter were shippod out of the county, some going as far as New York, and the prices ranging from 30c. to 40c. The dairymen there are making money, and farming with them p.-onuses to become simply an adjunct to the dairy business. Some of the ultra-Republican sheets are seeking to make it appear that Mayor O’Brien, of Boston, is responsible for the condition of affairs that make it possible for Slugger Sullivan to represent American aristocracy before the Prince of Wales. It will bo observed that none of the Boston Republican papers is using that argument in the campaign. Under the circumstances, it would be an unfortunate mistake for their side. All Bostonians are ready to vote for Sullivan. It is said that when Gen. Benjamin Frank lin Butler is redact'd to the necessity of in terviewing himself, he “speaks in italics." Gen. Butler has been sadly neglected in re gard to the President’s message, and his silence is becoming oppressive. Somebody had better interview him at once. The Republicans, it js said, have “made sure of Riddleberger.” For a time, perhaps. The eccentric Virginia Senator is apt to follow his own sweet will before the session is completed. TTTE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1887. A Southern Prison Proposed. Congressman Stewart proposes to urge Congress to establish a United States penitentiary at Atlanta for prisoners convicted in the Federal Courts of the Southern States. The Morning News sug gested two or three years ago that there ought to be a penitentiary iu the South for Southern prisoners for two reasons. One is that it is expensive taking convicts from all parts of the South to the penitentiary at Albany, N. Y., and the other is that it is cruel to the pri. oners to transfer them from the mild climate of the South to the cold climate of the North. It is probable that the death of a great many of the Southern convicts in the Albany penitentiary is due to the effect which so great a change in the climate has upon them. When Mr. Jones, of Florida, was a Sen ator from that State he called the attention of Congress to the advisability of establish ing a penitentiary in the Southern States, but he did not succeed in carrying out his purpose with regard to it. Congressman Stewart would stand a bet ter chance of having his bill passed if he were to leave the location to be determined by a commission to be appointed by tho President or the Secretary of the Treasury. The climate of Atlanta, during some por tions of the winter, is not much milder than that of Albany. It may not be as cold as that of the latter city, but it has some very objectionable features. The fact that Congressman Stewart pro poses to name Atlanta in his bill as the lo cation of the prison would seem to indicate that he is much more anxious to help that town than he is to promote the welfare of Southern convicts. A commission might select Atlanta in preference to any other, and if it shouid there could be no ground for complaint, but as the prison is for the benefit of convicts, and not to boom a town, care should be taken to consider the interests of the con victs and not of any particular town. When Mr. StewOrt's bill is introduced into Con gress the press in different parts of tho South will have something to say about it. Good Postal Suggestions. A strong effort will be made during the present session of Congress to secure the passage of a law authorizing the govern ment to again issue fractional currency. Although there are a great many objections to this kind of currency there is a good deal to be said in its favor. The strongest reason urged in its behalf is that by means of it fractional parts of a dollar can be remitted by letter with far less trouble, and less danger of loss, than they can in coin. Of course postal notes can be used for remitt ing small sums, and also postal stamps, in stead of the weighty silver, but the notes are not always obtainable by people living in the rural districts and postage stamps stick together and are, therefore, often use less to those who receive them. Fractional currency answers admirably for the purpose indicated, and is in every respect more satisfactory thkh postal notes, silver or postage stamps. A few million dollars of it would be all that would be nec essary to meet the wants of the public, aud it would very satisfactorily fill the place which the government is now trying to fill with postal notes. The reduction of postage on fourth-class mail matter, viz: seeds, bulbs, etc., from 10c. per pound to Bc., the rate that prevailed prior to 1874, is another thing that will be urged upon the attention of Congress at an early day. It only costs 4c. a pound to send such articles through the Canadian mails. The purpose Is to give the people every ad vantage which the government can afford in the way of transmitting articles through the mails, and to relieve them as much as possible from the necessity