The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, December 21, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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CHEAP ADVERTISING. ONE CEnJa WORD. ADVERTISEMENTS , 15 lIoMj or more. in tAis column inserted for ONE CENT A WORD, Cash in Alliance, each insertion. Everybody who has any want to supply, anything to buy or sell, any business or accommodations to secure; indeed,any wish to gratify, should advertise in this column. help wanted, "VETANTED, man to take the agency of our ' ' safes: size 28x13x18 inches; weight 500 lbs.; retail price $35; other sizes iD proportion. A rare chance to create a permanent business at home. These safes meet a demand never before supplied by other safe companies, us we are not governed by the Safe Pool. ALPINE SAFE CO., Cincinnati, O. AX7 ANTED-Experienced salesmen to travel v and sell hardware and other goods. Ad dress MERCHANT, cage Carrier 70, Baltimore. EM PLO V M E N T W A NT ED. WANTED, by a widow and eon, a comfort able home; son experienced in farming and mother thoroughly domesticated. Respect able reference. J. R., News office. Wf ANTED, by Jan. 1, position in a lumber * T yard, or in the lumber business, by sober, energetic man of twelve years experience; refer ence good. Address LUMBER, this office. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. "VITANTED, for the United States Army. Cav ' ' airy, Artilery and Infantry, able-bodied, unmarried men, between the age’s of Cl and 35 years. Good pay, rat ions, clothing and medical attendance. Desirable men especially needed for the Cavalry Regiments, both white and colored. Apply at No. ti Beaufain street, Charleston, S. C. BOOMS TO BENT. I, ''OK RENT, two floors, containing eight rooms and bath room, over my store northeast comer of Broughton and Barnard streets; pos session given Nov. Ist. Apply to JO C. THOMP SON, Grocer. HOUSES ANI) STOKES FOB BENT. TNOR RENT, 116 Jones street, house in thor- I ough repair. I. D. LaROCHE'B SONS. TT'OR RENT, a nice 5-room house, with bath I and water. Montgomery street, second door from Gwinnett street. TT'OR RENT, brick house, two-story on base- JT ment, corner (laston and Barnard. Apply to LAUNEY & GOEBEL, 14-3 Broughton. TJ'OR RENT, from Oct. Ist, splendid store No. I 87 Bay street, situate in Hutchison's Block, next to corner of Abereorn: has spleudid cellar and is splendid stand for any business; second and third stories can be rented if desired. A. R. LAWTON, Jr., 114 Bryan street. FOB SALE. \ T HALF PRICE, one fine Upright Piano and I\. three good Organs, to make room for a large invoice of our Machines, which we are making a specialty of. Come at once or miss a bargain. THE NEW HOME SEWING MA CHINE CO., corner Whitaker and State streets. TAOR SALE.—We will sell at a bargain one I splendid upright piano and three good or gans. Come at once or miss a bargain. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO., corner Whitaker and State streets. SEVERAL nice residences for sale. If you mean business call. ROBT. H. TATEM, Real Estate Dealer and Auctioneer. JUST ARRIVED, a few good South Carolina Milch Cows, at 1). COX'S STABLES. I3OR SALE, at Ilf Jones street, one Upright Piano in good order. TT’OR SALE, a young mare, elegant in harness r • and saddle. 42 Liberty, near Habersham. JNOR SALE, Splealid salt water river-front building lots, and five-acre farm lots with river privileges, at KOSEDEW; building lots in Savannah, near East Broad and Sixth streets, and in Eastland; several good farm lots near White Bluff, on shell road. Appiy to Dr. FAL LIGANT, 151 South Broad street from 9 to 10 A, K. I NOR SALE, Laths, Shingles. Flooring, Ceiling, Weatherboarding and Framing Lumber. Office and yard Taylor and East Broad streets. Telephone No. 211. REPPARD & CO. LOST. IOST, on South Broad street, between Aber- J corn and Whitaker streets, an initial ring with the letter S. The finder will be paid for its return to the office of LINDSAY A MORGAN. TOST, pointer bitch pup, age 6 months; lemon J and white. Answers to name Eve. Suit able reward if delivered to I. D. LaROCHE, Jr. I CRT, a white bull dog: ears cropped; lame A in right fore leg. Lilieral reward at 38 President street. THOS. PEPPER. STILL MISSING.