The morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1887-1900, December 22, 1887, Image 1

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t ESTABLISHED 1850. > i J. H. ESTILL, Editor and Proprietor, ) A TALK FOR PARTY AIMS. THE HOLIDAY RECESS FURNISHES THE PRETEXT. Senators of the Republican Persuasion A grain Responsible for the Useless Waste of Wind-Mr. Plumb Jumps Into the Arena but Mr. Beck Knocks Him Out in One Round. Washington, Deo. 21.—1n the Senate to day Mr. Allison called up the holiday recess resolution and moved its adoption. Mr. Plumb said he would vote against the resolution, because he thought the proposed recess was against public interest. Congress would be in session till the dog days, and during the latter part of the session the country would be in the midst of a heated Presidential canvass. There was no reason why the members of Congress should go home for the holidays. EACH SIDE TAKES A HAND. Mr. Plumb then proceeded at considerable length to make a political speech, attacking more particularly the President’s message and the fiuancial policy of the administra tion. He said he presumed the adjourn ment resolution .vould pass, but he believed that it would not bo with fair regard to public interests, or to the duty which rested upon Congress. Mr. Plumb’s speech brought on a general political debate, par ticipated in by Messrs. Reck, Butler, Dolph, Vest, Teller, Stewart, Allison, Sherman and others. At its close the adjournment res olution was concurred in as follows: IVcis—Messrs. Allison, Bate. Beck, Blackburn, Blodgett. Brown, Butler, Cameron, Cockrell, Coke. Oiukuii, Eustis, Evarts; Faulkner, Gor man, Cray. Hampton. Harris, Hearst, Hit-cock, McPherson, Morrill, Pasco, Payne, Pugh, Quay, ■Ransom, Reagan, Saulsbury. Sawyer. Sherman, Stanford, Turpie, Vance, Vest, Walthall and Wilson, of lowa—37. .Vnj/s Messrs. Berry, Blair, Bowen, Chandler, Pavis, Dawes, Dolph, Frye, George, Ingalls, Mandersoc, Mitchell, Paddock, Palmer, Platt, Plumb, Riddleberger, Stewart, and Teller—l 9. BRANCHING OFF ON THE TARIFF. In the debate Mr. Plumb referred to Mr. Pugh's resolution that Congress should not adjourn until action was taken for the dis posal of the surplus in the Treasury, and said he did not agree with the President in many of his statements in the late annual message, and *he did not at all agree with him in saying that the responsi bility of non-action in the matter of the surplus would rest on Congress. For his own part he would be glad to remain in Was ingtou during the holidays and legis late on the subject of the surplus, but not with any sense of that responsibility of Con gress which the President had set forth. The primary responsibility for the present condition of the Treasury' resided, he thought, with the President, who totally dis regarded the law which required him, prac tically, to spend the surplus in the purchase of the national debt. The President’s ex cuse for not doing so was that the provision of the la w was found in an appropriation bill, and w..s, therefore, in the President’s opinion, a temporary expedient merely. He (Mr. Plumb) did not know any warrant for the President distinguishing between laws passed by Congress and saying that one provision of the law was less mandatory on him than another provision. It did not come with good grace from the President to criticise partic ular places where important provisions of law were found. The President would find that in attempting to do so he would have a large contract on his hands, ami one which might result somewhat disastrously to him. The President in his message had omitted to state one important fact—which was that the last Congress passed a law requiring him allirmatively to pay $10,000,000a month in the discharge of the'public debt, aDdthat the President had put that bill in his pocket, thus preventing its becoming a law. TRIPPED UP BY MR. BECK. Mr. Beck remarked that the President had paid the money out even faster than that bill required. Mr. Plumb regard that as only another way that the President had for saying that he thought he could do better himself than Congress knew how to tell him. The Presi dent had also forgotten to take note of the Tact that the river and harbor bill, which appropriated some $14,000,000, had failed, not because of any lack of action by Congress. The delicieucy bill, covering over $8,000,000, had also failed last session because of the neglect of the Democratic majority in the House, and these two would have made a very comfortable ad dition to the current funds of the people at this juncture. Mr. Beck said he did not propose to go into debate in regard to the President’s pol icy on a resolution for a holiday adjourn ment. He assumed that the” resolution would prevail, such a recess was usual, and he did not know any exception to it. He could not understand why the Senate should now, on a motion like that go into discussion, as to the President's policy when they would have all next year. But there were some things which the country ought to know in connect ion with the statement made by the Senator from Kansas. The Senator had not told the country that the policy of the Republican party, by imposing andjmain taining unnecessarily high taxation, had produced the surplus, and that that same party was determined to hold it there or to waste it in such schemes as the Republican party might desire. ALL FOR THE BONDHOLDERS. The Senator had not told that the Repub- 1 lican party bad so adjusted the debts of the United States that they could not lie paid with the money thus brought by high taxa tion into the Treasury, unless such premi ums were paid to the bondholders as they might demand. The jiolicy of the Republican party had postponed the payment or $350,000,000 of the debt till 1891, and of *.740,000,(MX) till 1007. The President had paid every dollar of the 3 per cent, bonds