The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, December 15, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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2 JACKSONVILLE’S MUDDLE THE OUTCOME STILL VERY HARD TO PREDICT. Excitement Over the Refusal of the Mayor and Council to Receive the Returns at White Heat—The Day’s Business in the United States Court. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 14. —The ex citement this morning over the election muddle, and the refusal of the Mayor and Clerk to receive the returns, was at white heat. At it o’clock, the hour set for the as sembling of the Council, the room was crowded. At 10 o’clock a quorum was ob tained, and Chairman Call rapped themeet ingto order. The inspector and judges made their report, saying they had presented their returns to the Mayor and Clerk, anil that these officials had refused to accept them. Some discussion ensued, and President Call read the law covering the election for Jacksonville. He took the posi tion that the Council had noth ing to do in the matter whatever. It was the duty of the judges and inspectors, or clerks, as they should be called, to report first from the wards, giving certificates to the Aldermen elected, end then to meet and report on the vote for Mayor and give their certificate therefor. This opinion was finally acquiesced in, and the Council re quests! the judges and clerks to at once perform that duty. SURRENDERING RETURNS. Mayor Burbridge said he had some re turns in his possession, and he wanted to know how to dispose of them. On motion it was resolved that the City Clerk receive them, and aso the ballot-boxes, for safe keeping, which command he at once obeyed. The Council then adjourned. Mr. Call re marked that he did not think the new gov ernment would exist very long under the officials chosen yesterday, as the Supreme Court would probably declare all steps taken in the matter illegal from the begin ning. A\ hen the Counciljadjourned the judges and clerks remained to canvass the returns and issue the certificates, but several* were absent, and it was resolved to adjourn till 4 o’clock when all would be present. The business men generally look with distrust on the continual agitation going on and de sire the matter settled at once. The election was fair, and no complaints have been made regarding it in any way or shape. In all probability Mayor Burbridge and the Council will refuse to recognize the new officials even when they receive their certificate, and a vrrit of quo warranto will l>e applied for at once from the Supreme Court, The case will then be carried there so ns to have it retd at once. The newly elected officials say it is their wish that the matter be tested so that it can be settled once for all. At the afternoon meeting, after two hours of wrangling, the judges and clerks signed the certificates and made a certified copy of their proceedings for the City Clerk. The new officials are now deliberating about the requisite steps to take next. Mayor-elect Smith and the newly elected Alderme : meet in the morning at 10 o’clock to decide about choosing counsel, and also the best method to present their case to the Supreme Court. CIRCUIT COURT CASES. The business of the United States Circuit Court to duy was as follows: The case of Janies C. Brown, of Gaines ville, against the Wheeler and Wilson Sew ing Machine Company came up for trial and was continued until Jan. 4. At the request of the defendant, and upon the defendant agreeing to pay all costs ($25 05) to date. This is an action for damages wherein Brown was arrested on a charge of embez zling $>!00 from the Sewing Machine Com pany while in its employ. The charge was afterward withdrawn and this suit is for $20,000 damages for defamation of charac ter, etc. Singer Manufacturing Company vs. P. S. Cos ggins, continued. The libel suits of E. H. Lewis and Mary B. Calvano, against the Florida Printing and Publishing Company, were continued until next month, and the same (two suits) against G. C. Wilson, stockholder in the company, was left open to be called up at am time. The suit of Christopher Haskell vs. Wil liam T. Reed was dismissed with leave to reinstate on or before the first Monday in April. The suit of the Florida Land and Mort gage Company vs. J. M. Calliwell was retained for costs. In the case of T. J. Wailes vs. the Florida Railway and Navigation Company, the de murrer of the defendant (J. W. Brown) to the bill of complaint was overruled and thirty days were allowed in which to answer. An order was made to collect the costs in the case of Diekerhoff, Raetfier & Cos. against H. D. Harwood et al. C. M. Fields, of Gainesville, was ap pointed Mas' er to tak , testimony in the case of Herbert Murphy, against tiie coun ty of Alachua. The demurrer in the case of William Bright, against George Bright etal., was overruled and leave to plead granted. The cases of W. B. Roberts, against the Savannah, Florida and Western Railroad Company, and J. S. Watts, executor against J. F. Wellborn were continued tfll the January term. The petit jurors residing out of Duval county were discharged until the April term, and those in the county until the first Monday in January. BURGLARS AT WORK. Burglars entered the store of J. W. Miller at Marietta, a small town on the Florida Railway .u<l Navigation