The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, December 14, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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8 CAUGHT UNDER COVER. THE MURDERER OP TINY CHARL TON CAPTURED AT LAST. He is Located by the Dead Man’s Friend and Pound by the Police Covered Up in Bed—The Story of the Brutal Crime—How a Church Fair Wound Up in a Fight. One of the perpetrators of the most fiend ish and diabolical crime that has been com mitted in Chatham county for years was captured yesterday. The murder was com mitted about three miles out on the Ogee ehee road on Saturday uiglit, Aug. ‘-’O. At this place there is a small settlement of col ored people, most of the men working on the adjacent plantations. They seldom have trouble among themselves, but the city peo ple go out there often, filled np with bad whisky, and fights generally result. The murder arose from such a case. A party of city men went out to assist at a church festival, held there Saturday night. Bad whisky and bad characters are a hard com bination, and the church party were soon in the minority. A UCMPUB REIGNS. A sort of free fight was started by two of the women, and clubs, knives and razors were trumps. Tiny Charlton attempted to stop the fight, but got a blow or two for his pains. Finally the women were separated, but the bad feeling aroused was kept alive all the evening. Whisky was plentiful and quarrels were numeiims. Finally when tney broke up and went out on the road to fo home, Charlton was knocked down by orn Green, and Berry Cook stabbed him in the throat with a small pen-knife. Charl ton’s wife had then just appeared on the scene and attempted to rescue him and get him safely home. He was then very weak from the effects of the bio w and the stab, and she had to support him all the way. When about half way to his house he was again assaulted by Jun Cook and William Taylor. a razor’s deadly work. Charlton's head was resting over on his wife’s shoulder, and Cook, drawing a razor, drew it from back of his neck clear around till the blade struck the jawbone, almost entirely severing the head from the body. Charlton’s wife screamed for help, and the men then ran off across the fields. Charlton was carried into the house, but he died in a very few minutes. Since then nothing has been seen of the four men implicated in the brutal affair. They disappeared, but it was rumored that they were hiding in the neighborhood, and would be surrendered as soon as a reward was offered. Officers went out to look for them, but never succeeded in finding them. Charl ton had a friend named Butler, who lives in Brownsville, however, who knew the men, and who has been watching for them to get a chance to deliver them up. CAPTURED IS BED. Last night Jim Cook came up from Darien, and went to a house on Margaret and West Boundary streets. Butler saw and recognized him, and went off at once to find a policeman. He met Officer Neid linger, and told him that he had located Cook, and could catch him Neidlinger called Officer Masters to assist him. and the three proceede 1 to the house where Cook was. Masters and Butler remained on the outside, while Neidlinger went in to search for his man. At first he could not find hun, and he began to fear that the murderer had given him I the slip when he noticed a bed that looked as if it was occupied. He went over to it and started to raise the covers, but found they were held down. He gave them a jerk, and when they came off they revealed Cook lying there chagrined at the failure of his plan to c >n ccal himself. He was then placed under arrest and taken to the barracks, where he was locked up on a charge of murder. Cook will say nothing about the affair more than to deny that he had anything to do with it. LIBELED FOR SALVAGE. The British Steamer Naples Seized by the Tow-Boat Company. The British steamship Naples was libeled yesterday by the Propeller Tow-Boat Com pany for salvage. When the Naples caught fire last October the tow-boat company sent its tugs to her assistance. The Forest City was first alongside and poured streams into the vessel's hold until she was filled. The Constitution and Cambria were also at the fire. After the vessel was filled they pumped the water out. The tow-boat company had its tugs at work all night and all the next day on the vessel and rendered the captain a bill for services. The claim was rejected as extortionate and the Tow Boat Company has attached the vessel. The vessel and her cargo is valued at $350,000. The Tow Boat Com pany claimed S2O per hour for the services of its tugs, and tho court will lie asked to award such amount as it may deem proper. The claims of tho Lighterage Company and Ward & Churchill’s claims as stevedores were also rejected. The vessel was in pos session of a United States Mai-shal last night. A bond for $25,000 will be filed this morning and the vessel will he released. The Naples’ affaiis are in a very unsettled state. There are a number of claims against the ship amounting altogether to about $12,000, which are awaiting adjustment. A part of her cargo was sent forward and has been sold on the other side. There are claims upon that whiqh will most likely have to be adjusted in the courts. THE NEW STREET RAILROAD. Pushing the Work on the Bay and East Broad Streets. The Rural Resort Railroad Company is pushing the work on Bay and East Broad streets, and in a few days will put gaugs of hands at work on other streets, so as to get the entire line completed as far as Anderson street by May 1, the date prescribed by the city for the lines to be finished to that point. For