that were payable without paying any premium which the bondholders might see lit to ask. The Democratic i arty headed by the President was encfenvoring to reduce taxes so that so large a surplus should not come into the Treasury. All that the President bad said was that it was not a proper thing for him or the Secretary of the Treasury to do to "pay $l3O or $l5O for every SIOO of the public debt; and that it was the duty of Congress to reduce the taxation of the iieople down to a point that there would not oe a surplus. He thought that the course of the Presi dent and Democratic party would bo fully vindicated, while it would be very hard for the gentlemen on the other side to explain why they had kept up taxation to the ex tent which they bad done. Mr. Dolph argued that if proper appro priations were made for rivers and hartiors, for public buildings, for coast formications, tor dependent pensioners, for the encourage ment of American commerce, and for the Nicaraguan canal there would be no surplus in the i reasunr; and he thought that such policy was to be preferred to a reduction of the tariff. POOR PLUMB. Mr. Vest, in response to Mr. Plumb’s criticism of the President, for vetoing the river and harbor bill, reminded that Sena tor that the most virulent attacks uron trie bill had come from himself (Mr. Piumb). ct hi* 4 n : i 1% intitlrt" 4 1% He had fought the bill by sections, and in the aggregate had ridiculed it, denounced it and voted against it. The executive had only acted in the line of the Senator’s argu ments. The President bad, in his annual message, defined, and sharply defined the issue between the two great parties, and he (Vest) endorsed that message from the beginning to the end. Ho was prepared to go into the canvass upon it, and whatever the result might be, he declared now, publicly, that if the Presi dent had done nothing less than write that message, be had proven himself to lie an honest, brave, patriotic man, and worthy of the leadership of any party that ever existed in the history of this country. Mr. Teller severely criticised the Presi dent for endeavoring to create public alarm in order to carry out his pet scheme for re ducing the tariff. He argued that there was not so much surplus in the Treasury as should necessitate any haste, or cause any fright or alarm. Mr. Stewart was satisfied from the dis cussion to-day that Congress ought not to adjourn for the holidays. As to the sur plus, he was sure it would continue to be locked up if the only remedy was that suggested by the President— reduction of the tariff. The issue presented to the American people by the President was whether it would stop doing its own work and hire it out. Nations, as well as individuals, got rich by doing their own work. For his own part he would regulate the matter not by reducing but by raising the tar&f. ABSURDITY OF SITTING. Mr. Allison said that the Appropriations Committee had reported the resolution be cause he believed the general sentiment to be in favor of a holiday adjournment. The House had passed the resolution without even division. The Senate could not pro mote public interests by remaining in ses sion while the House was in its present unorganized condition. Revenue measures had to originate in the House and from the beginning of 1885, till now. no revenue measure had come from the House, and none would come, certainly be fore January 4. Therefore, he did not see that public interests could be advanced or promoted by refusing the House the ad journment which it asked. Mr. Butler expressed contempt for the disgusting spectacle which the Senate was presenting—for the affectation and hypoc risy exhibited to-day. There was not a Senator who did not know that all*f hat was said about the Senate remaining in session was absolute bosh and hypocrisy. It was the idlest, flimsiest, shallowest hypocrisy he bad ever witnessed. Mr. Plumb resented the position of public censor assumed by the Senator from South Carolina. SHERMAN’S BUNCOMB. Mr. Sherman agreed with Mr. Butler that it was hardly worth while for the Senate to deny the House the privileges of a holiday adjournment, but he did not agree' with him as to the character of to-day’s debate. On the con trary he was very much interested in it. It had brought to the attention of the Senate the folly of some features of the President’s message, the folly of the Presi dent's endeavoring to create a scare and alarm about the condition of the country, because, fortunately, there was a surplus of $55,000,000 in the Treasury. If it were true that there was such a state of alarm as was expressed by* the President, certainly the Democratic House ought not to adjourn over the holidays. He did not believe, how ever, that there was any such occasion for alarm. He. believed that the language of the Pr sident was entirely too strong. It was right and proper for the Republican Senators to call attent ion to the folly of the House of Representatives adjourning with out even an organization. There wore no committees appointed in that body, no preparations made to meet the great peril spoken of by the Presi dent. The surplus of $55,000,000 was less than was in the Treasury at other periods of the present administration. He thought it but reasonable and right that the hum bug by which it was sought to frighten the country should be punctured, exploded or explained away. The question would doubt less have to be approached in a temperate and fair manner. He therefore did not re gret the speeches to-day on both sides of the question. They were very good speeches. WAYS AND MEANS. The Committee to be More Pro nounced than was Expected. Washington, Dec. 21. — I The Ways and Means Committee could not be announced to-day, because the Speaker found, this morning, that he would have to make some changes in it. It will be announced to morrow, however, and unless some changes