of patronizing the express companies. Of course if the rates of postage on bulky articles are high such articles will be turned over to the ex press companies. Still another change that it is proposed to ask Congress to make is the reduction of the fee on small money orders to Bc. These suggested improvements, in con nection with the postal law, are worthy of the attention of members of Congress. If they can be made, Congressmen will receive the hearty approval of their constituents. The average Congressman probably does not fully realize how important it is that the jiostal system shall have as few objection able features as possible, and that when changes in it for tho better can be made there should be no delay in making them. When they can bo made to see what the people want they are not slow to net. Brooklyn, already noted for her churches, will soon have an addition to the number. The Marey Avenue Baptists are construct ing a magnificent edifice, and one that will begin anew era in the plans for church buildings. One-half is given over to the auditorium, the other half, on the ground floor, includes a church parlor, lecture room, prayer-meeting room, rending room, library and kitchen, while on the second floor are the school room and seventeen class rooms. Aside from these things, many architectural conveniences will be employed. The idea of making a church building as pleasant, convenientand comfortable as possible is not half a bad one. Mr. Lamar’s appointment to the Supreme bench is causing several Republican ex changes much uneasiness, or they pretend that it is. The New York / Vrss, the Chicago News, and the Philadelphia Press are making a bitter fight on him, and saying some very foolish things. These Republi can organs foresee that Blaine will attempt, as he did in 1880, to introduce sectional prejudice into the next Presidential contest, and they are getting in lino. Mr. Lamar’s confirmation, in itself, is a matter of no interest whatever to them. The great majority of protectionists and high-tariff men is found in the Republican ranks. That party has adopted the protec tion cause; consequently it will bo on the defensive next year. The President has served an order on it to show cause why the surplus shonld not be reduced and the people relieved from burdemome taxation. The Republicans will undoubtedly have a hard time answering the President’s ques tion. Edwin Booth and Lawrence Barrett have closed a two-weeks’ engagement in Phila delphia, where they played to crowded houses. Their receipts for the first week were $20,820; for the second $23,348. ‘ ‘Ohello’’ drew the highest figure, $3,857, and “Hamlet - ’ came next with $3,500. The New York Sun is running what ap pears to be a Sunday serial, called “Move On, Pulitzer; or, Repudiated by His Race." It is copied from the Hebrew standard, and possesses the virtue of brevity, although there is apparently a good deal of sameness about it. CURRENT COMMENT. A Chance for the Dude. 7 A om the Baltimore Herald (Dent, ) A “gentleman” advertises in a Boston news paper for "a respectable person to take a dog to walk mornings." Here is a chance for some un employed duue. Wants to Take in Canada. Prom the Philadelphia Press ( Rep.) The present state of < ’anada is not entirely satisfactory to its inhabitants. Probably it never will be until it apjiears on tlie inap or the Union, one part designated as “the State of Ottawa,” and the other as “the State of Quebec." An Old-Fashioned Yankee Pastor. From the Few York Herald ( Ind .) Plymouth church is an old fashioued Yankee church and should have an old-fashioned Yankee pastor—a pious, God-fearing, industrious man, content to do his work modestly, caring little for the auction sale of pews, but caring greatly for the souls of men. If such a man can be found we shall not be sorry that Mr. Berry has declined. Senator Colquitt’s Good Service. From the Few York Star (Dan). Senator Colquitt, of Georgia, has rendered a genuine service to the public by his able and candid exposition of the t ruth regarding the negro vote iu the Sent hern Slates, and especially in the State of Georgia. He shows that the ed ucation of the negroes and the cultivat ion of friendly relations with them are iu line with the policy of the white Democrats of the South, and that harmony between the races is disturbed only when Republican agitators attempt to “(ire the negro heart" for their own partisan and personal advantage. BRIGHT BITS. It is a Fairchild l hat knows its own Treasury report.— Ohio State Journal. Lawyers are always ready to bring new suits. Tailors are not. —AVer Orleans Picayune. A South Carolina paper tells of a farmer in that State who has been at the plow for sixty eight years It is time to call the old man to dinner —Alta California. Base ball is now all the rage in California, and many people who expected to visit the Golden State this winter think of postponing the trip until the rainy season sets in.