—Three bound volumes of the Morning News are still missing, namely those of July to December, 1860. July to December, 1861. July to December, 1802. . I have every reason to think that these books are in the possession of parties in this city, and therefore repeat my oner of $lO apiece* for their return to the Morning News office. J. H. ESTILL. ” PHOTOGRAPHY. JUNE CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS A SPECIALTY. J. N. WILSON. 21 Bull street. HERMES & ROBINSON'S Excelsior Photo graphs still ahead; also, fine Life-size Oil Paintings in handsome frames, together with one dozen Cabinet Photographs, sls. Every de scription and size of picture made. Come and see ns; we will surprise you. N. B —We have a lieautiful picture of the Confederate Generals; elegant and unique iu design; cheap; come and see them. 177 Congress street, Savannah, Qa. IMPORTANT. —We vet have time to make a few more of those flue Crayons, in handsome frames, for sls before Christmas; bring them in. Mum. LAUNKY A GOEBEL, Savannah, Ga. INOR fine Christmas Photos go to BISHOP'S. U Four for sl. West Broad and Gaston. BOARD! KVa r>OARDING.— For comfortable rooms and > good board try 56 Barnard street. I > OAR DING, No. 13 Abereorn street, comer of 3 St. Julian; handsomely furnished rooms, with excellent board; terms moderate; also table board. "" ~ K.VFFLK. ___ "VTOTICE.— Chances to be raffled for on the Ia Buggy Thursday and Friday night at GRAHAM tj Saloon. MIX Kid,A not >. Novels' for THE HOLIDAYS, by Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Agues Fleming, Mrs. Wilson (Augusta Evans), E. r. Roc and M. Twain. An Xmas Card in ouch book. At WYLLY & CLARKE’S. HOLIDAY DRlVE.—Fancy Box of Per fumery and Soap for 10c., 25c., 60e., 75c., sl. $3, $5, at IIEII >T’S. NOTICE. —Those having goods at my place will please call for them, as I close Ist of Jan uary for one mouth. SAVANNAH STEAM DYK WC>RKS, 134 State street. HAVE you had any of the superior Chocolate Cream and Marshmallow Drops or Pure Candy for 86c. at HEIDT/S? IP OR DOLLS, Carriages, Wagons, Velocipedes * and other Toys go to LOUIS VOGEL'S, Jefferson and Waluhurg lane, the cheapest Place in the city. I EAVEyourorders it 1| BAKER for Roast • J ing Pigs and other delicacies for Christmas. \ SPECIALTY of Colognes and Extracts and the finest line of reliable makes is at HEIDT'S. IPOR Toys and Holiday Goods go to LOUIS V VOGEL'S, Jefferson and Waldburg lane, the cheapest place in the city. r rOY TRUNKS, Goat Harness, Lap Robes, A Horse Blankets and great big ten-cent Sponges, at NKIPLINQER £ RABUN 'S. Horses clipped with the latest im- Proved Clippers by JOHN C. DbMAK ,, Satisfaction guaranteed. Drayton and Congress lane. , MISCELLANEOUS. ONE lady in every town wanted to introduce and sell PENNYROYAL PILLS. "Chiohes ters English." Original and onlv Genuine. Send 4c. (stamps) for particulars. CHIfHES CHESTER CHEMlOALCO.,Philadelphia. Pa. \ GIFT FOR A GENTLEMAX-A box of -i V Cigars. A reliable article can be had at HEIDT’S. LUDDEx'.fc BATES. S. M. H. CURING Tie MM of tie World The Chickering Pianos have been played in Public Con certs during the season of 1886-87 by the following em inent artists: Richard Hoffman, Atala Ramleh, Mme. Fanny Bloomfield,Jos Oittings. Wm. H. Sherwood, Edmund Neupert, Arthur Foote, Herr Arthur Friedheitn, Carlyle Petersilea, A. R. Turner, Jeanne Douste. Joshua Phippin, W. K. Bass ford, Mme. Steinigor-Clark, Madeleine Schiller, Geo. W. Sumner, Gustave Becker, Alma Faunee Smith, George W. Colby, W. S. Fenollosa, Frederick Clark, S. W. Jamieson, Wm. U. Case, B. L. Whelpley, Neallie Stevens, Alexander Lambert, Mme. De Roode Rice, Paul Tidden, (’harles H. Jarvis, H. G. Tucker, Josephine Ware, Cecelia S. P. Cary, Milo Benedict, Clara E. Thoms, MaryO'Brion, Adolf Glose, S. 11. Gerrish, Georg Henschel, (’has. F. Deimee, B. B. Mills, J. T. Whelan. Aug. Sauret, L. F. Brackett, F. Sonnekalb, Mrs. Elizabeth Marsh, Rudolph