occur to-morri 'v it will stand as follows: Mr. Mills of Texas, chairman, and Messrs. McMillin of Tennesssoe, Breckinridge of Arkansas, Breckinridge of Kentucky, Cox of New York, Bynum of Indiana, Turner of Georgia, and Wilson of West Virginia, Democrats; and Kelly of Pennsyl vania, Browne of Indiana, Reed of Maine, McKinley, of Ohio and Fuller of lowa, Republicans. This gives the tariff reformers the eight Democratic votes cer tain, and in some contingencies that of Mr. Fuller of lowa too. The Speaker determined that he would not appoint Mr. Gay of Lou isiana, even to please Mr. Randall. The committee is much stronger than it was thought it would be. TLe Committee on Appropriationscannot be announced until after the holidays. INTERNAL REVENUE. The Collections for the First Five Months of the Fiscal Year. Washington’, Dec. 21. —The collections of internal revenue for the first five months of the present fiscal year amounted to $51,- 800,549, being an increase of $8,854,742 as compared with the collections for the cor responding period of last year. There was an increase of $1,079,551 on the receipts from spirits, $1,100,170 on tobacco, $775,412 on fermented liquors, $07,587 on oleomargarine, and an increase of $355 on hanks and bankers. The only decrease was in the collections on miscellaneous objects of taxation, which were $08,288 less than last year. The receipts for November last were $718,973 more than those for the same month of last year. G'ommissionership of Fisheries. Washington, Dec. 21. —1n ti e (Senate to day Mr. Dawes called up the bill to amend the law concerning the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, and moved that it he passed. It provides for the appointment by the President, with the advice and,con sent of the (senate, of a person of scientific and practical acquaintance with fish and fisheries, as commissioner at a salary of SS,O(H), such person not to hold any other United States or (State office. A motion bv Mr. Reagan to reduce the salary to $3,000 was rejected, and the bill passed. Blair's Bill. Washington, Dec. 21.—1n the B'onate this afternoon, the Blair educational bill was taken up as unfinished business, and t hen, on mutton of Mr. Sbermin, at 4:85 o'clock, th*- Senate proceeded to executive business, and in half an hour afterwai J ad journed. SAVANNAH, GA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1887. RULES FOR THE HOUSE. THE COMMUTES SUBMITS A PARTIAL REPORT. A Recommendation That the Rules of the Last Congress be Adopted With Certain Changes —The Committee’s Vote on the Changes Nearly Unani mous—The Report Adopted. Washington, Dec. 21.—1n the House to day, Mr. Randall of Pennsylvania, from the Committee on Rules, submitted a partial report. The report recommends the adop tion of the rules of the Forty-ninth Con gress until further orders, with the follow ing changes: The members of the Committee on Libra ry is increased to five. A standing committee is established to consist of thirteen members, to be know n as the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. The addition of a representative of the delegates on the Committee on Private Land Claims is recommended. Private bills are to be presented through the Clerk and given proper reference by that officer. A SAFEGUARD. An improper reference of a bill does not confer any jurisdiction over the subject matter of the bill, but appropriate refer ence will be made by direction of the Speaker. Any private bill whose contents are found to be insulting or obscene, will be returned to the member presenting it and will not be referred. Hereafter there will be printed only 500 copies of each bill of a public nature intro duced and 100 copies of each private bill presented to the Clerk for reference. The following select committees are pro vided for: On Reform of the Civil Service, to consist of thirteen members; on the Elec tion of President and Vice President and Representatives in Congress, to consist of thirteen members; on the Eleventh Census, to consist of thirteen members; on Indian Depredation Claims, to consist of thirteen members; on Ventilation and Acoustics, to consist of seven members; on the Alcoholic Liquor Traffic, to consist of eleven members. NEARLY UNANIMOUS. Mr. Randall briefly explained the pro posed changes, which he stated were with one exception recommended by the unani mous vote of the Committee ou Rules. That exception was the recommendation for the appointment of a special committee on the alcoholic liquor traffic. The gentlemen from Maine and Illinois (Messrs. Reid and Camion) and he constituted the majority of the committee on this question. Mr. McCreary, of Kentucky, said he de sired to offer an amendment that the gen eral appropriations bills lie re'orted to the House by the committees having them in charge within sixty days during the long session and forty days during the short ses sion of Congress. Mr. Randall stated that the subject was pending in the Committee on Rules, and would receive careful consideration before the committee submitted another report. Upon this statement Mr. McCreary with drew his proposed amendment. THE REPORT ADOPTED. After a brief discussion the report was agreed to without division. The following amendments to the rules were submitted and referred to the Committee on Rules: By Mr. Enloe of Tennessee—To prohibit the printing in the Record of undelivered speeches. By Mr. Mcßae of Arkansas —Increasing to fifteen the membership of the committees now holding thirteen members. By Mr. Holman of Indiana—Providing for the re-establishment of the Bolman amendment, “that no admendment chang ing existing laws shall be in order on the general appropriation bill, unless, being germane to the bill, it retrenches expendi tures by reducing the number, or salaries of officials, or by a reduotion of the compensa tion of any person paid out of the United States