Company’s rail way, elgh i miles south of this city, last night, and carried < T a large amount of groceries and other merchandise. There is no clew to the perpetrators. On Dec. 27 the Mallory line will begin its semi-weekly run from New York to Feriian dina. The vessels will sail from New York Tuesdays and Fridays and from Fernandina Wedne-days and Saturdays. Dr. Wyliy telegraphs tc -night that Polk county hasr.ised the quarantine against Tampa. This leaves it open, but refugees are still warned to remain iiway. HE SAW THE MENAGERIE. D. C. Cl emmons, a German hailing from Savannah, arrived here yesterday and last night concluded to look up the elephant. He found the entire menagerie, as this morning he ascertained that he had been robbed of $35. The Directors of the Florida Fruit Ex change held their regular monthly meeting to-day. Those present were Mr. Fairbanks, of Nassau; Mr. Wynn, of Orange; Mr. Mitchell, of Volusia; Mr. Baer, of Du val; Mr. Kedney, of Orange, and Mr. Blan ton, of Putnam county. Several matters of much importance were fully considered and acted on. The affairs of the company were fully discussed and reported to be In a prosperous 'condition. The General Manager reported an increase up to the present over last season’s business of just !>•> per cent. The fruit forwarded up to Deo. ltd last year by the Exchange was 21,108 boxes, and during the present season up to Dec. 13 the shipments aggregate 41,147 1 sixes, an increase of 30,0311 boxes in favor of the present season. Eastman’s Municipal Ticket. Eastman, Dec. 14. —At a meeting of the citizens of Eastman at tile court house Mon day night lor the purpose of nominating a municipal ticket, the following gentlemen were selected by acclamation: James Bishop, Jr., for Mayor; Dr. J. I). Herman, K. A. Smith, E. J. PeacocK and Dr. T J. Buchale for Aldermen. Col. James Bishop is a popular lawyer, and will, if elected, take a pride in giving the town a progres sive administration. The candidates for Aldermen are young men of merit and have the best interests of the town at heart. lwo Girls ilope. Eustis, Fla., Dec. 14.—Two young girls named Kelly, of Seneca, elojied last night. THE LAKE REGION. A Bit of Interesting Matters from Tav ares. Tavares, Fla., Dec. 14.—The approach of the holidays has stimulated business in the lake region and dealers in Christmas goods are having a fair trade. Orange growers have been sending some of their choicest fruit to market and returns from sale of the same are generally satisfactory. There has been some large sales of fruit to Northern buyers during the past two weeks, the aggregate being several carloads at from $1 85 to $2 25 per box. The recent cold, while it injured did not destroy the vege table crop, and snap beans are still being shipped North from in and around Tavares. The area of land planted this year in early vegetables is larger than ever before, and growers aro far from feeling despondent over the situation. At the last meeting of the Board of Coun ty Commissionsrs for Lake county an ap propriation of SI,OOO was made for the Bub- Tropical Exposition, and while the amount is not as large as many of our people would liked to have had it, still with the well known liberality of the people of Lake county to donate their choicest products to fairs we predict such a showing as will not be excelled by any other portion of the State. THERE IS A LULL BEFORE THE STORM in the county seat question. The election held in October demonstrated that the choice of the majority of the people wns pretty equally divided between Tavares and Leesburg, the former place leading in the race. It is difficult to predict what the re sult ot the which is to bo held Jan, 17, will be. There is a sort of “dog in the manger” feeling indulged in by some disappointed aspirants that may prevent a decision of the vexed question at the next election. The subject is rarely spoken of by any one, and by g -neral consent the discus sion both private and public is postponed until after the holidays. RAILROAD MATTERS have assumed anew interest within the j>ast few days. Work on the Tavares, Apopka and ( iulf road was suspended about three weeks ago, and considerable anxiety has been felt by business men here as to wheen it w'ould be resumed. The officials of the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West railroad went over the line of road Monday in their private car, and it is also reported they made an inspection of the Midland road. Both roads are directly tributary to the Jacksonville, Tampa and Key W st railroad, and if controlled by it would fur nish a largo amount of freight which is now divided among the several lines centering here. The action of the Stale Railroad Commis sioners in reducing fares and freight rates meets with both approval and condemna tion. The feeling is gaining ground that the Commissioners have been unwise and hasty in their action. That the whole ques tion is some sort of political job admits of but little doubt, and w ithin the [xtst two weeks we have heard some of the most en thusiastic approvers of the law when first passed express grave doubts as to the good to accrue either to the public or to the State. The names of some disappointed political aspirants are getting mixed up with the affair, and the more knowing ones predict an effort to capture- the