several days past representatives from three of the leading street railroad iron firms in the country nave lieeu in the city looking after the contract for furnishing the additional iron needed. The railroad will be the best and the most costly street line ever built in the South, and the entire structure is being built with tho view of using electric motors as soon as they are perfected. The stables and car sh sis will be on In dian street or somewhere in that vicinity. GOV. GORDON THE ORATOR To Deliver the Addrees at the Jaaper Festival. The Committee o£ Arrangements of the .Jasper Monument Association held a meet ing yesterday for the purpose of considering the mutter of selecting an orator to deliver •he address at the Jasper Festival. The unanimous choice of the committee wsGov. John B. Gordon. Gen. Gordon, then United States Senator, delivered the address on the iccasion of the laying of the coiner stone of the monument Oct. it, 187!!, and his selection is very appropriate, as the corning event is merelythe closing of what was then begun. Firemen Have a Hun. The firemen were called out at 1 o’clock this morning by an alarm from Box 23, at the Central railroad passenger depot. A freight car on the canal bridge, at the wes tern end of the yard was discovered on fire, end the yard watchman thinking that it was loaded with cotton turned in an alarm. The car proved to be empty, and the fire was quickly put out. Officer McDonald made an examina tion and found a lot of matches near the car door, which had either been dropped there by a trainman or may bo by some tramp. THROUGH THE CITY. Items Gathered Here and There by the News Reporters. The City Council will meet to-night. Golden Rule Lodge No. 12, I. O. O. F., meets this evening. Annual meeting of Hebrew Benevolent Society this evening. There were two arrests for disorderly con duct and three for larceny yesterday. Tho County Commissioners will hold their regular December meeting this morn ing. The Pulaski Loan Association will hold its regular monthly meeting to-night at No. 135 Bay street. There were two cases of disorderly con duct before.the Mayor yesterday, and the fines amounted to sls. The Merchants' and Mechanics’ Loan As sociation w ill hold its sixty-seventh monthly meeting to night at the Secretary’s office, No. 118 Bryan street. The police force is now larger by three men, and the names of Officers Veale, Love aud Cronin appear upon the roll. There have been vacancies upon the force for some time past, but they have now liecn filled by the appointment of these three men. Tax Collector McGowan will close tho digest of State and county taxes for 1887 at 2 o’clock next Saturday. All taxes unpaid at that time will be placed in the hands of the Sheriff for collection by execution. There are yet many taxpayers to pay up and only a few days are left for them to pay in. William .Tonkin?, Alex Jenkins, William Goodine and Alice Rogers got into a row in a house in Goat alley last night and made Goat alley about the liveliest part of the town, 'i’he whole population turned out to witness the fracas, but the crowd dispersed when the police marched down and captured the belligerent quartette. Transfer Agent Patterson had his hands full yesterday morning getting off tho Southt rn tourists who had stopped in Sa vannah, en route for Jacksonville and Florida points. There were 148 passengers at the Savannah, Florida and Western depot to take the early train, and it was a job stowing them away and getting their dunnage in ship shape. They were finally got aboard, however and started off. The Southern travel has shown a decided improvement in the last week, though tho rush is not looked for until after Christmas. A DULL DAY IN COURT. Henry Baker, the Thunderbolt Burglar, Sent Up for Two Years. Business in the courts was not as brisk yesterday as it has been, but Judge Adams consigned one malefactor to seven years of penal servitude just the same. His name was Henry Baker, and he was accused of burglarizing the house of Henry Ambos, at Thunderbolt. Baker denied that be had anything to do with the burglary, but his suspicious oondpct before and after the event and the footprints about the building on the morning alter it occurred convicted him, though the jury recommended him to mercy, li e got seven years. P. C. Tyler filed application by W. W. Osborne, his attorney, for the legitimatiz ing of a daughter known as Victoria Tyler, born of Mary Ann DeLyons, now dead. The ]<etition asked that she be declared legitimate, as if born in wedlock, and it was granted by the court. The rule nisi was taken in the cases of \V. M. DeLoach and William Neusel, charged with assault with intent to murder. They have been out under bonds in the sum of $5OO each, and they were called for trial yesterday, but failed to appear. Their 1 Hinds were therefore declared forfeited to the court. William Brown was the surety for DeLoach and 8. Nesmith and Aaron C. Williams for Neusel. In the City Court th j case of Annie Flan agan vs. the Savannah Florida and West ern Railroad Company was continued, and the taking of testimony was concluded. The case will go to the jury to-day after the hearing of the arguments. RIVER AND HARBOR NOTES. Happenings Among the Shipping and Along the Wharves. The Italian bark Melchiorre was cleared yesterday by Messrs, A. R. Salas & Cos. for Bremen with 2,307 bales of upland cotton, weighing 1,0X4,760 pounds, valued at $01,426, and 150 tons of phosphate rock, valued at $1,200: total valuation of cargo, $02,636. Messrs. Holst & Cos. cleared yesterday the British bark Tikotna for Liverpool with 2,401 bales of upland cotton, weighing 1,189,882 pounds, valued at $108,250; 754 barrels of rosin, weighing 326,485 pounds, valued at $1,836 42, and 9,418 white oak staves, valued at $800; 180 sacks cotton se<l, weighing 21,056 pounds, valued at $225; total valuation of cargo, $lll,lll 42. MASONS ELECT OFFICERS. Ancient Landmark Lodge, No. 231 Holds Its Annual Meeting. Ancient Landmark Lodge F. and A. M., No. Sill, held its annual communication last night at Masonic Temple, and the following officers were elected to serve during the en suing Masonic year: W. M.