Treasury.” The announcement was then made of the death of Representative Kane, of New York, and the House adjourned. Asa result of tiia adoption by the House to-day of the new rul : admitting private hills without the formality of presentation in open House, about 8U) of these measures were thrown upon the clerk’s desk wit hin a short quarter of an hour. While many of them are original bills, a majority ap pear to be “old stagers.” A SOCIAL THUNDERCLAP. The Fiance of Young Mr. Trenholm Elopes with Another Man. Washington, Dec. 21. —Miss Bessie Kill yer, daughter of Judge Curtis J. Hillyer, and Degrassie Bulkley, youngest son of Dr. J. W. Bulkley, were secretly married in Baltimore yesterday. Gossip ran riot in society circles to-day. when the news of the elopement became generally known. It was intensified by the fact that Miss Hillyer has been for some time the fiance of W. L. Trenholm, son of the Comptroller of the Currency. The engagement of Miss Hillyer and Mr. Trenholm had been announced, and the wedding fixed lor Feb. 3, next. Cards of invitation were already out, aud Miss Hillyer’s trousseau had been all prepared. It has been also understood that u handsome house had been fitted up in Philadelphia for the residence of the prospective Sir. and Mrs. Trenholm. In view of the situation of affairs the news of the elopement of Miss Hillyer came like a thunderbolt front a clear sky. Senator Frye’s Bills. Washington, Dec. 21. —Bills were intro duced in the Senate to-day by Mr. Frye to exempt American coastwise sailing vessels, piloted by their licensed masters or by a United States pilot, from obligation to pay State pilots for services not rendered. Also giving the consent of Congress that, the laws of the several States relative to the sale of distilled and fermented liquors within the limits of each State may apply to mieh liquors when they have been imported in the same manner ns when they have been manufactured in tho United States. Weil and La-Abra Claims. Washington, Dec. 21. —1n the Senate to day Mr. Morgan, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, reported a resolution directing the Secretary of State to furnish copies of ail corresjioudence with the Mexi can government since January. 188(5. re specting the Weil and La-Abra claims; also to state what amount has been paid by Mexico under the convention for the ad justment of the claims, the amount dis tributed. the amount undistributed, and the reasons for withholding the same, etc. The resolution wus adopted. Belgian Miners Come. Washington. Dec. 2t. --Secretary Fair child took official notice to-day of the re port that 2,(XX) Belgian miners are to be im ported to take the places of the miners in the Lehigh region, now on a strike. He sent telegrams to the Collectors of Customs at New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Baltimore, calling attention to the report and instructing them to b vigilaut in pre vent ing any violation of the alien contract labor law. RUSSIA AND HER FOES. The Editors of the Rival Nations Still Fighting on Paper. St. Petersburg, Dec. 21.—'The Novoe Vremya says that, while leaving it an ojien question whether the Invalids llnsxe, (the war office organ) will reply to the Cologne Gazette's deimnl of the former paper’s asser tion that Germany is making war prepara tions, and its explanation of the movement of German troops, it, will by no means regret the Cologne Gazette explanation, which, if true, can only make Russia feci more quiet and secure. A SIGN OF WEAKNESS. Paris, Dec. 21. — The Temps says the Russian government has informed the allied powers that the movements of troops in Poland have ceased. IRELAND’S CLERGY. Rev. John Healy Indorses Bishop O’Dwyer’s Utterances. Dublin, Dec. 21.—Most Rev. John Healy, Coadjutor Bishop of the diocese of Clonfert, in a letter to the papers, indorses Bishop O’Dwyer’s utterances relative to Mgr. Per sioo and the guidance of the Irish agitation. The Freeman's Journal asserts that two Catholic peers and a few deputy lieutenants are secretly agitating the adoption of a pro- Unionist address to Mgr. Persieo. Mr. Hooper, Memberof Parliament, was removed to Tullamore jail to-day. At a meeting in Cork to-day’the Mayor stated that be visited Hooper in Cork jail heforo his removal this morning and found him almost nude. The bed and bed clothes had been removed from bis cell. The Marquis of Cianricorde has issued 100 fresh writs of ejectment against tenants on hi- Woodford estate. Mr. Sheeny, member of Parliament, was tried at Clonmel to-day for inciting resist ance to eviction and was sentenced to one month's imprisonment. Progress of the Crown Prince. Berlin, Dec. 21. —The Crown Prince’s physicians report that they are satisfied with the Prince’s progress. The Crown Prince took a walk to-day, accompanied bv the Prince of Saxe-Meiningen. The Magdeubiug Zeitung says: “Medi cal opinion now permits the assumption that a regular continuance of the present treat ment will avert the danger arid reduce the chance of a fatal issue to a minimum, and that the Crown Prince he enabled to fulfill all the duties o his high station. Prof. Virchow takes this favorable view.” Pope Leo’s Jubilee. Rome, Dec. 21. —The absent oardiuals have been summoned to return to Rome De fore Jan. 1. to take part in the Pope’s jubi lee celebration. Two hundred foreign bishops and many European legitimist aris toerats have given notice of their intention to visit Rome after Christmas, to attend the celebration. The Pope will receive, though in private form, the good wishes of tue house of Havre—the Italian royal house hold. Vague News of Stanley. London, Dec. 21.—! 