next Governorship of Florida out of the measure. HON. JOHN G. SINCLAIR, OF ORLANDO, who has recently returned from his summer visit to New Hampshire, was in town last Saturday. He informs us that Hon. Frank Jones will soon lie here, and we expect as the result some revival of business for this particular locality. There are fully as many, if not more, strangers here every day than ever lief ore, and> from none of them do we hear the fear of coming on ac count of the late fever epidemic in Key West and Tampa. There is no “scare” such as-has been reported, and the only draw back to a larger travel into Florida than at any previous year is the higher rate of fare charged as compared with the rate to Cali fornia, still with the increased facilities for comfort in coming here it is safe to predict a larger tourist travel than ever before. . The Lake Abstract Company has just opened an office here. From the manager it is learned that the records show a large cancellatio . of mortgages, and that hut few new ones are lieing executed. This state of affairs is more particularly the case in the western portion of the county around Lees burg. The Peninsula Hotel here has been leased for a year to a party from Michigan, and w ill open under its new management about Jan. 1. The lessee is suid to be an expe rienced hotel man, and as the Peninsula only needs to be well kept to be well patron ized, we trust the reputation of its future landlord has not been overestimate.!. One of the new stores in the Jones block has been rented, and a dry-goods store of the first class will be opened about Dec. 20. RUIN IN RED GLARED The Business Portion of Orange City Burned—A Marietta Blaze. Atlanta, Dec. 14. —Fire occurred at Marietta early this morning, destroying two buildings and burning the roof off of a third. The loss is $35,000, and the insurance SIB,OOO. Springer Brothers, dealers in drygoods; J. W. Boseman, jeweler ■ Drover Brothers, insurance agents; G. C. Burnap, banker; T. W. Glover, keeper of a general store, and E. P. Dobbs, a hardware mer chant, are the chief sufferers. ORANGE CITY’S HEAVY LOSS. Jacksonville, Fla , Dec. 14.—The busi ness portion of Orange City, Volusia county was burned yesterday. The loss is $15,000. The lire was discovered at 3 o’clock in the morning in the building occuied bv Allyn & Cos , and by Mr. Prevatt as postmaster, and the Times office. It extended both to the east and west, burning Grover’s build ing occupied by himself as a bank and jewelry store, and by the railroad com pany as offices; 4V. W. West, general store; John Twombly, grocer, and Miss C. A. Bab cock’s millinery store. There is no insurance except $1,500 on West’s building and stock. It is inqtossibla to 101 l the loss. Freeman & Spencer lose the post office building aud about SSOO worth or goods. B. E. Prevatt loses about $1,300. Allyn & Cos. about SI,OOO in drug and stationery stock. Dr. Allyn loses about S3OO in books and instruments, and all the city books and papers. West, Twombly and Miss Babcock lose only their buildings. Grover loses his building and a part of his stock. Campbell & Casia’s new building was saved with but little damage. The fire was without doubt of incendiary origin. Twombly lias rented the store just vacated by Allyn & Cos. West has rented the Carpenter building. The railroad offico will lm 1 with Burrifi. The post office will fie with West. Prevatt expects to purchase new’ material for the Timex nt once. Grover will open up in his residence for a short time. The ladies worked like beavers in carry ing out goods. One lady rolled out several barrels of flour and rice. FIRE AT ALTOONA. Eustis, Fla., Dec. 14.— Three stores, the depot and three cars, including a lot of merchandise and fruit, were burned by an incendiary file last night at Altoona. A FERRY BOAT BURNED. PaLatka. Fla., Dee. 14.—The ferry boat Armstncar, which runs to Uulleston, caught fire at her wharf to-night, and was burned to the water's edge out in the river. The loss is $5,500 and the insurance $4,000. Fort Gaines’ 1 lection. Fort Gaines, Ga.. Dec. 14. —The election for the ooming year for Muvoi and Alder men for the town of Fort Gaines was held yesterday and resulted in the election of the former Mavor, 8. D. Coleman, with no op position. There are but few cha"gos in the ! list of Aldermen. It was a spirited contest. Tiie following is the list of the Aldermen: j J. E. Peterson, G. R. Sutline, J. F. Porter, G. | Hertz and F. E. Grist. The day passed off I without aqy disturbances. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1887. AUGUSTA’S BOAT LINE. The Second New Craft Launched A Colored Man Drops Dead. Augusta, Ga., Dec. 14.—The second new boat of the Augusta Steamboat Company was launched at 4:30 o’clock this afternoon. The ceremony was witnessed by a very large crowd. As the boat moved over the ways she was named “Progress,” and a bot tle of champagne was broken on "her deck by Recorder Dunbar. She was slightly damaged by the breaking of a hog-chain while Being launched. Pompey Calhoun, a colored man, dropped dead on Broad street to-day from hemor rhage of the lungs. ( harles Breitz, a blacksmith, in York ville, 8. C., committed suicide between 1 and 2 o’clock this morning while under the influence of whisky, by juimung from a w indow in the third story to the pavement below-. Ho was internally injured and died at :> o’clock. The deceased was unmnrried. While a little child of Mr. Quarles, of Ridge Spring, S. C., was playing around tiie washtub lie picked up a can of concen trated lye and swallowed a quantity of the fluid, from the effects of which he died in twenty.