—W. S. Rockwell. S. W.—J. B. Duckworth. J. W.—J. P. S. Houstoun. Treas.—Osceola Butler. Secretary—John 8. Haines. S. D.—J. K. Gutman. J. D.—J. C. Postell. S. 8. —Isaac Beckett. J. B.—H. A. McLeod. GROWTH OF THE BALD SPOT. Henry Firth Woods’ Lecture at Odd Fellows Hall Last Night. Henry Firth AVoods delivered his lecture, “The Growth of the Bald Spot,” to a small audience at Odd Fellows Hall last night. Mr. AVoods is a keen humorist, and those who heal'd him enjoyed him. He began his lecture by apologizing to all the “bald bead’s’ present for any slurs or insinuations that might be cast upon their polH The growth of the bald spot was shown by means of twenty artistic paintings, ele gantly mounted and arranged in panoramic form, from the tiny baby’s to the deacon’s, preacher’s, and Supreme Court Judge’s. It was throughout a bright, interesting talk, hu morous and pathetic, aud the lecturer was frequently applauded. Mr. AVoods dosed with the rending of J. G. Holland’s “Old Dan Gray” and the recitation “How Ruby Played,” which were keenly enjoyed by the audience, At the close of his lecture Mr. Woods was tendered a vote of thanks for the pleasant evening’s entertainment. The lecture was under tlie auspices of the Young Men’s Christian Association and is the initial en tertainment of the series which the associa tion will give during the winter. A Trip Through Palestine. Rev. J. E. L. Holmes, of the Baptist church, delivered a very interesting lecture oil “Palestine” at Yonge’s Hall last night. After the lecture refreshments were served. The entertainment was for the benefit of Duffy Street Baptist church, and a neat sinn was realisiod. Local Personal. Lee Roy Myers, Esq., has been elected a Director in the Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. Mr. E. M. Green, the new President of the Cotton Exchange, will tender the mem bers of the Exchange a reception at his residence on Madison square to-morrow evening, from it until 11 o’clock. Where can you get good Candy for 10c. , and 15c. ? At D. B. Lester's. Try D. B. Lester’s Domestic Champagne, , equal to the imported for half the money. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1887. THE NEW SHELL ROAD. The Isle of Hope Road Incorporators Meet and Organize. The incorjiorators and others interested in building a short line shell road to the Isle of Hope, met yesterday at noon at Metropoli tan Hall. The meeting was organized by electing Isaac Beckett, Esq., Chairman, and John W. Burroughs, Esq., Secretary. Mr. C. H. Dorsett stated the object of the meeting, and read the charter of the com pany. He also submitted a map prepared by a well-known engineer, showing the pro pe .ed road, with an estimate of the cost of building it, which is $4,752 42. There was some discussion regarding the right of way and also in regard to the fig liras named as the preliable cost of the road. The general impression was that the road would cost much more than the sum stated. Mr. J. M. Solomons suggested that be fore anything was done toward a further organization, all questions of the right of way should be settled. On motion, Messrs. J. M. Solomons, James Leonard, A. G. Guerard, Grass and Nelson were appointed a committee to nominate seven directors to serve until the annual meeting in May. The committee submitted the names of the following gentlemen, who were unan imously elected" J. it. Estill, A. G. Guerard, S. F. Dupon, R. M. Demere, Isaac Beckett, Charles H. Dorsett and Dederich Grimm. On motion, Messrs. Dorsett, Demere and Beckitt were appointed a committee to se cure right of way and procure such infor mation as may be pertinent to the purposes of the organization. The chairman suggested that it was in order for those present to subscribe to the stock of the company, and signatures were at once obtained for 178 shares of stock, amounting to $2,250. The meeting then adjourned subject to the call of the Board of Directors. The route of the proposed road is an air line from Estill avenue, in the southern limits of the city, to the site of the old Isle of Hope church, and is four and three quarter miles in length. It is said that the road will lessen the distance from the city to Isle of Hope about three miles. A FRISKY YOUNG TEXAN. . He Knocks Down a Boy and Makes a Crowd Give Way. A vicious young mustang, that was too ambitious for his sleepy driver, kicked up bis heels and made a break through Bull and Broughton streets during the busiest part of yesterday aftemooD. The mustang was hitched to a street wagon, but the wagon didn't stand any kind of a show. It rattled around the runaway’s heels and bobbed over the crossings, swing ing from one side of the street to the other, and bumping across the sidewalks with as little regard as if it were a tin can at the end of a dog’s tail. The mustang didn’t seem to mind it except, perhaps, that it made him all the merrier. He was in for a run, and he had it, and all his own way, too. Most people got out of his way as soon as they could con veniently. The iadies scampered from the sidewalks into the stores, aud everybody respected