'Advices from Zanzi bar, under date of Dec. It), state that a mes senger bad arrived from Central Africa, who brought no direct news from Stanley, but say it is reported in the country on the eastern side of Lake Nyanza that Stanley, after many privations, reached Wadelia in the early part of September. The Anjorhead Still Ashore. London, Dec. 21. —Tugs have failed to pull off tho steamer Anjerhead, from Dub lin for Savannah, before reported as having grounded while leaving port. She will dis charge 300 tons of her cargo. Pugilists in Conference. London, Dec. 21. —Kilrain, Smith and Mitchell met to-lay to di-cuss the proposed new match for Richard K. Fox’s belt. Last of the Great Eastern. London, Dec. 21. —The Great Eastern has been sold to a metal firm for £1(5,100, The vessel will be broken up as old metal. BURNED ON THE PACIFIC. Eleven Sailors Missing and Supposed to be Lost. San Francisco, Dec. 21.—The coasting freight steamer San Vincente was burned last night forty miles south of the Golden Gate. Her crew consisted of nineteen peo ple. The Captain, two mates and five sailors were rescued by boats from the steamer Queen of tho Pacific after suffering severe!}' from exposure. One sailor died after bis rescue. Eleven sailors are missing and are supposed t <f have been lost. The Captain says that when the fire was discovered most of the crew became panic stricken and jumped into one of the ooats before it could be lowered. The tackle, burned away and the boat fell and capsized. The Captain and the second mate were taken from the burning wreck. SENATOR BARBOUR. Virginia’s General Aasmbly Meets in Joint Session. Richmond, Dec. 21.—The General Assem bly met in joint session to-day at noon, Lieut. Gov. Massey presiding, for the pur pose of announcing the resultcf the election for United States Senator. The votes cast in the two Houses yesterday were verified and canvassed, whereupon the Lieutenant Governor declared that John S. Barbour, having received a majority of the votes cast, wasduly elected United Stales Senator to succeed Senator Rlildleberger March 4, 1889. The joint session was then dissolved. The GeneralvUssenibly adjourned until Jun. 4 next. Senate Appointments. Washington. Dec. 21. —In the Senate to-day the following appointments were an nounced by the presiding officer: Mr. Haw ley, as director of the (kiluinbia Deaf and Dumb Institution; Mr. Davis, as consulting trustee of the Reform School of the District of Columbia, and .Mr. Blackburn, as director of the Columbia Hospital for Women. To Observe the Holidays. WASHINGTON, Dec. 21.— Secretary Fair child issued an order to day for tho closing of all customs houses on Dec. 2d, and the second prox. He also oiderod the closing of the Treasury Department at noon on Dec. 24 and 31. A similar order has been issued with regard to the navy yard. Lower Letter Postage. Washington. Dec. 21. —The resolution offered by Mr. Beck on Dec. 12, directing the Post Office Committee to inquire into the advisability of reducing the rate of letter postage to lc., was taken up in the Senate to-day and referred to that commit tee. Civilized Indians. Washington, Dec. 21. —1n the Senate to day the resolution offered yesterday by Mr. Butler, for the appointment of a select com mittee of five to investigate the condition of the flvecivilisscd tribes of Indians was taken up and adopted. 81-MKTALISM'S BLACK EYE MR. ATKINSON SEES NO HOPE OF ITS ADOPTION AT PRESENT No Indication Found in Europe That tho Subject Has Received Serious Consideration Nor Is It Likely to Right Away—The Plan Not Backed by an Organized Body. Washington, Dec. 21.— The President to-day transmitted to Congress the report of Edward Atkinson, of Massachusetts, who, he says, "was specially designated by me, under the provisions of the act of Con gress, to visit the financial centres of Europe, in order to ascertain the feasibility of establishing by international standard a fixity of ratio between the two precious metals, ill the free coiuage of both.” Mr. Atkinson’s report, with its appen dices, makes a volume of 280 pages. He summarizes tho result of his inquiries under four heads as follows: 1. There is no prospect of aiiv change in the present monetary system of European states, which can modify or influence the financial policy of'(lie United States at the present time. ?. There are no indications of any change in the policy of the financial authorities of the several Slates visited by me which warrant any expectation that tho subject of a hi metallic treaty for a common legal tender, coupled the free coinage of silver, will be seriously con sidered at the present time by them. 3. There is no indication that (he subject of bi-metallism has received any intelligent or serious consideration outside ot a small circle iu each country named ns a probable or possible remedy for existing causes of alleged depres sion ill 1 lade. 4 There is no considerable politically organ ized hodv of influential persons In either coun try with whom n combination could he made. If such combination, or co operation were de sirable on the part of a similar body In the United States for promoting any definite or practical measure of legislation to bring about the adoption of the bi-metallic theory according lothe commonly accepted meaning of that term. Discussion is as yei almost wholly personal and without concentration of purpose and the pre sentatiou or any well devised measure capable of being acted upon. ' Mr. Atkinson’s most important, conclusion from his observations, is that it would be unwise and inexpedient for tho United States again to take the initiative in pro moting action for the general adoption of bi-metallie legal tender, coupled with free coinage of silver, for the reason that such action is misconstrued, aud may tend to re tard, rather than to promote the object aimed at. EXACT STATUS OK THE QUESTION. Mr. Atkinson continues: The exa :t siatus of the question Is as follows: What Is Known as the bi-metallic theory of coin age and legal tender may tie raid to be adhered to in principle by France, and by other mem bers of the Latin union, but free coinage of sil ver cannot be resumed without the concurrence of Germany. Spain, which does not lielong to the I .at in union, continued free coinage ef sliver until quite a re.