-four hours. CHARLESTON TAKES ACTION. The Subject of Cotton Fires Discussed by the Charleston Exchange. The Charleston Exchange at its annual meeting a day or two ago took up the sub ject of cotton fires. The Marine Committee of the Exchange submitted a report based upon the communications from the various Boards of Underwriters, both in England and in this country, and upon the commit tee’s personal investigations. The committee, after having looked into the matter thoroughly and after having in vestigated the various theories as to the origin of the fires, state that it is impossible for it to suggest any course for them but that it believes that ineendiarism has much to do with them. The committee urged the adop tion of every possible measure that will lessen the risk on cotton and that will tend to prevent the so frequent occurrence of fires. There is no ordinance in (diarieston prohibiting the lightering of cotton without covering, but the committee urged the adoption of such a law. Otherwise the same precautions are taken there that are taken in Savannah. The Secretary of the American Chamber of Commerce at Liverpool writes: “The subject has received much attention from underwriters, shipowners and consignees of cotton in this city. A strong lielief is en tertained by them that in many of the fires incendiarism lias been the cause. In regard to the subject generally, although in some points there is a difference of opinion, yet there is an absolute concurrence in the view that the inflammability of bales of Ameri can cotton is due to the lightness of the pressing at some ports, and to the loose and insufficient nature of the wrapping at all. Fire amongst sweat cotton is practically unknown, the pressing in India lieing much tighter, the bands closer and the covering much firmer and stronger, and more com pletely enveloping the bale than with you. It is indeed obvious that whenever cotton is allowed to ‘spew out’ from the bale, so that loose pieces are exposed, it is very liable to ignition whether from accident or from de sign.” Happily Charleston has had only one serious cotton fire this year. Inspecting the Signal Service. Lieut. Frederick R. Da}', United States Signal Service Inspector, was engaged yes terday in making an inspection of the Sa vannah Weather Bureau, a report of which will be submitted to the department at Washington. Lieut. Day is on his annual tour through the South. He will leave this morning for Florida, where he will visit Cedar Keys and Key West. He will then go to New Orleans and other points along the Mississippi river. The Grant Monument Fund Likely to Receive Several Thousand Dollars From an Unexpected Sourc e. From the New York Times Dec. 9, 1887. Funds for the Monument have been com ing in slowly of late, though encouragingly. Of the whole amount desired (about $250,- 000) there has been received to date, about $135,000. Now, Messrs. Wickoff, Seamans & Benedict, the proprietors of the Reming ton Standard Typewriter, have challenged all other writing machines to a contest in which it is proposed to decide the question as to which is the sujierior machine. They propose to deposit SI,OOO in the hands of the umpire (who by the way, is to lie appointed by their competitors;) each competitor also to deposit SI,OOO. After paying SSOO for the exjiense of operators, the whole sum thus deposited is to go to the Grand Monument Fund. It is to be hoped that at least several of these typewriters will accept the challenge. It will be seen that should this challenge tie accepted by three ot the competitors of the Remington, the result would be, not only to establish the superiority of one of the competing machines, but at the same time to give the Grant Monument Fund the sum of $3,500. __ _J We Cut From the Start. Many merchants get ail they can for their goods during the height of the season and rely on alleged low prices to work off the surplus stock on the eve of a now season. We think differently. We make it a rule to try and sell our goods with the seas on, lieing satisfied with a continual small profit in preference to a high-priced “spurt’’ and then a big stock to carry over at the end of the season. In other words, we put the lowest living prices on our stock from the start, and do not trust to luck or “below cost.’’ sale—that hoary-headed old chestnut — to work off what is loft. Bo much for the wedge. Now for the maul to drive our arguments in. Our stock has been augmented by our holiday selections, comprising special gar ments, Buits, Overcoats, Neckwear, Bilk Handkerchiefs and Furnishings for the gala season; many novelties, all gems of the manufacturer’s good taste. We have a pretty’ lino of Prince Albert Suits, not only the well-known blacks and blues, but in mixed goods. Also a dashing line of four button Cutaway Buits. in short, our entire stock indicates the merchant tailor rather than the ready-made dealer, without the merchant tailor price. The Big Golden Arm. Simon Mitchell. 