King, Athelbert Nevin, Fred Archer, Mme. Rive King, Olga Von Radecki, Emanuel Moor, 10. Agramonto, B. J. Lang, W. Luton Wood, Amy I-ay, Johannes Zeigler, Adele Ans Per Oho, B. O. Klein, Robert Goldbeek, J. O. P. Parker, Hermann Uarri, Mary Garlichs, Louise Pouste, Izeon Keach. Max Leibling, May Shepard, Caryl Florio, J. A. Hills, Jos. Pozuanski, Harry Fay, A. E. Greenbalgh, A. D. Mayo. Full line of Styles in Grands, Uprights and Squares at maker's prices, for Cash or on Easy terms. Always in stock at LIJDDEI & BATES SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE. Savannah, Georgia. SPORTING GOODS. TO SPORTSMEN ! WE HAVE IN STOCK A LARGE ASSORT MENT OF American Breech Loading Guns. English Breech Loading Guns. Boys’ Double and Single Guns. Chamberlain Loaded Shells. Winchester Repeating Rifles. Winchester Repeating Shot Guns. Hunting Coats and Shoes. Hunters’ Leggius and Caps. 150,000 Paper Shells. For Sale at Lowest Possible Prices. Palmer Bros DUPONT’S PQWDErYwOOD POWDER, GROCERIES. NEW CURRANTS, New Citron, New Nuts. Choice Mixed Pickles and Chow Chow by the quart. Rock Gandy, Drip Syrup, and a first-class stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, at THE Mutual Co-Operative Association, BARNARD AND BROUGHTON ST. LANE. PORTRAITS.' The Great Southern Portrait Company, OF SAVANNAH, GA.. L. B. Davis, Secretary and Manager, with Office at Davis Bros., 42 and 44 Bull St. MOST EARNESTLY INVITES and would moßt respectfully urge you to inspect the Beautiful Samples of Water Color and India Ink Portraits on exhibition at their office. The work is pronounced very fine and superior. The company also makes a very fine Crayon 20x31 in size in a choice and beautiful frame of oak, bronze or gilt, for the very small price of sls. The work of the Company is appreciated by our people as is fully shown by over 230 orders in a little over two months, which have been and are now being finished. The work of the Company is guaranteed. Make also Oil and Pastello Por traits. Y’our orders are solicited. Respectfully, THE GREAT SOUTHERN PORTRAIT COM PANY, of Savannah, Ga. L. 13. DAVIS, Secretary and Manager, 43 and 44 Bull St REAL ESTATE. W. <J. MARSHALL. H. A. M’LKOD. MARSHALL & McLEOD, Auction aud General Commission Merchants, —DEALERS IN— Real Estate and Stocks and Bonds lie>i Broughton Street, Savannah, Ga. ATTENTION GIVEN TO RENTING OF HOUSES ANI) COLLECTING RENTS. LEGAL NOTICES. HeOROIA. Chatham County.-Notlee is here VT by given to alt persons having demands against JACOB J. ABRAMS, deceased, to present them to ine. properly made out, within the time proscribed by law, so as to show tbeir character and amount; and all person*indebted tsaid deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment to me, DXCXMBXB 6, 1887. MORD ABRAMS, Administrator estate Jacob J. Abrauia. deed. THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 21. ISB7. HOLIDAY GOODS. Mme SM OF BUM! HI You Can Make Your Money Talk and Secure a Great Assortment of Fine Goods. ONLY 4 SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! holiday sale: HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY' SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY' SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY' SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! holiday sale: HOLIDAY" SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE: HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALK! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALK! HOLIDAY SAFE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY' SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE: HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY" SALE! HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY sale! HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY SALE I HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY SALE’ HOLIDAY SALE 1 HOLIDAY' SALE' HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY SALE’ HOLIDAY SALE I HOLIDAY SALE • HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY SALE ; HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE' modi