the Texan’s presence. He crossed Broughton street with a rattle and bang, and hugging his ears close to his head he gathered himself and headed for the Screven blouse. Just before he got there he changed his mind, and making a quick turn toward the Market rounded the corner in front of Butler’s drug store. Ralph Thomson, the 10-year-old son of Mr. Thomas F. Thomson, was crossing the street and the mustang knocked him down, but he didn’t mean to. As he came upon the body he shied to one side and the front wheel of the wagon struck a tele graph pole. This brought things to a stand still. It was a lively shook and the wagon got the worst of it. The boy was more scared than hurt, although he had a narrow escajie. The runaway was captured, and after being tied was led off—a captiv \ A big crowd collected and the police did their duty to keep it back. THE LAMAR-ANDERSON AFFAIR. Some Additional Facts Furnished by Postmaster Lamar. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 13.— Editor Morn ing News: On Monday last you published an article giving what purported to be my account of the difficulty between Col. An derson and myself, as related to his broth el's. Asa number of significant facts did not appear in this article, I, at an early hour this forenoon, addressed a respectful com munication to Mai. George W. Anderson (ho lie'ng his brother’s bondsman), asking if I had not mentioned these facts in my in terview with himself and brothers, sending him a schedule of them. I have not re ceived a reply to my letter. As the article, as published, does me groat wrong, I ask, as simple justice, that you publish this, with the schedule of omissions and corrections, to-moiTO w morning. Vcry respectfully. Georue W. Lamar. COPY OFSCHEDUIJtjSENT TO MAJ.ANDERSON. 1. No mention is made of the threats of your brother to take my life. 2. That he was standing in the middle of the doorway giving access to the street through which I had tq, pass. 3. That he was in possession then of a large walking stick, he&vily loaded at the head. 4. His reply to my inquiry as to the truth of reports of threats to toko iny life was, “Thev are, aud I will kill you some dav yet.” 5. That the hour was the same that I usually left the office, and known to him. 8. His reply to mv notification of my presence was, “I am unarmed and under a SOOO bond.” 7. My reply was, “That is sufficient, Sir,” and I preceded him to the street. THE NATIONAL GAME. Early Season Gossip About the Game and Players. McCormick declares that he will not play ball next season. Getzein wants $5,000 or nothing to sign with the Detroits for ISBB. Manager Powell, of New Orleans, is after West, Kingle and Goodfellow. Bittman, the noted second baseman, has accepted the Birmingham Club’s terms. Werden may play first base for New Or leans, if Hinkle does not coine up to expec tations. The original check for SIO,OOO paid by Boston to Chicago for Kelly's release, is on exhibition in Ban Francisco. The directors of the Indinnapolis Club have concluded to establish club rooms for next season for the benefit, of the players, officers and visitors, the same to lie com fortable fitted up uiul to bo provided with amusements of various kinds. It has iieen decided to call the members of the Cincinnati team together at New Or leans, the first week in March. A few games will be played with the Southern League nines, and the season in Cincinnati will be opened March 28. Already the To rontos, the International champions; the Buffalos, the St. Pauls and the Pittsburg* have applied for dates. The Pool Tournament. Last night Mr. Wilson defeated Mr. La motte. This afternoon at 4 o'clock, Messrs. Griswold and Ijamotte will play, and to night Messrs. Wilson and Brown. Chas. Kolhhor.n & Bro. A Stranger In a Strange Land. A. Black, Jr., writes from Andalusia, Ala., that he was taken with dysentery of the bloodiest type. Doctors were called in |to no effect. A stranger suggested Dr. ! Rigger’s Huckleberry Cordial, and to its I use I e I wes his lib*. For toe finest l eas. Coffees and Spices, go I to Cooper’s, 28 Whitaker street. MAKING THE BEST OF IT. HOW CASSIDY SPENDS HIS TIME IN HIS CELL. His Face Whiter but His Grip as Good as It Was When He Fought the Po lice—He Keeps a Stiff Upper Lip and Refuses to Talk About His Case. A visit was paid to Tom Cassidy yester day to see how' he took the indictment that was found against him. He is the same Tom Cassidy that he was when he whipped six policemen without a weapon. He looks a little whiter because the tan of the sun has worn off from his face, and that gives to the casual observer the idea that he is thinner and weaker, but none of them want to tackle him to find out whether he is weaker or not. if they did they would probably never be able to tell just how much weaker he is. Ho put his hand through the door to shake with the Mornino News reporter, and his grip indicated that the giant had lost none of his strength. If he feels any the worse for the indictment he lias power enough over him self to conceal his emotions, for he laughs and chats as pleasantly anil good humor edly as ever he did. He was eating his din ner when he was seen, and his appetite was good. He ate with a relish that betokened good health, and his meal was a hearty one. In speaking of himself, he said that he had not suffered any since he had been in jail. He of course disliked the confinement, but he hod managed to get along quite con tentedly, being a ma i of sufficient intelli gence to accommodate himself to circum stances, without fretting for his liberty when he could not get it. His friends look after all his wants and