150 Broughton street. Useful Holiday Presents Are not easy to select. Useless articles for mere show, just for the purpose and the day are mostly sought after. For a boy or youth, or even fora husband or father what is ihjfi-e nicer or more usl'ul than an Over coat, Suit of Clothing, half-dozen nice Shirts, fancy or white lauudriod or unlaun driedf To one more distant related, or to a friend, a Hat, Umbrella, pair of Buspend ers. Bilk Handkerchief, or a half-dozen Linen ones, a nice valise make very suitable presents. All of the nbfivo mentioned articles can lie bought at very low prices from the “Famous, 144 Congress street, northeast corner Whitaker. V‘.’e sell Boy’s’ Buits and Overcoats from $3 50 up, Men’s Buits and Overcoats from $5 up to s’3s. Scarfs, Suspenders, Bocks for 35c. Gentlemen can oven find in our place n nice present for their lady friends m the shape of a nice gold or silver-headed Gloria Umbrella at prices ranging from $3 50 up to $7. A nice leather-covered Trunk makes a good, useful present for a lady. Advice to Motaers. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syruo should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves tlio little suffer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain aud the little cherub awakes as “bright as a button.” It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all [lain, re lieves wind, yegulatee the bowels, and Is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. 35 cents a bottle. Weather Indications. Special indications for Georgia: RAIN Huiin, followed by cooler, clearing weather, winds becoming fresh to brisk northerly. Comparison of mean temperature at Savan nah, Dec. 14. 1887, and the mean of same day for fifteen years. Departure Total Mean Temperature from the Departure I Mean Since for 15 years Dec. 14,'87, -i-or Jan. 1,1887. MM) j 55.0 j -|- 1.0 - 079.0 Comparative rainfall statement: Mean Daily Amount groftS? Amount for for I Meau & ince 16 Years. Dec. 14, 87.) or _ Jan , 18S7 _ •” i 84 | -I- .73 —l3 32 Maximum tornp' ur • 57* inuumum tern perature 51. The height of the river at Augusta at 1:33 o’clock p. m. yesterday (Augusta timoi was 7 8 feet>—a fall of 1.0 during the past twenty-four nours. Observations taken at the seme moment of time at all stations. Savannah. Dec. 11, 9:36 p. m.. city time. Temperature. | Direction. J z | Velocity. ? Rainfall. Name OF Stations. Portland ; 38' S I Clear. Poston | 33 S E Clear. Block Island 'll S W ... Fair. New York city ... 41 S Cloudy. Philadelphia 41 S .. Cloudy. Detroit 34, S Cloudy. Fort Buford 20 SW Clear. St. Vincent j 16| S T* Cloudy. Washington city. 42 S | Cloudy. Norfolk 46 E T* Cloudy. (Tiarlotte 44 N E 8 T Raining. Ilatteraw I Titusville 72 S Cloudy. Wilmington 56N E 6 .02 Cloudy. Charleston 53; E 0 On Raining. Augusta 52,N E 0 .00; Raining. Savannah 50 E 6 .12 Cloudy. Jacksonville 001 E .. .02 Cloudy. Cedar Keys 04 S Foggy. Key West 74 S E 6 T* Clear Atlanta 4S| E 6 .12 Raining. Pensacola 62: NW Cloudy. Mobile 54 NW .. . .. Foggy, Montgomery .... 52 E . .02 Foggy. Vicksburg 50 N E .02 Raining. New Orleans 50 N E Cloudy. Shreveport 4* N .04 Cloudy. Fort Smith 44 N E Cloudy. Galveston. 54 N 8 .02 Cloudy. Corpus Christi 52 N E 12 Cloudy. Palestine 48!N E 0 Cloudy. Brownesville Rio Grande Knoxville 48 NE . T* Cloudy. Memphis 54 N Cloudy. Nashville 46 N E Cloudy. Indianapolis 36 SW Clear. Cincinnati 41 W (Hear. Pittsburg 40 W Clear. Buffalo 34! N E Clear. Cleveland 30 S Clear. Marquette 34]NW .. T* Snowing. Chicago 34 W . T* Snowing. Duluth 16 NW Clear. St. Paul 20 W . T* Cloudy. Davenport 36 NW . T* Cloudy. Cairo.. 44 N .. Fair. St, Louis 36 N Clear. Leavenworth... . 30 N Clear. Omaha 26 N W Clear. Yankton 20, S E Clear. Bismarck 12 Clear. Deadwood Cheyenne 16 NW Clear. North Platte 24 W Clear. Dodge City 22 N E Clear Santa Fe 20 N Clear. T* denotes trace of rainfall. G. N. Salisbury Signal Corps. NOT IN BED FOR SEVEN YEARS. Sweet Sleep and Perfect Health Re stored by the Use of Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. Lakk City. Fla., June 24, 1886. C. H. Newman, of Lake City, Fla., says his wife has suffered for seven years with a complication of diseases, of which Asthma was the most prevalent. She has not laid down in betl for seven years. He has expended all the money his business has made him in that time for medicine, physicians, etc., to obtain relief for her, but without any success whatever. He was advised by physi cians to try P. P. P. He linally did so, expecting to derive no lienefit, but after taking less than two bottles eruptions appeared all over and she immediately Ixigan to improve, and now her skin is perfectly clear. She sleeps soundly every night on an ordinary pillow’ and her general health has not been better in years. Mr. New’man, who is a mer chant in Lake City, is very enthusiastic over the cure,and thinks it the grandest blood purifier and tonic of the age. P. P. P. is a home remedy; is no secret, but a regular physician’s prescription, pre pared in the most careful manner, and from materials that are always fresh and reliable. P. P. P. is the greatest Tonic in the market. For sale by all Medicine Dealers. Dr. W hitehead can be consulted daily at the office of the Company, Odd Fellows’ Hall Building, without charge. Prescrip tions and examination free. All inquiries by mail will also receive his personal at tention . For The Coming Holidays we have received some