day sale ; HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE HOLIDAY SALE’ holiday sale holiday SALE* HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY' SALK' HOLIDAY" SALE; HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY SALE' holiday" sale- HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY" SALE! holiday sale; holiday sale; holiday sale: HOLIDAY SALE! holiday sale: HOLIDAY SALE! holiday sale: HOLIDAY RALE! HOLIDAY’ SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY" SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! OUR METHODS AND PRICES Keep open house and glad to see you at all times. Glad when you look, glad to give you all the information you ask. and if you want to purchase glad to sell you, and sell you for cash and at same price we sell your neighbors. All goods marked in plain figures aud no deviation made. Our prices at all times the lowest, as we Imy in large quantities and con trol the sale of many of the goods we show you. We charge you no profit for tne goods your neigh bors buy and never pay for. Everything guaranteed exactly *as represented, or no sale. LOOK THE MARKET OVER YOU WILL COM E & MAKE YOUR PURCHASES. Pictures in Frames. Madonnas at $6. Madonnas at S 7 . Madonna* at SB. Scenes in Italy at $6. Scenes in Norway at $6. Engraving off Portsmouth Harbor $25. Engraving Nearest Way in Win ter sl2. Engraving the Winning Yach sl7 50. Engraving Stratford -on - Avon, S2O. Oleograph presentation of Mme. LaFayette to Louis XIII. $36. King Henry FV.and His Jester $36. I Argo assortment of Framed Pic tures at sl, $1 50. $2, $3,55, $7 50, $lO. EASELS AND MUSIC RACKS.— Easels $1 50 to S2O; Music Racks $3 to sl7 50. MIRRORS AND FRAMES. -Trip licate Mirrors at SH. Handsome Bronze Mirrors at sl. Handsome Brass Mirrors at $5, Antique uak Frames, with plush linings, for 50c.: Cabins Pictures, handsome Leather Frames, at $1 50. Over 100 styles of handsome Cabinet, Frames in stock, ranging in price from 15 cents to $7. In May mil My Atoms ml Evenings! LUDDEN l BATES SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE DRV GOODS. We are too Busy to Say Much, But we will say Such Facts that will cause you to spend your Money with us provided Money is an ob ject to you. We have determined not to wait until after Christmas, when nobody wants Winter Goods, to make a closing out sale, but we will do it right now, while the public stands in need of such goods. We positively have reduced prices on all of our Winter Goods fully one-third, and therefore offer such bargains as will do you all good. We will close out at these reductions. Our elegant stock of DRESS GOODS. Our magnificent stock of BLACK SILKS. Our excellent stock of COLORED SILKS. Our beautiful stock of Priestley’s-MOURNING GOODS. Our immense stock of English tailor-made Walking Jackets, Our Plush Jackets and Wraps, Our Newmarkets, Russian Circulars, and our large stock of MISSES’ and CHIL DREN’S GARMENTS. The same reductions —one-third off—we offer in Blank ets, Shawls, Flannels, Ladies’ and Gent’s Underwear, Hosiery of all kinds, Comfortables, Housekeeping Goods, Gold-Headed Umbrellas, Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, etc. NOW IS YOUR TIME FOR REAL BARGAINS. GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT OUR BAZAR. Tie West, Most Extensive, Tie Most Elepat, AS WELL AS THE CHEAPEST To be found ai?ywhere in the city, We can’t enumerate the articles because the variety is too large. Do not fail to examine our stock; we simply offer you such a line as can only be found in a first-class house in New York. Special Bargains This “Week: A 25-cGnt full regular GENT’S HALF HOSE for - 10c\ A 25-cent full regular LADIES’ HOSE for - - - -10 c. A l-cent DAMASK TOWEL for 10c. A 25-oent CHILDREN’S UNDERSHIRT for -----10 c. A 25-cfcnt GENT'S UNDERSHIRT for ----10 c. A 25-cent NECK SHAWL for 10c. A 25-cent HAIR BRUSH for /*■ A iVceet RED TWILL FLANNEL for lc. A PURE LINEN DAMASK NAPKIN far sc. A 5-cent PAPER NEEDLES for lc. A recent PAPER PINS for lc. ASO-cent JERSEY for - - - -25 c. DAVID