— Ohio State Journal. “I shouldn't care to marry a woman who knows more than 1 do.” he remarked. “O, Mr. De Sappy,” she replied with a coquettish shako of b<*r fan. “lam afraid you are a confirmed bachelor."— Epoch. Lady (who had a sick husband)—Don’t you think, doctor, that you ought to bleed my hus band* Doctor (absent-minded) —No, madam, not un til he gets well.— Epoch. Landlord—Come, Sepp, that is the tenth match I’ve seen you strike. What have you lost? Sepp—l’m looking for a match that I dropped on the floor.— German Joke. “Papa, why do they always call a railroad train ’she’?” “Because it takes three or four men to man age her, my son,” replied Mr. Dawdle, glaring toward his wife.— Chicago News. Flanagan—Thint’s the thinnest pair o’ gents I ever seen, barrin’ wan. Lannigan—An’ how thin was he, might I ask? Flannigan—Begorra, he was as thin as tho two o’ them put together.— New York Graphic. Photographer—lf you and your estimable wife could look a trifle less mournful I think the picture would be more satisfactory. Deacon Hadden—Young man, our son Jacob's in jail for hoss stealin’. This picter’s fer him. Let her go!— Judge. The pranks of boreas in this vicinity lately remind us of an original composition of a Nan tucket miss of early time; “wind is a very use ful article; it blows down houses, roots up trees, and many people die for want of breath.”— Nantucket Inquirer. Said Brown: “The day I was married I quit chewing tobacco, and I tell you it was pretty hard on me that day, but in a day or two 1 was all right.” “An, how's that?” “I commenced chewing again.’’—Texas Sift ings. At one of those love feasts last week which always follow an election in which one good fellow has been pitted against another, Col. Fellows and De Ixtncey Nicoll renewed to each other'the assurances of their distinguished con sideration in this wise: “Laney,” said the Colonel with a paternal wink in his eye, “you’ve learned a lesson early in life which will be of vast benefit to yon.” “What’s that, old boy?” “Never to run for public office unless you’ve led a pure Christian life. "—New York Star. PERSONAL. The Boston Transcript speaks of Gov. Fora ker, of Ohio, as "the end man of politics.” This is doubtless because he plays on the bones of dead issues. O EX. Toombs, of Georgia, often boasted that dm ing his eighteen years in the United States Congress he never obtained a dollar as an ap propriation for his district. William D. Howells recently remarked: ‘Many imagine that writing books, and es pecially novels, is easy work. I tell you that it decidedly is not. It is work, and hard work.” Ex-Secretary Holcomb, of the American Le gation at Pekin, says that out of the 4X),O<X>.OOO inhabitants of the Chinese Empire fully 800.- 000,000 spend less than $1 50 a month for food. Lord Tennyson receives an income of from $20,000 to $25,000 a year from the sale of his books; but not a cent of it comes from an Amer ican publisher, despite the fact that his poetry is nearly as popular here as in England. Miss Skerrett, who used to be Queen Victoria's private secretary, lately died at the age of 95 years. She was an accomplished linguist and a student so indefatigable that at the time of her death she was studying Icelandic to be able better to understand the Sagas. Edoar Fawcett says that he was asked to collaborate with Inspector Byrnes in producing the detective stories which have mane such an amazing Hit under the joint efforts of Byrnes and Hawthorne, Mr. Fawcett asserts that he was not attracted to the work and asked so large a price for his services that the publishers could not accept his proposition. Frederick Warde was Intended by his father for a clergyman, and was regularly ordained as a parson of the church of England. At the earnest request and command of his father, he composed a sermon, but it was never delivered. Its title was “All Men are Equal "and contained red-hot revolutionary ideas. The bishop would not let it lx: delivered, aud released turn from the church. Warde thus gained his wishes, and fortbwit b went on the stage. New York State has had twenty-eight Gov ernors, only three of whom were bachelors, namely Tilden, Cleveland and Hill. But while Samuel J. Tilden was a confirmed bachelor he was, nevertheless, fond of the society of ladies. That Mr. Cleveland had no strong prejudice against the gentler sex his marriage clearly proves. But Gov, Hill seems to lie entirely de voted to the society of his own sex. He is the mbst uncompromising bachelor in the State, and though he is repeatedly urged to contemplate matrimony by his friends he always turns a deaf ear to such suggestions. The New York Press says that Senator Col quitt made a mistake when he chose politics as a profession, if ever there was a good Metho dist circuit rider of the antique pattern thoroughly spoiled it was when Alfred H. Col quitt determined to