special novelties in our respective depart ments, to which we would call special atten tion to styles and prices. We have also received 3,000 more of our desk rulers, which were distributed among the business houses of the city the first part of the.sea.son. These rulers will be presented to each und every boy in tho city who will call at our store and register his name, age and address in our registering book. To every visitor to our store will lie pre sented our beautiful souvenir “Wall Pocket” of our second fall season whether they purchase or not. Please ask for same. Together with the above, will be presented to every $25 purchaser a beautiful gilt frame picture, 20x25 inches. Notwithstanding the above inducement, we guarantee every purchase to be as low, if not lower, than can be bought in the city. Each and every article is marked in plain figures. One price to all. Special atten tion to our Children’s and Boys’ Overcoats. Our $9,110, sll, sl2, $12.50, $13.50 and sls Men’s Business Buits are worthy of atten tion. Remember the number, 103 Congress street, opposite the Market. Appel & Bchaul, One Price Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. CLOTHING. We invite attention to our stock of CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS AND HATS. Perfect and complete in every detail, containing goods to suit all conditions and builds of Men. Boys and Children, and many handsome and ser viceable novelties, appropriate and useful gifts for the ap proaching Holidays, We will be pleased to show anyone through our stock. Respect fully, I. II k SONS. FUNERAL, INVITATIONS. BUTLER.—The relatives ami friends of Mr. W. C. Butler, are invited to attend his funeral from the residence of his son. R. M. Butler, 129 Drayton street, THIS AFTERNOON at 3 o'clock. M HUSTINGS. SOLOMON S LODGE NO. I, F. A A. M. The 151st annual communication of a this Lodge will be held at Masonic _T&_. Temple THIS (Thursday) EVENING. XjK Dec. 15, 5887, at 8 o’clock. Election off ▼ ' officers. Come prepared to pay dues. Visiting and transient brethren cordially and fraternally invited. By order J. R. SAUSSY, W. M. Thomas H. Laird, Secretary. ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY. The regular monthly meeting of the St. An drew's Society will be held THIS (Thursday) EVENING at Metropolitan Hall at 8 o'clock. Punctual attendance is requested. HENRY A. McLEOD, Sec, and Treas. CONFEDERATE VETERANS’ ASSOC IA TION. Savannah. Dec. 15th, 18S7. An adjourned meeting of the Confederate Veterans' Association will be held in the Court House at 8 o’clock THIS EVENING. Gen. 1 .afayette McLaws will deliver bis address to the veterans. A prompt and full attendance is expected. JNO. K. DILLON, Secretary. SAVANNAH HAN.v AND TRYST COM PANY. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 15, 1887. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of this bank will beheld at the bank on SATUR DAY, 31st inst., at 12o'clock noon, for the elec tion of Directors, etc. MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS. Central Railroad and Banking Cos. of Ga.. I Savannah, Ga., Dec. 7, 1887. ( The annual meeting of Stockholders of this Company will take place at the Banking House, in Savannah, on THURSDAY, Dec. 22, at 10 o’clock a. m. Stockholders and their families will lie passed free over the Company's road to the meeting from the 19th to the 22d inclusive, and will be passed free returning from the 22d to the 241. h inclusive, on presentation of their stock certificates to t he conductors. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, Cashier. SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements inserted under “ Special Notices" unit be charged $1 00 a Square each insertion. LAST NOTICE. """ STATE AND COUNTY TAXES FOR 1887. Notice is hereby given that the Tax Digest for 1887 will be closed on SATURDAY, Dec. 17, at 2 o'clock p. m., when all unpaid taxes for property, professions and polls will be collected by execution with costs. james j. McGowan, Tax Collector Chatham County. MERCHANTS’ NATIONAL BANK OF~ SAVANNAH. The annual election for seven Directors of this Bank will be held at the Banking House, on TUESDAY, Jan. 10, 1888, between the hours of 12 and 1 o’clock. THOS. GADSDEN, Cashier. Savannah, Ga., Dec. 11, 1887. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. * One of the best of dishes for the breakfast table is Buckwheat Cakes, and when made from Hecker’s Self-Raising Buckwheat, they are so light and wholesome a dyspeptic can eat them without detriment. We will continue our Bak ing Exhibitions at the Metropolitan Hall for a week or ten days, baking from 10 a.m. to 1 p. m., and from 3:30 to 6 o’clock p. m., and will show housekeepers that in less than five minutes a perfect cake can lie made ready for the table. We will be glad to explain to all who w ill call how they are made. GEO. V. HECKER & CO. FOR EARLY PLANTING. Cleaveland’s First and Best Peas (in sealed bags), Buist's Premium Peas, Black eye Marrow fat Peas, Philadelphia Extra Early Peas, and a full line of Peas and Small Seed of all kinds at KIEFFER’S Drug, Paint and Seed House, cor ner West Broad and Stew art streets. Special attention paid to country orders. EJECTION FOR DIRECTORS Central Railroad and Banking Cos. of Ga., i Savannah, Ga.. Dec. Ist, 1887. f An election for Thirteen Directors to manage the affairs of this Company for the ensuing year will lie held at the Banking House, in Sa vannah, MONDAY, the SECOND day of JANU ARY, 1888, between rhe hours of 10 o’clock A, M.,and2 o'clock p. m. Stockholders and their families will he passed free over the Company’s road to attend the election from the 31st De cember to 2nd January inclusive, and be passed free returning from the 2nd to sth of January Inclusive, on presentation of their stock certifi cates to the conductors. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, Cashier. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. Southwestern Railroad Company’s Office, I Macon. Ga., Dec. 10, 1887. f Dividend No. 68, of Three Dollars and Fifty Cents per share, will be paid the Stockholders of this company, on and after the 21st inst. Stockholders receiving their dividends in Macon will be paid at the Central Georgia Bank of this city, those in Savannah at the Central Railroad Bank of that city. W. S. BRANTLEY, Secretary and Treas. DIVIDEND. Central Railroad and Banking Cos. of Ga., I Savannah, Ga., Dec. 7,1887. j A Dividend of Four Dollars per share from the earnings of this Company and its dependencies has been declared, payable on and after the 21st inst.. to Stockholders of record this day. The transfer books of the Company will be closed from TO-DAY until Jan. 3d. 1888, except on Dec. 21st and 22d, when they will be open. T. M. CUNNINGHAM, Cashier^ ULMER’S LIVER CORRECTOR. This vegetable preparation is invaluable for the restoration of tone and strength to the sys tm. For Dyspepsia, Constipation and other ills, caused by a disordered liver, It cannot be excelled. Highest prizes awarded, and In dorsed by eminent medical men. Ask for Ul mer’s Liver Corrector and take no other, 81 00 a bottle. Freight paid to any address. B. F. ULMER, M. D., Pharmacist, Savannah. Ga. TOYS. 'every (kmJly and Inny he obtained ft-onuoli Toy draiera, Stationers and Educational DepOta. The ilMcc-list will bo forwarded gratis on application to F. AD. RICHTER & Cos. MET/YORK, SIO, BROADWAY or LONDON EC 1. RAILWAY PLACE, FENCHCBCH STREET. HARDNV ARK, EDWARD LOVELL k SONS, DEALERS IN Parker and Colt’s Breech Loading Gruns. Brass and Paper Shells. Hunting Coats, etc. Olia in. ber lin Loaded Shells. State or Weather. AMUSEMENTS. SAVANNAH _ THEATRE. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, DEC. 16 and 17, and SATURDAY MATINEE. Carnival Nights of Fun, MARION FLEMING In an elaborate revival of the musical and witty extravaganza entitled THE BROOK “For men may come and men may go. but I flow on forever." Depicting the pleasures of a jolly picnic. The greatest musical comedy ever written. The grandest and most beautiful extravaganza ever produced. Produced in every particular. Music, songs, dances, scenes, etc., as originally done by the SALISBURY'S TROUBADOURS. Seats on sale at Davis Bros. Dec. 15. Next attraction, CHARLOTTE THOMPSON, Dec. 21 and 22. BOSTON DIME MUSEUM Broughton Street. C4OME and see the London Punch and Judy, J Miss Muddin Bell locked in the prison walls, the Circassian Beauty and hundreds of other interesting exhibits. FURNISHING GOODsT total Opening WILL TAKE PLACE MONDAY. DEC, 12, And we will Show a Well Selected Lot ot Nice, but MEDIUM PRICED GOODS, Suitable for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS As we have so often enumerated the Useful Articles we keep, we will only say that we have added a line of Ornamental as well, and respectfully ask an inspection. Jno. F. LaFar 29 BULL ST. FRU IT AND GROCERIES. ORANG- EB. Fine Florida Oranges for Christmas pres ents shipped to any part of the country. Cocoanuts, Lemons, Apples, Turnips. Onions, Potatoes, Cabbage, Mal aga Grapes, Cow Peas. 300 bushels CLAY PEAS. 300 bushels RED RIP PERS, 300 bushels WHIPPOORWILLS, BLACK EYE and BLACK. JEHsi-y <Bc G-uraiiCL. Usual close figures on large lots. W. D. SIMKINS & CO., 169 BAY, B ananas. -A A BUNCHES CHOICE YELLOW and RED DU II BANANAS. 5,000 COCOANUTS. APPLES, ORANGES, NUTS, RAISINS, etc. Fresh Bananas received every ten days. Coun try orders solicited. A. H. CHAMPION. BONED TURKEY. ROLLED OX TONGUE. ASPARAGUS, in Glass and Tins. MUSHROOMS, in Glass and Tins. BONELESS SARDINES. NORWEGIAN SARDINES, Smoked. FRENCH PEAS, very small, And many other Imported and Domestic Deli cacies. A. M. & C. W. WEST. IRON WORKS. McDonom 4 BalMm IRON FOUNDERS, Machinists, Boiler Makers and Blacksmiths, MANUFACTURE R OF STATIONARY and PORTABLE ENGINES, VERTICAL and TOP-RUNNING COEN MILLS, SUGAR WILLS and PANS. AGENTS for Alert and Union Injectors, the simplest and most effective on the market; Gullett Light Draft Magnolia Cotton Gin, the best in the market. All orders promptly attended to. Send for Price List. HOUSE AND SIGN FAINTING. T. E. BROUGHTON & BR0„ House, Sign and Ornamental Fainting, DEALERS IN- Paints, Oils, Varnishes, BRUSHES, GLASS, Kto. Estimates furnished on application. Hardwood finish and polishing a specialty. Knights of'Pythias’ Building, 44 1-2 Bar nard Street, Savannah, Ga. Country Orders So lie i ted. STEAM LAUNDRY. SAVANNAH STEAM I.Ai .MIRY, 131 Congress Street, Does Laundry work of every description in first class style and at short notice. Work called for and delivered. Customers are protected against loss by fire. M. PRAGEE, PROPRIETOR. UNIVERSITY OF YllitilMA. 