-ent period, but has been com pelled to cease by the constant drain of geld. Holland, as lam Informed, waits events under acts w hich will enable bei authorities to main tain the gold standard without future legisla tion if it should lie imperilled. There is some apparent dirttcultv in France, hut not much in maintaining tbs present large volume of silver coin, which is of full legal tender, sub stantially at par in gold. The volume of this currency Is large, but tho habits of the iieople of the Latin union, especially of France, render a very large volume or actual money in circula tion an absolute necessity, much larger tier capita, as compared with the amount in other great commercial and manufacturing countries. A POOR PLACE FOR DEAD-BEATS. Personal credit is very limited; the use of checks, even for the payment of considerable sums, such as rent of bouses or apartments iu Paris, is almost unknown. The daily purchase of means of subsistence are paid for in money, and great sums are hoarded. The payment of so much of ihe indemnity required from Frant-e by Germany after the Franco German ifar, as was paid iu actual coin. is assumed to have been almost wholly derived from hoards of coin previously held by people who then subscribed in such ample measure tor rentes. Hence silver coin keeps in circulation or Is boarded, while the banks and hankers of France are sustained by a very large reserve of gold. There is a strong minority of aide men in France, however, who advocate tue mainte nance of a standard of legal tender In gold coin only. Germany cannot, or will not take up consider ation of any change in her present acts without the concurrence or Great Britain. Discussion of the theory of bi is actively continued In an academical manner by the professors of her universities, but In March last, at a conven tion of delegates from various Chambers of Commerce, which are very important repre ■sentative bodies, declared against any change iu the existing acts by a vote of 71 chutubers to 4. OREAT BRITAIN'S ATTITUDE. Great Britain awaits the report or reports of the royal commission of gold and silver, which has adjourned until autumn or winter, after the examination of sundry witnesso-, whose testi mony bus been published * * * It therefore follows that so tong as the present coinage of the silver dollar of the United (states ii con tinued no proposition for a lii-metallio treaty for full legal tender of silver coin can be entertained hy tlm European States, since thcjawiU not con sider under any circumstances a preposition for recolnage of their own silver in order to adjust it to toe standard of the United States. * * In fact, the United States, by maintaining the present standard dollars, virtually declares to the public that it requires sixteen ounces of sil ver to lie equal to one ounce of gold. The United States, therefore, to that extent discred its and depreciates silver bullion below the standard formerly in force among t he European nations who coined only fifteen and one-naif ounces of silver as the equivalent of one ounce of gold. The present act of coinage in the United States, therefore, depreciates silver as compared to the European and East Indian standard. ALABAMA IRON. Developers Hold a Meeting and De cide to Lau* ch a Town. Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 21. —An important meeting of persons interested in the devel opment of the iron industry in Alabama was bold at the Monongahela House to-day. They were Robert Hogsett and Judge Ewing, of Uniontown; John Hutchinson, of New York, a millionaire, and W. H. Smith, Vice President of the Louisville and Nashville railroad. These gentlemen are the principal stockholders iu a wealthy corporation, which already has one or two furnaces in the new iron district of Ala bama. The company proposes to make still further investments and nave completed ar rangements for establishing anew town, with the prospect of it growing into a small city in a short time at or near Truasvilla, Ala. Confirmed by the Senate. Washington, Dec. 21.—The seal of secrecy was to-day removed from the fol lowing confirmations by the Senate: Kerr Craige, Collector of Internal Reve nue for the Fifth district of North Caro lina. Postmasters —Albert 11. Motvry, Charles ton,’S. C.; James W. White, Koscufsko, Miss.; George W. Bynum, Corinth, Miss.; Lemuel H. Dillard, Oxford, Miss.; William J. Rouseau, Stai kvilie, Miss.; Eben R. Wortham, Greenville, Miss.; William R. Rhea, Johnson Citv, Tonn.: James H. Sur gtiine, Cleveland, Penn.; Edward J. Wood, McMinnville, Tenn. Manning's Life Despaired of. Albany, N. Y., Dec. 21.—Ex-Secretary Manning has res ed quietly to-day, and his general condition is about as yesterday. His physicians do not look for an immediate crisis, but his recovery is improbable. NAPHTHA IN THE SEWERS Explosions Followed by Fire \t Rochester. Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 31. About B.SO o’clock this afternoon a terrific explosion occurred in front of the Poole flour mill on Mill street, at the foot of Factory street. The explosion was felt for a long distance. Only a few seconds after the first explosion another followed, and another, and another iu rapid succession. Instantly flames burst from the Poole mill and the rear walls fell in. The fire burned with great fury, and, although the workmen hastened to get out, it is feared that some must, have perished in the flames. It was only a few minutes before the Washington Mills, adjoining the burning structure, was also on lire. CAUSE OF THE EXPLOSION. The cause of the explosion was that (he sewers in the vicinity were filled with naph tha. To-day 11,000 gallons of naphtha were pumped from the Vacuum Oil Works through the pipe line in the bed of the old canal. It was intended for the Municipal lias Company, but breaks in the line allow ed t he naphtha to escape into adjoining sowers. When the Bowers became surcharged with gas it escaped into the mills and exploded there, and afterward in the sewers in the streets, throwing out the man-hole covers and tearing up the roadways. The amount of the damage cannot be •alulated at this hour. Two or three of the finest mills in the city, with their con tents, are doomed, and several streets and sewers are more or less damaged. FLIGHT OK THE PEOPLE. In the vicinity of the tiro and up Mill and State street*, as for as Market street, a dis tance of about three-quarters of a mile, people were running in every direction, and the frequent explosions terrified them more. The explosions continued at such frequent, intervals for the first half hour that the jieople were deterred from getting anywhere near the fire. It is not known how many persons were at work, or how many escaped. One man was seen to jump from a second story window of one of the buildings to the river bank below, a distance of 50 feet. His right leg was broken, and he received severe iuternidinjuries. FALLING WALLS. The walls of the Jefferson mill fell in about. 4 o’clock, and It. is feared there are several men buried under them. The engineer of the Clinton Mill, with two companions, were standing near the front of the mill wuen the explosion oc curred. They retained sufficient presence of mind to shut off the steam and get out of the mill. Six persons were at w6rk in the Clinton Mill, four of whom escaped through the water wheel. THE FIRE UNDER CONTROL. Rochester, N. Y. Dec. 21, 11:S0 p. m At the time of the present writing the fire is under control, but the department will keep at work at least until morning. The explo sions ceased about 6:.i(l o’clock and no more danger is apprehended from tnem. The ex plosions covered a wide extent of terri tory. The manholes over the sewers cu Mill, Platt, State. West, Main, Tremont, Smith, Jay, Furnace, Factory, Brown and many otbor streets were blown off by the force of the explosion, anil a great deal of paving around them was frequently found torn up. Windows were shattered in many buildings iu the vicinity, and the shoos was felt over a large aien. The tunnel through which the burning naphtha flowed for several hours is the largest sewer in the city and is the out let. for the sewers on the west side. How badly damaged this is cannot be esti mated. "flie fire must have been extended a di tance of several hundred feet in the sewer. The killed so far as now known are: Fred Wilson. E. A. Webster. John Lee. An employe at the People's mill has not been accounted fear, and it is thought that be is dead in the ruins. A GALE IN 'I HE WEST iNDIES. Many Seamen Lost and Great Damage Done to Shipping. New York, Dec. 21.—The British steamer Saniana arrived here to-lay from Cape Haytien, and reports that a heavy “norther" swept over the West Indies on Dec. 6, 7 and 8, causing much damage. In all some twenty vessels were wrecked. A coasting schooner whose name is un known, capiz and while making Cape Hay tien, and thirteen of her crew of fifteen were drowned. The British steamer Vila was caught in the gale and eight of her crew were washed overboard and drowned. Two others were wanned overboard, but were swept back on board the vessel by another wave. The vessel was badly damaged. A MAN OF. WAR DAMAGED. The British man of war, Wrangler, ar rived at Turk’s Island on Dec. 7, badly dam aged bv the storm. The French vessel Chasseur arrived at Car* Haytieu on Dec. 8, with her main and mizzenmasts gone. In the harbor of Monte Crlsto, a dozen vessels were driven ashore. The Ramnna was caught in the storm while entering the port, of Puerta Plata, and had to return to sea for safety. 'The storm was the worst experienced in twenty years. On the 4th inst., at Baracoa, during a tremendous norther, a couple of heavy waves swept about four hundred feet inland and destroyed about -100 huts and houses but no lives were lost, ns the people saw them coming and got. out of the way. RICHMOND AND DANVILLE. The President and Directors Formally t lected. Richmond, Va., Dec. 21.—A meeting of the stockholder* of the Richmond and Dan ville railroad was bold this afternoon. George L. Scott, of New York, was ejected President, and also the directors chosen by the Terminal Company and telegraphed from New York last evening. The annual report of the President was submitted and referred to a committee, consisting of Messrs. Sully, G. T. Stene, J. H. lonian and J. A. Ruther ford, to be printed and distributed. The: e port was taken to New York to-night and none of it was given cat here for publica tion. A Convict onot Dead. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. Si.—While furnish ing breakfa-t, to the prisoners in the county jail at Waynesville, yesterday morning, Arthur Waterman and George Boyden, two prisoners held for safe blowing and jobbery, overpowered Jailer Rons, forced him into a cell and made a bold break for liberty. Ross tired his revolver at the escap ing prisoners, instantly killing Waterman, Boyden making good h"ls escape. An incendiary in Jail. Hillsboro, Ttx., Deo. 21.—Fire yester day destroyed the si ores of L. B. Brown and I<. Brin, and Sturgis National Be.nk. The total loss is #60,000, and the insurance #40,000. The fire was of incendiary origin, and Joseph Levine has been arrested for the crime. (PRICKftOA YEAR I OC’EYTb a copy f DEATH IX THE BLIZZARD. LACK OF FOOD AND FUEL COSTS X-IFE IN KANSAS. Four Deaths in Clark County and Three Near Dighton as a heault of the Terrible Situation - The Ther mometer Registered 28" Below Zero at Fort Ass:nabolne. Kansas Citt, Dec. 2!.