enter politics, lie has a genius for Sunday school superintending, tem perance lecturing aud revival preaching, lie looks like an evangelist, he acts like one, and his life does not give the lie to his professions. Strange to say, he has had a good deal of suc cess in his public career. He has been Governor ami was a satisfactory one. Hois now United States Senator, aud he and Senator Brown man ago to secure as many good places for the Georgia boys as are given to the less religious Senators from the South. Mr. Brown repre sents tile old time wickedness of Georgia—Mr. Colquitt its new tutits of goodness. Birton N Harrison, the attorney who was private secretary of Jefferson Davis, was a pas senger on the steamship that brought the Rev. Dr. Parker to this country several years ago, when Mr. Beecher was still alive and filled the Plymouth pulpit, where Dr. Parker lias re cently been making sotmwhut of a sensation. An episode of the voyage is related by Mr. Har rison. which was in the nature of a joke on the clergyman. Dr. Parker was acooin|uiied by his amiable and attractive wife, for whom the cabin passengers immediately conceived admira tion and affection, but who seemed to them to receive too little attention from her reflective and absent-minded bnsband. The third day out a mock court was organized. Among the cul prits arraigned before the Judge was Dr. Parker, who was charged with gross neglect. (Ine of the first steps In the impaneling of a jury was to call Mrs. Parker as a member of It. I>r. Par ker's counsel protested, his objection being on the ground that wifely relation was an insur mountable barrier, whereupon the Judge gravely decided that it whs “The common ob servation and judgment of the ship's passengers lhat these persons bore no relation whatever to one another," and that the lady was therefore competent to sit on a jury. SILENCE IB GOLDEN. New Yorkers Need Not Stop Buying Books From t)ie New York Tribune. In an endeavor to find out the prestint state and condition of the Tilden Trust, out of which, it is supposed, is to be evolved at some period more or less remote, a public library for the city of New York, a reporter called upon Delos McCurdy, counsel for the nephews of Mr. Tilden. who are contesting their uncle's will, and John Bigelow, one of the executors. Mr. McCurdy said: ‘ There is no use talking about the subject until the will contest is set tled. The case will be tried in about a month, and I believe that it will be promptly acted upon. Of course I do not think the will valid. It may be that the executors will have nothing to spend on a public library at the close of the contest. It is absolutely impossible to say any thing at present touching the question that would be of public interest. It would l>e better for you to wait until the case has been decided.” The reporter withdrew, and retlected as be descended in the elevator, that while Mr. Me < ‘urdy's last advice was no doubt kindly meant, the wait he recommended might prove a some what protracted one, as will contests are not noted for being decided in a hurry, and this one promises to be no exception to the rule. Mr. Bigelow was found at his house in Onunercv Park. He considered the reporter's call an unnecessary infliction, and, like Mr Mc- Curdy. thought nothing should be said about the matter at present. On being asked if there were nothing to communicate on the subject of plans or site for the public library, he replied: "Nothing whatever. We shall be glad to take the public into our confidence at the proper time, and shall expect to have their co-opera tion But while this litigation is pending it is idle to talk, as we have nothing to say.” Men Who Distribute Money by the Carload Once a Month. .FYoni the Pittsburg Commercial Gazette. The paymasters of the several railroads run ning into the city are getting ready for their regular monthly trip over the lines. The Penn sylvania railroad and the Pennsylvania Com pany have the largest number of men on their pay-rolls. The latter company have in the neighborhood of 11,000, who draw over $500,000 monthly. The men are paid in cash —generally fold. The car. after paying all the employes in ittsburg and Allegheny, goes out upon the road about the 11th of each month. They reach Chicago about the gist The men along the road are giveu notice that the car is coming by the train preceding it carrying blue flags on the engine. On the flags are the letters “P. M.,” meaning paymaster. To guard against attacks of robbers at night very little money is kept in the ear. Before the pay master starts out he telegraphs t > banlrs at different points along the line that be will be there at a certain hour on a certain day with a check to lie cashed. The check is just for about the amount that is to bo paid that day. The first point checks are given at Salem, 0., where very often the amount is SOO,OOO. A represen tative of the bank