WEISBEIN, 153 BROUGHTON STREET. SAVANNAH. GA. We Extend An Urgent Invitation to Close and Careful Buyers. Our slock embraces many goods not to lie found else where in the South! Goods Lasting; in Their Usefulness For the Children, For the Young and Old, For the Married and Single, For the Rich and Poor. Remember yon are welcome, and that we arc glad la sec you at all times, and we know that after you Fine Leather Goods, Photograph Albums, Pocket books. Cards Cases, 1 zip Tablets, Shopping Bags and Beits, Ladies' Purses, Ladies' Hand Bags, Gentlemen's Wallets, Portfolios, Writing Desks. PLUSH GOODS YVork Boxes, Manicure Sets. Brush and Comb Sets, Toilet Sets, Jewel Cases, ' Collar and Cuff Boxes, YVriting Desks, Music Folios, Scrap Books, Autograph Albums, Photograph Albums, Papeteries, W’hisk Broom Holders. Umbrella Stands. Handsomely decorated, $3 50; Amateur Photographers’ Outfit Complete, $2 50; Cll ATTERBOX, Largest and best, child’s book sold, 50c. BOX PAPERS, 24 sheets Paper and 24 Envelopes, 10c. Toy Drums, All sizes, 25c. up. Toy Pianos, $1 50. Bisque Figures, $1 50 pair. Decorated Cuspidors, 75c., sl, $1 25. FORGO o' D, R E L I ABLE WELL MADE MEN’S, BOYS’ and O II I L DKEN’S CLOTH I N G, AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, GO TO MENKEN & ABRAHAMS CLOTHING HOUSE! 158 BROUGHTON STREET. HATS AND MKVsTI ItMSIILNG GOODS. FURNITURE, ARPKTS MATTING, ETC. CARPETS! CAR PETS! CARPETS! Now is the time for Bargains in Carpets. A fine selection of Cotton Chains, Union’s Extra Supers, All Wool, Two and Three-Plys, Tapestries and Body Brus sels just arrived. Our line of Furniture is complete in all its departments. Just received, a carload of Cooking and Heating Stoves. So call on us for Bargains. We don’t in tend to be undersold, for cash or on easy terms. TEEPLE & CO. MM 1)00US, BLINDS, ETC. Vale Royal Manufacturing Cos. President. SAVANN AIL Gr A. Soct'y end Trees. • LUMBER. CYPRESS, OAK. POPLAR, YELLOW PINE. ASH, WALNUT. M ANUFACTURERS of SASH. DOORS. BUNDS, MOULDINGS of ell kind* and description* CASINOS and TRIMMINOB for all classes of dwellings, PEWS and PEW' ENDS of our own design end manufacture, TURNED and SCROLL BALUSTERS, ASH HANDLES for Cottoo Hooks, CEILING, FLOORING, WALNSCOTTINO, SHINGLES. Warehouse and Up-Town Office: West Broad and Broughton Sts. Factory and Mills: Adjoining Ocean Steamship Co.’s Wharves * How wo nro enabled to carry such an imincnKe assortment and stock. Selling goods to the en tire South, whom we reach by advertising in over 300 newspapers furnishing priced catalogues of our 13 different departments to prospective puivhaserH, the prices in our catalogues be ing same as goods aro marked In store. Our business having been founded on correct business principles, enables us to command the confidence of buyers at a dis ance, t hus giving us an outlet for more goods than we otherwise could sell, enabling us to buy in sufficient quantities to get lowest prices, and quite frequently manufac turers desire to avail them selves of our facilities for advertising and ofTer 11s con trol of their goods. This also enables us to carry a greater variety, ami offer the citizens of Savannah a stock unsurpassed hi rich ness and variety by any house in the United States. Handsome Bronzes, Terra Cotta Figures, IMPORTED GOODS, FINE BISQUES, Genllemen’s Dressing Case Sets, FLAGS AND LANTERNS, Florentine Groups, ART BOOKS, Christmas Cards, XMAS NOVELTIES, XMAS BOOKS, Toy 3300k:5, Work Baskets, Artist Materials, Picture Frames Made to Order. AUCTION SALES FUTURE DAYS. TWO ELEGANT RESIDENCES FOR SALE. C. H. Dorsett, Auctioneer. Will offer at the Court House on TUESDAY, .January 3d, 1888, during the usual hours of sale, unless sold previously at private sale. Those two large, airy and splendidly located residences, known as Noe. 137 and 139 Perry street, between Bull and Whitaker streets, upon lot No. 40, Brown ward. Those houses are well built, furnished in Rood style with ail the mod ern conveniences; large and airy rooms, with Rood outbuildings. The location, near Chippewa square, convenient to Theatre, Churches, Schools