keep him well sup plied with whatever may make his life in prison more pleasant. Cassidy’s manner betokens anything but a conscience bur dened with guilt, and even in his trying situation his Irish wit shows itself, as it gets off some jest upon the circumstances of the case. OVER IN CHARLESTON. What Is Going On in South Carolina’s Metropolis City. Col. A. M. Haywood, of Brunswick, has instituted another uniformed lodge of K. of P, in Charleston. It is called Charleston Division. Its officers are: Sir Knight Commander, J. Fred Lilienthal; Sir Knight Lieutenant Commander, R. E. Mansfield; Sir Knight Herald, James Thayer; Sir Knight Treasurer, F. W. Jessen; Sir Knight Recorder, W. S. Prince. The annual election for officers of the Charleston Exchange was held Monday. Mr. A. W. Taft was re-elected President, having consented to serve another year at the solicitation of the members of the Ex change. The following Board of Directors were elected: J. Adger Smyth, F. S. Rodgers, Thaddeus Street, H. W. Frost, F. E. Taylor, E. C. Williams, Jr. The South Carolina Medical Society cele brated its ninety-eighth anniversary with a dinner at the Charleston Hotel Monday night. The following gentlemen were elected officers of tho society for the ensuing year: President, Dr. Manning Simons, Vice Dr. H. AY. DeSaussure; Vice President, Dr. T. Grange Simons: Secretary, Dr. C. AY. Kolloek, Vice Dr. P. G. DeSaussure: Treasurer, Dr. J. L. Dawson, Jr., Vice Dr. C. B. Lanneau; Librarian, Dr. AV. P. Porcher. The one hundred and fourteenth meeting of City Council, and the last of the out going administration, was held Monday night It was plain to see, says the News and Courier, that the occasion was one of extraordinary interest. There were no vacant chai s at the aldermanic desks, while the Clerk’s office was occupied by an unusually large number of spectators as sembled to see the city fathers make then bow and retire. Mayor Courtenay made a brief farewell speech, and then surrendered the chair, and the committee appointed to submit resolutions upon his retirement made its report. The report reviewed con cisely the work of the City Council during the past eight years and contained a hand some and well-deserved recognition of the services of Mayor Courtenay, by whose gift for organization, unbending force of will, ceaseless vig lance, been personal interest in all that <o i erns the city, patriotic and high pul lie i rlrit, unfaltering courage and tireless, la.uiful and patient labor, the city government has reached its present state of efficiency. A Triple Alliance. Unhappily for the wretched victim of their as saults, dyspepsia, constipation and biliousness are faithful allies. When one of these foes at tacks the system, the other two speedily follow in its wake, and successively make their on slaught Successively, but not successfully, if llostetter’s Stomach Bitters be used to repel the onset. The Bitters as easily extirpates these monsters as St. George is depicted in the act of doing to the dragon In the steel vignette upon the glass bottles which contain the medicine. Their flight, like their advance, is nearly simul taneous. Their mutuality destroyed, they pre cipitately retreat, leaving health master of the position and strongly entrenched by the Bitters. This gland fortifier is also a reliable bulwark against the insidious assaults of malarial disease, and steps the approach of rheumatism. It. moreover, relieves nervous complaints, and im parts vigor to the weak. For The Coming Holidays we have received somae special noveltios in our resiiective depart ments, to which we would call special atten tion to styles and PRICES. We have also received 2,000 more of our desk rulers, which were distributed among the business houses of the city the first part of theoieason. These ruler’s will be presented to each and every boy in the city who will call at our store and register his name, age and address in our registering book. To every visitor to our store will be pre sented our beautiful souvenir “Wall Pocket” of our second faW season whether they PURCHASE OR not. Please ask for same. Together with the above, will lie presell' e 1 to every $25 purchaser a beautiful gilt frame picture, 20x25 inches. Notwithstanding the above inducement, we guarantee every purchase to be as low, if not lower, than can be bought in the city. Each and every article is marked in plain figures. One price to all. Special atten tion to our Children’s aud Boys’ Overcoats. Our SIMH), $ll, $l3, $12.50, $13.50 and? 15 Men’s Business Suits are worthy of atten tion. Remember die number, lit';' Congress street, oppo.-ite the Market. APPEL & Schaul, One Price Clothiers, Hatters und Furnishers. Imported Sherry, $2, Catawba Wine $l, Old Duff Gordon Sherries from $3 to $l, at D. B. Lester’s. Large stock of choice Preserves, Jellies and Jams at D. B. Lester’s. Fine Candies, Sweet Cider, lino Prunes, at Cooper’s, 2s Whitaker street. For bargains in Fine and Fancy Groceries, go to Coojier s, 2$ Whitaker street. Fine imported Gin, Martel, Otard and Henncssv Brandies, at D. B. Lester's. French Mixed Candy 10c., 15c. and2sc. at D. B. Lester’s. Go to Lester’s for Apricots, Plums, Peaches, Pears, Quinces and Green Gages. Whitman’s fine Candies and Confections, at Cooper’s, 2S Whitaker street. Fine Wines. Brandies and Whiskies: goto Cooper’s. 28 Whitaker street. Oak, Pine and Lightwood, For sale by K. B. Cassels, corner Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 77. A 35c. Damask Towel for 10c. at Weis beiu’s. Maple, New Orleans and Georgia Syrup at D. B. Lester's. ON RAIL AND CROS3TIE. Local and General Gossip in