meets th cur at the station and exchanges the money for the check. There are always three or four men besides the train crew on the car. The t>aymaster and his assist ants go heavily armed, aud it would be a hard matter for anybody to rob the car. The car stops at all stations along the line, and the em ployes in the Immediate vicinity are supposed to be on hand to receive their money. The pay master counts the money out before them, and they sign the roll in his presence. J. H. Fred ericks. one of the oldest employes of the Penn sylvania Company, is the paymaster. The Pennsylvania railroad have about 10,000 men on the three divisions between Pittsburg and Philadelphia. All the employes in this city are paid in cheeks on the Merchants and Manu facturers' Bank. The checks are received by mail and distributed by the officials of the vari ous departments. Those out the road get their checks from the pay-ears. There is one car for each division. They pay out about $500,000 monthly. If an employe wishes to get his money, for good cause, before the regular time, he is |>aid out of the contingency fnnd. The Baltimore and Ohio road pay about 2,500 men between Pittsburg and Cumberland. The officers and others in this city receive checks aud the employes on the road are paid in cash. About $200,000 is paid out. The Pittsburg and Lake Erie has about 1,500 mer. on their rolls who are paid about $75,000 in cash. Each man's money is put in an envelope with his name, number of days he worked and amount of money he is entitled to. It takes two and one half days to nay them. The Panhandle railroad car disburses about $160,000 between thus city and Columbus. It also pays the Cleveland and Pittsburg employes. A Pearl Lost in the Sea. Why mourn for the hours that have vanished, IViiy grieve for the things that are lost? Why weep for the flowers in summer That lie 'neath cold winter's frost? Can we make them stand still or turn backward ? Or revive the dead rose to the lea? We might just as well try go searching For a pearl that is lost in the sea’. Why cherish a dream that is ended? W hy look down the vista of years, But to suffer a long-buriOT sorrow To open the wound with new tearaf It is over, forget it—as useless (No matter how anxious we be) To try to go back, as recover A pearl that is lost in the sea! Why burden to-day w ith regretting What might have been, had we but known? Why long for the much beloved music After the singer has flown? Will all the regrets and the longings Avail against Fate's stern decree? Ah! no, for the Past and its chances. Are as pearls that are lost in the sea! Why waste precious moments in thinking Of scenes that are beautiful then ? Why linger o'er graves that hold treasured That ne’er will return us again ? Why wish for our youth and its gladness When from sorrow and care we were free? When 'tis gone from our grasp, gone forever, Asa pearl that is lost in the sea! Fanny Russell. Death Seized Him in the Saddle. From the New York World. The body of A. P. Francke, the well-known sugar dealer, who died suddenly in Dickei’s Hiding Academy, Friday evening,"was removed from Benedict's undertaking establishment, in Carmine street, to the mortuary vault in Trinity chattel, in Twenty-fifth street. Mr. Francke had lately become a member of the Hiding Academy, and Friday evening he had ridden several times about the ring, when be was seen to fall from his horse. He was at once carried into the reception-room, and a physician sent for. Examination showed that the man was dead, and word was sent to Deputy Coroner Jenkins, who, in the alatenee of Coroner Nu gent, gave permission for the removal of the remains to Benedict's establishment, Yester day afternoon Coroner Nugent and his assistant, Dr. O'Meagher, held an investigation, and upon the testimony, gave permission to the relatives to bury the remains. It seems that Mr. Francke has lieen under treatment for heart disease, though the nature of his malady was concealed from him. He had all along thought that his trouble was dyspepsia, and for the purpose of curing himself of his supposed trouble, he be gan taking riding lessons. The Origin of Big Plate-Glass Windows. From the Netv York Tribune. “Do you know,” said a well known plate-glass dealer to a Tribune reporter, "that the great plate-glass windows that adorn large store fronts have their origin in the vanity of women? A woman likes to see herself as others see her. She cau do that in a mirror. When she is on the street the show windows serve as mirroi-s to tell her how prettily or badly she appears, if her hat is on crooked, her back hair down or her new-fangled hustle awry. Watch the women as they saunter up and down Broadway or Sixth avenue, and you will timi uine out of ten easting furtive glances into the w indows that reflect back their likenesses. Then they are attracted to the goods in the windows and go into the stores to inspect and