—The Times has telegraphic advices which indicate that there is terrible suffering in the western part of Kansas. Four people are reported dead iu Clark county from cold, while near Dighton, Kan., a woman and her two ebiidrcu are known to have perished. There is great suffering in that section of the State owing to the scarcity of coal. The supply was exhausted during the previ ous cold snap in the first part of the month, and the situation is now deplorable. The suffering is augmented by the fact that food is almost as scarce as fuel. Many of the in habitants are settlers who located claims last summer, and who are dependent on what the rail roads bring in. The railroads are trving to do all in their power to relieve the distress, but they are handicapped bv a scarcity of cars. They have not enough to supniy the urgent demand for food and fuel, and wide spread distress is inevitable unless the weather speedily moderates. The Santa Fa Road has already announced that it wdl ship free all suoplics which may be collected for Clark county. 28" below zero. Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 21.—The storm which started in yesterdav and still continues furiously In Minnesota' is by far the worst of the season. The mind is strong and the snow has drifted badly. The storm was general in the Northwest. It was ac companied by very cold weather in Dakota and the Northwest Territory, the lowest point reached being 28" below zero at Fiv-t, Asdnihoin. At ft o’clock yesterday the storm hail stopped at all points in Dakota except Bismarck and was moving east. Trains are delayed somew hat, SWOOPED DOWN ON CHICAGO. Chicago, Dec. 21.—The rain, mud and slush, which yesterday aft-moon nude Ufa in Chicago a burden, gave place du ing the night to a cold wave from the North west. It came on with a rush, and inside of twelve hours there was a drop of 35* in the temper ature. The Signal Service reports the ther mometer at ft* above in the early morning hours. At 6 o'clock it was 10* above, but though at 10 o’clock the sun shone brightly the rays bad but a slight, warming effect. The wind during the night reached a ve locity of twenty-four miles au hour, but has dropped to six miles early this morning. At 6 o’clock this morning Fort Totten. Dak., reported the temperature at 20* below. At Denver it was 14’ below and at Mon trose 20' below. Away down at Fort Davis, Tex., the In habitants were reveling In the novel luxury of a snow storm, and at Ran Francisco tha thermometer stood at 26* above zero. A BLOW AT BT. LOUIS. Rt. Louis, Mo., Dec. 21.—Yesterdav opened with a warm rain, but by 9 o’clock in the morning snow b“gan to fid' and at noon the mercury hail sunk fr< m 45* to 15*, and a moderate blizzard was skipping around rather lively. During the afternoon and last nigh' ie mercury gradually fell, and at midm t ,„t the thermometer marked 10", with a high, fierce wind prevailing. Very little snow fell. N“ trouble on the railroads iu this sect .on is ?t reported. VERT COLD FOB TEXAS. * Galveston, Tex., Dec. 21.—Specials to the .Veil.** from all the important points la Texas report very cold weather for this sec tion. Ice formed here last night, and ah-O at Corpus Cbrinti, Brownsville and Rio Grande City. In Northern Texas the weather is very severe and snow has fallen at many point*. It is too early yet to ascertain the extent of the suf fering and the loa> to the cattle and sheep Interests, hut if the severe weather con tinues many days the loss will be very great. Telegrams from many point* in Southern Texas say that the Indication* point to a severe freeze before morning. WAGON RUN DOWN BY A TRAIN. Its Occupant* Were too Drunk to Keep Out of Danger. Mount Sterling, KY., Dec. 21.—Last evening four persons were killed at the crossing of the Newport News and Missis sippi Valley railroad and the Mount Ster ling and Owingsvilie tunpike. Ernest Stone and Dudley Mays, of Owingsvilie, who had been attending court, got into a carriage with two negro women All were intoxicated. AVbtn they reached the cross ing they paid no attention to a cowing train. The engineer was unable to see them and the carriage was driven directly in front of the engine. One of the men and one of tbo women were killed instantly. The others were fatally injured, the xa*m dying in a few hours. RATES TO CALIFORNIA. The'Southern Pacific Company Revise* Its Tariff. San Francisco, Dec. 21.—The Souther i Pacific railroad to-day, in compliance wr b the interstate commerce law, gave notne of an advance in first-class rate* to poin beyond the Missouri river, St. Louis, Men-] phis, New Orleans and Cairo. Limited first-class tickets through Ogden or Albu querque to those points, have been sup planted bv unlimited first-class ticket* and the old emigrant, third clais rate now corresponds the new second class. First class rate* will now be-. Mem a #67.50; Mobile #67,65; Atlanta #86.26: New Orleans *66.65; Richmond $94.40 and Vicks burg #67.50. A War Vessel to Seek the Raft. Washington, Dec. 21.—Secretary Whit ney, who is now in New York, has in structed Commodore Gherardi, In command of the New York Navy Yard, to send a naval vessel, probably the Dolphin, on cruise after the enormous raft rrom Neva Scotia, now adrift in the path of European vessels, to warn them of its presence, and if possible, to tow it to a place of safety. Credentials of Senators-Elect. Washington, Dec. 21.—1n the Senate to-day, Mr. Spooner offered a resolution, which was adopted, Instructing the Com mittee on Privileges and hgeetious to in quire into the expediency of the adoption by the Senate, for the guidance of the exec utives of the several States, of a form of credentials of election of United State* Senators. . Arnold Let Off With a Year. Chicago, Dec. 31. C. E. H. Arnold, S. A. Kean & Co’s clork. who embezzle i #2,500 of his employers’ money, pleaded guilty be fore Judge Williamson tins morning, and on recommendation of Mr. Kean was given the lowest penalty under the law, one yeaf in the penitentiary.