Railway Circles. The estimated cost of the proposed Mobile, Ala. and Navy Cove railway is £I,IX)O,CMK) April 1 is fixed as the time for the com pletion of the Anniston and Cincinnati rail road from Anniston o At&lia, Ala. The trestling for the western approach to the Anniston and Atlantic bridge across Coosa river is finished. It is ostimated that tiie bridge will cost $‘,10,000. The Anniston and Atlantic railroad has begun track-laying between Gadsden, Ala. and Atlanta. One hundred car loads of tios have been received at Gadsden for the new road. The Birmingham Herald gives this infor mation: “At the meeting of the directors of the Birmingham and Atlantic Air-Line and associate roads, which will l>e held at Atlanta on llec. 10, deiinite action is expec ted to be taken on the proposition to pur chase the Savannah, Dublin and Western. If the purchase is concluded the three asso ciate roads will probably consolidate at once.” The Superintendent and other employes of the Pullman Palace Car Company at Jacksonville were nearly frightened out of their wits Monday over the finding of n supposed dynamite cartridge in a car direct from Cincinnati. The harmless looking little article was tied to a ten-foot pole and taken to Capt. Murphy, of tho Waycross police. Capt. Murphy handled the thing in a gingerly fashion until an expert pro nounced it a simple piece of cable for con veying electric currents. To say they all feel sold is putting it very mildly. Another new South Carolina road asking a charter is the Eastern, Barnwell and Western railroad. The incorporators are: W. H. Duncan, L. T. Izlar, W. P. Murphy, C. Eberhanlt, H. W. Kearse, W. N. Jones, J. C. McMillan, H. N. Folke, A. B. Stephens, J. B. Lockwood, N. F. Kirkland, J. Wyman Jenny. Capital stock $200,000, in shares of SSO, with the privilege of in creasing to $5,000,000, and to organize when $50,000 shall have been subscribed. The road is designed to run “from Charleston, through the counties of Colleton, Barnwell and Aiken, to some point on the Savannah river between Hamburg and Brown’s Land ing, as the company, when formed may de termine upon, and the company is to have the exclusive right to construct and operate the railroad, or any portion or section there of.” The company is also “authorized and empowered to build, purchase, own, hold, use, sell, or otherwise dispose of, steamships and sailing vessels in connection with their railroad transportation, so as to carry on the business of a general through, coastwise and foreign transportation to and from any point of its lines and connections.” The construction of the road must be com menced within two years from the passage of the act. Tiffany’s Jewelry Palace. There are few persons who have not at least heard of Tiffany’s celebrated Jewelry and Art House, and a great many other people imagine that nothing of good quality can be bad except at Tiffany’s. This is a follacious idea, as there isn’t the slightest necessity for sending from home for a single articlo in this line. We have right here as fine and varied a stock of Jewelry, Dia monds, Bronzes, etc., as cin be found any where in the United States, a :d at prices as low as can be obtained at Tif fany’s or elsewhere. We would di rect especial attention to our very elaborate display of solid Silver Ware, as also a select line of Piated Ware. We make a feature of Ladies’ Watches, Chains aud Charms, and those contemplating holi day gifts can be suited in every regard. Our display of tbe famous Lemaire’s Opera Glasses is very complete and this quality and fine workmanship does not need com mendation at our hands. We have some of the prettiest and most novel conceits in Bronze Ornaments that one often sees, and invite attention to them. A gold-headed Silk Umbrella makes a neat and inexpensive present, and we have them in great variety of design of ornamentation. It is not pos sible to describe more than some of our leading articles in limited space, and, in face, by a personal inspection only can the extent of our efforts this season be appre ciated. We do not allow the slightest mis representation, aud where our guarantee is placed it can be relied on to attach the re sponsibility that belongs to any first-class house. Our many patrons of the past are our best vouchers, and we certainly intend to retain our place in their popular regard. The raffle list for the magnificent Diamond Necklace is filling up very rapidly. Bear in mind that a visit to our establish ment carries no obligation to buy with it. We are just as glad to ste the chance vis itor as the most determined buyer. M. Stkrnbkkg, 151 Broughton street. For fine Raisins, Citron, Currants and Nuts, go to Cooper’s, 2b Whitaker street. Don’t fail to go to D. B. Lester’s for choice Raisins, Citron, Currants and Nuts. Oranges for Presents. Those contemplating shipping Oranges as Christmas and holiday presents, should plaoe their orders with us in time. Fine Florida Oranges, also Mandarins and Tan gerines nicely packed and shipped to any art of the country. The shipping of “Christmas” Oranges is a specialty in which we excel. W. D. Sim kins & Cos., 169 Bay street. A 25c. Hair Brush for sc. at Weisbein’s. You make a mistake when you fail to get D. B. Lester’s prices. If you want to live well and save money, buy your Groceries from D. B. Lester. Examine D. B. Lester’s stock and get his prices before buying your groceries. Useful Holiday Presents Are not easy to select. Useless articles for mere show, just for the purpose and the day are mostly sought after. For a boy or youth, or even for a husband or father what is there nicer or more usful than an Over