buy. It was that, idea that first brought about big.plate glass windows. The sold, common frames, with large numbers of panes gave no opportunity for the ladies to see their full figures. They eotild only see their faces. Tradesman who observed the manner in which they looked in the windows urged the glass manufacturers to make large panes. They gradually made them larger and larger until now they All the entire front. The men like to look in them quite as much as (he women, too.” A Club of Aged Men. From the Indianapolis Journal. But twenty-live members of the Tippecanoe Club were able to be present at its annual meeting. Isaac J. Taylor, the marshal of the club, submitted his afinuai report, which con tained some very interesting historical facts. Among other things he said: “Of our sick breth ren only one m reported confined to his house, Thomas Rickard, Several of our brethren are quite feeble, but able to be about. Our vener able brother. James Hubbard, is enjoying re markably good health for his age—lo 2 years 8 months and 21 days. The club has lost, by death ten of its members during the year 18s? —3.3 [kt cent, of its membership leaving 806 of its old members living aud 8 members who were taken in during the year, making 309 yet living. The average age of the ten deceased members was 78 years 7 months und 22 days. The averageage of the 806 members living is 74 years and 21 days. The average loss to the club has been 17 2-7 per year, or per cent." ITEMS OF INTEREST. Thk bodv of John Gatvagni, of Cincinnati, was cremated in that city Thursday It was the tenth cremation widen has occurred in Cincin nati. In the recoups of Cambridge University, En gland, has been found a \aluable autograph of John Harvard, the father of Harvard Uni versity. The orange tree and the lemon are both de scended from the citron. The history of the orange tree is said to date back to the Crusades, the returning pilgrims carrying it into Euroi 700 or 800 years ago . One of the best flouring mills in Franklin county, Pennsylvania, is also the- oldest. In 1785, what Is known as the Wyland mill, was built in Hamilton township, and for over one hundred years has been in active operation, even now often running day and night. In a country court in England, recently, there was a trial to determine the ownership of a dog. The Judge couldn’t make out from the evidence which claimant was the real owner, so he made one stand on each side, while an officer held the dog in the middle of the room. Then he told them both to whistle and the officer to release the dog at the same moment. When this was done the dog bolted through the open door. “Call the next case,” was all the comment the Judge made, although the litigauts stormed. A celebrated physician has remarked that every house ought to be pulled down at the end of the sixtieth year, as it has by that time absorbed all the diseases of those who have lired in it, believing that wood and plaster ab sorb gases, foul air and feverish exhalations as readily as milk or water does. But as it is not practicable to tear down houses every half cen tury or so, another suggestion is made, namely: that all the wood used in their interior con struction and all the plain surfaces of plaster should be so thoroughly oiled or varnished that the power of absorption should be almost entirely destroyed, and the character thus so changed that destruction would uo longer bo desirable. Eugene Tompkins is likely to create a breeze in New York. He is the young Bostonian who will succeed John Stetson as lessee of the Fifth Avenue Theatre, and he has caused the an nouncement to be made that during his admin istration no ladies will be permitted to enter the parquette wearing hats or bonnets. It is the European rule, and it is given out that it will be rigidly enforced. May the courageous young Bostonian live a century to carry into lasting effect the most wholesome and necessary the atrical reform that has ever been proposed in America. If it should spread all over the coun try there is many a malignant high-hatter who would either have to stay at home or find a perch in the upper region. Dr. Abbott, Secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Health, by the aid of statistics for the past thirty years shows that the number of deaths for each 1,000 of the population in the 1 last fifteen years is about one-lialt what, it was for the fifteen years next preceding, and of course the population during the latter period has been much larger. The mortality reports for the State show that the largest number of deaths was thirty for the week ending Oct. 22, and nineteen for the week ending Nov. 19. The reports for the city of Boston show the same gradual decrease. The highest number of cases reported in any week was seventy-eight, and the number is now reduced to sixty. Up to 1834 Mont Blanc was ascended only seventeen times, after that year more frequent