and Cars, cannot he excelled. The cost of taxes (lots fee simple), State, County and City, and Water Rent, Is less than S2OO per annum. The houses will he sold separately, upon very oasy terms, to-wit: one-third cash, one-third In one year, and one third in two years. Interest at 7 per cent, aud bond for titles. The Norwegian Brig Amykos. by j. McLaughlin & son. On THURSDAY, 22d December, 1887, at Paul sen’s wharf, foot of Bull street, in the city of Savannah, at 11 o'clock. The Norwegian brig AMYKOS, 23.3 tons regis ter, OMMt’NDSXN, Master, built In Norway in 1884, put into Savannah in distress and condemned by a Hoard of Survey and recommended to bo sold at auction for account of all concerned. Will Is. sold either entire or separate. TOY'S. Nani's if MAMMOTH PLATSHEK’S, 138 Broughton St., Caterers to the people, announces that their Holiday Goods Opening has begun since Dec. 7th, which has been and will continue a Grand Success, all to the reason of having the Largest Variety, the Richest Selec tion, and the Lowest Prices in this city. ACKNOWLEDGED LEADERS IN BLUSH ROODS. I Julies' and Infants'Plush Toilet Cases, Gent* 1 Shaving Cases, Manicures, Smoking Seta, Fitted Card Boxes, Fitted Cases of Standard Silver ware, Match Safes, Glove, Handkerchief and Fan Cases, fluff aud Collar Boxes, Work Boxes, Jewel Cases. Odor Stands, Whisk Bl oom Cases, Photograph and Autograph Albums. Portfolios, Music Rolls, Cushion and Bottle Sets, Etc., Etc. StTIV WnVPITIIfS in Handkerchief Bags, LMllil iUM Lb 1 lu) perfumed Sachets, nn Cushions, Cushion and Bolster Sets, Etc., Etc. ELEGANT PRESENTS IN LADIES’, MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S CLOAKS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS of otbor Suitable Holiday Gifts, besides WE OFFER YOU The Lowest Legitimate Price ! The Politest Attention! Most Thorough Satisfaction! And the Best Selected Stock! CALL AND SEE US! P. B. Country orders filled with care and promptness. Goods pocked with care. Liberal allowances on orders for churches and charit able institutions. Correspondence solicited. HOOTS AND SHOES. A BANK OF CANDY GIVEN AYVAY WITH EVERY PAIR OF CHILDREN’S SHOES Come and see our magnifi cent array of desirable Shoes now more complete than ever before, embracing styles of every imaginable description, and suitable for the Baby and every stage in life to old age. This is ‘‘no humbug,” and if you desire to see Shoes stacked from floor to ceiling we will take pleasure in showing you goods necessary for use in every-day and dress wear, which must be seen to be ap preciated. Our stock of Fancy Slippers for Holiday Presents repre sent the handsomest designs of Plain and Chenille Em broidered Plush, and are the nicest in the city. Remember the place. BYCK BROS. 17 Whitaker Street. Chips from the Old Block! THE WORKMEN EMPLOYED BY GEO. N. NICHOLS, PRINTER AND BINDER Their work has given repo* tatfon to the EitablUhmeuti None better. HOLIDAY SALE, HOLIDAY HALE holiday sale holiday SALE HOLIDAY SALE HOLIDAY SALE HOLIDAY SALE HOLIDAY SALE HOLIDAY SALE HOLIDAY SALE HOLIDAY SALE HOLIDAY SALE HOLIDAY SALE HOLIDAY SALE HOLIDAY SALE HOLIDAY SALE HOUDAY HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY SALK HOLIDAY SALE HOLIDAY SALE - HOLIDAY SALE HOLIDAY SALE I HOLIDAY SALE HOLIDAY SALE 1 HOLIDAY SALE 1 HOLIDAY SALE 1 HOLIDAY SALE 1 HOLIDAY SALE I HOLIDAY SALE 1 HOLIDAY SALE I HOLIDAY SALE I HOLIDAY SALE I HOLIDAY SALE I HOLIDAY SALE I HOLIDAY SALE I HOLIDAY SALK I HOLIDAY SALE I HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY SALE I HOLIDAY SALK I HOLIDAY SALE I HOLIDAY SALE I HOUDAY BALE 1 HOLIDAY HALE I HOLIDAY SALE I HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY SALE' HOLIDAY SALE I HOLIDAY SALE! holiday sale: HOLIDAY SALE I HOUDAY SALE! holiday sale l HOLIDAY SALE! HOUDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! holiday sale; HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOUDAY SALK! HOLIDAY SALK! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! HOLIDAY SALE! 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