4TH Session of nine months began October vJ't Ist, lhsr. Students can enter at anytime and after January Ist reduction of one-third of Thorough instruction in Literary, Scientific and Professional Departments, ineJud iuk Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Engineering and * UIV * * r,)r catalogue app.y to(\ H. vKX ABLE, Chm. of Faculty, P. O. University of va., Va. * DRY GOODS, ETC. Useful Xmas Presents i AT Wan S tar’s, Successors to B. F. McKenna & Cos., 137 BROUGHTON STREET, LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS. J? oze vs Ladies’ White Hemstitched B'h' Linen Handkerchiefs, wide and narrow hems, from 10c. to 75c. each. 500 dozen Ladies Colored Bordered Hem stitched Linen Handkerchiefs, all different styles, from 10c. to 75c. each. 150 dozen Indies’ Mourning Hemstitched Lin en Handkerchiefs, very choice patterns, from 10c. to 75c. each. 75 dozen Ladies’ White and Fancy Embroid ered Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, exquisite styles, from 25c. to 75e. each. 100 dozen Children s Colored Bordered Hem stitched linen Handkerchiefs, all new designs at ltc. each. GENTLEMEN’S HANDKERCHIEFS. 125 dozen Gentlemen's White Hemmed Linen Handkerchiefs from 10c. to 85c. each. 200 dozen Gentlemen’s AYhite Hemstitched Handkerchiefs from 29c. to 75c. each. 175 dozen Gentlemen’s Colored Bordered Fine Linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, all new de signs, from 20c. to 50c. each. WHITE SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. 100 dozen White Hemstitched Silk Handker chiefs, wide and narrow hems, in pure and cream white, from 50c. to $ 1 50 each. 75 dozen Pure and Cream White Brocaded Silk Handkerchiefs from 50c to $1 50. COLORED SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. 500 dozen Fancy Colored Silk Handkerchiefs, in all the latest designs and colorings, from 50c. to $1 50 each. Ladies' White Embroidered Aprons from $1 to $2 each. Indies' Black and Colored Kid Gloves. A full line of Pocketbooks from 10c. to 81 each. A large assortment of Gentlemen's Neckwear, comprising all the latest novelties, from 25c. to 81 each. Children’s Fancy Scarfs and Bows at 25c. each. SILK UMBRELLAS. Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Gloria Twilled and Puritan Silk Umbrellas, in Gold, Silver, Oxided mountings. Ladies’ Mourning Umbrellas, in Puritan and Gloria Silks. HOSIERY, HOBIERY. A full line of Ladies’ Unbleached Balbriggan Hose, in all grades and sizes, from 83 to $9 per dozen. Full lines Ladies’ Colored Cotton and Lisle Hose. Ladies’ Black Cotton, Lisle and Silk Hose from 25c. to $1 50 a pair. COLGATE’S EXTRACTS AND TOILET SOAPS. We have just received a complete assortment of Colgate’s Celebrated Extracts, Toilet Soaps, Powder and Vaselines. ORPHAN & DOONER. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. Ckristnas IB J HAVE the finest selection of Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s GOLD WATCHES of the best makes. Also the prettiest pattern in FINE JEWELRY, as Ladies’ Diamonds, sets of Ear ings, Lace Pins, Diamond Finger Rings, Brace lets, Watch Chains, etc.; Gold-headed Canes and Umbrellas, Fine French Clocks, at extraordi nary low prices. Finest Silverware, Gold Spec tacles, and numerous pretty things appropriate for holiday presents. Deskniillor’ Jewelrv Store, V ' Bull Street. " XMAS Is fast approaching and everybody is on the qui viva to Duy and to receive HOLIDAY PRESENTS. ■VTOW is the time to make selections. I would, A. v therefore, extend a cordial invitation to my friends and the public to call early and ex amine my very large and well assorted stock of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Which for variety, design, quality and prices cannot be surpassed anywhere. All goods sold warranted as represented. J. ZEE. KOO.H (Lyons' Block), Whitake.rst' 1 Tnsu range. The Savannah Fire and Marine insurance Company. PAID UP CAPITAL" - $200,000. HOME OFFICE, No. 97 BAY STREET, SWVANISrA.iI, - GEORGIA. WILLIAM GARRARD President. LEWIS KAYTON Vice President. W. 11, DANIEL Secretary. DIRECTORS: Herman Myers, George J. Baldwin. John L. Hammood, Andrew Hanley. J. B. Duckworth, I. G. Haas. Samuel Meinhard, L. Kayton. J. 11. Estill, David Wells. C. R. Woods. W. H. Daniel. Willliam Garrard. I’OKTHATI s. The Great Southern Portrait Company, OF SAVANNAH, GA. L B. Davis, Secretary and Manager, with Office at Davis Bros., 42 and 44 Bull St. MOST EARNESTLY INVITES and would most respectfully urge you to inspect toe Beautiful Samples of Water Color and India Ink Portraits on exhibition at their office. The work is pronounced very flue and superior, roe company als< > makes a very fine Crayon 20x14 in size in a choice and beautiful frame of oak, bronze or gilt, for the very small price of Tlie w ork of the Company is appreciated by our people as is fully shown by over 230 orders in a little over two months, w hich have been and are now home finished. The work of the Company is guaranteed. Make also Oil and l’astelle Por traits. Your orders are solicited. Respectfully. TIIE GREAT SOUTHERN PORTRAIT COM PANY, of Savannah, Ga. L. B. DAVIS, Secretary and Manager, 12 and 44 Bull St REMOVALS. RE MOV A I*l r PHE popular Carriage Works heretoforerf -1 ried oil at West Broad and Huffy *trr. J have been removed to Bt. Julian. Congreeuu* Montgomery streets, Franklin Square. - SAN BERG 4 CO-