ly, and now ascents are of common occurrence. This summer, the highest point of Mont Blanc was reached by two Russian ladies, the sisters Gortchakoff; they made the ascent in twenty hours. The ladies, who were accompanied by two guides, were enthusiastically received on their return to Chamounix, and almost buried in flowers. Among the 1,082 persons who, up to the present year, have scaled Mont Blanc, there are a few other instances of ladies having suc cessfully made the ascent Englishmen are most largely represented in the crowd who have successfully ascended the mountain. Since Saussure's ascent, many routes have been dis covered by which the summit tnay be reached much more easily and more quickly. Henry E. Williamson, the agent at the Crow Agency, has sent in his resignation at the re quest of the Secretary of the Interior, to take effect on Dec. 81. Mr. Williamson is an uncle of Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs Upshaw. His removal is the result of an investigation made by Inspector Armstrong during bis late trip to the Crow Agency to investigate the causes of the outbreak there. The reixirt alleges that Williamson neglected to comply with the Secre tary's orders regarding the advertising of the grazing privileges on the reservation, thus leav ing the monopoly in the hands of one syndicate of cattle men; that Williamson made a contract with two persons named McCormick and Mc- Nutt, giving them the exclusive privilege to cut hay on the Crow reservation for sale to the army posts, out of which they made $15,000 a year, and it also makes personal charges. The talk of anew telegraph line between New York and San Francisco, has aroused the old-timers to lively reminiscences of the build ing of the first line across the plains. One pole, 100 miles west of Laramie, was set up four times, anil each time hacked down by Indian tomahawks. Each time there was a bloody skirmish w ith the redskins for temporary pos session of the stump. At last the pole was given to a young man who is now' high up in the man agement of Western Union. He laid a mine in the hole, set up the new pole, trailed the fuse to ambush of rocks close by, and waited with two armed friends. Then a band of eight Sioux came along and held a war dance around the pole. When the mine was fired all but three were killed, and those three carried off Minie balls with them. The powder blew up the pole again, but it cleaned the hole out nicely for a new one, which was thereafter let alone. This story was told with great eclat at Delmonico's, and was the signal for more bottles and more stories. It is curious what enthusiastic story tellers are to lie found among New Yorkers w ho have seen life in the Rockies. At the recent meeting of the French Associa tion M. Schrader described the results of his ten years’ study of the Pyrenees, which has led him seriously to modify previously accepted ideas upon the contour and structure of that range. According to the old descriptions the mass of the Pyrenean chain was comparable to a fern leaf with its transverse nerves, or to the back bone of a fish. In reality the Pyrenees consist of a long series of lines of elevations oblique to the imaginary axis of the chain, with which they often form an acute angle. It is impossi ble to look at the network exhibited in the map by the valleys and the ridges without lining struck with the extreme precision of the meshes. These meshes are broken up in all directions, the slopes, however, presenting very different aspects. On the French side the crests are blunted. The incessant humidity of the atmos phere has used them up: mountains, ravines, crests, all are effaced to assume the form of juxta|iosed cones or pyramids. On the Spanish side, again, the fractures have remained much fresher, the angles sharper, the forms rougher, due no doubt to the much dryer climate of the south side. The slope on the Spanish side is very gradual, while on the French side the mountains rise like a wall. Jones, of Nevada, has lost some of his prom i nence in national polities, although he is still in the zenith of intellectual activity. Jones is a Welshman by birth, but a thorough American in taste, sympathy aud ideas. Jones’ life has been a continued romance. One year he is a millionaire and the next year he is Hat broke. To-day he has $100,900 to his credit, to-mo rrow he is $50,000 poorer than when he was born. Although he represents Nevada in the Senate! he is to all intents and purposes a Californian He resides in California, bis interests are in California and he is always called a Californian except at Washington. But then Californians own Nevada. There are less than 8,001 voters in the sovereign commonwealth of Nevada, and half of these take an excursion from California for the purpose of dropping their ballots. Nevada is a rotten borough, and its mainte- nance as a State gives California double rep resentation