coat, Huit of Clothing, half-dozen nice Shirts, fancy or white laundried or unlaun driedf To one more distant related, or to a friend, a Hat, Umbrella, pair of Suspend ers, Silk Handkerchief, or a half-dozen Linen ones, a nice valise make very suitable presents. All of the above mentioned articles can be bought at very low prices from the “Famous,” 144 Congress street, northeast corner Whitaker. V.’e sell Boys’ Suits and Overcoats from $2 50 up, Men’s Suits and Overcoats from $5 up to $25. Scarfs, Suspenders, Sticks for 25c. Gentlemen can even find in our place a nice present for thoir lady friends in the shape of a nice gold or silver-headed Gloria Umbrella at prices ranging from $2 50 up to $7. A nice leather-covered Trunk makes a good, useful present for a lady. Immense variety of handsome Christmas Goods at Weisbein’s. A 25c. Ked Twill Flannel for 16c. at Weisbein’s. A 25c. full regular Ladies’ Hose for 10c. at Weisbein’s. There is no question but that Byck Bros, can suit your feet and (tucket in the Shoe line. Everyone concedes that. English Plum Pudding, Imported Jams, and everything nice in the eating line, at D. 11. Lester’s. Choice old Port, Sherry, Catawba and S.uppornong Wines at D. B. Lester’s. P. B. I-ioster is offering great bargains in Tomatoes, this week; bo sure and give him a call. Old Scuppernong Wir.eand Blackberry Brandy at D. B. Lester’s. Sweet Mixed Pickles, Stuffed Mangoes and Currant Jams at P. B. Lester’s. Weather Indications. Special indications for Georgia: RAIN Slightly warmer, rain, iresh to and on the coast brisk to high easterly winds. Comparison of moan temperature at Savan nah, Dee. IS. 1887, and the mean of same day for fifteen year,. j Departure : Total Mkan TcMrEiuTt HR from the j Departure ; ! Meaa j Since for 15 years: Dec. IS, IT j --or Jan. i, 1887. 56.0 ’ 40.0 | 7.0 I— 580.0 (’< >inparative rainfall s: ai emeu:: r . , . , Departure | Total Mean Daily: Amount £n ‘ )m thu De p arture Amount for for . Mean Since lb Tears. jDec. 13, 87., or _ j,j an . 1, 1887. .11 j 00 -- .11 ! —14.05 Maximum, temperature 57, minimum tern perature 39. Tiie height of the river at Augusta at 1:33 o’clock p. m. yesterday (Augusta time) was 8 8 feet—a fail of 2.1 during tho past twenty-four nours. Observations taken at the seme moment of time at all stations. Savannah. Dec. 13, 3:36 r. M.. city time. Temperature, j Direction. $ Velocity. _?! Rainfall. Name or Stations. Portland . 821 NW ..].... Clear. Boston 34 1 W Clear. Block 151and...... 40 NW Clear. New York city ... 88 W Clear Philadelphia 40] W Clear. Detroit 32; W Clear. Fort Buford.. IS W Fair. St. Vincent. 14 Cloudy. Washington city.. 88] S Clear. Norfolk 40jS E Clear. Charlotte 44 S E Clear. Hatteras 44 N 6 Clear. Titusvillo 60 E Fair. Wilmington 40 N E 6 Clear. Charleston 50 N 8 Clear. Augusta 50 N E Cloudy. Savannah 6S N E:l2 Clear. Jacksonville 54 N t o, Clear. Cedar Keys 62 NE 12 .. Cloudy. Key West 74 W 12! Cliau ly. Atlanta 48 E 10 'Cloudy. Pensacola 52 NE 16 02 Cloudy. Mobile 44 E 0 22 Raining. Montgomery ...'. 50 NE .. T* j Cloudy. New Orleans 56 E 24 .42 Raining. Shreveport 41 E .. .42 Cloudy. Fort Smith 44 S E Clear. Galveston 681N E 8 .02 Clear. Corpus Christi i I Palestine 44 N E 10 .10 Cloudy. BrownesviUe ] ] KioGrande ] j Knoxville 40 N E Clear. Memphis 40 E . .. 'Cloudy. Nashville 42 N K Fair. Indianapolis 86 S E Clear. Cincinnati 381 S E Clear. Pittsburg . 40jNW ]C'lear. Buffalo 36 W j Cloudy. Cleveland 36] 8 clear. Marquette 34 NW Cloudy. Chicago 86 SW Clear. Duluth 24 NW Clear. St. Paul 30] W Cloudy. Davenport 32' Clear." Cairo 42 S E Clear. St. Louis 40 S E ] Clear. Leavenworth... . 44 ] Clear. Omaha 36 NW Clear. Yankton 86 NW 'Cloudy. Bismarck 20 NW Clear. Dead wood 24 SW. .30 Clear. Cheyenne 18; N Clear North Platte 36 NW;.. .01 Clear. Dodge City 86 N E Cloudy. Santa Fe 30 N E Cloudy. T* denotes trace of rainfall. G. N. Salisbury Signal Corps. Old Pianos Taken in Exchange for new ones. We want the public to know that our facilities for repairing and putting in good order worn or badly used Pianos are unsurpassed by any house in this coun try. We want to repair twenty-five old Pi anos before Xmas. We guarantee to do it as well and as reasonably as it can be done anywhere; or, if you are tired of your old Piano, we will take it in exchange for a new one, and allow you fine price for it,and sell you any Piano we have in stock (twenty five of the leading makes for you to select from) at close factory prices. We handle the Knabe, Kranicli & Bach, Bans, Behr Bros., Estey and Harrington Pianos, and the Estey Organs. Tuning a special feature of our Piano and Organ department. Davis Bros. A 25c. Children’s Undershirt for 10c. at Weisbein’s. Thirty-three per cent, reduction on all Winter Goods at WeiAein s. G.’k, Pine and Lfghtwood, For sale by R. B. Cassels, corner Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 77. A pure linen Damask Napkin for sc. at Weisbein’s. For choice Prunes, Dried Figs, Evapor ated Apples, Fancy Crackers, go to D. B. Lester’s. Byck Bros, are sole agents for the Catho lic Protectory Wear Resisting School Shoes. Sledge-Hammer Blows. We now claim to have the most complete stock and largest variety of SHOES ever carried by any one store in tho oity, and for the balance of this month have determined to sell goods lower than ever. We shall make the greatest run on record of Misses and Children’s Heeled and Spring Heel Shoes, and as a special feature on these goods we shall give away until tiie end of the year a bank full of candy to every purchaser of the above articles. Onr beautiful styles of gentle men’s fine Slippers, in silk and chenille em broidered plush, are by far tbe handsomest goods for holiday presents ever made, and just the thing. Byck Bros. Old Kentucky Rye $3 per gallon at Lester’s. Old Peach and Apple Brandy at Lester’s. Atmore’s Mince Meat and English Plum Pudding at D. B. Lester’s. At the Harnett House, Savannah, Ga., you get all the comforts of the high-priced ho els, aud save from slto $2 jasr day. Try it and be convinced.