in the United States Senate. John T. Jones is a really brilliant man. He lias a re markable fund of useful information anil he cau make a good speech On any subject with very little preparation. He is an inveterate Btock gambler and always a bull. At one time, about uine years ago, he was worth $5,000,000. A severe, streak of bad luck followed aud in two years he was broke. During bis flush period he presented his wife with $60,000 worth of diamonds. When he reached the financial zero he asked his wife to lend him the diamonds. She did so. He sold them and invested the proceeds in mining stuck. The venture was lucky, ami in less than a year the $60,000 had increased to $500,000. He then returned the diamonds to his wife, in creased by 25 cent. Jones is interested in mines in Nevada, California. Arizona and Colorado. His wealth is now up in the millions again. Kieh or poor, Jones is always happy. He is a lirin lieliever in his own good luck. lie is a , hut not a wise poker player. He lost 580,000 at one sitting at Tombstone, Ariz., and ranked in $25,<)00 of Toni Bowen’s money the first week the latter served in the Senate. Jones keeps au account of his poker 'raiisae tions. and a year ago he was $87,060 ahead of the game. He is a natural Bohemian anil can enjoy himself better drinking beer and singing songs with a crowd of bright fellows than jiar taking of the gorgeous hospitality of the Wash ington nubohs. BAKCTQ POWDER. CREAM SakiKC Its superior excellence proven in millions of omes for more than o rjuarter of a century. It is sed by the United States Government. In rrsed by the heads of the Great Universities aj ‘O Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Dr. rice's the only Baking Powder that does not mtain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only in un& PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. vrw YORK. CHICAGO. ST. UHTIS. A. R. AI.TMAYER & CO.~ i H. Aitmayer & Cos. Our great sale Hanan & Son Gents of Ladies’Plush Hand-Sewed Shoes Sacques, Wraps $5. Gents’ Patent- Cloth Ragl ans Leather Dress Shoes mid Newmark- W ets has been a m a g n i fi c e lit and an astound t I TMAVENN I in S success AL 1 11A I Lilt o; evei y day for four weeks past & although the (ENTEMLKI KID season has hard- Gloves. ly commenced ,), u T on for these goods 3-button Tan, 99c. , Iro v fe p- 1 ji rr i0 0 nnd ou i j-kttou tan, 51 23. . >hntton bl’k SI 59 £ ettm g ill±l!iilLLLj(ixtremely low. We ask of those Avho wish to avail themselves of the phe nomenal bargains in the above department to make their visit as early as possible. We par ticularly wish to bring to your notice the fact that we have the most extensive line offioys’ Clothing ever shown in this city. We have everything from the very cheapest to the extreme tinest, and we guar antee our prices are much lower than any house in the State of Georgia. We invite you specially to examine the goods and prices here before you make your purchases. Coys’ good everyday Suits $1 50 and upward. Boys’ neat Dress Suits $4 and up ward. We'll sell the greater portion of our HOLI DAY GOODS between now and Christmas. The dullness in the money market has given our Northern buyers the golden opportunity of pur chasing goods at prices never before heard of. Holiday Goods of .sound starling merit that am useful, artistic and ornamental. E’egant Plush Dressing Sets, Satin lined. Celluloid Comb, Brush and Mirror 95, a beautiful article and extreme ly cheap. A Lady’s Walnut Writing Desk, lfi inches long and 12 wide, only 99c.; very cheap. A 14-inch Indestructible Doll, kid body, real hair and bisque head, just think, only 49c*. A 27-inch Wax Doll, real hair, etc., the largest, prettiest and cheapest Doll in the city, only 75c. A 9-inch Glass Night Lamp, all complete, nlletl with XXX Cologne, only 85c. Full lines of Toilet Cases, Ornaments, Fancy Boxes, articles of every de scription, and all at prices that will attract economical people and shrewd buyers. Mail orders receive careful and prompt attention. tST STORE OPEN UNTIL 8 P. M. ZON WEISS CREAM. FOR THE TEETH Jf* wdeftom New Materials , contains no Acids, Hard Grit , or injurious matter It is Pub*, Refined, Pikfect. Notiiino Lie* It Ever Rnown. From Senator Congenital I.—'"ltafeaplP*** ure in recommending Zonwclsa on account of its efficacy and purity.’* -From Mrs. Gen, I,Oman’s Dentist. Dr. E. S. Carroll. Washington, 1). C.-“I have had Zonwelfls analyzed. It Is the most perfect denti frice I have ever seen.” From Hon. Clias. P. Johnson. Ex. TLU ®ot. ot Mo.— "Zonwelss cleanses the teeth thor* ougnly, 18 delicate, convenient, very pleasant, and leaves no after taste. Sold bt all druggists. I rice, 35 cent*. Johnson & Johnson, 23 Cedar St, N.T. For sale by LIPPMAN BROS., Lippmon’l Block, Savannah. ___ GRAIN AND HAY. CORN EYES, A Car-Load just arrived. Send in Your Order. Also, BRAN, PEAS, HAY, CORN AND OATS. T. i. DAVIS & CO., 17ii BAY STREET.