—Boston llome Jour nal. L A 25c. full regular Gents’ Half Hose for 10c. at Weisbein’s. FURNACES. jkl3T Richardson & Boynton Co.’s SANITARY HEATING FURNACES Contain the newest patterns, comprising latest improvements possible to adopt in a Heating Furnace w here Power, Efficiency, Economy and Durability is desired. Medical ami Scientific ex perts pronounce these Furnaces superior in every respect, to all others for supplying pure air, free from gas and dust. Send for circulars- Sold by all first class deal ers. Richardson Ac. Boynton t 'o., M'f 'rs, 232 and 284 Water Street, N. V. Sold by JOHN A. DOUGLASS A CO.. Savannah, Ga BAKTS'II POWIIEIt. fEs|i i 1 fjfg|l Absolutely Pure. Stats or Weather. Tills Powder never varies. A marvel of Purity Strength and Wholesomeness. Store econoaii* cal than the ordinary kind, and eannot be sold in competition with tho multitude of low test short weight alum or phosphate powders. So/.} oiilu in cans. Royal Bakino Powder Cos., 10® Wall street, New York. ■ AS LUDDEN BATES S. M. R. THE OLD ANDNEW, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. SILK PLUSH, assorted colors, extension clasps, a large tine book, at $1 25, $1 50, 82, $2 50, $3; did sell at $2, $2 50, $3, $4 and $5. Elegant CALF and MOROCCO ALBUMS, great variety of styles, and prices are 50 per cent, better than last year. AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Beil Leatherette, Silver Gilt and Inlay, atlsc. t 25c., 35c., 40c. Long Grain, Calf Padded. Stamped in Gold, 66c., 90c., Si 10. Best Silk Plush, plain padded, 45c., 60c., 75c ,90a SCRAP ALBUMS. An immense assortment of finely illuminated and illustrated, at prices ranging from 25 cents to $2 each. TOY BOOKS. To those who wish to make the little folks happy, we say don't forget the Toy Book Coun ter. Better selections can now he made than later. It will pay you to look at and price our stock. TOY DRUMS AND PIANOS Are features in our business that should not be overlooked. Handsome Square Pianos at $l5O, $2 and $2 50. Toy Drums range in price from 25c. to $1 75. CHRISTMAS CARDS, NOVELTIES AND BOOKLETS. Our assortment and stock of these goods sur pass anything heretofore shown by us, and w hen we assure our jsurons that our prices are much less than ever before seen, we simply aslc that an inspection of our stock lie made. This, we think,will convince the most incredulous that large sales and small profits enable us to offer them the choicest productions of the new and old world. BRONZE, BISQUE A TERRA COTTA WARE. Handsome Bronzes at from $3 to $65 per pair. Bisque Figures at $1 50 to S6O each. Terra Cotta Figures, 75 cents to S6O each. Royal Hungarian, Terra Romana, Silesian Ma jolica and Roman Amphora Glassware in endless variety. Etruscan, Florentine and Sienna Bronzes, Lamps. Vases, Rose Jars, Money Jars, Etc. POCKET BOOKS AND CARD CASES. The latest and newest styles in Rich Leath er Goods. Lap Tablets, Music Rolls, Writing Desks, Etc. Our stock shows for itself, and the prices will be found in plain figures, and WE GUARAN TEE THE LOWEST. L.&B.S. m. it. FURN ITURE AND CARPETS, HOLIDAY GOODS. Unique and Elegant Pieces for the Hall, Parlor, Library and Dining-room in ANTIQUE OAK, CHEERY AND WALNUT. Luxurious Parlor Suits, Divans, Conversation Chairs, Lounges and Odd Pieces. Rattan Rockers in great triety. Rich effects in Rugs, Carpets, Portieres and Draperies. Durable Styles in Girls’ Tricycles, Boys’ Tri cycles, Velocipedes, Wagons, Doll Carriages, etc. We have spared no expense to present tha Choicest Goods at Popular and Attract ive Prices, and invite our friends and the public generally to visit our ware-rooms and inspect our HANDSOME DISPLAY. A. J. Miller & Cos. DESKS. ■HHjylerdeskcq MWI ST. LOUIS, MO. M**<UFACTURIR3 or FINI DESKS. BANK COUNTERS BANk, COURT HOOTS, GOVERNMENT WORK as* iisSSHa fire office fitting a, BSKjhS Be&t Work anl Lowest Pricoi " Guaranteed. 100 page Illutf’d Cataiogue^^^evergrinted^jiej^^geJTOstjjeJj STOV Eft. PERFECTLY ASTONISHED "\VTE are more than surprised at the tremend- I' ous sales of our Bathroom Oil Heaters. They suit the purpose so nicely that we hav* without much effort disposed or more than fifty this winter, and inquiries exceed ten times tha transactions. Onr stove is n beauty and little less than a household necessity. LOVELL & LATTIMORE, SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA. DAVIS BROS. LEADING PIANOS; HUNDREDS availed themselves of our invi tation last week to examine and hear the “(Jem of a Plano," the KNABE PARLOR ORaND. Many others called and were disap pointed, as we sold and delivered it to one of ouf leading and most influential citizens on Satur day morninjr. Mr. ERNEST KNABE, the senior member of the firm of WM. KNABE & (50., Baltimore. Md. t Manufacturers of the celebrated Knabe Pianos, made us a special visit on Saturday, and will lect for us in person,on his ret urn to the factory, another of their Elegant Parlor Grands and three of their best Upright Pianos. They will all arrive this week, and we invite everybody to see t hem. TWENTY FIVE PIANOS of the leading makes in this country now on our floor*. TUNING, REPAIRING and SHIPPING special features of our Plano and Organ Department. Buy None But the Knabe. DAVISBROS